The Cloth (2013)

Release your presence in the
name of the Lord.
Release your presence
in the name of the Lord.
Release your presence
in the name of the Lord.
Release your presence in...
Shove that cross up your ass.
You're going to Hell, priest.
Release your presence in the
name of the Lord.
Release your presence in the
name of the Lord.
You're not welcome here.
Release your presence in the
name of the Lord.
You're not welcome here!
You're not welcome here.
Release your presence
in the name of the Lord.
You're not welcome here!
Release your presence
in the name of the Lord.
She belongs to us, now.
Release your presence in the
name of the Lord!
Father, she is lost.
Your God have no presence here.
Release your presence
in the name of the Lord.
Father Connely?
# Hallelujah
So I don't see a ring...
...any friends
or girlfriends, so, um...
You wanna get outta here?
Hell yeah.
Go away.
Clean in the morning.
Rise and shine, Jason.
What the...
What do you want, Diekmen?
Thought I'd stop by and provide
you with a little support.
I figured you'd need it
on a day like today.
You really should count your
blessings, you know that?
You've been allowed
to see yet another day.
Maybe you didn't
hear me earlier...
What do you want?
We leave in a few hours.
Will your lady friend
be joining us?
That's, uh... Julia.
Nah, I don't think she will be.
Shall I wake her?
I got an open door policy.
She can let herself out.
Ah, I see.
Shall we go then?
After you.
Eddie Bunkley...
Do you understand
why I made the decision
on wether or not
to accept your plea deal,
and why it would
be made public?
Yes, your honor.
Then you also understand that I
cannot ignore the D.A.'s excursion
of your last stint
as a free man?
The man who entered
prison ten years ago
was lost and without faith.
Now that don't
make what I did right,
but I am a better man, your
Given the reports
of your good behavior
and taking into consideration
the intel you provided
through your co-operation
on a high profile case,
it is the state
and the court's decision
to grant you your release.
Not now, old man.
I've had enough of your
God's justice for one day.
Without forgiveness,
there can be no love.
Can't you see that?
You should feel proud
we live in a place
where we don't hold
darkness in our hearts.
What I see, Father, is that
you and people like you
are no better than he is.
That just got off
for killing my family,
so don't tell me
how I should feel.
I'm not a little kid anymore,
and Dad's not around
to help force feed me
your religious bullshit.
You must learn to forgive,
or the darkness will
consume you from within.
Father Connely is dead.
I need you to come to the old
church where you grew up.
A lot has changed.
I have something
of your father's,
that he wanted you to have.
I can't breathe when you hold
my head down like that, Roddy.
...I'm just trying to make
sure you do it right.
That's all.
You're so cute when you
think I'm mad at you.
What the hell, Roddy?!
- Well good grief, baby!
- That kinda hurt.
Well good grief, baby!
There's a dumb son of a bitch
in the middle of the road.
Well, maybe he's sick
or something.
Hey, buddy!
Move your ass outta the road!
Just go around.
Nah, I ain't gonna stand
for this shit.
Move your ass outta the road!
Hey... hey!
- Babe, what's going on?
- What are you doing?
It's all a bit much, isn't it?
Most churches have
Bibles and crucifixes,
not swords and...
I see you remembered
how to get here.
It's not Sunday, so I'm
not missing any games.
Thought I'd come turn a
little water into wine.
After you.
The very basis of our belief
stems from the arrival
of the Apostles,
from such places as Jerusalem,
Africa, and even Asia.
With the spread of Christianity
throughout the Roman Empire.
Upon the turn of the second century,
the Papacy, as you know it today,
was constantly ever-changing.
With one central point
being our Savior, Jesus Christ.
You're killing me, man.
Upon the destruction
of the western Roman Empire,
the church in the West was a
major factor
in preserving
classical civilizations;
Establishing monasteries,
and sending missionaries
to the people
of far northern Europe... far as Ireland,
in the North.
So what exactly is your point?
My point, Jason, is what
isn't written or taught
is the existence
of an establishment,
which was created
during ancient times
to combat the dealings
of Daemon Everto Possessio,
or as you know it,
"demonic possessions."
A rite formed,
to monitor
and perform exorcisms
on the damned...
...known as The Cloth.
"The Cloth."
So what you're telling me is
there's a group of old people
out there wandering the globe, aimlessly
fighting a war with the devil?
It's not as simple as that,
that's what I'm saying, yes.
Okay, wow.
Diekmen, I knew you were crazy,
but this?
