The Conjuring (2013)

Scares us just thinking about it.
When you hear it,
you're gonna think we're insane.
Try us.
Please, from the start.
It started out small, hand or leg was
in a different positions. hand or leg was
in a different positions.
Then one day it was in a
completely different room.
It's moving around by itself.
Ever think that maybe somebody
had a key to your apartment?
Or just playing a trick on you?
That's exactly what we thought.
But never once that we find
any sign or evidence of intrusion.
And these all had led you to believe that
the doll was possessed?
Yes. Camilla got in touch with a medium.
We learned from her that a 7-year-old girl
named Annabelle Hagen had
died in this apartment.
She was lonely and took
a liking to my doll.
All she wanted was to be friends.
When we heard this, we
felt really sorry for her.
I mean we're nurses, we help people.
So... we gave her permission
to move into the doll.
Wait! You did what?
She wanted to live with
us by inhabiting the doll.
We said yes. But
then things got worse.
"Miss me?"
When we came home, she was
sitting in the hallway.
But we had left her
in the spare room.
"Miss me?"
Debbie! Debbie, wait!
We were beyond terrified.
We don't know what's going
on or what to do.
- Can you help us?
- Yes, we can.
But firstly, there is no
such thing as Annabelle.
And there never was.
Ghosts don't possess
such a power.
But I think what we have here is something
extremely manipulative.
It's something inhuman.
It was a big mistake
acknowledging this doll.
And through that the inhuman spirit
trick you.
You gave it permission
to infest your life.
What is an inhuman spirit?
In human form.
It's something demonic.
So the doll was never possessed?
No, no, it was used as a conduit. It moves
around to give the impression of possession.
Demonic spirits don't possess things.
They possess people.
It wanted to get inside of you.
Alright that's good, Drew.
You can shut it down now.
Hit the lights.
So we get the church to
send a priest over to
perform a blessing on the
house and the occupants.
Whatever was oppressing the apartment,
was no longer with them.
Any questions?
Where's the doll now?
Someplace safe.
So, what are you guys? I mean,
what do people call you?
We've been called demonologists,
it's one name for us.
Ghost hunters, paranormal
But we preferred to be known
simply as Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Here we are.
- Wow! You hear that?
- I don't hear anything.
- Exactly.
- Oh, okay!
Okay. Guys!
Oh god, we're in
the middle of nowhere.
I'm so excited!
Where's my yes?
I'll race ya!
- Are you guys excited?
- Yes.
Come on Sadie!
- I get my own room!
- Oh, really?
- I call dips on the room!
- What?
Do I get to pick my own room or do I
have no choice in that either?
Well, first cute boy she'll meet,
she'll forget about Jersey.
Oh great! Can't wait.
Come on, Sadie!
Sadie, let's go!
Hey! Come!
What's the matter with you?
Hey, come on, girl!
Alright, suit yourself!
Coming through!
Woah, watch out, Dad.
Where do you want it?
That goes into the living room.
Hey Andrea! Where's my wind chimes?
Uh, I think Nancy got it in the other room.
Thank you. Nancy, have you
seen my wind chimes? This?
Yes. Give it to me!
You're mean!
Hey, Mom. Can I hang
this wind chimes?
Of course! There is a line
outside you can hang it on.
Honey, have April come in, okay?
It's gonna be dark soon.
Come on, April. Mama
wants you inside.
Look what I found, Cindy!
One... Two ..
- Three.
- Run!
- No peeking!
- Four.
Are you guys done with the pizza? I
don't want it to go to waste.
It's expensive feeding you girls.
Seven... Eight ..
Nine... Ten.
Ready or not, here I come!
Okay, clap!
Guys, you don't know
the house well enough.
Someone's gonna get hurt.
I'm okay, I'm okay!
Second clap!
That's cheating.
Whoa, whoa!
Are you okay?
Oh, yeah. Well, uh...
All right! Well, what we break now?
Will you get out of there, please?
I didn't mean to.
- It's Christine's fault.
- My fault?
Oh, geez!
- Christine did it!
- No I didn't!
- Oh no, you pushed me!
- Oh, no.
Hey, Nancy, can you go get
me the matches, please?
What's going on?
Nancy broke something.
...Shut up!
- Oh, it was you!
- What's up?
- No.
Think we have a cellar
or something.
I want to see! I want to see!
