The Cowboys (1972)

Easy, girl.
Hold it, girl.
Hold it.
Well, l want each of you fellas... buy yourself a
dollar lngersoll watch.
You can't break them
with a hammer and...
...won't lose more
than a minute a month.
- l know we're late, Mr. Andersen.
- You're two hours late!
Work starts around here at 6 a. m.
- Goes for everybody.
- Yes, sir.
We spent the night in Bozeman.
Town's empty as a bone orchard.
Everybody's lit out
for the Ruby River.
- What for?
- Gold.
At the Ruby?
Played out years ago.
No. This is a new strike.
About 20 miles above there.
Almost to the Beaverhead.
Tell him, Smiley.
The fact is, Mr. Andersen,
me and the boys thought...
...we'd like to take a ride up and
have ourselves a little look-see.
Got 1,500 head of steer to get to
Belle Fourche before it snows on me.
You hired on to move them.
- We'd like to help you
out-- - Like to help me out?
The others done pulled out.
There's only five of us left.
That busts it.
You work us like dogs night
and day, and Christmas, too!
- Pay you every Saturday!
- There's easier money around.
We'll do it this way.
We'll take a ride up there, we'll
have a look around, 2 or 3 weeks.
lf it don't work out, we'll get
the others and we'll be right back.
Now you have my word. Don't he, boys?
That's right.
- Your word?
- Yes, sir.
Well, here's my word.
Get the hell off my spread!
Well, they run...
...clean out from under me.
Whole damn bunch of them.
l heard most of it. Let me see that.
A fool comes to town with a
fist full of gold dust and...
...every jackass in 50 miles
around lights out after him.
My day a man'd stay
with you on a handshake.
lt's a different day, Wil.
Well, l guess l'll go over to the
Bigelow place, see what l can turn up.
Maybe Henry....
Henry Bigelow's 60 years old, Wil.
So am l.
Kind of noisy around here.
lt's been like this all week.
Any luck?
l traveled 30 miles today...
...didn't find a single
hand that could...
...throw in with me.
- Did you talk to Parker?
- Yeah.
His wife's gonna have a baby.
How about Miller?
His wife wants to have a baby.
Sucker's only been
married three weeks.
Well, if you can't get your cattle to
market this year, put it off till next.
What'll l do with this year's bills?
Pay them next year. Hell, a
lot of folks around here do.
No, l won't go on tick.
lf your neck was any stiffer... couldn't even bend
over to pull your boots on!
Shut up and pour!
Did you ever think of hiring boys?
- What boys?
- The schoolboys.
Oh, sure, and women.
How about my mama in
Cedar City? She's only 92.
You ain't got a lot of choices.
There ain't a kid in
that school over 15.
They're between hay
and grass. l need men.
How old was you when you went
on your first cattle drive?
- What difference does that make?
- How old was you, Wil?
- Well, in my
day-- - How old?
But an old man's pants fit me.
"The above convenient
arrangement is designed... adjust ladies' long
dresses to a walking length.
lt is worn around the
waist, has two ends-- "
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Afternoon, Miss Ellen.
Have you gentlemen decided you
need some additional schooling?
Well, l guess we could probably
use some, but we just come visiting.
Well, come in.
Please, sit down.
lt isn't often we get visitors.
We were reading from the
Montgomery Ward catalog.
The grammar's quite correct and
it's always most interesting.
Elizabeth, would you continue, please?
"-- the longer of which
has a nickel clasp...
... rubber-lined, which holds the bottom
of the skirt to any desirable height...
...the shorter one a
hook for holding a fan.
This elevator has been worn in Chicago
during the past season a great deal...
...and ladies consider
it almost indispensable."
Thank you, Elizabeth.
Now, let us hear how well the boys do.
Put away your catalogs
and take out your readers.
Charles Honeycutt.
Would you read today's
assignment for us?
Hail to
thee, blith--
-- blithe spirit.
Bird thou never wert--
Bird thou never wert
That from heaven or
near it Pourest thy--
Get away!
- What have you got there?
- Nothing.
Homer, take your hand
from behind your back!
And open it!
Stop it! Now stop it!
Sit down!
Give it up, Wil.
Can't move heaven and earth.
What you thinking about?
Stringy women like
you live a long time.
Sisters have seen all
their husbands put under.
More than likely you will, too.
And l don't wanna...
...see you end up somebody's fry cook.
l've been your fry cook for 40 years.
A pretty good one, too.
lt's getting chilly.
Come on in, have a cup of coffee.
l'll be in.
Damn Anse!
He put them up to this.
l'd better jump straight down
their throat and get it over with.
Don't be hard on them.
They must've traveled half the
night to get here this early.
Good morning, boys.
Good morning, Mr. Andersen.
Looks like it's gonna
be another fine day.
What can l do for you?
Anse Petersen says you're
looking for hands for your drive.
We come to put in for the job.
Well, any of you ever
been on a cattle drive?
Any of you ever herded cattle?
Well, what can you do?
We can all ride.
