The Craft (1996)

Now is the time.
This is the hour.
Ours is the magic.
Ours is the power.
Now is the time.
This is the hour.
Ours is the magic.
Ours is the power.
Move your seat
to the upright position, please.
Come on. Let's go.
Come on, darling.
The taxi's waiting.
Oh, yeah.
It's a lot drier in here, Dad.
Oh, God.
We need a new roof.
Yeah. But it's big.
I like the peg-and-groove floors.
Damask curtains
would look really nice.
-Yeah. Gotta get this roof fixed, honey.
I found this out back.
You want it?
Relax. What's the matter with you?
- Dad!
- What? What is it?
What the--
Get the hell out of here!
What the hell?
Sarah, you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
He just surprised me, that's all.
Yeah, I guess.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm fine.
You could wait--
just until you got a school uniform.
You don't have to go now.
I can't stay home and watch daytime TV
for the rest of my life.
Why not? I could.
I just want to get started
and get it over with.
- You look good. Good luck.
- Thanks.
-Jenny'll pick you up.
- I'll walk.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Hey, scary bitch alert.
Oh, God! I thought it was Satan.
Jesus Christ. She looking?
- Oh, God.
- Oh, she's looking.
Okay, I'll find a warm place--
safe, warm place.
The almanac says today will bring
an arrival of something.
Yeah, wonderful.
I'm getting my rag.
A new wholeness,
and with it a new balance.
Earth, air, water, fire.''
Maybe it's our fourth.
We don't need a fourth.
Nancy, we need someone
to call out the corners--
north, south, east and west.
Four would make a circle.
Maybe she can be our fourth.
I love a woman in uniform.
Bonjour, class.
Oh, you mean did I get laid?
Beaucoup de laid.
What is that snail trail over there
saying about me?
You know, this is LA.
We should be learning Mexican.
That would be Spanish, genius.
She's here.
- She who?
- Someone to be the fourth.
She's the one.
You feeling okay?
That's her.
Hi. Do you guys mind
if I sit with you?
'Cause I'm supposed to find
a lab group.
No, you can sit here.
- You're Sarah, right?
- Yeah.
Hi. I'm Chris.
I just wanted to apologize
for those guys in French.
They're assholes.
You know what they say.
You are what you hang with.
Yeah, right.
Wait. Did you just
call me an asshole?
- You did, didn't you?
- I'm sorry. My defenses are up.
People here have been
really rude to me.
Really? Who else?
These three girls.
They're behind you.
Don't stare.
That's slick.
Oh, shit.
It's the bitches of Eastwick.
- What?
- Whatever you do, stay away from them.
- Why?
- You see the one on the right?
She's a major slut.
I don't know from experience
or anything, but--
And the one in the middle,
she's got burn scars all over her body.
I haven't seen them,
but friends of mine have.
Anyway, they're--
Nah. Never mind.
They're witches.
That's what people say.
So what are you doing
after school?
I don't know.
Nothing, I guess.
- Really?
- Really.
I'm busy.
Football practice.
You can come and watch.
Football practice.
That is so tempting.
Looking for someone?
Some of these football dicks
make their girlfriends...
come and watch them practice,
as if it's interesting.
Yeah, like, girlfriend, over there--
Chris Hooker.
I don't even know him.
Nancy's sorry about what happened
in biology.
And she's mean to everybody,
so don't take it personally.
You're Nancy?
She's Nancy, I'm Bonnie
and that's Rochelle.
- Hi. I'm Sarah.
- Yeah, we know who you are.
Do you want to go for coffee?
No, I can't. I gotta get home.
My dad's waiting for--
You can make something up.
Rochelle's ditching practice.
He comes on to anything
with tits, Sarah.
Except me.
I'm not watching him.
He spreads disease.
I speak from personal experience.
Whoa, Chris! Go long!
Go for the pass, baby!
He's a jerk.
Come on.
- So you're coming, right?
- Where are we going?
Come on.
I don't have any money.
We get a five-finger discount.
Five-finger discount.
Sarah, where'd you live before?
San Francisco.
- Why'd you move?
- 'Cause it sucks.
My dad wanted to.
- Sucks here too.
- I know. You need a car here.
You need a car everywhere.
What's up with that?
I slit my wrists.
