The Day Before Disclosure (2010)

(majestic orchestra music)
(spaceships zooming)
(electricity crackling)
(majestic orchestra music)
(suspenseful music)
- [Terje] What if
we were not alone?
What if the hundreds
of thousands of people
claiming to have seen
unidentified flying ojects
in fact had been witnessing
extraterrestrial spacecraft?
What if the thousands of
people all over the world
who tell about their
encounters with alien beings
through friendly contact
or even forced abductions
were actually telling the truth?
What if our governments had
known about an ET presence
for more than half a century?
If they were in possession
of alien technology
that had the potential of
changing how our world is run
and they chose to keep
the public in the dark
through a secret campaign
of suppressed information?
What if that campaign acted
as a chain around the ankles
of humanity, keeping us from
rising to a whole new level
of consciousness and
understanding of ourselves,
our planet, and the
universe around us?
And what if that
campaign ended tomorrow?
(beeping and type keys clicking)
- It's one of these
currents of history
that won't be denied.
The truth is going to come out.
And when it does, it's
gonna be explosive.
- So once we get that out,
we will go back and completely
reassemble the 20th century,
rewrite it in a way,
and may have to go back
and rewrite a
significant portion
of the entire last 12,000 years.
- This is the greatest
story in human history.
And the reason it is the
greatest story in human history,
it is the greatest
story of human history.
(dramatic horn music)
(dramatic piano music)
- The world view portrayed
in this statement
by renowned scientist
Lord Kelvin in 1900,
was shattered only
five years later
when Albert Einstein published
his groundbreaking paper
on special relativity.
The new theories challenged
the current framework
of understanding and forced
the scientific community
to open up to a broader view
on the nature of reality.
This event of fundamental
change, this paradigm shift,
came as a huge surprise
to scholars at that time.
But today we have no
problem following the string
of breakthroughs leading
up to Einstein's paper
and the doorway
into the atomic age.
Lord Kelvin's statement
bears with it the voice
of paradigms past.
We knew that the earth was flat.
We knew that we were the
center of the universe.
And we knew that a
man-made, heavier than air
piece of machinery
could not take flight.
Through all stages
of human history,
intellectual authorities have
pronounced their supremacy
by ridiculing or suppressing
elements of reality
that simply didn't fit
within the framework
of accepted knowledge.
The so-called father
of modern science,
the Italian astronomer
Galileo, was even convicted
by the Catholic Church and
placed under house arrest
for life after publishing
a book where he supported
the idea that the Earth was
not the center of the universe.
His work was then
banned and forbidden
for more than 200 years.
But are we really
any different today?
Have we really changed our
acceptance towards the things
that won't fit the frame?
Maybe there are
concepts of our reality
we have yet to understand?
And if we open our
eyes, maybe we will see
that something significant
has been overlooked.
(upbeat rock music)
(slow rock music)
(slow piano music)
- My name's Nick Pope.
I worked for the
Ministry of Defense,
a part of the British
government, for 21 years.
And for much of the early
90s, I was responsible
for running their UFO project.
The Ministry of Defense has
been investigating UFO sightings
since the 1950s and has
about 12,000 reports
in its case files.
When I was doing
the job in the 90s,
I received about 200 or
300 reports each year.
- [Terje] In May 2008,
the British government
opened its first batch of UFO
files for public inspection.
The release, made
available on the internet,
created an immense media
and public interest,
with over two million
downloads the first weeks.
Other nations had just
recently opened their files
and more were to follow.
France, Belgium, Ireland,
Denmark, Turkey, Brazil,
Argentina, Mexico.
The most amazing
stories were revealed
of craft, UFO fleets, landings,
and even ET entities being seen.
Often with multiple
eyewitnesses involved.
Even if many of the
reports could be explained
as aircraft, weather balloons,
satellites, or planets,
or a special weather phenomena,
still a large portion
remained unexplained.
- It is clear to me,
given that these things
are seen by police officers,
pilots, military personnel,
given that they are
sometimes tracked on radar,
it is clear to me that whatever
the UFO phenomenon involves,
there are serious defense,
national security,
and air safety issues at stake.
- The question if we are
alone in the universe
is as old as man himself.
But now this question seems
to be more pressing than ever.
Today science has
discovered that many
of our neighboring stars
have similar planet systems.
Over 500 planets have
been registered so far.
Some scientists even claim
that our galaxy alone
may have billions of planets
with Earth-like conditions.
So the idea of us humans being
the only intelligent life
in the universe seems
to be losing its grip.
Over the years, polls have
shown that a rising number
of people believe in
intelligent life elsewhere.
In many countries, far more
than 50% of the population.
The question of
extraterrestrial life
was also among the reasons
why the SETI project
was established
back in the 1970s.
SETI stands for Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
This project, still ongoing,
is using large radio telescopes
at several locations on the
globe to scan the cosmos
in search for
electromagnetic transmissions
that could indicate
intelligent life.
This is the radio telescope
in Bologna, in Italy,
one of the largest of
its kind in Europe.
This enormously complex
system of antennas
is able to detect even
the weakest signals
from the universe.
And by interpreting
these signals,
the scientists are able to
learn a lot about the age
and the origin of the
stars, the galaxies,
and the universe.
And perhaps also, detect
signals from intelligent life.
- What we are
looking for actually,
is not really a
particular kind of signal.
We are just searching
for something different
from the normal cosmic
noise, so to say.
So we are not searching
for a particular
transmission signals,
but for example, it would be
enough to detect some signals
coming from their
communications, televisions,
if they do have televisions,
or cellular telephones,
or things like that.
Well, we have recorded a
huge amount of data so far.
But unfortunately, we could
not get any signal yet.
(dramatic piano music)
- [Terje] But has the
research been done
for the right type of signals?
While we are looking for answers
inside the framework
of our old paradigm,
civilizations maybe several
million years ahead of us
in technological sophistication,
may not transmit our type
of radio signals at all.
The most commonly used argument
against interstellar travel
is the fact that even our
closest neighboring stars
are several light years away.
We have to move, 20, 30,
or maybe 50 light years out
to find a substantial
number of stars
where life may be possible.
With such distances
and the speed of light
as a limit, the thought of
being visited from outside
has seemed impossible.
But new developments in physics
have redefined Einstein's
relativity theory
and opened for a new
view on this question.
- According to
hadronic mechanics,
there is no problem
with space travel
and not even with time travel.
Equations and the
physical models,
concepts and relations
for explaining this,
has been clear for
more than 10 years,
in advanced hadronic mechanics.
(eerie music)
- So if there are
civilizations thousands
or millions of
years ahead of us,
distances within a
hundred light years
may not be a big obstacle.
And is this why mysterious
unidentified flying objects
have been reported all over
the globe through centuries?
(eerie horn music)
What really made the
UFO phenomenon known
to the public was what
happened here in Washington
in the summer of 1952,
when a series of UFO
observations were made
during a period of two weeks.
Objects were traced on radar
flying a thousand miles
per hour and they suddenly
executed a 90 degree turn,
and other maneuvers that no
aircraft could do even today.
- Military pilots were launched
to chase these objects.
They got close
enough to them to see
they were round balls of
light or oval balls of light,
but they could not catch them.
- It forced the Air Force
to have a press
conference on this.
What is going on?
And during the press
conference, the general,
General Sanford who
was in charge of Air
Force Intelligence,
basically argued that as
far as he was concerned,
it was all natural phenomena
and that there wasn't
anything to worry about.
So the press, being
satisfied with that,
publicized it was all weather,
temperature inversions,
and weather phenomena, that
were causing these sightings
and you could forget
all about 'em.
A Navy officer, who was working
in Air Force Intelligence,
told an FBI person,
that several percent of the
sightings could not be explained
and that the top
Air Force people,
some of them were seriously
considering interplanetary ships
as the explanation.
- [Terje] The pilot, Kenneth
Arnold, had already in 1947
introduced the name
flying saucers,
when he claimed to have
come upon a formation
of nine unusual saucer-like
objects near Mt. Rainier
in the state of Washington
in June that year.
Before this, pilots of
World War II bombers
had named them Foo Fighters.
These smaller disks
were frequently seen
as rapid lights crossing
over German, Japanese,
and Allied territories,
sometimes right next
to the aircraft,
as if monitoring
their operations.
