The Courier (2011)

Where is the money Courier?
Six minutes left!
Back up a little bit.
Back up a little bit more.
Back up!
Please don't do this.
I am the Courier.
- Throw the bag.
You're okay?
- Hang on.
Don't move, I'm almost there.
- Perfect.
Ransom paid for banker's daughter
What do you got?
- The money was delivered on time, job done.
On the other job,
the Russian has disappeared.
What about the case?
- Lost.
Fuck you, find your own house.
Look at his feet.
The way they move...
See that, Lucy?
- Yes.
That's a thing of beauty...
he's dancing.
God, you're getting big.
You smell like art class.
- Thank you, Lucy.
I bet one hundred dollars,
that the Irishman is taking him to the next combination.
You are about to see grandpa to lose a hundred dollars.
He's clumsy.
He's letting his guard down.
There he goes.
Told you.
I taught you too well.
That's the problem.
Lucy, let's go honey, or you
are late at school. Thank's, Dad.
See you tomorrow.
- Day baby.
- Well, nice to see you again. - Nice to see you too.
Let's take care of that cut, Lucy is right.
That smell of glue is beginning to drive me crazy.
One night he pulls his stakes 'bout
and he's getting killed...
And then I asked him:
How do you do that? How do you keep going on out there?
He said to me:
the secret of pain, Eddie, is ...
that you can only ever feel it in one place at a time.
And all you need to know is,
where to feel it.
So ...
it gets to you after a while. Doesn't it?
- What?
Being alone.
You know, it wouldn't hurt you ... uh...
to get out into the world and see that
there is more to life...
I can help you there, you know.
I would amaze you...
I have a way with the la...
Hey, hey, you cannot come in here.
They say you're the best
that you can find anyone.
You ask no questions.
You don't choose sides.
You don't care, what you're delivering.
Because of this, I have been kindly asked ...
to offer you this job.
A hundred thousand dollars to deliver this case.
And if I say no?
You have two and a half days
to deliver the case...
Hey... Fuck you!
If you deliver it,
you will get the money and will never see us again.
But... if you decide to decline my offer ...
- God.
Or, you don't make the time ...
then, as you see,
you're not the only people we can find.
Whom I'm delivering this to?
- A man named Evil Sivle.
Where is he?
- If I knew that, I wouldn't be here.
This is ten thousand dollars.
I hope this covers your expenses.
You get the rest when the case is delivered.
Your 60 hours start now.
Time is ticking.
No sign of the Russian or the case.
Who ever has it, is dead.
On the other front, Steele took care
of the Charles problem...
and he is on to St. Louis.
- Keep me posted.
Now you tell her we moved her there
because it's closer to the toy stores ...
and I'm gonna take her there.
You be strong. Bye.
If there is no destination,
why does something have to get there?
You know, what it is?
- They just wanna find this guy. - Then I'll find him.
And in doin' so, I'll also find the other two assholes.
Stitch, I'm gonna take care of this.
All right, what do you know about this Evil Sivle?
- Nothing good.
Used to run with with Maxwell,
some kind of hitman or something. Real brutal.
Nobody ever saw him,
but everyone knows his name.
And some time way before Katrina
they all just disappeared.
What means, they disappeared? What happened?
- No one knows.
That'ss New Orleans, right?!
No one asks any questions.
Who is this guy?
That was Maxwell's accountant.
You gonna find someone from that crew,
you start with him.
One day the Feds are gonna trace you
hacking into their database, you know.
They didn't caught me yet
and they are not goin' to.
Hi!... Hi!... Anna!... Uncle Eddie!
I don't believe it, look at you!
The last time I saw you, no bigger
than a second rope covered in grease ...
and raisin' ... in daddy's shop.
How is he doin'?
Well, come come on in.
What brings you to New Orleans?
What do you need today, courier?
You don't look at all that good stuff
rolled up on the trucks that run out of here.
I needed something light
and untraceable.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est a? Courier, you're stepping up in the world?
I never knew you'd be caring.
That's ok, that what you need?
Walther 380 ACP.
She jams. can't trust her.