What'd you do it with?
With a kitchen knife.
You even did it the right way.
Punk rock. Let's go.
The right way ?
How do you know the right way?
Shut up, Rochelle.
How do you know?
Put this in your bag.
Everything in nature steals,
you know.
Big animals steal from little ones.
They steal for survival.
- Besides, I already have a diary.
- This is different.
You put spells
and power thoughts in it...
and then you don't let anyone else
read it, ever.
Except maybe us.
You guys are really
into all this?
Sort of.
That's not for you.
I'm sorry.
What a beautiful ring.
It was your mother's.
Yeah, it was.
Are you going to pay for those?
You're not like your friends.
You know how to use candles?
Yeah. You light the wick.
More than that.
Red is for love.
Why you don't read that?
- It explains it all.
- Okay.
Twenty dollars.
You know, I've never read
anything about this stuff before.
I mean, I don't follow it.
Maybe you're a natural witch.
Your power comes from within.
Come on, Sarah.
You guys, I think
I should head home.
Just look straight ahead
and keep up.
Please? My baby needs some food.
- I don't have anything.
- Don't give them money.
- You're gonna get nailed.
- I don't have anything.
I know you.
I have another snake for you.
Wait a second.
I have to talk to you.
I had a dream about you.
In my dream, you were dead.
I'm talking to you.
Come back to Jesus, child.
- Don't you run away from me!
- I am the door, the way--
I know what I'm talking about!
I'm in touch with the man!
Listen to me!
Come on, Sarah.
Let's get out of here.
Oh, my God!
What is it? Do you think
there's anybody back there?
It hit him. The car hit him,
and we made it happen.
- Maybe, maybe not.
- Definitely.
I thought to myself,
It's gonna hit him.
- I thought it too.
- Sarah, did you think it?
- Yeah.
- Then that's it. Sarah's the fourth.
North, south, east and west.
We can make things happen.
- This is it. This is real.
- Shit.
You guys, this is really weird.
Well, I mean, he was after you.
He was gonna hurt you, man.
It's not our fault.
You guys,
maybe he'll really listen now.
What's that?
That's like God?
No. Man invented God.
This is older than that.
Do you guys worship the devil?
It's like God and the devil.
I mean, it's everything.
It's the trees, it's the ground,
it's the rocks, it's the moon.
It's nature.
If God and the devil
were playing football...
Manon would be the stadium
that they played on.
It would be the sun
that shone down on them.
So, does stuff like tonight
happen to you a lot?
No. Not like that.
Other stuff.
Where did you learn it?
I don't know.
A natural witch.
I hate it.
It's always getting screwed up.
It's like, sometimes
I'll want it to rain...
and a pipe will burst in my room
and it'll just get flooded.
- Yeah, right.
- No, really.
Or I'll want it
just to be quiet...
and I'll wish for it, and I'll go deaf
for three days straight.
If you can do that...
have you ever heard
of invoking the spirit?
It's when you call him.
It's like--
It's like you take him
into you.
It's like he fills you.
He takes everything
that's gone wrong in your life...
and he makes it all better again.
Nothing makes everything
all better again.
Maybe not foryou.
Where are you going?
You guys are freaking me out.
Oh, she's scared.
Nancy, we need her.
Like a hole in the head.
She'll be back.
You sounded strange
when I called last night.
- I didn't think you'd come.
- No, just surprised.
- Surprised?
- Yeah.
I thought you'd be hanging out
with those girls.
- What girls?
- Those girls with the weird heads.
What's weird about their heads?
That one girl,
she's got a mammoth head.
Yeah. She looks like a St. Bernard.
I haven't noticed her.
I hate that big head thing.
'Course it's better
than that shrunken-head thing.
Little, tiny-- Makes you want
to hang it from a rearview mirror.
What is your obsession
with heads?
I was just noticing
how great yours is.
- You like my head?
- Yeah. It's a good head.
- It's a good head?
- It's good.
It looks good for kissing.
Can I?
All right,
we'll see you later, bro.
Nice meeting you, Sarah.
Yeah. Bye.
See you.
Come on. Let's go to my house.
Nobody's there.
I don't want to go.
I can't.
I gotta go home.
All right.
Are you mad?
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
So, hot stuff, how'd it go?
- How'd what go?
