The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)

That stupid punk rock.
I don't, you know...
I just think of it
as rock 'n' roll
'cause that's what it is.
You know?
What do you like about it?
Well, I like that it's like...
It's something new
and it's just reviving
like old rock 'n' roll.
And it's like it's raw again.
It's for real.
And it's fun, and you know...
It's like, it's not bullshit.
There's no rock stars now,
you know.
Okay, attention!
For the third time, attention!
Hey, wait a minute!
Attention! Shut up!
Attention, please be advised...
Please be advised that...
Please be advised that by
your entry upon these premises...
...that by your entry
upon these premises... are consenting
to being photographed. are consenting
to being photographed.
This means they're gonna take
photos of your ugly faces right?
...and you having your likeness
used in motion pictures.
...and having your ugly likeness
used in a filthy motion picture.
...and for other purposes.
...and for other purposes.
...and for other purposes.
...and other purposes.
...and for other purposes,
God knows what!
...and for other purposes.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And at the bottom,
it says, "Thank you."
And you can tell them
to fuck off.
LEE VING: So how come they let
all you long hairs
in here tonight?
- What's the problem?
- MAN: It's not a big...
This is 1980. Can't you afford
a fucking haircut?
JOHN: It's a fucking movie
representing fucking LA.
You want people in Philadelphia
to see a bunch of deadbeats?
MAN: Yeah!
- One, two, three, four!
[SINGING] Today you're
Gonna be sick so sick
You'll prop your forehead
on the sink
Say Oh, Christ!
Oh, Jesus Christ!
My head's gonna crack
Like a bank
Tonight you'll fall asleep
In clothes so late
Like a candy bar
Wrapped up for lunch
That's all you get
To taste poverty
And spit poverty
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to sleep
Today you're gonna
Be sick so sick
You'll prop your forehead
on the sink
Say, Oh, Christ!
Oh, Jesus Christ!
My head's gonna crack
Like a bank
Tonight you'll fall asleep
In clothes so late
Like a candy bar
Wrapped up for lunch
That's all you get
To taste poverty
And spit poverty and spit
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to sleep
You're talking out of harmony
You can't remember what you said
Cut it out
You feel retarded
Take the scissors
Saw the head
You're talking out of harmony
You can't remember what you said
Cut it out
You feel retarded
Take the scissors
Saw the head
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to nausea
Bloody red eyes
Go to sleep
- WOMAN: Yeah!
Punk music generally,
that is, hardcore punk
is characterized by its speed.
It has a lot of "fuzz"
as musicians call it,
cranked into the music,
it's high volume, high speed,
usually monotone volumes,
uh, characterized
by protest type lyrics.
I think a lot of the time that
it gets out of hand is because
of the speed of the music,
which is way above
the normal rhythm of a dance.
You know, if you take
a four-four disco
time signature,
you know, just comfortably,
you can kind of... easily to the disco
rhythm which is,
I understand,
126 to 132 heartbeats a minute.
Whereas the kind of music that
the Germs or the Black Flag
is playing
is upwards of 250,
300 beats a minute.
Which is not comfortable
or normal to dance to.
One, two, three, four!
One, two, three...
And this is why this dance that
you'll see in the film,
the Pogo dance,
which is, you know,
jumping up and down
and bouncing off walls
and stuff like that.
This kind of an abnormal
level of adrenalin.
And uh...
And so sometimes,
some violence breaks out.
Wow! Man!
Nowadays, I don't...
I think the kids are,
I don't know,
more desperate or something
like that or more bored.
Some of the better of the punk
bands that developed into,
son of, like, folk music.
I don't mean folk music
as a traditional folk music.
But the allegory can be drawn
in the 60s
when protesters used
acoustic guitars.
Now, instead of
acoustic guitars,
you know, they have high-speed,
300 beats a minute speed rock.
And yelling about
the same things.
About how their air
was poisoned out there.
You know, the air in utopia
is poisoned.
You know, the final joke, so...
It's Black Flag.
It's Black Flag.
We're gonna be a white minority
We won't listen to the majority
We're gonna feel inferiority
We're gonna be white minority
White pride
You're an American
Fm gonna hide
Anywhere I can
Gonna be a white minority
We don't believe
There's a possibility
We, you just wait and see
We're gonna be white minority
White pride
You're an American
White pride
Anywhere I can
Gonna be a white minority
There's gonna be large cavity
Within my new territory
We're a gonna die
Okay, the Church, uh...
It used to be a Baptist church
and now they just rent out
all the rooms in it and stuff.
And there's some
other bands in here.
We practice here.
And Ron lives here
and Robo lives here.
PENELOPE: What's the most people
that ever lived here?
A bunch of hippies rent.
PENELOPE: What about the hippies?
You get along with the hippies?
They're okay
'cause they just get loaded.
And they're pretty mellow.
Mellow dudes!
They're neutralized.
The smoke so much pot
that they're neutralized.
And you don't smoke pot?
Even if they get pissed off,
they have a joint
and they talk about it,
instead of doing
something about it.
Ron, can you show us
where you live, please?
You mean, like, specifically,
where I sleep?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Well, this room is where I live.
This is a two-room
apartment here.
Rig ht here,
this is a three-room.
It's not exactly
what you would call
a penthouse or anything
like that but this is my...
This is where all the action
goes on, rig ht?
So, yeah, all these, uh...
There's autographs from all
these girls and stuff, you know.
Some used panties
and shit like that.
This is one of
my victims, right?
Robo's place is a little
less sleazier than mine.
He's up here.
- PENELOPE: Has that got a bed?
- Mmm...
PENELOPE: Okay, let's see.
Is that a bed?
- Yeah, it is a bed.
- PENELOPE: How much does it cost?
Uh, $16 a month.
How much do you make per month,
when you, uh... as a performer?
- Pretty much nothing.
- BAND MEMBER: Negative.
Negative, yeah, actually.
And I mean
Well, like Greg was saying,
we don't make very much off gigs
and most of it goes back
into, like, the promotion.
And, you know, expenses.
Usually, maybe I could get
a meal out of it here and there.
Otherwise, I'll just have to
find rich girls
and stuff like that.
I can't rent a house because
I owe the gas company money.
I owe the electrical
company money.
I owe the telephone
company money.
Sol cannot rent a house
under my name.
Sol might as well live
in a fucking closet
for $16 a month, you know.
PENELOPE: Where are you from?
- Well, I'm... Puerto Rico.
But I like to live in America.
