The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016)

So you, uh, left
the door open again.
Cash is on the counter.
You know, as much as I
love being your personal maid
and running all these
little errands for you,
you really need to get out
of this apartment, buddy.
This is...
It's gettin' ridiculous.
I just have a couple more
paintings to finish up.
But thank you for your help.
No problem.
Hey, I'm goin'
over to McGowan's.
Craig's got his
birthday happening.
You should come with.
I don't like karaoke.
It's not karaoke.
It's drunk girls singing.
So it's drunk girl-araoke,
which is awesome.
Everybody loves
drunk girl-araoke.
You should come, get
out of your apartment.
- It smells like a shoe.
- Oh.
No, I'm fine.
Sleep paralysis.
It's happening
every morning now?
Only when I have the dream.
But it's happened
two nights in a row.
It hasn't happened that
close together before.
The Sleeping Beauty dream?
It always ends the same way.
I'm about to kiss her,
then get distracted by
some creepy-looking house
and that's it.
Are they connected, the sleep
paralysis and the dream?
What do you think?
I did some reading
on sleep paralysis
and it's supposedly your
body not moving smoothly
through the stages of sleep.
And I also read that
in the Dark Ages
people thought the paralysis
was a demon or evil spirit
sitting on your chest.
You mentioned that I'm your
third therapist in three years.
So you already know what I'm
gonna say about the dream.
Your subconscious created
this perfect, passive woman
with whom you are
unable to connect.
Can you see the parallels here
with your isolation with people?
That is the distraction keeping
you from your real life.
Your lack of human interaction
is what makes these sessions
the wrong kind of necessity.
You're looking for an
answer you already know.
You just won't accept.
What you need is to put
yourself out there again.
Be vulnerable. Only then do
I think this dream will fade
and you won't depend
on this so much.
Is this Thomas Kaiser?
- Yes. Who is this?
- Hi, this is Katherine
from the law office of
Jeff Jennings and Associates.
Can you come down to
claim your inheritance?
Talk to you later, bye.
Where is this?
The address is at the top.
- It's like three hours from here.
- You know what?
I really know just
about as much as you do.
This firm is just the
executor of the property.
Wait. You said Clive Kaiser died
and left this property to me?
Yes. It says here that
you are the beneficiary.
I had to dig in the archives
downstairs for this.
It looks like the property's been
in your family for generations.
It doesn't make any sense.
I've never met my uncle...
Okay, you're breaking my heart.
This came in a few days ago.
It's from your uncle Clive
and the envelope said
that it should go to you
along with the deed.
How much is the property worth?
It's never been sold,
so there's no reference.
You'll have to get it appraised. We
can help you with that, for a fee.
But you know what? You might want to go
out there and check it out on your own.
- You okay?
- How did he die?
Oh, it says here
that his body was found
in the river by the property.
It was ruled suicide.
I'll have a real estate
associate meet you out there.
'Cause I am not drivin'
out to that place.
That was stimulating.
Thomas, I wish we had a chance
to get to know each other.
Your grandmother, my
mother, did her best
to make sure that
we had never met.
She was not without her reasons.
The men in our family carry
with us something terrible.
Kaiser Gardens has been in our
family for a very long time.
I have held watch for
over four decades.
I cannot withstand the burden
of this property anymore.
I entrust Kaiser Gardens to you.
Oh, hey man. I brought the...
Where are you going?
I'm just gonna
check something out.
I'll be back soon though.
But I got you the stuff
that you were asking...
- Just leave it on the counter.
- What about your paintings?
Uh, watch over 'em for me?
Watch over your paintings?
What, are we dating?
When you reach Kaiser Gardens,
there are rules you must obey.
Your bloodline is able to access
all parts of the property,
but you must never
enter the hidden rooms
below the basement.
Trust me when I say they
are sealed for a reason,
along with any objects protected
against the hands of outsiders.
I wish you well.
And I ask for your forgiveness.
It is a curse...
...and a blessing.
May the spirits be on your side.
Ah, shit.
I'm so sorry. Thomas.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, hi, I'm...
