The Deep (1977)

What the hell you trying to do, kill yourself?
- There's something down there.
- What was it?
I don't know.
Something grabbed my arm, twisted me around.
Almost pulled my arm off.
Here. Give me this.
Listen, I told you, you gotta stay with me.
David, I panicked.
David, I panicked.
Well, listen, you can't panic.
You just gotta learn to relax...
and control yourself.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
Actually, David, it's my foot.
Damn thing bit off my entire foot.
Look, it's just a bloody stump.
I almost drowned.
I almost drowned.
We might as well be married
for all the concern I get around here.
You wanna go dive naked?
In the bathtub, in the hotel?
Gail, hey, look.
- Look at this.
- What is it?
I don't know.
Looks like a coin.
- I'm gonna take a shower.
- Okay, babe.
Goliath? I thought you said
you were diving on the Brighton.
We did dive the Brighton...
then we spotted that wreck off the point...
so we decided we'd take a look.
It wasn't in the guidebook.
Damn right it's not. Goliath's full of munitions.
Tourists aren't allowed to blow themselves up, you know.
Oh, yeah?
Can't believe the stuff this Romer Treece...
has found off the coast around here.
I can believe it.
- What have we found out?
- Well, I don't know.
"O.P.N." means Ora pro nobis, "pray for us"...
and "S.C." I can't find in any of these.
You know, if I'd wanted to spend
my holiday in the library...
I could've walked 10 blocks to 42nd Street.
- Let's approach this methodically.
- I'd love to play tennis.
- Our coin is dated 1714, right?
- You're not listening.
The only ships that went down in that period...
- were King Philip's fleet in 1715.
- Ping-Pong?
Now, that's fantastic because there's 30 million in gold.
I'm gonna play tennis with a pro.
All right.
- What are you gonna have?
- Wine, madam?
No, thank you.
- Would you care for some more, sir?
- Thank you.
- Would you like some dessert?
- No, thank you.
It was about here, outside the wreck,
that I almost had my arm torn off.
All right, if you were there...
I was across the hull in about 80 feet of water...
and that's where I found that coin...
You must be the young couple
who found that bottle this afternoon?
Smallish, three inches long, tapered?
It could be Reinhardt glass, you know...
from Rotterdam, before the war.
- It certainly didn't look like anything...
- We didn't find any bottle.
My name is Henri Bondurant, a jeweler by trade.
By avocation, a collector of rare and unusual glass.
You see, the government here...
has rather strict rules about diving.
Legally, you cannot take anything off Bermuda...
unless you first offer to sell it
to the government and are declined.
Unfortunately, the government rarely ever does decline...
and even more rarely offers premium prices.
- What'd you say your name was?
- Bondurant. Bondurant.
Well, I am sorry. This is fascinating,
but what does it have to do with us?
Let me tell you something.
If that bottle is a genuine Reinhardt...
it would be a small coup for a collector like myself.
- I would be prepared to offer...
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I told you, we don't have any bottle.
In that case...
my apologies for having interrupted your conversation.
Good night.
Good night.
Jesus. Who was that?
Some dynamite businessman. You could have listened.
Well... Come on, Gail. Bottle collector, my ass.
Do you think this is it?
Well, it isn't a bloody tourist trap.
What do you want?
Mr. Treece? Indeed.
Well, Mr. Treece, a friend of ours...
was doing some diving around here about a month ago...
and found a Spanish coin that was dated 1714...
and he told us to talk to you.
- Look it up in the Hamilton library.
- Yeah, we did.
We talked to the librarian
and she said for us to come here...
and talk to you because you'd help us.
Yes, well, she's a stupid woman...
but she's kind, you know. Quite kind.
She still growing her mustache?
It's all right. Come on in. Let's see what you got.
Come on over, then.
But you haven't been asked for lunch.
Thank you.
Well, it ain't no coin, boy.
It's a Spanish medallion.
It's a medallion?
Beginner's luck.
If this hadn't laid against iron,
it would've oxidized long ago...
- and you'd have nothing.
- Right.
We couldn't figure out the inscription,
Ora pro nobis, and S.C. in front of it.
"Santa Clara, pray for us."
That was common enough an inscription in those days.
- There you are, boy.
- Is it valuable?
