The Cruel Sea (1953)

'This is a story
of the Battle of the Atlantic.
'A story of an ocean,
two ships and a handful of men.
'The men are the heroes.
'The heroines are the ships.
'The only villain is the sea,
the cruel sea,
'that man has made more cruel.
'When the war came in 1939,
'the Navy took me out
of the Merchant Service, where I belong,
'and put me in command of one
of the new convoy escort vessels
'that were being built on the Clyde.
'She was a Flower-class Corvette.
'Her name was Compass Rose.
'lt was all very strange at first.
'But it wasn't the ship herself
I was worrying about,
'so much as the men
who were going to sail in her.
'Most of them had never
been to sea before.
'As for the officers, I was the only
professional seaman among them.
'The rest were amateurs. '
Reporting for Compass Rose, sir.
- Which are you?
- Lockhart, sir.
- So you're Ferraby?
- Yes, sir.
First ship?
Yes, sir.
We've come up from King Alfred.
- How long were you training there?
- Five weeks, sir.
Five weeks? Oh.
- What was your job in peace time?
- Freelance journalist, sir.
Well, what's the connection?
I've done a bit of sailing, sir.
What about you?
I was working in a bank, sir.
Ever been to sea?
Only across to France, sir.
- Either of you married?
- Yes. I am, sir.
Well, you'd better have a look
around the ship to begin with.
The main crew hasn't joined yet,
but there'll be plenty for you to do.
- Where's all your gear?
- At the station, sir.
You can pick that up later.
By the way, don't salute me indoors
when I haven't got a cap on.
I can't return it. You tak e
your cap off when you come in.
Sorry, sir.
It's all right. It's not vital,
but you may as well get it right.
When you've had a look around,
report to the first lieutenant.
Coxswain! Coxswain!
- Sir.
- This man is smoking during working.
- We're not working a routine yet.
- Who says not?
I was going to leave it
till we had full ship's company aboard.
No smoking except during stand-easy.
Aye-aye, sir.
I say, it's going to be
pretty crowded here.
You and I share a cabin, I suppose?
- Hello there!
- Yes?
- What are you hiding down there for?
- I'm not hiding.
- Weren't you told to report to me?
- After looking round the ship, yes.
- Sir!
- Sir.
Well, come up here! And double up!
It's your job to find out where I am.
- Lockhart.
- Ferraby.
So you've been round the ship?
How many fire-hose points are there?
Very smart.
What sort of gun have we got?
- Four inch.
- Four inch what?
Breech-loading, quick-firing,
mark IV, mark VI, fixed ammunition?
Four inch...
- I-I don't know.
- Find out!
I'll ask you the next time I see you.
Get to the dock office, and start
mustering the confidential books!
Yes... sir.
I've the first lieutenant
around here.
And don't you forget it!
Bosun's mate!
We're going to get on beautifully
How did you know
about the fire points?
I didn't, but I guessed
he didn't know either.
Well, never mind.
We volunteered for it.
I didn't expect the Navy
to be that chap.
Perhaps the Navy
didn't expect it either.
March to attention!
Left, right, left, right,
left, right, left.
Ship's company!
Left turn!
- What's this?
- Cor blimey! This is lovely, this is!
Talk about
the Black Hole of Calcutta!
Wrong shop, mate.
This is the seamen's mess.
No, it ain't.
We're all together in this gash boat.
Seamen and stok ers messing together?
The stok ers don't lik e it
any more than you do!
And there's no canteen!
Oh, this is gonna be lovely.
I'd sooner be in the cooler.
Why don't you ask the skipper?
He'll fix it for you!
Here! That corner's mine!
Compass Rose, 'shun!
Pipe the still!
Hands to stations
for leaving harbour!
Special sea-duty men close up!
Bridge, depth charge,
can you hear me?
Ferraby! Why aren't you aft
where you belong?
I-I was just going aft, sir.
Just going.
Now, listen.
I've been watching you, sub.
You've been marking time
since I stopped you sleeping ashore
when your wife was up here.
Well, from now on
you're going to jump!
And don't you forget it!
- If I ever catch you skulking about...
- 'Bridge? '
- 'Bridge, sir. '
- Is the first lieutenant there?
- 'Yes, sir. '
- Ask him to come down to my cabin.
- Engine's ready, sir.
- Very good, Chief.
- About the revs, sir.
- Yes.
The builders say slow ahead, 35,
half a head, 100.
- Try that to start with.
- Aye-aye, sir.
If I ring "full astern" twice,
it means only you can save me.
I'll remember that, sir.
I wonder if we'll ever see
action in her.
My paper says
it'll be all over by Easter.
- You wanted me, sir?
- Yes.
- Are we ready to move, Number One?
- Yes, sir. Any time you lik e.
It's your job to come and tell me.
I can't guess at it.
- Are all the hands aboard?
- Er... I think so, sir.
Well, are they or aren't they?
I'll detail Ferraby to check up.
You won't detail anyone. Unless
you want to change jobs with them.
Report to me on the bridge
when ready for sea.
Aye-aye, sir.
Let go, aft!
Let go!
K49, hoist!
All clear, aft!
- Slow ahead.
- Slow ahead.
Slow ahead, sir.
Good luck to you, Compass Rose!
'At Greenock,
we ammunitioned and stored.
'Compass Rose passed her sea trials,
'and I took her over
from the builders.
'Then we went north
for our working-up exercises.
'The three weeks of training,
which had to be enough
'to turn a raw collection of men
into an effective fighting unit. '
Anti-submarine detector.
Asdic for short.
A device under the ship here
sends a series of sound impulses
out through the water like this...
Ping! Ping!
Right? Now, if there's nothing
within range, there's no echo.
But if there is something... hear the impulses
echoing back from it like this...
Ping-ah! Ping-ah! Ping-ah!
"Ah," you say.
"We've found a U-boat."
"Oh, have you?"
That echo may also be
a submerged wreck, a shoal of fish,
or the empties the wardroom steward
has chuck ed over board.
How do you tell the difference?
Well, it's just a matter of practice.
Lots and lots of lovely practice.
Now, once again:
Pingah! Pingah!
Stop that laughing!
- Bearing drawing left, sir.
- Bearing still drawing left, sir.
Steer 340.
Range 400. Bearing steady.
No, it isn't. Watch it.
Right cut off. Green 40, sir.
Sorry. Bearing drawing right.
Green 40.
That's better.
Stand by, throwers!
Drop a grenade. We'll get her
exact position this time.
Stand by!
Instantaneous echo, sir.
Fire one grenade!
Submarine smok e candle, sir.
One submarine, sir.
"You're getting too good.
Go away, and try it on the... Germans!"
Yes. You won't find them
nearly so obliging.
