The Cure (1995)

Hey, Erika, how is your
new boyfriend next door?
He's not next door, he's behind me,
I ain't never even seen him.
Who are your neighbors then,
Gomer Pyle and his brother Goober?
Eat shit...
What was that?
Hey, come back here, faggot!
I said come back here!
Who's there?
Are you asking me?
Are you spying me?
No, I'm working on my mud fort,
what are you doing?
I'm planting vegetables...
Thanks for moving in here,
now the kids in school call me faggot
and walk on the other side of the hall...
I have to live somewhere...
Why don't you go inside, until
I get done working on my garden.
So I don't have to worry
about catching something,
and dying!
It can't be transmitted through the air.
Just to be on the safe side,
I think you should go inside.
But I'm working on my mud fort...
Hey, what would you do if I come over
there and whooped your ass?
How long would that take?
About ten seconds...
I would wait until you were finished
and then I'd continue working on my mud fort.
You mean you'd just let me beat you up?
I'd try to stop you,
but I probably won't be able to...
I'm not very big.
In that case it would only take 5 seconds...
So is that what you're gonna do?
Maybe later...
are you still there?
Son of a bitch!
I warned you what would happen
if you got all dirty again...
One, two, three, the winner!
There's some boys outside playing baseball.
If you can go make the effort
to get to know them,
it'll be very nice...
I'm gonna go out with some
girls from the office tonight,
so cook yourself a dinner in microwave.
Have you thought anymore about Colorado?
I'm not going to camp!
Yeah but if you just give it a chance,
you'd meet some extra friends...
Why can't I go see Dad?
We'll call him,
if he says yes,
I'll put you on the next plane...
You know, you and his little friend Cindy,
can go to the movies
and get in for half price!
She's 23, mom!
Amazing, old enough to drink!
Yeah, but she doesn't...
Man! I was on World Eight!
You know it's not good to spend too
much times with these games.
What a bullshit! It's boring.
I have nothing against going fishing,
but I'm not touching the worms.
- I'll take care the worms.
- I'll take care the worms.
- I will.
- Yeah, we'll see about that...
Good night.
Got ya first!
They ended up giving me two pints of blood.
I guess it's a lot for baby.
My grandmother said
you're going to hell,
she says you'll suffer eternal torture
of a billion flames,
hotter than the center of the Sun.
Then she must be some kind of genius...
My doctor's really smart,
he says he has no idea what happens
to people after they die...
If your grandmother knows,
she must be a genius.
She's a clerk at K-Mart.
Maybe she's just an underachiever.
No, she's an idiot.
So maybe I won't go to hell after all.
Are you sure those germs of yours
don't travel through the air?
Yeah, Why?
How old are you?
Jesus, you're a midget!
Well, if you look at the lower limit
of what's considered normal for my age,
I'm only 4 inches shorter.
do you know how to play Battleship?
Are you sure?
I have to eat my lunch now.
Why don't you just eat
whenever you're hungry?
Cause if I only eat whenever
I was hungry, I wouldn't be here.
Do you wanna go to Peterson's?
- What is that?
- It's a supermarket.
You got any money?
In my bedroom.
What should we do with him?
You wanna burn him?
Where did you get it all?
and fines.
It's a little hard to explain.
This is great, since I know
where the store is,
I'll be a the navigator
and you be treasurer.
What's a treasurer will do?
He carries all the money
and pays for things...
I'm to supposed to pay for both of us?
I'm navigating for both of us,
you want to be fair don't you?
How far is Peterson's?
If I walk too far I get kinda tired.
it'seems to me the depth of
the water would be the key...
Obviously in the middle of the
ocean the shark would win.
And on dry land the lion would win.
So how much water are we talking about?
2 and a half feet.
And how big is the shark?
Eleven feet.
I'd still sayin' the lion would win...
How can you be sure?
Cause they did research on
Stanford University,
the shark won easily.
They just let two animals killed
each other at the college?
No you idiot, they just had a fight
long enough to see who was gonna win,
and then the trainers pulled them apart.
Haven't you ever heard of a leash?
