The Con Artists (2014)

There's a black out!
- Do you think there's a problem?
- No, I don't think so.
The temperature's dropping in the CEO's room on the 29th floor.
Have you checked the transformer room?
We sent someone there.
Check the CEO's room again.
The power cables have been cut!
We have an intruder! Everyone move to the 29th floor!
Secure the CEO's room!
What happened?
The safe has been robbed!
Burglary on the 29th floor! Burglary on the 29th floor!
Shut the exits and search thoroughly!
- Follow me! Quick!
- Yes, sir!
There's no one in Section D.
- Did you call police?
- Yes, sir.
- That way!
- Yes, sir.
Who's there?
Suspect found! Send more guards!
He's taking the fire escape!
We need more guards!
Where did he go?
- You go that way!
- Yes, sir!
Check the fire escape.
Quick! Hurry!
- Did you see anything?
- He's not on the roof.
It's completely busted!
- You troublemaker...
- Ouch.
Bro, I think I broke my rib.
Move over. I'll do it.
You okay?
You shouldn't have gone by yourself!
We're a team!
What are you doing?
Okay! I'll take you to the hospital.
Put that down.
I don't know what to say.
Why the hell did you do that?
This man can make us big money at the auction.
Did you hurt your head?
You think you can fool Dr. Min?
If you can, I'll call you uncle.
You're right.
We did a material analysis.
It's a 1940s sculpture of a phoenix by the master sculptor, Yoo Tae Seok.
I told you.
- I want $500,000 or more.
- $500,000?
Dr. Min needs security.
As you know, this is some valuable stuff.
Enough bullshit.
I know this is fake.
I'm calling the cops.
So you don't deal any fakes?
Then why did you sell a fake vase at the Hong Kong auction last year?
The vase from Ming Dynasty.
I know you did that because of your gambling debt.
The real one is out there somewhere. We can't auction this.
Real one?
You talking about this?
From now, this is the real one. Okay?
You're killing me, Lee!
Dr. Min! Are you in there?
If you make us $500,000, you get 20% commission.
That's $100,000.
You're a natural, bro!
You said you'd call me uncle.
Uncle! I love you, uncle!
Minus the commission, we get $400,000.
Let's go do some business!
What business?
The Technicians
- You two boys!
- Yes, sir!
- Seung Hyun!
- Follow me!
- Search everywhere!
- Yes, sir!
We're here, Mr. Yoon. Where are you?
I have followers, Detective Gong!
Are you sure I'm safe?
You're our informant. You're protected!
Cho takes care of things himself or sends his right arm.
My boys are with both of them right now.
Whatever! See you at the meeting place.
Okay, let's see some results.
What an idiot!
- He's not here.
- I know.
- Sorry?
- Start the car!
You asshole!
I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
You're a good accountant, but you talk too much.
You've worked hard.
Take a break.
I have something to say, sir!
I have something to tell you!
Put that away!
We've wasted too much money on that already!
What if I succeed?
Do you need a reminder?
My bills are perfect! The ink, paper, and watermark!
But you!
Your ink doesn't stick and it rubs off.
You call that ink?
Take a look.
The ink tone is perfect.
And so is the viscosity, concentration, and durability!
You finally got it?
But... it's weak to alcohol.
Alcohol? Adhesion problem?
That could be an advantage.
What do you mean?
I'm not good with forged money.
I quit.
You're always like this!
- Where you going?
- On a date!
I'm starved.
- What?
- I talked to him directly.
We have nothing to lose.
But I'm still not convinced. So can you talk to him directly?
So all he wants is to exhibit his painting of his ideal girl?
Sounds like a wacko.
I agree. Miss Oh, wait!
He looks like a swindler, but I think he's being sincere.
- Is that him?
- Yes, that's him.
This is nonsense!
I know it's nonsense!
But we can't just let this chance go.
You know this is my father's last present to me before he passed away.
I know that.
And you don't want to lose it at any cost.
You understand me, right?
Then let me direct all exhibitions, and raise my share to 30%.
That's crazy, Miss Oh!
- Too bad, then.
- Wait.
That's all you want then?
I'm not that greedy. Just trust me.
- Invest $1 million in a gallery?
- Yeah.
It's a legal investment.
Investment, my ass!
Are you sure she's not a con artist?
How lame!
I knew you were up to no good.
Turn around. I'm going home.
Then you're not interested in that big case?
- You planning something big?