Here, matches? Thank you!
- Nancy!
- I want to see too.
Okay, I wanna see it.
Oh, man!
What do you see down there?
Uh... It's hard to tell, you know.
There's an old piano and a
whole bunch of garbage.
Son of a...
Come on up.
I don't want any of you girls going down there.
The place is loaded of spiders.
Euww! Oh! Ugh!
Stop it, Nancy!
It's not funny!
Got extra square footage down there,
I'll checked it out in the morning.
- Why people board it up?
- I don't know.
OK, guys, show's over, let's go, up to bed!
- Please. Thank you!
- Time for bed.
- Man, I am fried.
- Something's up with Sadie.
Yeah, I don't know what her problem is.
Couldn't get her to come inside.
We can't leave her out there. She's
alright, I got her on a chain.
Sadie, Sadie! Be quiet!
Thanks for making this work.
I know it's a lot to pay off.
It's going to be great, isn't it?
It's great already.
You still too fried to
christen the new house?
Who said I'm fried? Think
nobody here is fried.
Hey, how do you guys sleep?
I'm cold.
It is chilly, isn't it?
Do you think maybe we could
have bought a house
that has a toilet
that actually works?
Tell your father.
And there was a really funky
smell in my bedroom last night.
Reek like something died.
- Is it still there?
- No.
Problem solved!
- Roger?
- Down here, honey.
This is going to take
some serious elbow grease.
Oh, gosh!
What do we gonna do
with all this stuff?
Well, we probably
have to go through it.
You know, there might be some antiques
down here worth a lot of money.
Yes, or just a lot of junk the
previous owner didn't want.
It's ours now.
Knock yourself out.
- I'mma make some coffee.
- Okay, I'll be up in a minute
- I'mma see if I can get the furnace working.
- Yeah, that'd be nice. It's freezing.
Sadie! Come here, Sadie!
Mommy, where's Sadie?
Uh, she's outside. I'm sure
she's hungry by now.
Why don't you go get her?
- Good morning, Dad. Can you hold this?
- Hey. Sure!
- Sadie!
- Slow down, scoot!
- Roger?
- Yeah.
This clock stopped at 3:07, and
so did the one in the hallway.
That's weird!
Maybe it got knock around the move.
Speaking of knocked around,
what did you do to me last night?
I didn't do that, yeah.
- I don't know.
- Sadie!
April! April!
April! What's going on?
- What happened?
- Oh, my God!
Oh, Sadie.
We keep everything locked in here.
Feel free to look around,
just don't touch anything.
This is crazy.
So all these were taken
from cases you investigated?
That's right. Everything you see in
here is either haunted, cursed...
or being used in some kind
of ritualistic practice.
Nothing is a toy. Not
even the toy monkey.
Don't touch it!
Isn't it scary or...
doesn't it worry you to have all
these items right in your home?
Oh that's why we have a priest come
by once a month to bless the room.
The way I see it is, it's safer for these
things to be in here than out there.
It's kinda like keeping guns
out of the streets.
Oh, why not just throw
them in the incinerator?
Destroy? It will only destroy the vessel.
Sometimes it's better to
keep the genie in a bottle.
Say, is the Annabelle doll here?
Right this way.
- You said she was the conduit?
- That's right.
What does that mean?
A very powerful demonic has
latched itself onto her.
So, when you guys investigate
these haunting,
How do you stop from
the latching onto you?
- We have to take great precaution.
- But what about your wife?
What about her?
- Father Gordon told me that...
- That was different.
What happened to my wife
happened during an exorcism.
What's the difference?
Excuse me!
Honey, what are you doing?
Come here. You know better.
All right? Georgiana! Come
on, did you touch anything?
- No.
- Alright, come one, Honey.
- Can you take Judy upstairs?
- Oh, sure!
You can't go in this room
no matter what, remember?
- Yes, Daddy.
- All right.
Go on!
OK, come on! Let's find
you some snack, okay?
Come on!
- What is going on in here?
- Daddy, look!
- Oh, you look very pretty.
- All right, I'm done.
Go get dress for dinner.
- I'm wearing it to dinner.
- No, you're not.
Here we go.
- How it'd go?
- I think he may write a positive article.
Ooh, a non-skeptic!
- It's a pleasant change.
- Yeah.
Stop blaming yourself.
No sugar? Be right back.
Not funny, Nancy!