Most of us can rope. Couple
of us are pretty good shots.
Well, that's something.
You know, trail driving
is no Sunday school picnic.
You gotta figure you're
dealing with the dumbest...
...orneriest critter
on God's green earth.
A cow's nothing but a lot of
trouble tied up in a leather bag.
A horse ain't much better.
Speaking of a horse....
Got me a little green,
broke filly over there.
Name's Crazy Alice.
Now if one of you was to stay aboard
her, for, say, a count of ten...
... l might just keep that
in mind come hiring time.
Thank you.
Steady, girl, steady.
All right.
Easy. Here we are.
Who's first?
Well, l'll try and saddle her
while you're making up your mind.
Good girl.
Made up your mind?
l'll go first.
l'll start counting
when you hit the saddle.
Five. Six.
Seven. Eight.
Get off of her!
My name's Honeycutt.
l'm 15.
And everybody calls me Slim.
Easy, girl.
l'm next.
Easy, girl. Easy.
She's rank. Keep your
mind in the middle.
Bail off, youngster! Bail off!
My name's Homer Weems, Mr. Andersen.
And l hope l ain't rode
all the rough off of her.
- You all right, boy?
- Yes, sir.
My name's Clyde Potter.
They call me Fats.
Tending toward the gut myself.
name's B--
His name's Bob Wilson.
He gets excited.
l'm Charlie Schwartz. l'm Jewish.
l've settled it every
place in town but here.
Must keep you pretty busy.
All right, who's next?
l am.
Good morning.
Close the gate.
Did you see that?
Here, boy. l think
you can handle her now.
Keep it.
All right, break it up.
Break it up!
Come on, Slim, get
back up on the fence.
Hurry it up.
Settle down!
- You all right?
- Yes, sir.
l didn't see you at the school.
l don't go to school.
- Got a name?
- Cimarron.
That's half a name.
What's the rest of it?
There's no more name.
l'm a mistake of nature.
That was a pretty good ride you made.
But l'll have to think you over.
You having difficulty
seeing the board?
Homer, Bob, why don't you
take these slates and pads...
... put them underneath
the board and raise it up... that everyone can see
the lower lines. - Yes, ma'am.
There, that's much
better. Thank you, boys.
When you've copied your assignments
for the week you may all go home.
l'd like to talk to these boys before
class breaks up, if you don't mind.
Do you wish to address
the young ladies, as well?
No, l don't think so.
l've nothing to say to young ladies.
Then we bow to the fact that it's
a man's world and leave you to it.
l don't expect to get to...
... Belle Fourche with
one single head of beef...
... but l'm cornered... l'm taking you on.
Now this is the way it's gonna be.
l'm a man and you're boys.
Not cowmen, not by a damn sight.
Nothing but cowboys,
just like the word says.
And l'm gonna remind you of it every
single minute of every day and night.
This is the Double-O.
This is Belle Fourche.
ln between is 400 miles of the
meanest country in the West.
And the only way we're
gonna get through is if... take orders.
- ls that clear?
- Yes, sir.
Bring a bedroll...
...a couple of good ropes...
... horse, if you got one.
You'll get the best
food in the territory...
... no rest, and damn little sleep.
And 50 big silver dollars...
... if we make it to Belle Fourche.
Now you'll show up at my place...
...first Monday after
school's out, at 5 a. m.
And come with grit teeth.
Because, gentlemen, that's
when school really begins.
Mr. Andersen?
All of us?
Come here.
Anybody that tall.
They must've rode all over the territory
to get that many brand new hats.
You know...'re gonna have to feed
these kids till my cook comes.
l don't mind.
l like the sound of boys.
Next one of you pulls
a knife in this outfit...'re gonna learn better
at the buckle end of my belt.
Now, what happened?
What went on here?
He said something about his mother.
What'd he say?
- You understand Spanish, Mr. Andersen?
- l understand.
So does Slim.
Clear out.
Get on your horse and clear out.
All right. There's plenty of road.
Give me back my gun.
l'm not in the habit of
throwing kerosene on a fire.
lt cost me $30.
Send me a bill.
You're gonna get it, mister.
All right, everybody
packing iron unload it.
Throw it over here in this buggy.
And l mean anything that shoots.
Anybody holds out so
much as a pea shooter...
... may find himself hanging by
a tie-rope 70 foot up in a tree.
You ever fire that thing?
No, sir.
This hardware'll be locked
up in the chuck wagon.
You got anything to settle
between you, butt heads.
Now get rid of those bedrolls and...
...get mounted and we'll
see how much you don't know.
All right, turn him loose.
Bring in the iron, Charlie.
Been smelling that for 40 years.
Never could get used to it.
- You.
- Yes, sir.
What's your name?
Hardy Fimps.
Go rope one.
You'll do.
l've seen them fight all
day, from dawn to dark.
Sometimes the young one
wins, sometimes the old.
Young one's got more muscle.
Old one's got more experience.
That's the old one
still standing there.
- Keep his nose out of the water.
