The Divide (2011)

Eva, we've got to go now!
Now, now!
- Come on, Eva!
Come on, hurry!
Come on, run!
Eva, come on!
Come on, Eva.
We don't have time.
We don't have time.
- Come on, Eva!
- Get out the door!
- Run!
- Eva!
- Go, go, go, go!
Get back!
Go on, go!
Hold on to me.
Let there be light.
Not exactly the Garden of Eden.
After a blast,
everything gets vaporized
and sucked up
into the atmosphere.
And it rains back down to earth...
as radioactive dust.
Number one rule:
No one opens that door
till the radiation clears.
You understand me?
You want to survive,
you listen to me.
Someone get the lights!
- You okay? You okay?
- Someone get the lights!
- Calm down. Calm down.
Don't touch that.
Holy shit, it's the dust!
It's the dust!
That dust is from the inside.
The bitch is sealed tight.
What was that?
Another bomb?
That was our building
coming down.
How the fuck do you know that?
I don't want to be down here.
I want to go now.
I know, sweetie.
But Uncle Mickey says
we have to stay.
- Why?
- Because your face will melt off
and your hair will fall out.
She's a little girl.
I was just fucking around.
- So that was a nuke?
- Definitely.
Fucking rag-heads.
- We got to stay down here?
- Bet your ass we do.
That door stays sealed
until the radiation clears.
And how long's that gonna take?
When I say.
What's the plan, Mickey?
Well, my plan was to build
a fallout shelter
and take it easy
while my pain-in-the-ass tenants
barbecued above me.
Does anybody's cell phones work?
No, there's no signal.
- I fucking lost mine.
- You lost it?
Is that a radio?
Give it a try.
Cocksucking jack-off.
- Hello?
Hello? Hello?
Hello, do you copy?
What's down here?
As you see, just a bunch
of storage cells full of junk.
Hey, uh...
uh, it's Mickey, right?
Why do you have
so many mattresses?
Because I'm the super
of a goddamn apartment building.
So why do you have
so many mattresses?
What the fuck do you care?
I sell them on the Internet.
Turkish bath in here.
Sorry, ladies, no running water
to wash your panties.
Toilet's on the left.
It's septic,
so after you finish,
throw some lime on top of it.
That's fucking disgusting.
It's called saving water.
Sure, whatever.
I've got to take a dump.
What's in here?
That's my room.
Nobody goes in there but me.
Mama, I'm hungry.
Uh, Mickey...
do you have anything to eat?
The food is adequate, I hope.
Don't thank me all at once.
No, the food's good.
Thanks, Mickey.
- Hello?
Hello? Hello?
Anybody there?
- Shut up back there.
We have survivors
in a building
on the northwest corner
of 29th and 5th.
I repeat, the northwest corner
of 29th and 5th.
Do you copy?
Do you really
have to smoke that thing?
I mean, there's already
so much dust in here.
So when can we go up?
When I say so.
Fuck it.
Ade, come on, let's go.
Adrien, come on.
Bobby, let's go. We're out of here.
Let's go. Fuck it.
What do you think you're doing?
Get away from the door.
I won't tell you again.
- I told you!
- Josh!
- Look out!
- Get away from the fucking door!
- Get away from the goddamn door!
- Come on!
Go ahead.
What the fuck, Mickey?
God damn it.
- Fucking...
Fucking big man with that ax, huh?
Keep pushing me, Mickey.
Keep fucking pushing me,
you're gonna see what happens.
Ever see what happened
to those poor Japanese bastards...
after we dropped
Little Boy on Nagasaki?
The skin melting off their bones.
Faces like roadkill.
Lucky ones died in the blast.
And those kids in Chernobyl...
eyes and... ears.
Shit growing all over 'em.
Tumors the size of grapefruits
popping out of their necks.
Enough, Mickey.
We get it.
What you need to get
is if that dust gets in here,
we're all fucked.
Hope not.
Come here, honey.
