The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)

Holy mackerel!
Call headquarters.
Get the lieutenant.
Holy Christmas!
That thing's doing about 4,000!
But that's incredible, sir.
That can't be aircraft.
Must be a buzz bomb.
This is Luckton
at Ferris to Charlie Baker.
I have a bogey at 2-0-0 thousand feet.
(speaks Hindustani)
(man speaking French on radio)
Reports are coming in from all
over the Empire, all over the world.
The government has not yet issued
a statement, but there is no question
that there actually is a large,
unidentified object circling
the Earth at incredible speed.
This is Elmer Davis again.
We still don't know what it is
or where it comes from,
but there's something there.
It's been tracked around
the Earth by radar,
travelling at a rate
of 4,000 miles an hour.
This is not another
"flying saucer" scare.
Scientists and military men
are already agreed on that.
Whatever it is,
it's something real.
We interrupt this programme to give
you a bulletin from a naval unit at sea.
A large object travelling
at supersonic speed
is headed towards the
East Coast of the United States.
This is HV Kaltenborn speaking.
Here in the nation's capital
there is anxiety and concern,
but no outward sign of panic.
As a matter of fact,
there are signs of normalcy...
the beautiful spring weather,
the tourist crowds
around the public monuments
and other buildings.
(distant humming)
(humming crescendos)
They're here!
They're here!
They've landed! Over on the Mall!
They've landed!
- Get me the Chief of Staff.
- Thank you. Hold the line, please.
Hello. I want to speak to the President.
I'm sorry,
but you'll have to interrupt him.
Good afternoon. This is Drew Pearson.
We bring you this special
radio/television broadcast
in order to give you
the very latest information
on an amazing phenomenon...
the arrival of a spaceship
in Washington.
Government and Defense
Department officials
are concerned by reports of panic
in several large eastern cities.
I am authorised to assure you
that, so far, there is no
reasonable cause for alarm.
The rumours of invading armies
and mass destruction
are based on hysteria,
and are absolutely false.
I repeat,
these rumours are absolutely false.
The ship, designed for travel
outside the Earth's atmosphere,
landed in Washington today
at 3:47pm Eastern Standard Time.
We still do not know
where it came from.
The ship is now resting exactly
where it landed two hours ago,
and so far there is
no sign of life from inside it.
Troops have been rushed across
the Potomac River from Fort Myer
and have thrown a
cordon around the ship.
They are supported by tanks,
artillery and machine guns.
Behind the police lines there's
a huge crowd of curiosity seekers.
The army has taken every precaution
to meet any emergency
which may develop.
Every eye, every weapon
is trained on the ship.
It's been that way for two hours,
and the tension is
just beginning...
Just a minute,
ladies and gentlemen,
I think something is happening.
We have come to visit you in peace,
and with goodwill.
Gort! Deglet ovrosco!
It was a gift for your President.
With this, he could have
studied life on the other planets.
Get that ambulance over here.
Take him to Walter Reed Hospital
right away.
Mr Harley, sir, from the White House.
- General.
- Right in there, Mr Harley.
My name is Harley,
Secretary to the President.
I've been told you speak our language,
and that your name is Mr... Klaatu?
Just Klaatu.
The President conveys his
deepest apologies for what happened.
Sit down, Mr Harley.
Thank you.
I'm sure I need hardly point out that
your arrival was something of a surprise.
Had you been travelling long?
About five months.
Your months.
You must have come a long way.
About 250 million of your miles.
Naturally, we are very curious
to know where you come from.
From another planet.
Let's just say that we're neighbours.
It's hard for us to think
of a planet as a neighbour.
I'm afraid in the present situation
you'll have to learn to think that way.
- The present situation?
- I mean the reason for my coming here.
We're very curious about that, too.
- Would you care to talk about it?
- I'd be glad to.
Not now, of course, with you alone.
You'd rather talk personally
with the President?
This is not a personal
matter, Mr Harley.
It concerns all the
people on your planet.
I'm not sure I understand.
I want to meet with representatives
from all the nations of the Earth.
I'm afraid that would
be a little awkward.
It's completely without precedent.
And there are practical
the time involved,
the enormous distances.
I travelled 250 million miles.
I appreciate that, but...
I want to be frank with you, Mr...
I mean Klaatu.
Our world at the moment
is full of tensions and suspicions.
In the present international situation,
such a meeting would be quite impossible.
What about your United Nations?
You know about the United Nations?
We've been monitoring your radio
broadcasts for a good many years.
That's how we
learned your languages.
I'm sure you recognise
from our broadcasts
the evil forces that have produced
the trouble in our world. Surely...
I'm not concerned, Mr Harley,
with the internal affairs of your planet.
My mission here is not
to solve your petty squabbles.
It concerns the existence
of every last creature on Earth.
Perhaps if you could explain a little...
I intend to explain.
