The Daisy Chain (2008)

[solemn orchestral music]

[gentle orchestral music]

[woman speaking
native language]
- What are they saying?
-...and "Hi" to Christopher
Williams from Dublin Center.
He's a regular listener
to the program,
and he texted me
a while ago, and he said,
"Any chance you might
play a piece of music
"which Mary Coogan used
as the signature tune
to the Golden Era TV show?"
And tell me where...
Check out
the 50th anniversary--
- Is this what
you used to listen to?
- Yeah, of course,
- [laughs]
- Come on, kids!
[bell ringing faintly]
Get to class.
No running.
Take it easy.
- That's where
I went to school.
- Ah, bare feet and a slate
and a piece of chalk?
- Yeah.
Made a man out of me.
- Yeah, right.
Do you think
we'll get broadband?
- Yeah, I hope so.
- [laughs]
- It needs a bit of work
all right, hmm?
- A bit?
- We got time.
There's loads of room
to extend.
Hey, come on.
Come see the outhouse.
Make a perfect studio
for you.
I told you you'd love it.
What do you think?
Shay's done a good job.
Do you like this color?
- Oh, my God.
Look at the view.
- This was mine.
- It's perfect.
We love it.
- Yeah.
It will be.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- Oh.
- What?
- Funny.
- This used to be
mine and Cat's.
Thought I'd fix it up
for our Bartholomew.
All right, then,
Come on, Daniel Conroy.
- Oh, I thought we were getting
everything new this time.
- It'll be good as new,
I promise.
[hammer scraping]
[chimes ringing]
[gravel crunching]
[car horn honking]
- Hi.
- Hi.
I can't believe you're here.
Oh, it's so great
to have you home.
- Hi, Shay.
- Hey, how are you?
- Hello, Eva.
- Say hello
to your Auntie Martha, Eva.
- Hi.
- Oh, my God.
- Wow.
- You two don't waste any time,
do you?
- Hey.
- Ah, it's lovely.
What's this?
- It's Marty's.
I love it.
- I think it might be
a bit dark for here, though.
- Don't ask us.
Our walls are covered
in finger paintings.
[tapping at window]
- [screams]
- Play with me.
Play with me!
[cans clanking]
- [chuckles]
Were you just
banging on my window?
I'm Martha.
What's your name?
- Daisy.
- Hello, Daisy.
- [screams]
- Away with you.
- Stop it!
- Get away from here.
Stay away from here.
- What are you doing?
Are you okay?
Did he hit you?
[school bell rings]
- Good morning, all.
all: Morning, sir.
- I'm Tomas Conroy.
You can call me "Tomas."
You can call me
"Mr. Conroy."
Just don't call me "Sir."
[video game bleeping]
- Are you married
to Tomas Conroy?
- Yes.
Do you know him?
- I heard he was teaching
at his old school.
- English.
- We used to sit together
at the back of the school bus.
I'm Orla Gannon,
by the way.
- Martha.
- And that's Lucy.
Are you sure
you're not gonna go crazy here
after the bright lights
of London?
- I went crazy in London.
That's why we're here.
- Great.
That's all
perfectly normal.
Why don't you take a seat?
Anything in your family history
I should know about?
- My mother died of cancer
when I was four.
- You're young and healthy.
There's nothing
to worry about.
- I have another baby.
Sorry, um...
She died when
she was three weeks old,
sudden infant death syndrome.
- Well,
that wasn't your fault, pet.
When did it happen?
- Two years ago.
- I'm going to take
really good care of you.
- Evening.
- Shay said he'd help me
put a skylight in and a window.
- You never mentioned Orla.
- Orla?
- Orla from the school bus.
- Yeah, she broke my heart
when I was 19.
That's when
I came looking for you.
- Hello!
[baby crying]
- Jack, Jack.
No, don't be like that.
- Let's get you in.
- [whispering]
Move away.
- [giggling]
[melancholy piano music]

- Jack!
- Oh, God.
- [screams]
- Well, I think
we're done for now.
- Okay, thanks.