PENELOPE: How come the songs
are so fast and short?
They're fast because that's
what gets us off, okay?
- That's the energy level.
- Yeah.
And they're short because that's
how long the inspiration lasts.
If you take the amount
of verses that they have
and the amount of lyrics
and stuff, they're...
You know, they're as long
as any other songs.
PENELOPE: What clubs have you
been banned from?
Well, the ones we've been
banned from are like, uh,
Bla-Bla Caf, The Whiskey,
Gazzarri's, Club 88,
Hong Kong Caf.
PENELOPE: Why were you banned?
Um, I don't know.
Somehow we got a...
Well, you know,
a lot of people that...
You know, when we play,
they get pretty violent.
Some of the clubs,
they just aren't used to that.
And we got a bad reputation
for some reason and then
they kind of...
By the press and by the club
owners talking to each other,
it kind of spreads around.
PENELOPE: What does Black Flag
mean, the word Black Flag?
Um, it means anarchy.
Okay. Here's what it is.
When I was in fucking
high school,
in Junior High, everybody
told me how things were.
And you know, how it...
It just didn't work for me,
you know?
It's fucking fucked up
like crazy.
PENELOPE: Fucked up, how?
Just things, things
didn't work right
and I was always bummed out.
- So when I got in school,
I mean, I didn't know
what was going on.
I didn't have any consciousness
of what to do
or what and when and where,
so I just stayed in school.
I just kept on going because
I didn't have any idea
of what to do.
I thought, "Well, okay.
I'll study psycho-biology."
I'm worried about brains
and all that shit, you know?
I did brain operations. I did...
You know, put hooks, you know...
I cut open their brains
and I put...
Stick little wires
in their heads and...
Zapped out pans of them
and zapped drugs into them
and I watched what they did.
4 did a lot of that.
- PENELOPE: You learned from it?
Yeah, I learned a lot from it.
That's where I came up
with all my ideas.
PENELOPE: What do you think
of his haircut?
Oh, oh, his haircut.
It's okay.
PENELOPE: Why did you
cut your hair like that?
Why did I? 'Cause I'm searching.
- PENELOPE: 'Cause you're what?
-'Cause I'm searching.
He knows where it's...
He knows where it's at now.
I'm looking for something.
In other words, it's the search.
He's tried...
So far he's tried, uh...
He's tried punk rock.
He's tried...
- CHUCK: Jesus.
- No, I'm trying them all.
- Harvey Carson.
PENELOPE: What are you
searching for?
I really don't know.
No, I'll know when I find it.
You know, I did this
because I felt like...
To set myself aside
and make myself different,
maybe, maybe it would
just come to me.
PENELOPE: What is it?
No, that's not it.
Okay, this next song...
This is for the LAPD.
We got arrested the other night
at Blackie's
for playing punk rock music.
They called us
"nuisance in public"
or something like that.
Anyway, they put us in jail,
and this song is called Revenge.
And it's for them.
It's not my imagination
We got a gun on my back
Promises you made
Never become fact
We're gonna get revenge
You won't know what hit you
We're tired of being screwed
Don't tell me about tomorrow
Don't tell me what HI get
I can't think of progress
When just around the comer
There's a bed of cold pavement
Waiting for me
Revenge! I'll watch them bleed
Revenge! That's all I'll need
I won't cry if you die!
We're gonna get revenge
You won't know what hit you
We're tired of being screwed
PENELOPE: Why don't the club owners
hire the Germs any more?
Mmm, we do
get shows occasionally
but it is getting harder.
I think there's a lot of
bands now.
And when we were first doing it,
there weren't that many bands.
And a lot of the new bands
are just more co-operative
as far as doing a sedate,
safe stage show.
There's no threat of, um... imminent riot.
I've had promoters
grab me and shake me and say,
"Stop this show. It's on
the verge of becoming a riot."
DARBY: Find me a fucking beer!
PENELOPE: How did you get
the reputation that you have?
I guess we used to do stuff.
I mean, it was good to have
that kind of reputation
and you know...
But not any more
'cause now we can't
play anywhere.
PENELOPE: Tell me how is it that
you're always getting hurt?
Well, first,
I did it on purpose.
- To keep from being bored.
He's come out of shows with
huge scrapes and scratches
and claw marks all over him
and just pouring blood,
but it always looks
a lot worse than it is.
PENELOPE: What's the worst time
that you ever got hurt?
Hmm, The Whiskey.
I cut my foot open.
PENELOPE: What happened?
I came down the stairs
to do an encore
and then I jumped on half
a broken glass like that.
And, like, I had to get
30 stitches.
So I was standing like right
in front and...
I was looking at his face
and, like, you ended up
sitting down on the ground.
And you were holding your foot
like this and you looked at it
and you just started going...
"Ah!" you know and then
you stopped playing and stuff.
And you were running around
trying to find
your tennis shoes.
And I had to go to the hospital
with blue hair and stuff
and they were bringing
all the nurses in
and stuff to look at me.
PENELOPE: Why do you get
so loaded to perform?
Because that way I don't feel
myself getting hurt.
And it's scary out there.
You know, it's real scary, like,
'cause when we play
we're right down there
in the audience
and there's lots of creeps
out there.
And there's lots of people that
have grudges
against you now, too.
And so, if I don't get loaded,
I wouldn't be able to do it.
- Do you want some more coffee?
- I just broke this egg.
Well, we've tried everything,
-to get him to do that.
- To do what?
To sing into the mic.
It's just, like, almost like
the enemy or something,
stay away from it
at all costs, it seems.
PENELOPE: So tell me why you never
sing into the mics, Darby?
I just don't pay
attention to it,
once I'm loaded.
We've tried everything short
of gluing his mouth to it.
Yeah, this mic's not working.
Things get broken,
monitors, mics,
but you kind of have
to expect that
if you're hiring an energetic
young band.
Darby, pick up the mic!
The mic!
Well, when they first got
together as a band,
they didn't know
how to play their instruments.
And they did things to,
kind of, camouflage that.
Darby would smear peanut butter
all over him.
He'd dive through broken glass.
He'd break glasses on his head.
And eventually,
they learned how to play.
Oh, you are manly!
PENELOPE: What kind of drugs do
you take when you're on stage?
LORNA: What doesn't he?
Usually, I do speed
or something.
And then that gets too nervous
so I do some kind of downers.
Then I start drinking.
4 see.
- LORNA: Give me a beer.
Somebody give me a beer.
Damn it,
somebody give me a beer.
