The Confirmation (2016)

(starter sputters,
engine chugs briefly)
(distant train whistle blows)
(starter sputtering)
(engine screeches, then fails)
(engine sputters to life,
then fails)
Anthony, what are you
doing down there?
Just praying.
Well, pray properly.
Have you thought
about your sins?
I think I thought
about them enough.
Well, go get
in the confessional, then.
Be quick, 'cause we have to go.
Skip some sins if you have to.
He'll get the point.
Look out, boys
'Cause I'm a rollin' stone
That's what I was
when I first left home
(truck fires up)
I took every secret
That I'd ever known
And headed for the wall
Like a wrecking ball
Started down
On the road to sin
Playin' bass
under a pseudonym
The days were rough
and it's all quite dim
But my mind
cuts through it all
Like a wrecking ball
(screen slides and thuds)
Bless me, for I have sinned.
"Bless me, Father."
for I have sinned.
I think it's been eight weeks
since my last confession.
These are my sins.
What are your sins?
I can't think of any.
Are you trying to tell me
that you haven't even
dishonored your mom
or your dad
in the last two months?
I don't see my dad enough
to dishonor him.
Well, must've lied to them?
- Must've lied to somebody?
- No.
You're lying to me now.
No, I'm not.
A boy can't go that long
without a falsehood.
Maybe once.
This girl in school,
she asked me
if I liked her cookies,
and I said yes.
Was that wrong?
How about impure thoughts?
You must have had some of those.
What's an impure thought?
Maybe you wished bad things
for someone?
Why would I do that?
Maybe thoughts about sex?
What do those thoughts
look like?
(sighs) Listen.
No one is waiting.
You think about it for a moment.
Hey, Bonnie.
Walt. Running a little
late, aren't we?
Yeah, the truck's
been stalling on me.
Those shit
after-market parts.
Are you sure you're up to
taking Anthony this weekend?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. I got it.
When are you back?
Uh... about
four tomorrow.
Where you going?
The church is having
a marriage encounter weekend.
(chuckling lightly)
No, no.
That's good.
So, um... (sniffs)
you're, uh, you're back
with the church again?
Kyle and I thought
it would be good for Anthony,
so we're getting him
caught up... next week,
he is doing First Communion
and Confirmation.
You mentioned that.
That's a lot of church
for a boy in one week.
Well, Anthony seems to like it.
Oh, and make sure he gets here
for mass tomorrow.
Jesus. Poor kid.
And he has to stay clean
before the sacraments next week,
so please keep him
out of trouble, okay?
Well, I don't know
what kind of trouble
he can get in in a day.
Getting hot already.
How's the house?
Anything needs work,
I can always come by and fix it.
Kyle doesn't really
do that stuff, does he?
No. Kyle doesn't have to.
He pays people to do it.
Remember any sins yet, son?
I'm not your son.
You're God's son.
You're not God.
I am God's representation
here on Earth.
I thought Jesus was God's son.
Say five Our Fathers
and three Hail Marys.
"Bless you, Father."
I absolve you of your sins
in the name of
the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace
to love and serve the Lord.
Thanks be to the God.
Promise me...
No drinking this weekend.
I don't drink anymore.
And even when I do,
it's not that much.
I'm serious.
We've been through this before.
One more time,
and that's it,
you don't see him.
So promise me.
I don't have to promise.
I just won't do it.
Our Father
who art in Heaven...
What took you so long?
Jesus, son...
how many commandments
did you break?
Not that many.
Did you say all your penance?
The prayers
that the priest has you say.
Did you do all them?
Yeah, Mom, I said them.
Good. 'Kay.
I love you.
Love you.
Have fun.
I'll see you
tomorrow, all right?
Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
So you learn anything
in school this week?
Yeah, we had to.
Like what?
Well, my teacher said, um,
that the scientists
think there might
be more universes.
More universes?
Did you hear what you just said?
That's crazy.
"Universe" means universal.
That's everything.
You know, "uni" means one,
"verse" means...
There can only be one universe.
Maybe I should have a talk
with this teacher of yours,
'cause he's teaching you
a lot of nonsense.
It's a woman.
Well, women are just as
full of it as men, you know.
You didn't know that?
(sighs quietly)
I got a lead on a job.
You stay in the truck.
I'll be right out.
(door bangs shut)
(door bangs shut)
(metal music blaring)
(music continues)
Won't say a damn thing
about it, right?
Hey! Watch where
you're going.
Where are you going, anyway?
What's happening out here?
Jesus Christ!
- (blow lands)
- Never play in this truck!
Do you hear me?
(music playing on jukebox)
Ho, ho. Hey there.
Whatcha having?
I don't know.
Don't know or don't care,
like your old man?
Hey, I told you a while ago.
I'll be right out.
I need to see
some I.D., partner.
I don't have some I.D.
I'm not 21.
(barkeep chuckles)
All right, guys.
Let me know if
anything comes up.
Come on.
Can we go to the Hamburger Hut?
Why waste money on that
when I have food?
I'll make you a sandwich.
What's a "hussy"?
Where'd you hear
anything like that, Mark?
At school.
Some of the girls...
Aren't you going to eat?
Nah. I'm not hungry.
About being a hussy.
What's it mean?
Well, Mark, it, uh...
it means a worthless woman.
You mean shiftless
and no account?
That's right.
So what are we going to do?
What do you mean "do"?
This weekend?
They were probably repeating
something they heard, son.
