The Covenant (2017)

- So it is with heavy
hearts, we lay to rest
your daughter Elizabeth.
But let us rejoice in the
knowledge that you have
welcomed her into your
kingdom of everlasting light.
She is in the company of
Jesus Christ, who died
and now lives.
May she rejoice in your
kingdom, where all tears
are wiped away, united together
with her father in heaven.
Now, and forever, amen.
- Adam?
Are you okay?
- Turn it off.
- Adam I think...
- turn it off I said.
- Yeah?
- It's all your fault.
- Oh!
- Hasn't changed a bit.
- Not since mom died in it.
- Home sweet home.
Well, power's on at least.
Let's see about the water.
- Eww.
- Yeah it's been more
than a few years,
all sorts of gunk.
Can't wait to see the toilets.
Sarah can you help
me out with this?
- What?
- I didn't say anything.
- This is chino's?
- Yeah.
- Ah it's terrible.
- Yeah.
- What are we doing?
- What do you mean?
- Why are we here?
- I thought coming
home might help you.
- Help me?
- Make a fresh
start with things.
Away from all that
happened last year.
- Right, and this place is just
full of wonderful memories.
- Things are gonna get better.
- Better?
Is that what we're doing here?
We're just gonna go back
and live in the past
and pretend like
everything that happened
never actually happened.
- That's not what I said.
- My daughter's dead,
my husband's dead.
And now I'm back living at home
which I something I
swore I would never do.
- I know it's not gonna be easy.
What you've been through.
- Yeah.
It's just strange.
- Strange how?
- This sudden interest
you're showing in my life.
- Sarah you're my
sister, I love you.
- Come on for 10 years
I was a name on your
Christmas card list, what
did you meet your niece once
when she was a baby?
Even after she got sick you
couldn't be bothered to call
and try to be her uncle, get
to know her before she...
- No.
You're right.
Growing up you were
always there for me, you,
always had my back with mom,
and when everything went
to shit I should've
been there for you.
But I'm here now.
- Yeah.
Here you are.
Fuck, broke my tooth on
this rubbery goddamn pizza.
- Are you okay?
- I'm going to bed.
- Come on, give us a signal.
- Can I come in?
- Of course.
Hey, how's the tooth?
- It hurts.
- You want some ibuprofen?
- Nah.
Look, I know you've been trying.
And I really do appreciate it.
- I love you sis, and I'm
sorry I didn't always show it,
but, I do.
- I'm sorry too.
- You have nothing
to be sorry for.
- Look at what I found.
- Oh my god, look at my hair.
- Yeah it was
definitely the 90s.
- We look like kid 'n play.
- I missed you.
- I missed you too.
- I wanna go to bed.
- Okay.
- Good night.
- Night.
- Mommy?
- My baby.
- Ah fuck.
- Richard?
- Morning.
- What are you doing?
- We've got a busted pipe,
came down to make my coffee
this morning, found myself
swimming in the blue lagoon.
- This place should
be condemned.
- It's a water leak, not
the end of the world.
- Sorry.
- I gotta go out,
pick up a few things,
are you gonna be okay
on your own for a while?
- Yeah I'm not a child Richard.
- I didn't mean it like that.
- It's okay.
- I just wanna make
sure, you know.
- Yeah.
- Can I get you
anything while I'm out.
- Coffee.
- Okay, I'll make us some
breakfast when I get back.
- Okay.
- Richie?
- Excuse me.
- Richie Doyle, it's me, Jan
Thompson, you went to school
with my boys, I was a
friend of your mother's.
- Oh Mrs. Thompson, hi.
- Hi, oh it is so
good to see you.
- Yeah, same to you.
- What brings you back to globe?
- Ah, I guess we just
missed the place.
And I thought Sarah could use
a little country living again.
- Oh Sarah's back too,
oh that's wonderful,
I have to stop in on her.
Molly Hanning,
she's a little uhm...
- strange?
- You said it, not me, anyway
I don't wanna keep you,
but it is so nice
to see you again.