Never heard a shark on a leash...
Or there's a lot of things
you've never heard of.
I guess that's true...
Hold on.
My mom says that every drop
of water that lands in the water here,
eventually end up in Mississippi.
That means it goes to my dad,
he still in New Orleans.
What does he do?
You've ever heard a rock
group called Led Zeppelin?
They really famous,
you know who the guitar player is?
Your dad?
No, the guy named Jimmy Page,
my daddy,
sold him his car insurance.
for a Pontiac TransAm...
Know what you're gonna get?
I don't know, it's been a
long time since I've any candy.
My mom has me eats a lot of vegetables.
Come here...
We allowed to do this?
Of course! How else are you supposed
to know what you're gonna get!
- Wow!
- Not bad, huh...
Well you got your money...
Get out of the road!
Go on now!
3 degrees to the right,
aim fire!
You missed!
Hey, how much did you pay for that faggot?
You guys took a wrong turn,
this is a no homo zone.
I ain't a homo!
And neither is he!
He got from a blood transfusion...
What tell what's that awful smell?
Well, you see we were walking across the grass
and we accidentally stepped in your mother.
What did you say?
You can't hit it us all with that!
I only be aiming it at you...
Come on then...
And what about your little brother, huh?
What about him?
When he fell of the Jungle Jim at school,
they'd to take him to the hospital,
he could've caught something in...
Yeah, but he didn't...
But he could've!
Then everybody be calling him
faggot and queer,
and he'd get sick and die!
And you got homo on his headstone,
and when your mother went
to bring him flowers,
she would see her little Eddie Horner homo,
You know the worst part of that would be?
probably he before he died,
a bunch of assholes like you,
who ain't sick and thought
it might be fun just
to beat the shit out of him!
Come on man, let's beat!
Sorry you're sick...
What'd you do that for?
Get 'em!
So long faggots!
Don't you think we should slow down?
- How?
- Anyway would be fine!
Ma'am get out of the way!
- Move it!
- Move your ass!
Oh God!
Hold on! Go!
So they really think I'm a faggot.
Now all of a sudden I'm yelling
the same stuff at them.
But they know I'm not a faggot,
cause a faggot won't yell
a faggot back,
Now that's why you should yell faggot too...
Well, just wouldn't be right saying that...
Why the hell not!
They were nice to me at the hospital,
they played games with me...
You played games with homos?
Just talk about something else...
Sometimes I don't know about you.
What's that supposed to mean?
Do you wanna play Nintendo?
No... I'm getting kinda tired.
I think I should go take a nap.
We should work on the mud fort tomorrow,
you want to?
Leave it...
Why can I eat in living room?
I don't get home for dinner that often
when I do, I want us to be together.
It's part being a family, isn't it?
You know some woman saw that little AIDS boy
down at the Peterson's yesterday..
It's in the newspaper?
No... Jan told me...
I've seen him in the backyard,
I didn't know he left the house.
The other day I heard him coughing.
I said I heard him coughing.
Oh, I don't think you have to worry about anything,
with that fence there,
you're not going to catch anything...
What if wants to come over and play?
Oh Erik, think of some excuse,
you're so good at that...
What if I bump into him out in the street?
Well it's common sense,
you just keep a safe distance.
What's a safe distance?
7 feet,
guess that rules out sleepovers.
My mom wants you to come to dinner.
mom's working late, so... cool.
Well there's something
I have to warn you about...
She likes to call me Sweetie.
You gotta promise not to laugh.
You want some more carrots Sweetie?
No, thanks.
Are we ready for dessert then?
- I'll try a little.
- Yeah I bet.
You didn't even finish
your meatloaf, Love Muffin!
Would you shut up!
She's not gonna hear me sweetheart!
Be quiet.
You don't worry about it sweetie,
she's not gonna hear me!
Here we go!
Dexter tells me you have a girlfriend.
Yeah, well I did, but I have to dump her.
Spin, spin, spin...
His father has a girlfriend, named Cindy.
Yes, as soon as they get settled in
their new apartment,
I maybe goin' down there.
