The Cokeville Miracle (2015)

[rooster crows]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[sirens wailing]
[woman sobbing]
[indistinct chatter, woman screaming]
[indistinct radio charter]
[Siren wailing]
- You all right'!
Arc you okay'!
- [Sighs]
How could somebody
do something like this'?
- Some gruesome stuff.
- Yeah.
And just one mwn away.
Makes you wonder...
What's next'?
- Yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
- What is this'!
At least tell how it's gonna work.
- [Sighs]
All you need to know-
is the air will burn.
- The air will burn'!
[electric humming]
- Trial number four,
absolute perfection.
Absolute perfection.
[dog barking in the distance]
- [screaming]
- Pm gonna get you!
[laughter and screaming]
- Ron, do you have to get the kids
all riled up right at bedtime?
- No, I don't have to.
I just wmlt w!
[all gagglv]
- Let's go, Family prayer.
Cindy, Jason, come on.
- [Sighs]
- Ron.
All right, Run, your turn.
- I think we should have
Cindy say it tonight.
- You never say it anymore.
- I will another time.
- Dear God, thank You
for everything in the world.
Phase 'amp us safe.
Please bless our blessings.
We ask that You
can watch over us,
that we can bc a good Family.
- Did you got what you nccdcd'?
- What did I tell you
about you and your questions?
[engine turning over]
With liberty and justice
for all.
- Very good, Rachel.
All right, who can tell me what number
President Thomas J effersun was'?
- Oh, me.
- I know!
- Jason'?
- No, Thomas Jefferson
was number thwe'
- Oh, yeah,
that was my next guess.
[fire alarm ringing]
- All right, children,
show me you know what I0 do.
Put the crayon down.
Come on'
If it was an emergency,
you'd stay low and crawl.
- Hey, Max, this one for real'?
- Oh, it just went off again.
Stupid thing.
' W Darin'.!
Where's Penny'!
- Out being a teenager!
- Como look at this.
- What'!
I'll get it in the morning-
- I ask you w do one thing.
You kccp this place running
while I take care
of the important stuffl
One thing!
[engine turning over]
[dial tone, number pad beeping]
Cunningham, ifs David.
Yeah, I gm your chock.
Your investments about to pay off.
Get Parker,
be in Cokeville on the 15th.
I-Icrc comes the biggie.
- I-Icy, what's up'?
- I got t0 figure this Out.
I can't sit in there having everybody
tell me they got all the answers,
when every piece of scum just
keeps giving me more questions.
That body in the motel
last week...
Where are the answers
for that guy'?
- Lovc you, Dad.
- That's just too much of a coincidence
to just be a coincidence,
Muse 1 love you too.
Love yo u, Cinderella.
[engine turning over, car beeping]
- Penny, we're not leaving Forever.
- Yeah, well, however long it is,
it's gonna seem like forever.
- It's gonna be an adventure.
- Does it bother you
that I'm going to help him'?
- No, he's your brother.
Yeah, I know.
You should g0 help him,
Maybe it could give you some time
r0 think things through'
- Look, Claudia, I-
I'm sorry.
I want us to be a close family.
- Well, maybe you could start
by saying family prayers
with us again'
It's all the cop stuff
you see, isn't it'?
- I just have a haul time
saying those praying things
when the world
I live in is filled with'
- Mum!
- In a minute, honey!
- Ifs already been
about a million minutes.
- We'll talk when I get back.
- I hope so.
- Lovc you, Dad.
- That's just too much
of a coincidence'
[car door opens, closes]
[engine turning over]
- I forgot how prctty I: is hero.
- This'll be where we make our mark.
- It smells like somebody
already made their mark.
[cow moos]
[birds chirping]
The dump'!
We pull into town, and the first place
we hit is the dump'?
- Cut him some slack, Penny.
You know he's brilliant.
Hc just nccds us to support him.
- Oh, look, he found us
an empty bottle,
Yeah, he is brilliant.
- Don't you think it's kind of Weird
that he hasn't told us the deal?
[indistinct chatter]
- They're here.
- David.
- Hey, David!
- Good to see you.
- How you doing'?
- You got here okay?
- Oh, yeah.
We're, uh, just excited
to get going,
- Yeah.
Not long till you
see what you bought into.
- They gave you money'!
[buttons clacking]
- Come on, David,
We're like kids at Christmas here.
- I'll tell you what I am ready
to let you in on.
I did it.
I've proven mathematically
how I can die and some back to life.
