The Demented (2013)

# Wide eyes as it passes you by #
# Hold your breath #
# The sheer size
with its eyes on the prize #
# In the depths #
# Torn nerves on the verge #
# Hearts under arrest #
# Now your pride's on the line #
# He'll put you to the test #
# Dark fury
and power surrounds you #
# Clock's ticking in your head #
# In God's glory #
# They'll never find you #
# So don't you forget #
# With nothing to prove #
# And nothing to lose #
# Steadfast and never relenting #
# Life on the move, so far removed #
# It's cold and dominating #
# With nothing to prove
and nothing to lose #
# Headstrong and patiently waiting #
# Life on the move, so far removed #
# A limited conscience
with nothing to prove #
# Deal a line
when you're one of a kind #
# In the mix #
# Fine time,
and scramble the mind #
# For a fix #
# White knuckles, sweaty palms #
# Stress is making you sick. #
Hey. Are you ready?
Yeah. Hey, you can put your stuff
in the back.
Okay. But first...
- I need to show you something.
- What? No, we gotta go.
Naomi and Brice are, like, five minutes
away, so come on, get out of the car.
- Okay.
- Come on.
- All right, get up. Get up here.
- What?
Yeah. Okay.
I know that finishing
this semester at LSU
is really, like, all we've been
thinking about lately.
But I just want you to know
that I still think of you a lot too.
And, actually,
just the other day
I was out and...
I got this.
It's... it's a promise ring.
And I don't think we're ready
for an engagement just yet,
but I just want you to know
how I feel.
And when I bought it,
I wanted to give it to you
while we watched the sunrise
and say something cool
or special,
but I can't really think of anything
cool or special.
Now I'm just kind of
feeling cheesy.
I just want you to know
that I love you
and I'm gonna be there for you
no matter what, I promise.
You're too good for me.
You really are. You are.
Taylor! Whoo!
Oh, here they come.
Let's go.
I'm pretty sure.
- All right, all right.
- But I don't know.
- You don't?
- No.
- Do you even know how to work this?
- Of course I do.
Killer. Look at you,
learning how to work your mama's car.
Okay, okay.
Stop it. Stop it. Brice.
Don't look like you don't enjoy being
a girlfriend of a future NFL superstar.
Okay, big head.
If that head gets any bigger,
I'm strapping you
to their Jeep.
Get a room.
- What's up, man?
- We're already late. Come on, crazy.
- You hear that, man?
- About time you got here.
Mwah. Mwah.
Oh, I'm so ready for this trip,
it's not even funny.
Are you ready to have fun?
- Am I ready to have fun?
- That's what I asked you.
- Are you ready to have fun?
- Well, I know I'm ready to have fun.
I was just making sure you were
ready to have fun.
I am the king of fun.
Of course I'm ready.
Oh, my gosh.
Big head, just come get in the car.
You see what I deal with?
Did you guys see this?
All the time.
Yeah, let's go! Vacation!
- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
# You always say that money
makes a man #
# I tell you, girl,
you don't understand #
# I love you, baby,
but I just don't care #
# Go on to work?
I'd rather fall downstairs #
# I'm gonna get up on my feet #
# You know, babe,
I need my beauty sleep #
# But a man don't have to do
what a man don't wanna do #
# Oh, yeah #
# Whoa-oh-oh,
I really love you, girl #
# Too bad I'm unemployable #
# Whoa-oh-oh,
I know you aren't that well #
# Too bad I'm unemployable... #
Sharley! Oh, my gosh,
this is gonna be so much fun.
Where's y' all's car?
I didn't see it.
Oh, it's in the shop this weekend.
We're just gonna use yours
if we need one.
- Oh, okay.
- Well, you decided to show up.
Oh, my God, Sharley,
this place is so beautiful.
Yeah, it ought to be.
It's my dad's favorite summer home
he never lets anyone stay at.
So "vous etre si chez voix."
- "Chez vous," baby, "chez vous."
- Oh, I love when you correct me, baby.
Or as they say in Mexican,
"mi casa, su casa."
- All right.
- Just stop. Help them with their bags.
- Hi.
- Guys, enjoy these moments right now,
- because in a few years...