A beer, damn it! A beer!
Damn it, one of you
give me a beer.
Give me a beer, you fucking...
Well, it's more like...
being the mother of
four three-year-olds who...
are always fighting
with each other,
but not really
seriously fighting.
Just, He did this to me.
She did this.
I can't stand it
and sometimes I get
to the end of my rope
and just wanna batter
my children.
PENELOPE: What happened
to your throat?
We were at some party
and we were taking pictures
and, um, Shannon had like
this switch blade like this
and I went like that.
Like this side,
just missed my jugular
and the Swiss knife
just missed my wind pipe.
Do you feel like
you wanna quit sometimes?
Oh, yes. Almost all the time.
about the painter.
the dead painter.
My parents were in China.
And we were just finishing
having the house painted.
And Darby and Donny
and Dinky and Mark Plummer
and my brother
were all at my house.
And my brother and I
went to take the trash out at,
like, one in the morning
or something.
And we hadn't been out
in the backyard...
It was on a Tuesday, we hadn't
been out in the backyard since,
um, my parents left,
since like the Friday before.
And so, anyways, um,
I went outside and I must
have walked right over the guy
'cause I couldn't see anything
anyways. [LAUGHS]
And then my brother,
my brother goes,
"Isn't there somebody sleeping
in the backyard?"
And I just went, "What?
What are you talking about?"
And, um, I went over
and looked at him
and I was just joking,
I went, "This guy's dead."
And I gave him a kick
in the stomach, you know?
And he was dead.
He was dead.
My brother thought
we killed him.
He goes, "What should we do?"
Like, "Should we hide
the body or something?"
So anyways, um, we went.
And Donny had a camera
and we went and we lied down.
I lied down next to him
and we all got around him
and we took a bunch
of pictures,
like family pictures and we're
all going, "Hi", you know
and taking pictures and stuff.
What really happened to the guy?
Um, they think he had a heart
attack and fell off the ladder
and no one found him
for a few days.
It was really funny, actually.
And the paramedics came
and they were joking with us.
And the coroner came.
Oh, you remember
all those jokes?
Oh, yeah! What was the jokes?
Instead of John Doe,
they put down Jose Doe
because it was a wet back.
PENELOPE: Didn't you feel bad
that the guy was dead?
No, not at all.
Because I hate painters.
This is Malissa's Song.
Let me
Touch the tips of
Inculcated desire
And brush the fettered
Veil away
Shut down
In the depths I lay
Shut down
In the depths I lay
Shut me
Touch the tips of inculcated
And brush the fettered
Veil away
Shut down
In the depths I lay
if you want nothing
Then I've got nothing
I'm your fucking
Annihilation man
I don't care about you
Fm gonna bleed
Come on, let's bleed
You don't know
How the others chose
When 8 fee!
I just know
You're not my first fantasy
Won't you be?
I know all your fantasies
We really bleed
We really mean it
Gonna miss joy
And all that fucking too
They produced it
They produced it
When my ego falls so far
I don't know what
I'm looking for in here
Why Fm here
When! fee! you're so far
Don't tell me
Really please
All can see
I can't see
When 8 fee! more are there
I know that you don't care
Oh, can't you see?
I really bleed
What do 8 need?
I don't care if you know it
One more time
This is Melissa's song!
Shut down
Shut down, go away
In the depths I lay
Go away
In the depths I lay
Go away
Go away
Go away from here.
Get away from here!
N Now!!
DARBY: Hey, can we do more?
-DARBY: No more?
ROBERT EGGS'. Slash Magazine
began in May of 1977.
It was an idea of Steve Samiof
and Melanie Nissen.
And it was basically,
at that point, a fanzine
about the local, uh...
Los Angeles bands,
garage bands.
And would be better
than garage bands.
And the first print run was
a thousand as pretty thin paper.
And then it just kept growing
until now we're at 20,000,
uh, circulation.
It's a major accomplishment
that we come out every month
because there a lot of problems
tugging at the whole
thing every month.
I mean, it seems like each
month we seem to, uh, alienate
at least one record company
by a review
or a band or someone, you know,
that's pissed off at us.
And everyone seems to get
on everyone else's nerves.
And there are things that happen
like one of the contributors
got on another one's nerves,
so he broke the other
guy's collar bone.
And then, uh,
another contributor
punched out one
of our photographers
who refuses to contribute
any photographs
until he gets a written apology.
I have excellent news
for the world.
There's no such thing
as "new wave."
It does not exist.
It's a figment of, uh...
a lame cunt's imagination.
There was never any
such thing as "new wave."
It's just a polite thing to say
when you are trying to explain
you were not into
the boring old rock 'n' roll,
but you didn't dare to say punk
because you were afraid to get
kicked out of the fucking party
and they wouldn't give you
coke any more.
There's new music,
there's new underground sound.
There's noise, there's punk,
there's power pop, there's ska,
there's rockabilly.
But "new wave"
doesn't mean shit.
"Hey, I'm writing to you because
"I'm told you're an expert
in the field of punk rockers.
"The question I have arises
out of an experience I had
"on a recent Saturday
on Pico Boulevard.
"As I approached a close-by
phone booth, a nasty-looking lad
who was standing in the middle
of the crosswalk.
"He stood there
for a few seconds
while a couple of weirdos
ran around
to the backside of my car
and attached themselves
to my bumper.
They continued to hang on
while! drove away
"and seemed to be enjoying
"Is it the music they listen to
"that causes them
to act this way?
"Sincerely, Confused."
We get letters, right?
But we get letters
from the hardcore,
from the fanatics, you know?
And the letters we get,
it's either, "We love you.
You're great. You're fantastic.
You saved my life!
Or you know, "Suck my dick!"
You know, "You pieces of shit!"
"Go back to France,
go back to England.
"Go back to Missouri."
I mean, whatever.
And you know, "Shut up!"
"You're horrible."
"You're a bunch of faggots."
"You're a bunch of communists."
"You're a bunch of fascists."
"You're a bunch of sexists."
"We don't like you."
Personally, I've been through
one too many youth movements.
- PENELOPE: What are you doing?
- Proofreading.
Are there mistakes in the paper?
Yeah, our typist makes
too many mistakes.
She's a little stoned
most of the time.
You'll find little cigarette
burns and stuff like that.
Yes, Slash Magazine?
There was a riot
at the Hong Kong last night?
God, what happened?
Hold on a second.
The firemen got a report
saying there were
too many people inside?
Uh-huh. And then
what did they do?
