The Deadly Bees (1966)

Hmm, mostly routine stuff
as usual.
Why on earth has this one
come to the ministry?
It's quite an interesting
one though,
...fellow reckons he developed
a strain of killer bees.
Oh, not him again.
Chap on Seagull Island,
isn't it?
That's right.
Have you heard from him
before then?
Heard from him?
We must have filled about
half a dozen waste paper baskets...
...with bumph from him
over the years.
Nutty as a fruit cake, he is.
And his bees.
Well, he says unless you
take him seriously this time,
...he's going to prove his point
once and for all...
...and unleash his bees
to kill someone.
You don't think
he means it, do you?
We got an understanding,
all right
That can only be bound
and signed
It means that you love me,
I love you
And nobody else will do
'Cause I thought
that I loved before
That's all
that I need you for
That's all
that I love you for
Ow! That's all
that I need you for
I said that's
all that I need
Well now, these are for you
to sign for the studio,
...and three or four
for the kids outside.
Oh, Vicki, for goodness' sake,
what's the matter with you?
I'm so tired.
I'm exhausted.
Sweetie, come on now,
it's not like you.
It's only one number,
...then you're gonna have
a nice rest in the car...
...on the way to the theater.
Two shows and then home to bed.
And I'll switch the phone off
until tomorrow morning.
Thank you, the birds.
I'm sure we all wish them
the very best...
...on their forthcoming tour
of America.
Now, kids, here she is,
this week's guest star,
...the very lovely Vicki Robbins.
My baby took me to
a dance last night
And when we danced
he held me oh so tight
Then I left his side,
a minute, maybe two
When I returned,
he was with somebody new
Stop the music
He's dancing
with another girl
Stop that music
He's got my heart
in a whirl
He could have waited
Just another minute more
Before he stepped
with someone else
Out on the floor
Stop the music
Before he breaks my heart
in two
Stop the music
There's something
I have got to do
I've got to tell him
Just how much
he means to me
Stop the music
I love him, can't you see?
Stop the music
He has got my heart
in a whirl
Stop the music
Three weeks, doctor?
Do you know what
that could mean to us?
I know what it means
to Miss Robbins.
And I'm afraid as her manager...'ll just have to suffer
your ten percent of the pain.
Well, of course, doctor,
...Vicki's health is all
that really matters but...
Then you'll have no objection if
I take the law into my own hands...
...and arrange her convalescence
right away.
Where are you sending her?
I've an old friend who has
a farm on Seagull Island.
I want to make a personal call
please, to a Mr. Ralph Hargrove.
Mary, answer that phone!
- Hargrove speaking. - George.
- Hello, George.
Haven't heard from you for ages.
Tomorrow for two weeks?
That's all right.
It's out of season,
but if she doesn't mind...
...taking us as she finds us.
All right I'll meet you both
See you. Bye now.
Paying guests
at this time of the year, must be out of your mind.
She's a patient of
a very old friend of mine.
She's coming whether
you like it or not.
I'll get a girl up from
the village to give you a hand.
Yes, you'll like that,
won't you?
Hello, David.
Morning, Mr. Hargrove.
What can I get you?
The usual.
Make it a double, will you?
What will you have?
I'll have a half of bitter,
thanks very much.
On the slate, I suppose?
But of course.
Is Doris about?
She's in the kitchen.
You wanna see her
about something special?
I've got someone coming to stay
for a couple of weeks...
...and wondered if she'd give us
a hand in the house.
Mrs. Hargrove
not too good then?
Not brilliant, no.
- Doris!
- Coming.
Mr. Hargrove wants
to ask you a favor.
You want something?
Would you like to come up
to the farm...
...and give us a hand in the house
for a couple of weeks?
I've got a guest arriving.
I'd love to.
Who's coming?
Oh, some singer, Vicki Robbins.
Vicki Robbins?
That should make us
quite a tourist attraction.
Have you seen Tess's meat?
The dog's meat,
have you seen it?
Oh, it's in the larder, I think,
...would you like me
to go and look?
No, I'll go.
She'll only take it from me,
Doris, the place
looks marvelous.