- Than is just fanmstic.
Ho's been working on that for hows.
- Yeah, thafis really great, David.
But, anyways,
what's your big idea'?
- Now, you're going w have
10 wait till tomorrow
for the full business plan,
but for today, herds just a taste.
- We've good with mac.
- You ready, Dorsie?
- Yep.
- [exhales sharply]
You ready to see this, boys'?
- Uh-huh.
- Let's see it.
- Ready'!
- Whoa! Whoa.
- [screams]
- The air will burn.
- Whoa!
- Now, just imagine
that tines a billion, huh'!
- So what, are we going
in the firework business?
- That's a good way
of looking at it, boys.
Fireworks is gonna take us
into the brave new world,
- I told you.
He's one of the smartest guys
I've ever known,
- Did you see that'!
We've going into the fireworks business.
- All the way w the cop.
- That cart thing part of the biggie'?
- David, I got to tell you,
I am excited'
- Big day.
- So what's with the painted window's?
- I bet he's got to keep it cool
for the fireworks.
- Hey, thanks for everything.
- Anytime.
- Whcn's Dad get home'?
- This aflcmoon.
Arc you all ready for your test'?
- Yep, for sure.
- Oh, good,
So you know all about Wyoming'!
Okay, what is tho capital of Wyoming'!
- E35)'-
If Is W.
- Jason.
[car horn honks]
- Got to go, Mom.
- Love you.
7 Love you.
Bo safe at schcwl!
- Pull over right hero.
This is the day we lead people
imo the brave new world.
Oux enforcer has been outfitted
with five blast caps
placed in cans filled
whh gunpowder, aluminum dust, flour,
and it will explode
in the air like confetti.
The gas will explode
on a delayed fuse,
which will ignite
the particles in the air,
and the air will burn.
Walls will collapse,
and everybody inside
will immediately move as rcincarnatc
to a world I preside ovcr.
- Hold on.
That walls collapse'?
Who's inside'?
- The chosen ones.
The children
of Cokeville Elementary School.
- [chuckles]
No, wally.
What's the plan'!
- This is a religious community.
They'll do whatever it takes
to get their children back.
- No, really.
What's the plan'!
- This is the plan.
- Blowing up little kids is the plan'!
- It's a good plan.
- 12-4 to base.
- Go for bass.
- Yeah, Nadcnc, anything going on'!
- Well, with you two cops vutoftoxvn,
I can finally get
some work done around here.
- [chuckles]
[school boll rings]
- Como in!
Como in!
[indistinct shouting]
- They're going back in.
The biggids about to happen.
- Daddy, what am you gonna do'!
- You just do as y0u'rc told.
You ready'!
[Elm cocks]
- David, docs this have anything to do
whh when you
were the town marshal here?
- The air will burn.
- I'll hc back in about an hour.
[guns clam]
- One mole mess-up,
and F11 shoot you.
- Hello.
- Miss Cook, we're holding
the school hostage.
Don't push any alarms.
Don't call for help.
We have guns, and this is a bomb.
I nccd just pull this trigger,
and this building,
xvith everybody inside of it,
will be blown sky high.
Try and hit me over the head
or anything like that,
and I will pull this trigger
when I go down'
Do I make myself clear, Miss Cook'?
Got over hcrc.
Gm over km'.!
- Are you crazy?
I can't believe you would do this
to little kids!
I am not going to do this.
F Keys.
Get out of here!
[keys clatter]
You're no daughter of mine,
no daughter of mine!
- It was so tempting
ma! Goldilocks
set about helping herself.
First she tried a spoonful
from Papa Bear's great, big bowl.
"Ow! " she yelled.
"Too hot!
[all exhaling sharply]
Next, she tried a spoonful from
Mama Beafs medium-sized bowl.
"Bu, we cold."
Finally, Goldilocks tried a spoonful
from Baby Bear's tiny, linle~
What exactly are you doing hcrc'!
- Quiet, lady.
- You've got to be joking.
This is my room.
- No, this is my room.
Now sit down and shut up.
- Follow me.
I have a surprise for you.
- What kind of a surprise'?
- Como and sec.
- Is it a birthday?
- Yeah.
Come I0 room 4
for a special surprise in mum 4.
Come on.
- Carson, wait for Mommy!
Sweetie, Mommy will be
light back, okay'?
- Good. Come right on in.
Thank you.
- Hi, Ashton.
- Sit down.
Hello, hello, hello.
Thank you.
Come right in.
Come in.
- What is this'!
