The Dark Mile (2017)

(medical ventilator hisses)
(dark atmospheric music)
(woman gasps)
(distant screams)
(distant screams)
(machine bleeps)
(sustained high-pitched tone)
(distant train clacks)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
- Larry!
No, no, look, it's too
early in the morning.
Yeah, up and down, you know?
Well, I will, Larry, thank you.
I'll tell her.
Yeah, I'll send it over
to you when I get there.
Not without wifi I
can't, it's huge.
Look, okay, shut up, I can't.
I have forgotten my charger,
so I had to buy one of these
shitty pay-as-you-go
drug dealer ones.
- Oi, we're in the quiet
zone, love, can you not read?
- I'm gonna change
over, save some battery,
so let me give you
the new number here.
Zero, seven, seven, zero.
(camera snaps) Zero, nine, zero.
(dark tones)
Four, five, eight.
Yeah, I am getting
the death stare here,
so I'm gonna call
you later, okay?
Okay, ciao!
What? No one cares.
Never to make noise in
the quiet zone again.
(women laugh)
(women laugh)
You obviously don't get
lesbians in bonny Scotland, no?
(women laugh)
Just sheep.
And alcoholism.
Yeah, yeah.
She's rented a
fuckin' ship, Larry.
She's actually
fucking rented a ship.
How's she gonna relax in that?
I've dropped 30K on
this fucking IVF,
and now she's pretending
to be Captain Ahab.
(men laugh)
(dark piano music)
Ah, what the fuckin' hell.
- Looks like I've found
the party boat then, aye?
- Yeah, go on.
Okay, call him back.
Well listen, just make it, I
really need your help on this.
Oh, hang on.
Don't worry, I'll get that.
Well, you've got to call him!
Larry, our relationship
is absolutely fucked.
I have to get off this phone,
I have to look after her.
HellO, hello?
Hello, can you hear me?
- You sure you know
what you're doin'?
I mean, I'll
skipper, if you like.
- [Woman In Yellow] It's
okay, I've sailed before.
- Fine, that's fine.
Here, wifi password.
- Ah, I'm sorry about that.
It was causin' all
sorts of bother.
Constantly on the blink, so
just did away with it, like.
- What did he say?
For fuck sake! (sighs)
- You said.
You told me you'd checked.
- Aye, we need to get
that sorted, to be fair.
Constantly breakin'
down and that.
We tried for a bit,
but it was a nightmare,
so we just fucked
off in the end.
- Fuck sake!
- Claire, we'll find somewhere.
- [Claire] Why would you
fuckin' put it on your website,
if you didn't have it?
- Sorry, love.
You'll no need wifi out there,
60 miles of pure solitude.
Majestic, man.
Fuckin' majestic,
you'll love it.
Take care of her now.
Have fun, darlings, okay?
(folksy string music)
- Hello!
(camera snaps)
(dark tones)
(moody atmospheric music)
(distant thunder rumbles)
(birds squawk)
(phone bleeps and vibrates)
(phone bleeps and vibrates)
(phone bleeps and vibrates)
(somber acoustic guitar music)
- [Partner] Who was that?
- Just Larry frettin'.
- [Partner] Phone him.
(phone bleeps)
(phone bleeps)
(dark atmospheric music)
(folksy string music)
Glass of red?
- What can I get ya?
- An orange juice and a
glass of house red, please.
(folksy string music)
Sorry, do you have wifi here?
- Don't tell her, Kel.
- What?
- She's after the wifi password,
(chuckles) don't tell her.
What're you smilin' at?
- Uh, nothing.
Just asking if there's wifi.
- I'm only jokin', darlin'.
There's no wifi
here, is there, Kel?
- No, sorry.
That's four pounds, 29.
- [Man] You'd be
lucky findin' a hi-fi,
nevermind a fuckin' wifi up
here, you know what I mean?
- (chuckles) Thanks.
- Enjoyin' the
boat, Louise, yeah?
- Oh, yeah, it's lovely.
Keep the change.
- "Keep the change?"
Fuck sake, Kel, first time
you've heard that, eh?
Hey, enjoy your drink, darlin'.
Careful not to spill any of
it on your wee computer there.
