The Detective (1968)

- Morning, Kelly.
- Sergeant.
Aren't two homicides in one week
enough for you, Tanner?
- Wait till you see this one.
- What makes it any different?
Leikman's son.
- The Leikman?
- The Leikman.
Oh, Sergeant Joe Leland, Robbie Loughren.
- You the new guy? Welcome.
- Yes, sir. Thank you.
- Anyone been in or out of here?
- No, sir, just our men.
Good. Let's keep it that way. Where is it?
Second floor.
Landlady found him 20 minutes ago.
Let's go.
I hear you're the best detective in town.
- How bad is it?
- I don't know, sergeant.
I just got here a few
minutes before you did.
My God.
- I think I'm gonna be sick.
- No, you're not.
You're gonna tense your muscles
and get out the notebook.
Male Caucasian lying nude on floor.
Penis cut off. Lying on
floor of living room.
Side of skull smashed in.
Cuts on face and chest.
Fingers shredded.
Index and thumb of right hand missing.
- Hi, Joe.
- Doc.
- Hi, sarge.
- Schoenstein.
Take pictures of that thing.
Then fish it up, put it in the corner
where nobody will kick it around.
What kind of work is this
for a nice Jewish boy?
- Anything yet, Curran?
- Not so far.
- How about you fellas? Find anything?
- Zero.
- Mercidis?
- Yeah?
Take a walk for four blocks
and look in all the garbage cans.
- What are we looking for?
- A couple of fingers and/or a knife.
Nestor, you try the same thing on the roof,
will you?
- This is Robbie Loughren. Nestor, Mercidis.
- Hi.
What do you suppose that is?
- Salt?
- Sand.
Put some of it in here.
I want a lab report on that.
Get me a lab report on everything
in this medicine cabinet too.
Also those semen stains on the sheets.
Weights. Barbell.
Mineral oil.
- Take this along with the other stuff, will you?
- All right.
Robbie, check those clothes.
Anything you find in those pockets,
bring downtown with you.
Stay with it, Max.
Well, doc?
Junior there was a homosexual.
Looks like he was a leader.
What'd you find?
Mutilations were caused
by some kind of knife.
- What killed him though?
- The blows on the head.
He was struck five, six times, maybe more.
Lovers' quarrel. This is
the way they settled it.
Takes all kinds, doctor.
They don't disturb you?
I got my own bag-
Twenty years, they still disturb
the hell out of me.
It's an interesting comment.
When can I get the lab report?
- Late this evening or early tomorrow.
- Okay.
- Sergeant, I got a girl outside. Lives upstairs.
- Yeah?
Landlady said she saw a lot of Leikman.
Okay. Thanks, doc.
Miss Linjack? Sergeant Joe Leland.
- What can I do for you?
- We'd like to ask you a few questions.
- What is it?
- It's about Mr. Leikman.
Teddy? Did something happen to Teddy?
He's dead.
- You've been out all night?
- Yes.
Tell me, what happened?
- Somebody killed him.
- Killed him?
No, you don't wanna go in there.
- Would you like to help us'?
- I don't know anything.
What was your relationship to Mr. Leikman?
He needed someone to take out to parties...
so it would look all right.
- What did you get out of it?
- I knew he was gay, but he was civilized.
And he had a bit of wit, which is
more than I can say for most people.
Do you know if he had any other friends
of a similar persuasion?
- His roommate.
- Roommate? Did you say roommate?
Teddy took in a roommate last week.
What made you sure he was a roommate?
I came down to Teddy's apartment
to find out what time we were going out...
and another man came to the door.
I told Teddy I was sorry to disturb him...
and he said it was just his roommate.
- What was his name?
- Teddy didn't say.
Can you describe this roommate?
He was an unsavory character.
Medium build. Long
sideburns, like an actor.
- Color hair?
- Black.
Age, approximately?
Late 20s, 30. It's hard to tell.
Robbie, get out a John Doe.
Wanted for questioning
in connection with a homicide.
Also, send it to the state and county
police. He may be on the road.
Anything else you can remember,
Miss Linjack? Anything at all?
You don't seem to be feeling much grief
over the death of your friend Teddy.
If I am, I'm not showing it.
That's clear, isn't it?
Ahem. We have a sketch artist downtown.
You could help with your description.
- Would you mind?
- May I change my clothes?
Of course. Officer Tanner
will stay with you.
- Thank you, I can get there on my own.
- Officer Tanner will stay with you.
- I like her.
- What's there to like?
I like the way
she stuck up for her friend Teddy.
I think I also like her
because she's a cop-hater.
All right! Out of my way!
Get outta here. Out of my way.
Who's in charge here?
- Oh. It's you.
- I was only following your orders.
It's all right, Kelly.
I'll take responsibility.
Only people with official business are
allowed, Mr. Councilman. How'd you get by?
Listen, I have a badge
from the sheriff's office.
- It doesn't work here.
- No one's ever stopped me before.
Mr. Davis, every time you give everything you
know to the papers, it's not helpful to us.
Do you know the rising rate of crime here?
Do you know what the statistics are?
Some of us want to do something.
Do you realize?
You picked a lousy spot
for a campaign speech.
- I'm going in.
- No, you're not.
Kelly, show Mr. Councilman outside.
If he gives you any trouble,
run him downtown.
You bastard.
I'm gonna talk to the mayor about you.
- Hey. Captain Farrell wants to see you.
- Figures.
MAN: What's your name?
- Sidney.
- You ever been arrested before?
- No.
- You live in this neighborhood?
- Yes.
- You like to play ball?
- Yeah.
Well, you can't do much
ball-playing in jail.
You want me to tell your mother
and father about this?
You know a cop when you see one?
You got me a good customer.
Listen, officer, tell the judge
I asked you for 50 instead of 25.
I don't wanna ruin my reputation.
Sure. Sure.
You, what's your name?
- Do you want to see me?
- Yeah.
Was this Davis thing necessary?
Do we have to play patsy
for every bum who runs for re-election?
- Was it necessary?
- No, it wasn't necessary.
Well, why don't you go down
and tell him you're sorry?
Would you like to have my badge first?
You're dealing with the murder of the son of
one of the most successful men in this city.
Headquarters won't hesitate to shake up
this whole department.
You got everybody's ass in a sling.
Mine included.
You have to take it from those bastards.
I don't have to.
I know. I know.
Nothing matters to you.
Nothing but your goddamn dignity.
Well, you can take your
dignity out for a walk!
- Is that all, captain?
- Yeah. Just get the hell out of here!
Yes, sir.
- Who are you looking for? Oh.
- The hostess, I presume.
Karen, it's for you. Somebody interesting.
- Hello, Joe.
- Hi.
- Can I get you a drink?
- Oh, I know what he likes.
Come on.
- Mike, that's Joe Leland.