This is a stretch,
even for you.
Spinning their heads,
spittin' up pea soup...
Ephpeta, quod est, adaperire.
Be open.
Appropinquabit enim
judicium dei.
What is this place?
Jason, be still.
Don't move.
Pax tibi.
Pax tibi.
It's alright, Jason.
Her name is Nybass.
Mind your eyes!
She's an amphonxious spiritous.
What is it?
Two spirits, one body.
One good...
...and one bad.
Where'd she come from?
What you see before you
is someone who is possessed,
and in a rare case,
found herself battling
within her own body.
She managed to keep
some of her motor functions
and cognitive functions separate
from the demon within her.
I believe you know
why I'm here.
It is time.
You must begin the sacrament.
The crossover
has already begun.
Beware, Father.
Before the souls are gathered,
you will breathe
your last breath.
What the hell was that,
back there?
You guys just keep that thing
locked up underneath the church?
What's with the whole
dead animal/hand puncture...
I realize you must have
a lot of questions.
Questions are for
history lessons.
All I need to know is the
next flight back home,
because apparently there's
something going on here
that I don't want
to be a part of.
Can you think of someone
other than yourself
for a change?
There is a lot more
going on here
than you can
begin to grasp, Jason.
There is a war coming,
and we don't have
that much time.
What do you mean?
I need to begin the sacrament.
So for the moment,
try and learn as much as you can
from Laurel, our gatekeeper.
She's responsible for recording and
organizing all of our actions,
past and present.
Remain focused.
There is much to do.
The Apostles
were more than philosophers.
The clergy,
during the holy war,
had to be well equipped
in order to deal with
extreme cases
of demonic possession.
You have to remember
that back in those days,
any unexplainable event was met
with a religious explanation.
Are you paying attention,
Mr. Pafford?
Okay, wow.
You used my government name.
So, yeah...
Clergy, holy war, demons...
So did you know they have an
amphibious double-inhabited thingy,
girl, underneath the church?
Is everything
just a game to you?
For the past few days,
we've had over 100 requests
for paranormal assistance,
Why do you think that is?
Uh, people are all
crazy as hell?
Look, listen...
This is all new to me, okay?
Just a few hours ago, I was watching
the man I hate most in this world
get off for killing my family.
Please, just...
I'm sorry about your family.
No, it's fine.
So what do I need to know?
the fifth Satan, according
to the Book of Enoch,
which is found
in the over 14 books
of the Apocrypha, and omitted
from the final version
you've come to know.
Kasdeya appears in human form,
as the gateway key to pave
the way for the arrival
of Beelzebub himself.
According to the records,
he was once responsible
for tempting men
into turning their backs
against God,
and then bringing them forward
for judgment.
The Cloth's main objective
is to seek and destroy
those that would do harm to
the balance of good and evil
from within...
...the only place a battle can
truly be waged amongst men.
Nybass provides us
with the locations
of all paranormal insights
and demon leaders
that may have entered
our realm.
Before her, we relied
upon word of mouth,
and it limited
our effectiveness.
Her insights guide us
from location to location
as we attempt
to enforce the pact.
Once a person
has become possessed,
their soul no longer exists
in this realm.
Once Kasdeya arrives,
he has seven days before he
must return to his realm.
It is very important that he doesn't
take any lost souls with him.
Ephpheta, quod est, adaperire.
Be open.
Credis in jesum
christum filium eju unicum,
dominum nostrum,
natum et pasum?
I believe.
Pax tibi.
Where do we stand
on the boy, Father?
Father Tollman,
I have come to ask you
for permission
to begin the sacrament.
The sacrament takes years
of dedication and devotion.
It's not something
to be expedited.
Your concerns are noted.
Father Diekmen,
are you certain he is the one?
We have other
worthy candidates...
...all of whom
are strong in the faith.
I understand your reluctance,
but I knew his father,
and he believed in me.
And I see the same devotion,
deep down inside of him.
He's survived this long
without our help.
Imagine if he realizes
his full potential.
There have been an increase in
activity over the past few days.
We have reason to believe
Kasdeya has arrived.
Then we don't have much time.
Stopping Kasdeya
is our top priority.
You only have seven days.
Pax tibi.
Pax tibi.
So, basically you're using a form
of prayer to keep Nybass contained.
Nybass is very imperative
to the operation.
To gain that much insight...
...has enhance our understanding
into the demonic realm.
You ever get away
from this place?
My beliefs come before
my own personal desires.