One medallion? No, not to me.
Must be one of King Philip's treasure.
That's the only fleet that went down in that time.
No, not unless it walked itself
across the ocean for 800 miles.
That fleet went down in a hurricane off Florida...
all 11 of them, 1715.
That's all documented and proven in my library.
We've already found El Capitano, Ubilla's flagship.
Obviously, there's something down here, isn't there?
Well, now, just hang on a minute, boy.
You just found one trinket.
Might pay for your holiday, if you don't drink too much.
On the other hand, it might have fallen overboard...
dropped there by some drunken old rummy one night.
What else have you got in there, then?
Hey, boy, this is Goliath trash.
What the hell were you doing diving down there?
We spotted the wreck off the point so we dived down.
Where'd you get this, exactly?
Right about here, just outside the wreck.
Are you quite sure?
Water plays strange tricks sometimes, you know.
Makes things look bigger, smaller, wrong way around.
- Sure it was right there?
- I'm positive.
There certainly are a lot of glass freaks in Bermuda.
Somebody else know about this, then?
Last night, a bald guy came up at dinner.
He said he was a glass collector.
He described that perfectly.
I didn't show it to him.
Looked like a basketball player.
Henri Bondurant, a French guy.
No, he's Haitian.
And, boy, could I just have another
little look at that medallion there?
I think I might just've missed something here.
Come over here and let's have a look
at this magnifying glass.
- Now, you see those letters here?
- Yes.
Not your normal mint mark.
That might be the mark of the engraver...
or it might be the person who had it made up.
I'm sure of one thing.
It's made up for somebody special.
Then it might be worth another look down there?
Yes. Well, as I said, it might, but not to me.
Thank you. Sorry you can't stay for lunch.
Wait a minute, Mr. Treece. That's all?
- Come on, David. Let's go.
- Just a sec.
You might not mind wasting any more of your time...
but I can't have you wasting mine.
You said there was something special.
- Let's go take a look.
- Good afternoon.
You Okay?
Go right.
I wonder what the hell this guy's doing.
Try and pull over.
I can't!
- David?
- Yeah?
Should have sold me that bottle.
Now you force me to take
what you would not let me pay for.
Well, if it'll ease your mind, I'll still name a price.
Take off their blindfolds.
Look, if it's not in the bag,
I don't know where in the hell it is.
- The girl.
- Look, she hasn't got it...
If his tongue moves again, cut it.
I'll do it.
Put it back on.
Since neither of you seem to have that bottle...
I must assume it is now the property of Romer Treece.
Well, then, for Christ's sake, let him go.
It hasn't been all that pleasant for you,
has it, Mr. Sanders?
Enjoy yourselves this evening.
Eat a good dinner...
go dancing.
But be off the island by tomorrow.
Come on, Treece.
All right, Treece. What the hell's going on?
Take it up.
Listen, I'll look after this.
- Hold it.
- Coffin?
He's the only man alive who might
know one of these ampoules on sight.
Can I show him your map, please?
He was the sole survivor of the Goliath, you see.
Thank you.
Now, then, Adam...
this one of your legendary ampoules?
This is the real thing, all right.
The old girl's finally lost her virginity.
My friends found it there.
Well, the way she's lying here
a storm must've flipped her around.
She was never this close to the edge of the reef before.
You're lucky.
Five people have died over the last 30 years...
trying to crawl inside that ship.
Blew themselves up poking torches around.
There's enough live ammo down there
to blow up half the island.
Oh, will somebody just cut the crap?
Blew themselves up for what?
Goliath was a military ship, boy.
Went down with munitions and medical supplies.
Or so they say.
They're there, all right.
All right, what's there?
Morphine, 98,000 ampoules.
I packed them myself.
Jesus. Why didn't you tell us the truth?
If you had, we wouldn't have had
that run-in with that Haitian.
The name's Cloche.
That you didn't know nothing's what saved you.
I wasn't sure myself until now.
The first time he's told me the truth.
Adam, what do you reckon to the rest of them, then?
They're probably all smashed up by the ordnance now.
The way she's lying here...
this time there won't be any
steel plate to have to burn through.
They've performed a bloody autopsy
on that with everything but forceps...
but nobody ever found one of those before.
Well, we found one.