Snork ers! Good-oh!
- Here's the wardroom, sir.
- Thank you.
What's this? Visitors?
My name's Morell, sir.
I'm joining the ship.
Ah, a new sub at last, eh?
Extra for watch-k eeping duties.
You should've been here weeks ago.
Been taking your time.
I only left King Alfred on Tuesday.
I've been travelling ever since... sir.
Another one still wet
behind the ears, eh? That's fine.
- What were you in Civvy Street?
- I was a barrister.
A lawyer, eh? That's all we need.
You better sit down and have
some snork ers before they're cold.
Carslak e! By the way,
this is Lockhart. This is Ferraby.
- How do you do.
- Sir?
- Another officer for lunch.
- Aye-aye, sir.
And I'm the first lieutenant.
- Officer of the day wanted, sir.
- OK.
I do all the work around here!
Very glad to see you.
Hang your coat up out there.
I expect you'd lik e a drink,
wouldn't you?
- Oh, I'll get it. Gin?
- Beer, please.
- Welcome to Compass Rose.
- Thank you.
He sounds a very experienced officer,
the first lieutenant.
Very. Until four months ago,
he was a second-hand car salesman.
Ah, I see.
We were hoping
you'd get here for the exercises.
Thank you. I shall have to try
and catch up. What was it like?
Three weeks of purgatory.
We don't know.
We haven't come out of the ether yet.
The skipper's ashore
with the admiral now.
- What about your gear?
- It's outside.
Tell me, do we often
have these sausages?
Frequently. The first lieutenant's
very fond of them.
"Snork ers! Good-oh!"
I see.
Now, whether this war
is long or short,
it's going to seem long,
don't you think?
"From commander-in-chief
Western Approaches to Compass Rose.
"Being in all respects ready for sea,
you will sail to join convoy AK14,
"leaving Liverpool Bar Light Vessel
at 1200A, 6th February, 1940."
This is more lik e it, eh?
Signal from Viperous, sir.
Organisation of convoy as follows.
'And so we went to war.
'The Atlantic is a very big ocean,
'and in winter weather,
the finest hiding place in the world.
'The U-boats were there, all right,
but not many of them.
'And at that stage they were
mostly depending on luck for a kill.
'Before the fall of France,
'convoy after convoy sailed
without meeting one.
'But U-boats weren't the only enemy
we had to contend with. '
- Getting tired of it?
- A bit, sir.
If only she'd k eep still
for a minute or so.
We'd know all about it if we'd
have to turn round and steam into it.
Yes, sir.
Message from Viperous, sir!
"Round up number 86,
"who still appears to be
straggling astern of the convoy."
Very good. I spok e to soon.
Pass the word!
We're going to turn beam on.
- Who is it?
- Coxswain, sir.
Come up to see the fun?
For a bit of air, sir. I've brought
you some tea. It's got rum in it.
Thanks, coxswain. I appreciate that.
- What is it lik e below?
- Oh, proper pot mess, sir.
Some of the lads are wishing
they'd joined the Army instead!
Keep her up, helmsman.
You're 12 degrees off course!
'Aye-aye, sir. '
We're due for a spot of leave soon,
aren't we, sir?
'Here is the news.
'German motorised units
yesterday continued their push
'in the vicinity
of Le Cateau and St Quentin.
'I n air combats near Dunkirk,
'the RAF destroyed at least
22 enemy aircraft without... '
Hello there. Anyone in?
Hello, sir.
My wife's busy on her war job
during the day,
so there's nobody at home.
I thought I'd look in
and have a drink with you.
- Gin, sir?
- Thanks. Plain.
Well, how's everything going?
All right, sir. We'll be finished
boiler-cleaning by Friday.
One of the radio location boys
turned up.
- So when do we get it?
- Not a hope yet, I'm afraid.
Everybody's after it.
RAF, Army, the lot.
With corvettes
at the end of the queue, I suppose.
Thanks. I expect you're finding it
pretty boring here, aren't you?
I had nowhere particular
to go on leave.
What, no ties with the shore?
None that have stood
the test of time.
Oh. Well, it'll be
your turn next, anyway.
What are you reading? Oh, yes.
I've applied
for a sick berth attendant.
Not that we'll get one yet,
but there's no harm in trying.
It looks as though
things are warming up.
A couple of years ago, you'd never
have thought this could happen.
A couple of years ago, sir,
my only sea experience
was mucking about in the Solent.
Quite a pretty boat she was.
- How big a crew?
- She was quite pretty, too.
What's the food been lik e
with the cooks on leave?
Greatly improved, sir!
Well, in that case,
I think I'll stay till lunch.
I say, John,
there's a picture of your wife here.
Is there?
Oh, yes.
Doris and I saw the show
the night before last.
You should have let me know.
I'd have got you some free seats.
Oh, we didn't want
to bother you on leave.
It must give you a funny feeling
to see your wife's picture
all over the place.
All I can ever see in the papers
these days is Dunkirk. Did you read...?
Well, well, well!
Good little boys all back
from leave at the proper time.
How did you manage
to drag yourselves away, huh?
Matey lot of so-and-sos, aren't you?
- What's been happening?
- Nothing at all.
I suppose you were slipping ashore
the whole time.
And as for you married men, you had
a wonderful time. Don't tell me!
- Well, yes. It was very nice.
- I bet it was!
I bet you left a bun in the oven,
both of you!
Why doesn't the captain
get rid of him?
It's not so easy in wartime.
- Well, can we get rid of him?
- Nobody can.
- Are you sure?
- He didn't lik e that last convoy.
- Who did?
- But I think he's the worrying type.
Might even get a duodenal ulcer.
That's the classical complaint.
The Navy tak es them very seriously.
In case something blows up
while you're at sea.
Well, one of us had better tell him.
Well, I wouldn't want him to be in
any doubt as to how to go about it,
just for the want
of a friendly word of advice.
I saw some newsreel stuff
of Dunkirk the other night.
There was an old V and W destroyer
simply packed with troops.
You could see someone was trying
to mak e them smile at the camera.
They didn't look
as if they wanted to much.
Well, at least there are...
- That hurt.
- Well, what's the matter?
A terrible pain...
Well, you better go and lie down.
Tak e it easy for a bit.
- It's agony.
- Perhaps you have a bun in the oven.
Yes. Perhaps I better had
lie down for a bit, sir.
Maybe it'll pass off.
Well, bad luck.
Most moving. I imagine there's
nothing we can do to help him?
What are you all grinning at?
Sorry, sir.
I was thinking of something.
When the first lieutenant's in pain,
I shouldn't have thought you'd
be able to laugh at anything else.
From then on,
they'll proceed independently.
