The Darkness (2016)

- Lovely place, no? - Wonderful.
- You know how it formed? - No.
Volcanoes, earthquakes, storms. violent things.
Did you know that has a whole city
down the canyon? I knew that?
Is not it amazing how fast they grow?
One day are diapers
and others are debating about politics and music.
Andrew is debating about politics and music?
- I'm impressed. - I'm not being literal.
There, girls. Ready to hit a rank?
Show time!
Every good meal needs to drink.
Bronny? Would...
- I'm sorry. - No, no, no. It's all right.
It soda here.
God bless you. I do not know how to do.
I need to drink to deal with that then ...
You'll have to really pull the bag after this comment.
Pull the bag? magic fingers on the feet?
- A massagenzinha? Let's go! - Not now!
Come on!
A foot massage out!
- Let's go! - No!
Where are you going?
I go to the track. I can see where it ends here.
He asked Stephanie and Michael want to go?
- I will! - Keep an eye on him, okay?
No need to ask every time.
No running, okay?
If twisting the ankle and do not find you,
They will have to drink the piss own and live in a housing.
- Gary!
- Como o Bear Grylls, querida.
That TV badass.
Why are men so obsessed with this program?
Oh really? That program gave us our abilities.
And they were kind of the American version
- Proof of Everything. - Yes.
We stayed in hotels for most of the trip.
- We camped four nights? - Three?
- Three? Two? - Of course.
- Two and a half? - Two and a half!
Does not matter. If we stay stuck
close to the desert ...
- We would account. - Yes!
- Whose fault is it? You. - You distracted us.
It has all kind of old weird shit in this place.
The only shit here is what is coming out of his mouth.
He knew his sister's badass?
Apparently no.
He's smarter than you.
He only sees a different way.
What does he see?
Nobody knows for sure,
but it is a very different level than ours.
As well?
One of the things he does not fear
things that frighten children.
Let's find out.
- Do not be an asshole. - It's all right.
Ei, Mikey.
He knew that the Indians who lived here
thought here was haunted?
Legend says that the guardian of their spirits
They live in the rocks, the trees, and one day ...
They will return to our world.
And when they come back,
It means that the world will end.
Yes. They're right behind you!
It seems that did not work, asshole.
I did not mean anything by it. Mikey knows it.
Toma. He kept an eye on it all day. You keep it.
It has a kind of panorama here.
- Come on, Mikey. - No.
It's all right. Stay there, okay?
Do not go anywhere.
- What's up? - There you are.
Where did you go?
- I just ... - I was looking for him.
- I was lost. - He was lost
- And I found it. - She saved me.
Mikey! Mikey!
Translation: Fefavrin
Translation: arthurdenner
Translation: Ada L0ve
Review: Moreira
Mikey? Just a minute, buddy!
What's with this dog lately?
- Honey, not now. - It's serious?
- Yes.
- Mom, I need to talk to you.
Damn it.
- Do not go. - The children agreed.
I told you not to leave the tap in the kitchen.
Come, let's have breakfast.
Faith Jenny.
Who is Jenny?
She's my new friend.
How cool. Where is she?
On the wall!
She may also be hungry. Let's go!
- Are you there? - Mother! What the hell!
Burned something in the kitchen?
Close the damn door!
Mikey, I said not to do it.
What's that smell? Rotten.
Buddy, do me a favor and obey your mother, all right?
- Oi, famlia. - Oi.
- Coffee, Stephanie. - See you.
No backpacks on the table. Remember?
- No! - It's ok.
No, it's the new craze it. He is very attached.
It's all right.
No one will touch your backpack.
All right, buddy?
What's that smell?
I do not know, I think it's garbage. You can get him to leave?
Yes. I'm already late, but no problems.
- Open the window, okay? - It's all right.
See you later. I have to go!
- I have to go. - I love you!
I have to go. Go, go.
Go, gotta go.
I have to go.
Just me and you, again, Mikey.
