The Conductor (2018)

Good night thank you
Here, in rows of six. Two of the chair.
Good night
Good evening, can I get your ticket? thank you
Excuse me, an error has occurred.
Here we are, look.
Note. The wrong place. - I am sorry.
No, I want to stay.
Are you crazy - I had to see it.
What is so special about Mengelen? - Mengelberg.
I told you so.
Follow me.
It's the men's room.
I chased him.
What you follow
Gents faster dirty. We checked out the extra.
And are you ready for it?
Everything is clean, sir.
You missed the concert. - I've often seen.
You forgot something.
Do you not need to intervene?
He had to go. - What? Who
Does she work for you?
Do not push, I could walk.
They should lock you.
Can I apologize? - To whom? Hall?
Maestro to Mengelberg. - Stay away from him.
You treat a great musician with respect.
You are fired. - You are not my boss.
Tuan Goldsmith?
My parents and I have visited your lunch concerts over the years.
Fixed because they are free.
At the end of trombone playing notes that one of the ...
... right before repetition trio.
They play an E, but it was definitely ice.
Very note. Do you know the trombone section with heart?
Not only the party. Each tone.
You still gives piano lessons at the conservatory?
Correct - That's what I want to go.
Good luck. - Can I come and play for a while?
I do not like wasting my time. - I do not.
Tomorrow afternoon, at four.
I have an appointment with Mr. Goldsmith.
Can I get a coffee?
Silence. I'm trying to work.
The coffee must be ground. - He can do it.
You can go in if there was coffee.
You hear it.
Do not run.
Housekeeping was really chaotic.
Do not mind him, he belongs to the furniture.
Frank, this is ... What's your name?
Willy Wolters.
Let us not waste time.
Stop it.
Outstanding - You think?
These wings.
I practiced with a cloth on the piano strings.
Why did you do it?
Otherwise, the neighbors would complain.
That old thing. My father found it in the trash.
Trash? - My father was a garbage man.
Who taught you? - An acquaintance of my mother.
What do you know about Bach?
I play the beans, sir.
You can only do this if it has been studied.
Do you know Bach's greatest experts in the world?
Of course not.
Albert Schweitzer.
He studied Bach like never before.
Unfortunately, he chose to become a doctor in the forest.
Which asserts that genius is limited by the chaos.
Do you get annoyed?
Yes, he was abusing his talent by not using it.
Maybe he has more talent to become a doctor.
Why do you play like that? - What do you mean
So without feeling.
I have learned that nothing is waiting for me.
Do you have to interpret the music?
The interpretation could be wrong, not the records.
That is science. - Bach composed mathematically.
But to speak of God. - Well ...
No one knows what God meant, is not it?
Your technique is terrible.
The use of pedal you do not obscure it.
Forget conservatory.
They never let you. - Can you teach me?
I will study hard. Everything better.
Can I give you advice?
Get married, have kids.
As your wife?
I hope that the coffee was tasted.
Strange woman.
Quite interesting.
Wait I can prepare you for entry.
I would be crazy, right?
Three lessons a week, two dollars an hour?
What do you think
CHEATED WAN You get ten minutes.
You Too slow, too long nails.
Too many errors. And you...
Fast fingers, short nails, no errors.
You can start tomorrow. - Is it true? thank you
I came for the job.
It was gone.
You do not understand. - Why not?
We work here for the tips. That is why.
Rejected? - Five times today.
You just have to stand out in this profession.
I have a big problem if I do not like it.
I want to help you, but we do not need anyone.
Except for a pianist.
You play too rigid. Scroll to the top.
Let yourself go.
Why are you looking for a pianist if you can do it yourself?
Since I prefer to play bass.
Have you got a cigarette?
Does that bother you? People come especially for her.
You have to see it like this:
We are all born naked.
The rest is just a disguise.
And now our fantastic ladies simulator:
Miss Denise famous.
thank you
What have we got here?
Star na-monkey behind the piano.
Are you trying to impress me? Or...
... if you are a real woman?
Hard to say, is not it?
Someone craning his neck for you.
Because we all see that this is a band of men.
Tell me, what is your name?
So because you do not have the "will", your parents just call you Willy.
Let's see what he can.
You can join this weekend.
It was too heavy for my wife.
My audition next week.
Attractive environment.
There will be many prominent musicians.
You look beautiful.
thank you
Hello, Mark. We just called up by your wife.
Delivery has already started.
So I could not stay. - Our driver will take you back.