(phone rings)
Uh, I don't know.
Maybe go to Otto's?
Yes, I can.
Yeah, I got all those tools.
I got joinery, staircase...
Yeah, I use
the antique carving...
Behind the Pastime.
Monday morning, 9:00.
Great. Thanks.
Here's something to do.
I got a job Monday.
Go to the truck,
unlock the big box,
and bring me my wood tool box.
The one with the old chisels
and knives?
You can help me sharpen 'em.
It's gone.
What do you mean, it's gone?
The lock was on?
Yeah, but it was unlocked.
You left the truck
alone at the tavern.
Just for a few minutes.
Yeah. I told you
to stay in the truck.
You forgot to lock it.
Sometimes, when you're drunk,
you forget things.
Can't you get new ones?
Those are specialty tools.
They're hard to find.
They cost a lot of money.
If Otto doesn't have
some to borrow,
I've got to find
the son of a bitch
who stole mine,
or I'm screwed.
So we are going to Otto's.
Hey, Otto.
How you doing?
We don't see you guys enough.
How you doing?
Come on in!
No, I'm sorry.
Otto, we can't stay.
I just wanted to see
if you've still got
your Swiss files.
I got a job Monday.
Mine went missing.
Not that nice, old set?
Yeah, they knew
what they were after.
Went right for 'em,
left everything else.
All right, well, let's see
what we got in the back.
There we go.
Oh, wait.
I sold mine a while back.
Well, how long?
Maybe I can find them.
Not long.
Maybe 10 years.
I gotta find mine, then.
You know who you should talk to
is Guy Bishop
over at Swift Creek Tavern.
Is he the owner?
No, he...
But he's always there.
He's a good guy.
He knows just about everybody.
He might know who would
steal tools like yours.
Was he a cop?
No, a thief.
But he's a good guy now?
Better than most.
Better than most thieves
or better than most guys?
But he's a good guy now.
He found Jesus.
Well, if he found Jesus,
maybe he can find my tools.
- All right.
- See you, Otto.
- Thanks, Otto.
- Good hunting.
Why don't you have a job?
What do you mean?
I have a job.
I'm a finish
carpentry specialist.
Well, I mean,
like, all the time.
Oh, I'm what's called
a freelancer.
I pick what jobs I want to do.
Mom says you don't really work.
Well, your mom is...
Wait here.
I won't be long.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Is there someone called
Guy Bishop here?
Yeah, good one.
He's the old guy.
Right over there, as usual.
Let me think.
Do you know Vaughn Bennett?
I worked a job with him once.
You think he stole them?
(chuckles) No.
He knows
all the guys around here,
and they listen to him.
If Vaughn puts out the word...
you'll get your tools back.
What are you doing?
Why were you out of the pickup?
I was just...
standing out there.
Oh. Hi.
Hey. Is your dad here?
How's it going?
This your boy?
Yeah, this is Anthony.
Can we talk?
Come on inside.
take Anthony out back and play.
Hi, Linda.
This is Anthony.
- (girls giggling)
- That's my girlfriend.
I want to show you something.
So they only took
the specialty tools?
They knew what they wanted.
There's only a handful
of guys in this town
who know how to use those
or know their value.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Hell, yes, it makes sense.
Any idea where this happened?
Well, it could have been
The Signal.
Or anywhere.
The Signal?
I never go to that place.
Too much water in the sauce.
You know Drake?
Lives in that RV thing
in back of that shop place
on that street right off Meeker.
Off Meeker?
Hell, yes, you know it.
Well, he's your best shot
at this.
Drake knows everything
that's going down in this town.
Scary as hell,
but he's whip-smart.
A good guy.
I'll let him know you're coming.
In the meantime,
I'll put out
some feelers myself.
Allen. What are you doing?
Playing with crickets.
What's the matter?
You feel bad for it?
Then you kill one.
Leave him alone!
He can't kill a cricket.
I don't need to.
Well, I think you'd better.
He's crying over an insect!
Look. Sorry.
Tell you what.
You can shoot my gun
to make up for it.
I got a rabbit
you can shoot in the shed.
It'll be fun.
I don't want to shoot a rabbit.
If you don't
want to get beat up,
you'll shoot the rabbit.
Knock it off, Mike!
Put it down, you little shit!
It's actually loaded!
You don't know
what you're playing with!
Don't point that at me!
Cut it out, you nut!
Put it down, you little asshole!
What the hell
is going on out here?
Little shit pulled a gun on me!
Isn't this your gun?
I was gonna let him use it,
but then he pointed it at me.
How many times
do I have to tell you guys
that these guns I give you
are not playthings?
I have a mind
to take 'em all away
until you grow up.
Get your ass in the house.
Unload this
and put it away. Now.
You okay, little soldier?
Why did you point a gun at him?
I thought it was fake.
Thought we were just playing.
Never point a gun at anyone.
That's a rule, son.
Unless, of course,
they're attacking you,
then you can shoot 'em
all you want.
I think he'll remember
that lesson. Won't you?
Come on.
You guys should
come over next weekend.
We actually have
a little shooting
gallery we set up,
and we could teach him
to really shoot.
He could learn
gun safety, everything.
(Walt sighs)
Son of a bitch.
Oh, goddamn it.
You'll fit.
I don't want to fit.
Oh, come on.
It'll be fun.
Here, I'll lift you up.
Come on.
(grunts) Ow.
You okay?
Not really.
(grunting) Okay.
Let me know if it hurts, okay?