Let me braid your hair.
Can I borrow that, please?
Of course.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
You kept it.
Of course I did.
I'm sorry if I've been acting
a little bit nuts.
I'm just trying, you know,
to keep it together.
I guess that's what survival is,
just trying to keep it together.
But I love you.
And you love me.
And that's what's going
to pull us through this nightmare.
It'll make us better parents.
- Eva.
- What?
Come on, honey.
Just one more bite.
I want to go home.
Do you want me to try
and warm them up for you?
We are going to die, aren't we?
No, honey,
we're not going to die.
We're going to live.
Let's just do our meditation, okay?
Shut your eyes.
Really picture the beautiful light
and how good it makes us feel.
Let's do that right now, okay?
Come on.
- Shut your eyes.
- It doesn't work.
- It does work.
- I want to go home.
Wendy, you just have
to be patient, okay?
And then it'll get better outside.
And then somebody'll come down
and they'll help us.
- Promise?
- Promise.
Thank you.
Gonna have to eat this shit
every day?
What'd you say?
I give you food,
shelter, and that's what you say?
Fuckers come down here,
expect me to take care of you.
What do you contribute?
What'd you bring to the fucking party?
Take it easy, Mickey.
All my family and friends
are probably dead,
and all you can talk about
are fucking beans?
Come on, Mick!
Are we really supposed
to rely on this guy?
- Sam.
- No, no, no, no, really, really.
How long can you keep us
alive in this... in this...
- Shit hole.
- Yes, exactly.
You know what?
This is a fucking shit hole, man.
Calm down. Sam...
No. No, I'm sorry.
I won't stop.
- Stop.
- I won't stop because I want someone
to do something, that's all.
- I need someone to do something.
- Sam, calm down.
- No, I won't calm down because I...
- Sam.
Sam, please stop.
- Do something, man. Come on!
- Sam, please stop.
Instead of just sitting around
waiting to fucking die.
Don't be scared, Wendy.
Uncle Mickey only slaps little girls.
And you're a big girl, aren't you?
Want to see a magic trick?
I'm gonna take my thumb off
for you, all right?
God, that hurts.
Seen that one before?
Okay, let me think
of another one.
Making your cigar disappear?
Oh, shit.
It's a rescue.
Down here!
Down here!
- Cut the lights.
- What the hell for?
Just do it.
You guys,
what's going on up there?
Hey, okay,
we're civilians, all right?
Okay, we're all
on the same side, right?
- Whoa, what are you doing?
Didn't you hear him?
Help me!
- No!
- Help me!
No, no!
No! No!
- No!
- Get back.
Go, go, go! Run!
We've got another
Give me the lock!
Give me the lock!
- What lock?
- Get me the chain!
- I don't need your help.
- Get out of the way.
Come on, come on.
Put the chain on there.
- Mickey!
- Hey, Mickey!
I need some help.
Adrien got shot.
- Put him down over here.
- What? Okay.
- Whoa, whoa.
Hey, somebody fucking
get something. He got shot!
- Oh, shit.
- I got to look.
Oh, shit, Bobby.
- What the fuck?
- Somebody get a medical kit.
Thank you.
- I got it. I got it.
- I don't know what to do.
- I got it. I got it.
- There's nothing here that's usable.
It's all from, like,
1984 or something.
- You gotta take the bullet out, right?
- It's gonna sting, okay?
All right.
Oh, fuck!
- Sorry.
- You're gonna be okay, man.
- He's gonna die.
- He's fine.
- He's gonna fucking die.
Shut up!
He's not gonna fucking die.
What do you want me to do?
It's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right, all right?
- Arch your back. Just lean a bit.
- Come on.
- Almost got it.
- Almost? He's gonna be all right?
- So he's gonna be okay?
- He's gonna be okay.
You're lucky it didn't hit
the artery.
- He's gonna be okay.
- Okay, you got to clean that out.
I got it. Thank you.