A recent release from
the British UFO files
show that Prime Minister
Winston Churchill
was very concerned
about the UFO issue
and ordered reported
sightings to be kept secret
for at least 50 years
to prevent mass panic.
He was also afraid it would
shatter people's
religious beliefs.
On the night of
February 24th, 1942,
only three months after
the attack on Pearl Harbor,
several unidentified
objects were picked up
on radar over the
city of Los Angeles.
It was believed to be
another Japanese attack
and resulted in an intense
searchlight activity
and heavy artillery fire.
(rapid explosions blasting)
- [Radio Newscaster]
Anti-aircraft guns
according to (mumbles)
unidentified aircraft
in the Los Angeles area.
- [Terje] But the presumed
enemy never fought back
and suddenly the objects
disappeared without trace.
(slow piano music)
During the 50s, flying saucers
were reported repeatedly,
also by civil and
military pilots.
- And I could see that it
was a black lenticular form,
some silhouette with
these blinking lights
all over the surface.
And it was at least
twice the size of a 747,
like two Boeing 747
airliners nose to tail.
And it's between me
and Indianapolis,
so I rolled around and
tried to get on its tail,
behind it, and it turned
about 30 degree angles
to the north and headed
straight for Chicago
and then went over the horizon
like (imitates whooshing)
like that and disappeared.
There's no airplane
can go that fast.
- And over the
entrance to Hickham,
to Pearl Harbor area,
the entrance there,
was either nine, I said
nine disks originally,
so I'm gonna keep it that
way, with nine disks.
White, perfectly white,
and they were doing all kind
of different formations.
A V, opposite L, reversed
L, different types.
We watched them for
about 15 minutes.
Until finally, (imitates
zooming) they're off.
It's gone.
- In 1952 orders were issued
to military pilots
in the United States,
shoot them down, flying saucers,
if they don't land when
instructed to do so.
I have the newspaper
articles proving that.
Matter of fact, the head of
the American Rocket Society
wrote a letter to
President Truman
saying he didn't think
that was a good idea.
Not a good way to welcome
anybody coming here. (chuckling)
- [Terje] The American
jet fighter pilot,
Milton Torres, stationed
at the Manson RAF base
in Britain, was on May 20th,
1957 ordered to go after
and shoot down a large
UFO, spotted on radar
hovering over Ipswich.
This enormous object, the
size of an aircraft carrier,
disappeared into the sky
at the very instant he
was to launch his rockets.
- I was thinking that
if I fired this thing
that he may vaporize me.
I didn't know what it was,
but I knew it was
not of this Earth.
It was not a man-made object.
This was something that was,
they could stop, they could
absolutely stand still,
and they could go Mach
10 or more at any time.
And a human being
would be splashed up
against the side
wall from the forces,
just the momentum forces.
That would destroy you.
So it was nothing that we
humans know anything about.
- But many, many pilots
in military planes,
who were ordered to go
after and shoot down disks,
they either disappeared
or their planes crashed.
This is another underbelly
of this whole phenomenon.
And before he died,
Len Stringfield,
who was the very
first on the planet,
who had the courage to
start publicly reporting
that not only were there
beautiful lights in the sky
that moved in erratic patterns,
but they were clearly involved
with crash retrieval stories
that were coming to him from
military people who would not
go on the record.
That we were retrieving bodies,
we were retrieving technology.
And Len Stringfield said,
"Linda, I know first hand
"that our government
had a standing policy
"to take these disks
down out of the sky
"until we had lost
so many pilots that
"that order was rescinded
around 1953 to 54."
(eerie horn music)
- Books were now
appearing on UFOs,
with pictures of saucers
and cigar shaped craft
on close range.
Even with people claiming
to have met the
visitors in person.
And soon the
entertainment industry
also joined the saucer wave.
This somehow influenced on
the image of the UFO issue,
giving skeptics further
reason for ridicule
of the phenomenon.
On July 1947, a major
incident occurred
near Roswell, New Mexico,
the place where the
U.S. manufacturer
stored its newly
developed nuclear weapons.
A flying saucer is
reported to have crashed.
- [Newscaster] The Army
Air Forces has announced
that a flying disk
has been found
and is now in the
possession of the Army.
Army officers say the missile,
found sometime last week,
has been inspected at
Roswell, New Mexico
and sent to Wright Field,
Ohio for further inspection.
- The incident is revealed
in the local newspaper,
but withdrawn the day after.
Weather balloons is the
official explanation.
Today several military and
civil eyewitness testimonials
have surfaced concerning
both the crash itself
and the crash
retrieval operations,
indicating that it most
probably was a vehicle
of unknown origin.
Apollo astronaut,
Dr. Edgar Mitchell,
who was the sixth man
to walk on the moon,
and also grew up as
a Roswell resident,
has recently gone public
with his view on this
controversial incident.
- I grew up in
Roswell, New Mexico,
which was the site of
presumed alien crash in 1947.
And which, from what I call
the testimony of the old-timers
who were there, and
who had been hushed up
by government authority,
military authority,
almost on pain of
death at the time,
and who had harbored their
knowledge quietly for years.
When I came back from the moon,
and I was a local boy,
they considered me safe
enough to tell their story to,
of that they were a part
of the recovery effort
and the observer of the
so-called Roswell crash.
And that they knew for sure
that it was an alien craft
and subsequent sightings,
subsequent evidences
reaffirmed all of that,
that we are being visited
and have been visited
by alien spacecraft
and alien beings and our
governments around the world
have covered it up.
(eerie horn music)
- In response to this
escalating UFO activity
and public awareness,
in September, two months
after the Roswell
crash, Project Grudge,
later named Project Blue
Book was established
by the U.S. Air Force as an
official investigative body
in UFO cases.
The project collected
civil and military reports
and carried out an
analysis of them.
In 1969, after 22 years,
the project was closed,
without reaching
official conclusion.
And that ended, to this
day, the official comments
from the U.S. government
on the UFO issue.
But the UFO
sightings didn't end.
Going back to 1963, a
command sergeant major
in the U.S. Army was assigned
to the supreme headquarters
of Allied powers in
Europe in Paris, France,
and was given the highest
top-secret clearance.
The story revealed to him there
puts the phenomenon into
a whole new perspective.
- And when I arrived
in the summer of 1963,
my clearance was upgraded
to cosmic top-secret,
which was then and still
is today the highest level
of classification in NATO.
And when I arrived
in the summer of 63,
I learned of a study
that was underway,
that had been initiated in 1961.
Apparently an event had
occurred on the morning
of 2nd February in 1961 that
almost triggered World War III.
A large number of
circular metallic disks
flying in formation,
flew out of the Soviet sector,
over the, Allied sector
and a divided Germany,
flew off to the west.
They turned north,
over the channel,
over the English channel,
over the southern coast
of England, and then they
turned north and disappeared
off of NATO radar over
the Norwegian sea,
off the coast of Norway.
Well this incident almost
triggered World War III
because the Soviets, we found
out, thought those objects
belonged to us.
And for a time, we
thought they might belong
to the Soviets.
We were to find out
that they didn't belong
to either of us,
the Soviets or us.
It was a real story here.
And they initiated a
study in 61 to determine
what in the world
is happening here.
They concluded, after
this three year study,
that the planet Earth
and the human race
apparently had been
under some kind of survey
or observation for
hundreds of years,
maybe thousands of years,
by several extraterrestrial
advanced intelligences.
Now that literally, Terje,
blew me out of the water.
(eerie horn music)
- This document,
called an assessment,
an evaluation of possible threat
to Allied forces in Europe,
was a secret NATO
report on UFOs,
distributed in 15 copies
in the NATO system.
Could that indicate
that NATO at that time
was fully aware of the
UFO and ET presence?
- U.S. military took UFOs
very, very seriously, during,
all through the Cold
War and indeed beyond.
We have a fair amount of
evidence, documentation,
military documents,
intelligence documents,
that show very clearly
that the U.S. military
encountered objects that
did not seem normal,
did not look normal, and
had extraordinary behavior.
Violating sensitive air space,
again, and again, and again.
So the question is
not, do UFOs exist?
The question is, who
do they belong to?
And indeed, guess what, this
was exactly the question
I discovered that U.S.
military analysts asked.
They were no dummies.
So they knew.
There's only a couple
of possibilities here.
Question number one,
back in the 40s and 50s
was are these Soviet devices?
In the context of the Cold
War, that's important,
you need to find out.
Did the Soviets come up
with a revolutionary type
of propulsion and so forth.
