The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)

Government sources tell us
the world's energy resources
will be fully exhausted
within five years.
Space Station was
completed today...
designed for a risky experimental mission.
Onboard the orbiting lab,
is the Shepard Particle Accelerator.
If astronauts can get
the Shepard working,
it would produce free energy,
solving the earth's energy crisis forever. French officials
new energy rationing provisions...
...the dissolution of
these international alliances-- effort
is merely a drain on financial
and energy resources...
I'll tell him.
Did you move at all?
Forward or side to side?
Joe says you owe him a call.
Did he ask you?
I feel like honking a horn.
Yeah, because that will make
loads of difference.
Are you serious?
You've started a trend.
Come on.
That's like the fourth blackout today.
Did he ask you?
You know what I said.
I'm not leaving you.
That mission could be years.
You said you could be back in six months.
Do you want me to go?
Joe knows what we've been through.
And yet he still wants you on the crew.
-There are other officers.
-Yeah, but he called you.
Why are you pushing this?
Why do you think?
Forget about me and what I want,
which is for you to stay.
Why do you think?
Because you are sweet.
Because people are starving.
Because our energy supplies
are running out.
And this mission could unlock
an endless supply of power
that could save us all.
If you go...
you and I...
will survive.
I'm afraid if you don't...
No one will.
TAD throttle control, 8636.
Line secure.
Accelerator system status?
It's holding for pre-ignition.
Shepard team, you are go
for countdown.
We've all got fingers
crossed here at Mission Control.
Let's makethis first one count.
- Status boosters?
- Go.
-The GNC.
- Go.
Power up.
Commander, Shepard team
standing by for your go.
On my count...
Huntsville, this is Commander Kiel.
Firing...has failed.
Morning, beautiful.
-Sorry, I woke you.
-No. Look.
I'm working.
I've got a patient today with...
coxa vara-pericarditis syndrome.
-What's that?
-I'll tell you after I do my homework.
I'm getting sick of only seeing you
on a screen.
-You okay?
It's the rest of the world
I'm worried about.
You see the same news that I do.
It's madness.
Oil wars are spreading.
Russia is threatening
ground invasion now.
Can you believe that?
Ground invasion, which will
waste their oil reserves.
normal life is
hanging by a thread.
We're all on edge.
And we only have enough fuel
for three more firings.
-I remember.
-If this doesn't work...
I can't even think about what happens
down there.
I don't think any of us are feeling...
I miss you more everyday.
Like I miss them.
And maybe I'm an idiot...
but I'm hopeful.
And not just for the work
that you're doing.
We can't go back in time
and know what we know now.
But I was thinking...
Maybe when you get back--
Welcome to American Sunrise...
Six hundred and ninety-four.
Six hundred and ninety-four days
I've kept our O2,
CO2, N2, hydrogen, water vapor and methane
at optimal levels.
You know how many pressure leaks
we've had?
Not one.
No microbe overgrowth, nothing.
-You know why?
-This is a long speech, Volkov.
Because I disinfect the decks
every 72 hours.
I disinfect the decks, actually.
If you have a point, I'd make it now.
There's one part of this station.
One part that is not working.
This is interesting.
Do you know what part that is?
The Shepard Accelerator.
Eight billion
are counting on us. What are you saying?
I don't have a problem with you.
But your German boyfriend
over here, I do.
-Go back to your quarters.
-Don't treat me like you're my mother.
You're not.
-Okay, that's enough.
- Hey, chill out, Volky.
Two years on this station,
and this man has delivered nothing.
You need to think very carefully
about what you're saying.
We've both heard the reports.
Germany is preparing for war
and everyday that goes by,
more and more Russians are starving.
Maybe you're not in a hurry
to get the Shepard working.
Easy! Easy!
This stops now!
If we can't keep our shit together
up here,
how can we ever expect them
to do it down there?
-Maybe they won't!
-Keep your mouth shut!
We have a job to do.
Another test aboard
the Cloverfield Space Station.