Come over here.
Come over here.
Put your hand on the back there.
Press hard on the front,
keep your hands on the back.
- That's fine. That's good.
- Yeah.
Just like that.
He'll be all right.
Where's Sam?
- Hold this.
- Yeah, I'm here.
- Hold this as hard as you can.
- I'm here. I'm here. I got it.
Sam. Sam.
You okay?
You hurt?
You're alive.
- You're alive.
- Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Looks like some sort
of biohazard suit.
It's a radiation suit.
Bet we got hit by one of those loose
nukes I've been reading about.
It's just a matter of time
before one of them hajis
got their hands on one of them.
So you're saying it's the Arabs?
Of course they're Arabs.
They've been at war
with us for 20 years.
It's just that we've been too busy
stuffing ourselves
at the trough to notice.
We should have wiped them
off the map when we had the chance.
Now it's probably too fucking late.
Oh, shit.
Okay, that's disgusting.
Let me guess, North Koreans.
- You're a fucking idiot.
- Get out of here.
Oh, fuck!
Holy shit.
Grab the tape.
I got her.
All right. Okay.
I got her. Ow!
All right, all right.
Take it easy.
Grab her arms.
Put her in the storage room.
Come on.
Get the door.
Get the door.
Top rations.
Mickey's orders.
I'm fine. You take it.
You take it.
Can you make anything out?
Only thing I caught was something
about finishing up the sweep.
And they're American accents.
Turn off the fucking radio, man.
That's what got us in trouble
in the first place.
Hey, Mickey,
what is that in your pocket?
Whether it's making
a damn fine sausage
or exterminating
an entire race of people,
those Germans
don't fuck around.
You're holding out food
on us now?
I got a couple of bits and pieces
in my room.
It's my place.
It's my right.
- Just go back to your room.
- Damn it!
Has anyone fed Marilyn?
What the fuck is your problem, man?
Don't waste that.
What's so funny?
What's so funny?
Oh, nothing.
Just what you said
and how you said it.
"Has anyone fed Marilyn yet?"
Like she's your fucking dog.
He gets it.
Show some respect.
She just lost her kid.
Go back to sleep, Adrien.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
She's pissed.
You've got something on your face.
Other side.
That's it.
She's all that's good in me.
I'm sorry.
- Too risky.
- What do you mean it's too risky?
Whatever's in the air outside,
it's in here.
Your goddamn duct tape
won't make any difference.
At least we can find out
what's going on out there
even if we don't find her kid.
- You're volunteering?
- I'm volunteering.
He's volunteering.
I say if he wants to go, let him go.
- Let me go. Come on.
- I don't trust you coming back.
What is your problem with me?
- He's got a problem with everybody.
- What about Josh?
- No. Fuck, no.
- Me?
- What about Josh?
- You want me to go?
He ain't got the brains
and that faggot ain't got the balls.
- He'll come back for his brother.
- Thanks, Mickey.
I'll go.
No, no, no, Eva.
Eva, you can't be serious.
- I'll go.
- Don't be stupid.
- I'll go.
- You happy, Mick?
You a punk. You know that?
You a punk.
When you ain't got no ax in your hand,
then you got something to say.
I don't think he's gonna like
what he finds out there.
At least we have to try.
- How's your tube?
- Tube is good.
Excuse me.
Do you have air?
Is it working?
- You got one more to go.
- Is the compressor gonna work?
- Yeah, it's fine.
- There it is.
- Good to go?
- Yeah.
Let's go.
Promise me you'll bring her back.
I'll do my best.
- Let's go, guys.
- Let's do it. Let's go.
Let's do it.
What the hell is that?
Hey, Josh.
Don't worry, man.
I... I got this.
Hold it.
Hey, it's okay.
It's okay.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- What did you see?
- You're okay.
- I think I got two of 'em.
- What did you see?
- Where's your gun?
They got this... this lab set up there.
It's like... it's like...
- Josh, what else?