- Name a lady that you can.
Colt 38, it's not nose.
- She ain't throw no darts.
That's the Ford of the handguns.
I need a Cadillac.
We got a Magnum 44, 3-inch.
That's the V8 prime '67 Cadillac of handguns.
May I ask you guys something?
What do you know about a guy
named Evil Sivle?
You don't wanna bother that.
- Is that right?
We've seen it about a decade ago.
Death came down and laid his
finger on New Orleans.
And that finger belonged to Evil Sivle.
- So that's you are looking for.
You don't need more these guns, Courier.
Why's that?
- 'cause the man is dead.
Except he came back from the dead.
You see. that cricri or voodoo brought him back to life.
'cause that left hand
can't die.
So you want a part in chasing that ghost,
no part at all.
Tell you what...
I take the Caddy and the HK.
Got best pistol ever built,
a Magnum 350.
Need somethin' else, Courier?
In fact I do, need to get to St. Louis fast.
We can help you with that.
- I thought you could.
One hour.
- Let me give you the keys of the gate.
But you gonna have to get your own pilot.
glad of doing business, boys.
- You have it?
I need you to call Jimmy for me.
- Are you on your way?
Yes, I'm a quarter mile west of
Bayou Tech, just north of the 83.
I'll get him for you.
- Yes, right away. Appreciate it.
Eddie sent me.
He said you needed a pilot.
- I guess, she made it.
Yeah, she is here. What did happen to Jimmy?
- He's tied up.
You can just ask me.
I'm standing right in front of you.
How long.
- Since she was five.
I known him since I was four.
- Since she was five.
I chose her for a good reason.
- How come?
I used to work waypole with my father.
She's been stealing cars since before she could ride a bike.
She has been down some very rough roads for someone so young.
Her mother abandoned her, disappeared back into China ...
father ended up in prison.
I practically raised her,
while he was inside.
She's sort of Deidre's little sister.
She's tough, she's smart, she's not afraid of anything.
You think, I would send someone
who couldn't do the job?
And besides, I thought, the two of you might...
you know... in sort of get together.
You both need somebody.
- No more surprises, Stitch.
You're unbelieveable.
Glad, you think so.
- You think, you're really charming, don't you?
Refreshing, isn't it?
Answer me something:
Why you're working with Stitch again?
I need the money.
And that's none of your business.
Well, actually ...
it is my business.
Wait a minute, I didn't agree
to steal anything.
We're not going to steal it.
We borrow it for a bit.
Right, and I guess your friends
just misplaced the key.
Something like that.
You're coming?
You know, this is gonna cost you extra?
- Yeah, already has.
So, what exactly do you do?
I deliver things.
What's in it?
- Jesus, you always ask so many questions?
Questions come with the pilot.
Silence costs triple.
I never ask what's in it.
- Why not?
Because that's why people hire me.
I don't get involved, I don't ask questions, I simply deliver.
Well, it sounds to me like you're involved.
You might think you're not, but ...
Maybe you oughta concentrate
on your driving a little bit.
If I can fly and talk
I can drive and talk.
Alright, wait a second.
We gonna take a right up here.
Alright, see that black car?
Stay two car lengths behind it.
You watch his blinkers,
you don't use yours.
If he turns, you wait five seconds,
you turn, you mirror everything he does.
Is that your delivery procedure?
- Procedures evolve.
Nice and easy.
Turn the car off.
Stay here.
Hold on. Calm down.
Just wanna ask you a couple of questions.
It is not safe here.
- What is not safe?
He's back.
He will take vengeance on us all.
Let me go, please.
- Where Evil Sivle?
No one finds Evil Sivle.
He finds you.
And if he does, it'll be the last thing
you'll ever seen.
Why is he back? Why is he back?
Retribution. Evil's taking back
what was taken from him.
Why am I doing this?
- Sem Frantanna is dead
The old record has been destroyed.
Steele is dead too.
What happened?
- We're not sure.
It's your job to be sure.
- Yes, Sir.
I'm taking back what's mine in three days.
I can't handle any nonsense. - Yes, Sir.
