The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal (2007)

A Super-Criminal diabolical from the beginning of a
reign of terror international using different identities.
In Italy and known as the Killing.
France fears its name from Satanik battle.
His infamy spreads in
South America under the name of kiling.
After a prolific career in Turkey as
Kilink, America renames Sadistik.
This is a true story 100%
The '50s in Italy were dominated...
by the Christian Democrats in politics.
was a country rigidly
observant of some schemes censors...
Imposed, of course,
from what it was the Catholic culture.
Which meant that in the field
sexual sex did not exist.
As in the comics,
as in the cinema...
As in almost all other forms
entertainment and communication...
It privileged the hedonistic aspect
of the merely procreative
There was a bottleneck that prevented
that sex appeared in the comics.
Then there was a direct control of
Church is on the comic book about cinema.
The comics were divided according to
the same moral standard of the film.
" Mickey Mouse" was adult subject.
" Mickey Mouse"!
That none of us
and failed to explain why.
Maybe because Donald and Daisy Duck
or Mickey and Minnie were not married.
You could see that happening between them
something... they were a couple.
" What kind of couple were they?"
# Youth, youth,
spring beauty. #
# Of life nell'asprezza,
your song rings and goes. #
The rupture of this front occurred
first in the cinema in the comic.
Why only in the 60's at the same time
two of the greatest Italian directors...
Who called Federico Fellini
and Luchino Visconti...
They made two films," The Sweet Life"
and "Rocco and his brothers"...
Which ripped.. what had the
view of sex in Italian cinema.
With "Rocco and his brothers"...
Titanus.. has won a great
battle against the false morality
Against.. misunderstanding,
against conformity.
And pleased to be able to
present the film by Luchino Visconti
In an edition..
strictly integral
Nothing.. removing its contents,
sometimes disconcerting for the daring,
.. Sometimes exquisitely poetic
.. But still alive,
compelling, controversial.
At this point the comics
have begun to realize
That.. the so-called" common sense
of decency" the much talked
.. Something was changing.
Those were years when still
the dispute was not there,
And feminism began..
a little "' to raise his head. "
The Giussani had the feeling
that there was room for something new.
" The women were not seen well,"
not surprisingly signed A. and L. Giussani,
.. Not with the long name, to let
think that they were men.
Risk, because the idea that there was
within the reach of all a novel
.. In which the hero was an anti-hero,
bad, murderess and winning
.. Shocked the bourgeoisie,
of course.
finally there was a bad winner.
I was quite young at the time,
but it made me much effect,
.. Under all points of view,
Kriminal" -" Murder at the reformatory.
The other comics have always
tried to ride" other genres.
They did not believe they could become
the" evergreen" and long-term durability.
So have exploited the space,
you are cannibalized by themselves.
Even the best, eh? Kriminal" and"
" Satanik were dangerous competitors.
had a quality
drawing decidedly more high
Had.. the stories that touched
elements such as the erotic, the S & M
Diabolik".. that was forbidden,
And instead have certainly..
" appeal" in a big audience.
Meanwhile in France
came" Barbarella", of Forest,
.. That opened new frontiers.
For the first time we talked about sex,
freely, without prejudice,
Without conditioning it.. character
political will of a religious nature.
It was a phenomenon of this
transposition of these heroines
Also.. why feminism during the
There was this thing contemporary,
This explosion of women..
more aggressive, more bad
Of these ladies.. " dark"
as they were called.
The only one I can talk because
are jointly responsible for the texts
.. Had a very short life, but
and was the first, was called" Selene".
In my opinion,
there was only one
.. Let's say,
invention of erotic comics
Maybe.. but they are also at the level
graphics, and how to draw
.. Very close to the designs of Crepax.
As he died" Selene"
and while Valentina" started
.. For its long, exciting
career spanning more than 20 years,
.. Came out like mushrooms after a rain
autumn, clones of" Barbarella".
But they have resisted because
Svaccavano" a little 'screenplays,
I used a term.. a little 'vulgar,
but became vulgar.
Because we were
been oppressed for decades, I repeat,
From our Catholic education..
and censorship that was achieved.