- $3 million.
Three million dollars?
So $1 million for that gold digger, and $2 million for us?
- I thought this was lame!
- I was joking.
Should I look into a site?
Yeah, and a good hacker.
Who would be good for this?
Just a moment.
So what happened?
Stocks would fall if the security company went haywire.
Then he'll raise share ratio and become a shareholder.
What a smart guy!
Smoking's bad for you.
- There's a strange rumor about you.
- What?
That Chicken Foot went to jail because of you.
He betrayed me first.
Be careful in this business.
I said it wasn't me! Don't you trust me?
No, I don't.
I don't trust the rumor.
Get changed. Let's go for an interview!
- I got you!
- No, you didn't!
What interview?
Quit scanning me. What kind of interview is this?
You look like a traitor.
- I told you it wasn't me!
- It wasn't him!
Let's drink and talk about business!
You must be a good actor, to be a good traitor!
Why the hell did you bring me here?
You can't do business being such a sissy!
Sit down.
Have a drink.
- You're in because of your looks.
- Bullshit.
Hey, Turbo! You have time tomorrow?
The highway stretches out in three directions...
What do you think?
Look over there.
It's far from the highway.
No one would know if you dropped a bomb or two.
But it's a bit expensive.
But look at the place! It's perfect for you!
You can flee in three directions to Songpa, Seongnam, and Guri.
Enough bullshit.
What? You're a soccer player or something?
This site belongs to the government. You're not the owner.
Give me that.
It says, "Construction completion is deferred until 2015.".
What does that mean?
Anyone can use this for a year.
So this isn't yours. It belongs to the government.
He's right.
How annoying!
We'll give you commission. Okay?
He's a funny guy!
You think you're so hot? I bet chicks dig you.
What a man!
I only wanted the commission anyway.
- I'll pay you later.
- Later?
Damn it!
- Let's go.
- Where?
Field research.
You're off?
This place needs a clean-up. It's so dirty!
Look at the dust! Look!
And Seongnam's that way, fool!
Give me the commission this month.
"The Jewelry Street" is our target.
Chinese people overseas are investing in jewelry these days.
VVS1 diamonds are $100,000 each. Thirty would be $3 million.
Where did Turbo put all my stuff?
I can't find my tool box!
The whole street is overseen by "Cops Security Company".
I'll erase their record when you go in.
We need to get into the VIP room to check things out.
Should I make a fake diamond?
We can't fool them with that.
Then how do we get into the VIP room?
- Leave it to me.
- How?
What are you thinking?
I'm happy that you see the gallery as something more than business.
But we still need to do business to go beyond business.
If I trust you and invest in the gallery, what will you give me?
We will exhibit your work in our gallery...
That's not what I meant.
What can you do for me, Eun Ha?
What are you looking at?
Don't get me wrong. I'm just looking at your necklace.
I can see it's special.
My dad gave it to my mom before she passed away.
Must be precious to you.
Do you know how much that necklace is worth?
Isn't it similar to the Eugenie Blue diamond of the empress of Napoleon III?
You know the industry well.
It's also a top FL class with a rare marquise cut.
Will you follow me to the VIP room, sir?
That's okay. We'll come back later.
It's my first time seeing something like this.
This is a valuable collectible item in the top wealthy class.
It's not an ordinary necklace to wear.
Let's talk inside.
This is our VIP lounge.
I have something similar to this. Let me show you.
Where was it?
Were you going to hold this as a collateral?
Your mother's necklace? I'm not that cheap.
Can you promise me something?
What promise?
Promise you'll trust me no matter what happens.
What do you mean?
Should I trust him?
No idea.
Did you get the nomination?
Damn politicians!
I wasn't nominated.
There's a rumor that the money's going to be moved.
- Then what?
- We have to hurry.
Start looking for some good con artists.
Yes, sir.
Let's rob those politicians.
Mr. Oh would've been perfect for this job.
I miss my old friend.
Wait! I can do it!
Give me another chance, sir!
Swiss M series, 100% fireproof.
This is our VIP lounge.
I have something similar. Let me show you.
Damn you, bastard!
We'll check what set off the alarm.
Okay, sir.
How many times has it gone off this week?
What's going on?
It's so loud!
I bet it was just a drunkard.
Okay. All clear on this side.
- Something's wrong.
- What's going on?
Get ready to throw the bait.
- What's the problem?
- I don't see anything.