- Sit down, please.
Hello, thank you.
Wclcom c.
Go to the back.
Sit down. Be quiet.
- Hi, Ben.
- Hi, Gracie.
- Do you know where
Carson's class is?
- Um,
they might be in room 4.
- Okay, let's go to mom 4.
- How you doing, pal'!
- [chuckles]
[indistinct chatter]
There's your friends.
- Come in.
- Oh, no, I've got w go.
- No. Come in.
- You may want t0 stay.
We have a problem here.
- What's going on'!
[tires squealing,
horn hunks]
- Help me! Help!
Help, please, somebody!
Somebody, I nccd some help!
Phase, phase, some'
Please, I need to talk
to a police officer!
This is very important.
- There's no officers here right now,
but I can help you,
- Please, you nccd to listen to mo!
Something very bad is gonna happen
if we don't talk to the police!
No, listen w me.
I need to talk to the police.
What is wrong with you?
Why won't you get me
a police officer'?
- Miss, what's the trouble?
- Liston m mo.
My dad has a bomb,
and he's gonna blow up the school.
If you don't believe me,
come om to my van!
- Hey, we didn't know
Whfll he was gonna do!
- He's guns crazy!
He used to be real smart,
- Tina'!
[indistinct chatter]
- Thcsc arc all mine.
Missiles ahoy.
- Herc I come.
- Beep, beep, beep.
[boy imitates explosion]
[chatter continues]
- What's going on here?
- Arc you the principal'!
- Yes, I'm the principal.
What's going on here'?
- This is what's going on here.
- David Young'!
- Just your old town marshal
here for a friendly visit.
- Yes, sir.
What is it you want'?
- Bam, ham,
'cam, 'mm, 'om, ham, bamjsam.
[chatter continues]
. 5mm up!
I am sick and tired of all this noise!
This is the most important day
of my life,
of our lives!
So shut up and let me focus.
Md gm mo same spam'.!
[indistinct whispering]
1 xvant you to go back to your office.
Call the authorities.
Tell them I want S2 million
for each child.
Tell them I'm prepared to stay here
for L611 days,
if necessary.
It might take Congress mat long
to raise all than money.
And ifyowrc not back in I5 minutes...
[Elm cocks]
Fm gonna start shooting.
- [whispering]
- Ono by one.
Anybody runs ma,' sham avid.
- [sobbing]
- Listen, kids, do as yowrc told.
Keep quiet.
Everything will bc all right.
- Max.
ifs gonna be
a brave new world.
- [whispering]
Max, the brave new world
is basically the idea
of reincarnation'
- Hey!
- Let the authorities know...
- Kids, this is an experience
you'll all tell your children
and your grandchildren all about.
So let's get out
some paper and crayons,
and it'll all be nicc in hcrc.
- Nadene, there's a mad man
here at the elementary school.
He's gut a-
- We know.
- We've been notified.
- How could you know"?
- Teachers, we need
each of you to count up
how many children you each have
from each of your classrooms,
- You're not supposed
to say the same word so many times
in a sentence.
You said "each" three times
in the same sentence.
[birds chirping]
- I have 1S.
- H).
- 14.
- That's 98.
- That's right.
- Base to 12-4.
Base to 12-4'?
Ron, we have a situation
down at the elementary school.
Base to 12-4.
- Hey, mister,
I was looking at your guns.
Pretty cool guns,
but why didn't you got an AK-477
- AK-477
That would be illegal.
- How long do you plan
on being hm for'?
- I don't know.
Two days, three, ten'?
- Excuse me, mahm.
Um, I lcfi my baby in the car,
am m m go om am gm 'nu.
- You left your baby in the car'?
- I know; I know. I thought
I was gonna bejust a second.
- Lc: mo roll you something.
You ncvcr lcavc a child like that.
- Please,just let me g0 get her,
and I'1l bring her fightback in here.
I prOmiSC.
- You're not going anywhere.
- Arc you a mother'?
Because if you were, you would unders-
- Sit down,
- Please, jus1 can we jus1 talk and-
- Sit down!
- Like a brave new world-
- Okay, all right
- He told us we were gonna start
a fireworks business.
- Nadene, you better start
calling some parents-
[overlapping shaming]
[phone rings]
- QM!
[gaSp s]
[phone rings]
- QM!
- Glenna, the kids are in trouble.
- What kind oftroublc'!
- She has no one
10 take care of her,
- I don't even think
she has a kid in the car.
- Excuse me again.
