The Corpse Of Anna Fritz (2015)

We are going to see the stars parading
on the 500-foot-long red carpet.
This year we'll see
Anna Fritz again...
...without a doubt a cascade of
glamour, style, elegance...
There she is, always fabulous.
As always, she's among
the best dressed.
She's done a magnificent job and surely
she'll get another award for her collection.
She's got magic. She makes you
love her like nobody else can.
Anna Fritz flaunts her new
boyfriend on the red carpet.
They are film's most
glamorous couple.
We are proud to see
her parading in Cannes...
And she welcomes us with a smile,
in order to talk about her last movie...
She's ended up working with
Woody Allen, Almodvar, Sofia Coppola...
She'll appear naked on
the pages of Essence...
She's wearing a dress by
Majorcan designer Pau Balaguer...
She gets the most out of her free time
among yachts and sporting cars.
Everywhere she goes she has
always time for fans and followers.
She's special, no doubt.
She's got something that makes her unique.
It's not just her beauty, her gaze...
Actress Anna Fritz has been found dead
in a bathroom during a private party...
The autopsy will be
performed tomorrow morning,
and the cause of death
will be confirmed...
ln order to prevent crowds,
the name of the hospital
where her body is being held
has not been made public.
The news of her tragic death
has shocked the world.
This is screwed up, dude.
- A fucking hospital, man.
What did you expect? - Hello.
Can you call Pau?
The orderly.
Wouldn't you fuck the Chinese girl?
- Which one.
- Both.
Chinese women are flat-chested.
Pimp her.
With 3000 euros you get her
the tits you want.
Chinese girls are accommodating.
Yeah, sure.
I have a friend that's done it.
They are very submissive.
Since they are ugly,
they are grateful.
Look at him.
Wassup man?
What are you doing here?
We came to see
if you had more pics.
Just joking.
Come on, you need to get out a bit.
Wanna come to a party?
- No, I work until twelve.
- That's an hour from now.
Where can we do a line?
Man, I'm working.
- Just one.
- I said no.
- Come on, man.
- I said no.
Fuck, come on.
But hurry up.
What's this shit?
Don't touch those,
they are waste containers.
And you bring us here?
lt stinks.
You can leave if you want.
Get to work.
- Put down the bottle.
- Relax, man.
We said just a line?
I want to be all warmed up
for the party.
Yeah, but I'm at work.
Come on,
you're getting wasted today.
I'm not sure
I want to go to that party?
What's up with you?
You never go out lately.
There will be pussy, Pau.
You don't like pussy?
Yeah, but tomorrow
I'm getting up early.
I have a lot of paperwork
and nine autopsies.
Look for a new job, man.
Why? I like this one?
I'm alone,
nobody bothers me?
To Anna Fritz.
Rest in peace.
Okay. Enough.
Let's go.
Come on, for fuck's sake! lvan.
- We can't be here. Let's go.
- Got more pics? - No.
- I bet you got her naked.
- No.
Yeah, right.
You only took a pic of her face.
Yeah, the one I sent you.
- I bet you peeked at her tits, pervert.
- Yes.
You wouldn't have done it?
- ls she still in the hospital?
- Until tomorrow.
ln the mortuary.
Wanna go?
- Pack up. Let's go see her.
- No way!
lvan, fuck.
Come on guys, enough, okay?
Are you sure you want to go?
Of course.
Come on, where's the morgue?
ln the basement.
lvan, dude? it's 11:30 already.
- Let's go.
You waiting for us here?
This way.
Fuck man, what a fucking maze.
What's this for?
So the dead don't escape or what?
This is a restricted area.
If somebody spots us, just walk calmly.
I'll say you got lost,
and that I'm taking you to the exit.
lvan! I'm risking my job, man.
Okay, okay.
It's here.
- Are you nuts?
- Open up.
I'm waiting outside.
You can't stay here.
Get inside!
What do you think?
Do you like my office?
- I'm leaving.
- Like fuck.
- Javi...
- What are we going to say if we get caught?
That we got lost?
Come on, let's go?
They'd warn me
if somebody were coming.
Where's Anna Fritz?
I have never seen a dead person.
lt gives me the creeps.
You'll see,
she doesn't even look dead.
- Fuck!
- Motherfucker!
Are you retarded?
- Fucking moron.
- He's an idiot.
Come on,
don't fuck around with us.
Where is she?
And cover this shit.
Okay, for real now.
Come here.
Holy shit?
She doesn't look dead, does she?
She's only been here for a few hours.
- What are you doing?!
- Fuck?
lvan, dude?
I can't believe
I'm fondling Anna Fritz' tits.
Touch them, trust me.
- She's cold.
- And what did you expect?
- Are you sure nobody's coming?
- Until twelve, for sure.
- Let's do a line.
- I'm not snorting here.
Come on, just one.