The 47th test in just over two years
is scheduled for
8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time.
All eyes are on--
This is Huntsville...
we've got eyes and ears.
Morning, Huntsville.
Copy that.
-Schmidt, system status?
-Green across the board.
Right this minute, they are
testing a particle accelerator up there,
so we can learn how to make
unlimited energy down here.
But those who have accepted
the Cloverfield Paradox is real...
Shepard holding
for pre-ignition.
Commander, Shepard team standing by
for your go.
Diagnostic mode off.
X-Deck modification complete.
Stabilizer active.
Qinhuangdao, confirm pre-ignition
sequencing authorization.
You're a go
for accelerator pre-ignition.
Huntsville and Qinhuangdao Control,
we'll call you post blackout.
- Stand by for protocol go.
Why does the accelerator
worry you so much?
Because that accelerator is
1000 times more powerful
than any ever built.
Every time they test it, they risk
ripping open the membrane of space time,
smashing together multiple dimensions,
shattering reality.
And not just on that station,
This experiment could unleash chaos...
the likes of which we have never seen.
Monsters, demons, beasts from the sea--
To clarify,
you believe their efforts
to solve the energy crisis
might unleash demons?
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Volkov, we're ready to take
the Shepard online.
-How's your station?
-Hold on,
I'm calibrating our expensive compass.
And not just here and now...
in the past...
in the future, in other dimensions...
You have no idea how much I would
love to be wrong about this.
-If you want to know more...
- Turn that shit off.
read my book--
Gyro is calibrating.
Our station is good.
You should ask Schmidt,
is his station good?
Jesus Christ.
Please, Mr. Monk,
hit us with your holy stick.
Oh, come on.
-Not now when we're--
The farther we travel from home,
the clearer it becomes
that there is a power infinitely
greater than us.
Please show Your mercy.
And allow the Shepard to work this time.
To provide the energy we need.
To prevent our countries
from going to war.
Please, God, be on our side.
That was righteous.
Back to work.
Sunday School over yet?
Schmidt, power up.
Sequence running.
Thirty to ignition.
Please don't break up on me, baby.
Yes, yes. Yes!
We have a successful collision.
What's our output?
We have positive energy flow.
For the first time.
Look at this, look at this.
-Holy shit, you did it.
-It's working.
-We are focused at 47 teravolts.
-Oh, man!
Hamilton, viewscreen mode.
- Oh, man! Nice.
Oh, yeah man!
That's pretty.
Schmidt, tell me something.
It says it hit 602--
What the hell is happening?
-Extinguisher systems are down.
-Then we ventilate.
I need 63M open, now!
Oh, no.
Something's wrong here, guys.
It's all scrambled.
Qinhuangdao, do you copy?
The O2 tanks are leaking.
Our reserves are severely diminished.
-Qinhuangdao, do you copy?
- The systems are scrambled.
There's absolutely no guarantee
any executable will function as expected.
I'm rebooting the comms system.
I'm not picking up anything.
Okay, what else?
Life support at 74 percent.
Main power is fried.
This is backup.
Temperature is all over the place
and nothing gets better
until Mundy and I get our hands on it.
-We've got gear to fix all this?
- Not by a long shot.
Request an ECL to send supplies.
This doesn't make any sense.
-The output, massive amount of energy.
- Tam, please kill that alarm.
There was some kind
of malfunction.
Really Schmidt?
There was a malfunction?
It isn't there.
The frequency for Mission Control?
The Earth.
I...can't find anything.
We must have gotten turned around,
moved during firing.
It's big, blue, full of angry people.
Keep looking, you'll find it.
I've double checked the radio target,
but the target's gone.
Guys, the systems are scrambled.
Hamilton is right.
It's not here.
We're not picking up any signals.
The entire Earth is not gone!
Cycle the external cameras.
All of them.
Wait, are we saying
this thing of his
could have thrown us across the galaxy?
We knew it was dangerous.
