The Club (2015)

God saw that the light was good...
and he separated the light
from the darkness.
Genesis 1:4
Father Vidal!
Let's go, Rayo.
12.57 seconds.
Are the Manzurs there?
They are.
- Hi.
- How are you?
Come, Rayo.
Two. One.
He's off.
He won!
He won.
He won.
He won.
With the last race we totaled
470,000 pesos. Not bad.
That money is a blessing.
- I would split it.
- What do you need money for?
For expenses.
We need more dogs.
One greyhound is not enough.
I'd have an army of dogs,
all from the same mother.
I think we're doing very well
with Rayo.
The last champion from Santiago
won by 12.37 in the 200-yard race.
We're very close.
Rayo ran it in 12.57 seconds.
A difference of 0.20 seconds.
Really? That's great.
Will the dogs be as fast
as those black Jamaican ones?
Rayo will be the champion.
What? The race is in Santiago.
But I can go with Rayo.
How could you go?
Who would stay with us?
You could find a substitute.
But we simply must find a way
to take that dog to Santiago.
Let's win the regionals
and then we'll see.
Perhaps some of you
have met him already.
But let me introduce
Father Matias Lozcano.
From now on,
he will join you in your home...
in this community of yours.
Father Matias.
Let me introduce Father Vidal,
Father Ortega...
Father Silva and Father Ramirez.
I'm Sister Monica.
We're very happy to have you here.
This house is very important
to the church.
A shelter, a house of prayer.
Is anybody else coming, Father?
No, not that I'm aware of.
Father Matias,
you will sleep on the first floor.
You're very lucky.
You'll have a room to yourself.
It's a little room next to the chapel...
that the Fathers and I have been
sprucing up for some time.
It's very nice.
Father, do you like animals?
I have a cat
they wouldn't let me bring.
Excuse me, were you in a parish
in San Antonio in the '80s?
No. Father Matias is from Chillan.
He's a Chillanejo.
ls the correct term Chillanejo
or Chillanense?
However you like.
If you'd given us notice,
we could've put some meat on the grill...
to celebrate the Father's arrival.
Some pork sausages from Chillan.
From Chillan.
Did you bring any sausages, Father?
We wake up in the morning and pray.
Then we have breakfast.
Then there's some free time
for personal matters.
We hold mass at noon.
The fathers take turns officiating,
the same with confession.
If you are in need of confession,
just let me know.
I will speak with the fathers
and one of them will help you.
We have lunch at 1:00.
After that, we sing.
Then we have some free time,
and at 8:30, we have dinner.
We say the rosary at 8:00
and have dinner at 8:30.
You cannot go into town...
unless it's between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m.
or 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
If you want to go out during those hours,
you can, but only alone.
You cant be on the streets together.
It's absolutely forbidden to communicate
with any person outside of this house.
Also forbidden is any activity
involving self-flagellation...
or self-pleasuring.
You are not allowed
to handle money or cell phones.
Excuse me, Sister, but I don't know
why I should have to be...
subjected to the same rules
as those men.
Maybe you don't know why I'm here.
I didn't commit any crime, any sin.
I'm not a queer.
I had a bit of trouble...
- Porcelain heart...
- but it was resolved.
The one who loves you
is called Sandokan.
A rose fell from the sky.
The wind pulled its petals.
And each petal said,
My name is Sandokan."
Chinese orange, French lemon.
Give me a kiss because I'm thirsty.
Give him something to eat.
No, I think we should give him money.
- Yes, that would be better.
- Wouldn't it?
I saw you arrive in a black car.
Why don't you come out
and talk with me?
Why don't you come talk with me?
Why don't you come talk with me,
Father Matias Lozcano?
When the priests came to get us-
When they would come to get us
at the children's home...
to introduce us to the word of God...
they would recite the sermon
of Jesus from the Bible...
when the priests brought us in.
When I had to serve them as altar boy...
and we had to serve
the chalice to them.
And there were a bunch of priests
that would touch their genitals.
There must have been like three priests
who touched their genitals.
Then they would proceed to masturbation,
that they would perform
by moving their foreskin.