- Like what?
- What else?
- What do you mean what else?
That's it.
There's no survivors.
There's no other civilians.
There's no fucking Red Cross.
I don't know if they're army.
I don't even know if they're American.
I'm sorry.
They're coming back.
They're welding us in.
- How are you holding up?
- Uh, I'll live.
Delvin gave me his pain meds.
Mind if I take a look?
I just want to clean it.
You know it's gonna sting a little.
- Sorry.
You a nurse or something?
You're just gonna have
a nasty scar.
Yeah, well,
chicks dig scars, right?
You lived below us, right?
Was that you who played guitar?
Yeah. Did that annoy you?
No, I actually really liked it.
Helped me sleep sometimes.
It keeps most people awake.
Not me.
Is everything all right?
Yeah. Everything's fine.
Ugh, how can you
eat with that smell?
We've got to get rid
of those bodies.
How, exactly?
Chop 'em up,
toss 'em down the septic.
Should have tried harder
to get that door open.
That door is welded shut.
We should have put the bodies out
when Josh went out.
Shame we let
those bodies go rotten.
What do you mean?
You ever heard about that rugby team
that survived the Andes?
Their plane crashed.
They were forced to eat
their friends and family.
They survived up there
for months.
They ate everything...
ears, toes, assholes.
Uh-huh, arms, legs,
brains, the spleen.
The only thing they didn't eat
was the penis.
If worse comes to worst, you all have
full permission to eat my body.
Yeah, you do.
But not my penis.
Nobody... nobody but nobody
- eats Bobby's penis.
What's that for, Mickey?
Well, yeah.
Fuck, yeah.
Yeah, I'll do it.
Come on.
I can do this, man.
I got this.
But can he live with it?
- Hey, Bobby?
- I got this, man.
Yeah, I'll be... fine.
It's just like cutting lumber.
I'll start with the arms.
I'll just get my swing down.
Eenie, meenie, miney, moe.
Chop a body from head to toe.
It's blunt.
Man, what you doing in here?
How did you get in here, man?
I heard you.
- When did you come in here?
- Fuck off.
How did you get in here?
What you got in your pocket?
I was dreaming about Mom.
You think she's okay?
I don't care.
She's your mom.
She's not mine.
Just 'cause she cut
my sandwiches...
- Hey, Adrien.
- Yeah?
I only went out there to see
if there's a way out for us.
Hey, was Mickey an aviator
or something?
Look at these.
What the hell's going on in here?
Come on, Mickey, we're just looking
for some escapism, all right?
I told you from day one
that this was my room
and you were to stay out.
Your casa is our casa now.
I don't know what
you're talking about,
but you're gonna regret this.
This is my ball.
You got it out of my apartment?
- I got it out of your ass.
- You got it out of my apartment.
Hey, he's got forks.
- Adrien.
- I've been looking for this ball.
Don't need to use
your dirty fingers any... hey!
- This is a very valuable ball.
- You got it fixed.
Hit down here, come this way,
and jab real hard
and start firing like this.
Now if they're behind you
and they have a gun behind you...
- This is amazing.
- ...what you want to do is feel that tip.
Once you feel it,
come to the outside.
The gun will discharge this way.
Take your arm,
take both their hands,
pull with this hand, and go forward
and you'll take the gun away.
All right, soldier, fight safe
and come back
to the United States.
- Oh, another one?
- Mm-hmm.
- Where the hell did you get that one?
- It's the last one.
Come in.
Here's the makeup.
Hey, listen, Marilyn.
You know, if you need
to talk about anything,
anything like that, I'm here.
You know?
I'm sure she's better off
than we are right now.
- What are you talking about?
You are a very beautiful girl.
And I know you know
what men are like.
- Oh, yeah.
- What do you think's gonna happen
the longer that we stay
down here, huh?
What do you think
is already happening?
- I don't know.
- I do.
Listen, if you need to talk
about anything, I'm here, all right?