I, uh...
Twas just thinking,
maybe you could send
somebody else to go get her'?
- No.
- Okay, well, then could you
just go get her?
She's my baby.
Thank you.
It's a gold sedan,
and ifs parked in the drop-off,
and she's in a car scat.
- Hey!
- Shh.
- I want you to stack
some tables and chairs
and make a barricade
so nobody can g0 through there.
- Why sank wcjust shut the door'!
- 'Cause the bathrooms right thcrc.
- Nadene, I've got to get
a truck over there right now.
You bane: let the clergy know too.
[phones ringing, panicked charter]
[phone rings]
- QM!
At our school'?
. [whimpvfi]
- Oh, it's all right.
It's okay, it's okay.
Come here.
Go: that off.
You cum with m'?!
Bigjump. Come on.
Your mommy was bad.
- Vcrlcnc.
Pvc read about this kind of' thing.
If he sums to sweat,
that's when we're in real trouble.
- Wc sank just sit hcrc.
We've got to do something.
- Oh.
Give hcr m mo.
Oh, sweetie.
Am you all right?
- Mm-hmm.
- You're okay.
Fm sorry I left you.
- [Sighs]
. [rcnchcs]
' MP Young?
The children are getting sick
from the smell of gas.
Can we take it out of here?
Can we at least open the windows'?
Look, this could cause you real trouble
as more and more
of these kids get sick.
At least for now,
they're doing what they're rold,
but ifthcy all get sick.
- Do it.
But listen, don't you try nothing.
Thcsc children arc precious.
P11 Only shoot them with 21.22.
This is 21,45.
This is for tho teachers.
Your lives don't mean a thing to mo.
And your principaFs
got one minute to get back,
or I start shooting.
- The way he's got this bomb triggered,
I don't know what to do.
- What do you think he wants'!
- I don't know what he wants.
I don't know- if he knows what he w-ants.
One minute he's talking
about wanting money.
The next he's ranting about this bomb
creating his brave new world.
- Whafls that'!
- Ben said ifs something
to do with reincarnafion.
Gm to go.
Tm hm! Tm hm'.!
I told them.
[breathing heavily]
Now wh at'!
[gun uncocks]
Now the White House.
[running footsteps departing]
- Base to 12-4.
- Go for 12-4.
- Ron, we have a situation
down at the elementary school.
How far out are you'!
- About two hours.
What kind of situation'?
- Some lunatic
has taken over the school.
[engine revs]
- The elementary?
- He's demanding a ransom.
That's all we know.
- Arc my kids in thcrc'!
- Nadene, the FBI's on the line.
- Nadene!
- Gm to go.
- Oh.
C 'menu um much my Gs.
[sivcn Wailing]
- [imitating engine rowing]
[imitating crash]
[imitating engine revving]
[imitating crash]
- I hope we're not gonna have
any tmllblB.
- Your breath smells like Peaches.
- Well, I haven't been eating any.
- Peaches is my dog.
- Hey, kids, kids,
We're going 10 play a game.
Kids, hey.
- [sniffs]
- Come on, sweetie.
- I'm gonna make a square,
a magic square.
- Whafls a magic square?
- W hell's lhat?
And no one is allowed
inside this magic square
except Mr' Young.
- [clears throat]
- And Doris.
Back up, guys,
Give me some room'
Back up.
Give me some room.
Can you give me some help?
- M1. Robbins,
what happens if somebody
goes inside the magic square'!
- Then, uh...
They're out of the gamc.
[tape scraping]
Okay, let's get a desk
for fvir. Young to sit on.
[sivcn Wailing]
- Oh, yeah, everyone will know...
Have you guys been on TV before'!
You will now.
. My, lady'!
Is this your first time
kidnapping helpless, little children?
- Yeah, it's my first.
But David...
he has lots of' great ideas.
- Even better ones than this'?
- Yeah'!
- But why are you doing this?
- Well, my brother
is really sick in a hospital,
so we're gonna send them money
so they'll keep
taking care of him
so he can get better,
so he cm
' F our v. SQHS
- Du um kw m emu five sebum.
Stay back.
The police will be hcrc shortly.
Stay back.
It will only hum your children
to push past barricades
and g0 into the school.
- Teacher, arc we going m dic'!
- We can! die.
We've just ma: kids.
- I'll be right back, loves.
MY- Young?
Mr. Young, I have
a proposition for you.
You can kccp mo.
You can shoot me
to make your point.
Fm fine with that.