Yeah, it hurts.
Doing great!
You're almost in.
There you go!
Anthony, you okay?
Yeah, most of me's okay.
So, uh...
There's a jar on the dresser
in the bedroom.
Go get it.
Bring it to the window.
Find it?
and there's a bottle
on the floor
in the closet.
I can't find it.
No, it's there.
Keep looking!
(lid creaking)
There's no bottle in the closet!
Okay, just bring the jar.
Um, grab your backpack.
Get me some shirts
and a pair of pants.
How can he lock you
out of your own house?
It's his house.
I, uh... I just owe him
a little money is all.
He's just being pissy.
So where are we gonna stay?
We'll have to stay at the house.
My house?
Well, it used to be
my house, too, you know.
I rebuilt the thing
from the ground up.
Just don't tell your mom, okay?
We'll have to leave
before they get back.
We have to go up there
for the newspapers anyway.
(starter fails to fire)
(engine screeches)
Do Mom and Kyle
still have the wagon?
Yeah, but there's something
wrong with it.
Uh, I don't remember.
But it runs?
Yeah. I think so.
Good enough.
(change rattling)
Can I do it?
Quick now.
We got places to get.
(buttons beeping)
No! (gasps)
You hit the damn charity button.
Well, they told us to do that
in Catechism.
You've got to be kidding.
What happened
to the shelves I built there?
Kyle didn't like 'em,
so he took them down.
He didn't like 'em?
I mean, who doesn't like
custom built-in wood shelves?
Jesus. I mean...
half of us build the world,
the other half destroy it.
What the hell happened here?
Kyle had an accident.
He had an accident
with door trim?
How do you even do that?
Why didn't he fix it?
He did.
It used to be worse.
You're living with a Philistine.
What's a Philistine?
It's a religion.
The religion of dumb-asses.
Well, at least
my, uh, cabinets are...
Holy shit.
Mom says it adds character.
(doorknob rattling)
(door creaks)
These are Kyle's tools.
No. These aren't tools.
These are toys.
Where'd he get these,
the Dollar Store?
Aw, Jesus.
I was just kidding.
This guy is 90% puss.
Do you like this Kyle?
Yeah. He's pretty nice.
Well, it could be worse then.
You want to get the car keys?
I'll put my stuff
in the bedroom.
Hey. Got the keys?
Let's go see Drake.
(engine fires up)
(metal music blaring)
- What the hell is that?
- (turns radio down)
That's Kyle's music.
Your mom married a metalhead?
Do you like that?
A little bit.
Not really.
Where's that CD I gave her
for her birthday?
(Big Dave McLean's
"Don't Get Mad, Get Even" plays)
That sounds better, huh?
It sounds pretty good.
It does sound pretty good.
Let's go find my tools.
Now, when life has
turned you upside-down
You feel
kicked to the curb
You feel beat
to the ground
(brake pedal hits floor)
Holy shit!
Where'd the brakes go?
- (horn blaring)
- Anthony: Whoa!
Oh, yeah, that was the problem.
(horn blaring)
...holler inside,
well, I'm willing to bet
I forgot.
Mom said the brakes
were starting to go out.
Don't get mad,
get even
Solid advice
I believe in
And if for
no other reason you know...
Brake pads?
75 bucks.
275 installed.
We can put 'em on
now if you want.
I'll put 'em on myself.
Can I can borrow some tools?
Let me ask my dad.
You're slipping down
to the end of your rope
There's no
flicker of light
There's no glimmer of hope
You're just looking
for something tonight
That seems
a little more pleasing
You should get
down on your knees
When you're rollin'
the dice
If you're willing to gamble
with the rest of your life
You put a smile
on your face
(brakes squeal)
Don't get mad,
get even
Pretty good, huh?
Yeah. It stops now.
It's getting late.
Guess I'll have to see
this Drake guy tomorrow.
You hungry?
I'm starving.
That's a very good choice.
And your mom was
worried about us.
If you have a six, then you can
ask me if I have a six.
Oh, I see!
Then you take it
and make a pair.
If I've already got a pair,
what do I do?
You put it in that pile.
Do you have...
a jack?
Go fish.
Go fish yourself.
(both laughing)
So jab straight. 'Kay?
Bop, bop.
Bop, bop. Bop!
No, no, no. No.
No roundhouses.
Keep your hands up by your face.
Bop, bop, bop!
The baboons sit and listen
to the hippos' distinct call...
- (Anthony laughs)
- as they bathe...
and drink the water.
The hippopotamus
is highly aggressive
and unpredictable
and is among the most
dangerous animals in Africa.
they are threatened
by habitat loss
and poaching
for their meat and ivory...
(fridge door rattles)
Wine coolers?
Make that 95% puss.
What's that mean?
Ah, that's good.
95% puss is pretty good
for most guys these days.
You can't take that!
They'll think I did it.
(thuds bottle down)
(door items clattering)
(exhales wearily)
We have bottled water.
Well, you, you stay here,
I gotta look for something
in the garage.
(door creaks open, bangs shut)
(door slams)
Did you find it?
Find what?
I don't know.
(breath shaking)
Cold in here, huh?
You're sweating, Dad.
Listen, uh...
I got to, uh...
I gotta run out a sec.
You'll be okay, right?
Where are the keys?
I don't know.
(exhales, gags)
Want me to call somebody?
No. (gulps)
Go to bed.
I want to stay here with you.
I'll be okay. Just go.