You will pick up
the homeward-bound convoy R20,
at a rendezvous off Iceland,
which will be signalled later.
- All clear?
- Yes, sir.
And I must tell you
that according to Intelligence,
the Germans have captured the
port of Brest more or less intact.
That will greatly increase
the number of U-boats operating,
as well as their range.
From now on you have
to expect enemy activity...
- Come in.
- You wanted me, sir?
Yes. I just had a signal
from the PMO at the Naval Hospital.
The first lieutenant
won't be back for some time.
He's got a suspected duodenal ulcer.
Oh! Oh.
Exactly. We sail this afternoon.
We'll have to go without him.
We haven't a chance
of getting a relief by then either.
You'll have to tak e over
at first lieutenant.
- Yes, sir.
- I'll help you as much as I can.
You should be able to carry on
until a relief arrives.
- I can carry on, anyway, sir.
- Do you think so?
Yes, sir.
Well, I'll see.
Now, as we're short-handed, I suggest
we reorganise the watches lik e this.
- What's it lik e below tonight?
- Warm enough, sir.
- The bulkheads are sweating a bit.
- Yes, I expect...
Ship on fire! Bearing red 20, sir.
Coxswain at the wheel, sir.
Course 160. Watch that telegraph now.
- 'Gun crew closed up, sir.
- 'Action steaming stations. '
- Full ahead.
- Full ahead, sir.
- 'Starboard 15.'
- Starboard 15, sir.
Sweep from green 050
to green 120.
Sweep from green 050
to green 120, sir.
Closed up, sir!
Clear away charges,
and set one pattern, B for Bak er!
Must've been ammunition.
Didn't know much about it anyhow.
It's the best way to die
if you've got to.
- 'Wheel at midships, sir? '
- Starboard 20.
'Starboard 20, sir. '
- Bridge, depth charge!
- Ferraby, sir!
'We're going to drop a boat sub.
Who's your leading hand? '
Tonbridge, sir!
Tell him to tak e four men from the
pom-pom, and pull towards that ship.
Tell him to stay clear until she goes
under. Then pick up survivors.
'We'll come back for him after
we've had a look for the U-boat. '
- 'Sir! '
- Quick as you can!
Aye-aye, sir!
Tonbridge! Boat's crew! Four men!
- She's going.
- Oars!
Give way together.
What's that filthy stink?
The oil fuel, chum.
Quiet there!
Easy, all.
Oars. Hold water starboard.
Grab hold of the oar, mate.
Bear a hand! Get a rope around him!
It's all right, mate. We've got you.
It's all right, mate.
Reck on so, sir.
It's the oil in his lungs.
This one's got a bad gash.
Should be sewn up.
It's all right, old chap.
Get me a sterile needle.
- Good morning, sir.
- Morning, N umber One.
You look as though you've been busy.
What's the score down there?
Two dead. One more to go, I think.
11 others, they'll be all right.
How about things up here?
We lost another ship
over on the other side of the convoy.
Quite a night. Do you want
to turn in, sir? I can finish this watch.
No, no. You get some sleep.
I'll wait for Ferraby and Morell.
- Tonbridge did well.
- Yes.
So did you, Number One.
No, it was pretty rough most of it.
I must find out more
about dressing wounds.
It's going to come in handy
if this goes on.
I don't see why it shouldn't.
No reason at all,
as far as I can see.
'We sailed on 11 convoys that year.
'And all the time
the enemy grew stronger.
'lt was lik e a stain
spreading over the sea,
'poisoning it mile by mile.
'For us, the Battle of the Atlantic
was becoming a private war.
'lf you were in it,
you knew all about it.
'You knew how to k eep watch
on filthy nights,
'and how to go without sleep,
how to bury the dead,
'and how to die
without wasting anyone's time. '
'You learned, as well,
how to look forward
'to the occasional blessing
of a refit. '
Bob! How long have you got?
Week end?
Not this time. Spot of real leave.
Refitting in our home port!
What a bit of luck!
I'm sorry. Brought a friend, Glad.
This is Chief ERA Watts.
Same ship. Jim, my sister.
Pleased to meet you.
Have you had your tea?
When I can get your cooking
by crossing the river? Not lik ely!
Get on with you! The kitchen's not
fit to be seen. Come on in the front.
I don't hardly use it now
because of the black out.
I can't be bothered
to fix up the curtains!
- Sit you down, sit you down.
- Come on, Jim.
What's this about a refit, Bob?
I thought you had to be there.
No, this is different.
Some radio gadget they're putting on.
Radio? But you don't need
a refit for that, do you?
You should see the gear
those professors have got.
It's very hush-hush, Miss Tallow.
Bob, you haven't
introduced us properly.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's Mrs Arthur Bell, Jim.
Only poor old Arthur's dead,
so I'd call her Glad, the same as I do.
He's a widower, Jim is. Always
talking about settling down again.
That's enough of that, Bob!
Doesn't care what he says, Mr Watts.
Always cheeky!
How was the trip?
- Enough said.
- I expect you could do with a rest.
We could do with a pint.
Anything in the larder?
You know where to find it.
Close all watertight doors,
and prepare to tak e in tow!
What about submarines?
I reckon we're the submarines
most of the time, Mrs Bell.
Never seem to get our heads
above water for days on end.
Go on with you, Mr Watts!
You're as bad as Bob!
Here we are! All ripe and lovely!
Oh! There's nothing hush-hush
about you, is there?
Well, I think, if you don't mind,
I'll join you.
'The summer came again.
'The summer of 1941.
'Lockhart was confirmed
as my number one,
'and another officer, Bak er, joined
the ship to bring us up to strength.
'lt was then that we went
on the Gibraltar run. '
- That one's Viperous, isn't it?
- Should be, sir.
If she changes station,
let the bridge know.
Aye-aye, sir.
They used to charge a guinea a day
for this before the war.
Gibraltar and back 11 all in.
Yeah, but only an inside cabin
for that price.
I wish it wasn't so clear. This sort
of weather's no good to our side.
'Masthead, bridge.
Sound of aircraft to port, sir. '
Action stations.
- Coxswain at the wheel, sir.
- There it is!
'Depth charge crew closed up!
Looks lik e
a Fock e-Wulf reconnaissance!
- On target.
- Out of range. It's circling.
Signal from Viperous, sir!
"To all escorts, close up!"
- Full ahead.
- 'Full ahead, sir. '
It's too easy.
All he's got to do is to fly round
in circles just out of range,
sending out our position
and changes of course.
And every U-boat within 100 miles
steers straight for us.
No echo, sir.
Bridge, sir. No contact.
Port ten.
Signal from Admiralty.
I mmediate, sir.
"There are indications
of five U-boats in your area
"with others joining."