- Your date with Chris.
What are you talking about?
Chris already told everybody.
He told everybody what?
That you guys did it.
But we didn't do it.
Maybe he was just trying
to save face then...
he's going around
the whole school saying that...
you're the lousiest lay
he's ever had.
And coming from him...
that's pretty bad.
- No, he didn't.
- He did.
He said the same thing
about Nancy.
Told you he was a jerk.
Can I talk to you for a second?
I'm sorry.
Chris is really busy.
Maybe we could set something up for--
nice jacket-- later in the week.
What do you think?
Why'd you lie about me?
Look, I don't want to go out
with you again.
Please stop begging.
It's pathetic.
Fuck you.
But I will.
She's gonna cry,
and then I'm gonna cry.
We're all gonna cry.
Someone just doesn't want
to go in the pool.
- Come on.
- This is a joke.
I can't even believe this.
Oh, wait. Here she goes.
- Brilliant. Superb.
- Very good. It was great.
Oh, God, look.
There is a pubic hair in my brush.
Oh, no, wait. Wait.
That's just one of Rochelle's
little nappy hairs.
Why are you
doing this to me, Laura?
Do you think you're funny?
You really want to know why?
Yes, I really want to know why.
Because I don't like Negroids.
I've told you this before,
but I want to be really clear.
This is a very
experimental procedure...
and we can't make any warranties
regarding results or side effects.
I can tell you unofficially
that there's little to no risk.
With this form of gene therapy,
it's relatively noninvasive.
It can be somewhat painful,
but noninvasive.
Okay. Try to stay relaxed.
I'm moving the armature
over you now.
And you'll feel a little sting
when the needle penetrates.
And then more
when the needle moves.
I'll try and keep it
as brief as possible.
Hold very still,
but keep breathing.
Good. Keep your body relaxed.
Just a little more, Bonnie.
Don't move.
Ray, the light's out!
Oh, man!
You didn't even pay the bill.
I gave you the money.
What are you doing home so late?
You're late!
It's the storm, Grace.
It's the connection.
- Oh, it's the storm?
- That's why the lights are out.
Neighbor's lights aren't out.
Got a light?
I give you money.
You tell me you pay the bill.
You can't even pay a bill?
What are you good for?
You know what I'm good for.
We're going on a field trip.
Miss Downs, I hate to interrupt
your little social gathering.
Sorry, Sister.
You girls watch out
for those weirdos.
We are the weirdos, mister.
Earth, air, fire, water.
Earth, air, fire, water.
It is better that you should
rush upon this blade...
than enter the circle
with fear in your heart.
How do you enter?
With perfect love
and perfect trust.
It is better that you should
rush upon this blade...
than enter the circle
with fear in your heart.
How do you enter?
With perfect love
and perfect trust.
That's a girl.
As above...
so below.
I drink of my sisters...
and I ask for the ability...
to not hate those
who hate me--
especially racist pieces...
of bleached-blonde shit
like Laura Lizzie.
Right on.
I drink of my sisters...
and I ask to love myself more...
and to allow myself
to be loved more by others--
especially Chris Hooker.
I know it's pathetic.
Definitely pathetic.
I drink of my sisters...
and I take into myself
the power to be beautiful...
outside as well as in.
I drink of my sisters...
and I take into myself...
all the power of Manon.
That's all?
Blessed be.
Thought you were gonna burp.
Oh, my God.
It's Manon.
It's so beautiful.
He's listening to us.
- Do you think it's working?
- I don't know.
I think he just looked at me.
Did he look at me? Is he looking?
- Not right now, but he just did.
- So weird.
I know. Now he's looking.
- He's looking?
- Yes.
Is he still back there?
Never mind.
It's working.
That or he's gone
completely crazy.
- You hate me, right?
- No.
- You don't?
- No.
'Cause, you see, when you're a guy--
and I am--
people expect things.
I mean, I know I said
some nasty things about you.
- Did you tell your friends?
- What?
That you're a lying sack of shit.
No. But I will.
I'll tell them tomorrow.
I'll tell the truth.
- Can I sit with you in Mass?
- Yeah, sure.
Watch this.
Chris, could you carry these for me?
- They're really heavy.
- Yeah.
And Bonnie's too.
She's got a bad back.