Like all things that have been
too long forbidden,
And.. when broken,
loose, the" diaphragm" censorship
.. We rushed into the breach
with un'irruenza
That.. and quickly
boundless in" bad taste".
Today March 15, 1966.
In the warm climate of the revolution
sexual, cultural clashes between
Women are the main protagonists..
emancipated woman against the object
The Milanese publisher inaugurates.. Ponzoni
an unusual series of fotoromanzi
...that after the provocative and unfortunate
publications such as "Joe Crack" and "Max"
Is placed in the landscape brutally..
Italian comics for adults,
So.. declaring war
moralism and censorship.
"Killing - the king of crime",
The first picture story..
which exacerbates violence and sex!
" Killing"
was the alternative to black comics blacks.
In the sense that I was haunting"
newsstands, so I found them.
The other comics blacks were a bit '...
softened at that time.
Kriminal", which was very nice,
in the numbers made by Magnus and Bunker
Had become at that time..
a kind of superhero.
He had nearly a" continuity"
the stories were complex.
Diabolik was" barbosissimo,
.. Looked like a pensioner who occasionally
was a steal to pass the time.
Then in the newsroom
came up with the idea
.. That instead of making a alterego,
that is, more or less an exact equivalent,
.. Not designed,
but with the photos!
Behind the scenes, the director discussed
Rosario Borrelli, aka Borelli,
Former actor..
of movies and soap operas,
Well.. interpreter and author
of melodic songs
Performed by Ennio Morricone.. before
his name crossed the boundaries Italian
Thanks to the soundtrack of..
"A Fistful of Dollars".
Right Arm of the director,
the exposure Lorenzo Papi,
Already.. still photographer
Visconti and Rossellini.
Remain unknown to the writers.
I entered
in October of '65
And then went straight out..
a few months later.
When I arrived I began to
print the numbers zero, the numbers test.
And within I think 4 or 5 months
arrival in circulation of 300,000 copies.
Why was the first picture story
a bit '... a little "' pushed".
I found out on newsstands,
despite being banned,
I had the complicity..
dell'edicolante bad
.. I spent most of.
" Killing" gave it to me, so
" Passed under the nose of my father.
Landed in the house, in fact.
In addition it was true! I mean, sure, it was
photographed with actors in the flesh.
This gave him a strange quality,
was different compared to the drawings.
It looked like a picture story, had
this squalor almost real-life,
.. But he was there in the flesh
and killed.
It was a mythical character
in a strange reality.
It was really a guy with tights.
Strange to see a similar picture story.
I was used to seeing,
not to read,
Various.. Grand Hotel
I found on the bedside tables.
It was another matter.
seemed to act
of the film, not to make a picture story.
The photo stories were boring,
were one thing stops and static
Instead.. he was very true,
very real.
The success was so great
Unexpected.. almost.
I remember the flash, the
scenes of the time, actual scenes
They were almost surprised..
others of this situation.
My father was very firm and earnest.
And was aware of the success
and somehow expected it.
You'd go
newsstand Viale Somalia
And.. not were.
Do you know where you could find "Killing"?
The only place it was certainly in Via Veneto.
Why had it imported 5000 copies!
I remember perfectly Killing","
And it was a character..
of my childhood.
In my father's study
there was a large billboard
.. Where he hung the pictures
perhaps more passionate about
They said.. " something".
Among the many photos of the cinema,
to say the" background",
Claudia Cardinale..
I" Il Gattopardo,
.. Rossellini, passion cultural
and film of my father,
Killing was.. ".
I remember it well, because a child and
attracted to the character with the suit.
" Who, who and what, Dad?".
And I had the curiosity
to figure out who was in this suit.
Inseparable companion
the criminal faceless
The buxom pin-up..
Luciana Paoli, in the role of Dana.
The true mystery of this picture story
Dana was not to know who he was
Killing.. I do not know who he was,
.. Do not know what they were doing,
what was their private life.
This was the secret.
Acting in" Killing" was really
how to act in film.
was a satisfaction!
It was not easy
shooting with him!
You had to be as he said.
That scene had to be as
he stated. He was very demanding.