To all the nations, at the same time.
How do we proceed, Mr Harley?
Well, we could call a special meeting
of the General Assembly.
But of course, the United Nations
doesn't represent all the nations.
Then I suggest a meeting
of all the Chiefs of State.
Believe me, you don't understand.
They wouldn't sit
down at the same table.
I don't want to resort
to threats, Mr Harley.
I merely tell you that the
future of your planet is at stake.
I urge that you transmit that
message to the nations of the Earth.
I will make that recommendation
to the President.
But I must tell you in all honesty,
I'm extremely dubious
about the results.
Apparently I'm not as cynical
about Earth's people as you are.
I have been dealing in Earth's politics
a good deal longer than you have.
Good night, sir.
It is now 2am, and the giant robot
still hasn't moved.
Engineers from nearby Fort Belvoir
have failed to budge him,
and metallurgical experts
have found his huge body impregnable.
They're now concentrating on
the ship itself, so far with no results.
Getting anyplace, Sergeant?
Oh, no, sir.
This beats me, sir.
I saw the ramp come through
the side of the ship, right here.
Now I can't even find a crack.
Oh, Carlson.
What's the report?
No luck, sir. We've tried everything
from a blowtorch to a diamond drill.
- What about him?
- He's made out of the same stuff.
- Has he moved, Sergeant?
- No, sir. Not an inch.
This is the toughest material
I ever saw, General.
For hardness and strength,
it's out of this world.
I can tell you officially
that's where it came from!
The skeletal structure's
completely normal.
The tests show the
same for major organs...
the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys.
Yeah, and the lungs
are the same as ours.
That must mean a similar
atmosphere, similar pressure.
- How old do you think he is?
- Oh, I'd say 35, 38.
He told me this morning
while I was examining him. He's 78.
- Well, I don't believe it.
- Life expectancy is 130.
How does he explain that?
Says their medicine's
much more advanced.
He was very nice about it,
but he made me feel like
a third-class witch doctor.
I removed a bullet from
that man's arm yesterday.
Well, what about it?
I just examined the wound,
and it's completely healed.
What does he say about it?
Said he put salve on it,
stuff he had on him.
What are you gonna do with it?
Take it downstairs
and have it analysed.
Then I don't know
whether to just get drunk
or give up the
practice of medicine.
- Afternoon, Mr Harley.
- Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Good afternoon.
I'm glad to see you up and around.
- Thank you. Have you any news?
- Not very good news, I'm afraid.
The President accepted
your suggestion,
and cabled the
invitations for a meeting.
Let me read you
some of the replies.
"The Premier wishes to inform the
government of the United States
that it will be impossible for him to attend
the meeting suggested by the President,
unless the meeting is held in Moscow."
"The suggestion of the President
of the possibility of a meeting in Moscow
would be unacceptable to His Majesty's
Government at the present time."
"Representation could be sent only
if the meeting were held in Washington."
Well, there you have it.
Now you understand the
situation more clearly,
perhaps you'd like to
discuss it with the President.
I will not speak with any one
nation or group of nations.
I don't intend to add my contribution to
your childish jealousies and suspicions.
Our problems are
very complex, Klaatu.
- You mustn't judge us too harshly.
- I can judge only by what I see.
- Your impatience is quite understandable.
- I'm impatient with stupidity.
- My people have learned to live without it.
- I'm afraid my people haven't.
I am very sorry.
I wish it were otherwise.
Before making any decisions, I think
I should get out among your people,
and become familiar with the basis
for these strange, unreasoning attitudes.
Under the circumstances,
I'm afraid that's impossible.
I must ask that you don't try
to leave the hospital.
Our military people
have insisted on this.
I'm sure you understand.
- The man from the spaceship got away!
- What? Get every available man.
(reporter) Hospital authorities refuse
to comment on how he managed to escape...
(reporter #2) The descriptions of the creature
are denounced as rumour by the police chief.
He's not eight feet tall, as reported,
nor does he have tentacles...
(reporter #3) There's no denying
a monster is at large,
and we are dealing with forces
beyond our knowledge and power.
The public is advised to
take ordinary precautions
and to remain calm as we await...
(reporter #4) Officials have concluded
that this ship comes from some other planet.
Thus far, scientists have refused
to speak officially on just which planet,
until they've had an
opportunity to study the ship.
They seem to agree, however, that either
Venus or Mars is the most likely possibility.
Not only are these the
closest planets to Earth,
but all research to date indicates
they are the only two planets
capable of sustaining life as we know it.
However, all reputable scientists
warn against jumping to hasty conclusions.
Professor Havemeyer of MIT,
for example,
points out it's possible,
in light of our meagre knowledge.
The President has urged all citizens to be on
the alert for any information about this man,
and to transmit such
information immediately
to the police, the army or the FBI.
While the President made no effort
to minimise the crisis,
he urged people all over
the country to remain calm.