It's nice of 'em to let us know!
Another one going, sir.
- Be all right for swimming, eh?
- Sure.
But you won't be doing
any more swimming on this trip.
You're dead right there.
If anything happens to this lot,
we're snug in our coffin already.
Mak e to Viperous.
"Have 68 survivors aboard,
"including additions
from Fort James, Eriskay,
"and Bulstrode Manor sunk last night.
"An amended..."
What is it, Bak er?
Another immediate
from Admiralty, sir.
"There are now estimated
to be nine U-boats in your area."
- We must be popular.
- Yes, sir.
We can't stop. They'd see us
ten miles away in this light.
Stop engine!
Stand by to get
those survivors in board.
We won't lower a boat.
Scrambling net.
- They can see us easily enough.
- Aye-aye, sir.
We don't want to waste any time,
Number One.
If we don't buy it now, Jerry
doesn't deserve to win the war.
Come on! Come on!
Bless you for stopping!
Full ahead!
- Will you have one?
- Non, merci.
- Morning.
- Morning.
From the Admiralty.
"There are now estimated
to be 11 U-boats in your area.
"Destroyers Lancelot and Liberal
will join escort at approximately 0600."
I say, two L-class destroyers!
That's grand! They're terrific ships!
They'd better be terrific.
11 U-boats works out at one
to each ship left in the convoy.
I very much doubt
whether their lordships intended
such a nice balance of forces.
Getting rattled, John?
Whatever we do, those U-boats
seem to get through every time.
We've lost almost half our convoy
and an escort,
and we're still two days away
from Gibraltar.
It's an odd thing to think
that even if nothing else happens,
this is probably the worse convoy
in the history of sea warfare.
- Something to tell grandchildren.
- Yes, indeed.
If you can guarantee
I will have grandchildren,
I shall recover my spirits immediately.
How can he guarantee
you have grandchildren?
If they're as stupid as you are,
I hope I don't have any!
Oh, I say!
Destroyer reinforcements, sir.
Liberal and Lancelot.
Proper show-off!
All very well for them to dash about
lik e grand new bints
on Chatham High Street,
but they haven't had
the last week along of this lot.
- Starboard 20. Full ahead.
- 'Starboard 20, sir. '
- Sweep from 220 to 280.
- Sweep from 220 to 280, sir.
- Midships?
- 'Midships, sir. '
- Steer 190.
- 'Steer 190, sir. '
Echo. Bearing 225, sir.
- 'Echo. Bearing 225... '
- Starboard ten!
Starboard ten, sir.
- Steer 220.
- 'Steer 220, sir. '
- Cut left! Cut left!
- Cut left, sir!
That's it!
Target moving left fast, sir.
- Bearing 200, sir.
- Bearing 200. Range 800.
Port ten.
What's it look lik e, Number One?
Submarine, sir.
Can't be anything else.
'Bearing 195. Range 600.'
- Steer 190.
- 'Steer 190, sir. '
Course 190, sir.
- What's it look lik e now?
- Clear and solid, sir.
Slight doppler. Must be a U-boat.
- Still moving left?
- 'Yes. '
There are some men in the water
just about there.
'Bearing 193.
Range 400.'
- What's it look lik e now?
- 'Just the same.
'lt's the firmest contact
we've ever had. '
There are some chaps in the water.
Well, that's a U-boat
just underneath them.
'Bearing 191. Range 300.'
- Attacking! Stand by!
- Stand by!
Range 200.
Range 100.
Instantaneous echo, sir.
Fire one!
Bloody murderer!
Starboard 20. Slow ahead.
- 'Lost contact, sir. '
- Carry out lost-contact procedure.
Come in.
- Who...?
- Good evening, Captain.
We came back
to thank you for our lives.
Oh. I didn't recognise you.
Ashore we bought clothes.
Captain Richer. Captain Joslevsky.
- I am Mathieson. Norwegian.
- Oh...
Well, come in and have a drink.
- Thank you, no.
- Thank you, yes!
I wish to drink with this brave man
who stopped his ship
and gave me my life.
And me. Me, I have the same wish.
Much stronger.
And for my wife, too.
And my three children.
Oh. That's fine.
We know that you have much
to think about.
Yes. I have been thinking.
Are you sad?
Yes, I am pretty sad.
The men in the water?
- Yes.
- The men you had to kill?
The men I had to kill.
It was necessary.
Yes, it is war.
There is no blame.
There may be thoughts.
There will be thoughts.
And for thoughts there is gin.
- Sk ol.
- Sk ol.
Are you all right, sir?
No. I don't mind telling you.
I'm not.
You've got to forget all about it.
There's no good worrying about it.
You can't change anything.
There was a submarine there.
And I'm sure of it.
It's where a submarine
making an attack would have been.
And if it was a submarine,
how many more men and ships
would it have killed?
I had to do it.
Anyway, it's all in the report.
It was my fault.
I identified it as a submarine.
If anyone murdered those men, I did.
No one murdered them.
It's the war.
The whole bloody war.
We've just got to do these things.
And say our prayers at the end.
Have you been drinking,
Number One?
Yes, sir. Yes, I have.
And so have I.
First time out of home port
since we commissioned.
Good night.
Good night, sir.
Sir, you... You'd better get to bed.
You've just about had it,
haven't you?
Well, I can't get you to bed,
my dear and revered captain,
but I can at least snug you down
for the night.
You're going to have quite a hangover
when you wak e up.
Bless your heart!
There we are.
Get your legs out straight.
That's the best I can do for you.
I wish it could be more.
Good night.
I didn't think Gib
was such a bad place.
Do you know
what a chap there said to me?
- What?
- I said we'd been escorting AG93.
He said anyone sailed in that convoy
ought to be dead or round the bend.
- Well, he could see you weren't dead.
- I'm not round the bend!
Aren't you supposed to be doing
casualty drill on the two pounder?
Oh, yes, sir, but... Aye-aye, sir.
- Captain, sir?
- Well, Chief, what is it?
I've got a coupling
breaking loose down aft.
Brok en bolt by the look of it.
I'd like to stop and secure it, sir.
You mean you want me
to slow down?
If we k eep the shaft turning at all,
it's liable to crack up.
I can't tak e the coupling out
to replace it unless we stop engines.
It's one of those awkward corners.
The after-coupling
right up inside the gland space.
- All right. Be as quick as you can.
- I'll be that, sir.
- Stop engines.
- Stop engines.
I wonder if the hole is damaged.
- Suck it and see.
- Cut that out!
Get a spanner, a flogging hammer
and a blowlamp.
I'm going up
to report to the captain.
Viperous is coming back, sir.
"What is the state of repairs?"