That's why we had to go up in space
to fire this thing.
No, come on.
You, did this!
I never trusted you.
-We all did this.
The Earth is gone.
The Earth is gone!
Are you sure
we checked everything?
Mundy, you've asked
that question six times.
It's a good bloody question,
isn't it?
-This is your fault.
- Of course you blame me.
Who else made this happen?
We've been working on this
for two years.
-Volkov is right, the Earth's gone!
- You don't know this.
-Somehow, we did it.
- Look out any goddamn window.
-Maybe we're missing something.
- We're missing the Earth!
-This is not our fault.
None of us...
Alright, here's what we're up against.
The station's got problems
we don't have tools to fix.
At this point, looking for home
is a luxury for us.
First, we need to survive.
We need to consider, evidence or not...
that we might have ended the lives
of billions of people.
We didn't destroy the Earth,
we just lost it.
Totally routine day. Copy that.
Mundy, take Schmidt and deal with the O2.
I'm a physicist.
And now you work for Mundy.
Oh, your lucky day.
Tam, you and Monk will search and repair
all power leaks.
Maybe we can get the temperature
under control.
Hamilton, Volkov, test all circuits,
then we can start looking for home.
When the Shepard overloaded,
something went wrong with
the station's orientation system.
-We'll replace the circuits.
-No shit. If that's the problem
It might be the gyro.
Then let's get that fancy compass fixed.
-I found the problem with the gyro.
-What, it's fried?
-It's not here.
-What do you mean, it's not here?
I secured this when we fired the ship.
This look okay?
-You alright?
What is that?
It's coming from inside the wall.
-In the wall?
-No, walls don't make noises like that.
-We have to open it.
- Volkov, get the tools!
Before you rip off that panel
and damage God-knows-what,
can we at least discuss it?
Mundy's right.
It could be dangerous.
-We should open it.
Who are you to decide?
Stop! We are doing this.
All right, good luck.
-We're here. We've got you.
-Hold on!
-We have to cut her free.
- We can't cut anything.
Those lines going through her body
are power lines.
-She's dying in there!
- Mundy, cut the power.
-Hold on!
- She's dying!
We don't have a choice.
We have a choice!
Stop it! We don't know what that is.
-Shut it off!
- We can reroute the power later.
Hold on
- Module 17 powered down.
-Just breathe. It's okay.
- Power's down. Let's cut her out.
- She's bleeding out!
I can't do anything
untilshe's out of the wall.
-Help me.
-Guys, hurry!
Help me...Hamilton.
She just said your name.
What is happening to me?
What's happening to me?
What's happening?
We're gonna cut you free.
- Please.
-We got to get her out.
- Can you move her leg?
-Okay, got it.
- Hurry up!
Mundy, the saw. Quick!
Hold on. Stay with me.
-Careful with the pipe.
- That's no good.
-Hold her down.
- Careful.
-It's gonna be okay.
-Grab her leg.
This is a mistake.
Schmidt, I need more light!
You got her?
Keep her down.
-Breathe, breathe.
- Okay.
Get something to strap her down.
-Keep her still.
- All right.
You're okay.
No official public
statement has been
made about what caused the explosion
that was thought at first to be
a nuclear weapon.
But we are being assured by authorities
that that is not what this is.
Are you on call?
Yeah, I saw it.
Has the hospital issued Code Orange yet?
Shaw said what did it?
Jesus Christ.
-This is madness!
- Calm down.
We can't stay calm.
Not with that woman lying there.
Who is she?
And what the hell is she doing here?
She knew my name.
What if we're all going mad?
I'm not gonna say it again.
We have to stay focused.
We have other problems to deal with.
Speaking of other problems,
how the hell are we supposed
to find the Earth?
Without the gyro, we're lost.
Any ideas?
Because honestly, I'm stumped.
You're assuming Earth is still there.
Earth disappears.
Station does not feel the same.
A woman appears in the wall.
We're definitely not in Kentucky anymore.