I don't know what
I would have done without you.
It's all right.
I'm only too glad to help.
Yes, well, I'd better get down
and meet the boat.
Come along.
Your room is through here.
- Hello, who are you then?
- That's Tess.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- I'm Doris.
- Oh, yes.
Mr. Hargrove told me about you.
I hope you like the room.
- Yes, it's very nice.
- Good.
Oh, um, the bathroom,
it's up here.
I hope you're not gonna find it
too dull on this island,
- ...Miss Robbins.
- No!
I think it's gonna be great.
Doris tells me you're quite
a celebrity, Miss Robbins.
If it's peace and quiet you want
you've come to the right place.
- No screaming teenagers here.
- It's perfect.
I'm beginning to feel
better already.
Have some more toast,
Miss Robbins.
No, thank you, Mrs. Hargrove,
and the honey was delicious.
Why thank you,
do you know something?
We grow our own,
specialty of the house.
Don't encourage him,
Miss Robbins.
He spends far too much time
with those bees as it is,
...instead of running the farm.
My wife doesn't seem to realize
the amount of work involved... bee farming.
As far as I'm concerned,
it's worth every moment.
I've never tasted honey like it.
Are you very fond of animals,
Miss Robbins?
Yes, I am, especially dogs.
Ah, excuse me.
Have a pleasant day,
Miss Robbins.
Why don't you go for a walk
or something?
Yes, I'd like that.
May I take her with me?
Yes, of course,
she'd love a walk.
She certainly seems
to have taken to you.
She never leaves me as a rule.
Oh, Miss Robbins, telephone.
Hang on, she's just coming.
- Thank you.
- Hello?
Now nothing to do
with work, baby.
Just calling to see
that you've arrived safely.
- Yes, I'm fine.
- Good.
- It sure is great here.
- Good, that's it, have a nice rest.
Yeah, bye.
That was my agent, he worries
about me all the time.
Come on, Tess.
Bye, Mrs. Hargrove.
Oh, by the way,
where are the hives?
I'd love to have a look at them
on the way out.
He doesn't like people
round the hive.
He says it disturbs the bees.
In that case,
I'll keep out of their way.
Come on, Tess.
Here, fetch it!
Good girl.
Tess, Tess?
Come on, girl.
Tess? Tess? Tess?
Tess? Tess?
Come on, out you go.
You're Miss Robbins, aren't you?
Hello, I hope Tess
hasn't done any damage.
Oh, I shouldn't think so.
Come in, come along, dear.
We'll have a look.
You stay there, Tess.
I heard you were staying at the
Hargroves'. My name is Manfred.
Oh, come along, dear.
Well, they don't seem to have
broken anything.
What a beautiful room.
Look at these butterflies.
Did you catch them yourself?
Yes, I did,
it's one of my hobbies.
Oh, that and my bees.
Oh, you keep bees too?
I didn't see any hives.
No, you wouldn't have,
I haven't got any in this house.
Uh, come, there you go,
look I'll show you.
I had my apiary built here so
that I can keep an eye on them,
...see they don't get up
to any mischief.
Fascinating, aren't they?
Look, uh...
Would you like a cup of tea?
No, thank you,
I had an enormous breakfast...
- ...before I left the farm.
- Good.
How are they looking after you
at the Hargroves'?
Oh, very well, thank you.
Well, I'll say...
...we're all delighted
to have you on the island,
...I hope you're enjoying
your stay with us.
Um, look if you're not
too busy sometime,
...perhaps you'd like to come over
and have tea with me.
Sample some
of my delicious honey.
It's much better than Hargrove's
but don't tell him I said so.
I'd love that.
Yes, I know
That I'm not the girl
you dream of, but I know
If you would only give me
half a chance
To show you how I love you
Baby, let me love you,
Can I help you?
No, no, I was wondering
if I could borrow this book.
I was looking at Mr. Manfred's
bees this afternoon.
I got quite interested.
I realize you don't know much
about life here on the island,
...but may I suggest
you take my advice...
...and don't repeat
your visit to Mr. Manfred.
It's dangerous to involve
yourself in matters... don't understand.