Oh, we are having a wonderful day, aren't we, David?
How come nobody found one until now?
Well, the sea's a joker, boy. Loves to fool you.
Dive a wreck one day, find nothing.
That night, blows up a storm...
go back again, same spot,
you find a carpet of golden coin.
We just had one of the worst storms
in 10 years, haven't we, Adam?
- Aye.
- Coffin!
Goddamn it. Coffin.
"Coffin. Goddamn it, Coffin."
Nice to meet you folks.
Mr. Treece?
Which one of us turns this thing over to the government?
Well, now, miss...
I'm going to have to think on that.
You see, I was never one much to bother with formalities.
Morphine's not exactly a formality.
- That's halfway to heroin.
- Halfway to hell.
I know all about that. So does Cloche.
By the time some Hamilton bureaucrat
gets off of his fat bum...
it will be heroin.
That's why I'm gonna dive down there tonight.
You haven't answered my question, Mr. Treece.
I'll answer the question. I'm turning
this over to the government.
I'm all the government you need, boy.
Put that right back.
Now, the reasons are two. They're mine and yours.
Mine, if there are thousands of ampoules down there...
and Cloche gets his hands on them...
that junk will be on the street in New York in a week.
Yours, if you're lucky, it's the only one left...
but if you go to the government,
your treasure hunt will be off...
and if there is any treasure down there...
you'll just be reading about somebody else finding it.
David, please don't dive.
Make up your own mind, boy.
I have made up my mind, Treece.
I'm diving with you tonight...
or I'm handing over all this information...
to the authorities this afternoon.
Look, Gail, it's important to me. You understand?
Listen, David, it's morphine. Morphine.
We only met the man today.
Don't know anything more about him than you want to.
I can't afford to pass it up. It's an experience.
Experience? Don't you mean privilege?
- He suckered you in like a 5-year-old.
- Wait a minute.
I blackmailed him. You remember that?
- Is that the way you remember it?
- Yes, because that's the way it was.
There's treasure down there, Gail.
I know. So I gotta go look.
You're so blind, you couldn't see it in front of you.
Well, look, I feel things, so I do them.
That's just the way I am.
And you wind up with T-shirts.
Oh, Jesus. That's unfair. That's totally unfair.
Look, I didn't come here for you.
I came here for us.
So would you please think about it?
I always think about us.
Say, who is that guy? I don't like him at all.
Well, you're going to have to
because that's Kevin, he's family.
My mother liked him. Told him to look after me.
Put your gear in the cabin.
Well, here I am.
I'm all ready. I've got all my gear.
I'm sorry you had such a long walk,
because you're not diving tonight.
The hell I'm not.
That's my ship out there. Those are my mates.
Your ship's dead.
So are your mates.
So were you too when I found you washed up on the beach.
And there's never bringing any of us
back again, is there?
You just go on home now.
Good night.
- All set, captain?
- Aye.
Full moon tonight. We're gonna
stick out like a cherry on a cream pie.
Cast her off forward, Kev.
Would you like some of that rum?
- There you go.
- No, thanks.
I never drink before I dive.
You know what they say about these waters?
If the Jamaican pirates don't get you...
it'll be the cold embrace of the sea.
And that's no lover's kiss.
You know every ship from the New World...
passed through these waters? They had to.
Kangxi porcelain from China...
Japanese silk screens...
and those ivory doodads from India.
And all that Inca gold that Pizarro took out of Peru.
Do you believe all that, boy?
Yeah, I believe all of it.
Every bit of it. So do you.
You gonna marry that girl of yours?
Hey, boy.
We're getting very close now.
Four dots and a dash, that's your hotel.
Hey, Treece.
What do you do on a foggy night?
I just stay home and I drink rum.
Here, give me a hand, will you?
Hey, wait a minute. This is explosives.
I don't wanna have anything to do with explosives.
If there are thousands of ampoules down there...
I'm gonna rig the Goliath...
so that I can topple it off the reef...
out of anybody's reach forever.
So, what about the treasure?
Here, you'll need this.
Black as molasses.
Don't you go frightening anything down there.
What's wrong?
I'm not blowing it, not now.
That's the biggest moray eel I ever saw.
He wanted you for his supper.
What's the matter, boy?