I find it to be a director who was
cinema through the soap operas!
This is the definition
that do Rosario.
I am absolutely convinced
I've made a good direction.
He had an incredible experience.
He was already a character extremely
famous when they step to the movies
Behind him.. then a decade
of activity in the world of comics.
Being a person
very clever
Had acquired a capacity..
to direct others not indifferent.
In fact, he felt alive, she would change.
At his home was more quiet, calm.
Instead he recited when he directed,
was at the height of his enthusiasm.
I mean, he threw himself, he did things
When they had to film,
photograph, he said:
".. So, do this, this one".
He lived as if he were reciting.
It 'was one of the first
To give this..
semblance stage actors.
In fact,
turned around the actor,
.. So each photograph was taken
from a different angle.
He was then a movement
photo outstanding.
The photographer,
named Papi,
.. And was, from my point of view, the
largest for this type of recovery.
I call recovery, because it was not
photography, it was all in motion
I went a few times
on the set of these soap operas.
but my father took me,
Remember exactly.. and care
photography, as he prepared a scene.
This is to say,
to come to the question,
That behind these photographs..
and this part of my father's work
Italian cinema was there..
He took a position,
you came in the place of the recovery,
.. And he with a supersonic speed
snapped the photo.
That's why this picture story
takes the form of a film.
This extraordinary.
It was a troupe!
There was an incredible organization.
There was the trash,
the makeup, the wigs
There were those who did
go over the surface with the actors.
There was this study
all equipped
.. With ropes, whips, Lounge with
.. The coffins!
The black sheets, costumes
There was everything.
It was a real study,
located in Rome.
We went to dinner at a nice restaurant
were spent 10,000 pounds maximum.
An episode of" Killing" then cost
3,000,000 lire. He told me Borelli.
" A bet costs 3,000,000".
There were large capital invested.
Right to return
the amounts spent,
Made an identical version..
for France.
Even if they could not use" Killing"
because there was a similar one in France.
As already was printing Ponzoni
for French soap operas,
Type".. " Cahier pour deux or
" Mon Amour", which were romantic,
.. It was decided to also issue
French and was called" Satanik.
There too was a great success,
.. Within a year he reached the
circulation of 700,000 copies every 14 days.
In fact, were also chosen
several well-known actors at the time.
The cast, if you noticed,
was always the same.
He made use of those characters
because he was sure of what he did.
Farnese I have ever seen,
and also Baldini. There were always.
Renato Baldini was
a talented actor of the time.
He had done many movies,
had worked extensively in film.
Baldini was a close friend
Rosario Borelli,
.. So it was, exclusively,
to make these soap operas.
If it had been called by Renato
other photographers, there would be gone.
He was only cinema.
Hilton had
of soap operas in Argentina.
Check your while
we were shooting a scene.
And its arrival
to see that movie was.
what movie it was,
picture story was not that.
Of soap operas
I do not remember anything.
I do not remember
because I made them! Boh!
Be ', but it was
this film very Muller, right?
And there was one dress Killing,
the one who had the suit.
All we came from
cinema, some more than others
Even those who had a small part,
Was already fit enough..
to filmmaking.
And he did not waste time
They would never have taken
one inexperienced," the" time and money!
I do not remember this
It 'a name that tells me something,
.. But I do not remember.
The Great Paul Muller!
One of the biggest
antagonists film.
Paul Muller
will have starred in 70 films 80.
I made them, yes, I am, but not
more than 10, I remember this.
It's not that I've made so many! It was the
" Period" of the loaf too.
I needed the money, it can be.
Wasted talent, to me,
going to do these things! Mamma mia.
At that time Gabriella
had done something, but I did not.
I had played at the theater Small,
but I was at the beginning, as I told you.
She was already She did it because
he needed, because he worked little.
But he had already
of the important things.
He had made westerns,
I met him turning the western.
I saw that live here,
it seems to me, is not it?
I met Gabriella Giorgelli
in a western or a detective.
" How would you like to do 'Killing'?".
" What?".
" It 'a photo-film. "
" Have you ever read 'Killing'?".