You mean people thought that
the firemen were part of a band?
Why? Because they came
out on the stage?
Oh, there were five of them?
Yes. And uh...
And when did everybody find out
they were not pan of a band
but they were the real thing?
Oh, nobody ever found out?
PENELOPE: Does Kickboy have
a lot of enemies?
Uh, I should hope so otherwise
I'm wasting my fucking time.
I mean, I'm not writing,
you know, to be pleasant
and just have
everybody say,
"What a pal!
What a great guy!" You know?
I mean, I'm not using all these
fucking hatred and contempt,
you know, as a style 'cause
I don't have a style, you know?
I mean, you pick up one article,
you pick another article next
month and there's no style.
Except it's always overkill so
if that's a style, you know...
- The intent is...
- But the intent is to really
piss off people that you know,
I really hate
and I want to see them dead.
And I really despise everything
they stand for,
every word they say,
the way they live.
And I really want them
to hate me.
It makes me feel good.
This is a trendy one here!
Sitting in a room
Surrounded by bottles
My friends have all left
But my head is on fire
it's already morning
But pieces of the night
Are still stuck to my hair
What we did is fading
In the light of the day
What we say is bullshit
We live the modem way
And I guess HI never find out
Which one of you wrote
With a greasy lipstick
Babylon must fall
Babylon must fall
Babylon must fall
on the bathroom mirror
on a spotty mattress
I will lay for hours
Adding up all my sins
And inventing new ones
I'm proud of my life
And I stand by my doom
I can't tel! right from wrong
And ifs never stopped me
AH the prophets have died
The books have been written
Salvation in a jar
We'll laugh so hard it hurts
And I guess HI never find out
Which one of you wrote
With a greasy lipstick
Babylon must fall
Babylon must fall
Babylon must fall
on the bathroom mirror
I like the taste of guilt
8 know the taste of death
It makes me want to sing
it makes me want to bite
When all the dumbfucks sleep
With their bland little brains
Full of bland little dreams
We try our new curses
Experiment with fear
Experiment with fear
Sit in each others soul
And rehearse our downfall
Catholic Discipline.
It's, uh, a graffiti
that a couple of years ago
when I was...
working at the Masque
uh, pan time,
I was cleaning up this shit
on Monday mornings.
Uh, it's the graffiti that
I found on the mens' room wall
in big dripping red letters.
PENELOPE: How do you feel
when you're performing?
I feel powerful.
I feel like I'm making
an ass out of myself
but I'm getting away with it.
That's what I feel like.
There used to be a punk club
in Warsaw, Poland.
And they used to send us
letters all the time,
um, real stilted English
and everything.
And then we'd get letters
from Madrid,
and Tokyo, Sweden,
all over the place...
about Punk!
PENELOPE: Why do they
like it so much?
It's... It's... They gotta
do something with their time
and it's the most fun so...
Nothing else is going on.
It's the only form
of revolution left, I think.
In the 1980s, you know?
KICKBOY: "I felt compelled
to speak out against
all the sniveling, blithering
idiots to you.
"Sniveling, bleeding
heart liberals,
"who want to shut down
nuclear plants in California."
"I lay odds that the same entire
technology of freaks and hippies
"whining about reducing
this and waste that
"will be the first
on their knees begging
"for nuclear power
at the first sign of a blackout
"when their fucking stereos
won't come on.
"I say lets get these plants
on their feet
and cranking out some
real power. Yeah.
As far as waste goes,
there are thousands
and thousands of miles of ocean
just sitting there
doing nothing.
So what are we waiting for?
Throw the plutonium
or strutonium 90
or whatever the hell
it is in there,
along with all the blubbering
idiots who can't accept the fact
that the future is here
and they goddamn well
ought to try
and be a pan of it.
"And as far as the animals
on the extinct list go,
"they obviously don't have
what it takes to make it."
"Survival of the fittest
and we are winning. [LAUGHING]
"I say kill them all off.
"And let's start worrying about
some real problems instead.
Now don't get me wrong.
"I love nature
as much as the next guy
but enough is enough.
" And I, for one,
have had enough.
Anyway this is, uh...
This is the way
young people feel.
This is a fucking off song so
you better be fucking respectful
because it's not about
much love,
it's about a handful of love.
But a handful of love is better
than no love at all.
I mean, there's no more
brotherhood shit, you know?
Why not?
It's not like, uh, you know,
we're not all grooving
on the same vibes any more.
Everybody's grooving on
different vibes.
Ugly vibes.
[SINGING] You're so pink
You're so smooth
My Barbie Doll mistress
You're so clean
You're so small
You live in my pocket
We take the bus together
But I just pay for one
We sit by a window
Away from the black kids
I wait a little bit
Then I stick a finger inside
Of my pocket
I rub for your blond hair
And you try to bite me
Tiny bits of plastic
Tiny bits of plastic
Tiny bits of fantastic
Uncontrolled, pressed for more
Barbie doll lust
R's not normal
Barbie doll lust
R's not normal
Barbie doll lust
R's not normal
When no one is looking
I gently pull you out
Holding you by the neck
Your legs between my knees
Your minute eyelashes
Flicker incessantly
While funny pip-squeak sounds
Come from your rosy lips
I pull on your prom dress
Until it rips apart
While someone on the bus
Pukes on an old lady
Pukes on an old lady
"Dissolve and die,
lie through your teeth,
"accepting the fact
that these masses,
"these perpetual bourgeois
never leave
"their happy homes
in the suburbs
"and refuse to learn new ideas,
they still disgust me.
"Do I belong?
You see them laugh.
"They laugh at themselves
and call it comedy.
"They laugh at each other
and call it satire.
They laugh at cripples
and call it cruelty.
" Mass middle class laughter
permeating every conversation.
"They keep themselves
in stitches
and think they're happy.
Do not fear the new.
Must not let this bourgeois
control the factors
of your life.
Bum the books of poetry
for they encourage hope.
Do not give them purpose
for existence.
Now listen to the fervent cry
of the bourgeois
"Watch them. Watch them drain
their hope and mission.
"Death and destruction.
"I have respect
for the middle class.
"I have respect for the mundane.
"I respect the middle class.
I know l am one of them
"and they never
let you scream."
- One, two, three, four.
Friends warehouse pain
Attack their own kind
A thousand kids
Bury their parents
There's laughing outside
We're locked out
of the public eyes
Some smooth chords
on the car radio
No hard chords
on the car radio
We set the trash on fire
And watch outside the door
Men come up the pavement
Under the marquee
There's laughing inside
We're locked out
of the public eyes
Some smooth chords
on the car radio
No hard chords
on the car radio
Oh, okay-
Yeah. Chain from each one,
chain from this.
