The Cottage (2008)

We're going to go to hell for this.
Shut up.
It's freezing in here.
Jump up and down a bit.
You know how
temperature-sensitive I am, David.
In actual driven miles,
I think this is the furthest away
I've been from Rebecca
since we got married.
I'm sure she'll survive.
Well, I don't feel comfortable
lying to her like this.
I know you're used to a...
I know you're used
to a world of deception.
Our relationship
relies on a bond of trust.
Do you want some tea?
Yes, please.
Can you get the milk from the car?
How many sugars?
Shows how often you've made me tea.
Give it a rest.
You're doing my head in.
I'm just pointing out facts, David.
Just get the milk from the car, please.
Christ, what are you doing
frightening me?
Aren't you forgetting something?
Oh, yeah.
Well, I'm not used to this, am I?
How many times
do I have to fucking tell you?
She all right?
Still unconscious.
That's chloroform for you.
It's freezing out there,
so if I may make a suggestion,
I think we should bring her in
so she doesn't die of pneumonia.
Look, Peter, we've just got here.
I am very tired.
We are not in Iceland,
and she is not going to die of...
What have you put that back on for?
Because I'm cold.
I don't want to talk to your eyes.
Take it off.
You're not the boss of me.
Where the fuck are you, please?
Get rid of it.
Oh, shit, yeah.
You don't like moths, do you?
Get rid of it now,
or I'm bloody going.
I didn't say kill it.
What do you want me
to do with it, adopt it?
I think I'd like to ring Rebecca now.
It's a good time.
Because you've seen a moth?
No, we like to let
each other know we're okay.
That's what you do
in a serious relationship.
No, it's called reporting in.
That's what you do
when you're under a very fat thumb.
I'm not under a thumb.
It's not fat, either.
The reason why I'm ringing her now
is she'll be putting Amy to bed
and it'll go to the answering machine.
I don't want her asking questions.
I don't like lying.
Don't be all day.
I don't remember putting
a time limit on your calls.
This is my fucking phone.
- You always were selfish.
- Where's your phone?
- In my car.
- Why?
Because it's my work phone.
It's in my work car.
Did you forget your phone?
- My work phone.
- Idiot.
What did you call me?
Idiot. You are a bald idiot.
Well, I'd rather be slightly thinning
than a friendless mockney-phile.
I cannot wait
till I never have to see your...
Hi, darling,
I'm just calling to check in.
Everything's okay my end...
apart from being really cold.
Anyway, I'll try you again later on.
Give baby Amy a kiss for me.
Love you lots.
Yes, I blew her a kiss.
Listen, if she's asleep,
I suggest we be as quiet as possible
so we keep her that way.
Can I hold the legs?
Come on.
I really don't like it out here, David.
Hurry up and get inside, then.
Wait, wait, I have to have a rest.
Come on, we're only
three steps from the top.
I'm not as strong as you, David.
Okay, go on.
I'll see if the keys are downstairs.
Don't drop her.
Get your hands off me!
Fucking bastard!
Get off,
you fucking pervert!
You fucking cunt!
You only had to hold her up.
What the fuck were you doing?!
I think she's broken my nose.
Yeah, that is well and truly busted.
What the hell am I going to do?
It really hurts!
You should have been
concentrating, then.
I bet... I bet you
were looking at her tits.
I was not!
She head-butted me repeatedly!
I've never been head-butted
by anyone before in my life!
Well, you have now.
Please help me,
I'm in a lot of pain!
Whenever I'm with you,
I always end up getting hurt,
every time, guaranteed.
Don't blame me.
I wasn't with you.
That's what you said about
the greenhouse.
That was 20 fucking years ago.
Right, I'm gonna knock this
back into place.
How? I don't want you to.
- Shut up and hold still.
- Wait, wait, wait, do it slowly!
Nice hair, Andrew.
Just had it done?
Nice hair, Andrew.
Dad asked to see me.
Nice haircut, Andrew.
A lot of work's gone into that.
Keep him out there
till we get the call.
Okay, time for work.
I need you to stop whining
and sort yourself out.
Because you are going
to have to speak to her.
- To who?
- To fucking...
the woman upstairs.
I told you, she knows me.
She comes in the club all the time.
That's why it has to be you.
Oh, yes, okay.
What do you want me to say?
Well, you have to say
a lot of things but...
but more importantly,
you have to sound like someone
who is gonna kill her
if she fucks about.