And this. Thanks.
I can't believe it.
Could you hold my jock for me?
It's kind of heavy.
In the book of Genesis--
What are you, Stepford boy?
Pay attention.
It's working.
Check it out.
Her spell is working.
Nancy, oh, my God.
Would you look?
Oh, great. Really bad.
- Get one in, already.
- It's hard, you know.
You're, like, two feet
away from each other.
- Get off!.
- I'm not that heavy.
Yeah, you're light
as a feather...
during deep space travel.
I am, actually.
Did you ever play that game,
Light as a feather, stiffas a board ?
One girl lays down,
and you surround her...
and you put your fingers
You put your fingers where?
Now you take your index finger...
and your middle finger...
and you put it under her
like this.
Now you have to imagine
that she's incredibly light...
like she's made out of air.
Now, is that her whole body,
or just her head?
You guys, concentrate
or it's not gonna work.
I think I sprained my finger.
- Shut up!
- Focus!
Come on, you guys.
Light as a feather,
stiff as a board.
Light as a feather, stiff as a board.
Holy shit.
You guys, it's not working.
Shut up, or you're gonna fall.
How do I get down?
Who's got the instructions?
Just keep concentrating.
Hi. I got clean towels
for everyone.
- Oh, my butt!
- What's going on in here?
- Nothing. Why?
- Are you girls getting high?
Are you okay?
You gotta try it.
So I say we all chip in for it.
How much can you give?
You pulled my hair out!
Sorry. I thought I saw a bug.
They have shampoo for that, you know.
Stupid bitch.
- Laura really has split ends.
- Really?
I guess this confirms
she's not a natural blonde.
What do you think
will happen to Laura?
I don't know.
If she leaves you alone,
nothing will happen to her.
Nothing good.
Fat chance.
Who's that?
That's my real mother.
Where is she?
She died when she was having me.
It's okay.
Manon, take my scars.
Give me beauty outside
as well as in.
Manon, take my scars.
Thank you.
Don't hit your head on the board.
Put a lid on it, Laura.
Oh, my God.
What? What happened?
I don't know!
What does it look like?
I don't know.
Hold still.
- Is there a mark?
- Did you hit your head on something?
Now, I want you to remember that
we may need to make several passes...
before we can see any results.
Is it better?
I can't tell yet, dear.
Just a minute.
What does it look like?
I don't know.
Just wait.
I can't believe it.
It worked.
- What?
- It worked.
'Cause seriously, if you
don't stop it, you can go blind.
Hairy palms?
She was supposed
to come back today.
Did you talk to her?
Principal Draper has called
a special assembly...
during the second half
of the fifth per--
Homeroom starts at 8:45 sharp.
My pedicure ran late.
- Wow.
- Holy shit.
- Hi, Bonnie.
- How's it going?
- Yeah, how's it going, Bonnie?
- My God.
You look so beautiful.
I can't believe it.
You did it.
No, I didn't do it.
- Yeah, you totally did it.
- I helped.
Come on. You made Chris love you.
You own him.
You made Laura Lizzie's hair
fall out.
You guys should see her.
She has to wear a hat every day now.
Poor Laura.
What's wrong with Nancy?
- Her spell's not working.
- What spell?
I don't know. I think she doesn't want
to be white trash any more.
And I told her, "You're white, honey.
Just deal with it."
Okay. Come on, come on.
- I can almost see through this thing.
- Leave me alone!
- God!
You're supposed to act
like a father to the girl.
- I ain't her father.
- Thank God.
Her father's the one who paid you the
Damn it!
- Don't you ever hit me!
- Don't you touch her!
What the hell was that?
Oh, my God!
Oxygen is flowing.
What's happening?
What's happening to him?
I know this is a difficult time
for you...
but it is procedure that I ask
just a few questions...
before we can start processing
the policy.
I don't understand.
What policy?
Mr. Saunders had a whole life
pension plan through the company...
and with benefits this size...
it's standard that I--
What size?
Just a second here.
$1 75,000.
A hundred--
Wait. Are you saying
that this goes to us?
To you.
A hundred and seventy-five--
What a dear, sweet man.
I can't believe he's dead.
- Do you think we killed him?
- No. Not at all.
Now don't be shy, honey.
Nice ass.
