The Cutting Edge (1992)

It's 1 :00.
It's 1 :00 in the afternoon.
I got a game.
The hell happened to the alarm?
I'm supposed to be on the ice.
You say, "nein."
-Yeah, 9:00. What happened?
-Yeah, "nein."
Badge. Shirt.
You say, "nein alarm." Is mistake?
No. No mistake.
This is great. Late for the Olympics.
I'm just about four hours late, Rita.
-I don't believe this.
Namen, Gita.
This is the Olympics, Kate.
Thirty million people...
...just called their families in
from the kitchen to watch the replay.
What do you think this is, Kate?
Junior Pairs '82?
No. As I recall, in '82 you were
still humiliating me in private.
Maybe because
you were still listening.
If I'm going deaf, it's because
I've had you...
...screaming in my ear
for the last nine years.
He's not giving me
anything to work with.
Rick, this is impossible.
I wanna see your ass in the air.
Until Hercules here
learns how to lock his grip...
...this will have to do.
-Name, son?
-Dorsey, U.S. hockey.
Hell, son, they're just about to start.
Kate, this has to stop right now.
Rick knows what's best, honey.
He got us here.
How sweet. He lets us tag along.
You're gonna go back out there,
apologize, and get to work.
I wouldn't bet the ranch, Dad.
-Where do you think you're going?
-I'll be in my cell.
What--? What are you--?
Does this go up to the ice?
Does this go up to the ice?
-Does this go up to the ice?
Is that all you have to say?
Were you raised in a barn?
Honey, where I'm from,
we stand for the national anthem.
If you're just joining us
from the men's downhill...'re in for a big surprise.
-West Germany was supposed... be easy for the United States,
but here in the third period...
... West Germany is up by a goal.
Doug Dorsey, down to the last dime...
...of a two-minute penalty
for high-sticking.
-He can't wait. Neither can the fans.
-Come on.
Four, three, two, one.
Dorsey running out.
They'll hit him with the breakaway.
It's offside.
Doug Dorsey, the phenom
from Mayhorn, Minnesota.
What a super story, Bud.
A junior from Minnesota State.
Talk about being on the fast track.
There are at least 1 2 NHL clubs
that'd love to have him on their roster.
Just an incredible young athlete.
If you haven't seen him before,
you're in for a real treat.
We're talking about one of the finest
skaters in amateur hockey today.
There was a piece this week.
A writer called him:
"The Minnesota Machine. "
U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.
For the record...'ve lost 1 8 degrees
of peripheral vision in your right eye.
Now, in most cases, this would be
considered an inconvenience.
-But for a hockey player--
-So how long before it comes back?
You've had extreme trauma
to your occipital lobe.
Doc, how long?
You got a blind side, Doug.
It's a permanent condition.
-So there's an operation, right?
-I'm afraid not.
Some micro-laser thing....
You open me up and--
Doug, I've specialized in ophthalmic
surgery for over 1 5 years.
Okay, you don't do it, but somebody,
somewhere.... Down in Mexico City...
...they shoot shark piss up your nose,
you sit in traction for eight months.
...I'm sorry.
I don't see professional hockey
in your future.
-See you at the game tonight, Doug.
-Not if I see you first.
-See you, Mike.
Anybody seen my wife?
Ice-time meltdown.
You're listening to WICV,
Duluth, Minnesota.
We're gonna warm you up.
-Hi, Doug.
-ln a hurry. Any mail?
-I got a game. Make me a sandwich.
Little brother, Snyder can't make it.
I need a hand.
-I got a game.
-Hi, Dougie.
-It's Friday night.
-Make me a sandwich.
-I need a hand.
-I need a sandwich.
Dougie, wait a minute.
Doug, I got no place else to go.
You're my brother,
not my boss, okay?
Douglas, I'm not asking you,
I'm telling you.
Will you get off my back?
I'm no bartender. Get used to it.
What the hell's that mean?
What makes you so special?
You're playing
in a goddamn bar league.
Hey, Walt, at least I'm playing.
Hey. Your 23rd letter arrived today.
Detroit Red Wings.
It's over, little brother.
Everybody knows it but you.
-Give me that.
-"Doug, sorry about the eye.
-Next time you're in town...
-Give me that letter.
-...we'll buy you a ticket."
-Give me that goddamn letter!.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna fight me?
Are you gonna fight the world?
Well, put me on the list, pal.
Come on, let's go.
You want something to eat,
make it yourself.
All right, Kate. Enough.
Lovely. Let's do it again.
Do we or do we not
have eight minutes left?
Enough for today.
Perhaps you are wanting
to take shower, da?
All right.
What he needs
is a ride to the airport.
I've got laundry that
can skate better than that.
He lasted a month.
You should've been making
her singles skater.
So where do we go from here?
Two years, eight partners.
This one too small.
That one too big. Too loud.