" No. " Tomorrow I'll bring it and see. "
Here's how he did Gabriella.
Oh, yes
They were sexy comics,
these, practically, no?
Look, look
I was a sinner
suffered, me!
This and Erna Schurer,
she was a friend of mine.
She did Salamanders"
with Beryl Cunningham.
For me it was already an actress
while I was beginning!
So I did not even
Gabriella was a character
type Magnani,
.. Very Roman,
very true, nice
We became real friends,
we were dating, we saw
But they were done well, huh?
It looks like a movie!
It looks like a movie!
I'm marveling, in a good way.
I'm happy to have made them!
I did not think were so!
Yes, there are, and natural.
The actors, even the important ones,
not always worked.
And in periods of stasis
worked some of them,
Gladly work..
with my father.
The picture story in general was
considered a sub-product
Done.. but at that level,
had a robe
So the actors" married"
often this situation
Because they knew..
to work with a professional.
Borelli I knew him very well,
we met weekly in the newsroom.
He, Mazzanti, Molinari, Naviglio
I looked at them as geniuses.
I was a boy of 22 years, were
the gods for me in the publishing field.
From them I learned
a bit 'all the tricks.
Practically the authors were three of them,
Molinari, Naviglio and Mazzanti.
wrote the scripts,
Indications of.. Molinari.
Naviglio had the task of reading
whole, cut, arrange, add.
The classic chaser editorial,
you had to hold in some shots.
He spoke with the director
I did the whole series
with various costumes.
You have to know that the scenes
we made were true.
The suit with the skeleton, after a couple
of times that I wore, it broke.
It broke because Killing
was not a figure,
.. But a true athlete
he did the stunts.
It was not the suit Nimbus Kid.
He was a guy who smoked a lot,
Errol Flynn mustache
One day we went to visit
and played the clarinet in the house.
A great character,
...that could establish a relationship
intimate with my father who was the director.
But, you know, between writers
there is always a love-hate.
An extraordinary intelligence.
He was so smart
how much she loved the money.
He needs to, he could write
a script in a day.
Always asking money to Molinari.
" Even Money?!".
He said," I'll give you a script,
give me 100,000 pounds, and for a bargain. "
She lived six months in Argentina,
then fell and was about six months here.
It was a bit like a 'particular.
I remember
as a very reserved
That had suddenly..
sketches of madness nice.
He was stopped by vigilant
in Piazza Tricolore
I am.. while screaming" Buffalo Bill"
after an accident.
But they were all happy things in which
the publisher left the maximum liberty.
He had two huge virtues. The first
was that it had a nose" for business.
The second virtue was
who was a lover of women.
Her life was full of women.
I told him that it was always
a little 'Mastroianni publishing.
He had a great culture, but
had insight into the publishing field.
He had some insights.
They sent
thousands of letters to" Killing".
At first I answered personally,
then when they became thousands,..
.. I called the publisher, Ponzoni
telling him that I could not
.. And put one or two people from the
preparing to respond to the letters.
At the post of Killing
Luigi answered Naviglio.
Luigi Canal was a very great
in these things. It was great.
They came hundreds of letters,
.. If not more,
maybe even thousands
.. Of letters addressed to Killing
That emanated..
the curiosity of the readers,
.. Who wanted to know the details,
know who was Dana, who was Killing.
They wanted to know what it was called
and why was masked so.
It was great to meet Naviglio.
These letters were
also very, very morbid.
Which responded to the Naviglio
with a tone very calm, seriously
Very consciously.
Killing" Dear, I am a beautician
a beauty salon. "
" I am writing on behalf
of my two friends, Lucy and Anna. "
" We are a long time
your admirers, eager to you"
".. And your beautiful women,
especially of your Dana. "
" And we can estimate connoisseurs because
we have touched so many naked women. "
" Please, when you kiss her, to give her in
more than three kisses, one for each of us. "
" I do not want
No comments on this letter. "
" The public and that's it. "
Through, of course,
a series of" tolls"
And born.. Killing,
that was one thing surprising.
I noted that I have
as an adult,
I realized the importance..
Technical product.
It was something innovative.