Hi, I'm sorry.
I'm Linda Coleman.
We spoke over the phone.
- I'm so sorry. I wasn't quite...
- It's okay.
I kinda spooked myself out.
Yeah, I don't blame you.
Ah, this place is a shit hole.
Um, here. I'll give you
the keys to the house.
And your keys to the front door.
You just, um...
Well, you open the door the
old-fashioned way. You just turn it.
So much for the thrill
of breaking and entering.
And I have an appraiser
going to come by
this week to get a ballpark
estimate of this property.
- Sorry for your loss.
- Did you know my uncle?
No, not personally. No.
No, he was more of a shut-in.
Were you close?
I didn't know anything about
him until a couple days ago.
Well that's weird.
He just...
He just gave you this
property just like that?
That's very weird.
Based on his letter to me
he was more than just weird.
He was bat shit crazy.
Yeah. Yeah.
Um, these mannequins,
and his artwork would
definitely qualify him.
Um, I'm sorry. Do you have
a letter from your uncle?
You talked about that.
The lawyer handed it
to me with the deed.
Would you mind if
I take a look at it?
It's actually in my car.
I'm so sorry.
You must be so tired.
It was very nice to
meet you, Thomas.
Have a nice day. Bye.
I always woke up before.
This can't be a dream.
It's too real.
This realm is like a dream.
One where we can both dwell.
You're in my head.
As you are in mine.
I am also close to you
in the physical world.
That is the reason I am awake.
Sleeping Beauty.
It's what I called you before.
Briar Rose is my given name.
I like that.
When you said you're close to me
in the physical world,
what do you mean?
So I'm still asleep,
awaiting your kiss.
Thomas, don't go.
Pipes are old and gonna
need to be replaced.
Interior paint is decent.
Outside could use a coat.
Sounds expensive.
Not very well maintained.
Did you find anything
weird inside the house?
You're kiddin' me, right?
I mean in terms of, like, vibes.
Are you asking me if I
think this house is haunted?
Quite a few folks have
gone missing over the years
but the police have
searched this house
a bunch of times and
never found any evidence.
Fingers have always pointed
right back to this house.
It didn't help your
uncle's popularity any.
It's probably why he didn't
leave the house that much.
Do you think it will
affect the asking price?
Yep, especially
if the buyer's local.
Now I suggest you get the
electrical fixed first
before we do the final estimate.
Here, I can give you this card for
the best electrician in town.
He's the only
electrician in town.
- Thanks.
- I can come back day after tomorrow.
We can sit down, look at the wiring,
and see what needs to be done
without breaking the bank.
I'd appreciate that very much.
Oh, the basement.
I think there's more to it.
- What do you mean?
- Well it's not on the blueprints
and whoever did the wall
did a pretty good job,
but I've doing this
job long enough to know
when there's extra
square feet hidden away.
Excuse me. Hi.
I need to look at
some property records.
You're gonna have to be a
bit more specific than that.
Uh, I just inherited a house
so I need to check some
records for an appraisal.
- Address?
- 1542 Chanley Street.
It's Kaiser Gardens.
I'm sorry to show up
unannounced like this.
I have something I need
to speak to you about.
Yeah, that's okay.
You don't look so good.
Are you okay?
I'll be fine.
I stopped by the county
clerk's office today.
What did you find out?
That the house has
been in my family
since before they kept records.
Earliest name on the
deed is from 1876. Jacob Kaiser.
That's interesting.
Do you have any information
you want to add on to that?
I don't know what
you're getting at.
I think you do.
There was a note in the file
and the handwriting
matches your handwriting
from Billings's appraisal.
Well I don't like
being ambushed.
What is it about the property
that you're so interested in?
Answer me.
My brother died in that house.
So whatever sick, twisted thing you people
have going on, I'm gonna figure it out.
I told you I only
found that out...
Well, you must know something.
At this point you
know more than I do.
My brother wasn't the only one.
Fifty-three people have gone
missing from that property
in the last 125 years.
The appraiser said the
cops searched the place
top to bottom.