- Cute dress.
...It's gonna be all work,
no play.
- Come on.
- Yeah, that's right,
'cause in a few years
when y'all are busting your asses,
I'm gonna be sailing the coast of Bali
with my dad's life insurance check
- in my motherfucking account.
- Howard.
- Baby, I'm just joking.
- Oh, man.
Shar, you have
a radio here, right?
No, hon', you're just
gonna have to deal.
Get used to no cell service, guys.
It's basically nonexistent
- till my dad has a tower built.
- Wait, wait, dude, are you serious?
I got a whole bunch of calls
I gotta make about my internship.
And plus, what if somebody
breaks their leg or something?
Oh, if there's an emergency,
there's a landline in the kitchen.
And if you're a total pussy,
you can walk a half a mile
to Mr. Bromlin's house
and get reception there.
Well, you know what? It actually feels
kind of good not having my cell phone.
Agreed. It gives us time
to actually talk instead of texting.
- Does that feel good, you guys?
- Feels good.
Feels good? Now this circle jerk
is over, let me show you to your rooms.
Bricey, since you are
just so damn sexy,
you get the first master bedroom.
It is badass.
- David, there's your room.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Fucking jackass,
I've got my laptop in there.
- What, is that your bag?
- Yeah.
- Dude, I thought that was Taylor's.
- No, man.
Something wrong with you, boy.
Now me and the lady...
me and the lady are gonna take
the other master bedroom
where we will make
sweet, passionate love.
Unless, of course, you guys... you know,
you want to switch it up a bit
and the dudes can take
this bedroom here
while me and the ladies
take the other one.
- What?
- Stop it.
- Is that bad?
- That's enough.
Baby. Wow.
Ladies, you want to go
check out the back yard?
- Sure.
- How is this not a j...? Look, baby,
oh, this is... only in pretend
would you and your friends
sleep with me in the same bed.
- Huh?
- Grow up.
- Yeah? Unless you want to.
- Bye.
Would you just think about it?
Oh, I love you too, baby,
light of my life.
Whoo! Oh!
Oh, my God.
Let's go. Let's go.
# She's far from an angel
and as far as I can tell #
# She'll take you to heaven
after dragging you through hell #
# She'll love you like a woman,
but she'll hate you like a man... #
What's up, baby boy?
# She's an iron horse rider
with hot red lips #
# Got a tattoo on her shoulder
crawling down to her hips... #
Highlands' pride, right here.
# Well, she's so tough... #
Oh, you're in so much trouble.
# It makes my knees
weak every time #
# When I see her strutting,
baby, please #
# I'm begging and I'm pleading #
# Lady, don't you stop #
# Doing what you do to me #
# Tied and twisted in a knot #
# I know you're just a woman #
# I'm losing my cool,
and that's what makes me pop #
Whoop, whoop!
# I see you standing there at the bar
without your friends #
# Just waiting on the wrecking ball
to swing on in... #
Right, I'm going to run inside
and grab some beers.
- Does anyone want one?
- Yeah, I'll take one.
Yeah. I'll take two.
- Growing boy, need my vitamins.
- I'm out.
- And grab one for Naomi.
- Thank you.
Yeah, five bucks says
he can't carry that many beers.
Yes, he can.
- He can.
- He dragged Howie in.
So what do you guys say...
tomorrow we go to the lake,
take out the Jet Skis?
Jet Skis? Really?
Champions right here.
- Oh, okay.
- Baby, you tell them.
- We'll have competition over here.
- Competition.
I really don't know
how you can be better at Jet Skis.
Um, fuck.
Newbuck residence.
This is Mr. Newbuck.
Get Howard.
Are you all right, Mr. Newbuck?
There's been a rogue
terrorist attack on the Gulf Coast.
Jesus. Oh.
Uh, uh, hey, guys!
Come in here for a second.
You couldn't carry
that many beers?
Howard, are you there?
Yeah, Pop.
What's going on?
Howard, I'm still in New York.
There's been some kind
of terrorist attack.
They're saying ballistic missiles
are headed toward the Gulf Coast.
And the military is...
attempting to intercept...
my way... pick up your mom...
Dad? Hello?