- Like what?
- Like, um...
Bees, Miss Robbins.
Turn out the light
when you finish, hmm?
So you're back?
I thought I'd married
a farmer, not a vet,
...up at odd hours of the night.
I wasn't aware
that I was disturbing you.
Anyway I have some rather
important work I've got to do.
Work? It's a great pity you
couldn't manage a little of that...
...during the day round the farm.
My farm.
Hello, Vicki.
What time is it?
Nine o'clock.
It's a gorgeous day.
Did you sleep well?
Like a top, once I got to sleep.
- Doris?
- Yes?
You stay there, Tess.
What are you doing in here?
Just looking around.
Do you mind?
Well, I shouldn't have thought
there was much... interest you in a stable.
I do a lot of riding.
I'm fond of horses.
Are you?
Well, if you thought you were
going to get some riding here...
...I'm afraid you're out of luck,
the mare is sick.
The vet told me to keep her
stabled and very quiet, if you don't mind.
Get out of here!
Do you mind if I use your phone?
I thought I'd ring my agent.
Well, I just tried
to use it myself,'s out of order again.
- Does that often happen?
- Yes, I'm afraid it does.
Anyway, I was going
to take a walk.
I expect Mr. Manfred's
got a phone.
No idea, I'm sure.
We don't see much of
Mr. Manfred.
My husband doesn't like him.
Thank you.
I've checked that number again
on Seagull Island.
It's still out of order.
Well, see if there's another
phone on the island...
...where they'll take a message.
If we don't get her back here
for the recording on Tuesday,
...we won't have a number
in the charts for Christmas.
Er, get me
directory inquiries, please.
After all I've done
for that girl...
...and she's off enjoying herself
at a time like this.
It must have been
about two o'clock...
...when everything
seemed to happen.
What do you mean?
Noises from the stable,
...and people wandering around
in the yard.
I don't mind telling you
I soon locked the door...
...and hid under the bedclothes.
You're sure
you didn't dream all this?
Well, I thought I might have
done at first,
...then this morning,
I went into the stable...
...and saw these terrible
hypodermic punctures...
...all over that wretched horse!
Fancy that.
You're very observant,
aren't you?
Mary! Answer that phone!
Stop feeding that animal
for just one minute...
No, I can't.
He's the only friend I've got
around this place.
Well, thank you for the coffee.
Oh, you're very welcome.
Now, you're not to worry.
- Okay.
- All right?
- Goodbye.
- Bye-bye.
I'm going down the pub,
do you want to come?
- Oh, well...
- Come on, it will do you good.
All right.
Sorry to keep you waiting,
Mr. Hargrove.
Oh, that's all right.
Miss Robbins? This is the girl
we have staying with us.
This is Dave Hawkins, our host,
and our special constable.
My daughter's told me
all about you, Miss Robbins.
I'm not as with it as she is...
...but I'm glad to meet you
just the same.
- Me too.
- Er, right, What'll we have?
He did this.
He did it.
Him and his horrible bees.
What are you doing?
You must be mad!
You'll set the whole
place alight!
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone!
Get away from me!
- What do you think you're doing?
- Leave me alone!
- What do you think you're doing?
- They killed the dog.
What's the matter with you,
have you gone out of your mind?
I don't want...
For God's sake!
Must have been a terrible scene.
I wish Doris
wouldn't go up there.
Yes, he seemed
a nice little dog.
Mrs. Hargrove must have been
very upset.
She was.
Doris told me.
Blamed Hargrove
for the whole thing.
Tried to burn down
the bee hives.
Did she?
You know it's most unusual
that Hargrove...
...should allow his bees
to get out of control like that.
He's a very experienced
Poor little dog.
What time do you want lunch,
Mrs. Hargrove?
Whatever time he gets back
from that pub of yours.
Well, when will that be?
Well, didn't he tell you?
You say what happened to Tess
almost happened to you?
Yes, and very probably
the same bees.
The same bees?
The same species.
Look, come here.
Here is a worker bee.
It's one of my own
from my apiary.
There's nothing unusual
about it,
...except that it's dead,
of course.