But would you please
let the children g0'?
I'll do whatever it takes
t0 keep them safe, N11". Young.
MY- Young?
- The best thing you can do
for these kids, lady,
is six down and shut up.
How can a genius think around hcrc'!
What do you wam?
Back off, little man!
- Come on, Jason.
- Oh, you're all sweaty.
- Help mc gm this off.
[boy sneezes, woman gasps]
- The commissioner's hcrc.
- Nadene.
- Hey.
- Now, I understand
this guy Wants money.
Fm ready to write him out a chock.
How much does he rant?!
- $200 million.
' 53)' again'!
- $200 million.
- For those kids,
P11 sell my entire ranch
if 1 have to, but...
I don't have-
- I know.
I know.
The wholc town couldn't.
- Hey, Billy, watch this.
[both chuckle]
Magic foot in the magic square.
' [giggles]
- Do you think this is funny'!
Do you think this is a game'!
Go ahead and try it again.
We'll see who wins the game.
T'? 'Wig man'.!
Tr)' in!
- Hey, hey, he d0esn't understand.
He's just a little kid.
- Shh, kccp it down.
- Hey.
- Shh.
- It's all right, sweetheart.
- I.'.
I got to got out of hcrc for a minute.
- Oh.
- I'm gonna put this on you.
You can only move your hand
about this far.
. Okay-
- Don't oven scratch your nosc.
When I come back,
this is all gonna end.
- Mrs. Young, do you have children'?
A child kind of opens up
your ability LO care for others,
don't you think'!
- Oh, it sure did for me.
- Would you want your child subjected
w this kind of tenor?
- [Sighs]
- I can toll you're a good person.
This wasn't your idea, was it'?
- Sometimes you just got to do
what it takes to keep the peace.
- [Sighs]
This is keeping the peace'?
- David is a visionary.
Ho's brilliant.
He figured out 'with a calculator
how to die and then come alive again.
- Amazing.
- [chuckles]
- What a mind.
- Okay, then.
So don't get critical.
- Forgive mo.
1 think it's the gasoline.
Fvc got just such a headache.
- Oh, me too.
[chuckles] I?
[hi gh-pimhcd ringing]
[all coughing]
- Children, go!
Children, stay 10w.
Gel UP!
[all Shouting]
[children coughing]
- Stay away from tho flames!
Kids, kids, come to me!
- Children, go!
[woman screaming]
[children scream]
- Gm down! Oct down!
Go! (30!
- [coughing]
- I can get you out.
Kids, some over here!
Stay away from the flames!
[explosions popping, glass brcaking]
- Go, go!
- Kids, get away from the building!
- Hey, look, when I genhare-
- it went off.
The bomb went of'?!
- 12-4 w base!
12-4 w base!
Nadcnc, you got to talk to mo!
How could You lcr this happen'?
'Cause You're not even there.
[all shouting frantically]
' WW, hurry, get out.
[cxplosionS popping]
[sirens wailing]
[helicopter blades whirring overhead]
[cxplosionS popping]
Are there any children
left in the room'?
If there axe any kids in the room,
come 10 me,
Kids, follow my voice.
Oh, come on.
- Gather on the far lawn!
On the south lawn!
[cxplosionS popping]
IgunshoL thud]
[sivcn Wailing]
[birds chirping]
[siren xvailing on TV]
- Jase, you doing okay'!
Honey, do you want
anything to cat at all'?
Cindy's doing okay,
but he isn't coming out of' it.
He just keeps watching
that cop show over and oxfer.
- Give him some time.
- Ron, he needs help.
[sivcns wailing on TV]
- I'll sec what I can setup.
It's my fault.
No child should be subjected
to that kind of terror.
I shoulcPvc hccn them to protcct them.
Where was I'!
- Try it, big man!
- [Sighs]
- Mr' Hanley'!
Arc you all right'!
- He's been in there a long time.
- Almost tvwo hours.
- Should I be worricd'!
[door opens]
- Mr' Hanley'!
- How's he doing'!
- Well, that's a good question.
I think you and Jason need to sit down
and have a nice, long talk.
- Yeah, youke right.
He's a good doctor.
Why don't you g0 play for a minute'!
P11 gmb your mom,
and then we'll talk, okay'?
. Okay-
- Hey.
we did K go?
- Oh, it wont great.
I guess there's a few things
he hasn't been telling us,
so I think it's time we have a talk.
- Ron, don't interrogate him
like he's a suspect.
Jase, the doctor
said that we should talk.
