The Corruptor (1999)

Fukienese Dragons
not funny now, huh?!
According to police,
the Fukienese Dragons...
the newest entity
on the Chinatown crime scene...
are headed by
20-year-old Bobby Vu...
from the Fukien province
of China.
Sources say the bombing
and the execution...
of a known Tong soldier
are the latest chapter...
in a power struggle between...
the Fukienese Dragons
youth gang...
and the Tong-run Tongfon
Benevolent Association...
believed to be headed by...
Local businessman
Benjamin Wong...
known in the neighborhood
as Uncle Benny...
along with his lieutenant,
Henry Lee.
Fuck you.
Learned some English.
Good for you.
What the fuck?!
Good. What do they call you?
I can't hear you.
Tell Bobby Vu his time
is running out in Chinatown.
In the history
of the 15th precinct...
few officers have done more
to serve and protect...
the public of this great city...
than Lieutenant Nicholas Chen.
Lieutenant,for bravery
in the line of fire...
and for bringing to justice...
those responsible
for the Chinatown bombings...
the people of New York
thank you...
and present you
with this commendation.
Let your brothers die, huh?
Are you Fukienese Dragon?
Yes! Fukienese Dragon.
Avenge your brothers. OK?
Kill that cop.
Everybody works tonight.
We are visiting Ginzu Massage.
My kind of raid.
Found another young pretty
in a Dumpster.
Anybody I know?
Did a two-hour sweep.
No one would speak to me.
Try breath mints.
The two who found the body...
say they didn't see,
hear, or smell anything.
What's new?
Daniel Wallace.
I was assigned to this unit.
You know the Chinese
don't trust whites or cops.
You give me a white cop?
You've been squawking
about more man power?
They want more ethnic diversity
in each squad. Bing.
You get a white face in A.G.U.
He's worse than white.
He's green!
Good. You school him, then.
So he can get me killed?
It's your fault he's here
in the first place.
My fault?
A freakin' tourist gets blown up
in our own backyard...
and it was on your watch!
Mayor's on television
talkin' about it.
Police commissioner's promising
safe streets in Chinatown...
it was even on Nightline.
So, if puttin' a white cop
in the Asian gang unit...
makes them happy
and gets them off my back...
fine and dandy.
Now get outta here.
Do something about those whores
turning up in Dumpsters.
It's an embarrassment.
Are you still here?
Why does a white cop
request the Asian gang unit?
Detective's shield.
Extra eight grand a year.
A chance to work with you.
Uh-oh, yellow fever.
You got a hard-on
for all things Chinese, right?
Food, customs, women?
I bet you got a Chinese
girlfriend, don't ya?
Actually, no, I don't.
But you did.
Are we all gonna exchange
our sexual histories here?
I knew it. Yellow fuckin' fever.
Junior's here
to walk the street...
and get his wick licked
by a nice almond-eyed beauty.
I'm here so Chinese immigrants
don't have to live 30 a room...
work 20 hours a day
makin' close to slave wages.
Why do you give a shit
about the Chinese immigrants?
I'm a cop. I give a shit
about enforcing the law.
So, what's your plan
to save the yellow people?
Same as in every other organized
crime operation in the city...
bust the street soldiers
every time we see them...
work our way up the food chain
to the council...
cramp them with surveillance
and sting operations...
and keep climbing
all the way to Benjamin Wong.
This ain't every other organized
crime operation in the city.
We work cases,junior.
Keep the tourists safe.
Violence spills in the street,
we break heads.
You don't change Chinatown, boy.
It changes you.
I'm ready to give it a shot.
That's why I'm here, sir.
All right.
Don't make plans tonight.
Why not?
'Cause we're going
on a panty raid.
Never know how a guy
getting his dick rubbed...
is gonna react when you
charge in the room.
So keep your eyes sharp
and your Glock cocked.
Don't try to feel any Chinese
titties, you little pervert.
Hey, boy... stay down there.
Go on.
We've got eight maybe.
-The place is secured?
-Hold on a second.
Deng, see if you can find
any files back there.
John, take 'em down.
Otis will help you.
Come on.
Come on, ladies.
Want me to take her for ya?
Always throw back
the smallest fish of the day.
Let's go.
Fire your weapon!
The Fukienese!
I'm out on three!
One, two... three!
Come on! We've had it!