And as you can see,
it has quite an ordinary sting.
Yes, unpleasant,
but quite ordinary.
Now this bee...
Is not only twice as big...
- But lethal.
- Lethal?
It was one of the swarm that
was sent to attack my hives.
But how can bees be sent?
Well that's what
I'd like to know.
Because this large bee,
this killer bee... not of any known species.
Somebody must be breeding them.
But surely you and Mr. Hargrove...
...are the only beekeepers
on the island.
The other day you said
I was dreaming things,
...I think it's your turn now.
Anyway, if I thought
what you were saying was true,
...I wouldn't stay at the farm
a moment longer.
In fact I'd get the next boat
off the island.
The next boat?
But I'm afraid the next boat
off the island...
...doesn't leave until next week.
Good night, Mrs. Hargrove.
Oh, no! Oh!
I can't believe it.
Well, it's true.
It seems to me
too much of a coincidence...
...that this should happen twice,
...I'm going up
to the Hargrove farm...
Well, I'm coming with you.
Look, Doris,
...I know you're old enough
to lead a life of your own...
...but I think you should stop
going up to the Hargrove farm.
I'm sorry, dad, I'm going.
I suppose I better get back
to the pub and radio the police,
...they'll send over
an inspector and a doctor...
...first thing in the morning.
Is that necessary?
There'll have to be
a post-mortem.
I think I want to stay
the night, dad,
...if you don't mind.
Eighty and still here,
twelve letters.
Eighty and still here,
twelve letters.
How about octogenarian?
Yes, yes, that's it,
thanks old man.
- O-c-t-o...
- Yes, thank you.
- I say, did you see this?
- See what?
Well this paragraph here,
..."Woman stung to death
on Seagull Island by bees."
Yes. Now then, six down.
Do you think it has anything
to do with that chap...
...who keeps writing to us?
Six down, Jewel in four letters.
It does seem a bit of a
coincidence, don't you think?
No question of foul play?
No, it's a most
unusual case, I know,
...but it has been known before,
there's no foul play at all.
They'll have to be an inquest,
of course.
Just a formality.
Ask him to come in now,
please, Hawkins.
Very good, sir.
The inspector wants to see you,
Mr. Hargrove.
Thank you, David.
Well, Mr. Hargrove,
...I'll try to get the coroner
around tomorrow,
...I'll let Hawkins know
later today.
Just one thing,'re quite sure the only other
person on the farm at the time...
- ...was Miss Robbins?
- Quite sure.
She was in her room
all the time.
She's a guest here?
Yes, she was sent here
by a psychiatrist,
...apparently she suffered
a severe mental breakdown.
She's still a little strange.
Well, we don't need
to bother her now,
...but she will be required
at the inquest, Hawkins.
But if those bees attacked
your hives,
...why weren't you killed?
You see my two little
cardinal birds.
Now gently, they're very timid.
The male bird is singing
to his mate.
You can just see
his throat moving.
Now, the female bird can hear
that song, fortunately,
...but the human ear cannot.
Most human ears, that is.
- But how can a bird...
- Oh, no, no, not a bird,
...a moth, a death's-head moth,
now this is one.
They get their name
because of the death's head...
...they carry on their back.
Now these moths,
it's quite incredible,
...they can make
a very high-pitched note...
...which hypnotizes the bees.
Whilst the bees
are so hypnotized,
...the moths invade the hive
and steal their honey.
But that still doesn't explain
why you didn't get killed?
Yes, that was a matter of luck,
...I just happened to be working
on my apiary...
...and I had my gloves and veil...
...and I was able to drive
them off with smoke.
But the second time,
I was ready for them.
I had made a recording of a note...
...that was of the very
same frequency... that made by the moth.
Just audible to the human ear.
I was then able to hypnotize
these deadly killer bees...
...just long enough to capture
one or two of them.
I killed three.
Look I'll demonstrate
with my own bees.
Now it's all right, as long as
they can hear the note,
...they won't come out.
But why should Hargrove
or whoever it was...
...want to destroy your bees?
Well, he didn't want
to destroy my bees.
I think he wanted to destroy me.