Look, let me try back again
from the other phone.
Oh, my God,
I have to call my mom.
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead
and go call my dad.
I'm sure everything's gonna be fine.
We just need to calm down.
Yeah, we don't even know
where the missile's headed.
You guys, we have to
pack our stuff and get out of here.
Baby, baby, hold on. No, no.
I just talked to my dad.
He said that the safest place to be
during an attack is in a rural area.
So we should just stay here,
wait for the military
- to launch its antideployment, okay?
- That makes a lot of sense.
Rural means fewer people.
It will be less of an impact.
So theoretically the worst place to be
would be a city like New Orleans, right?
Shit. My brother
is in New Orleans.
Baby, he's in the military, though.
He'll be fine.
- Why New Orleans?
- Yeah, guys, honestly, my vote is
Let's just stay here,
let them blow that shit out of the sky
- and continue having a good time.
- What? Are you out of your mind?
- Yeah, and who said we were voting?
- Guys, that's not a bad idea.
We only have one car here.
We should probably decide
what to do as a group.
All right, all in favor of staying here,
raise your hand.
All right, and all in favor
of leaving?
Taylor, you have to vote.
I don't have enough data
to make an educated decision.
You don't have enough data?
This isn't a science class.
We need to vote right now,
'cause we have to decide what to do.
- I'm not voting.
- Okay, fine.
Three against two, though.
We're staying.
- Fine.
- Babe. Babe...?
Jesus, this is so crazy.
I wish we could at least find out
which way the missiles are headed.
I know. Me too.
I told my dad
not to get rid of the fucking TV.
Actually it wouldn't matter
if we had a TV.
Ballistic missiles
are radio-controlled.
They change directions at any time,
so the military...
they wouldn't even know
where they're headed.
My brother's Recon
and he's a weapons freak.
I'm gonna get some air.
Oh, my...
- Oh, my God.
- What was that?
- That's not good.
- What was that?
Look at that.
What? Oh, my God.
Did you see it?
I saw everything.
Oh, my God,
what is that?
- Okay, Mom, I love you.
- I don't know.
- I've never seen them so scared.
- You take care, Sharley.
My mom says
that it's all over the news
that one of the missiles
was shot down by fighter jets
and the other one self-exploded
in the sky over New Orleans.
See? What did I tell you, huh?
I knew they'd blow that shit up.
No, no, that's not true. Those jets
didn't do anything to that missile.
It was probably just like a mistake
in the reporting or something, babe.
This shit's crazy, man.
I'm gonna marry that girl.
Yeah, you should.
That way my best friend
can be my lawyer
and his girl can be my doctor.
Dude, she's not gonna be that kind
of doctor. I told you that.
Dude, get her
to change her mind.
There's way more money
in sports medicine.
I told you, dude,
she wants to save the world
and cure diseases.
And besides, isn't Naomi
gonna be a doctor?
- Don't you plan on having her around?
- Man, she's gonna be a dentist,
and God knows when.
Well, be thankful you have her, man.
She's a great girl.
Yeah, I am.
Dude, this whole thing
has really got me thinking, you know,
about, like, life.
You know, and it's not about
us graduating or...
or me starting my own law firm or
you being the first pick in the draft.
It's about having a drink
with my best friend.
- Yeah.
- Or going to dinner with my girlfriend.
I want to start enjoying those moments
that I have right now.
And then one day
I want to sit back
and I want to watch
our kids play together.
And I want to enjoy
those moments too.
That was really deep, man.
Dude, but you know
how I get sometimes.
Tomorrow isn't promised.
That missile could have hit anywhere.
And it didn't.
I mean,
and we're alive right now.
I think I'm in love, Taylor.
Oh, my God. With Howard?
- Yeah.
- Okay, don't get me wrong.
I think he's really cool,
but he just seems like
a wild and crazy boy.
Yeah, he is.
But that's just when he's
around everybody else.
When it's just the two of us,
he's really sweet.
And plus, I know he's gonna be
a great guy someday.
And he speaks
three languages.
And he's funny.
And he's smart.
- And he's pompous.
- Oh, come on.
You know,
I'm not perfect either.
So we can grow together.