Drop your weapon! Drop it!
Hands to the wall!
Stupid Fukienese!
You're late.
Ung! Get me the car.
Bobby Vu!
You want some?!
Fukienese Dragon.
Beef intestine noodles.
Want some?
Want to be a Chinese,
you got to eat the nasty stuff.
You saved my life last night.
Part of my job.
Hey, man,
I still want to say thanks.
That said, I heard
you paid a visit to Bobby Vu.
I tightened up,
but I didn't find my badge...
in a freakin' Crackerjack box.
I earned it.
You study Chinese, so you know
what it means I saved your life.
It means my life is yours
to do with as you wish.
That's right.
So here's my advice--
quit before you end up dead.
If you don't want to work
with me, fine.
Let me do my own investigation.
Don't keep me from my work.
Like it or not, I'm a cop.
You a cop?
You're playing cop.
Playing's driving past shit...
you didn't even see it.
That's what playing is.
You got something to say?
Say it.
Why don't I show you?
Cops! Get out of here!
Police, freeze!
What do we have here?
Hands behind your back.
You're under arrest.
I want each one of these guys
in different!
Each guy in different rooms,
right now.
Can I talk to you, please?
What's up, Pete?
Only that you assholes
just arrested...
a federal agent working
undercover with the Tongs.
Nice work, junior.
I made the arrest.
Well, goody for you.
So tell me, Einstein,
what am I supposed to do now?
What do I do?
Put a federal agent in jail
to maintain his cover?
What do I do? Let him go?
We put him back on the street...
everyone in Chinatown will think
he cut a deal with you...
and he'll be dead
inside an hour.
So what should I do?
Do a better job
of keeping us informed.
-Hear, hear.
undercover assignment...
key word being "confidential..."
which nothing in
this 15th precinct is. Nothing.
Relax, Pete.
We lost the drugs, no evidence.
They can all go.
All right, all right.
Three hours, slap the shit
out of them, let them go.
I want everything
on the Ginzu raid by today...
and keep that dipshit
on a leash.
You take care of your people,
I'll take care of mine.
Which one's FBI?
The Chinese one.
Do you want to eat this
with soy sauce?
Cough up the cash, junior.
Knuckleheads buy all rounds.
Blow me.
That's it,
show a little piss and vinegar.
So your first bust
was a federal agent...
and a senior fed bit off
a giant piece of your ass.
So why did the FBI
want the info on the Ginzu raid?
It was their raid.
They use us
so nobody knows it's the FBI.
Mostly, they use us
because they are lazy shits.
Last summer
we grabbed a Vietnamese gang...
bringing in heroin
by the boatload.
Who swoops in last minute
to get the credit?
Schabacker of the FBI.
Now they have agent working
undercover inside the Tongs.
We find the agent,
see what he's got going.
When the time is right,
we make the bust...
and pull the case
right out from under them.
You speak Chinese?
Doesn't everybody in Chinatown?
Danny Wallace...Henry Lee.
You gentlemen are partners?
Are we?
Cagney and Lacey.
Chinatown needs more police.
I hope you find a home here.
I think you'll discover that
Chinese are warm and generous.
I hope to see much of you
in the coming weeks.
He's Tong.
That's why it's Krystal
and not Astifucking Spumanti.
It is very dangerous
to approach a white policeman.
We cannot risk exposing our
other ties in the department.
That's why, Uncle,
we must approach Wallace.
He could compromise Chen...
at a time when he's our best
weapon against the Fukes.
We need him with us
to save Ga Chen's position.
Besides, to the NYPD...
Chen is Chinese first
and a cop second.
Chen can take care of himself.
He knows what we need of him.
He knows what he hears
in the 15th.
A white officer with ears
outside the precinct.
We could let Chen
test the waters.
What do you want?
I liked your partner.
I think he could help us.
He could hurt us more.
Afraid of competition?
Afraid of piquing
the kid's interest.
You know who else
is a dirty cop.
Uncle Benny feels
he might poke his nose...
in places
a Chinese cop wouldn't.
I can handle him.
As a fuse, he might be
an asset against the Fukes...
since you don't seem
to be doing much, eh?
I will take care of the Fukes.
The kid's a short-time.
Leave him alone.
I didn't realize
you had such maternal instincts.
Uncle Benny wants you
to speak with him.