I think it was an error. We can just reset it.
Shutting off police radio.
Okay! Now!
What the hell?
- Damn it!
- Fire on 107-06!
Fire on 107-06!
Nothing special here.
Gentlemen... It's show time!
So many damn screws!
- Did you call 911?
- Yeah.
What's taking them so long?
Cops can hear over 130dB.
The shop's not soundproof. I can hear the drill.
- Wait.
- Yes?
Do you hear that?
Stop! Stop!
Guys! Cops are heading your way!
Stop! Ji Hyuk, stop!
Cops are coming! Stop!
Are you crazy? Cops are coming!
Cops are almost there! Get out of there!
I'm out of here.
Buy me more time, Bro.
More time?
You think that's easy?
What the hell?
Someone broke the window!
You scared me!
- Did you erase your fingerprints?
- Of course!
Let's go!
I'm sorry, sir. I'll take care of it.
They fooled the cops and opened the M series safe in 5 minutes.
They're the ones I need.
Find them.
Let's see who they are.
They're rare diamonds.
There aren't many brokers in the country who can deal them.
Get to the brokers first.
Loyalty won't save you.
Take a look at this.
What's that?
You know about the jewelry shop robbery?
- The cops are taking care of that.
- There's something strange.
After the shop was robbed, stolen good brokers started disappearing.
What are you getting at?
The robbed shop belongs to Cho Dae Jin.
The suitcase was the cause of the fire.
But instead of the shop where fire broke out, the other one was robbed.
And they even took out all of the security cameras.
They must've planned damn well for something of this scale.
It means that we'll never be as smart as them.
So what do we do? Get busy on our feet!
Get all the surveillance and evidence in the area.
I'm sure we'll get something then.
- Action!
- Yes, sir!
Move! Follow me!
Ever seen anything like these?
- Who stole them?
- None of your business!
- Was it Koo In?
- Wow. No way!
Let me know if anyone wants to buy them.
I'm off.
I told a dealer I trust.
He'll call us if anyone's interested.
Good! Well done!
- I'll be back.
- Okay.
Name, Lee Ji Hyuk. Age, 31.
An orphan and majored in art in college.
He has no criminal record?
Why is he so unknown in this field?
- You sure about this?
- I'll check again, sir.
She looks familiar.
I don't think she's anyone special.
Name, Kim Koo In. Age, 42.
An engineer with connections in the industry.
Name, Park Jong Bae. Age, 25.
He's a hacker and camera specialist.
He has a bad reputation for betraying his colleagues.
One's a decoy, the other's a camera man.
Then Lee is the one who opened the safe in five minutes?
I think so.
- Jong Bae!
- Yeah?
Did you erase the video from the jewel shop?
Working on it.
- Hurry up.
- Almost done.
What the hell?
Lee Ji Hyuk.
Who are you?
All clear.
You've got talent.
Who are you?
People call me Chairman Cho from Chinatown.
Now I run a sound business in Seoul.
What's a chairman doing in such a shabby place?
Work under me for a big case.
I don't work under anyone.
Fine, then.
Lock them up until they change their mind.
Why isn't he answering all of a sudden?
He's not as easy as I thought.
I'm so hungry!
The assholes aren't even feeding us!
I'm positive this is a totally unfair deal.
Don't make a deal with them because we'll become their slaves!
Tell them no, like you promised.
Okay. I get it already, so relax.
I'm worried you'll do something silly.
It would be a nightmare working for Cho!
I'm starved!
So you won't work for me?
It's not that we won't, but we can't.
You know how much I respect you, sir.
But the fortuneteller said we have bad luck this year.
It was bad luck that we robbed your store.
It was pure chance that we didn't get caught.
We don't have the skills or the nerves.
I apologize again for meddling with your business.
Running a business is a headache.
It's tough managing people, especially cheeky ones.
My accountant who used to sit there is now buried in cement.
I don't want that to happen to you.
- Me neither.
- Is that a threat?
This is your sister?
And your father?
I'm a nice person.
But business takes more than passion.
- How big is this business?
- Not big. $50 million.
And $100 million more.
We don't have such big business in our country.
- What if there is?
- Where?
In Incheon Customs.
What do we get?
The diamonds you stole and 5% commission each.
Don't do it.
We'll do it.
I'll get our boys behind them.
They won't back out.
Keep an eye on Lee though.
Are you mad?
- Am I even your partner?
- Of course.