Really? Who gives a shit?
People from Kansas.
I don't know what's going on,
but one thing is clear.
The Shepard's done it.
Which means it might also undo it.
Right now, the integrity of the station
is all that matters.
We have repairs that need to happen,
Monk will give us an update
when there is one.
Let's get to it.
Meet me at X-Deck in ten minutes.
-Kiel wants me with him...
-I'm done with Kiel.
You and I need to take control
if we're ever going to get home.
The worms are missing.
The worms are gone!
Enhance the core density.
I did. I told you I did.
We have to think about the fact that...
...there might be a larger problem.
We're gonna solve this thing.
And what if we can't?
We will, goddamn it!
Who else can fix this up here?
No one.
Now focus and get your shit together.
Understand me?
Speak to me like that again...
and you and I will have a bigger problem
than the Shepard.
You copy?
Give me the wrench.
Excuse me?
I know.
Hey, Schmidt.
Look at these moisture levels.
-What are you doing here?
What are you two doing up here?
-Against Commander's orders?
-I don't answer to you, Volkov.
Then who are you answer to?
German intelligence?
Where'd you get the gun from?
Please put that down.
-Chancellor Gerlach?
-Put that gown down, Volkov.
Was it Gerlach who gave...
Stop it!
Who gave you the wartime orders...
Put the gun down!
You need help, Volkov. sabotage the Shepard?
- Drop it!
Are you crazy?
Put that gun down!
- Help!
-How long has be been like this?
- He tried to kill us.
Tam, why do you have a gun?
He came to us on X-Deck,
threatened us with this.
-Lock it away.
- Now theres a gun?
Since when is there a gun?
-What happened, Monk?
- What the hell?
Do something, Monk!
-Monk, what's going on?
- I don't know.
We have to help him!
Well, we found the worms.
Hamilton, she's awake.
How are you on this station?
I have the same question for you.
I don't know.
I was heading to X-Deck...
to find Mundy.
You know Mundy?
Of course I know Mundy.
We've been on this station for two years.
Mundy, Kiel...
Jesus Christ, Volkov.
Everyone except her.
Who is that woman?
Who are you?
What do you mean, who am I?
It's me.
Mina Jensen.
-I'm the Shepard engineer.
-No, Tam.
Tam is the Shepard engineer.
What are you talking about?
What are you even doing here.
You're supposed to be on Earth.
Why would I be on Earth?
Because you're our civilian coordinator?
We trained together since ExoMars 6.
We're friends.
I'm your friend.
We've never met.
How can you not know who I am?
None of you know who I am?
None of us.
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
How can you not know me?
How can you not know me?
I'm the Shepard engineer.
Listen to me.
don't trust Schmidt.
It was him.
Schmidt sabotaged the ship.
What's going on?
Kiel, have you lost your--
You're making a mistake.
Stay out of this!
Jensen warned us about you.
The woman in the wall?
-I checked your communication logs.
-So what?
We deciphered your messages from the BND.
The BND?
We trusted you!
For two years, Schmidt.
-What are you talking about, Kiel?
-Two years!
You were ordered by German Intelligence
to keep the Shepard offline
until Russia was neutralized.
-I swear I never received such an order.
-I saw the order! I saw your response!
Have you lost your mind?
Maybe I am losing my mind.
But I will do everything I can
to keep us alive and get us home!
Until I say otherwise,
this is where you stay.
You're trusting her and not me!
You need me, Kiel!
City wide destruction
has been reported,
stretching from the downtown area
to the residential suburb.
Michael, are you safe?
No, I'm headed to the hospital.
It's gonna be a mess.
Listen, can you get this message to Ava.
Tell her I'll to be in triage
for the next 72 hours.
Michael, listen.
We're trying to get answershere, but...
it's gone.
The station.
We lost signal.
-I know.
We're scanning everywhere.
It's off comms, off radar...
Did it break apart?
Did the station fail?
We don't know.
Look, I promise I'll get back to you
as soon as I know anything.
