The Dead Room (2015)

Well, the house is a dump.
What an amazing view.
We'll, we won't need that.
No, we're not on the grid.
There's a generator.
Oh, you poor, things.
There you go.
They've left plenty of fuel
for the generator.
You're right, Scott,
this place is incredible.
I... I don't feel anything.
You're going to have to
rig up some sort of kill switch
for the generator.
I'm picking up
its magnetic field.
- Yeah, alright.
Just let me finish this first.
Yeah, okay.
- It's not like
you couldn't do it.
Good move on taking
the table, Scott
you know how I love to eat
standing up.
What are you
complaining about?
These flight cases make
a perfectly good dining table.
-Spot the bachelor.
- Yeah, well, at least now
we have a proper control center.
I'm sick and tired of working
hunched up over a coffee table.
-Hey, you not eating those?
-Ah, uh, no.
-So it was around dinner time
that they took off, right?
-Yeah. Left all their stuff.
Didn't even pack anything
for the baby.
-Well of course they didn't.
They probably figured it would
make their claim more credible.
Look, Holly, in my experience
most of these situations
turn out to be benign.
It's either noisy pipes,
house subsidence
forgetting to take medication.
-Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, well, some people
like to keep an open mind.
-Oh, I have an open mind.
As long as it's scientific data
we're collecting.
- Hey, Holly, wanna come
see something really cool?
-Yeah, alright.
- Our sensors captured this
at our last investigation.
-Alright, Scott.
How's your science
explain that one?
-I don't know.
- Under the bridge
around the lake
between the rocks,
through the woods..
Up... Spook hill.
Down spook hill,
through the woods
between the rocks,
around the lake
under the bridge,
over the wall, up the tree..
-Okay, so have fun..
I guess?
- Okay.
-Don't forget to eat and, um..
Sleep, okay? Goodnight.
- Okay, goodnight
to you too, darling.
Give them a kiss for me.
I'll ring you
in the morning, okay?
- Okay, bye.
- Bye-bye.
Morning, Holly.
- Hm.
- You wanna come here
and have a look at this?
Something tripped our
motion camera in the hallway
at 3 A.M. this morning.
What do you think?
Uh, I don't know.
Uh, just here.
Yeah, there's a small gap.
I can feel the air on my face.
- Nothing. There's nothing.
- It's right there.
- The camera wouldn't trace a
breeze or a temperature change.
It won't even react
unless something passes
through all three beams
on the sensor.
- Just here.
Right in front of you.
I've got it, I've got it.
Keep your pants on.
- Are you recording?
- Yeah, recording now.
ID, okay, so this is, uh..
The front bedroom.
I'm Liam Andrews
here with... Holly Matthews
and Scott Cameron.
Okay, Holly.
- Is there anybody else
here with us?
If there's anybody else
here with us
can you give us a sign?
I'm not getting anything
from this room.
Should we have a look
at another one?
-Yeah, sure.
- Is there anyone else
here with us?
If there is anyone else here..
You don't have to fear us.
We just wanna understand you.
- It doesn't matter.
Early days.
- Liam.
- Yeah?
-What's the formula
for the particle displacement
in a standing wave?
- Uh... It's equal to one
over acoustic impedance
depending on the Peri..
I can't remember. Just Google
particle displacement.
-Oh, yes, thank you.
- What are you nerds
talking about?
-Uh, Scott's latest obsession.
It is not an obsession,
it's a theory.
-What kind of theory?
-If spirit entities
exist, Holly..
They have to be made of matter.
Otherwise you couldn't see them.
Now, we know
that low frequency sound waves
can displace matter.
So, theoretically
by using infrasound waves
we could break down
their particle structure.
-Right. Yeah.
Sorry I asked.
- Scott wants to be
a ghostbuster.
-They were trapping them
which is absurd.
You'd have more luck trapping
helium in a bird cage.
- If there is anyone else here..
You don't have to fear us.
-Everyone okay?
-3 A.M.
- On the minute.
- Yeah.
-Something feels different.
-Did you leave the door open?
-No, I didn't.
No, so far there's nothing
that can't be put down
to other causes.
Noisy floorboards, a gust
of wind, but as I told you
I couldn't swear
to being 100 percent sure.
Well, I just feel another
couple of days and we could get
you something definite,
one way or the other.
Fantastic! Thank you.
Yeah, we'll talk soon.
The insurance company's
happy for us to stay on
another couple of days.
-No seismic action last night.
I've got the seismology
report right here
if you want to look at it.
-Must've been the wind then.
- Yeah, when was the last time
wind shook a house like that?
-Last night.
Are you alright?
- Yeah.
- Are you sure?
- I said I'm fine.
- 3 A.M., just like last night.
- Hmm.
- We know the hallway is
air tight, so there aren't any
drafts or anything like that,
that can mess with the cameras.
- Well, we'll keep
documenting everything.
Let's keep an open mind.
Remember, we're only
interested in facts.