- What? He has a cute butt.
- You're a slut.
- Maybe you should go ask him out.
- You know it.
Yeah. I like your butt.
Do you want to have dinner?
This is nice.
Bedroom, bathroom, nightmare.
You look so pretty. I'm so glad
you could come and see our apartment.
Our apartment.
We have an apartment!
And it's so big.
And look at this view.
- It's beautiful.
- And the couch--
This is our couch.
I love this couch.
I saw it in the window and said,
I have to have this couch.
And the guy, what an attitude.
I said, Honey, wrap it up.
I'm taking it right now.
My juke box.
Every song on here
is by Connie Francis.
Yeah! Isn't that great?
Ever since I was a little girl
I said...
All I want in life is a juke box...
that plays nothing
but Connie Francis records.''
That's great.
Who's Connie Francis?
Oh, shut up, honey.
Listen and learn. Connie Francis.
Can you come to my room, girls?
- Let's go.
- It was nice to see you, Mrs. Downs.
Connie Francis is--
Wait a minute here.
Let's have
a little house warming party.
Sorry, Mom.
This is cool.
Ooh, nice.
I was reading and I found something
I thought you guys might be into.
Glamour. Throwing a glamour--
an illusion so real
as to fool an onlooker--
is one of the oldest forms
of magic.
- Bet you I could do that.
- Do you think?
This is to feel.
This is to be.
Shape and form it...
for all to see.
By the power
of three times three...
as I will it...
so shall it be.
My eyes are brown.
They're usually green.
You can do that with contacts.
Yeah, but it's good.
I mean, it suits you.
Subtle. But good.
You want something bigger?
- I want bigger.
- Bigger.
We have to concentrate.
Come on.
Are you impressed?
- Yeah, I'm impressed!
- You look like Loni Anderson.
- You want to touch it?
- Yeah.
It's real!
And so much simpler
than going to a salon.
- Yeah, a really shitty salon.
- You try it.
Wait. Watch.
- Make me a blonde.
- Me, me, me.
I don't think so.
No way.
Do something to me.
What do you want?
A smaller ass.
Oh, no. No.
Why didn't you answer the phone?
It's 3:00 in the morning, Chris.
Oh, yeah, that's a good reason.
You know what I was thinking?
Maybe we could move in together.
I don't think I'm ready
for that kind of commitment right now.
Oh, shit.
It's just that I can't stop
thinking about you.
I don't know why,
but I think I love you.
I've never loved
anyone before, except...
maybe my mom and this little puppy
I had when I was little.
I think you should go home, Chris.
No! Sarah, wait, please.
Sarah, please. Look.
I don't know what's happening to me.
I can't eat. I can't sleep.
Can I help you?
No. Nobody can help me.
Here again.
What can I do for you today?
We need provisions.
I need to undo a love spell.
When you open a floodgate,
how do you undo it?
You unleash something with a spell.
There is no undoing.
It must run its course.
You should let him suffer.
It's not for you
to judge suffering.
When do we find out
what's behind the curtain?
What are you doing, hiding all
the missing kids from the neighborhood?
What's there? Black magic?
True magic is
neither black nor white.
It's both
because nature is both.
Loving and cruel,
all at the same time.
The only good or bad
is in the heart of the witch.
Life keeps a balance on its own.
You understand?
Not really.
Well, then understand this.
Whatever you send out
you get back times three.
Wait. We didn't read that
in any book.
No, it's part of
a basic spiritual truth...
said in many ways in many faiths.
Do unto others
as you would have them do unto you.
I wanna buy this book.
You want to invoke the spirit?
You must be experienced to do this.
It's very dangerous.
Look, lady, I'm a big girl, okay?
Now please just sell me the book.
- How much?
- Twenty-five.
What do you know?
I have money.
When things were
the worst for me...
just before I tried
to kill myself...
I used to hallucinate things.
I'd close my eyes,
and all I would see were...
snakes and bugs everywhere.
Then I'd open them,
and they'd still be there.
They wouldn't go away.
They're everywhere.
You know, the serpent
is a very powerful being.
You should respect it.
Aren't you powerful?
Yes, you are.
All right.
Enough screwing around.
Let's call the corners,
shall we?
Hail to the guardians
of the watchtowers of the east...
the powers of air and invention.