Cheap Jack Bush.
Warning from Cloche.
- Cheap Jack what?
- Voodoo.
Cloche always likes to bring in a bit of Haiti with him.
Anybody take any notice of this...
ought to have his brain examined.
Lights in your hotel have gone out.
We'll run the reef so I can drop you on the beach.
- All right.
- Get that anchor up.
- Yeah.
- Keep a sharp eye.
Just a minute. I put the lock on.
Who's there?
You gotta go starboard.
Port. Port.
I've been through this reef before.
Yeah, but the hotel beach is over there.
I know where the bloody beach is.
Okay, you're clear. You're clear.
Stop. Stop.
Goddamn it.
Honey, what happened?
I haven't...
felt like that...
in my entire life.
- Okay.
- I was so helpless.
- It's all right, honey.
- David.
They painted me.
- Quiet, now.
- David.
Come on, listen to me. Listen. Listen.
- I wanna go home.
- Okay, okay, baby.
We'll go home. We'll go home tonight.
Boy, the airport's closed.
No way off the island. You best come home with me.
We're not going home with you, Treece...
because it's you and it's Cloche...
and it's that goddamn morphine
that almost got her killed tonight.
Boy, if Cloche wanted her dead,
we'd be digging her grave by now.
He just wanted her as some kind of trump card...
until he knew about the morphine.
You come home with me.
David, it's the only place you'll be safe tonight.
Don't worry. I'll make sure everyone's placed properly.
Right, but you, yourself, you watch the west side.
Make sure nobody comes over the swing bridge.
If he does come, I hope it's my bloody way.
- Kevin.
- Aye?
You just take care of yourself.
Don't want anybody else to be hurt tonight. Go on.
How's your girl?
She's asleep.
Why didn't you blow that boat up?
Because of what you found, boy.
I think you ought to have a look at this.
Why, I never seen one like that before.
That's an 18th-century escutcheon plate.
You might be right, you see.
There just might be a king's ransom down there.
It would take three keys...
to open the box that that plate came from.
Now, the captain would have one...
the governor of Havana had two.
The owner would have all three in his possession...
so only the owner could open them on his own, right?
A three-key lock like that
is very rare. Very rare indeed.
Only used on nobility business.
What would a plate like this...
be doing in the hold of a World War ll munitions ship?
Yes, well, now, I don't know.
Suppose you have two storms...
hundreds of years apart...
springing up from the same quarter...
and they catch two ships in the same circumstances...
making for the same shelter.
Now, might they not drive them up on the same reef?
You think the current could bring that plate...
up through the split in the hull?
Why hasn't anybody found this other ship?
I don't know yet, but I can tell you
we'll find that in Havana manifesto.
I've got survivors' accounts, everything.
I ought to be able to tell you who
that ship is, where she come from.
These are the Spanish, this is the English translation.
You and your beginner's luck, eh?
Mr. Treece.
If there is something more down there,
what would it take to bring it up?
Well, under normal circumstances...
using a sand gun and DESCO equipment...
clear water and a lot of luck, just a few days.
But that hardly applies now, does it,
since we got Cloche on our back?
- What would it take to get him off?
- Cloche?
Any deal that gets him the morphine, I suppose.
But what do either of you care?
You're both going home tomorrow.
You'll be up to your neck in city smut by dinnertime.
Good God, what a world that is.
It made me climb the Statue of Liberty once.
It's dreams, Treece.
It's all daydreams.
It's a little more than daydreams, boy,
when you find a three-lock box.
You see, by rights, you discovered her.
Whoever she is, you were the first to find her.
You would have left that plate there
if I hadn't known it for what it was.
So that rolls me aboard as well.
Let me put it to you simple.
Whatever's down there, a lot or a little...
half yours, half mine.
But the right to tell the world about it,
that's all yours.
Come on up, okay?
Yeah, in a minute. Yeah, I'm coming.
You're still there, girl?
Like a jar?
Warm you up.
rum is not drinking, it's surviving.
You know what's got me stumped?
This is the Havana manifest right here.
It's clearly signed by the king's man in Havana...
the Marquesa Cazaterras, governor of Cuba.
See, it states here that entire fleet sunk...
off the coast of Florida in 1715.
That's King Philip's fleet, 1715.