Anthony. Go to bed. Now!
(groans lightly)
Please help my dad.
There's something
wrong with him,
but you can probably see that.
Make him better, if you can.
Jesus Christ!
How will I know
if you don't tell me?
You know, we've talked about
all this before.
It's just not all my fault.
Look, I'm sorry, okay?
What do you want from me?
that doesn't make any sense.
Why would I do that?
What are you doing?
You always do this.
I can't.
(Walt groans)
(Walt groans)
Otto! Um, it's Anthony.
There's something wrong
with my dad.
What do you mean?
- I think he's drunk.
- What's he doing?
He's talking to people
who aren't there.
All right, well, just hang on.
I'll be right there.
We're at my mom's house.
I'll just be a few minutes.
Walt: I gotta go.
I gotta go. I gotta go.
- I gotta go.
- Dad. Dad! Stop!
Don't go out there.
Don't go out there!
Dad, Otto's coming.
He'll be here any minute.
He says you should stay here.
Is Dorothy gone?
Yeah. But Otto's coming.
We're in here.
Hey, Walt.
How you doin', buddy?
Time for bed, don't you think?
Come on.
Let me help you.
Yeah. There we go.
There you go.
Yep. There you go.
All right.
I'll be right back.
Well... (sighs)
he's finally out.
You okay?
Listen, Anthony.
Your dad is not drunk.
He's having withdrawal.
Do you know what that is?
It means that he is acting funny
not because he's been drinking,
he's acting funny
because he hasn't been drinking.
You understand?
when adults stop drinking...
it makes their minds
play tricks on them.
See, your mother said
that he couldn't see you anymore
if he didn't stop drinking.
He was in the taverns.
Oh, but he's been
drinking root beer.
He's trying.
Your dad is a good man.
He's got some demons,
but, you know...
we all do.
He'll be asleep
for several hours, I think,
and when he wakes up,
he's gonna be hurting,
but he shouldn't be
acting strange anymore.
Now, I got to get home
for Beulah,
but if you need me, you call me.
I'll be here real quick.
You promise?
All right.
You're in charge.
Thanks, Otto.
Anytime, partner.
Get some sleep, you hear?
(alarm clock beeping)
(shuts alarm off)
(Walt sobbing)
(paper thuds)
The Griffins get one.
The Griffins?
I didn't think they could read.
See their house?
The gutter's falling off,
the paint's shot.
Garbage in the yard.
You know, get off your ass
and fix it. Clean it up.
When we first moved here,
this neighborhood
had some pride.
What's the matter with people?
I don't know.
You know, the Griffins represent
everything that's gone wrong
with this world.
It's immoral, is what it is.
Your generation's gonna have to
make it right again.
It's up to you.
- Okay.
- You know?
I'm sorry my generation
screwed it up so bad.
It's all right.
No, not really.
You know, our parents
built a great country,
and we couldn't even
maintain it for you.
I'm sorry.
They get one, too.
(paper thuds)
(exhales deeply)
You know, I think
maybe you're right.
I think I can see
your other universes.
I just hope they make
more sense than this one.
I, um...
I don't remember
much from last night.
I didn't hurt you, did I?
- Dad?
- Yeah?
I don't want to have Communion.
Why not?
I don't want to eat Jesus.
You're not really eating Jesus.
They say you are.
No, no, no.
It's not Jesus.
It's just a cracker.
It is?
And it's not
Jesus' blood either.
It's grape juice.
You know, it's crackers
and grape juice.
I don't get it.
You will. Someday.
Why don't you go
to church anymore?
I went enough already.
I don't want you to go to hell.
I'm going to tell you something.
Don't ever tell your mom, okay?
These things
that they tell you...
They might be true,
they might not be true.
What do you think?
I think that I don't know,
and neither do they.
No matter what they say.
They don't know.
So, just in case,
maybe you should take Communion.
What about Confirmation?
Won't hurt you.
You know, just do it.
For your mom.
And once you're grown,
you can do what you want.
I can?
You know, you can skip church
and listen to shitty metalheads,
if you want...
God forbid.
you know, listen
to what they say,
and then decide for yourself.
Do what you think
is right. Okay?
(church bell tolling)
So, while you're in church,
I'm gonna go visit
this Drake fella.
If I'm late,
just wait for me right here.
I don't want to go to church.
But you have to.
You told me to make
my own decisions.
Well, not yet.
Why not?
I said when you grow up.
You told me to think about it,
and I thought about it.
Well, you're thinking
about it too much.
Look, I promised your mom
that you'd go to church.
I'll tell her you took me.
No, no, no, no.
That's not how it works.
Shit, Father Lyons.
Get down.
Okay, now get in there.
I'll go if you go.
(engine starts)
You must be Walt.
I'm Drake.
You talked to Vaughn?
I did.
He caught me up.
Man, I'm on it.
I'm on the case, all right?
This is what I do.
Are you a detective?
Nope. I'm a drywaller.
What's your name?
What do you do?
Um, I go to school.
All right, keep doing that.
Make sure he keeps doing that.
I got five names last night.
People are already talking.
- They are?
- Oh, yeah!
Can you help us now?
It would be an honor
to help any friend of Vaughn's.
That guy's done so much for me.
I'll co-pilot. Okay?
That means I gotta ride shotgun.
You cool with that?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Let's go. Come on.
Here we go.
Drake: Walt,
you wanna drive straight.
Okay? Make it look like
you're driving down the street.