Come on,
we're done here.
- I want to go to the party.
- It's still early.
He's got a date.
- So, are there more girls?
- Not today?
Half of Spain would do Anna Fritz,
and here we have her, naked.
Holy shit.
You like her, huh?
You looked disgusted before.
It's that she is? perfect.
She's smoking.
How is it to screw a dead woman?
Your dick can't probably get inside, can it?
With spit.
How do you know that?
The vagina is the same
one as in a living woman.
It's just not lubricated,
and when you fuck her,
it doesn't squeeze.
- Have you tried it or what?
- No!
I don't know why not.
If I worked here and
they brought in girls like this one?
lt happens in a lot of hospitals.
It's hard to get caught.
And you've never done anything?
Anything at all?
Don't say a word to anybody, okay?
Once they brought in a girl
who was really hot.
- How old was she?
- Seventeen or eighteen,
she was gorgeous.
I got pics of her.
I fucked her.
- Bullshit.
- I swear.
That's why you never go out.
They never say ''no'' here.
So, spit and that's it?
And Anna?
Have you banged her?
You bang some random slut
but you don't fuck Anna Fritz?
I bet he was planning to do it
once we left.
Hey? shall we bang her,
all three of us?
- Yeah, and let's do bukkake.
- I'm serious.
- No way.
- I'm not squeamish.
Fuck, let's go to the party,
there will be girls that can lubricate themselves.
Yeah, but they won't be Anna Fritz.
- I'm doing her.
- lvan? - Why not?
- Come on, let's go, you're drunk.
- What's the fuss?
We won't be hurting her.
She's dead.
Don't fuck with me.
You do whatever you like.
- Are you sure nobody's coming?
- Sure...
Are you going to stay and
watch like sissies?
- I'm leaving.
- No. Wait, let's go there.
He's not going to fuck her.
He thinks I'm an idiot.
He's only doing it to fuck around with us.
He wants to have a laugh at you,
and to piss me off.
He can't fuck a dead woman.
Well, it looks like he can.
Son of a bitch?
It's a corpse!
A fucking corpse!
Fuck, that's why he wanted to come
to the fucking hospital.
I can't believe it!
You are sick!
Both of you!
What a hump he's giving her?
Don't tell me.
I don't want to know.
Just the thought of it disgusts me.
It's done.
He's finished.
Go, it's worth it.
I'll go.
Hey! Pau, shit.
You've got to bang her, man.
You don't know what you're missing.
She's dead!
You've fucked a dead woman!
Just pretend she's drunk.
It's enough that Pau does it.
But you?!
- It's been an amazing experience? really.
- Like fuck.
How do you know that?
You haven't tried it.
Fuck her, maybe you'll chill.
Just imagine that your sister dies,
and somebody fucks her.
Who's going to fuck my dead sister,
if nobody fucks her even when she's alive?
It's just a corpse.
We don't even know her.
I don't know what I'm doing here,
really, holy shit?
Wait until Pau finishes and
we go to the party.
- A line.
- Not me.
What's up??
She's alive?
She opened her eyes.
What the fuck are you saying, Pau!
Fuck, look at her!
And now what?
Fetch some water!
What's the matter with you?
Do you remember how you woke up?
It's water.
Wait? careful, calm down?
Very good.
What do we do? Do we take her upstairs?
Do we call a doctor?
Calm down.
Are you cold?
Be right back.
Are you sure she's seen you?
- How do you know that?
- She's seen me, fuck! I swear.
- What if she doesn't know
what you've done? - Like fuck!
I'm helping you, okay?
That's the only thing I've found.
I don't know how it works.
Oh yeah, you tie it up here?
Can we talk for a moment?
- Pau are you taking her to??
- Fuck, wait a moment, just a moment.
- Let's think this through.
- Think what?
What's that?
Shit, they're coming.
- Who's coming?
- I don't know, the orderly I guess.
We need to hide.
- Where?
- ln there! Come!
- What the fuck are you doing!!!!
- We'll tell them later.
- And why not now?
Who cares if it's now or later,
what's important is that they don't see us.
Here? Here? Here?
Here? Here? Here?
Here? Here? Here?
Here? Here? Here?
Here? Here? Here?
I'm sorry.
- What are you doing?
- Get off me! Don't touch me!
Can we talk for a moment?
ln there.
There's nothing to talk about.
Pau says he's found her alive, and that's it.
lt will be just a moment.
Don't leave?
I'll be right back.
What the fuck do you want?
- If they find out we raped her?
- You thought it was a corpse. It's not rape?
We screwed her, dude.
Don't you get it?
Pau and I will be finished.
She's famous, it will be on TV,
in the newspapers? - She's seen me.
Fuck, my parents?
She hasn't realized anything?
she didn't even know where she was,
- She doesn't know what you've done to her.
- She knows.
She's realized everything.
And she will talk.