Don't you think
you should just be
a little nicer
to the rest of the boys?
Especially Josh.
Fucking hands off me.
All you knew
we had was this much?
That's all there is!
What do you want me to do?
- That's not all there is.
- That's just fucking wonderful, Mickey.
That's impossible. There is no way
we can survive with that.
No way. No way.
You got us
into this situation, now fix it.
I got us into this situation?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I was rationing them.
We're gonna fucking starve
to death, Mickey.
We're gonna die of thirst, Mickey.
Where's the food?
What do you want me to do?
I'm not your nanny,
you arrogant prick!
I'll bet you're just waiting
for one of us to die
so you can have all the food
that you can fucking eat, huh?
- Oh, shit. What are you...
What is your problem, Mickey?
What is your problem?
My problem is you!
- You're fucking dead.
- And you, and you!
- You're fucking dead, Mickey.
- You're my fucking problem!
- Get back. Get out of here.
- You get out of here!
- Take a walk.
- You get out of here.
- It's my fucking...
- Take a fucking walk!
Guys, please.
Delvin, come on.
You see he's the only one
not dropping any pounds?
Always stuffing his pig face.
I'm telling you, that motherfucker
is up to something.
Stop playing around with that.
Okay? I'm trying to talk to you.
What do you want to do, Josh?
I want to get
that fucking door open,
- even if we rip it off its hinges.
- Fucking-A right, man.
Do you agree with everything
my brother says?
You mean
your half-brother, right?
What, you don't agree?
Have you looked at us?
Look at me.
We're dying in here.
Where would you rather be?
Door's welded shut.
We got one working suit.
There's not a lot of options.
There's always options.
I knew you had some stuff
in here somewhere.
You crazy fuck.
It's a peace offering for...
Thank you. Uh-huh.
Back up.
Back up and open it.
All right.
Move over so I can see it.
Start again.
Don't give me an excuse
to use this. Open it.
Got it.
Now push it open.
- Where's it lead to?
- The fucking White House.
- Where are the lights?
- There ain't no fucking lights.
Don't you fuck with me.
Oh, man.
It's Delvin and Mickey.
Holy shit!
What the fuck, Mickey?
This motherfucker,
he comes in here
and he sticks a Taser in my face,
and he said he was gonna kill me
unless I gave him the rest
of the food and water.
Then he... he goes for the gun.
I caught him off guard.
Then we started fighting
over the gun and it went off.
- It went off?
- Yeah, it just went off.
And that's it.
It was self-defense.
It was...
- It was self-defense.
- Stop!
- Get off me!
- Bobby, get him!
It was self-defense,
Adrien, help me!
Sam, get his legs!
Get his legs!
- Get his legs!
- Get off, motherfucker!
- Eva, get the gun!
- Get off!
- Hold on to him!
- Get off me!
It's a combination lock.
It won't work.
It's a combination lock.
Somebody wake him up.
You know what I think?
I think we should kill
the maniac right now.
- Jesus, Bobby.
- Hey, Mickey.
- All right, let's fucking do it.
Bobby, Bobby, Bobby,
Bobby, Bobby.
Let's get civilized
about this, please.
- Come on. Josh?
You saw what he did to Delvin.
Huh? The guy's a whack-job.
He has been fucking with us
since the first...
You know what?
Give me the gun.
Give me the gun.
You don't even know
what happened.
- Give me the gun.
- Let's get to the bottom of this first.
- What are you doing? You bitch!
- Josh.
- What if those guys come back, huh?
- Josh, come on.
Get the fuck out of my way.
We need the fucking
combination, Mickey.
The combination.
- Aah!
- What is the combination?
What's behind that door?
Put his head forward.
- Aah!
- What's behind that door?
- What's behind that door?
- You're gonna die.
- You're all gonna die.
- Huh?
I'll never give you
the combination.
Go get the knife.
- No?
- I don't care what you do to me!
You can kill me!