- Watch out!
Hang on to that line!
Steady, steady. Pull!
Slow, Weedy!
Watch out for those horns.
You got him.
Now hold him right there.
Pull his nose back now.
Keep his head back.
All right, take him out!
Get him out of there!
You need some help?
Nah, they're doing all right.
Mr. Wil Andersen?
What can l do for you?
Well, l think there's something
that we can do for each other.
My name's Asa Watts. How are you?
This here's Henry
Williams and Red Tucker.
They both ride with me.
We heard in town that you was going
on a drive, needing some hands.
You sure heard right.
Well, sir, we're the very best.
You fellas aren't from around here.
No, sir, we're not.
We're from Denton County.
We've been on the Ruby River the
last few weeks panning for gold...
... like every other damn fool.
These last 22 days you know all we got
was $2 worth of dust and nothing more.
Ain't that pitiful?
Now we're ready to get back to
what we know, and that's cows.
What outfits have you worked with?
Well, sir, we've worked for every big
outfit in north Montana. You name them.
No. You name them.
Alrighty. There's Oscar
West at the Triple-D...
...and George C. Thompson
over there at McNeil...
... Dillard Fant at the Santa Rosa.
How long were you with Fant?
Well, sir, the last eight years.
What a lovely old gentleman he is.
lf we weren't three of the damnedest fools
you ever saw we'd be there with him now.
And if you were,
you'd be in a pine box.
l was pallbearer at his
funeral five years ago.
Well, l've been caught
at it, haven't l?
Mr. Andersen, l'm
sorry. l lied to you.
l got all them names right out of
the Stockmen's Association brand book.
You see, we're fresh out of
jail, the three of us, and...
... l don't know, you tell that to people
and they just turn a deaf ear on you.
Well, l'm afraid l can't use you.
How do you mean you can't use us?
l won't use you.
You-- You mean you're gonna
be like everybody else...
...and not give us a chance?
l don't hold jail against
you, but l hate a liar.
You're a hard man, Mr. Andersen.
lt's a hard life. l got work to do.
Sir, before you get back to your work, l'd
like to ask you one more little question.
What are you gonna use for hands
on this drive of yours, huh?
Them little-bitty boys down there?
Come on, you know better than that.
You know what you'll need to
trundle them boys across the prairie?
A baby carriage.
Well, whatever l need l'll get.
l bet you will.
Good luck to you, Mr. Andersen.
Get mounted!
There's your saddle band.
They've been living wild all winter.
We'll finish breaking them on the drive.
We'll pick our strings
by age. Who's the oldest?
- l am.
- Get yourself a rope.
All right.
And here.
- May l have some more, please?
- Sure.
You eat that much at home?
We've been branding cattle all day.
Can't be that hungry.
They're showing off.
Good afternoon, mister.
Were you looking for me?
Who are you?
Name's Nightlinger.
Jebediah Nightlinger.
l was expecting a white man.
Jim Wheeler. What happened to him?
Well, he got drunk on
Sunday and married on Monday.
l came in his stead.
l told him the fix l was in. He
promised he wouldn't let me down.
He doesn't even wash his hands
before he puts them in the pot.
l do.
Can you cook?
Apple pie.
Green apples sliced thin.
Lard, flour, salt, water to bind.
Sugar, cinnamon, a dab of butter.
Three slashes on the
crust, one for steam...
...and two because your
mama did it that way.
Good afternoon to you,
lady. Am l correct?
Why, yes, indeed.
- Mrs. Andersen.
- Ma'am.
You ever been on a trail drive?
The Oregon, Chisholm...
...Santa Fe, some without names.
l don't know.
l like to travel with
a man l'm used to.
You'll get used to me.
What do you want for wages?
All l can get.
This job pays $100.
A hundred?
That's the money.
Well, if you should get flooded
out, stampeded out, frozen out...
...or scalped by wild Red lndians...
...there'll always be substantial food on
the plate and coffee on the boil. But...
...that'll cost you $125.
You're a pretty independent
character, aren't you?
lt's been said of me.
Put your wagon in the barn.
Are all these small boys...?
No! They're my trail
hands, God help us.
Doesn't anything larger
wanna work for you?
We had a case of gold
fever around here.
They're all that's left.
l'll fix up some sugar
tits to take along.
Hey, Dan. What's "sugar tits"?
This one suits me.
lt smells of boy in here.
You're staring at me, children!
l feel your eyes on my back.
Now why is that?
Well, sir...'re the first
nigger we ever saw.
Then it must be a treat for you.
Something different for a change.
Are you black all over?
Except for the white of my eyes.
ls your, you
know, your--?
lt is. Black too.
See? He's the same as
us, except for that color.
The same as you?
Oh, children.
My father was a brawny Moor.
Six feet six inches tall.
He bound his head in
a red velvet cloth.
He wore a curved sword...
...forged from the
finest Toledo steel.
He captured a lady...
... bright and dark.
He took her in his arms...
...and wrapped her in a warm quilt...
...and carried her off.
