The Condemned 2: Desert Prey (2015)

Welcome, everyone!
I have something very special.
For years,
I have entertained all of you.
- Have I not?
- Yes.
And some of you,
I have made very rich.
Hell, yeah.
Some have made me
a little richer.
- Time to place your bets.
- Yeah.
The videos.
What do you think you are doing?
It was my idea.
You will not make a move
unless I say.
Then let's begin.
God, I hate this place.
I'm freezing my balls off
out here.
Don't worry about the cold,
worry about the snakes.
Great, I hate snakes.
Full gear, boss?
All right, listen up, guys.
We're on the clock.
Harrigan, how far?
Right, just over
this ridge line,
we got about two hours' slot.
Hey, Michaels, do everybody a favor
and don't shoot yourself this time.
Check your comms.
Cooper, what're you doing?
No incendiaries, not necessary.
Oh, come on.
How about a smoke, boss?
Everyone likes a little smoke.
We do this fast.
Get the package, get out.
Simple snatch-and-grab.
Target is Cyrus Merrick, 61,
wanted for extortion,
illegal gambling,
attempted murder...
The list goes on.
What's the bounty?
You know what it is.
Half a million.
Deadly force is not
an option, boys.
If we kill him,
we don't get paid.
So, aim for the knees.
Got it?
Let's grab that payday.
Once I inject the drug,
we will start the clock.
Yeah! I have pulled these two
homeless men off the streets.
No one knows they're here,
and no one will ever miss them.
Lange, you're point.
Let's move out
Cooper, Michaels, with me.
Harrigan, Lange,
to the right. Travis,
get up on top of this truck
and provide some cover.
On me.
Bargain is 1,000.
Which one will die first?
And how long will it take?
Hey, what you doing?
Hey, stop it.
Hey, there's not supposed to
be any operations right now.
Would you get
get out of that thing.
Don't kill them.
The legs. Aim for the legs.
Oh, shit.
Let's go.
Come on,
let him die, let him die.
Bail enforcement. Everybody on the ground,
hands behind your backs.
Get the laptop,
wipe the hard drives and meet me outside.
Cyrus Merrick, you are wanted
for illegal gambling, extortion
and attempted murder.
You're coming with us.
Fuck you.
11 o'clock!
It's over, Cyrus.
Come with us, and make it easy on yourself.
Easy? Nothing in this life
is easy, bounty hunter.
What have you done, Will?
How are we going to explain
this to the cops?
I understand
a deal has been struck
between the defendant
and the prosecution.
Yes, Your Honor.
Mr. Tanner has changed his plea to guilty.
Will Tanner.
You've been found guilty
of involuntary manslaughter
and are hereby sentenced
to two years suspended
and five years' probation
to commence
at the end of your suspended
sentence period.
Mr. Tanner,
I don't like bounty hunters.
We have police for a reason.
Trained professionals whose job
it is to go after the bad guys,
not gun-toting cowboys.
You so much as spit
on my sidewalk,
and I will happily
throw your ass
in prison for
the full two years.
Am I clear?
Yes, Your Honor.
I don't want to see you
in here again.
I am done with that life,
Your Honor.
We are adjourned.
Dad. Hey, Dad!
Hey, Dad.
Yeah, hand me a 3/16.
So, they didn't lock
you up after all, huh?
No, I took a plea.
You took a plea.
You gave up.
I killed a man, Dad.
He was a criminal. Piece of shit murderer.
You could've beat that.
Yeah. If I keep
my nose clean,
I don't have to do any time.
I got off easy.
Yeah, you got off easy.
What about the family business?
It took me 30 years to build it.
You and that band of idiots,
took you 10 minutes to tear it down.
I'm sorry.
Sorry ain't gonna give
me back my reputation, boy.
Listen, Dad, I came here to tell
you that I can't do this anymore.
I'm out, Dad.
You came here
to tell me you're out?
I give my boy
the family business,
and he just pisses it away.
Yeah, I should have
known better.
- Ah, here we go.
- Thanks, Pop.
Got it?
You know, Dad,
all I want in life is peace and quiet.