In short...
...I'm here for God.
That explains it.
What, exactly?
Why you're so uptight.
You gotta get
out, live a little.
All this demonic talk could
drive a person crazy, you know?
Look, I say
we grab a drink later..
Mr. Pafford...
We are all here on our
own personal journey.
But more importantly,
we are here for something
bigger than our own ideals.
Then you're more of a prisoner
than Nybass will ever be.
What's the point in all this
'saving the world' talk
if you can't even
feel alive in it?
Everyone dies, Laurel.
Not everyone lives.
It is time.
What is it?
This belonged to your father.
It's time you met Helix.
Looks like you need to take those
things back to the drawing board.
The power of God is strong,
my friend.
Very strong.
I call this one
"The Judge."
Helix is our
weapons specialist.
And quality control
for the communion wine.
You must be Jason.
Helix, we don't have much time.
The sacrament
has already begun.
What, this early?
But... he doesn't look like he
could take Laurel in a fight.
No offense.
Why wasn't I told?
How come I'm always
the last one to know
about anything
that goes on around here?
Nice robe, by the way, Laurel.
It looks fantastic.
You need to give him
a crash course.
Crash course.
Somebody slap me
with the devil's nut sack.
You think I can just sum up
everything there is to know
about what we do here
in a couple of hours?
I'll see what I can do.
Your armor... said to have been blessed
by the Seven Archangels,
and passed down to Pope
Saint Gregory the First.
It's essential in dealing
with otherworldly figures.
All the metal we use
in our weaponry and armor
was found inside
the Ark of the Covenant.
You still talking about
this Friar Tuck outfit?
The bullets burst
into projectile form.
And the combustion chamber
consists of holy water
and a fusion liquid
that's been manufactured
beneath the church,
which is why
we're located here.
Isn't it, Dieks?
Why else am I never
allowed out of this...
...urban paradise?
Your armor doesn't allow
for friendly fire,
which is lucky, because
Diekmen's a terrible shot.
It's also why you're not
an ashy pile of goo
and how you'll be able
to defend yourself from...
...any attack
from a demonic creature
that's dwelling in our realm.
While they might
have certain abilities...
superior strength...
...there are limits.
It's a consequence
of their human counterparts.
Even Kasdeya has weaknesses.
Your job is to find them.
Exploit them.
Gabriel... of my
personal favorites,
is used on more...
...ethereal creatures.
The Uriel... effective
at close range.
The choice of weapon
will depend upon
the level of demon
that possesses your victim.
Your bloodline
will allow you to wield
certain weapons that we're
no longer able to operate,
due the recent passing
of... your...
Yeah, well...
Holy water and crosses
are still the essential tools.
Let's not forget the basics.
Wouldn't dream of it.
But, never forget... who wields
the mightiest weapon.
Those little babies
are called holy grenades.
...holy water
explodes on impact, so... careful with those.
Got a lot
of other weapons that...
Well, they're not
what you'd call functional.
But they are street ready.
Unfortunately, Dick-men...
...won't let me
show them to you.
Helix...'re meant to
aid our members...
...not injure them.
I'm afraid she's right.
We need to stick to the basics.
- I'll just take that bad boy right there...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's not for you.
Then what do I get?
Here you go.
What am I supposed
to do with this?
You'll figure it out.
If I pull this out on a demon,
he's gonna think
I'm disrespecting him.
This damn little thing is
gonna break in my pocket.
What are you doing
out there by yourself?
I'm waiting for you.
You want some goodies?
Mmm, it's getting
really hot in here.
Something isn't right here.
Fear not,
for the wrath of God
is merciful...
Tell me your name.
...but the wrath of sin
is vengeful.
Vengeance is God's.
Kasdeya has come
for your souls.
Exorcizo te,
omnis spiritus immunde,
in nomine dei patris omnipotentis...
You okay?
Jason, go!
Next time, can I have
more than a cross
before you send me
into a gunfight?
Well, you needed
to learn something.
There's gotta be
something missing.
Letters to Paul...
At the dawn of every era,
man must prove
it is worthy
of God's forgiveness.
Beelzebub will need
a half-breed sacrifice
in order to remain,
I am the way.
You are the way.
Oh, I didn't mean to scare you.
That's fine.
I see you're reading
the Book of Sage.
You know, you're as beautiful as
the day you were brought to us.
If there's ever anything
that I can do for you,
or that we can talk about,
please, please don't hesitate.