They came to a castle...
...and he battered down the doors
with the trunk of an oak tree...
...and killed everybody in it!
Just so they could rest the night.
...while she slept...
... he walked the parapets...
...and became a king.
ls that true?
lf it isn't, it ought to be.
Blow out those lamps!
You, that lamp!
Do your work.
Don't be profane and
don't listen to profanity.
Wash your feet daily.
Say your prayers nightly.
Yes, sir.
You have to go out in the
world and prove yourself.
l guess that's right.
God bless you, son.
- Don't be fresh.
- l won't.
And don't come to any harm.
Don't worry, l won't.
So long, Gramps.
Sixty days ought to see me back.
l want two things.
You home again and a
string of blue glass beads.
You don't ask for much, Ann.
l don't need much.
Well, if you run into
any trouble, call Anse.
l'll think about you
before l go to bed at night.
You do and you won't sleep.
- Are you ready, Mr. Nightlinger?
- Long ready, Mr. Andersen.
Let's go to Belle Fourche.
Move them out!
Yes, sir! Move them out, Weedy!
Start them, Charlie!
Move them out, Bob!
Move them, Jim!
All right, cover them over here.
Keep them over this way!
That's good, Slim.
Right pace, Homer.
Any faster you'd be
running tallow off of them.
That's money out of my pocket.
We'll try and make
Still Meadows tonight.
Still Meadows.
All right, take them through.
Take them through. Come on!
Get with it! Head them down there!
Head them downhill!
Get up there, kid.
Get up where you were!
Get down, Hardy!
Hey, there's a stray.
You want me to get him?
Easy, easy! Don't stop, go with them!
Go with them!
Go on with the wagon!
Easy, easy. Don't stop them.
Go with them! Go with them!
You were sleeping.
l'm sorry, Mr. Andersen.
l pay a full day's wages,
expect a full day's work.
Drove you hard today,
didn't he, children?
- You think it's gonna be like this
every day? - Yep.
Sundays, too?
There ain't no Sundays west of Omaha.
Slim, give that to Hardy.
Watch it, it's hot.
l never noticed before...
... but most of the people l know
are quiet compared to Mr. Andersen.
He's quiet, it just comes out loud.
That youngster's been
following all day.
l know it.
Who is he?
A bur under my hide.
You just gonna leave him out there?
Mr. Nightlinger, you take care of the
kitchen, l'll take care of the drive.
You know, in the late
war between the states...
... l served under an officer...
...just like you.
ls that right?
As a matter of fact, l shot that
military gentleman in the buttocks...
...just outside Vicksburg.
l'd have hung you.
They gave me a medal.
ln my regiment, Mr. Nightlinger...
... l was known as Old lron Pants.
You might keep that in mind.
Rise and shine! Rise and shine!
Hey, Hardy, you wake up!
Homer! Get up and go wake
up good Slim over there!
Up, up, up!
Out of these sacks,
into your britches!
Come on, Jim, get up! Get up!
My God, get up!
Don't let the sun catch you sleeping.
Mr. Nightlinger, what's for breakfast?
Stewed apples, bacon and biscuits.
Well, forget the apples.
Slap some bacon on a
biscuit and let's go!
We're burning daylight!
Burning daylight?
All l see are stars.
You'll see a lot more of them
if you don't get a move on.
Bring them on!
Bring them on, Mr. Nightlinger!
Come on. Stay with
them. Keep them upriver.
Stay upriver, Mr. Nightlinger,
there's some soft sand down there.
Keep them upriver. Let them
go higher, up their head.
Well, come on.
Keep them upstream so
they won't have to swim.
Easy, now.
Push them upstream, that's it.
Good work.
Head them upstream more.
Hold it on up there in the
canyon till they all get across.
Settle down.
Help! Help!
Come on.
Here's one of your strays.
You all right?
Better sit on his
back and pump him out.
Get his feet up.
Move your gear into camp.
l won't charge you for the
days l've been following you.
You're hired on, just like the rest.
You work out, you stay.
lf you don't, it's a long walk back.
You almost got him
killed, you know that?
- But l tried to tell you.
- The hell you did!
l tried hard.
lf you'd have been in that water
we'd have heard you loud and clear.
l couldn't get the words out.
You could've if you'd wanted to.
You just didn't want to bad enough.
Before God, l tried.
Trying don't get it done!
The fact is, you almost let your
friend choke to death out in that river.
- l'd rather die than done that.
- Then you're a liar!
lt ain't my fault l stutter.
Listen to me, you
whining little whelp...'re gonna stop stuttering
or get the hell out of here.
You're gonna stop it or
go home, do you hear me?
You son of a bitch.
What did you say?
- You goddamn son of a bitch!
- Say that again.
- You goddamn, mean son of a bitch!
- Say it faster!
You goddamn, mean,
dirty son of a bitch!
l wouldn't make it a
habit calling me that, son.
l did it.
Did you hear me?
l did it.
Hey, Cimarron.
l ain't had a chance to
thank you for hauling me out.
l sure am obliged.