They found nothing.
Yeah, well that's what this
town keeps on telling itself.
You think my uncle did it?
I think it's something worse.
You think it's haunted.
You don't?
I don't care.
I wanna sell it
and get the hell out
of this godforsaken town.
Well I'm gonna find my answers.
And if you end up being
one of those answers,
so help me God.
Thomas? Thomas, Thomas?
Thomas, wake up.
Thomas can you hear me?
Thomas, wake up.
Thomas can you hear me?
Help! Somebody! Thomas!
What's wrong with him?
Panic attack.
I gave him something
to calm him down.
Come to me.
You're back.
Only in my dreams.
This realm is yours
as much as it is mine.
What about in waking life?
You will be the
one to set me free.
You are lord of the land
which I am cursed to.
You may be mortal, Thomas,
but in the physical realm
you have great power.
The Veiled Demon knows this.
The Veiled Demon?
Is that what I saw yesterday?
She is merely an
intruder on your domain.
She is what made me flee.
Until her curse is lifted,
we can't truly be together.
And to lift the curse,
I need to what? Defeat her?
You are the heir apparent
of the Kaiser bloodline.
Only you can wake me.
You are away from me,
away from your land.
When you are separated
from me, your body withers.
It is the same curse
that imprisons me.
The curse is real, Thomas.
You are in Kaiser Gardens?
Remember the bloodline
will awaken me,
and open all doors.
You must wake up now.
I, uh...
...brought you some food.
What time is it?
Last I checked, five p.m.
What happened?
Um, well,
you passed out at the bar
and then I took you
to the hospital.
The doctor said there was nothing
wrong with you, physically,
and then you started screaming
that you needed to
be taken back here.
You were fine once you
got back to the house.
- Shit.
- Yeah.
Um, did you ever figure out
what happened to the lights?
They work on and off.
Especially at night, everything
seems to stop working.
My files.
Why you helping me now?
Mutual interest.
You seem to be stuck
with this place
and I want to find my brother.
You think he's here?
I was living in Oregon
when I got the phone call.
It was hell on my parents
but we spent months searching,
which is why I came here.
I was a realtor in Portland so I figured
it was my way onto the property.
His name is Luke.
He was supposedly
with his girlfriend.
A witness said he saw
him walking this way.
They were out one drunken night.
They must have come to
the house on a dare.
That was the last
time he was seen.
I am completely obsessed
with this place.
Every few years another
person goes missing.
Thomas, you said last night that
Jacob Kaiser is the oldest
holder of this property.
Well two generations
later, Michael Kaiser
was the owner of this property.
Earlier 1900s he tried to burn
this place into the ground.
He died a few days later.
Body just shut down.
From what I could figure out
with your family on this side,
is that it's all pretty
much the same story.
Accidental deaths, suicides.
Males, shut-ins.
I believe that it has
to do with this house.
Some sort of
supernatural connection.
Let's say I'm stuck in
this mansion until I die.
There has to be a way
to break the spell,
or curse, or whatever.
You think it's a curse?
I'm entertaining
the possibility.
But cops, us, have searched
the house top to bottom.
That's why I wanted to
see your uncle's letter.
There has to be something there
that connects your
family's bloodline.
- Thomas?
- Come on.
Follow me.
I have the letter.
Be careful.
This is it.
So Billings was certain
there was more space
behind this wall.
And your uncle also
says here that there are
more rooms below the basement.
Yeah, I tried that.
It doesn't move.
Hey, is that blood?
That's what I thought.
Holy shit.
- Looks like there's a tunnel.
- Maybe.
Look at this.
It's a journal.
What are you doing?
In his letter Clive
said the seals are meant
to keep people out.
Where's my uncle's letter?
The handwriting matches, but I
don't understand what it says.
Neither do I. I have no idea
what language this is.
What was that?
Come on.
Let's go.
- Did you see that?
- No.
Thomas, Thomas.
Oh, shit!
- Looks like we have to go through them.
- Slowly.
Did you just see that?
Yeah, it's like it
didn't want to hurt me.
