The Descendants (2011)

My friends on the mainland think just
because I live in Hawaii, I live in paradise.
Like a permanent vacation.
We're all just out here sipping mai tais,
shaking our hips, and catching waves.
Are they insane?
Do they think we're immune to life?
How can they possibly think
our families are less screwed up...
... our cancers less fatal...
... our heartaches less painful?
Hell, I haven't been on a surfboard
in 15 years.
For the last 23 days...
... Ive been living in a paradise of
IVs and urine bags and tracheal tubes.
Paradise can go fuck itself.
This is Elizabeth
Thorson King, my wife.
Twenty-three days ago...
... she was launched from a powerboat
during a race and hit her head.
Almost drowned.
When I heard about the accident and
about the coma, I wasn't even in town.
I was on Maui, on business,
and we hadn't spoken in three days.
In a way,
we hadn't really spoken in months.
If you're doing this to get my
attention, Liz, it's working.
I'm ready now.
I'm ready to talk.
I'm ready to change.
I'm ready to be a real husband
and a real father.
Just wake up.
Please, Liz, just wake up.
Hey, Noe, what's up?
Matt, Scottie's
teacher's on the phone.
She says it's urgent.
Okay, put her on.
We don't think these photographs...
...are appropriate for Scottie to
be sharing with her classmates.
Some of them went home quite disturbed,
and we got some angry calls from parents.
Yeah, she's kind of been going to town
on this whole picture-taking thing.
- I had no idea.
- Mr. King, we see this every day.
Children acting out in school
when something is wrong at home.
And your family
is facing a devastating crisis.
Have you been engaging Scottie in talking
about everything that's going on?
Yes, yes, absolutely.
Encouraging her to express her feelings?
- That's crucial.
- Mm-hm. I understand.
What's the matter with you, showing
those pictures of Mom for your art project?
I'm a photographer, Dad,
a real photographer.
No. You're overdoing it,
is what you're doing.
I saw it in a book.
Some famous photographer lady
took pictures of her mom in the hospital...
...while she was dying,
and they're considered art.
That's what I'm doing.
First of all, your mother is very sick,
but she isn't dying.
And second of all, we don't share
personal stuff with strangers.
What's going on with your mom
is private.
- I'm hungry. Can we get burgers?
- No.
The last time I took care of Scottie
by myself was when she was 3.
Now she's 10, and I have
no idea what to do with her.
But I wanna eat now, not in an hour.
And with Elizabeth in the
hospital, she's testing me.
I'm the backup parent,
the understudy.
This is Matt King. I'm returning your call.
How can I help you?
It's your daughter Scottie.
She's been texting some awful things to my
daughter, Lani, and I'd like her to stop.
- Huh.
- Here's the latest one:
"We all know you grew pubes
over the summer."
I mean, my daughter can't help it if
she's developing a little early for her age.
- You think that's nice?
- Well, that's not like her at all.
She's usually very sweet.
As you may know, her mother isn't well.
Maybe this is how she's dealing with it.
I'm very sorry about
your family situation, Mr. King...
... but my daughter comes home
from school in tears.
Yeah, no, I get it. I'm sorry.
Scottie's the one
who should be sorry.
I want her to come
over and apologize...
... and I don't ever want her
to text my daughter again.
If she doesn't apologize,
I'll take it up with the dean.
You can't buy your way out of this.
Can you give me an address?
Thank you for coming by.
I forgot to mention Scottie said she didn't
wanna be Lani's partner at the rock wall...
...because she didn't wanna fall
into my daughter's butt crack.
- That doesn't even make sense.
- Ah.
Shirts off. Shirts off.
Good, good, good, good job.
I don't think she has any idea.
That was very good, Bobby Brown.
Yeah. Here.
Because she goes, "I'm living at this.
I'll meet you out in front." So...
Scottie, you have something
you wanna say to Lani?
- It's okay. - He knows
he's going away for a while.
- If he's got a chance, he's bolting.
- Great. Well, it was nice meeting you both.
You should come over for a swim
or a hike or something, okay?
I don't think she's sorry at all.
- She's gonna keep on doing it, I can tell.
- No, she won't.
Look. Scottie, you're gonna stop, right?
And you're really, really sorry, right?
Seems like every time I forget to pray
, we don't catch a guy for three days.
I know, I'm telling you, man.
- Oh, and, Mr. King?
- Yeah?
Good luck with the sale.
They say your decision will have a major
impact on Hawaii's real-estate world.
Not to mention the whole landscape
of Kauai.
Hundreds of millions of dollars, yeah?
Yeah. It's a big decision.
My husband's family's from Kauai.
Hanapepe, born and bred.
- They hope you don't sell.
- You don't say.
All that traffic it's gonna make.
As if Liz's coma
weren't enough already...
... the whole goddamn state
is following my decision...
... on who's gonna buy 25,000
pristine acres on Kauai...
... that my family has owned
since the 1860s.
A lot of my cousins are broke, and
the sale will make us all very, very rich.
My family meets in six days
to approve a buyer.
But ever since my father died,
I'm the sole trustee...
... which means I alone
hold all the cards.
My great-great-grandmother was
Princess Margaret Ke'alohilani...
... one of the last direct
descendants of King Kamehameha.
She was originally supposed
to marry her cousin...
... but she fell in love with Edward
King, her haole banker...
... whose parents had
been missionaries.
Between his land deals
and her huge inheritance...
... generations of their
descendants, all of us...
... have watched the past unfurl millions
into our laps through leases and sales.
Now something called
the rule against perpetuities...
... is forcing us to
dissolve the trust...
... and we're selling our last huge
parcel of virgin Hawaiian land.
Unlike a lot of my cousins, I haven't
blown my share of the trust money.
Just like my father before me...
... I live only on the income
from my law practice.
I don't want my daughters growing up
spoiled and entitled.
Liz always accuses me of stinginess,
but I agree with my father.
You give your children enough money to do
something, but not enough to do nothing.
Your cousins are here.
Not only am I the sole trustee, but I
specialize in real-estate transaction law...
... so a few of the more involved cousins
have been meeting with me to analyze bids.
- Hey.
- How's it, Matt?
Cousin Hal, Cousin
Milo, Cousin Stan...
... Cousin Six, Cousin Wink,
Cousin Connie...
How you doing? Okay?
... and Cousin Dave, both
of whom oppose the sale entirely.
- Good to see you.
- Don't be fooled by appearances.
In Hawaii, some of the most powerful
people look like bums and stuntmen.
All right, so where are we?
Proposals are virtually the same.
Hotels, shopping centers, condos
and golf courses.
I have some major concerns...
A Chicago group
is offering half a billion dollars.
But we're leaning towards a lower bid
from a guy named Don Holitzer.