You could see very clearly how
the foreskin went back and forth...
back and forth
until the ejaculation came.
Then they would molest us-
I knew it. Silva, I told you.
- They would penetrate us anally-
- I told you this shit would happen!
And they would come on our faces.
Why am I in this house?
Why am I in this fucking house?
- I knew it! I told you, Silva!
- Stop it. Don't yell.
You. Hey, you.
I know you're in there,
Father Matias Lozcano.
- Is that one of your kids?
- Remember coming on our faces?
Is that one of your kids, degenerate?
Go talk to him!
You'd make me pray and then you'd say-
That's not oral sex, fucking orphan.
This is oral sex!
And you'd stick your penis in my mouth.
It was a big penis, like this.
And since I was a child, sometimes
the corners of my mouth would hurt.
As a child, my mouth couldn't open
wide enough for a priest's penis...
but he'd do it to me anyway.
And sometimes, the semen
would make me vomit.
The semen would make me vomit.
Later, the priest would give me
breath mints.
Excuse me, mister!
That way, the semen
wouldn't feel so dirty.
- Why don't you come in?
- So strange, so salty.
- The priests thought highly of themselves.
- Please, sir.
- Please! Come in.
- He'd say, Look.
Everything you see around you...
is the work of God...
And I would tell the priest-
Enough, Father Matias.
Go outside.
Go give that guy a bad scare...
before the whole town hears
the ruckus he's making.
- I don't know him.
- Yes, you do!
Go to the window!
Look at him!
Don't you recognize him?
He recognizes you!
You take care of this!
Father Matias, listen to me!
Scare him, you hear?
And he eats the foreskin.
You're a degenerate!
Go outside!
- I don't know him.
- Go outside! Don't play dumb!
They'd take us to the bathroom
and we would suck their penises.
We'd make love again.
We'd come back from Burger King,
with a Happy Meal.
We'd come back from buying beer,
and they'd make love to us again.
You will be my child
while you eat the head of the glans...
and you move back fast...
and you eat and swallow
that vital seminal fluid...
that eventually will enter
into your body, my son.
Because you have been
with the messenger of God."
The Lord has touched me.
The Lord has touched me,
you used to tell me.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed an thou among women, and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
sinners now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed an thou among women, and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
sinners now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of-
Of course, we stayed inside
because we were very scared.
You're saying this is a-
A retreat for priests...
who can no longer work
and must leave their parishes.
He was very sad, very worried.
He didn't want to eat or drink.
Nothing. Not even tea.
He didn't want-
He didn't want to pray or sing.
We were sitting at the table
watching a reality show...
when he suddenly got upset
about something.
He went downstairs...
and came back with a gun.
We got scared and hid in the bathroom.
After a while, we heard a gunshot.
You should rest.
Here's what will happen.
We came here and collected
the necessary evidence.
We'll wait for ballistics
and give you a call, all right?
- All right. I'm sorry.
- Excuse me.
I said he suddenly got upset...
that I didn't know why he went
downstairs and got a gun...
and that we were scared
and hid in the bathroom.
And that we heard the gunshot.
Forgiveness, oh, God
Forgiveness in your presence
Forgiveness and clemency
Forgiveness and mercy
Forgiveness, oh, God
Forgiveness in your presence
Forgiveness and clemency
Forgiveness and mercy
Father Matias suffered from
heart attack symptoms some time ago.
He was under medical supervision.
They performed many tests on him.
And no one ever mentioned
any symptoms of depression.
I am very surprised
he had a gun in his possession.
I asked Father Garcia to come with me.
He is a spiritual director...
and has a lot of experience
dealing with crisis situations.
He has been on assignment
in many countries.
He also received a degree in psychology
in Spain and studied in Geneva.
He is very prepared...
and a beautiful man.
I remembered where I saw
Father Garcia before.
In a seminar organized
by some entrepreneurs.
He gave a speech about poverty.
Father Garcia is a Jesuit.
You can just see he's a guilty rich guy.
But guilty of what?
Besides, if there were no more poor people,
there would be no more saints...
and that would be a terrible thing.
There have always been poor people.
They want to change the church.