And a chain from the heart
to an eight ball.
PENELOPE: Did you think a long time
about what kind of tattoo
you were gonna get?
If you don't, you're a fool.
Yeah, yeah. I just didn't
want to write, you know, like,
fuck between my knuckles
or some bullshit
like that. I mean, I'll be
wanting to get...
MAN: That's what
I was going to get.
No, well...
I mean, if I'm going
to get a tattoo,
I want it to be cool, you know?
You give a lot of thought
about what you're gonna have
'cause you wanna have
something stupid
but after you get that thing
done, then it stands.
look back and say,
"Well, at least l had fun
in those times, huh?"
Well, but its not fun.
At least, I had that time.
I can remember that time.
And hopefully,
we're together enough
to rem ember when we got it.
I'm going to wake up
with another funny
haircut and more tattoos.
- Are you going to get a tattoo?
- No.
- Why?
- I don't want a tattoo.
How come?
I don't know.
I just don't want one.
Don't wanna be too trendy.
Two dozen pink roses
from The Whiskey.
PENELOPE: For what?
- MAN: For being so...
- For being cute.
'Cause we do a good job
whenever we play there
'cause when we play there,
they do better business
than anybody else.
They're real happy with us.
They come backstage and talk
to us and everything.
They like us, you know?
Anyway, it was real cool
when we came in there,
it was just this mass of roses.
do that for everyone?
No! Of course not.
PENELOPE: Where do they come from?
The Whiskey, but I don't know
where they got them.
- No, but...
PENELOPE: Where did the song
Beyond and Back come from?
Beyond and Back is about
sleeping on the couch.
And the word "Beyond"...
The title, Beyond and Back
comes from a Bible pamphlet.
There was one called,
Beyond and Back
which is what I felt like,
to, like, reach this hideous
state but then return to
normal, you know,
normal situations.
PENELOPE: And that's what you...
Sleeping on the bed in
the master, the master bedroom.
PENELOPE: Do you get a lot of
trouble about how you look
when you walk down the street?
Sometimes. Not so much.
What do you do about it?
- Kill them.
- MAN: Pulls out his knife.
Pass on by unless
I'm in a bad mood.
PENELOPE: And if you're in a bad
mood, what do you do?
Then I turn around
and look at somebody
with the expression that Jimmy
taught me, which is,
"You're gonna die
or you're gonna walk away."
And usually they walk away.
I haven't had to...
PENELOPE: Kill anyone yet...
Do you think your songs look
on the dark side of things?
They look on the realistic
side of things.
Realism is dark and they're on
the dark side of things.
PENELOPE: How long
have you been playing?
- Guitar?
- Yeah.
- Ever since I was six.
- Right.
Before that I just played
piano and violin and accordion.
PENELOPE: Why do you stand
like that on stage?
Like what?
With your legs apart.
I wondered, do you know?
I think because he's so sexy,
I don't know.
- BILLY: I don't.
- I think it's real sexy.
I guess that he's just one
of the last...
Maybe his style.
The last people left
that are just
like have lots of style
and lots of like sex appeal
and can just... And don't
give a shit, you know,
about being that way
and that's not like...
-...punk or anything.
-It's just like this...
4 know, I know.
Everybody's got their style.
That just be Billy's style.
He just stands there
and he's cool.
And he doesn't need
to do anything else
'cause he's already cool enough.
Is my make up okay?
PENELOPE: Why do you collect those
little pamphlets?
Because they're cool.
And because they say...
They're really ridiculous.
They say the most insane things.
And you cannot believe that
society's gotten to the state
where there are these things
you find in the gutter that say,
"The activities of homosexuals
and lesbians,
"a detailed expose
of the activities
"of these depraved humans
would be so revolting that
"it might 'cause
a sane person to vomit.
"If you wish the sordid details,
consult sexual pathology,
"pathology or sexual pathology
"or the dictionary book
for some information.
"Shalom, Israel,
the everlasting nation."
But they said that...
- Where does that come from?
- This is so gross.
If you want to find out more,
here you can find it.
[HICCUPING] I found that
on Hollywood Boulevard...
- Do you have the hiccups?
- Mmm.
And this one's real good,
"What to do to go to hell?"
And you open it up
and it's empty.
Did you know that here
in this city of LA...
Uh, uh, uh. No.
Wait, there's one thing
about public schools.
I think it's on the back
of this.
Oh, yeah.
"The product of a public school
wanders aimlessly asking,
"'Where did I come from? Why am
I here and where am I going?
"Public education makes leeches
and sends people to hell."
I don't understand this.
Isn't it so weird that people
could say that?
"Public education
makes leeches."
Anyway, suppose it is true
after all. What then?
Yeah. You don't wanna die
and you're just this cripple,
you're just this idiot
and you can't believe
that everything's gonna...
BAND MEMBER: Hey, what the fuck
is going on in there?
Shut up, you bastard!
PENELOPE: Where did you guys meet?
We met in Venice.
Venice, California.
- EXENE: In a lovely paradise...
- How long ago?
- That's not even possible.
- EXENE: No!
- Three years ago.
And you just started doing...
No, there was six months
of very bad, bad times.
- Yeah. What was that?
- Between she and me.
Just not getting along
and not really...
- PENELOPE: And then you did?
- Yeah.
We played in our little
apartment in Venice
where all the winos lived
and went to sleep at 8 o'clock.
- Tell 'em about the wine bottle.
- We couldn't wake him up.
Yes, I lived in an apartment
in Venice, California
where a throat cancer
patient had died.
In his refrigerator, he left all
his throat cancer medicine,
six bottles of beer,
and a half empty
bottle of red port.
We drank all the beer.
And decided that we were gonna
drink the rest of that red port.
And we knew that
we were like fucked up.
I mean, we're drinking throat
cancer red port, man.
Come on.
Pick an ear.
- Now, I see one ear.
- Okay.
- One up, one down. Together?
- One down, three up.
- Right ear moving. Left ear.
- Right on.
How did you learn
how to do that?
I don't remember.
PENELOPE: And do you get letters
from people
in various places
other than in Los Angeles?
JOHN: Yeah, we had
a fan club ad in Slash once.
And we got letters from
North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
- Ontario.
-They called from County Jail.
Right, Chuck called us
from the County Jail.