- Well, l figure l owe you for it.
- Yeah?
How much in dollars?
Well, l can't pay you in
dollars. l ain't got any dollars.
Well, money's what cuts it with me.
Hey, wait a minute.
l picked this up on the trail.
l know it ain't gold, it's just
fool's gold, but it's kind of pretty.
You calling me a fool?
No, no, l didn't mean it like that.
l got no use for it.
You write that yourself?
No, no. lt's printed on paper.
l've been trying to learn it.
Well, there's nothing to it.
lt's just like arithmetic.
All you gotta do is just...
...count the lines and the spaces. That
tells you where the notes go. lt ain't hard.
Looks like fly specks to me.
Some guy named Vivaldi wrote it.
lt's kind of pretty.
lf that's that old Tennessee
sour mash, put a little in there.
Good for my rheumatism.
That comes with old age.
Yeah, miserable old age.
l hate it.
l'm not far behind you and
l don't like it, either.
My oldest boy...
...would be close to
40 now. Middle-aged.
lf he had lived.
You lost a son?
Two of them.
Went bad on me.
Or l went bad on them.
l don't know.
l can't figure it out.
You got another chance.
They're not mine.
They could be.
So as l went down to Denver
with my cousin, L. D. Grimes...
...then there was this
hootchy-kootch show going on.
And when the fella wasn't looking
we snuck in under the tent.
There was this gal up on the
stage doing a harem dance.
First thing l know, she dropped
her dress and she was naked.
- All over?
- From head to toe.
What'd she look like?
She had a belly button so big, you
could've stuck your middle finger in it.
l saw my first one in
Benbow, too. Fifty years ago.
Probably the same girl.
Damned if he ain't almost human today.
He's been sleeping better.
He's been at the bottle.
There's bug juice in this camp?
Hell, yes. l seen him and Mr.
Nightlinger swilling it down last night.
Keeps it in a drawer
in the chuck wagon.
Which drawer?
Come on. Hurry up. Give me that.
Come on, let's go. Hurry up. Hurry up.
- Come on, Weedy.
- Weedy, come on.
Hurry up. Everybody else is.
- You're wasting time.
- Gambling's a sin.
- So what?
- This ain't gambling, it's stealing.
- That's a bigger sin.
- Not if you don't get caught.
- Come on, just take one.
- Come on, Weedy, come on.
Holy shit!
Go on, Weedy, go on. Hurry up.
Watch out! Here he comes.
lnnocence is wasted on
me. l don't believe in it.
What are you up to?
Nothing, Mr. Nightlinger.
Nothing at all.
Boys are always guilty
of something nasty.
What could it be this time, l wonder?
Nothing, l swear. Just
standing here talking.
lf you're lying, remember one thing:
l could swallow each of
you whole without choking.
All l need to do is butter your
heads and pin your ears back.
Hey, come on.
Hurry up.
Get going. Go, go.
Keep going.
Look in with the liniment.
That's where my folks keep it.
- Hurry up.
- Come on.
Come on, Weedy, don't
take your sweet time.
- Come on. Come on.
- Hurry up.
Hurry up, Weedy.
- Come on.
- lt's not here.
- Look around here.
- Look over here.
Hurry up.
- Would you get going? We'll watch.
- Go on.
l got it.
Don't drop it.
- Hot coffee.
- Heard you coming.
l'm used.
That Fats!
He can sure sing those cows to sleep.
Fatboy isn't on guard.
He was just here.
That's right. lt's...
...Steve and Cimarron.
There's more than one voice.
What is this?
Weedy! You keep taking
long swigs like that...'re gonna miss
your turn next time.
Pass it on.
Hey! There's two of everybody.
There's two moons.
l'm going to bed as
soon as l can stand up.
Just don't wake up Ol' lron Nuts.
Mr. Brass Ass Andersen. A
bastard if there ever was one.
He made you stop stuttering
fast. He really tromped your tail!
Listen, Fatso...
... l could've given up
stuttering a long time ago.
- Why didn't you?
- l didn't know anybody wanted me to.
This is the first time
l've ever been drunk.
Oh, you getting sick, you farmer?
- l've decided.
- What?
l've decided if Ol' lron Nuts tells me
l'm burning daylight just one more time...
... l'm gonna let him have it.
Have what?
What's "it"?
l ain't decided yet.
What happened to that bottle?
lt's coming.
You know who you sounded like
just then? Mr. Nightlinger.
That black son of a bitch
cooks better than my ma.
Come on, you guys, we ought to be going
before the old man finds out we're gone.
Yeah, come on.
Did you ever notice how pink
Mr. Nightlinger's palms are?
- Yeah.
- They're kind of pretty.
"Shit" yourself.
Shall we join them, Mr. Nightlinger?
When did you take your first drink?
lt was on the occasion
of my first broken heart.
And my last.
She was an older woman and wise.
Vastly experienced.
She told me she couldn't stand the
sight of me for another minute...