Just... No guns,
no fugitives.
Right, right, right.
You never had
what it takes, Will.
Too soft.
Too much like your mother.
God, I miss that woman.
Every goddamn day.
Hey, Danni.
So you got something for me.
She's not pretty,
but she does the job.
Or has done, right?
Yeah, I got it.
Sorry the pay's not better.
Tough times, you know?
Yeah. Tell me about it.
So, this place still your dad's?
I actually own it with him now.
Oh. Look at you.
All right, go ahead
and check her out.
All right.
She capable of towing anything?
You're just gonna have to
find out for yourself.
Fair enough.
Not too shabby, right?
Ah, you know what, Danni?
I think she'll work just fine.
I am going to put you on
top of the overtime list.
I don't know what to say.
Thanks, Danni.
I appreciate it.
No problem.
So, uh, Danni,
I'll wait for your call.
Will, come in.
Hey, Danni, go ahead.
We got a breakdown
on the Interstate.
Go to bunker 40.
About 10 minutes off, Danni.
Call for a tow?
How you been, man?
I'm good.
Well, I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere,
but good.
So, what's going on?
Ah. It just died on me.
I'll tell you what,
do me a favor, jump in there,
turn it over for me
and I'll see what's up.
I think I see the problem.
Sit tight.
I'll be right back.
Go ahead and try it now.
Thought the battery was dead,
but one of the contacts
was loose.
You're good to go.
Look, I passed a little
cantina maybe a mile back.
Buy you a cold one
for old time's sake?
Are you kidding me? Let's do it.
I'll see you over there.
Thank you.
Check that out, Michaels.
- You see it?
- Just a drone.
Oh, they're everywhere
these days. They're kids.
Hey, you okay?
Yeah, yeah. No, I'm fine.
You don't look okay.
What's going on?
What the hell's going on?
I have to kill you, Will.
Stay down. Just stay down.
Stay down.
He's coming around here.
What the fuck you doing, man?
Why are you doing this?
I don't want to, I have to.
Or they'll kill me
and my sister.
Who's gonna kill your sister?
Who threatened you?
Who threatened your sister?
Talk to me.
Don't do it. Stop!
Michaels. Michaels!
So, the victim, Ryan Michaels,
he didn't want to kill you,
but he was trying to kill you.
I know how it sounds, Officer.
But it was self-defense.
You can ask anybody in there.
Friends don't try to kill
each other for no reason.
Now, you've been convicted of manslaughter.
That right, Mr. Tanner?
That has nothing to do with this.
Answer the question.
I compared the story and
the waitress has video...
Can you take her inside?
Am I being charged?
Witnesses confirmed your story.
You're free to go.
For now.
Don't leave the state.
A man died here,
Mr. Tanner.
Someone's gotta pay for that.
- Yes, Officer.
- All right.
You can't stay out of trouble
for 10 goddamn minutes, can you?
he comes out of nowhere.
"Hey, how you doing?" And then "Boom!"
Tries to whack
you between cervezas?
Yeah, I know, it doesn't make any sense.
No, it doesn't.
Why don't you tell me what's going on.
I don't know.
Why don't you try taking my side for once?
I am here, aren't I?
People act out of self-interest,
that's life, true and simple.
Now, this friend of yours
tried to blow your head off.
Which means you did something.
What did you do, Will?
I don't know.
Who the hell is that?
Hey, Will.
Dad, this is James Lange.
He was part of my team.
Yeah, I remember you.
Pretty good with a gun as I recall.
I can hold my own.
It's good to see you, man.
So, what brings you out
this way?
Well, I heard what happened
with Michaels.
How did you hear?
It happened an hour ago.
Word travels fast, you know.
Show me your hand, shithead.
Asshole's packing.
- I can explain that.
- Okay, okay.
Nice and slow.
All right.
So you're a PI now.
It still doesn't answer
my question.
I have an answer for that, too.
Slow as you can, little buddy.
I got it.
It's a police scanner.
That's all.
They ran your sheet over the air.
I heard the whole thing.
I know why Michaels tried
to kill you, Will.
Take a ride with me.