The Italian Tarzan Vito Fornari
I have made so many soap operas
and I have never "gone to his head. "
I was always the one
the king of the jungle.
" I have become
the hero!". No, it was normal.
That's how I got
to interpret the Italian Tarzan.
I attended a party
Barbara Steele around 1965.
And I photographed with a
girl in her arms, starlet,
.. And I used to play in the water
with this girl.
After a bit 'of time I pick up a
phone call from a certain Rosario Borelli.
He said," Vito Fornari,
but you are the Italian Tarzan?".
" So they say for fun. "
" We are searching for Tarzan Italian
of soap operas that we must turn. "
" We saw a picture of yourself,
you can do an audition?".
" Of course, Rosario,
get me an audition. "
We met,
I did an audition photo shoot
After one week
Rosario Borelli wrote:
Okay.. " Vito Fornari,
we can make the contract. "
They were looking for a character
They did not want a muscular Tarzan,
a big Tarzan.
Even the same Rosario
Tarzan did in the beginning.
My physical pleased him,
I was physically well.
I had a physical dry,
not very muscular, right
It was the great John..
Weissmuller Tarzan the American.
The real reason why" Antar"
has changed its name
Was.. and why in France
existed gasoline Antar.
Consequently, the legal department
oil of the house
" You can not use the logo 'Antar'
".. Because it is ours, and you can not
use it for your character. "
Then it was changed
and" Antar" and become" Kimba".
And I started this beautiful adventure
Tarzan of the Italian Vito Fornari.
All these struggles acrobatic
suspended to six meters in height.
In soap operas was difficult
who did these things.
They were also adapted to the stories.
They did not use tricks recovering
2 meters into believing that they were 6,
with the camera,
Framing from below..
to make it look higher.
The spider, Spider-Man.
It was not very good as an actor!
He was a nice guy for charity
The" saw" covered
because he had this physical
It was not very good as an actor
and then he exploited very well.
Maybe Let's see who it was?
" The Cobra" perhaps John Benedy.
John Benedy, probably.
John Benedy which was another good
and great actor of soap operas.
Very good.
A dear friend John also Benedy.
Slowly, slowly, however, the" slow motion".
Many supported
I looked like statues.
But I I left, you know?
Come on, redo the beginning.
Then, right fist
left jaw
- Wait, I must tell you one thing.
- Let me as a director!
" I
took your wife, you are a cuckold".
- " You're a cuckold. " -" I'll break
ass"! -" Son of a bitch. "
And parts with
- Lay it though. - Too fast.
- Pero tries to give the punch
Too fast, the redo.
- It works!
- Have you seen?
If you have the camera
It 'a camera that?
- No, they are two bedrooms. - I thought
it was a camera.
With the camera,
in soap operas, as they proceeded?
While there was a similar scene
this taking photos, 3, 4, 5 frames.
Depended on the importance of the scene.
And among those sceglievi you the best,
the more expressive, more movement.
This newspaper," Kimba"
this Italian Tarzan,
.. It was sold in Italy, France,
Switzerland, Austria, Canada,
...and in many other countries
around the world.
And still, at my age,
no longer young,
I defend myself physically fit.
.. Are still the" Italian" Tarzan.
In fact, I'll show you the costume
I still have to Tarzan.
This, excuse me,
Tarzan and the original costume.
The pant Kimba, Tarzan.
This was enhanced so.
Leopard. Look.
Above pant leopard,
the skirt. Here it is.
Then the dagger,
fake of course, Tarzan.
Still preserved by Vito Fornari.
It 'a beautiful thing. Carina this thing!
- The need to redo?
- Yes
All original!
Forty years ago this stuff, folks!
Hug all friends
who are following
- 's change the cassette.
- Go
It's true, there was a shift
huge by Kimba
.. Who was a beautiful,
that appealed to young people
Killing, however, was a character
misunderstanding, it was a character of evil.
Be ', yes, and true.
They saw it as
a bit 'too much for the time.
The protagonist, the winner
stories, was a serial killer.
It was a superhero upside down.
all Marvel Comics
.. That are good characters that
the superhero fighting bad
The bad.. and lost.