- Yes? Oh, yes, yes.
- Karen's talked a lot about you, Joe.
- That so?
What's she saying?
She's married to a man who's a cop?
Yes. She also said
you're the brightest man she ever knew.
I, uh, read about Leikman's son.
It's quite a thing, isn't it?
- Oh, yeah. It's quite a thing.
- There.
- Thank you.
- Nice meeting you.
- Here, let me take your hat.
- No, it's all right.
Uh, that fella over there's gonna make
a speech about the benefits of LSD.
Don't you want to hear what he has to say?
I think I'll pass.
Did you want to talk about something?
I did, yeah.
Well, we can go someplace.
Another time.
Say, would you keep an eye on these,
please, buddy? Thank you.
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
Karen Widener.
Joe Leland.
- I haven't seen you around here before.
- I haven't been around.
I'm in Sociology.
- How nice for Sociology.
- Heh.
- Who are you? Why do you sound so tough?
- I am tough.
- Who are you?
- I'm with the cops.
I beg your pardon?
I'm a policeman taking a night course
in Criminology.
You're kidding.
Thank you.
- I take it you didn't like the play.
- I didn't like the play.
- I never saw anything so meaningful.
- He's a phony.
- Do you know anything about plays?
- A little bit, yes.
- Well, who are your favorite playwrights?
- How about O'Casey and Shaw?
Well, what do you know about O'Casey?
Mr. O'Casey writes about the joys of life,
not the futility of it all.
What do you do, Mr. Leland?
He's with the cops.
- You're kidding.
- Heh. That's what I said.
Well, I always said a little learning
in a policeman is a dangerous thing.
Where are you going?
I'm going home because you and your friends
give me a pain in the ass.
- Hello.
- Hi.
What's your problem?
Heart trouble.
Would you like to explain that?
Well, there's this man I know.
Are you in love with him?
I don't know.
But he's the only real man I've ever met.
I bet you tell that to all the cops.
How many girls have you brought up here?
Couple of thousand.
No, I mean, seriously.
How many have you had
right here on this couch?
Did you notice
that we haven't had a fight all evening?
Yep. I noticed.
That's probably because for a minute
you forgot that I was a fascist cop.
Why do you wanna be a cop?
Because my old man was a cop.
His old man was a cop.
Everybody in my family was a cop.
That's why.
Why do you wanna be a cop?
Because it's the most useful and constructive
thing I can do. Don't you understand?
I understand. Don't bite my head off.
What about you?
- I mean, I don't know anything about you.
- What do you wanna know?
Well, first it's your family.
What about them?
There isn't any.
What do you mean, there isn't any?
Well, I was the proverbial baby
left on the doorstep.
Don't look so sad. It isn't that tragic.
Well, were you adopted?
If you're not taken by the time you're 3,
they don't pick you up too easily.
But I lived in a few
foster homes, you know.
Best thing about it was
I had a room of my own.
The state requires
you have a room of your own.
I said, don't look so sad.
It isn't such a bad life.
No scars?
No, I just go to my psychiatrist
twice a week now.
You don't approve of that.
Not particularly. I happen to feel people
should try to work out their own problems.
Well, that's manly of you.
Ever been married?
- Engaged?
- No.
Many guys?
And on my terms.
Not theirs.
I've been to the post a few times myself.
I was beginning to think that nobody else
in the world would ever interest me again.
Let's not talk about those things, Joe.
Let's just enjoy each other.
I don't want to be this way with you.
Why not?
I want this to be different.
It Will be.
- I'm sorry I'm late.
- How did it go?
Oh, fine. I think I got
my associate professorship.
Me. Imagine.
- I think it's wonderful. Just great.
- Yeah? Ooh.
Did you give any thought
to what we talked about?
- I don't know, Joe.
- What do you mean?
You either love me or you don't love me.
Oh, I love you, but it...
It just isn't that simple, you know?
You keep talking in riddles all the time.
What's to keep us apart?
Well, I... I've been around
and you've been around.
We're both kind of set in our ways
and everything.
Sure, but that's why we ought to do something
about it while there's still time.
Are you wacky enough to take on me?
Try me.
Yeah, baby!
- You know something?
- What?
If I don't marry you, I'm crazy.
What'd you say?
I said, if I don't marry you, I'm crazy.
All right.
- Hi, Joe. How's the bridegroom?
- Tired. What else?
MAN 1: Shut up, you silly son of a...
MAN 2: I didn't mean to do it.
- What's that?
- Wait till you hear this.
MAN 2: You don't think I meant to do it, do
you? MAN 1: Didn't mean it? Are you stupid?
Harmon! Harmon, you're a stupid jerk!
- What is it?
- Well, he did it this time.
- He killed one of them.
- I couldn't help it.
I yelled for them to stop.
You know what it's like up there.
- Doesn't give you license to shoot a man.
- I didn't mean to shoot him!
- Didn't mean to shoot.
- The gun went off!
- Wait till those civil rights bastards get this.
- I didn't mean to do it.
- Who cares? You put us all in the crapper.
- I heard it on the radio. Great. Just great.
- In my office. Come on. Tanner, you his partner?
- Yeah.
Let's go. Come on.
Shut the door.
All right, Tanner. Tell us what happened.
We were following these guys.
They were speeding.
Jack kept the siren going. We cut them off.
Jack took his revolver out,
walked over to the car and leaned in.
There was a shot. The car lurched.
That's all I know.
I didn't know what he could've been doing in
there. He reached for the glove compartment.
He could've been reaching for anything.
There were five of them, drunk.
Well, you can't have it both ways.
It was either an accident or you panicked.
Which way was it?
- It was an accident.
- An accident.
You walked over to the
car and you leaned in.
Show me what happened.
I'm the man in the car. Come on. Show me.
How close was your revolver to him?
- I don't remember.
- You don't remember.
You said the car lurched.
Was it before or after, did you say?
- Well, I...
- Never mind.
Tanner, didn't you just say
that he walked over to the car, gun drawn,
leaned in the car, there was a shot and then
the car lurched? Isn't that what you said?
It could've been before.
It could've been before.
Harmon, if I get you through this,
it'll be for the department, not for you.
If you get him through this?
Shut up, Joe, and get outta here.
If the civil rights group
doesn't take care of you
and if the department doesn't take care of
you, you keep your eye on me, Mr. Harmon.
So go to the newspapers. Tell them
they're trying to whitewash Harmon.
I can't do that to the department.
The department?
I've watched the way this thing eats you up.
The way Farrell tries to twist you around.
Darling, why do you take it? I mean, you
could go anywhere. You could do anything.
It's what I do best.
It's my life, and it's worth something.
I know it's tough for somebody
on the outside to understand.
You know, I remember once I saw
my old man climb to the top of a bridge...
to keep some poor sick soul
from jumping off.