This costs one dollar to make...
and some fool
will pay hundreds for it.
It's amazing how easy
it is for some people...
to overestimate worth.
Don't overestimate yours.
Talk to him.
-Who's in the bin?
-The invisible woman.
No ID, no prints, no nothing.
Thought you liked Chinese food,
Shut up.
Let's go.
I need about 50 coffees.
We're not going to
investigate this?
-We just did.
-What are you talking about?
Tell our partner
what we learned.
Deceased is an illegal,
straight off the boat.
Probably less than a week.
There's two bills Chinese
under the oysters by her spleen.
She finds her passage over
was twice what she thought.
She can't pay and doesn't like
working as a prostitute...
so she ends up here.
No family, no friends,
no witnesses.
No sense wasting
taxpayers' money.
What, so case closed?
Take a walk with Deng.
-See if anybody knows anything.
Let's go.
-OK. Go ahead.
-What the fuck, man?!
-Easy, Jackaroo!
Detective Chen is now able
to identify the shooter...
who got away
from the lamp store.
Unless you can do
something for me.
I want Bobby Vu.
He'd kill me.
The alternative to helping us
is 10 to 20 in Sing Sing.
And that's got to hurt...
especially for somebody
98 pounds soaking wet.
No court, no wire?
No promises.
Think about it.
You got 10 seconds
to make up your mind.
Fuck you.
Kid's loyal.
See how loyal he is
after two weeks in lockup.
Could've killed you.
Could've killed you first.
-What are you doing here?
-Father can't visit his son?
Got something to drink?
I'm as dry as a 90-year-old tit.
How'd you get in?
Twenty years
robbery and homicide...
out of the two-five, greenhorn.
That's how I got in.
Been through more windows--
I don't have any money.
I'm in for 12 grand.
Fucking dagos down on Mulberry.
Good luck.
I'm not asking for the 12.
Godforbid you bail me out
with your lawyer money.
I wouldn't want you to miss out
on becoming a leech, asshole.
I thought you'd want me to be
a chip off the old block.
All I'm asking is a little
stake money to get me even.
Wouldn't work.
Too much of a loser.
Then we'll go partners.
You was always
a lucky son of a bitch, eh?
I wouldn't be here
if this wasn't serious.
Cold, hard cash. You slay me.
There's a little over 500 there,
and we're not partners.
That's to buy you off.
Next time you sneak up on me--
Yeah, I know.
You'll kill me, huh?
By the way...
there's a chink watching you...
from across the street,
Good night, Officer.
Yeah, you're welcome.
I got something for you.
I love gifts.
This isn't free. Forget the kid.
That's an expensive request.
This is an expensive item.
Let's hear it.
The FBI have an informant
inside the Tong.
This time...
it's one of their own.
It's an agent.
Who is it?
Don't know.
We picked up four of your guys,
and one was a fed.
Won't take long to find out
which one...
then all you got to do
is blow his cover...
and they'll pull him.
No violence, no mess.
My thanks.
The kid is out.
As you wish.
Would you like May
to give you a grape?
We need to delay the start
of our new partnership.
We've got a federal agent
sniffing around.
I have to postpone delivery.
We can't.
The boat's coming into port
next week.
It'll wait at the port.
I'm not afraid of the FBI.
Everything we've done...
has been to keep the feds' focus
on Uncle Benny.
When he's gone
and I lead the Tongs...
you'll make
all the money you want.
Let's kill him now.
When Uncle Benny's indicted...
he'll be a danger
to our partners in Hong Kong.
Killing him then
will come with thanks...
instead of retribution.
We kill Chen,too.
All in good time.
Do you remember me?
I have information
about the girl...
you found
in the garbage Dumpster.
How'd you find me?
You're conspicuous in Chinatown.
Two brothers on Christie Street
bring in illegals.
That girl worked in their
brothel, then tried to run.
They left her
as a message to the others.
How do you know?
Everyone knows,
but no one speaks of it...
especially to police.
-So why are you?
-I knew her.
What are their names?
You can't tell anyone,
not even Chen.
Forget about it.
I can't do that.
For every person who knows,
chances of me or my children...
being killed in reprisal
increases a hundredfold.
The girl was 15...
and there are more to come
if you don't help us.
Check out the basement
of a place called Tony's.
Don't worry. This is how things
get done in Chinatown.