- You too.
- Take care.
- One half through two, to
one quarter to an eighth.
- Always the hard part.
- What's that?
- Finding the right fit.
Every part has its
perfect counter.
But finding that match
is what takes time.
- Yeah, sure.
I uh, I need copies
of these two keys.
- All right, back in a sec.
- I'm sorry, can I help
you with something?
- Maybe, or maybe I
can help you, Richard.
- Have we met?
- You lost your niece
last year Mr. Doyle.
- That's right.
- She was sick but to
go so fast like that,
what was it again, got herself
drowned, in the bathtub?
- I don't know who the hell
you are but stay away from me.
- Come on Mr. Doyle you
know something's not right
with her story, Adam knew
it, he felt it in his bones.
- I'm not gonna tell you again.
- Okay, with the bolts and the
keys, that's gonna be 12.55.
- Who is it?
- It's Jan Thompson, from next
door, this is my friend Amy.
Is this a bad time
for you Sarah?
- Mrs. Thompson.
- Well look at you,
you're so beautiful.
I always knew you'd grow
up to be a heart breaker.
- You're so sweet,
please come on in.
- Apple pie for you.
- Thank you, you shouldn't have.
- Oh it's a store bought kind
but still I just love 'em.
This is my friend Amy.
- Hi Amy.
- Hi nice to meet you.
- Would you ladies
like to have a seat?
- Well thank you.
- Sure.
- I'm so sorry
about all the boxes,
I haven't really gotten a
handle on the unpacking yet.
- Ah, not at all.
- I haven't had a chance to
go shopping yet, but, uhm,
I was just making
some herbal tea.
- Tea would be lovely, except
no sugar or cream for me,
doctor says I gotta watch
the sweets and the dairy.
- Yeah, plain's fine for me too.
- I'll be right back.
- Ah, who's this
lovely young lady?
- I'm sorry what?
- Look at her Amy,
isn't she adorable.
- Oh yeah she is.
- Is she yours?
Well I can tell you for
schools, you're gonna wanna
avoid Roosevelt, but Chapman
has a great little program,
I'm on the school
board there, so I can...
- Lizzy actually
passed away last year.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- That's fine.
- Thank you.
Oh god, get it off of me, my
cross, get it off, get it off!
Get it off, get it off of me!
- God!
- Are you hurt what happened?
- It was the weirdest
thing, I, all of the sudden
I felt like my
chest was on fire.
- Oh my god.
- Here, please.
- No, no it's fine, I'm
fine, no it's fine, I'm fine,
thank you I'm leaving.
- It's fine.
- I am so sorry!
Let me out!
- Sarah?
- Get me the fuck out of here!
- Oh, okay, okay, I got
you, I got you, okay.
You feel better?
- No I don't feel better.
- Okay just calm down.
- I don't like it here,
there's something wrong
with this place.
- So what has happened exactly?
A broken doorknob,
a popped light bulb.
It seems to me we're just
like par for the course,
when living in a
broken down old house.
Look, you're tired,
you're stressed out...
- so I'm imagining things?
- Okay I didn't say that.
It's just, you've been through
hell, and with the stress
of the move, I just want you
to look at this objectively
for a second, okay.
Shitty old house, with bad
plumbing and rusty knobs,
or our mother's house is
suddenly haunted after 30 years.
- No, you weren't there,
you didn't see the...
Last night, when I
was taking a bath I...
Maybe I am imagining things.
- Let's go somewhere.
- Go somewhere?
- Yeah, anywhere, I don't
know, some place that isn't
this fucking house.
- Yeah.
Just uhm, let me go
freshen up really quick.
- Hi folks what
can I get for you?
- Club soda.
- Club soda.
- A Coors light draft please.
- Okay.
- God this place brings
back a lot of memories.
- Not for me, that
might be the blackouts.
- Are you sure that
you're okay being here?
- Yeah, yeah it's not a problem.
As long as they serve soda.
- How long has it been now?
- Seven years next month.
- Congratulations,
that's, that's great.
