The Crush (1993)

I was wondering
if I could see the guest house.
I just got out here.
You work mostly at home?
Uh-huh. I really need
the peace and quiet.
This is so great.
I'm always in court.
My husband Cliffspends
more time in airports than at home.
We'd both feel better
ifthere was someone around.
[Piano Playing]
I'll take it.
Great. It's a little
run-down on the inside,
but there's plenty ofspare furniture
in the garage.
Help yourselfto anything you'd like.
[Piano Plays]
That's my daughter, Adrian.
Oh, I think we met...
out front on the street.
She seemed very, uh...
Headstrong is what I call it,
but I'm sure you two
will get along fiine.
=Just like a toy =
= I was waitin' foryou =
= But you never came =
= And I found myselfalone... =
Get down.
What's the big deal?
My parents rented out
the guest house to some guy.
Check him out.
Ifyou're not back
in fiive minutes,
I'll radio for air support.
= I waited foryou =
= But you never came =
= On the way back to my house =
= I had to hesitate =
Who goes there?
Identify yourself.
Friend or foe?
= Some time today... =
You got a name?
Oh, Injun, huh?
Hippie parents.
= Should I speak =
= When I saw that man? =
= I think I saw that face =
= I would like to give you more =
= I heard that's what
we're all here for ==
Well, he's okay.
Kind ofcool.
Hi. I'm Nick Eliot.
I'm here to see Michael.
Nick Eliot?
You're late.
It's not even 8:30.
Monday meeting starts at 8:1 5.
What I'm concerned about
is the focus on this.
Go on.
You've got to do it.
Oh, okay,
what are you working on right now?
Oh, I'm still
researching the article.
New here?
I can tell.
All right.
Let's get down to business.
Tanya Terrel on the cover.
Ifshe wants to expose herself,
I'll oblige her.
I need more pictures,
but keep the text under 1 ,000 words.
The Senate arms deal is dead.
The weeklies are beating it to death.
Now, Nicholas Eliot,
Monday's staff meetings
begin at 8:1 5 precisely.
I expect everyone to be here.
Oh, ahem, my apologies.
I, uh, just got into town.
Do you really think
I don't know who you are?
Your former superiors describe you
as an excellent researcher
with fair writing skills.
You were described as a pit bull
when you're on the scent.
That's precisely why I hired you.
What do you know
about Robert Levansky?
Hejust got out ofjail
and refuses to talk to the press.
He embezzled almost $2 billion,
500 million ofwhich
remains unaccounted for.
Dig up everything you can.
Reporters have been
on that for months.
It's a black hole.
I'll expect something by Friday.
Maddik, track Eliot.
If he fiinds anything,
I want pictures.
Is he always like this?
Sometimes he's in a bad mood.
= And every day =
= Must I =
= Wait on you hand and foot? =
= On the way past, I =
= One time when you made me
feel so good... =
So how much are they paying you
to watch me?
= Ribbons in your hair... =
Just renting the guest house.
= They were never there =
=Just like a subscription... =
Why are you doing that?
Well, I'm gonna have her painted
now that I can fiinally afford it.
So, uh...
Fox hunt? Polo?
No. I'm schoolingjumpers.
I'll be the youngest in my class
to go to Nationals.
Sounds ambitious.
Yeah, well...
ifonly my ride would show,
maybe I could get to practice.
= This one will never mend =
= To show before a friend ==
Hello. Mario Analdi?
Hi. Nick Eliot.
Pique magazine.
Could you answer
a few questions for us?
You used to work
for the Levansky family,
is that right?
I think we have something.
Very attractive.
Oh, this?
Helps me think.
Come in, come in.
So what are you doing?
Ooh, pretty dry stuff, really.
You wouldn't be interested.
Try me.
Okay. ever hear
of Robert Levansky?
The arbitrage guy
who stole a lot of money.
Allegedly stole.
Uh, anyway,
I found his chauffeur.
He told me that
he regularly drove Levansky
up to a house in Knollwood.
Seems Levansky had a...
You mean a lover?
Well, yeah, yeah.
Yes, um...
It turns out this woman
flew to Geneva
six times last year.
Swiss bank accounts loaded
with the missing cash.
You sure you're only 1 4?
Almost 1 5.
Isn't it way past your bedtime?
So, um... whose pool?
That's Rockford's.
They're in Maine.