Well, they looked into
it and the answer did not
seem to be yes, it
looked like it was a no.
And indeed, that seems
to be the answer today.
So then question number two is,
is this a secret project
that we're doing?
Somewhere in the bowels of
the American military complex?
That's a fair question.
It's entirely possible,
but again, it's also possible
that that isn't the answer.
And indeed, a lot of the
evidence doesn't seem
to point that way.
The fact, for example,
that our jet fighters
were chasing these
objects again and again,
is one thing that
points to that.
If it was a secret
American project,
why continually, year after
year, scramble your own military
to chase them down?
So then there's a third option.
And in the context of
the late 1940s it was,
are they interplanetary
That was really the
only other option
people could think
of at the time.
And guess what, there
were many analysts
from the 1940s and all
throughout the period
that we can get any
information on this, that yes,
there were many people who
argued that this was the case.
(eerie horn music)
- [Terje] Incredible
stories continue to happen.
- The most interesting
of those cases occurred
in November of 1965.
There were UFO reports
in New York state,
all over New England,
of objects being sighted
above power lines,
over power plants,
over power relay stations.
I forget the gentleman's name,
but one of the FAA regional
directors was flying
in a private plane
near Syracuse, New York
and they saw a large fiery
ball pass over power lines
at a place called the
Clay Power Substation.
And as soon as the object
was directly over the lines,
from horizon to horizon
all the lights went out
as far as this man could see.
And initially he thought that
he had gone blind temporarily,
you know something had happened,
and then he realized
that there was no power.
And it became what is known as
the great northeast blackout.
(slow eerie music)
- It's an incredible
instance on 17 November, 1986
of a Japan Airlines
plane that was flying
from Tokyo to Paris,
through Alaska,
encountered three large
shelled walnut-type objects.
The largest was described,
intermittently in
different reports,
as either the size of one or
two U.S. aircraft carriers.
They were pacing the plane,
they were making
aerodynamic movements,
which were scaring the pilots.
It's an amazing
incident in that,
a possible five
different agencies
were all tracking these
objects at the same time.
Namely the FAA, the CIA, NASA,
the U.S. Air Force, and
I presume Japan Airlines
when the calls came in.
It's one of the most heavily
documented cases ever.
There's transcripts that
come out of the black box
that were frightening.
It turned out that the
Reagan administration
was excited about all this,
because they had never gotten
so much documented
information on a UFO incident
ever in history.
So they convened a
scientific advisory board
that in January was gonna
study all the information.
As far as that scientific
advisory committee,
John Callahan, who was
a senior FAA official,
was on top of all this.
He was excited too, he had
looked at all of the data.
He said they'd never
had anything this good.
The scientific
advisory board convened
and they were waiting
for the meeting to start.
And according to Mr. Callahan,
before the President
even came in,
somebody from the CIA came in
and snatched
everything up and said,
"This never happened"
and walked out.
- The history of UFOs
in the United States
is just filled with
one impossible sighting
after another
impossible sighting.
The problem with them is
that they have great military
documentation again and again,
showing that they
actually happened.
Or what does one make
of the boomerang craft
that were seen just
north of New York City
in the early 1980s in what's
called the Hudson Valley.
For several years,
you have again and again,
these enormous objects
being seen by
thousands of witnesses.
They're driving
along the highway
and they see this
object hovering.
They get out of their
car, their jaws drop open
and this intense bright light
shoots down onto the highway
like out of a movie,
except this wasn't a movie.
This happened many times
over a period of,
say five years,
just north of New York City.
(eerie music)
- [Terje] In Great Britain,
periods of extensive
UFO activity
kept the subject warm
in the news media.
A serving police detective
within the U.K. force
in England, has over
the recent years,
gather reports involving
over 800 police officers
having different UFO encounters.
And here is one of the stories.
- His name was Police
Constable Eric Raymond.
And he was a police officer
in the Thames Valley police
at the time of this
particular sighting.
And he was in a rural location
in 1979, I believe it was.
He was stood talking with
two other police officers.
Two vehicles parked up,
middle of the countryside.
Dark, no streetlights,
or anything,
it's just a very dark.
And they're doing
what police officers
do at three in the
morning, have a chat,
have a cigarette or whatever.
Suddenly in the distance
they see a bright light
blink on for literally a second.
It's a long way off,
they look, it blinks off.
They don't think anything to it.
They just carry on talking.
Five minutes later, this
happens (fingers snapping)
and the object appears
in front of them
at a distance of
about 400 meters,
at an altitude of just 500
feet, which is very close.
And they describe the object
as being the size
of a football field.
And it is shining a beam down,
the width of a football
field, across the landscape
and slowly scanning the terrain.
They think about going
on the police radio
and think, nobody's
gonna believe this.
So they don't, they don't
want the ridicule factor.
So they watch for
five minutes in all.
The object is moving
in total silence.
And they say there
are smaller objects
flying silently around
the larger silent object.
And after five minutes, it
goes. (fingers snapping)
Doesn't go up, doesn't go
left, doesn't go right.
It disappears like a light bulb.
- The 70s brought an amazing
number of UFO reports
from the British Isles.
But nothing could compare
to what was to unfold
in late December
1980, at a NATO base
in Suffolk, east of London.
- The Rendelsham Forest incident
is Britain's most famous
and compelling UFO encounter.
The file on the
incident was made public
a number of years ago under
The Freedom of Information Act.
So the case file's
in the public domain,
but the bottom line is the
case has never been explained.
- [Terje] Peter Robbins
spent nine years
doing intensive
research for his book,
giving a first hand
account of the case.
His co-author, Larry Warren,
was airman at the base
at the time and one of the
key eyewitnesses to the event.
- It occurred between
Christmas and New Year's
on three consecutive
nights, 1980.
And it involved over flights
above this twin NATO
base complex in Suffolk.
About 80 miles from London.
Landings, the shooting
down of beams of light
into the weapons storage area,
which was a nuclear
weapons storage area.
Very much in violation
of our treaty
with Great Britain at the time.
And on the final night
of the three nights,
there was the biggest incident.
In this, my co-author,
dozens of other American Air
Force personnel were taken
and brought out to a field
near their sister base,
RAF Woodbridge, where
they saw the appearance
of a machine of
undetermined origin.
- At that place, an object
appeared on the ground
in the place of a mist,
I saw this happen.
A red light moved in, exploded.
It caused retina and eye damage
to a lot of us,
peripheral people.
A structured object was in
its place on the ground,
though you couldn't
look directly at it.
You'd have to look at it
with your peripheral vision
to get the shape.
Entities were seen.
- [Interviewer] How many?
- Three.
Looking very
translucent, not your,
what they call gray,
that sort of thing.
It was almost ghost-like.
Very much animated,
self-animated though.
That whole event was filmed.
- [Interviewer] Did they
walk out of the craft?
- Well no, they were floating
about a foot above the ground
in a very bright light.
The lower extremities
were very hard to see.
They were a foot off the ground.
- They were about
four feet tall.
They had that same
large cranial structure,
the giant black sweeping eyes.
Almost no nose, a
hint of a mouth.
And they were each
dressed in a suit,
very tight fitting.
And they were
slightly translucent
and they were floating.
So they got in about
five feet from the thing,
they were right there.
And the beings were
no further away
than like 20 feet
or so from Larry.
So this was all happening in
extremely close proximity,
very close up.
Larry and other men there
observed, besides the dozens
of American enlisted
Air Force personnel,
many of them like Larry,
with secret clearances,
'cause they worked
around nuclear weapons,
but there were British
police officers on location.
They were from the nearby
village of Woodbridge.
And while the American
Air Force personnel
were filming this with
video, and this is 1980,
so you could spot a video
camera a long ways away,
it was very bulky, but
also regular film cameras.
One of these police officers
was taking photographs
of this landed machine
with a 35mm camera.
And from what I understand,
the Air Force confiscated
this camera from
the police officer,
which caused a bit of a fight.
When these beings appeared,
they looked at the human beings
and the human beings
looked at them.
And no hands were shaken,
no things were exchanged.
If anybody heard
voices in their heads,
I don't know about this.
And at a certain
point, these beings,
they did not open
a door and walk in,
but they disappeared.
And the sense was
they had gone back in.
The machine then lifted up.
It was making a slight humming
sound, my best description.
It angled slightly and
then, (imitates zooming)
and it was a star, you
know, in a matter of seconds
and it was gone.