Hey, Sergeant Riley
says we can go.
- What was the baby called?
- Jack Gahan.
Come on.
- No, I just--
I just want to be by myself
for a minute.
[man speaking indistinctly
over radio]
- Come on, Jen.
- [sobs]
My boy, Jack.
I'm so sorry I left you.
- Mummy, play with me.
Play with me.
- [sobbing]
Daisy, don't touch.
- Play with me.
- Don't.
- Daddy, play with me.
Jack's asleep.
He can't play with me.
No one
will play with me.
- [whispering]
Come here.
[cans clanking]
- Daisy?
You'd better
come down from there.
- [giggles]
- Poor old Mr. Cryan,
he won't like
you being up there, come on.
- Daisy!
Daisy, get down from there.
You're going to fall.
- What's happening?
- Yeah, she seems fine.
- You, are you okay?
- Martha, you okay?
- I'm--
I'm completely fine.
I just got a fright.
She just jumped.
- Away with you!
- [giggles]
- I told you.
She's crying for you.
Can't you hear it?
- Jenny,
don't listen to him.
- It's not too late.
It's not too late
to save her.
- Shut your face, old man,
or I'll shut it for you!
- Jimmy.
- Hey, come on.
Come on, leave it.
Go home.
- Come on, you.
[banging on door]
- Tomas!
[banging continues]
we need help!
Come on, Tomas!
- Water.
We need...
- Ah.
[flames crackling]
[people yelling]
- Ah, fuck.
- Here, Martha.
- Need more water!
- More water!
- Do you know where Daisy is,
the little girl?
[men shouting]
[child screaming faintly]
[child screaming louder]
- She's hysterical.
I can't tell if she's hurt.
Call Dr. Ferguson.
- Can I help?
I--I know her.
- It's worth a shot.
Just be careful.
- Daisy?
Daisy, sweetheart,
it's me, Martha.
Come on, sweetheart,
come on.
No, please, please.
Turn it off.
- [screams]
- Sweetheart, come down.
You're safe now.
Come on.
- Martha.
- Come on.
- Martha.
- Come on.
That's it, good girl.
It's okay.
- Move along now, folks.
there's no more to be done.
- Jenny!
- Come on!
- It's Jenny.
- You should have
left her to burn.
Dia linn.
Dia linn.
Dia linn.
- Now just take
another deep breath in for me.
- [inhales]
- Good girl.
Well, her lungs are clear,
thank God.
- She doesn't need
to go to the hospital?
- Ah, she's fine,
just exhausted.
- Ah, the social worker's going
to be a couple of hours yet.
- Maybe she could sleep here.
- Of course.
Whatever's best for Daisy.
- Let me take these off,
because they're all dirty.
Thank you.
Keep you nice and warm.
You put your feet
under there.
You keep warm.
What does "dia linn"
- "God be with us."
[objects banging,
[packages rustling]
Jesus, Daisy.
Do you like porridge?
Here, let me cook it for you.
Come on.
- [gasps]
- Daisy?
[Daisy crunching food]
- Morning, Mr. Conroy.
I'm Margaret Lindsay from
the Western Health Service's
social work department.
You have Daisy Gahan?
- We do.
- Is everything okay?
- Ah, well, now it is.
Come on in.
- Look, I can't find
any extended family,
and there's a dire shortage
of foster carers available.
She's lucky to get a bed.
- Maybe she could stay here
for a couple of nights
until they find
a foster family for her.
- No, but, Martha,
you're exhausted.
- No, no, I'm fine.
You know, it's Daisy
that I'm worried about
and her mental stability.
- But there are procedures
to be followed.
You're not qualified,
and she needs to be assessed.
- Well, she clearly
has difficulties.
I mean,
do you think it's--
do you think it's possible
she has something like autism
or something?
- Maybe, she's just in shock,
you know, after what she's seen.
- I'm afraid I don't know.
There's been no file
on Daisy.
- Yeah, but surely her school
had some idea?
- She never started school.
- [sighs]
- Look, can you get her things,
and I'll take her now.