Hear me!
- Us!
- Hear us.
Hail to the guardians
of the watchtowers of the south...
powers of fire and feeling.
Hear us.
Hail to the guardians
of the watchtowers of the west...
powers of water and intuition.
Hear us.
Hail to the guardians
of the watchtowers of the north...
by the powers of mother and earth.
Hear us.
Aid us in our magical working
on this May's eve.
Serpent of old...
ruler of deep...
guardian of the bitter sea...
show us your glory...
show us your power.
We pray of thee.
We invoke thee.
O serpent one, hear our calls.
Hear our prayers.
Ancient wise one...
teach us thy ways.
We summon and stir thee.
Lend us your powers.
Show us your glory.
We invoke thee!
Manon, fill me!
Is he here?
Did you feel that?
He blessed me.
I can feel him
running through my veins.
He's still in me.
It's so amazing.
Look at this.
It's so beautiful.
This is a gift.
These are my gifts!
I can feel you in me!
I'm your daughter now.
He's everywhere!
He's in everything!
Listen, all I'm saying is
I think it's enough already.
I don't know what's going on with this.
I'm completely humiliating Chris...
when all I wanted
was for him to like me.
And Bonnie,
what's going on with you?
You used to be nice.
Now you're completely narcissistic.
Excuse me, but I spent a big chunk
of my life being a monster.
Now that I'm not, I'm having a good
time. Sorry if that bothers you.
Can you guys tell me
what color that light is?
It's red.
Doesn't red mean stop?
Yeah, red does mean stop.
It's like what Lirio was talking about--
throwing things out of balance.
I know you thinkwe're getting
what we want now...
but it's going to come back
to us threefold.
Are we actually having
a theological conversation here?
I mean, it's fun, it's scary.
I mean, who gives a shit?
Oh, Nancy, we do.
What do you guys think?
- They don't think.
- Bitch!
Stop trying to win them over,
because it won't work.
I'm not trying to win them over.
You're paranoid.
- I'm paranoid?
- Paranoid.
I am not paranoid!
- Paranoid.
- Will you guys shut up!
Do you want in,
or do you want to leave this circle?
Just tell me right now.
Why must it always be
that way with you?
Because that's the way it is!
All I'm saying is,
I think you should think.
And I don't want out.
One of these times,
the lights not gonna be green.
Oh, waah!
We're scared, Sarah?
You scared, hmm?
That was actually pretty close.
It just keeps falling out.
I don't understand it.
What did I do to deserve this?
What's the matter?
What happened?
I don't know.
Calm down. Calm down.
It's okay.
I'm gonna go get somebody, okay?
Stay right here.
Sarah, come on, please.
You look like you need
to talk to someone anyways.
How do you know what I look like?
We're talking on the phone.
Look, it's important.
I just need to be alone with you.
I have to see you.
I don't know why, but--
Why are you being this way?
It's just dinner. Come on.
I don't know.
Okay. Tomorrow night.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
- I'll see you then.
- Bye.
So when I started hanging out
with them, I was almost relieved.
I didn't have that many
close friends in San Francisco.
It just felt really nice
to belong.
I disagreed with them once,
and they turned their backs on me.
That's not friendship.
- Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
- You do?
Yeah. Sometimes it's like
we're one person. Know what I mean?
No, I'm not sure.
I'm not sure either.
That's so funny.
I was just thinking,
I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Aren't we supposed to go to a restaurant
or something like that?
All right. Look, Chris.
I know you think you feel
really intensely...
but do you ever stop
and wonder where it comes from?
I can't think.
I just feel.
It's weird how it happened.
One day, I couldn't wait to see you.
It's like that every day, but now
that I have you, I'm not letting go.
Stop and think about what you're saying.
You don't even know me.
Here. I'll give you a back rub.
I don't want a back rub.
I don't want you to. Just let go.
Just relax for a second.
Turn around.
- I think you should take me home.
- No! Sarah, come on.
- Take me home, okay?
-Just hold me, okay?
- Let go.
- Hold me first.
Fine. I'll walk.
Goddamn it!
Sarah, get back--
Come back here.
- Goddamn it!
- Please, Chris! Let go of my arm!
Stay still!
No! Please!
Let go!
Oh, my God.
Sarah, come here.
