The Devil's Carnival (2012)

# When the sky is dark, #
# and the moon aglow, #
# and the morning star
burning from afar #
# enters into view. #
# All that I can say, #
# all that I can know #
# is that I'll be dreaming #
# pieces of you. #
# When the clouds are gray, #
John, are you in there?
# and the angels low, #
Where is your little son lost, John?
# and a daffodil bends #
John, unlock the door.
# against its will,
what am I to do? (What am I to do?) #
# All that I can say, #
# all that I can know, #
# is that I'll be dreaming #
Come on, baby, it won't happen again.
# pieces of you. #
# Cast my reverie, back into the sea. #
# Underneath my pillow, #
#where it's meant to be. #
# When the wine is gone
(Oh, it's gone, yes, it's gone), #
# and the carriage goes
(Oh, it goes, yes, it goes) #
Open this door!
# All the spirits turn. #
John, unlock the door.
# To the night, adjourn
bidding no adieu. (Bidding no adieu) #
Open this door. It's the police.
Tamara, I'm not gonna ask you again.
Open the fucking door!
you're scaring me.
I'm gonna give you to the count of three.
The place is surrounded. Open the door!
# All my little troubles
haven't got a prayer#
# Heaven's all around you
when you haven't got a care. #
Where will your little son sleep, John?
What am I wearing?
Listen up, everyone, listen up.
There are three acts scheduled
for tonight's performance.
Featured performers will include:
Painted Doll,
The Twin,
Hobo Clown,
The Scorpion.
Has anyone seen The Scorpion?
A rebel in hell.
How original.
would you please find and
cage that boy for me again?
Give him time to reflect
on punctuality.
Okay, that's it, folks.
That's all for tonight.
Who's a guy gotta mystify to
get in on tonight's action?
Enough of that, you people.
Need I remind you of the rules?
The boss is personally getting involved
with tonight's play.
Shall I send word
that you'd like him to step down
so that you can take his place?
Uh, n-no, that's okay.
Okay everyone, places.
It's showtime!
We was robbed, mister bunny!
One, two, three, four!
What fool dare snub his rightful lord?
Five, six, seven, eight!
I'll slay the culprit on your plate!
Ow! You horrible little man!
Our guests have arrived, sire.
I know.
We're ready whenever you are.
Where the hell am I?
# You're in The Devil's Carnival. #
# Come one, come two, come all!
Devil's Carnival! #
# You're in The Devil's Carnival. #
# Come one, come two, come all!
Devil's Carnival! #
# Ha-ha-ha! Welcome to my gates,
you gay and lucky souls! #
# Get your tickets!
Form a line! #
# You can't help but fall
for my humble hole. #
# Though those grapes look green
hangin' down from heaven's vine. #
Take only what you need?
Well, I need it all!
# You're in The Devil's Carnival!
Come one, come two, come you! Devil's Carnival! #
I serve ordinary sinners
and extraordinary ones!
# Bring your brothers!
Bring your fools! #
# And daughters if you've got 'em,
they're a lot of fun. #
# Bring the whole damn family
cause my belly's never full. #
# You're in The Devil's Carnival! #
# Come one, come two, come all!
Devil's Carnival! #
# You're in The Devil's Carnival! #
# Come one, come two, come all!
Devil's Carnival! #
# Run, little blind mice,
scurry down the trail. #
# Chop! Goes the farmer's knife,
coming for your tails! #
# I've bedtime tales and fables
for your greedy hearts! #
# Some have razors! #
# Some have keys! #
# How they end depend on
how you play your part. #
# Unfortunately, how you played your part
has got you here. #
# Sing a song of sixpence,
a gift for our king! #
# Sire, let me hold the reigns
while you pluck your fiddle strings. #
# Nah-nah-nana-nah! #
# Keep your hands and arms and legs
and head about you at all times. #
# Use discretion!
Stay alert, #
# and pick the pace up tortoise
as the gate smacks your behind! #
# Welcome to eternity!
Now eat your just desserts! #
- Help me. Help me, help me, they're coming for me.