I called there once from jail
and you weren't home,
you asshole.
Why are you on the floor, Exene?
Well, you know why.
'Cause that guy there,
the filmer
moved our chair and I'm gonna
be sitting here.
- No, no I didn't.
- Look the cock knocker moved it.
PENELOPE: W m does
the FUN stand for'?
MAN: Fuck the World.
Order from people for each sign.
It's not dark enough.
Notice this?
They're there on the front.
They're there on the sides.
All lights are bright.
- One small story about--
- How Jimmy couldn't get a life.
Come on, Johnny.
About when Darby Crash came
over and tried to stuff
all these little cars in his
mouth, I hear Exene scream,
"Don't eat the car.
You'll kill yourself!"
PENELOPE: Are you a happier
person now, do you think?
PENELOPE: Are you a happier
person now, do you think?
No? Yes?
I don't think of myself
as a happy person
but I had fun tonight.
HI go somewhere else
H! move to the couch
ifs darker in the dark
ifs darker in the day
I forgot you were a liar
Now it's five to twelve
Shut up and smoke
And HI go somewhere else
No more orange nightgowns
One o'clock and then it ends
One o'clock and then it ends
One o'clock and then it ends
This is no place
This is no place
To be a victim of a class
Ever get to go
Don't you want me to make it
I took as long as you took
You take a Sot from me
I forgot you were a thief
I want to be like her instead
I stay nowhere marked
Down in the basement
Lousy at the bottom
A life of intermission
A life of intermission
A life of intermission
This is no place
This is no place
To be addicted to another piece
HI go somewhere else
H! move to the couch
ifs darker in the dark
ifs darker in the day
I forgot you were a liar
Right now ifs five to twelve
Shut up and smoke
And HI go somewhere else
No more orange nightgowns
One O'clock and then it ends
One o'clock and then it ends
One o'clock and then it ends
[some ENDS]
JOHN: Exene wrote the line,
Johnny hit and run Pauline.
I wrote the song around it.
PENELOPE: Mmm-hmm.
JOHN: Uh, basically
a fantasy, wish.
The whole idea of the line,
that she was still awake,
is that,
you know, yeah...
there's this rape
but it's son of a seduction.
It's every man's, like,
dream to be able to be
so potent that they can
have sex like that.
- EXENE: John.
- If you could have sex once...
lf l can have sex once an hour
for 24 hours, I would do it.
He bought a sterilized hypo
To shoot a sex machine drug
He got twenty four hours
To shoot old Pauline
Between the legs
Ninety six tears
Through twenty four hours
Sex once every hour
Johnny hit and run Paulene
Johnny hit and run Paulene
Johnny hit and run Paulene
Johnny hit and run Paulene
LA bus doors open
Kicking both doors open
When it rested on 6th Street
That's when he drug
a girl inside
He was spreading her legs
And didn't understand dying
She was still awake
Johnny hit and run Paulene
Johnny hit and run Paulene
Johnny hit and run Paulene
Johnny hit and run Paulene
When he was waking up
Beside the bed
He found clumps of hair
The last, Paulene
wouldn't cooperate
She wasn't what you call
living really
She was still awake
Johnny hit and run Pauline
Johnny hit and run Pauline
Johnny hit and run Pauline
Johnny hit and run Pauline
Could you turn the monitors
down some, Scott.
I guess your mama
didn't know what hot was
until she got up under
some lights.
We're desperate, um...
John wrote that song.
When he lived in Venice,
he wrote it for me to sing.
And it's really weird because
at one point! started thinking,
there's gonna come a point
when we keep performing
this song.
People are gonna be going,
Sure they're desperate.
I just paid six dollars
to see this band,
you know,
they 're not desperate.
There's worse ways of being
desperate than being poor.
PENELOPE: But you don't have money
right new?
- And so...
- Well, we're not rich
- We got enough to pay our rent.
- JOHN: We got six dollars.
You know, we bought the ink
and the pins.
One, two...
One, two, three, four.
Get used to it
We're desperate
Get used to it
We're desperate
Get used to it
We're desperate
Get used to it
We're desperate
Get used to it
Well, get used to it
Get used to it
We're desperate
Get used to it
We're desperate
Get used to it
JOHN: Hey, woah, hey...
Altamont, all rig ht!
Summer of '68, all right.
Give them a flea bath, quick.
There's a fine line between
There's a fine line between
pogo dancing and fighting.
And the fact that if you see
somebody you know...
Come up, come here Dutch.
If you see some, somebody
over here grabbing a girl
and shakin' and shit
and throwin' them up against
the stage, you know,
grabbing her ass or whatever,
they are dancing,
they're having a good time.
You know, she may be crying,
but she may be loving it
as weird as these kids can get.
PENELOPE: You think
there's gonna be trouble now?
There better not be.
Do I think
there's gonna be trouble?
Well, there better not be
any trouble.
What happens if there is?
Well, where are you gonna
put on your next show
if there is trouble here?
The bands have to work with
the promoters of these shows
or it just won't work at all.
And we're only too happy
to work with them.
I think I understand
what pogo is,
I put on a couple of shows
out here
and they've come off
with no real problems.
The last show l was out here,
you had a cat that had, uh,
long, blond hair.
And soon as uh...
Well, he did not understand
as you're pointing out.
He did not understand
the difference
between pogoing and...
and real violence.
There is no actual difference,
violence is violence.
But, I mean, if they're
bashing each other
and enjoying it,
well, that's up to them.
Um, the only performance that
ever makes it and is a success
is the performance
that causes total madness.
Yeah, I don't really want to be
a party to that.
PENELOPE: Dutch, what's the
worst problem you ever had?
Uh, one time three guys came up
on stage
and they were hassling
the lead singer for uh...
Exene, I believe it was,
from the band X.
And they were trying to rip off
her dress or something.
I had to go out
and kick them in the face.
Go ahead,
we'll talk in the back.
Go ahead.
MAN: Let's get them
in place.
I want to get the doors open.
Okay, on location.
- PENELOPE: Okay, thanks a lot.
- Thank you.
Red tape
I can see, can't you see?
Red tape
Doin' to you and doin' to me
Red tape
Bureaucracies and bourgeoisie
Red tape
Killing you, killing me
Tax that, tax that
Tax that, tax that
No more red tape
Can't you see?
Red tape
Bureaucracies and bourgeoisie
Red tape
Killing you, killing me
Red tape
Moolah, moolah
Tax that, tax that
Tax that, tax that
No more red tape
Red tape
I can see, can't you see?