Finish the other job and find the case now!
- Yes, Sir.
Stanton, come in here!
Sit down, son!
I got you somethin'. - Ah.
My birthday isn't for another two days.
- I couldn't wait.
Here, let me.
Sit down.
Beverages are right there.
Have ever think, maybe it's time to find
a new line of work?
That didn't hurt.
Keep pressure on it, ok.
I can't quite place your accent?
Where are you from?
A little bit of everywhere, I guess.
- Has 'everywhere' have a name?
I was born in China.
But after that, just everywhere.
Why did you come back?
Cause life
has a nasty sense of humor.
You perfume.
- It's "Lilies of the Valley".
Touch is no good?
No, I do...
It's just ...
Thank you.
Earlier, warning me.
How's she doin'?
- She talks too much.
Thank you.
You want coffee?
- I gotta go. Walk with me.
How's Deidre?
- What do you think?
I moved her and Lucy to the safe house
but I didn't say why.
And it's harder, if doesn't know why.
But what are you gonna do.
You did the right thing.
You wanna talk about what you not tellin' me?
You know about this guy?
- That's Jack Straw, it's a small time hustler...
you can find him around
St. Ann and Dauphine.
Keep an eye on her, ok.
Rough day yesterday.
Oh! Oh! - I swear, I didn't see anything,
I didn't do anything.
Don't do this, man.
Get in the car.
You get out of the car, now.
Are you gonna kill me?
My God, are you gonna kill me?
Have you ever thought, then
I would have done it already.
Shut up. I'm looking for Evil Sivle, and I know goddamn
that he's looking for you. Where is he?
I don't know, I swear to God, man.
I don't know anything about him, I don't even know who he is.
And why you're the person alive
on that hitlist?
- It's starting to come back to you now?
Right, here's how this is gonna work: You lie to me,
you bullshit me, you keep anything from me ...
I would put a bullet through your leg
and throw you out of this car ...
and leave you where you fall,
you understand me?
But, what do you wanna know, man?
- The accountant mentioned retribution.
What did he mean?
- I don't know.
What did he mean?
No, no, no, man, look.
All I know that ...
that anyone who had a connection
with him ten years ago...
has a dust-to-dust reunion, if you know what I mean?
- What happened ten years ago?
Who are you?
The person who keeps you alive.
So answer the question.
Ten years ago
hell brought to New Orleans.
And Evil Sivle did the match.
Evil Sivle was walking death, know what I mean?
Even God himself shook when he hears that name.
- What about Maxwell, did he shake?
Is that why Evil disappeared?
- No, Maxwell loved him like a son.
I don't know, why he killed his wife and kid.
Chopped the body parts up and mailed them to him.
But nobody knows what happened after that.
Some say Evil killed Maxwell ...
Some say Maxwell killed Evil,
Some say they all died that day.
If all died, then why are you
on top of that fucking headlist?
'Cause I had too many fucking questions.
Mayor Shirer's Office
Can you explain to me,
why these people are dead?
And I found this in the car
you chapped.
Or how about... why every place you leave,
there's a body behind you?
I don't have anything to say, detective.
There's a call for you.
Just sit tight!
How the fuck did you get out?
- Just really had to use the restroom.
We have friends everywhere, don't you?
You're free to go.
I got a phone from the sergeant,
who got a call from the lieutenant ...
who got a call from the mayor,
who got a call from some friend of yours.
Who is this friend of mine?
Good day, gentlemen.
Got a package for you.
- You gotta be kidding me?
Well that, no.
Who is the sender?
- I don't know.
Just got a call to drop it off.
They told me what you look like.
Stitch, where are you?
Call me right away!
- How you doing, Eddie?
Who is this?
- How is your family?
Your granddaughter is growing up so fast.
- Do I know you?
Why does the friend of yours show interest in Evil Sivle
Listen to me, I don't know who you are
and I don't know what you want.
And I don't know anything about what's going down, ok.
- Hello?
Welcome home.
You set me up.
You pay me with money
logged in evidence in the NOPD?
Get me out of jail,
with a murder charge.