And I might add, that though
this man may be our bitter enemy,
he could be also a new-found friend.
- Unfortunately, the only photos we have...
- Mom, do you think I could...?
- Hey, who's that? not show the man's face.
The President said the entire facilities
of the FBI and every other federal agency
are being brought to bear.
He pointed out, however,
that this is no ordinary manhunt.
He warned "We may be up against
powers that are beyond our control... "
- What is it you want?
- My name is Carpenter. I'm looking for a room.
- Oh, I see.
- Are you an FBI man?
No, I'm afraid not.
I'll bet he is, Mom.
He's looking for the spaceman.
We've all been hearing
too much about spacemen.
- This is Mrs Benson, Mr Carpenter.
- How do you do?
And little Bobby.
- Mr and Mrs Barley. And Mr Krull.
- How do you do?
And I'm Mrs Crockett.
I have a very nice room on the second floor.
It gets the sun all day long.
Can I help you look for the spaceman?
I know what he looks like.
He's got a big square head
with three great big eyes.
That's enough, Bobby.
It's late. Excuse me.
We mustn't annoy Mr Carpenter,
or he won't want to stay here.
He's really a dear little boy,
and quiet as a mouse.
- You're a long way from home, aren't you?
- How did you know?
Oh. I can tell a New England accent
a mile away.
(radio) Now we take you to Miami Beach,
Florida, for a report from Gabriel Heatter.
Mr Heatter?
(Heatter) And now on this Sunday morning
we asks some questions
that have been haunting
the entire nation for two whole days.
This creature: where is he?
What is he up to?
If he can build a spaceship
that can fly to Earth,
and a robot that can
destroy our tanks and guns,
what other terrors
can he unleash at will?
Obviously, the monster must be found.
He must be tracked
down like a wild animal.
He must be destroyed.
But where would
such a creature hide?
Would he disappear
into the north woods?
Would he crawl into the sewers
of some great city?
Everybody agrees
there is grave danger.
The question remains:
what can we do to protect ourselves?
What measures can we take to neutralise
this menace from another world?
Destroy it?
Of course, but how?
And if we do destroy it,
what do we face in retaliation?
It's not a simple problem...
George, turn it off that radio,
I'm trying to concentrate.
Why doesn't the
government do something?
What can they do?
They're only people, like us.
People, my foot!
They're Democrats.
It's enough to give you the shakes.
He's got that robot standing there,
just waiting for orders to destroy us.
This spaceman, or whatever he is.
We automatically assume he's a menace.
- Maybe he isn't at all.
- Then what's he hiding for?
- Why doesn't he come out in the open?
- Like Heatter says, "What's he up to?"
- Maybe he's afraid.
- He's afraid!
Well, after all, he was shot
the minute he landed here.
I was just wondering
what I would do.
Perhaps before deciding
on a course of action,
you'd want to know
more about the people,
to orient yourself in
a strange environment.
There's nothing strange
about Washington, Mr Capenter.
A person from another
planet may disagree.
If you want my opinion,
he comes from right here on Earth.
And you know where I mean.
They wouldn't come in a spaceship.
They'd come in airplanes.
I wouldn't be too sure about that.
That fellow wants something,
otherwise he wouldn't be here.
That right, Mr Carpenter?
I must be a little confused.
Oh, Mrs Benson,
Mr Stevens is here to see you.
Oh, thank you.
Excuse me.
George, finish your coffee.
I promised the Carsons I'd be there at 11.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
We're all set. I picked up some sandwiches,
I put gas in the car
and the radio's still on the blink,
so we can forget about the spaceman for a day.
There's one thing.
I haven't anyone to stay with Bobby.
- I don't suppose we could take him with us?
- Well... Well, we could.
There's always someone here,
but today they've all got plans.
I haven't any plans.
I'd be happy to spend the day with him,
if you'd let me.
Say, that would be great.
Wouldn't it?
It's awfully nice of you to suggest it.
Sorry. Mr Carpenter,
this is Tom Stevens.
How do you do, Mr Carpenter?
Bobby and I had a fine
time yesterday afternoon.
We talked and
listened to the radio.
I thought today he might like
to show me around the city.
- Well...
- Suppose I ask Bobby how he feels about it?
- You think it's all right?
- Sure.
That's my father.
He was killed at Anzio.
Did all those people die in wars?
Most of 'em. Didn't you ever
hear of the Arlington Cemetery?
No, I'm afraid not.
You don't seem to
know much of anything.
Well, I'll tell you, Bobby,
I've been away a long time. Very far away.
Is it different where you've been?
Don't they have places like this?
They have cemeteries,
but not like this one.
You see, they don't have any wars.
Gee, that's a good idea.
- What would you like to do?
- Go to the movies.
- All right.
- No fooling?
No fooling.
Bobby, tell me, do you have
to have money to go there?