And then he cried like a baby
after the guy went over the side.
Some life I gave you.
Out all day on the chase...
then I bring it all home to you.
Yeah, you got some deal, you did.
- I got a very good deal.
- Heh.
You give so much and get so little.
No, you lie back and relax.
You let me make love to you this time.
Central to Car 215 of the 19th Precinct.
Proceed to number 330 East 71st Street.
Penthouse apartment A.
A for Arthur. A cardiac case.
- Joe?
- Yeah.
- I gotta talk to you.
- What is it this time?
They're gonna bust me.
- Still on the junk, huh?
- No. Honest, Joe.
Don't "honest" me, sweetheart.
You need a pop right now.
- Who's handling the beef?
- Some hardhead named Callahan.
I wanna see Christmas.
I haven't seen Christmas in two years.
I'll see. I'll see about it.
- Cute kid.
- Yeah, cute kid.
She's a whore, she's a pusher,
she's an addict, and she's 19 years old.
This whole town is crawling with kids like
her. Same age. All going the same route.
Part of the Great Society.
- Joe, you sore at me?
- No, I'm not sore.
I liked you from the minute
your old man brought you into my office.
You know, you could make it.
You could make it big.
- But, uh, you've never been able to...
- Kiss ass.
I don't get this loner thing.
Your old man was never that way.
You know, uh, with Karen
you were more of a human being.
She was such a good influence on you.
I wish... I wish you'd
never split up with her.
Oh, Jilly, let's have a beer.
You know, uh,
you've solved two homicides this week.
Your promotion was all set.
And then this Davis thing.
Oh, screw it, will you, Tom?
Leave it alone.
Joe, what's gonna happen to you?
You're not getting any younger.
I don't know what's gonna happen to me.
Maybe the same thing that happened
to my old man. I'll wind up on a scrapheap.
But you could make it
all the way to the top.
Don't make bets on it.
You know, promotion for lieutenancy comes
up this month. You know that, don't you?
Jeez, I'd hate to see Curran get it.
He's sucking up to them all the time.
Joe, do you think you could crack
this Leikman thing?
Hard to say. We got a few leads, but,
uh, I don't know where they'll take us.
Do you think you could crack it
in 48 hours, huh?
That's a nice phrase. A nice ring to it.
That youngster was just here.
Her name's Sharon Henesy. She's
being rousted by a cop named Callahan.
Will you see if you can
get him to ease off?
Sure. Sure. Fine.
Oh, Joe, by the way, the newspaper boys have
been calling. They want to speak to you.
You know, the Davis thing. Could you see
them in the station tomorrow morning?
- You're gonna be there, aren't you, Tom?
- Ahem.
- I think it's better you speak to them alone.
- No, it's all right. Thanks, Tom.
- Say, what's this between you and Davis?
- He really went after you.
- Davis says you don't have a thing.
- How would he know?
There's more to police work than a badge.
- Stay out of this, will you, Dave?
- What was Davis doing here yesterday?
- He was buffing. Mm-hm.
- Buffing, did you say?
A buff is a guy who hangs
around the police?
- You disapprove of buffing?
- Not at all. We have them here all the time.
They go out for sandwiches, cigarettes,
run errands, make themselves useful.
- Can we quote you?
- That's what you're here for.
- Do you send Davis out for coffee?
- Mm-mm.
No, we tried that once. He screwed it up.
Got a Danish instead of a doughnut.
Coffee black instead of cream and sugar.
He was murder. I'll see you.
Thanks a lot, Leland.
What's the progress on the Leikman case?
Oh, I expect we'll get a break in 48 hours.
- Quote you on that?
- Be my guest.
- What made you say 48 hours?
- It sounded good, didn't it?
- Oy vey ist mir.
- Here's a sketch of the suspect.
- Nestor, you know where gay boys hang out?
- Yeah, I know.
MAN 1:
All right. Come on, get out of here!
All right, come on! Let's go!
Get outta there!
Line up there. Come on. Get out of here.
Make a straight line. Get over there.
- Come on. Get outta there.
MAN 2: Get over that way!
Don't hurt your shins.
All right, baby, come on.
MAN 3: I'm not gonna hurt you.
MAN 1: All right, let's go. Come on!
NESTOR: All right, you first.
You, come here. Come on.
- You!
- Get over there.
You're a young one, aren't you?
You're off to a good start.
- You know this man?
- No.
- What?
- No!
- Did you ever know Theodore Leikman Jr.?
- Leikman?
- Yeah. One of your kind.
- No, I never knew him.
- Don't worry. No one's gonna hurt you.
- You're not gonna tell my parents, are you?
- Did you know him?
- No!
Take it easy. These
people are not murderers.
I know what I'm doing.
I'll handle it. You, come here.
- Tell him to get his hands off me.
- Oh, you're a wise one, huh?
- You think you can push me around like that?
- What are you doing here?
- I was just taking a walk.
- Oh, just taking a walk, huh?
Curran, we've seen him around before,
haven't we?
Yeah. I've seen him with some young ones.
Contributing to the delinquency of minors.
Have you ever met this man?
- No.
- Look at it!
- Did you know Theodore Leikman Jr.?
- Answer him.
No. I never knew him.
- Okay. Go on.
- Wait. I wanna book him.
For what? Go on.
- Yeah, go on.
- Ow! Oh!
I want to see you a second.
Nestor, you're a miserable son of a bitch.
Yes, sir.
- A half gallon of mineral oil.
- Maybe he had constipation.
- Not Leikman.
- Hey, maybe he used it to oil his pal.
It's too thin.
You need something thick like Vaseline.
- How do you know?
- Men and women use Vaseline.
- I wouldn't know.
- Neither would I.
- Congratulations.
- Some people like to drink it.
You keep that up, you're
gonna be a suspect.
19th Squad, detectives. Mercidis speaking.
- Yeah, hold on. Sarge.
- Yeah?
Joe? I'm calling from school.
I just want you to know what
a stinking thing this is with Davis.
- Well, is there anything I can do?
- No.
- Are you gonna be all right?
- Ill handle it.
Good luck, Joe.
Let's check out all the Ys...
the body-beautiful places,
weightlifting joints, and the gyms.
What for?
They make their bodies shiny
by using this stuff, you know.
I think Teddy used to like to look at
these. Maybe he went where they hang out.
Maybe that's where he met his roommate.
- He's not gonna drop that, is he?
- We never drop anything.
Listen, did Theodore Leikman Jr.
Ever come in here?
Yes, he did, that little crumb.
Hallelujah. Did you ever see anybody
with him who looks like this?
Oh, yes. The strange one.
DAVE: Well, what's his name?
- Tesla. Felix Tesla.
- Tesla. Felix Tesla.
- Maybe he's from out of town.
And maybe he's in Mexico by now.
Know what I think? We hit the beaches.