I came - No, stay.
You are here now.
Who am I satisfied?
It Willy Wolters, one of my students.
Nice to meet, ma'am ...
Thomsen. And this is Mr. Thomsen. - Hello, Willy.
The waiter brings you to your room. Then you can ...
Refresh yourself.
Where are you going
Other way.
The stairs here.
What are you doing here
Just like you, I think.
It's my parents' house. I grew up here.
My guest Mr. Goldsmith.
He did not say anything.
I am not responsible for what he said to you.
If you do not impose themselves on the musician.
That's the last thing I would do.
We know what you are capable of doing.
Now it is clear that you are a man ...
... can you behave like that?
Can someone take me to the station?
Table already closed.
No one will miss me.
But I do.
You are a guest of my desk. So change quickly.
We've been waiting.
You know. Have we met before?
His name is Willy.
Can you tell us something about yourself?
Not much to tell.
Are not you sit in front of my concert?
Yes, that's me.
Leave it alone.
I assume you do not have the money for the first line?
Staff are not allowed to sit in the room.
Do you work there?
Not anymore.
I'm out of there.
I hear an accent that is not clear. Where do you come from
From Holland, sir.
A compatriot. Frank, you always say:
"All good comes from the Netherlands."
Why are you reading score?
What did he say?
He wanted to become a conductor.
I know the music world with good ...
... but I have never heard of a woman conductor.
Have you ever met one?
To my knowledge, they were not there.
Women do not have to go to him.
Maybe she's right.
Before getting married, my wife is a skilled singer.
Yes, but the conductor ...
You will never succeed?
America is the land of all possibilities.
Not for everyone.
Do you admire the stars in the sky?
No, only the interest on my feet.
Thank you for not saying that I ...
You know.
It is okay
Have you found a new job?
Something in the music.
Yes, but where?
Laughter once is enough.
Forgive me
It was rough.
Shall we dance?
Stop it.
Stop it.
Pak Goldsmith's in there. - How is the result?
I've received. - Congratulations.
Do you want a ride? Where are you going
The house, with a bus. - It's just a ride.
Not far. - You're so far away from me again.
We do not say goodbye, and as you said:
I have to behave like a gentleman.
Someone moving.
This is it.
Your parents would be proud.
I'll go over a few weeks. Prepare the tour.
When I get back ...
... can I see you again?
You know where to find me now.
Can I sleep here tonight?
Piano it gives me comfort. Without it ...
... I'm mad.
We all have it. - You too?
Even me.
Do not give up.
Clean yourself and start again.
What is known about the man of dust?
More than you, scrubby Dutch.
I'll show you the house.
This is my room.
No one had something to be sought here, so I remain closed.
I have their own bathroom, but you can use it.
And here you sleep.
How can I thank you? I'll pay it.
We'll see you later.
What is hiding the same as lying?
Are you waiting for me?
We fell in love with another band.
Where? - Here.
No, my classmates would soon see me.
They may not be there. It is a feast for the lender.
How are you
Could not be better.
Do you also invited?
Halo, New. Thomsen.
Willy, this is Emma.
We have known Emma for years, through her parents.
We hope she and Frank would be engaged.
We do not know anything about it.
I'm already gone. - Of course you're right.
Glad to see you.
I find Robin.
Who is Robin?
Something like that.
Sapa father first, if not, her heart was breaking.
How are you - Good
We just say that musical talent is sometimes revealed itself early.
Does that also apply to you? - I was five years old.
I walked past a church and hear the organ.
Rothchild family is there. Something interesting.
I had never heard anything like it. I do not come to church.
People even listen to on the road.
Do you know how much they contribute?
I slipped and up the stairs. There organist.
Do not know who it is, but ...
... I was blown away, I kept looking.
More than five thousand dollars.
Later I heard that it was Albert Schweitzer.
Since that time I apply for a piano.
Schweitzer had never been to the US.
We live in the Netherlands. He played Bach.
Are your parents musical?
Not. They are not my biological parents. I have adopted.
Have your own parents died? - not
Nothing is known about my father, and my mother sold me.
My foster parents bought me. I mean, adopt me.
I had to find out what they are paying.
So you're actually different? - Yes.
How? - It does not matter.
It has happened to me. My two.
Quite interesting for you?
I think so.
I'm making it up.
I have to go.
Did you have to humiliate him like that? - Excuse me?
Why so light hearted? - He pretended I was not there.
I do not understand you
Then find a better company.