- Who's coming for you?
- There's no time. They're coming.
- Who's coming for you?
Walk with me, walk with me. Move.
# You're in The Devil's Carnival!
You can't help but fall! Devil's Carnival! #
# You can't help but fall! #
# Devil's Carnival! #
Good evening.
Tickets, please.
- We're together.
- Outstanding.
Shall I train you to our
most popular attractions?
I'm sorry, we're...
we're in a bit of a rush.
If you like those,
you'll love this.
- Is it as big as it looks?
- Bigger.
I need to collect my son.
He, he's lost.
If you'll just excuse me...
You'll have to wait your turn, sir.
- There are rules.
- What rules?
Rules of nature.
Rules of man.
Why, even ticket booths have rules.
# There's a chaos that reigns
at the heart of this beast. #
# Yes, our carnival here's
a well-oiled machine. #
# All six hundred sixty-six
rules are policed. #
# All six hundred sixty-six
rules you must heed. #
# It's my duty to advise you of the
ordinance in place chiefly designed #
# to keep our operations mean
and fine-tuned. #
# Every cog is mal- aligned. #
# As you'll note,
The Rules are clearly stated, #
# even illustrated and enumerated, #
# on this staunchly dense,
yet never complicated, #
# cautionary little guide. #
# Six hundred sixty-six. #
# Six hundred sixty-six. #
# As Keeper, it's my humble pleasure #
# to first castigate and
then admonish you #
# that "cutting" breaks rule
number sixty-two. #
# And breaking rules,
it just won't do. #
# Six hundred sixty-six. #
# Six hundred sixty-six. #
# Six hundred sixty-six. #
# Six hundred sixty-six. #
# There are consequences,
morbid consequences, #
# Crueler than ever imagined. #
# Oh, yes, there are consequences,
bloody consequences #
# when you don't follow the rules
Psst. #
Wanna help me out here?
I'm locked in this stupid cage.
- If you get me out, I'll protect you.
- What can I do?
The knife.
C'mon, I'm not gonna bite.
My savior.
What is this place?
Where are we?
You're not gonna need this.
Did you like that?
Cover my eyes.
Cover my eyes.
That's so boss.
Yeah, I used to have an act,
but I lost my wheel gal.
What happened?
It doesn't matter.
You're prettier anyhow.
I don't even know you.
Trust me.
# Missed me, missed me, now you
have to kiss the girls! #
# Kiss the girls! #
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Hellharmonic!
# Here is the hive, where are the bees?
Buzzing around where nobody sees them. #
# Here is the church, open the steeple.
Ready or not, sting all the people. #
# One for the priest, two for the dame,
Three for the sweet little boy lost #
# in the rain. Rain, go away.
Little Johnny wants to #
# kiss the girls! #
# Kiss the girls! #
Please, lady, tell me how
to get out of here.
No, lady, I'm not...
I'm not here for the games.
Please, I just need to find my boy.
This is ridiculous.
Can you help me find Daniel?
Do you know where he is?
Where is he?
Where did you get this?
Where did you get it?
To hell with you people!
Don't ever do that to me again.
You're just in time for a story.
This one's called:
"The Dog and her Reflection".
It happened one day that a Dog was
carrying some jewels in her mouth,
across a plank,
over some running water.
So enamored with what
she saw in the water,
the dog failed to recognize
her own reflection.
Do you work here?
I'm trying to find this diamond.
This map is completely confusing.
Fetch me a supervisor at once!
There's some change in it for you.
Littering breaks rule number
one hundred twenty nine.
Your map is utterly useless.
Rules, ma'am, rules.
Lashes, lashes, we all fall down.
- Did you see what those animals did to me?
- Yes, they can be so cruel.