Too much sweat. Not enough sweat.
Jack, she is tremendous skater.
Everyone is saying this.
Petite. Powerful. Intelligent.
But always is coming the big B.
What a bitch.
-What about Spindler?
Spindler say
before he skate with her...
...he wear garlic from neck
and sleep with cross.
Who is left?
I am....
I am at bottom of barrel.
Then you find another barrel.
You are bigger than I think.
-You are much bigger than I think.
I'm spending much time
watching video of you...
...Mr. Douglas Dorsey.
You are very exciting skater.
If you're a reporter, you're a little late.
The story's been done.
No. I am coach.
What, you goof on me,
my brother buys you a beer?
What means "goof"?
-Are you the Swede?
-No, I'm Russian.
My name is Anton Pamchenko.
From the Leafs. I can't believe it.
You got my letter.
I'm in the best shape of my life.
I'm like a rock.
I skate five, six hours a night,
speed drills, stick drills, roadwork.
I am not hockey coach.
-What is this?
-Maybe nothing.
You try.
Those are figure skates, pal.
I should've held out for more.
This way.
-You got your own rink.
-We have ice every day.
That's not Spindler.
Where the hell is Spindler?
I thought you said he'd be here.
No. You said Spindler.
This is Dorsey.
Mr. Douglas Dorsey.
Dorsey? Never heard of him.
Douglas is beautiful skater.
You're that hockey player.
How you doing?
-Nice to meet you.
-ls tryout.
Is tryout.
Oh, my God.
-What, my hand?
-What do you do?
Soak them in battery acid?
I know they're rough, but I've never
had any complaints before.
Oh, I'm terribly impressed.
What is this, final stages
of Ukrainian alcohol psychosis?
Who's checking out who here?
I don't know how many shots
you've taken to the brain...
...but this was your audition.
And let me assure you, it's over.
Snow White, I'm no figure skater.
I'm a hockey player.
Then what are you doing here?
Get him out of my building.
-Get him out of my building.
I can think of another word for it.
-ls that what you told him?
-It's a big secret?
-Who do you think you are?
-I know exactly who I am.
A guy who came
a long way for lunch.
Please don't let me keep you
from the trough.
I'm sorry, buddy. I wouldn't wish this
on a snake. I'm out of here.
Introduction is over.
Conversation finished.
Mouths closed.
Ears to be opened.
Pairs means two.
You have no partner.
You're skating nowhere.
And where are you going?
Oh, back to Siberia?
Skating on small pond
is big excitement.
Believe me, Gretzky...
...I am last person
who's coming to look for you.
We skate.
You are taking her left hand,
and your right hand is at her waist.
Good. The line is beautiful.
Now I am counting a beat.
You push off on four.
Katya will lead.
Hey, hold on.
What's the deal with these...
...claws up front here?
-ls toe pick.
-Toe pick?
Let me guess. It has something
to do with personal hygiene.
-I wouldn't let that get in your way.
-I don't let anything get in my way.
Count it off.
And one and four.
Good. Good. Head up. Yes.
Arms up. Katya, keep in line with him.
Is not race, Katya.
Together. Together.
-What, you shower once a week?
-ls that an invitation?
Douglas, bend knees more.
Hey. Hey.
Oh, shit.
Toe pick.
Katya, lift arms, please.
Go on. Lift arms.
Douglas, please to pick her up.
Pick up.
Okay. Enough.
-We are finish.
-I told you this was ridiculous.
Would you please put me down?
You-- You cretin.
Guess that move needs some work.
What a waste of good ice.
Stare at it long enough, you'll start
to see an Olympic gold medal in there.
Jack Moseley. Sit down.
Sit down, please.
Look, I've spoken with Anton.
First of all, the simple fact
that he brought you out--
You should feel proud.
I mean, we're talking...
...about probably the greatest
judge of skating talent in the world.
Central Soviet Army Sports Club,
Moscow lce Ballet, the works.
I saw you skate in Calgary.
You were a great,
great hockey player.
Don't feel as though this were
a complete waste of time.
I mean, it was worth a shot.
-What, the eye?
-No, the eye's not a problem.
Is it your daughter?
Kate is Kate.
She's an only child,
raised without a mother.
The strain of competition....
Sudden changes tend
to bring out...
...her color.
Is that what that was?
Frankly, the idea's just
a little too bizarre for me.
I believe you're on a 1 0:30 flight,
first class.
-There's a check for your trouble.
-This is called giving me a shot?
I don't have time to screw around.
I can't afford to be wrong about you.
We were 45 seconds away
from the gold medal.
And our boy dropped the ball.
That goddamn glass box
is empty for one reason:
We can't find a go-to guy.
Thirty-five male skaters.
These boys have been doing this
for years and couldn't cut it.
Wagner... stamina.
Myersohn, no rhythm.
Leone, Parnes, Hudler.