Do you fight? - I'm looking for a podium.
Do you know who it is? - Yes, his name is Frank.
Frank Thomsen, one of the biggest concert manager.
During she left me alone.
Are you afraid of me? - Oh no, sir.
As if I've known you for years.
I feel that you really admire me.
Is not that right, Willy?
I admire you because I want to cooperate with you.
What? Teacher - No, conductor.
You only say that because you fall in love with me.
I say that because I wanted to be a conductor.
It is impossible.
The woman did not become a conductor.
They can not. - Why not?
They can not lead.
But you can teach me.
A woman with a stick, which is wildly gesticulate for men?
Very interesting. - Who cares?
I want you to look beautiful.
Is this about the power? - Power? Not.
I just wanted to lose myself in the music.
And I want to lose myself in you.
Just remember ...
... that women under. They come pretty far with it.
Please. Stop
You broke it.
He claims that you are he, and I quote:
"The attack was hysterical when I criticized his piano playing."
Hysterical? - It's here.
So it's his word against mine?
That is the reason. There were no witnesses.
He will withdraw the complaint when you leave the training.
Where should I sign?
What's your name, dear?
Willy ... - Brico.
Antonia Brico.
New music on a new life.
Willy Wolters? - One floor higher.
Mrs. Wolters?
I'm looking for Willy. - He does not live here anymore.
Where is she? I can not find it.
If you can not find it, he did not want to be found.
Come on, Robin. Do not push, defensively.
Did you know that Robin never had an accident?
No, I do not know it.
He had experienced terrible things since then. He was wearing a corset.
Like me
Never see
I forget how quietly you do it.
What are you doing here
The letter from the embassy.
Bad news?
They found it. - You want that?
He is died.
Now I can only visit her grave.
Does it hurt?
Every day
Do you know how long I was looking for?
You disappear without notice. And now you run away again.
At the break we went to the locker room.
You can not just push people aside.
Why do not you go to school? - Ask Goldsmith.
I'm doing it. - And what did he say?
I've finally found you. About what it is.
How are you
Continue. I will be traveling soon.
Where? - To the Netherlands.
When? - About a week.
You can not go - Why not?
Because I could not miss.
Antonia, we will begin. - I come.
Antonia? - That's my name.
So the adoption story is true? - Yes, Frank.
I'm an asshole.
Stop - Why are you doing this?
I do not want to say goodbye.
I want to be with you.
I also want it.
Forget that trip and stay.
Dear Frank.
I live in a beautiful hotel ...
... in a room with a beautiful view.
Do not be afraid, you will not miss me for music.
I can not listen to music, and I could not afford the concert.
I do not care.
Now I got you.
I love Amsterdam.
I check every street and every alley.
What am I looking for?
I do not know
I do not know anyone here.
Meanwhile, I gathered the courage to learn more about my family.
Who is this woman?
You know him, Willy.
Does he now have the artist's name?
Telegram, sir.
Make sure these are delivered quickly.
My name is Antonia.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Antonia.
What do you want
My name is Antonia Brico. Nice to meet you.
I come to Mr. Muck. - where are you from
I'm from America. - Mr. Muck was not at home.
In addition, he will not be disturbed for twelve hours.
What is this
And who are you? - He's from the US.
I am not at home for Americans.
I am Dutch. Nonetheless. I never national.
I have a letter of recommendation.
Maestro Mengelberg.
Letter of recommendation.
What should be done bastard?
If he calls this recommendation, I will eat my cigarette.
I want to be a conductor.
I have a prejudice about women.
Is he your friend? - who
Albert Schweitzer.
We do have some similarities.
In the Great War he was arrested in France.
He did not do anything, but he's a German.
You condemn me, not because I am doing something wrong ...
... but because I am an American ...
... or the Netherlands, or women, or young, or non-smokers.
I call them petty. - Then nearsightedness.
In his book on Bach ...
... he wrote that the artist waiting for their big day ...
... and tiring until then.
It was about me.
Have you been attacked?
Not yet.
Schweitzer gave up music for another life.
I am very crazy to give my life to music.
With or without your help ...
... I would be a conductor.
You want exhausting yourself, you say?
Robin nest.
After several adventures, I now have landed in Berlin.
I got a lesson from Karl Muck.
Of course it does not mean anything to you, but it was nice.
I finally know what it is.
Unlike Mengelberg, Muck gave me a fair chance.
She helped me with my recognition to Rijksacademie voor Muziek.