Weren't you the one who told me
that he was afraid of commitment?
Okay, come on,
stop giving me a hard time.
The reason I'm telling you this
is because after school
we plan on moving in
Oh, really?
I've just never met anybody
who makes me feel the way he does.
So how about you and David?
David is...
he's a really great guy.
But sometimes I feel
smothered in his protection
and perfectness.
And he...
he gave me a ring.
An engagement ring?
No, no, no, no. God, no.
No, a...
Oh, cute.
A promise ring. I know.
Now... now what do I say
after that?
Look at that dog.
What's he doing?
What the...? What?
- Nice dinners, a lot of sun.
- Guys, come over here.
- And a lot of sex.
- There's a dog.
What the fuck is that?
Okay, who brought the dog?
- What the...?
- Stay back.
Get inside. Close the door.
Close the door. Close the door.
- Oh, my God.
- Shut the fuck up.
Hey, guys, what's going on?
- It's a fucking dog, dude.
- A fucking dog?
It's not just a fucking dog.
He's got, like, rabies or something.
- Whoa. Don't open the door.
- What? I was just gonna look.
Oh, my God.
Okay. Okay.
Guys, it's getting dark
and apparently we have a crazed dog
stalking the premises,
so why don't we just lock up the fort
and call it a night?
- Yeah.
- Okay?
Yeah, so it is,
yeah, right here.
There they are.
Do you have pillowcases?
Yeah. You know what?
They should be on the bottom shelf.
- Bottom?
- Mm-hmm.
All right.
- Um...
- Mm-hmm.
I don't see any.
They're there.
Look... look all the way back.
- All the way.
- Up here?
Mm-hmm, yeah.
You know what?
They're under the pillow.
Of course.
Here they are.
I need a...
- What are you doing?
- Wow.
Wowee, you have amazing skin.
- Have I ever told you that?
- Are you crazy?
Why is everybody
always asking me that?
I'm just trying to have
a little fun.
Seriously, Howard,
do you realize
how inappropriate
your behavior is right now?
What are you talking about?
- Want to punish me?
- You know what? Fuck you.
Baby, do you hear that?
- David.
- Hmm?
Do you hear that?
It was nothing, babe.
Go back to sleep.
Thank you.
So what's up for today?
You want to go swimming
or what?
Sure, I'm up for that.
I'm glad we're finally here.
It's so beautiful.
Thanks for breakfast.
- What?
- What the fuck?
Oh, my God.
It looks scarier than before.
All right, fuck it.
That's it.
- What are you doing?
- I'm gonna put him out of his misery.
Brice, no.
I have a really bad feeling about this.
Hey, please don't go out.
David, wake up.
Brice is trying to go outside
and that dog from last night
is still out there, you guys.
Please get up.
Oh, really?
The stupid dog again?
Dude, come on.
I got a bat. You want that?
- Yeah, let me get that.
- All right.
I don't know about this.
Maybe we don't do this and call...
- Animal Control.
- Yeah, Animal Control.
I just want you to know
I think that this is completely stupid.
All right.
Brice, don't!
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
My dad's gonna blame me
for that shit.
I think I broke his neck.
Good. I hope it hurt like shit,
you little fuck.
- Don't say that. He was probably sick.
- You see what he did to my stairs?
All right, the show's over, guys.
Let's throw this dude in the trash can.
What? No. We're not gonna
throw him in the trash, dude.
What if this was your dog?
There's an address on here,
but no phone number.
Now I'll just drive it into town
and take it to Animal Control
or something.
Do you have any plastic?
- Yeah. Hang on.
- Oh, my God.
- I knew I heard something last night.
- I'm so sorry.
That was horrible.
Brice, do you mind if I borrow
Naomi for a minute?
- Yeah, sure.
- Great.
Girl stuff. You wouldn't want
to be bored.
- I'll be right up.
- All right, baby.
Hey, what's up?
What's going on?
- With what?
- With you and Howard.
Me and Howard?
What are you talking about?
Oh, don't act dumb.
I stood here last night
and heard you guys upstairs.
And he's been acting really weird
since yesterday.
Sharley, there's nothing
going on with us.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to...
um, I'm just gonna go.