- That's ridiculous.
- Come on, Daisy, love.
- I'll get her things.
- Do you like ice cream?
What's your favorite?
- [screaming]
- Come on now, Daisy.
Daisy, stop it now.
you're all right.
Daisy, stop it!
- Please, just leave her.
- [screams]
- Daisy, it's Martha.
Come on, Daisy.
Daisy, it's Martha.
Come on.
Daisy, come on.
Come on.
That's it, good girl.
I mean, maybe, you know,
she could stay
just for a couple of days
while you get
a foster family for her?
- I'll have to speak
to my team leader but, yeah,
maybe for a couple of days
till she's settled,
but I'll be back for her.
Here's my card
if you need to contact me.
- All right, thanks.
- No one's going to hurt you.
[door clicks shut]
You're safe.
- [over radio]
Hopefully shining some light
on what seems to be
a very common...
[tires squealing]
[tires screech]
[tires squealing]
[metal crashing,
glass shattering]
[haunting music]

- There was no sign of her
in the house,
not even a toy.
Looks like
she's been living in the shed.
Has she said anything
about what happened?
- She hasn't said a word.
Do you think
it was an accident?
- Petrol all over the place.
Would have gone up
like a bomb.
One of them could
have caught fire.
The other one
tries to help.
They catch fire too.
But what really bothers me
is why they built it
in a fairy ring.
- It wouldn't
mean anything to them.
- Yeah, but, Tomas,
they could have built it
And on Halloween night...
- [screaming]
- I'm going
to take her home, okay?
- One of us should stay.
- No, we love Daisy.
Smile at Daisy
like you smile at Martha.
- Tell Martha I sorted it,
I bought only the best.
- [squeals]
Mine, my doll, mine!
- That's grand, thanks.
- Give me it.
Give it.
Give it!
It's mine.
- Oh.
Will you give the doll
back to Eva?
- Eva, love,
give Daisy the doll.
You promise to look after him,
don't you, Daisy?
- Say thank you, Daisy.
- Come on, Eva.
[baby doll crying]
- So what shall we call him?
[scissors snipping]
Shall we call him
I like Eddie.
Shall we call him Eddie?
I think it's time for Eddie
to have a sleep now.
Put Eddie to bed?
Good night, Eddie.
[baby doll cries]
Would you
like to tuck him in?
Here, there you go.
His new blanket.
Oh, no.
No, we mustn't do that.
If you look, the baby needs
to be able to breathe,
so we pull the blanket back down
and tuck him in.
He can breathe now.
I'm going to have a baby.
Feel my tummy.
Baby's saying,
"Hello, Daisy."
[man speaking indistinctly
over radio]
- Well, how long did they say
they're going to be?
- They didn't say.
- Yeah, okay,
we'll see.
- Easy there
with that rope, Jack.
Slowly, slowly, slowly.
- I will do.
Okay, thanks, bye.
- Okay?
- Oh, Daisy.
That's kind.
Thank you.
- [whispering]
- Can you draw
a green circle?
- Margaret Lindsay's
had an accident.
Social worker.
She's dead.
They, uh, they want her
to go to the care home.
[plaintive music]

Hello, I'm Tomas Conroy.
- Tomas.
- This is my wife, Martha.
- Hello,
this is Ciara.
You're sharing a room
with Ciara.
- Hello,
my name is Ciara.
- Give me her bag.
- Daisy.
- Mummy!
- Listen to this.
It says, "'Autism,' from 'auto'
for 'self' or 'same,'
"the tendency to view life
in terms of
one's own needs and desires."
It says here
they don't like to be touched.
Well, she touches me.
She looks me in the eye.
- No,
she doesn't look at me.
- Ah, look at you.
Where you going?
- I thought we might
go for a little walk,
maybe to the playground.
- I need to finish this.
- Okay.
See you in a bit.
[woman vocalizing]
[peaceful instrumental music]

- Do you like living
with Martha and Tomas?
Do you miss
your mum and dad?
Would you like
to sit down again, Daisy?