Five six,
I was Mikey,
where I'd hide?
It is trying to give me a heart attack?
What is it? "Good trip"?
No one is going anywhere, but it may take one.
Come on.
All right, two balloons. Let's go.
Come on, sir. Greedy.
What are you doing up here? You scared me to death!
How did you get here?
Jenny showed me the way.
When I meet you, let's have a conversation.
Come on.
Do not forget that I ...
Honey, come on.
Let's get out of here.
These are the new offices, the old ...
You sure would not.
The other important person
who needs to know,
not as important as I,
I want you to know Peter Taylor.
He is one of the leading designers
and a great guy. You'll like it.
- Peter. - I need to call you later.
Peter, say hello to Sammy.
New team member. It can help with the project.
- Hi. - It is formed,
can help with whatever you need,
design, development, project coordination.
Whatever you need, okay? They can talk.
- Welcome to the company. - Thank you, Mr. Taylor.
It's a pleasure to meet you, finally.
Sorry, I'm a big fan of your work.
You came to my college,
He lectured on theory of modern design.
- Very fascinating. - Thank you.
I am thrilled to know that someone was at my lecture.
- How was your day? - Was good.
You're late. Again.
Hardly see you these days.
I am very busy at work.
This is the biggest project we've ever done.
It is killing me.
Yes, you can cook vegetables?
I have work to do here.
Yes, I do what you want, so I return to the race.
Do not worry, then.
I do. It's just a run around the block.
Twenty minutes maximum.
What does this dog have?
No, it is not so, it is legal.
She dislikes.
I do not know
my birthday?
I would if I could,
but I said how
things are.
The work
is crazy.
Yeah, I can not leave.
It's all right.
Michael? Were you in the bathroom?
Answer. Stop hiding in this rather stupid.
Michael, if you do not respond,
I will ruin all your stuff.
- Two ... - Jenny was in her bathroom!
There's no Jenny!
- It was Jenny! - Do not you understand?
You are retarded!
Stephanie! Get up! Go to your room now!
- A - Are you okay?
One two...
I thought I was asleep.
The lights are because I'm not.
Why do you caused, Steph?
Why am I to blame for all this family?
- This is not true. - Yeah, you and Mom.
We never talk about anything.
We never talk about it,
how it affects us all.
- Yes, we talked about ... - No, you just ignore.
We never talk about the bizarre things he does.
It is increasingly bizarre and you ...
let it go.
- Honey, that happens ... - I have to study.
I have to study!
Honey, what are you doing?
I heard many strange noises last night.
It scared me a lot, so I came here.
What kind of noises?
Tell Michael not to come into my room.
He is leaving marks of dirty hands everywhere.
Hey, big guy!
Something's bothering you, right?
Hi, Jeff. I was seeing what's wrong with your dog.
You have a new cat?
No, Jeff. We have a new cat,
a bird, a fish, and a jerboa.
We do not have animals.
Maybe you should take your to the vet.
Yes, I'll do that.
Get out of here!
But what is this? Get out of here!
- Get out of here! - I just want to help!
- Stop it! Get out of here! - Stop it!
- Stay out of it! - I'm trying to help you!
- I do not want your help! - I'm trying to help!
- Let me go! Stop it! - I hate you!
Get her off me!
- She's crazy! - I hate you, bitch!
She is sick!
- She is very sick! - Bitch evil!
- I hate you!
- She eats,
then she comes here and throws up.
She is very sick.
- I'm sorry, Dad. - It's okay, come here.
- Excuse me. - No...
Can I go to my driving test?
Promises are promises in this family, right?
You know your MAEM and I are not enemies?
We just want to stay healthy, happy and strong.
Leave all that shit back.
We just want to improve, dear.
- Look at you! - Growing up!
- Diga oi.
- TV, TV, TV, TV...
- Sure sure.
Oi, querida.
Thank you for staying with him last minute, mother.