I had to make it happen here.
They only accept two candidates for the Board of Directors.
And they never accept a woman.
Hello, Frank. How are you
Have you heard of Antonia? - Does not he write to you?
No ... not again.
Know when he comes back?
He writes from Berlin. - Berlin?
He wanted to follow in Rijksacademie Management.
How long will the study last? - Two years.
Two years? Where did he get the money?
Is that the first thing you think of?
They never let him.
You underestimate him.
She has been accepted.
About the Dutch courage.
One woman against a hundred men.
What will you do so that they follow you?
Are you going to approach the soft or hard?
And one more thing, Brico ...
If you sweat, you can not.
Crescendo switch from pianissimo to ...
... and you just do mezzoforte. It is also not true.
True you have to be a conductor tyrants, not democrats.
Can we talk somewhere?
Soup of the day.
The onion soup.
And schnitzel. Eat well.
I am proud that you have been accepted.
Is that so?
You should write it to me.
I have a letter of recommendation from Mengelberg.
She hung on my bed.
He intended to Muck, who hates Americans and women.
Do you know what he wrote?
All that is good comes from the Netherlands.
Except me.
I quickly understand who is behind it.
I hope you will come back.
Still, actually.
I love you
You also think so. - How do you know what I feel?
I did not fit. Look at your parents ...
... and then mine.
It was not a problem for me. I want you
I want to get married, have kids.
You can find someone.
Are you saying that you do not love me?
Does it feel like?
Ya enak
I think you do not like onions.
I need to know, so I want to hear yes or no.
If you say yes, I'll wait for you.
Will you marry me?
Can I think about it?
You know what to choose?
The most painful.
You will say no.
This world will never let you go.
Mengelberg's wife is a fantastic singer.
What is the problem?
He no longer sings.
Ninth Brico.
Always the first.
Miss Brico, is always last.
"The biggest challenge in the art is dealing with disappointment."
You can tell that it came from the US, but not who the donor is?
As I said, I can not say it.
It must be from Frank Thomsen. Or father, Mr. Thomsen?
It came from a woman who supports the arts.
A woman who supports the arts?
Here, the first woman to conduct the Berlin Philharmonic.
You should like it, not the aunt of Vienna.
Her aunt wanted with me.
The orchestra did not believe him.
Her husband had advanced five thousand D-marks, for orchestra and hall.
So if no one comes, whether he's with the strap?
Pay attention to my words: it is your foreland.
Well, do you want to go there?
Here, I can give it.
They do not want an empty room.
Dear Frank, I've heard that you were engaged.
I should never reject you, and I ask:
Give me a chance, and do not be unfaithful.
Not valuable.
From the podium.
He was slain. - They just want their money back.
Is he so bad?
Mediocre at best.
They want their money back because they are lured by false advertising:
'Widow like to find a husband'.
Created by Frau Mayer.
You next.
Do you still dare?
What are you doing
I had made a dress for you.
Do you not see that I'm working?
Have you seen him?
People want to see you fail.
But the good news is: the concert is sold out.
Frank loved ones, I do not know what inspired me.
I love you and I miss you.
After my education, I came to America.
Why did not you reply?
Herr Muck, Miss Brico is not here.
Wait, sir. - Where is the room?
What now?
Are you a child?
Ready to crawl under the skirt mother?
Mrs. Which? - You tell me.
Well, are you coming? They're waiting. - No waiting.
It's your big day. - mocked?
Or praised.
I only see the gap.
It is always there, even if you succeed.
The higher you rise, the deeper you fall.
So, I still fall?
It's part of the game. You just have to learn to play it.
You have an easy conversation. You are not called Mayer or Brico.
You are a hero.
On my last concert in the United States, the police took me down from the podium ...
... under the loud boos from the public. - Why?
I refused to play the American national anthem.
I said: I am a German, it's not my national anthem.
Then they locked me during one and a half years.
Just because peranglah I'm the enemy.
Just like Albert Schweitzer.
Am I a hero?
No one thought of it.
Only myself.
Sometimes it is enough.
You sweat
Not anymore.
Do you remember him?
Antonia Brico? Never met
She used to work for you as ouvreuse. Willy Wolters.
Whether he was
He caused a stir in Europe.
Whether there will be something that is done here?
Are you ready for your parents there. - I'll be right.
Give me the music editor of the New York Times.
You get one concert, but you have to buy half the tickets.
How much does it cost?
Pay in advance.
Do you ask all the conductors?