... handed me a half-gallon
jug of sour mash and fled.
And you polished it off?
Every drop.
l've been drinking
sour mash ever since.
l was 17.
She was almost 22.
Her name...
...was Oceola.
l think these kids are
rushing it a little.
They're in a hurry to grow up.
Well, they won't get
it out of a bottle.
They'll know that in the morning.
All down sick at once.
Must've passed a bad waterhole.
Well, this'll settle you.
Come on, son.
Back, wide.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Mr. Nightlinger, l'd like some
beans and cabbage for supper...
...with a big chunk of fatback
in some red pepper sauce.
And make some gravy out of the grease.
l'll be back.
Hurry it up. We're burning daylight.
All right, son, tongue out.
Head back.
Where do you think you're going?
Go get him, Dan.
Come back, you.
You ain't nothing but a small child.
lf you was a fish,
boy, l'd throw you back.
Hey, boys! Lookie here!
Look what l found.
Look around and meet the boys.
lt looks like he surprised us.
We surprised you, too,
though, didn't we, boy?
You know better than to
scream out now, don't you?
What's the matter with you, son?
You're looking at me
like l had two heads.
You're wondering where
l came from, ain't you?
You know we've been
tracking you for days?
What have you got to say to that?
l can't hear you, son.
l can't hear you, son!
l won't say nothing.
You're a quiet boy.
lf l had a prize l'd
give it to you, boy.
l like quiet boys.
Now, quiet boy...
... l'm gonna let you loose.
But you point your ears now, son.
Because you ain't running back to Andersen
with them eyes rolling back in your head...
...telling him that these real bad men
have been following us day and night.
You're not gonna say that.
You think you'll raise a commotion
and get congratulated for it.
They're gonna pat you on the head
and tell you what a good boy you been.
That's not gonna do you any good, son.
You know why?
Now you listen to me
careful, boy. You know why?
Because l'm gonna come to
you some night it's real dark.
l'm gonna come to you on tiptoe... you ain't never
gonna be able to hear me.
And l'm gonna come
to you with a knife...
...freshly sharpened on a stone...
...and l'm gonna cut you a
grin down here on your neck.
lt's gonna run clear across to there.
Do l make myself clear, boy?
ls it clear to you now, huh?
ls it clear to you?
- ls it clear?
- Yes, it's clear.
Go home!
No. No, l ain't gonna.
- You gotta stand watch.
- l ain't gonna.
- lt's your turn.
- l ain't gonna.
Why not?
l ain't gonna.
- What's the matter, Dan? -
Nothing. Just-- Just leave me alone.
Mr. Andersen, can l speak to you?
Go ahead.
Well, it's about Dan.
What about him?
He doesn't want to stand his watch.
- ls he sick?
- No, sir.
Well, did he break something?
No, sir.
To tell you the truth...
... l think he's afraid of the dark.
Come here.
What ails you, boy?
- You night-hawked
last night. - Yes, sir.
- Everything went smooth.
- Yes, sir.
lf you don't stand your watch,
somebody goes short of sleep.
Carry your weight, boy.
Yes, sir.
l don't steal off you and you don't
steal off me, not even a pinch of pie.
What's the matter with you?
Your house is your house
and my house is my house.
Mr. Nightlinger, you'd better
start being real careful.
How does it feel to be scared?
You think l was too rough
on the boy, is that it?
Yeah, that's it.
Well, l can't say l
always decide right.
ln that case...
...cut yourself a piece of pie.
Move easy. They're kind of jumpy.
They look funny from
up here, don't they?
My glasses!
l'll get them for you.
- Be careful, Charlie.
- Don't worry, l'll be all right.
Come on, come on.
Easy, boy.
Easy, easy.
Come on, boy, come on.
Come on, easy.
Easy, boy. Easy, boy.
Come on, easy.
Be real careful, Charlie.
Don't worry.
Get off him easy.
Just stop worrying.
l found them!
Come on up. Hurry out of there.
Easy, Charlie, don't spook them.
They're crowding me!
Sometimes, it's...
... hard to understand...
...the drift of things.
This was a good boy.
He'd have been a good man.
Didn't get his chance.
Death can come for you anyplace...
lt's never welcome, but...
... if you've done all you can do...
...and it's your best...
... in a way, l guess,
you're ready for him.
Go on back to camp.
All of you.
Go on, son.
What's that?
Little Big Horn.
They didn't even dig
him a decent grave.
Well, it's not how you're buried...
... it's how they remember you.
l guess l better go
into Fort Smith and...
...see if there's been any
Sioux activity up ahead.
Keep the cattle headed due east.
Tell Mr. Nightlinger he's in charge.
Why not put me in charge?
A big mouth don't make a big man.
Cimarron, come here!
Them ladies ain't
got their dresses on.
No, they ain't.
They sure are pretty.
Wonder who they are.
l don't know. Let's go find out, huh?
Girls, come on. Come on.
Hurry up. Hurry up,
get behind the wagon.
Move, move.
- Good morning, boys.