- Stop grabbing my foot!
- Shut up! I didn't do anything!
Yeah right!
Stop farting!
It really stinks!
Don't blame that on me, it's you.
- Dad!
- Andrea, what are you doing out of bed?
- What's that sound?
- It's Cindy. She's in my room.
She sleepwalking again.
I've never seen her
do this before.
I remember you saying not to
wake her if she's like this or..
No, we're just
put her back to bed.
Hey, hey, sweetie!
Let's go back to bed.
- She's okay. Good night.
- Night.
She sleepwalking again? She
hasn't done that for a while.
She ended up in Andrea's room,
it freaked her out.
That's not good.
What are we gonna do?
Oh, no, honey. You get
another bruise here.
Is that hurt?
It's weird!
Oh no. You do me a favor,
go see a doctor for that?
- Yeah, I will. Drive safe.
- Yeah.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Bye, love you!
- Cindy! You have your lunch?
- Yeah.
Yes. I do.
I miss Sadie a lot.
She was my best friend.
You're my friend, right?
Yeah, let's play.
- Who are you talking to?
- Rory.
- Rory?
- He's my new friend.
- Oh, really?
- Yes. You want to see him?
- Yeah, uh-huh. How?
- With this.
When the music stops, you see him in
the mirror, standing behind you.
- Okay.
- But you have to twist the key.
Boo, Mommy, woah!
- Gotcha!
- Heart attack!
Well, okay, I guess Rory doesn't
wanna see me, huh?
Oh, well, can we
play hide and clap?
Hide and clap owh, honey.
Please! Nobody ever lets me play.
Okay, okay.
Remember, you get to ask me for
three claps.
- Okay.
- One. Two.
- Three.
- I'm gonna go hide now.
Four. Five,
Six. Seven.
Eight. Nine.
First clap!
Second clap!
Alright, I know where you're hiding.
Give me the third clap!
I'm gonna get you now.
I can hear you breathing!
Ha ha, you took your blindfold off. I win!
You weren't even warmed, Mom.
I was in Christine
and Nancy's room.
I... I'd gotta have some route
till I'm losing track from Rick.
It's like half my rate, man.
Yeah, okay.
I'll... I'll take it.
Thank you.
- What's the route?
- It's Florida.
It's a week turn around.
I start tomorrow.
We'll get through this.
- Yeah.
- Come on, lets go to bed.
Stop it, Nancy.
It's not funny anymore.
I'm trying to sleep,
please don't grab on my feet.
What are you doing?
Are you alright?
Do you see it?
See what?
- There's someone behind the door.
- What?
There is someone
standing over there.
I don't see anyone.
It's looking right at us.
- Nancy, don't, Nancy!
- Look, no, look, look!
Look! There's no one,
no one's here. See?
Ugh, it's that smell again!
Owh my god...
It's standing right behind you.
Christine, Christine?
Guys, wake up!
- Christine!
- No! - Christine!
- No!
- What's going on? What happened?
There's someone else in here!
- What?
- Where?
By the door!
It was behind the door!
Honey, there's nothing in here.
There's nobody in here.
Dad, there was
someone else in here!
I was just sleeping, and then I felt
someone grab my feet.
So I thought it was Nancy.
Well, honey, I'm pretty sure
it was just a bad dream.
No, no! it talked to me.
It said...
that it wants my family dead.
Mr. Winston!
- Winston! Winston!
- Get behind him.
Where're you off to?
Uh, I just gotta run to the store
for a few things.
- Why do you even try?
- What? What do you mean?
In 15 years, have you
been able to lie to me?
Pastor Gordon called, he's got a case
he wants us to look into.
I said I would check
it up myself.
- Lorraine, myself!
- I'm coming with you.
I know you're worried
it's gonna happened again.
Yeah, I am. I really am!
Maybe it's just time we take
a break, write that book.
Do you remember what you said to me
on our wedding night?
Can we do it again?
After that.
You said that God brought us
together for a reason, right?
I'm pretty sure it's
not to write a book.
I'm gonna get dress.
We isolate the disturbances
to the attic.
Now I just want you to
listen for a second.
Oh my God, that's it!
Do it again, Ed!
Right now it's just my weight.
It take the water coming
off the pipe combined
with the wind come through
the broken window...
and these boards gonna
expands and rub against each other.
You heard it all through the
house because these pipes...
link to the radiator.