Mak e, "Trouble located,
"but estimate repairs
will tak e several hours yet."
- We'd better dark en ship now.
- Aye-aye, sir.
Have the boat slung out
ready for lowering.
- Raft lashings cast off too, sir?
- Yes.
Reply, sir. "I'm afraid I cannot
spare you an escort for the night."
Mak e, "That's quite all right.
We'll sleep ourselves."
Number One, impress on everybody,
we mustn't have any noise.
No banging about. It could be heard
miles away on a night lik e this.
- Aye-aye, sir.
- We may as well darken caps, too.
Yes, sir.
Reply, sir. "I must leave you
to your virtuous couch.
"Good night, fair maiden.
"Best of luck."
If anyone else mak es a noise,
I'll have his guts for a necktie.
Look, go down and see what's...
Tell him to stop the hammering,
or muffle it somehow.
- Tell him a torpedo will hit him first!
- Sir.
Come to see the fun, sir?
It won't be long now.
Fine, Chief. But the captain's
a little worried about the noise.
Could you do anything
to tone it down a bit?
Pretty well finished now, sir.
We're flogging up the knots.
- Did you hear the hammering up top?
- Hear it?
There were U-boats popping up miles
around complaining about the rack et!
- Any sign of a submarines, sir?
- Nothing so far.
If they don't get us now,
they never will.
Is that a promise, Chief?
- Ready to move, sir.
- Well done, Chief.
ring stand by main engine.
'Stand by main engine, sir. '
Bridge, sir.
- Yes?
- 'We have the convoy on the radar. '
Oh, good. How long
before we're in visual touch?
- 'About three hours, sir. '
- Right. Let me know.
- Radar. Bridge.
- 'Bridge. '
'I'm getting a small echo
astern of the convoy, sir.
'Can you see it
on the bridge repeater? '
I've got it. What do you mak e of it?
'lt's hard to tell, sir. '
It's small, but it's there all the time,
k eeping pace with the convoy.
Could it be a back-echo
off one of the ships?
I don't think so, sir.
The angle's wrong for a start.
- Well, a straggler, then.
- 'lt's a bit small for a ship, sir.
'Do you see the ship
right out to starboard?
'Probably one of the escorts.
That's a lot bigger. '
Keep your eye on it.
Bridge, sir. Bridge, sir!
Bearing 330.
That mak es it about ten miles
astern of the convoy, sir.
- Nothing wrong with the set?
- No. The set's on the top line.
- Ever had an echo lik e this before?
- Not exactly, sir.
It's about the size you get
from a small boat at that range.
- A trawler?
- Smaller than that, sir.
Sound action stations!
Full ahead!
Report your target.
Bearing 345. Range 9,000, sir.
- Morell!
- Sir!
There's a U-boat on the surface,
dead ahead!
- Stand to!
- She's out of range at the moment.
But I want to get in shots
before she dives,
if we can get near enough.
I can see it, sir.
Should we send a sighting report?
Yes. Tak e this down.
"To Admiralty, repeated Viperous.
"Submarine on surface.
Ten miles astern. Convoy TG 104.
"Course 345. Speed five knots.
"I'm engaging."
Crank it on, engine room!
There's a U-boat on the surface!
- Number One, there is a U-boat...
- I heard, sir.
Too far away for me at the moment.
Oh. So we shall need
that box of tricks of yours.
Stand by for the quick est crash dive
in history when they see us!
Range 8,500.
He's behaving according to the book.
Trailing with convoy,
waiting for darkness.
Range 8,000.
He must see us in a moment.
- I think I could reach him now!
- Four-inch gun, bridge!
- Yes?
- 'I could reach him now. '
Home! Out!
Home! Out!
She's venting her tanks.
She's diving, Morell!
- Sweep from red 20 to zero.
- Sweep from red 20 to zero, sir.
She's down, N umber One.
- Echo, sir.
- In contact, sir.
- Target moving quickly right, sir.
- Target moving quickly right.
- Watch it now.
- Aye-aye, sir.
- Starboard 15.
- 'Starboard 15, sir. '
Come down to 80 revolutions.
Setting B for Bak er. Stand by.
Bak er set.
You're losing her! Keep on her!
Range 300.
Range 200.
Range 100.
Instantaneous echo, sir.
Fire one!
- Hard a' port. Slow ahead.
- 'Hard a' port, sir.
'Wheels hard a' port, sir. '
- We must have got her!
- We haven't finished yet!
Sweep 60 degrees across the stern.
Sweep 60 degrees across.
- There she is, sir!
- I n contact, sir!
Half ahead.
- In.
- Lower.
- Midships.
- 'Midships, sir. '
Target stationary.
- Stand by.
- 'Stand by. '
Target still stationary, sir.
Instantaneous echo, sir.
Any minute now.
Oil. Oil, sir!
Yeoman... immediate to Admiralty,
repeated Viperous.
Oh, well, thank goodness that's over.
I thought they were going
to stay to tea, as well.
- Any coffee left?
- Here we are, sir.
We have to have a wardroom party
to complete the celebrations.
Captain Dee says the admiral's
very k een on parties.
- Tomorrow night, sir?
- Oh, no. Day after, I should think.
You'd better draw up
a list of invitations, Morell.
Phone call for you, sir.
Mrs Ericson.
Oh, right. Thank you.
My wife will be here by then.
Put her down.
- What about yours?
- I'm afraid she's in a show.
Then I must cast an eye around.
I've got to go to the signal's office.
I'll do that today, sub.
I want some fresh air.
In Liverpool?
Did you know about
the commissioned lovely in Ops?
- The commissioned who?
- Commissioned lovely.
That Wren officer. She's got everyone
in the ops room in knots!
I don't think it's a Wren
who is responsible for that.
What were you doing in ops room?
The signal section's miles away.
- Just k eeping in touch, sir.
- Hm.
Well, as it happens,
I shall be seeing your prize Wren.
I'm going to ops room
to find out who's winning the war.
You can cough as much as you lik e.
I've got leeway to make up.
Yes... Yes.
I see. Send it to me, please.
If it's not illegal,
I wanted to have a look at the plot
to see what's been going on
in Western Approaches.
I can't let you do that. There's
a security ban on the whole thing.
I know, but we've been
on the Gibraltar run.
I wanted to catch up
on our old beat.
- What ship are you?
- Compass Rose.
Oh, yes. You've just got a U-boat.
Does that increase my chances
of seeing the plot?
I think it guarantees it.
I'll tak e you along.
- Date's all right for the admiral?
- Oh, yes, sir.
We seem to know
an awful lot of people.
- Who's Second Officer Hallam?
- A glamour pants from Ops.
- A what?
- A Wren from operations, sir.
The first lieutenant ask ed her.