He's actually from Kauai.
Made a fortune in Silicon Valley.
Old Cousin Hugh is pushing us in
that direction, and I say, why not?
The money would come from Hawaii
and stay in Hawaii.
There's nothing about saving
the heiau. You know, it's ridiculous.
And there's no beach access like they say,
and that's really, really...
Elizabeth's gonna make it
out okay. I know it.
It's not her time yet.
She'll wake up.
Scottie and Alexandra
will have their mother back.
And we'll talk about our marriage.
I know I can make things right.
I'll sell the land, quit my practice
, and buy her whatever she wants.
A big boat. A house in France.
We'll take a trip around the world,
just the two of us.
We'll get close again,
like the early days.
I wish I had better news, Matthew.
But Dr. Chun and Dr. Mueller and I
agree that her condition...'s deteriorating.
She has no eye movement,
she has no pupillary responses...
...she has no brain-stem reflexes
I mean, the machines can keep her alive, but
the quality of her life would be so poor.
Basically the way it is now.
She'll never be the way she was, Matt.
We know that now.
Look, uh...
I can't tell you how sorry I am
to tell you this.
And you do have your daughters.
There's just nothing more
that we can do.
So if we do go ahead
and take her off the machines...
There's no "if."
It's "when." I have a legal obligation.
You know that.
How long will she last?
Well, it's hard to say.
It could be a few days,
it could be a couple of weeks.
For planning purposes, I think you should
work off the shortest possible scenario.
I know I've gotta get the ball rolling
on the organ donations right away.
Elizabeth has many friends.
She has a big life.
If you're gonna let everybody know
to say goodbye...
...which is the typical protocol
for these situations, you start now.
Then when the last day comes...
...they'll feel more ready.
Or as ready as they can feel
for something like this.
I'm so sorry, Matt.
- Hey.
- Hey. There he is.
- How's it going?
- What's going on?
She was looking a little pale lately,
all cooped up here.
I know she'd be mortified if nobody helped
her out with some lipstick and blush.
I know she'll grill me.
Of course, Kai's getting her caught up
on the latest gossip.
Well, I don't wanna start
from scratch later.
Oh, and, Matt, uh, on the way here...
...we stopped by and put some meals
in your fridge, all ready to nuke.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hm.
So, what's the latest, anyway, Matt?
Any updates?
Just more of the same.
Just keeping the kidneys
and other vital organs working...
...and hoping for the best.
The food at the club is so good.
Yeah, they do a good job here.
Come here.
Why is it called a jellyfish?
It's not a fish, it's not jelly.
I have no idea.
You ask good questions, Scottie.
You're getting too smart for me.
I'm gonna ask Mom when she wakes up.
Do you think she's gonna know everything
she used to?
I don't know.
I'll be right back.
- Hi, Matt. Hi, Scottie.
- Troy.
So, what's going on?
I mean, how's Elizabeth doing?
The same.
Well, you know,
I went and visited her last week...
...and, uh, she looked pretty good.
- Then why'd you ask?
- I don't know.
I guess I just wanted to know
what the latest is.
You know, I've been praying for her every
day, you guys, really hard, seriously.
And, well, what I meant to say was
when I was there, I talked to her...
...and she moved her hand.
And then I was, like... I was encouraged.
I thought that
that was an encouraging sign.
That's enough.
- I really think she heard me.
- Look, Troy, go to your friends.
There's no hard feelings.
Let's just leave it alone.
I told you, Matt.
The water that day was so choppy.
I've told you a hundred times.
What happened to her
could've happened to me.
The ocean was brutal that day.
Ask anybody.
You weren't supposed to be driving.
She was supposed to be driving.
She wanted me to drive.
She's the one that told me
to pass the other boat before the turn.
You know,
it's just your whole attitude towards me.
I didn't...
You know, I feel terrible about it.
Plus, I almost drowned myself
when the boat caps...
Scottie! Hey, Scottie! Scottie!
Hey. Listen.
Don't pay any attention to that guy.
- That guy's a dope.
- I hate him.
Yeah, I know.
Hey, let's do something crazy.
Let's drive to the airport,
we'll hop over to the Big Island...
...and we'll surprise your sister.
What do you say?
- Right now?
- Yeah, it'll be fun. She's not expecting us.
And we can bring her home.
I think she should be with us, don't you?
Don't you miss her? I miss her.
Yeah. I mean, I'm out of school.
She should be too.
There you go. Okay.
Let's go. Come on.
Hey, Troy.
Somehow it feels natural to find
a daughter of mine on a different island.
A family seems exactly
like an archipelago:
All part of the same whole
but still separate and alone...
... and always drifting
slowly apart.
That's the wrong door.
Go back to sleep, Braelynn. It's okay.
Wake up your roommate, please.
- Um, Alex isn't here.
- Where is she?
- I think she's somewhere outside.
- Where outside?
- Hit it that way.
- No, between there.
Why are you hitting it that way?
You're supposed to be going through...
- Dude.
- Hey, girls!
What do you think you're doing?
- Oh, shit, here.
- Run.
- Fuck.
- Hi, Alex. It's me, Scottie.
I pay $35,000 a year
for this kind of crap not to happen.
- Alex.
- Dad?
My fucking dad is here.
You need to watch your language.
This is unacceptable behavior.
What's up, Dad?
What's happening?
You need to come home
and see your mom.
Fuck Mom.
What did I just say about the language?
You could get expelled for all of this.
What is it that makes the women
in my life wanna destroy themselves?
Elizabeth with her motorcycles
and speedboats and drinking.
Alexandra with her
drugs and older guys.
And Scottie.
With Elizabeth gone...
... what kind of a chance will
she have with just me?
Go to bed.
All right.
There we go.
I don't like eggs.
- Why didn't you tell me before I made them?
- I thought they were for you.
Good morning.
How you feeling? Hung over?
Why am I not surprised?
I thought you were supposed to be
getting your act together.
I have gotten my act together.
I was just drinking.
I've been doing really well, actually.
Nobody ever seems to notice that.
Grades are better.
I was in that stupid play
you guys didn't bother to see.
Do you even remember the name of it?
That's what I thought.
So what? What if I got drunk
on the one night you happened to stop by?
So fucking what?
Hey, hey,
watch your language around Scottie.
I don't care.
Listen, it's nice to see you.
Welcome home. Here.
You want some eggs?
I can't believe that.
Heh. Oh, my God. Uh-huh.
- Hey, Alex?
- Well, what'd she say?
- Can I talk to you for a minute?
- Uh...
The pool's really dirty.
Wait, what?
- Hey, I really need to talk to you.
- She didn't say...
She didn't say anything to me.
Uh-huh. Ha, ha.
Oh, my God, I can't believe she...