The boy come in yet?
Not that I've seen.
I said freeze!
What were you doing in here?
I was coming out
of the diner on Pell...
and I saw this guy
snatch a purse...
so I chased him
into the building.
I lost him as soon
as I got inside.
Then I heard some screaming
from down here...
and I just kind of
stumbled onto it.
We got close to 40 women here,
all illegals...
and we found a store room
with about a hundred tapes.
And the land lord remembers...
the four Jane Does we pulled
out of the Dumpsters...
were part of the stable.
Good job, Officer.
Yeah,way to go.
Good job.
For bravery
in the line of fire...
the mayor and people of New York
thank you, Officer Wallace...
and present you
with this commendation.
It's dick size.
You think everything
is dick size, huh?
White people believe
all Asians got little dicks.
You think when an Asian chick
sees your pecker...
she's going to think
it's Mount St. Helens.
It's true.
Then, you look at the tiny hands
on most Asian chicks...
and figure your weenie's
going to look...
like a sewer pipe in her fist.
He's discovered my secret.
Well, the joke's on you...
'cause this Chinaman's
hung like a fucking--
You want to see?
Hey, come on.
Put that thing away.
That's my cue.
I'm gonna see you guys tomorrow.
Eight sharp.
We got to put a tag
on those guys you busted...
find out which one
is the FBI agent.
You did a lot for those women.
You did a good job.
But it was an accident.
You are lucky
you are not dead...
so don't you ever
go off alone again.
Congratulations, Danny.
Thanks. Look, I got to--
You must allow me
to buy you a drink.
I'd like to, but I got to go.
You've done a great thing for
the people of this community.
Let me thank you,
as a show of respect.
I tried to, but I never made it.
We gotta get you to a hospital.
No time.
Shit, you're bleeding
inside, Pop.
I wouldn't be surprised.
I need the money.
I don't have
that kind of money, Pop.
How much you got?
I don't know. A grand at most.
Shit! Come on, again.
Would you give it to me
if you had it?
No, I don't think I could, Pop.
Fuckin' honest,
just like your mother.
Screw it then.
Might as well
go to the hospital.
Come on. We'll get you there.
Come on!
What's goin' on? Figure out
which one's the FBI agent?
If he's there,
we haven't seen him.
You better get in there.
He's fuckin' pissed at you.
What's new?
-You are late.
-Sorry about that.
My old man fell last night.
I took him to the hospital.
Took all night?
He fell last night, but I didn't
find him until this morning.
He was in the bathroom.
-Looks like he scratched you.
-I was carrying him.
He all right?
Yeah. He should be fine.
He was a cop, right?
Yeah, in the two-five.
Tough beat.
Is that why you're here,
prove something to your old man?
No. Is that why you're here?
My old man's dead.
I don't have to prove anything
to anybody.
How about you?
Just to you, I guess.
That's for sure.
Why do you have to constantly
break my balls?
I'm educating you well
this time.
Do you mean you care about me?
I don't know what to say.
Try nothing.
Oh, man, I'm overwhelmed.
I had no idea
you felt this way about me.
I mean, it's just
very kind and warm and...
Check this out.
These guys
don't look like junkies.
-You got pictures?
-Not all of them.
Meet me with the car!
Come on, boy!
This is car seven
in the green sector.
We are in pursuit
of a burgundy Cadillac...
Jersey plates, five-nine-five-
traveling south on Park Row.
Suspects armed and dangerous.
Requesting roadblock units
on all lanes.
All green units, 10-85.
Burgundy Cadillac traveling
south on Park Road...
suspects armed and dangerous...
Nick, right there!
Chen, watch out!
Oh, damn it!
You OK?
Go! I said go!
Watch your backs!
-You all right?
Six innocent by standers...
dozens of cars...
millions in property,
all destroyed...
not to mention...
Federal Agent Roland Ming
is dead...
shot seven times in the back.
And I'm thinkin' some scumbag
in the 15th is responsible.
Maybe some scumbag
in the Bureau is responsible.
Yeah, and maybe I'm gonna
grow a tree out of my dick.
If anybody could--
You bet your ass it'd be an oak.
They ID'd the shooters.
They're Fukienese.
Fukes have been making
a move on Tongs for months.
It's the only thing
keeping me...
from rippin' this fuckin'
precinct to the ground.
