The Commune (2016)

- Hello. Are you Erik?
- Erik Mller.
- My condolences.
- No need for that.
- Anna Mller.
- Yes, I know you.
Shall we?
- Here we are again.
- It's been a long time, I gather.
- We haven't spoken since I was 22.
- I never got to meet him.
900,000 kroner is a good price, but
I'm sure you can get a million for it.
There are buyers looking in the area.
- A million?
- Yes.
- They got a new kitchen before he died.
- I can see that.
Your father would have preferred
to keep it in the family.
Well, he can forget about that.
For one million.
- I don't know your financial situation.
- Let's not go into that.
- Just set the ball in motion. Sell it.
- Very well.
- Right? One million.
- Yeah...
- You lose one another in a big house.
- Can you document that?
Sure, lots of studies show it.
The difference between
living together and not is -
- that you can feel, see
and hear each other.
Or perhaps living in a small place
makes you small-minded, Erik.
An architect should live in a big house.
I'm not that kind of architect.
Why do you keep saying that?
I'm a teacher, and you lose one another
in houses that are too big.
It's mad to spend so much on a house.
And it's just too big.
450 square metres is too big, period.
Freja... Come along.
Let's try something.
Let's find the most distant spot.
Wow, it's a long way down.
Come, sit down.
Do we have to close the door?
- We go first.
- As loud as possible.
- Ready?
- Yes.
No, wait.
- No, Mum. That's cheating.
- No.
Just a bit.
I told you so.
We heard you loud and clear.
- It's a ridiculous game.
- Mum's right.
End of discussion.
Try to find me. Toodle-oo!
- Where did he go?
- Dad! Just because you lost!
- Erik?
- Where did he go?
- Did he agree to sleep here?
- Yes, but only for tonight.
- Wake me up when you're home, okay?
- Sure.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
... after years of terror, hijackings,
murders and kidnappings.
This job ban or mind control entails -
- that suspected left-wing activists
are interrogated and investigated.
The news in brief: the trade unions
and the Social Democrats are at odds -
- and the trade union president is now
threatening to break off all ties.
My childhood stomping ground.
But we can't afford to be here.
We can't even afford
to say hi to anyone.
- Bye, sweetie.
- She's going to the independent school.
- Drop her off at the church.
- I know where to go, Mum.
- Anna Mller!
- Can I have your autograph?
- Scram.
- No, it's okay.
- Here's a pen.
- Thanks.
Oh, bend a bit
it's over soon.
Kiss the vase
you're the flower in.
We've only got one day
to live
then you will wither.
The marina. Look at this court.
Come on.
I spent many years here.
Remember Torben? He went pro.
I used to play with him.
- I did. Go get that ball.
- You and Torben?
The sailing club is over there.
We had our old boat there.
If we lived here, you could go there
and play tennis and come here and sail.
- But we can't afford it.
- No...
Your hat is red
your scent is good.
I support your body
while I cool your foot.
We've only got one day
to live.
Soon it will be gone.
Take off my knickers.
Oh, kiss me softly.
It's over soon.
Kiss the vase
you were the flower in.
We've only got one day
to love
now it is gone.
...and then sun.
Anna, I've been over the numbers twice.
Don't step on the article.
Sorry, but will you?
- Thanks.
- I've been over the numbers twice.
570 kroner a month in heating alone
is too much.
We just can't afford to live here.
And it's too big. I keep telling you.
We'll just call some more people.
Ditte or Ole.
No way!
I know what you're up to, Anna,
but I won't live in a commune.
I get tired just thinking about it.
- I'm too old.
- I already called Ole.
I'm bored, Erik.
I need change.
You talk all the time.
You're so sweet when you do,
and you make me laugh -
- but it's as if
I've heard it all before.
I need to hear someone else speak.
Otherwise I'll go mad.
This huge, fantastic house
should be filled with fantastic people.
- What fantastic people?
- Ole. Ole is very interested.
Yes. He hasn't been
feeling well recently.
I know!
Ole isn't a fantastic person.
- But you love Ole.
- Sure, as a friend. We watch football.
Imagine what might happen.
It's exciting.
- Well... can I sleep on it?
- Come on, old man.
Fuck, have you got servants, too?
Good of you to come
at such short notice.
- You grew up here?
- I did.
No wonder you're so aloof.
- It's a big house.
- With an orangery and everything.
- Good to see you, Anna. You look great.
- You too.
- What have you got in the bags?
- My clothes in one of them...
- And leftist literature in the other?
- She's a bright one, isn't she?
You're cute, too.
Can I have your number?
Or are the two of you connected
in some other way?
I sense this a job interview?
- Sure, you could call it that.
- Yeah, sure. How are you doing?
I'm fine.
Thanks for asking.
- I've been a bit spaced out.
- Oh.
Because of Marianne?
She took off with a singing teacher.
The High C, we called him.
I shot blanks, so she moved on.
I'm sorry to hear that.
What a load of crap.
Living with you guys is a fun idea.
And I love you, so what's not to like?
Right, Freja?