Do you know why he said that'!
Don't you want to talk to us'!
- Ws mi
Fm scared.
- Don't be scared, honey.
You can tell us anyxhing.
- It's about that day
with the mean guy.
. Okay-
Well, the thing is,
Whfll I didnfi tell you
was that there were other people
in the mom with us'
- You moan the teachers'?
What other people'?
- The ones all in white.
One was a lady.
She stood by mo.
She said that what dqose people
were doing was very bad
and that the bomb was gonna g0 off.
She said if I stood by the xvindow,
everything would be okay,
- So she helped you'!
- Did shc tell you hcr name'?
- But I mink it
was Grandma Meisler.
- Jase, Grandma Meister
lives in Pinedale.
She wasn't at your school that day.
- [whispering indistinclly]
That's Grandma Mcistcr.
- That's hcr.
- That's the lady you saw?
- That's my angel.
- I Llfink Lhafsjusttoo much
of a coincidence
to be a coincidmcc.
- J ass, why didn't you
tell us about this before?
- 'Cause I knew
you wouldn't believe me.
- [Sighs]
[dog barking in the distance]
- What do you think'!
- You don't want to know what I think.
- Say it.
- [Sighs]
Fm just not buying his angel story.
I think it's his COping mechanism.
- You don't believe your own son'?
- You know how I think.
I need proof.
- So you treat your son
like a criminal?
- That's how it works.
I'm trained that way.
- Well, then go find your proof.
Maybe Jason wasn't the only one.
You're thc sheriffs investigator.
Look into it.
. Okay-
I'll pay some visits around xown,
see what 1 can come up with.
Anything at all'!
Anything out of the ordinary'?
- Well, the first thing
I'd tell you is the fact
that the fire alarms went off
for no mason a couple of Limes
in the days j ust before the bombing.
[five alarm ringing]
Those alarms prepared
the kids in a big way.
They learned t0 get
out of a room quickly,
to stay 10w, to crawl
iflhey needed to find air,
but nobody knows
why the alarms were going off
or why now they've just stopped.
And then I'd look at that business
about the magic square,
If Ben hadn't been prompted
to put that down,
there would've been kids right up
next to the bumb when it went off.
They'd have ended up just like Doris.
- But don't you think
that's just coincidences?
- Maybe.
But I don't think so.
- Then I saw Rich Haskell,
He's the bomb expert.
- Hanlcy, when mm bomb wcm off,
there shouldn't have been
any survivors,
but then there xvasflt near as big
an explosion as there shoulcfve been.
One big factor was that the meathead
just happened to choose a milk jug
as the conmincno put rho gas in.
A container that leaked.
Now, the fumes that it gave off
got them tu open the windows.
- Can we at least open the windows'!
- Do it.
- Ho 1c! them keep the dams open.
- 'Cause the bathrooms right thcrc.
- Those openings created
a vent for the blast.
Also, the leaking gas
ran down into a can
that he had filled
with aluminum particles and flour.
They were designed
to shoot into the air on fire,
creating an even bigger explosion.
It would've been
like the air was on fire.
- Now,
- But with it wet,
it cou1dn't happen.
Soc, those things I understand,
but there were just too many things
that I cannot explain,
like only two of the five
blasting caps went off.
The wires than were set 10 nigger
the other blasnhg caps were cut.
They weren't pulled out,
they weren': ripped,
but cleanly cup
like snipped with wire cutters.
If those wires
had been connected,
it wouldWc kill
it xvoulcfve killed everyone
in the room.
And then...
The cartridges that
he had rigged inside the bomb
svancd exploding.
Now, youtcll mo.
How did the walls get all packed up
and damaged
without shrapnel
going through people?
[cxplosionS popping]
It doesn't make scnsc.
It doesn't make scnsc.
- He wasn't ma: Stupid.
Hc wasn't ma: Stupid.
I don't think he would have picked
a miLk jug that leaked.
I think whoever
or whatever cut those wires
made the milk j ug leak.
- 'Nell, we can think a lot of things,
but hero's a fact.
In hisjoumal, the guy bragged
about how many times
he assembled the bomb, tested it,
and every time it worked
examly the way he planned,
except this time.
- What do you make of that?
- [Sighs]
Unexplainable things
happen all the time,
I don't know. Maybe the guy
just messed up this time.
- And cut his own wires'!
- Well, that's just the bomb side of' it.
Then there's the other side of it...
The Walkers.
- Katie, can you tell
Mr. Hartley xvhat you told me'?