Only the big names that appear here. So you do not.
I do well in Europe. - If you call the six concerts well.
I took a big risk.
I can not afford it. - Then I offer expires.
Are you going back to Europe now?
If I succeed, if I would get more concerts?
Are you going to set the terms now? - Please.
More concerts are very important to me. Please?
Do you apply now?
There he is.
Can I get your reaction? Is it true that you do here?
Yes, it is true.
And if people want to buy tickets, they can contact me.
This is what I miss most.
I played in a dirty basement last year.
Incognito, of course. As Willy Wolters.
I hang in there, through what I have learned here.
Always happy to help.
Did you mean that?
Trombone start too early.
Now bassoons bit too early.
If you really insist on one ...
... then the first trombone.
Four cards?
Tuan Barnes ...
Ticket sales experience a hurricane. I'd sold out in one hour.
Can I still get a concert?
How about?
Do you have something to say? - Concert tomorrow.
I do not have to stop, if you do what I say. Again
Do you not play?
Not for the woman who does not know his place.
I know my place very well. It's here.
I have taken your instrument. How does it feel?
Be careful, it's a Stradivarius. - Oh, Stradivarius?
So you care with this instrument?
So we were right. - What do you mean
This orchestra is my instrument.
I can not play my music instruments without orchestra members.
Do you know what the soloist if he does not practice a day?
'I do not practice one day alone.
Do not practice two days, the orchestra heard.
Three days, it belongs to the audience. "
Do you think this does not apply to do?
Do you know how many concerts in my agenda?
Then there was a huge void.
Do you know how many male colleagues who can give me?
Four, sometimes five per month. Throughout the year.
Is that fair?
As if you throw a crust of bread to someone who is hungry.
Applause, my friend. Performance is over.
You can not just leave.
We had an appointment.
My instrument. Please, take it.
Without the players, the instrument has no meaning.
Does this mean you'll come tomorrow?
I wait until I hear from you.
Do you want to do a concert tomorrow?
Sorry, I do not understand you.
What kind of help do you want?
Brico Miss, would you like to do a concert tomorrow?
Mr. Barnes, if you apply now?
Yes - And my condition?
You will receive a second concert.
Do you want to go to a concert Antonia Brico? I could get a ticket.
Do not you want to know about him?
No, I do not need to see it.
If I close my eyes ...
... I did not hear that a woman is doing.
Musicians who are unemployed?
Do I have to steer the unemployed? Does he want me to get rid of?
The government wants to get them trained for a better future.
We still had a great press?
That's exactly what Barnes disturbing.
You get too much attention. - Nothing?
You feel stitched. But blessed are:
You get money and you are allowed to do.
What makes sense if no one had heard?
I did not do it.
Am I too early?
Where are all the men?
The New Jersey Symphony held auditions.
What are you doing here - They are just looking for a man.
Only the men, right?
Robin, you're always saying:
"To succeed in this profession, if you have to stand out?"
That is exactly what I would do.
"Wanted. The conductor Antonia Brico looking for female musicians ...
... for orchestra women.
There are openings for all instruments. '
Come see.
"According to Mark Goldsmith, a well-known conductor and pianist ...
... a woman never became a leading conductors.
Miss Brico could be happy with a place on the margins ...
... before he was forgotten. "
Anyone who reads this article?
Thank you for coming.
None of you are 'lower'.
Good, Miss. Over here
Can fixed bass player?
Can I talk to him alone?
What is your name
Roberta Jones.
Do not you dress like a woman?
With your wig, fake breasts and makeup, like Miss Denise?
Is this a statement from you? To support me?
I do not dress like a woman.
... real.
Why do not I see it before?
Since I could hide something well.
You never had an accident?
Just by chance who was born a woman.
Do you want to be a man?
I want to be a musician.
When I got on stage, I go home.
Just like you.
That is why I support you when you are in Berlin.
Will the money come from you?
From a woman who supports the arts.
So I have to thank.
Sorry, I do not know.
About that...
About anything, really.
The price could be too high, Antonia ...
... but at least we did.
At least once.
I think I would rather keep being who I am.
Then who are you
I myself
Does Miss Brico got something to say?
He said: "Music does not distinguish gender."
City Hall is available. - a good grace, City Hall?
Too many seats. How do you make it full?
I think of advertising in newspapers, and invite the higher circles.
I do not know those people, do not you?
Yes, but do you also have the address?
Pak Goldsmith, what do you think of the plan Antonia?