- Pretty?
- A smasher, sir.
I hope you're not weak ening,
Number One.
Not a bit, sir. We ought to have
as many people as possible from base.
They've been very good to us.
- Is Hallam in that category?
- She hasn't been good to me!
- Look, here!
- I thought you'd be glad to know!
Oh, Keith!
Keith, I-I want you to meet my wife.
- Darling, this is Keith Lockhart.
- How do you do, Mrs Ferraby.
I've been looking forward
to meeting you.
Gordon's told me all about you.
He and I are pretty well
the oldest inhabitants now!
I must look after the admiral.
- Oh, yes, of course.
- See you later.
I was on an American destroyer,
and there was only Coca-Cola!
Thanks, Lockhart. Good party!
Excuse me.
Sorry I'm late. One of our
Liberty men fell in the drink.
- What will you have?
- Anything.
I say, who's that incredibly
good-looking girl over there?
- I'll get you a glass.
- That's all right. I'll help myself.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry. Thank you.
As your escort,
I haven't done terribly well, have I?
You've been doing your job
as a good first lieutenant.
- But I'm afraid I must go now.
- Oh. Can't I see you home?
I say, Number One,
the admiral hasn't got a drink.
Oh. Right, sir.
Rather looks as if you'll be
seeing the admiral home!
Yes, it does. Will you have
dinner with me tomorrow?
Yes, all right.
Give me a ring at the office.
Thank you for the party.
Excuse me, please.
- All right, Jim. There's your tot.
- Oh, well.
560 cans of old Mother Jamieson's
farmhouse sausages.
If they give us any more, I'll throw it
over the side before their eyes!
I reck on I get spoiled
on old Glad's cooking.
Yeah. It's wonderful
what she does with the rations.
Mm. Well, only two more days.
I told her to have
a hotpot ready for us.
- Bob...
- Mm-hm?
- I've got something to say.
- What's that?
Well... No beating about the bush.
You see, she and I...
Well, that is...
I'm thinking of getting fixed up
after the war.
With Glad? That's fine, J im!
The best thing that could happen
for her, and for you, too!
You've asked her, eh?
Well, sort of.
We have an understanding, like.
- There's only one thing.
- What?
She's worried about you. She's been
housek eeping for a long time.
Oh, forget it! I might get
married myself one of these days!
Now, you go ahead, Jim.
Just name the day,
and I'll dance at your wedding!
What's it lik e, sir?
Not too good. It looks as if they've
been raided several times.
- Number One...
- Sir?
They'll be a lot of applications
for special leave.
Cancel ordinary leave
and give it to ratings
with homes or relatives ashore.
Aye-aye, sir.
Any news, Bob?
No. I tried to phone the pub.
The line's out of order.
I'm going ashore to see.
- I'd lik e to come with you.
- Yes, Jim. Of course. Come along.
Look out, lads! The Navy's here!
Just in time for a cup of tea!
Always glad to see the Navy!
Name of Tallow.
29, Dock Road. What happened?
Mr Tallow, yes.
That was your house, wasn't it?
A direct hit. I'm very sorry.
Very sorry, indeed.
I reported it
to the Town Hall, of course.
Yes, here we are.
There was only one casualty.
Mrs Bell.
Didn't they notify you?
We've been at sea.
Was she dead?
Yes, I'm afraid so.
If there's any help we can give...
- When was the funeral?
- Two days ago.
There was 21 altogether.
All from Dock Road.
It was a bad night, you see.
The mayor and cooperation attended.
Everything was properly done.
She can't have known anything,
Mr Tallow.
It was all over in a second.
She can't have suffered at all.
No. I see that.
It's a sort of... comfort.
Yes. Thank you.
I'll come back in a day or two.
Well, that's that.
- Got everything?
- Think so.
I can't pretend I've made a good job
of it as you would've done.
Nonsense, darling! That's a fallacy.
Men can pack just as well as women,
if you're anything to go by.
Mm, lovely!
There's no one can mix a Martini
like you do!
- Let me shak e you another.
- Not for me. I'm late already.
What are you going to do
till it's time for your train?
Oh, get something to eat,
I suppose.
Try that place in Clarges Street.
They're open on Sundays.
Can't you put this chap off? If you
told him it was my last evening...
Darling, you know I would if I could,
but this is business.
He's a top producer, and considering
me for a part in his new show.
Well, couldn't he consider you
over lunch on a weekday?
Oh, John, really. Must you try to spoil
the end of your leave for me?
- Sorry, darling...
- I'm going to be terribly late.
- I'll phone for a taxi.
- There's a hire car waiting for me.
Goodbye, darling.
- Bye, darling.
- Have a nice trip.
Heavens, I look a sight!
Let me know
when you're on leave again.
- Yes, I...
- Bye, darling!
I will.
'Elaine. Haven't you got
rid of that clot of a husband yet?
'We're all waiting
to go off to dinner.
'Hello? Hello, Elaine?
'I say, turn that damn thing off!
I can't hear a word!
'Oh, that's better. Hello? Hello! '
You know, I'm the man
who always thought that in war
it was better to be on your own
than have nothing to lose.
You still do think it a bit,
don't you?
A bit.
Next time I'm back,
let's get away into the country.
Forget about the war.
- Darling, I have some bad news.
- What?
I'm being moved away.
- Where to?
- I don't know.
It may be quite a time
before we can see each other again.
- Can't be helped.
- No.
In fact, I suppose
it's just as well, really.
What do you mean?
I would have ended up
by asking you to marry me,
or something foolish lik e that.
What's so foolish about marriage?
It's a mistak e to start thinking
about permanent things in wartime.
I don't know.
Do you think so?
Yes. Yes, I do.
It's time I was in.
Hands to station for leaving harbour!
Special sea-duty men close up!
How are we doing, Number One?
About 15 miles astern
of the convoy, sir.
Oh. Well, I'd lik e to catch up
before midnight if we can.
- So keep her cracking on.
- Aye-aye, sir.
We always seem to be getting
these diversion jobs nowadays.
- Sort of compliment, I suppose.
- Pretty cold one. Cold night, too.
Cocoa's just coming up, sir.
- Yeoman!
- Sir!
Call Viperous on RT. Plain language.
Say, "Torpedoed
15 miles astern of you."
Clear away boats and rafts!
But wait for the word!
'Help! Somebody help me! '
It's no good! The RT's smashed, sir!
She's going down!
- Engine room?
- Sir?
Leave it and come up!
Up you go, lads! We're finished here!
- Is he going down?
- Not with me on board. Jump to it.
My life belt! I left my life belt!
Heave, heave, heave!
It's no good, sir!
She's fast! It's the list!
The raft, then. Clear out the rafts!
