The Crew (2015)

You little devil.
What is channeling?
- Pretty good.
That's the guy I was talking about.
It's a family.
That is all you need.
You have one minute.
- Here!
Come on, Nasser!
What the heck?
- Come on, Uncle. Play!
Fly home!
Who was that girl?
The guy only.
- Yes.
Why did you take him then with me?
Are you talking to him?
- Do not worry, he does not know anything.
Look at me.
I told you,
it's just a guy.
See, for tomorrow.
V6. I'll have it tonight.
I thought...
We have not talked about this, but
job should be getting more.
More what?
A little more money.
Maybe... 10,000. It's a big gig.
You bet there is
worth two tonnes.
For five, because you are my brother.
I testify to earn more.
- Go ahead.
What it is?
Windows down. All four.
It comes.
We were robbed!
All the cars...
- Call!
Get out!
Out, out!
On the ground!
...Surrounded by three of the vehicle.
Authors used the explosives and
tear gas taltuttaakseen guards.
They stole hundreds of blank passports.
This was the first time that
The National Weight is the subject of the robbery.
Illegal immigration runs the
network is suspected of being behind the attack.
Shuttle car was full of
blank passports.
The value of one blank passport
EUR 2500-4000.
Loot value is thus more than three
million euros. one autoista-
was found burned
20 kilometers away.
The police is trying to find
disappeared without a trace robbers.
Quests are running
the entire Paris region.
You have not even taken off his shoes.
You've done something.
I did it.
- What?
I did it.
- It's a CIT?
No way in hell.
It is spoken on all channels.
No worries. I promise.
- You could have told.
Trust me.
No worries.
How much?
A lot.
Here. 300.000 euros.
- Well... thank you.
Do not you count?
- The count of the whole day.
Have to go.
Where are you going?
- To work.
You earned 300,000 euros,
but you return to work?
Are you kidding me? Do not you supposedly no other?
I'm the king of laundry.
Six of the movement here in Paris.
Do you like a break between gigs,
or are you ready for the next?
I'm ready.
They left,
they had the car in the parking lot.
Do you celebrate tonight?
- Yup.
Bring the wife and child of the.
Leslie would not like it.
Is this how it goes?
I work with a junkie?
- That eats taboos. Yes or no?
I do not know you.
Do you want to know everything?
I asked that a yes or a no.
I'll have one now and then
mitigate the pain, that's all.
After all, it has already improved.
You are dependent.
Enough already, Franck!
Yesterday's screens are sufficient for me.
Daniel! Thank you.
The morning shift was a good choice today.
- Yeah.
What you think?
- I'd take all three.
Clear. Here. It is 140.
Clear. Amine wants to get involved
pick sedans.
And he wants to see a German woman.
- Is it really him?
Do not say that, I changed.
- How come?
Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.
Wait a minute, how much is this?
- 20,000.
This is for you.
- No thanks.
- Am I no longer allowed to give gifts?
We'll see,
when I paid the loan back.
Does he come here often?
- Pretty often.
Should I fight him?
- Did not he ask anything?
No, but he's not feeling well.
Hnellhn is you and Amine.
Come on, I die of starvation.
It is not very clean.
Who's coming?
Nasser, Leslie and co-worker.
I do not know who he brings.
Please keep in Leslie?
- Visit the room Tapsimme.
HEKO invited me to join?
- Yes.
So that they can say: "I know your wife
and your children, I know where you live. "
Come on. We were in the same cell.
He is my friend.
It's not a friendship.
If illastamme, you are one of them.
That's the way Nasser was captured.
- Yes.
He received a conditional.
because of fingerprints. Do not worry.
I no longer go to jail
to see you, Eric.
We have 300,000.
Not to go to dinner.
They say to them that we stop.
What is the problem?
Do you want to be a waitress the rest of your life?
Do you think I like boxes
lifting? -Totta I guess I'm going to work.
What if you have to back to the castle?
- I do not have to.
I will not return to prison.