And how's your mom feel about this.
Actually we haven't really talk it out much
Well, I'd love to meet her.
She works quite a bit...
20, 22 hours a day...
What she do?
A real estate
and at night she works at a minimart.
The one downtown...
25 cents!
I got you!
Whenever I catch her twirling her hair,
she has to pay me a quarter.
25 cents and this!
Are you gonna finish that?
Well doctor says
"it's completely safe",
but when it comes to
other people's children,
we've decided not
to take any chances.
I've got plan...
Just as soon as they find the cure,
we're headin' out to Baskin Robbins,
and ordering one of those monster sundaes
where everybody just digs right in...
It's a good plan...
What is it?
She's afraid they might
not find the cure in time...
Oh my God!
He's afraid of heights...
Hey, what if they don't find the cure?
I'm sure they will eventually...
But what if they're looking
in the wrong place?
What do you mean?
Have you ever seen
that movie "Medicine Man"?
We found a cure for cancer,
and all you can say is: "I know"?
What is it?
Vermilliad. A flower.
You want me start eating flowers?
We're not going to worry about what
flowers, leaves maybe even pine cones.
It can't hurt to try!
My mom has me eating lots of vegetables,
especially broccoli.
All I ever eat is candy and I never get sick.
Hey, that's it!
Somebody gets sick and
all they eat is fruits and vegetables,
it's the one thing they stop eating!
This is stupid.
About fifty years ago, a doctor knows
some mold was growing on his bread,
he started feeding it to people...
and everybody said "this is stupid",
you know what it out turned to be? Aspirin!
It's still a hundred-point-two.
- How are ya feeling?
- Okay.
Let's start "Butterfinger"
combine with "Bubbelicious".
I am not sure I understand
why you have to try this all stuff too.
Don't you know anything
about scientific method?
You have to have a control group,
so you'll see if the results are uniform...
You're in control group?
Is Dexter here?
Yes, he is, but he's grounded.
Because he used up all his money,
buying candy.
How long is he grounded for?
Till tomorrow...
Why's that?
We're gonna play submarine.
Grounded is grounded, so
you're gonna have to wait till tomorrow...
I understand.
Just a minute, okay?
Dexter, get your ass down here!
Coz I'm changing your punishment,
you have to play with Erik!
- Thanks mom!
- Here's your paddle.
Watch the flowers!
How are you feeling?
Told you candy was a stupid idea...
Hey, what'd ya think of this one?
I'm wondering about something...
Where do bugs go to bathroom?
It's not on leaves.
How can you be sure?
Because bugs eat leaves,
not even bugs are stupid
enough to shit on their own food...
Now, what do you say?
Go ahead...
Oh, tastes like crap!
No shit, don't you know
where bugs go to bathroom?
Sweetened crap.
It looks too weird...
You can't be afraid to try...
I'm afraid to touch it.
How do you feel?
She's here!
You got me!
Is your friend Erik staying
for dinner again?
That means yes, white woman!
Okay, hey, Allie.
Settle down! Go get some yogurt.
You guys really very well nuts today!
Did Dexter take his nap?
Good night.
I need to take Dexter
to his doctor tomorrow,
we should back at one...
- Good night
- Good night.
Shit! The notebook!
Where have you been?
- I thought you won't...
- I asked you a question!
Gordy Johnson asked me
if I wanna go to the mall with him,
and I didn't think you'd won't mind.
Is that that doctor's boy?
You really should've left a note for me...
Maybe Gordy would like to go
with us to see the fireworks.
These are pennies?
There's one, two...
three... that's a dime,
isn't it? Oh, dear.
Thank you very much, so neat of you!
Oh, my God!
The mysterious Dr. Fishburn derives the extract from a plant,
found deep in the Louisiana bayou.
At a backwater location he refuses to reveal...
I knew it, it was a plant...
The government's trying
to suppress its findings...
Why would they do that?
Because they're embarrassed.
I'm mean, think about the money
they spend each year,
and this Dr. Fishburn got goes out in his
backyard in his underwear one morning,
and picks up the cure for AIDS!