- I'm not gonna kill her.
- I never said you had to, did I?
You just have to sound like
someone who would if they had to.
Well, what do you
want me to say, then?
You have to tell her
that if you get any more
trouble out of her,
you're gonna break
her fucking fingers.
I can say that easily.
Why are you making a big deal of it?
Because you couldn't scare
a child in the dark.
You have to say it right.
You have to... like you're fucking hard.
Okay, let's go.
But no, no, no.
Say it to me first.
Just... do it, come on.
Okay, fine.
Any more trouble from you, miss,
and I'll break your fingers.
Right, say it again, harder.
Any more trouble from you, miss,
and I'll break your fingers.
- That was rubbish.
- Well, how should I say it...?
Any more trouble from you,
you fucking bitch,
and I'll break your fucking fingers!
Like that.
Fine. I now understand.
Any more shit from you,
and I'll break your bloody fingers!
Yeah, that was...
that was better.
Yeah, finally.
Thank you. Anything else?
Yeah, yeah...
we have to let her speak to her dad,
and then you're gonna
take the phone off her
and tell him we want the money.
- A hundred thousand?
- Yep.
- I remember that bit.
- I thought you might.
Now, this bit's very specific,
so I want you to read
this bit of paper to her.
No, no, no, no. Read it now,
once, so that you know it.
- Got it?
- Badly written.
- Without commenting on it.
- Of course.
Okay, I've read it.
Let's make some tea.
You fucking bastards!
Get my hands free,
and I'll cut and kill you!
Listen, if we have to go through this
every time I want to speak to you,
then David here will have to use
his knife to teach you a lesson.
So will you be quiet now?
I want to pour this
into your mouth for you.
There's no sugar in this.
Oh, sorry.
I broke your nose, didn't I?
What... what do you mean?
I mean, pussy,
that I broke your fucking nose
with me hands
tied behind me back,
so what does that make you
apart from a little pussy?
You didn't break it.
I think I fucking did.
Now, look, you are our hostage.
If you don't give us a hard time,
you will be fine and looked after.
However, if you cross us,
I will break your fingers.
I'm gonna be speaking to your father,
so will you please be quiet?
Can I speak to Arnie, please?
This is you, okay.
No, it doesn't matter who I am.
Yes, I'm with her...
No, you can speak to her
in a second.
No, the amount is 100,000!
We would like you to put the money
in a bag and give it to your son.
He is to drive alone
to Fleet services on the M3
and wait next to the men's toilets.
Make sure you
don't send no one else.
Terrible double negative.
Doesn't make sense.
If anything goes wrong
or someone is with him,
your stepdaughter is a dead girl.
You've got two hours.
Yeah, you can, yeah.
Yeah, I'm all right.
From the house.
No, they seem like
a bunch of fucking morons.
One of them's called David.
And they're a pair of hopeless cunts...
Right, you bastard,
we will hurt her if you
don't give us what you want!
What we want!
Big mistake.
No one has ever hit me
in the whole of my fucking life.
You don't know
who my father is, do you?
Do you know what he'll do
to you and David here
when he finds out who you are?
Every member
of your queer-boy family
will be in wheelchairs
for the rest of their fucking lives
because they'll have no knees left
because me dad
will cut them out with an axe!
Then they'll get you,
and then they'll kill you,
and they'll kill
your family and friends!
You're a fucking moron.
Why? I said what you
wanted me to, didn't I?
Because, moron, the reason
I got you to talk in the first place
was because I didn't want
anyone to know
it was me who
was keeping her hostage!
Now, that plan falls to shit
if you start using my name!
- Did I use your name?
- You fucking did.
Sorry. It's hard to concentrate when
you're having your life threatened!
It was the first fucking thing you said!
You're never satisfied, are you?
You turn up out of the blue,
begging for my help
in something completely illegal.
You're not doing this out of charity,
you self-righteous fuck!
I want that house,
and I want you out of it!
I will take Mum's house,
and I will make you fucking eat it!
What the hell's going on?
David, it's dark.
Fucking relax.
The meter's run out.
I've only just put money in.
This is ridiculous.
What kind of a place still has a meter?
Let's see how long this lasts.
In you go, Andrew.
Seems like some idiots
have made the mistake
of kidnapping your stepsister.
Son... I've got a job for you.
He's leaving now.