Hey, uh... Yeah, yeah, I gotta go.
Okay, I'll see you later.
- What day does the pool guy come?
- He comes...
- You know, I don't know when he comes.
- Awesome.
- Sid's coming over.
- Who's Sid?
A really good friend from Punahou.
We were in school together for years.
Oh. Okay.
He wants to be here for me
with all this shit happening.
- Do I know his parents?
- Nope.
- He might stay over too. Is that cool?
- Hey, Alex, over here.
What the fuck?
Get out of my underwear, you freak.
No. Okay, no, no, no.
- Don't I look divine?
- Back inside. Put on a swimsuit.
- Why?
- Now.
Real good job you're doing.
That's part of why I brought you here.
You have to help me.
I don't know what to do with her.
Maybe if you spent more time with her,
she wouldn't act like such a complete spaz.
Get her out of town. Go camp on Kauai.
That's what Mom used to do with me
whenever I was losing it.
Hey, listen. No, listen. Listen to me.
- Your mother's not well.
- Yeah, obviously.
They just told me she's not gonna wake up.
We know for sure now.
The doctors are gonna stop caring
for her.
Your mother wanted it this way.
She has this...
She has this will, see,
that says that we have to do it this way.
We both do.
You understand what I'm saying?
That's why I got you.
Honey, we're letting her go.
Why did you have to tell me
in the goddamn pool?
Alex. Alex.
What do you want?
I just found out yesterday.
We have to go through this thing together,
you and Scottie and me.
And I have to go around
and tell people what's happening.
Family and a few close friends.
Sometimes I'm gonna need you
to come with me.
Sometimes I need you to watch Scottie.
You want me to go around with you
and tell people that Mom's gonna die?
What's the point of that?
Breaking the news, watching them cry,
dealing with their emotions?
How depressing is that gonna be?
Just call them.
Alex, nobody wants to do any of this.
But we have to tell your grandpa and Tutu
and a few friends.
They have the right to know,
and they have the right to say goodbye.
I don't wanna talk about Mom
with anyone.
Look, whatever you two fought about
over Christmas, you have to drop it.
Grow up.
You love your mother,
your mother loves you.
- I can't drop it.
- You have to.
You really don't have a clue, do you?
Dad, Mom was cheating on you.
That is what we fought about.
When I was home at Christmas,
I caught her with a guy.
It made me sick to see her near you.
I went back to school thinking that
that was it, that I was just done with her.
I was gonna call
and tell you everything and...
And then the accident happened and...
I was waiting until she woke up, I guess.
You didn't even suspect, right?
It disgusted me too.
You're always so busy.
"Caught her with a guy,"
what does that mean?
I was on my way to swim
in the Black Point pool with Brandy...
...and suddenly I see Mom and
some douche bag walking into a house.
His house, I guess.
Just some guy, it could be anybody.
No, he had his hand on her ass.
It was gross.
- Then what?
- Then nothing.
Then they went into the house.
A few days later,
I told her I knew what she was doing.
And first, she acted like she had no idea
what I was talking about.
Like I'm fucking blind.
And then she got, like, super mad
and yelled and denied it.
That was when I decided that
I didn't want anything more to do with her.
Who is he?
I don't know, some guy.
What's he look like?
Dark hair.
Watch your sister.
It's me, Matt.
- Hey.
- No, it's not.
- I'm just saying you always wanna have...
- I'm not a mind reader.
- Hello?
- Wait. Hello?
It's me, it's Matt.
- Oh, hey, Matt.
- Is this a bad time?
Uh, no, no, we're just fighting.
Uh, come on in. You want coffee?
You want something to drink?
No, thanks.
- Fighting about something stupid.
- It's not stupid.
It is stupid.
He wants us to throw parties...
...and have people over, which we do,
but who winds up doing the work?
- Me, I do.
- You don't have to do anything.
- That's the whole point.
- I do.
It doesn't have to be work.
You don't have to clean and buy an outfit.
- I'm supposed to be disgusting? Ugh.
- And think up a goddamn theme cocktail.
We could just invite people over
to hang out and drink whatever we have.
- Let's talk about it later.
- Oh, shit, Matt, is everything okay?
Is there any news?
In fact, there is. I'll tell you
about it in a minute. Who is he?
Does she love him?
Who is he?
I'm sorry to put you in that position, but I'm
not really the one who put you there, am I?
I'd like to know who the guy is
that my wife was seeing.
- You're angry.
- You have very keen powers of observation.
You know what?
I think we should talk about this later.
You need to cool it.
Is it Troy? That fucking Neanderthal.
You don't know him.
Mark, don't you even. Shame on you.
You're supposed to be her friend.
Well, guess what.
I'm Matt's friend too, okay?
And this is a unique and dramatic
situation, and I would wanna know.
Yeah, well, don't betray her
when she's not even here to defend herself.
Matt, look, you might not be able
to hear this right now...
...but it's not her fault.
Your marriage was not...
Just... She was lonely.
So you're gonna talk to me
in clichs about women?
Nothing is ever a woman's fault.
Was it still going on
when she had the accident?
But I stayed out of it.
Any time Kai would bring it up,
I would walk away.
You what?
Probably egged her on.
Add a little drama in your life
without any actual risk.
Who do you think you're protecting, Kai?
She doesn't need your protection.
It's over. She's gonna die.
Don't say that.
It's true. I was gonna tell you yesterday.
She's never gonna wake up.
You hear me?
Do you understand what I'm saying?
She's gone.
We're pulling the plug.
You were putting lipstick on a corpse.
Come on, Matt.
That's a little intense.
Does she love him?
How can you ask about him
when she's gonna die?
Who cares?
Yes, she loves him. Loved him, whatever.
She was crazy about him.
She was gonna...
She was gonna ask you for a divorce.
You still haven't told me who he is.
I guess it doesn't matter.
Matt. Matt.
Brian Speer.
His name's Brian Speer, with two E's.
They're just, like, cheap.
They're just like,
"Get it over with, cut corners."
Hi, Daddy.
- Dad, this is, uh, Sid.
- Hello, Sid.
What's up, bro?
Don't ever do that to me again.
We're gonna see your grandparents.
And, Scottie,
Auntie Esther's gonna come watch you.
Dad, Sid's coming with us, okay?
Yeah, listen, Sid, uh...
...what's going on this week
is a family matter, you understand?
Sid's not gonna be interested
in meeting your grandparents.
He's gonna be bored stiff.
Dad, I told you
that he was gonna be with me.
I'll be a lot more civil with him around.
What can I say?
It's like reading Korean.
Scott, if you want to,
I can walk you through it.
It's an advance directive.
It's basically her instructions
on what procedures she wants.
- In this case...
- I know goddamn well what it says.