Not one single pressure-player
in the bunch.
Lucky shot.
Double or nothing.
You're on.
Katie, there you are.
Hi. I was just coming
to say goodbye.
Hold that thought.
Doug's staying with us for a while.
-Good talking to you, Jack.
Catch your act tomorrow.
It's the end of the line, honey.
If we're working together,
try being polite.
You won't be here long enough
to make it worth the effort.
-Think I can't put up with your shit?
-I don't think you can skate.
There's two things I do
really well, sweetheart.
And skating's the other one.
God. You really are a Neanderthal.
I hate to tell you,
but I'm from Minnesota.
That's south of Neanderthal.
What do you do for fun,
polish your knife collection?
I'm sure there's nothing I do
that you'd find exciting.
I don't open beer bottles
with my toes.
I don't sit around and count
what's left of my teeth.
Hey, I don't even enjoy
a good tractor-pull.
Limited existence,
but I've gotten used to it.
Life of the party.
Place must be crawling with guys.
As a matter of fact,
I do have a boyfriend.
A rough gig. You keep him
chained up in the basement?
Hale, at the moment, is working
in my father's London office.
He's an M.B.A.
Harvard. You might've heard of it.
They do have a hockey team.
Must be a very smart guy.
First position.
Bet you look good
from a few thousand miles away.
Okay, Douglas.
Come. Shoulders back.
Good, good. Now, chest out.
Yes. Shoulders back. Head higher.
When we're through, can we teach it
how to breathe with its mouth closed?
Don't quit your day job.
Man and woman
together make flower.
Douglas, you are stem.
Katya, you are petal.
Together, we make flower.
Toe pick.
Toe pick.
Toe pick.
Toe pick.
Whoa. Dorsey back to Gretzky,
over to Esposito.
LaFontaine to Dorsey.
Dorsey to Gretzky.
Gretzky to Dorsey.
Dorsey shoots. He scores.
If you're bored, why not read?
-What, you mean a book?
-That's a traditionally accepted format.
Is this the beginning
of a conversation here?
I was just simply asking
if you knew how to read.
Yes. Doug can read.
What was the last book you read?
You were in college.
Last thing I read was a letter
canceling my scholarship...
...when I couldn't play anymore.
-Okay. High school.
-I was a hockey player.
The only thing I had to read
was a scoreboard.
-And they graduated you?
-They revered me. I was a god.
What a tragic commentary
on our times.
State championships,
my last game...
...three hundred people carried me
around their shoulders on the ice.
It took the state police
two hours to break it up.
What were you planning on doing
when your gladiating days were over?
You can bet your tights I never thought
I'd work in a freak show like this.
I'm surprised you don't chuck it all
and start your own think tank.
So where'd you matriculate from?
You were in college?
I had tutors.
Excellent tutors.
Would you please find someplace
else to put your clubs?
Man, would I love
to see you play hockey.
Any day.
You can do better than that.
Come on.
Come on.
That's one.
Come on, take it.
Cut it out.
That's two.
Stop it, you--
You make me ill.
It's not like his nose was perfect.
He's the one who wanted to play.
He's like those morons
who insist you hit them... the stomach
as hard as you can.
I don't know why
I'm explaining this to you.
All I did was play his stupid game.
Next you'll be telling me
how guilty I sound.
Is not guilt.
Well, at least we agree on that.
Is fear.
You've gotta be kidding me.
What do I have to be afraid of?
Because finally you have
found yourself a partner.
Oh, my God. I thought you said
it was just his nose.
-What? What's wrong?
-He's all yours.
Toe pick.
What's her problem?
I think she is nervous
about rematch.
You want my hands where?
You gotta be kidding.
-How am I doing?
-Maybe in about five years...'ll get it up to half-speed.
Hey, come on.
Douglas? Douglas, come back.
You have the mentality
of a rock, you know that?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
She's got everything.
A house, the rink.
I don't get it.
You know something,
I don't even think she likes to skate.
You worked in factory.
You were happy there?
Hey, I worked there
because I had to.
Just a moment, please.
-Kate. Oh, you're--
-What the hell are you doing?
-Did I say come in?
Get out. Get out.
Get out this second.
I handle this stuff all the time.
It's no big mystery.
-What's that?
-Open it up.
Go on.
I wrapped it myself.
What do you get for the girl
who has everything?
An old shirt.
An old shirt?
Bobby Hull wore that sweater.
That's Bobby Hull's game sweater.
I've had that 1 5 years.
Bobby Hull.
-Forget it. I'll take it--
-No, no. I like it.
I'll get something else.
You'll tear it.
Then let go.
Thank you.
So anyway, merry Christmas.
Well, wait a minute.
Merry Christmas.
"Great Expectations."
Well, it was either that or
Curious George Plays Hockey.
I took a chance.
You're welcome.
Hale. Hale?
Kate. I was looking at your stuff.