I need to speak
to Father Diekmen,
- so, if you'll excuse me.
- Certainly.
Please do give the good
Father and his new prodigy
all my best.
Vanity's a sin.
You do know that?
What isn't a sin, Diekmen?
I'm just making sure
I look good.
What's that?
This isn't making any sense.
I've been telling you that
since the beginning, Dieks.
According to the scrolls, Kasdeya
isn't the only gatekeeper.
What does that mean?
It means that...
There's something else
at play here.
I think we're here.
Aren't you forgetting
Come on,
I still don't have a weapon.
Here you go.
Why is yours bigger?
Don't move.
And who the hell are you?
I'm Father Diekmen.
And this is my associate.
I believe you know
why we are here.
You can't have her.
I don't have to tell you,
if you don't let us do our job,
the consequences...
The hell
with your consequences!
That's my daughter.
Vade in pace,
et dominus sit tecum.
Vade in pace,
et dominus sit tecum.
Why are you here?
Where is Kasdeya?
Speak some more shit!
Exorcizo te,
omnis spiritus immunde... nomine dei patris
omnipotentis... in noimine
jesu christi filii ejus...
I am done.
Well, that must have been
an awkward car ride home.
Don't let it get to you, Jason.
There's a lot more
we need to accomplish.
What's going on?
What's going on is,
I spent the last few days
getting thrown into walls and
spit on by the devil's minions.
What's going on is,
I don't belong here.
This is what
your father wanted,
I know.
Well, he's not here, is he?
Did I miss something?
Your father believed in something
a lot bigger than himself.
He did everything he could to
protect you and his family.
If we don't stop Kasdeya now,
everything he fought for
will be lost.
And I have found an interesting
wrinkle in the prophecy.
Good luck with that.
Okay, could somebody
tell me what just happened?
Who throws Jesus
on a table like that?
Come on!
We will pray for your family,
but our hands are tied
at the moment.
Is there anything you can do?
You promised that if I
paid, someone would come.
You gotta understand how
small your contribution was.
Look, I'll talk to Father
Tollman, see what...
...if, something
can be done.
- Oh, Father, please.
- I've gotta get to confession.
I gotta go to confession.
No, Father...
Forgive me, Father...
I have sinned.
Well the Lord
is ready to forgive you,
if you are seeking forgiveness.
But you must
be willing to change.
I fear that I can't, Father.
I fear that I won't stop...
...until I have
eliminated The Cloth.
This is a violation
of the pact.
They say it's the root
of all evil.
I hope he is more merciful...
...than I am.
Come on, Julia.
Doesn't anyone
take "no" for an answer?
Julia, sweetie,
I know I said
to let yourself in, but
this is a bit much.
You know, I don't really
know how to say this, but
I don't really see us
working out, you know?
I mean, you're a nice girl
and all, but...
I'm just not looking
for anything serious.
I... will show you...
his true nature.
Do you think you know what
it means to serve him?
I will show you the
true desires of a man.
The darkness will consume you!
Ephpheta, quod est, adaperire.
Mortal, you have nothing
that can harm me.
Consider it your last.
Prepare to meet your master.
That's holy water.
I got your address
from Father Diekmen's log.
In regular clothes, no less.
I mean,
I didn't know you could.
Well, I'm a historian,
not a nun.
I'm free to dress accordingly
to occasion.
Well, you look human,
so that's a good thing.
Thank you.
What's that smell?
- It smells like sulfur.
- Come on in.
What happened here?
I had an ex-girlfriend drop by, and
we had a little confrontation.
I wanted drapes,
she wanted blinds,
but I think she really
just wanted my soul.
Must be some soul.
Trouble's been following me
my whole life,
I don't really expect relationships
to be any different.
Do you want a drink?
Did your girlfriend
write these?
I told you, I like to
keep my options open
There are more layers
to the context of man...
And so are there
to the context of evil.
I am the way.
You are the way.
I mean, I saw
these same exact markings
from my readings from earlier.
What do you mean?
It means...
...that Kasdeya
is only one piece...
...of the puzzle.
It means that...
...isn't just trying
to walk amongst us.
He's trying to bring
his hell with him.
So I just started
doing everything I could
to dispel any rumor I was
my father's son, you know?
It seems like he wanted
what was best for you.
Yeah, well...
I think he blamed me for my
mother's death in child birth.
Somehow feeding me
all that religious B.S.
Was just a way to atone
for that guilt.
That's what I believe.
Tell me about the accident.