Over 2,000 years old and ifs still here
and I like it the way it is.
There is only one church of God.
Garcia came to sell US out.
The church washes its hands,
and we're left as scapegoats.
They're going to screw us.
They'll screw us, mark my words.
Father, we have a good life here.
It's a nice life.
The brothers are okay.
They are healthy and clean of heart,
I promise you.
They glow. If you had met them before,
you wouldn't believe the difference.
We get up,
stick to a schedule, sing.
We lead a holy life.
It's very nice.
Really, very nice.
Sister, we both know
why the brothers are here.
What I need to know is
if they're aware of why they're here.
- This house is not a spa.
- No.
It isn't a retreat either.
It's a center for prayer and penance.
It's a place of repentance.
You're one of those new priests.
What I want is a new church.
And I want you to help me.
Where were you, Father?
I was with Rayo.
A racing dog needs a lot of training.
Is Rayo a racing dog?
He's very valuable.
Worth over a million pesos.
Last time,
we took those Turks to the cleaners.
- The Manzurs.
- Excuse me?
- We took them to the cleaners.
- No, you're wrong.
Rayo is a stray that Father Vidal
found on the street.
We've just grown very fond of him,
but he's a mutt.
How can that be, Sister?
He's very valuable, a thoroughbred.
But he only eats scraps
and wags his tail all day.
We mainly keep him
for protection, Father.
Have you made money on that dog?
Do you place bets?
He's a greyhound, Father...
the only dog mentioned in the Bible.
He's a fast dog,
well defined and tough.
I went through his bag.
He has your file,
and yours and mine.
And the files of priests
at other homes.
He has credit cards.
American Express.
What happened with Lozcano
sped things up...
but Father Garcia was coming anyway.
He's on a mission.
He's closing down the homes all over Chile.
He closed the homes in Las Cabras
and in San Pedro.
You and Father Matias Lozcano
had something in common.
You were both excommunicated
for penetrating minors.
I wouldn't know.
I never did that.
You wrote a letter.
I made the mistake of writing
to a bishop in Rome...
to tell him how proud I was...
of being able to suppress the desire
to sleep with another priest.
Do you know what he asked in response?
If I was also able to suppress
the desire to molest a child.
Of course, I said. Yes.
It's one thing to fall
in love with a man...
but a completely different one
to fall in love with a child.
Because the sickness
of falling in love with a child...
can be cured, repressed.
I know a lot of men and women
who think about children...
but would be incapable of doing anything.
But that bishop accused me of
defending pedophilia, and it isn't true.
I was defending restraint.
And I know what I'm saying.
I know what I'm talking about,
since I'm a master of restraint.
Do you still think about men?
You're horribly vile.
It's just that you took a vow
of chastity many years ago...
and have spent all this time thinking
about obscenities instead of praying.
You haven't made love to anyone.
You haven't fornicated.
So you don't know what it feels like.
You don't know the sickness of the mind
can be cured when the body explodes.
Because you and I are condemned
to be dishonest bodies.
If you were to make
any kind of confession...
I'd begin to believe
what you're telling me.
I could tell you that...
I asked that boy
to sleep in my bed with me.
We hugged. We prayed.
We slept face to face.
I breathed in his breath.
He knew my brain
was twice as big as his...
and used me to survive.
I lent him my robe
and colored his lips red.
Those things happen.
They happen.
- You spent 35 years in the army.
- Yes.
- Always as a chaplain?
- Always.
A house, a car, a security detail,
a good life, power.
I ask because it couldn't have been easy
to leave that behind.
- Does your family come to visit?
- No.
The bishop told me you had a notebook.
Yes. I wrote down everything
the soldiers confessed.
What did you write down?
Secret burial grounds, theft of money.
Secret torture houses,
murders. Everything.
- Then I burnt it.
- Why?
Because a colonel
threatened to kill me.
It didn't matter, I memorized it.
A lot of soldiers repented.
But those left-wing civilians...
wanted to resolve a spiritual matter
in a secular court.
They realized it was
their only chance at revenge...
because God would forgive
all of them in heaven.
Even the murderers.
You studied for years
to become a priest.