Yes. I'm very near.
Yes, I've got the bag next to me.
Hang on.
Look, David, I think this phone's
gonna die on me any second.
Oh, no.
I am fucking rich!
I didn't know you had a brother.
Nobody does.
That's why I used him.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I brought these to celebrate.
Peter, brother dearest, this is it.
I earn 50,000 pounds,
and Mum's house is all yours.
God, you made it work!
You bloody did it!
We did it.
50,000 pounds. I'll be free.
I'll never have to live
in East Sheen again.
I'll have my own independence.
What's it look like?
I don't know.
I didn't look inside.
I didn't check it.
Maybe that fuck face
look in the bag.
Probably should have checked it.
Yes, you fucking should.
What does this mean, David?
It means that the money
isn't in the fucking bag,
is it, Andrew?
It means that your dad
probably has a good fucking idea
that you are involved.
Sorry. What shall we do?
Were you followed?
By a car?
I don't think so.
This changes everything.
I still want the house.
That's the deal.
That happens when I get the money.
That's the deal.
I knew it, backstabber!
The minute you asked me
to get involved,
I should have handcuffed
myself to the house!
I said when I get the money
you could have
my half of the house.
I never mentioned a bag of tissues!
This Arnie knows.
He could have thugs at my house!
He doesn't even care,
he doesn't even know.
He doesn't even know
who the fuck you are!
The only person he knows
is involved is him!
You told me this would be simple.
I can't believe I listened
to you again, again!
Just give me two minutes!
It's only just happened.
I'll make it work, Peter.
I'll believe it when I see it.
I'm going outside for a cigarette,
and after that I might just
bloody well go home!
Have you got a bottle opener?
You'd better disappear
from my presence
or I'm likely to hurt you.
I'm going to take a look at Tracey.
I don't care.
Just let me alone.
I take it while you
were being a fucking idiot
you remembered a mask?
Yes, I got one on the way here.
Great, now get out.
I've picked up the wrong kind.
Get out of my fucking sight now.
There's some bald fuck outside.
Some bald fuck here.
You recognize his ass?
Never see this mother before.
Tracey is alive.
You go and see who in there.
Arnie want to know right now.
I cut them the fuck up.
Go and look in the house!
Then you can cut this fool.
We don't need his ass no more.
You see this cleaver?
No, please, no!
When I get back,
me, you go play big time, baby.
Real nice.
No, no!
What's that? A boat?
No, it's a lemon tree.
It's mine.
I'm getting on it, and I am
fucking off away from all of this.
A hoodlum running away
from his underworld pals
to get on a boat
and lead a simple life.
How bloody original.
Well, you want me gone, don't you,
so you can live happily ever after
with that fat pig of a wife of yours?
At least I have a wife, David.
So you agree she's a fat pig?
No, I bloody don't!
Unlike you, I like the stability
of having a partner.
A controller, just like Mum.
I couldn't help it
if Mum loved me more.
I know you hate me for that.
Couldn't really give a shit
who she loved.
She still gave me half the house.
Charity was always her weak spot.
Just stop talking
for two seconds, will you?
Don't worry, I will.
Nothing more to say.
I'm smoking too much
because of you!
I can see you.
Peter, I need
your bank account number.
We're going to have to get
him to do a bank transfer.
- Why can't we use your account?
- I don't have one, do I?
I only use cash.
I don't have one either.
Why don't you have one?
Me and Rebecca
share a joint account.
You've got a bank card.
What's the number on it?
I don't know the number.
Rebecca looks after the card.
God, I should've known.
Andrew, tell me,
have you got a bank account?
- Yes.
- Fantastic. What's the number?
I don't know.
What are we gonna do
if we don't have an account?
I've got an account we can use.
Oh, great. Whose?
What?! That is supposed
to be shut down!
Well, I didn't get round to it.
And a good job, too.
You fucker, you're dragging
Mum into criminal activity.
I won't allow it!
It's a simple as that!
It's either that
or no money and no house.
You're blackmailing me
and dirtying Mum.
What if they trace the details
back to Mum's account?
Well, it doesn't matter, does it?
'Cause she's dead.
You bastard, David!
Peter, I didn't mean
to say that... really.
Look, if we don't get the money,
then all this
will have been for nothing.
That boat is my dream,
and Mum's house is yours.
We're both risking a lot here.
And I am.
You are a pain in the ass
who fucks up everything he touches.