What happened the next day is
almost more upsetting to me.
Namely that these
men were debriefed.
I think they were told a
combination of truths and lies
to overwhelm them, intimidate
them, keep them quiet.
And then that night, a
number of the individuals,
Larry and Adrian Bustinza
next to him included,
were taken against their
wills, subdued chemically,
and put through a series
of procedures to confuse
and up fuse their thinking
and were released a day or so
later right before New Year's.
- [Terje] Three years
later this incredible story
had leaked to the media and
created a long succession
of headlines as more and
more information was revealed
from different sources.
Larry himself being one
of the main sources.
But no official comments on
the UFO incident were given
from either the U.S. or
the British government.
All the unique film
and video material,
including the pictures taken
by the British policeman
were removed from the
base by U.S. military,
never to be seen again.
In 2009, Larry King and CNN
shed new light on the case,
by bringing in new eyewitnesses
confirming the story
of the first night
of the sightings.
- I was there on
the first night.
I went off base to,
to check out a possible
aircraft downing.
I thought it was
a aircraft crash
and I took my team
with me and when we got
to the wooded line
off the east gate,
we discovered a craft
of unknown origin.
It was triangular in shape.
- [Larry] On the ground?
- On the ground.
- [Larry] You touch it?
- Touched it, walked
around it, photographed it.
We did a full
investigation of it
on the ground for 45 minutes.
- With this
exceptional testimony
from a retired U.S. Air Force
security officer live on CNN,
confirming the story of
several other eyewitnesses,
you might expect it to lead
to some kind of
official reaction.
Does the Rendlesham case
actually tell us straight out
that there is another reality
in the midst of our lives
able to come and
go as it pleases?
In other countries,
UFO observations were
made continuously.
In Brazil and the
huge Amazon area,
UFO and ETs were observed
almost on a daily basis.
- You know, historically Brazil
is one of the major country
as far as UFO sightings
and contacts with
aliens is concerned.
Now we have all sorts of cases
and they are spread
all over the country.
Some of the most astounding
cases in the UFO history
happen in Brazil.
We're talking about landings.
We're talking about face to
face contact with aliens,
which are getting
rare for some reason.
And we talking
about also sightings
with multiple witnesses.
Sightings in the
middle of cities,
like two or three thousand
people seeing a UFO.
- [Terje] But what about Russia
and the former Soviet Union?
- Russian navy has not been
known to reveal its secrets,
but Russian navy has been
known to be in the forefront
of the UFO and USO research.
And we have reports
coming basically
from all corners of the world.
Be it the south Georgia
island, or the Bering Sea,
or for example, especially
the Sea of Okhotsk,
and such lakes like
the lake Baikal.
They had encountered, not only
gigantic underwater objects
and submarines who could
move at incredible speeds,
and the Soviets just could
not catch up with them.
They had also encountered
disks that would basically
fly out from under the
water, go into the sky,
separate into different objects,
come back together, fly away.
They had encountered
a phenomenon
which was called (speaking
foreign language)
from the Russian word
(speaking foreign language)
meaning to emit a sound
like frogs would do.
What it meant is that
Soviet submarines,
especially in the Atlantic area,
would find gigantic
moving objects
at great depths of the sea.
Objects that would
emit certain sounds
that kind of reminded
them of croaking,
but you know they
were different sounds.
They could do
nothing about this,
but the Soviets
became very nervous
because these gigantic
objects would accompany them.
And of course, they
though the Americans
came up with a new way to
track Soviet submarines.
They found out this was not so.
(eerie music)
- At 2008 we received
over 867 sighting reports
from 37 different
cities in Turkey.
And out of those, 35%
of them were documented.
15 to 20% of them
were unidentified.
- [Terje] In Turkey, one of
the most amazing recent cases
is from the town Combergas,
an hour away from Istanbul,
where a security guard captured
astonishing UFO footage
over a three months
period in 2007.
The film clearly shows the
outline and the structure
of the object and
also what seems
to be the silhouette
of two beings inside.
The film has been
thoroughly checked
by a governmental
scientific institution.
- In the official report
it says clearly that
this is not a hoax at all.
This is not a computer
animated hoax or a model
or anything like that.
There is a physical
object in the footages
that we could not identify.
They categorize them as
unidentified flying objects.
- [Terje] Astonishing video
has also been released
from Mexico.
Military gun camera
shots of traveling UFOs
hit the news in 2004.
And even more astonishing,
fleets of UFOs were seen
and filmed over several cities.
As a result of the
rising national interest
in the UFO issue in Mexico,
one of their main broadcasters
has run a two and a half
hour show every Sunday night
the past 15 years, presenting
the latest UFO documentation.
- I have a television
program every Sunday night
from 5:30 to 8:00.
It's primetime in the
Mexican television.
And we present the news
around this phenomenon.
It means the most recent videos,
the most recent photographs,
the most recent cases,
the investigation behind
that, the actuality.
Many people in the media
and even the public
have been brainwashed
by the scientists
who don't want to
investigate this.
But there is enough evidence,
scientifically, proof-based,
that can be investigaged
and presented to the scientists.
And they have to
accept and agree
that this phenomenon is real.
There is no question in my mind.
I'm a journalist,
I've been a journalist
for almost 40 years.
And I know because
I've seen them,
because I've seen creatures,
because I know it's true!
(eerie horn music)
- Behind me here, inside
this blue container,
is the only stationary,
fully automatic,
24 hour UFO observatory
on the planet.
In Norway, the remote
mountain valley Hessdalen
became world famous after
almost continuous observations
from the early 80s on.
Strange lights moved up
and down the mountainsides
every night, over long periods,
just above the treetops.
In contrast to many other
countries, scientists arrived
and established a
permanent UFO observatory.
- The light phenomena
here in Hessdalen, Norway
started in late '81,
with a lot of sightings.
At the most it was
20 sightings a week.
The local people here
started to see the light
down in the valley, sometimes
close to their houses.
And they was wondering
what could this be?
And some was a little
bit afraid too,
because no one could
give them any answer,
what could it be?
- [Terje] Radar and cameras
were soon to pick up
astonishing pictures of the
unexplained light phenomena.
This picture is taken with
1/160th of a second exposure.
- The phenomena
behaves very different.
Some is moving very slowly
and some lights
can move very fast.
The fastest speed we
have ever measured
was 30,000 kilometers an hour.
- [Terje] But the
local residents claim
to have seen more
than just lights.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Terje] The observatory
shoots pictures
automatically every minute
and puts them on the internet.
Many amazing shots
have been captured.
After an automatic video
recording system was put up,
one year of waiting passed
before the Hessdalen phenomenon
is caught on camera.
(suspenseful music)
- [Terje] Zooming in and
slowing down the film,
something really
astonishing is revealed.
A smaller second light seems
to appear from underneath,
joining the main light.
Is something collected
by the lights?
Landings were also reported
and even solid proof
was found of earth samples
being taken in the
midst of nowhere.
Here, a two hour's walk
from the nearest dirt road,
a two ton piece of wet
turf has been cut out
with laser precision, lifted
and placed a few meters away.
No sign of machinery,
nor people.
During a week in September 2007,
a major survey was carried out
by the university scientists
assisted by students with
several observation units.
On the fourth night
of the survey,
the phenomenon
decides to show up.
(people yelling excitedly)
(speaking foreign language)
(dramatic music)
- We had a big light
that started out
and moved very quickly
north and south.
And gave us this very,
very impressive picture,
which possibly is the
best picture ever taken
of the Hessdalen phenomena.
The exposure time,
was 30 seconds, so we see
that the Hessdalen phenomena
moves from, starts up here,
and moves down and then
goes up again here.
The distance here,
it's approximately,
maybe from 10 to 15 kilometers,
the distance that's covered.
The camera has optical
grating in front of the lens,
and this grating make this
optical spectrum here.
The one thing that
this, that surprises us
with the spectrum is
that it's continuous.
The colors goes
directly over in,
over in the other color here.
And we see no
lines or dots here,
which will give us a
signal that we have a gas
that is burning.
This looks like optical
spectrum from a solid object
or from plasma
with high density.
- So it's still too
early to say for certain
what the origin of
these lights is,
and what these flying
objects really are.
But one thing we
can state as a fact,
the phenomenon is
here and it's real.
And what about the Eupen
sightings in Belgium?