But you in a commune, Erik,
I can't really picture it.
Oh? Got any money?
Got you there!
- I forget what we were talking about.
- Money. Let's talk about money.
We want to create
something big together, Erik and I.
- But this can be big.
- The rent is pretty steep.
We'll work it out.
Did you know I once saw your dad
faint purely out of rage?
In the public swimming pool.
I caught you, Erik. Remember?
And I will do it again,
because I'm your friend, Erik.
That just got me the job.
I could feel it.
Did you feel it too, Freja?
What's so funny?
- You need to call others. I'm broke.
- Yeah, sure.
How about Ditte and Steffen?
- Yeah, didn't she get a new job?
- Yes, she's an associate professor now.
This is far too bright. I don't have
furniture for a room that faces south.
- You mean Ditte Johansen?
- How about this one then?
Now you're talking!
This is so me.
- Ole, do you mean Ditte Johansen?
- Yeah, she's a manipulative bitch.
We'll just put our foot down
from the start.
Can't we call someone else?
You must know others, Ole.
We'll show her who's in charge.
It won't be a problem.
- We'll bloody well have to.
- You bet.
Okay, we'll show her.
Have you drawn up any house rules?
Shall I?
- They're still in...
- Yeah.
- They're still in the works.
- Yeah, they're a little incomplete.
Could you tell us about them?
Sure, they're...
- Have you made any or not?
- Not yet, but...
- You need house rules.
- Sure...
I'd love... We'd love to help.
We have lots of experience.
Let me just add
that the rent is pretty steep.
- A house like this, you know...
- That's not a problem.
I haven't seen you in ages.
Hey, sweetie,
can you tell them your name?
- This is Vilads. He's six.
- Hi, Vilads.
He's got a heart condition,
so he has to take it easy.
Oh, that sounds serious.
I'm going to die when I turn nine.
- Bloody hell!
- Wow, you know that for sure?
No, we don't. But he scores
a lot of points with that sentence.
- The girls love it.
- Right on!
They only gave him a couple of years -
- but there's stuff
he wants to do first.
That's the spirit.
Good for you, Vilads.
- How old is she?
- How old are you, Freja?
- I'm 14.
- Do you think she's nice?
I'll only live to be nine.
He moves fast!
I'll probably also develop
a heart condition soon.
- How do we do this?
- Vote on it.
- Hell, I'm all for.
- Me too.
- Me too.
- And me.
- You too?
- Well, it's a fact then.
Get Steffen a beer.
- A beer?
- Please.
- This is going to be great.
- Welcome.
So, Mona's turn tomorrow.
I try.
What do you do for a living, Allon?
- Odd jobs.
- I ask, because the rent is steep.
Everybody is made aware of this.
He does speak Danish, Mona.
But I don't understand him.
- I try to make ends meet.
- What did he say?
He tries to make ends meet.
Steff says you work here and there,
and I can't help wondering...
- Why do you keep changing jobs?
- It's almost always odd jobs.
- Are you happy with that?
- I can imagine stuff I'd rather do.
- Like what?
- What would you like to hear?
Not to rub it in,
but I get the feeling -
- that you don't voluntarily
switch between jobs?
What gives you that impression?
You just sense it?
Yes... I do.
That makes me curious.
- What?
- It makes him curious.
What are your plans for the future?
What would you like to do?
A plan...
- I want to arrive.
- What?
You want to arrive?
- I want to arrive.
- Right.
What the hell kind of answer is that?
Why are you raising your voice?
Just answer my question
before you start talking back to me.
Why do you want to live with us?
- I take it you're the boss here?
- No, I'm not the boss here.
We don't have a boss.
This is a commune.
We all do the dishes here.
We don't have a boss, understand?
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
- Erik, stop.
- What?
- Calm down.
- Breathe.
- What?
- Yes!
I breathe all the time.
Well, I'm sorry!
- This always happens to me.
- What?
- This always happens to him.
- I annoy people.
- It's my personality.
- His personality! He annoys people.
It was nice to meet you.
Is he crying?
Oh, come on!
- Don't bite his head off like that.
- I just told him the rent was steep.
- I've told everyone.
- He's crying. Allon? Erik, go talk...
- I can't talk to a man who's crying.
- He's upset.
I'm sorry, Allon.
Sorry. I didn't mean it like that.
No, it's okay.
You have to make the right choice.
- I haven't got any money.
- Forget about the money. I...
- I vote for Allon.
- Yes.
- He hasn't got any money.
- Welcome.
- Welcome, Allon... Allan. Whatever.
- Come on in.
Damn, we're moving up in the world!
This construction is new to me.
It's like a co-operative dairy?
Just like you, Mona.
You're waiving ownership and giving
the house to the others. Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.
- Right on!
Make seven copies, okay?
Vilads, we're officially roomies now.
Feel my arse, it's freezing!
But... Anna, honey?
- Anna? Anna?
- What?
I want to say something!
I got a great idea for the competition
today. How to integrate a...
She's always fussing over him.
- Sorry, you were saying?
- I think I've cracked it.