It's exciting, right, Anthony?
Who gave you these leads?
Well, I know
half the tradesmen in Kent,
and I know all the thieves.
All right.
Okay, we're coming up
on one now,
so ease on up here.
You know, I was worried about
bringing Anthony,
but this guy is an old soul.
Now I'm glad he's here,
because this is life experience.
This is great. Okay.
See the grey... Grey one
in the driveway?
The Grey car? Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, right there, right there.
- Here?
- Yeah.
Park across the driveway
so they can't pull out.
Let me do all the talking.
Remember the INXS lyric,
"Listen like thieves"?
That's what you're gonna do. I'm
gonna do the talking.
You're gonna listen
like thieves.
Here we go. Okay.
What's up, guys?
Can I help you?
Go ahead, Walt.
Ask him straight out.
Are you, uh...
Who are we looking for?
Have him tell you
his supposed real name.
What's going on here, fellas?
Someone, uh,
stole a toolbox of mine,
and someone else said
that you might know
something about it.
You're accusing me
of stealing your tools?
Yes! Walter.
Don't let him smoke you.
Sir, we have evidence
that, if true,
you know, indicts you,
more or less.
Wow, this is your lucky day.
You know why?
Because normally
I'd kick your ass right now.
But... kind of in a good mood
because we've been
camping all week
and we just got home.
Drake, can I talk to you?
Yeah. Yeah.
Hang on, hang on.
Yeah, that way.
After you unload the car,
let's go inside
and get cleaned up.
This guy doesn't look like
he's jacking tools
out of trucks.
Yeah, I'm starting
to have my doubts,
so let's move his name
a little further down the list.
Yeah, let's do that.
Good call. All right?
Excellent audible.
I apologize.
Have a good day.
I'm a Boeing engineer.
How do I even get on your radar?
Yeah, it's my mistake.
I'm, uh, I'm sorry
to trouble you, sir.
That was on me. Okay?
I should not have trusted
the guy that gave me that name.
He's a nut.
Who gave you the tip?
You don't want to know.
All right?
Here's the good news.
I know all the other names
on this list.
All the other ones, I know them.
They're in the building trades.
They know the tools, okay?
So let's just, uh...
This guy, let's go to Central.
Maybe we should
just forget this.
I'm sorry.
This was a bad start, I know,
but I want to help you
and Vaughn find your man.
Don't you want to check out
one more name on this list?
Yeah, I don't know
anyone on there.
It's... good!
I'm glad you don't know them,
because these are criminals.
I'm gonna take you
back home, Drake.
I appreciate your help.
(car starts)
You okay, Drake?
Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm just, you know,
never been a quitter.
God, slow down.
Walt, Walt, Walt!
- What?
- That's Freddy Johnson.
His name is on my list, okay?
I've known him all my life.
Let me take him down.
Okay, listen.
He works with carpenters.
He steals. His name came up
from all my sources, okay?
Watch this.
(door opens)
Ready or not, here I come!
Get away from me, Drake!
(both grunting)
What do you know
about the finishing
tools stolen yesterday?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Then why are you running?
Because you're an insane person!
Hey, hey, hey.
Let him up.
One second, one second,
one second.
Look, I know that you know.
Even if you didn't do it,
you better start talking,
Freddy, or I'm gonna
mess you up.
I don't know anything.
Freddy, you know what I can do.
Okay! Okay, okay.
You know
the Thuringer brothers, right?
Yeah! They're on the list.
They're on the list.
Yeah. They took 'em.
Do you know
what they did with them?
- I just heard about it.
- From who?
I can't say, but it's solid.
They said the Thuringer brothers
were talking about it,
laughing, even.
Where did they steal 'em?
A tavern?
Okay, let him go, Drake.
If you're lying...
I'm just saying what I heard.
Can I go now, officer?
Funny, Freddy. Yeah.
So, when we get there, should...
Should I do the talking?
No, Walt, let me
do the talking, okay?
I know these guys,
and they don't scare me.
Well, it's just
that first guy...
Drake: Yeah, okay,
well, that threw me off
because I thought
I knew who the guy was,
and it turned out
to be another guy.
This one, I'm on it,
I got it, okay?
Just pull down this little...
This little alley, right here.
All right, there you go.
Stay in the car.
I mean it.
These guys are slow.
All right?
They're dimwits, really.
They'll indict themselves.
- Hey, Drake, how you doing?
- Hi, Drake.
Walt, this is Tucker...
- Hey.
- And Trout.
This is Walt.
This is the guy
whose toolbox you stole.
Guys, we have refutable evidence
that you took the guy's toolbox.
Just own up.
I don't want any trouble,
but I need my tools.
Hey, Drake,
are you on Meth again?
Tucker, don't change
the subject, okay?
Yes, I'm on Meth, okay?
That has nothing to do
with what we're talking about!
What the hell?
We have it
from a direct witness...
We don't have a direct witness.
We heard it.
He was a direct witness...
No, Drake, he was lying.
He wasn't lying.
These guys stole it.
And it's about
to get real, all right?
I've had enough of this, Drake.
All right, whoa.
(cell phone ringing)
Um, hi, Mom.
Uh... yeah.
Everything's fine.
Um, nothing, really.
Yeah, we took the papers out
and went to church.
Um, yeah, I'll tell Dad.
All right.
I love you, too. Bye.
(phone beeps off)
let's all take a breath here.
Trout, put the gun away.
Can't you see
this guy's hurting?