Come up,
stay a spell.
Let me lighten your load.
Let me take all of you in.
Are these real?
Are yours?
Nothing but aces
Well, then cast an eyeball at this.
That's the one, that's
the one from the brochure!
# Reckless creatures,
always one another find. #
# Stealing features,
each a diamond to be mined. #
# There are facets to snake. #
# And crooks in our neck,
we're like moths to the flame. #
# Get ready and set. #
# Now tarry no longer.
Let's burn one another. #
# We're one and we're twain.
Now let's play a game. #
# Hello, hello, hello, beautiful stranger. #
# How familiar the danger, #
# slipping into the shallows. #
The diamond looks much smaller in person.
# 'Tis true, 'tis true, 'tis true, #
# celebrities always do. #
# Us in our shadows, too, #
# Us in our shadow-s-s-s. #
Nice trick.
# High stakes, three shakes, no breaks, #
# triple the wager. #
# Three clicks in the chamber, #
# three chances to claim her. #
And if I miss?
# By the book, by hook, by rook. #
# Shadow takes all, my pet. #
# My, what a strange duet. #
# Shadow takes all. #
These games are rigged.
# Cunning creatures.
Slither front and slither back. #
# Double-dealers.
Double up for the attack. #
# I could say that I'm hurt,
but it wouldn't be true. #
# The knife in my back,
it reminds me of you. #
# You're my beautiful stranger.
The game is afoot. #
# It's the shadow's domain
So don't pussyfoot. Shoot! #
So I'm actually supposed to throw these
coins in that egg? This is ridiculous.
Don't touch me!
My jewels!
Stop it! I'll sue!
- C'mon!
You animal!
Shadow takes all.
Beware, lest you lose the substance
by grasping at the shadow.
# Let me tell you a tale for a penny,
one that you cannot hear anywhere else, #
# not anywhere else #
# I heard from a birdie it
doesn't end purdy, #
# it doesn't end well.
No, it never ends well. #
# Let me spin you a yarn for a cent. #
# Lord, would it not be a sin for you
to deny yourselves a tale? #
# A penny, a penny, #
# A penny for an old
beggar man's story, #
# a story. #
# A penny for a tale #
# There once was a doggy. #
Arf! Arf! Arf!
# She pranced in the moon with a
mouthful of shiny red pennies. #
# She leapt and she wagged #
# so proud of her shiny red pennies. #
# Yipping with glee, #
# she trotted by the river. #
# Trot! Trot! Trot! #
# And oh, bless my soul,
she saw her reflection in the water. #
# A pup with a jaw full of shiny
red pennies in the water. #
# She trotted as she plotted to
pirate those pennies. #
# Oh, how they teased! #
# Lord, Lord!
That greed, it'll kill ya. #
# Lord, Lord!
Go on, pass the hat, will ya? #
# Your purse strings are tight,
bleed for a sinner. #
# I just need a few pennies more, #
# a few pennies more. #
# But greedy, so greedy. #
Me! Me! Me!
# She snarled as she swiped and struck
at the mutt in the water. #
# A foolish pooch loots from
herself in the water. #
# Her reflection struck back! #
# Lord, I wanna go on with the song. #
# But don't make me bring up
what she did to that pup, #
# that cute little pup.
I just might well up. #
# But I'll continue my rhyme
for a dime, #
# or a penny is fine.
These are difficult times. #
# Yes, difficult times. #
# Thank you, sirs, you're too kind. #
# Lord, Lord!
That greed, it'll kill ya.#
# Lord, Lord!
Go on, pass the hat, will ya? #
# Your purse strings are tight,
bleed for a sinner. #
# I just need a few pennies.
Lord, Lord! That greed, it'll kill ya. #
# Lord, Lord!
Go on, pass the hat, will ya? #
# Your purse strings are tight,
bleed for a sinner. #
# I just need a few pennies more, #
# a few pennies more. #
# And so did our doggy. #
Bad! Bad! Bad!