- I got a great idea...
- A fun idea?
How to integrate the wharf
into the harbour. In a good way.
You're a much warmer person.
You're so much more...
- Good morning.
- Have a nice day, Ole.
- Good morning.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Have a nice day, everyone.
- Bye.
Thank you. Put away the guitar
and come to class. Don't dawdle.
Last one in shuts the door.
Fine, let's get concrete
about your... What did you call it?
- Note.
- Your note.
Go ahead.
Am I right in saying that your
last presentation centred on tepees?
Hey, that might be fun.
- Why tepees, Jesper?
- A tepee is a mobile room.
You can place it in various contexts.
It holds potential for variation
and interaction with the dream world.
- Just like the tribes...
- Sorry... What dreams?
All kinds of dreams.
Dreams should be free.
I feel that's important.
Do those dreams have anything to do
with architecture? Do you feel that?
Your dreams in your project don't
have a thing to do with architecture.
They hold no vision of how
people should live together at all.
Tell me why I should listen
to this nonsense. Honestly.
Tell me why I should spend 35 minutes
listening to your experiences in Peru.
And your notes about music,
this flute business...
This is interesting to one person,
Jesper. Guess who?
I'll just come in.
I'd like to hear your reasoning
for such a brutal approach.
Such a brutal approach?
Oh, him. Jesper.
- Do you know him?
- Yes.
You know him.
That in itself must be unbearable.
- Did you have to humiliate him?
- He did that all by himself.
He's a fool.
An amateur and a fool.
What can I do for you?
Can I borrow a cigarette?
You can have one.
What's your name?
I'm Emma.
I'm a third-year student.
On my course? Oh.
Well, Emma, third-year student.
What do you want
other than to defend your friend?
- I want to discuss my project with you.
- Fine.
Let's arrange a meeting then.
How about Tuesday?
Over lunch in the cafeteria?
How about now over a fag?
Well... that, too is...
...a possibility.
I don't have much time.
I have to catch a bus.
- Exciting, isn't it?
- Yes. Think we can squeeze it in?
I'm very interested in
Le Corbusier's Modulor system -
- and his view of human needs.
Oh, you're not into that.
I bet you've read so much about
the Modulor and Le Plan Voisin -
- that you have absolutely
no views of your own.
Find another project.
How old are you?
Why do you ask?
What excites you?
- I don't know.
- You have to find out.
- Have you got a view of Nyhavn here?
- That's Nyhavn.
That's the view. Lean forward
and you can see Kongens Nytorv.
Little old Copenhagen.
Did you dance around down there
after your graduation?
- Yes. Didn't you?
- You bet.
But it's a hell of a long time ago.
It's okay.
What is okay?
You can kiss me.
I can see who you are.
And I like him.
- Would you like wine?
- Thanks.
Steff, I write in my article that the
end product of anarchy must be order.
- Anarchy says no one rules over anyone.
- Hi, everybody. I'll have a beer.
So go ahead and write that.
- Do we have an agenda?
- Sure. The How-Are-We-Doing Round.
It gives me a rush to wake up
every day in this fantastic house -
- with all of you loonies
running around.
I feel like you're my family now.
Anna, how are we doing?
Well, I'm happy.
I'm happy with you.
- Bravo!
- Beautiful.
We've also talked. We think
it's okay to pass on a vote...
- Vilads, what do we say when we pass?
- Boom.
Boom means that you're neutral.
You pass. Okay? Write it down.
We have an important item
on the agenda. Concerning you, Mona.
There's been some traffic
in and out the house.
It involves heavy transit
on the premises.
Lots of ins and outs.
We'd just like to know
how many men you see a week, Mona.
We just want to know
how many you're paying for.
- Just one or...
- Very relevant.
- Or an invasion of men?
- I'm not stingy with my body.
- As you very well know, Ole.
- You do, Ole?
- You didn't know that, Steffen.
- That was years ago.
- Steff, how are we doing?
- Well, we're doing...
No, it's just about you now.
How are you?
Write down
that I'm fine 90% of the time.
90%? Oh.
- That's a lot.
- Sure.
- Allon, how are we doing?
- I'm fine.
- Although you haven't paid a deposit?
- I knew you'd bring that up!
- What?
- I knew it!
As soon as I get a job, I'll pay you.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but you live
in a giant house with a nice garden...
Fine! If you don't think
I contribute anything, I'll just move!
Oh, come on!
Damn, he's crying again. Want me
to call your mum in Unga Bunga?
Erik, how are you doing?
- What?
- How are you doing, Erik?
How I'm doing?
Well, I'm doing fine. Just fine.
- Good.
- Fine.
It's hard to fit everything in.
I keep drawing and re-drawing.
I try to keep it simple -
- but it's like I'm complicating things.
Losing clarity. It was so clear before.
- I think your outline was very clear.
- The one I showed you yesterday?
You manage to gather all the functions
of the ministry in one prismatic form.
Like a living sculpture
in the centre of town.
During the day it's a building
full of movement and life.
Right? But at night
it's like a quiet lantern -
- sitting at the harbour entrance.