I'd just done a stint in juvie
when my old man picked me up.
It was rainy,
and the roads were slick.
I remember saying so to my dad,
who was preaching to me about
how God had provided me
all the tools I needed,
and I needed to stop
wasting my gifts.
Eddie had just lost his job and
then his kids in a divorce.
He decided to go out drinking.
One thing led to another.
He lost control
of his wheel, and...
People were yelling at the
sight of all the blood.
I remember looking up,
and seeing everything
burning up around me;
All the chaos.
I looked over at my dad.
He wasn't afraid at all.
Here it was, you know?
That moment people talk about.
What would you say if you had to make
amends for a failed relationship?
What would you say
with your last breath?
Like, this was our moment.
You wanna know
what he said to me?
He looked me straight
in the eye and said,
"Be open."
That's it.
I can't begin to understand
your relationship
with your father.
But I do know
that he devoted his life
to our cause.
Lot of good his work did.
World's gonna end, anyway.
Everyone dies, Jason,
but not everyone lives.
Look, Father Diekmen needs you.
Father Dean was attacked
by Kasdeya
in his church up north.
- How's that possible?
- I don't know.
But I'm not naive enough to believe
that everyone is playing by the rules.
Father Dean was rumored
to be taking bribes
in exchange for assistance
in dealing with the paranormal.
Corruption in the church?
Go figure.
There's no such thing as
corruption in the church, Jason.
The only church
that has ever existed
lies within.
Father Dean was found
with over 3,000 coins...
...lodged in his digestive
system and main arteries.
Sounds like maybe Kasdeya's
not such a bad guy after all.
Hell is coming to Earth.
And you're too busy living
in your own to even notice.
I don't even know why I thought
that coming here
would make a difference.
And you can't forgive Eddie
because deep down,
you were the one
driving that truck.
I thought you needed my help.
We'll do it without you.
What happened to being open?
232 South Pike Boulevard.
Look, I don't mean to intrude,
the door was open.
Well, I just wanted to come
down here and tell you
I've been doing a lot of
thinking about what happened.
And, you know, I went
down to the courthouse
and got your address, so I just
wanted to tell you officially that...
Oh, you gotta be shitting me!
How was the house call?
It was hell.
Where do we stand?
We have Kasdeya's location.
He's being held up in a
spot called Dante's.
And that's not the best part.
Apparently tonight
is a special night.
And not just because
ladies get in for free,
but because...
it's the last day.
If he's in a stationary
position like this,
we believe he may have
all the souls he needs
to have Beelzebub pass over.
Which means
it's up to us to stop him.
Gear's on the table.
Your father had the same
look of determination.
The same fire.
I remember the last time
I saw his face.
He was holding a possessed
girl in his clutches,
not wanting to turn her
over to the order.
Why didn't he want
to give her up?
Your father had the ability
to see the good in everyone.
And on that day...
...he saw the good
in Laurel.
Father Tollman had never seen anyone
recover from such a strong possession,
and he deemed it necessary
to terminate the child.
But your father felt otherwise.
As I lay there in his arms,
my mind and soul being torn
into two separate identities,
he looked at me and said,
the battle between
good and evil
will be won in the only place
it has ever been waged...
...from within.
Ephpheta, quod est, adaperire.
Be open.
As much as I hate to be the
one to break up this...
...tender moment,
you've got until
the stroke of midnight,
or the crossover begins.
Weapon up, Jason.
As much as I appreciate your
dedication to the smaller things...
I believe a little more of the
good Lord's grace is in order.
Amen, Father.
Give 'em hell.
It's gonna be alright.
Just keep some pressure on it.
Be open, Jason.
She's more important
than you know.
- No...
- You must protect her.
You are the way.
Valiant and noble effort,
You'd do well in my legion.
Exorcizo te,
omnis spiritus immunde,
in nomine dei patris
et in noimine jesu christi filii
ejus, domini et judicis nostri,
et in virtute spiritus ut
discedas ab hoc pasmate Dei!
It's a little
late for that, don't you think?
Thought I'd give it a shot.
I really must thank you.
You had no clue
what this was all about.
And yet, here you are,
providing us with the very
thing we needed all along.
Be open, Jason.
Eventually we will get to you.
Just like we did Eddie.
Not once, but twice.
And I can't wait to taste
that sweet, sweet Laurel.
She... the key.
You left her in the
hands of one of us.
How's it feel knowing
that everyone you love
will soon be serving
my master on Earth?