The Phoenix lights in Arizona.
The UFO at Osaka airport, Japan.
The UFO landing in
Voronezh, Russia.
The ghost rockets in Sweden.
The Col de Vence
sightings in France.
The UFOs filmed in Milan, Italy.
The UFO fleets over Peru.
The UFO hovering over
Chicago O'Hare airport,
seen by pilots and
ground personnel.
And the large UFO forcing
the Xiaoshan airport
in China to close for
four hours in 2010.
It goes on and on.
- Well, of course,
at this late date
there is just an abundance
of documentation,
military reports,
radar sightings,
personal experiences, that
go back for many years.
But they have been
routinely ignored,
shun aside by the government,
ignored by the media,
and therefore the
average person rarely
gets to hear of these things.
But when you put 'em together,
it forms a very
compelling picture
that there is a reality
that's happening
all around us that we
are being systematically
denied information on.
I've had many people
say, well look,
if all this happened,
wouldn't there
have been military people
and radar operators
and even policemen and stuff
who would've said they
had these experiences?
And the answer is,
absolutely yes.
But early on, they
learned their lesson.
If they stepped
forward and they said,
yes I saw these these
things, then they tend
to lose their job, they
lose their credibility,
people begin to snicker at 'em.
And that's been very
effective over the years
in keepin' this
whole issue quiet.
- I know that if they took
an oath not to reveal that,
in our country, that was
very serious at that time.
If you violated a
top-secret clearance,
you could be put in
jail for 15 or 20 years
and everything you have
done removed from you.
- [Terje] Could this be why
the military observations
never reached the public?
But many who had been
involved in UFO sightings
over the years, felt a
strong urge to reveal
what they knew and to be
relieved from the burden
of carrying these secrets.
After 30 or 40 years, and
having retired from service,
many were willing to break
their oaths and speak publicly.
- They could stop on a dime.
They can take off at
Mach 10 or greater.
It's unbelievable
what they can do!
So we need to know these things.
So the only reason I'm
here is to tell you,
let's disclose this
whenever we can, please.
- [Man] Thank you.
(audience applauding)
- In 2001, the U.S.
medical doctor Steven Greer
staged an initiative where
several hundred witnesses
of high rank and
high credibility,
came forward with what they
had experienced during service.
The Disclosure Project,
helped by the internet
and YouTube, was a
formidable eye-opener
to people all over the world.
- So we started a
project that's known
as the Disclosure Project,
which people can see
where we began to identify
military and corporate and
CIA intelligence officers
who had personal knowledge
of the classified operations
dealing with this subject.
And to get them to come forward,
with our information, to
disclose this publicly.
Because what we
felt was necessary
was that the secrecy
should be ended
and this information
disclosed so that humanity,
not just one country in
America, but all of humanity
could make peaceful contact
with these civilizations
visiting us, but also would
lay the foundation for
these new technologies,
the energy and
propulsion systems
that are behind these UFOs
that are so mysterious.
How are they flying?
Well this is understood,
but they are in
classified projects.
So that was another objective,
was to get the technologies
out to the public
so we could have a civilization
that would get freed
from the use of oil and the
destruction of the environment.
- There were probably 1500
reported cases at that time.
- I have over 3,000 cases now.
- They estimated 100
yards from the left wing
was this 100 foot disk.
- And the strength of
the signal was as strong
as the surface contact on the
water of an aircraft carrier.
This contact was huge!
- The size of these objects,
100 meters,
or greater.
- So it go from one o'clock,
seven or eight miles
to six, seven o'clock,
seven or eight miles
inside of four or five seconds.
You have to be moving
pretty quickly.
- They could rise,
just go straight up.
They could do that, just
seemed like instantaneous.
- Once they started movin',
they went straight up.
You know, for a while,
and he went zap!
- Then it just sort of,
disappeared, it dematerialized.
- And left the atmosphere,
just was gone.
It just took off into space.
- He said you are never
to speak of this again.
As far as you're concerned,
this never happened.
- You never saw this
and I don't exist
and this situation
never happened.
- I didn't wanna look at
it any longer that that.
Because I felt that my
life was in jeopardy.
- I am prepared to
state that I have been
at locations where
craft of unknown origin,
that did not originate on
the face of this planet,
was there.
I am prepared to state
that while I was there,
we saw living, dead
bodies of entities
that were not born
on this planet.
I am prepared to
state that we had
what they referred to as
interfacing with those entities.
We have contact with aliens,
not originating from
some foreign country,
but from some
other solar system.
And I have been a party to that.
- What some of these
witnesses also revealed
were observations of UFOs
hovering over storage sites
of nuclear weapons and
nuclear rocket launch sites.
- The big increase in all the
sightings around the world
happened at the
timme when we began
to detonate nuclear weapons.
This is not an accident.
And I've been told by senior
intelligence officials
that essentially a big red
flag went up over our planet
saying we were in trouble.
But not only are we in trouble,
but we could be a
threat to others,
because you combine
going into space,
the early stages
of space travel,
and the use of hydrogen
bombs and nuclear weapons,
and a civilization on Earth
that was still very violent,
as you look around the
Earth even today, of course.
So this is something
that any enlightened
or even self-interested
observing the Earth,
which I think we've
been under observation
for thousands of years,
would be greatly concerned.
- Over the last 35
years, I have talked
to now over 100
people, about 115,
nuclear missile launch
officers, targeting officers,
missile maintenance
personnel, and missile guards.
And these individuals,
for the most part,
do not know each other.
Some were in the Air
Force in the 1960s.
Some were in the Air
Force in the 1990s.
They were at different bases,
but they all have very,
very similar stories.
And what they describe is
UFOs coming in very quickly
at high rates of speed
and instantly stopping
and hovering either over
the underground nuclear
missile launchers,
or what are called
launch control facilities
that launch the missiles.
So after the missiles
malfunction, the UFO leaves.
Now this has occurred at at
least three Air Force bases
that I'm aware of in
the United States.
- The event, the incident,
I guess I call it,
happened on the morning
of March 16th, 1967.
As I recall, it was
early in the morning.
I received a call from
my topside security guard
and said, sir there's
a glowing red object
hovering right outside
the front gate.
He said, "I'm looking
at it right now.
"It's a glowing red object.
"I've got all the men out here
with their weapons drawn."
of course, he was all shook up
while he was telling me this.
He was very excited.
I immediately went
over to my commander,
who was taking a nap, we
have a little cot down there,
in a rest period.
And I was telling him
about the telephone call,
we just received.
Then as I was
relating this to him,
our missiles started
shutting down one by one.
There were approximately
anywhere from six to eight
that went down, but they went
down in rapid succession.
Which again, is extremely rare.
And in the meantime,
I called upstairs
to find out what the status was,
of this object.
The guard said, well
the object has left.
It just, just left
at high speed.
(eerie horn music)
(man speaking in
foreign language)
- Numerous well
documented UFO sightings
by numerous credible people,
flying saucers tracked
on radar chased
by fighter pilots,
nuclear missile sites
malfunctioning after
UFO visitations,
and even alien beings
witnessed by police officers
and high ranked
military personnel.
Where does all this leave us?
- Four major conclusions,
after now 52 years, 51 years,
of study and investigation.
First, the evidence is
overwhelming that planet Earth
is being visited by
intelligently controlled,
extraterrestrial spacecraft.
In other words, some UFOs,
some, underline it 20 times,
some UFOs are alien spacecraft.
Most are not.
I don't care about
the ones that aren't.
I'm a nuclear
physicist, I don't care
about the isotopes that
aren't fissionable.
Wanna build a reactor,
use that one that is,
who cares about the rest?
That's the first conclusion.
Second, the subject
of flying saucers
represents a kind
of cosmic Watergate,
that is to say, some few
people within major governments
have known since at least
1947, when at least two
crashed flying saucers were
recovered with alien bodies
in New Mexico.
That indeed, some UFOs
are alien spacecraft.
Notice I'm not saying
everybody in government knows,
that's not how you keep secrets.
I worked under
security for 14 years.
Need to know is the
important factor.
The third conclusion is
that none of the arguments
made against the first
two by a small group
of noisy negativists,
when I'm being polite,
stand up under careful scrutiny.
They sound great, until
you look at the data
and then all those anti
arguments collapse.
And the fourth conclusion,
'cause I'm such a shy,
retiring kind of guy,
is that this is the biggest
story of the millenium,
visits to planet Earth
by alien spacecraft,
successful cover-up
of the best data,
bodies and wreckage,
for 62 years.