Red tape
Yo, yo, yo, yo
Red tape
Bureaucracies and bourgeoisie
Red tape
Killing you, killing me
Tax that, tax that
Tax that
No more red tape
Hey, man!
Beat up guys smaller than you?
Empty frame on the wall
Cat and mouse
when she don't call
And all I do is think of her
The TV screen's
pictures blurred
So take it away, take it away
Every night the scene is set
We got to drink to forget
8 cannot incur this debt
Where's the gun?
Here's my head!
Let's go to the Hong Kong
Breaking glass at Madame Wong's
Let's go get a bottle
Getting drunk, getting loose
Skank, skank
Skank, skank
Skank, skank
Skank, skank
Beverly Hills, Century city
Everything's so nice
And pretty
Everybody looks the same
Don't they know
They're fucking lame?
There she goes
Three piece suit
Spandex pants
And her cowboy boots
Beverly Hills, Century city
Everything's so nice
And pretty
AH the people look the same
Don't they know
They're fucking lame?
There she goes
Three piece suit
Cowboy hat, cowboy boots
Beverly Hills, Century city
I was so wasted
X was so wasted
You know that! am
I was so wasted
X was wasted
I was so wasted
X was wasted
I was so wasted
X was wasted
I was so wasted
X was wasted
MAN: Whoo!
It's like...
When I go to concerts,
it's like my friends get beat up
by my friends, you know.
Then it's like fucked, you know.
'Cause it's like they're not
beating up the rig ht people.
They're not beating up
the fucking posers.
They're beating up just, like,
just my friends.
It's fucked, you know.
It seems like little crowds,
you know, they'll be dancing.
And they'll start punching
and then they'll just like,
move over to the side, you know,
and it'll just go back and forth
and back
and you can't...
you can't dance.
Like, when you see a fight,
like, all these people
start running over to the fight.
They don't care who it is.
They just start kicking.
You know, going, you know...
PENELOPE: Why do you
think they do that?
Just to get aggression out,
you know.
'Cause they're fucked.
I don't know.
That's why I do it.
Just to get aggression out.
All this fucking pent up shit.
And, uh...
They cut their hair
and you know, they dye it.
Then they come up there
and you know...
A lot of them cause problems.
You know, you see the young kids
with their head shaved
and they really get belligerent.
Short hair, you just see Am...
The clean-cut American look.
Man, it's just cool.
I put a guy in the hospital
you know, a little while back.
PENELOPE: What happened?
Uh, broke his nose and his jaw.
I cut up his face.
They said I hit him
with a chain.
I guess I did.
Just a little bit drunk.
Didn't remember.
What's the pent up aggression?
Where does that come from?
Well, with me, it just comes
from like, living in the city
and just seeing everything,
seeing all the ugly old people
and just the fucking...
The buses and just the din.
That, you know, it just...
That's what I see all the time.
So, just all the time
you're fucking bummed.
You're just thinking about that,
so when I go there, I just...
sometimes I get out
some aggression.
Maybe by beating up
some asshole, you know.
There's a lot of violence
in the music. There should be.
PENELOPE: Why are they so angry?
Um, they don't know.
I don't know.
You know, they think that's
what punk rock is, violence.
A lot of people are afraid
of me.
But that's just like,
they go by appearance.
Guess I'm a scary
looking person.
I've probably punched out
everybody I know
one time or the other,
but I've always ran afterwards.
'Cause I'm...
I can't fight.
I like making
a spectacle of myself.
I'm a total rebel.
I rebel against everything.
I guess I'm an alcoholic.
I just hang by myself mostly,
you know.
Well, fuck, I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm just like that.
You know, I just like
being by myself.
The police are all
calling me names
and they made me take a shower
'cause they said I smell.
They asked me why I don't
wash my clothes more often.
I swear to God,
I hate cops to the max.
Sometime, when niggers come up
to me, they're like, you know...
They'll wanna...
They'll go, "Hey!"
And then they'll start
chasing me, like...
You know most times I ran.
Yeah, in LA I get chased a lot.
You know.
But it doesn't really mean I...
You know, I'm sure
I'm gonna go kill a Jew.
You know, I'm not gonna do that.
Maybe a hippie, though.
I mean, you know, the punks...
You know, punks against hippies,
that's another thing
if the hippies are starting it.
But then again, punks
against punks, you know,
that's not... that's not
what it's meant to be.
In Hollywood, most of the people
are like posers.
They're just wimpy, you know.
PENELOPE: When you fight,
how do you feel?
When you're actually in a fight?
How do you feel?
I feel very violent.
I feel like I'm doing something
I'm good at.
Beating people up.
And everyone
shouldn't be afraid
to be as different
as they want to be.
People hold back a lot.
I've probably hit
lots of girls in the face.
I don't like girls very much.
- Do you have a girlfriend?
- No.
- How come?
- Don't have girlfriends.
Girls are terrible.
Now, I'm very good
at hiding my feelings
so I, I don't feel
depression anymore.
It's easy for me not to do that.
I... It's easy to be
very detached.
My mother's dead, so...
My step-dad, he's a cop.
You know, I haven't
talked to him in a long time.
Seen him at the movies
one night.
He didn't talk to me.
He walked away.
Acted like he didn't know me.
I don't know
where my parents are.
- Where's your real father?
-Don't know.
Don't even know who he is.
Society stinks.
We were trying
to change something.
The music industry,
the way we live.
You know, to be accepted
the way we want to, you know...
Why do you wear
those clothes like that?
I'm comfortable.
At one time, maybe,
I was considered different,
but now, I'm in
a comfortable lifestyle
and I can be myself.
Everyone's hair should be blue
because that's the best color.
It looks... it looks so good.
I figure, when I get tired
living the life I am now,
think I'll go
into classical music.
Is the time up now?
PENELOPE: Show me your head.
Why did you do that?
I'm an X-head.
People are longing
They keep disappearing
Their secrets are turning
Thinner than air
Watching your basket
Knowing it's stupid
You lift up the box lid
To see what you can
Prowlers in the night
Ready for the kiss-off
Than the fight
There is a light on
of hidden reaction
The words mean to say
Kiss or fist
No easy answers
To unsolved questions
A string of opportunities missed
Prowlers in the night
Ready for the kiss-off
Than the fight
Laugh if you're able
They all die slow
Suicide reasons are
stupid excuses
Everyone's saying there's
nowhere to go
Prowlers in the night
Ready for the kiss-off
Than the fight
A nice pot roast just
dropped in
Dressed in clogs,
your yummy friend
Watch the hunger
pangs set in,
Watch the calories go
marching in
ifs more mass gluttony
Add those pounds to
hide the tears
Nights rise,
dough boys crumble
But the need consumes us all
Munch and feed to heart's desire
Heartburn can only set us free
From gluttony,
gluttony, gluttony
Wallow in your cow disease
Pay no mind to the salivating brood
Find your comfort in your food
can you tell me
what you thought the first time
you saw them dancing?