Great pictures in here.
That's your mom, right?
Boy, she was a knockout.
Yes, she was very pretty.
She was a show skater.
There's one over here.
You look too young to walk yet.
You got skates on.
What is this expression on your face?
Is that a smile?
I never knew you had
so many teeth.
We usually keep this door
closed during a party.
Am I some guy off the street?
You probably didn't recognize me
in my rig here. It's pretty sharp, huh?
Sixty-nine ninety-five.
Turn around.
-What are you doing?
-Turn around.
Thank you.
That book you gave me,
it's pretty good.
Really? Using it as a doorstop
or a coaster?
Very funny. Here.
-No, I don't drink.
-It's only champagne.
I've never had a drink in my life.
You're kidding.
You afraid you're gonna get fat?
-I hardly expect you to understand.
-There you are.
-Doug Dorsey, Hale Forrest.
-Well. Finally.
The secret weapon.
In the flesh.
I guess this calls for a toast.
Let's drink to the little people.
I understand you were
at Minnesota State.
For a while.
I used to play
a little hockey myself. For fun.
Let me know.
We'll slap it around sometime.
Sure. And maybe you
can stop by the office.
-Help me with currency arbitrage.
-lf you two will excuse me.
Naked male-insecurity
really leaves me cold.
Must be tough to stay away.
I understand you're giving Kate
a rough time.
You know Kate.
Yes, I do. And I don't like
to see her upset.
If I was you,
I'd invest in blindfolds.
Seven, six, five...
...four, three, two, one.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, sweetheart.
Happy New Year!.
-Who is it?
-It's me, Kate.
I spoke to Anton. He said you were
leaving for the weekend.
-What, that's a problem?
-No, it's great.
You haven't been home
since you got here.
They probably think we've got you
under lock and key.
-Come on in.
-I haven't been here in a while.
Not since Brian.
Brian had mirrors up all over.
Oh, yeah, I took them down.
It's kind of a mess.
I wasn't expecting any company.
What's this?
That's me smelling the ice.
I told this guy once
I loved how ice smelled.
It became this thing.
Somebody got a camera.
-I never thought about it.
-I'm not surprised.
What's that supposed to mean?
-I'll be right there.
What did you mean by that?
I think you'd skate even better
if you'd let yourself enjoy it a little.
Wait. What's this? I come up to say,
"Have a nice weekend"...
...and you're
gonna give me pointers?
-You brought it up.
-No, I didn't.
-Yes, you did.
-No, I didn't.
-Yes, you did.
I came to give you this.
-What's that?
-It's our greatest hits.
It's a video for your family...
...of us skating.
-My dad booked some extra rooms... Chicago, and we'd love them
to stay with us.
-My family?
-Yes. To the nationals.
They're coming, aren't they?
I don't know.
Look at all you've done.
They must be excited.
Honey, it's a 7::30 show.
-You better go.
-Why wouldn't they come?
They're coming. Hale's waiting.
How do you know
if you haven't told them?
-I'm gonna tell them.
-Now. This weekend.
-You sure?
-Yeah, I'm sure.
Kate, believe me.
I'm dying to tell them.
Dougie? Dougie!.
Hey, you're a captain now.
Come on. Come on.
Would you let him up for air, dear.
Come on.
I'll be a son of a bitch.
Man, it's good to see you.
Yeah, it's good to see you too.
My brother Doug,
home from the merchant marine.
Did you forget
how to use the phone?
Come on.
Move back, move back.
He's been cruising
all over the world...
...and he can't even get to the bar.
Come on.
Ensign Dorsey. No, no--
Lieutenant, Captain Dorsey, huh?
-Cool it with the merchant marine.
-I didn't join the merchant marine.
-Still got your sea legs?
If you weren't with the merchant
marine, where were you?
Let's go outside
and talk about this.
-We're all family here.
-Tell us about it, tell us about it.
Come on. Tell me now.
Come on, chief.
Well, actually...'s kind of interesting.
Tell him.
I've been doing a little....
Been doing a little figure skating.
-What'd he say?
You been doing what?
Finger painting?
These people, they think
we can go all the way.
All the way to where?
To the nationals.
Walter, the cham--
You just don't understand.
Was it me? Was it something I did?
I'm telling you, I'm good.
Come on, Doug, you're a hockey
player. How good can you be?
Face it. If you're lucky,
a year from now...'ll be in a Snoopy costume
in the frigging lce Capades.
You think I'd spend
1 5 hours a day, every day... win some consolation prize?
I'm talking an Olympic gold medal.
The girl. You're mixed up with
this broad. That's it, isn't it?
-It's a great opportunity.
-It's figure skating.
And I like it.
It's a lot goddamn harder than
playing hockey, I can tell you that.
And the stuff we're doing,
it's gonna be different.
The costumes, the music.
Everything is gonna be different.
You'll see.