(eerie horn music)
- Extraterrestrial
beings from somewhere
are engaging us and this
planet, and have been for,
at least since the
mid 20th century
and possibly for as many
thousands of years back
as you care to go.
That's a fact, that's an
absolute certain fact.
It's been proven
many times over.
Since the 40s, the
governments of the world,
and certainly the United
States government,
the main industrialized
have been aware of this, right.
That's a fact.
It's been proven.
The United States, with
the cooperation of most,
if not all of its allies
from World War II,
made a decision to
embargo this fact
and the acknowledgment of it,
formal acknowledgment of it,
from its citizens.
That's a fact, alright.
And what is happening
is that 62 years
after that truth
embargo was formally
and informally instigated,
that it's now coming to an end.
And that we are
soon going to be,
informed by these governments
that the ET presence is real.
And begin the process
of learning about it
from the governments, right.
And from all of the citizen
scientists and activists
who have been pursuing
it without the
government's support.
And that information
will be pushed forward
and into the public domain.
That's, in its simplest
form, what's going on.
- But why did the government
instigate a truth embargo
and how could the secrecy
continue til this day?
- The concern in the
Pentagon in the 1940s,
when suddenly you have
these very strange objects
appearing that don't
seem to be American
and don't seem to be Russian,
if they are spaceships,
we might, if we tell
the public about this
and be candid with them,
there could be massive panic.
The first chief of
Project Blue Book,
Captain Edward Ruppelt,
when he left the Air Force
and wrote a book in 1956
about what the Pentagon knew,
he stated that in the
directorate of intelligence
at the Pentagon, there
was open discussion
and ongoing discussion about
we cannot tell the public
the truth because they will
not handle the truth well.
- They also didn't want
to alarm the people
because their job is to
defend the United States
and they couldn't
stop these UFOs.
They went with impunity
anywhere they wanted to go.
So the military
never wants to admit
that they couldn't do
anything about this,
because that would be to
admit they were defenseless.
- If we have recovered a
spacecraft in 1947 at Roswell,
that technology would be so
superior to human technology
that the Pentagon certainly
would keep that a secret,
even from America's
allies in Europe,
to try to create our own UFOs.
So if a war with the
Russians, the Soviets,
happened we would
have the advantage
because of this
superior technology.
That would be one
reason for the secrecy.
- But they had a
formidable problem.
Because while it's easy
to decide, okay we're not
gonna talk about this,
we're not gonna reveal this,
ETs are all over the
place, they're being seen,
filmed, photographed, seen
by pilots outside a cockpits,
year after year after year.
At the same time, they're
trying to maintain a policy
that there's nothing
there to investigate.
So they had a really tough job.
It's easy to say we're
gonna build a super bomber
and put everybody under oath
and classify the whole
program and maybe even
stick it underground and
build your secret bomber.
That's easy, right?
But this was not easy.
The extraterrestrials can
come and go as they pleased.
They could come and contact
people as they pleased,
abduct them apparently,
if they wished to.
And the government has
to somehow maintain
this false reality in
the face of all that.
So the truth embargo was
not just a simple decision
and extremely
difficult to implement.
The amazing thing
is that they did.
They put an enormous amount
of money, time, and effort
into this truth
embargo and succeeded.
("Star Wars Theme"
by John Williams)
- [Terje] From the 70s,
Hollywood engaged profoundly
in the ET issue, knowing that
there was a growing interest
in the general public
for these topics.
The popular movies also had
the effect of making people
more familiar with the thought
of the widely inhabited universe
beyond our own planet system.
In the 90s people started
recording their observations
with the new handy camcorders.
Today thousands of UFO
clips are posted on YouTube,
but unfortunately with the
sophisticated animation tools
now available on home PCs,
it's almost impossible
to tell the real from the fake.
So this has made both video
and digital stills documentation
less reliable as evidence
or proof of sightings.
But in spite of this growing
interest in the subject,
the main news media have
left the UFO phenomenon
almost untouched.
- In terms of mainstream
news coverage,
this topic is not
taken seriously.
It's basically a non topic.
So how is that so?
Here's how.
It requires an understanding
of the relationship
between most the
mainstream new media
and global intelligence
So what that says, that
doesn't mean that the CIA
controlled everything.
But that, you have to
understand the media acts
in certain choke points.
So for example, a
UFO sighting might
get local news coverage,
but that doesn't mean
that it gets covered
on the wire services.
That's a very different
situation altogether.
Skeptics will argue,
well this phenomenon
is so big, it
would've been covered.
But really what that betrays
is a lack of understanding
of how news media
has been related
to intelligence communities
around the world for decades.
- And I call upon our
government to open up,
like other governments have,
and you'll hear about
that this morning.
- [Terje] When CNN
covered a press conference
in Washington D.C. in 2009,
where Dr. Edgar Mitchell
encouraged U.S. government
to release its UFO files,
the hope was that
the issue finally
was given serious news coverage.
- [Reporter] Former Apollo
astronaut, Edgar Mitchell,
the sixth man to
walk on the moon,
told the National Press
Club he's convinced.
But there isn't
convincing proof that's
gonna convince the entire
world at this point.
- That is correct, that is
what we're trying to open up.
- We're about to go
out do our little hoax.
- [Terje] But CNN
chose to let two boys
with air balloons have just
as much time in the report,
demonstrating how they
managed to fool UFO believers.
- Again, we're not trying to
prove or disprove anything,
but it's okay to be skeptical.
- (chuckling) Okay then.
Jim, thank you very
much indeed for that.
Jim Acosta there.
- You bet.
- Well the role of the media
in the flying saucer phenomenon
is a very, very important one.
I think it's very clear
that, in the United States
at the very least,
that there were efforts
during the very earliest
days to try to get the media
to basically dampen
down expectations
and dampen down
public enthusiasm
concerning extraterrestrial life
and the flying
saucer phenomenon.
And this is actually documented.
And ever since that we have
seen many, many examples
of how the media
doesn't really explore
or doesn't really investigate
flying saucer reports
and that various media
organs have been bought out
by the CIA, for example,
the National Enquirer
was actually bought
out by a CIA asset,
who used it as a very clever way
to debunk flying saucer reports
by basically sensationalizing
it, making it part
of a kind of tabloid media,
whereby serious media
investigators would not
do any research into
a flying saucer report
that had been in any way,
covered by the National Enquirer
or these tabloids.
So that was a very clever
piece of psychological warfare
in my opinion to try
and get the mass media
disinterested in the
flying saucer phenomenon.
- So it's a very,
very complex issue.
The secrecy isn't
that hard to maintain
if you have this
sort of infiltration
into major institutions, media.
And also the ability simply
to float nonsensical
stories out there,
because people hear the word
UFO and extraterrestrial,
they think somebody from a
trailer park in West Virginia,
who's floated onboard a
spacecraft, had sex with someone
from Mars, and claims they
have a baby in an incubator.
Or you know, just all
kinds of nonsense.
The truth of it is
actually more interesting.
The truth of the
technologies and the fact
that the extraterrestrial
are so advanced that
they interface directly
with coherent thought.
Like we have coherent
light in a laser,
the have technologies that
interface with thought,
that interface with
conscious mind.
The development of
artificial intelligence
that's integrated
into these spacecraft
is so advanced that they
pick up on a directed...
It's fascinating and
this is what we've
been experimenting with
and the whole paradigm
becomes a new paradigm
of understanding the
structure of the cosmos.
But most of the information
that's out in the public
on this issue has been
a carnival of silliness.
And that keeps
most serious people
sort of in the closet on it.
- [Terje] Is this the
reason why so few scientists
engage in the UFO subject?
The fear of being associated
with the silly
side of the issue.
Is this also why it's
never commented on
by astronomers or by space
organizations such as NASA.
- This is not just a simple
civilian organization.
There's a great military
connection there
and there's a lot of
classified security clearances
involved in being
able to work at NASA.
You can't just stroll in there.
So these are people who fit a
certain personality profile.
That is, they know
how to follow orders,
they know how to keep
their mouth shut,
and keep their head down and
their career will do just fine.
That's how most people are who
live in a bureaucratic world.
This is how secrets are kept.
There are open
secrets that are kept
for years and years and years.
Because people agree just
not to talk about it.