We're going to Argentina, like you wanted.
You, Me and Bastien.
We live in a wonderful life.
Are you coming?
- Point.
I wanted to see you.
- Why?
I needed it.
Do you think I Needed It?
Do you think that I have forgotten
all that has happened?
I did it to protect you.
You lied to puuhistasi
protect me.
I do not even know who you are.
Are you going to continue?
It is useless to ask.
You can not quit.
Let's go together.
Then I stop.
- You do not believe that myself.
No, I'm serious.
Convince yourself that way.
I know that you are tough.
But in your heart you know;
who am I.
Have to go.
Bon appetit, weakling.
He is black, giant.
But quite handsome.
- Leslie, whether he is handsome or not?
It is he.
He stands behind us and stare...
There's only French.
- No, you think of Phuket and Pattaya.
Our island is peaceful.
- What's the name of?
Koh Phangam.
No tourists, just hippies.
- You and me in the middle of the hippies?
Let a couple of weeks.
Should I buy tickets?
Do not. What about my job?
Anna already have. Yanisko worried about?
Need permission to his older brother?
Listen. Would you tell your hand?
I'm just curious.
The police arrival
I placed the explosives.
The explosion went off Stake.
I was meters away.
Others ran.
I took the blame.
- How many years to come?
- Oh, really?
How old is the child?
- Six and a half.
She was pregnant,
when I had the castle...
We learned to know each other.
How about you? Are you lusinut?
- Never.
Only one conditional sentence at a young age.
Murtovarkaus suspicion.
Did you do it?
- I did.
The whole neighborhood talked about it. mother received
to hear about it and kicked me in the field.
Listen. Mammon, muijat...
They do not interest me.
I am after CIT.
I watch them every day.
I was wondering, I do notes.
For each gig
I plan 30 more.
What do you do with the money?
- I have firmoja. I place my.
I raise my salary, which nourish my family.
I do not do 30 strokes CIT, Yanis.
We'll talk about that later.
Yanis! Eric, come on, damn it!
It will be, will be.
Will you come too?
Take someone else.
Where is he? Arigato!
Call it music now!
I do not know what...
Who is sequence and sister?
- Can I help?
Did he in you? Was it a cop?
- It was not a cop.
What does it say?
Get out of here.
Do not worry, it's my older brother.
Big black dude appeared sister had.
Who is it?
I do not know.
- He wants you to call him.
Did not he tell his name?
- Amine, what is this?
Where did you get the money for that?
What did you do? Tell.
I just wanted to earn a little extra.
- And?
What did you do? Tell.
- Nothing.
Tell me, what did you do?
- I sold my Glock.
Only one, I threw the other out,
as you said.
I wiped the fingerprints, do not worry.
We shot with it. The police have the bullet
It is traced back to us.
To whom you sold it?
- For one type of Sevran.
Its name was Greg.
- Greg what?
I do not know!
- How it knew hairdresser?
It knows that I have a sister.
It is a good guy!
Call it.
I can not just...
- Shut up and play.
- Call again.
This is Amine. Who are you?
Do not ask.
The cops found Glockisi Greg's trust.
His claim to be one of the robbers.
He may be 10 years, because of you cake.
What are we talking about?
- Oh, what?
Greg was our soldiers.
Do not be boastful.
Either you come here to find out the mess,
or we take your family.
What do you say, cousin?
I'm coming.
- I will send the address.
Son of a bitch!
- Yanis, stop!
Do not rush it.
First, let's find them.
They want to discuss.
If they had wanted a war,
they would have taken Nora.
Who is Amine?
- I will.
Only you will.
Put this on.
Do you think you have options?
Go to your room!
Good that you came.
You lost the man for me.
Make it up to you.
To be agreed upon price.
- We do not want your money.
We want them to,
that will make passports.
- You're not the one to ask the questions.
Who's waiting for you down?
Were they involved in a gig?
I took care of the passports.
We want you to rob
drug transport.