Are they gonna make you
shave your legs?
Screw this. I don't even know why--
Good. This is looking good.
Oh, I like it.
It's not too low, is it?
Well, we don't want him to hide
his light under a basket, do we?
Now, where to put this?
Here. Here.
I know.
Let's put it here.
-What do you think you're doing?
-Just getting started.
This is Mozart.
-It's not us.
-The deal was that we had to listen.
Kate, this is tired.
Ten thousand other skaters will cue up
the same boring crap.
This doesn't get it done.
It's like the costumes.
Let's be different.
Let's kick a little ass.
If you wanna see
some asses kicked...
...why don't you throw on some jeans
and skate to this.
If you wanna win,
you play it straight.
This is boring.
-Would you stop?
-Didn't work for you last time.
You heard me.
-You have some nerve.
-Just listen to my music one second!
Stop turning it!
It's after midnight.
I have a 6:30 appointment.
We were just wrapping up.
Play him the Mozart.
You'll be asleep in no time.
Katya, please try to understand.
Douglas is not boy. He is man.
Is young, vigorous man.
I don't care. He has three months
to qualify for nationals.
-He needs every minute.
-Sure, sure. This I know.
And he is back on Monday.
And he will be working much better.
Katya, please, you know.
Solitude is....
Too much is not good, eh?
It's Christmas, we skate.
I have the flu, we skate.
I have a boyfriend in London
that I never see.
I skate every day so that you can play
Dr. Frankenstein with this guy.
I show up every morning
for seven months... that you can give him two days
to go off whoring in New York City?
Is not entirely correct.
He went to Boston.
If I get her any higher...
...they'll need a putty knife to scrape
her off the ceiling. Am I right?
-Are we ready for nationals or what?
-We will be.
-Celebrating? We haven't won yet.
-To you, Doug.
Who's ready to order?
I think I'll start with some vichyssoise.
Five weeks to go.
Everything's clicking.
We're gonna kick some tail.
-Am I right?
-"Tail"? Excuse me?
-Some beluga.
-I'm eligible.
Doug Dorsey, licensed to thrill.
Slow down, champ.
We've got a long way to go.
-Trying to rain on my parade?
-Don't let her beat you down.
Hasn't happened by now,
he's in the clear.
Standing there doing nothing.
Get our menu.
-Now is not the time.
-Any specials or what?
Everyone's in such a great mood.
-I'll throw another log on the fire.
-Hale, now is not the time.
They'll find out sooner or later.
The fact is...
...I've asked Kate to marry me,
and she's accepted.
-Oh, Hale, congratulations.
-Thank you.
-That's great.
-Katya, I want my kiss.
Show them the ring, Kate.
-Great. That's just great.
-Now, there's a piece of ice.
Hale, I think I'm paying
you altogether too much.
-What are you doing?
-We ready to order?
Still dropping that shoulder.
I thought you'd retired.
I changed my mind.
You know what I think
is the saddest thing about sports?
People who stay too long
at the party.
-What are you doing here, Rick?
-I'd like to see you go out a champion.
That's my plan.
If you wanted to skate so badly,
why didn't you come to me?
-I know we made some mistakes.
You spent the last 1 0 years
tying me into knots.
You were always difficult.
Know what the first thing
you said to me was?
I was 9,
and you came into my building.
And I was skating.
And when I was finished,
I turned around...
...and, oh, my God,
there was Rick Tuttle.
And you know what you said?
You said, "Boy, do we have
our work cut out for us."
Still blaming Calgary on Brian?
You meant a lot to this sport, Kate.
You still do.
But nationals?
I mean, now, after all this time?
I just hate to see you humiliated.
-Oh, come on. This guy.
A hockey player?
Let's face it. Trusting partners
was never your strong suit.
This guy, this hockey player... the best skater
I've been on the ice with.
He gonna make you cry,
he's so good.
You know your way out.
You let me down,
it'll take them a month... count the blade marks
up your back.
Do me a favor, take off
the rock while we work.
It's cutting the hell out of my hand.
The United States
Figure Skating Association...
...welcomes you to the national
skating championships.
and the best of luck.
Douglas, free leg must be high.
Katya, head low.
Yes, your body must be tight.
-Like rush hour out here.
-Spindler and Nyman.
They cry on command.
The Weiderman twins. Don't get too
close. You'll go into sugar shock.
-Hey, isn't that--?
-Brian Neuman.
-My old partner.
-The ex-husband.
Who's the new wife?
Pekurovsky. Lorie Pekurovsky.
Tell me how you really feel.
Well, Kate.
-Surprise, surprise.
-Hello, Brian.
No wonder you've been
keeping him to yourself.
-What's the matter?
Don't worry. You'll get used to it.
Yeah, right.
Going down?
You talked me into it.
-How you doing?
-I'm well.
-See you around.
-Just get in?
-I thought you were napping.