But if that's true all you have
to do is go to the police.
They'll just laugh at me.
What proof do I have?
A few dead bees.
No, now somewhere
at the Hargrove farm,
...there must be some proof.
Really he must keep some record
of what he's doing.
I just wonder where he keeps it.
He did seem very annoyed...
...when I went near his desk
the other day.
Well perhaps that's where
he keeps it.
I don't suppose you could...
Mr. Manfred, so far we have
no proof of these accusations.
I can't get myself involved.
Why don't we just wait and see
what happens at the inquest?
Miss Robbins,'ve been staying
at the Hargrove farm...
...for the last week or two,
have you not?
- Yes.
- Why?
My doctor recommended it.
- He knows Mr. Hargrove.
- I see.
Miss Robbins, can you tell
this inquiry anything...
...that might help me to decide
the circumstances...
...that led to
Mrs. Hargrove's death?
Did you notice anything
unusual that day?
Were you at the farm on the day
that Mrs. Hargrove's dog...
- ...was killed?
- Yes.
And you still noticed
nothing unusual?
Yes, I do remember.
The dog seemed very interested
with something near the stable...
...and then Mr. Hargrove
drove him away.
Miss Robbins, do you
know anything about bees?
No, nothing.
Thank you, Miss Robbins,
you may stand down.
Thank you.
Mr. Hargrove, would you
take the chair, please?
Mr. Hargrove, you keep bees
on your farm, do you not?
Have you ever been
stung by them?
All beekeepers receive stings
from time to time.
But have you ever
been stung by yours?
Have they ever attacked you...
- force as they did your wife?
- Never.
Can you account for the fact...
...that they stung your wife
to death?
Is there anything
you can tell this court...
...which would help
it to establish...
...the exact cause
of your wife's death?
The cause should be obvious,
she was stung to death by bees.
And her dog?
Same thing.
Why did you drive
her dog away from the stable?
It was in the way.
Can you give
this court any reason...
...why it should not order
your hives to be destroyed?
- My bees were not responsible.
- Whose were, then?
I, uh... I'm not sure.
Mr. Hargrove,
was your wife insured?
And you were the
only beneficiary?
You now have her farm,
for instance?
Very well, Mr. Hargrove, may stand down.
Yes, I agree.
Well in view of
the doctor's report...
...and the evidence I've heard,
...I have no alternative but
to declare a verdict...
...of death by misadventure.
This court is closed.
Hargrove must have been
trying out his bees on me... make sure that
the scheme would work...
...before sending the bees
to attack his wife.
After this there's no knowing
what he will do.
And still we have no proof.
Can't we tell the police
to examine his hives?
They'll find nothing there.
The killer bees will be
hidden away somewhere.
Vicki, Hargrove wouldn't dare
try anything else,
...not yet a while.
Would you please help me
before it's too late?
What can I do?
Ah, yes, this seems
to be the formula.
Just put that light on,
would you?
...let's have a proper look.
Does it make any sense to you?
I have a theory.
We know that the sound
of the death's-head moth...
...can hypnotize the bees.
I think Hargrove must have found...
...or at least must be working
on some form of chemical...
...that will mobilize
the bees to attack.
There was that business
with the horse, wasn't there?
Yes, I think I've got it.
- Hargrove's formula?
- Adrenaline.
Have you ever heard
of the smell of fear?
I thought that was
just an expression?
A chemical...
Suddenly released
into the bloodstream...
...and carried to the surface
by the sweat glands... the form of ammonia.
All animals and insects
and especially bees...
...are strongly attracted
and sometimes aggravated... this odor.
Now if Hargrove...
Found some way of concentrating
this smell of fear...
And if he could find some way...
...of getting it onto his victims,
no person would be safe.
He could send his bees
And attack anyone.
Then he did kill his wife.
What can we do?
Well, I think we'd better
get these back...
...before Hargrove realizes
they're missing.
Miss Robbins!
Miss Robbins, can you hear me?
Quickly! Ralph!
She'll be all right.
Get rid of those towels.
Miss Robbins, she's going!
Hey! Come back here!
What do you think you're doing?