Your wee laptop.
- Hey, can you just put it away?
'Cause everyone
is looking at us.
- (chuckles) Everyone
is not looking at us.
(man chuckles)
Now they're looking at us.
- Christ almighty.
I'm off to London, me.
Free wifi everywhere and
this sort of carry on?
Fuckin' dream land, boy.
Dream land.
You fuckin' sit the fuck down.
(tense music)
- Mom.
- You listen to
Donny boy there, eh?
And sit the fuck down.
These are more welcome
here than you are!
You keep wee pregnant
girl there safe.
Fuckin' listenin'?
(Claire laughs)
- Do you have the key?
- Oh my god, someone's comin'.
- Fuck sake.
- Fuckin' hell,
fuckin' hell. (laughs)
I'm sorry.
- For what?
- Just...
(sighs) I just...
(moody atmospheric music)
(ominous tones) (faint snarls)
(phone vibrates)
(phone vibrates)
Hang on!
(distant bird squawks)
Miles, what the fuck
are you playin' at?
You promised me, you
fuckin' promised.
(faint heavy breaths)
Are you kidding me,
heavy breathing?
(Louise moans)
(Louise coughs)
(Louise pants)
Are you drunk?
(faint heavy breaths)
Miles, fuck you.
Do not ever contact
me again, okay?
(distant bird squawks)
(snorts and snarls)
(suspenseful music)
(distant bird squawks)
(dark atmospheric music)
(muffled snarls and snorts)
(distant bird squawks)
(ominous tones)
Jesus Christ!
- Sorry.
- What're you doin'?
- Where were you?
- I don't know, I'm just
gettin' some fresh air.
- You alright?
- Yeah, fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, come on.
It's freezin'.
(thunder rumbles)
(dark atmospheric music)
(muffled rain splashes)
(dark tones)
(high-pitched whine)
(muffled chatter)
(thunder rumbles)
(dark atmospheric music)
(Louise retches)
(phone vibrates)
(dark tones) (heartbeat thuds)
(dark tones) (squelches)
(distant bird squawks)
(distant scream)
(suspenseful music)
(distant scream)
(distant scream)
(ominous piano music)
What the fuck is that noise,
what the fuck is that?
- There's no one there,
just go back to bed.
- [Claire] Are you okay?
Are you okay?
(Louise coughs)
Oh, Lou.
- [Louise] Leave me alone.
(distant bell tolls)
- I'm worried about you.
Have you seen my iPad?
- [Louise] No.
- [Claire] I've got so
much fuckin' stuff on it.
- [Old Woman] Hello!
- [Louise] Hi.
- I was at the pub last night.
- Yes, I remember you.
- Mary.
- [Louise] I'm Louise.
- We're not all the same.
- No, of course not.
- Here.
- Thank you.
- You have a lovely day.
- Thank you so much.
Oh, and I'm sorry
about the photo.
- Oh! (chuckles)
Slice it.
Salt and pepper.
And two minutes in the pan.
No more!
- That's really kind of you.
Claire, Claire.
(dark atmospheric music)
- I think he likes ya.
(stag growls)
(camera snaps)
(dark tones) (heartbeat thuds)
(dark atmospheric music)
(bell tolls)
(bell tolls)
(bell tolls)
(bell tolls)
(boat horn blares)
(music intensifies)
What the fuck are they doin'?
Speed up a bit.
Would you speed up a bit?
What're you doin'?
- [Louise] If they
wanted to do anything,
they'd just get out and walk.
- They're just bein'
fuckin' arseholes.
(boat horn blares)
- It's fine.
- It's not fuckin' fine, look!
They're gonna crash into us.
(boat horn blares)
- No, they're slowing down.
- They're not slowin' down!
(boat horn blares)
They've stopped.
Think we're okay.
(boat horn blares)
Oh, fuckin' hell.
(tense music)
(boat horn blares)
- Stop.
(boat horn blares)
Take over from here.
Pass that.
- Okay?
- Yep.
- [Claire] That's the
prick from the pub.
- [Louise] They haven't
done anything wrong.
- [Claire] Why are you
sticking up for strangers?