Every ship, right?
All itemized, all recorded.
So, what I don't understand is...
what is this ship doing down here in these waters...
unitemized, unrecorded, unescorted...
and carrying a three-lock box?
He's all right, that David of yours.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I lost touch why we even came down here.
I'll take you home.
You don't want to go home tomorrow.
I don't want to stay here without you.
Say that again.
I don't want to stay here without you.
Go away, will you?
That was a stupid business last night
and cruel, very cruel.
You did not go to the police.
I've been tossing and turning all night wondering why.
There's thousands and thousands
of ampoules of morphine down there.
You want them, and I got them.
They're still on the Goliath.
You have nothing but the gall to claim ownership.
I rigged that ship with booby traps last night.
She's wired to 10 ways to hell...
and the wrong person goes down there, she'll blow.
You would need an advantage to deal with me.
I'll expect them in two days.
No, I shall need at least four.
We seem to have settled on three.
What sort of fee are you getting for diving these days?
One million dollars, cash, low denominations.
That's my share. You'll make twice
as much as that in America.
Your attitude on drugs is a matter of record.
Why sell them to me for a profit?
I have my reasons.
Listen, I don't want any interference in this dive.
I know you'll be watching, but I don't want to see you.
And as for the young couple,
you keep your hands off of them.
If you want me, you come and see me this time.
You know where I live.
Three days, Treece.
Three days.
Afternoon, Mr. Cloche.
Thank you, Kev.
Now, then. Listen, you two.
When this air gun gets going...
I want you on my right, David, and you on my left, girl.
We pick up the ampoules as the sand gets sucked away...
but be very careful of your hands.
When this thing's on full, it can swallow a cannonball.
How much of that junk are we gonna bring up?
Just enough to satisfy
our audience up there on the cliff.
Oh, they're there, all right.
That Kevin sure gives me the willies.
He doesn't say much.
Maybe he don't like you, Adam.
He likes me. He's family. Don't you worry about Kevin.
You just watch that little lever on that compressor.
Turn it off if there's any real trouble
and don't forget to turn it on again.
And, boy, you feel that breeze
cutting out of your hose, come up fast.
But be careful. It's just possible...
there might be somebody waiting up there for you.
By rights, it should be me going down.
Now, let's not go into it again, Adam.
I got enough trouble looking after the boy here.
Don't worry, Treece. I'm gonna go slow enough for you.
- I'm going in.
- Okay.
Gail's behind us.
Get closer.
I can't hear you.
You'll have to shout.
Right, David.
Now, keep those air hoses clear.
You go down. I'll be right behind you.
Wait, wait.
That's where we saw the eel.
Come on.
Lead it into the next compartment.
Keep your hands clear, girl.
Let's go look for the treasure.
Let's go look for the treasure.
All right.
Goliath's moving.
- David.
- Girl, you wait. I'll go.
- Are you all right?
- I'm okay.
Look what I found. Look what I found.
I don't care what you found. That was
a bloody amateur thing to do.
I had to take the mask off. I couldn't reach it.
Damn it. Look at it.
Gail, look. It's gold.
I knew there was treasure down here.
What kind of a ship was it?
Probably Spanish.
Might be a galleon.
Till you fell through the Goliath...
this cave was all sealed up.
That tunnel I pulled you out of...
it leads right down to the bottom of the reef.
Let's get out of here.
Goliath's on the move again. It'll cut our hoses.
Up, now. Up, up.
- How many you reckon we have?
- About 4000.
Here you go, Kev.
Explosives? What the hell are you doing that for?
- I'm rigging this.
- What the hell for?
Because this is the first place
anybody would look for them.
If you hide the things somewhere else,
you wouldn't have to blow your house.
But if I hide the things somewhere else...
they wouldn't know where to look, would they?
I'm only gonna keep the buggers two days.
Kev, you stay ashore from now on.
Somebody's got to watch this place.
Oh, the hell. It still makes no sense.
We know that the Grifon is the wreck underneath.
- We know that from the bell, right?
- Right.
But you see, it says here in the manifest...
the Grifon was a French ship with a French captain...
a tobacco ship.
It's allowed to tag along with the 1715 fleet...
for protection from pirates. That's here in the manifest.
You know what interests me?