There. Come on!
Okay, go. Go.
What the hell was that?
I don't know. Hold this.
I don't see any more.
- Give me the book.
- Okay.
- Do you still have the journal?
- Yes.
- Where are the keys?
- Oh, shit!
Get in.
- Go!
- All right, where?
This is an unexpected way
to meet you officially.
I tried calling you on the
cell phone, but no luck,
so I decided to take a
look at that property
that you've been yammering on
about for the last few months.
Excellent timing, Richard.
Something else
you want to tell me?
Listen, uh, sorry.
Richard Meyers.
Glad to make your acquaintance.
Richard is an expert in
supernatural phenomenons,
- specifically demonic.
- Well, paranormal cleric.
I perform rituals sanctified
by the Paranormal Community,
Catholic Church, to name a few.
So what were you running from?
Something Thomas did not
believe in five minutes ago.
Come on, let's go to my place.
I'll explain it to you there.
All right.
Well, welcome to my place.
There is something that
I want to show you guys.
- You took all of these?
- Yep.
I've been documenting
the paranormal activity
surrounding the Kaiser Gardens.
I figured out that if you
use a very powerful lens
and you open the shutter
for a really long time
that you can pick up on that.
See these, these spirits,
some people call them
demons or ghosts or djinns
but they are everywhere.
Well, there are
three kinds of beings.
There are the angels that
are created by light.
Humans are created by clay.
And djinns are created by fire.
- Like right there.
- Yes.
So that thing we
saw in the house,
the dark figure
moving in and out?
Most likely that was a Djinn.
They mostly appear as a
shadow or as a black dog.
They can be evil, or good.
And they can take
possession of many things,
such as inanimate objects.
But like angels, they exist
in a supernatural realm,
and like humans
they have free will.
Free will.
So they're behind what's
happening at the house?
And I'm stuck with them?
I hate this goddamn house.
I don't blame you.
At least we know what
we're dealing with.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing does.
My life is over.
Don't you get it?
What are you talkin' about?
Richard, he gets a sickness.
We think if he spends
more than a few days
away from the
property, he'll die.
So you're cosmically
bound to the property?
That's interesting.
You know, I've heard
about this before
but I've never actually seen it.
This is exciting.
May I please borrow the
keys to your car, Richard?
Oh, well, it needs gas.
Thanks a lot, Uncle Clive.
I'm not tied to the property.
I'm tied to her, Briar Rose.
- Who's Briar Rose?
- I don't really know.
I've dreamt about her
my entire adult life,
always in Kaiser
Gardens, always asleep.
Only when I inherited the property did
she wake up, but only in the dream.
She said her body is
somewhere on the property
and the only place
we haven't looked
is deeper in those
basement rooms.
- You say these are dreams?
- She also mentioned a demon.
I saw this in a nightmare.
Rose called it the Veiled Demon.
I've seen this face before.
In ancient drawings
in my trips to Jordan.
She's called Shaytan
which translates into
the Veiled Demon.
In Greek mythology she's
the female version of Erebus.
This must be the
source of the haunting.
I think if we can find
Briar Rose and wake her up,
it will break the curse.
So, uh, does it say anything
about Rose or how to save her?
I don't know. It's in
a coded ancient language.
We're gonna have to get somebody
to help us translate this book.
Well, you have
your ex-boyfriend.
No, Richard.
He's not my ex-boyfriend.
I went on two dates with him.
It was two dates.
It was like a deal. He was gonna
help me with some things.
You said the deal was one date.
The details are not important.
- As I live and breathe.
- Hi, Daniel.
Thanks for taking us
on such short notice.
Sure thing.
Richard, it's nice to
finally meet you in person.
It's nice to see
everybody in the flesh.
It's like a family reunion.
Ah, and who's this?
Your boyfriend?
He looks a little sickly.
- Daniel!
- I kid, because I love.
Come on in.
Welcome to my secret lair.
I knocked a few walls down,
rewired the whole place myself.
Pretty unique.
Oh, here.
Let me show you.
You see, it starts...
Right here it gets dicey.