- One day at a time,
that's what they tell me.
- What?
- Here you go, that'll
be 4.50 unless you guys
wanna open a tab.
- Hey, Richard.
- Oh, I'm sorry, just uh,
just throw us the tab.
- Okay.
- Hey are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine, that's all.
- Lizzy?
Lizzy, it's you!
I thought I was never
gonna see you again.
I have missed you so much.
- Sarah, what are you doing?
You wanna go inside,
it's nice and warm.
Come on.
Just take a seat.
- My little girl.
- What?
- She wants me to play with her.
She came back
because she needs me.
- It was a dream.
Did you forget to take
your medication tonight.
Or well, maybe mixing it
with beer was a bad idea?
- What, no I saw her.
- You saw her?
- I know that she's here.
- Sarah...
- no, Richard it was Elizabeth.
- Okay, let's get to bed huh?
- Saw you at the bar
tonight, sorry I had to leave
so suddenly.
- How'd you get this number?
- Sister started to
backslide, you had a chance
to stay out of it,
but now it's too late.
- What, are you
fucking threatening us?
- She belongs to us Richard.
- All right you listen to me.
If I see you within a mile
of my sister I will...
Hello, hello?
Wow geez you scared me.
- I need to speak with you.
- Are you just getting
tired of watching me
from your window?
- It's about your sister.
- What about her?
- You need to leave this
place and never come back.
- Really?
- As long as you remain
in that house with her,
you're not safe.
- You're friends with that
asshole who called me in
the middle of the night?
- It's hard to explain
but there's this presence
within her, within that house.
- Okay I have no idea
what you're playing at,
but I've heard all
I'm gonna listen to.
- You can not drink
from the cup of the lord
and the cup of demon.
You cannot partake of
the table of the table
and the table of the demon.
- Just get help lady, seriously.
- It was an accident.
- Jesus fucking Christ,
you're cutting yourself now?
Sarah what are you
doing to yourself?
- It was an accident.
- Oh I'm sure it was, I have
to take you to an emergency...
- get out!
- Sarah, oh fuck,
Sarah come back here!
Ah fuck.
Sarah open the door.
Sarah, Sarah open the door.
That's it I'm calling 911.
- Just leave me alone.
- You want an ambulance
here, cops, because that's
what's gonna happen if you
don't unlock this door.
Hey, you hear me?
That's it I'm dialing.
- This is ridiculous Richard.
- Tell me about it.
- Sarah Doyle?
- Right here.
- Why don't you have a seat
upon the bed for me Sarah.
Let's see what we're
looking at here.
- It was an accident.
- I'm not so sure about that.
- Go to hell Richard.
- Go to hell, you're
mutilating yourself.
- Sir!
- And she needs to be
committed for her own sake,
she's trying to kill herself.
- Please, sir
you're not helping.
Maybe you should wait outside.
- Yeah maybe so.
- Hon, is that true, are
you trying to hurt yourself?
- It was an accident.
- Well let's see
what we got here.
And you did this today?
- Yeah.
- Judging by the scabbing,
I'm guessing you had
your accident about
two weeks ago.
You really should've
come in and see us when
this happened, it's
too late for stitches.
This is gonna leave
one nasty looking scar.
- Father burk?
- Yes.
- Ah you know, it's fine I
have rounds to finish anyway,
so I'll see you later.
- Okay, okay.
- Uh, Richard Doyle,
St. Martin's basketball.
- Oh sure I knew your mother
real well, and your sister,
what's her name?
- Sarah.
- Sarah how is she?
- Uhm...
Not good father, just not
good, she's kind of the reason
I'm here.
Uhm, she's been cutting
herself, and she tells me
it was an accident,
but I have my doubts.
- Gee, I'm sorry to hear this.
Look I've got to do a
mass in the chapel here,
in about five minutes,
I could see her tonight
if you think it'd
do her some good.
- Uhm, uh, maybe yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah that would be great,
uhm, we're just, we're over
on brook street, my mom's
old house.