Check every hotel where they might stay.
MAN: Central to Sergeant Leland, 19th
Squad. JOE: Sergeant Leland to Central.
Detectives Curran and Schoenstein report their
investigations at the Half Moon Hotel...
regarding the attempt to arrest
Felix Tesla for homicide is negative.
He is known there but not seen lately.
Over and out.
Listen, maybe you better talk to them this time.
Maybe you'll appeal to them more than I do.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Yes?
Police officers.
Did you ever have a roomer
by the name of Felix Tesla?
- What about him?
- Well, have you seen him recently?
- Have you?
- This morning before he went out for breakfast.
- Did he come back?
- He's up in his room.
- Go around back, Robbie.
- Okay.
- Now, quietly, who else is in the house?
- No one else. Just me.
Where's his room?
Number three. It's up the stairs.
Don't be foolish. Stay out of it.
Sarge, Sarge, he's heading for the beach!
All right. Cool it.
MAN 1: Hey, here's our man now.
MAN 2: What's his name?
MAN 3: Look this way.
- All right, cool it, move back.
MAN 3:
Come on!
Get close to him, Joe,
you're part of the story.
- Get the hell out of here. Get out of the
way. MAN 3: Come on, Joe, give us a break.
Come on.
- Did you inform him of his rights?
- I did.
Boys, take him inside
and start talking to him. You, go with him.
I got something to show you.
Kelly, give me that yellow sheet
on the suspect, huh?
Get a load of this. "Arrested Toronto,
assault and battery, robbery.
Sentenced two years. Sentence suspended,
condition to military service.
Dishonorably discharged, Canadian army.
Felonious assault, bottle.
Felonious assault, knife."
He's been a pretty busy boy.
Joe, we gotta get that confession now.
If you can crack this,
you can make Davis eat turd.
And you can get your promotion.
Lift your head up.
Lift your head up.
I said, lift your head up!
Now, take a look at this picture of Teddy.
Look at it!
Look at it!
- That's what you did to him.
- You think you're not gonna talk?
We'll take you down the cellar.
You know what we do in the cellar, Felix?
Felix, just tell us what you used on him.
Huh? Just tell us that. Hm?
What did you do with the knife?
What did you do with the knife, you fag?
Muscles isn't saying anything.
I'll fix that.
- Hey, fag. Fag!
- All right.
All right, all right. Everybody out.
Come on, everybody out.
You too, Nestor. Out.
Want some coffee?
Pretty rough, huh?
You're from Toronto, huh? ls that,
uh, Circus Bar still open up there?
Oh, yes, Felix, I've
been around a long time.
I know all the places. But you know
what I say? I believe in live and let live.
Look, Felix, I know it's rough,
but it doesn't have to be.
Tell me about Teddy.
What kind of a man was he?
Come on, tell me.
I mean, we don't know too much about him,
but I do know he wasn't a very nice man.
And I can understand something happening
to a man like that.
You met him over at the health club, didn't
you? Became quite friendly over there.
And then he asked you to come
and live with him, didn't he?
It wasn't easy living with Teddy, was it?
He wasn't nice, was he?
He wasn't nice.
Tell me, am I wrong? Was he nice?
- He was a bitch!
- A bitch.
Nothing was good enough for him.
Nobody was good enough for him.
He laughed at everybody.
He laughed at me.
Oh, he was educated.
Him with his education.
- Tell me about his body.
- What do you mean?
I mean, what you liked about his body.
- It was nice.
- Nice.
How nice? What kind of nice?
- It was like a girl's.
- You mean, soft?
No, no, no. We say the words.
Soft, like a girl.
It was soft. Soft like a girl's.
- Listen to me, Felix. He teased you, didn't he?
- Oh, yes.
- He called you names, didn't he?
- Yes.
- What kind of names did he call you?
- Bull. Stud. Names like that.
- He said you were stupid, didn't he?
- Yes.
- He laughed at you. And you hated him.
- Oh, I hated him!
I hated him.
Felix, tell me about Friday night.
What did you fight about?
- He wanted me to leave.
- And you wanted to stay?
Until I found a job.
But he wanted me to leave right away.
I had those few dollars saved.
I didn't want to spend it.
I didn't have to, but
he wanted me to go out.
- So you left?
- Just to calm down.
Then you came back and argued, didn't you?
He called you some more names, didn't he?
But he went too far this
time and you hit him.
And you kept hitting him until you broke
his skull, didn't you? Isn't that so?
Face it, Felix. Face it.
Say it. You'll feel better for it.
You can't walk around the rest of your life
with a thing like that on your head.
You cut him and then you threw his fingers
and the knife off the Queensboro Bridge.
You did it, Felix. You killed him.
You crushed his skull, didn't you?
- Didn't you? You hit him.
- I hit him.
Louder! Say it louder!
I killed him!
I killed him!
- Think it'll stick?
- Why not?
I'll buy this one. I'd like to see
Davis's face when he reads the papers.
You got the confession.
It's still got to stick in court.
Is there any doubt in your mind
how it's gonna go in court?
Would you like to bet
on the chances of that fag?
Boy, three homicides in one week.
That ought to shake them
up at headquarters.
MAN: These pictures were taken
as Sergeant Leland arrived.
Leland is known as one of the most colorful
plain-clothes men in Manhattan.
His running battle with Councilman Davis
has been well-publicized.
The information coming in about Felix Tesla
is that he is a Canadian.
His record included dishonorable discharge
from the Canadian army and felonious assaults.
- -Son of the department store owner, occurred
in his apartment at 5 East 72nd Street.
The violent and savage
nature of his death...
brought speculation on his life
and his background.
What a gorgeous little circus.
Everybody out to fry the little fag,
including me.
I was even caught up in the fever.
They said on the news that it was
a terrific piece of work you did.
It wasn't terrific. It was routine.
Then why are you so upset?
Because he's a psychotic and they're
gonna burn him, that's why I'm upset.
- They have a court psychiatrist, don't they?
- Sure, they got a psychiatrist.
But he's a frontrunner
like the rest of those bums down there.
Joe, what can I do?
Why did you come here?
I came here to ball.
Ain't that what you do the best?
Well, ain't it?
Oh, hi, Joe. Hi. This is Matt Henderson.
We went to school together.
We're just sitting here chatting,
catching up on old times and everything.
Uh, Matt, this is my husband, Joe Leland.
- Hi.
- You wanna join us?
No, I've got something to do. See you.
Comb your hair.
You're gonna get your picture taken.
Aw, nuts.
MAN: He give you much trouble, Joe?
- No comment.
- How long did it take to nail him?
- I said, no comment. There he is.
Hey, kid, where'd he pick you up?
I've missed you.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
- Is something wrong?
- No.
I work with people every day.
That's my business.
Now, there's something wrong. What is it?
Nothing wrong.
There's someone else, isn't there?