Maybe your mom could drive us down there!
It's right here!
I don't want you boys thinking that
something like this cannot happen,
but if it does and Dr. Jensen's gonna
know about it before the National...
Why don't we call him?
Why don't we wait till your next appointment
and you can ask the man!
It's for after lunch.
Like I didn't see that?
You say your dad lives
in New Orleans, right?
Maybe he can get that some
of that secret extracts
mail it to us...
Maybe it's already here...
That one again?
I just don't like it...
Look at that thing,
he's got all the look like a plant from the bayou,
then I don't know bayous.
This is the worse yet!
My grandma says, that the
worst it tastes, the better it works.
Your K-Mart clerk grandma?
I need to talk to Erik,
some kind of leaf that he took in...
Erik has something to do with this?
Erik, Erik...
I need to know what you gave Dexter...
I need to know what kind
of leaves you gave him,
it's poisonous and he told me that
you have written it down in a notebook.
Here's one it this,
it's down by the river...
Where? Where the bridge crosses...
Back inside...
What were you thinking?
Tell me!
Tell me!
Not measles, not chicken pox, aids!
What're you trying to do?
What are you trying to do!
Fucking kill us both?
There's gonna be some big changes around here!
Big changes!
I don't really care what do you think,
I don't want him over here,
I don't want my son over there!
I don't care that they're friends,
I don't want them
associating with each other.
He's gonna be fine. Thank god!
His mother is officially on notice,
she allows him to see you
I'm gonna have her ass
thrown in jail.
And for you,
on Monday morning your
ass are going to summer camp!
Hey Dad?
Sorry, we missed you. Cindy and I are in Lake Charleston
until Tuesday. Call you as soon as we get back...
When we're get down there,
where we're gonna sleep,
where we gonna eat...
We're not worry about that,
I already talked to my dad,
he said we could stay with him...
I might even be able to
talk him to take us fishing.
I can't.
You have to Dex!
Tomorrow morning I'm out of here.
And this time she would be
really really worried.
She's already worried because you're sick.
And you and I both know that the
only thing that's gonna make her happy,
is when we're going to New Orleans
and Dr. Fishburn has the cure...
Dear mom... I'm fine with Erik...
but I brought along the medicines
so there's no reason to worry.
We're planning to be careful
and sensible.
Whatever you do make sure you
remember to tape Star Wars
8 PM channel 5.
I love you very much, sincerely Dexter...
The biggest fish in the world,
he weights over 2000 pounds...
That's why they calling him
the General Steur.
What if he decides to take us over?
He wouldn't know that...
One time this kid,
he went swimming after eating,
and he got a stomach cramp,
and he started to dry on
but the General Steur grabbed him by shirt
and put him on the shore.
How fast do you think we're going?
3 miles an hour.
How far is this New Orleans?
About 12 hundred miles.
How long will it takes us to get there?
Hey, where you headed?
How much you got?
Wanna ride you gotta
pay for the gas, you know...
Where you headed?
New Orleans...
I can give you 20 dollars.
20 bugs?
You wanna go to New Orleans for 20 bugs?
I don't know, I think you're gonna
have to do better than that.
Forty, it's all I got.
Hey Pony, we ready to float, man!
What are you saying, we locked and loaded?
162 dollars,
check my pockets.
Shut up Dex!
Let me handle this.
No, look, look!
What do you say?
We really took this moron
Pony to the cleaners!
They money we gave him
will pay for half his gas!
This Pony is from New Orleans,
he's on his way home...
What makes you think that?
Look how far we've gone.
Dex, are you awake?
Dex, are you awake?
Dex, are you awake?
Yeah, what?
I'm just saying how far we've gone...
about five or six days and we'll be down there
Maybe when we stop for gasses,
I should call my mom.
You can't. They trace the call.
We're probably in Iowa about
one tomorrow afternoon.
Get up! Come up get up!
- I'm too tired.
- No you're not, you're just bored!
Come on!
They don't have battleship,
or have Monopoly,
they don't even have a deck of cards.
Wait a minute...