That's your idea.
Hold on to that.
It's going to be impressive
and sensuous at the same time.
- Right?
- Yeah.
You're so smart.
I miss you.
I miss you when we're apart.
I miss you too.
All the time.
A child is born in Bethlehem.
And gladness fills Jerusalem.
A lowly maiden all alone
so alone
gave birth to God's own Holy Son.
- That one's too small.
- Yeah.
- That's a great little one.
- Don't take it.
- It's right out of a Christmas tale.
- But it looks so nice here.
- Right next to its mummy.
- This one then?
- Why not?
- I just don't want you to cut it down.
It looks so pretty here.
You see that, don't you?
Are you getting upset?
I won't cut the tree, okay?
She chose a manger for his bed
for his bed.
God's angels sang for joy o'erhead.
And kingly pilgrims,
long foretold
long foretold
from East bring incense,
myrrh and gold.
And Christmas is back again,
and Christmas will last until Easter.
Christmas is back again,
and Christmas will last until Easter.
No, that isn't true,
no, that isn't true.
Lent is coming in-between them.
Christmas is back again...
Wait, stop! Vilads!
- Is he breathing?
- What's wrong?
- Call an ambulance!
- He isn't breathing!
Get him into the car!
No, we're not related as such.
You must understand that
we need to know how he's doing.
- They won't say a thing.
- Let me try.
Good evening.
Who is this?
This is Anna Mller.
Please put me through to the doctor.
I'll hold.
Very stand-offish.
Please understand, we live together.
In a commune.
You must have heard of those.
I just don't understand your procedure.
If I belonged to an ordinary
nuclear family, I'd have better rights?
- What if he were my cousin?
- It's Vilads.
- They just drove up in the car.
- Now?
- They're here. I saw them.
- Hello there, Vilads.
- Careful.
- What did they say?
His heart rhythm is back to normal.
It's unstable due to his condition.
Right, son? You're unstable.
- Let's open the presents.
- Yeah!
No dancing! No more.
- Oh, thanks.
- I'll have one too.
This is wonderful, Ole.
Here's money for spring rolls.
Have a nice weekend - Love Mum
- Who are you?
- I live here.
I thought you'd all gone
to Ole's house in Sweden.
I didn't want to go.
We're rehearsing a play at school.
Who are you?
I'm visiting.
Visiting who?
Actually, I was on my way home.
- Hi, it's Mum.
- Hi, Mum.
Is this a bad time?
Were you taking a nap?
- No, I just got home.
- Did the rehearsals go okay?
You can call me if you want to.
You have the house to yourselves.
We're having a great time.
It's a shame you didn't come.
- I left you money for spring rolls.
- Yeah.
Is Erik there?
No, I'm home alone.
- We pulled the boat in the water.
- I've got to go. I think Dad just came.
- Okay, give him my love.
- Bye.
Hi, Freja.
- Weren't you staying at Sille's?
- No, Mum said I could stay here alone.
Sure, sure, it's just...
I'll just show Emma out.
That wasn't supposed to happen.
What do you mean?
I know you've figured out
what's going on. I won't try to deny it.
She shouldn't have been here,
obviously. It's difficult...
I'll talk to Mum. I promise.
You shouldn't carry this around alone.
Do you have to?
Isn't it better to leave it?
I don't think so, sweetie.
It's unhealthy to lie
about these things.
I just don't want anything to happen.
I'm seeing another girl.
Or rather I've been seeing another girl.
What are you saying?
I've slept with her
a couple of times.
I didn't spend time on the
competition projects like I said.
- Oh.
- I'm sorry about that. I didn't...
I didn't plan for it to happen.
It just did.
Is it serious?
It must be,
or you didn't have to tell me.
Yes, I think so.
Is she beautiful?
She must be.
Yes, she is.
She's a student.
- She must be really young then.
- Yes, she's young.
- Third-year student.
- Wow!
Are you leaving me?
No, I'm not going anywhere.
But we have to figure something out
about the rooms.
Of course,
we'll figure it out.
Freja knows.
Because I told her.
- Because Emma... That's her name.
- Emma.
She was here, and I didn't know Freja
was home. I thought she was at Sille's.
- I...
- So it was while we were away.
- In here, as a matter of fact.
- Here?
- You're not making it easy for me.
- No.
- I want us to work it out, all of us.
- Yes.
Good night.
Good night.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Freja, have you got a crush on him?
- Who?
- Johannes.
Is it the helmet?
He can just take it off.
I'll go talk to him for you.
- See you.
- See you, loser.
- Freja... What are you doing?
- Nothing. See you.
He's too old!
What are you doing?
How long have you been following me?
Don't you speak?
I think you're too young
to run about at night.
Come in then.
Remember to take off your shoes
and wipe them as well.
Well, just turn out the light
and start undressing.
- How long is the Pol Pot portrait?
- A little long.
How long have I got, 15 seconds?
It's Anna's birthday today.
Hurray, it is today.
Now listen up
because we want to drink for you.
I bet you do!