Then why did you tell Cho we'd work for him?
And who's that girl in the photo?
- I told you I'm seeing a girl.
- What?
The chick you're investing in?
Are you nuts?
Chill out! I know what I'm doing.
Do you know who Cho is?
Nope. Let's talk later.
What the hell are you thinking?
Fine then. Let's just do what Cho asks.
Stay out of trouble.
That's a restaurant near the jewel shop.
This was taken a day before the robbery.
He was holding a suitcase at 1:50, but it's gone at 2:40.
It means he left the suitcase at the shop where the fire broke out.
They forgot to erase the security camera footage.
But how can we find them with just this?
Do we have the video of the restaurant parking lot?
- Yes, sir.
- Let's see.
Fast forward.
Stop! Zoom in.
Got it!
Find the owner of that vehicle.
Koo In, tell me about Incheon Customs.
It's the first entry point in Korea for all imports and exports.
It's got the tightest security system in Asia...
with the highest ratio of filtering for smuggled goods.
So where did the $150 million come from?
Remember J Group's $80 million slush fund five years ago?
It's something similar.
The government reappointed the customs directors for 10 years...
and they've kept the slush fund in customs since 4-5 years ago.
That slush fund lies where no one knows...
and the security is impenetrable.
150 million dollars!
People have $10 million in secret funds these days.
For a government, $150 million in cash isn't big money.
There's a rumor the money will be moved soon.
We have to get to it before it does.
This is the model of the safe you have to open.
The L series from Israel.
The welding machine must run at max to open this safe!
It can explode, sir.
But I'll try my best.
Here is the ground plan, security blueprint,
and map of telephone wires and sewage system.
How can we move $150 million through the sewers?
This isn't Europe. Korean pipes are tiny!
These are ID cards and vehicle passes for the customs personnel.
This is footage taken from the security company.
A team of two armed guards patrol secured areas.
50 armed guards standby in the building.
It takes 10 minutes for the emergency squad to get anywhere in the customs.
So you have 10 minutes to open the safe and walk out with $150 million.
Is that possible?
$5 million weighs 100kg. $150 million would be three tons.
No way in hell!
Then how about camera and infrared sensors?
We can take care of other areas, but not the secured areas.
There's a bigger problem.
Suppose we fool the surveillance, sensors, control room, armed guards,
patrol guards, and emergency standby police.
And we walk out with $150 million in cash.
How do we get through the checkpoint?
Can you hack the checkpoint?
If we plant zombies and let them run for a month...
But we only have two weeks.
Then how can we get through this?
I can take care of that.
I made a paper company in China last year.
These coupons cost 10 cents each, and I've been importing them regularly.
In two weeks, I'll be getting 33 million more coupons.
We can clear the checkpoint with these coupons.
You get it?
We enter customs and change 10 cent coupons with 50 dollar bills.
Why did you call me?
I know you were gonna backstab your buddies with this.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I like people like you.
Cunning and tenacious like a hyena.
This is a down payment.
Report everything you see and hear to me.
You're a real thief! Quiet as a cat!
What brings you here?
To have a drink with you.
When are you going to quit stealing?
I'll retire after one last big hit.
You crazy fool.
There is no last hit for a thief.
Don't think you're Robin Hood.
A thief is nothing but a thief.
I miss you, Mr. Oh.
Have you been busy?
I called you a few times but you never answered.
I'm sorry.
I've been busy with work.
That's okay.
Eun Ha.
Nothing. Good night.
See you tomorrow.
Okay, take care.
We're partnering up with Belita Museum in Abu Dhabi.
We will be introducing artists to each others' countries.
Your funding will be used for that.
Are you thinking about your business?
Look, um...
I'm Detective Gong from the Regional Investigation Unit.
Can we have a word with you, Mr. Lee Ji Hyuk?
Lee Ji Hyuk.
You were in a hotel room when the crime happened, right?
But we have no witnesses who saw you and all the security footage is expired.
The cameras at the jewelry shop are gone, too.
It's funny and convenient, right?
How many times have you gotten away with robbery?
I'm telling you again.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Don't know?
You don't know this suitcase?
Do you have a record of the crime?
You can't draw up evidence from circumstance.
You know Cho, right?
I came here out of good manner but it's already been six hours.
From now on, it's illegal imprisonment.
I'm going to put you in jail.
Lee Ji Hyuk, you better watch out, you bastard!
It's me.