No, please stay.
I think you've heard
most of it already anyway.
So what's going on?
Okay, you guys, let's just go outside.
We'll talk about this in private.
And as reported earlier, the hospitals
are filling up with patients
with a kind of unusual infection.
The symptoms are vomiting of blood,
lack of muscle control.
WZME advises all listeners
to stay indoors,
keeping all dogs and cats
on leashes,
and reminding you
to have a nice day.
Just tell us
what happened.
It happened
at the Sigma party.
Honestly, Sharley,
I didn't mean for it to happen.
I was really drunk
and he basically took advantage of me.
Whoa, did he force
himself on you?
No, no, it's not exactly
what I'm trying to say, but...
What are you saying?
I would never do anything
to hurt you.
Oh, stop it.
You disgust me, both of you.
And for months you pretend?
Fuck you.
You're calling yourself my friend
and fucking my boyfriend.
And fuck him
for being the liar that he is.
He probably just wanted
to come here and see you.
Sharley, please listen to me.
Do not tell Brice.
I'm begging you.
Please let me talk to him first.
Don't you dare say another word
to me all day, you hear me?
This is not a test.
This is a parish-wide
emergency broadcast
from the Louisiana
Emergency System.
There has been
a biological weapon attack.
The following areas of Baton Rouge
Parish have been quarantined...
Springfield, Hammond.
Please stay in your homes.
Lock your doors.
Do not venture outside.
What the fuck?
This is not a test.
This is a parish-wide
emergency broadcast
from the Louisiana
Emergency System.
There has been
a biological weapon attack.
The following areas...
- Ma'am?
- Please stay in your homes.
Lock your doors.
Do not venture outside.
Excuse me, ma'am,
are you all right?
Oh. Oh, my God. Oh.
Get off, get off, get off!
Guys, guys!
Guys, guys!
Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys!
Yeah, we're in here.
- Guys, where are you?
- Whoa. What's going on?
Guys, pack your shit.
We are getting the fuck out of here.
Something really fucking weird
is going on. Baby, baby, baby,
go get the car.
I'm gonna go get our shit.
- We gotta get the fuck out of here.
- Why?
The radio said this whole fucking area
is quarantined.
Like, some kind of biological weapon
or some shit like that...
Then how can we leave
if it's quarantined?
No, no, no, no,
you don't understand.
It's not about how can we leave.
We have to leave.
Okay, if the roads are blocked,
then there's no point in us leaving.
No, no, no, David's right.
We should just go.
And if we get to a roadblock,
then we'll decide what to do.
No, they don't let people
in or out during quarantine.
I don't give a fuck
if they don't let people out!
You didn't see what I just saw!
We have to leave!
What about the infection?
We just need to all stay inside.
That way we don't get it.
- No, we are leaving.
- Look, look...
Guys, guys, hey!
No one is going anywhere.
If the area is quarantined,
we can't fucking...
Help! Help! Help!
- Help me get him!
- David!
No! No!
- Sharley, no!
- Get off of me!
- Sharley.
- Back up, Sharley.
Get off of me!
Back the fuck up.
No. Howard.
- No.
- Oh...!
Get off of me!
No. No. No. No.
No. No. Baby. Baby.
Oh, my God.
Holy fuck. Holy fuck.
Dude, get up.
Run! Run!
Oh, my God!
Go upstairs...
the attic. Go.
Oh, my God, Sharley!
- We have to go. Sharley, please.
- Get off of me!
Get off!
Oh, my God! Go!
No. Open the door.
Sharley, open the door.
Sharley, let me in.
Sharley, please!
- Naomi!
- Brice, fucking don't.
Get off!
I have to go check.
They're still gonna be there.
Why are they standing
frozen like that?
That's how the lady
in the road was.
And when I talked to her,
she went crazy.
You know, they said on the radio
that the infected people
might spread the disease
through body fluids.
Body fluids?
So the dog from yesterday
and the people...
it must be some kind of
zoonosis disease.
What is that?
It's any infectious disease
that can be transferred
from humans to animals
and vice versa.
So if we get attacked
by an infected person
or animal,
we could become infected?
I don't know.
