The Crooked Man (2016)

- Okay.
- Mom!
What did I tell you about
watching this stuff?
It's a sleepover.
What are we supposed to do?
Have a pillow fight?
Okay, I'm gonna go
get ready upstairs.
Pizza is on its way.
Be good.
Oh, have fun, ladies.
Okay, Mia, I'm gonna be
out of your hair in a minute.
Don't worry.
I've got it all under control.
Can you keep it down?
I'm trying to work.
You're writing a love song.
I'm expressing my pain,
not that I'd expect
a 12-year-old girl
to know anything about that.
That's probably the pizza.
Just... keep it down, huh?
Speaking of songs,
have any of you heard of the one
that kills you
after you sing it?
- Oh, come on.
- I saw it online.
Then it has to be real.
No, she's right.
Apparently these boys
down in Milford tried it.
Two of them died,
like full-on tongues
hanging out,
bones shattered, dead.
They make that stuff up
so kids don't believe
- everything they see online.
- Prove it.
- No way.
- What's wrong, olive?
If it's not real,
there's nothing
to be afraid of, right?
You're serious.
What better way to prove it?
- You're serious.
- Keep going.
- Boo!
- Not funny!
- You should've seen your faces.
It was totally worth it!
Oh, great.
- We didn't do anything!
- It was not our fault!
I'm late already.
Are you guys gonna be okay?
Don't worry.
We'll take care of it.
Are you sure?
I can check out
the circuit breaker.
Great. Thank you.
All right, I will see you guys
in the morning.
Please be good for Mia.
I love you, kiddo.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Let me go check out
the breakers.
I told you it was
just the breakers!
What are you doing up?
I thought I heard something.
Something's up there.
There's no one else here.
Told you.
Come on.
- Give me the light.
- No.
- Give me the light!
- No!
- Give me the light!
- No!
- Mia, wake up.
- What is it?
Come on.
Stay back.
Crooked man was here.
She could have come.
Things hadn't been that great
even before everything happened.
I'm sure she'd love to see you
when you get settled.
Do you ever see the other girls?
No one really sees
Alice all that much.
I heard that Charlotte was
waitressing at the diner,
and the other one, um...
- Violet.
- Yeah.
She was working
at a store in town.
She sure had the judge
Crazy little olive.
The girl who killed her friend.
Six years is a long time, Livy.
People move on.
They forget.
Mom didn't.
Welcome home, Olivia.
Crazy Olivia's back
from the loony bin.
It's a small town.
People talk.
Whoa, Livy.
You scared me.
Is everything okay, Livy?
It's fine.
Getting settled, huh?
You gonna be okay?
I'm just tired.
Leave it on!
Good night.
Leave it open.
Just a crack.
Sure, whatever you want.
I thought we'd go to the market,
if you felt up to it.
I don't even know
what you like anymore.
Mom used to make my eggs
soft scrambled.
Well, I'll try.
I am trying.
Thank you.
After breakfast, do you think
you can take me somewhere?
Sure. Anywhere in particular?
I'd love something to read
that's not for 12-year-olds.
It's like they've never seen
a pretty girl before.
You're Olivia Shaw.
Becky Harris' brother.
Oh, Noah!
Wow. You're a... a cop?
What can I say?
Family business.
How is Becky anyway?
She's down at brown.
She's a freshman.
So what's it like
being back home?
It's a little weird.
And then there's that.
Hey, would you like a selfie
or maybe an autograph?
Don't mention it.
You meet a new friend?
Dad, this is Noah.
I went to school
with his sister.
- It's nice to meet you, sir.
- Likewise.
Well, listen,
I really have to be going.
But if you need anything or any
help with the local paparazzi,
I'm here.
I will.
It's good to meet you.
Bye, Mr. Shaw.
See? I told you everything
was gonna be fine.
Dad, is that you?
What's going on?
Oh, honey, it's okay, it's okay.
It's all right.
- Good night, Steven.
- Good night.
Someone there?
- Hello?
Too much caffeine.