Guess they keep it
lit up for burglars.
Now, who would want
to steal a pool?
[Water Running]
[Door Closes]
[Adrian] Hi!
You know, most people knock.
I did.
You didn't hear.
Is this you?
Mm-hmm. That is me
and David Cummings.
He's one ofthe great reporters
of his generation.
At one time, he had a byline
in every paper
across the country.
He was also my grandfather.
You were so cute.
Can I have it?
It's the only one I have.
You always write on a computer?
I'd be lost without it.
Makes you wonder
how your grandfather got along.
Then again, he wasn't writing
for trendy magazines, was he?
Ha ha ha.
Will you get out of here
and let me get dressed?
I got you something.
Oh, yeah?
Open it and fiind out.
Thankyou, Adrian.
Now I'm late.
Um, you're going to come
to my parents' party
on Saturday night, aren't you?
Uh, I don't know, Adrian.
My mother invited you.
I have a lot ofwork.
It's going to be
all of Mom's boring friends.
I'll try.
Not good enough.
I said I'll try.
Now let me go.
Pretty please?
[Telephone Rings]
Hey, is that your article?
Yeah, itjust came in.
Will you two come on?
Michael's waiting.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
There's something very wrong here.
Good work, Maddik.
Hid in the rose bushes two hours
to get that money shot.
Michael, I'd like to go over that
before you read it.
One ofthe copy editors--
The article's fiine.
Get this to the art department.
We're resetting the whole issue.
You got the cover, Maddik.
You owe it to your friend here.
All right!
Thankyou, sir.
[Intercom Buzzes]
Mr. Siegal's office
isholding on linesix.
Eliot, not only is
your research excellent,
but your text is clean, concise.
You even have some style.
[Music Plays]
What the hell.
Oh, Nick,
I'm so glad you could make it.
Honey, this is Nick.
Nick, this is my husband
Cliff Forrester.
My wife speaks very highly ofyou.
How's everything out back?
Oh, well, it's great, sir.
You have a beautiful place.
You enjoy it.
Honey, look,
there are the Mortins.
I think she's had her eyes done.
Saperstein did her eyes
fiive years ago.
It's her breasts
I was wondering about.
Excuse us, Nick.
Come on.
Hang in there, Nick.
[Piano Playing]
Excuse me.
That was lovely, Adrian.
I knew you'd come.
Ifyou were 1 0 years older...
You'd what?
So how did your boss
like the article?
It was you?
You rewrote it?
Hi, Mr. Fogel!
Hello, Adrian!
How'd you get in?
It ain't Fort Knox.
Adrian, you can't do that.
It worked, though, didn't it?
Poor Nick.
You have such a terrible time
with the objective case,
and your split infiinitives
put such a stress on the adverb.
You just can't
go around doing that.
It isn't right.
I just wanted you to like me.
Ofcourse I like you.
Then take me for a ride.
Just for a little while.
There's a place
I want to show you.
I...I don't know.
Come on, I want to show you.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Yeah, it is.
Look, I'm sorry
about the article,
and I won't do it again.
Look, I know I'm not
the world's greatest writer,
but, uh, believe me,
it's hard to take being bettered
by a 1 4-year-old kid.
It's okay really.
No, it's not.
You don't know how hard it is
for me to make friends.
My parents made me skip
two grades in school.
My only friend is Cheyenne,
and it's only because...
my mom and her mom
went to college together,
so she kind of has to.
It's like everybody thinks
I'm some kind offreak or something,
like I'm crazy.
Hey, hey.
Come on.
We can be friends.
You don't have to.
I know I don't have to.
It's not a ''have to''
kind ofthing.
That's better.
Please don't be afraid of me.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
We got to go.
Come on, come on.
Good night, darling.
Good night.
I love you, Mommy.
= You can taste that =
= Ifyou want =
= Mmm =
= You can taste that =
= Ifyou want =
= Mmm =
= You can taste that ifyou want =
= You can taste that =
= Ifyou want =
= Mmm =
= You can taste that =
= Ifyou want =
= Mmm =
= You can taste that ifyou want ==
Nicholas, darling!
Oh, hi, Adrian.
This is my friend Amy.
My landlord's kid.
See ya.
My ''darling''?
= Baby, can't you see... ==
You won't believe who's here.
Oh, my God.
Michael--ha ha ha--hi.
Jeez, I--I thought you knew
it was a barbecue.