They're fucking weirdos, this
whole place is full of them.
- [Louise] This trip is really
important to me, Claire.
- [Claire] And it's not for me?
Fuck off.
I fucking love you but I'm
stuck in the middle of nowhere
with fucking weirdos!
- [Louise] Don't go.
(peaceful acoustic guitar music)
Please don't leave me.
I need you.
(ominous tones)
(faint snarls)
(somber atmospheric music)
- I love you.
Coming up on our right,
the Well of Seven Heads.
An obelisk topped with a
sculptured hand holding seven
severed heads.
In 1663,
Alexander, the 13th chief
of the McGavern clan,
took it upon himself to
hunt down the followers
of the pagan god of
fertility, Cernunnos.
These seven disciples
stole the newborns
from all corners of the land.
(dark tones)
Pure blood would rejuvenate
the soil and deliver riches.
The spirit of Cernunnos is said
to still walk the woodlands
and glades, sacrificing bairns
in sanctified burial grounds.
(dark tones)
Blah, blah, blah.
Their ken, known as
loners or hillbillies,
can still be found in parts
of the Highlands today.
I think I need another drink.
(boat horn blares)
- Fucking hell.
(boat horn blares)
- That pregnant bitch
has got my iPad.
That is my iPad.
Oh my god, that
is all of my work!
Lou, that is my fucking iPad!
Lou, turn the boat round.
(dark atmospheric music)
Where are you goin'?
- [Louise] Stay with the boat.
Is anyone there?
(flies buzz)
(ominous tones)
(dark tones)
(muffled chatter)
(ominous chord)
- Oh, fuck.
(suspenseful music)
- Oh my god, you are like
the best woman in the world.
You're like a genuine
action hero or somethin'.
Jesus, Lou, Lou,
what've you done?
- Just get the fucking
ropes, I'm fine.
(water sprays)
Oh, shit.
- Are you alright, Lou?
(knocks) Are you alright?
- Yeah, it's fine.
- What happened over there?
- Just drive the boat.
(somber orchestral music)
- Are you sure you're okay?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
(dark tones)
(distant thunder rumbles)
(phone bleeps)
(distant thunder rumbles)
(phone bleeps)
(phone bleeps)
(somber acoustic guitar music)
(phone bleeps and vibrates)
(phone bleeps and vibrates)
- How is it?
- Fine.
- I really, really need wifi.
(dark orchestral music)
(suspenseful music)
(distant animal calls)
(water splashes)
(water splashes)
(water splashes)
(distant bird squawks)
(dark atmospheric music)
Oh, my god.
(wood creaks)
Oh, my god.
Oh my god, baby,
baby, oh my god!
What happened, what happened?
Look at me, look at me,
it's okay, it's okay.
You're okay, I've got
you, I've got you.
You're okay, you're okay.
(dark atmospheric music)
(dark tones) (squelches)
They're here.
Bring the doll, let's go.
Come on.
- Please, Claire, be careful.
- I will.
I'm Claire, this is Louise.
- Alright?
- Are your mom or dad around?
- They're around but
you can't speak to them.
- [Claire] Why not?
- It's private time now.
- Is this your girlfriend's?
- She's not my girlfriend.
- Well, whoever she
is, is she around?
- My sister.
- [Man] Loki!
(sister hums melodically)
- What were you doin'
outside our boat last night?
What do you want?
You lookin' for
somethin' else to steal?
Bye, then.
- [Donny] It's rude to go
on other people's boats,
by the way.
- Rude?
- Claire.
- Rude?
We don't want any trouble.
But that is my iPad.
My fuckin' iPad.
Cheeky little fuckin' prick.
(dark atmospheric music)
(phone bleeps)
You are so hot.
Look, why don't we go to
that spa in Inverness?
We can totally relax
and call the clinic.
- No.
We have to see Loch Ness.
And the Whispering Falls.
- Lou, you're not well.
You're not right.
- It worked.
I'm pregnant.
Second time lucky.
- Oh, my god.
God, oh my god,
come here. (laughs)
Oh, my baby.
(suspenseful music)
(phone bleeps)
(faint snarls)
(faint string music)
- Oh, I'm sorry, darlin'.