You gave your life
to our Lord Jesus Christ...
but that doesn't make you
a messenger of God.
So set aside your arrogance
and lead the life you have to lead...
the life of an accomplice.
They put you in this house
to keep you quiet.
I won't claim to be innocent, but please
do not try to manipulate a cunning fox...
who during his long life as a priest
has touched more communion bread...
than you have touched your own member.
I'm checking-
You don't have a file. No.
What's your first name?
Are you listening?
Father Ramirez.
Do you understand what's going on?
Brother, can you see me?
An angel.
An angel?
Yes, but dark.
A black person?
No, a poor man.
He used swear words.
There were three priests
who touched their genitals.
Then they would proceed to masturbation,
that they would perform...
by moving their foreskin...
back and forth, back and forth.
They would penetrate them anally and...
then came the oral part.
And they would make love to us...
and come on our faces.
Are you telling me something
you're imagining?
Let's get ii up.
Let's go.
Do you need workers?
I'm qualified.
Are you doing interviews
in all the houses'?
Have you done this before?
And you, Sister?
What does your family think
of you living so far away'?
The Lord is my family.
- And the Lord is everywhere.
- Amen.
Look, that dog may be valuable...
but we didn't buy it,
we found him on the streets.
Purebred dogs left on the streets?
They abandon them so their champions
won't breed with mongrels.
It's necessary, Father.
Prayer and a little recreation.
What's going on with Father Ramirez?
There's no information about him.
There are no files. I called Santiago,
and they can't help either.
I was told he arrived here
in the late '60s...
but beyond that...
nobody knows,
and he doesn't remember.
Where do you want me to put this?
- When are the races?
- Sunday at 4:00.
- Can I have two sea bass?
- Two?
- With heads and spines removed, please.
- Sure.
My God.
I don't think he's dangerous.
Neither do I.
Deep down, he's a good man.
Please. That guy wants
to take advantage of us.
- We need a gun.
- Father Silva, please.
Don't you want to defend yourself?
He'll humiliate us, harass us.
- He'll do terrible things to us.
- It's okay.
I don't know about you,
but I don't wish to be penetrated.
That word is not very holy, Father.
Then, let's call the police.
This spiritual director...
would place his hand like this...
and would say...
And the idiots would go to him.
No, but wait.
They would go to him.
And I, reluctant, but an idiot,
because I don't have spiritual directors...
felt like a magnet, like this.
Come. Come! Come!
Of course.
From now on, the consumption
of alcohol is forbidden in this house.
- More prayer, less outings.
- Forbidden? No.
More penance, less dog.
More vegetables, less chicken.
More vegetables, less-
What's wrong?
There are no doors or keys in this house,
so you can leave whenever you please.
But as long as you live under
the church's roof, you'll follow its rules.
And right now, for you,
I am the church!
- I am the church!
- No.
How many years of priesthood
are there between all of us'? Shit!
Sister, take him to his room.
- Take him immediately.
- Father, come. Come.
Come here. Come. Stand up.
Careful. Be careful. Come.
Let's go.
Come on. Be careful. Come.
Come on.
When I was a missionary in Africa,
we would give a goat to each family.
That goat would produce milk,
meat and cheese.
It would allow them to grow.
That goat gave them life.
When the goat got old...
they would offer it as a sacrifice
to our Lord Jesus Christ.
What does this dog offer this house?
- You have to get rid of the dog.
- No.
If I let you keep that dog,
you will keep on betting...
and I cannot allow that.
- Get a cat.
- I don't like cats.
Look at yourself.
A cat would suit you better.
- Excuse me?
- The commissions.
The commissions?
The commissions.
How much did you make?
Not as much as you.
You are a Vatican bureaucrat...
who travels in first class
and stays at five-star hotels.
I can smell your perfume from here,
Carolina Herrera for Men.
You buy it at duty-free shops.
Am I wrong?
How long has it been
since you were in a parish?
With people, suffering people.
With women who cannot bear children.
With girls who don't want their children
and want to throw them in the trash?
Why? Why such injustice?
So God gave me a mission-
to save lives.