Says she doesn't want us sitting around
watching her spoil like milk.
Says if there's nothing the doctors can do,
she'd rather just get on with it.
Elizabeth had the good sense
to write this thing here.
She was always a thoughtful girl,
a strong girl.
Hell of a lot stronger than her brother.
Barry whines his way through life.
Might even be a homosexual,
for all I know.
- Yeah, Scott, I don't think so.
- And she's stronger than you, Matt.
She lived more in a year
than you lived in a decade...
...sitting in that office,
hoarding all your cash.
All that money you refuse to use.
What the hell good is it?
Now you and your family are getting ready
to cash in your chips. What the hell for?
Maybe if you let my baby
have her own boat...
...bought her safe equipment...
...maybe let her go
on those shopping sprees women like...
...maybe she wouldn't have gone in
for those thrill sports.
Maybe if you'd provided more thrills
at home.
And you, Alexandra.
Putting your mother through hell...
...when all she was trying to do
was instill sense and drive in you.
Shame on you. Shame on you.
You should try to be more like her.
She was a good girl.
She was a good girl.
Hi, Alice. It's me, it's Matt.
It's good to see you.
- Good to see you too.
- Hey, Tutu.
That's Alexandra.
That's your granddaughter.
That's your son-in-law, Matt.
This is your family.
Well, except for that kid over there.
I don't know who the hell he is.
Who are you?
- What are you doing here?
- He's my friend.
Good afternoon.
Alice, we're going to Queen's Hospital
this afternoon and see Elizabeth.
- We are?
- Yes.
She needs us,
just like when she was a little girl.
We need to see her in the hospital.
So think about what she might wanna have
in her room...
...and we'll take it to her
and put it next to her bed.
Queen Elizabeth?
That's wonderful.
I have to put on a nice dress.
Ha, ha. Is she serious?
Shut up, kid.
- Ha, ha.
- I've never met a queen before.
I'm sorry, man. I was just laughing.
It's funny.
I mean,
I think she knows she's being funny.
I'm gonna hit you.
That was unreal.
I mean,
how often do old people just haul off...
...and fucking coldcock you like that?
He's hit me a couple of times
over the years.
And watch your language.
Can I see it?
Holy shit.
Hey, could you two just cool it
when you're around me?
Just stop touching each other?
Whoa, man.
Maybe that's why your wife cheated on you,
if you're so against touching.
You little fuck. Do you get hit a lot?
I don't know. I've had my share.
Your friend is completely retarded,
you know that?
Hey, man, my little brother's retarded.
Don't use that word
in a derogatory fashion.
- Psych. I don't have a retarded brother.
- Sid, you suck.
Speaking of retarded,
do you ever wish that, like...
...retarded people or old people
would just hurry up?
Like sometimes I'm waiting for them
to cross the street...
...and I'm like, "Come on, already."
But then I feel bad.
Don't forget that I know where he lives.
Get in the front seat.
So you don't know
anything else about him... what he does
or if he's married or anything?
Just his name. Brian Speer.
Why didn't you ask Kai and Mark?
- I just didn't.
- Why not?
- I didn't wanna get into it, that's all.
- We'll Google him later.
All right. Um...
We're almost...
That's it, that's it, that's the one.
Stop. The one with the turtle.
- That one?
- Yeah, yeah.
There? He lives there?
I can't say for sure that he lives there...
...but that's where I saw them.
Should I ring the bell?
No. This is stupid.
This is stalking or something. I...
Okay, it's... We came, we saw.
That's enough. Let's go.
Well, it's not like
we're stalking him exactly.
What would you do if you saw him,
Talk to him? Punch him? What?
I guess I just wanna see him.
- Dad, Dad, stop, stop, stop.
- What, what?
Go back, go back.
- What?
- Just go back.
- Look, look.
- What?
Look, there he is.
At least now we know what he looks like.
Hi, this is
Brian Speer of Gold Coast Realty.
Sorry I missed your call.
Leave a message with your name, number
, and time that you called...
... and I'll get back to you
just as soon as I can. Mahalo.
Hi, Brian.
My name's Herb Fitzmorris...
...and I'm interested in your house
on Koloa Street...
...the one with the cool fence and gate.
I'm at 645-2796.
Thank you.
Girls, let me go in
for just a quick moment alone first.
I'll be right out.
You were gonna ask for a divorce... you could be with
some fucking fuckhead, Brian Speer?
Are you kidding me?
Who are you?
The only thing I know for sure
is you're a goddamn liar.
So, what do you have to say
for yourself?
Why don't you go ahead
and make a little joke...
...and tell me that I got it all wrong?
Tell me again that I'm too out
of touch with my feelings...
...and I need to go to therapy.
Isn't the idea of marriage to make
your partner's way in life a little easier?
For me, it was always harder with you,
and you're still making it harder.
Lying there on a ventilator
and fucking up my life.
You are relentless.
You know what?
I was gonna ask you for a divorce someday.
Daddy's little girl.
I'm gonna bring your daughters in now.
Alex is home from school.
Try to be nice, okay?
All right, here we go.
- Okay?
- Hi, Mom. Look who's here.
Say something, Alex.
Tell her how you were drunk
the other night.
- Tell her how maybe you're an alcoholic.
- Girls, be serious.
Hi, Mom.
Sorry for being bad.
Sorry for wasting your money
on expensive private schools.
Money you could have been using
on facials and massages...
...and sports equipment.
- Sorry for everything.
- All right.
I'm sorry we weren't good enough for you,
especially Dad.
- Stop it. That's out of line.
- Or what? You gonna ground me?
Ship me off to another boarding school?
Give me a time-out?
I'll tell you what, goddamn it.
- You got served.
- Scottie, go in the hall.
She's the one out of line.
- Go find Sid.
- He's smoking.
- I shouldn't be around second-hand smoke.
- Go, let's go. Now, now, now, go.
- Did you spank me?
- You have no right to talk to her that way.
She's gonna die.
What if those were your last words?
I have every right to speak to her that way.
I'm angry at her.
- How can you be so forgiving?
- I'll be angry later.
Let's just think about the good parts.
Don't say that stuff in front of your sister.
Don't spoil her for Scottie.
Say something different.
Look, Mom, I know that we fought a lot.
I just... I always wanted to be like you.
I am like you. I'm exactly like you.
You are like her. Mostly in good ways.
Maybe some bad ways.
Remains to be seen.
Dad, this is Reina.
Reina, this is my sister and Sid.
- And that's my mom on the bed.
- Hi, everybody.
- Hello.
- Hi.
So this is your mother?
I guess it's true.
Should I shake her hand?
- If you want.
- No, thanks.
So, uh, Reina, I understand
that your grandmother's not feeling well?
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
She got her stomach operated on...
...and then got some sort
of stupid infection or something.