- Sure, I know just
where it is, about 6:30?
- 6:30, that's great,
thank you so much father,
thanks so much.
- Okay, you bet, okay.
- I really appreciate
it father, really.
You should really
try to eat something.
- I really wish you didn't
invite a priest over.
- What am I gonna do?
I don't know, maybe
simply talking to someone
who isn't me could be of help.
- I don't need help.
For the last time, the
cut was an accident.
- Okay, I don't
wanna argue, but...
Last night, crazy dream.
That's gotta be him now.
Father thanks for
coming, please come in.
- Thank you Richard.
- Ah please have a seat.
- Good, good, good, ah thanks.
- Can I get you
anything, coffee, tea?
- Oh, no, no I'm fine, I'm fine.
- I'll go get Sarah.
- Good, good.
- Father's here.
- Why are you doing this?
- He just wants to help you.
- Whatever, fine.
- Sarah, I don't know if
you remember me or not,
I'm father burk.
- Hi.
- Your brother
Richard here thought
that maybe you needed
somebody to talk to.
- I'm not a religious
person father.
- That's all right, we
can talk about anything.
In fact I've been told
many times that I'm
a very good listener, so
just relax and take it easy.
Would you feel better if we
had Richard leave the room?
Richard would you mind
giving us a little privacy?
- Uh, sure, yeah whatever
you think is best.
- Okay.
Now I can't help but notice
that bandage on your arm,
how did that happen?
- I cut myself.
- Yeah Richard told me,
but he thinks there may be
more to it.
- I don't really
care what he thinks.
- Well Richard told me you
had trouble sleeping lately,
that you don't
feel like yourself.
- I lost my daughter
to leukemia last year,
and my husband to suicide.
So, to be honest I
can't really remember
what acting like myself
is supposed to look like.
- I'm sorry, I didn't know,
would you like to talk
about that some?
- What is there to talk about?
- Well that tremendous
hurt that you went through.
Would you let me pray over you?
Now really you don't have
to change your beliefs
or anything, I just would
like to say a prayer over you
in the name of Christ.
Maybe I'm pushing it too
much, I, I do that sometimes.
- No I'm, it's okay father,
you can say your blessing.
- All right let's hold hands.
Heavenly father, we ask
for your blessings upon
your daughter Sarah.
We ask you to protect...
- Oh my god!
- Father, hey father you okay?
Hey father you okay?
Hey, you okay?
- There's nothing more I
can do here, I've got to go.
- What, hey wait a minute!
- I've gotta go.
- Hey, father hold on.
- You've gotta get outta here.
- What?
- There's nothing more I
can do for her tonight,
but I know a man, he's a
professor at the u of a,
his name is father
Francis Campbell,
now he's supposed to be an
expert at this sort of thing.
- What are you talking
about, what sort of think?
- Possession.
- Unbelievable, I turn
to this guy for help
and he fires back with
a bunch of lunacy.
We're gonna have to
get some real help
from an actual mental
health professional,
not some demented old priest.
What the fuck, you
cut yourself again?
- Richard don't.
- Sarah you are fucking crazy.
- You don't understand.
I need...
- what you need
to kill yourself?
- I need to be with her.
She's here.
- Oh she's here, Lizzy's
here, right okay,
Lizzy come out, come
out wherever you are.
Oh I don't see her Sarah,
maybe she's hiding from us,
right, Lizzy, hello,
well she's not in there,
maybe in here, no, oh, I know,
right, she's in the
cellar right, yeah okay.
Where's my fucking flashlight?
Fuck it.
- Richard don't go down there.
- Whoever's in here come on.
It smells like shit.
That's great, so along
with everything else
just falling to shit, we
got a ruptured sewage line.
I don't know how much
longer I can do this.
I'm going out.
- Mommy?
- Lizzy?
The doctors said you have
to go back to the hospital
if you're not eating everyday.
She's not responding to
the marrow transplant,
this isn't something
you get better from.
- Mom it hurts.
- Lizzy?