I wanted to tell you personally.
I've been on the phone
with the lawyers.
Robert Levansky wants
to speak with you.
You're kidding.
There's a meeting.
There'll be an exclusive.
You're part ofthe deal.
Very good.
But why?
I don't know.
Frankly, I don't care.
Maybe something in the article
impressed him.
Ah, yes.
A gift.
That's a very fiine bottle ofwine.
I'd let it breathe
for at least an hour.
As you were.
''As you were''?
Well, uh...
wine and marshmallows, anyone?
- Yay!
- Yeah!
- Yay!
Here. We need some sticks.
Okay. I'll scout the orchard.
You scared me.
What are you doing?
sticks for marshmallows, you know?
But those bees.
genus Vespula .
They all sting.
Bees won't botheryou
unless you bother them.
Wasps are different.
They're territorial,
and they're social.
Like they want to be friends?
Like they attack in groups.
We should leave.
Hey, looks like Nick
made a friend.
She's pretty.
She's like a model.
Ifyou like that kind ofthing.
Oh, don't worry, Amy.
Some guys really like girls
with small breasts.
What's with your friend Adrian?
I thought you guys
were hitting it off.
Yeah. I know,
but she gives me the creeps.
She'sjust a kid.
She's got a crush on you.
Don't be silly.
[Adrian] Hi. lt'sme.
Just thinking ofyou.
God, thatsounds corny.
Callme whenyou
get a sec, okay?
SayhitoAmy. Bye.
Nick, I've been there.
You have to be the adult.
You can't blur the line.
Are you saying I did something
to provoke this?
Well, did you?
No. Ofcourse not.
[Telephone Rings]
Miss me?
Uh, hello, Adrian.
What you doing?
What do you think I'm doing?
What am I always doing?
I'm working.
Aw, Nick.
Can't you come out and play?
No, Adrian.
I'm under deadline.
Guess what.
Got my period.
I'm defiinitely not pregnant.
Not that I had
any reason to be.
Did you take my picture,
the one of me and my grandfather?
No. Why would I do that?
All right.
I'll talk to you later.
Anybody home?
[Faucet Turns]
[Water Running]
Nick, well, uh...
what are you doing here?
Oh, you mean, here?
Well, I wasjust, uh...
returning a book to Adrian.
She's upstairs.
So, anyway,
I--I really got to get going.
Could you help me
get this upstairs?
I don't think my back's
going to make it.
Well, I--
It'll just take a minute.
Sure appreciate it.
You are a pal.
Uh, careful there, my man.
I don't need any lawsuits.
You know what I mean?
My little restoration project.
It's, um...
really something.
I had it shipped out here
from a carnival in Kansas
right after Adrian was born.
Dragged every damn piece up here
one at a time.
Want to see it work?
[Music Plays In Slow Speed]
The motor's kind ofold.
It takes a while
to get up to speed.
[Music Stops]
you get the idea.
Plan was to turn
this whole attic
into a kind of playroom,
you know, for Adrian?
The only problem was
she never took to it.
Now I can't get
the damn thing down.
You know, Nick, Adrian's a...
very special girl.
She's, um...
She's very bright.
This past year,
she's really, uh...
physically, I mean.
Mmm. I noticed.
You know, I swear to God,
not a night goes by
I don't lay awake
dreading that knock on the door.
You know what I'm talking about?
Not really.
Oh, some friggin' kid
will be standing there
with his hard-on
sticking out his pants.
Hope I don't go breaking it off.
Heh heh.
Hi, Daddy.
Huh? Oh, hi, sweetheart.
We werejust talking about you.
I didn't know
who was up here.
I was showing Nickyour carousel.
It's your carousel, Dad.
Remember, I ride real horses now?
Well, I really ought to get going.
Oh, Adrian,
what book did you loan Nick?
Well, that must have been
Did you like it?
Very much.
WutheringHeights, huh?
Sounds femme to me.
Anyway, I--
I really ought to go.
Bye, Nick.
Thanks for returning the book.
Can we talk?
I was wondering
ifwe could talk.
What do you want
to talk about?
Well, um...
I don't know.
To tell you the truth,
it's--it's a little awkward.
would you mind stopping that?
Never mind.
I hardly know where to begin.
I--I guess
what I want to say is...
I really like you, Adrian.
I really like you, too.