There's something
I want to show you.
Got a bad feeling about this.
Whatever is going on,
you let the cops handle it.
Pop, I know this guy.
Come on, just trust me,
all right? Take it easy.
I don't like it.
Come on, let's go.
Did you keep in touch with Michaels at all?
No. No.
We just kind of went
our separate ways, you know?
Until last night.
What, you saw him?
Yeah, it turns out we got
something in common.
And what's that?
Somebody threatened to kill us.
Threatened to kill you.
What do you...
Who threatened to kill you?
You know, you know,
it'll all make sense when we get there.
Get where? Where are we going?
Where are you taking me?
What you need to worry about
is right here.
Focus on that.
See that red circle?
Be there by 5:00,
and then it's over.
You're not making any sense.
We're almost there.
Michaels was acting
awful strange. Tense.
Looking up everywhere
he was going,
as if he was being watched.
Just like you.
Wish it was different, buddy.
Looks like I haven't got
a choice either.
Give me the tally board.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Will Tanner is still alive.
He survived for now.
You gambled. And you lost.
It's time to make a new wager.
When and where he might die.
Ladies and gentlemen,
place your bets!
What the hell's going on?
Come on, Will.
I'll make it easy on you, buddy.
One to the head, I promise.
Lange, stop.
Why are you trying to kill me?
I was just minding my own business,
trying to live my life.
And this shit, your shit,
lands in my lap!
Hot damn!
Hey, don't just stand there.
Call 911!
Travis. Oh, shit.
Ah, Jesus.
Goddamn son of...
He always did have good instinct.
Ah! God.
Behind the rocks!
Drop the weapon,
and step out now!
No, lady.
Just stay there. Stay there.
Drop the weapon now.
Let me see your hands.
No, no, no.
You don't understand.
There's a shooter behind you
on the ridge.
Throw the weapon out.
Let me see your hands!
I've just been shot.
You need to stay put, okay?
Well, I got a call about a man matching
your description, shot and killed someone.
So, I'm thinking
you're the shooter.
You're wrong. It's not what you think.
You don't understand!
Just stay there.
You have five seconds or a whole
lot of heat is coming your way.
Okay. Nice and easy, okay?
Nice and easy. Put it down.
No, no, no. I got to stay here,
and you need to stay there.
Listen to me.
You need to stay there.
Listen to what I'm saying,
Don't move.
Don't come any closer.
I am going to ask you
to shut up!
Listen to me.
No. Don't come
any closer.
Don't. Don't.
I'm coming to you.
Stay where you are.
You need to trust me.
No, no.
I am going to
apprehend you, sir.
That's on you, Will.
Get in!
Do you want to live
or not? Come on!
- Get in.
- What're you waiting for?
Get in!
What the hell's going on?
Don't I get any brownie
points for saving your life?
Why is our old crew
trying to kill me?
Easy, big guy.
Calm down.
I'll tell you everything I know.
You so much as twitch wrong,
and I'll snap your neck.
Can we go inside?
I could use a drink.
After you.
You want to tell me
what you know?
Who came at you today?
Then, Lange.
And Travis up on the rocks?
A week ago, guess what piece
of shit shows up at my door.
Raul Baccaro.
Cyrus Merrick's number two?
Well, since you smoked Cyrus,
he got promoted to number one.
Worse than Cyrus ever was.
Well, what did he want?
I had to do one thing...
Kill Will Tanner.
All right, gentlemen,
I want you to drink more.
And bet a lot more.
Huh? All right.
Hey, it's good to see you.
Where did you get the idea
for all this?
Well, there's this private
event on an island
where they force condemned
men to fight to the death.
I remember.
They were shut down.
Playing for pennies.
Letting everybody participate.
The game of life and death
should be a privilege.
Reserved for the elite.
Like yourself, Alexi.
Like all my friends here.
Cyrus always said,
one man's pain
is another man's profit.
And the only way
to ensure profit,
is to be the one
bringing the pain.
Raul must have threatened Michaels
and Lange, too. He had to.
Michaels was supposed to
take you out to the arroyo.
Travis and Lange
would be laying in wait.