What is it?
Come on!
Are you sure these girls are real?
Of course they're real!
I never seen anyone look like this before.
My mom sure doesn't.
These aren't moms, these are women!
This is what they supposed to look like.
How do you know they're
not computer animation?
Do computer animations
like walks on the beach,
do computer animations
enjoy classical music.
She's born in 1975.
She doesn't look that old!
Holy shit...
It's gotta be 3,000 dollars here!
Just put it back!
They might think we're down here
trying to steal it.
They don't even know we're down here.
- Here!
- Don't give it to me!
Hey, where the hell have you been,
we've been waiting all day!
Oh my God!
- Who's this?
- A friend of mine.
- A friend?
Hey, be nice!
Put some of this on my back?
Are you a model?
What's your name?
You misspelled your tattoo,
it doesn't say Angel it says Angle.
I'm aware of that now...
Looks fun with two people, doesn't it?
You two make me sick.
- Man, I just want to get smashed.
- You know that!
Me too.
I was thinking maybe we could
just les bon temps roulez...
Les say what!?
Let the good times roll, man!
Couple of those cool ones?
Fire up that grill
- we got some of them steaks.
- Yeah, make mine a T-bone!
This sucks!
Hey boys, how are T-bones?
This isn't fair!
I said, this sucks!
We should set up the tent before it gets dark...
this is me...
Oh shit, you pissed
all over your sleeping bag!
You're shivering, how can you
be sweating when you're cold!
I don't know.
I just do...
Here, change clothes...
Here's my sleeping bag.
Were you having a nightmare or something?
What's a matter?
It happens sometimes.
When I wake up, and it's dark...
Astronomers believe that the universe
is 18 billion light-years across.
Suppose you could go in
the eighteen billion light-years.
What if there's nothing out there?
Suppose you kept going another
18 billion light-years,
so far I'd be see nothing...
Because the light from the universe would be
fainter than the faintest star.
Infinitely cold. Infinitely black.
if I wake up, and it's dark,
I get really scared...
Like I'm up there now,
I'm never coming back.
Hold on to this while you sleep,
and if you wake up and you scared...
You say wait a minute...
I'm holding Erik's shoe.
Why the hell would I be holding
some smelly basketball shoe?
A trillion light-years from the universe,
I must be here on earth
safe in my sleeping bag...
Erik must be close by...
Guess it's worth to try...
You want me to leave the lantern on?
Come on, we gotta get out of here!
Go to sleep!
It's nine o'clock!
When I gave the money, you said
we're going straight to New Orleans!
hen you get there there was two days later,
it's not gonna kill you...
Shut up! Angle!
Hey, you shut up you little shit!
You want me to swim over there
and pound your ass?
How long before you run out of pills?
Three more days...
There, that way.
Are you sure?
I'm not stupid!
We need something to eat...
I'm not hungry.
Okay, I'll go get the tickets.
Let's go...
What is it?
Zijn dat de jongens waar u het over had?
Right there!
How you doin' old man?
Hey, boys!
I think we need to have a little talk...
Come on boys! Something I said?
Was it the barbeque?
Go! Go now!
Pull! Pull damn it!
Hey, where's my money?
It's in my pocket.
Open this man!
I'm working on it!
You hurt yourself!
That I don't care!
I told ya!
This way! Come on!
Dead end!
What are you gonna do with that?
You want to give me a manicure or something?
Where's my money!
We need to go to New Orleans.
Oh, you need?
You all in over your head,
you understand?
So you want to play with Pony?
What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?
I'm dying anyway!
It doesn't matter if he hurts me!
What are you talkin'? What is he talkin'?
He has Aids!
You'd be crazy to stab me...
My blood is like a poison...
A drop could kill you!
Hey Pony!
Get the hell out of here!
My blood is like poison!
Get the hell out here!
I'm deadlier than the venom
of a cobra!
Dex, you're like a damn
superhero or something...
That was rad!
I feel kinda sick...
You'll be alright
while I go get the tickets?
Are you cold?
What is a matter?
My blood is poison...