I'm so sorry.
Just don't lose hope.
I believe it's still up there.
I'll call you back.
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
Here! Help!
What the--?
-Get me out of here!
Kiel, help me!
Help me!
Hamilton, help me out.
It's pulling me further in!
Pull me out!
Oh, man.
Anyone ever seen anything
like that before?
Where's my arm?
Where's my bloody arm?
-No pain?
Not physically.
It's like he was born this way.
Except I wasn't, was I?
He's in shock.
Can you stop talking like I'ma kid
and these are my parents?
I don't know the rules, now.
Do you think there's any chance...
it might grow back?
I don't know.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
This your way of apologizing?
I need the whole crew on M-Deck,
as fast as you can.
-Who let you out of the airlock?
-Just get here, now.
What is it?
What is that?
That's my fucking arm.
Hold it quick!
Hold my arm, please!
Quickly, come on!
Hold it!
Be easy with it.
Are you controlling it?
-I'm not controlling it. It's over there!
-Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure because I'm giving you
the finger right now.
How is that alive?
Logic doesn't apply to any of this.
One thing is clear.
The overload did it.
None of us believed it was real,
but this is the paradox.
Excuse me?
Particles interacting with each other
across two dimensions.
Okay, I'm gonna sit down.
Two distinct realities in a multiverse...
fighting to occupy the same space,
creating chaos.
These aren't the things we know...
because they don't belong to us.
My communication logs.
Guys, check out my arm.
I think my arm's trying to
write something.
Somebody get a pen. Quick.
This is madness.
That's creepy!
What are you talking about, arm?
-It's nothing personal, Volky.
-He was your friend.
-He was about to shoot me.
-Well, you know, before that.
- Guys.
Sorry, I can't do this.
Come on. You're the doctor.
I can handle it.
There's something...
-What the--
- ...way, Jose!
Come on.
So we're hoping that
the piece ofequipment
you found in someone's stomach
is what's going to save the day.
Good luck, everybody.
Putting it on the viewscreen.
Look, there's Cassiopeia.
It's upside-down.
We're upside-down!
Guys, we moved and we're upside-down.
Check the other side of the sun.
My arm helped us find the Earth!
Targeting all receivers.
I'd clap, you know, if I could.
Let's let them know we're still here.
We could receive, but we can't transmit.
Let's make that happen as fast as we can.
Let's request a shuttle and give them
status on the Shepard.
And have them send us some champagne.
Or some dumplings.
Wait! Guys, listen.
Sources say the number
of those killed today
could be even greater than the blitz
on Berlin.
-The fourteen-month-old European war...
-Fourteen months? sign of
This, as China sends warships
further west...
What are they talking about?
What's going on down there?
...from All Chinese
All this with nations still reeling
after the destruction
of the Cloverfield Space Station.
Hamilton, is there video?
...most recent attempts
to create safe renewable energy...
-Oh, my God.
- Viewscreen mode.
...a catastrophic
failure two days ago.
Losing its brave crew of six...
debris from the Cloverfield has crashed
into the Atlantic Ocean.
Salvage crews are en route.
President Usman is set to make a statement
from the Rose Garden at 5:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time.
I don't get it.
It's much worse than we thought.
It's not just particles of two dimensions
We've traveled to another one.
To another dimension?
So, hold on.
If that's not our Earth...
can someone please explain to me
how we're supposed to get home?
We have to get the Shepard fixed
and fire it again.
What we know about Quantum entanglement
dictates it should bring us back.
Perhaps undo the damage we've done.
It doesn't matter
what Earth that is.
We should go down and get help.
We need to go home...
to our home.
Look at them. At their war.
That will be us if we don't get back.
I'm with Monk.
I say we go to that Earth,
the one we cansee,
and get the hell off this station.
That place cannot save us.
The longer we stay here
the more dangerous it is.
For us and for everyone back home.
All circuits are busy now...
I can't get through to your home yet.
Circuits are busy.