The Grifon was the only ship to survive that hurricane.
She went back to Havana for repairs.
All right, but then what's she doing off of Bermuda...
- with part of that fleet's treasure?
- I don't know.
That's what I keep trying to puzzle out.
Because it says here the entire 1715 fleet...
went down off Florida together, all 11 ships.
They say the fleet's treasure was aboard the flagship.
The sailing manifests prove it.
Then the governor, Cazaterras,
the man I told you about...
he reports everything's lost.
- Maybe he's wrong.
- No.
See, what we found is jewelry.
We didn't find the gold and silver from the fleet.
Jewelry and a Spanish three-lock box
on a French tag along tobacco ship.
Well, somebody could be lying. Could be lying.
No, the Spaniards were fanatics for accurate records.
They always had everything like this
rechecked by some important official.
Here it is again.
Look at that.
What's something like that worth?
I don't know exactly what you got there.
Eight or nine ounces, 22-karat gold.
Good pearls.
Play it quiet, maybe $7500 on the market...
less breakdown and melting costs.
You wouldn't melt a beautiful thing like that?
No, I wouldn't, but there are those who would.
And the ocean's not a jewelry store.
You don't get no receipts.
You got to prove that that's authentic.
- Anybody can see it's authentic.
- You don't understand me.
There's a lot of counterfeit on the market today.
I mean, it's real gold, it's real gems, but it's false.
No, you have to establish a provenance.
You gotta do that first.
You gotta find a proof that it's real.
Now, if we could find in here a verifying record...
a description of any piece down there...
that makes it all worth a bloody fortune.
Want to have your name on a plaque?
Want to be a celebrity?
No, there's not enough room in the Hamilton library.
I think they could find a bit of room for you, boy.
Well, it's possible, it's just possible...
there's something else going on,
but I don't know what it is.
Beat it out of me if you want to,
but it won't do you any good.
I merely need information.
Which brings us, of course, to your fee.
How much is Treece paying you, by the way?
I'll pay 10 percent.
How many did they bring up today?
Six. Four thousand or so.
And yet Treece claims they're all down there?
That's what the girl says, yes.
It almost seems as if Treece
is hiding something from both of us.
Doesn't it, my friend?
And we can't have partners who double-cross us...
can we?
You know, maybe you were right.
You know, I think somebody was lying
and do you know who I think it is?
Governor of Havana.
Come here. Have a look at this.
See, this is the list he sent back to Spain...
reporting the goods that were lost in the storm.
But according to this list...
more was lost than the fleet's
sailing manifest said was sent.
You know the difference? The difference is jewels.
Not trinkets, mind you. Masterpieces, works of art.
Two pages of the list were lost.
They never got to Seville.
That's where the original is.
You listen.
"A team of silver horses pulling a golden carriage."
A pair of jade hummingbirds...
one with wings of emeralds,
the other with wings of pearl.
"A golden dragon with emerald eyes."
Yeah, but does it say anything about what we found?
Like the pine cone filled with pearls...
or the medallion itself?
No. Not on that page.
You know something?
This doesn't even look like a proper manifest to me.
It's not a manifest. It's a shopping list.
- For a woman.
- For what?
It's a shopping list for a woman.
Gentlemen, I give you E.F.
- It's the lady on the medallion.
- The Duchess of Parma.
Oh, come on, Gail. We've got an E.F., not a D.P.
The Duchess of Parma was her title.
Elizabeth Farnese was her real name.
- Come on, girl. Get on with it.
- Well, it seems that in 1714...
when King Philip's first wife had just died...
he developed a royal lust...
for the beautiful Duchess of Parma.
Well, she finally agreed to marry him, by proxy...
but he wasn't there yet because
Elizabeth wasn't the kind of woman...
to give away something for nothing, like her virginity.
And before he could touch that...
she insisted that he deck her up
with a set of jewels, quote...
"unique in all the world," unquote.
Now, Philip commissioned those jewels to be made...
and if that's what we found, he never got laid.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Yeah, she was a pretty smart lady.
You know, I've known him for three years...
and all he's ever given me
is a sweater and a pair of sneakers.
Well, he isn't the king of Spain, is he, girl?
What do you think?
Thinking aloud...