- So this place isn't haunted.
- No, it rarely is.
There's usually always some kind
of rational explanations.
Girls, it's way past
your bed time.
Who is that?
Whose ever down there,
I'm gonna lock you in now!
Help me up, Help!
Hey, want to play Hide and Clap?
Alright, come on.
Come on.
There you go.
Okay, you can just sleep
with me tonight, alright?
Right here.
There you go.
Woe, help! Help! Ah-a-a-ah!
- Who's in here? Andrea?
- Andrea?
Dad! Hurry, Dad!
Who's in here?
What happened?
Somebody tell me what's going on here!
Fear is defined as a feeling
of agitation and anxiety...
caused by the presence
or eminence of danger.
Whether it's ghost, spirit or
an entity, they all feed on it.
Take Maurice here.
He's a French-Canadian farmer, had nothing
more than third-grade education.
Yet after he was possessed, spoke some
of the best Latin I've ever heard.
Sometime backwards.
He's been molested by his father, who
also tortured him repeatedly.
A dark spirit made its
home in this man.
Now, If you look into his eyes,
you can see him tearing blood.
And, like that, an upside down cross
started to appear from within his body.
Drew, can you hit the lights?
- Do you personally perform the exorcism?
- No, I'm not authorized.
But I've assisted on many, see
an exorcism can be very dangerous,
not only for the victim, but
for anyone in the room.
- So, what happened to Maurice?
- Well, he tried to kill his wife.
But instead he shot her in the arm
and he turned the gun onto himself.
Maurice had a very
troubled life..
With little to live for.
It not even an exorcist
could bring him back.
Which brings us to the three
stages of demonic activity:
Infestation, oppression,
and possession.
The infestation that's... that's the whisperings,
the footsteps, the feeling of another presence.
Which ultimately grows into
oppression, the second stage.
And this is where the
victim, and it's usually
the one who's the most
psychologically vulnerable.
It's targeted specifically
by an external force.
Breaks the victims down,
crushes their wills.
And once in a weaken state... leads
into the third and final stage, possession.
- Hey Ed! Lorraine!
- Yeah.
- There's someone here that would
like to talk to you. - Oh, hi?
- Thank you.
- Sure, I'll see you later.
How can we help you?
There is something horrible
happening in my house.
Could you come take a look?
You know, uh... It's getting kind of
late, we really need to be heading home.
- No, you don't understand.
- Owh but we do.
As usual, some sort of rational
- explanation.. - I have 5 daughters
who are scared to death.
I'm so afraid this
thing wants to hurt us.
You have a daughter,
won't you do anything
you could to protect her?
Please! Please can you
come and take a look?
Of course we will.
Of course we will.
Come on, Jen. Open up.
Jen, what happened? The top of your head
turned black?
Hey, would you guys turn it off?
Silly. The wig.
- Hello! - Hi.
Thanks for coming.
- Hi. I'm Roger.
- Lorraine.
It's nice to meet you, Roger.
Ed Warren.
- Thanks for coming.
- Please, come in.
Thank you.
Oh, my god! Look at you all. Who
are these beautiful young women?
It's Andrea, the oldest. Nancy,
Cindy, Christine and April.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren.
We... we all sleeping down here now.
The girls feel safer and it's warmer.
I'm constantly turning up the heat
but the house is always freezing.
It's not the problem with the furnace
though I mean, not that I can find.
It's gotten a lot, worst
the past few nights.
There this...
The awful smell like rotting meat...
that moves around the house.
What? What is it?
Well, the rancid smell could... indicate
some type of demonic activities.
Oh, my God!
Oh, that's to keep those
doors from banging at night.
Otherwise it's like...
All night long, just like that.
Does it comes in 3's?
- Yeah.
- Stops at dawn?
Sometimes it meant as an
insult to the Trinity.
Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit.
You know, there's the
damnest thing, but...
we also get all kinds of
birds that were just flying
against the sides of the house
and break their necks.
- Huh! Really?
- And the clock stopped at 3:07 AM.
- All of them?
- Every one.
We were hanging those
along the stair.
Something just kept knocking them
down, so we stop hanging them up.
That's what I was talking about.
It was here when we moved in.
There are also a lot of
stuff in the cellar.
Show me the cellar.
You picking up anything
in here, Hon?
Something awful happened here, Ed.