That... and this.
Assholes were in such a hurry
to get moving...
they didn't check
the bodies for wires.
Who's on it?
Benny Wong.
A few others.
Three weeks worth
of undercover work.
A court would never admit it
without the agent backing it up.
Yeah,they will
once you tell them...
you've been working
with us on this...
that after the shooting
and before the chase...
you entered the building.
You approached our agent,
who with his last breath...
told you he got this tape
and corroborated what's on it.
That's perjury.
Why would I do that?
To keep me from bringing
charges against you...
for obstructing
a federal investigation.
Yeah, Wallace told us
how you engaged...
in the unauthorized surveillance
of a federal agent...
which possibly blew his cover,
resulting in his assassination.
That speech may have
shivered a rookie...
but you need better for me.
I'll tell you what.
You better watch your back
'cause my guts still tell me...
somebody in the 15th
gave my guy up.
And if I can't have Uncle Benny,
then I'm gonna fuckin' have him.
Mr. Chen.
Come on. Let's go.
You alone?
Then ask me in.
You wanna come in?
What's goin' on?
Got something to drink?
I haven't gone shopping yet.
About yesterday...
you saved my life out there.
It's part of the job.
Maybe...but I still want
to say thank you.
You know what it means now
I've saved your life, right?
This is America.
It doesn't mean anything.
So... feds getting you nervous?
No, not at all.
'Cause whether it's the feds,
Internal Affairs, who ever...
the inside of a cop car
is sacred.
You don't tell them what we do
unless you come to me first.
Why the sudden paranoia?
I'm just saying no more
talking with the feds...
until we are working
off the same page.
Yeah, sure.
Do you even have water?
Regular water, yeah.
Thank you.
Nice looking girl.
Do you know she's in
the country illegally?
Gonna have to send her back...
after a little jail time,
of course.
Shame you two will never
see each other again.
You can't send her.
She's in trouble there.
She'll be sent to prison.
Too bad.
I can't help you.
That's what you told me,
isn't it?
I help you when they move me.
She comes, too, with papers.
My pager number.
Punch one-one after your number
so I know it's you.
I get you out,
you better not run on me.
I want who ever shot that
undercover fed on this tape.
And I want to know
if he talks to Henry Lee.
Thank you... for the money.
They sent a guy.
You must've really
put something on the line.
I'm not gonna forget that.
-Hello, Officer.
-Did you cover my father?
-I asked you a question.
I want to help you
because I want you to help me.
What do you mean help you?
My business is victimless.
I supply services people want.
And I'm forbidden to them
by politicians.
However, there are those whose
business is not victimless...
whose tactic is violence.
I can help you rid Chinatown
of those elements...
and help keep your father alive.
All I ask is that you look out
for my interests in return.
I think you're asking
for more than that.
Long after you and I are gone...
there will be gambling
in Chinatown.
There will be men waiting
to pay a woman for her favors.
And the police will always
be the last to know.
That's a fact.
You can chase your tail
in the dark...
and accomplish nothing...
or you can really
do some good...
for the people of Chinatown...
for your career...
and for yourfather.
Think of how many
more young women...
would have ended up
in Dumpsters...
if not for your acceptance
of my help.
Do we have a deal?
Or should I call the Italians
and rescind my offer...
and let them
deal with your father?
There's something I'd like you
to do for me tomorrow morning.
There's a tin shop on Mott.
A Malaysian runs it.
Tomorrow morning at six a.m.
He'll be receiving two bricks
of heroin from a Colombian.
These men are scum.
They deal to children.
I want you to stop them.
Freeze! Police!
You son of a bitch.
When did Lee approach you?
The bust from Christie, right?
I knew your story
was full of shit.
When did he approach you?
I bet it was quite
a while before that.
When was it, two years ago,
five years ago?
How long have you been working
for him, or can you remember?
You are dead.
Your life is over.
I thought you were smart,
but you are not.
You're as dumb as they come.
You gave him that FBI agent,
didn't you?
That's why you pressed that kid
so hard to wear the wire.
You wanted to know
if it was the Fukes...
that killed that agent
or if it was Henry Lee.
We had a deal.
You brought him in, not me.
I couldn't risk it.
Let him go.
What's done is done.
You know that
better than anyone.
You want to help him?
Smarten him up...
make sure he doesn't trip
on his toes and fuck you both.