Come on!
Who's that?
Wainwright, sir.
I'm ditching the primers.
Oh, yes, of course.
Don't want to tak e this lot
down with us all alive.
- Ditch the confidential books?
- Yes, throw them over!
- Coxswain!
- Sir!
Pipe "abandon ship"!
Aye-aye, sir! Abandon ship!
Abandon ship!
- It's the skipper!
- What's the chances, sir?
Abandon ship!
Time to go, lads.
Good luck to you all.
I'm off!
Come on! J ump!
Come on! This way!
Raft here! Come on!
Come on, mate! This way!
Go on! J ump!
The rafts! The rafts!
Make for the rafts, boys!
She's going!
Oh, God! Don't let me go!
Let me get hold!
Let me get hold!
I haven't got a life belt!
You ought to have your life belt.
Don't you know your standing orders?
Bloody coxswain!
Can't he ever give us a break?
Coxswain! Coxswain!
It's all right, sir!
I'll mak e for the other raft!
"Our Father, which art
in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
"Thy kingdom come,
"thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
"Give us this day our daily bread.
"Forgive us our trespasses,
"as we forgive them
that trespass against us."
Signal from convoy PK20.
One of the escorts has been sunk
in her diversion position,
15 miles astern of the convoy.
- What ship?
- Compass Rose.
Pity. She was a good one.
- Have they any chance?
- If they can stay alive.
Viperous won't leave the convoy
to look for them before daylight.
Do you know somebody in her?
Yes, I do.
Oh. Bad luck.
'Bob! How long have you got?
Have you had your tea? '
'With Glad?
That's fine, J im!
'J ust name the day,
and I'll dance at your wedding! '
'Hello, Elaine, darling.
'Haven't you got rid
of that clot of a husband yet?
'We're all waiting to go out... '
Shortie, what's the matter with you?
Oh, stop it, will you?
Can't you see he's finished?
I've just been talking to him.
- That was an hour ago.
- Wilson's dead, sir.
- Sure?
- Yes, sir. Stone-cold.
Put him over, then.
- Who's going up next?
- There's only you and Rose, sir.
Rose? Rose!
All right.
Ferraby! Wak e up!
Wake up, damn you!
I'm tired, Number One!
You're not going to sleep!
And that goes for the rest of you!
Nobody's going to sleep!
Come on, you lazy bastards!
Wak e up!
Wak e up!
That's if you want to live!
Come on! I'll mak e you move about!
- Turn it up!
- Go and drown yourself!
I'll drown the lot of you,
if you don't wak e your ideas up!
Now, come on! Sing!
U nder the spreading chestnut tree
When I tak e you on my knee
Oh, how happy I shall be
U nder the spreading chestnut tree
Come on, Gracey! Lend a hand!
If we go to sleep, we've had it!
If we can stay awak e till morning,
we've got a chance!
Come on! Sing!
U nder the spreading chestnut tree
When I tak e you on my knee
Oh, how happy I shall be
U nder the spreading chestnut tree
And again.
No going to sleep there!
Come on!
Let's go and look at the other lot!
The sun'll be out soon!
That's right. Now, paddle.
Gordon! Gordon, buck up!
I'll be all right, Keith.
If only Number One would let me
have my wife up to Glasgow.
He turned it down, you know.
We can't get rid of him!
We can't! We can't!
Carry on, lads.
All right. Next question.
What's a bar shoe?
Anyone know?
Come on! Wak e up!
A thing for towing paravanes from.
Right. All applaud.
Clap! Clap! Harder!
Do you hear that?
They're awak e, anyway.
Hello, Number One.
Hello, sir.
- Hi! Waiter!
- Yes, sir.
- Hi! Waiter!
- Yes, at once.
Oh, just a moment.
I'm afraid that water's a bit dusty.
I'll have it changed
immediately, sir.
I'm so sorry.
It's the war, I'm afraid.
Oh, dear. In that case,
I don't want to mak e too much of it.
No, sir. Thank you, sir.
- Bring me another large pink gin.
- Yes. Certainly, sir.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Sir, congratulations.
Oh. Thanks.
May I tak e this? Thank you.
I've ordered you a large pink gin.
Well, that'll do for a start. Thanks.
- Did you see Ferraby?
- Yes.
I'm afraid he'll be in hospital
a very long time.
I talk ed to the MO.
It's a complete break down all right.
Did you go and see Morell's wife?
- I've just come from her flat.
- How was she?
She was in bed.
Oh. Was she taking it badly?
I think she was taking it very well.
I wasn't the only visitor.
Damn the war.
- I was at the Admiralty yesterday...
- There, sir.
- Water, sir?
- Yes.
- Thanks.
- Thank you, sir.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Now, then. They are giving me
a Castle-class Frigate.
That's the very latest type of escort.
They've also given me this,
and put me in charge
of an escort group.
And they're giving you
a half stripe.
Good heavens!
Lieutenant commander!
What will they do next?
But there is a snag.
I shall be senior officer of the group.
So they've agreed I can have
a lieutenant commander as N umber One.
They said I could have you.
I said I didn't know.
You'd better be clear about this.
You could have your own
command now, if you wanted it.
A corvette.
But if you stay with me,
you may miss getting your own ship.
I'd lik e to have you, of course.
But you'll have
to make up your own mind.
That's... up to you.
Tell me about our new ship, sir.
Saltash. I can't say I've ever heard
of a castle of that name.
Neither have I.
I couldn't even find it on the map.
Well, it's on the map now.
Lik e a block of flats, isn't she?
- I wonder what that thing is there.
- Goodness knows.
We ought to get a set of plans
and go over the layout.
There's a set in the dock office.
Shall I get them?
Oh, yes. Do that, will you?
'Yeoman! Get Viperous on RT.
"Torpedoed 15 miles astern of you!"'
'Aye-aye, sir! '
'Clear away boats and rafts
but wait for the word! '
'She's going down! '
'Abandon ship!
Abandon ship! Abandon ship! '
- Here we are, sir.
- Oh, right, Number One.
Well, let's get on with it.
We've a lot of work to do.
You must be very fond of Ericson.
I feel I want to finish the war
with him and with no one else.
David and Jonathan.
- Does it sound silly?
- No.
But women don't often have
that relationship.
If they do, it's not usually
about something important.
Lik e running a ship
or fighting a war.
It's about the only personal
relationship war allows you.
- You've got very thin.
- That was Compass Rose mostly.
You know, when you lose a ship,
it's like losing a bit of yourself.
And the funny thing is
you don't realise it at once.
At first, it's just a bad dream.
When I was in London on leave,
I went to one of these concerts
at the National Gallery.
Suddenly I found that I was crying.
Couldn't stop.