What happened?
Are you okay?
You should've seen
the look in his eyes.
It was so weird.
They seemed empty,
like it wasn't even him.
Where would he be?
There's a party.
At Trey's.
Just leave it alone.
Don't go.
You're not going to help anything.
I'm gonna go play.
I cannot believe she's here.
You guys...
Nancy Downs is here.
I'm here. You're here.
We're all here.
Is Sarah with you?
What's going on?
Where is she?
You and me, we've had
some pretty good times together.
If I remember correctly...
we had some pretty hot times too.
- Remember?
- I've been trying to forget.
- Did you forget this?
- Stop.
What's the matter?
Not in the mood?
Not to get my dick bitten off.
What makes you think
that's what I wanna do?
Go away.
Go away.
What the--
Make love to me, Chris.
We should not be here.
Neither should Nancy.
How's it going?
You're a witch!
- They were right.
- They usually are.
- Nancy, get off the bed. Let's go.
- She's a witch too.
The only reason you're in love with her
is because she cast a spell on you.
Yes. Sad, but true.
That's why I'm here--
to help you forget about her.
- What do you care?
- Nancy, get off the bed!
You scared the shit out of him.
Thank you very much. Let's go.
No! He's gotta pay.
You're just jealous.
Jealous? Jealous?
You don't even exist to me!
You don't even exist.
You are nothing.
You are shit.
You don't exist.
The only way you know how to treat
women is by treating them like whores!
When you're the whore!
And that's gonna stop!
Do you understand?
Do you understand
what I'm saying, huh?
I'm sorry.
He's sorry?
Oh, he's sorry!
He's sorry! He's sorry!
Sorry, my ass!
I didn't want him to get hurt.
I liked him.
I think that he was
a good guy underneath it all.
I didn't know
that it would go this far.
Honey, come on.
I mean, it's hard for you.
- It was an accident.
- Dad, I need to be alone right now.
- Please, honey, listen.
- Don't touch me!
Everything I touch turns to shit.
I bind you
from doing harm, Nancy....
harm against other people...
and harm against yourself.
I bind you
from doing harm, Nancy.
Harm against other people...
and harm against yourself.
Stop it!
Stop it!
There you are.
We've been looking everywhere for you.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
We heard the police came to your house.
They came to mine too.
Yeah. Well, I didn't
tell them anything.
Then why do you want
to leave the circle?
- I didn't say--
- You don't need to say it.
You're thinking it.
Look, people are dead.
Chris and Ray are--
Those were accidents.
- They deserved it.
- Says who?
Says me.
You know it's true.
Fine. Whatever. I'm out.
Fine. That's fine.
We don't really need
a fourth anymore, do we?
But if you're gonna leave
the circle...
you might want to think
about leaving the school.
And maybe the city too.
We're not sure.
Or the planet.
And please don't do
any more spells on me.
I didn't--
You know, in the old days...
if a witch betrayed her coven...
they would kill her.
Sweet dreams, Sarah.
How have you been sleeping?
- Hi.
- What's wrong?
Oh, darling, what's wrong?
I know I don't know you
very well...
but I just didn't know
where else to go.
It's those girls
that I always come in here with.
They're trying to use magic
against me.
You don't understand.
They killed people.
I tried to do a binding,
and it didn't work.
And now, it's like everywhere I turn,
they're all around me.
No matter what I do, they're still
there. I don't know what to do.
You understand?
She's inside my dreams.
She knows what's going on inside
my head. She can read my mind.
I'm so sorry. I just didn't have
anywhere else to go.
What is this?
This temple is built
on a place of power.
Sarah, you have
a tremendous light inside you...
more than any witch
I've ever known.
You must not be afraid.
I can't control it.
I always end up hurting somebody.
Do you hear
the voice of your mother?
What about her?
She's telling you to be strong.
She was a witch, too, of course.
Didn't you know?
You can defeat
those who challenge you...
but you must surrender yourself...
to the higher power.
You must invoke the spirit.
But it made Nancy crazy.
She takes it to a dark place.
- Don't be afraid. Invoke him.
- I can't.
There is no other way.
Hail to the guardians
of the watchtowers of the north--
It's Nancy.
I can't stay here.
No, Sarah! Stop! Sarah!
- Hello?