I have the Customs plan.
Let's turn those coupons into money.
Why is the Regional Investigation Unit here?
I'm sorry. I'll check it out, sir.
Bring Lee out.
Why are the cops here?
They're investigating the jewelry theft case.
Why? Cops scaring you?
Get rid of all evidence of our project. We're leaving in five minutes.
Hello, sir.
- You sure it's Cho?
- Yes.
Cover the back doors.
I told you Lee's not an ordinary thief.
- But we can't just barge in like this.
- Shush.
Give me the key.
Hey, assholes!
I think you should see this.
There's something here.
It's Incheon Customs.
He's even got the ground floor.
May 14th. Incheon Customs.
Install explosives in the storage yard in the customs?
They'll be busy dealing with the explosion while we work on the safe.
Then how will you enter the customs?
The public office is powerless under environmental issues.
We'll use the fax number of the Ministry of Environment...
and notify customs that there will be a water quality inspection in the area.
Thank you!
This bomb-converted-napalm, which was used in WWII...
is inexhaustible and completely mind-blowing!
Of course I got rid of the toxic substance in the gas.
This isn't a war.
Make two just in case.
Sure, if you say so.
Who's that? Do we have a visitor today?
Yeah, from the Ministry of Environment.
Don't open that.
What's the problem now?
This is different. Get rid of the shelves!
What's the big deal?
I'm older than you!
When the bomb explodes, the alarm will ring throughout the entire customs.
It'll go off after some time...
then we'll shut the system down so the alarm doesn't turn off.
So they'll think something's wrong with the security system and turn it off themselves?
When we activate the program through the remote,
the system takes about 45 minutes to reboot.
So we have 45 minutes to open the safe...
and walk out with the money?
A bit tight, huh?
You only have 10 minutes to drill the safe, and five minutes to find the combination.
Practice doesn't suit me. I work better on the field.
That's what you said last time!
No one's ever been able to open this safe.
Look. Even you're not getting it.
We should've told him we're out.
You really think that Cho would keep his promise with us after all this?
You really believe that?
We have no choice.
Trust me.
I found a way to screw Cho over.
Tell me.
We'll fabricate a cargo export company when we're in the customs.
If we change the company info, we can have that money.
I've made the paper company, and forged the documents.
We'll have the entire $150 million.
- Is that really possible?
- Most likely.
That's what he said.
Fabricate an export company...
Fabricate an export company...
Without me, they couldn't hack the system.
What if they didn't need to hack it?
I get the picture.
Timing is the problem.
Hello! Have a good day!
We have no trace of them.
They've vanished! They're not at work or at home.
Maybe they have a hiding space.
Lee met up with Cho! There's something really fishy there.
Maybe their evidence is just bait.
Let's pull out.
Pull out the team in the hotel.
I have more information on Lee Ji Hyuk.
I think this is important.
I knew there was something strange.
So Lee has been framing me from the beginning?
I think so, sir.
I knew she looked familiar.
I'll get rid of him.
Not yet. The hunt has just begun.
You can't kill the hunting dog already.
Bye, everyone!
Eun Ha.
It's rude of you to show up like this.
Do you remember how I asked you to trust me no matter what?
Trust what?
You're getting something wrong here.
To me, you're nothing more than an investor.
Now I don't feel comfortable with you at all.
I'm not making excuses here.
But this concerns your father.
Ever wonder why your father couldn't live with his family?
What are you talking about?
What if your father didn't really die from an accident?
Your daughter's so cute! When was this?
Go see her if you miss her!
Geez. You drank it all by yourself!
Give me a minute. I'll get us some more booze.
So it was planned and you know the suspect?
So just stake out...
You want me to hide until you handle your business?
I'm not going to do that.
I don't trust you anymore.
You approached me with a lie and used me for your crime.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
But now I'm trying to be honest with you.
After all these lies?
- Let me protect you.
- Protect me?
Just leave me alone.
We stayed up all night! Are they really going to do this?
I think this is a trick.
I just washed my face, damn it.
Take it easy, man.
Show some respect, guys!
Don't touch that! We die if that explodes!
Make sure you have everything, Jong Bae.
- Don't worry.
- Okay.
- Did you get some sleep?
- Yes. Did you?
Lots of it.
Good morning, sir.
I'm from the telephone company.
Yes, we have a telephone repair scheduled for today.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We're on.
Emergency! Emergency! Explosion in the West Wing!