Holly! Oh, sorry, there you are.
I'd like you
to take some stills.
Concentrate on the area around
the front door and the hallway.
You can double check
the cameras.
Have a look
at the sensitivity settings.
I want to rule out
any possibility of error.
I'll make another pass
with the thermal imager.
-Aye, aye, captain.
- I... I have to say,
when the wind..
-Y... yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Hit the side
of the house last night
it scared the hell out of me.
I had to question
what I'm doing here.
- Well, you're here for
the science... And the adventure.
- It's certainly
not for the money.
I suppose sensing
stuff like this
all the time,
you'd be used to it.
-N... no. Not really.
It still scares me.
- So you decided to go
and stay in a haunted house?
- Well, it's kinda different,
it's like..
Someone who's,
I don't know, afraid of flying
and they get on a plane.
So it's... it's like
they're facing their fears.
- How's that workin'
out for you?
-Hopefully we'll see.
- I'll put the coffee on.
- I don't know how you can
drink coffee at this hour.
Keep me awake all night.
- You're always
so sprightly, Liam.
It's not natural.
-It's nearly time.
- Generator.
- Oh!
-That's good.
-3 A.M.
-There's a man.
- You can see someone?
- Yeah.
He's, uh..
He's standing right
in... in front of me.
He's by the door.
-What is it?
- God, he... he's looked
straight at me.
He's in the hallway.
- I'm still getting
a reading, but it's very low.
No, no, there's nothing now.
-That was awesome!
-Now it's gone.
- No, something feels different.
-I'm not getting a reading.
-No, the air feels different.
- How does
the air feel different?
- Don't talk to me
like I'm a child, Scott.
- I'm not talking
to you like anything.
Holly, y... you can't just
throw out vague observations
about how the air feels
and expect me to do cartwheels.
What we need is facts.
-Yeah, good one.
-What did I say?
Could still just be the wind.
-You're kidding us, right?
- You've never seen a door
get opened by the wind before?
- Does nothing I say
mean anything to you?
I just saw this giant of a man
smash his way through
the house last night.
If you don't believe me
then why are you
still paying me to be here?
- Look, I believe what
you guys believe, I was there.
But we can't show
this to anyone.
All we've got is a door
opening and a light swinging.
- Those cameras
reacted to something.
Something moved
in front of those sensors.
-Yeah, but so what?
Look, I'm sorry but I have to
play devil's advocate here.
Nothing we've captured
actually proves anything.
-Yeah, but what do you expect?
You think ghosts are just going
to come up to the camera
and give us a little wave?
-That'd help.
No, I'm serious.
I would love to capture
something conclusive..
To prove the existence
of the paranormal.
- Yeah, well, just be
careful what you wish for.
-So, what now?
- Well, we just keep
documenting everything.
No, we can't stay here.
We can't just keep documenting!
This entity doesn't
want us to be here.
-It can't hurt us.
I have never come across
a scientifically plausible case
of anyone being harmed by..
One of these things.
Scaring us is
the worst it can do.
It's like a roller coaster,
sure it scares you..
But that's the thrill of it.
And isn't that
one of the reasons
why we choose to do this?
- Well I don't like
roller coasters.
Is there anybody here with us?
If there's anybody here
with us can you give us a sign?
Repeat after me.
-What? What is it?
-Are... are you getting that?
-What's wrong?
The temperature dropped.
It's freezing.
You're not cold?
- No.
-It's getting colder.
Are you reading
anything on that?
-No. Not a flicker.
-Who are you?
Tell me your name.
-What's wrong, Holly?
- We don't want to
cause you any harm.
We... we just want
to know who you are.
Do you see that?
-T... the mist.
It's like a shadow.
Can I have some of this?
- Yeah, sure.
-It's the same feeling.
In here, it's..
It's... it's cold, it's..
It's sad.
Are you sure
that thing is working?
- I put a fresh battery
in this morning.
It's really..
Hard to breath.
It's like a... A gloom.
It's... Heavy on my lungs.
Is anybody here?
It's so weird.
I don't know how
to explain it but it's..
It's like the feeling
stops at the doorway.
No, there's a... there's a
definite line here and it just..
It just stops.
Do it again.
- Did you get that?
- Yeah.
-Do it again.
Oh! Oh, ho-ho!
This thing can clearly interact
with its physical environment.
- Tonight I want
to fog the hallway.
Let's see if we can
get a visual of it.
Almost time.
Get anything?
-It's... it's gone.
-What's going on?
-Wh... what's wrong?
- What happened?
- I dunno.
-Holly, what is it?
- He's ri..
He's right in front of me.
He's right in front of me.
I ca... I can't move.
Take my hand.
Come on, take my hand.
- Well, we definitely
got something last night.
Whatever it was
smashed one of our cameras.
Yes, well, that's the next step.
Yes... yes, I understand that,
look, I'm sure we can do it.
- You can't say
this was broken by the wind.
-See anything, Holly?