Those bruises, it from
something that happened here?
It's some iron
deficiency things I've have.
You know, with all that's going on,
why haven't you just moved out?
I have nowhere we move to,
we get all money tied up in this place.
I have a lot of repairs
on top of that.
And I don't know anybody who's going to
take in a family of 7 indefinitely.
That's why we tracked you down.
We're glad you found us!
All right. Lets get started.
My name is Ed Warren.
It's November 1st, 1971.
I am sitting here with Carolyn
Peron, who with her family,
has been experiencing
supernatural occurrences.
Okay, go ahead.
- Where do I start?
- From the first occurrence.
It guess it was the clocks.
Mom and Dad tell me
that you have a friend.
His name is Rory. He lives here, too.
But he always sad.
- Why is that?
- He won't tell me.
But I think something
bad happened to him.
Do you mind if I try to see Rory?
What is it?
We bought it at auction
from the bank.
So, you know, we never
knew who have lived here.
Well, Lorraine and I both feel,
that what your house needs is a cleansing.
- An exorcism.
- What? Exorcism?
I thought that was something
that you do to people.
No, not necessarily. No.
We have to get out of here.
I'm afraid that's not going to help.
Lorraine saw something. Why
don't you just go ahead on it?
I've been seeing the dark and its even
haunt your house and your land.
I saw it first when I
came through your door.
It was latched to your back.
And then I saw it again with the girls
when we walked in the living room.
It doesn't matter where you go,
this dark entity has latched
itself to your family.
And its feeding off of you.
Even if we... leave?
It sometimes when you get haunted
is like you stepping on gum.
You take it with you.
I have to tell you you have
a lot of spirit in here.
But this is the one that I most worried
about because it is so hateful.
- OK, so what do we do? Do we call a priest?
- I wish it was that easy.
Performing an exorcism is archaic procedure.
Required years of training and...
And even then, I have seen
it go horribly wrong.
But before we can get that far, the
Church has to authorize it first.
Means we got to investigate, gather
evidence and provide proof.
And that's the hard part.
Have your children been baptized?
No, we never get around to that.
We're not really Churchy family.
Well, you might want to rethink that.
Our presence here could make things worst.
- Why?
- Because we are a threat.
Whatever you're dealing with here,
isn't gonna... like us.
So far, it hasn't done anything violent.
That's a good sign.
So we gonna have our guys do some homework on
the property to see what we're up against.
- Judy, what are you're up to?
- I got you a present.
Me and Nana got this
at the Church's yard sales.
- Honey! Oh!
- One for you and one for me.
I put a picture of you
and Daddy into mine.
Nana said with this we will
always be together.
You'll be with me and
I'll be with you.
I miss you and Daddy.
Hey, Hon!
You're not gonna believe this.
Carolyn's voice didn't record.
- What do you mean?
- Listen.
My name is Ed Warren. It's November 1st, 1971.
I am sitting here with Carolyn Peron.
And her family who have been experiencing
supernatural occurrences.
Alright, go ahead.
Hurm, from the first occurence.
Nothing! The whole time. I don't know,
you find anything?
A lot. That makes no wonder they
going through what they are.
That the original farm house, built
in 1863 by a man named Jedson Sherman,
He was married to a woman
named Bathsheba.
And she related to
Mary Town Esty.
She's one of the woman accused of witchcraft
and assailant, she hindering a trial.
So, after Bathsheba married
Jedson, they had a baby.
And when the baby was
seven days old, Jedson
caught her sacrificing it in
front of the fireplace.
She ran out to that tree by the dock,
climbed up, proclaimed her love to Satan,
cursed anyone who tried
to take her land,
and hung herself.
Time of death was pronounced
at 3:07 in the morning.
- Well, that explains a few things.
- Here, so does this.
Her last name was Walker, she
lived there in the 30's.
She had a boy named Rory, who
mysteriously disappeared in the woods.
Then she killed herself in the cellar.
And that's not all.
See what was the original 200 acre farm,
has been subdivided and sold off.
There was another boy who
drowned in the pond here.
He lived in the house over here,
And the woman worked
as a maid in the
neighboring home, she
committed suicide, too.
People who took her land.
I am sitting here
with Carolyn Peron.
And her family who have been experiencing
supernatural occurrences.
Alright, go ahead.
From the first occurence.
Owh, here's Brad.
- You find it okay?