Where did we get this shitty car? My ass hurts!
Control system is shut down.
Here we go!
What the hell's going on?
We've arrived in East Wing Section 3.
Entering Section 11 container yard.
Just do preliminary work.
Get rid of 3 million coupons and leave 300,000 behind.
How do we restore the system?
We have to shut it down and reset.
Then we need permission from the director...
I'm patching you to the director now.
Answer, now.
- Is that the only way?
- That's the best we can do, sir.
Then shut it down.
Control system is being reset! All guards watch the gates.
System is being reset. We have 40-45 minutes.
Finish in 40 minutes.
Are you inspecting here too? We never got orders.
Take it easy.
This safe is completely daunting in real life!
No time to babble.
You have 10 minutes, Ji Hyuk.
Keep it at max! We have no time.
This is the limit! If it bursts, we all die!
Raise it! We have no time!
Damn it!
Explosion at Incheon Customs. To your positions.
Four minutes 40 seconds.
Four minutes 45 seconds... 48 seconds...
Five minutes 10 seconds.
Five minutes 30 seconds! Hurry and find the combination.
We should've never done this.
This is our last chance.
I knew you'd do it, Lee Ji Hyuk.
This is the real thing. We have 23 minutes left.
Get the money in the car, now!
Keep focused! They're in the East Wing for sure!
Search thoroughly when you arrive!
Yes, sir!
The damn cops!
Take the money!
00:07:00 TO SYSTEM REBOO Why is it so quiet here?
Cops are here.
We have to see inside to investigate the explosion.
Outsiders are strictly prohibited in secured areas.
We're on public duty.
Don't make him suspicious! Open it!
Yes, sir.
System will reboot in three minutes!
Get out now!
I think it's a bonded warehouse. Let's go.
They're gone.
Check each section and report to me.
It's all empty. Everyone's evacuated.
I know they're in here. Drive around.
Entering the incineration plant in Section 23.
- You go ahead.
- What?
I'll distract them. We're finished if they search the vehicle.
Be careful.
Hey! Ji Hyuk!
Hey! Freeze!
What are you doing?
I'm trying to protect your money.
Where are you Lee? Answer me!
Where's Lee Ji Hyuk?
How dare you? You're finished, Lee!
Stop right there.
This isn't how you do business, Lee Ji Hyuk.
Sorry I screwed up your plan.
Nice work bringing in the cops to buy you time.
Why would a smart guy like you do something so meaningless?
Because I knew you wouldn't keep your promise.
Be honest.
You're the one who started all this.
This is because of Mr. Oh, right?
You answer me first.
Why did you kill Mr. Oh?
How are you doing?
I've known you for decades and I've never seen your dear daughter.
What are you saying? Stay away from her.
Aren't you sick of hiding?
Don't you want to see your daughter?
I asked him to do one last job.
But the old fool stubbornly refused!
He wouldn't have died if he had just said yes.
He probably knew there is no last job for thieves like you.
You're a sharp man, son.
You know whose this is?
Where's Eun Ha?
Get in.
This is what you're going to do.
Take this suitcase and go to the explosion site.
You're going to throw me to the cops?
What if I get caught and tell them everything?
Be good if you want the girl alive.
The cops are leaving.
We're 30 minutes behind.
Go to the container yard and cover the money with coupons.
Bomb terrorist found! White vehicle, license plate 26-8213.
Bomb terrorist suspect in the West Wing!
Lee's in the West Wing!
Get him no matter what!
Put the suitcase down.
It's over! Put it down!
Put it down and let's talk, Lee.
Lee Ji Hyuk!
The suspect fell in the water.
Who the heck shot him?
Damn it!
Goodbye, Lee Ji Hyuk.
- Get the coast guards on boat!
- Yes, sir!
- Are you okay?
- Yes, sir.
Lee's been shot dead by the police.
It's sad but don't be distracted. Wrap it up quickly.
I knew the cocky bastard would end up like this.
This means more money to ourselves, Bro.
You asshole! What did you say?
Let go!
Let go, damn it!
You asshole!
Say it again, you traitor!
What are you doing?
We're at Incheon Customs where two bombs exploded yesterday.
The body of the terrorist has not been found yet...
and the police are continuing the investigation.
An area has been blocked off until now...
but Incheon Port Customs maintains their regular operations.
I told you I would rob those politicians.
Congratulations, sir.
What's all this?