You have a virus Dex...
and you're gonna be exactly
like everyone else,
the moment someone finds the cure.
Dr. Fishburn has the cure...
Wake up..
Are we in New Orleans?
Come on...
What a week!
I wonder if I could see Dexter...
as long as I keep throwing up...
they have to have to stick this feeding tube
up my nose into my stomach.
Sounds gross...
It hurts...
Doesn't that?
Not nearly as much...
So you can't eat anything, huh?
- No...
- That's too bad.
You know, maybe you can crumble
one up and put it into my IV...
You know what? I want to see if I
can sneak anymore leaves in here!
That's ok. Dr. Jensen said that
the stuff Orleans wasn't real.
I know, your mom told me...
Hey, look at this!
- Look at that!
- Is this you!
God you're an ugly baby!
Check it out with Angle!
You alright?
I like the old man.
What's this do?
It makes the bed go up,
or down...
What about this one?
Who's that?
I'll get it...
Kom hier alstublieft,
hij stopte met ademen!
What's a matter?
God, Jesus!
I was just talking to him,
and now he's dead!
I'm sorry honey, I guess we all
knew this is was coming.
Not funny!
Not even a little bit...
We all knew this was coming..
By the power invested in me,
I here by order that the execution begin...
Feeling better I guess.
You must be Erik...
I guess your road to the Nobel Prize
hit a few potholes?
More like the Grand Canyon...
Okay, open wide,
and say Ah.
Does it hurt when you talk?
Well let's see that hairy chest...
Please leave...
He knows he's dying...
We tricked the nurses into
thinking that he was dead,
and nurse Murphy said that
everyone knew it was coming...
So you tricked them...
We pretended that Dexter stopped breathing,
and he jumped up and
screamed and scared them...
She must have hit the roof...
Yeah, Dexter laughed his ass off!
Oh, well that's what happened to him
I thought he was on a diet or something...
history is full with a very sick people,
who suddenly...
for no reason at all, get better.
And when that happens, we call it miracle...
from the moment I met you,
I knew that you are special...
and you might be one of those people...
You know I'm telling you
the truth, don't you?
I feel that inside you, can you.
So don't let me down, okay?
I'm counting on you to make me famous!
Well the young boy was upset!
Look, don't you ever, ever assumed
that one of my patient is gonna die.
I thought that was...
Mister, my friend's stop breathing!
I think he's dead...
Go get a nurse...
Shit, shit!
Oh, Jesus Christ!
you scared the living daylights out of me!
Oh, and we are amused, aren't we!
I'm not laughing... do you see me laughing?
Oh, Dex!
My shift ends at four...
That's mine - here comes the breaker -
nobody cry...
I think you really bad, actually...
I terribly impressed...
He's got all the good ones, and me...
I told you, I told you...
I'm good at this game, I can't win but...
Alright, Hal...
I'll go in through the emergency airlock!
Without your space helmet Dave...
you're going to find
that rather difficult...
How will I do, anymore?
Open the door!
this conversation conserve
no purpose anymore.
You've watch 20th time around?
Want anything from the giftshop?
And you...
You ready for another victim?
You sure?
Doctor! My friend!
I think he could be dead,
I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry...
It's green...
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry too...
I should've tried harder...
Tried what?
Find the cure...
God bless you... c'mon honey.
You did, you did...
Everything that was sad in Dexter's life...
was silence,
so don't accused...
You made it go away...
Dexter was so happy
to have you as his friend!
He was so happy... I don't know how.
I know that,
there's some of his things that...
Get out!
Get in that car!
Get your ass in the car, now!
Wait a minute!
Let me talk to you!
I have nothing to say to you!
Erik, shut up!
Just talk to you for a minute, inside?
Just a minute!
I wanna tell you two things..
The first is Erik's bestfriend died
today, he is going to funeral...
The second is: if you ever lay a hand
on that boy again, I will kill you!
Let's go...
Take as much time as you want...
Do you mind if you going walk home?
No, of course not...
You're gonna...?
Come around and visit every
once in a while, aren't you?
25 cents!