Do you remember
anything about the fire?
- It was hot,
hot, hot, hot.
- Daisy,
did someone hurt you?
Who hurt you?
- Well, you have a lovely home
and a good support network,
and more importantly,
Daisy seems very happy here.
Ah, ah, this is Tomas,
my husband,
who I was telling you about.
- Hello, Tomas.
- Hello.
- These ladies
are from the social services.
- Hello.
- Well, there should be
no problem with the application,
and we'll be in touch
about her assessment.
- Okay.
- And lovely to meet you.
- Lovely to meet you too.
Thank you for coming.
- Okay.
Thank you.
- Very nice to meet you.
- Tomas, bye.
- Thank you for coming.
[door clicks shut]
- What's going on?
- I've had to apply for us
to foster Daisy.
- Do I have any say in this
at all?
- Yes, of course.
I mean,
nothing's been decided yet.
You know, there's--
there's still assessments
to be made.
Tomas, she needs a family.
- Is this about Chloe?
- No, not at all, no.
This is about Daisy
and what she needs.
She's happy here.
She makes me happy.
I love her.
- Hello?
quiet please.
Can everyone say hello
to Daisy Gahan.
all: Hello, Daisy Gahan.
Two times two is four.
Two times three is six.
Two times four is eight.
- [giggles]
- [giggles]
Look at me, Mummy.
Look at me.
I'm a fairy.
- Why lock it
with your one inside?
- Evening, Sean.
- No one mixes
with that crowd
and comes away unmarked.
- Oh, for Christ's sake.
- She has Martha bewitched.
There'll be no room
for your little one.
- Stop it, Sean.
That's enough.
I don't want you
around the house, okay?
- Whatever you do,
don't say no to her.
- [giggles]
- [shuddering]
- Rip it.
Come on.
It's pretty,
isn't it?
Daisy chose it.
Do you like it?
- Yeah, but this is
the baby's room, isn't it?
- No, no, the baby's
going to sleep with us
to start with, anyway.
- Right.
Hey, take it easy.
Let me do it.
- Thank you.
That bit up there.
[kids squealing]
No, Eva, come back.
Go on,
keep on going.
Come on.
- Go on, that's right.
Come back.
[low, spooky music]

- Do you want
to have a go?
Oh, you dropped it.
Where's it gone?
Hello. Hello.
[air hisses]
[dryer whirring]
- Cat?
- Huh?
- Have you seen the girls?
- Are they in the loo?
- Daisy?
Oh, my God.
She's down there!
Daisy, get off me!
- Martha!
- Stay down there!
- Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
- She's a changeling.
- [gags]
- How's Eva?
- She's fine.
Can we just get in the car
and go home?
Daisy, get in the car.
- They're saying
she's a changeling.
- Oh, come on,
it's bullshit.
It's superstitious bullshit.
- Eva could have
died in there.
- Cat, it was my fault,
and it was an accident.
- Cat?
- Daisy, I asked you
to get in the car.
- Did you see what happened?
- No, I didn't.
I left them alone
for a minute.
It was an accident.
- What happened, Daisy?
- It was an accident.
- Daisy!
Daisy, I'm sorry!
- Daisy!
Come on.
Come on,
it's all right.
It's okay.
- Baby's head
is at the bottom,
but we're not able to tell
if it's engaged or not yet.
- Oh, look at him.
He's beautiful.
Hello, Daniel.
- Mr. Cryan,
are you in there?
[latches clunking]
Mr. Cryan?
What happened to you?
- She spat on me.
- Who?
- [giggles]
- W-what's that?
- The tree?
You really, really
should get that looked at.
I think it's infected.
- Where's the girl?
- [chanting]
- Now, Daisy, go outside.
wait for me outside.
- Away!
- Go on.
It's only Daisy.
- [gasping]
[tapping at window]
- [giggles]
- Away with you!
- Mr. Cryan,
it's only Daisy.
- Oh, God.
- Ahh...ah-ah.
- Oh, God.
- Boo!
- Away!
- [giggles]
- Oh, God.