What the hell happened?
You don't sound good. Guess you got your coupons.
How dare you, Lee?
Where is it?
What? Me or the money?
I'm gonna ask you nicely. Bring me that money.
If you bring it now, I'll keep my word.
Yeah, right!
You shouldn't be so cocky.
I have the girl.
Do whatever you want with her. She means nothing to me.
You don't think I'll find you?
Don't you know who I am?
I don't care who you are.
Never been interested.
Get ready for your company.
Get them!
It's over, Cho!
- Get out. I said out!
- Sir, I um...
I have a report about Cho.
My accountant who used to sit there is now buried in cement.
We have $550,000.
Sold for $550,000!
Step on it!
You asshole!
Find Lee Joo Hwan!
Follow me, sir.
Lee told the cops? Asshole!
I'll contact Mr. Yoon. Stake out with him, sir.
I'll take the girl and follow you.
We don't need the girl. Get rid of her.
You piece of shit!
Stay still!
Be quiet!
Who are you? What do you want?
So damn tight!
Hurry, let's go!
Who are you?
You going or not?
Ji Hyuk wants you to just trust him.
Hey, Lee Joo Hwan! Freeze!
Hold still, asshole!
It's me. Cho just left.
Take care of Eun Ha.
Well done!
Let me ask you...
How'd you do it?
You can't do business if you're dumb, Chairman Cho.
What's easier?
Turning something real into fake or turning something fake into real?
Chairman Cho from Chinatown.
Put it down!
We need someone outside of Cho's radar.
I'd do anything to help you guys.
I'm not doing it for the money.
It doesn't stick, and it erases. You call that ink?
- Did it work this time?
- It's weak to alcohol.
That could be an advantage.
I'll give you a printer. Print $50 million in 30 minutes.
- I thought it doesn't print anything.
- The ink shows later.
It appears slowly as the ink oxidizes with the air.
These are just coupons.
Don't touch evidence with your filthy hands!
- Don't you even watch CSI?
- Get down.
You look like a traitor.
Enough of this shit! I'm out!
Let go, damn it!
I need you to do some acting for me.
- What acting?
- Pretend you're a real traitor.
From now on, fool both me and yourself.
- Hurry!
- Almost done.
I know you were going to backstab your buddies with this.
Are you sleeping, Koo In?
He's coming!
He's alive!
You jerk!
You should've told me about your plan!
You're so real when you get scared. I had to fool you to fool Cho.
You scared the shit out of me!
How dare you play me?
Get out.
You have something for me, right?
Don't be so lame about this.
You lost. Just accept it!
It's not your style to play with guns, Lee Ji Hyuk.
Style can change.
If I let you live, you'll keep on annoying me.
So goodbye.
Chairman Cho.
I'm not like you, so I'll stop here.
You tell the cops where the money is, then you're really dead.
Bro! It's raining! Get in the car!
I'm off.
What's with the rain? It wasn't in the forecast.
- Took you long enough!
- The traffic was bad.
It's over!
Put your hands up, asshole!
Good for you.
I thought you had connections. Why aren't they calling?
You're in for the long haul, Cho.
Get ready!
It's changing!
I think I made you too beautiful.
How have you been?
- Your restaurant is so nice!
- Thank you.
And you have a lot of guests.
- Can I try your food?
- Sure.
Tomato Spaghetti is the specialty of this restaurant...
What the hell?
I told you to boil and peel the tomatoes!
The peel doesn't taste good!
That's nonsense, Boss.
I told you the peel has all the nutrients.
What? You don't know anything!
Do you even know when the tomato came into Korea?
During the reign of King Gwanghae.
I told you tomato peels are good for you because they have...
- Lycopene?
- Right.
The peel has lycopene in it!
No way! You still should peel them!
- Bring me the plates!
- Don't listen to him.
- Get me the plates!
- Don't!
- What's with you today?
- I want to be on TV too.
As you saw on your way here, we're surrounded by highways.
You can drop a bomb or two and no one would know!
But the rent is too expensive!
Special discount for you, because we're buddies.
You know how much the previous tenants made here?
100 million dollars!
I'm giving you this space because we're like brothers.
- But in the documents...
- Wait!
Do you know Lee Ji Hyuk?
You can't go in.
- Why?
- What?
What's the problem?
We're wearing brand name clothes!
You tell them.
We went shopping to go clubbing and we're even wearing make-up.
What's the problem?