I don't care if I die!
- You don't care if you die?
- No! I kind of want it.
- Aah!
- Huh? You want to die?
As long as I'm strapped
in this chair, I'm stronger than you.
You're never gonna get
that combination from me.
- Never!
- No?
And I will starve to death.
Will you?
- Bobby!
- Give me the fucking combination,
Mickey, or I'll slice you
from ear to ear.
- You hear me?
- Stop!
- You're so fucking dead.
- No! Get off of me, you faggot!
Get off of me, you faggot!
I'll starve to death.
Put the knife down,
you guys, please.
You shouldn't have thrown
the gun down the toilet, Eva.
- Fuckers! Fuckers!
- Come on, Josh, think about it.
- What's the combination?
- Fuck you!
- Put down the knife.
- Yeah, do it.
- Josh, no!
- What's the combination?
- Put down the knife.
- Do it! Do it!
Josh, no!
- Stop!
- What's the...
Let her go, Josh.
Let her go. Let her go.
I don't know why
you wanna fight, boy.
Okay, okay, Josh.
Josh, look at me.
- Look at me.
- Stop it, Josh!
- I'll cut that pretty neck of yours.
- Fuck you!
- Keep the fuck back!
- Look at me, Josh. Look at me.
I think it would be a better idea
before we torture someone,
you let your anger pass.
If I have to calm down
and rationalize this,
I don't know if I'll be able to take
a knife and cut his fucking fingers off.
- Do it!
- No.
Last chance, Mickey.
How about that?
How about that's your
last chance, you fuckin'...
- Go ahead. Do it.
- Fucking yuppie.
- Do it. Do it.
- Do it. Do it.
- Go ahead. Go ahead.
- Do it. Go ahead.
Go ahead and do it!
Do it, faggot, do it!
How's that feel, huh?
How's that feel?
- How does that fucking feel?
Oh, God.
It's okay. It's okay.
Look at that. Look at that.
There it is, huh?
- See how easy that thing came off?
- Hey, Josh, let's do another one.
- Another one?
- Yeah. Let's do a thumb.
- You want a thumb?
- Nine!
- Nine, motherfucker?
- No!
- What's the combination?
Mickey, give him
the combination, please!
Okay. Okay.
- Nine.
- Nine. Come on.
11, then zero, then one.
Now he's a fucking canary.
That wasn't so hard,
was it, Mickey?
Go get the door open.
9-11-0-1 . Go.
Just fucking go!
You faggots!
Faggot, you'll never
amount to anything.
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
You're a fucking coward!
- Coward!
- Nice souvenir, huh?
- Yeah.
- You fucking cowards!
Hey, Mickey, I got you
in my pocket now.
Oh, that's funny.
You're real funny,
you stupid shit.
A fucking brain the size
of a fucking pea, you fucking idiot.
You red-headed stepchild.
And you, you fuck!
You're a fucking coward, man.
Fuck you!
Won't you play with me?
Ooh, they got beans.
See, I told you
he was holding out on us.
We should still kill him.
Shut up, Bobby.
What did you find?
Hey, Mickey,
you want to see a magic trick?
Now you're not alone.
You fucking missed.
You missed.
You want it, Sam?
Oh, my God.
Oh, God damn it.
That's disgusting.
- Don't waste that, Marilyn.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- Clean yourself up.
Let me massage you.
No, it just... it hurts.
- All right? Just...
- I can make you feel better.
No, just... just stay
off me, all right?
Marilyn, I don't think
he wants to be touched.
You stink, okay?
Just stay off me.
I said get off of me!
Marilyn, why don't you
put some clothes on?
That filthy nightie is disgusting.
I can't even eat.
Well, thanks, Sam.
Now why don't you go over there
and suck on his dick?
You should suck his dick
because we all know
that he's not getting any at home.
What, Sam, her pussy like
the fucking Sahara or something?
All right, Josh, let it go.
Marilyn, let me ask you a question.