Doris, give me the car keys,
Land-rover badly damaged?
Well, I understand that
it's in a bit of a mess.
I thought you ought
to know about it.
Well, I think so,
I'll go and have a look it.
We've had quite a day up there,
haven't we?
Well, Doris tells me
that Miss Robbins...
...was attacked by the bees.
- Is she badly stung?
- No, luckily.
Suffering from shock of course...
...but otherwise she's all right,
- Very lucky escape.
- Yeah, very lucky.
I'll tell you one good thing
about this though.
Her evidence might enable me
to get an order... examine those hives.
I'll get to the bottom of this
once and for all.
Come on, drink this, Vicki.
You all right?
Doris, I've got
to get out of here.
You can't leave the island.
Well, there isn't another boat
until tomorrow.
- But you don't understand...
- It's all right.
You're perfectly safe now.
Try and get some rest.
I'll get these cleaned.
I'll be back later.
I'm going now, Ralph.
I'll see you at the pub later.
Oh, yes, all right, dear.
I'll probably be down.
Mr. Hargrove,
I'm terribly sorry.
Manfred, I'm sick and tired
of your bees...
...swarming on my property.
Quite unintentional,
...I can't think
what makes them do it.
Well, that's your problem.
- It's very cheeky of me...
- I know...
...but as I only keep bees
in a small way.
I'm not an expert like yourself.
You realize of course,
...I have every legal right
to keep them.
Ah, oh have you?
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh, no but I'm sure
that as a friend and neighbor... would never do
such a thing.
By the way, how's Miss Robbins?
She's all right.
I have thought
of asking her over...
...for a cup of tea or something.
Well, you'll have to ask
her some other time,
...she's out walking.
I only hope the lack of frames
doesn't cause my bees... swarm again, that's all.
They'd better not swarm here.
- Ah! Well...
- And do me a favor.
Organize your hives, will you?
Will you tell Doris that I'd
like her back at 8 o'clock?
We shall be rather busy
in the bar tonight.
Well, Doris left about er...
Well over an hour ago.
Oh, good.
Well, er, take more care
in future, won't you?
Yes, sir,
I did see a small paragraph... the paper a few
days ago, sir,
...but I didn't think
anything of it, sir.
Yes, sir?
Well, sir, I didn't think
you'd wish to be bothered...
...with any trifling
coincidence like that, sir.
Yes, sir.
No, sir, I'm afraid Harcourt
isn't in today, sir.
Tomorrow morning, sir.
Yes, of course, sir.
Yes, yes, don't worry, sir,
...I'll have him on his way
first thing in the morning.
We'll get you off this island
as soon as there's a boat.
But in the meantime
you're perfectly safe here.
Now I'll be back before lunch...
...and perhaps you'll feel
more like eating something then.
- You're not leaving me?
- Well I have to.
I must get inside
the Hargrove farm.
But why?
Well, we've got very nearly
all the evidence we need...
...but there are still one
or two pieces necessary... complete the Jigsaw.
But I got you all those papers.
Yes. Er...
But there was that book
that Hargrove saw you reading.
Um, perhaps if you could
get hold of that,
...well, that might help us.
Can you remember the title?
Yes, um...
Something by a man
called Simmins.
Bee farming.
Hargrove would never
let you take it.
Well, we could try, can't we?
And after all you've been
through, well,
...we mustn't let you down.
Be careful, won't you?
I can look after myself,
don't you worry.
Now you just take it easy.
I'll be back before lunch
and I'll get that book somehow.
Is there anything
that I can do to help?
Yes, you can help me find out
who's responsible for all this.
Well, you heard what the coroner
said after Mrs. Hargrove.
The police are due here
first thing in the morning...
...and I intend to get this thing
sorted out before they get here.
What are you going to do?
Well, first I'm going to
question Miss Robbins.
Why Miss Robbins?
Because I think there's a lot
more she could tell us.
You realize of course,
that she came straight here...
...from the nursing home?
She suffered a severe
mental breakdown.
Yes, I know.
Well, that may account
for her behavior.
All right, I'll get her bags.
Excuse me.