- Oh, yeah.
Drew, this is Officer Brad.
Officer Brad Hamilton, Harris Ville,
Rhode Island PD.
Nice to meet you, man.
So, you're lucky new cop, huh?
Guess so.
- You're here to catch some ghost, right?
- Take it easy, Adam Drew.
Okay, so help me get the
stuffs unloaded.
Take this.
When you're finished here, why don't
you head upstairs, alright?
You got it.
What's wrong with the Chevy?
Uh, what's not wrong with her.
- Needs a new carburetor to start.
- Oh, yeah?
Kind of put fixing her
up on hold for a while.
You hand me in the
thermostat, would you?
What's this, uh, do?
Owh if there's an instanst drop
of the temperature,
thermostat triggers the
camera to take a picture.
Do you actually caught things on film?
Yeah, that's the point.
Why, uh... Why out here?
Well, this is where the
witch committed suicide.
She hung herself from the branch
right above where you're standing.
How could a mother
kill her own child?
He was never a child to her.
She just used her god given gift
as the ultimate of fence against him.
Which is believed will elevate
her status in the eyes of Satan.
Hm. Well...
that's a nice stay at the beach, huh?
How did you know?
Some insight, it's like a peek
through the curtain in
another person's life.
They means so much to me.
We're driving along the coast.
Nancy pointed out how pretty
the view was.
I thought this is the perfect
opportunity for a photo.
We're gonna starts fresh, you know.
A new house, a new beginning.
You should've seen Roger and the girls.
I've never seen them so happy.
They mean the world to me.
Put your hand flat on the desk.
- Hmm?
- Now take it off.
Here we go.
See? It's just revealed source
that naked eye can't see.
Pretty fired, isn't it?
Yes, it's scurvy.
Drew, you get the bullet
ready for Brad?
Yeah, already log in on, sir.
What? I had to go.
All the rooms are coming in pretty good.
- What's in the bottle?
- Holy water.
The presence of
religious icons will...
get the reactions from
any thing unholy.
Sort of pisses them off.
So I set these throughout the house,
see I can stir things up a bit.
- Like holding a cross to a vampire?
- Yeah, exactly.
Still don't believe in vampires.
Wasn't me.
Brad, get the camera.
Right, it's 9:18, we headed down to the
cellar with the door just open on its own.
Have Lorraine and Officer
Brad Hamilton with me.
Lets keep the cellar light off.
Give us a sign that you want
to communicate with us.
Everything alright?
Definitely something's in here.
Alright close the door,
we'll start it!
Come on.
- Come!
- I get on this.
Now there.
Well, like I said, doesn't
always work when you want it to.
Yeah, maybe the camera
picks something up.
Watch out.
For a guy who doesn't believe,
you looked a little freaked out
when the door slammed shut.
It must have been a draft.
Owh, it's funny.
A draft never put that look
on my face before.
I believe the clock.
It's 3:08.
I think I might take the
girls for ice cream later on.
- What do you say about that?
- Oh, yeah!
- Honey, you wanna come?
- No, I'm exhausted.
I'm just gonna take a nap.
The late night, they're getting to me.
Probably it's a good idea.
Why don't you get some rest,
Lorraine and I watch
over things for a bit.
I better take off, my shift
starting in an hour.
Oh, the house doesn't felt
like this in a long time. I think
the kids feel a lot
safer with you around.
- I can get used to this.
- What, me doing laundy?
A nice place, nice, fresh country air, huh?
This... such a beautiful
family, don't they?
Yeah, the little one, April.
She brings you some pancakes?
- We've gotta help them.
- I know.
I'll start with the Chevy.
Carolyn, are you okay?
Carolyn, open the door!
Carolyn, open up!
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
You sick?
I woke up, just feeling
little nauseous, that's all.
- I thought I saw..
- I hear Roger and the girls.
A minute.
Nancy! Nancy, come on!
You like junk!
- Hey guys, you wanna play..
- Boring.. - Thank you Daddy.
Let's go play.
- I thought that was you.
- Hey, I hope you don't mind.
Get a good deal on a rebuilt, the
a wrecking yard in Smithfield.
- Nice. Looks like you know what you're doing.
- Yeah, we'll see.
Got a nice place here, Roger.
Lorraine and I always wanted a
spot in the country.
I'll sell you this one.
Hey, get me the wrench, would you?