Okay, David, but then I want
that account closed.
It will be.
I haven't got the account number.
Have you?
It's at home.
I'll have to wake Rebecca,
she won't like that.
Thank you.
Hello. Hiya.
Was she asleep?
Are you stressed?
Yeah, sorry.
I know, sorry.
This is gonna sound
like a strange request.
I need you to get the Mum folder.
I just... I need the details
so I can close it down.
No, don't say that.
He just... he just forgot, that's all.
No, I'm not.
I'm not sticking up for him.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Yeah, I know. Sorry.
Can l... can I have it, though, please?
Thank you.
You fucking cunts!
Get me out of this
fucking smelly fucking room now!
You fucking bastards!
Take me out of this room, you slags!
I've had nothing to eat!
I am not a fucking animal!
I knew it was you, you smelly fuck.
You are fucking dead!
David, I've dropped the phone
in some water downstairs!
I've seen your face, dead cunt.
You're dead,
you're all dead!
Ugly, David,
and fat fucking Andrew!
I must be the biggest idiot
out of all of us
for getting involved with you
and for getting you involved.
What are we gonna do?
Let me see the phone.
It's broken.
I can fucking see that!
I'm sorry, it was the pond.
How's your phone?
It's run out of battery.
- Okay, have you got a charger?
- Yes.
Great. Where is it?
In the club.
What the fuck is it doing there?!
It's plugged in the wall.
It was a rhetorical question!
I'm gonna have to go up
to that village, use a payphone.
Won't he recognize your voice?
She knows now, doesn't she?
So none of that means
anything anymore.
I'm not the only one
that makes mistakes.
You think you're perfect!
Shut up, Peter!
For once in your life, shut up!
And take some
fucking responsibility!
I take it that that is right?
Fucking hell!
You blocked me in, you cunt!
What the fuck?
What are you doing?
What the fuck you doing?
Hello, you mother, Arnie.
How many?
Andrew, that guy David,
and some bald mother.
What do you want us to do?
Okay, I send you details now.
Muk Li, get rid of this fuck.
What did you say?
Arnie coming now,
and he very pissed man.
Okay, dumb fuck, we go now.
No, please! Please, no!
No! Please!
Yes, it's me.
Yeah, thanks for that.
You never know
when you'll need a tissue.
I'll check the account in the morning,
and I'll call you back.
What the fuck are you all staring at?
Stranger, eh?
I've seen a few flash cars
driving through here tonight.
You're up at
the Barnaby cottage, in't ya?
What the fuck's
it got to do with you?
You make sure you lock your doors.
Strangers don't fare well
in these parts.
Thorn! Thorn.
You just don't go wandering.
That's my advice to you, my lad.
Thanks, great.
Muk Li.
You finished?
What the fuck?
Wake up, you fat fuck.
Where's that bitch and my brother?
I've been gone for less than an hour.
What the fuck's been going on?
Stop squeezing, I can't think.
You're not capable of thinking,
you're a fucking idiot.
- What happened?
- Ow.
Okay, wait.
Where's Peter?
That's the point. He and your sister
have gone missing.
She was hitting me.
I'm going to hit you in a minute.
Wait. I remember.
Wee were sat at the table
when she started to bang
on the ceiling,
so we both went upstairs
to see what she wanted.
She wanted to use the toilet.
I said it was a bad idea,
but he said we should allow it.
I told him we couldn't trust her,
so we went in with her.
After she'd done a urine,
she said she wanted to wipe herself,
and unless we wanted to do it for her,
we'd have to untie her.
Well, I didn't fancy it,
and I don't think
your brother did either.
So we untied her.
But that's
when he started to freak out.
I don't know why.
There was something in the room.
- Weas it a moth?
- Yeah.
Well, while we were distracted,
she lunged at me,
and I fell out with the door.
It hurt.
She was furious.
She grabbed Peter.
And then she came over
and hit me.
He's on his own with her.
He better be all right
for your fucking sake.
I ca... what else can go wrong?
Help me!
What the fuck?
Do you know him?
Yes, I saw him this morning.
He cuts my hair.
What the fuck's he doing here?
Wait. You didn't tell him
about this, did you?
Oh, yes.
No, I did.
You really are fucking unbelievable.
Who brought you here?
Chinese... Korean?
- Muk Li and Chun Yo.
- Oh, no.
Where are they?