And I think that within NASA
this is very likely the case
regarding the UFO issue.
- [Terje] But like
Dr. Edgar Mitchell,
people retired from NASA
have commented on the issue.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper has
told the world straight out
about encountering
a UFO at close range
during his flight in the
Mercury capsule in 1963.
And before he died,
he also stated,
"For many years I have
lived with a secret,
"in a secrecy imposed on all
specialists in astronautics.
"I can now reveal that
every day, in the USA,
"our radar instruments
capture objects of form
"and composition unknown to us."
- I would like to
believe that we could
invite serious scientists
into this arena,
because it will be changing
the paradigm of science
as we know it.
We know that these
craft are not traveling
with fossil fuel gas,
that there is a technology
behind them, that
maybe this technology
could help the earth
in renewable fuels.
If we could get scientists
just to use that motivation
to look at the technology
behind the craft,
then maybe we could
invite science to come
and change the paradigm of,
of transportation,
of electromagnetism,
of all these really
advanced technologies.
But we need to invite them.
I think too many are
afraid of ridicule.
Too many, I have encountered
many that are curious,
but are not willing
to go public.
So we're changing times now.
And for the sake of our
children, our grandchildren,
and the future, some
scientists are going to have
to take the risk.
- Well, it's my hope that
we open this whole issue up
and as I have said frequently,
we're at a point in
history where we have
to become a part of
the neighborhood of
inhabited planets,
rather like a neighborhood
of a community,
which we have not
even acknowledged
that that community exists
up until this point.
(eerie horn music)
- [Terje] An event
with the power
to institute a global
revolution in technology,
communications, energy supply,
environmental concerns,
and even the way we regard
ourselves and our fellow beings.
A paradigm shift of
unprecedented proportions
impacting nearly every
part of our existence,
is this what we are facing?
And will we have to rewrite
our entire human history?
- In the hallowed halls of,
national security
agencies, and the Pentagon,
the top military,
top security people,
the top people know
essentially this reality.
But the masses of people don't.
And the people in authority,
the elite as it were,
the power brokers,
have desperately tried to
keep the lid on this thing
because, Terje, it's not simply
visitors from another planet
or from another star
or another galaxy,
or even another dimension,
it's not simply that.
It isn't that simple.
We've learned over the years
that several of
these intelligences
have been involved with us
from the beginning
of human history.
And the evidence
has been collected
that the human race
literally is a hybrid race
and that some of these
advanced intelligences
from wherever they're
from, have been involved
in genetically manipulating
us as a species
from the beginning
of our history.
Man is a hybrid.
From a lower order, we've
been genetically manipulated
by advanced intelligences
into what we are.
Now that in itself is
dynamite, for god's sake.
(eerie horn music)
- And this brings us to one
of the most bizarre sides
of this whole issue,
the so-called alien
abduction syndrome.
It first came to public
awareness in the early 1970s
when stories began to
surface of people being taken
onboard alien craft after
being rendered passive.
Incredible stories were revealed
and the remarkable similarities
between the stories
is what has triggered the
interest of researchers.
- My colleagues and
I have heard directly
from thousands and thousands
and tens of thousands
of people over
the last 20 years,
about their abduction
And so we know that this
is a very, very, very
prevalent phenomenon
throughout, probably
throughout the world.
- The first thing I recalled
was seeing three fingers
and a thumb on hand
come towards me
to pull me out of the van.
I was more than a
little frightened.
I was quite traumatized by it.
I was very awake, sitting up,
and had no reference for this.
I was removed from the van.
My friend remained
asleep beside me.
And as I stood at
the end of the van,
there was a being that
I could not look at,
a very tall, what felt very
large and very tall being
standing in front of
me, but I was not able
to raise my head to look up.
On each side of me there
was what I've since
come to understand is
referred to as grays,
one on each side of me.
My hands were hanging
down at my sides and,
they were, without touching
me, with their hands
underneath me, they were
levitating me somehow
off the ground, about
five or six inches.
I was fairly paralyzed,
not able to look around.
I could look down and see
one at each side of me.
And we began to move forward.
- They go through a period
where they're kind of calmed
down, they're put on a table,
and certain examinations take
place, certain procedures.
Very often there are
areas of skin removed,
leaving a little
circular scar, and depth,
what you call scoop marks.
We don't know what they
do with this flesh,
but it's taken.
And they're often
reproductive procedures
which involve, with men,
sperm samples being taken.
And with women, needles
which go in the abdomen
or in the vagina,
but we believe this
has to do with harvesting ova.
- Fetuses are implanted,
little tiny embryos.
Fetuses are removed.
This is standard material.
This is standard stuff.
They're taken off the
table, they're taken
into another room, they
might see a bunch of babies
in the other room.
They have to hold the baby.
Women have to feed
the baby sometimes.
They might be taken into
a room where they see,
well let me just say that
the babies that they see
are strange looking babies.
They look sorta like
half human, half alien.
Sometimes they look
more human actually.
But still, odd.
They're taken into a room where
they see toddlers sometimes.
Kids who are maybe two,
three, four years old.
Who are playing with some toys.
They play with the children.
Play with the toys, the
toys are unusual toys.
They have these neurological
staring procedures
with the children who will look
into their eyes very closely.
might have other procedures
where they'll see,
a room filled with
vats, jars I should say,
containers, clear glass, or
clear plastic or whatever,
containers with fetuses in them,
in different stages
of development.
They will have all sorts
of other procedures
that are, that happen to them.
They're then taken back to
their normal environment,
put back where they
were on the couch
watching the
television or whatever.
And they forget immediately
what happened to them.
All they know is that they,
they were watching
one television show
and not only is that show over,
but the next two shows
are over with as well.
And they're still sitting there
and maybe they still,
they put the can of beer
in their hand, they still
have the can of beer
in their hand and they
figure what happened?
And then they just forget it.
Can't explain it and
they just move on.
- [Budd] One person
described a drawing,
of the table, she didn't
put anybody on the table,
but she described the
aliens around the table.
The regular little aliens
were about her size.
She was, I don't know, she
was maybe eight or something.
But there was this one tall one.
And that's usually the
one who's sort of the,
one in charge.
- [Terje] Drawings of
abductors have been made
by many abductees, where the
large eyes and the small cheek
seems to be typical
for the so-called gray alien,
named after the skin tone.
- See, one of the
interesting things about this
is that all the evidence
we get confirms the reality
of this over and over again.
It doesn't dis-confirm it.
- [Terje] The so-called hybrids,
allegedly a blend of human
beings and gray aliens
is today reported in a majority
of the cases investigated.
- [Budd] Alien eyes but with...
Of a little girl, it was
the alien hybrid child.
- [Terje] A hybrid child.
- Yeah.
And what's interesting again,
the eyes are very peculiar.
The hair was not
combed or brushed,
didn't really cover
the head properly.
So what it seemed to be was
that there was a program
where people were picked up
again and again and again
as if they had been studied,
they were being studied
over their lifetimes and they
were sort of automatically
part of a program which
was genetic in function.
It seems that we
discovered that if a person
was having abduction
experiences and had children,
of his or her own,
normal human children,
that often those children
would also, in turn,
become abductees, as if
the aliens were studying
a particular bloodline for
perhaps psychological reasons,
emotional reasons.
We don't know exactly why,
but they seem very interested
in the way the minds
worked of these people.
The emotions, they don't
seem to have the emotions
that we have.
And it was as if they
wanted to kind of learn
our range of emotion somehow.
It seems as if in a strange
way we're teaching them,
without being asked to.
It's involuntary teaching,
but we're being examples,
as if they want the
richness of the human spirit
and the human emotional life,
to be somehow blended
with their own incredible,
technological gifts.
- I really understood
that they covet
and envy the emotional
makeup of humanity.
They can't,
find it in their testing.
They're trying to find it,
like we do, like on this planet.
Animal behaviorists,
as they study animals,
will watch how they
react in a maze.
They're doing the
same thing to us,
trying to find out what
it is that motivates us.
What motivates motherly love?
What is this intangible thing?
They can't find it
and they want it.
They're frightened of it and
that's why they subdue us,
because they realize that
it's a volatile thing
and it's unpredictable on one
hand, but on the other hand,
I believe they covet it.
In this particular
experience, that came out.
And I began to try to
define, and I said,
I got it, you want what we have.
This is what's got the
species fascinated with us.
Why we are so
incredibly different.