# She'd kill for a bite at those
shiny red pennies. #
# She leapt and she barked at
that dog in the water. #
# But her pennies, her pennies, #
# they dropped, down, down. #
# And after them she shot,
down, down, #
# down in the waters below. #
# God rest her soul! #
Would you like to hear another story,
young Daniel?
Good, good.
Ah, this is one of my favorites,
"The Scorpion and the Frog."
A scorpion and a frog meet on
the bank of a stream.
Will ya look at that?
One sec'.
It's for saving me earlier.
Now let me return the favor.
Do you trust me?
I'll be right back.
Where'd you go?
C'mon, you're starting to scare me.
I'm sorry.
No, that's okay.
It's all part of the act.
No, I... I better go.
Well, bye.
You said you trusted me.
I, I trust you.
What was that?
I trust you.
# You're a tough little
tadpole to love, #
# naughty lilies and lures. #
# Oh, I was knocked to the floor. #
# Never tasted as sweet a
poison as you have. #
# You're an urge that can
never be cured. #
# You're a bad little love,
and I'm yours. #
# So trust me, #
# trust me, darling dear. #
# I'm so sincere, #
# there's no need to tear. #
# Trust me, trust me, honey, do. #
# Just like I trust you. #
# Babe, you're a hard
game to catch. #
# You fight and refuse.
Oh, you're a wild little bruise. #
# Never tasted as sweet a
poison as you have. #
# You know you never can hide. #
# You're a bad little love, #
# and you're mine. #
# So trust me, trust me, darling dear. #
# I'm so sincere, #
# there's no need to tear. #
# Trust me, trust me, #
# darling, do. #
# Just like I trust you. #
The frog asks:
How do I know you won't stab me?
The scorpion replies:
Because my act is dead without you.
# So don't cry, cry baby, #
# all dressed in green. #
# How many kisses do you need? #
# One for your tummy, #
# one for your cheek, #
# one for the devil #
# inside #
# of #
# me. #
Never trust a scorpion,
lest you be pricked!
# Black, #
# black #
# is love's potion. #
# We drink, #
# we drink from its well. #
# And in their name, #
# let's drink to true love, #
# where a toad and scorpion fell. #
# Yes, in their name, #
# let's drink to true love. #
# For true love can break the spell. #
# For true love can break the spell. #
# Awake from your dream,
frog maiden. #
# Skin green as the Emerald Sea. #
# Let me tell you a tale
of a love that had failed. #
# Prick, prick, prick #
# goes The Scorpion's Tale. #
# She blushed as she woke by the water, #
# having known him the evening before. #
# She liked how he spoke,
but aware of his poke. #
# Prick, prick, prick #
# goes the scorpion's tail. #
# Oh, love, it is foolish and green,
my love. #
# How quickly we forget the sting,
my love. #
# What a pretty, yet dangerous line,
my love. #
# What bitter, yet delicious wine,
my love. #
# With a flick of his prick
he surprised her, #
# Shell red as the rose in his teeth. #
# Fair maiden, join me, #
# let us ride out to sea. #
# Prick, prick, prick #
# goes The Scorpion's Tale. #
# She pondered if his love was poison, #
# but he pricked her so gently
she swooned. #
# His words poured like wine
as their fates intertwined. #
# Prick, prick, prick #
# goes the scorpion's tail. #
# Oh, love, it is foolish and green,
my love. #
# How quickly we forget the sting,
my love. #
# What a pretty, yet dangerous line,
my love. #
# What bitter, yet delicious wine,
my love. #
# She offered her back quite demurely. #
# He climbed and they swam out to sea. #
# She stroked and she smiled,
and his stinger went wild. #
# Prick, prick, prick!
Prick, prick, prick! #
# Prick, prick, prick!
Prick, prick, prick, #
# goes The Scorpion's Tale! #
# Black, #
# black is love's potion. #
# Take heed, #
# take heed of the thorns. #
# Don't scream #
# when it stings. #
# Remember #
# that #
# you were warned. #
# Come #
# Drink! #
# Drink a cup of my scorn! #
This is our final story, Daniel,
"The Devil and his Due".