So it's kind of like rabies.
Only whatever was in that missile
is so much worse.
Guys. David...?
Did you guys hear that?
You guys...?
I think that's Sharley.
Are you there?
Leave me the fuck alone!
- Sharley, over here.
- Sharley, we're over here.
- You have to run.
- Over here.
- Get in here. Get in.
- Hurry. Try to be quiet.
It's okay.
It's okay. Shh, it's okay.
Where's Naomi?
I'm sorry.
Just tell us
what happened, okay?
What happened?
What happened to her?
I can't talk about it right now.
Sharley, I just want to know
what happened.
I can't handle this right now.
Just fucking tell me, all right?
Just tell me, all right?
She was my girlfriend.
Howard was my boyfriend.
just... just tell us
what happened, okay?
Just tell us
what happened. Try.
I was downstairs.
She came back for me.
And we ran to the stairs.
And by the time we got to the stairs,
those people were in the house.
And then
I was in front of her
and she was behind me.
And... and one of them
just grabbed her.
And then... then
I couldn't do anything.
I just ran into the room
and I shut the door
and I locked it
and I tried to be quiet.
Are you sure
that's how it happened?
Why wouldn't I help her
if I could?
Guys, listen,
this isn't gonna get us
anywhere, okay?
We have to get out of here.
I got it.
Got what?
What I should have said to you
when I gave you that ring.
No matter what happens,
you can always count on me.
I'll be there for you...
each and every day.
Yeah, that's what
I should have said.
That would have been
the right thing to say.
Don't worry, baby.
Search and rescue
is gonna be looking for survivors.
We'll be out of here soon.
No one is coming.
And we're all gonna starve to death
if we stay up here.
What are you saying?
I'm saying that those things
are still in the house.
And if we stay up here
with no food and no water,
we're all gonna die...
first David...
then me,
then Sharley
and then Taylor.
There is no search and rescue.
Then we have to leave.
Fire escape?
Is that on the side
of the house?
Then, yeah.
We'll climb out of the window
and jump down
on top of the Jeep.
But first someone
is gonna have to go get it
and bring it around
to the side of the house.
Why me?
You just said if we all stay here,
we're all gonna die.
And what about me?
You're the running back.
You're the best shot we have.
Hopefully they'll stay frozen.
Just be really quiet.
All right, just...
just give me a second.
Give me the keys.
All right,
give him the keys, Taylor.
I don't know
where I put them.
- You what?
- I don't know. I don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know
where the keys are, Taylor?
I... okay, I had them in my hand
and then I put them on the counter.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Unless they fell
when those things came in.
Oh, my God, baby,
which one is it?
Seriously, think, think, think.
Do you specifically remember
putting those keys
on the counter?
Yeah... yeah,
they're on the counter.
Look, I don't know, Taylor.
What if they're not on the counter?
We have no choice.
She's right, dude. You know
what happens if we stay up here.
Come here, dude.
All right.
You're gonna have to run
to the kitchen,
grab the keys
off the counter, okay?
These guys are gonna be
chasing you.
You're gonna have to
sprint to the car.
When you get to the car,
you're gonna have to drive
a good distance down the road,
lead them away from the house.
And once you get there,
wait a minute
and then light the flare.
And as soon as I see the smoke,
I'm coming down.
I'm gonna be waiting for you
at the bottom of the fire escape.
- You got it?
- I got it.
Okay, I'm going.
Be careful.
Yeah, okay.
Please be careful.
Come on, man.
Oh, fuck.
Okay, we're getting the fuck
out of here.
Oh, my God.
- He's not coming back.
- Shh. Quiet, Sharley.
He left us.
Shh. Quiet, Sharley.
- He left us.
- Sharley, shut up.
- He fucking left us!
- Sharley, shut the fuck up.
Sharley, shh. Quiet.
Okay, there it is.
All right, I'm gonna climb down first
and help you girls down.
Fuck you!
- Come on, hurry.
- Okay, all right.
Come on.
- Come on, Sharley, come on.
- Okay.
Come on, Sharley, come on.
Come on, Sharley.
Go get Taylor.
Oh, shit.
- Oh, shit.
- Oh, fuck. Come on.