It's pretty gross.
Hmm. Well, Reina,
thank you for stopping by.
Scottie, let me give you some money,
and you two can get some ice cream.
Too many carbs.
Too many carbs?
Well, you could go down to the cafeteria
and get some lettuce.
That's okay. I'm done.
You weren't a liar after all.
- Don't you wanna hang out?
- No, I should go. See you at the club.
Hope your mom gets better.
Bye, everybody.
Scottie, what did she mean by
"You aren't a liar after all"?
- What did she think you were lying about?
- She didn't believe Mom was sleeping.
So you had to prove to that twat
that Mom's in a coma?
What the fuck is in your skull?
A bunch of stupid pills?
Shut up, you motherless whore.
Whoa, whoa.
- Easy there, half-pipe.
- Where'd you learn to talk like that?
- No, no, no.
- Hello?
No, this is the right number.
No, no, I'm his assistant, Sharon.
- How may I help you?
- Who is it?
- Shh, shh.
- Uh-huh.
All right. All right, so one or the other?
Okay, I'll tell him. Mahalo.
That was Bonnie Tanaka, a realtor.
She says that Mr. Speer is going to
be on Kauai for the next week...
...but she'd be happy
to show you the house...
...or you can stop by the open house
on Sunday.
Hi, Mr. King.
- Hello, Buzz.
- Sorry about Mrs. King.
- Hope she gets better real soon.
- Thanks.
It really blows.
I know.
You've all asked questions about Elizabeth
, and I've given vague answers.
But I asked you all here today
to tell you...
...that her coma is permanent.
She's not gonna make it.
So this week, tomorrow, in fact... per her wishes...
...we are going to unhook her
from life support.
You all know Elizabeth.
She has to do everything on her own.
I wanted to tell you all in person...
...because you are all our dear friends.
You're our best friends.
The girls and I so much appreciate
everything you have done for us... the last few weeks.
Bringing food and calling.
- Can we go see her?
- Yes. Yes, for God's sakes, yes.
That's the whole point.
Go see her as soon as possible.
That's what I wanna tell you.
All of you. It should be now, not after.
Everyone who loves Elizabeth
deserves a chance to say goodbye.
You've lost your mind.
You mean him?
Tell him to come say goodbye?
I'll be gone a day or so.
I'll leave in the morning,
I'll be back tomorrow night.
If it takes another day, fine.
I'll give it two days.
If I don't find him, at least I tried.
Just drop it, Dad.
You've got way bigger fish to fry
than confronting fucking Brian Speer.
You're recording this?
- I'm summarizing a deposition.
- How can you work at a time like this?
- How can you go to a movie?
- To get Scottie out of the house.
And you actually wanna tell him
to come back and see Mom?
I think...
I just think she'd want him to know.
Just call his office
and tell him it's an emergency.
No. On the phone, he can escape.
In person, he's got nowhere to go.
I wanna see his face.
I wanna go too.
- No, you're gonna stay here with Scottie.
- Fuck that. Let's all get out of town.
Yo, Matt King.
- Hey, Ralph.
- Hey.
- Yeah, how's it? Great to see you.
- Good. You remember your cousin Ralph.
- Yeah. Hey. Good to see you.
- Oh, yeah, hi.
- What you guys doing here?
- Came over for a day or two.
- I just got back from Kaho'olawe.
- Yeah?
Business over there.
So you here to talk to the cousins?
Make sure everybody's happy
with your choice?
Pay your respects to Hugh?
No, just a little holoholo,
get the kids out of town.
But it is Holitzer, right?
We all know it's Holitzer.
Cousin Hugh wants him.
They go way back.
I got my misgivings, though, Matt.
There's an argument to be made
to max it out.
- We only do this once in a lifetime.
- I wanna work with you guys, I do.
Whatever the majority decides
after the poll, I'll go along with it.
Let's just get it over with, you know?
- All right.
- Okay.
How's Elizabeth doing?
She gonna be okay?
- The same.
- Well, she's a tough gal, Matt.
- She'll be okay, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Where are you guys going? Hanalei?
- Princeville.
Come on, I'll give you a ride.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Come on, kids.
- Where are we going?
Cousin Ralph's gonna give us a ride.
- Hey, Ralph.
- Yeah?
- Turn off over here. Let's go see the land.
- Take a last look, huh?
- You got time?
- I got nothing but time.
I think this is where
the golf course is gonna go.
They want the golf course
to rival Pebble Beach.
You know, bring in the big boys.
Scottie. Come on, sweetheart.
- Careful, Scottie. Careful.
- I got it.
Sometimes if you look out at the coast,
you can see whales.
Are you shitting me?
- You guys own all this land?
- Not personally. It belongs to a trust.
But, yeah, it's ours for a few more days.
Big resort there on that point.
Commercial area there.
Houses all through there.
Part of me agrees with the cousins
that don't wanna sell.
They're gonna make a stink
at the meeting.
Yeah, but we have to.
The trust dissolves in seven years.
If we don't sell,
it's just gonna be a train wreck.
- But it's a shame, yeah?
- Yeah.
On the other hand,
hey, it's just sitting there.
No one's using it.
This way the whole world
will be able to enjoy it.
Take a good look, girls.
This is part of your great-great-
great-grandmother's inheritance...
...going all the way back
to Kamehameha I.
Down there is where Mom and I
would camp.
We all did, all our lives.
Lots of memories.
Everything has its time.
What about me? I wanna camp.
I'm supposed to be meeting
a friend of mine.
I think he's staying here.
Uh, his name is Brian Speer. S-P-E-E-R.
I'm sorry, Mr. King.
I'm not shown anybody by that name.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, Scottie.
- What's in your suit?
- They're my beach boobs.
Take them out of there right now.
Jesus, Alex.
Why would you let her do that?
You too, Sid.
- I don't know. Take them out, stupid.
- Yeah, Scottie. Big boobs look kind of fatty.
Any luck?
Well, the hotels were a dead end,
but I took another shot with his office.
He's definitely renting a house
in Hanalei.
Probably one of the cottages
around the bay.
I think we should go for a walk.
Yeah, let's go. Scottie!
Can we swim with the sharks?
I read in the hotel magazine how they,
like, put you in a cage underwater...
...and then you throw shark feed around,
and then the sharks swim right up to you.
Can we do that?
Scottie, we're not really here
to do stuff like that.
Well, what are we here to do, then?
How did you and Mom meet?
I was with a law-school buddy
of mine from the mainland.
We were just coming in from paddling,
and your mom was on her way out.
And she looked at me and she said:
"Do you think it's gonna snow today?"
- Did you think she was pretty?
- Oh, she knocked me out.
I like her stories,
like how she streaked at the wedding.