- This thing
doesn't want us here.
I say we get
the hell out of here.
Pack up and just
get the hell out.
- He's right,
it doesn't want us here
and this thing is dangerous.
Can we please just go?
- But this is exactly what
we've been searching for.
Why would I want
to leave the minute
we actually find something?
- Is this about our
assignment or your experiment?
-Oh, come on, Liam.
You can't just leave.
- It's my truck.
I go, we all go.
-Not me.
One more night.
That's all I'm asking.
Look at what
we've got here, Liam.
No one's ever documented
anything like this before.
And this thing
hasn't hurt any of us.
It's frightening, sure.
But being frightened
won't kill you, right?
- It... it broke a wall
trying to get at Holly.
- Yeah, but it didn't
harm her though.
Did it, Holly?
-We should go.
- Well, he is right
about this room.
- Yeah, yeah, the ghost
can't come in here, whatever.
Screw this.
-You couldn't sleep?
- I'm just making hot
chocolate, you want one?
-Yeah, yeah, thanks.
- I'm surprised
you can still sleep.
- Huh? Oh, I've always
liked the wind.
I find it very relaxing.
-That's not what I meant.
- Careful, it's hot.
- Thanks.
Do you want some?
- No thanks.
- What's the coefficient
of restitution for glass?
Holly, come away from there.
-What's happening?
He's in front of me.
- What do you want from us?
-We're not here to harm you.
Just tell us what you want.
- This way!
- Go back!
-This way!
-It won't come in here.
-Oh, no.
This is not good.
Not good.
-Hold still.
- Ah!
- Oh, sorry.
- I'm going to be getting
glass out of my hair for days.
-What is it about this room
that stops it
from coming in here?
- We're all
in agreement now right?
It's time to go.
I don't care if the client
believes any of this or not.
Whatever's here doesn't want
us around and quite frankly
I'm okay with that.
So... We've got
enough recorded, yeah?
- Scott?
- Hm?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're good.
-Oh, so, pack up and leave?
- I want to try
and get rid of it.
- What?
- Really?
You want me to do a cleansing?
- No, we're going to do this
properly, scientifically.
Using sound displacement.
- Oh, forget it,
we've got... we've got to
get out of here, Scott.
- What kind of
ghost hunters are we..
If we run the minute
we find our first ghost?
This is exactly what we want.
This is our chance to do
what no one else has ever done.
- If we want to get rid of it
we've got to do it properly.
-It will be done properly!
-You know what I mean.
Oh, come on,
I know how to do it.
People have been performing
this for hundreds of years.
-My equipment's in your car.
-So is mine.
-What happened?
- So what are you going
to do when that doesn't work?
- This little beauty
produces the deepest
bass signal that money can buy.
I have more faith
in this working
than I have in your witchcraft.
- You're just going to
irritate it even more.
-So what.
Oh, come on.
You've gotta be kidding!
-The generator's out of gas.
- So you'll refuel the
generator and I'll set this up.
- Okay.
-Okay, here we go.
- He's in front of you!
- Whoa!
-What's happening?
-I think it's working.
Scott! We need to leave now!
-Wait for it!
What do you think, Holly?
-I think it's gone.
- Uh-huh, oh, absolutely,
clean as a whistle.
I would not go so far
as to say it's been easy.
They're dying to take
a look at the footage.
- Well, Holly, we did it.
That's so weird.
- Uh, Holly, we should
get some photographs.
- Well, I guess we should
go down there.
I'll go.
Are you alright?
- I think there's
a room down here.
-What was that?
- Come on down.
-What the hell is this?
-They look like scratch marks.
-Totally dead.
This thing's going crazy.
- Something's down here with us.
- I've... I've gotta
get out of here.
-I can't breathe.
I've gotta get out of here.
-Come on, let's go.
- He left her to die down there.
The tall man, he just..
Left her to die.
Hi, I'm Holly.
Come on in.
It's the room at the end.
- Down this way, is it?
- Yeah.
- And after we got rid
of the entity
Liam noticed a cold spot,
on the wall there.
So, I went and I uncovered this.
There's all sorts of
scratch marks on the door
it looks like
she was locked in down there.
So, uh, what happens now?
-The body's not there.
- What?
- What?
- What do you mean,
it's not there?
-It's gone!
- So, you all went down
into the basement
and that's where you thought
you saw the woman?
-We did see a woman.
- Has anybody been
down there since?
- We all saw her,
she was mummified.
-And sitting in a chair?
-Are you okay, Holly?
-Oh! Oh, oh, god.
No, no, we've made a mistake.
The... the... the spirit we,
we got rid of it
but it was trying to protect us
and... And that's why
it didn't want us here.
- W... what do you mean
protect us?
P... protect us from what?
-From her.
- Holly.
- Help! Help!
- Help! Help!
No, I can't. I can't.
-I got you. I've got you.
Look at me.
Come on!
I've got you. I've got you.
Come on!
Come on! Come on, Holly.