Well, that's all her gear.
Yes, I'm afraid
she was quite adamant...
...about staying at my place.
So what can I do?
I couldn't care less.
Oh, I say, Hargrove.
I wonder if I could borrow
your copy of the Simmins' book...
...on bee farming.
I've mislaid mine
and I'm a bit lost without it.
Yes, I have got one somewhere.
I Shan't be a minute.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
I'm getting very untidy
at the cottage these days.
I can't find a thing.
But there you are, of the advantages of having
a wife to look after you.
- I'm sorry, I forgot.
- Did you?
Well, thank you for the book.
I'll bring it over tomorrow.
Keep it.
- Feeling better?
- Yes.
Well, Vicki,
...I'm now absolutely certain... to how Hargrove
controls his bees.
Did you find it in the book?
All I needed to know.
But if the book
was so important...
Why did he lend it to you?
It required a certain amount
of cunning on my part to get it.
I left him very angry,
...and of course I had
his precious book.
Well, now we can
tell the police.
First thing in the morning.
But surely we can tell
Mr. Hawkins.
Mr. Hawkins is too upset.
Doris is still very ill.
I thought we'd have some tea.
Would you like to pour?
What are you doing?
Just making a few preparations.
The bees are getting angry.
They're getting ready to swarm.
Well, obviously you know
that I've been lying.
The killer bees are mine,
...not Hargrove's.
Well, these are they.
I've got thousands
and thousands of them.
Hargrove knew as well.
He started experimenting
So I fixed him.
You see, Vicki, your coming
to the Hargrove farm...
...was a godsend in a way.
Hargrove had suspected
for some time...
...that I'd developed
a new strain of bees...
...that I could send anywhere
and attack anyone.
And he tried to find out
how I did it.
So I arranged for my bees
to attack him.
I'd placed the liquid
which attracts the bees...
...on one of his buckets.
Unfortunately Mrs. Hargrove
got it on herself...
...and the bees killed her.
Mind you,
everyone blamed Hargrove.
Including you.
But I still didn't know
how close he was... my little secret.
That was why I sent you
to photograph his papers.
And after that, I'm afraid,
I no longer had any use for you.
I made sure that you got
the smell of fear on yourself.
You escaped.
And poor Doris, well I hadn't
intended the bees to attack her.
Fortunately she dropped
the cardigan...
...and escaped with
only a few stings.
You thought it was Hargrove
who tried to kill you.
So you came to me
for protection...
...and stayed here while I went
to get rid of Hargrove.
The Simmins book
was just an excuse.
Well, obviously I already
had a copy...
...but I pretended
I wanted to borrow his...
...I wonder if I could borrow
your copy of the Simmins book...
...on bee farming.
I've mislaid mine
and I'm a bit lost without it.
Yes, I've got one somewhere.
I shan't be a minute.
And while Hargrove
was looking for the book,
...I placed the liquid...
...which attracts the bees
on his jacket.
You killed Hargrove?
Yes, I think he was
trying to pinch my idea.
Do you know, Vicki,
...there are very few people
that I dislike...
...but I couldn't stand Hargrove.
He was so rude.
I mean just imagine
what would have happened...
...if my bees had gotten
into the hands...
...of an irresponsible
villain like Hargrove.
He treated Mrs. Hargrove
Don't leave me, Vicki!
I'm talking to you.
You see,
I have to kill you.
Hawkins, don't move!
No! Get back!
Hawkins, drop that jacket!
Get rid of that jacket.
Go to hell!
Don't you understand
it was my jacket...
...the bees were attacking
and not you?
- Your jacket?
- Yes.
Manfred was here
about an hour ago.
Obviously he treated my jacket
in some way with something... that his bees
would attack me.
His bees killed my wife
and attacked your daughter!
Don't you understand,
the man's a homicidal maniac!
Now first I will
immobilize the bees.
I've made this...
Especially for you, Vicki.
Grab that ax out of the rover!
Help me!
Goodbye, Vicki.
I suppose the pop world
will seem pretty dull...
...after Seagull Island.
Yes, it will seem quite restful.
Bye now.
See you, Dave.