No, I--I mean, as a friend.
I mean, let's face it.
You're 1 4.
I'm 28.
That's a big difference.
Whateveryou say.
No. No. Seriously, Adrian.
Now, I want you to know
you can count on me.
I'll always be your friend,
no matter what, okay?
Like that night up
at the lighthouse
when we kissed?
Now, that was a mistake, Adrian.
Was sneaking in to watch me
undress a mistake?
ever do a virgin?
I know you want to.
Now, look.
Let's avoid any confusion here.
I'll make this very simple foryou.
You're too young for me.
There's nothing between us.
Wait till you see this.
I can't believe
you bought me a car.
I didn't.
I won't feel
any different about you.
I didn't buy you a car.
Then what's the surprise?
Wait right here.
Okay. Grab an end.
You ready?
Never been so ready.
Check it out.
Factory paint.
I got matching vinyl interior.
This is one of
the fiinest pieces of iron
ever came out of Detroit.
Well, um...
ifyou didn't, uh,
actually see her--
is that right?
No, I didn't actually see her.
So you're not absolutely certain.
Well, no, I'm...
not absolutely.
But--But I do feel--
But I--I just...
I just feel very strongly
that she did this.
Hi. I'm going out with Cheyenne.
Hi, Nick.
I have a question.
Did you scratch up Nick's car?
Why would I do that?
Got to go.
Well, uh, that's that, then.
Can I have some ofthat newspaper?
Not the crossword.
Hey, Cheyenne.
I--I need to talk to you...
about Adrian.
Not now.
Meet me in back ofthe orchard
at 7:00 when the streetlights come on.
Cheyenne, wait.
Hi, Cheyenne.
Why are you so slow?
Everybody asks me that.
Cheyenne, come on!
We're waiting!
Don't worry.
Go get dressed.
I'll take care of Buttercup.
Keep a feel of her
through the triple.
That's good.
Just relax.
Thanks for helping me
tack her up.
Adrian, let's go!
Bye. Good luck.
Good luck.
Cheyenne, you're up!
Keep her steady.
Don't let her roll.
Go call Mr. Gassinger.
Willie, get after that horse.
Cheyenne, stay still.
Cheyenne, are you okay?
Hang on. Hold on.
You scared the hell out of me.
Just out for a stroll?
I thought you were Cheyenne.
So now you like Cheyenne?
Don't be ridiculous.
Maybe you'd like to visit her
in the hospital.
What are you talking about?
Cheyenne took a little spill
at riding today.
I-Is she all right?
She'll be okay.
Itjust goes to show you, Nick,
you can never be too careful.
Go ahead.
I'll be right there.
Hi, Amy.
Hello, Adrian.
You know, I was wondering.
Have you ever been
out to the lighthouse?
You mean Shelter Point?
Yeah. Make-out place.
Not since high school.
It's nice.
You should defiinitely go.
Nick took me.
Maybe he'll take you sometime.
Let me remind you
about the benefiit next Sunday--
mandatory attendance.
Nicholas, what do you got for us?
The printout should be here soon.
What was Levansky like?
Is it true about his hair?
Ha ha ha!
It was interesting.
I was sitting in
what must have been his den.
There were pictures were everywhere--
him with the governor,
the White House--
Uh, excuse me one minute.
What is it?
It's blank.
I don't know what to tell you.
There's nothing on it.
Something wrong, Eliot?
No, no. Um...
must have brought the wrong fiile.
It's okay.
I have plenty ofcopies at home.
I'll be right back.
[Telephone Rings]
It's gone, Amy.
The whole thing--
the interview, the disks,
my cassettes, my notes, everything.
She came in here
and completely fucked me!
Whoa. What are you talking about?
Adrian. Who do you think?
The biggest story of my career,
and she-- she wipes me out.
What can I do?
I need you to cover for me
with Michael.
Can you do that?
I'll try.
Great. Thanks...
And, Amy?
As soon as I fiinish
rewriting this thing,
I'm out of here for good.
Smart move, Eliot.
All right. Bye.
I think we should talk.
Hi. l'm not in.
You knowtheprocedure.
Nick, this is pretty pathetic.
You're there.
Just answer.
Answer the fucking phone.
You sure you want the Kryptonite?
It's 40 bucks extra.
Give me the Kryptonite.
But does it make me want
to read the magazine?
I can't understand it.
It's all in...