You too.
Yeah, I played along.
The men here are responsible
for killing Cyrus.
Cooper, Harrigan, Michaels,
Travis, Lange...
I only found it fitting
that they be our contestants.
What is that word?
Oh, yeah.
You all enjoy.
Lange, he...
He gave me this.
He said I had to
be here by 5:00.
What does that mean?
Raul said if you get here,
you get to live.
The arroyo
was just a starting point.
Along the way? Open season.
Only way out of this
is to go to the cops.
Tell them about Raul.
You think the cops
are gonna listen to you?
Michaels is dead.
So is Lange.
And now a deputy sheriff.
And the only thing
they have in common is you.
You go to the cops, tell them what
you know. That backs up my story.
And then maybe if we're lucky,
if we're very lucky,
there's proof that Raul threatened Michaels
and Lange, just like he threatened you.
I don't want to shit
on your pillow, boss,
but we've got a couple
of glaring problems.
First, Travis is still out there
wanting to put a couple
of extra holes in your head.
Then there's Cooper.
A psycho ex- compadre who likes
burning and blowing shit up.
Doesn't mean Cooper's
part of this.
You wanna bet your life on that?
Yeah, I do.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Will Tanner's luck hold on?
Will he survive?
Do any of you have the stones to bet it all
that Tanner will survive my little game?
Ladies and gentlemen,
place your bets!
That's funny!
Place your bets!
Let's go.
What? You got
a better idea?
Yeah, I do.
Looks brand new.
Raul gave it to me.
It's clean, no serial number.
Was supposed to use it on you.
Glad you didn't.
Don't make me regret that.
What the hell?
Get out!
Get out!
Grand on the table, bets all in?
Not yet.
Go, go, go!
Where is my drone?
Closing in on the target.
Hey, you should be there
when he buys it.
You know, standing over him,
big game hunter-style.
Are you mocking me?
Is that what you're doing?
No, I... I would never.
Merrick built
his empire on blood.
He fought and scraped
to earn the respect of all the
people that worked for him.
But I don't.
It's five times greater
than anything
he would have ever dreamed of.
Because I honor something
bigger than respect...
Tell me, do you fear me?
Yes, I do.
Not good. Not good.
We're losing power.
I think he hit the engine.
Come on.
Inside, inside!
Clear out, people!
What? What're you...
Listen, ma'am.
We don't want any trouble, okay?
But there's some asshole
out there with a rifle.
Yeah? And there's a bitch
in here with a shotgun.
Listen to me, okay?
We go out there,
we're both dead.
Not my problem.
I'm calling the police.
I'm sorry.
You see Travis?
No, I don't see him.
I know the guy.
He'll take up a position,
wait for us to pop our heads out.
I'm thinking right up there.
Perfect vantage point.
He can cover the entire front.
Take this.
Listen, we're sorry
about all this, okay?
Screw you.
Pick up. Pick up.
- Dad.
- You okay, son?
Yeah. Listen,
I need your help.
Take cover!
Protect the girl.
Are you okay?
Just stay down!
$10,000. $10,000.
I want mine!
Come on!
Come on.
Follow me!
Stop, stop, stop!
Come with me.
Keep your head down.
Keep your head down.
Stay right here.
You're gonna be safe.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Just keep your head down.
Get into the truck, come on!
Gas, gas, gasoline!
Go, go, go!
Come on.
Where you been, Dad?
Will, what the hell happened?
Where's Lange? He's dead.
He tried to kill me, too.
Hey, Frank, long time.
Fuck! Damn it!
Hey, you wouldn't
happen to have a flask
of something dangerous
on you, would you?
As a matter of fact...
Here we go.
You, sir, are still my hero.
That's good, Will.
If all this is true,
we got to call in
the big guns, the Feds, maybe.
I got some contacts
we can reach out to in D.C.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
If all this is true...
How is anybody supposed to
believe me if you don't?
Son, it is a lot to process.
A lot to process?
I killed two people today, Pop.
Try processing that.
Killing a man is hard, I know.
I took over the family business,
tried to make you proud.
I fucked up.