To bring happiness to those couples
that cannot have children, Father.
Father, we're talking about
the kidnapping of live children...
who are given to other mothers
that are not their own.
And after a funeral
with an empty coffin-
- What else could I do?
- With a 17-year-old mother in tears-
Those girls didn't want
to have those children.
It's a question of social class.
You understand that, don't you?
Of your social class.
They couldn't have them,
they didn't want to have them.
They rejected them!
They wanted to throw them in the trash!
I only saved lives, sir.
Now there are blondes in the slums.
And dark-skinned kids
in the upper-class neighborhoods...
with families that love them
and take care of them.
Has it ever occurred to you
that you're a criminal?
What else do you do in this house?
I count the slices of bologna.
I make sure nobody puts
too much butler on their bread.
I count the tablespoons of sugar.
I count the bulbs that burn out.
I count the needles
so they don't get lost.
I keep track of how long
they spend in the bathroom.
Long showers are forbidden.
Where do you hide the gun?
No guns.
You know who carries those.
Why ask me?
To know what to do.
But if you've noticed,
everything is fine here now.
He was very sick when he arrived.
That's why he killed himself.
- Why were you sent here?
- During Pope John Paul's visit...
something terrible happened to me.
I had to quit college, ended up
in a convent and became a nun.
First in Brazil and then in Boston,
some time ago.
But then I went to Africa.
Black Africa.
I adopted a girl
and brought her here with me.
After a while, they took her away from me
because they said I beat her...
and gave her to another family.
But I never laid a hand on her.
It was my mother
who said I beat the girl...
because she didn't want
a black granddaughter.
But you are no longer a nun officially.
So I called an uncle
who had some connections...
and told him I had to pay for my sins...
and needed to do my penance.
So he called me,
asked me if I liked the sea...
and told me I would be a jail keeper.
We're going to have to
close down this house.
- That's not necessary.
- Why not?
No one else will die here.
Hi. Do you need a hand?
- Do you need a hand?
- No, thanks, buddy.
Are you from Santiago?
From Las Condes.
- And you?
- From Santiago.
- Where exactly?
- Downtown Santiago.
But I've lived here
in La Boca, for years.
One time, we went to La Boca
with Cata to buy some booze...
and a punk wanted to touch her hair.
He had never seen a redhead.
How creepy.
That's just wrong.
The punk was so drunk,
he wanted to touch me.
This jerk says, For 15,000 pesos,
you can touch her tit.
But for 30,000, you can fuck her.
That's what he said.
- That's messed up!
- I swear to God.
I just stared at him, like,
Stop it, Gonzalo. What's wrong with you?"
And the dude shows up
with around 25,000 pesos.
So I look at him and say-
Shit, you're 5,000 pesos short.
Want me to lend it to you?
- How about that?
- You never told me this.
I offered him the money.
No, and the punks were furious.
And this idiot couldn't do anything but-
I threw a couple of good punches...
two rights to the face,
and it was all over.
What's up with that?
I can't believe you never told me!
Two. One.
- He's off.
- Come on.
- Where are you going, Brother?
- Home.
The brothers and I
wanted to help you.
All right.
How many priests live in that house?
Are all of you homosexuals?
God also created homosexuals.
He created them.
He's proud of them.
Proud of who they are.
I am celibate, for example.
I'm celibate.
Of my own free will,
I decided not to have a wife, children.
So you're celibate
because you haven't been with a woman...
but you have been with men?
Have they penetrated you anally?
Have you sucked a penis, foreskin?
Are you homosexual?
Homosexuality has broadened
my concept of sexuality.
Between a man and a woman,
it's just a matter of procreation.
Whereas, between homosexuals,
it's something much deeper.
The priest used to tell me that if I wanted
to be a virgin when I got married...
I should just have anal sex.
He would penetrate me anally...
so I could be a virgin
when I got married.
Well, you are a son of God as well.
Your homosexuality humanizes me.
You gotta be kidding me.
Don't call me a homosexual.
Don't go around saying that.
Otherwise, I could be a victim
of discrimination.
Just feel like the son of God you are,
who's on his own path to holiness.
I feel as if you were counseling me.