- Well forgive me if I'm
not willing to give up
on our daughter yet.
- But I already took one today.
- We uh, we need to
get you feeling better.
So we're gonna take a few more.
- I'm so tired mommy.
- It kills its own,
she's with us now.
- Get out Lizzy, what are you?
- It's all your fault.
- I'm so sorry.
- Give yourself to us.
It's the only way
to stop the pain.
- What can I get you?
- Shot and a beer.
- Be more specific?
- Whiskey, anything
Irish if you have it,
beer, anything dark.
- Okay.
- Mrs. Baley?
Mrs. Baley?
- Father?
- Oh, you scared me Mrs. Baley.
I've gotta do some
work in the study,
would you bring me a scotch.
- One of those days?
- You can say that again.
- I've never seen
you in here before.
- I don't wanna be rude, I uh,
I don't think I'd be the
best company right now.
- I don't know, you show more
promise than what's usually
found here.
- How old are you?
- Old enough.
- Hey buddy, another
whiskey, and,
give the lady whatever
it is she's having.
Hello you've reached
the cellphone of father
frank Campbell, please leave
a message, thank you.
- Hi father frank, this
is father James burk.
We met last year at the
archbishop's fundraiser shindig.
Father what I have to say
is, well it's unbelievable,
I paid a visit to a
former parishioner of mine
named Sarah Doyle, and
there's no easy way
to say this, but
I saw something.
And it spoke to me,
I need you call me
as soon as you get this,
please it's urgent,
I can't stress that
enough, and my phone number
is 632-592-6789.
Please, call me as soon
as you get this message.
Mrs. Baley.
- She's gone home.
- Who are you, and what
are you doing in my home?
- Whew.
- You're really
putting 'em down.
- Yes, I really am.
How many is that?
Fuck I don't care,
hey, uh, another!
- In for a penny,
in for a pound.
- Yes, let it wash away
the sins.
- So, you wanna get outta here?
- Really, I mean, I mean...
- Think you can follow the road?
- Well I guess we'll find out.
I just gotta, first.
- Quite the looker
you got there.
- What's that?
- Just saying good for you.
Having a little backslide?
Hanging under the
wagon isn't easy.
Looks like sister Sarah is
starting to come around.
Finally ready to admit
little Lizzy had some help
filling her lungs with water.
You should ask her,
she'll tell you now.
- Are you following me again?
- Always Mr. Doyle.
Always and forever.
That's it Mr. Doyle, good,
let it out, let it all out.
- I fucking warned you.
Who the hell are you,
why are you following me?
Tell me who you really are,
what the fuck you want?
- I want you to be a man
for once, take that pretty
little thing out there
back to your place
and fuck her brains out.
- If I ever see you again,
I'll fucking kill you.
Call me, or mention
or my sister again...
- you'll fucking
kill me, I got it.
- Yeah he's been following me.
I gotta go.
- Oh hey.
- Maybe some other time.
- Father?
I'm sorry but I forgot
my dang phone charger,
and lord knows if I'm
not reachable I...
- Whoever believes in
me shall never die.
- How'd you know
where to find me?
- Never in lust I've conceived
to bringeth forth sin
and sin, when it is finished,
bringeth forth death.
Even when I walk through
a valley of deep darkness,
I shall not be afraid,
for you are with me.
You are with me!
- Sarah?
Get off of me!
- What's the matter,
isn't it everything
you always hoped it would be?
- What did you do to yourself?
- We're gonna have
a baby Richard.
- I my lord,
my god, I pray up to you
to hear me,
hear me and protect me.
- Hey you alive in there?
- What?
- Are you all right?
- Who are you?
- It's my house you're
parked in front of.
- Oh.
- You're drunk?
- No.
- Well look, you're blocking
my driveway, you mind moving?
- What the hell?
- Are you gonna move or am I
gonna have to call the cops?
- Father burk.
Father burk, it's rich Doyle.
- He's not there, Richard.
- What?
- Crazy old fool cut
his own tongue out last night.