I was done trying
to be like you.
But here I am.
My father's son.
Shit. Stop!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy, easy, easy.
Oh, shit.
That's close.
Guess who this belongs to?
Hey. Check it out.
What do you think?
An invitation?
Yeah. No, thanks.
How about we just get
back in the truck
and we pull a u-ey,
and we get the hell out of here?
A detour.
He's leading us
right into this trap.
You think our good
old buddy Cooper
is just, what, gonna
let us drive away?
Worth a shot.
No, we find Cooper now
and maybe he'll lead us to Raul.
We find Cooper now,
and we get our asses blown to shit.
What the...
What the fuck you doing, Dad?
What's it look like?
Raul doesn't want
anything to do with you.
He wants a piece of me.
So, you just go home!
Not on your life, son.
Let's go.
I did not see that comin'.
Are you sure we are
in the right place?
What do you think?
Come on.
Just watch your step.
You know what?
Enough of this shit.
Cooper, I'm here.
Show yourself!
You really think it's a
good idea to poke the bear?
Where you at?
Come on!
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
A foot in diameter.
This is a nasty mine. Okay.
So, you're gonna
slide your foot back.
But whatever you do, don't lift
your foot off that pressure place.
Easy. Easy. Easy.
Just breathe,
be calm, all right?
Nice and slow, on three.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
On three. One, two...
Easy. Hold up, hold up.
You got it, you got it.
Easy, easy, easy.
Move your foot back
nice and slow.
Holy shit.
My money says he's got
this whole canyon rigged.
Oh, shit.
We're good up here for now.
I gonna kill...
You heard me, Cooper?
What happened to
poking the bear?
I gonna carve this bear
a new asshole.
He's close.
He likes to admire
his handiwork.
Back up.
Back up.
Get out of the truck!
It's over!
Come on, man,
get out of the truck.
Get out of the truck!
You shoot,
I pull the pin as I fall.
Put the gun down.
Come on, Coop.
You don't want to do that.
Put down the grenade.
No. I don't work
for you anymore.
You can't tell me what to do.
It doesn't matter
who you work for.
Put down the grenade.
Come on, man. We don't have to...
Put the gun down, Will.
No, no, no.
Crazy son of a bitch.
You always were.
I am slipping here.
You don't have to...
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Okay, okay, hey, hey, hey...
Easy, easy.
All right, Coop.
You win.
No gun.
Now it's your turn.
Put down that grenade.
Put down the fucking grenade.
Fuck you!
Cooper. You don't
have to do this!
Yes, I... Do!
I know Raul threatened
to kill you.
Yeah. And if it's between you and me,
I choose me every time.
God damn it.
Shit, no way!
I said back off.
I said back off.
You don't know
everything that's going on.
- Freeze!
- Just easy, easy, easy.
Hands above your head!
Shit. Great.
Slippery little fuck.
Will, can you hear me?
Hold on, buddy.
Hold on. Easy.
Give me a first aid kit.
Holy shit.
Oh, God.
Is he dead?
Hang in there, buddy.
Can you hear me?
It's his arm.
Hang in there,
buddy. Will! Hold on.
Is Will Tanner dead?
Yes or no.
I'm not sure.
Well, find out!
Move the drone closer!
I need to know!
Easy, easy.
It looks like he is still alive.
You're damn lucky.
Wound's a
Bullet missed your vital organs.
These will help with the pain.
You done?
No, he's under arrest.
For what?
He's wanted for two murders.
Possibly a third.
Honey, I'm home!
Hey, there, cowboy.
I got a present for you.
Put that down right now!
What, Cooper, you're back
to finish the job?
No. I'm here to help.
Can you walk?
All right.
Hey, you. Stay face down
on the ground.
In fact, you guys
give me a minute.
I got an idea.
What the hell did you just do?
I just bought us some time.
He's bat-shit crazy.
You do realize that, right?
Dead man walking.
Please, Will.
Run, hide, bleed.
The longer you live,
the more money I make.
Right up to the moment someone
puts a bullet in your head.
You all right?
They went that way?
Yeah, they went over there.