You bug my apartment.
You didn't think I would find you?
And that I'd figure out, you were a fed?
Why are you talking about murder charge?
You broke the rules and brought
my goddaughter into this.
You go to hell.
It wasn't me, that got you out.
Think, man!
Even if I legally could pull that off...
would cost me weeks of paperwork.
And favors I don't have.
And this here... is two generations higher
than anything we got a budget for.
Evil Sivle is dead.
Really? Why would we got a briefcase
of a Russian courier ...
with three days to deliver it to him?
And why do bodies keep piling up,
with his name on them?
Four years I've been looking for Evil Sivle.
And then one day you've gotten closer to him,
that I've ever have.
But now we have him.
Because we have something he wants.
And what's that?
I deliver packages.
I don't chase ghosts.
It looks to me, that ghost is now chasing you.
He wants you on the street for a reason
and the only way you gonna walk out of this is...
if we find him, before he finds you.
This case might be the only thing
keeping you alive right now.
Walking out the door, doesn't mean it's over.
- Yeah, it is.
- I don't like it, when people hang up on me.
I already told you, I... I don't know nothing.
Where is your friend with the case, Eddie?
Stitch! - Stitch, no.
It's gonna be ok.
See you soon.
It's Anna.
I can't find Eddie.
We're running out of time.
Where are we?
The old man didn't know much...
and didn't last long.
So I'm sure, the courier will be properly motivated.
Also there's a girl with him.
Who is she?
- She's connected to the old man.
Get rid of the girl...
that should motivate him a bit more.
Listen to me, if we miss the deadline
I want you take the boy.
- Far away.
For how long?
- Until I show up, you understand?
I understand.
- Dad?
When we go home?
- Soon enough.
Where'd you get this?
That is ...
That's from an old roller coaster.
Let me guess.
Running into a burning building
to save a helpless girl.
Was a long time ago.
Gas pipe exploded below my apartment...
I... I... actually don't... don't remember.
You're lucky to be alive.
Am I...
Stitch found me.
Got me on my feet...
I guess, if there was luck, it was him.
What's going on?
We have 30 seconds...
- Who are they? - Hurry up!
Let's go!
- They will kill you.
Hurry up.
- Yeah.
We go through that door.
Up the stairs.
Hurry up.
What' is happening?
It was not about him, wasn't it?
We are just in the way.
Why did you take that?
Why didn't you give it to him?
Stop! Talk to me!
They've seen your face
and they know, who you are.
You understand that?
I can't protect you anymore.
You should stay.
Where do you think you're doing?
I swore to never do this again.
Can we?
We lost him.
Who is this guy?
All we know is that the old man
found him ...
after he been beaten
and left for dead.
He didn't know more than that. But don't worry,
the need for revenge is too strong ...
for him to play it safe.
He will expose himself soon.
Where's the Russian?
- Still missing.
Okay, I need to know what my weakness is,
before it's too late
- Not now, Stanton, god dammit, I'm busy.
They gave me three days to deliiver this
fucking case to Evil Sivle.
said they can leave,
if I would deliver it on time.
But Evil Sivle is the last face you ever see.
I am dead man either way,
you don't do something.
I want you to go back out there
and we will protect you.
You only use me as bait.
What are you doing here, Anna?
Do I know you?
- No, but I know you!
I thought you got out of all that shit.
It's a tough thing about choices,
you can make a thousand right ones ...
but it only takes one wrong one and you're fucked.
Did you lose the keys?
If you wanna find Evil Sivle, you got to
understand where he came from.
Maxwell get him when he was thirteenth years old,
loved him like a son ...
taught him everything he do.
- How do you know all this?
Because I have eyes and ears on the street.
I kept him well informed.
So why did paradise crumble?
- A woman. Evil fell in love.
But she didn't want a part of the business anymore.
Especially after she got pregnant.
And Evil saw the boy... everything changed.
He tried to get out it, but Maxwell
saw it as the ultimate betrayal.
So Maxwell dropped the contract, had Evil's son and wife killed...
- But he made a mistake.
He didn't kill Evil...