And be nice to Drake.
He's got his own problems,
You know better.
I'm sorry.
Yeah. You will be.
You will be. Okay?
Drake, it's over.
We got 'em dead to rights!
No, not really.
Okay, you know, hey, Trout,
I don't care if you have a gun,
I'm gonna look around.
Point a gun at me.
I don't care.
Oh! Hi, stolen merchandise!
I'm sorry, uh...
I don't really know Drake.
You know, uh, I mean...
he seems pretty decent
for a stoner.
Yeah, he is.
We love Drake,
but he just gets
some funny ideas sometimes.
(Drake chattering, indistinct)
Hey, come on.
We'll take you home.
Yeah, Drake.
We wanna take you.
They did it.
I know they did.
No, they didn't steal my tools.
Okay, well, then,
one of these other peop...
No, Drake.
This time, we're really done.
I'm taking you home.
It's... I just
wanted to help.
We know that.
Not many people would've done
what you just did for us.
That's right.
Most people can't even
be bothered, you know?
And I...
Ahem, I care too much.
That's my problem.
It's a...
It's a burden
and it's a virtue, you know?
Well, the important thing is,
you tried your best,
and we appreciate that.
Don't we, Anthony?
Yeah. We really appreciate
how much you tried your best.
Yeah, man, you know,
'cause that's
the story of my life,
is I always... I always
try my best, you know?
And that's where
I get in trouble.
This one time...
You'll like this.
There was this lady,
her grandmother made
these German apple pancakes.
She wanted this recipe,
she couldn't find it,
so I go, there's a website,
it's called "Stormfront,"
and it's like
a neo-Nazi site.
I'm not a neo-Nazi,
but I figured, you know,
"German apple pancakes,"
maybe they'd have
these old things.
So I started posting on there,
and the next thing I know,
I get this call from the FBI...
All right. All right.
That was fun, guys.
That was fun.
well, you know...
you wouldn't have
a few bucks, maybe,
for my troubles, or...
I don't really have a couple
of bucks to spare, Drake.
Well, that's cool.
You know, that's cool.
Um, I was glad to help,
and... okay.
Man, thank you!
Guys, thank you!
Hey. You know what?
Drop by any time you want.
Come visit.
And... and Anthony,
keep doing school, okay?
'Cause that's
my theme song, all right?
All right. Bye, Drake.
(engine starts)
I want to show you something.
Is this okay?
Don't worry.
They know me.
Doesn't look like
anyone's home, anyway.
See this?
I built it.
It's a...
Called a trellis.
You know, usually,
they're simple and boxy,
but I... I added
some carvings,
did some detail work.
Looks pretty good, Dad.
I think so.
You know, it makes a statement.
Says somebody's been here,
somebody cares.
They, uh, they
seemed to like it.
I called the police!
- It's me, Walt.
- Get out of my yard!
My dog is trained to attack!
No, I built...
Get em, Daisy!
(Daisy barking)
(barking continues)
Are we in trouble?
Don't worry.
It's fine.
(siren wailing)
Hands where I can see 'em!
(police radio chatter)
I'm sorry.
I was just showing my son...
License and registration.
See, I, uh... I built
the trellis, and, uh...
And your license.
I'm sorry.
I don't have it on me.
Are you Kyle Zabler?
Yes, officer.
I am Kyle Zabler.
And this is my son...
See, I built her trellis and...
This your stepdad?
Here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm going to ask you to try
and stay out of
other people's yards.
Okay? But I am
gonna write you up
for driving without a license.
Fair enough.
That trellis lady
had no idea who I was.
Worked at her house for a week,
didn't even remember me.
She should've.
Maybe she's a Philistine.
I liked your bookshelves, too.
Kyle didn't.
Did he say why
he didn't like them?
He didn't like the color.
The color?
They were pine.
They were wood color.
You try and stay
out of trouble now.
- Yes, officer.
- Mm-hmm.
What do we do now?
Got any homework?
Your report card, huh?
How'd you do?
"A"... "A"...
Straight "A" s.
Listen, uh, did
Kyle have any, uh,
leftover trim
for the kitchen entry?
Um, yeah.
You want to help me fix it?
- Okay.
- Yeah?
We'll fix
that sticking door, too.
You want to put
a little putty in there.
You see this edge here?
That's called a reveal.
A reveal?
Yeah, 'cause it reveals
some of the piece below it.
You know, if it were even,
it would be called flush,
because it's flush.
And if it protrudes,
like this one,
then it's called proud.
Yeah, 'cause
it's, uh, sticking out,
like it's boastful, right?
You see, uh,
carpentry is only
the illusion of perfection...
but we can come close.
They say
God lives in the details.
He does?
Well, if he doesn't
live in the details,
where does he live, huh?
I don't know.
See, uh,
bad workmanship is a sin.
People don't appreciate
quality work like they used to.
But you...
You notice things,
you give them
some thought, right?
I think so.
See that chair?
Someone built that chair,
and not just one person,
several people helped...
Remember that.
Real people.
You know, when
you go over a bridge,
think about what it took
to build that bridge.
You ever think about
the people who made your pants?
Well, think about 'em.
Now, Kyle...
He's okay for a pud,
but I'm sure he never
gives things any thought.
Not because he doesn't care.
He just doesn't have
the imagination.
You don't want to
be like that, right?
No way.
Hey, Dad,
can Allen come over next time?
Who's Allen?
The boy at your friend's house.
What friend's house?