Stephanie is not feeling so well,
we need to spend time alone with her.
All right, but at any time, honey. You know it.
- All right, I have to go. - Right.
- See you later. - Do not worry.
Thanks Mom!
- Goodbye. - Goodbye.
Okay, boy.
How about peanut butter and jelly.
I think it's time to see your favorite program.
I'll just end here ...
And Kenzie can keep you company.
Kenzie! What has gotten into you?
Michael, it's best to leave it quiet today.
Bronny, where is your mother?
She's up there under observation.
- I'm Dr. Jones.. - What happened?
The mother of his wife said a snake into the house.
A snake?
When the paramedics arrived, he was gone.
But she was very upset,
then we gave something to calm her.
It's all right.
She said she was hearing strange noises in the room,
but when he arrived, he was alone.
Mr. Taylor, his son was trying to kill her cat.
Do not.
No, no, no. This is not right.
He would never do that.
How are you doing? Are you alright?
I'm available if you have questions.
- Right, thank you. - We are in the hospital.
What happened?
I was Mikey,
where I'd hide?
Michael! Ei!
Get down!
- Dear ... - This has gone too far.
- He needs to learn. Mikey! - Getting angry does not help.
- He needs to learn, come on. - Darling.
- No one was injured. - This time.
Calm down.
- You're scaring him. - He's scaring me.
Look ...
I can handle the count,
to the camp in the living room,
toys on the way to I step,
but he crossed the line, starting fires.
He's getting dangerous.
Why can not you see it?
Honey, I do not ...
What? What is personal ...
- Hello?
- Sammy.
- Oi, o Pete.
- Oi.
Sorry to call so late.
It's all right.
No problem. It's all right?
Yes Yes. I was seeing this last drawing I received,
and is a complete mess.
I think I'll need to do a complete review
and the term, need help. Why would you be willing
to work late a few days, or a weekend?
- What can help.
- Great, see you tomorrow.
Open fire!
Honey, was lucky you have seen when it happened.
because the damage is mostly superficial.
It's just paint again when you have time.
I can fix.
I am very good with my hands.
Now seriously, Peter ...
How did he do that?
I do not know. By accident, I think ...
He was playing and caught fire.
I did not mean it. How he got the matches?
They are in the closet, on the refrigerator.
Maybe we let down, or Stephanie, whatever.
Okay, wait, wait.
- I'm listening. - What I mean...
Do you think it has to do with us? As parents.
Wait a minute, please. Let's not start blaming us.
Children are affected by problems and parental emotions,
you heard Dr. Mitchell.
And these expensive experts never miss it.
You're not listening to me, Peter.
What I mean is ...
I think it has something else in the house.
Wait, let's not start ...
How do you explain the matches?
How do you explain the smell? How do you explain the strange sounds?
There are ghosts, honey.
Just Autism Michael manifesting otherwise.
Stop being a sucker and listen.
Stephanie said she heard something too.
Peter, maybe there is something here.
I do not know, perhaps ...
some kind of karma.
Karma for what? Bad things we did?
What, dear.
Not really believe this nonsense, is not it?
Can you please,
please open your eyes?
At least one time.
Wait, Bronny.
SMELLS BAD or unexplained
The Anasazi are an ancient culture
who lived in the Colorado Plateau.
Nigum know why they built fortified cities.
But we know that all civilization
He ended suddenly when abandoraram their homes.
Some speculate that spirits venerated by the Anasazi
become destructive demons
when the community ceased to keep their sacred laws.
These beings are in the form of a coyote,
a snake, a raven, a buffalo and a wolf.
They terrorized the population.
Often appearing to children
before taking them away forever.
No, do not bring it to me. Enough.
They are ready for you to review.
Give the rest later tonight.
It's always like that?
Yes, in fact that is the average of panic and confusion
What makes this place so great.
Maybe when this project is done,
you and I can have a coffee,
talk about how it will be going forward.
Maybe I can take some work ...