This was the American vision.
The American Dream
born even a little 'from that,
.. The good always wins over evil.
Killing was a little 'realistic!
It was violent! I mean you had to
exasperate acting.
You had to shout
The words are written, but he wanted
at the same time you spoke.
The cries are authentic.
No, no, no, no!
It was absolutely ruthless, with the
hard screenplays, two-dimensional..
.. Where the villain was very bad,
I like it.
Without any kind of alibi. Killing
kill for the pleasure of killing.
It was quite violent,
pero it was a game
It was not an act of violence
It was blatantly provocative.
Killings, torture
something erotic, too.
Even the talk of lingerie
and itchy.
" Killing" was at the limit
of pornographic, for the time.
Were these actresses
they had to show a body
Served not only the inner beauty
but also exterior.
Those brazen own
were, then, those more brave.
There were these erotic scenes where
the girls had huge bras,
Granny knickers.. by candida
But then things were
they sent to jail.
In fact Killing" has had
his legal problems remarkable.
In France there were at newsstands
magazines that we were forbidden,
Type.. " Playboy"
I guess it was not so much
for sex as for violence,
Because there was..
a lot of violence in" Killing".
Then came his first rifts.
" They launched
decrees which says"
".. That you have to cut this,
avoid that"
So basically
I begin censorship,
That port.. finally
to lose circulation.
Then you try another experiment.
Molinari and Mazzanti
tried another comic,
.. More or less to 007,
Don" Archer.
It was a" yellow". I remember they were
always" Yellow", there were killings
I remember one day Ponzoni
came to me and said to me in dialect:
".. I do not agree on this title. "
And I said," Why?".
In our countries," Don Giuseppe
and Don Luigi are priests in the country. "
" People will think
which are stories of priests!"
It was not very successful.
Then we did other
fotoromanzi particular, of Rosario.
And he was an actor.
I did the vampire,
.. With teeth made to deliberately
by a dentist, the trick cared
I remember I had also
a wig, for the series.
One thing that I always wondered
was whether the actor
.. Which you could not see his face,
I wanted to see the face of Killing
At best, it can be seen from behind, after
he had sex with his wife.
I had the hair blacks, that
maybe you can not see, his face ever.
In fact I was wondering if it was always the
same actor or was interchangeable.
It seems to me that he was an actor
I do not remember what it's called.
It was brown, brown
Now I do not remember, but it seems to me
it was him. But I do not remember the name.
But you know I always have to Killing
I saw him with the suit, already ready?
He did not take off
ever the mask.
Not even in the midst of us,
when he ate.
It was a contract
he had done with rosary.
He had a film contract,
taking the pretty pennies,
.. But he was never
be seen.
The character recited
in the picture story, masked.
So had to have a body
Interestingly, from that point of view.
This Vito Fornari.
May be it was him. Yes, yes.
It could be him.
It's called Vito Fornari this.
No, he had the mask!
He could not have
Perhaps he had under
a mask of clay.
If you wanted to remove the mask,
had under another plasticine.
- But he was never there.
- Remember a little 'films" El Santo".
With a gesture he slipped off his mask and it
slipped another without showing his face.
This is the only one, the only,
Killing living mask.
In the sense, contemporary
I am the son of Killing!
And now do not ask me anything more
because you risk dying!
No, no, no
Rosario was only directed.
Sometimes he appeared
on" Killing", but it is unlikely.
He was only directed
because it was not an easy direction.
I remember this fact.
They thought it was because Borelli
was released from the scene, as an actor.
He had the suit because of Killing
he was a little 'bold," pansotto.
Instead Killing was dry,
had a beautiful body.
Maybe it was Vito Fornari.
We can ask him to Vito.
If I were to ask him,
say yes even if it was not him.
Sometimes Killing was, because
was an actor well known enough.
But it was not Farnese?
the identity of who was
Killing you have created many mysteries.
This is because Killing, disguised only
with the mask or just with the suit
Could be interpreted..
by any actor.
So many believe that it was Killing
embodied by most people. But no!
I can not
tell you the name in the sense that
And Gori..!