Oh, my God. There's so many like that.
And the time she beat a wild pig
with a shoe. Ha, ha.
Your mom got chased
by a shark once.
What? When was that?
We were with Mark and Kai,
and your mom was out surfing...
...and she saw a shark
right beneath her on a wave.
- Let's watch one of these.
- No, we are not watching porn.
- Give me...
- No.
Reina's dad watches porn.
Reina calls them masturbation movies.
She plays them when her parents aren't
home, and one time invited boys over... see if they grew down there.
- One did.
- Reina sounds awesome.
Were you there?
Did you watch one of those movies?
- No.
- Hey, Scottie.
Reina's a fucked-up ho-bag,
and you need to stay away from her.
And she's going to be a methhead
and she's gonna get used by stupid guys.
She's a twat. Say it.
She's a twat.
- All right. Okay. All right, okay. Stop it.
- She's a twat, twat, twat.
I don't get it. I don't know what to do.
These things she does,
what goes on in her head.
You weren't like that.
- It'll go away.
- I'm not so sure.
Look at the way you kids talk
in front of me.
It's like you don't respect authority.
- Hi.
- Coming to check on me or something?
- I've been having trouble sleeping lately.
- Understandable.
I'm worried about my daughters.
I think there's something wrong
with them.
I mean, I used to do a bunch
of messed-up shit when I was a kid.
Still do.
It's gonna get worse after your wife dies.
What's Alex think
about all this stuff going on?
- What's she say?
- She doesn't.
What do you mean?
I thought she talks to you all the time.
We don't really talk about our issues.
We deal with our shit
by talking about other stuff...
...and having a good time.
What would you do if you were me?
How would you handle my daughters?
How would you handle the situation
of this guy we're trying to find?
I told you, man.
I'd put his nuts on a dresser
and I'd beat them with a spiked bat.
As for your daughters, I don't know.
Exchange them for sons, I guess.
Well, I'd probably end up
with something like you.
I'm not so bad. I'm smart.
You are about a hundred miles
from Smartville.
- No offense.
- You are mistaken, counselor.
I'm smart and, you know,
I have good hygiene.
I'm a decent guitar player.
I'm a good cook.
I mean, I cook food all the time.
I'm vice president
of the Punahou chess club.
And I always have weed.
Your mother must be very proud.
It's possible.
I mean, she's been kind of busy lately.
- Yeah, what's she do, your mom?
- She's a receptionist at a pet clinic.
But lately she's been getting
the house together after my dad died.
My dad died a few months ago.
November 24th. Drunk driver.
Actually, uh, both drivers were drunk.
Good night, Sid.
Night, boss.
I will see you in the morning.
Stay in the zone.
That means you, Skylar. You too, Colt.
Keep an eye on your sister.
I'll be right back.
Looks like you got your hands full
with those two.
Yeah. Must keep you pretty busy.
They're pretty nonstop,
but they're at a really fun age.
- How old are they?
- Eight and 10.
I've got two girls, 10 and 17.
That whole nonstop thing,
that never changes.
- Do you guys live here?
- On Oahu.
Oh, so do we.
Hurry up.
I thought I'd get the girls out of town
for a couple days.
Their mother's in the hospital.
I thought I'd give them a break.
Oh, no.
What's wrong,
if you don't mind my asking?
She was in a boating accident.
She hit her head a little too hard.
Sailboat or one with a motor?
One with a motor.
Good luck with that. I wish her well.
Not so far, Skylar!
So are you guys staying
in one of the cottages here?
Yeah. My husband had to come
for work... we thought we'd make
a little vacation of it.
- We know the owner, so...
- Hugh King.
- That's right.
- Yeah, he's my cousin.
Oh. You probably know my husband, then,
Brian Speer?
No, I can't say I do.
Oh, I just assumed. He's been...
Dad? Something bit me.
It was nice talking to you.
You too. Take care.
There's Cousin Hugh.
Grab that table and order me something.
- What do you want?
- Anything.
- Ha, ha.
- Hey, Hugh.
Hey, Mattie boy.
What you doing here?
I didn't expect to see you until the meeting.
I know. I'm getting the girls
out of the hospital for a couple of days.
- Oh. Is that, uh...?
- It's Scottie and Alex.
- Oh. Big girls now.
- Yeah.
We just needed a little change
of scenery.
What you've been going through,
that's a tough deal.
But Elizabeth, hey, tough gal,
I'll tell you that.
A fighter. She's gonna make it.
Get you a drink?
- I'll have whatever you're having.
- Julia.
- Hey.
- Old-fashioned for my coz here.
- All right.
- Thanks.
- Ha, ha. Nice to see you, man.
- You too.
How you been otherwise?
Not much otherwise.
Between business and the hospital,
I'm trying to keep my head above water.
Yeah. Yeah.
Listen, I see that you have some people
staying at the cottage.
Mattie, if I'd known you were coming,
I could've moved those people out.
Not that at all. It's just, I was wondering
about the guy you're renting to.
I think his name is Brian Speer?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Real determined son of a bitch.
He's Lou's sister's...
Uh, no, no, wait. Uh, Lou has a sister.
The sister's husband, uh, Lou's
brother-in-law, is cousins with that guy.
- Yeah, who's Lou?
- No, no, wait, wait.
You mean the cottages on the bay
or the cottage back by the trail?
The bay.
The guy with the wife and the two sons.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, determined son of a bitch.
The point is,
the guy that we're doing business with... that guy's brother-in-law,
works for him.
- What guy we're doing business with?
- Who do you think? Don.
Ha, ha. Who else? Holitzer.
- Holitzer?
- That's what I'm saying.
That's Don's brother-in-law
in the cottage.
- Brian Speer?
- You don't know him?
I thought you'd know him.
He's a realtor out by you.
So if we sell to Don...
Which we're gonna do, right?
I mean, that's what you want too.
Nice guy, Don. He'll do right by us.
So then when Don develops, resells,
leases and all that...
...he's letting this brother-in-law handle
the transactions, a lot of them anyway.
Big score for that guy.
And sitting in with us this afternoon,
we are fortunate to have our nephew.
- This is Keola, and, uh...
- Hey, Hugh, what's he like?
- Who?
- Brian Speer.
- What else you know about him?
- Well, not much. He's lucky.
That son of a bitch is gonna make
a shitload of money on commissions.
Not if we don't go with that bid.
We all want Don.
This is the way
You do too, Mattie. You said as much.
No, I understand.
You're right.
I went down to Texas
Hugh, it's good to see you.
- You too.
- All right. Okay.
- I'll see you at the meeting.
- I'll be there.
This is the way
I'm just a Hawaiian cowboy
Riding on the range every night
The women are thicker than cactus
And I swear I'll never
ride this range again
- This place rocks.