Didn't I warn you that cutting
was against the rules?
I lost my son.
I know you people aren't going
to help me find him,
so you stay the hell away from me!
I always find the best way to
uncover something lost
is to retrace my steps.
Answers wait inside, sir
# Where is your little son lost,
John? #
# Tears, John, #
# tears, John. #
# Bruised in the rain #
# with his overalls torn. #
# With one shoe off #
# and one shoe on. #
# Tears, John, #
# tears, John. #
# And where will your little son sleep,
John? #
# Under the smokestacks, #
# under the heap, #
# Under the tent where
the canopy leaks?
# Tears, John, #
# tears, John. #
# You're drowning in the grief
of Jupiter's water. #
# Let me open my teeth #
# and cradle you there. #
# There's a bed for the boy
and a rope for the father, #
# Both orphaned by heaven
where no child is spared. #
# To who will your little son pray,
John? #
# Dark are the strangers
that sleep on the train. #
# There's blood on their cots
and bones on their plate. #
# Tears, John, #
# tears, John. #
# Who then will tend to the sheep,
John? #
# While he treads in the place where
the vicious gods preach, #
# Where claws come in sharpened on
wolves in white fleece. #
# Tears, John, #
# tears, John, #
# tears, John, #
# tears, John. #
# You're drowning in the grief
of Jupiter's water. #
# Let me open my teeth #
# and cradle you there. #
# There's a bed for the boy
and a rope for the father, #
# Both orphaned by heaven
where no child is spared. #
# Swing from my limb #
# and render your tears. #
# The more that you shed, #
# the deeper he nears. #
# His two little hands #
# push the chair from your feet. #
# Drown in your beautiful grief. #
Oh my god!
Don't you ever run away from me again,
do you understand that?
Have you come to give Grief her due?
What is this place?
Who are you?
My dear, petty man.
I've been called many things,
"The Chaos in the Story"
"The Anarchy in Your Thoughts".
But for you, John,
I am the excuse you give
give when you can not
follow the rules.
You stay away from my boy,
you hear me?
Your boy?
No! No!
- The boy died a good, clean death.
- No!
If you hurt my son, so help me god,
I will kill you.
Watch your tongue!
I'm not in the business of
murdering innocent children.
That's God's jurisdiction.
I deal only with the guilty,
guilty John.
You surrendered to delicious Grief.
Now grieve, John.
- No, no.
- Grieve.
Please, help me find my son,
- please.
- No.
Where is he?
Questions. So many questions.
I won't give up on my son.
What kind of father would I be?
I just need to retrace my steps.
Stories often outlive their authors,
Especially the good ones
- I... I told him not to leave!
- Will you tell him?
No, not I.
For if I do, he's sure to cry.
He shouldn't have been here.
He shouldn't...
He shouldn't have been here!
He shouldn't have been born, he...!
no, Daniel.
I didn't mean that, buddy.
I'm so sorry!
I didn't mean it!
I don't want to grieve.
I don't want to grieve.
And I was so looking forward to having
you as a guest in my carnival,
over and over again.
Send heaven my regards.
What are you doing here?
You let one of them go, sire?
It would appear so.
To heaven?
But, the rules?
My friend,
the rules
are changing.