Katie, hc wants to hear from you.
- Well, I was coloring,
and then when I looked up,
there was this lady standing there.
She was all in whim.
Shc told mc that she loved me
and that my brother
would come and get me
and cvcryming would he okay.
And then I looked down for a second.
And when I looked back up,
she was gone'
Then my brother came
and took me over by the window.
- When the bomb went eff,
she was righx there to get out.
[all shouting frantically]
- And her sister claims
that she saw something LOO.
- I was coloring,
and when I looked up,
I saw angels all around where
the tape on xhe floor was,
The angel people,
they stayed between us and the bad guy.
Onc was a lady, and shc stood by mo.
- Rachel, what did the lady look like?
- It was like a white dress.
- What kind of hair'!
- Like yours but more Curly.
- But my same color'!
Excuse mc a minute.
Look at this.
- That's hcr.
That's my angel.
- Except without the glasses.
- That's my mother, Mr, Hanlcy.
She died when I was 15.
Oh, she musfve come back
to watch over them.
- And them wcrc othcvs.
[all summing]
The Soxensen girl said a woman
helped her out oflhe room
- We got to get out ofhew!
- Come an!
- Go, kids, go!
- Then when I got out the door,
the lady xvas gone.
[all summing]
- Jennie later identified
the woman as her aunt
who died ncn years ago.
- So again it was an ancestor'?
- [Sighs]
What's that about'!
- Who else'?
'Who else would care more
about us than our own family'?
Can't you see'?
You can't see
xvhafs going on here'?
- I don't know what I sec.
- You arc such a cop.
Every adult and every child
made it out of that explosion alive,
and you haven't the humility
r0 thank God for blessing us.
[ball bouncing]
- Hey, bud.
Come hem a minutc.
You okay'!
Did wc wake you'!
There's something else
I wam r0 talk to you about.
Jasc, was mm anyxhing clsc
that maybe you didn't ml] us'!
Anything at all'!
It would really help your dad
if you could think of something.
- Yeah, I know something clsc.
Li ghtbulbs.
Right before the bomb went off',
lots of angels came down
through the ceiling.
They looked like lightbulbs.
- Lightbulbs.
You mean like this'!
- Uh-uh.
Likc that,
There was an angel
for everybody'
They were holding hands
in a circle around the bomb.
Then when the bomb happened,
they went fast up into the ceiling.
- This guy had police training.
He knew what he was doing
with that bomb,
but it didn't work
like it was designed.
It shouldwe gone out,
but instead it went straight up
through the ceiling.
- Why don't you go on upsnairs,
okay, honey?
I'l1 be there in a minute.
There is no way
Jason coulnfve known that.
- There's something else that I learned
that happened that day.
- [chuckles]
- Do you think this is funny'!
Do you think this is a game'!
Go ahead and try it again.
We'll see who wins this game.
- You want m talk miracles'!
Fl] tell you a miracle.
- Try it, big man!
Tr)' in!
- Thar mc and every other officcr
just happened to be
out of town that day,
because I know
that if 1 would've been there,
I would've stormed into that room
with so much hatred for that man.
I probably xvollldHze gotten myself
and everyone else killed.
But without me
and the other cops,
there was a chance
for it to g0 another way.
- Hey, he doesn't understand.
He's jusx a little kid.
- Let's say a prayer.
Pass it on.
- Let's say a prayer.
Pass it on.
- Let's say a prayer.
- Lot's say a prayer.
- Allyson, you say it.
- Why mo'?
- Because you're
the smartest in the class.
- Dear God,
we need Your help today,
especially if the bomb goes 01f
- Most every child prayed
sometime during the crisis...
Not because
somebody told them 10.'.
But because they wanted to.
And they weren't the only ones.
[Phone blaring]
- Plcasc, God, please.
- They won't allow us to be
on the elementary school grounds,
but we can do SOmCthing right hero.
I may get fired for doing this,
but if anyone wants to,
please join mc in praycr.
- The cntirc high school got together
and knelt in prayer.
Praying for their
little brothers and sisters,
their moms and their dads.
Prayers for their safety were going on,
not just throughout the town.
12-4 w base!
Nadcnc, you got to talk to mo!
But as the news spread,
throughout the whole country.
- The man and his wife have herded
the entire student burly
into one classroom.
They arc demanding a ransom,
and we understand that that ransom
is $2 million for each child held'
The nearest hospital
is in Montpelier, Idaho,
which is about 30 miles away.