Bad luck then!
What are you going to do?
- Everybody thinks she's dead.
- And?
That to people, she's dead.
That her family, society,
everybody have assumed
that she's kicked the bucket.
- Do you want to kill her?!
- If we did it...
- Are you losing your mind or what!
- Will you listen to me? Nobody would know.
- I don't even want to talk about it.
- What do you want?!
- That everybody learns that we raped her?!
- And because of that you want to kill her?
- Javi? she was dead?
- She's alive.
- We didn't know.
- Well, now you know.
- Think of us!
- Of you?
Pau, help me get her out.
You have it easy,
because you haven't done anything,
but Pau and I?
Look, that's your problem.
If you had screwed her,
what would you do?
Would you let it ruin your life?
- Say. What would you do?
- Go away.
You're a son of a bitch.
Where are you going?! - Get off!
- Pau and I are going to jail!
- And what am I supposed to do?
Of course you don't give a shit,
a fucking shit. Javi, please?
Fuck yourselves!
You're asking me to kill her!
Open up!
Nobody's leaving this place.
Get me out of here, please, please?
I'll get you out?
- Javi, please?
- Touch me again and I will hit you.
- Shit!
- What's going on?
It's locked.
Why is it locked?
He must've locked it
when he brought in the corpse.
The keys.
Pau, where are the fucking keys?
I? left them outside.
- Eeeeeeeh!! Open up!
- Shut up! - Don't touch me!
Now you screwed it.
lvan! Stop it!
Javi? Javi?
Javi, are you ok?
Javi? hey hey?
He's breathing.
But he's losing a lot of blood!
Bring something to close the wound.
I'm sorry Javi.
Forgive me man?
We have to take him to a doctor.
Isn't there a way to leave this place?
I can page somebody?
We take them in there and
you ask for help.
When they open, we take Javi to some
place in the hospital where they can find him.
Help me.
Javi? are you ok Javi?
Javi? hey?
Javi? Answer me Javi!
Can you hear me?
Javi? can you hear me?
He's losing a lot of blood?
Go fetch her!
I didn't want to do it man,
you know it, right?
I'm really sorry,
it's been an accident?
We've got to clean up.
Clean up then!
We'll leave you outside, at the entrance;
they'll find you really quick.
Javi, they'll question you?
They stole your wallet.
I'll give it back to you later.
You were alone.
Pau and I weren't with you.
Javi, Javi, it's really important
that you listen to me!
You and I were having
some drinks at the park.
You didn't want to go to the party
and you left.
From there you can make up
whatever you want.
They beat you badly,
you got to the hospital and you passed out?
whatever? I trust you?
Don't say anything about her, ok?
You know I'd do it for you.
Hang in there Javi.
How long will it take them
to get here?
Five minutes tops once
I page them.
I'm sorry.
I will get help.
Don't move. Don't move.
- How long will it take them?
- Nothing, they are coming.
He's not well?
Javi! Javi?
Wake up!
They will take care of you soon.
They are coming to unlock us.
Hang in there for a bit.
Don't close your eyes.
He's bleeding out.
Are you going to shut up
or do I need to make you to?
Good evening.
Good evening.
What were you doing
locked in here?
The night shift moron,
he's locked me inside.
You look awful.
I've had a bad night.
Come on, I should be at home already.
Come on, I should be at home already.
What about Anna?
Anna Fritz, the actress.
We got her here in the morgue, right?
Yeah, I guess.
Let's go, it late.
Fucking bitch.
Scream if you want.
Javi, it's done.
We're getting you out.
Javi! Javi!
Eh Javi!
Shit, shit?
ls he dead?
He's dead.
I tried to revive him.
Taking him upstairs
wouldn't have helped,
he wasn't well?
There's nothing we could do?
Jailed for life.
We are taking him out of here?
We dump him in a trash container.
Let's go.
Haven't you had enough?
Get me out of here, please.
I won't say anything.
-But how can we be sure...
-Let go.
Don't talk to her.
Ignore her.
- What if she's saying the truth and
she won't talk? - Pau, fuck!
Why wouldn't she talk?
She's going to tell everything.
Our future depends on
what we do from now on.
If we aren't strong,
we will be paying for it the rest of our life.
we killed Javi?
That's 30 years?
she's got us by the balls.
You killed him.
You were there.
You'll be named as an accomplice.
Do you want to spend the rest of your life
in jail for murder?
And do you want your parents to know
you fuck dead women?
ls this what you want?
Answer me.
Do you know what that means?
Say it.
What does it mean?
- Not killing her?
- Can you come up with something better?
We have to do it.
And what do we do with Javi?
How can we get him out
of the hospital?
Through an emergency exit.
First we take care of her.
- Bitch!
- What's going on?
She was making a call.
lt was my father.
- Check if it's true.
- What do you think I'm doing?