Shouldn't somebody check it out?
An act of mischief?
It was a threat
against my daughter!
Well, you know what?
Forget it!
What'd they say?
They don't have the time
or the resources
to dedicate
to something like this.
It's okay, dad.
You know what?
I'm gonna go to the garage.
I might have a piece of wood
big enough to cover that glass.
Promise me you'll just
try to calm down.
When you have a daughter,
you'll understand.
Steven, who was 28,
is described by his colleagues
as a hardworking
and thoughtful young attorney.
A lifelong resident
of Eastborough,
many remember Steven as
a bright and ambitious student
who delivered pizzas
while putting himself
through law school.
There is no easy way to describe
the loss of someone like Steven,
someone with such hope
and promise for the future.
A light that shined so brightly,
but could be snuffed out
so easily.
Whatever problems Steven had
in this world,
whatever demons
he may have been facing,
we can find comfort and solace
in the fact that his soul
is now in a better place,
a place where love and peace
are eternal,
where there is no pain
and suffering.
And we know that one day
we shall be reunited with him,
in this glorious heaven.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills.
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the lord,
the maker of heaven
and earth."
In accordance with his wishes,
we now return Steven
to the earth,
which he enjoyed so much.
This must feel familiar for you.
You're gonna start that now?
It would've been her birthday
today, you know that?
She's in a graveyard nearby
if you wanna pay your respects.
I'm sure she'd love
to hear from you.
I didn't do anything to her,
and you know it.
Funny, because there was
only one person
holding the knife
that killed her,
and it wasn't the boogeyman.
Hey, hey, forget it.
They're not worth
the aggravation.
You don't know what it's like.
Maybe not, but my bitch meter
is pretty reliable.
Anything I can do?
Is swatting Violet an option?
Maybe an anonymous
noise complaint?
Actually, I could use a favor.
Can you give me photos
of Steven's body?
Call it a hunch.
We already know what happened.
You know what the witness said.
My dad would have my badge.
It's important.
I won't say anything to anybody.
I swear.
Hello, Jill.
Let her go!
Let her go!
Mrs. Hutchinson.
The next-door neighbor called
and said she thought
someone was trying
to break into my house.
I'm sorry. I didn't...
I thought the place was empty.
Haven't you done enough already?
I know what you're thinking,
and you have to believe me.
I didn't hurt Jill.
I heard all about the evil ghost
man or whatever you said it was.
I'm here to find the answers.
You may have convinced everybody
else that you're crazy,
but I know exactly what you are.
Hear that?
That is the sound of Karma.
I'd leave before they get here,
if I were you.
Did you just see that?
Thank you, Noah.
That's not possible.
- This is Noah.
- Jill. Six years ago.
The face, contorted body,
it's the same.
What if he came back?
The crooked man.
Olive, are you...
The lyrics said,
"down your crooked paths,
he follows."
- Here you go.
- "Paths." Plural.
What if he's coming after
everyone who was in the house?
Look, you wanted to see photos,
I sent you photos.
You want my advice?
Drop it.
One more favor.
Can you look up the file
on Jill?
- Olive...
- I just want to see
if she had any broken bones too.
I told you,
Steven fell out a window.
Just check.
All right, I'll think about it,
but I gotta run, okay?
Mrs. Larson?
Help me!
Why are you digging up
that old case?
I ran into Olivia Shaw at
the Sanderson funeral yesterday.
She tell you how they found
her standing over Jill's body?
Covered in blood,
holding the knife
that matched the stab wounds?
It says here the victim
had multiple broken bones.
You don't think that was
relevant to bring up in court?
Olivia pushed her
down the stairs.
What about the intruder
Olivia said she saw?
We searched the property.
We questioned all the neighbors
on the block.
No one saw anyone.
You know, your sister was
supposed to be there that night.
Could've been her picture
in that file.
Do yourself a favor, son.
Stay away from Olivia Shaw.
Table four says they've been
waiting five minutes for coffee.
I'm on it, I'm on it.