That hospital and others arc gearing up
for what could be a disaster
of epic proportions.
- Maybe cvcn the world.
[man speaking Spanish on TV]
Dear God.
- Even then you couldn't bring
yourself to pray?
. [sniffiei]
It'd ncvcr worked before.
Why should it then'?
- Hey.
It's all right, sweetheart.
- We pray that we will all be safe
and that cvcryonc will live.
We pray in J esus's name.
- I gm to get um of here for a minute.
- But if you ask mo,
the most amazing thing.
Is that even though these kids
and these teachers
xere terrorized for two hours
by a raving lunatic...
So many of them turned
and went back into that room to...
make sure that everybody was out.
They went into a room
that was on fir:
that they could barely breathe in,
with a madman and his guns
and cartridges
exploding everywhere,
trying w help othcvs.
- [sobbing]
- You're gonna be okay.
Come on.
- [coughing]
Is there anyone still in here'?
- Me.
- [gasps]
Out the window.
Go, g0.
- And one of them that was saved
a1 the end was our Cindy.
- I got her.
I got her.
- Take her!
- I gather.
' Cmdy, run!
Go! Go! Go!
- [sobbing]
Oh, my babies.
Oh, my goodness.
- Where's Daddy'!
- Ron, it's all right in from of you.
- I sec it.
But I don't
Hop out, bud.
- I'm staying with Dad.
- Well, I'm not staying.
I'm going in,
[car door opens]
[indistinct chatter]
- We'll meet you right here
after class, okay?
- Be good.
- Bye, bud.
Hi. Hey.
- I shouldn't bc hero.
I thought I could do this for Jase,
but I can't.
Fve got so much hatred
for those people,
and I know they're dead,
and I'm glad they're dead.
- Ron, I love you.
You're thc greatest man I know",
but I will not raise our children
seeing you like this.
You had bettex figure out
what's real in [his world
and what's not,
or you could lose us.
- Hey, come on, you guys.
Lefls g0 to class'
- It's only natural that our faith
is tested when bad things happen,
to ask ourselves, if God is in control,
thcn why didn't Hc slop this'!
Why did He let those people
enter the school'?
Why did He let any
of our innocent ones get hurt?
And not just the children
and xhose in room 4'
We've all been wounded
because those
we love the most have been hurt.
And because we're human,
it's only natural
that we have feelings of hatred
towards those that did this,
but hatred toward them
is a dcad-endjourney.
Hatred inwards them
is like drinking a poison
and hoping it will kill your enemies.
It doesn't work,
What will work, what will save us
from a lifetime of hatred and loathing
is the same thing that saved
our children in that room...
We've all wimessed the miracle
ofhow prayer can save lives'
Now let's let it heal our hearts.
[children Singing indistinctly
in xhe distance]
All: u Pray He Ls there u
u Speak u
n He ix listening u
n You are Hi: child u
n His love n
n NOW surrounds M n
n He hears your prayers n
u He loves the children :
H Ofsucrh is the kingdom H
n The ldngdvm of Heaven n
u Heavenly Father :
n m m really thaw? n
n And do You hear and ansmv-er
every chifdkpngver? I
u Some say (hm Heaven is far away 1
u But 1 feel it cluxe around me
ax I pray
n Heavenilm' F either, I remember now n
- Dear God, please forgive me.
A: u Something that Jesus
mid his disciples long ago a
n Sufler the children m came w me n
: Father, in prayer
I'm coming now to Thee I I
- I'm so sorry.
Can you forgive mo'?
Let's g0 find your mom, okay'!
Come on.
All." u Father, in prayer
I'm coming now ta Thee u
[music swells]
- We knew that a miracle
had happened,
and there was a spirit
about the town.
We loved each other.
It was a gift, and we knew it.
- We know that there are people
on the other side who care.
We know we're not alone.
We know.
- I know I'm here for a reason,
and it's my children and my husband.
And I was saved that day
to be a mother to them
and to teach them
that not everyone
in this world is good,
but that we can forgive
and that we can move on.
- Doris Young told us that...
- Kids, this is an experience
you'll all tell your children
and your grandchildren all about.
- And she was right.
I will tell my children
and my grandchildren
over and over
of the miracles of that day
and that prayers are answered.
- I know that He protected us that day.
He sent His angels to protect us,
and I'm not ashamed
to be a voice of that
- Before I go to bed at night,
I check on my four children.
They are miracles to me.
They wouldn't be here if I wasn't here.