- We're fucked.
- She made the call?
Now he's seeking help and
they will come for me.
I only told him
that I woke up.
What do we do?
She's called with his cell.
There's nothing we can do.
It's over.
We're taking her upstairs.
I'm calling my mother.
I want her to know it from me.
It's Javi's cell.
- Who is it?
- There's no caller ID.
Who is it?
Are you sure you got a call
from this cell?
And they didn't answer?
Why do you care who am I?
- I won't say anything? please?
- Like fuck! To the morgue.
Help! Help!
You almost got it, huh?
I have to admit
you're a fucking great actress.
You're finished.
Shut up.
You're dead.
- And dead people don't talk.
- That's enough.
I'm not surprised you rape corpses?
you're disgusting!
Look bitch,
if I hear you again,
I swear I will fuck you
so hard that you will burst.
That's how I like it.
Come on,
let's not waste time.
I'm going to fetch a container
for Javi.
Do you know where to find them?
Where we were before?
And what do I do?
Tie her up.
Ignore him.
If you do what he says,
you'll end up in jail.
You're not a murderer.
You aren't, are you?
You aren't a murderer, Pau.
Don't help him kill me?
You can't do this?
I'm alive thanks to you.
I won't say anything. I swear.
Get me out and leave.
You haven't done anything.
Which fucking floor is it?
The containers.
Are you tying her up or what?
Pau, do it now and
get me out of here.
- Please, please.
- I can't.
I'm only going to tie you up.
I'm sorry?
I know we must look like monsters?
- but we didn't want to hurt anybody?
- I know?
I only wanted to gloat about
having a celeb in here?
Pau, please.
Get me out of here.
- I'm sorry? I can't? lvan?
- lvan is a murderer!
He killed Javi.
lt was an accident.
When you weren't here he strangled him.
Right in front of me.
He never intended to take him
to the hospital.
lt was a lie.
He'll say you did it all...
- I can't trust you.
- Please get me out of here?
- I won't say a thing?
- You lied to us before? I can't trust you.
I told you?
this place is very busy at night.
Two hours and home.
Can't wait to get there.
And I can't wait to get in bed.
I will eat before that?
Mustard chicken.
Are you going to cook at this time?
Oh no. It's done already.
It's for tomorrow, my inlaws are visiting.
?add two coffeespoons of mustard,
10 more minutes and the dish is ready.
It's delicious.
Let's go.
I'll bring you some tomorrow.
- Well, if there's some,
they always eat it all. - Wait.
She ran off you idiot!
- Why did you leave her alone!?
- She was tied up!
Go that way!
No please!
Get off me...
You think you're smart?
Now you've screwed it.
You're fucked!
Let's go! I got her!
I'm fed up with this.
Let's get over with it.
What's up with you?
You killed Javi?
I know I killed him.
Why are you bringing it up now?
When I wasn't around.
You strangled him.
- I did what?
- She told me?
And you believe her?
She wants to set you against me.
Don't listen to her.
So I strangled Javi, huh?
It's you who I'm going to kill,
for being a bitch!
You were dead and
dead you will be again!
And how do you want??
I don't know?
something that doesn't leave a mark.
With pills.
What pills?
We are in a hospital.
There's got to be pills!
Yeah, but pills can take hours
before she dies.
Well, with a pillow then.
And where do I get a pillow from?
Pillows are upstairs.
I can't go upstairs.
Well, with a bed sheet then.
Not me.
- And why me?
- It's your idea.
Of course.
And if we get caught,
I will have killed two
and you won't have done anything.
You do it.
I'm not a killer.
And I am?
lt won't be that hard for you.
That it won't be hard??!
Let's do it us both, then.
Shit, she's peeing.
Until she stops breathing.
It's done!
It's done.
There's nothing else we could do?
Get up.
We aren't finished yet.
I want to get out of here.
Come on.
Help me.
Let's go get Javi.
I will take him out.
You leave everything as it was.
- Leave no evidence.
- Okay.
And clean her.
Pretend you're dead.
Be quiet.
What are you doing?
Let's go. I've got everything.
You sure we aren't forgetting anything?
Sure, I cleaned everything.
Let's go.
I don't know?
I've got the feeling
that we are forgetting something.
You cleaned her well?
Come on, let's go.
We leave through the parking lot.
- It's the most discreet exit.
- Yes, yes...
it's over.
What's up?
Shit. The card!
Where are you going?
I left it in the morgue.
lvan, it doesn't matter.
I will pick it up tomorrow.
Like fuck it doesn't matter!
lvan wait?
ls that what you want?
Talk to the police and
say it was all my fault?
Son of a bitch!
You're plotting with her.
Don't try to talk yourself out of this!
But it didn't work!
You can't fool me, you hear that?
You want to go to jail? Awesome!
Fuck this shit.
He wanted to leave!
We were leaving.