No, no. No.
No one.
Who is it, Karen?
- Now, who is it?
- Well, it...
It's just somebody from school.
You want a divorce?
- Get him on the phone.
- What do you mean?
Get him on the phone and tell him you're no
longer going to see him. That's what I mean.
- Joe, you think this is gonna solve everything?
- Call him.
Uh, Jerry?
It's Karen.
I don't want to see you any more.
Yes, he's here, but that hasn't anything
to do with it. Uh, it's what I want.
I'm sorr... I'm sorry.
Hey! What the hell's the matter with you?
So it's on again.
If you love this guy,
why the hell don't you marry him?
It wasn't him. It was another man.
- I didn't hear you. What did you say?
- I said it was another man!
- What's the matter with you?
- You can't talk to me like a criminal.
I have a right to be
with anybody I want to.
Oh, God.
I can't act like this with you. I mean...
I just can't.
What's the matter?
You know what's the matter with me.
You've known it for a long time.
No, I don't know what you mean.
There's something wrong with me.
I wanted it to be all right.
Everything seemed so right.
And then the bottom dropped out.
You know what I was like
when I married you.
You asked me once if...
If I'd ever been married or engaged.
I couldn't sustain a relationship.
I was scared to death of that.
Do you know what sex was like for me?
I'd walk down the street...
or go into a bar or anything.
Meet somebody. Anybody.
Someone I never knew before.
And I'd have an affair with him.
It was the only way I could do it.
You're the only one
ever made me feel like a woman.
The man in the bar.
I never saw him before.
Telephone call?
A phony number.
I know all the clinical reasons for it.
I want to destroy the
only family I ever had.
I don't like myself very much.
Could you believe that...
in spite of it all...
I love you?
There's one thing I've always known.
You're the only chance I have.
Oh, don't look away from me, Joe.
Don't look away from me.
Well, you balled me. You feel better?
Don't I always with you?
Glad to be of service.
Joe, do you have to go?
I mean, why don't we have one
of those lazy days together we used to?
It's Sunday today.
I don't have to go to school.
I've got some work to do.
Oh, we can't do this any more.
I mean, either we have to forget each other
or try it again.
No, Karen,
it would cost me too much to try it again.
It would cost me too much.
- Is that all you've got on it?
- Yes, sir.
- Okay. Take it to the desk for a 61, will you?
- Right.
- Joe, uh, Farrell wants to see you.
- What the hell does he want?
- He wants to see you.
- Another dirty job for us?
I don't know what he wants. He never
tells me anything. Joe, he's in there.
- Hey, man.
- Hi.
- What kind of cockamamie thing is this?
- Congratulations, lieutenant.
I told you I'd do it for you, didn't I?
- You schmuck, I oughta rap you in the mouth.
- I tried to talk them out of it.
Can you imagine me taking orders from you?
Come on, Joe. I'll buy you a drink.
Congratulations, Joe.
- Good luck, lieutenant.
Well, you made it. Anything can happen if you
get your name in the papers often enough.
- What'll it be? Scotch, bourbon or beer?
- A little of each.
Joe, why don't you call Karen
and tell her to come over, huh?
MAN: You walk through this
door a Christian soul.
In the name of God,
the Father Almighty, who created you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the son
of the living God, who suffered for you.
In the name of the Holy Spirit
who has been poured forth upon you.
In the name of the glorious
and holy mother of God, the Virgin Mary.
In the name of St. Joseph,
her illustrious spouse.
In the name of the angels and archangels.
In the name of the thrones
and the dominations.
In the name of the principalities
and the powers.
In the name of the holy virgins
and of all the saints of God.
We can move in
on that heroin business today.
All right, make your buy. Move in quick.
Those people can be dangerous.
- Okay. Come on, let's go.
- What else?
The hookers are beginning
to come out on Third Avenue again.
- They gotta make a living too.
- The irate citizens are starting to complain.
Well, scare them a little bit.
Maybe they'll go back uptown.
That thing with the missing little
Shaftel girl is blowing up.
- No word yet, huh?
- No, nothing.
- You check everybody in the apartment?
- Yeah, we did.
Who are the people who are missing?
Anybody missing?
Boarder. Handyman.
Boarder, handyman.
Yeah. You concentrate on the handyman.
The boarder's made a few trips
from time to time.
The handyman never left the place...
so it doesn't fit into pattern.
- You stick with the handyman.
- Right.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I'm Norma Maclver.
What are you doing in this den of iniquity?
I heard a statement your commissioner
made on television today.
He said that this organization exists
for the protection of the community.
That's generally true, yes. Sit down.
Well, I don't believe that this organization
does always protect the community.
It's an interesting statement,
if you'd like to explain it to me.
My husband's death.
Your husband's death?
Who was your husband?
Do you remember the case of the man
who fell from the roof of the racetrack?
I was on vacation, but I remember. Wasn't
there a coroner's report and an autopsy?
- Yes, there was.
- What was the verdict?
And I take it you didn't
believe the verdict.
Look, my husband did not jump
from the roof of a racetrack...
in the middle of the afternoon
in front of thousands of people.
No, you wouldn't be
expected to believe that.
There's some sort of conspiracy.
I don't know what it is, but there is.
Why would you say there's a conspiracy?
Why would you say a thing like that anyway?
- The way people are frightened of the case.
- Who's frightened?
The coroner.
- Heh. Now, why would he be frightened?
- He didn't invite me to the inquest.
When I saw him, he said it was suicide and
there was no need to investigate further.
- Who else was frightened?
- Private detectives.
I hire them, they get into the
case a little and they drop it.
- Anything else?
- My husband's office.
The file cabinets were emptied.
- What else?
- My husband's notebook.
When the police returned it,
there were pages torn out.
- You've gone into this pretty thoroughly.
- Yes, I have.
I'm supposed to forget it. People tell me
it's not gonna make a difference...
it's not gonna bring him back.
But I'm not gonna forget it.
- What was your husband's full name?
- Colin Maclver.
And the names of the private detectives?
First there was a man called Bloom,
then a man called Carter.
- Willie Carter?
- Yes.
I'll see what I can do.
- Thank you.
- No need to thank me.
I'm going to come up with nothing.
But maybe I'll clear the mystery of coroners
and private detectives who are frightened.
You'll hear from me.
So, what was that all about?
That was something very interesting, Dave.
Remember Colin Maclver
who went off the racetrack roof?
Get a report on that, will you? And draw up
a sheet on him and one on his wife.
- Her name's Norma.
- Okay.
Dave, who was on that detail?
I think it was Curran. Yeah, Curran.
What kind of fella was Maclver?
There's a difference of opinion on that.
Some thought he was quiet and reserved...
but he drove a very expensive sports car
and had a doll-like wife.
Anybody got any ideas
why he'd want to turn himself off?