Hey, uh...
Really means a lot to us
to have you here.
I gotta admit I was a little
bit skeptical going in.
I just want to say thank you, though
for coming out, what you did.
I can't take the credit. It, uh...
It's all Lorraine's.
- I didn't want to!
- Oh, why is that?
Whatever Lorraine
sees, feels, touches...
it helps people, but
it also takes a toll on her.
Little piece each time.
Couple months ago we
worked on a case.
She saw something.
It took a real big piece.
When we got home, she went into
our room, locked herself in.
Didn't talk, didn't eat,
didn't come out for 8 days.
What did she see?
Get out of here!
I do not know.
And I won't ask her.
- I need to reload.
- You want some?
I'm good. Thanks.
All right.
Look what you made me do.
Look what she made me do.
Look what she made me do.
This. Ed! Ed!
Dude, you're okay?
Hold on.
Brad, what's going on?
I saw someone, there was a woman
dressed like a maid. This...
Ed, we're getting something.
- It's just Cindy. - No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, we need this.
Why do we need pictures of Cindy?
Because she's the trigger.
- What do you mean she's the trigger?
- Somebody's with her.
- Cindy!
- Hey, over here!
There someone else
in there with her.
I'm hearing another voice.
Here, listen.
Follow me, this way.
This is where I hide.
- Where did she go, Ed?
- Windows are locked.
Ed, where did she go?
- Brad, get the UV light.
- The what?
Just ask Drew.
- Drew! I need a UV light.
- Uh, here. That's it, go, go, go!
Turn off the light.
Get out of the way!
Hit the lights.
I found her.
Here we go.
My girl!
That's where Rory hides
when he's afraid.
- Hon, could I have April's music box, please?
- All right.
- How's Cindy?
- She doesn't remember a thing.
There you go.
Thank you!
Lorraine! Lorraine!
She made me do it.
She made me do it.
She made me do it.
Ay! Lorraine!
- I know what she's did.
- I got you.
- Lorraine?
- Ed, I know what she did! - What?
She possessed the mother
to kill the child.
She visited Carolyn every night.
That's what the bruise marks are.
She's feeding off of her.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Nancy's okay, I got her.
You get that?
I'll have the footage developed
and get it over
to Father Gordon. He's
our liaison at the Church.
I imagine we'll get a pretty
fast response.
- Listen, Roger!
- Yeah?
I'll get the exorcist, I'll be
back but Lorraine..
- Yeah, I understand.
- Until then, Drew's gonna keep an eye on you.
- Ed, thank you for everything.
- You're welcome.
Got everything?
Judy? Oh, God!
Lorraine, wait!
- Lorraine?
- Mom, it's me. Is Judy okay?
- What?
- Can you go check, please?
- Dammit Mom, just check, please!
- Can you tell me what's going on?
- It's, it's Judy.
- What? What do you mean? What?
Oh! Thank God.
Mom, I'm sorry. I did
not mean to scare you.
I'll explain later, okay?
- What the hell happened?
- I saw a vision of Judy in the water.
I know it was some kind of warning.
I know it!
Let's get out of here!
- So?
- Yeah, well, you weren't kidding?
Look, it's... this is complicated
because the kids aren't baptized.
I understand...
And the family, they're
not members of the Church.
Oh, come on!
And, the approval has to come
directly from the Vatican.
Father, we've never seen
nothing like this.
Yeah, well, neither do I.
Father, they don't
have a lot of time.
All right.
- I push it through myself.
- Thank you.
- We'll wait for your call.
- Yeah.
Mommy? Daddy?
Mommy? Daddy?
- Judy! - Nana!
- Judy open the door!
- Ed, there's something wrong.
- What?
- Nana! - Judy! Judy open the door!
- What is it?
- What's goin on in there?
- Here I go! Look, look, look, look!
Judy, get back, honey.
Get back!
- Help!
- Judy!
Ah! Ah!
Get away from the door, Judy!
Are you okay?
Someone's rocking in
the chair with Annabelle.
All right.
She's still in the case.
It's okay! it's okay! it's okay!
Dad! Dad, wait! Dad!
Dad! Mom just left with
Christine and April.
She... She just ran the car
somewhere, I don't know what happened.
- She didn't say what was going on,
she just left. - Huh?
- Andrea, left? where?
- Come on, I don't know where she's going.
Where're we going, Mom?