- I've got two dollars. Mom gave it to me.
- No. I want to take you to the movie.
Do you think they'd accept these?
Gee, they look like diamonds!
In some places,
those are what people use for money.
They're easier to carry
and don't wear out.
I'll bet they're worth
a million dollars.
Would you give me your
$2 for two of these?
Let's not say anything to Mom
about this, though.
- Why not, Bobby?
- She doesn't like me to steal from people.
Those are great words.
- He must have been a great man.
- Well, sure.
That's the kind of man
I'd like to talk to.
Bobby, who's the greatest man
in America today?
I don't know. The spaceman, I guess.
No, I was speaking of earthmen.
I meant the greatest
philosopher or greatest thinker.
You mean the smartest
man in the world?
Yes, that would do nicely.
Professor Barnhardt, I guess.
He's the greatest scientist
in the whole world.
- He lives here in Washington?
- Near where Mom works.
- Where's that?
- Department of Commerce. She's a secretary.
That man they call the secretary isn't at all.
My mom's a real secretary.
Mr Carpenter,
now can we go see the spaceship?
If you like.
I'll bet that iron guy's strong
and could knock down a whole building.
I shouldn't be at all surprised.
I'd like to get inside
that ship, see how it works.
What do you think makes it go?
A highly developed form
of atomic power, I should imagine.
I thought that was only for bombs.
No. No, it's for lots
of other things, too.
Do you think it can go
faster than the F-86?
Yes, I should think so.
- About 1,000 miles an hour?
- Maybe 4,000 miles an hour.
And outside the Earth's atmosphere,
a good deal faster.
How could they make a landing?
There are several ways
to reduce landing speed.
You see, the basic problem
is to overcome the inertia...
Keep going, mister.
He was fallin' for it!
Thank you, Mrs Robinson. I'm sure we've all
shared your fears during the past few days.
I see a gentleman here with his little boy.
What do you think of the spaceship, son?
It's the biggest spaceship I ever saw.
- And you, sir. Mind telling us your name?
- My name is Carpenter.
Would you care to say a
few words, Mr Carpenter?
I suppose you're just as
scared as the rest of us.
In a different way, perhaps.
I am fearful when I see people substituting
fear for reason. In fact, I would...
Uh, thank you, Mr Carpenter.
Thank you very much.
I see another gentleman
over here in the crowd...
Extra! Extra! Spaceman eludes police!
Army put in charge.
Read all about it!
Spaceman eludes police!
Extra! Extra!
Get your paper here.
Army put in charge.
Extra! Extra!
Read all about it!
You think they'll ever find him?
I don't know, Bobby.
I'm inclined to doubt it.
Mr Carpenter, what is inertia?
The property of matter by which
it remains in uniform motion
unless acted upon by external force.
I'll bet that's just the way
Professor Barnhardt talks.
Bobby, I have an idea.
Let's go and see Professor Barnhardt
and find out how he talks.
You're kidding!
- Wouldn't you like to meet him?
- Sure I would, but I bet you'd be scared.
Maybe we can scare him
more than he can scare us.
I like you, Mr Carpenter.
You're a real screwball.
(newsboy) Extra! Extra!
Spaceman still at large.
Extra! Read all about it.
Get your paper here.
Maybe he isn't home.
Gee, I'll bet you
this is where he works.
What's that stuff on
the blackboard mean?
It's a problem in celestial mechanics.
I'll bet he's the only one
that knows the answer.
He doesn't know the answer.
And he'll never get it that way.
We probably couldn't get to
see him even if he was home.
(door opens)
Hey, where are you going?
If he's that difficult to see,
perhaps we ought to leave a calling card.
Did he do it wrong?
He just needs a little help.
What are you doing in here?
How dare you write
on that blackboard!
Do you realise the professor's
worked on that problem for weeks?
He'll solve it in no time now.
- How did you get in? What do you want?
- To see Professor Barnhardt.
Well, he's not here.
And he won't be back till this evening.
I think you'd better leave now.
Would you give this to the professor?
I think he'll want to talk to me.
I wouldn't erase that.
The professor needs it very badly.
(rings doorbell)
- Mr Carpenter come home yet?
- Yeah, he's inside.
- Tell him I'd like to see him.
- OK. Come on in.
- Your name Carpenter?
- Yes.
- Professor Barnhardt been looking for me?
- I've been looking for you all afternoon.
Thank you.
- It was a wonderful day.
- You still haven't answered my question.
You know how I feel, Tom,
but I just want to think it over.
Boss goes to Chicago tomorrow.
If I could tell him I was getting
marryed and had dependants...
You're a good salesman,
but I've got to think about it.
A good insurance salesman wouldn't
give you time to think about it.
- Good night.
- Night.
- Hiya, Mom.
- Hello, darling.
- Good evening, Mr Carpenter.
- Good evening.
- Uh, Mrs Benson, this is Mr Brady.