I couldn't sleep. I wasn't tired.
He has the self-control of a rabbit.
Kate, what are you looking for?
Nothing. My earring.
I spend four years working
my way back to nationals...
...and what happens?
I'm skating to weird music...
...with a partner who can't even follow
the simplest of instructions.
Maybe he's got a problem sleeping.
The only problem that he has
is finding his zipper fast enough.
I thought they looked good together.
You think this is funny?
We have to skate tonight.
-Now is the time to rest.
-Like you, huh?
That's it. That is it.
Call the front desk
and get a room of your own.
I knew this wouldn't work out.
I can't even concentrate.
I can't even find my lucky earring.
This hasn't got anything
to do with skating, does it?
-What does that mean?
-You're falling for him.
-You are. You're falling for him.
-That's crazy.
-You think so?
-You're nuts.
-Am l?
-You see how we act together.
-Yes, I do.
We never get along.
I mean, we're always fighting.
-Okay, we're all in.
-You are not waiting for Hale?
He's not coming. He had to go up
to Boston. Business problems.
Is okay with you?
If you wanna worry about something,
worry about ramjet the rookie here.
Let's go.
So here we are at night number four
of the U.S. national championships.
The country's 12 best couples
are in the arena tonight.
only two of these couples
will go on to the olympics... Albertville, France
six weeks from now.
Tonight we're seeing
two and a half minutes... the compulsory moves before
tomorrow night's long program.
You look nervous.
You look really nervous.
How nervous are you?
How nervous are you?
I feel better.
What is wrong with you?
I always get tight before a game.
Put it this way.
When I played hockey,
I used to have two helmets.
One for the game,
and one for just before.
This just coming up now?
Bad choice of words.
Beautiful skating. Just beautiful.
I don't believe this.
I'm fine. No problem.
Don't sweat it.
Look at me.
Miss Moseley, Mr. Dorsey,
you're on.
Look at my eyes, look at my eyes.
That's good.
Okay. Now smile.
Concentrate on my forehead.
Okay. Now look at me and smile.
There you go. There. Bigger.
Okay. Now breathe.
Just don't breathe on me, okay?
Look, it goes away.
The worst it ever was...
...I went out and scored six goals
in the first two periods.
Next to skate...
...Kate Moseley, Douglas Dorsey.
Miss Moseley, Mr. Dorsey, please.
You're saying once
we get out there...
...everything will be fine?
It usually only took me
about 1 0 minutes to relax.
Our program is
two and a half minutes.
So eight minutes after
we're done I'll be fine.
So here they are, former
U.S. champion Kate Moseley...
...and ex-hockey star Doug Dorsey
at their first nationals.
And what a place to make
your competitive debut.
Side by side double axels.
Here they come.
And they nailed them.
They nailed them just beautifully.
What a night for U. S. pairs skating.
It's extraordinary.
Brian Neuman and Lorie Pekurovsky
into first place.
Johnny and Jodie Weiderman
into the number two spot.
And out of nowhere, Kate Moseley
and Doug Dorsey grab number three.
Two couples are all
the United States...
...are allowed to send
to the olympic Games.
Tomorrow night's long program
should be very exciting.
Man, this overnight thing is brutal.
Why can't it be a double-header?
Short program, long program,
same night.
We're out of here.
Know what I mean?
I know what you mean.
It's like, enough already. It's like....
What's the word?
You know what word
I'm looking for?
I don't know. Expectation?
-No, no. When you....
-Yeah, you know. Like foreplay.
Yeah, I know what it means.
Well, wouldn't you rather
just get right to it?
Long program.
Chicago. Nationals.
I'd rather sleep.
Brian Neuman
and Lorie Pekurovsky.
Beautiful skating. This assures them
a place on the olympic team.
The remaining spot will
go to one of the two teams...
...Ieft to skate: Moseley-Dorsey
or the Weidermans.
Kate Moseley and Doug Dorsey.
What a performance.
Look at that sit spin.
This crowd knows it's seeing
history in the making.
We're in for a major upset tonight.
oh, yes. That was great skating.
Clean, powerful,
and the crowd just loved it.
-Are those for me?
Hey. You were great.
5. 4, 5. 4, 5. 4....
These are not great marks.
I expected much higher.
Evidently, so did the crowd.
It's hard to explain
to people outside the sport...
...but sometimes the scores
reflect more than what's on the ice.
The judges have their favorites...
...and they obviously don't include
Moseley and Dorsey.
It looks like the Weidermans will join
Neuman and Pekurovsky...
...on the olympic team.
This is horseshit.
What crap are they trying to pull?
We skated our asses off out there.
You call this a sport?
Just terrible. She stepped into
the spin, then I'm not sure...
...but it looked like she got caught
in his lederhosen.
You know what this means.
We are in.
Yeah. Yeah. We're going to France.
Parlez-vous Olympics?