- Overwhelming. When am I going on?
- Yes, overwhelming.
- How old are you?
- Congratulations.
You don't look your age. You have
great connective tissue and a tight ass.
I reached menopause when I was 43.
Consider yourself lucky.
About the Pol Pot portrait...
- Eight...
- Ready.
... seven, six -
- five, four, three -
- two, one.
This is the news.
Good evening.
Let's see what you got me.
Wow, it's beautiful.
Your idea, Kirsten?
We just wanted to make sure
you were being treated to a nice party.
I can see you're drawing a crowd...
The others are waiting to congratulate
you at home. Maybe I'll see you there.
No, let's spend some time together
just the three of us.
How is my husband doing?
I haven't seen you in weeks.
- You look tired.
- I'm fine.
We're living at the school.
It's tough.
Sure. Of course.
But I... well...
I miss you.
I really do,
and I know I shouldn't say it.
- But I do.
- It's okay to say it.
I can't imagine life
without the two of you -
- but I know it won't work.
I need to find a new place to live.
You and I have a daughter.
She's over there.
I'm pretty confused.
I think you should do
what you have to do.
Whatever feels right for you.
Things come in phases. You don't know
what the coming months will bring.
I know, but we can't live
on the floor in a school under a desk.
Hey, we did that,
and it was pretty romantic.
- It was an apartment, at least.
- Yeah, what did your brother call it?
We have to find a place to live.
I really do love her.
Can't she... stay at our place
for a while?
Sure, I guess...
Nah... Well, maybe...
No, I don't know.
- Mads and Kirsten live like that.
- True.
- She can't live with us.
- Well, live...
At the moment we're all somehow
living together anyway.
There should be room for you too.
That's what it's all about.
Bring her,
and we'll work something out.
We're leaving now.
- What about Dad?
- He's coming too, I think.
- Get my cigarettes.
- What's the agenda?
How are we doing?
Allon, how are we?
I... I have one small problem.
Some of my stuff has gone missing.
What's missing?
My brown jacket.
- And my LP with French chansons.
- No way.
- And my guitar case.
- Right.
- What do you think happened to it?
- What happened?
You burnt it all, Ole.
You're an arsehole.
When stuff is just lying around,
it must be because people don't need it,
so it gets burnt.
I'll enter that Allon is doing fine
seeing as he hasn't got other problems.
- No, no problems.
- Anna?
House meeting!
The beer account's gone haywire.
- People forget to tick off.
- We've gone over it.
- It's in the red.
- Didn't you tick off for me yesterday?
- Yes.
- One? It ought to be right. I had one.
I'm pretty sure I remember to tick off.
The fact remains that more beers
are drunk than are ticked off.
- It's simply not okay.
- Hello.
- Hi. This is Emma.
- Hi.
- Wow! I like you already.
- Hi, I'm Ditte.
Hi. Emma.
She's pretty.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
- What the...?!
- Allon.
- You look like a French romantic movie.
- One that you can't watch, Allon.
We're having a house meeting.
I'm Ole, the leader of the pack.
- I'm sort of a chieftain...
- Just get on with it, Ole.
- We're discussing the beer account.
- I'm Mona.
- I suggest a beer amnesty.
- What?
A beer amnesty. This one time,
the house fund covers the deficit.
So us who don't drink beer have to pay
because you can't tick off?
It's gone bananas.
I vote...
Alright. I'll scrap the old account,
and we'll start a new one Monday.
- That's how we do it.
- Remember to tick off, okay?
Yeah, it ends here.
- Next item... is you, Emma.
- Yes.
Erik and you have been a couple
for a while now -
- and Erik wants you
to move into the commune.
So, Emma...
Who are you?
I'm... Oh, this is hard.
I don't know.
- How old are you?
- I'm 24.
I took Erik's course
on rational architecture.
Risky business, it seems.
It's a very interesting course.
Are you only here for Erik's sake?
Or does the whole idea of living
in a commune appeal to you?
Well, it is Erik I fell in love with...
Sorry. I just had to get ready.
Hi. I've been looking forward
to meeting you.
Me too.
Anna, we've been over the beer account,
and that went well.
No, it didn't.
There's this interesting suggestion
about Emma moving in -
- and Steffen has the dishwasher item.
Have you got any items?
- No.
- Fine. The judgment of the Court is...
- She's moving in?
- Yes.
- Oh.
- We've been over that, Anna.
It was your idea. I made it clear
that it was on the agenda today.
I didn't understand it like that.
I just said she could stay for a while.
But it sounds interesting.
Isn't this what you suggested?
Yes, maybe it is.
Sorry, I've just been so busy.
- Sorry, Emma.
- It's okay.
Look, I don't think we should vote
on a potential housemate -
- if we don't all have
the same prerequisites.
It's okay. It's just me.
I didn't know it was now.
It sounds like Erik told you,
but you didn't quite take it in.
No, that's not how it sounds to me.
Well, that is the case, okay?
Let's move on.
Maybe Anna doesn't want to understand.
- It's a difficult situation.
- What are you trying to say?