- How do you do?
Mr Brady's a government agent!
- Have a nice day, dear?
- We had a swell time, didn't we?
We went to the movies and had ice-cream
cones, and then we went to see Daddy.
- I don't know how to thank you.
- I enjoyed every minute of it.
We better get going, Mr Carpenter.
Aw, gee, you didn't finish your story.
I'll finish it tomorrow.
Good night, Bobby.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Come on, dear.
Time to go to bed.
Why did Mr Carpenter
have to go with Mr Brady?
I don't know.
Maybe it was a mistake.
We sure had fun today.
We saw the spaceship and we
went to see Professor Barnhardt.
- Professor Barnhardt?
- Yeah, sure.
- Mom, do I have to go to school tomorrow?
- Yes, of course, dear.
Gee. I was hoping I could
go out with Mr Carpenter again.
Oh, come in.
The professor's in his study.
Thank you.
This is the man you
wanted to see, Professor.
- Thank you, Captain.
- I'll wait outside.
- You wrote this?
- It was a clumsy way to introduce myself.
But I understand you're
a difficult man to see.
I thought you'd have
the solution by now.
Not yet. That's why
I wanted to see you.
All you have to do now is to
substitute this expression at this point.
That will reproduce
the first-order term.
But what about the
effect of the other terms?
Almost negligible. With variation
of parameters, this is the answer.
How can you be so sure?
Have you tested this theory?
I find it works well enough
to get me from one planet to another.
I am Klaatu.
I spent two days at your
Walter Reed Hospital, room 309.
My doctor's name was Major White.
If you're not interested or if you
intend to turn me over to your army,
we needn't waste any more time.
You may go now, Captain.
Please thank General Cutler,
and tell him...
tell him that I know this gentleman.
You have faith.
It isn't faith that makes good science,
Mr Klaatu. It's curiosity.
Sit down, please.
There are several thousand questions
I'd like to ask you.
- I'd like to explain something of my mission.
- That was my first question.
We know from observation that your planet
has discovered a rudimentary atomic energy.
- And that you're experimenting with rockets.
- Yes, that is true.
While you were limited to fighting among
yourselves with primitive tanks and aircraft,
we were unconcerned.
But soon one of your nations
will apply atomic energy to spaceships.
That will create a threat to the
peace and security of other planets.
That, of course,
we cannot tolerate.
What exactly is the nature
of your mission, Mr Klaatu?
I came here to warn you
that by threatening danger,
your planet faces danger,
very grave danger.
I'm prepared, however,
to offer a solution.
Would you care to be more specific?
What I have to say must
be said to all concerned.
It is too important to be
entrusted to any individual.
I gather that your efforts on the
official level were not successful.
I come to you as a last resort,
and I confess my patience is wearing thin.
Must I take drastic action
in order to get a hearing?
What... what sort of
action do you mean?
Violent action, since that seems to be
the only thing your people understand.
Levelling New York City perhaps,
or sinking the Rock of Gibraltar.
Would you meet with the group
of scientists I'm calling together?
You could explain
your mission to them
and they, in turn, could
present it to their various peoples.
That's why I came to see you.
It is not enough to
have men of science.
We scientists are too often
ignored or misunderstood.
We must get leaders from every field -
the finest minds in the world.
I leave that in your hands.
One thing, Mr Klaatu.
Suppose this group should reject
your proposals. What is the alternative?
I'm afraid there is no alternative.
In such a case,
the planet Earth would have to be...
Such power exists?
I assure you, such power exists.
The people who come to the meeting
must be made to realise this.
They must understand what is at stake.
- You mentioned a demonstration of force.
- Yes.
- Would one be possible before the meeting?
- Yes, of course.
Something to dramatise for them and
their people the seriousness of the situation.
- Something to affect the entire planet.
- That can easily be arranged.
I wouldn't want you to harm
anybody or destroy anything.
Leave it to me.
I'll think of something.
Maybe a little demonstration.
Something dramatic,
but not destructive.
That's quite an
interesting problem.
Would the day after tomorrow
be all right, say about noon?
(radio) There are no
further developments,
but police and the FBI are tracing every
possible clue and rounding up all suspects...
- Rummy!
- Oh, my.
Did it again!
- Take a hand, Mr Carpenter?
- Take a...? Oh.
No, thanks.
We don't... No, thanks.
- Are you going out, dear?
- Yes. Tom's picking me up.
Personally, I wouldn't go out
after dark these days.
But then I'm not courting, am I?
Oh, Mr Carpenter.
Everyone seems so...
"Jittery" is the word.
Bobby's the only person I know
who isn't... jittery.
He has his homework
to keep him occupied.
- He's a fine boy, Mrs Benson.
- Naturally, I think so.
Warm, friendly, intelligent.
Mr Carpenter...
This is none of my business,
but why did that man come here last night?