Or, should I say... Hell?
Ego te baptizo in nomine patris
et filii et spiritus sancti.
I need to ask you a question.
How did I break free
from your spell?
You have one of your own
to thank for that.
Tu autem effugare, diabole...
...tu autem...
Save your useless prayer.
For years you let me
rot in this prison.
You knew it was you
I wanted all along.
You are the way.
With you, we shall be free
to rule this realm.
Where's Father Diekmen?
I see.
We got there
and they hit us hard.
There should have been
more of us.
Where's Laurel?
She's been taken.
By who?
Nybass is planning
on completing the crossover.
And she's gonna use Laurel
as the final gateway.
We killed Kasdeya,
how is that possible?
Kasdeya was just a distraction.
You gave Laurel up
to be sacrificed.
God don't like ugly.
Do you wanna tell me
what's going on?
Yeah, Father Tollman
gave Laurel up
for the emergence
of the dark Lord.
Is this thing ready?
It's as ready
as it's gonna get.
I need these.
Okay, I don't think you're in the
right state of thinking, right now.
You're going up against Nybass.
Not only that, you're
going behind enemy lines.
The crossover has begun
as we speak.
Yeah, well, I always wanted to
expand my spiritual horizons.
But you don't even know
where she is.
- I'll figure it out.
- Wait.
Just a second...
You don't really understand
what you're going up against.
I really think we need to plan.
Yeah, okay.
We need a plan.
Good, 'cause,
for a second there,
I thought you were going
to do something really...
Hello, Eddie.
Beelzebub will be upon you.
Not until you tell me
what I want to know.
I'll tell you nothing.
I'm gonna ask this, one time
nice, and one time naughty.
Where will they
make the sacrifice?
What do you know? Somebody
put holy water in my gun.
Where did they take her?
They took her
back to where it all began.
But you're too late.
I got some good news.
I'm not gonna kill ya.
Hold on to this for me,
will ya?
Do you think this is the life
he would have wanted for you?
At some point, Jason,
you are gonna have to
take control of your life.
It's what your father
would have wanted.
This isn't the lab.
Though not quite as much as when you
dragged me up to the roof of the church.
Oh, for Heaven's sake.
Lord, show me the way.
That didn't work.
There are more layers
to the context of men,
and so must there be to the
context of good and evil.
I am the way, you are the way.
Help me.
How'd you get down here?
I serve the church.
It was only a matter of time before
I found out about this place.
The crossover, it's complete.
Are there any others?
The new trainees
and the recruits
started disappearing
this morning.
So I came down and investigate,
and I was attacked.
We have to keep moving forward.
This is where
the pact was formed.
The Cloth's been working
above this the whole time?
Yes, this is our beginning.
The first true church formed underground
during the time of our exile.
It was the only time where you
could practice your faith.
This is the place where they
planned to make people believe
in the church again.
Laurel, it's Jason.
Father, I could use
some help in here.
Did you miss me, my love?
Soon... master...
...will inhabit this Earth...
...and claim the rest...
...of your weak...
...pathetic souls.
Excorcizo te,
omnis spiritus immunde,
in nomine dei patris
For years, I've waited
for this moment.
I will have my vengeance.
Let Laurel go.
Your pretty little girlfriend... in good hands.
It is time.
we're running out of time!
Come in to me.
In oderem suavitatis, tu
autem effugare, diabole.
Ephpheta, quod est, adaperire.
I am the way, you are the way.
Exorcizo te,
omnis spiritus immunde,
et in noimine jesu christi filii
ejus, domini et judicis nostri
et in virtute spiritus ut
disedas ab hoc plasmate Dei!
Your soul...
...shall be mine.
Now you'll serve
the one true master.
Is the best you can do?
Hey, asshole.
Be open.
Are you okay?
Is it over?
I think so.
Sorry, this one's...
...not quite...
...street ready.
You know you missed
everything, right?
We coulda used a plan.
Oh, that's really funny.
Just watch your back,
that's all I'm saying.
Your gauntlets sucked,
by the way.
You just never had a big boy weapon
before, that's your problem.
Button in the palm.
You gotta make an "X"
Chicks dig the "X", man.
Bro, you gotta get out more.
I don't think it worked
for Laurel.
It's a symbol for The Cloth,
what are you talking about?
Are you going
to do this all night?
You did, though, didn't you?
You made the "X"
when you did it, yeah?
Yeah, I made the "X."
That's what I'm talking about.
Good to see you again,
old friend.