- I'll just go and phone Tomas,
- Oh, God, help us.
Oh, God, help us.
Oh, God.
- He's promised to see
the doctor in the morning.
- What about Daisy?
- He thinks that
she's a fairy changeling.
- A fairy?
- Yeah,
that she's not human.
- He's completely mad.
It's not just him.
I've seen the way
people look at her.
It's like they're afraid.
- It's a small place.
Things don't change.
People really
believe that stuff.
If they thought that Daisy
was a a fairy changeling,
then Halloween
is the one night of the year
when the door between
this world and the next is open,
and burning the changeling
would force the fairies
to bring back
their real daughter.
- Then they're all crazy.
Forward, forward, forward.
Left a bit.
Left a bit.
Right a bit.
Right a bit.
- [giggles]
[baby cooing]
[door clicks open]
- Hi.
- Hiya.
- I'm glad you came.
I didn't think...
I-I don't blame you.
- These things happen.
- Yeah.
[baby coos]
- Oh.
- How are you feeling?
- Numb from the waist down,
thanks be to Christ.
I'm telling you,
take all the drugs
you're offered.
- Where's Tomas?
- He's in the car
with Daisy.
I thought it best.
- Do you want to hold him?
- Okay.
- Aw.
- He's big.
- You're telling me.
- [sighs]
[siren wails faintly]
- [pained gasp]
get him for me, please.
- Daisy.
give me the baby.
Give me the baby.
- There.
[baby squeals]
Hey, I've got you.
- Are you okay,
- Is he okay?
- It's okay.
She was probably
just trying to say hello.
She doesn't realize,
does she, Tomas?
[baby crying]
We'll go
and sit in the car.
I'm sorry.
She doesn't mean any harm.
- It's okay.
- Come on, sweetheart.
- He looks like Chloe.
The day she died,
Martha held on to her.
She wouldn't let her go.
And at first,
it was the right thing to do.
You know, the counselors
encouraged us to hold her,
say good-bye.
But then
Martha wouldn't eat.
She wouldn't talk.
I had to wait
till she fell asleep
before I could
take Chloe away.
- No.
- Come on, sweetheart.
- No.
- Itll be fine.
Shall we do it
another day?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Come on then.
Come on then.
Hold my hand.
- Come on, Ris,
good girl.
- What would you like to do?
Would you like
to do some painting?
- Yeah.
- When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall,
and down will come baby,
cradle and all.
Baby is drowsing,
cozy and fair.
- Marty?
where are you?
- Boo!
- Oh!
What's this?
- Just having a bit of fun,
that's all.
- What the fuck...
What the fuck
do you think you're doing?
- I'm having a laugh.
- What?
A laugh, is it?
- Yes.
- Is it?
- Yes.
- Well, who's laughing, then?
- I am.
Why are you afraid of her?
- I'm not afraid of her.
- Do you know what changelings
really were?
Listen, they were the children
that no one wanted, okay?
They were the sick
and the crippled,
you know,
the ones who ate too much
when there wasn't
enough food to go round.
Their parents didn't know
what to do with them.
They wanted
to get rid of them,
so they burned them
or drowned them,
and they blame it
on the fucking fairies.
- Yeah?
Well, there's a tidy logic
in that.
Tell me, Martha.
Tell me, what's--
What are we
going to call him?
- Who?
- [sighs]
Come on, our baby.
- Oh,
don't change the subject.
- Our baby,
our baby boy.
I'm not
changing the subject.
What are we
going to call him, huh?
Have you even
thought about it?
I mean, have you thought
of even one name?
Have you?
You're completely obsessed
with her.
Fuck you.
[door slams shut]
- Hello, stranger.
- Hey.
- Where's Martha?
- She's at home.
You want a drink?
- I see
you're making friends.
- No one
wants to play with me.
- It's your little fairy.
And Sean Cryan
is terrified of her.
I mean,
I don't believe a word of it.
But, really,
what do you expect
if you let her run around town
dressed like a fairy?
Come on, Tomo.
Think about it.