They just wanted to
ask me a few questions.
Bobby and I tried to see Professor Barnhardt
in the afternoon. He wasn't in.
Apparently they thought
I was looking for secrets of some kind.
Excuse me.
(# tinksling melody)
- Hello.
- Hello. Are you ready?
- In a minute.
- The picture starts at 8:50.
- I was with Mr Carpenter.
- I hope he won't think I'm intruding.
- Sh!
- What...
Good evening. Excuse me,
I was just going up to my room.
- Good night, Mr Carpenter.
- Have a good time, both of you.
(both) Thank you.
Why don't you wait in here while
I get my things? Tom, that was awful.
- I'm just tired of hearing about Mr Carpenter.
- Tom!
I don't like how he's attached
himself to you and Bobby.
After all, what do you know about him?
I'll go get my things.
All you have to remember is first find
the common denominator, and then divide.
Thanks, Mr Carpenter.
- I'll say good night again.
- Mr Carpenter...
- Good night.
- Good night, Mrs Benson.
- Bed now. You can finish that in the morning.
- OK.
I think it would be better if we didn't
see quite so much of Mr Carpenter.
Gee, why, Mom? He's my best friend,
and he's awful good in arithmetic.
He even helps Professor Barnhardt.
Did you really go to
see Professor Barnhardt?
Sure we did. He wasn't there,
but we went to see him.
And Mr Carpenter showed him
how to do his arithmetic.
Mom, is something wrong
with Mr Carpenter?
- What do you mean, dear?
- On account of last night.
You think he's a bank robber,
or a gangster maybe?
No, dear, of course not.
He's a very nice man.
I just think that he might prefer
to be left alone, that's all.
Now you go to bed
and forget about it.
- Good night, darling.
- Good night.
Why would he wanna be left alone?
Don't forget to brush your teeth.
(train whistle blows)
- Bobby, have you a flashlight?
- Yeah.
- It's a real Boy Scout one.
- Fine.
- Here. All you gotta do is push up on it.
- Oh.
- What do you need it for?
- I've, uh... The light in my room went out.
I must tell you sometime about a kind
of train that doesn't need any tracks.
- Really?
- Really.
- Remind me in the morning to tell you.
- OK.
No tracks.
Gort! Baringa!
(alien language)
(Mrs Benson) Come in for a minute.
- Bobby, what are you doing up?
- I couldn't sleep. I had to tell you.
- Tell me what?
- After you left, I followed Mr Carpenter,
and where do you think he went?
Right into the spaceship!
- Now, Bobby, wait a minute.
- Honest, Mom. I saw him.
It opened up and he walked in.
That big iron fella was walking around, too.
- Bobby, you've been dreaming again.
- No, I haven't, Mom.
Honest. I promise you, I saw him!
- Where'd you see all this?
- On the lawn down at the Mall.
- In that place with the soldiers out in front.
- Where were the soldiers?
That big iron guy grabbed 'em
and knocked 'em out.
I like Mr Carpenter, Mom,
but I'm kinda scared.
Don't be frightened.
It was only a bad dream.
Here, we'll prove it to you.
- Tom, ask Mr Carpenter to come down.
- Sure.
- He's in the room next to mine.
- OK.
Think back. You didn't follow Mr Carpenter at all, did you?
You haven't even been outside.
- Yes, I have!
- You didn't really see a spaceship,
- but you thought you did.
- I'd never call you a liar.
He's not there,
but look what I found in his room.
- Is it real?
- It looks real to me.
Mr Carpenter's got lots of diamonds.
He gave me a couple of 'em.
- He gave these to you?
- Well, not exactly.
I gave him two dollars.
This doesn't make sense.
I think he's a crook.
I never did trust him.
Gee, you think he's
a diamond smuggler?
- You're going to bed now.
- I wonder if we...
Bobby and I have had
enough excitement for tonight.
- Do you think it's all right to stay here?
- I've got a good lock on my door.
Bobby's gonna sleep
in my room tonight.
Come on now, up to bed with you.
Bobby, your shoes are soaking!
Yeah. The grass was kinda wet.
- I'm going now, Helen.
- All right.
- Hello.
- May I see you for a minute?
- Well, I'm just going to lunch.
- May I walk out with you?
- Well...
- (phone rings)
Mrs Benson speaking.
Oh, hello.
I'm getting an appraisal on that diamond.
Can we lunch together?
Can I talk to you later?
Oh, that'll be fine. Bye.
I saw Bobby this morning
before he went to school.
- Yes?
- I'd like to know what he told you last night.
I really didn't pay much attention.
Bobby has such an
active imagination.
Did you believe what he told you?
I have a reason for asking this.
A very important reason.
There's another elevator we can use.
- What is it you want?
- Before I ask you to be honest with me,
perhaps I should be
completely honest with you.
- What happened?
- What time is it?
Just 12:00.