Maybe we can have a drink ...
Yeah, I thank Sandy, but maybe ...
best if we kept meetings with colleagues.
So no one will miss our bright ideas.
Yes Yes. It's ok. Okay.
They terrorized the population.
Often appearing to children
before taking them away forever.
This eventou became known ...
EVENTS unexplained
- Peter, what are you doing? - Shit.
Jesus Cristo...
What's wrong with you? It is somewhat ...
- Air these days. - Oh really? I am fine.
To be honest with you, boss ...
judging by his work, it is not.
Your whole team is low 10%.
My question is: What's going on?
Simon, you need to trust me, right?
You know that the project is complicated
and we will recover us down the stretch, as always,
I promise. No problem.
Well, listen.
So you're the man of the piece.
Hit here.
You are very competent. Was always!
- See you at dinner? - Yes.
All right, buddy.
Wait here.
It seems quite a party.
You can call me if anything happens to Michael.
I know that.
You can call me for any reason.
Yes, I know that.
I'm serious. No, you do not need.
- I like to use. - You are beautiful...
Bronny, come on!
Honey, I can not stay and you go?
Call and tell her I'm sick.
We can not reschedule, you know how it is.
Come on, just right and back, right?
- Are you sure it will be fine? - I have. I'm sure!
- Let me change my dress. - What's this? Simon worship.
Sure we can not divide?
- Take your money here. - You'll pay later.
I'll get rich, you'll see.
Next time, you can bet that you will pay.
I need to tell you about this fascinating lecture I attended.
This guy Internet.
- Honey, can I? - He charges expensive
people who have a lot of money
- To face them. - No.
- It's what they do.
- Really?
They stand there, looking at him.
- Take $ 1000. - It's all he does.
So who spoke at the event?
This amazing woman,
she is clairvoyant and spiritual healer.
The lecture was on "Ancient Hopi prophecies."
- You know ... - spoke in prophecy?
I have a prophecy. Wait a minute.
In this prophecy, Peter and I
we go to the bar and drank more alcohol.
See, you are performing!
It's all right.
psychic conference.
Tell me what's going on with your less special project.
- Special design? - Sammy.
I fear that this project will die.
No, no, no. I gave you.
I left the spot. You are kidding with me?
I put in your hands and you kicked.
I used to look up to you, you were my hero.
- Because? - People change.
You're breaking my heart, Fredo.
It was about her ...
Kantsi ceremony.
- We come back. - Hi boys.
And our son was sick a few years ago ...
- Enough, dear. - What?
In fact, it is interesting, Simon.
Stephanie is having problems, and Michael walks acting weird,
even for Michael. AND...
I think we should go, right?
I think it has something to do with our house.
Can we talk about this later?
The House? What is it? Goblins and Fairies in the attic?
- What have? - They are not interested
in our novel. Thank you for dinner.
I think we should go.
- OK let's go. - Thanks, that was incredible.
- Why are you angry? - What do you think?
I embarrassed you in front of Simon?
It is unpleasant to Wendy.
He got in all our conversations,
as if it did not matter if it was the only one talking.
Honestly, it's unbearable.
- It can be true. - It is true.
But he's my unbearable boss,
which will now tell everyone in the office
my wife can not pass a dinner
to say nothing of our personal and family problems.
Thank you for dragging me there.
Where is Michael?
Mikey, dear.
Honey, I said not to play until limpssemos here.
Honey, do not put your hands on it,
will leave marks all over the house.
Open your mouth, buddy. Very well.
I think he'll be all right, will take him to the doctor tomorrow.
You all right, Big Mike?
Not that is thinking, dear?
The Blue Star.
It is close now.
What you mean?
This shirt is dirty, you can go up to him and exchange?
Let's change that shirt.
I told you we should not leave him here alone.
Yes I know. You were right. You had every reason.
One two Three.
Two three.
One two Three.
One two Three.
One, one, one, one.
Two two.