- Evil went insane.
I mean... He wiped everybody out,
from the top to the bottom.
But you've already been
thinking about choices, haven't you?
probably been screaming in the back of your head
since you first met him.
Am I right?
But I can help you with that choice.
I can offer you the chance to get out
of this life once and for all.
You are in grave danger.
Both of you.
All you gonna do is keep in touch ...
tell me what he finds, can we way as...
If you help me, I promise
tomorrow you have your life back ...
Fuck you!
Tell me, what's going down in three days?
- He's goin' to finish what he started.
He'll wipe out everybody, who sold him out.
Including me... and the Capos.
And I hear those fuckers,
and people deliver.
Easy! - Easy!
I am really... I'm sorry!
You're alright?
- Yeah.
Let's go, we're gonna find the Capos.
You pick up the signal?
Why are you doing this?
It's not gonna bring him back, you know.
No, but it'll make it right.
- How, lose everything?
Pick up the phone.
Agent Lispy
Fuck! It's not the real case.
It's been wired.
Jesus! - Do we get it?
Press playback.
We got the case.
- Who does he work for?
We don't know yet.
- What's in Vegas?
Let's go.
He wants to play, we play.
- You should polish the silver ...
sounds like we're entertaining tonight.
- We go home and have some fun.
With the garlic press?
- Uh, love it.
He took the bait, hook, line and sinker
- Good.
Stanton, play something else, you know
I hate that piece.
I need a taxi to the 'Lucky 7'.
Yeah, right away.
In Laurel, Mississippi?
If I'm not back by morning,
you take the Dakota and get to that address.
It's where I sent Stitche's family.
- What?
I don't know what's gonna happen.
But I'll find you, when it's over.
- That is the safest place for you, Anna.
Why are you doing this?
Just stop!
He's gone.
You have the address.
You can't be here.
You're really persistent.
- Give me your location and ...
I'll get you both out.
- Yes?
- I'll take.
What is your location?
- Las Vegas.
The Lucky 7.
- Where is he headed?
Names, addresses, anything?
- He has a phonebook, I can check.
Don't let us down,
these are very dangerous people.
He's with the FBI.
He said they could help.
Don't you see?
It's a win-win here.
A chance.
To start something new.
Something away from all this.
Isn't that what we gotta find?
Wait!... Wait!
Here he is.
- Welcome back.
So you wanna find Evil Sivle.
- We take you to him.
Just promise to do something for us.
When you see him in hell,
tell him we send our regards.
That was for the briefcase
back in New Orleans.
Now that you know that up until the second century,
torture was primarily used on slaves?
See, they believed ...
that a slave can only tell the truth,
it was extracted from him.
But over time, torture evolved to everybody.
Became a means, for the good,
to purge earth of evil.
My wife is a bit of a romantic...
but I'm more practical, wouldn't you say?
The way I see it, the gateway
to understanding is through pain ...
and we know that gate, boy!
Go ahead.
Five seconds.
Ten seconds.
That's your death reflex kickin' in.
The burn is by adrenaline release
from your heart rate rising.
You see, your mind believes you're drowning,
death is taking possession of you.
But that's just your mind
fucking with you..
The pain needs the brain truth,
a clouded mind lies.
So, the problem they found with torture ...
was that the wretched often just confessed, to what
they thought the good wanted to hear ...
So like everything else, torture had to change, evolve.
And you know what we discovered?
The good must make it ...
so the evil doesn't wanna to stop.
Make it, so you want the pain as much
as I need to give it to you.
And you know how we do it?
We find the truth together.
Did you know, that the tips of the fingers
are filled with millions of nerve fibers ...
called nociceptors?
A like a speed dial of pain to the brain.
Now, you can ask me any question you want,
I'll answer anything you wanna know...
but each question is gonna cost you
a considerable amount of pain.
The more pain you feel,
the more honest your questions will be.
The sooner we hear the truth.
You might as well die knowing ...
- Question?
because dying without knowing,
that's the real torture.
Question, please?
Where is Evil Sivle?
- Evil Sivle is dead.