There be no doctor between
here and Inverness.
- Well, is there a road nearby,
or do you have a
taxi number, maybe?
- The road is miles
through the trees.
You'll not get one
to come out here.
What is it?
- Louise, she's ill and
she's got a cut on her arm.
- Wait, I'll come with you.
- Oh, no, that's okay.
- No, it's no bother.
- Honestly.
Honestly, I just need to
get some reception, I'm...
(Mary laughs)
- You've a wee bit of
septicemia, darling.
You like honey?
- Yes.
- Highland bees and
highland heather.
Nature's antibiotic.
- Thank you.
- You're bound to feel
a bit out of sorts.
Oh, I'm sorry.
There we are.
That's right.
I've looked after lots
of girls like you.
In the natural way.
- Do you think maybe we
need to call a doctor?
- Oh, no, no.
She just needs rest.
And love.
My love
Is like a red, red rose
That's new (hums)
(Claire chuckles)
You've a wee boy there.
(dark atmospheric music)
(phone bleeps)
- [Louise] We need to get to
the falls, it'll be dark soon.
- Yeah, give me two secs.
- If you don't wanna come,
I'll just go on my own.
- No, I do, I just
need a second, okay?
(somber atmospheric music)
(water gushes)
(ominous piano music)
(music intensifies)
(dark tones)
(dark tones)
(distant screams)
(Louise screams)
(Louise screams)
(pants) (Louise screams)
(Louise screams)
Help me
- Lou, let's just
pack up and go.
Come on.
(phone bleeps and vibrates)
(sobs) I want, just wanted...
I wanted, I wanted to
tell you, I just, I just,
I couldn't find
the right moment.
There was just so much going on.
This didn't just
happen to you. (sobs)
You just shut me out
for, for fucking weeks!
You didn't look at me! (sobs)
I was married to Miles. (sobs)
I was married to him, Lou.
She was my baby too, Louise.
Lou, Lou.
Lou, Lou, Lou. (sobs)
Let's just talk about this.
Please, Lou.
Lou, please listen.
Please, let's just...
Please. (sobs)
- Don't touch me, don't
you fucking touch me!
- Oh god, please.
- Go.
- Please, I love you.
I love you.
- Go.
- Please!
- Go.
(Claire sobs)
(somber orchestral music)
(chimes clink)
- Come on.
(dark orchestral music)
(dark tones) (baby cries)
- Loki!
(suspenseful music)
Where are you?
Where are you?
Come on!
Where are you?
Loki, where are you?
Loki, where the fuck are you?
Bring along the back!
Oi, go along the back!
Fuck sake!
(boat bell tolls)
(Louise pants)
(suspenseful music)
(faint croaks)
(Claire pants)
- Oh, fuck. (pants)
- Please!
Help me!
(muffled shouting)
(suspenseful music)
- Loki, come here!
Come here!
Come on!
(footsteps clunk)
(Louise pants)
I'm tryin'!
Where are you?
Fuck sake!
Go on!
(muffled shouting)
(Louise pants)
(dark atmospheric music)
(hanging objects clack)
(suspenseful music)
(hanging objects clack)
(man whistles)
(Louise screams)
(hanging objects clack)
(Claire pants)
(car approaches)
(ominous piano music)
- Oh my god, please stop.
Hang on, please stop.
Oh, thank god, it's you.
(dark piano music)
(phone bleeps and vibrates)
(suspenseful music)
(dark tones) (birds squawk)
(phone bleeps)
(somber atmospheric music)
(phone bleeps)
(phone bleeps)
(phone bleeps)
(phone bleeps)
- Hi, Larry, it's
Louise, Claire's Louise.
Listen, this might
sound strange, but,
have you spoken
to Miles recently?
Doesn't matter if you have, I
wouldn't be angry or anything.
Have you heard
from Claire at all?
Okay, thanks, Larry.
No, everything's
fine, I've gotta go.
- [Claire] Hi, this is Claire,
please leave a message!
- Claire, you need to call me
as soon as you get this, okay?
No fucking about,
you just call me.
(phone rings and vibrates)
(suspenseful music)
(faint heavy breaths)
Who is this?