Does anybody have an idea
of what's on somebody else's mind?
That's true.
- What shape is his estate in?
- He left about 300,000.
- Sheesh. That's a lot of bread. What'd he do?
- CPA.
- Not bad for a certified public accountant.
- He was clever with money.
That's an understatement.
I see in the inventory here he had $900
in his wallet, so that rules out robbery.
He jumped.
- How do you know?
- That was the report.
- Anybody see him jump?
- No.
Well, then how can we be so sure?
- What do you mean?
- You know what I mean.
Well, if he was pushed,
somebody would have noticed it.
Not necessarily. There was a lot of
excitement while the race was going on.
No, not necessarily.
Another thing.
It says here the man died at 3:35...
and his wife wasn't informed until 8:00 that
night. What took you so long to tell her?
I don't know. One of the
other men called her.
- What about the notebook?
- Notebook?
Yeah, a little black notebook.
We returned it to his wife.
You wouldn't have had any reason to tear
out any pages out of that book, would you?
Why would I tear any pages out?
- I don't know. That's all.
- That's all?
Yeah. I'll see you later.
- What was that?
- Shaftel girl.
Found her in a vacant lot, raped
and murdered. Mother and father just left.
- Picked up a suspect.
- About time.
Yeah, Robbie's questioning him now.
- What's he like?
- Sixty-eight-year-old man.
- The handyman, huh?
- Yeah. Frightened to death.
Threw up three times in
the car coming over.
Where else did you take her?
I got three witnesses that saw you.
Where'd you take her?
- Where did you take her?!
- Nowhere.
All right, all right.
Let's go over it again.
You took her to the candy store, you bought
her some caramel corn. Where after that?
His answers are falling all over themselves.
I think I'll have him in a few minutes.
Why is he sitting without his clothes on?
Makes them easier to handle.
Stripping them makes them feel vulnerable.
I got the idea from the newsreels
of German concentration camps.
Dave, take him in the other room,
get his clothes on.
Come on.
You too, son. You can go with him.
You son of a bitch. What kind of a
department do you think we're running here?
All right, all right. Don't blow your cool.
If I ever blow my cool, buster, I'll kick
your ass right out of this building.
I'm gonna get my promotion too, lieutenant.
You're gonna get a promotion?
- You've been on the force two years.
- So what?
My old man was on the force 25 years
and he never got a promotion. That's what!
You can afford to play it big now.
I'm gonna get promoted the same way you've
been, and the only way is with results.
What looks good to headquarters.
It's the only way you got ahead.
I'm gonna get the same thing.
Get out, Robbie.
Get out!
Where do you think you would have been
if they hadn't fried that little fag?
Don't press your luck, baby.
Get out of here.
Why don't you send the little bastard
back to pounding the pavement?
- He asked some questions I couldn't answer.
- Well, we did it the hard way. Why can't he?
They don't do it the hard way these days,
captain. It's unfashionable.
- What's that?
- Agitators.
- What are you booking them on?
- We found something to book them on.
You think this is gonna solve the problem?
- You know it will only make it worse.
- I have people to answer to.
- I know the people you've got to answer to.
- Yeah, oh, that bunch there, they're swell.
Yeah, they throw Molotov cocktails
in our cars every night.
That's not hard to understand.
They do not like living in garbage cans.
And we know why the garbage cans exist,
don't we?
Because the ghetto-type housing
is the most profitable kind of housing.
- Joe, that's none of our business!
- Correct.
Our business is to sit on the lid
of those garbage cans.
Well, one of these days, if somebody
doesn't do something about them...
you'll see an explosion tear
this nation right down the middle.
You never did realize
the responsibilities of this job, did you?
Aren't you ever a little sick
about these responsibilities?
You'll find out.
Joe, I got a pension coming up
in a few months...
and you know who's gonna be the new head of
this district. It's all set. I'm telling you.
But there are just some things about
this job that you've got to learn to do.
You know, Joe, I feel sorry for you,
getting your brains beat in all the time.
Uh, this Maclver thing.
Yeah. This Maclver thing.
I know some people
who'd pay you to forget it.
Well, that's interesting. And who are
these people who would pay for it?
I'll see that you get it.
Who are they?
Curran, one day
you're gonna get your ass in a sling...
for running around with these
kind of people and taking from them.
I'm doing all right. Check, please.
I'll have you brought up on charges.
You know that, don't you?
- Go ahead. It's your word against mine.
- Ill have you busted.
Have me busted.
If you have me busted...
you'll have to bust half the people
in the department for being on the take.
You know, Joe, you think you're
better than the rest of us.
Wake up.
This was the last photograph
that was taken of him.
Do you know whether or not he was going
to meet anyone at the racetrack that day?
No, not that I know of.
Um, how was he with women?
I think he knew a lot of women.
Do you think he saw any of these women
while he was married to you?
- No.
- How do you know?
I know.
Oh, hi, Karen. Norma Maclver, Karen Leland.
- How do you do?
- Hello.
Uh, I'm having lunch
with some members of the board.
They're convinced
half the staff are communists.
- Would you like to join us'?
- No, thank you.
Well, it was nice to see you.
I didn't know you were married.
We're separated.
What a lovely-looking woman.
Yeah, she's lovely.
- Colin had lots of friends?
- Only one close friend. Dr. Roberts.
- What kind of a doctor'?
- A psychiatrist.
- Oh.
- Mm-hm.
- Was Colin a patient of his?
- No. They liked each other.
He lives next to us at the beach.
- Shall we go?
- Okay.
Lieutenant Leland, police department.
I'm Wendell Roberts. Come on in.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- Fine.
I recognized you
from your pictures in the papers.
- I didn't know I was that famous.
- Oh, yeah.
The case of the mutilated homosexual
was a hell of a thing.
- Did you want to speak to Wendell?
- Yes, I did.
- Alone?
- That's what I had in mind, yes.
I'll be on my way. I'm over at Wendell's
as much as my own place.
How nice for the two of you.
I'll be around if you want me.
- How about a drink? What would you like?
- Bourbon.
Say, you've got a lot of plaques here.
You make a speech, you get a plaque.
- Tell me something, doctor. You a bachelor?
- Mm-hm.
I know you are. Semi, anyway.
How did you know that?
Your wife came to me for treatment.
Didn't you know that?
No, I didn't know that.
Thank you.
Did you treat Colin Maclver?
In your conversations with him, did you ever
get an inkling he might want to take his life?
- Did he ever talk to you about his business?
- No, never.
I don't believe you, doctor.
I don't care what you believe.
- The Maclver case is closed.
- I've reopened it.
- Why?
- Why not?
She's an interesting girl, isn't she?
She's really far more vulnerable
than you might imagine.
And your investigation, constantly opening up
old wounds, isn't going to help any at all.
There were certain papers
on Maclver's body, doctor.