Right now your speed dial is desperately calling your brain...
to find a reason. But... as we've already seen ...
the brain lies.
Next question!
That's not a question.
Okay, as Evil is dead...
who is behind this?
Now, that's a much better question.
Technically, Evil is more of an idea now.
Something to inspire fear,
when anyone hears the name.
That's why Maxwell uses his name.
- We go by.
Stay with us now, ok.
Your body just learned the only antidote
for pain is honesty.
Next question!
Listen, if you don't start asking the question,
we gonna have to start asking the questions ...
and trust me, it's gonna be much more painful.
- Like, who hired you?
Ah... you tellin' me... ah...
Maxwell is Evil?
Of course, who else would be able to do all this?
Shit, I think he's passing out.
You did good... You did
much better than your friend Stitch.
We try again in a little bit, ok?
When you're feeling better.
You take a rest.
Give me an option ?????? because I
preheated the oven before we started.
Know the place where you can find it,
in your past. Who is Evil Sivle?
No one ever saw him.
- Why is he back?
We find the truth together.
- Your perfume?
It's "Li-Lilies of the Va-Valley", don't you like it?
- I can't remember.
Evil fell in love and had a son.
Everything changed.
Who is Evil Sivle?
- Used to run with Maxwell.
Sivle Evil is dead.
- Voodoo brought him back to life.
And then he came back from the dead?
- Can you tell me your name?
I don't remember.
- He's coming back to finish, what he started.
Your name.
- Who are you?
There must be some thyme.
I don't get it...
What can I put in here...
Whatever you wanna do, baby.
- Ok, whatever.
I guess just salt, we always put salt
on our steak. - Earth can be great.
I know too,
I guess I could just put some...
Where is Maxwell?
Where is he?
Casino Pradis, you motherfucker.
- What?
The capos are dead.
Fuck, where is the boy?
- Out of the city.
Who is this?
Who is this?
- It's not, who you are expecting.
So you're alive.
This is all pretending
to be something else, hm, kid?
Look at my face.
This is the face of the man
I used to be?
This is the face of a broken heart.
You really have no idea, do you?
I've always wondered what
happened to your body, kid.
That's why I hired a Russian courier.
I had to know.
Well, I guess, if you're looking for death,
then you find it one way or other, won't you?
I gave my life, kid.
I gave you my heart ...
which you betrayed.
If a man makes such kind of choices ...
you have to deal with them consequences, don't you?
Do you ever think without Julia
neither one of us would be here today?
You can change everything, kid...
but you can't change the eyes.
Especially yours.
And you really don't remember, do you?
You were nothing more than a street bum
when I pulled you out of the gutter.
I taught you everything you know.
We were building an empire, you and me.
Did you really think, I let Julia tear you down?
Evil fell in love with Julia.
But she didn't want him in the business anymore.
And when Evil saw his son, everything changed.
He tried to leave Maxwell.
But Maxwell saw it as the ultimate betrayal.
So he killed Julia and the son.
Evil went insane...
He wiped out everyone from top to bottom.
Afterwards nobody ever heard from him again.
Some say Maxwell killed Evil...
but others say that he killed Maxwell
and disappeared.
And changed everything.
But in the end, you know, none of us
really change, do we?
No matter, what we do...
we can never clean the things
which stain our soul.
Or even if you deny it, you know that
your family is dead, because of you.
Is that right?
Do you remember this?
Used to call it the Cadillac of the guns.
Hey listen, I'm going home.
But I could be the same,
unless you're there.
What do you say? For old time sake?
- Go to hell!
You wanna do it?
Do it quick.
I offered you
the world twice now.
You always breakin' my heart.
My mistake was ...
I should've buried you the same day with Julia.
Yes, that's my boy.
He's back.
If you pull that trigger, you will
never find out, where your son is.
My son?
- Come on, man.
You didn't think, I'd kill him?
I love that boy.
Where is my son?
- He is just like you, man, he has got that anger.
He got that coldness.
That absolute perfect attachment.
I does himself, he probably got it
when he watched his mama die.
You never find out, where your son is.