- This was you, you did this.
- I'm just a voice.
A messenger, and my message to
you is to stop fighting this.
- Well that's not gonna happen.
- Can I help you sir?
- I'm not sure if you can,
do you have father James burk
as one of your patients?
- Excuse me sir.
- Yeah?
- You're looking
for father burk.
- That's right.
- I'm Dr. Cathy Monroe, I'm
father burk's attending.
Father burk's been incredibly
insistent that we find you.
- How did you know where I was?
- Lucky guess, are
you a relative of his?
- No, uh, friend I guess.
- Okay well, follow me.
- Father?
- Can you shed any light on why
he would do this to himself?
What, what does it say.
- Find father Campbell.
- Who's that?
- I gotta go.
- Hey, Mr. Doyle!
- I cast you out, out
in the name of god!
Riddley go ahead,
Riddley go ahead.
Now this concludes what
we can submit to you
as documented evidence
of the existence
of demonic phenomena.
Now, I know what many
of you are thinking,
and you're right, there's
nothing that you haven't seen
or heard here today that
couldn't be explained away
by a more conventional
Sadly, the only way to
truly convince a skeptic
of our findings is to
have you come along
the next time we
encounter one of these...
And, no, we don't
give exorcism tours.
- Why not?
- Oh, well that's
a fair question.
And the answer is simple.
Once the demonic presence
leaves the possessed
it doesn't simply vanish or
return from where it came from,
like any other parasite
deprived of its host,
it would desperately
try to attach itself
to something or someone else.
- Okay, something else?
- Yes, in certain instances
the demonic phenomena
will attach itself to
an inanimate object.
- Like a talking doll?
- There's nothing funny
about demonic phenomena.
Now, you can come up
with your own theories
that you might consider
less fantastical to explain
away our findings, you can
call us frauds if you wish,
or you can see things
for what they are.
If you employ a little
thing called faith.
- Faith?
- Yes, I know, the
five letter curse word
to every scientific
mind, but, yes, faith.
And it's frustrating, but in
the age of audio and video
recording, it still
comes down to that,
a matter of faith.
- Well that's all we have
time for this afternoon,
but if you will join me
in a round of applause
for our speakers.
- Father Francis?
I'm uh, Richard Doyle.
Father James burk seemed
to think you might
be able to help me.
- I got a call from
him last night.
What can I do for you?
- It's very hard to say, I,
maybe if you could
just come with me.
- I'm sorry, but I have a
six o'clock tomorrow night
in Bakersfield, if you
wanna make an appointment.
- No, no, no, no, no, no listen.
This can't wait.
- Okay, go on.
- I don't know how
else to describe it,
he was trying to help us and...
He cut out his own tongue,
he, he's in the hospital,
he's gone completely insane.
- You've seen a
demonic haven't you?
It's gonna be all
right, come with me.
- Okay, we're all set.
- It's okay, just relax.
- About a year ago, my sister
Sarah lost her daughter,
Elizabeth, her husband took
his own life a few days later.
- And how did the child die?
- She drowned.
- So this was unexpected?
- Well sort of,
she had leukemia,
and the treatments
weren't helping.
One night she just fell
asleep in the bathtub
and that was it.
I know Adam blamed Sarah.
- I see.
- So I moved Sarah and I
back to our childhood home,
I thought maybe the familiar
could and help cope with
things a bit better, but, she
started having these dreams.
Nightmares, about Lizzy.
Things got a lot worse.
She's, she started
hearing voices.
Lizzy and other voices.
And then she started
cutting herself.
- Cutting herself?
- And there were
these strange symbols.
- What kind of symbols?
- I don't know, not like
anything I've ever seen before.
All over her body.
She had these scars,
like brands of
ruins of some kind.
- Can you draw them for me?
Just do the best you can.
Are you sure about this?
- Yeah, I only saw it
for a second, but, yeah.
- Wow.
- That's interesting.
- What?
- It looks like the
second mark of belial.
- What's that?
- Well it's rare, in all
my life I've only seen it
twice before.