- Let's put it inside his shirt.
- I do not want to hurt her.
No, I'm used to it.
It's true, I'm talking Killing!
No, Gianni Gori has made very few
with Borelli, maybe even one.
The only actor who has
interpreted the real Killing me.
The one wearing the suit
and the mask simultaneously,
What.. and undressed
and shoulders with Dana.
I tell you now
why I say that and Gori.
I" I put together in Rosario.
After my refusal to do Killing,
Borelli asked," Who touch?".
" Gori.
Poor thing, even if you know it,
you see it, does not have a face mimic.
Borelli said," If you want to work
with me, you have to put the mask".
- Now, almost perfect.
- Here we go, here we go.
I might as well turn around
and remove it so.
I remember Farnese, who was a
accomplished actor, was making the film,
.. And that was sometimes in the newsroom.
No... but here
The Spider and him, and Killing.
What" Kimba, who was Spider.
It was practically the same character.
I mean it was the same actor.
But in reality the actor is not Killing
needed a great character,
.. Because it was always masked.
It could also be an appearance.
Vito Fornari was under the mask
When he had to make a character..
when it became Killing.
But the real Killing, with the suit and the
Killing mask, it was Aldo Garlic sauce.
Aldo was as tall as me,
physically we were the same height.
So he was 100%
In" Killing",
Agliata there more than once.
So it could not be Killing.
Killing could not have a face.
I knew him.
It 'was a tough battle
get this part,
.. And I'm proud of and proud.
It was a hard selection,
a tough selection.
I remember there were 1,000 people
they wanted to do this character.
I have chosen for the movements,
for my facial expression,
.. And why, then, I studied mime
as a professional actor.
Review this mask after so many
years moving from one emotion to me
Because this great character..
also had issues
Because.. very violent,
and then every so often confiscated.
This gave us the anguish.
But we managed to bring,
excuse the mess," in port,"
.. An amazing project.
Missing the last number.
The last number that was
all over his face uncovered.
When we went to shoot outdoors
And clear.. that formed a knot
and more than 200 people and I was in suit.
I turned the piece
and then I wanted to take off the mask.
I took it out, I turned around and Borelli
" Do not you have to see!".
Just to keep this mystery.
It's very
Killing.. deformed skull.
Noted earlier that in a cover
the mask looks different.
Probably there have been various periods
and customs in the history of Killing.
We should understand why!
Yes, the final one
and what have you brought me you
And I wore..
with much emotion.
Rosario said, "This is a suit
studied in detail. "
They took a series of models.
Carlo Rambaldi and he
who designed the costume Killing.
Now that you mention it you!
He made the first model, but of course,
costs were what they were.
Rambaldi did pay well
already at the time.
Carlo Rambaldi was a big director
of photography, he loved very much.
Rambaldi was the help of director
photography in the film "heartbreaking"
Where there was.. Rosario Borelli.
Before it was all a skeleton,
I remember now.
Before it was all
whole skeleton,
.. Then chose the one where
not seen the bones of the pelvis.
It was put this belt with the" K".
I remember that they began to get out more
comics, as happens in these cases.
"If he is successful, let's do the same. "
I was the interpreter" Prince" of these
masked men or semi-masked.
They have come up a lot.
And then had to be done
Also the film of Killing.
The film that has not ever gone
We started the first tests,
Then they said, "It's too violent. "
At that time the violence
there was just censorship.
Were choosing the actors,
and of course I Luciana Paoli.
Luciana Paoli and a person
that and liked it immediately in Rosario.
Why had some softness
in the work, and then it was molded.
" Tell me what you want. "
" I wish I did this scene
in this way", and she performed.
I know it had changed its name,
Luciana Paoli was the name of art.
Then, however, he changed
again the name of art.
Because ten years ago I seem to
I heard he was doing a movie.
But I have not seen much.
I remember with great pleasure,
Because it is hard to find..
professionals, actresses
Which meet these requirements.
It was a humanity incredible,
and it was a beautiful woman.
I still have the picture in the
With her I was fine
and would love to meet her again.
But you know, life, then,
separates a little 'things.