Like a confession.
- Why don't you hear my confession?
- I can't.
Why not?
Because I wouldn't be able
to keep your secret.
How long are you going to be here?
A long time.
Excuse me.
Hey, I'll come visit you.
Who knows? Maybe we'll both
stop being celibate, chaste.
Come on, Father. Let's make love.
What's the big deal?
Invite me over. Look, if you do,
I can fuck all the priests if you like!
I can fuck them one by one!
It would be beautiful.
We would all reach holiness!
Do you think anyone
will come looking for me?
No one will.
I need to screw them all.
I need to screw them
the same way they screwed me.
I'd chop their heads off, their arms.
I'd make a terrible soup,
a terrible broth.
I'd make myself a priest stew.
I'd like to...
kiss you to death
and bring you back to life with my cock.
What's going on?
- Come on.
- You like that? Do you?
Keep going.
Keep going.
- Harder.
- Leave.
- Harder.
- Leave, motherfucker!
Go on. Fuck off.
Leave! Leave!
I know you have to go back to Santiago
with a priest in chains...
so nobody asks about
those bad priests" anymore.
If you don't confess,
I'll take the dog away.
Why is ii when anybody
wants to punish me...
they threaten to take the dog away?
I haven't threatened you with that.
But you thought about it,
because you want to break me.
The dog wags his tail when he sees me.
He walks with me.
Sometimes he looks at me.
I imagine you're aware
that the dog is not a person.
Of course.
But when I spend a lot of time with him,
I feel like he becomes more human.
I feel he wants to humiliate me...
and wants to know
exactly what I'm thinking.
You humanize the dog.
And the dog-
What about the dog?
The dog animalizes you.
Now you will have to leave this house
and face justice.
But I won't leave you alone.
I will accompany you.
Thank you very much.
When I came outside,
he was face down.
Was there blood?
Yes, there was blood on the ground.
- Was there a gun?
- Yes.
Why does a priest
that had been accused...
end up shooting himself in the head?
Where did that gun come from?
It's unbelievable.
It doesn't seem unbelievable to me.
We were drinking tea,
watching a reality show...
when he got upset, got up-
Where did the Father come from?
I don't know.
He said he was from Chillan.
A Chillanejo?
- Chillanense.
- Whatever.
Where did he get it?
You can buy them.
I would guess.
Where do you buy them?
I don't know, Father.
In the cities.
Haven't you been in any city?
Or in a pool hall, a strip club.
You think Father Matias
went to a strip club?
I don't know.
Who hasn't been to a strip club, Father?
But not to buy a gun.
If you think they're trying to kill you-
I have a confession to make.
There are strange noises here.
And we have to sleep
with our eyes open like demons.
Yes, I got their confessions.
- What did they tell you?
- Well, everything.
Now we just need your version
to finish up...
and close this house permanently.
I got here about four centuries ago.
Back then, they said that
the devil had created our kind.
Now they say God created us
'10 love our fellow man...
because it's dirty.
We love those who have dirty sex,
those who laugh at themselves...
or humiliate themselves,
those who smoke in the bathroom...
those who have to endure
idiotic questions from people like you...
who think they know more than we do
because they sleep with women.
But make no mistake,
I know more than you.
I know something you don't.
I know more than you, I do.
Because in that abject and deep sex...
I've seen the most loving light
of our Lord.
Do you know what I think
happened to Father Matias?
He got here...
to this shitty house...
that smells like shit...
and saw these fucking geezers.
Silva's face. Vidal's face.
He saw me too.
All [his shit.
He thought, I'll have to spend
the rest of my days in this shit!
And he shot himself.
You are in a privileged place.
God is here, Father.
Look around you. Nature, the sea.
God is not here, Father.
This is a jail.
With fucking criminals!
How many shots did you hear?
One shot.
The new priest killed himself
because another man came looking for him.
Excuse me?
My son, everything around you
is the work of God."
And I would tell the priest-
I'm your child. Your child.
Priest, I'm your child.
And then, with the foreskin...
he would eat the glans...
Hey, hey! Come on!
How long will you make me stay here?
I also have a right to holiness, don't I?