- Totally.
Oh, we ordered you mahi.
So guess what. That woman
at the beach today, that was his wife.
- Whose wife?
- Brian Speer.
- What? The hottie with the hat?
- Yeah.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
So he's married?
Why didn't you say anything?
It's him I wanna talk to, not her.
But I know where their cottage is.
You do? Let's do it right now.
Let's knock on his door.
That's what I'm saying.
Don't do that, don't be excited.
This isn't fun.
- It's what we came here to do.
- Right.
So you talk to his wife
while I talk to him.
And you figure out a way
to distract Scottie and their kids.
Got it. Sid, come here.
- Give him hell, boss.
- Come on, Sid.
I'm sorry for sucking you into this.
I should be doing it alone.
- It's selfish.
- I'm the one who sucked you in.
I'm the one who knew.
Don't be a pussy.
Hi there.
It's the guy from the beach today.
- Oh, hello.
- Hi, yeah.
You know, I'm such an idiot.
I just figured out, I do know your husband.
My daughter and I were on our way back
from dinner...
...and we just thought we'd stop by
and say howdy.
- Howdy?
- Great, come on up.
Yeah. I'm Matt King,
and this is Alexandra.
- I'm Julie Speer.
- Hi.
Yeah, I thought that was you.
You've been in the paper so much lately.
I figured you had to know Brian.
He's been pretty involved.
Yeah, no, super involved.
Yeah, maybe we met in passing.
I don't know.
I guess you guys
are deciding really soon?
In the next couple of days, right,
you and your family meet?
- Mm.
- Sorry.
That's probably a conflict of interest.
No, that's okay. You're right.
It's all gonna be over in a couple of days.
- Do you guys want some lasagna?
- No, thanks, we just ate.
- A drink, then.
- Sure.
- Red wine, iced tea?
- Perfect.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hi, I'm Brian.
- Brian. We may have met before.
Matt King. My wife is Elizabeth King.
I think you may have met her too.
This is our daughter Alexandra.
I was just gonna get them some drinks.
Good, good, good.
- Do you want some help?
- No, no, no, I got it.
Elizabeth is dying.
Oh, wait. Fuck you. And she's dying.
We unhooked her from the machines
this morning. She'll be dead in a few days.
- This is him?
- Mm-hm.
- Why would she go for him?
- Beats me. Well, he's very articulate.
I'm sorry.
I never thought it would come to this.
You're sorry that my mom's gonna die?
Sorry that you fucked her?
You sorry you fucked over my dad?
- I'm sorry for all of it.
- Look, I'm not here to wreck your life.
I just wanna give you a chance
to go to the hospital.
Don't know how long you're staying,
but you could find an excuse to leave.
You must be good at that.
You could be alone with her
to say goodbye or whatever.
You hear what I'm saying?
Okay, look, I can't have you here.
Do you understand that?
- Here we go.
- Hey.
- Thank you.
- Everyone's so serious.
Please tell me
you weren't talking about business.
- Ha, ha. Ah, we were talking about love.
- That's nice.
Will you call the boys in? Dinner's ready.
Oh, they're fine.
Let them play a while longer.
- Come on. Catch.
- Hurry up. Catch it.
- Awesome cottage you're renting.
- Yeah, you don't say.
This is prime Hanalei location.
I used to come here when I was a kid,
before it was a vacation property.
Alex, your great-uncle Warren and Aunt
Lillian built this back in the '20s.
- I haven't been inside in years.
- Come on, we'll give you a tour.
Maybe, Brian, you could give my dad
a walk down memory lane...
...and Julie and I can chat out here.
Oh, yeah, I'd like that, if you don't mind.
Just a quick look.
Yes. It's not like we live
here or anything, but okay.
- Will you hold that for me?
- Mm.
Let's go over here.
- Have you guys traveled much?
- Not much.
We kind of just stay... the area of the islands...
- Here it is.
How'd you meet? I'm curious.
- I can't do this.
- Neither can I. How'd you meet?
I thought you said you came here
just to tell me.
I changed my mind.
And I can't very well
ask her the details, can I?
How'd you meet?
- At a party.
- What party?
A Super Bowl party.
At the Mitchell's.
- Does that help? Does that make it better?
- I'm doing you a favor here.
I could go out there right now
and I could fuck you up.
So get a better attitude.
And then what?
How'd you get the nerve to ask her out?
Was it about the deal?
- Is that when you decided she was for you?
- No. It's not what you think.
It just happened.
- Nothing just happens.
- Everything just happens.
- Ha, ha.
- Was she gonna leave me?
She would have. But I didn't want that.
That never would've happened.
I love Julie.
I know I'll cry, I know he'll leave
I know he'll lie
Please don't tell her.
I don't know what I have done,
but I am so sorry.
Did she say that she loved you?
Flyin' into window panes
Changin' lanes
And it's all in vain
Do you love her?
You don't love her.
You don't love her.
You were just using her to get to me.
I told you, I wasn't trying to get to you.
It was an affair, an attraction.
It was sex.
She got carried away with the whole thing,
and I went with it.
At least, I didn't say no to things
that I should have.
I love my family.
I guess it's all working out.
Her lips are sealed, and you don't have
to go through the trouble of dumping her.
Hey, that is so unfair.
I had... I have so much respect for her.
She's an amazing woman.
It just ain't fair
I have one more question for you.
You ever been inside my bedroom?
Oh. Wow.
You could've had the decency
to lie about that one.
All right, twice.
Fools my eye
Every time
She's at Queen's Hospital
if you wanna say goodbye.
That is really all I came here to say.
That's great.
All remodeled and new appliances. Nice.
Alex, I think we should get going.
Well, hey, thanks for stopping by.
It was really nice to meet you both.
- Maybe I'll see you at the beach tomorrow.
- Yeah, maybe.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
When do you think he'll show up?
I have no idea.
Was he sorry? I hope he was sorry, man.
I mean, you could've told his wife,
and you didn't.
I would've told her everything.
I mean,
that guy doesn't know how lucky he is.
She deserves to know too.
Otherwise she's just gonna be a dumb bitch
the rest of her life.
- Sid.
- I'm just saying.
No need to get creepy about it.
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
It's all behind us.
Yeah, well, the one we have to worry
about telling things to now is Scottie.
I asked Dr. Johnston
to help me break the news to her tomorrow.
Dr. Johnston asked me to come here
to meet you today.
And I've heard so many wonderful things
about you.
Your mother is going to die very soon.
Here we are.
- Hi, Barry.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hi, Alice.
- Hi, Uncle Barry.
Good to see you.
- Matt.
- Hey, Tutu.
Okay, Alex, why don't we...
- Alex, how are you, honey?
- Get some chairs for Tutu, huh?
There you are again.