Come on, Taylor!
- Oh, my God.
- Taylor!
Taylor, please, just jump!
Oh, my God.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
- Argh!
- Brice, stop the car.
Fuck, Brice.
Taylor, come on, go.
Go. Come on,
come on, come on.
Go, go, go.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Okay. Baby, baby,
are you okay?
- Are you okay? Okay.
- I thought...
- Quiet. Quiet.
- I thought he was gonna get me.
Shh. It's okay. It's okay.
Shh. Quiet, quiet, quiet.
Shh. Shh. Quiet.
Brice, just keep going
on this road about two more miles
and it's gonna hit the main road.
And that's gonna take us through town.
All right. Okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
Where is everybody?
There's no one out here.
Dude, look out!
- Argh!
- Are you okay?
Oh, shit, my leg!
Can you move?
Oh, my God.
I'm stuck.
- Guys, I'm stuck!
- Sharley, Sharley. Grab her leg.
- Oh, my God!
- Sharley, I'm gonna pull your legs out.
Ready? Come on. One, two, three.
Grab the right leg.
Pull that leg.
Grab it right here.
Come on, grab that right leg.
- It's okay, Sharley.
- David, David, grab her.
Get her out!
We gotta get
the fuck out of here.
- Come on!
- Oh, my God.
- Come on.
- Get up, get up. Go, go, go.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
- Over here.
- Go, go, go.
Hurry up.
In here.
Guys, get in here.
Holy fuck. Shit.
Watch out. Watch out.
Now what are we gonna do?
We gotta do something about his knee.
I mean, that looks bad.
Yeah. Okay, I need something
to wrap it with... anything.
Here. Here.
Okay, now I'm gonna need
something to sterilize
the wound...
antibiotic, alcohol... anything.
Oh, God.
I'll be all right,
but we need to figure
something out.
Okay, what's our plan?
It'd be stupid to go back out there
with those things.
Let's stay here
and rest for the night.
But is he gonna be okay
with that knee?
Yeah, he's gonna be fine.
We just need to find him
medical attention in the morning,
as soon as possible.
Do we even think there's anyone
out there normal like us?
Yeah, of course there's...
there's other people like us.
Yeah, can't be
the whole country's gone mad.
Look, you guys, you all try
and get some rest or something.
I'm gonna stay up
and keep watch.
What? Are you crazy? I'm not gonna
be able to sleep after all this.
Yeah, me neither.
Yeah, hell, no.
Well, try to get some rest, okay?
In the morning we'll head out
and find some help.
And what if there is no help?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Sorry, guys.
It's okay.
It's just... it's just a dream.
It's just a bad dream.
Oh, my God, please tell me
this is all just a dream.
we should get going.
All right.
Dude, we gotta
get him out of here.
I don't see any of them.
You all ready to go?
We should go there and find
something for Brice's leg.
No, let's keep going, you guys.
Yeah, I'll be fine.
Let's just keep on moving.
No, Taylor's right, man.
We gotta fix that leg up.
Stop, stop, stop.
- David.
- Stop.
Biology building...
The university...
north of downtown.
- Hello?
- Shh.
...Biology building
of Southeastern University.
The university is located
two miles due north of downtown.
Alert to all listeners...
each day at noon,
a helicopter rescue team
will land on the roof of the biology
building of Southeastern University.
The university is located
two miles
- due north of downtown.
- Did you hear that?
Oh, my God.
All right, he said noon.
Let's grab what we need
and get out of here.
Yeah. Okay, we gotta get you
patched up. Come on.
Each day at noon
a helicopter rescue team
will land on the roof
of the biology building
of Southeastern University.
Guys, I really don't think
we have time for this.
Sharley, please, can you just
get us some hydrogen peroxide
and some bandages?
I'll be quick.
- Okay. Careful. It's gonna hurt.
- Argh. Shit.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
That hurts.
Oh, Jesus.
Come on, we have to leave.
Make it quick.
You're gonna make
a great doctor.
- Here you go. Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.
Let me get that.
Hey, guys,
we gotta go to campus.
Hey, babe,
grab that can of aerosol.
Oh, God.
What the fuck?
Let's get the hell out of here.