It can be difficult.
Is it just me or...?
- I don't understand.
- He thinks it's difficult.
- I'm going to get some beers.
- Do we proceed with this item?
- Vote?
- Aren't we voting on Emma moving in?
- No, let's vote on whether to vote.
- Yeah. Good idea.
All in favour of continuing the
discussion and proceeding to vote?
We'll continue this
somewhat difficult discussion -
- before we take the final vote.
I thought you'd had that talk already.
I'll leave you then.
You're not making it difficult.
It's the situation. Stay.
It was nice to meet you, but I think
you should discuss this without me.
I'll see you out.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Bye, Emma.
Her leaving is definitely
a negative in my book.
- It's a plus in mine. Very dignified.
- What did you say?
This is how I see it.
Emma's part of Erik now -
- and Erik's an inseparable part
of this house.
If we deny that, we're betraying
the very idea of living in a commune.
- I think she's nice.
- And you know her really well now, Ole.
In a way, it would be easier
if it were a new person -
- who moved in with two strange women.
- I'd be fine with that.
- Sure.
In theory I'd be fine with it too.
Anna... When I see you like this,
it's just too painful.
I'm willing to give it a shot. I think
everyone should be able to live here.
I can see why Erik fell for Emma.
I'm not naive.
I know that...
...people have needs like that,
so let's see what happens.
- Well, that settles it then.
- No, Erik. We have to vote on it.
Anyone opposed to Emma moving in
for a trial period?
- Mona?
- Yes...
I vote boom.
Right. One, two, three...
Alright then. The commune isn't ready
to accept Emma as more than a guest.
- Over to you, Steffen. Dishwasher?
- Mrs. Flint is waiting to show us hers.
She's willing to sell it to us.
Bring some dirty dishes.
- Is it big?
- It's huge.
Steffen, we need to talk about it.
I quite like doing the dishes.
But it's a hassle
to get people to take their turn.
Come back.
- We're going to...
- Come back.
- Come and sit down.
- Why, Erik? We're going to Mrs. Flint.
Come back in and sit down.
- Come back in and sit down.
- We're on our way.
How long do you need to pack your stuff
and find somewhere else to live?
- Cut it out.
- I mean it.
How long do you need to pack your stuff
and find somewhere else to live?
This is my house.
I've lived here since I was a boy.
You don't tell me how to live my life.
This is my house!
You gave this house to all of us.
- Did we ever get the paperwork?
- No, we didn't pay for it.
- So technically it's Erik's house.
- Why didn't we get the paperwork?
Because only half of you
have paid for your share!
Because I and Anna pay
for everything in this house!
- So you're the boss after all.
- Okay, I'm the boss! Stay out of it!
Do as I say!
Find somewhere else to live.
This is my house!
Shut up, Ole! Shut up, Allon!
Shut up and listen to me!
I'm sick of your bullshit, and if you
won't listen to me, then move out!
Pack your stuff and find someone else
to boss around! I've had it!
I've had it! I've had it!
- I feel sick...
- Fuck, he's going to faint.
Get some water, Mona.
Erik... Erik?
- Here's some water.
- We'll work it out, Erik.
- I've had enough.
- We need to... Sit down, everyone.
- We will.
- I've had enough.
- Are you going to a party?
- No.
- I will only live to be nine years old.
- Oh. That's not a whole lot.
Do you know where the others are?
Do you want to shag?
What... what did you say?
No, we'd better wait a while.
Hi, Freja.
Sorry I'm a bit early. Your dad's
on his way with the moving van.
- Oh.
- Is your mum home?
Yes, she's upstairs.
Could you please show me to her?
I want to greet her properly.
Oh, it looks like she's left.
- Oh.
- I'll go back down.
You will? Oh...
Sorry I wasn't there
to greet you properly.
- Don't apologise.
- Thanks.
Freja showed me up.
Oh. I'm going shopping.
I'm cooking tonight.
Want to come?
- Sure. I'd like that.
- Okay.
- Now?
- Yes.
Next stop the butcher's.
Just charm him,
and he'll give you a good price.
There you go.
Let me take it.
I'll carry the gold.
Ole is an old friend.
He was actually
the first person I called.
Oh. Erik didn't tell me.
It's always been a secret dream
of mine to live with Ole.
I can see why.
- Your eyes are brown.
- Yes.
Yours are blue.
I suggested that you move in.
- I'm happy you did.
- Yeah.
I think the three of us should
be able to live together.
I think Erik has a right to...
...pursue his feelings.
I'm very grateful.
As long as it doesn't get awkward
for you. Please say if it does.
I think it's going to be interesting.
I've been looking forward
to meeting you. I know you from TV.
Yeah, well...
You come across as very empathetic
on TV.
You think so?
It's nice of you to say so.
I've worked there for many years now.
Yes, I remember you
from when I was a kid.
- You're so good, Anna.
- Anna made it.
- I love sauce.
- We can tell.
- Give your son some more sauce.
- I'm against locked doors on principle.
Me too.
- Have you got like a plan?