Sure you wanna do this?
Whatever you're having.
All right. We're here.
Oh, boy.
Wanna dance?
No, I don't think so.
Douglas, you silly thing.
Please don't think.
That's what I like about the way I feel.
Even if I tried to think, I couldn't.
And I think too much,
and I think so long. And it's so tiring.
The world is spinning
and spinning and spinning.
Did you ever play with magnets?
You used to have to
push them around...
...and they'd push away and
you push them around the table?
All you really had to do was
just flip them over, and suddenly....
Don't you see? That's why
everything's been so awful.
All we needed was a little flip.
Kate, it's not right.
What about Hale?
Oh, Hale shmale.
We're through.
Our engagement is off.
Come on. Not tonight.
Not like this.
Not like what?
Not like me?
-Kate, you're bombed.
-What do you mean?
That means that it's time
for you to go to bed.
God, just what I need.
Someone else telling me what to do.
In case you've missed it,
I am throwing myself at you.
I am tearing off my clothes...
...and you are giving me a rundown
on drinking dos and don'ts.
Kate, why don't you calm--
I get enough coaching
on the ice. Get out.
-You've got this all wrong.
-Do I ever.
Excuse my surprise, but really,
what a disappointment.
-What is that supposed to mean?
-Well, look at you.
God's gift to reckless abandon...
...revealed as nothing but a prude
in wolf's clothing.
You're a lousy drunk.
And you're a lousy date.
It didn't have to be like this.
I said, get out.
I watched your program.
You've got a great sit spin.
I thought maybe
we could trade secrets.
It's a little early for practice, isn't it?
I'm sorry. I must have
the wrong room.
Ask her for more towels, will you?
Kate, will you wait a minute? Kate.
-Don't. Don't even try it.
Just looking at you makes me sick.
To think I was coming to apologize.
Lorie Pekurovsky.
Were you or were you not engaged
until last night?
-Hardly the point.
-You threw me out of your room.
She may not have
waited much longer.
-That's not how it happened.
-Spare me the details.
-Where the hell do you get off?
This is my fault?
From the first day, you treated me
like a hired hand.
Then one night you get drunk,
I'm supposed to thank my lucky stars?
I'm sorry. I don't downshift that fast.
-Get out of my way.
-No problem.
I've been practicing that move
for a year and a half.
Blind date.
So we have little problem, da?
So we have little problem, da?
Good. We skip little problem...
...and go straight line
to big problem.
"And what is big problem, coach?"
Smilkov and Brushkin.
Smilkov and Brushkin.
Last night they win
European Championship.
Perfect scores.
Everybody's been blown away.
Contest is over.
Smilkov and Brushkin
are unbeatable.
So hello Soviet surprise package.
Goodbye gold medal.
Of course, there is possible solution.
But it's probably too dangerous.
Where did these come from?
For 20 years
I've been working on this.
But you know, to have skaters,
to have situation, to have desire... not ready until now.
What is this?
Is this a bounce spin into a throw?
-You can't do that.
-The key to this is release.
There can be no halfway.
No. No. It's illegal.
Is gray area.
Bounce spin to a throw twist.
Then I catch her?
Well, sort of.
We can't do this.
Why not? We have all the pieces.
We have five weeks.
The Pamchenko Twist.
-Absolutely not.
-Expect us to name it after you?
No, no. Is mistake.
-ls not right time.
-This is good stuff. I can do this.
-What are you saying? I can't?
-Hey, if the shoe fits.
Hey, listen. I have been
competing for 1 3 years...
...and nobody tells me
what I can or cannot do.
Don't quit your day job.
Okay, again.
Again, again.
Again. Again.
Katya, head up.
Higher. Higher. She has to fly.
-Are they gonna get it?
Before they kill each other?
Release. Release must be total.
Is no halfway. Halfway is bullshit.
You go halfway, you get hurt.
Much higher.
We are needing an explosion.
I was just looking at
the pictures of mother.
I can hear her now:
"The Olympics."
It's what she always dreamed of.
Look at this thing.
Just sitting here empty.
We're almost there, honey.
I can taste it.
What if it stays empty?
Not this time.
-Go to bed. You need your rest.
-I'm not tired.
What are we doing?
Why am I doing this?
It's what you've always wanted.
-I know.
I'm going.
These little pep-talks
can be so exhausting.
Opening ceremonies,
you enjoyed yourself?
-Oh, it was great.
-Cold and great.
So, Doug, what's the difference
between this and hockey?
The women.
What's the feeling?
Everybody out for themselves...
...or is there a team spirit building?
-Oh, we're definitely a team.
There's a real sense
of togetherness.
It's-- It's sort of.... It's almost....
-It's almost--
What did she say?
-The Russians.
-The Russians.
-Can we get a photo?
You guys gonna be here a while?
You forgot a button.
No, I like it open.