That means no calls will go through.
I know what it means.
My uncle's dead.
There's nothing you could have done.
We're going to find your parents.
The most important thing right now
is keeping you safe.
You shouldn't text while driving.
You're a smart kid.
Only in emergencies.
This qualifies.
What did this?
We're not sure.
Bad things are happening.
But good people are
going to make it better.
We're going to need a lot of good people.
I'm gonna close the door.
Let me look at your arm again.
I'll do a better job this time.
Thanks, Monk.
You got it working, didn't you?
You got it working.
Something went wrong.
Shepard smashed a Higgs boson.
Somehow you ended up here.
Your dimension crashed into mine.
Crew must be working on power.
Trying to fire the Shepard again
to get you back home.
Could you do me a favor?
Would you mind mention to your crew
that you escaping my dimension
will trap me in yours?
I've been thinking...
When we put out the fire, we ventilated...
What if condensation caused the Shepard
to overload?
Ventilation could fix that.
Run the numbers.
I'll check the circuits.
M Deck, I need help in Airlock 6.
I can't get out!
Hold on!
-Hold on.
-It's jammed. Try and override it.
Tam, we're gonna get you out.
-It's not working.
Come on, come on!
Mundy, let's do it manually.
What's happening?
Get her out!
-Let go!
Tam figured out what we've
been doing wrong.
Condensation has been throwing off
our numbers.
We needed to ventilate.
We can't stay here.
This dimension is eating us alive.
We need to fix the Shepard and use it
to get home.
We can't.
Not without Tam.
Maybe not.
Are you sure about this?
All circuits are busy now.
All circuits are busy now--
- Joe, anything?
Not yet, but there's no debris.
That's a hopeful sign.
We're looking everywhere, I promise.
We'll figure out what happened to them.
It's the goddamn paradox, isn't it?
You can't find the station because
it isn't here anymore.
And they do this too?
What's happening here--
Michael, I'll call you as soon as
I know anything.
Look, I just need you to write this down.
I need you to contact
Andrew and Nancy Pontanuis
in Philadelphia.
My phone's not going through.
Just Tell them that their daughter
Molly is okay--
-Can you install Tam's algorithm?
- Yes.
-But I want all of Schmidt's work.
Once we get the Shepard operational,
we give her your work.
We put her in an escape pod
and send her home with the specs.
-What do you need?
Parts of the core are irreparably damaged.
What's left isn't sufficient to fire.
How much?
I'd like 210 kilowatts for at least
eight seconds,
possibly as much as 12.
I'd like to take a bath
with identical twins
-and a tub of Rocky Road.
-Figure it out.
Hamilton, get Jensen
whatever she needs.
Let's get this done and get
the hell out of here.
-You can change in here?
-Thank you.
Nothing of mine would fit you, but...
-try this.
You know, as odd as it is for me
to suddenly have you up here...
I realize it must be much stranger
for you.
Maybe I'm not the same Ava
you're friends with.
No, you're the same.
A little sadder perhaps.
The situation calls for it.
Did you know my family?
Of course.
And your friend was...
strong enough to stay.
Stay where?
On Earth.
After the fire.
What fire?
The power cell.
The one...I put in the house
so they could
have reading lights at night,
so they would feel safe.
The fire.
It killed them both.
Hi, Mina.
A little visitor has come to see you.
Hi, Auntie Mina!
We love you.
Sending love.
in this world, your family is alive.
They're on Earth.
That's why you didn't come up here.
You're down there...
with them.
If I divert everything non-life supporting
from the station
I can get us up to 170,
maybe 180 kilowatts.
-That's not enough.
-210, I know.
I started thinking about what
life-supporting elements
we could sacrifice,
which is when I landed on this.
If I shut down the O2,
I could get us up to 240.
Power down the O2 pumps.
There are six of us.
That gives us two hours of oxygen,
more or less.
So we turn off the O2 pumps,
fire the Shepard...
then, with the power generated
by the now operational Shepard,
restart the pumps.