Did you see a bald bloke?
Don't go out there.
You'll... die.
Oh, my God.
They've cut him open.
Is he dead?
What do you think?
Well, if they can do that to him,
they can do that to us.
That's for everything
you've ever done.
All right, you got here
an hour and a half ago,
which means that, as Arnie
probably knows where we are,
he's less than an hour away.
Okay, get your ass in gear.
We're gonna find my brother,
grab your sister,
then we're fucking off
back to the city.
Where's my knife?
My face!
You've broken my jaw, I know it.
Shut your fucking mouth
and keep walking.
I've got a family. What are you
going to do to me?
I can't understand what you're saying.
Why did you bring me?
Because I couldn't move
me fat cunt of a stepbrother,
and when I finally see me father,
he is gonna want to talk to someone,
and that will be you.
Why are we walking in the woods?
I hate woods.
There could be wolves out here.
Have you thought about that?
It's so cold. I'm really
temperature-sensitive, you know?
Tem-pera-ture sen-si-tive.
You had better hope
that we find a phone soon,
or I am gonna stick this knife
in your balls.
Now, keep close to me,
and get a fucking move on.
That's my brother's knife.
"Keep off land!"
some thick cunt lives here.
I can't climb up with this.
Stop staring at it
and get the fuck over it!
We shouldn't even be here.
It says, "Keep off land."
There's a dead animal.
We're going into the woods.
Is anyone there?
Is anyone in the house?
Right, fuckhead,
if you whinge, cry,
or do anything to let the owners
of this house know
that I'm gonna kill you,
I'll kill you. Got it?
This wasn't even my plan...
A nod of the fucking head'll do.
Fucking rubbish!
What the fuck are all these?
This isn't normal.
Where you going?
I'm going upstairs
to see if there's a phone.
Well, I might run away.
You might run away?
God, I can't take this anymore!
I can talk.
I can talk again!
Fucking run now, you cunt!
Definitely won't be able to go
home again.
I should have checked
that bag for the money.
Damn it, I would have seen
those tissues...
Andrew, shut up a minute.
Do you know
what Muk Li San looks like?
Yes, that's him.
What's happened?
He's had his throat cut.
Maybe it was Chun Yo Fu.
They're always arguing.
You don't get your throat slit
over an argument.
Something's not right.
Oh, my God!
Help! Come down!
Quick, come down!
Fucking idiot.
What the fuck is the matter with you?
Why are there peas
all over the floor?
I heard something
underneath that trapdoor.
There, there, underneath.
There, there it is.
No, no, no. Don't open it,
don't open it! We'll be killed!
We're in a creepy house
in the middle of nowhere.
There's a trapdoor in the kitchen
with a weird noise
coming from underneath.
What the fuck do you think
is gonna be down there?
See, nothing.
It was probably a fucking rat,
which is why only you heard it.
Now stop causing
a fucking problem, or I'll tear...
What? What?
Why are there hands in the freezer?
I think we should go now.
Don't you leave me.
Don't you fucking leave me.
Peter, I'm sorry.
And I won't tell me dad.
I promise you'll be okay.
Why should I believe you?
Because I'm begging you.
Please, I don't wanna die.
Oh, what am I doing?
All you've done is hurt me
or be rude to me.
I must be an idiot.
Just hurry up
and get me out of here.
He's right bloody there.
Hurry up!
Get a move on!
You fucking bastard!
Get back here now!
Get back here,
you fucking pussy!
Coward! Chickenshit!
What are you looking at,
you ugly fuck?
Please don't say anything.
This is the worst night in my life.
Not only have I met you,
I've stumbled
into the only house in the country
with someone worse than you.
Shut up, for fuck's sake!
I saved you.
Well, that's your fault, pussy.
Please, Peter, please.
I need you.
I knew it. I'm so gullible.
I should have left you.
I'd be miles away by now.
What do you want me to do
with this?
We've gotta kill him.
No, I will not.
Yes, you fucking will.
When he wakes up,
he's not gonna be very happy.
We've got to kill him now,
before he comes round.
I can't, I don't know what to do.
Just stick it in him,
you fucking weed!
In his head.
Give me the fucking thing.
If you're too much of a wet shit,
I'll do it meself.
Stop calling me names.
I'm not like you.
I know that, little boy!
I'm not a little boy.
I'm probably twice your age.
Just because I can't murder or kill...