I came following
Father Matias Lozcano.
First I went to Chillan.
Then I had to follow him to Santiago,
and now I've come here...
because my spiritual education
has not yet concluded.
And like the Lamb of God...
you only shut the door in my face.
Why don't you come here
and talk with me?
Or do you want me to come up?
You think I can't get up there?
One day I'll come up there to see you.
Why don't you invite me in for a snack?
Maybe you see me and think,
Where is this young man going?"
Maybe it'll be hard for me
to talk about it...
but I want to go to a place
where we can all raise awareness.
I could steal from you now, but I won't
because I don't do that anymore. Look.
Maybe you haven't seen the light.
When you consume that light,
you don't see it.
I see it, and I see you, and I say, Hey!
That lunatic came after the poor priest
to kill him, I don't know.
He screamed as if he was being stabbed.
So we took out a small gun
that we keep in case of burglaries...
and we gave ii to the priest
so he could shoot a warning shot.
But he was so distressed
that he shot himself.
- Want to close down this house?
- What do you think?
Want to send US to another HOUSE?
- People are coming after these priests.
- That's why it's not advisable.
If they asked me,
I would be declared an accessory...
and so would my accessory...
as well as the accessory
of my accessory.
All the way up,
until they got to I don't know who.
Why talk now
if you haven't talked before?
No, I don't want to talk.
The last thing I want is to talk.
But if you kick me out,
I'll have nothing to lose.
You're an employee. You have to answer.
If you kick us out, I'll call the
press and tell them everything.
- Are you a priest?
- Yes.
Did you know a priest died here in town?
- He was a great man.
- A good man. A nice man.
Why? Did you know him?
How did you meet him?
I can't remember, I was very young.
Don't tell me Father Matias raised you.
He raised me.
But he's no longer with us.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
- Do you want to pray?
- Okay.
Our Father which art in heaven...
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done-
Do you want to leave?
- Where to?
- To Santiago.
I'll make a call, and they'll come
and take you to a home.
- What do you mean a home?
- A different kind of home.
A home with a family,
without priests.
- Without priests?
- Without priests.
- Will I have my own bed?
- Yes. You'll have your own bed.
- What's your name?
- Sandokan.
Do you think Father Matias Lozcano
went to heaven?
I think his soul
is still wandering around here...
because of the sins he committed.
The good news is he has you and I
to attest to his grace.
- Because he was a good man.
- Yes.
- He was a good man, a saint.
- Yes, a saint, an angel.
- A man of God.
- An angel.
Father Matias Lozcano was my-
Let me tell you something.
Matias Lozcano was my first man.
He was the first one I made love with.
The first man I loved
deeply and madly...
to the farthest reaches of love.
It was with Father Matias Lozcano.
And he's no longer with me.
The priest was the first person
I had sex with, both anally-
The first time, I sucked his penis...
and he showed me the grace of the Lord.
He would say that
if I swallowed the semen...
I would go directly to heaven...
because any man of God...
carries the holy semen...
because it comes from the glory
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is life.
Because the Virgin Mary-
Ultimately, God also
created her from semen.
When was the last time you ejaculated?
Have you had sex with children?
Have you penetrated them anally?
That's nice.
But I'm not a homosexual.
I lead a normal life.
I have sex with women.
Sometimes I feel I'm sinning
with the prostitutes and all that.
But when I was with the priests...
I never felt I was sinning
because they are men of God...
and all the fluids that come out of them
are the Lord's, right?
Praise be to God.
You know what? I know some children.
They're smaller than me.
Would you like to have sex
with the children I know?
And I was able
to pull a gigantic floater.
And the rest were in.
I was looking at you from behind
while you pulled that floater.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Then I came to La Boca
and started a new life.
I have my dogs,
my friends, my people.
- What kind of dogs do you train?
- Greyhounds.
Greyhounds. Great.
Yes. Racing dogs.
Only champions.
I'll be damned.
Hey, buddy.
Why did you come to La Boca?
Why specifically La Boca,
such an old, sad and fucked-up town?
No. This town is beautiful.
Beautiful, very, very beautiful.
Truly beautiful.