That's clever.
I'm clever.
Kiel, I need you for a minute.
Anything you need, I'm here to help.
I won't let you down.
We're all dealing with a lot.
We've just got to keep it together.
They're alive.
In this place, my children are alive.
I'll do everything you need,
comply with every order,
but if we do get the Shepard to fire again
to get back to where we came from...
I won't be here.
You want to take a pod.
With Volkov and Tam gone,
there are enough vehicles
-for everyone.
This goes against regulation,
I know, but I don't care.
I need to go to see them.
What about Michael?
And Jensen said you weren't
on the crew of her mission.
-That means you're down there, too.
-I know.
Ava, that's not your family down there,
that's hers.
What's gonna happen when you get there?
You will never understand
what this is like.
No, I won't.
But as much as you want to see them,
this isn't right.
This isn't just about me.
The Ava that's down there
wants the same thing I do.
I know her.
She'll steal energy for her family
just like I did, and they won't survive.
I don't just need to see them...
I need to save them.
Michael would want me to.
Let's turn off the oxygen.
The pumps will need to be deactivated
-from the maintenance ring.
- Yeah.
That means you'll be
working inside a giant oxygen tank.
-One spark and...
Yeah. No, I get it.
Kentucky Fried Mundy.
-That's not funny.
- I'll be on my comms...
It's gonna be tight.
Let's look at some the problems
we might come into.
Listen, Kiel. Trust me.
Even with one stumpy arm,
I think I can get this done.
All right, Mundy.
What's your progress?
Shutting down the auxiliary O2 pumps
in Maintenance Room 3.
I can't understand anything
you just said.
I'm nearly ready to transfer the oxygen.
Okay, we're good.
Standing by on X-Deck.
-Ready on M.
-All right, Mundy.
The oxygen is pouring in.
I can feel it.
Where's the power, Jensen?
Test the actuator.
Mundy, good work.
I got to say the pure oxygen
in here is sweet.
Are you having magnetic issues,
by any chance?
-No! No!
- My God.
The maintenance deck gets
more unstable with every rotation.
It's a matter of time before that thing
rips the station apart.
The ring's spinning off axis
by 17 degrees.
Anything more than 25...
it won't hold.
We'll all be in pieces.
So we decouple the maintenance ring.
If we're going to survive...
we have to.
Not you. Not Jensen.
To do that job in the time we have...
it has to be the three of us.
I want to give you some
comforting advice,
but I have no idea how this
is going to go.
Gravity will be unpredictable,
so be sharp.
Follow my lead.
The Schmidt that betrayed you...
you realize he's not me, right?
Oh, my God.
This isn't gonna hold much longer.
Let's get across.
Monk, get moving!
The ring's at 20.2 degrees.
Monk, you're almost there.
Twenty-one point five degrees.
Monk, look at me!
Give me your arm!
Twenty-two point three.
Hamilton, you need to hurry.
Twenty-three point one degrees.
Hang on!
Twenty-three point four degrees.
Keep moving.
I'm clearing the debris.
Come on.
It's jammed.
Twenty-three point nine degrees.
We have to jettison that ring.
What is it?
We have to shut down the hydraulics.
Let's go.
Twenty-four point two degrees.
Wait, Kiel.
What are you doing?
To decouple the ring, this portal
has to be locked.
Wait. No, Kiel.
We can do this remotely.
I'm the commander of this station.
I have to do this.
You can get the station home.
You can do it.
There's no other way.
You have to.
It's okay.
Oh, Jesus!
The ring's at 24.8 degrees.
Oh. Oh, God.
Twenty-four point nine degrees.
- How late?
- Super late.
-Isaac with Jenny?
- I'm getting him at three.
Thank you.
Oh, don't forget his antibiotics.
-Yes, no I won't forget.
- Yes, you wont.
-No you won't. Okay.
- No. I won't forget.
-Have something in your hair.
- Where? There?
-No. No, the other side.