- What does it mean?
- Well.
- Well.
- According to myth,
belial is one of the seven
princes of hell.
A creature of immense power
with ability to take on
many forms, and most
commonly among these would be
a recently deceased person,
which led ancient sources
to mistakenly connect
him with necromancy.
But what concerns me
the most about this
is that this is the first
time I've seen this symbol
outside of a 1,200
year old manuscript.
I think we're gonna have
to cancel on Bakersfield.
- Yeah.
- Oh wait, wait there's more.
- Yeah, you can
tell us on the road.
- I saw heaven standing
open and the white horse,
whose rider is called
faithful and true.
With justice he
judges and makes war.
The lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want!
He is my savior
and my protector.
- Does it not see, is it
blind from all its watching?
- Jesus, protect me,
the power and the glory...
I shall ever overcome!
Darkness shall never ever!
- Molly, oh Molly,
Molly you freed me!
Molly your faith has redeemed
and defeated the evil one.
Oh praise you and praise
god for bringing you to me.
- For we are all sinners,
and only through him,
only through him.
- Ssshht, all is well.
You have done god's
work this day Molly
and he is most pleased.
But you have seen the evil.
And it blinds you.
Free yourself.
- Follow me.
- Richard?
We can take it from here if
you don't wanna go any further.
- No, I...
I need to do this.
- Okay.
- That smell.
- Here, rub some of
this under your nose.
- I guess you guys
are used to this?
- Strong odors are
one of the top tells
of demonic presence but uh,
yeah this is really bad.
Usually it emanates
from a subterranean area
like a basement or a crawlspace
underneath the house.
- Yeah, yeah, that's
where I first smelled it,
it was in the cellar.
- Let's start with the cellar.
- Oh my god, Molly?
- Not Sarah?
- Our neighbor.
- What are you doing?
- I'm calling the police.
- Put your phone away.
- Why?
- There is a strong
evil in this place,
and we won't expose
anyone else until we know
what we're doing with.
- Readings have spiked
across the board.
Father help me!
- Away!
- Leave this place.
- Sarah?
- Stay right there Richard.
Who are you demon?
I command you to name yourself.
- It asks questions.
Stupid questions as it
knows my name, it fears me.
- I've faced your kind before.
- Faced the small.
The weak, but not me.
- You didn't know
she was pregnant?
- That's because
yesterday she wasn't.
- Who's the father?
- It's not possible.
- What's not possible?
- Last night I...
There was this woman and...
And I had sex with her.
And I finished and...
I saw her, I saw her face.
It was Sarah, it was Sarah!
What do we do now?
Maybe we should pray again.
- I've helped a lot
of people Richard.
But they all had faith.
And as hard as it is,
now is not the time
to be losing yours.
- Well I never really had it
much in abundance to begin with
so that presents
somewhat of a problem.
- Then find it, and
be quick about it too
if you wanna help Sarah.
- Help her?
- Yes.
- She's sick.
She, she seduced me.
She murdered that poor woman.
And god knows what else.
- Whatever's happening
here, you can be sure it's
not your sister's doing.
She's under the control
of a very powerful demon.
And you need to remember this.
- Whatever you say.
- Dear god.
She's coming around.
- It will release me!
- Our father who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name.
- Mother who kills
her own is now mine.
The little one,
sick, weak, pathetic.
We took her soul and
now we take this one.
- Elizabeth.
- Don't listen to it, telling
lies is in its nature.
- Yes, but this one knows
he does not hear lies.
He knows this time
we speak the truth.
- You killed Elizabeth.
- I denounce you.
- Does this one think his
little tricks will work on us?
- Your name is belial.
You are a servant of
the father of lies.
I know you demon,
and I rebuke you.
Our father, who art in heaven.
- What grows inside
is far stronger
than little man and
his pitiful god.
- Thy kingdom come...
- deny us? Weak mortal!
- Hey.
- Whatever that thing is.
It's right isn't it?
- How's that?
- You never faced
anything like it before.