People began to look at me and I...
And I had to go out.
Then after a while,
I... I felt better,
and I found that I could think
of Compass Rose,
and the men who died in her.
And the sadness and the waste of it.
And not want to cry any more.
Secrets of a first lieutenant,
or why I went home to mum.
You don't have to apologise
for being a human being.
Somebody had to cry
for Compass Rose.
Why shouldn't it have been you?
We'll be off again
in no time at all now.
Julie, Julie, am I wrong?
Is it better to have
something to lose?
It's better still
to have something to live for.
Yes. I seem to have got things
a little muddled, don't I?
A little.
- Tak e care of yourself, won't you?
- Great care. I always do.
I mean it.
You see, I know where you're going.
'And so we went to war again.
'And to the bitterest sector of it.
The convoy routes to north Russia. '
'Homeward bound from Murmansk,
'we had bad weather,
'and as long as that lasted,
we were safe from attack. '
'Then the weather moderated. '
'I n contact, sir. '
Altering course to bearing. Port ten.
- Instantaneous echo, sir.
- Fire!
- Lost contact, sir.
- Lost contact, sir.
Oil, sir!
Well, that's settled that one's hash!
No wreckage, no woodwork. Just oil.
She could have released
that oil on purpose.
Yeoman, mak e to Petal,
"Continue search in your area."
Number One,
carry out lost contact procedure.
I am going on with the attack.
End of sweep, sir.
Nothing on the recorder.
Very well. Carry on.
Sweep from red 80
to green 80 by echo.
Transmission interval, 2, 500 yards.
2,500 yards, sir.
No contact, sir.
Carry on.
- Carry on the sweep.
- Carry on the sweep, sir.
She could have been sunk.
I wish to heaven you'd mind your
business and get on with your job!
Number One.
- Sir?
- Sorry I said that.
That's all right, sir.
I don't think she was sunk.
Not enough evidence for it.
No, sir.
- Steer 060.
- 'Steer 060, sir. '
It's getting to be a different
kind of war, Number One.
And the people in it
have got different, too.
In what way do you mean, sir?
Oh, at the beginning there was time
for all sorts of things.
Understanding people.
Making allowances for them.
Wondering whether they were happy.
Even whether they lik ed you or not.
Now, the war doesn't seem
to be a matter of feelings any more.
All that finished with Compass Rose.
Now it's just a matter
of killing the enemy.
I suppose you think that's all wrong.
And that a man would never allow
himself to be dehumanised by war.
Yes, sir.
I thought you were made
of sterner stuff.
No ties with the shore
and all that sort of thing.
So did I.
But it's a difficult question,
isn't it, sir?
After the war, I'll be as sweet
as you like to everybody.
Including you.
Right now, I'm going back
on the square search again.
We'll k eep at action stations,
Number One.
Aye-aye, sir.
Normal sweep.
We're doing a box search again.
Normal sweep, sir.
- Don't mak e that filthy noise!
- Hollow tooth, sir.
Get on with your work!
We better have another brew of cocoa.
- Aye-aye, sir.
- Right.
Nothing on the recorder, sir.
- What about it?
- Nothing, sir. A routine report.
- It's the end of another sweep.
- What do you mean "another sweep"?
- Sorry, sir.
- Now, look here, N umber...!
All right. Carry on.
Time you had some sleep, sir.
Yes, I know, doc.
But I've got to stay on that bridge.
Can you fix me up with something?
- Is it necessary?
- Don't you start!
There's a U-boat here.
I know damn well there is,
and I'm going to get her.
I want something to k eep me awak e
while I'm doing it.
I'll give you a couple of pills.
You'll feel like a spring lamb
for about 24 hours.
After that,
you'll go out lik e a light,
and wak e up with a hangover.
Is that all?
H m, probably.
But it isn't a thing to play with.
I wasn't intending
to mak e a habit of it.
This is a special occasion.
'Bridge, sir. '
- Yes?
- 'Petal's got a contact. '
Thanks, doc!
In theory, you ought to lie down
for ten minutes!
- What revs are we doing?
- 120, sir.
- Starboard 15.
- Starboard 15.
- Attacking. Full ahead.
- Full ahead.
'Full ahead, sir. '
- Midships?
- 'Midships, sir. '
In contact, sir. Bearing 190.
- 400 yards.
- Echo high.
- Steer 190.
- 'Steer 190, sir. '
100 yards.
- Instantaneous echo, sir.
- Fire!
- Port 20. Slow ahead.
- Port 20. Slow ahead.
'Port 20. Slow ahead, sir. '
Hard a' port.
Open fire!
Cease firing!
Stand by scrambling nets.
Depth charge crew,
stand by scrambling nets.
- Well, no mistak e about that.
- No.
Sorry, sir.
Oh, that's all right, Number One.
I was beginning
to get doubtful myself.
The only thing I'm sorry about
is the doctor talk ed me
into taking some damn pill!
- Stop engine.
- Stop engine.
Number One, this is quite a moment.
We've never seen the enemy before.
They don't look very different
from us, do they?
All right, mate. All right.
I gotcha. All right.
'When you are very tired,
even the moment of triumph
'seems no more
than part of the same bad dream.
'That was the last U-boat we sank.
'But it wasn't
the last U-boat we saw. '
Stop operating.
Switch off the set and fall out.
'This was 1945.
'The U-boats had had their battle.
'Though for all the good
it had done them,
'they might have
saved themselves the trouble,
'and spared many fine ships
and good men. '
I wonder how far we've steamed.
I added it up for Compass Rose.
98,000 miles.
I never did for this ship.
Seemed unlucky.
I wish some of the others could
have seen this. Morell, Ferraby.
Yes, they deserved it.
Tallow, Watts, Wells... Young Bak er.
- Who was Wells?
- The yeoman in Compass Rose.
Oh, yes.
Now, is the time you miss them.
You didn't get any medals,
Number One.
I did do my best for you.
I can bear it.
No, you deserve something.
I've got something
to look forward to.
Coming onto the bearing now, sir.
- Stop engine.
- 'Stop engine, sir. '
'Telegraph at stop, sir. '
Remember we had that drink in London,
and you said you wanted
to stay with me in Saltash?
Yes. That was one
of my better decisions.
One of your best,
as far as I'm concerned.
- Stand by, sir.
- Stand by!
- Stand by.
- On, sir.
- Let go!
- Let go!
- Slow astern.
- 'Slow astern, sir. '
'Telegraph at slow astern, sir. '
And we only sank two U-boats.
- Stop engine.
- 'Stop engine, sir. '
Two in five years.
- It seemed a lot at the time.
- Yes.
Got a cable, sir.
Finished with main engine.
'Finished with main engine, sir. '