We shall be here for a little while.
About 30 minutes.
- We can try pushing the other buttons.
- They won't work.
- Why not?
- You see, the electricity's been neutralised...
all over the world.
Bobby was telling the truth, wasn't he?
It's that spaceman.
That's what it is.
(mutters in French)
(mutters in Russian)
You should see it!
You should go out and see it for yourself!
I am enjoying it right here.
The city has stopped.
People are running around like ants.
What a brilliant idea.
I never would have thought of it.
The people who are coming to
the meeting tonight, have they arrived?
Yes. I talked to them on the phone.
They're all very curious about the meeting.
Good. Did you speak to
our friend Mr Carpenter?
He'll be there at 8:30.
Tell me, Hilda, does all this frighten you?
Does it make you feel insecure?
- Yes, sir. It certainly does.
- That's good, Hilda.
I'm glad.
As far as we can tell, power's been cut off
everywhere, with a few exceptions.
And even these exceptions are remarkable...
hospitals, planes in flight, that sort of thing.
I wish I could tell you more but,
as you know, all communications are out -
telephones, radio, cable, everything.
I can tell you the President is prepared
to declare a state of national emergency.
- Eleanor, did you call the electrician?
- I tried, but the phone doesn't work either.
- Well, call the phone company.
- But the phone doesn't work!
- Is it worth anything?
- I have never seen such a stone in all my life.
- Will you tell me where it came from?
- That's what I want you to tell me.
But there are no diamonds like this
anyplace in the world that I know of.
- Are you sure of that?
- Uh, would you like to sell it?
No. No, thanks.
- I'd give you a very good price.
- Thank you, no.
I've told you more than I told Barnhardt
because, in a sense, my life is in your hands.
I thought if you knew the facts, you'd see
the importance of the meeting tonight.
Of course. Of course I do.
- You hold great hope for this meeting.
- I can see no other hope for your planet.
If this meeting should fail,
then I'm afraid there is no hope.
It must be 12:30.
Just exactly.
(horns blaring)
- Where are you going now?
- The boarding house.
I'll be safe there for today.
I can watch Bobby.
He's the only other
person who knows...
- No, wait. There's someone else.
- Who?
Tom. He was there last night
when Bobby told me what he saw.
- Do you think he'd tell anyone?
- I think he'd talk to me first anyway, before...
Well, we can't take any chance.
I'll get in touch with him
right away to make sure.
But I've got to talk to him. It's important.
When is he coming back?
I don't know, Mrs Benson.
He left before noon,
before that awful electric business.
I'm scared to death, Mrs Benson. I...
No, he wouldn't tell me where he was going.
He said it was something personal.
Well, please ask him to call me
the minute he gets in.
Before we discuss plans, I want a report
from Colonel Ryder. What about the robot?
When it was discovered
that the robot had moved,
I was directed by the Joint Chiefs
to find a means of immobilising him.
We accomplished that this morning
by encasing him in a block of KL93,
a new plastic material stronger than steel.
- Isn't it possible he's broken out?
- No, sir. We just checked on that.
- He's locked up tight as a drum.
- All right. Now we concentrate on the man.
Up till now we've agreed upon
the desirability of capturing this man alive.
We can no longer afford
to be so particular.
We'll get him, alive if possible,
but we must get him.
- Is that clear?
- (all) Yes, sir.
Honest, Mary,
I'm so scared I can't sit still.
I'd like to run someplace,
but I don't know where to go. Bye now.
Margaret, call the Pentagon.
Find out who's in charge
of this spaceman business.
- Whoever it is, I wanna talk to him.
- Mrs Benson called. She says it's important.
Get this other call first.
- Oh, Mrs Benson, he just walked in.
- Fine.
- Are you nervous, too?
- Yes, I am.
- Helen, come on in.
- I've been trying to get you all afternoon.
I have some terrific
news about Mr Carpenter.
- What about him?
- He's the spaceman.
I had that diamond checked at three places.
Nobody's ever seen a stone like that.
After what Bobby told us,
that's enough for me.
Why is it nobody knows about him?
Why hasn't he got money?
All right, Tom, it's true.
I know it's true.
- You... How do you know?
- Never mind about that.
- Promise you won't say a word to anybody.
- After what happened today?!
- You don't realise how important this is.
- Of course it's important.
- And we can do something about it.
- That's what I'm saying. We must do nothing.
- Believe me.
- He's a menace. It's our duty to turn him in.
But he isn't a menace.
He told me why he came here.
He told... He told you?
Oh, don't be silly, honey,
just because you like the guy.
You realise what this'd mean to us?
- I'd be the biggest man in the country.
- Is that what you're thinking about?
- Somebody has to get rid of him.
- (phone)
I won't let you do it.
- Yes?
- This is important...
What's his name, Margaret?
General Cutler. Yes. Oh, all right, I'll hold on.