- Ma'am.
Morning, ma'am.
Fine morning, isn't it?
You on a drive?
Yes, ma'am, we're
going to Belle Fourche.
Where's your head man?
That's Mr. Andersen.
He's over at Fort Smith.
All right, then.
What's your name?
They call me Cimarron.
l'm Kate to my friends.
And who's the one with
the pretty pink blush?
This here's Homer.
Hello, Homer.
How many men you got in
your outfit, Cimarron?
lf you're going by age,
we've got two that's 15.
My God!
lf you're going by what we
can do, there's 11 of us.
No offense.
ln this kind of country a poor
helpless woman likes to know...
... if there are any men around.
l mean, men who can take care
of us as we go along our way.
Well, we're getting
paid a man's wages.
And you look man enough
to earn them too, Cimarron.
Did you want me for
anything, Mrs. Collingwood?
That's Phoebe.
You're putting too much
merchandise on display, Phoebe.
You better cover some of that up
before you come down with pneumonia.
lsn't this a sweet-looking boy?
Wouldn't you like to
come inside, honey?
You'd be surprised how nice
we got everything fixed up.
l think that Homer just
saved himself a dollar.
That leaves you.
Well, excuse me for saying so, ma'am.
You're old enough to be my mama.
Well, if l were, l'd
teach you something.
Like what?
Like manners, for a start.
Morning, ma'am.
Will you see that the boys return
to work while l chat with this lady?
My name's Nightlinger...
...and l'm in charge of these boys.
l'm Mrs. Collingwood and...
... l'm in charge of these girls.
Well, l just heard from a
highly excited youngster...
...that there were some soiled
doves swinging through here.
What do you want from me?
Madam, you know young boys.
They dream of golden
skin and unbound hair.
Even if l could lock them up
they'd find a way of getting here.
There's very little
l can do about that.
l'm sure you'll handle
everything most tastefully.
lt's a question of waiting for a
more appropriate time in their lives.
Perhaps it would be wiser
to wait until next year.
Or even the year after.
With any luck l'll be retired by then.
The first time should be in
the back of a buggy with...
...a girl they think
they're in love with.
All right.
We'll move on.
You're a charming and sensible lady.
What about you?
Well, l have the inclination...
...the maturity and the wherewithal...
... but unfortunately,
l don't have the time.
- You got them?
- Aye.
Can you fix it?
l think so.
Catch us by suppertime?
Do what l can.
Homer, drop out and help him.
- Mr. Andersen.
- l know.
They've been paralleling us
for the better part of an hour.
- What do you suppose they want?
- The herd.
Now you just go on about your
business like you hadn't seen them.
l'll pass the word to the rest.
Think you can do
something kind of ticklish?
l want you to fade back and...
...find Mr. Nightlinger.
What'll l tell him?
Tell him to load his gun
and hightail it up here.
Yes, sir.
- Mr. Andersen?
- Yeah.
l can't find Weedy.
Well, l sent him back after Mr.
Nightlinger a couple of hours ago.
Don't know where the hell they are.
Looks like we're gonna
have a cold supper.
You want me to go?
Son, l wish we could all go, but...
...we gotta stay put right here.
Here's some jerky. Take
a piece and pass it on.
As soon as it's dark...
...they'll be coming in.
They're after the herd.
l don't know who they are
or how rough they'll get.
But right now they think we're
one man and a bunch of kids.
And that's what we're
gonna let them think.
l know you're more
than that, a lot more...
... but this is no time
to try and prove it.
You act like you just came out of
Ellen Price's grammar school and...'ll be all right.
Now scatter and get us some firewood.
- What's the matter with you?
- l should have told you.
Told me what?
They've been following
us for a long time.
l should have told
you, but l was scared.
- They said they'd kill me.
- Who said that?
The man with the long hair
who came looking for work.
Don't worry, Dan. lt's not your fault.
You got plenty of guts.
Now get out there and give them
a hand getting that firewood.
Hello, there.
Remember what l told you.
Well, bless my soul.
lf it ain't Mr. Wil
Andersen of the Double-O!
We knew it was gonna take you a long
time herding little boys and cows...
... but ain't no way we thought
it was gonna take you this long.
Winter's coming on, old friend...
...and we gotta get these
cattle to Belle Fourche.
How far would you say it is?
l didn't say.
lf you was to say.
Four or five days.
Two or three is more like it.
You know, l'm hungry.
And l remember you had a
chuck wagon and a nigger.
Where are they?
They're behind us. l sent a boy back
to find out what was holding him up.
Well, l know the boy.
Bring him on in here.
l don't suppose you mean this
stalwart young man here, do you?
- Are you all right, boy?
- Yes, sir.
Mr. Andersen... l look like the kind of man to
you that would beat on an innocent boy?
You look like the vermin-ridden
son of a bitch you are.
Well, my sainted mama didn't think so.
Now, boy, you get over
there and sit down.
Go on. Now!
And sit down!
And the rest of you
boys, sit down right now!
Now old friend...