One of them had your name on it
regarding a business deal.
I had nothing to do
with Maclver's business affairs.
That was a fishing expedition, doctor.
Why should you be upset if I mention you
might have had a business deal with him?
You're an interesting man.
Narrow, but interesting.
I always felt that about you.
What does that mean? As if I give a damn.
Your relationship with your wife. One
of the most remarkable women I've ever met.
You could have handled that
more intelligently, if I may say so.
A different kind of man
could have understood her problem.
Yeah, maybe a different kind of man
would've understood.
But I'm not civilized enough to look the
other way when my wife's screwing other men.
It's childish, isn't it?
But you know something?
- You're full of crap.
- You don't like psychiatrists much, do you?
- They make people adjust to a sick world.
- It is sick.
- Getting sicker.
- What do you suggest?
I think each person knows what's important
to him. He should compromise for nobody.
- I'm telling you to drop the Maclver case.
- Why?
It can only harm any number of people,
including yourself.
I'll tell you something. If you got anything to
say to me, you'd better tell me it damn quick.
I'll find out the answers to your enigmas.
- Well, good luck.
- Ill see you again.
My pleasure.
Hey, that's a pretty good job.
Thanks. I'm a mess.
Well, I wouldn't say so. Not exactly.
What did you talk about?
You, mostly.
- What did he say about me?
- He told me to lay off you.
That's none of his business.
Did Wendell tell you about
my unwholesome background?
- Your police record?
- You know about that?
Mm-hm. He didn't have to tell me.
You know about the drug thing?
- I'd like to tell you about it.
- You needn't.
- Well, it was one of those things I had to try.
- Why?
Curiosity, I don't know.
I didn't like it, and I stopped.
Why are you telling me all of this?
I guess I care about what you think.
Norma, I'm trying to find out some things
about your husband's business.
Aside from the office,
was there any other place he kept papers?
- Yes, there's a room in the house.
- Anybody know about this room?
No. I never told anyone
after they broke into the office.
What's the matter?
JOE: Where's your telephone?
- Over there.
What does "Rainbow" mean?
- Rainbow? I don't know.
- Yeah.
My husband never talked about business.
It's Leland. Give me Schoenstein.
Dave, go to your apartment. I'll be there
soon with some things I want you to see.
What does "Rainbow" mean?
- Wish to hell I knew.
- It's on nearly every one of these pages.
I tried to add up the figures.
They don't balance.
Did you get a load of some of the names
in here? The biggest names in town.
Forms for corporations. Why so many, Joe?
How about you go down
to the Hall of Records.
Check out who pays their taxes...
who were the attorneys
who filed for them.
- Should only take you a couple of days.
- Okay.
Ah. I'm bushed. I'm going home.
- Good night, Rachael.
WOMAN: Good night, Joe.
Can I fix you something
to eat before you go?
No, Rachael, I'm full.
That stuffed derma was beautiful.
Oh, thanks. You want me
to fix you something to take home?
- No, sweetheart. Good night.
- Good night, dear.
- David, how about you?
- Nothing.
- Not even a glass tea?
- Not even a glass tea.
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.
- Because it's no trouble.
- No trouble.
Now you want to talk about it?
What are they afraid of?
They forced me to kill two men. Where are
the missing pages from the notebook?
- Tell me about it.
- Joe.
If I tell you, I'm dead.
Great hours you're keeping these days.
Don't tell me you're jealous.
Is it that girl in the restaurant?
She was eating you up with her eyes,
I could see that.
Hey, is it something serious?
You know...
I've been lying here
all night long trying to...
Trying to think up a speech
about why we should get together again.
It doesn't work.
Yeah, it'd be pretty
hard to make that work.
You know...
What I always thought...
was the most important
thing in the world...
was, uh, to be valuable, you know.
I mean, not necessarily important,
just valuable.
I mean, you know, to have people be pleased
when I did my job well...
whatever it was.
And to have them be grateful I was around.
And I think I managed that pretty well,
I mean...
I'm good with the students,
Joe, I really am.
But that's not all that's important.
God, what's the matter with me?
Why can't I grow up?
Why is that thrill so important? That...
That deep, dirty thrill.
We know the reasons, Karen.
But knowing isn't enough, is it, Karen?
- Yeah?
- Joe. I got info on Rainbow, Joe.
The stockholders are all members
of the Borough Planning Commission.
Okay, I'll be there.
I've got to go.
What happened in that garage? Why did they
try to kill you? What's all that about?
Some important people in the neighborhood
got their necks stuck out.
I'm gonna chop them off.
Will the department let you do that?
- We'll see.
- Joe.
Take good care of yourself.
What is it, Joe?
I just discovered something else
about this guy Maclver.
He had a strange sense of humor. Rainbow
means an organization that covers the town.
- What are you talking about?
- The Borough Planning Commission.
You know how it's formed.
A couple of political payoffs.
An ex-mayor, a councilman...
a representative of the business world,
somebody from the religious community.
Rainbow. Covers the town.
- Why are they selling land back and forth?
- To make the prices rise. Don't you understand?
The board recommends to the city which land
should be bought for new housing...
hospitals, slum-clearance projects.
They're selling land to the city.
They buy it for a song, sell it to each
other's corporations, raising the price.
You got it. That's why there are no hospitals
being built and the old slums still stand.
By the time they fill their pockets, there
ain't enough money to build a birdhouse.
There are half of the most respected names
in the borough here.
They're the ones always talking about
how the town needs improving.
Dave, I've been waiting a long time
to get those bastards. A long time.
And they judge other people's morals.
The thing we have to find is the link
between this and Maclver's death.
Hey, maybe he wanted to pull out
and maybe they didn't want him to.
- What's this?
- The lox came fresh this morning.
- Not now, honey.
- The bagels will get stale.
- Rachael, please. This is important, will you?
- You have to eat.
- Wait till evening, will you?
- Will you look how he looks?
Now she's gonna cry.
Did you notice how many times
Dr. Wendell Roberts is mentioned?
Now, he must be on the board
of at least 10 organizations.
Dave, we're sitting on
something pretty dangerous.
I suggest you send Rachael
to her mother's for a few days.
What'll I tell her?
- Tell her you got a shiksa.
- Thanks a lot.
- Norma, it's Joe.
- Oh, hello, Joe.
- Will you do me a favor, no questions asked?
- What is it?
I want you to see Dr. Roberts tonight,
keep him busy.
Joe, if you suspect Wendell of anything,
you're mistaken.
I'll be in his office so if he comes
anywhere near the building, you call me.
All right.
What time do you want me to see him?
Uh, about eight o'clock.
Joe, be careful.
Don't worry, I will.
- Dave, do me a favor, will you?
- What?
Don't leave the house. If anybody
rings the doorbell, don't answer it.
- That's just what I didn't want to hear.