I found it.
Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Ifyou're going to use
this lettering,
use it right.
Make it simple, meaningful.
People are very simpleminded.
Treat them such.
Do it again.
I'll get a plumber to fiix the shower
and have my grandson
give you fresh paint.
First ofthe month sound okay?
I was hoping to move in this week,
if it's all right.
Why don't we let your check clear
and get that shower fiixed?
I'll let you know
fiirst thing next week.
Great. Thankyou,
Mrs. Tinkerman, really.
Brought you a present, Nick.
I don't think we need to
let it breathe, do you?
No, I don't think so.
Looks like you took care ofeverything.
Pretty much.
If it's worth anything,
I'm glad you're moving.
You're glad.
I'm overjoyed.
Hey, Nick.
I got to askyou a question.
Next week, Michael's benefiit--
Are you going?
Well, we, uh... have to, right?
I want you to go with me.
What, you mean,
like together, on a date?
Okay. Never mind.
I know I shouldn't have--
No, no, no. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Whatever happened to, um...
''don't get your meat
where you lay your eggs'' thing?
Bread. Where you make your bread.
Bread, right.
I wouldn't want to...
see you slow dance with Samantha.
Or some 1 3-year-old.
1 4.
Uh...wouldn't like that.
[Distant Banging]
[Banging And Grunting]
What are you doing?
Making lemonade.
Want some?
Hello, Adrian.
How are you today?
That's good.
Hey, Amy.
What did you do last night?
What do you mean?
I mean, you slept at Nick's,
didn't you?
Well, I mean, you didn't...
you know.
let me explain
a little something to you.
One day,
when you're all grown up
and you have a real relationship,
you'll realize your feelings
for Nick werejust a crush.
In fact,
I bet by the time school starts,
you'll have completely forgotten
all about him.
God, Amy...
when I grow up,
I hope I can be
just as smart as you.
go play.
Oh, my God.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, God!
No! No! No!
[Telephone Rings]
Oh, hi, Michael.
No, no. I wasjust
going over a few things.
[Knock On Door]
Can I come in?
No. It's fiine.
What is it?
There's been an accident.
Just want to give you
the info on the competition.
Wh-What happened?
Wh-Where is it?
Okay. I'll be right over.
All right. Bye.
What's wrong?'s Amy.
She's at the hospital.
She's been in
some kind ofaccident.
Oh, Nick!
I'm so sorry.
Goodmorning, ladiesandgentlemen.
l'dlike to welcomeyou to the Regional
JuniorJumping Championships.
He literally cried on my shoulder.
Poor baby.
Broke my heart.
So how is she?
they think she'll live, but...
I think it's brought
Nick and I a lot closer.
Well, you'll sit with him,
won't you?
If I see him...
If he comes.
He'll be here.
Aren't you going to tell me
to break a leg?
Break them both.
First offisnumber87--
MissLinda Mattheson riding Snowdrop.
Number 191--
Miss KellySensabough ridingAce High.
Give them to me.
Number 183--
MissAdrian Forresterriding Sinbad.
I think it's important
in our busy lives
that we remember those less fortunate.
I'd like to thankyou all
foryour generosity
and hope you will continue
to support our cause.
I'd like to introduce you
to the American president of NANDEC,
Miss Abigail Spaulding.
Hi, sweetheart.
What are you doing here?
Missed you at the show.
Something come up?
Get out of here.
Too busy kissing ass to care about me,
is that it?
Forgive us.
I'll have him back in a jiffy.
Stay the fuck away from me!
- I thought we were--
- We're nothing!
I love you, Nick.
You love me.
You're sick.
You fucking--
Aah! Aah!
You're pathetic.
Mrs. Tinkerman!
Mrs. Tinkerman,
it's me, Nick Eliot.
The apartment's taken.
What? What are you talking about?
I don't rent to drug dealers!
Oh, God!
The girl you rent from told me!
Mrs. Tinkerman, she's lying!
Mrs. Tinkerman!
I'll give you three
to get out of here.
1 ...
[Honk Honk]
Nicholas Eliot?
Hands up and step slowly
from the car.
What's happening?
Out now.
You mind telling me
what this is about?
I'm going to tell you.
You're under arrest.
For sexual assault ofa minor.
What? What are you talking about?
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Damn it!
Honey, honey, I know.
You fucking animal!
Get him offof me!
Get him off me!