One two three four.
One two three four.
One two three four.
One two three four.
One two three four.
One two Three.
- One two Three. - Mikey.
One one.
- Who are you talking to? - The people of heaven.
They want us to live with them now.
Over our time here.
The people of heaven?
Where are they?
Right behind you.
- Stephanie! - Looks!
- Stay with her. - Skirt!
My God, are you okay?
His dog attacked my daughter!
They said to wait for someone to be available
before registering it.
About 20 minutes.
All doors were locked.
The front and back. I even locked.
Someone must have the key, it is the only explanation.
Tomorrow I will trade the locks
and will check the doors and windows.
I do not know.
We'll all be fine.
Mikey was in her room.
Jeff, look ...
I know it's hard, but we need to talk.
Things got a little ...
crazy here.
For all of us.
Really crazy.
Not noticed the change of mood of Stephanie,
or weight loss.
Neither behavior
your child is out of control.
Now you want to talk?
So I do not notice?
It's all right.
- It's not what you think. - Same?
How can you not be what I think?
Fuck you, Peter.
You understand nothing.
Not even.
What is happening to us?
Why did Peter?
I was tired of me?
No longer wanted his life with us?
Jesus is talking about it now?
The case did not mean anything.
And I'm not like that anymore.
But I'm still who I am.
And it meant something to me.
As I said, I'm sorry.
Sometimes apologizing is not enough.
- Peter! - Porra.
Why are you here? should not be in the office?
It has been a ninja?
I came to get some work to complete at home.
Will I need a break.
Things got worse with children
and must take care of it.
Of course, no problem.
The other day, I was fighting with Wendy
about this whole thing of magic that she was talking about.
The truth is...
A few years ago my son was about 4 or 5 years,
he became ill and sick type.
No style terminal.
We took in all kinds of medical and specialist
and no one knew, nothing helped.
Then, a friend of my friend, told us about a healer.
This she does, she heals.
Type, wind spirits and water.
Would you laugh if I told you the follies she spoke.
She told us what to do.
And we did. Step by step, every little thing.
We did everything and a week later ...
He was better.
With life in his eyes again.
And four weeks later
I was playing baseball.
This was miracle?
I do not know what to call.
Tells Bronny call Wendy that she will.
But call this woman.
Sometimes, the answer you are looking for ...
will come from a place that is not looking.
And again, you see? I need you, hombre .
Need you. Call her.
They terrorized the population.
Appeared to the children before taking them forever.
The event was known as "The Darkness".
And it started with the infestation of these creatures of darkness.
Torment the victims to madness or painful deaths.
In a desperate move,
the Anasazi priests imprisoned demons
the ritual of stones used to communicate.
They hid them in caves near where they lived.
If the stones were removed, the demons would be released,
leading to the resurgence of "Darkness".
ancient writings reveal that the curse can be broken
if the stones are returned to the place of origin.
And only one who is not afraid.
There are many cases in which people found the stones,
They died mysteriously.
Families and friends happy turning each other.
And many accidents leading to death and disaster.
- Here's and have a good night. - Thank you too.
Who's up there?
Jenny, are you?
My God.
What the hell is this?
Come. C'mon C'mon.
All right, it's okay.
- Sit down. - No, Dad, do not leave me.
Okay, it's okay.
I need you to calm down. It's all right.
I'll be right back.
Mikey! Mikey!
Abra a porta!
Mikey, come on, open a porta.
Come on, open the damn door.
Michael, abra a porta.
Would I like a room, please.
It's a weekday, you're in luck.
But the only room available is the presidential suite.
- We get it. - Of course.
Some luggage, sir?
What are you looking for?
They have one in all hotel rooms.
A Bible?
I'm so tired I think I'll faint.
They took the bibles of most hotel rooms.
Apparently, some people found discriminatory
only have a religious representative.
- Jesus. - No longer.
These days I was thinking about us.
I was thinking of how we met.
I admired him so much.