Come on.
Come on.
Were you together?
We were, but not anymore.
So if you're up for it,
she's available.
Not in a million years
could you ever fuck a woman like her.
Do you always dress like that, man?
- They killed Rayo too.
- What did you say, bitch?
- They killed Rayo too.
- What? Where?
I think I saw who it was.
He's wandering around.
They killed our dog, man.
They killed my dog with glass.
I want to ask you to help me beat up-
To chase a man out of town.
Excuse me'?
You want us to beat-
- Scare him, beat him up, hit him.
- You must be shitting me.
No. He's a bad man, really bad.
A bum who's been chasing me.
- I'm scared.
- Wait a second.
You must be shitting me.
- Wait.
- This dude is shitting us.
Shut up.
You're telling me to go find some dude?
You want me to beat up a stranger?
What's wrong with you, fucker?
You think I'm a thug?
I'll kill you, motherfucker!
I can pay you.
Why don't you fuck off?
Who do you think you're talking to, fucker?
Everything was going great,
but you fucked it up.
Hit him, man!
Please. I'm scared.
I'm a pastor. I'm a priest.
- What?
- Help me, please.
- You're shitting me.
- I'm scared.
Fucking priest.
Were there priests like him at school?
No. At school, the priests
would dress impeccably.
They spoke English and Latin.
- And the money?
- Money doesn't matter, man.
My ass!
Fucking bum.
Thank you, Sister.
You've done enough for today.
Only God knows.
He knows.
We're girls,
that's why we don't understand.
But he's the Father.
He's the only one who knows.
Are you going to kill me?
No. I can't.
Will you forgive me?
No, bitch.
You have to relax.
I want you to look at these people.
Do you see them?
They are good people
and will take care of you.
- We're going to take care of him?
- Yes, you are.
What does that mean, Father?
It means he's had a difficult life,
and you, an easy one.
But now he's happy and you're in hell.
- He's not happy.
- He's better off than us.
That's why I always liked to be
with the priests and nuns.
Because that way
I'm close to our Lord.
That way I'm happier, more protected.
Maybe the brothers don't want
to share their breakfast with you.
- He could stay here.
- What? Where?
In my room. Until he gets better.
- He can't stay here.
- Why not?
Why not?
First I'd like to talk this over
between ourselves.
And I'd like to see all of you in jail.
Then call the press.
No. I love the church
and don't want to hurt it.
What are you doing here then?
If you give this man a bed,
I'll forget all about you.
For how long?
Any objections?
Objections to what?
To doing penance, Father.
To that, never.
I would rather leave.
No, you're not leaving, Silva.
I won't be leaving either.
No one will leave.
How could we pass up
this wonderful opportunity...
that the new church is offering us
to save our souls?
You will sleep on the first floor.
You're very lucky.
You'll have a room to yourself.
It's a little room next to the chapel...
that the Fathers and I
have been sprucing up for some time.
What's your name?
No, what's your real name?
- Thomas.
- Thomas.
The first thing we have to do
is finish disinfecting him.
I wanted to tell you, Father,
if I'm gonna stay in this home...
in order to maintain my menial balance
and not to go psycho...
I need some drugs.
For that, I need a supply
of phenobarbital...
as well as alcohol,
propyphenazone, Rohypnol...
Optalidon, Lipenan, aripiprazole,
green, red and yellow
amphetamine capsules...
Prodrin, Sirin, Ritalin, Cipropol...
to get high, to relax, to stay level.
And you can find all those things
in Dr. Hoffman's drugstore.
He has the whole supply.
And another very important thing...
is that, at any given time,
if suddenly, by accident...
you have access to any of my pills...
please, don't consume them.
And if you do,
don't mix them with alcohol...
or you will be fucked.
All of you.
That's what I wanted to say.
Lamb of God
You take away the sins of me world
Have mercy
On us
Lamb of God
Lamb of God
May peace be upon you, Brothers.
You take away the sins of me world
Have mercy
On us
Lamb of God
Lamb of God
You take away the sins of me world
Grant us
Grant us
Lamb of God
You take away the sins of me world
Grant us
Grant us