- They're gone.
They flew back to San Francisco.
They thought you ranaway
back home.
Look, Sarah...
there's been an accident, man.
What are you talking about?
- What?
- It's been allover the news.
Go look at your TV.
Wreckage from the plane was scattered
over a one-mile square area.
Authorities suspect
severe wind shear...
may have been responsible
for today's tragedy.
FAA officials have retrieved
the blackbox...
and a full investigationi spending.
Global flight 321...
from Los Angeles to San Francisco
has crashed with no survivors.
More on this story
as details become available.
Oh, my God.
Please. Please stop it.
Stop it!
Stop it!
Go away, please!
- Stop it!
- Gotcha!
God, if I was
as pathetic as you are...
I would have killed myself
ages ago.
You should get on with it.
Where are my dad and Jenny?
You'll be seeing them soon enough.
You're going to kill yourself
tonight, my dear.
No, I'm not.
Look in your eyes tells me...
you might not be so sure.
After all, you have every reason
in the world to do it.
I mean, you killed Chris...
and you killed your mom--
You killed your mom
when you were coming out of her.
Now, that is really special.
Even I couldn't go that low.
Stop it, please!
What's the deal?
Why doesn't she use magic on us?
Because she's weak!
Weak, weak, weak.
Stop, please.
Oh, God, you're so disgusting.
Now is the end.
Let her go in peace.
Now is the end.
Let her go in peace.
- I didn't write that.
- It doesn't matter.
Hand writing still looks the same.
What's wrong
with your scars, Sarah?
It isn't real.
Then why are you still bleeding?
Run back up to your room
like the little coward that you are.
That's right.
She's so pathetic!
Stop it!
- Please, somebody help me!
- I'm bleeding!
What can I do?
Rochelle, go upstairs.
See what's going on.
No. This whole thing is just--
Get your lazy ass up those stairs
or I'll slit your throat!
- Dead as she is.
- Come on. I'll go with you.
Little shit.
Hail to the guardians
of the watchtowers of the north...
by the powers of mother and earth.
I invoke thee.
I invoke thee.
By the powers of three times three,
make them see, make them see.
My hair. My hair!
It's coming back times three.
Not again.
What happened?
Where are you going?
Hail to the guardians of the...
Don't be afraid.
Reach inside yourself.
Reach inside yourself.
Hail to the guardians
of the watchtowers of the north...
by the powers of mother and earth.
I invoke thee.
I invoke thee, Manon.
I invoke thee, Manon.
Did I frighten you, Nancy?
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
Why aren't you dead?
Came to me.
Saved me.
And he wanted me
to give you a message.
You're in deep shit.
He says you've abused what he's given
you and now you have to pay the price.
Did he?
He did.
By the way, what happened
to Rochelle and Bonnie?
They rushed out of here
without even saying good-bye.
That's bad manners.
What's going on?
What is going on?
Stop it! Stop it!
Relax. It's only magic.
Now who's pathetic?
I know I'm a little crazy.
I don't mean to be.
It all got out of hand,
and I'm sorry.
No more games, okay?
Sarah, I'm so sorry.
- I'm gonna go.
- One thing first.
I bind you, Nancy,
from doing harm...
harm against other people
and harm against yourself.
I called him before you!
You bitch! You bitch!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
Where are you?
Where are you, Sarah?
Where are you?
Tricky. Tricky, tricky, tricky.
I bind you, Nancy,
from doing harm.
Hi, Sarah. How are you?
Then again,
I can sleep at night, so--
How are you?
We want to apologize.
- We feel really bad about--
- Trying to kill me?
Honestly, we never thought
it would go that far.
Hi, girls.
How're you doin'?
Hi, Mr. Bailey.
And you know that thing on TV
about the plane crash...
was just a glamour.
It was a practical joke.
Sarah, wait.
We were just wondering,
do you still have any powers?
'Cause we don't.
So if you ever want
to just hang out...
and chant or call the corners--
Hold your breath until I call.
She probably doesn't have
any powers anyway.
Be careful.
You don't want to end up like Nancy.
It's you. It's you.
He gave me power.
I can do whatever I want now.
I can fly.
He gave you somethin', honey,
but it ain't the power.
But I can fly. I'm flying.
I'm flying.
I'm flying.