- Did I get it?
-It's over there now.
- Good? Did I get it?
-You keep missing it.
- Where is it?
-How do you keep missing it?
- Oh my God, what is it?
-It's gone. You're good.
- Are you sure?
You got it a few seconds ago.
I was just being stupid.
Hey, beautiful.
Just in case I don't make it
through this...
what I wanted to say the last time
we spoke was...
maybe we'll try again.
I can't defend the idea now.
There's no time to think about
what we could have done
or what we'll do one day.
The only choice we have...
is to save the people that we still can.
What's our oxygen level?
We've got 43 good minutes left.
We'll prep the Shepard to fire twice.
Once to overload, which should
get us home...
then again with Tam's equation
programmed in
which will give us the energy we need.
Jensen, copy all our data
from the Shepard
and take it home.
This should eventually help your planet.
Schmidt, get the Shepard
to countdown mode.
Here's Kiel's firing key.
Jensen and I will take Pod 3 down
before you fire the Shepard...
and hopefully get home.
We all set on X-Deck?
What are you doing?
I need the firing keys.
I can't let you take the Shepard.
I can't do that.
It's not a request, Monk.
Please. Jensen.
I'm sorry, but I need that key.
Okay. No.
I won't let you take the Shepard
away from my world, Schmidt.
Jensen! Please.
Why have you come back?
You could have gone home.
-We were a crew.
-We were never a crew.
Stay away from her, Hamilton.
This had to happen from the moment
you wiped my crew,
my station, from existence.
-You can't have it both ways, Ava.
Your family here, but the Shepard there.
You have everything you needed!
We couldn't rebuild fast enough.
People are dying down there, every day.
You're going to kill us?
If you're asking me if I am willing
to kill three people...
to save eight billion...
wouldn't you?
don't fail them again.
That is your family down there.
The same kids.
The same man you married.
You don't know how bad it is
down there.
It'll only get worse.
Listen to their voices, Ava.
They need you.
You may be willing to kill
your children again...
but I won't let those people
down there die.
Yes! I learned my back handspring.
[glass shatters, wind whooshes
I don't know where to start.
But this isn't my world?
As much as I want it to be.
It isn't mine.
It's yours.
you're not losing your mind, I promise.
There's no other way to say this.
I'm you.
I have to be quick.
Attached to this message,
are detailed construction
and operation plans
for the Shepard Accelerator.
I'm praying it helps your planet.
I have the same hope for mine.
I need to say two things
that won't make sense to you.
But please, hear me...
and understand how important
these both are.
if you've installed a power cell
at the house...
take it out, now.
It's wrong, and it's dangerous...
and if these plans work,
you won't need to siphon power anyway.
And two...
Whatever you're doing right now...
whatever meeting you're in
or wherever you're going, stop.
Go to your husband and your children...
right now.
Go to them...
and hold them.
Hold them for as long as you can.
Kiss them and love them,
and know how blessed you are...
to have them in your life.
That's all there is.
That's all there is.
Cloverfield, do you copy?
Huntsville, this is Hamilton.
Can you hear us?
Where have you guys been?
That's something of a conversation.
We can explain later.
I'd rush an emergency team
up here for repairs.
Schmidt and I are all that's left.
What did you do up there?
What's going on with the Shepard?
Stand by.
We have a stable beam.
The Shepard...
is working.
Michael, we got them.
You did? You found them?
Ava, the station.
We made contact.
She can't wait to see you.
She's coming back.
You're having her come back to Earth?
Do they know what's happening here?
No, there wasn't time.
We lost contact.
Listen, just get to the
Delaware coast.
She splashes down at 4:30.
-Have you lost your mind?
- The station's been through hell.
You're having her come back
to these things?
There's nothing we can do.
They couldn't stay up there.
Michael, there wasn't a choice.
There is a choice!
Tell them not to come back!
-You have to listen to me.
- Tell them not to come back!
Tell them not to come back!
You hear me?
Tell them not to come back!