Whoever this is, if we've
offended you in some way,
I am really sorry.
(loud bang) (yelps and pants)
- [Woman] Emergency service.
- Please, someone's after me.
(busy tone)
(distant screams)
(dark orchestral music)
(distant screams)
(kettle whistles)
(suspenseful music)
(ominous tones)
(loud bang)
(dramatic music) (yelps)
- Help me!
Help me.
- [Louise] Fuck.
Donny, what's happened?
Where's Claire,
have you seen her?
- Help me!
- Tell me!
Tell me!
- The fuck you doin' here?
- I heard screams.
- Aye, me too.
- [Donny] Help me!
- There's someone out here.
- Aye, no shit,
fuck sake, Donny!
Give me a hand!
- No, we need to go.
(suspenseful music)
- Fuck.
Please, Louise,
I need your help!
Louise, come back here!
You're not safe out
there on your own!
Stay with the other one.
(Louise pants)
(Louise pants)
(breathes deeply)
(chimes clink)
(breaths deeply)
(chimes clink)
Oh, Louise!
(animal grunts)
(animal grunts)
(Claire screams)
- Help me!
- Claire.
- [Man] Louise!
- [Claire] Louise, help me!
Help me!
Help me!
(suspenseful music)
- Open the door,
Mary, open the door.
- Hello!
- Get back down.
- [Mary] But, why?
What's the matter?
- Have you seen Claire?
- No, what's going on?
- I don't know.
- Are you okay?
- Shh, be quiet.
- Calm down.
- Do you have a phone.
- No.
I'll make us a nice cuppa.
- Shh, be quiet!
We have to be quiet.
(muffled footsteps clunk)
Have you locked all the doors?
- Aye.
- Are you sure?
- Aye!
(phone rings)
(dark orchestral music)
- Is that Louise?
- Yes.
Who is this?
- The name's Donna.
I want to apologize for my
friends winding you up. (laughs)
Piss off, piss off!
(woman laughs)
- [Louise] Who are you?
- [Donna] Remember,
we were on the train,
when your wee pal
read your number out.
(dark tones) (laughs)
- Zero, zero, nine, nine.
(woman laughs)
- You're not here now?
- Of course not.
God, it scared the shite
out of her! (laughs)
- Where's Claire?
- I don't know. (laughs)
- You've sent those texts.
- Aye.
I've got to go, really sorry.
(swelling dark tones)
- I'm sorry, darling.
(dark orchestral music)
(rhythmic thuds)
(dark atmospheric music)
(muffled baby cries)
- Shut up, man!
(muffled baby cries)
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
(baby cries)
Will you shut up, shut up!
(baby cries)
Oi, you shut your fuckin' mouth!
- [Mary] Kevin, do
not touch that bairn!
Enough of your violence.
Innocent blood shall
fertilize the earth,
and life shall spring
eternal for him.
- [Kevin] Yes, Mother, I
know, it wouldn't shut--
- You're weak.
Cernunnos came to me.
I felt his power.
And only I will ever know
the beauty of his love.
- [Kevin] He came to me
too, Mom, he came to me.
- Silence.
Silence you!
(suspenseful music)
- Cernunnos.
Lord of the mountain, hunter.
(inhales deeply)
(Louise screams)
Hunted animal.
(Louise grunts)
I gift to you.
The sacred birth.
(breaths deeply)
(Louise grunts and whines)
Hush, darlin'.
(Louise whines)
(Louise screams) (groans)
(Louise pants) (groans)
(thuds) (Louise pants)
- [Mary] Kevin!
(baby cries) Kevin!
(muffled shouting)
- [Man] Open the door!
(baby cries)
(dark atmospheric music)
(baby cries)
(muffled shouting)
(muffled screams)
(baby cries) (muffled screams)
(flames roar)
(flames crackle) (baby cries)
(baby cries)
(somber acoustic guitar music)
- It's alright.
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
- [Claire] Hi, this is Claire,
please leave a message!
(phone bleeps)
Smile not so sweet
My bonny babes
If you smile so sweet
You'll smile me dead
She digged her grave
Beyond the sun
And there she's buried
The sweet babe's in