You mustn't. It isn't
just you and Mr Carpenter.
The rest of the world is involved.
I don't care about the rest of the world.
You'll feel different when you
see my picture in the papers.
- I feel different now.
- You wait. You're gonna marry a big hero.
- I'm not going to marry anybody.
- Helen, I... Hello, General Cutler?
No, I don't want to speak to his aide.
I want to speak to the general.
Tell him it's about the spaceman.
That's right.
That's where he's staying.
- Yes, of course I'm sure.
- Thank you, Mr Stevens.
I'll want to talk to you further,
but I haven't time now.
Deploy all Zone Five units
according to Plan B. Immediately!
- Hello, Mrs Benson.
- Hello, Sammy.
Attention, all units.
Attention, all units.
When deployed
according to Plan Baker,
maintain station and remain on
radio alert until further orders.
I'm sure Barnhardt can
hide me until the meeting.
- Where's the meeting going to be?
- At the ship.
Yeah, they got in a taxicab
and went off down that street.
Thank you, son.
Attention, Zone Five.
Attention, Zone Five.
Yellow cab moving north
on 14th Street from Harvard Street.
Man and woman in back seat.
Get licence number and report.
That's the one!
Right. Attention, Zone Five.
Licence number of target vehicle is H0012.
Looks like something big's going on.
Attention Zone Five.
Attention Zone Five.
Report when target vehicle
passes your position.
- It's only a few blocks to Barnhardt's.
- I'm worried about Gort.
I'm afraid of what he might do
if anything should happen to me.
Gort? But he's a robot.
Without you, what could he do?
There's no limit
to what he could do.
He could destroy the Earth.
If anything should happen to me,
you must go to Gort.
You must say these words:
Klaatu barada nikto.
Please repeat that.
barada nikto.
You must remember those words.
(murmurs) Klaatu
Yellow cab, licence number H0012, heading
west on 15th Street at Treasury Place.
The target vehicle is turning west
into Massachusetts Avenue.
Yellow cab at
Columbia Road and Connecticut.
Repeat, Columbia Road and Connecticut.
Attention, all units,
northwest area, Zone Five.
Block off all streets intersecting Connecticut
Avenue on a line from Wisconsin to the park.
All vehicles close in.
Let's go.
Say, what's going on here?
Get that message to Gort... right away.
- Captain, hold these people back.
- Yes, sir.
See if they have a stretcher
at the police station. Take him there.
Klaatu barada nikto.
Klaatu barada nikto.
Yes, sir. Yes, we have the body
here now, locked in a cell.
There's no question about it, General.
He's dead all right.
I understand.
I'll be right there, sir.
Bring in a squad of men.
Place a guard around that cell.
- Captain, don't let anyone in or out of here.
- Yes, sir.
Come along.
- Professor Barnhardt?
- Yes.
I'm very sorry, but I have to ask you
to call off this meeting.
Call it off?
But I had permission from the army.
I know, sir, but the robot's on the loose, and
it's not safe. You have to get your people out.
(electronic humming)
(humming crescendos)
(humming stops)
I thought you were...
I was.
You mean...
he has the power of life and death?
No. That power is reserved
to the Almighty Spirit.
This technique, in some cases,
can restore life for a limited period.
But... how long?
You mean, how long will I live?
That, no one can tell.
Under the circumstances,
the army people have asked us to leave.
And, since their concern is for our safety,
I can do nothing but
suggest that we comply.
I am leaving soon,
and you will forgive me if I speak bluntly.
The universe grows smaller every day,
and the threat of aggression by any group
anywhere can no longer be tolerated.
There must be security for all,
or no one is secure.
This does not mean giving up any freedom,
except the freedom to act irresponsibly.
Your ancestors knew this when they
made laws to govern themselves,
and hired policemen
to enforce them.
We of the other planets
have long accepted this principle.
We have an organisation for
the mutual protection of all planets,
and for the complete
elimination of aggression.
The test of any such higher authority
is, of course, the police force that supports it.
For our policemen,
we created a race of robots.
Their function is to patrol the planets
in spaceships like this one,
and preserve the peace.
In matters of aggression we have
given them absolute power over us.
This power cannot be revoked.
At the first sign of violence,
they act automatically against the aggressor.
The penalty for provoking their action
is too terrible to risk.
The result is, we live in peace,
without arms or armies,
secure in the knowledge that
we are free from aggression and war,
free to pursue more
profitable enterprises.
We do not pretend
to have achieved perfection,
but we do have a system,
and it works.
I came here to give
you these facts.
It is no concern of ours
how you run your own planet.
But if you threaten to
extend your violence,
this Earth of yours will be
reduced to a burned-out cinder.
Your choice is simple.
Join us and live in peace,
or pursue your present course
and face obliteration.
We shall be waiting
for your answer.
The decision rests with you.
Gort! Baringa.
(murmurs of confusion)