- So, what'd you decide?
- Not much left to decide.
We're just playing it by ear
and trying to keep her comfortable.
I mean, what'd you decide about the buyer?
Who's your buyer?
How much you getting?
Dad, I'm sure you'll be able
to read about that in the paper.
I don't wanna read about it.
I wanna hear about it now.
Let's not talk about this here.
This isn't the time.
It's all the same to you.
A million here, a million there.
It's just ironic, that's all...
...Elizabeth coming into this misfortune
just as you're coming into a fortune.
She gave you everything, Matt.
- Good, happy home. Beautiful daughters.
- What's your point?
She wanted her own boat,
she should've had her own boat.
- Something she would've been familiar with.
- She wasn't driving.
Her boat, somebody else's boat,
wouldn't have mattered.
- You're not gonna blame me for this.
- Ah.
Quibble about the details.
She was a faithful, devoted wife.
She deserved more.
You're right, she deserved more.
For chrissake, take it easy on the man.
You know, my father has been doing
a really amazing job...
...under these circumstances.
- Let's go.
- Are we leaving?
No, Mama, not yet.
Man, that guy is such a prick.
- Is he always like that?
- Yeah.
I love you.
Yeah, we went.
The villages we went to
were in between these corn fields.
Suddenly, bam, hits the tree.
Work's going okay?
So you've gotta buy what's there already.
At all price ranges.
Well, no surprise.
Other than the holdouts
who don't wanna sell at all, it's done.
Holitzer. Chicago group a distant second.
Feels good.
Doing the right thing, Mattie.
At least there ain't gonna be any Walmart.
All right.
Now it's your call. We're all behind you.
Most of us, anyway.
Go ahead, captain. Make it official.
It's strange, is all.
What's strange?
We didn't do anything to own this land.
It was entrusted to us.
And now we're just...
I can't do it. I'm not gonna do it.
- What do you mean?
- I'm not gonna sign.
What are you doing, man?
We know you got a lot on your plate now,
but you're not gonna fuck this up for us.
It's over.
I don't want it to go to Holitzer.
I don't want it to go to anyone.
I wanna keep it.
Your head's not right, Mattie.
Your head's not right.
Want a couple of days to think about it?
Take a couple of days.
I don't need a couple of days.
I have the authority,
and this is what I want.
We have other businesses
that we're converting into corporations.
- We can figure this out.
- You're the trustee, Mattie.
You know better than anyone
we only have seven years left.
Then I have seven years
to figure out how to keep it.
We'll come after you, man.
Just because you're a fucking lawyer...
...doesn't mean the rest of us
will be afraid to come after you.
But nobody wants to do that.
We're family.
People will be relieved, Hugh.
The whole state.
- Oh, shit.
- I sign this document...
...and something that we were supposed
to protect is gone forever.
Now, we're haole as shit.
And we go to private schools and clubs...
...and we can barely speak pidgin,
let alone Hawaiian.
But we've got Hawaiian blood,
and we're tied to this land.
And our children are tied to this land.
Now, it's a miracle that
for some bullshit reason 150 years ago...
...we own this much of paradise,
but we do.
And for whatever bullshit reason,
I'm the trustee now...
...and I'm not signing.
I'm not signing it.
So if you wanna sue me,
it'll just make us closer.
All right.
Listen up, everybody. Hey, hey, hey.
Cousin Mattie has an announcement.
Get ready.
Come in.
I know we just met...
...but I've been thinking about you guys
a lot these last few days...
...and, uh, I knew your mom was here.
I don't know, I just felt I should come by.
- Well, you know Alex.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- This is Scottie.
- And, Sid, this is Mrs. Speer.
- Julie.
- Julie.
- Were you friends with my mom?
No, I never met your mom,
but I know a lot about her.
Listen, Julie,
we really appreciate you coming by...
...and the flowers are lovely.
- Hey, Scottie, Alex.
- What?
- Let's go to the cafeteria.
- Okay.
- Yeah, good idea. Scottie.
- I'm coming.
Hurry up, Scottie. Hi.
It only took me two seconds.
- Scottie.
- Coming.
I'm not sure how much you know
about my wife's condition...
...but, uh, she's gonna die very soon.
And actually,
that's sort of why we're here.
I know.
That's why I came, because I know.
I came because Brian wouldn't,
and that just didn't seem right.
I thought someone from my family
should come.
So he told you.
He was acting really weird that night
after you left...
...and then I just started smelling it
on him.
I'd already smelled it.
I finally got it out of him,
and we have been going crazy ever since.
Not easy with the kids around.
It's all just something
I could never have imagined.
And then your family's decision
with the land...
...I think you're doing the right thing,
but Brian is...
It's just so complicated and confusing.
I know.
I'm angry.
But I'm just so sorry.
I can't imagine
what you must be going through.
Do you mind if I say something to her?
Elizabeth, I'm Julie.
I'm Brian's wife.
I just wanna tell you...
I just wanna tell you I forgive you.
I forgive you
for trying to take Brian away.
I forgive you
for trying to destroy my family.
Because I just... I have to forgive you.
I just have to forgive you,
even though I should hate you.
- Okay, okay, that's enough.
- I just have to forgive you.
Really, honestly,
I think that's enough, okay?
Here we go. Thank you, Julie.
He didn't love her, just so you know.
He didn't really love her.
That's why I came.
Okay. Okay.
There you go.
Goodbye, Elizabeth.
Goodbye, my love.
My friend.
My pain.
My joy.
Well, I guess that's it.
There are few places
harder to get to in this world...
... but there aren't any
where it's harder to live.
The average temperature here
at the bottom of the Earth...
... is a balmy 58 degrees below...
- One strawberry.
- ... when the sun is out.
One mocha chip.
- It wasn't always like this.
- Great.
Antarctica used
to be a tropical place...
... densely forested and
teeming with life.
But then the continent
started to drift south...
... and by the time it
was done drifting...
... the dense forests had all been
As for the former inhabitants,
they'd all died or moved on long ago.
Well, almost all of them.
The emperor penguin
is technically a bird...
... although one that makes his home
in the sea.
So if you're wondering what he's
doing up here on the ice...
... well, that's part of our story.
Each year at around the same time...
... he will leave the comfort
of his ocean home...
... and embark on a
remarkable journey.
He will travel a great distance.
And though he is a
bird, he won't fly.
Though he lives in the sea,
he won't swim.
Mom, I love you
Yes, I do
Yes, I do
Wait for me, Mom
Be home real soon
Real soon
I never knew
How much you meant to me
Now that I'm so many miles away
From you
Only God knows
When and where we'll meet again
To hold you in my arms
Once more
Once more
To hear your voice
To see your smile
Oh, God, do please
Keep my mom
Please keep my mom