Well, it looks terrible.
It pulls at my neck.
Well, you should've
mentioned that in Chicago.
Button it.
We're on.
Good luck.
Representing the United States
of America...
...Moseley and Dorsey.
-Button the goddamn button.
-Get over it.
You are an immature asshole
of the lowest order.
If it was 40 below and that button...
...meant the difference
between a long life...
...and a horrible death
from hypothermia...
...I still wouldn't give you
the satisfaction.
A technically superior program...
...but did you feel
there was something missing?
Absolutely. They delivered all
the short-program required moves...
...but it seemed very cold.
As if we were seeing two strangers,
rather than a fluid pair.
It just didn't look like
they were having fun out there.
Hey, Doug...
-...was the altitude a problem tonight?
Long program. We've been hearing all
week about your new surprise move.
-What's it called?
-The Pamchenko.
-The Pamchenko. Is it named after--?
-We're not doing it.
-We're taking it out of the program.
It's not ready.
A button?
-What in hell are you thinking of?
Yes, you. What the hell
is in your head?
He's making like this is my fault.
You didn't deliver.
What, you want a pat on the back?
When did I become
the designated asshole?
What happened?
Ask the ice queen.
-Enough of that.
-When you're done, Jack... can tell me why I spent 5 weeks
on a move she was never gonna do.
-You're out of line.
-I needed the gold medal.
Forget it.
We can win without the move.
-Where the hell were you during this?
Where was l? I was babysitting.
Loud and clear, folks:
Losing gracefully does nothing for me.
-Think about that in the future.
-That what you told Brian in Calgary?
You can kid all you want about
what happened. I've seen the tapes.
Brian was getting it done.
Ask him. He'll tell you.
All right, Douglas, is enough.
Today it's about a button.
You people are all excuses.
You wanna point a finger--
-You goddamn son of a bitch.
-Gotta find that go-to guy.
You should've started
with a go-to girl, Jack.
-That cuts it.
-He's right.
He's right. He is.
All of it.
We worked so hard for two years.
And I just went and threw it all away.
-Why did you stay with me?
-Kate, don't.
Don't what?
Tell the truth?
We can't buy back
what happened today.
We can't start over.
Do you think I look at myself,
at what I've become...
...and do you think I'm proud?
What do you want?
I don't know.
I guess I would like to go back
to the beginning and have you say... or lose,
I could just be your daughter.
You came every day,
and you skated.
This must've been
like a nightmare for you.
I didn't know it was gonna
end up like this.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. For everything.
Please excuse me.
I'm going for a walk.
Kate. What's this?
I'm going over with my father.
Anton has the other car.
He'll take you over
when you're ready to go.
-No, I'm talking about the bags.
-I'm catching the 6:30 flight tonight.
Tonight? After we skate?
The house is paid up
for two weeks... stay as long as you like.
-Kate, wait. What are you saying?
-lf this is about yesterday--
-I'm retiring.
This afternoon is my final skate.
-Kate, come on--
-You'll be fine.
You won't have any trouble
finding another partner.
Of course, they won't have
my wonderful slap shot.
I gotta go get ready.
Beautiful extension.
Very classy.
Executed very nicely.
I hope they can keep it
going to the finish.
Neuman and Pekurovsky
looking well-positioned for a medal.
Still to skate are Smilkov-Brushkin
and Kate Moseley and Doug Dorsey.
Do you know what I think
would be wonderful?
If you would go out there today
and skate for these people...
...the way I have seen you skate.
Enjoy each other.
What's the matter?
-Are you all right?
Kate, I'm sorry.
My timing--
I know it stinks, but....
I just keep thinking
this thing with us....
It's gonna go away.
I keep thinking if I can just keep
moving and checking...
...I'll get clear, but....
Do you understand
what I'm telling you?
-I don't wanna fight anymore.
-No. I mean, yeah, I don't wanna fight.
-Look, we have to skate.
-This won't wait.
Kate, maybe I wasn't ready.
Maybe you didn't give me much
of a chance. Maybe--
I don't know. I just-- I just--
Kate, somewhere in the middle
of all this I fell in love with you.
You may take the ice.
I'm saying I love you.
I'm saying it out loud.
Don't say we're not right
for each other...
...because we may not be right
for anybody else.
-You have to go on.
-Will you shut up a minute.
It can't be any harder to stay together
than it was to stay apart.
-Thirty seconds.
-Will you wait a minute.
I need you.
I need you.
We're doing the Pamchenko.
-Oh, you heard me.
Think I'm doing this
to get a program out of you?
You wanna win, don't you?
No. It's no good, Kate.
It's too dangerous.
Then we agreed.
We're putting it in.
-It's out.
-It's in.
-What difference does it make?
-The difference is...
...I'm in the mood to kick a little ass.
-You didn't have to.
-Yes, I did.
Because I love you.
Just remember
who said it first.