All this writing
looks like Aramaic script.
- Right.
- Oldest surviving Arabic grammar.
Same as the last thing you gave me.
This could take a while.
- How long will it take?
- How long?
How long?
Where'd you get this guy from?
For your info, smart guy,
I occasionally work
for the government
doing stuff I can't talk about.
The program that we're
using to figure out
this ancient
journal, I wrote it.
Okay. Daniel.
Yeah, uh, we have to get
him back to the property
or else his body's
gonna shut down.
Oh, bummer. Sorry.
Daniel, it's gonna
be a long night.
Let's just have a drink here.
Mmm. It's an Irish recipe.
I made it myself.
I call this program
the Cypher Wizard.
It uses some of
the same logarithms
I use in code breaking
for the government.
These ancient writings are
essentially a kind of code,
with symbols and
double meanings.
So you need to
translate on two levels,
the language or symbols,
and what those symbols
are really trying to
say, in the context
of the symbols around it.
So how did this ancient
book get into the house?
I don't know how it got there.
I can only tell
you what it says.
Now whoever wrote this journal,
no doubt one of your ancestors,
has got an
unparalleled knowledge
of both the language
and the supernatural.
All right, let's do some work.
Door's open. You home?
Thomas, electricity
still isn't working.
Thomas? Ya home?
What are you doing here?
Is that you?
This isn't funny.
I brought you some coffee.
Thank you.
- Do you mind if I sit?
- No, please.
How's your shoulder?
It's seen better days.
For what it's worth,
I'm really glad
that you're here,
sharing this horrifying
experience with me.
At least you have a
choice in the matter.
You guys don't even
need to be here.
Yet you are.
Back in the city, I was just
going through the motions.
I didn't care about
anything or anyone.
Yeah, broken heart?
Shit job?
I was engaged.
She got sick...
And by the time they found
the cancer it was too late.
And that was three years ago.
I am so sorry.
I used her death as an excuse
to check out.
I lost my job,
my house, everything.
A friend graciously
put me in a cubicle
but reality never quite set in.
You on the other hand,
you lose a brother,
and you become a regular
Nancy Drew.
Are you okay?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
It looks like I've traded one
shitty existence for another.
Yeah, but we're close
to finding the
answers and the truth.
I've had enough
answers for one day.
It's just a lot at once
and I still don't know how
Rose fits into the picture.
Rose, the girl from your dreams?
We have this connection.
I can't explain it.
They're more than dreams.
They're so real.
And after what happened today...
Wait, uh...
Are you saying that
you think that you have
some sort of real connection
with this Briar Rose?
Okay, um...
Well, uh...
I should um... Go.
I'm gonna take the
couch upstairs.
You should get some sleep.
Say hi to Briar Rose for me.
We got some new Intel, bro.
What do we got?
Well the journal was written
by one of your earliest
ancestors, William Kaiser,
during the Crusades.
Shit's old.
This is the first
page of the journal.
"I, William Kaiser, have
wrought upon my family
a debt which shall
never be repaid.
This sacrifice of a
virgin bride to Iblis."
In Islam, the devil
is known as Iblis.
He's the first to
refuse to bow to Adam.
- Essentially it's Satan.
- Well, Azazel, yes.
The Quran and the Bible
have many similarities,
just different names.
So William had connections
with Rose and Satan?
There. Briar Rose,
that's her name right?
She was royalty
known for her beauty.
A Djinn cursed her with a needle that pierced
her skin and put her in eternal sleep.
Sounds like a fairy tale.
It must be Iblis who wants her.
Now, if this is real she's
alive, but she's trapped
in limbo, a slave to
the supernatural realm.
The Veiled Demon is the guard
of Rose between these realms.
The only other thing
that was deciphered so far
is, "The blood of our
line shall open the gate."
This phrase is next
to this picture.
What are you doing?
I'm looking for protective
spells in the original Arabic.
They must be somewhere in here.
Are you okay? I think we're
gonna have to get him back.
No, it's too dangerous
to go back to the house.
If it's just me we'll be fine.