Can you do me a favor
and refill number four?
Okay, what can I get for...
I just need five minutes.
I don't think so.
I came to warn you.
I think the crooked man is back.
I saw a picture
of Steven's body.
Whatever happened to him,
it looked just Jill.
Violet says I'm not supposed
to listen to you.
She says you're dangerous
and unstable.
She's just trying
to protect herself.
Charlotte, do you really think
I killed Jill?
Eastborough police
are investigating
the tragic death
of grace Hutchinson.
Our investigators say it
initially looked like suicide.
They are not ready
to make that claim just yet.
Family and friends of Hutchinson
say there is no way
this career woman and mother
would take her own life.
Investigators say
the tragic death
of Hutchinson's
teenage daughter...
Olive, you're right.
Everyone who was there
that night is dying.
Where did you get that?
I just found it.
It's targeting us, isn't it?
We need to let everyone know.
Toss your bike in the back.
I'll drive.
We need to talk.
I'm working.
Violet, Jill's mother
died last night.
Let me guess.
The boogeyman did it?
Kind of a coincidence,
don't you think?
All of this happening
just as I get back into town?
You're not actually
listening to this, are you?
Steven's body...
It looked like just like
what happened to Jill.
Look at it!
What did happen to Jill, olive?
You don't remember that night?
What I remember was
a stupid, childish game,
and my best friend
being found dead.
Look, you don't think I get it.
If I'm the girl who killed Jill,
then none of this
was your fault.
But if I'm right,
and the crooked man is back...
What, Olivia?
What do you suggest we do?
Go into hiding because you think
something you did six years ago
has come back to kill us?
Come on, you don't really
believe this, do you?
Tell me, have you seen
or experienced
anything strange lately?
Does this conversation qualify?
This is not a joke, Violet!
No, I haven't.
But if you're right,
and if your little homecoming
has somehow brought
this thing back,
then there's really
only one answer, isn't there?
I have to get back to work.
Just do me one favor, okay?
- Please stay out of the dark.
- Olive, let's go.
It lives in the dark.
Just make sure you're always
in the light, no matter what!
You're wasting your time.
No one's seen her in years.
I'll be right back.
Who is it?
Olivia Shaw.
Alice isn't here.
Do you know when she'll be back?
She doesn't want to see you.
That's not what I asked.
- I think you should go.
- Please!
It's really important
that I speak to your daughter.
Go away!
That didn't work.
Wait. So the babysitter's
the last one?
Assuming we even know
how to find her.
Actually, that's an easy one.
Trust me.
It's for your protection.
This is taking way too long.
Come on.
Excuse us, excuse me, sorry.
Sorry. Gotta get through.
Please, please,
our friend is in danger.
- Go on in.
- Thank you.
You're good.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome to the stage
Mia Johanssen.
There she is!
Good evening, Eastborough.
Thanks for coming out tonight.
It's good to be back
in my hometown.
What is it?
The darkness. It's here.
Um, um...
Excuse me.
- Whoa!
- We have to get back there.
- You got a pass?
- She's a friend of ours.
Get lost.
Go away!
It's all in your head.
It's all in your head.
Hello! Come on!
Anyone in there?!
Excuse me.
You two can't take a hint.
- Something's wrong.
- Mia?
She's just taking a break.
We think she might be
in trouble.
You're not getting in there.
You do it then. Please!
Fine. You two wait here.
No, no.
No! No! No!
Mia! Everything okay?
Are you here?
I can't comment on whether
it was a suicide or not
'cause I haven't seen
the autopsy.
You know how long it took my dad
to get off the case?
- What are you doing?
- Look at this.
"Classmates of the two
missing teens
mentioned that the two
had recently displayed
a fascination for an Internet
meme known as the crooked man.
There's gotta be
at least 50 stories here:
Suicides, homicides,
"Crooked man uncovered?"
The original site
was taken down.
But according to this,
a lot of people
had recited that rhyme.
I thought maybe there might be
some information
on how to stop this thing.