80 kilos of heroin in two days.
Two cars. Drugs are fully rearward.
They may come after the third car.
The cargo will Roubaix here.
Do it, so we are even.
You have two hours to consider.
I will not do it.
We agreed on the price,
and I will pay.
Stink pee in the stairwell?
Do you like us to the elderly?
Come take a look.
Nobody diilaa here in Sevran.
This is our region.
These guys do not realize it.
I'll give them a lesson.
Can not you do it yourself?
- And lose more men?
You owe us.
Your husband take care of this.
We saw the news pictures.
You ammuskelette, are causing the chaos.
Here, the kind of respects.
Tell miehistsi.
Forget it.
- What?
Forget it.
- Do I have to find out for yourself?
You will not find anything.
- Listen.
You have two hours of time.
Then we'll call the cops.
Are you talking about the police?
- I'm talking with everyone.
It's all the same to me.
It was hard! Nicely went.
Calculate the three, and then...
- What do you kuiskitte?
Go, go!
No, just before the most difficult point!
Let me win!
- We will win!
We strike north of the city.
We can not do alone, we need you.
You do not realize how it works.
These guys do not give up.
When they get bored,
they tear us to pieces.
I know. We take our stuff
and sell them yourself.
80 pounds, it is more than three million.
- What about those guys?
Are you serious?
Are we killers now?
Do you agree?
- You said it yourself. They do not give up.
Wait a minute.
We are looters, we are not murderers.
I do not hesitate,
if the guard starts to play sankaria-
but you are planning to murder
In order to sell heroin.
Are you serious? We should do
like this: keep a low profile...
Do not try to skip!
- Do not talk that way.
Your brother screwed up.
This is your problem.
I will arrange for you to earn a living.
- You think you're my boss?
You are with me;
so get out of here.
Find yourself another gang.
strayed with you
pick up your stuff.
He learned his lesson.
- Are you kidding me?
She always ruins everything.
- You sound like a father.
Do not talk about that son of a bitch.
I will protect you.
Sevranilaiset what they wanted?
- I'll take care of it.
Forget Franck. He does not help us.
He is the son of a bitch.
Do not do this to me, Yanis.
- Let's go with him if you want.
But then you get me to forget.
Mother, open.
I know that you are at home.
Let me come in.
What do you want?
- That you live with me for a few days.
This is serious.
- Where are the Nora and Amine?
Not to worry, they are with me.
- What is going on?
Sotkitko them again somewhere?
- Please.
Get your stuff, you need to come with me.
Hurry up.
If you do not get out of here, I'll call the police
and I will tell all that I know.
I'll do the same if something happens
Nora or Aminelle. Is it clear?
Get out of here. Get lost!
Keep an eye on him. OK?
- OK.
We need soldiers. Three four.
- I'll get it.
Jose, Eric here.
Can I have a lunch break?
Audrey, where are you going?
- Five minutes only!
It is about 900,000 euros.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Look at me. Since then I stop.
900.000 EUR heroin, Eric.
- What does it matter?
Robbery Cash are accepted,
but drug money is not?
I do not care where the money comes,
but now you steal from criminals.
Goddamn it, Audrey. Come now!
- Coming.
You asked me to take the money and leave,
if utterly closed.
- I would never do it, Eric. Never!
But if you care about us,
you do not do this.
Where are you?
- Yanisin's house.
Enter the address, then I will get there.
- You refused to help him.
Trust me, do not let him fool
you. You do not know what he is going.
I can not!
Franck, forget me. Forget me.
The car is there.
No, no Sevran.
We do this my way.
- They lead us to Sevran.
They are men waiting for, stay away from.
- What has happened?
Okay, I see you.
Where is Nasser?
Stay focused, keep your distance.
You must not be revealed.
Let's go.
Where's my mom?
- I release him after getting the stuff.
Hands against the truck.
- You too.
Hurry up!
Where are the weapons?
- Seats in the back.
What was found here?
You can get them when you mutsisi.