I hear dirty cops have
an extra rough time in prison.
I find out you killed the fed,
I'll kill you.
Choose it, choose it.
Black or red plum?
I don't like plums.
What do you mean
you don't like plums?
I like peaches.
Peaches are shit.
Haven't you ever heard
the song Sinatra sang?
Out of the tree of life,
I just picked me a plum.
Not a peach, a plum.
I don't care
if he picked a raisin...
out of Sammy Davis' eye socket,
I prefer peaches.
Then I'm not paying for it.
So when did Lee get to you?
I was the first
Chinese cop in the 15th.
Thought I was gonna
clean up Chinatown.
But white cops
wouldn't work with me.
And the people wouldn't
talk to a cop, Chinese or not.
Only Benny Wong
would talk to me.
He took me around,
took care of my debts...
fed me a few busts.
Made me look good and I like it.
Then he became my godfather.
At that time,
Henry Lee was nothing.
One night my father
walks into a gambling house...
and ends up dead.
Turns out, Lee knew
there was a contract on him.
He made it clear...
he could have told me.
I could have saved him.
Got me thinking I was better
at my job with him...
than without him.
And he was right.
Give me everything
you got on this guy.
Detective in the 15th precinct.
His name is Daniel Wallace.
His old man went crooked
out of the two-five.
Check on him, too.
Mr. Wong...
we're running a one-day sale.
Chance of a lifetime.
The opportunity
to buy your freedom.
This tape was obtained...
by a federal agent working
undercover inside the Tong.
Patience has paid off.
Uncle Benny
made a visit to the FBI.
His time is over.
-We've got a job.
-What is it?
We take care of
Benny Wong tonight.
Come on, let's go.
My friends are waiting for me.
How long do you think the feds
are gonna be watching us?
Month. Maybe two.
I didn't want Lee involving you.
It's not your fault.
What I'm saying
is that you are alone now.
You can't trust anybody
in the department...
no other guys in the 15th...
not the guys in A.G.U.
And you sure can't trust
Henry Lee.
So if anything gets sticky,
you come to me.
How do I know I can trust you?
You don't.
I know this might sound crazy,
but I'm glad it's not just me.
You hungry?
I could buy you a plum.
I got plans.
Maybe next time.
Next time. Thanks.
I gotta take a leak, man.
She's lucky you found her.
I want you to write her up
as a deceased.
She recovers, she go to work.
Two weeks later, she back
in here maybe not so lucky.
You're asking a lot.
Let her stay here a few days.
Then I come to get her.
The fuck are you doing?
I'm sick. I wasn't sure if I had
to go back inside or not.
I'm all right, man, let's go.
The fuck's going on here, man?
Let's get out of here.
Is this Domino's pizza?
Jack thought
he was gonna shit his pants.
You kill me?
You not man enough, huh?
We kill you anyway.
Where are you going?
Lee's not covering my dad with
the Italians, so I gotta move.
I told him to stop.
Why the hell did you do that?
'Cause the feds are building
a case against you.
-How do you know?
-Lee told me.
If they nabbed you...
it would take three seconds
for you to give them me.
-I would never do that.
-I'm not saying it's fatal.
The point now
is to cover tracks...
and keep everything clean
on the surface.
When they call you in,
keep your mouth shut.
This is your cut from me.
Four grand.
I gotta get to the hospital.
-Where are you gonna move him?
-I don't know.
-To cover your old man.
-I can't.
Just take it.
Remember, don't say anything.
Let me deal with the FBI,
all right?
Hard to find,Jack.
Tell her to take in a movie.
Go on!
I wanted to call. I couldn't.
And I'm here.
What do you want to tell me
about Benny Wong?
Daniel Wallace, FBI.
Hi, could you pass that letter
off to my father?
He's in 409. Sean Wallace.
-Back off. What's going on?
-Don't be an ass.
Don't touch my gun or badge.
I'm active in the 15th.
Fine. Let's just get out of here
real quietly.
Just got a few questions
we'd like to ask you.
I got my father--
We'll put someone on the door.
Pass it. Thank you.
Then everybody took off?
You come with me.
To tell the feds
you work with Wallace and me.
That the hit on Benny Wong
was Fukienese.
And you're eager to testify
against Bobby Vu.