- Yes, we all have regular cooking days.
- When you've gotta go, you've gotta go.
- They're being silly.
We rarely eat this good.
- Who knows about locks?
- Locks?
- Maybe Steffen does.
- Nobody's got a clue.
We'd better look it up.
- Beware.
- We want to know when you're in heat.
- Hi.
- Hi, sweetie.
- I'm eating at Sille's.
- Wow! You're all dressed up.
- I'm just going to eat at Sille's.
- What's his name?
- I'm just going to Sille's.
- You're going red!
Does he have a red face like yours?
You're all being mean.
- Ignore them. When will you be home?
- I'm going now.
That's so cute!
Come here.
The Vietnam war is over, but tensions
are still running high in the region.
Many diplomatic efforts to prevent
a Vietnam-Cambodia war have stranded.
A new war is a fact.
We're at 17:48 now.
If you're having a live guest,
I'm thinking 2:40 tops.
It's lunchtime soon.
We have a deadline. Come on.
Let's focus on our top story, Cambodia.
Yes, as long as we run Cambodia.
How many dead children do we include?
No dead children at all.
Millions will have been killed
when all this is over.
We'll omit the worst pictures
and say three minutes...
Last time we ran a Cambodia story,
the viewers were all over us.
- But that's great.
- To a certain extent.
I'd be happy with 3:30,
because then...
- What's the matter?
- I'm not really sure what's going on.
- You need some wine.
- I've got something stronger in my bag.
There you go.
- We've got plenty of time.
- It'll be fine.
I'll do it myself.
We've got plenty of time.
- I'll be fine.
- Yes.
Once upon a time there was a king...
...who carried out
a horrible experiment.
He took 60 newborn babies
and fed them and so on -
- but half of them couldn't be
touched by anyone at all.
No physical contact of any kind, ever.
Apart from that they got just as much
sleep, food and as many vitamins -
- as the others.
- What happened to them?
- Yeah?
They died.
- Give him a hug or he'll drop dead.
- Touch him!
Up to Daddy.
Stand by.
Ten, nine...
... eight, seven...
... six...
... five...
... four...
... three...
... two...
I can't.
Get Anna out. Help Anna out.
Put Preben on instead.
I can't.
Let's go.
Try to stand up.
I'm going to Broadcasting House.
You did get the message?
I have to do it.
You don't have to, Leif.
Stop that.
You haven't been well lately.
- Well...
- It's been underway for a while.
Don't take me off.
Please don't.
The decision has been made.
You can't.
You don't tell me how to live my life.
- I'm not telling you anything...
- You have no right to take me off.
Calm down. Breathe.
- Take a deep breath and look inside.
- Drop it.
Your problems are none of my business.
Too right!
- I can do my job. I'm a professional.
- No, you can't.
- You need to do something else.
- No! I want to be here!
- I don't want to do something else.
- Spoil yourself. Do ordinary stuff.
- Go to India and talk to Sai Baba.
- Don't you talk to me like that!
- I'm going to call...
- I've been here for ages.
Don't you talk to me like that!
- Hand me Vilads's plate.
- Sure.
- Where's Erik?
- He's working late.
Chicken, Freja?
I'd like some too.
That's normally my glass.
Hi, dear.
Hi, Anna.
Help yourself to some food.
Can I...?
Where have you been?
Where have you been, dear?
What do you mean?
I've been at work.
I haven't seen you in days.
There's sand on your hand.
Did you hurt yourself?
What's it to you?
- Huh?
- Sorry.
How are you doing?
I haven't seen you on TV either.
Well, I go to work every day
and she goes to school -
- but apart from that
we do more or less the same.
We get up in the morning,
we eat at the table -
- and we drink some wine
and go to bed.
With Erik.
What did you say?
Well, not in that way.
Not for a long time.
Only inside my tiny
little, stupid, old head.
No, I lie in my bed alone, but apart
from that we do more or less the same.
I guess you'll be having children soon.
- No. I'm not pregnant.
- Oh.
It's just that I know
that you constantly...
- Well, I can hear...
- What do they do constantly?
- They're at it.
- Are you eavesdropping at their door?
Maybe I've stood a little too close
to the door. You shouldn't do that.
- No, you shouldn't.
- No. It's wrong.
You shouldn't do that.
Anna, are you upset?
I've been dreaming a lot.
You know, when I'm half-asleep.
For instance I dream that...
...that he continues up the stairs...
...while you're asleep
so you don't notice.
- Who?
- Erik.
Maybe you do know.
But you accept it in your sleep.
He continues up the stairs -
- determined,
gripping the banister.
He opens the door to my room...
...and he moves
so confidently in the dark.
He knows how to take me,
because he knows my body.
And he knows -
- he has to hold me tight
in a certain way.
Then it only takes three minutes
before I come.
- Bring your plate, Vilads.
- Go upstairs and eat.
That's all it would take.
It would only be now and then.
Are you asking that of Emma?
Are you?
Are you asking Emma
to let you sleep with Erik, too?
Yes, but it was just a dream.
Oh yes, just a dream.