Have you?
- No.
- So how are you gonna stop it?
- Only god is perfect Richard.
And every other creature
in this world and the next
is imperfect.
And everything imperfect
has a weakness.
All we need to do is
figure out what that is.
- Well, it's about as
good as we're gonna do.
- Is she still out?
- She should be, I pumped
with her enough juice
to put down a herd of elephants.
Can I talk to you
alone for a moment?
- Yeah.
What is it?
- I'm outta tranqs.
So I don't know what the plan
is when she wakes up again.
I really feel like this
time we bit off more than we
can handle, and then her condition
only complicates things.
- Now which condition
would that be?
The fact that she's
possessed or pregnant.
- If what Richard told you
is true than this thing
inside her is less
than a day old.
- And that would be a miracle.
- A miracle, that we
can not allow to happen.
- What are you saying?
- I'm saying we need to stop it.
- By saying stop, you mean kill?
- Yes.
- If you kill her, you
kill an unborn child.
- We need to.
- I don't wanna hear
anymore of this.
- Richard.
Richard don't let them hurt me.
- They're here to help you.
- No, they're going to kill me.
- No!
- Richard, are you okay?
- Stay away.
- I'm trying to help you.
- No you're not.
No, you wanna kill her.
- Hey, Richard.
- Fuck you get out!
- Richard I'm
trying to help her.
- Yeah, but now that
you realize you can't,
you're gonna kill her,
she can read your mind,
she talks to me, she's
begging me to stop you.
- Richard, you know this
creature can take on many forms.
And if you're hearing Sarah
now, you must know it's a demon
trying to deceive you,
you have to trust me.
Come here, I'll show you.
Go ahead, ask it a question.
Something only Sarah would know.
Believe me it won't
be able to answer it.
- Sarah?
- The little man tells the
truth, she is gone, gone!
- Away with you, servant
of lies, child of evil!
God's word holds the power!
- Does it want to see my power?
- God, Sarah.
- I cast you out!
I believe in the true god,
creator of heaven and earth!
I cast you out!
For he is the one true god!
I cast you out!
I cast you out in
the name of the lord!
- Oh my god it's happening!
- In the name of...
- We need to stop this now.
- You shall not stop us!
- Richard, open
the door Richard!
- The whole place is
coming down around us!
- Okay father just to clarify
you're not under arrest,
so you can stop this
interview at any time.
And you've been advised
that you have the right
to an attorney, so if you
continue talking to me
anything you say can
be used against you.
Father, are you
willing to continue?
You want me to call
the archdiocese?
- So, let's go through
this one more time.
- There's nothing father
frank or I can tell you,
that isn't on that camera.
If you can find it.
- Buried under 40
tons of rubble, yeah,
I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
- You need to look at this
from my point of view okay.
Now as much as I hate putting
the screws to a priest,
there's a lot here
that needs explaining.
- I felt them.
- You felt who?
- They say the good will
inevitably conquer evil.
This time at least
they're wrong.
- Please could we try to
be a little less cryptic?
- Do you believe
in god, detective?
- Of course.
- How about the evil one?
Well do you believe in him?
- Father what I believe
in is what I can see
and what I can smell and
what I've got right now,
is I've got a collapsed
house, and a mutilated corpse,
and that looks and smells real
bad for you and your friend.
- Molly Hanning was her name.
Search and rescue found
her body in the rubble.
She was cut up real bad.
- What about Richard and Sarah?
What about the baby?
- No we only found the
one, the neighbor lady,
the Mrs. Hanning.
- And you didn't find a baby?
For all our sakes detective,
I pray that that was an
oversight on your part.
- What do you mean?
- If it survived...
- survived, what are
you talking about?
- If the child was born,
if that monstrosity has
entered our world...
God help us all.
- Just wanted to let
you know that the priest
and his friend are
gone, for now at least
you'll be safe from them,
I'll see you later Richard.
Protect your family
and protect the child.
Many will come to hurt
him, but you and Sarah
are strong and that's
why you were chosen.