Do it right, I'll back you on
trying to tip me before a hit.
Do it wrong,
I go out of my way to bury you.
Why the fuck didn't you tell me
you were Internal Affairs?
Confidential undercover
assignment, Pete.
Key word being "confidential,"
which nothing in the Bureau is.
Fuck yourself.
Nobody knows except
a few of us in I.A.
Not even the commanding officer
in the 15th knows.
Well, now I know.
Bag man's kid.
Internal Affairs.
Your old man must think
you're a real scumbag, huh?
So what do you got on Chen?
This isn't a federal case.
No reason to tell you.
No, there is, actually.
From where I'm sitting...
it looks like a young I.A. rat
went under to build a case...
against Nick Chen
and ended up working for him.
You're reaching.
Enjoying the Chinatown whores...
and financial assistance to help
a family gambling problem.
Don't start with that.
I'll start and finish with it
unless somebody hands me Chen.
-He's here.
-Who's here?
Who's your friend?
A buddy of Wallace's and mine.
He's an eyewitness
to the Benny Wong murder.
Eyewitness? And you bring him
here to me, why?
You know why.
My compliments,Wallace.
You must've sunk your hooks
into Chen pretty good, huh?
-What did he want?
-To trade for you.
He said that?
Not in so many words.
He brought
that Fuke snitch of yours...
who rode shot gun
on the Benny Wong killing.
He gives me the eyewitness...
I call off the FBI investigation
on Wallace.
What'd you tell him?
I told him fine.
Putting the kid
back on the street...
to get the rest of the Fukes
on tape...
talking about the hit
on Benny Wong.
And in return...
I'm not gonna press charges
on young Wallace here.
-Is Chen still here?
-He took off.
But you gotta promise me
that I can be there.
When you break
the bad news to Chen...
because that's fucking
gonna be fucking priceless.
Your wire's showing.
How long you been I.A.?
First assignment.
Quickest way to a gold shield...
and all you gotta do
is bury your partner.
The guy who shoved
10 grand into your fist...
to back your play.
I figure you ain't worth
much to the chinks, yet.
So, this... must be Chen's money.
And you're gonna bury him.
And for what?
Turning his head?
Making a few dollars?
I know it wouldn't mean
much to you, Pop.
Lying and cheating
is what you're made of.
That's a hell of a lot better
than what you're made of.
You don't even know
what I'm made of, Pop.
It's the one thing
I should thank you for.
Your lack of interest.
You've been real honest
with your partner.
Ends justify the means, Pop.
The ends is bullshit.
The means...
is what you live with.
Keep it.
I don't want nothing from you.
Wait, wait, wait.
Don't you like me?
Of course. I just need
to go to the bathroom.
What the fuck are you doing?
Where's the lieutenant?
He left.
He said he wanted you
to be very happy.
The police
are running in circles...
on the unfortunate death
of Uncle Benny.
Uncle Benny, yeah.
We didn't kill him for nothing.
Give us the money.
Then it's time to bring
the cargo ship to port...
and unload our freight.
One hundred eighty-six
at forty thousand a piece.
I'd say that's a nice start
to our relationship.
Shit, yeah!
Hot tea.
The only time
I was ever in here...
I was talking to my godfather.
Uncle Benny was a great man.
You would know better
than anyone.
But even a great man
can outlast his time.
I've got something for you.
Should quiet any doubts
as to Wallace's character.
The Fukes are bringing in
a highly valuable cargo by ship.
Bobby Vu will be on site
supervising the unloading.
Take the Fukes
and half the cargo.
I'll keep the other half.
You're getting greedy.
I'm an American.
Hey! Let's go.
We gotta pick up Jack
and send him to the feds.
What time is it?
Time for a shower. You stink.
Got a match?
You know, you were right.
About what?
I wish it was neither of us...
but the fact is,
I'm glad it's not just me.
Get up!
You sure it was Henry Lee?
It was him.
I think everybody here knows...
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Margaret Wheeler.
Gentlemen, tape's good...
probably enough for convictions
on Bobby Vu and the rest...
but I think we hold off...
till they make their move to
bring in the illegal shipment.
We bust them on the ship.
Then we go for
the murder charge...
Jack connects the dots to an
ongoing criminal enterprise...
we get life sentences.
-What about Henry Lee?
-What about him?
Do we have a case, Pete?