Where do I begin?
He leads because he did not have a piano talent.
Options are considered.
He just wanted to be famous. He did not have the passion.
Why Mr. Goldsmith said that? Does he feel threatened by me?
There are still many musicians who are unemployed?
Miss Brico also has been idle for years. It was not in vain.
We are in the middle of a major crisis.
We have too little work, not too little talent.
That's not normal.
What? Women?
It is contrary to all tradition.
We serve the music, not the dusty clichs.
Women many imagine. Think they can do everything.
Iniquities themselves if they fail. Women do not play the trombone or horn.
Write only:
Miss Brico will never find a female chimpanzee expert.
Willy Wolters...
If you want to stand out, please.
But the whole orchestra women too much.
Let me guess, you are supporting Goldsmith. - Of course
I want to prevent you make a spectacle of yourself.
People love to watch. I like it for my audience.
You invite all my friends circle ...
... and I will make every effort to ensure that they do not go away.
Do what you want, but let me do it, too.
Have a nice day.
What do we ad here? In the auto parts?
Who saw it? Waste of money.
I think Mrs. Thomsen had contact with the newspaper.
Is there already a reservation?
Only it all
So we played to an empty room?
We had to cancel the Town Hall.
I've tried, but we still have to pay.
Pay? What? Really a disaster.
Let's continue.
How do we pay our musicians? - They want to play for free.
For nothing? - Not everyone is against us.
Then at least we gave them an audience.
We make a free concert, and pay later City Hall.
No more, just free publicity.
a letter
From the mother country. - What?
"To Miss Brico, from Eleanor Roosevelt."
Did you know that it takes a long time? - Hold on.
I had to go to the radio, I've been waiting half an hour.
Nothing says to shoot Mrs. Roosevelt.
Halo - Mr Goldsmith.
Miss Brico, nice to meet you.
The man who told you was true.
May I ask who is it? - He asked the secret.
We appreciate it.
He also said that about you when you are attacked by the press.
"You're a great musician treat with respect."
It sure is high.
He is to pay.
If I can give you advice:
Do what your heart told you.
Criticism will make your stay.
The public wants to know: whether the woman is suitable as a musician?
Do not forget that there are 17 million radio.
Millions of ears to listen.
Whether the orchestra is ready to change the culture?
It has nothing to do with culture.
This is a dubious entertainment.
The cry for attention.
Tell me honestly, are you going to buy tickets to the concert?
I do not.
We wanted to ask Miss Brico.
But he's not there yet.
That's why it did not work: women are always late.
Would not you just hate a woman as leader of the orchestra?
I'm just saying what the public thought. - Ny. Brico Brico never be maestra?
His first concert was at City Hall, with 1500 seats.
Does he sell so many cards?
He'll be back. I hear...
... that the free concert.
Does he not want to get anything?
This is an emergency, there is no interest at all.
Miss Brico just arrived. What do you think
State of emergency because of the crisis.
So that this concert can also be accessed by people with no money.
So I would like to call the public to come.
Sorry, I am late. I have an important appointment.
What is more important than your damned job?
I usually receive lessons from Mr. Goldsmith.
He already has a strange conception of women at that time.
They must have been under.
That's how I learned how to be on top.
I still take it ...
I accept it. Very.
I recently made an appointment with our mother country.
Nobody said to shoot him.
Does it have to do with your female orchestra?
He had just joined our orchestra.
We are honored that she wanted to be protective.
This proves that there is an interest even in the highest circles.
What can I do for you? - I came to Frank Thomsen.
Who could I say no? - An old friend.
You're too quick for me.
Hello, Frank.
I see you have a son.
The ...
What is your name
Can you take it?
Good girl.
What are you doing Do you want to go?
No, do not bother. I have to go again.
I came to say thank you. For what you did.
Then, how?
Mrs. Roosevelt? And City Hall?
That does not mean anything. - For me.
I did not immediately realize that you pull some strings.
I owe you.
See it as my way of apologizing.
For what
I ask you for abusing your talent by not using it.
You never call interrupted.
You are not disturbed.
That is me.
When I let go.
It also occurred to me.
I must go, I will no longer bother you.
Are you coming to the concert?
I live at home.
By William.
Maybe Emma will go.
What about outside? - A great spectacle.
Good night, Mrs. Mom.
It's an honor to meet you. Really privileged.
You can not enter. The room was full.
Please stay there we were full.
Mr. Day.
People no longer have the courtesy.
I think it was Frank.