Oh, you mean Vaughn?
He's not my friend.
I barely know him.
I just heard he might know
who stole my tools.
I thought he was one of
your friends at the tavern.
What are you talking about?
When I was going inside
to The Signal,
he was coming out.
Are you sure
it was the same guy?
Yeah. Allen was in the truck.
Why didn't you tell me this?
I thought you saw him.
He never goes there, huh?
And then he pawns
crazy Drake off on us?
Whip-smart, my ass.
You think he stole your tools?
Get your coat.
(brakes screeching)
Where's your dad?
(Allen gasps)
What did your dad
do with the tools?
My dad didn't take the tools,
Roger did.
Who's Roger?
The guy that was with my dad.
Why didn't you tell me?
I wanted to,
but my dad would've killed me.
- Walt: Come here!
- Vaughn: Whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I'm the one who was helping you
find the damn tools!
Where are they,
you son of a bitch?
I told you.
I don't know!
I don't know where they are.
You boys get out of here.
Dad, I think
you should tell him.
Tell him what Roger said.
What Roger said?
Yeah, Roger said
that Vaughn stole your tools.
Now, that's a goddamn lie!
Roger's the one
who stole your damn tools.
Why should I believe you?
It's true.
Roger went into your truck
and took them.
Dad told him to stop.
You believe this boy?
Where's he live?
Are you Roger?
What do you want?
I want my tools.
- Okay!
- Where are they?
Okay. I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Don't be sorry,
just give me my tools.
I don't have them.
I pawned them.
I checked the pawn shop!
No, I took 'em
to Pete's Pawn in Renton.
I figured you'd never go there.
Give me the money.
I don't have it.
How much did you get?
$200, but I spent it.
I want the $200.
I haven't worked in six months.
I got three kids.
We needed food.
Get off of him!
Get off of him!
He's got heart trouble!
(all grunting)
- No, no, no, no!
- Get off!
(all wheezing)
Just give me my money.
We don't have it anymore.
It's gone.
Well, then give me
something to sell.
We've sold everything.
There's nothing left.
Are you okay, honey?
I'm fine.
Look. We're done here.
We're going back to Idaho
to live with my parents.
When we get back on our feet,
I will send you the money.
I need the money now.
That's not gonna happen.
Look, he stole your tools,
and that was wrong,
but we're broke.
Look around here.
Do you see anything
worth selling?
The only thing we got
left is that mower,
and it don't even work!
Come on, Anthony.
Let's go.
I'm sorry.
Write down your address
and I'll send you the money.
Forget it.
I'm coming with you.
Hey. How you doing?
Are you the owner?
Got a guy.
Those are, uh, my tools.
They were stolen.
You got a receipt?
They're very old.
They were my dad's.
I don't have a receipt.
Well, that's your problem, then.
Well, I can tell you
everything that's in there
without opening it.
Yeah, I got guys coming in here
all the time,
claiming stuff is theirs.
Those are my tools.
Then call a cop.
Or a lawyer.
Maybe you didn't know
before you bought 'em,
but you know now.
Those are stolen goods.
Well, call the authorities.
We'll have
an investigation, then.
That's how things work
in this country.
How much did you put on them?
400 bucks.
- Anthony?
- Hey! What are you doing?
Come back here!
Anthony! Run!
- Run!
- Get out of the way!
Keep running, Anthony!
Anthony, run!
Get the kid, Darren!
(blows landing)
Anthony: Stop it!
Leave him alone!
Leave my dad alone, goddamn it!
(scuffling continues)
Get away from my boy!
What are you doing, huh?
Get away from my boy!
(grunts viciously)
You don't even think
about coming back here,
'cause I'm not selling you
these tools for any price.
Now, go on.
Get outta here.
Are you sure you're not hurt?
You got blood, Dad.
Oh, I'm okay.
Come on.
Let's go home.
(Gillian Welch's
"Everything is Free" begins)
Everything is free now
That's what they say
Everything I ever done
Gonna give it away
Someone hit the big score
They figured it out
That we're gonna do it
Even if it doesn't pay
They got pop.
You want anything?
No, thank you.
Me neither.
I'm back!
Hey! Great timing.
We just got home.
- Hi, bud!
- Hi.
How are you?
Good. Um, Dad's here.
Hey, Walt!
So, how'd it go?
Wouldn't you say, Anthony?
Good. Nothing happened.
Well, come on in for a minute.
Sit down.
You haven't seen the place,
have you?
Well, I, uh...
I'm sorry, I mean,
since you lived here.
Yeah, I haven't really
been here since, uh...
- looks good.
- Yeah.
Sit down.
Sit down.
So what did you two get up to
this weekend?
Um, just messed around.
Played some video games.
At Dad's house.
You have video games now?
Yeah, I got 'em for Anthony.
But I enjoy 'em, you know.
It's fun to kill aliens.
Did you get enough to eat?
We ate some.
How about I'll make a snack,
and we'll have dinner later?
Hey, Walt, you want
to stay for dinner?
No, I'm good.
Hey, Walt, do you want
to see my ham radio?
I mean, you know,
maybe someday, but not today.
Hey, Walt.
Bonnie tells me
you've run into
kind of a rough patch,
and I want you to know,
that if you need
any money or anything,
don't be afraid to ask us.
That's very nice of you, Kyle,
but, uh...
I'm doing okay.
I just want you to...
I really like
what you've done
with this house.
It's really nice.
That's much appreciated, Kyle.