... l'll have the gun.
That's right.
l'll also have the belt,
because you ain't gonna need it.
That's good.
Pick it up and bring it over to me.
l don't think you heard what l said!
l said to bend over, pick up the belt
and bring it right here to me, now!
Stubborn pride.
l admire that.
That truly is... admirable quality.
To tell you the truth, l
wouldn't have picked it up either.
Mr. Andersen...
... how much would you say that
them cattle are worth apiece?
Maybe $17 a head?
Now, old friend...
... l am ready to be rich.
You, come here!
Right now! Get up!
You kept our little
secret, didn't you?
- Answer him.
- Yes, sir.
You don't listen to him anymore.
You gotta look to me
now, you understand that?
- How old are you?
- l just turned 13.
By the time l was your age,
l had already killed a man.
- You done anything like that?
- No, sir.
l'll bet not.
- You're the runt of your family, ain't you?
- Yes, sir.
Where are your glasses?
You had some glasses. Where are they?
Son, there's no glass in there.
You must have broken them, huh?
Say, look at that...
... l can see myself back home now.
And all them carpetbaggers
calling me "mister."
l'd like them back when you're through.
They've been in my family for a long time.
Well, you can have them back. Here.
All right.
We've seen what you can do with a boy.
How are you when they
come a little bigger?
You mean you?
Yeah. Why don't you tell your
boys to just sit this one out?
You love to make it happen, don't you?
You having any of it?
Well, sir, you're...
...a pretty old man.
Yeah, l'm 30 years older than you are.
Had my back broke
once and my hip twice.
And on my worst day l could
beat the hell out of you.
l don't think so.
You will.
Get away from him! Get away from him!
You're mine. All mine.
Now, come on, you get
up, you son of a bitch.
You miserable wretch!
Mount up!
Stop, you son of a bitch!
Go to hell!
Turn around! l want
you to see this coming!
l said, stop!
You're mine, you old bastard.
Leave him alone!
Get back.
Clear back, all of you.
We're leaving.
- What about them kids?
- They're not going nowhere.
Take everything but the fire.
- What happened here?
- Rustlers, Mr. Nightlinger.
They've been following
us since we started out.
Why would they do this to him?
Mr. Andersen put up a fight.
Ain't there anything
we can do for him?
Yes, there is.
You can be men.
Mr. Nightlinger...'re scaring the boys.
You wanna sit up?
Could you drink some whiskey?
ls there anything...?
l want you to see that...
...these boys all get home.
l will.
Summer's over.
Just about.
l'm proud of you.
All of you.
Every man wants his...
...children to be...
... better than he was.
You are.
This may seem...
...a lonesome place to leave him.
But he's not alone.
... many of his kind
rest here with him.
The prairie...
...was like a mother to Mr. Andersen.
He belonged to her.
She cared for him
while he lived and...
...she's nursing him...
...while he sleeps.
What are you doing?
We didn't want to do it this way, but
we knew you wouldn't give them to us.
We're gonna get the herd back for Mr.
Andersen and take it on to Belle Fourche.
You're gonna get yourselves killed.
We're gonna finish a job.
Better have a plan.
Turn me loose and we'll make one.
Cut him loose.
Dung heap!
Come back here!
Hey, you.
Come on in!
What the hell's the matter with them?
Mount up!
Look at that. Come on.
You've been behind this all
the time, ain't you, nigger?
Not at first, but l came round to it.
You take your hat off when
you talk to me, mister!
Now you're acting mighty calm considering
what it is l got in store for you.
What have you got to show me, white
man, that l haven't seen before?
Don't you sass me, you black!
Give me that rope.
This is what?
You ever seen one of these? You
ever seen a nigger run? Run, nigger!
Come on! Come on!
Get up! Get up!
Since you mean to hang me...
... l'd like to atone to my maker.
You got one minute.
Speak your piece.
Where to begin?
l regret having trifled
with married women.
l'm thoroughly ashamed of
having cheated at cards.
l deplore my occasional
departures from the truth.
Forgive me for taking
your name in vain...
... my Saturday
drunkenness, my Sunday sloth.
Above all...
...forgive me for the men
l've killed in anger...
...and for those l am about to.
Look out!
Get off!
l think my leg is broken.
Don't let him get up.
Oh, my God, don't let him get up.
l think my leg is broke.
The other one is hung up.
Son, please cut me loose.
l'll make it worth your while.
l promise.
Oh, thank you.
Don't! Don't!
Stop him!
Who are these kids?
Now what do you want on it?
His name. Wil Andersen.
Wil Andersen.
Anything else?
Like what?
Well, it's usual to say
something like, "Rest in peace."
"Eternal sleep."
"ln fond memory of...."
Was he a family man?
Did he have any children?
Well, then l carve,
"Beloved husband and father."
That'd be fine.
l don't see it.
lt's gotta be around here somewhere.
l remember that tree.
There must've been a heavy rain.
Washed it away.
We ain't never gonna find it now.
Come on in.
l think it's close enough.