Oh no.
Billings the appraiser.
All right, it's all right.
We'll be right back.
Rose, where am I?
You have to move quickly,
Thomas. There's no time left.
When you are away,
her evil thrives here.
Do not trust.
Just drive straight in.
I can make it myself.
No, you can't.
When you confront
her in her true form
she can do more than haunt
and bestow nightmares.
Your bloodline will
no longer protect you.
Are you okay?
Billings's car.
- You all right?
- Just stay here and don't follow me!
Just trust me.
This is it.
This ends right here, right now.
Where are you taking us?
Ah, yes.
Yes, this is the symbol
for Iblis all right.
I think that we should
get the cops involved.
There is evidence all over
the second floor bedroom
that proves that
Billings was killed here.
We can't get the cops involved.
Protocol would be to board this
place up for who knows how long.
I'd be booked as a
suspect and spend at least
a few nights in jail, and
that would not bode well for me.
We can figure this
out for ourselves.
If we just find...
No! What...
Richard, there it is.
That's the gateway.
- Linda.
- Hm?
Now, I uh...
I have this.
- A gun?
- Well, ya never know.
It's best to be prepared.
How well do you know this guy?
You want to tell him
to sit this one out?
Watch out.
Well, it knows we're here.
You said you have
protection spells, right?
Well, hopefully. I have a few
we could use in there.
Rose, she said I'm
no longer protected
once I'm near this Veiled Demon.
I could die in here.
Well, that makes three of us.
Let's go.
- Now that was a Djinn.
- What did you do?
I just banished him back
to the hell he came from.
Where are you going?
Well, I'm gonna follow him
unless you got a better idea.
What is this place?
Looks like a hospital from hell.
These mannequins are different
from the ones we saw.
It's like someone's
been working on them.
It is hiding in here.
I can feel it.
Where did it go?
I'll check over here.
Luke. My brother,
what have they done to you?
That was my brother Luke.
No. No, he left long ago.
This is just an empty vessel.
It's still here.
Let's go get it.
Oh, no.
Not yet.
This is the final chamber.
And there she is.
The Veiled Demon.
And Briar Rose must
be lying asleep
just beyond those doors there.
- How do we get past it?
- Well, I don't know.
We can distract her, keep
her busy for a while,
but you will have to wake Rose.
She's the only one
that can stop this.
- I'm not leaving you guys.
- It's our only choice.
- We're doing this together.
- Just listen to me.
We'll keep her busy.
You have to wake the Rose,
whatever happens to us.
You've got to wake her.
I see you.
Turn around and face us.
Your spells
and weapons are useless here.
Are you the maker?
Did you create these vessels?
You have a lot to answer for.
All who enter my realm
will be punished.
And their souls will be mine.
I stand here in the name...
I have the power here,
as do the other djinns
tasked to stand
guard when the curse
was first brought forth.
Other djinns?
There are 13 of us.
- Where are they?
- I answer to no mortal.
You will answer to me!
How dare you enter
into my domain?
Your mortal eyes are blind.
It is I who is the protector.
Where is the young Kaiser?
Thank you.
Now, the prophecy
can be fulfilled.
Your task has been completed.
Mine has just begun.
And I have plans for you.
How dare you think
you could come in here
and break the curse?
Unleashing the evil
will summon the demons
of the doomed Kaiser bloodline.
And I...
A thousand years.
I have not forgotten.
Rose is evil.
You have to stop her.
There's a special small
taste of what's to come.
I would kill you...
...but I want you to stay
to see all of the darkness
I have to show you.
"We are cursed with the
souls of demons in our blood.
They live within us, using
our bodies as their vessels.
First comes the nightmares.
Then the sickness
begins to take over
and he begins to hear
the spirits of the damned.
The souls of the Kaiser generations
seeping into his blood.
But be warned that one
must never communicate
with any demons,
for you never know if it is
a true beast, a true evil.
The one who will use our curse in
order to bring about the Qiyamat.
The apocalypse.
The end of our world."
Soon, you shall all awaken...
...and bring about my Qiyamat.