Honestly, it's hard enough
bringing up your own kids.
Brian and I never got a break,
and look where we ended up.
But to take on
a child like that...
- We haven't exactly
taken her on.
- Does Martha know that?
Do you want a lift?
- Great.
- You could have called
when you went away,
sent a note.
- You made your choice.
- [laughs]
Brian had a car.
- Yeah, Brian's car.
- All you had to do
was say something.
- [sighs]
- Tomas, Tomas,
stop, stop.
You're drunk,
and I'm stupid.
- [sighs]
- Oh, you love Martha.
You look at her
the way you used to look at me.
You have to tell her
how you feel.
- Yeah.
[engine turning]
[knocking at door]
- Do you want
to play with us, Daisy?
- Come on, Daisy,
want to play with us?
- [giggles]
- Come on,
let's get her.
Stand still,
or I'll shoot, Daisy.
Are you a fairy?
- [giggles]
- She's warm.
- Play with me.
all: No.
- Play with me.
Play with me.
- No.
- Play with me.
- [screams]
- Play with me.
- Away with you.
Away, away!
Go home now!
- [mimicking]
Go home now.
- Go home now.
- Go home now.
Go home now!
Go home now!
Go home now!
- None of the children
turned up for school today.
The parents say they
are keeping their kids at home
until Daisy is removed,
that she doesn't belong
in the school.
I'm sorry.
I've never
heard anything like it.
- Hello?
Help, please.
- Daisy?
[door clicks shut]
- Why are you here?
Is Daisy sick?
- I came
to see how Lucy is.
- It's meningitis.
- [sighs]
- They were all together,
you know, yesterday, with Daisy.
She turned on them.
Tell me why
Daisy isn't sick too.
- I don't know.
Oh, you don't believe this.
[alarms blaring]
- Oh.
What's happening?
- I talked
to the three of them.
They all
said the same thing.
Maybe she didn't realize
they were so close to the edge.
You need to keep
a closer eye on Daisy.
- "Fierce hatred
of a fairy woman,
"and so bewildered and now
staggering in her flight,
she followed Tink
to her doom."
Come on,
it's bedtime now.
[kissing sound]
Love you.
[door clicks shut]
What is it?
- Sergeant Riley
came to see me today.
Daisy thought it would be fun
to play catch
at the cliffs
with Lucy
and a couple of other kids.
They all have meningitis now,
except Daisy.
- [scoffs]
What are you saying?
She's infected them?
- No.
- Well,
what are you saying, then?
- I don't want her
in my life.
I don't want her
in my family.
I'm saying she has to go.
I love you.
I miss you, come on.
Come on,
you have to put him first.
There'll be no room for him
when he comes.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
I don't care
what's it called--
fucking fairies,
autism, abuse,
whatever came first.
She's sucking
everything out of us.
- Mummy!
- You have to choose.
- Daisy, sweetheart,
come on.
You've got
to go back to bed.
- Martha, my love,
come on.
Don't do this.
Don't do this, Martha.
- Get off me, Tomas.
- What are you doing?
- It was dirty.
- Oh, come on.
Not all this again.
It's the middle of the night.
- I've finished now.
It's all done.
Come on,
let's go to bed.
No, no,
please, don't touch this.
Thank you, Daisy.
Please, don't touch that.
Put it back.
- Tomas doesn't want us.
We're bad.
[cans clanking]
- Daisy!
[car engine rumbling]
I can't find Daisy.
I've been looking everywhere
for her.
I can't find her.
- I'll bring you home.
Bringing you home.
- No, no, no, no, no,
we've got to find her.
- Come on, I'll call Riley.
We'll find her.
- [humming softly]
La, ah, la.
- Daisy!
- Daisy!
- Daisy!
- Daisy!
- [shouts]
Get back.
Go away, go away!
- Away!
- [screams]
[muffled screams]
- This way, come on.
- [yelping screams]
[agonized screaming]
- Sean, put it down.
- Daisy!
- Leave it!
- Help me!
- [yells]
- Daddy!
- Grab my hand.