You're in it. Raise the vehicle off the ride.
Come on.
So there.
Carefully! Do not ruin kamoja.
It's your mother had had a nice dude.
Said it all before his death.
He named the explosive even our specialists.
We know where you live.
Is currently one of us fucking your wife.
Shut up. Shut up! Do not move.
Do me the area.
No one gets hurt,
if you do not do stupid.
Look forward.
The bastards.
Are you trying to hustling us? Outside, there are two
Bemarissa man. Tell them to leave.
They leave.
Looking to the truck.
Looking to the truck!
Get up, you bastard. Up!
Shut up!
Over there! Come on.
Yanis! I'll go with them!
- Drive!
What is happening?
- Hop on!
Where's my mom?
- Rougemont.
I have the address. If you're guides
there, I'll kill your family.
Take care of mom. Take care of mom!
Shut up, get him!
- Step on it, Amine!
That is to the left.
Get lost!
- Come on!
Take the other half.
- Here?
Get out of here!
- Yeah.
Come on!
- Come now!
Come on!
Fuck off! Hop on.
Get lost! Hop on.
- Get in the car!
Go away.
You could ask for forgiveness.
- Excuse me.
Come on.
Let's go to Morocco for a short time.
Tarekin creates a cousin.
For how long?
- For a while.
I'm not leaving without Aminea.
- I'll take care of everything.
I can find the best lawyer.
- You do not understand.
He can not go to jail.
I've never asked you for anything.
I want you to sequence and applying for.
I want you to applying for my son.
Good evening.
They move your brother tomorrow.
Before ten, I guess.
He did not go straight to court.
First, take him to the station.
Criminal gang unit to take control.
They saw the connection to a drug robbery.
How long is he sitting?
- Ten years.
At least.
You told her to keep quiet?
- He knows. He is strong.
Where the money sent?
- Morocco.
- As soon as possible.
We base accounts you there.
But because it must be done urgently,
you will lose a lot of credit transfer.
How much?
- I would say... 30-40 per cent.
All right, where I put my name?
This way.
I want to know exactly when my brother
transferred. Take care of it.
I want to meet my mother.
Daddy, I want Mommy!
I want Mommy!
- Shut up!
Excuse me.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Mother went away.
All right, okay?
Look at me!
All right, I promise.
Excuse me.
You lied to me.
All of you lied.
Why did you do it?
Because I do not like you, Mom.
Because I did not want in your life.
I am a fool, but I no longer want.
What are you doing here?
People are dead.
People close to.
I have a responsibility.
Jahdataanko you?
Do not lie to me, Yanis.
Jahdataanko you?
I'm moving abroad.
Come with. I know that
your life is here. Music, everything.
I ask you to leave it all.
Shall be amended, where you want.
We will do what you want.
Come with.
No, Yanis. I'm not coming.
Come with.
- Stop.
a suburb of Sevran
Police, who is still on the ground...
Will you come with me?
- You go.
What's your name?
- Bastien.
I am sorry.
I hunted down. Son of NIKI.
Is not no one,
who could take care of him? -No.
Hell. We'll catch up.
I send my mother and my sister in Morocco.
Source with them.
You drive to Marseilles.
My Contacts organizes a trip to Tangiers.
Lived Then in Casablanca.
How about you?
- My brother is in prison.
I arrange him free.
- Who will help you?
- Hey, buddy.
All right?
Bastien. Come on.
- Go ahead.
I'll help you.
- No no.
It remains to be the boy. He needs you.
Sort son good conditions,
I will help you.
Then we are even.
Do not you come join us?
You go with Nora.
He's really nice.
I am going to follow.
Look at me.
I promise to come back soon.
If you start to hesitate, call me.
Let's go.
Amine, can you hear me?
- Yeah.
I said do not move!
Go, go!
I will shelter you.
Go ahead!
Look forward.
The bus, the bus!
Not to worry, all right.
No worries.
Do not go!
Peace, peace.
We arrive after an hour.