# A sheep has left the fold,
Hoof beats go a-trotting, trodding, #
# up to heaven, bold. #
# At the gates a- knocking, knocking, #
# sheep in wolfish clothes. #
# Holy jaws a- dropping.
Up in heaven's hold. #
# Plant my hooves, my hooks, my books. #
# Once upon a time #
# Heaven was a tower, tower
tethered in its pride. #
# Cast us grapes as sour, sour. #
# Thought the ink was dried. #
# But hellish gardens flowered.
Ivy to be climbed. #
# Spread my filth, my wings,
my weeds, my weeds. #
# My fairest wheels are turning Hark! #
# The angels wail.
Bedtime ears a-burning, burning. #
# We've got grace for sale.
How the worm is turning, turning. #
# Lay you down to sleep #
# with wicked little stories. #
# Count your missing sheep.
Shed my skin, my fleece, #
# my sin, my worms. #
# They burrow up the lines. #
# Serpents in the branches, branching #
# up those crooked vines. #
# Vultures of a feather hatching. #
# Circus lullabies,
carousels a-ramping #
# up to heaven,
I Raise my hell, my Cain,
# my stakes, my snakes. #
# Tongues, tongues,
slither in the mud. #
# That's how a carnival grows,
my son. #
# Tongues, tongues,
slither in the psalms. #
# That's how a carnival grows. #
# All these fickle beasts #
# heaven hath rejected, lapping, #
# glory from our teats. #
# Each of them is tested, blessed. #
# Cast down for your sin?
Come here for redemption. #
# We've got grace for cheap.
We've got grace for cheap. #
# Lest you end up bested,
lost and torn to shreds, #
# dissected. #
# Tongues, tongues,
slither in the mud, #
# slither in the mud,
slither in the mud. #
# That's how a carnival grows,
my son. #
# That's how a carnival grows. #
# Tongues, tongues,
slither in the psalms, #
# slither in the psalms,
slither in the psalms. #
# That's how a carnival grows,
my son. #
# That's how a carnival grows. #
Listen up, everyone.
there's going to be
some renovations
made to the carnival.
We're putting heaven out of business.
Get ready for war.
# Fa la la,
it's off to hell we go. #
# Cross your heart and
hope to die. #
# It's off to hell we go! #
# Fa la la,
it's off to hell we go! #
# Stick a needle in your eye, #
# it's off to hell we go! #
# Fa la la,
it's off to hell we go! #
# Cross your heart and hope to die.
It's off to hell! #
Where am I?
# The ship, it swayed.
Heave-ho, heave-ho! #
# On the dark and stormy blue. #
# And I held tight to the captain's might #
# as he pulled up his trews. #
# You haven't slept,
heave- ho, he said, #
# in many suns and moons. #
# Oh, I will sleep when we
reach shore, #
# and pray we get there soon. #
# He said,
now hush, love. #
# Here's your gown,
there's the bed, #
# lanterns down. #
# But I don't want to go to sleep, #
# in all my dreams I drown. #
# The captain howled,
heave-ho, heave- ho, #
# and tied me up with sheets. #
# A storm is brewing in the south. #
# It's time you go to sleep. #
# His berth, it rocked.
Heave-ho, heave-ho. #
# The ocean gnashed and moaned. #
# Like Jonah, we'll be swallowed whole, #
# and spat back teeth and bones. #
# He said,
now hush, love. #
# Here's your gown,
there's the bed, #
# lanterns down. #
# But I don't want to go to sleep, #
# in all my dreams I drown. #
# Captain, #
# captain, #
# I will do your chores. #
# I will warm your cot at night #
# and mop your cabin floors. #
# Scold me, #
# hold me, #
# I'll be yours to keep. #
# The only thing I beg of you, #
# don't make me go to sleep. #
# The sky, it flashed.
Heave-ho, heave-ho. #
# His pillow dulled the brink. #
# The curtains ran between my legs #
# As we began to sink. #
# I closed my eyes.
Heave-ho, heave-ho. #
# As the ship was rent and felled. #
# Eddies in the water #
# headed to the mouth of hell. #
# Hush, now hush, love. #
# Here's your gown,
there's the bed, #
# lanterns down. #
# I'm begging you,
please wake me up. #
# In all my dreams I...#