Just suppose you were the governor of Havana...
with a three-lock box...
and you knew it had something so personal...
so valuable, belonging to the king of Spain.
You might not put it on a prime target like a flagship.
You might just put it on a French tobacco ship.
You know the fleet would be there for protection...
but then the whole fleet sinks
except the French tobacco ship...
and the governor keeps to his story...
and he lists the box as lost along with the fleet.
I'll buy it.
The Grifon sails again...
and this time it gets caught
in another hurricane off Bermuda...
and it sinks.
The poor old governor of Havana...
he has to go back to Madrid
and live on his pension, right?
You know, girl, if we could just find
one item down there...
just one that's on your shopping list...
we've found our bloody provenance.
That's why he wouldn't let me dive.
Damn you, Treece.
"E.F." It's E.F. again.
Treece. Treece.
Up. Up. Everybody, up.
The both of you, up.
Let me get this first.
- Get up.
- Let me get this first.
I don't care what you've found, boy.
Wait, get the dredge.
David, our only chance is to go up in the bubbles.
Take all the breath you can.
I'm gonna cut the air hoses, so stay close.
What the hell happened up here?
Old Fellini came by in his boat.
He was all rummed up. God help me.
I must have been dozing or something.
When I looked out, all that stuff in the water...
and the sharks were all over.
Why didn't you warn us on that compressor?
I was gonna turn it on, I was.
But then I knew you wouldn't know
what kind of trouble you was in...
and I might send you right into them.
Thank God you came through.
I knew there was more than morphine down there...
all those ampoules coming up so slow like they were.
Yes. That's right, Adam.
I might just have saved your life
for something after all.
Hey, boy. Get that dredge up.
There'll be no more diving today,
not with all those sharks around.
All right, once again.
One more time, just for the hell of it.
Oh, I'm too tired.
Let's face it. We haven't got our provenance.
All the jewelry we found must be on those missing pages.
Well, let's go over it again
just one more time for the hell of it.
All right, and give me a rum, would you?
One golden ruby-studded cross.
Good morning.
Four tanks. They need filling.
Treece is expecting me. They all up there?
Aye, they're there.
Gail, let me see the...
Let me see your sketch of the Grifon.
It's in my bag.
- Is there any fresh coffee, David?
- Yeah, it's on the table.
Wait a minute, this is the medallion.
I want the original one, the Goliath.
- It's in there too.
- No, it's not in here at all.
- It must be.
- Well, you come look.
You're right. It's not.
I think I'll take a breath of air.
Do you mind locking up after me?
Thank you.
Jesus. That's it. That is it.
- What?
- Live seen this.
I've seen part of this.
I've seen part of this down there.
- Seen what?
- Well...
See, she's wearing a dragon pendant...
but when you drew this, these lines,
I thought that was her dress...
but you drew this before Treece cleaned the medallion.
Now, I've seen this chain.
I've seen this chain down there.
I was trying to get it.
On the list, there's something about gold chains...
chains of gold. Something like that.
- Nope, there's nothing about chains.
- Yes. Yes, there is.
There is a dragon pendant. "A gold-jeweled dragon."
That's it. That's it.
Then the jeweler that made this
pendant also made this medallion.
Now, if I go down there and I find the chain...
and the dragon is at the end of the chain...
then we've got our proof, babe.
We got our proof, huh? All right.
Treece, we solved it. It was here all along.
It's the provenance. David's seen part of it down there.
- You solved nothing.
- What the hell you talking about?
I'm going to blow the Goliath now.
Why now?
Because if anything happens to me...
there's nobody else left to do it.
What do you mean, if anything happens to you?
You go ahead and blow the Goliath,
Treece. You go ahead and blow it.
But first, I'm going down there.
I'm getting that provenance.
Go upstairs, pack, and go home.
To hell with it, Treece. I'm not doing that.
I'm going down there...
and you're gonna have to blow me up too.
As you please, boy.
Excuse me.
You don't need me down there, do you?
No, I don't think I do.
They killed Kevin.
David, I'm gonna signal you when I fire this fuse.
After that, I don't care if you've found
the Holy Grail itself.
You've only got three minutes, so get out.
Listen. Now, don't worry.
Just turn on the air dredge when I get in, all right?
I'll be all right, huh?
David! Here!