And those kitchen cabinets?
Well... ahem.
We had a great weekend.
We had a good weekend.
We learned a lot
about, uh, how to show
appreciation for one another.
I don't mean just physically.
No. No.
It's all about communication.
Telling the truth.
Just be honest with each other.
That's what the experts say.
Isn't that right, partner?
I don't know.
Hey, Walt, do you want a beer?
You have beer?
Yeah, I keep it tucked away
in a little fridge
in the garage.
None for me, thanks.
Would you mind if I had one?
Okay, I'll just go get one,
and I'll be right back.
(door opens, Kyle thuds)
Whoa! Jeez.
What happened to my sticky door?
Walt, can we talk
outside, please?
(door opens)
(door shuts)
What were you doing
in my house this weekend?
When I, uh,
brought Anthony over
for the newspapers,
I had to go to the bathroom.
You always fix the door trim
when you go to the bathroom?
Not always.
I'm sorry, I...
I came in, I saw the bad work,
I couldn't help myself.
Right. And I suppose
that made you so hungry,
that you had to make pancakes?
Why don't you have a seat, bud?
What's the money for?
It's for Dad.
I don't want to say.
I know he was here this weekend.
I know everything that happened.
That's why I want
to give Dad the money...
for the car.
The car?
For fixing the brakes.
Your dad was driving
my car this weekend?
I thought you knew.
How much were the brakes?
But then there's labor.
For his time.
$325 for his time?
That's probably fair,
don't you think?
I think so.
Is there anything else
you want to tell me
about this weekend?
That's about it.
It was actually pretty boring.
Do you think Dad can borrow
the car for a few days?
Until his truck gets fixed?
All right, what the hell?
Um, do you mind if, uh...
Walt took the wagon
for a couple of days
and put new brakes on it?
We talked
and he said all good, right?
You really don't mind?
I'd be happy to help.
That's nice.
Thank you.
Here's the keys.
Okay, uh, I'd better get going.
Uh, Dad?
Remember, you said you'd
take me back to your house
to get some stuff I forgot.
Is that okay, Mom?
But no messing around.
Just there and back.
I'll see you later.
Hey, Walt?
I really enjoy seeing you.
Thank you for fixing the car.
You bet.
(door opens)
Okay, buddy, what's going on?
Now we can get your tools back.
Where'd you get this?
Oh, no.
We're taking it back.
Well, it's for fixing the car.
You weren't
supposed to say anything.
Uh, she said, um,
she was gonna ask you
to fix it anyways.
Let me borrow your phone.
There's no way that guy
will sell them to us.
Mom and Kyle will help.
No. I can't do that.
(line ringing)
Otto isn't answering.
(line ringing)
I know.
Go that way.
Stay here.
I'll be right back.
Give him the money, Dad.
(engine starts)
So you know where they are
and what they look like?
Yes, sir.
Just say it's for
your dad's birthday.
(door shuts)
Hey! I should've known
it was you!
(engine starts)
Come back here, you! Hey!
Stop! Stop!
What happened in there?
When I went in,
he was talking to a man,
so I went right for the tools
and took them and ran.
Let me, uh,
take a look at these.
Thank you, Allen.
Thank you so much.
(no audible dialogue)
This is good.
My dad, he's probably
still passed out,
but if he sees me,
I'll get in trouble.
sorry I hit you with the glove.
Maybe I'll take you and Anthony
to a game sometime.
Sure. This was fun.
Bye, Allen.
We should make one more stop.
Bless me, for I have sinned.
It's been one day
since my last confession.
These are my sins.
I lied to my mom and my dad.
I stole...
a lot.
I coveted.
I said bad words.
I didn't keep
the Lord's day holy.
I shouldn't have lied
to the policewoman...
or pointed the gun at Mike.
Let's see. Um...
What else?
what do you want
to do next weekend?
Next weekend
is First Communion
and Confirmation.
Oh, yeah.
You gonna do it?
For Mom.
Are you gonna come?
Yeah, I'll be there.
For sure.
Where are you gonna stay?
You know, may...
Maybe Otto can put me up
for a few days.
Um, I got a paycheck coming
at the end of the week,
so, you know,
I can get my house back.
That's good, Dad.
You were right, Dad.
It was my fault.
What was?
I left the truck alone.
Oh, no.
No, Anthony.
It wasn't your fault.
No, I left it unlocked.
It was me.
Your dad messed up.
You're a good boy.
You know?
You did good.
You got my tools back.
So, um...
see you next weekend?
See you next weekend, buddy.
You behave yourself, now.
(car door shuts)
(engine starts)
I can remember
Those days as a child
When life was a treasure
Filled with wonder
and joy
The simplest of things
Were filled
with such pleasure
And love was a virtue
Time could not destroy
I still need these things
to believe in
To protect my heart
From the rain
Something's gone wrong
The old feeling is gone
I need a change
A change in the way
That I am living
A different way
to deal
A change in the way
I perceive
this old world
I need something that's real
These days, I wonder
What's become of that boy?
I know he has traveled
On many dark roads
How can a soul
Wipe clean of the sorrow?
And how can a heart
Unburden that load?
I still need these things
to believe in
That protect my heart
from the rain
Oh, but something's
gone wrong
The feeling is gone
And, oh, Lord
I need a change
I need a change
in the way that I'm living
A different way
To deal
A change in the way
I perceive
this old world
I need something
that's real
Lord, I need
Something to feel
Oh, something to feel