Why did you come back, Coop?
You saved my life.
I figured might as well return the favor.
Look, man. I didn't
want to do any of this.
Welcome to the club.
How'd they get to you?
A few nights ago,
put a gun in my mouth,
it was either I kill you or
they were gonna kill my...
Hold on. Is that my old man
in the middle of the road?
Stop the truck.
Jesus, Will.
Have you been shot?
I'm fine, Dad.
What're you doing here?
Well, I found this in my truck.
Where you dropped it.
So I figured this is
where you were headed.
I also figured I owe you a pop in the
mouth for that sucker punch you gave me.
But seeing as how you're all shot up...
Oh, son of a bitch!
Okay. I'll call it square.
Nothing like a father's love.
Going out there is suicide.
Yeah, I know,
but I'm done runnin', Pop.
This Raul wants me.
So, here I come.
I should have believed
you from the beginning.
Listen, I know you say all
your violence is behind you.
But if you come across that bastard,
you put his ass in the ground.
You understand me?
You got it.
All right.
You get in my truck.
This truck's all over
the police scanner.
Dad, listen. I said
you're not part of this.
I am your father, son.
Look at that. Here we go.
Put me on the board.
Put me on the board!
If Will Tanner survives,
I won't be able
to cover the line.
And I will lose everything.
Either someone else kills him...
Or I do.
Put it on the board.
Piece of shit.
Son, I'm here to help,
tell me what I can do.
Nice shot.
You know it.
Your old man's kind of a badass.
Yeah, he is.
Now, let's get
the fuck out of here.
One more.
Ladies and gentlemen,
get ready to open your wallets for
a major shift in our festivities.
I am now officially
a contestant.
This is it, guys.
This is where the map ends.
Last time I wore one of these,
things didn't go too well, Pop.
Just put it on.
Okay, we'll recon the area and
see what we're dealing with.
Stay with me.
Come on, Will.
Let's go.
Come here.
Raul knows we're coming, Pop.
We'll never catch him
by surprise.
Maybe we'll get lucky.
Yeah, 'cause things
have gone great so far.
Well, it's as good a day
to die as any.
Yeah, don't say shit like that.
- What's wrong with you?
- Will,
it's your rodeo, little buddy.
Make the call.
All right, guys.
Bring it in and listen up.
Men, take out his backup.
Under no circumstances does
anybody fire on Will Tanner.
I alone will kill him.
Yeah, Raul!
- Some of you go to the left.
- Some of you go to the right.
Circle around, make sure
these other guys are dead!
Come on, Will.
Show yourself.
Where are you, Will?
Hey there, Will.
Put your rifle down, Travis.
I said put the rifle down.
Don't... Don't do it.
Get down!
All right. Let's go.
Go, go, go.
Son of a bitch.
Son of a...
Goddamn son of a...
Here we are.
The final game.
Let's finish this, Raul.
It's 5:00.
I am here.
Let's end this.
It's actually 5:03.
But either way, you lose.
Come on, boss!
Actually, I should be
thanking you.
You gave me an opportunity
and I'm just exploiting it.
In there,
high-rollers have been
betting on your life all day.
You're telling me
people are in there
right now betting on me.
Millions and millions.
A game of life and death.
That's correct.
The only kind worth playing.
People gambling on
whether or not
we all kill each other.
That's right.
You're gonna make me a rich man.
You had a good run.
But it's time to cash in.
I had regrets about
killing Cyrus.
You, not so much.
Tanner, you're
a one-man wrecking crew.
You did what half my force
couldn't do.
You should be proud
of this boy here.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, can I call you Will?
You got a job at the Sherriff's
department anytime you need it.
Thanks, Officer.
Thank you, Officer.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
Will, I've been thinking...
I've been thinking about
coming out of retirement.
Oh, God. Don't say it.
Guys, you all right?
We're good?
Always good, boss.
Hear me out.
"Tanner and Son Fugitive Recovery."
What do you think?
I told you, Pop, I'm out.
I heard you. You're on. All right.
I like it.
Yeah, Frank, I like it too.
Sounds classy.
You hear that?
He called it classy.