Get him off me!
Stay back!
Watch your head.
We went swimming...
and hung out a couple oftimes,
but it was nothing.
And, um...
hejust wouldn't take no
for an answer.
And he...
he threw me down, and, um...
hit me.
And he--hejust kept hitting me,
and I was crying.
He kept hitting me
and yelling.
I was so scared.
You'll be okay.
Ought to put Dad
in a room with him,
call it a day.
From the day I moved in,
she's been hassling me.
She calls me up
in the middle ofthe night,
hanging around.
She--She breaks into the place.
She scratches up my car.
The girl is spun.
Why won't anyone fucking believe me?
You ever have sexual contact
ofany kind with her?
You think I'm crazy? No!
You ever place your penis
inside her vagina?
I just told you, no!
She's crazy!
You ought to lock her up!
You rape a little girl,
you act like she's crazy?
I didn't do anything!
Jesus Christ!
Did you check out
that-- that room in the garage,
the one with the shrine?
We got a problem, Nick.
Big problem.
We found semen inside of her.
Let's go.
The parents are taking
the girl away tonight,
down the coast somewhere.
Until that time,
you're not permitted
within 1 00 feet ofthe house.
After they've gone, you can gather
your possessions and move.
It doesn't matter where, just away.
The semen sample matches
your blood type.
Look...I fiigured it out.
She got hold ofa condom.
She must have snuck in
and, uh, stolen one from the trash.
I swear I never laid
a hand on her.
You got to believe me. She...
She's crazy.
She's also a little girl...
a 1 4-year-old girl.
Now you be thejury.
Ow! Goddamn it!
Cheyenne, what are you doing here?
I had to talk to you.
You shouldn't be here.
I've got enough trouble.
You didn't do
those things to Adrian.
Y-You d-didn't do those things.
Ofcourse not.
I knew she was making it up.
I knew it.
What is it, Cheyenne?
Did Adrian ever tell you
about a guy named Rick?
Yeah, I think so.
Said he was a friend.
He was our camp counselor.
Adrian had a crush on him.
He's dead.
He ate something poisoned.
Everyone thought
it was an accident...
b-but Adrian knows stuff,
stuffother kids don't.
She knows about wasps, too.
I know.
I thought about that.
But there'sjust no proof.
But I think there might be.
Adrian kept a diary.
She writes everything in it.
She thinks no one knows,
but I've seen it.
She kept it hidden in her bedroom.
I'll tell the lawyers about it, but...
you got to forget all about Adrian.
She's sick.
You understand?
Come on.
You really shouldn't be here.
She's a liar.
She's lying about you.
I know.
I can take care of myself.
Come on.
I'll walkyou.
I'll be all right.
Done it a million times.
[Piano Plays]
[Music Box Plays]
[Telephone Rings]
[Telephone Pickup]
So this is what it takes
to fiinally get you up here.
What are you doing?
Fixing things.
Where's Cheyenne?
You want to do her, too?
I'm not good enough?
Where is she, Adrian?
I came back here foryou.
My parents tried
to take me away,
but I fooled them.
Where is she?
I came back and found you
with my best friend.
I still love you, Nick!
Aah! Aah!
Accidents happen, Nick.
I warned you.
You know...
in 1 0 years none ofthis
would have mattered.
I'd be 24.
You'd be 38.
It's so sad it had to end this way.
What we had was so special...
here we are.
Too bad you didn't listen.
Just want you to know, Nick...
no matter what happens...
we'll always be friends.
[Banging On Door]
Adrian! Shit!
Adrian! God--
Goddamn it!
[Door Slams]
[Calliope Starts To Play]
You okay?
Hold on.
[Muffled Scream]
I'm going to kill you!
Dad! Dad!
Daddy, help me!
I'll kill you!
You son ofa bitch!
Leave him alone!
So there you are.
It's quiet in here.
Another letter?
Ifonly he'd let me apologize,
I'd feel so much better.
Hey, you've been making
great progress.
Concentrate on that.
I just wish everyone was
as understanding as you are.
Well, they will be.
It'll just take time
for people to see
that you've changed, okay?
You better get to class.
I'll see you in our session
this afternoon.
[Camera Clicks]
Ha ha. Sleepyhead missed
the morning meeting.
Oh, man!
Don't worry.
I told Michael
you're on the trail
ofsome big story.
Air mail.