And when I saw you was just ...
Is still.
Just love.
We deserve a happy ending, Peter.
I forgive you.
We can win this.
Oi, Bronn. Between.
To be honest, I never experienced anything like this.
I do not know how to handle.
I felt so everyone feels.
Some people even believe,
but I can guarantee,
everything changes very fast
when someone has the first meeting.
I am Teresa number.
I know you're upset, but do not worry.
Just call her.
She is very good.
O world is full
of things we can not explain, Bronn.
For most people it's easier ...
Focusing on what can be explained,
but it does not make it less real inexplivvel.
Who is this truck, Dad?
People who came to help, buddy.
This is Teresa, and this is your granddaughter,
- Gloria. - Oi.
- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
Steph, you can take Mikey and keep an eye on him?
- I can. - Give us a moment.
Thank you.
English my grandmother is not much, but I'll help.
Someone brought something new or strange to the house?
No, I think not.
recently they have been somewhere?
The somewhere that have never been before?
We went camping a few months ago,
Duch Canyon, Grand Canyon, Canyon High.
It is a very important area.
It is the home of the Anasazi.
The Navajo people consulted the elders once.
He said they talked with powerful spirits.
Demons, spirits and dark creatures.
And they had rituals to keep
the ancient demons trapped in another dimension.
A place they call the Third World.
Yeah, I read something about it.
So the Anasazi hidden rituals,
anyone open the door
and let these beings enter our world.
Are you saying that ...
it's real.
There are five most feared demons,
but their names can not be pronounced.
It is known that manifest as crow
coyote, snake,
buffalo or wolf.
It is not the true way.
If all five appear, it will be a disaster.
What they want?
They bring darkness to the people,
for them to destroy, or destroy one another.
When the wolf walks
the spirit will be free again
to devour two innocent soul.
They are strengthened.
What is she saying?
She said we should hurry,
they will not stop until they get what they want.
Let's start by cleaning the house.
Closing portals and make disappear spirits.
The forces of darkness are everywhere.
Do you believe in a higher power?
Not really.
Now would be a good time to start.
You will not need that?
There are other things that have worked here.
The God you're used to, can not help you.
This is the house of the living,
not the dead
or those in the field of death.
We wish to seek the light
and go back to where they came from!
Stay close.
This is the house of the living,
go back to where they came from!
Here it is.
Wait here. Let's deal with it.
This is the house of the living,
go back to where they came from!
You do not belong to this house!
Get out of here!
This is the house of the living,
go back to where they came from!
You do not belong ...
You do not belong to this house!
Teresa, are you okay?
What is going on?
The spirits are trying to stop us from cleaning the house
and send them away.
Go back to where they came from!
You do not belong here!
Get out ...
- Wait here! - Dad!
Are you alright?
They are getting stronger.
- Was you? - I am here.
They will not hurt us.
They will set us free.
Are you alright?
You do not belong to this house!
Get out of here!
This is the house of the living,
go back to where they came from!
You do not belong to this house!
Get out of here!
Are you alright?
There is a great evil here.
We have to finish to protect the house
before anything else pass here.
We have to hurry, my daughter.
Fast, mother.
I see a river.
A cave.
Stones. Blood.
A river of blood?
The death of innocents?
You do not belong to this house!
Get out of here!
You do not belong to this house!
Get out of here!
- Teresa, are you okay? - Grandma, you are well?
- Grandfather? - She is fine?
- Where's Mikey? - What is going on?
Mikey. Mikey!
Mikey, abra a porta.
- Peter?
- Mikey?
Come on.
Come on.
Fast! Come on.
Get out of here.
Do not come back.
Peter! Peter!
- I'm not afraid, father. - No!
- Pai!
- Peter!
Are you alright?
- Are you all right? - It's all right.
It's all right.
Ended up.
We are fine.
Honey, are you okay?
Is that you? It's ok?
Do not move,
you have more film!
After the credits!