The food is great.
- Any more chicken in the kitchen?
- No, this is all there is.
I could go for another piece.
- Now what?
- Erik, can we talk?
Honey, I'm busy.
It'll have to wait.
Okay, we'll do it now.
- Sit down.
- Where the hell did I put my fags?
- How are you?
- Get to the point.
Anna is going crazy.
You have to do something.
But I haven't got time, for fuck's sake.
I haven't got time.
My project is due in three days.
I won't be a teacher all my life -
- I can't deal with women problems
all day. Can't Ditte talk to her?
That's the point of a commune.
You support each other.
That's the whole idea.
Why can't Ditte talk to her?
Her sister-in-arms should help her.
- I'm the last person who can help her.
- You've been together for 15 years.
I don't blame her for falling apart.
She's a wreck.
She's desperately unhappy.
I don't think she can live without you.
- It's different for women than for men.
- I listen to your problems constantly!
I'm buried in a hole in my own house
trying to work -
- but I have to deal with
women problems all the time!
I can't!
I have to work.
When do you expect me to work?
I have to sleep and work, but I can't.
When do you expect me to work?
- When do you expect me to sleep?
- Calm down.
For fuck's sake!
So how are things with...
Steffen, no.
- I thought it a relevant question...
- It's okay, Anna.
It's going to be alright.
Okay. Things seem
to be getting out of hand here.
You all seem so unhappy,
and it breaks my heart to see it.
I think we should have a meeting
and get out the book.
Clear the table.
Well, if you want this house
to survive -
- I think we have to decide
who of you gets to stay.
Or else the rest of us will have to go,
and that's okay too.
- That's the deal, I suppose.
- Yes.
You want to vote on which of us
moves out? Fine, let's do it.
We'll each have our say.
No, I don't want to...
- Ditte.
- Boom.
- Steffen.
- Boom, too.
- Boom.
- Yeah, boom.
- Well... we won't get anywhere then.
- No, we won't.
You have to sort this out
among yourselves.
We can't bloody well vote out
someone we love.
You have to sort it out.
That's what we're trying to tell you.
Sort it out among
the two of you... or three.
Hi, Anna.
Hi, Erik.
So, it has come to this.
Do you want to move out?
What about you, Erik?
Do you want to move out?
No, I don't want to move out.
I don't think anyone should move out.
I want to live with my daughter, here -
- for as long as possible.
So do I.
What do you say, Freja?
This affects you more than anyone else.
- Freja shouldn't decide this.
- Shut up and let her speak.
- What do you say, Freja?
- Stop. This is irresponsible.
Who are you calling irresponsible?
You've shut me out.
You won't even touch me.
You won't touch my skin.
- Stop yelling.
- You were never cut out for this!
Whose idea was all this?
Was it mine?
Sit down
and stop yelling at each other.
- Calm down.
- Shut the...!
Erik, yelling at each other
won't solve anything.
- Stop it.
- This was your idea in the first place.
I have something to say.
I've never seen anyone as unhappy
as Mum is right now.
Mum, I think this place
is destroying you.
You're not yourself anymore.
I can tell.
It's horrible, as a matter of fact.
So I think you should move out.
As soon as you can.
I think you can do it.
Mum, I really think you can do it.
Freja, dear.
She just left.
- We'll do it quietly.
- Do what?
Burn her stuff.
Mum, stop it!
- Mum, stay here!
- I'm just going to burn it!
Mum, we are not burning it!
There, Mum.
It'll be alright.
It'll be alright, Mum.
It'll be alright.
It'll be alright.
I'd like to apologise, Freja.
You've helped me.
I want you to know that.
So are you leaving?
Yes, but in a couple of weeks.
I have to find
another place to live first.
I love you.
Look at this.
- Damn!
- It's a dishwasher.
- Allon bought it.
- Where did you get the money for that?
- What is it?
- A dishwasher.
- What's up, Ole?
- It doesn't interest me.
Why let the machines take over?
Oh, forget it!
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hi, Freja.
- Sorry we're late.
- Too right you should be sorry!
- Come sit here.
- Got yourself a girlfriend, Freja?
She's cute.
Cut it out, Ole.
Hey, it's a great dishwasher.
Allon, sorry. I love you.
Cut it out and come here.
I'm sorry.
I love you!
If you read the paper, you'll see
how love is on the decline in the world.
A new and interesting time is starting.
Maybe that's why
Vilads found a better place to be.
Vilads could only live
in the age of love.
Peter's waiting for me.
I'm going.
Take care, sweetie.
See you. Bye.
- Will we see you later?
- No. I'm leaving now. See you.
- Bye, Emma.
- Bye.
- It was beautiful...
- Yes.
Sorry, I'll...
It's fine, Erik.
Put these on.
What is it?
Oh, bend a bit.
It's over soon.
I love you.
We've only got one day
to live
then you will wither.
Your hat is red
your scent is good.
I support your body
while I cool your foot.
We've only got one day
to live.
Soon it will be gone.
That pound cake can take a punch.
Let's send Vilads a kind thought.