Go on! Fucking do it,
you ugly prick!
Cut the cunt's head off!
Come on!
Fucking do it!
What are you waiting for?
You're a fucking man, aren't you?
Or are you just a fucking woman
like all the fucking others?
Come on.
I haven't got all day to wait
for some ugly prick
to kill some scraggy cunt.
They've been over this fence.
How do you know that?
Because that whale
and baby are his family.
Let's go.
Can't we stop a moment?
I'm really tired.
- No, we can't.
- I'm not used to walking.
I don't care.
Should we be
on the lookout for traps?
Because we're near a farm.
Don't they always use traps?
- David!
- Shut up!
- Who do you think lives here?
- Old MacDonald.
- Who's that?
- Shut up.
Keep your eyes peeled
and be careful.
Do you think we should look inside,
see if they're in the house?
What the fuck?
What is that?
If I'm not mistaken,
it's a piece of my brother's shoe.
And foot.
Oh, fuck me!
They've cut off his feet.
Who's doing this?
Have they got Tracey?
Right, fuck the plan!
Fuck the money!
I need to find my brother.
What was that?
That door over there.
Don't be long.
"The children have found
a young man tied up in the barn.
"He had no face.
"I think he's going to hurt us.
We will try to flee tonight.
Must stop.
He is coming."
What the hell is this place?
David. Dav...
David, somebody's cut off
Tracey's head.
I know, I'm looking at it.
Should we get out of here now?
I'm not leaving without Peter.
I've found a coat.
I think there's a light in here.
Jesus! Mother of fuck!
Well, Peter's not here,
so he may still be alive.
That one moved.
Which one?
The ugly one.
What the fuck are you?
Oh, God!
Hello? No.
Dad? Is that you?
Oh, please come quick.
We're on a farm.
Tracey's dead,
and there's a madman after me.
What the hell's going on?
Where are you?
There's a farmer.
He's a lunatic.
He's killed Tracey.
I'm hanging on a hook.
I'm in so much pain.
I'm trying to get free.
Peter, can you move?
I can't.
I'm stuck, pinned to the ground.
I need your help.
Okay, wait there.
Okay. I'll wait here.
Okay, David, I'm coming.
Don't worry, I'm coming.
Oh, God.
Oh, this is taking ages.
Oh, hurry up, for fuck's sake.
I'm here.
I know.
You okay?
No, I'm in a lot of pain.
This is probably gonna hurt.
I've only got half a foot.
I know.
I found the other half of it
over there.
What did you do with it?
I lost it.
Oh, not to worry.
What a clear night.
You can actually see the stars.
Wow, they're amazing.
Peter, I'm sorry.
Oh, forget about it.
I don't think even you
could have foreseen this.
What's this?
It's the deed to Mum's house.
Oh, well...
I'm sure we'll both be dead
within the hour.
Let's share for the rest of our lives.
Sounds like a plan.
Mum would've...
she'd have liked that.
Yes, she would've done.
Fuck this.
I want my boat.
I want to sail on it
and live the rest of my life.
We are not dying here tonight.
Have you looked for a phone yet?
No, not properly.
I was being chased by a madman.
I'm gonna look for one.
No, no. Shouldn't we
just try and get away?
It's taken us ten minutes
to get in here.
There isn't another house
for miles around.
Best thing we can do
is get help to come here.
- What shall I do?
- Just wait here.
If the farmer comes back,
just give me a shout.
Okay, be careful.
Yeah, you too.
Don't do anything stupid.
- Peter.
- Yes?
About the greenhouse...
I'm sorry.
Holy shit!
Peter! He's outside!
Outside. Outside.
- I thought you said he was outside.
- He is outside.
I can't see him.
Did you hear that?
It's a head!
It's Andrew's bloody head!
I can't take this anymore!
We can't get out that way.
We have to go out this way.
Oh, do you want this, do you?
You fucking mad, mad bastard.
I swear.
If you move one more muscle,
I'm gonna rip this bitch in two.
Okay, Peter, get away
from the trapdoor.
You are going down in the cellar.
Right, Peter, start moving
that dresser over the trapdoor.
We're gonna lock the fucker
down there.
Come on!
Get down now!
Move it!
Come on,
the fucking pair of you.
I've got a whole book of these photos.
No, David!
No! No! No, no, no! David!
You bastard!
You bastard!
You killed my brother.
Oh, you must be joking.