Go! Go, go, go,
go, go.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Come on, Sharley!
Get up! Come on!
Sharley, come on!
Sharley! No!
Come on! Go!
Let's get out of here.
Oh, my God.
Shh, shh. Hey, hey.
Shh, shh.
It's okay. It's okay.
You're okay.
Come on. Quiet.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh. Shh, shh.
Oh, fuck.
Shh, shh, shh, shh. Quiet.
Another one of those
fucking frozen things.
Let's go back.
Let's go back.
No, no. Shh, shh, shh.
No way.
Let's just keep moving forward,
try and sneak past him
while he's still frozen.
Look, there's no way we're going back.
There's too many of them.
I think he's right.
There's just one of them.
We gotta go that way.
We cannot make
a fucking sound, okay?
- Okay.
- Not a fucking sound.
- Oh, fuck.
- Shh, shh, shh.
We gotta go back.
We gotta go back.
Baby, we can't.
I mean, we're so fucking close already.
David, it's too dangerous.
We don't have enough time.
Baby, take this.
- I love you so much.
- No.
- Keep running no matter what.
- No. David.
All right, all right, come on.
Go, go.
- Come on.
- No. No, Brice.
- Come on, come on.
- No, I'm not leaving without David.
David! David!
- Come on, let's go.
- Run! Run!
He's coming.
Come on! Come on!
Come on, come on. Argh!
Let's take the stairs.
Come on, go.
Come on, come on.
- Get up.
- Get up, Brice. Go!
Help me with the bench.
Help me with the bench.
Help me with the bench.
David, are you all right?
No. No!
No! David!
No! No!
No! No!
Come on.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on. Come on.
Oh, God!
We need time to think.
It's just not fair.
It's just not... it's not fair.
I'm tired.
Be strong. Let's get up.
the power's back on.
Brice, Brice.
All right. Here, take this.
Throw this up first.
All right, all right.
Give me the bag.
I'll lift you up.
Got it?
Be careful.
No, no.
He doesn't look
like one of them.
Come on. Come on.
Here! Here!
- Hey! Hey!
- Hey!
Come here! Hey!
Come back! Argh!
You've got to be kidding me.
The radio.
emergency evacuation...
- They're still here.
- ...will be on the top level
- of the Southeast University structure.
- God damn it! Argh!
It's just across the street.
Let's go.
Brice, this way.
Okay, come on.
- We can sneak past them.
- No.
Trust me.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Okay.
Taylor, come on.
What are you doing?
Give me the lighter.
Take that, asshole.
Shit. Come on.
Brice, wait.
I'm over here.
- Where?
- The next flight up.
Listen. I think they went
the other way.
Here, take my hand.
It's dark in here.
We can make it to the top
before they catch up.
Taylor, give me the lighter.
Hurry. Let's go.
Look, almost there.
Come on!
Brice, hurry! The helicopter!
Help! Come back!
Wait! Wait!
Please help us!
Come back! Come back!
Come on!
- Stand down.
- He's not infected.
- Stand down.
- He's not infected. It's his own blood.
Are you all right?
If that's what you want to call it.
Let's go.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me? Ma'am!
Sorry, we can't.
There's no more room.
Stop! Come back!
Wait! Wait!
No! Come back!
Command one, command one,
we have incoming.
We have incoming infected.
# It might be hiding inside the words #
# He whispers to you #
# Listen close and you just might hear #
# When love is happening to you #
# Maybe it's there #
# In the way he smiles #
# That's sometimes a clue #
# Open your eyes #
# And you just might see #
# When love is happening to you #
# When love is happening #
# To you #
# It sometimes wears a disguise #
# To let the fool inside you #
# Pretend he can't see the signs #
# It could be there in the gentle way #
# That he kisses you #
# Trust your heart #
# And you'll know for sure #
# When love is happening to you #
# When love is happening to you #
# It sometimes wears a disguise #
# Don't let the fool inside you #
# Pretend it can't see the signs #
# It could be there in the gentle way #
# That he kisses you #
# Trust your heart #
# And you'll know for sure #
# When love is happening to you #
# When love is happening #
# To you #
# When love is happening to you. #