- And another thing.
If you swallow your chewing gum
or run out of cigarettes, call me.
You'll hear me all right,
and I won't need a telephone either.
Joe, will you do me a favor?
Will you tell Rachael
to go to her mother's?
Dave. Sheesh.
- Yes?
- Joe, he's coming up.
He stopped at the building
to pick up some papers he has to have.
This was the first chance I had to call.
- Where are you?
- I'm downstairs. He's on his way up now.
Close the door, doctor.
Don't turn your back.
This is ridiculous.
Do you keep tapes of all your patients?
No, only sometimes.
Sometimes there are things
I don't want even a secretary to hear.
Maclver come to you clinically?
No, he didn't. This is something else.
I'd like to hear that something else.
Play them.
Go on, play it.
Joe, you don't want to do this.
Yes, I do. Play them.
You don't want to hear this, Joe.
What's the matter, doctor? You afraid
I'll find out too much about Rainbow?
No, no. This is something else.
He talks about Rainbow only in passing.
You knew about Rainbow,
didn't you, doctor?
I didn't know until, uh,
he made these tapes.
My name is Colin Maclver.
I'm 38 years old, and I...
I don't know if I can do it.
You have to.
COLIN: I'm making this tape
because I want to clear Dr. Roberts.
He had nothing to do with Rainbow.
I used his name.
I'm making it also because I want Dr.
Roberts to have something on me.
I want him to use this in
any way he sees fit...
in case the patterns that led
to the evening that I am going to relate...
manifest themselves again.
Where shall I begin?
Shall I begin with that night?
Go ahead. The tape's running.
COLIN: Now, I had a beautiful wife.
I was a success.
Everybody thought it was just wonderful.
Stay here.
All right, the party's over.
On your way, friends. Outside.
BOY: Sorry.
COLIN: Come on. Get outta here.
- Nice car, Dad.
- Get out, fast.
- Don't rank me, Dad. I like the car.
- Get out of here, right now!
Hey, don't act tough with me.
You're a faggot. A dirty queer.
You little bastard, I could kill
you right now. Get out of here!
COLIN: You said there was no such thing
as a bisexual.
You said there were only homosexuals
without conviction.
The thought of turning...
Of turning involuntarily
into one of them...
frightened me
and made me sick with anger.
I went down there.
I had heard about the waterfront.
People giggle and make jokes about it.
I had had only two experiences before,
once in college, once in the Army.
I thought I'd gotten it out of my life,
but I hadn't.
I looked at them.
Was this what I was like?
Oh, my God.
Twisted faces. Outcasts.
Lives lived in shadows.
Always prey to a million dangers.
People don't realize what we go through.
I was raised in a family
that would not admit...
that there was such a thing
as a homosexual in this world.
And here I was...
and I couldn't do anything about it.
I couldn't stop.
I thought if I could have just one night...
I could get it out of my system.
Just one more time.
Excuse me, fellas.
What would you like to drink?
Can we have a couple of Scotch and waters,
please? Okay?
What's the matter?
You're a shy one, aren't you?
You're a closet queen.
You're the kind that thinks
he's fooling people. Forget it.
I knew you were gay
the moment you walked into the bar.
How could you know?
We know each other.
Something about the way you walked.
Something about the eyes.
What's the matter with you?!
Have you lost your mind?
What is the matter with you? Let go of me.
I'll call the police, do you hear? Let go!
- Don't! Don't do that!
- Operator? Operator, I want to talk...
- You bitch.
- Ah!
COLIN: I'd killed one man, and another
was about to die for something I did.
When it was announced that Tesla was executed,
I should have felt something, I know.
I was responsible now
for the deaths of two men.
But I never did feel a great deal.
You see, I felt more guilty
about being a homosexual than a murderer.
He jumped from the roof of the track
a few weeks after he made this tape.
What do you suppose would happen
if we made these things public?
You know what would happen.
You're famous for the Leikman case.
It was international news.
They'd crucify you.
Maybe they should.
I knew that poor bastard was a psychotic.
Hm. He didn't know real from unreal.
But I saw a chance for a promotion...
and also to get the
department off the hook.
I wouldn't indulge in too much guilt.
After all, there was the rest of the department,
Tesls lawyers, the judge, the newspapers.
Oh, you're awful good, doc.
It's easy to understand
why you do such a thriving business.
You're awful good
at getting people off the hook.
Too many of us are on the hook.
I think that's part of the problem.
Is it?
I thought it was
because we don't face responsibility.
What about Norma?
You want her to find out
what Colin really was?
You want her to be haunted for the rest of her
life by the lurid stories the papers print?
No, I don't.
No. I don't.
What about Rainbow, doc?
Do we forget about that too?
What choice have we
under the circumstances?
What choice?
Lovely plaques, doctor.
Pretty words too.
"Charity and compassion.
For his very good work."
Heh. "Good work."
A man committed a murder because he
didn't want it known he was a homosexual.
And you're going to keep quiet about it.
There are no decent hospitals or houses
because others are lining their pockets...
and you're going to
keep quiet about that.
Kids growing up in the stink.
And you have a chance to help them,
regardless how small...
but you're not going to do
anything about it, are you?
And you?
What are you going to do?
MAN 1: Here he is.
MAN 2: Hey, Joe.
- Look this way, Joe.
- Thanks, Joe.
Leland, they say you accused
the whole Borough Planning Commission.
- Some people think you're off your rocker.
- Tell them to talk to the attorney general.
- Tell them to talk to the attorney general.
- Hey, Leland.
Farrell wants to see you.
Joe. I, uh...
Keep the faith, baby.
FARRELL: You damn fool.
You'll never win with these people.
- We'll see at the trials.
- You'll never win.
Huh. At least they'll know
they were in a contest.
People don't give a damn.
Rainbow'll be back in action in six months.
You know what the net result
of this whole thing is going to be?
The department will get hurt.
No, Tom, I'd never hurt the department,
you know that.
This'll take you off the hook.
You could have gone all the way.
You could have made chief.
No, I knew I could never make it.
Tell me one thing.
Why are you doing this?
Because I was a good cop.
I saw things that terrified me.
And I thought I was above it all.
But I wasn't.
No, I want out.
Because there are things to fight for...
and I can't fight for
them while I'm here.
That's why, Tom.
When I heard about it
yesterday, I hated you.
I didn't believe a word of it.
Then I thought about it.
I knew it.
I knew it was all true.
What are you going to do?
I spent 20 years of my life with the department.
Now I'm gonna start living for myself.
Are you going back to her?
I don't know.
It's not too easy to rub out
all those years in your life.
Good night, Joe.
Good night, Norma.
MAN [ON RADIO]: All cars in the 19th
Precinct and detectives of the 19th Squad.
Proceed to 69th Street and Third Avenue.
Shots fired. One male is DOA...