Unfortunately there's no contact
information listed or anything.
- I have an idea. Come on.
- Where are we going?
- The crooked man?
- You've heard of it?
Internet meme that kills people?
So can you find whoever put up
that website or not?
All you have to do is put the
domain into a who is search,
and you should get
what you need.
Got a P.O. Box in Leveritt.
No name?
Looks like whoever did this
wanted their privacy.
But that should be pretty easy
for you to trace, right?
I thought you said
this was going to be hard.
We're cyber forensics.
We can do anything.
All I have to do is
go into the system,
find out who registered
the box, and...
It's been abandoned
for three years.
So back to square one?
What are you doing?
Most computers automatically
imprint their files
with a level of metadata,
such as who created them
and where.
Kinda like a fingerprint.
So, for example,
if the site has any photos,
I can find out where the
computer was that posted them.
- You can't leave now!
- Look, olive...
I'm sorry I told everyone
you were crazy,
and I'm sorry I didn't support
you all those years ago,
but I am not going to sit around
and wait to die!
This guy maybe will have
some answers for us.
Is that gonna help Jill
or Jill's mom or Mia?
All gassed up!
Violet's not coming.
What do you mean,
she's not coming?
We had a plan.
What if you're wrong?
What if you can't stop it?
You think running will help?
I do know staying here won't.
Come with me. You don't need
to be a part of this.
Yes, I do.
We've been hiding too long.
- It's your funeral.
- Violet...
Be careful. Please?
You too.
- Alice!
- Olive.
What are you doing?
Grab my hand!
Olivia, what are you doing here?
I need to talk to you.
You need to leave.
It's not safe.
What happened?
Please go.
Not until I talk to you first.
It's important.
These drawings...
You can't just come in here
and go through my stuff.
- Alice!
- It's private!
Alice, you're not alone.
I've seen them too.
We're being warned.
Look, there's a site I found.
Dozens of cases just like ours.
- The crooked man?
- Yes.
Noah had a friend
at the police station
track down
whoever put the site up.
If they've been doing
all the research,
then maybe they know
how to stop it.
It's too late.
This is why I need you
to come with me.
- I can't.
- Alice...
Mother says never leave
the house without her.
People are dying!
She says I'm safe here.
Do you believe her?
This could be our chance
to finally fix what we did.
We can make things right.
I get carsick.
We'll crack a window.
Come on.
You saw something, didn't you?
It's over here.
Is anyone there?
What are you doing here?
- Olivia.
- How do you know my name?
You're very lucky.
Not many people
have come face to face
with the crooked man
and survived.
You know about that?
Of course.
That's why you're here,
isn't it?
To find someone who can
give you all the answers.
Let's start with what this
thing is and where it came from.
In the 1800s,
a writer researching
legends and folklore
discovered dozens
of different cultures
in dozens
of different languages,
all referring to the same thing.
He called it the crooked man.
Imagine a death sentence
that no mortal could escape,
that no human law could pardon,
an eternal, unstoppable force
bringing certain death
to anyone who dare summon it.
It probably started
as an tribal incantation.
A curse.
The words were translated and
passed down through the ages,
evolving with the times.
Over the years, it was
transcribed and studied.
Part of it was even turned
into a nursery rhyme.
someone put it online.
And with that, the proverbial
Pandora's box was out there.
The crooked man
now belonged to the world.
You were the one
that put it up on Creepyhollow.
Funny thing about the Internet.
You can take content down,
but it never really goes away.
By the time I realized
what was happening,
that the crooked man was real,
it was too late.
I tried to get back online
to warn people.
Four people in our town
are dead!
And not a minute goes by where
I'm not tormented by what I did.
I'm up in that sanctuary
every day,
praying for the souls
of the people I killed.
Now, ever since I came back...
The crooked man returned.
When you left, somehow you...
You paused the curse.
But now that you're back,
now that all who were marked
have returned and reunited,
it's like you never left.
I tried to warn you.
I tried to get you to leave
before he returned.
What are you talking about?