Well, to me,
it was just another
form of dance.
It didn't really surprise me
because I've been a...
a dance fan myself
for many years and
I've probably tried
most types of dancing.
But, the pogo dance is just
exactly what the name implies,
is people gyrating up
and down in a vertical position
as though they were in fact
riding a pogo stick.
But I can't say that
I was really surprised by it.
Well, I was.
I never saw anything
like that in my life.
I thought they were
starting something.
I don't know.
I just... It scared me.
PENELOPE: Why do you think
they act like that?
It's an energy outlet.
They're really nice kids.
They just have to be doing
something different.
It's a release from
their daily tensions, I guess.
- What ever that may mean.
- In our day we ate goldfish.
LEE: I want all you assholes
that are standing back there
sucking that overpriced shit
come up here, closer.
They wouldn't let us
play here tonight they thought
on account that we
didn't play here a long time
and they said the last time
we played here there was a riot.
So, you're not going to
disappoint us, are you?
Let's see a little motion up here.
This ain't no fucking
country club.
I bet that there's a lot
of people out there
that give good head.
You were all
probably going to spend
the weekend in Frisco,
weren't ya?
I know you were.
Yous all gonna go away
for the weekend
while they install
the hot tub,
aren't you?
What a bunch
of ugly looking faces, man.
You guys are really just...
How much, do you like
being here at the beach?
The beach, the beach.
Fuck off!
We really wish we could be
as nice as you people,
but we were born with problems.
Yous are all really fucked.
Wow, man, you can spit
really good.
You're a pussy.
Yeah, next time don't bite
so hard when I come, okay?
Fuck you!
You only spit as good
as you suck, shithead.
Yeah, eat my fuck, asshole.
What does "eat my fuck" mean?
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
How many queers
are here tonight?
How many homosexuals?
Come on, let me see now.
I can see that there's
a bunch of fags out there.
None of yous
are raising your hand.
There you go.
You can eat it, fuckface.
You eat it, fuckface!
Yous a bunch of fuckin'
jerk-offs, do you know that?
Are you guys still rollin' up
the recording track?
MAN: Yeah, I love it.
MAN: Tell these people
to mellow out.
Everybody mellow out, man.
It's great to be gay.
We really like homos.
MAN: Fuck you!
Seriously, it's really
great to be here.
It's wonderful to be alive.
We're from LA.
Well, fuck you.
Here they are.
One, two three, four!
Down over
South Street Philadelphia
Out from Avenue C
I seen empty eyes
Waiting to freeze
From the valley hotel
I don't care about you
Fuck you
I don't care about you
I see Hollywood Boulevard
Welfare hotel
I spent the night in jail
In the Wilcox hotel
I don't care about you
Oh, no
I don't care about you
I've seen an old man
Have a heart attack
In Manhattan
He died while we just
Stood there lookin' at him
Ain't he cute?
I don't care about you
Oh, no
I don't care about you
I see man rollin' drunks
Bodies in the street
A man who was sleepin' in puke
And a man with no legs
Crawling down 5th street
I don't care about you
Fuck you
I don't care about you
Oh, no
I don't care about you
Hey, hey
I don't care about you
My baby, yeah, hey, yeah
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
She don't like fashions
She don'! like phonies
She don't like junkies
She don? like druggies
She just wants my beef bologna
Beef, beef, beef, beef bologna
Beef, beef, beef, beef bologna
Beef, beef, beef, beef bologna
She don't like salami
She don'! want pastrami
She don't want a chicken
She don't want a roast
She just wants her
Double dose of my
Beef, beef, beef, beef bologna
Beef, beef, beef,
Beef bologna
Beef, beef, beef,
Beef bologna
Hey, do you know why
chicks have their
little holes
so close together.
GIRL: So you can carry
them like a six pack of beer.
So you can carry them
like a six pack of beer.
We just want you to like us.
Really. Here, wait a minute.
I got some money.
Here, would you like us?
Here, if you like us,
here's real money.
That's real money.
We want you to like us, yeah.
Really, we just think
you're a bunch of queers
and we don't give a fuck
if you like us or not.
Fuck, we're from Frisco.
MAN: Just go back to Frisco.
We don't have any ones...
MAN: Go piss up a rope.
WOMAN: Fuckface!
For as dumb as you are,
even you will remember this.
If there is any A and R people
in the audience tonight...
Go die.
We are friends.
Once again, it's great to be gay
and to be here.
This is our smash-hit single
from whence we got all the money.
It's great to be filthy rich,
like us.
Buying drugs-
Fuck you.
I love livin' in the city
I love livin' in the city
I love livin' in the city
I love livin' in the city
Yes,1 do
I love livin' in the city
I love livin' in the city
Yes,1 do
I love livin' in the city
I love livin' in the city
It's great to be gay
here in Frisco.
You know, how many punks
it takes
to screw in a light bulb?
- WOMAN: Twenty.
- Twenty.
One to hold the ladder.
One to screw it in
And 18 on the guest list.
Yous all suck,
Who don't think so?
WOMAN: You suck.
This is about how much
we really like you.
We suck what?
It's called Let's Have a War.
We're from Frisco.
Frisco all the way.
We're coming...
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
Let's have a war
So you can go and die!
Let's have a war!
We could all use the money!
Let's have a war!
We need the space!
Let's have a war and
Clean out this place!
It already started
In the city!
Suburbia will be just as easy!
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
Let's have a war!
Jack up the Dow Jones!
Let's have a war!
It can start in New Jersey!
Let's have a war!
Blame it on the middle-class!
Let's have a war!
We're like rats in a cage!
It already started
In the city!
Suburbia will be just as easy!
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
Let's have a war!
Sell the rights to the networks!
Let's have a war!
Give guns to the queers!
Let's have a war!
It can start in New Jersey!
Let's have a war!
The enemy's within!
It already started
In the city!
Suburbia will be just as easy!
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
There's so many of us
There's so many of us
There's so many
Oh, the land of the free
And the homos