Grab my hand!
Come on!
- Burn her!
- Come on, grab it.
- Help me!
- Kill her!
Burn her!
- Come on, Daisy.
- [screams]
I can't!
- Kill her!
- You're okay.
- Dia linn!
- [gasping]
- She should sleep
till tomorrow afternoon.
It's not your fault,
- No, I know.
It's this place.
- I don't want to tell you
what to do.
But she's not safe here.
- But he's gone.
Cryan's dead.
- And your baby?
Regular, vigorous?
- Yeah.
- You need to take care
of yourself, Martha.
Good night now.
- Good night, doctor.
[man speaking indistinctly
over radio]
- I'm still
at Tomas Conroy's.
I'll be back at the station
- She's asleep.
- Sergeant Riley
was suggesting that Daisy
needs to be somewhere
where they have experience.
You know,
she needs counseling.
She needs proper support.
- In a home?
She is not the problem.
Everybody else
is the problem.
- But you can't deny
that she has problems.
And what about Eva, you know,
Lucy, the kids?
[liquid pouring]
[cup bangs on table]
- Look,
nobody in this room
is saying that Daisy
is a fairy changeling.
But I have no doubt
that she is very troubled,
and she might be
- What have you
seen her do?
What's anybody
seen her do?
- I know that Daisy tried
to smother her little brother
when he was a newborn.
Now, Jenny Gahan told me that,
and I believed her.
And after that happened,
Jenny never left Daisy alone
in the room with him again.
The day that she put him down
for his nap,
she put a latch
across his door.
Nobody else could have let him
out of the room.
Nobody else could have taken him
to the beach.
It had to be Daisy.
Now we need to think about
what's best for Daisy.
I've contacted
the health services.
They want to take her.
- When?
When, when are they going
to come and get her?
- Do you think maybe
that you could take her tonight?
- No.
No, no, no, no, no.
- Martha, Martha,
- After what
she's been through tonight,
she just should sleep here.
You come back
and get her in the morning.
- Well,
that seems fair enough.
I'll be back first thing.
[door clicks shut]
[baby doll cries]
[taps squeaking,
water running]
- Everything's
going to be all right.
There's something
I have to do outside.
[sandpaper scraping]
[melancholy piano music]

[baby doll cries]
[door latches clanking]
[door creaks]
- Go back to bed.
It's really, really late.
- I want to stay with you,
let me stay with you.
[water sloshing]
- Do you want a bath?
Come on.
There, sit down.
Tell me something,
What happened
to your little brother?
- He drowned.
- Did you
take him swimming?
Did you wake him up
from his nap?
Did you undo
the latch on the door?
- Latch on the door.
- Did you?
- Did you?
- Remember that day
with Cat and Eva at the pool?
- Remember that day
with Cat and Eva at the pool?
- Did--did you push Eva
into the water?
Daisy, look at me.
What happened
to your mummy and daddy?
- Play with me.
- No, sweetheart, no.
- Play with me.
- [whispering]
What are you?
- I'm a fairy.
I'm a fairy.
- No, you're not.
No, no, don't.
No, no, please.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
- Rock-a-bye baby
on the treetop
- Daisy, sweetheart.
Daisy, you're hurting me.
- When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock
- Please, Daisy,
just let go.
you're hurting my tummy now.
Daisy, please.
Oh, Daisy.
Daisy, no!
Daisy, let go,
Let go.
Daisy, get Tomas.
Daisy, get Tomas.
Please, please.
[dryer whirring loudly]
[water dripping]
- Martha?
Oh, God, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
- Rock-a-bye baby
on the treetop
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall
Out comes baby...
- What have you done?
- And cradle and all
Baby is drowsy,
cozy, and fair
- What have you done?
[baby cooing]
Baby has to be able
to breathe.
[baby cries]
What should we call him?
[baby continues crying]
Should we call him Bertie?
- [shushing]
- Play with me.
Play with me.
[baby doll cries]
Can't breathe now.
Rock-a-bye baby
on the treetop
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall
Out comes baby
and cradle and all