The rock.
That was you.
But now it's too late.
What if she left again?
Too many people have died now.
He's coming for you.
There's no order,
no rhyme, no reason.
Where there's darkness,
he will be there.
But there has to be
a way to stop him, right?
You can't.
He cannot be stopped.
You cannot hide,
and you cannot run.
If you have been cursed by
the crooked man,
he will kill you eventually,
no matter what.
Keep it down!
Our father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done...
I thought you were sleeping.
There's something I have to do.
Wait. Hey, where...
Wait a minute.
No way.
Classical fairy tales?
- Ancient mythology?
- Noah.
Your dad said you'd be here.
- What's wrong?
- Can we go talk?
Yeah, of course.
Noah, what is it?
Noah, how do you have this?
I have to tell you something...
About when we were kids.
The night of the sleepover?
The night Jill died?
I was there.
My sister was supposed
to be there.
I was on my way home
from basketball practice,
and I thought I'd swing by
and give 'em a little scare.
But by the time I got there,
I realized she wasn't there.
It was too late.
And then when
the lights went off,
I got so scared that
I would be seen, so I left.
I'm screwed, aren't I?
Noah, I am so sorry.
I had no idea.
But it's gonna be
okay now, right?
Because you figured out
where the website came from,
so you're gonna make it stop.
Not quite.
That's encouraging.
But I'm working on it.
So I am screwed.
We're gonna fix this, okay?
I promise.
Noah, what is it?
You really don't see that.
It's him, isn't it?
What is he doing?
He's trying to get us...
But he can't.
It's the light.
As long as we stay out of
the dark, we should be okay.
He's gone.
Come on.
I have an idea.
"Only with this crooked song
shall the crooked man yield."
At first, I thought it was
talking about the rhyme itself.
But what if
it literally means "song"?
What if this music box
is the key to the whole thing?
Milo said there was
a writer in the 1800s
who was doing research
on old legends
and found out about
the crooked man.
He found the music box,
and he accidentally
summoned the crooked man.
If this box is out there,
we might be able
to stop this thing.
All we have to do is find it.
What is it?
We have to turn around. Now.
- Hope we're not too late.
- Come on!
See you soon, Olivia.
She didn't do anything.
Oh, I forgot.
It's the boogeyman, right?
Son, a word.
Olivia and I have been
together the whole time.
Five people are dead, Noah.
She left three suicide notes.
You saw the body. You think
she did that to herself?
Not exactly.
Please tell me you're not
drinking the fruit punch.
- I know it sounds crazy.
- You are a police officer.
- I know what I saw!
- Here's what's gonna happen.
- You're not listening.
- Take her down to the station.
You're gonna arrest her?
I'll talk to her
as soon as I'm done here.
Do you want me to have
somebody else do this?
How could she have
felt so helpless?
I'm sorry.
What are you doing?
I have no choice.
- Noah!
- Don't make a scene.
You can't do this!
Just get in the car, please.
This is 4-30.
Suspect in custody.
10-7 to station.
Copy that, Noah.
What are you doing?
Shh. We're alone now.
We got about 20 minutes
until my father realizes
where we're going.
I'm sorry.
So where do we go now?
Looks like a place
a professor would live.
It's always nice to meet
some of dad's former students.
He always spoke so highly
of you and your mom.
I thought, since we happened
to be in the area,
that we should pay our respects.
Oh, you found Milo, I see.
He was my dad's
teaching assistant for years.
Which class of his
did you take again?
World culture and mythology.
That was one of his favorites.
- Sugar?
- No, thank you.
He always would tell
the most interesting stories.
He would make you feel
like you were
right in the middle of it all.
It must've been amazing, growing
up with a father like that,
all the stories
he must have had.
To tell you the truth,
he saved most of that
for his students.
I can only imagine all the
things he must have left behind.
I heard he had
quite the collection.
You want to see it?
- Huh.
- Whoa.
Look at all this stuff.
Some of these items
must be pretty valuable.