Mr. Warren, it's Roger.
Something's going on with Carolyn.
Andrea was here and she said that Carolyn
took off with Christine and April.
The girls said she smells
like rotten meat.
She possessed the mother to kill the child.
That's what she does. She's taken them
back to the house.
Roger, get back to the house now.
I'll meet you there.
Lock the doors and
close the blinds.
Stay off the phone!
- I'm coming with you.
- No way! You stay with Judy!
The only way to protect Judy is if we
stop this where it's started.
Otherwise, she's going to
latch on to us again.
That's exactly why I'm going.
And you think I'm going to
let you walk on this alone?
- I can not lose you.
- You won't.
Let's finish this together!
- It's locked.
- Carolyn!
Roger! Get out of the way!
- Roger!
- Carolyn!
- Carolyn!
- We're down here!
Carolyn, don't!
- Here we go!
- Carolyn, no!
We get to get her to the car.
- We go where?
- Just take her to the priest, Brad.
Just wait. Where's April?
Christine in the
car, find April.
Come on!
- She won't let her leave her house.
- What? What do you mean?
We take her out, the
witch will kill her.
Get away.
Come in!
Get in, come on, okay.
Stay in here. Stay in here
no matter what. I'll be back.
- I promise.
- No.
I have to find April, okay? I'll be back.
I promise.
You're okay?
No. Brad!
Get something to tie her up!
Hold it!
I got her on cuff. I have to go
get Father Gordon out here.
He's too far away. She won't make it,
look at her.
- I need you to leave.
- What are you talking about?
I have to do it, the exorcism.
What? I thought you said we need a priest.
- You're not a priest.
- Well, you got a better idea?
- He can do it. You can do it!
- You got to get out of here.
I'm not leaving you.
I'm not doing this
with you in here.
God brought us together
for a reason, this is it.
I'm going to get the book.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
"Vade retra, Satan!"
"Go back, Satan!"
"Sante Michele Arcangelo,
defende nosceo prelio."
Hold this! Hold this chair! Come here!
Hold this chair.
April, you're under there?
Carolyn! Carolyn, don't give it!
Don't let her take you!
- Hey! Warren, stop, stop, you're killing her!
- He can't.
- Warren, I'm serious, stop it!
- Do understand this,
we are fighting for her soul!
In the name of Jesus Christ,
the saints and all the angles,
I command you to
reveal yourself!
Roger! Help me!
"...omnes inimici, et invisibilium,
et liberabitur!"
(...all of his enemy, visible and
invisible, and shall be freed!)
"Omnes fantasma, omnis legio, in
nomine Domini nostri lesu..."
("All of a ghost, every legion, in
the name of our Lord Jesus...")
Put her down!
Put her down!
Put her down!
Ed, look out!
Are you okay?
Hold her still!
Don't let her out.
Don't loose her, Roger.
Damned you!
You leave my family alone.
You hear me, I don't know what you're are.
Just leave my wife alone.
God dammit. Let her go. You hear me?
Let her go.
Let her go! God dammit!
Let her go!
She's already gone.
And now you all gonna die.
I found her. She's got in the house.
Right in the kitchen.
You can not go, Look!
Get her!
- Here.
- Carolyn!
- Carolyn!
- She's in the hole, right there.
The hole? Oh, my God!
Can't get to her.
Go! Carolyn, go!
Carolyn, now!
By the power of God, I
condemned you back to Hell!
This is your daughter.
You can't give in!
Roger, we need to get her to
fight from the inside.
Don't let her do this to you, okay?
The only way through this,
you gotta to fight it.
I know you're stronger than us!
- You got to fight it.
- Keep it going, Roger!
You got to stay with us, all right?
Come on back Carolyn!
Alright that's it, get her back!
Remember what you show me!
Remember that day that you
said you would never forget.
You said they meant
the world to you.
This is what you'll
be leaving behind.
It's over.
I'm so sorry!
I love you so much.
I love you so much.
Oh, mine!
I'm sorry!
The draft did that to your face?
I'm taking guy with gun any day.
You did good.
No, you did.
I'll call Father Gordon,
let him know what happened.
Sounds good.
The Vatican approved
the exorcism.
Huh, nice timing!
And if we can, he'd
like to meet us tomorrow.
There's a case in Long Island
he'd like to discuss.
- Really?
- Uh-huh.