Enough to drag Mr. Lee
before a grand jury...
but then it's his word against
their word, and he'll win.
After the shipment comes in,
the tape's got merit.
Daniel, what are your thoughts?
-It's Margaret's call.
-Then we wait.
Everybody works round the clock.
As soon as Jack finds out
when delivery is set...
we'll reconvene
and make the arrests.
That's it, gentlemen.
-Thank you.
Nick, what do you say after
we bust the Fuke Dragons...
we all get together,
bury the hatchet, huh?
Can't wait.
Danny, you up for that?
Yeah. Sure.
Bacardi and Coke.
Get a Bud.
I got it.
I gave the fed to Lee.
I know.
I'm gonna have to answer
for him someday.
We all have something
to answer for.
Speak of the devil.
Order me another.
It's Chen.
Been paging you all day.
What do you want?
Wallace is Internal Affairs.
-You heard me.
I don't believe it.
Your girl friends found a wire
on him last night.
I checked it out...
and the fuck is making a case
against you.
You there?
Who knows how long he was wired.
He's gotta go.
You kill him tonight.
The Fukes are taking delivery
in one hour...
pier 25 at Port Imperial
in Jersey...
a ship called the Durian.
Take him along, make sure
he doesn't leave the boat.
You understand me?
I don't give a shit about
the cargo, the Fukes--nothing.
Just make sure Wallace is dead.
Are we clear?!
He'll hang us both.
I understand.
You get ahold of him?
You tell him about the tape?
Well, what did he say?
He wanted to tell me
that the Fukes...
are picking up the shipment
in an hour in Jersey.
Shit, we gotta move.
Did you call the feds?
They're gonna meet us there.
Well, let's go.
No sign of anybody.
Have a look.
Lee said an hour, right?
Still nothing?
Are you sure?
Yep. It's all clear.
What about Internal Affairs?
I forget to mention...
Lee thinks they're making a case
against someone in the 15th.
-He didn't know.
Maybe it's just a rumor.
You hear anything?
-They're here.
-You keep watching.
We got to let them
lead us to the cargo.
They're heading away from us.
What would you do if you knew
L.A. had a case against you?
I don't know.
What if you knew your partner
gave you up, amigo?
Answer me! I'm asking you!
I don't know.
You should have let me die
in the car that day.
At least then, I die a cop.
You are a cop.
You're a good cop.
I tell that to anybody
that asks me.
And you?
I don't know.
All I know is
you saved me and my father.
My life is really yours
to do with as you wish.
Mou mantai.
Come here.
Maybe that's all of 'em.
Bobby Vu is here.
He would never leave without us.
You mean without you.
M'eh a?
Come here.
Fuck you!
Shit. Hold on.
You all right? You OK?
I'm so sorry.
Who sends a white cop
undercover in Chinatown?
I swear to God
I wish they never did.
Nick, can you hear me?
Bring a fucking stretcher now!
It's just you and me.
I'm your partner. Please.
Where's the stretcher?!
Nick, you gotta hold on.
Can we get Wallace out here?
You want to get Wallace
out here, please? Now.
What is this bullshit?
Exactly what it says.
After a month's investigation,
I find no evidence...
supporting any charges against
Lieutenant Nicholas Chen.
You think
you can get away with this?
You can forget it, man.
He's responsible for the death
of a federal agent.
The man is dead.
And no matter
what you believe...
that officer
died a good fucking cop!
Henry Lee...
you're under arrest.
I'd like to introduce you
to my attorney.
I'd like to introduce you to
the inmates at Rikers Island...
but that'll take a few weeks.
I was very saddened...
to hear about yourfriend
Lieutenant Chen.
I'm sorry.
He wasn't your friend,
after all, was he?
I'd like to thank you...
for killing
all the witnesses against me.
Not all. Not the one
who recorded this tape.
We didn't kill him for nothing.
Give us the money.
Then it's time to bring
the cargo ship to port...
and unload our freight--
one hundred eighty-six
at forty thousand a piece.
I'd say that's a nice start
to our relationship.
Shit, yeah!
Let's go, hotshot.
You're under arrest.
You have the right
to remain silent.
You understand that?
You have the right to refuse
to answer any questions.
You understand that?
Anything you say...
can and will be used
against you in a court of law.
Do you understand that?
You have the right
to have an attorney present...