Yeah, well, you can't put
a price on your father's memory.
I imagine not.
That was one of his
more recent finds.
I remember him talking about it.
May I?
Who are you?
- We told you.
- No.
First of all,
what, were you 12 years old
when he still taught that class?
And second of all,
he never never would've
spoken very highly of me.
Certainly not my mother,
so do you wanna tell me
what you're really doing here?
Have you heard the rhyme
about the crooked man?
Of course. My father wrote
a book about the author.
We believe it's real.
After your father died,
Milo posted the means
to summon him online.
Six people have died,
and unless we can figure out
how to undo our mistake,
there will be more.
We believe this box might be
the only way to stop it.
I'm gonna show you something.
Something that I have not
shown anyone.
Not the police.
But when I found my father's
body in the classroom...
He had this.
We can end it.
For good.
We just need to borrow the box.
You get that son of a bitch.
Harris and Olivia Shaw
are being sought by police
in connection with last night's
brutal slaying that...
I always knew she was trouble.
I always said it.
Not at the dinner table.
Dear lord, bless this food
that we are about to eat
and all that it provides.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Looks like a storm is coming in.
Where were we?
I am going to check
the breakers.
No! I mean, um...
I'll come with you.
I'll get some candles.
Maybe it's the whole block.
There's nothing there.
There's nothing there.
Mother, I can't open the door!
Mother, are you okay?
I'm scared!
Mother? Is that you?
How 'bout a light?
I should've been there.
You can't blame yourself.
For six years,
her mother tried
everything she could,
and probably
more than she should,
to keep Alice safe.
Hey, she's alive.
How many people have died
because of me?
Jill, Steven, Mia,
Charlotte, Violet.
You're the one
that's trying to save them.
He called my name.
What are you talking about?
Back at the house,
when I touched the music box,
he called my name.
And it wasn't the first time.
This is all my fault.
All of this.
- He's taunting me.
- No, you can't think like that.
No, I killed them, Noah.
I killed all of them!
Shh, shh, shh.
Think she can hear me?
She's in a coma because of me.
Don't you understand?
Because of me!
Come on, let's go.
Don't you ever
turn the light off! Ever!
She's just a little tired.
Excuse us.
I'm the one who started it.
I'm the one who needs to end it.
The music box,
it showed me something.
A crooked house.
I think that's where
we have to find him.
Did it show you where it was?
All I saw were woods.
Were there any specific
characteristics or landmarks?
Anything specific?
Just a clearing.
But I did notice two large rocks
and giant pine tree.
As if that even helps.
Actually, it does.
- Come here.
- What are you doing?
Let's go, let's go.
I was a cub scout
when I was a kid.
One day my troop went for a hike
through this park.
We found this clearing
and two rocks.
Just like your vision.
You ready?
- For Alice.
- For Alice.
We're close.
We're here.
This is exactly what I remember.
The rocks, the trees.
And the house was somewhere...
- Did you see...
- No.
This house was not there
a minute ago.
So what happens now?
We kill the crooked man.
I'll go check the upstairs.
Be careful.
Oh, god.
You all right?
All right? You okay?
- What are you doing?
- Making a call.
Something's happening.
He's here.
What do you want?!
Haven't you taken enough
The box.
Hey there.
You should really see somebody
about that posture problem
of yours.
Is it working?
I saw that going differently.
What am I missing?
It's me again.
- Are you okay?
- It's not working.
"Only with this crooked song."
I don't know
what I'm doing wrong.
When you recite the poem,
it summons him, right?
And so the box
must serve the same purpose.
In order to reverse its effects
and take him back, we've got...
To play it backwards!
Okay, okay!
I'm going as fast as I can!
Whatever happens, keep playing.
Go back to hell,
you son of a bitch!
You're alive!
Come on.
We need to get out of here.
Come on.
Come on, Noah!
It's over.
It's over now.
That's so old school.
How about the one with
the killer in a hockey mask?
Or the killer doll?
I know.
Have you any of you heard about
the song that kills you
if you sing it?