In this instance, I
realized that we may be
on the forefront of something
that some other species are not.
So what if emotions
are actually,
part of the highest
evolution possible?
And perhaps we as humans
are the forefront of this
and we're clumsy with it, we
don't know what to do with it
in our evolution, but
instead of being behind
these other species who have
none, or almost no development,
maybe we're at the
head of the game.
Why would so many species
be interested in Earth?
Why would so many
species be interested
in humanity in this way?
Why, if we one of a billion
planets, or million,
whatever planets that
could be sustaining life,
why this little tiny, tiny
little nothing planet?
Why would we have
this kind of activity
if there wasn't
something special here?
I believe that may be it.
(eerie music tones)
- Another bizarre phenomenon
is reported from people
who claim to have been
in contact with ETs
and then detecting a
small foreign object
in their body which is
considered to be an implant.
The rare characteristics
of these objects
led to a study by a
medical doctor and surgeon.
After removing several of
these considered implants,
and having them analyzed,
amazing results were presented.
- We found that the
biology of the object,
I found the object is covered
with biological membrane
which seems to prevent the
human body from reacting
to it by any kind of a rejection
or inflammation reaction.
We find that there's absolutely
no wound or portal of entry
or scar where these
things entered the body.
And looking at the
metallurgy, we find things
such as a meteoric iron.
We find the nickel iron
ratios that are similar
to meteorites.
They've been tested in
numerous laboratories now,
Los Alamos National
Labs, New Mexico Tech,
University Labs, and many,
many other laboratories.
In this last case,
in addition to that,
we find that there
are structures such
as carbon nanotubes,
multi-rectangular sodium
chloride crystals.
We find that there are
a list of elements,
says Americanium, Samarium,
a number of different elements
that are not normally found.
We also find things like,
many numerous isotopic ratios
which indicate the material
does not come from here.
And in addition to
this, as an example,
we find that in
existence by itself,
in this last object,
is Uranium 238,
which on the Earth
cannot exist by itself.
There's both biological
and metallurgical evidence
here which is beyond
the shadow of a doubt,
most compelling and
indicates that the human race
is been and has been
for perhaps many years,
being interfered with by some
non-terrestrial intelligence.
- The way this thing looked,
when you looked up at it.
- [Terje] But are the
abductions of people
only conducted by one
particular group of aliens?
Are there other aliens groups
that contact individuals
on different basis?
- So I know of, I would
say, at least 60 kinds
of extraterrestrial beings
that have visited the people
whom I work with.
And this information all
comes through the regressions
that we have done.
Some beings come to be
mentors to their human beings.
And by the way, the beings
seem to work with a person
for the person's lifetime.
- They looked very human.
Their hands were not,
their hands were very
different though.
Their hands were, the
fingers were much longer.
They were very, very thin.
Very long, a little
bit longer necks.
They had white hair
and it sort of came
up a little bit here
into a V shape, the
hair, a little bit wavy.
And about shoulder length.
And they had quite
large blue eyes.
A perfectly formed small
nose and smaller lips.
When I was on board the craft,
they gave me,
these blond beings,
gave me information that
is relevant to our time
on this earth right now.
And they gave me messages
that they asked me
to share with really
anyone who will listen.
They're very
specific for humanity
and how we have a
choice that the process
in which we are evolving,
if we continue on the path
that we're on, that it
will be just, no choice,
it will become destructive.
It was explained to me
that they have been here
in the past.
They have said, we
have come in the past
to help in the process
of change on the earth.
And we are here once again.
They have been here since
the beginning of the creation
of man and that they
are here to only assist
in maintaining this earth,
protecting it from any
and all things that may harm
it and that includes us.
So when, if nuclear
war were to try
and be brought upon the
earth, it will not happen.
They will stop it.
Because it would be the
destruction of the earth.
So this is the only time
that they will step in
on a grand scale is
if great destruction
were to happen to
the earth itself
or to every human
being on the planet.
- [Terje] Are we part of a
silent universal interaction
that has been going on for eons?
Could there be something
in the human genes
that carries the echos
of alien ancestors?
Is this why we seemingly
are being monitored
like children in a playground?
Is this why the UFO
activity escalated
after the first atomic bomb?
Do we as a species
represent a value beyond
our wildest imagination?
And when are we
ready to be informed?
- The disclosure is going
to happen very soon.
Now there are very potential
positive implications of that
and then there also is
a dark downside to that
if it's not handled with wisdom.
One concern I have is that
there must be great discernment
exercised not just by the
leadership of our governments,
but also among the
population in general,
when suddenly our
society is confronted
with the fact that there
are advanced cultures here
and what the implications
are for our interaction.
And even if those who
suddenly appear in our midst
have only benevolent intentions,
and truly want only
to uplift humanity
and assist us at this
very crucial time
in our planet's history,
there will be the temptation
for those who are already in
the material seats of power
in human institutions
on this planet,
who will likely try to
distort this opportunity
to enhance and entrench
their own control
and material power.
And all that is, it's
a continued extension
of the same ego disease of
the separation mentality
that has plagued humanity
ever since we learned
how to say hello to each other.
So we have to call
for great discernment
and that means that people
need to become educated.
We need to understand that
our source is the same.
- Erwin Schrodinger,
who was the father
of quantum mechanics and
particle wave theory,
stated 100 years ago or
so, that the total number
of minds in the universe is one.
And in fact, the consciousness
is a singularity,
phasing within all beings.
And this is also the heart
of compassion of the Buddha,
and the source of the
oneness spoken of in spirit
in all the religious traditions.
And Native American traditions.
And I think that we are
going to have to return
to a very deep spiritual
understanding of what it means
to be a conscious being,
to be able to not only live
on this planet peacefully,
and not blow each other up
over sectarian differences,
but also to go into space.
Because when you
look into the eyes
of an extraterrestrial life
form, they may be very different
from us in many ways, but
if you see that that being
is conscious and the light
of that conscious spirit
is the same as the conscious
light within yourself,
then you can find
some common basis.
And so, if we understand
the single source
of the origins of
our conscious being,
this is true not
only for humans,
but it's also true, very
much true for these visitors.
They understand that.
Because you cannot travel
at multiples of the speed
of light without crossing
the light barrier
and when you do, you
enter into this area
that the mystics used to call
the etheric astral
conscious realm.
And so you're dealing
with civilizations
who understand that.
And I think that is the big
test of our civilization
at this time, is that we
understand that deeply enough
that it really does
change our paradigm.
And when we do, we're not
gonna be blowing each other up
because of different
interpretations of this Bible
or this Koran or this
religious figure,
or what have you.
We're gonna understand that
we really are all one people
in the entire cosmos.
That universal consciousness
and universal understanding,
to me, is the thing that
will truly transform life
on this planet and
is the next big leap
in human development.
(dramatic piano music)
- [Terje] When the
children of tomorrow
open their textbooks
on human history,
what will they read about?
Will it be the story of
how the Catholic Church
imprisoned Galileo for
supporting radical theories?
Will it be the story of how
the scientific communtiy
laughed at the idea
of flying machines
even years after the Wright
brothers demonstrated
their first airplane?
Or will it be the story
of how the world openly
ignored an
extraterrestrial presence?
Will the children of
tomorrow laugh at us
for being blind just as
we easily laugh at those
who firmly believed
the earth was flat?
Will they speak of us as
the people of the old world?
The last age of solitude?
The day before disclosure?
(dramatic piano music)
In an age of decadence
We seek religious
evidence, disturbin'
Chained to what
our fear allows
Cannot see the sky
for clouds in silence
Impatience evolves
(dramatic piano music)
Our most important
point in time
But the comfort of
this paradigm concerns me
So separated from our own
I don't care to whom you pray
As long as you leave me alone
I can't stand this
indifference anymore
I'm standing where
the storm crashes in
From its home across the sea
In the rain prayin' for
The eclipse of you and me
But the nations are blind
To these visions of mine
So I'll wait til the stars
I'll have to
wait til the stars
I'll wait til the stars
(dramatic piano music)
(dramatic orchestra music)
(wind whirring)
(dramatic orchestra music)
(loud breathing)
- [Man] Houston,
this is Discovery.
We still have the alien
spacecraft (mumbles)
(dramatic orchestra music)
(electronic beeping)
(rockets blasting)
(electronic buzzing)
(engines droning)
(electronic buzzing)
(dramatic orchestra music)
(electronic buzzing)