Why is it that old women
can't age gracefully?
Your tits are at your waist.
Someone pulled the ripcord
on your inflatable ass.
And your skin
is like fucking sand...
- Josh, leave her alone.
- Stay out of it!
- I'm not a child.
- No, she's not.
But I like that.
Stop it.
Oh, what?
Oh, you, too, Sam?
Yeah, go fetch her, boy.
- Eva.
- I can't stand it in here.
- Shh.
It's okay.
It's okay.
- Sam.
- Come on, Eva.
- Sam, please stop. Please stop.
- Please, please, please.
- Sam, just go away.
- Please, please.
- Sam, stop it.
- Eva, please.
Sam, get off of me!
Josh, do I look like
a space alien? Huh?
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.
How about a drink?
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
I should go.
I'm so sorry about everything.
Come on, you motherfuckers!
Come and get me!
I got nine more fingers for you!
Hey, Marilyn.
- It's gonna be okay.
- Where are you, baby?
- It's gonna be okay.
- Bring back that sweet ass.
- You stay with us. Don't worry.
- Marilyn.
- You stay with us.
- Oh, there she is.
- She got off the leash again.
- It's okay.
Marilyn. Marilyn.
Come back to bed.
She's gonna stay in here
with us, all right?
Josh, let her stay in here.
- Marilyn.
- No!
Come on, let her go.
Let her go.
- Let her go!
- Eva, she's yours.
Marilyn! Marilyn!
- Let her go!
- Eva, wait, wait.
- Let her go!
- Wait, let it go.
Aah! Fuck!
- It's okay.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. I'm fine.
Sorry to interrupt.
You guys have to Mickey-sit.
And Josh would like
to see you alone.
This looked like your size.
What do you want, Josh?
Decided you should ration
your own food and water.
Is this for the three of us?
No, two.
Mickey's fasting.
Of course, Eva, if you want more,
I'm open to barter.
Maybe I'll just take this back.
What's going on?
I'm rationing the supplies.
Yeah, well, Josh,
they're the group's supplies.
It's not your call.
Well, groups break down into
self-interest during times of scarcity.
And someone needs to make
the tough decisions
during times of war.
It's in the DVDs.
So what's next, huh?
You cut off Bobby?
Then me?
there is only us.
Let's do it again.
Oh, God, more. More.
- I have to ration it.
- Ration your end.
This is our end.
This is what Josh gave us.
Get me out of this chair.
You held out on us, Mickey.
I was gonna tell you
about the food.
But first I had to make sure
that when this supply ran low,
who I could trust
and who would go bad.
Eva, come here.
- Come here. Eva.
- What?
Come here.
There's something in the storage
room they don't know about.
- What?
- It's a gun.
You have to do something.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
He told me there's another gun.
He's a compulsive liar
and a fucking murderer.
If you won't help me,
I'll do it alone, Sam.
What are you gonna do
when you find that fictional gun?
Are you gonna kill them?
We can't provoke them.
I can talk some sense
into them. Yeah.
I was a fucking lawyer,
I was a fucking...
Sam, wake up.
You were nothing, just a fucking
drug addict living on the streets.
So don't you dare
to tell me to wake up.
You got to be a cowboy.
Cowboys touch penises.
- Do it. Do it.
- No, no.
- I'm not gonna touch it.
- Touch it.
- No way.
- He doesn't want to touch it.
- He doesn't want to do it.
- Do that other thing.
- The big one?
- The big one.
- What did I just say?
- The little one.
- But you said...
Little dog.
The little one.
The little one is a...
The little one choking.
The little one choking.
- Give him a treat.
All right, here we go.
- Eva beaver.
- Wow.
- Come on in.
- No, I just need to talk to Sam.
Well, we're in the middle
of a game here.
Sam, I need to talk to you.
- I haven't finished yet.
- He hasn't finished.
Oh, don't worry about Marilyn.
She's zoned out.
You know what?
You should play.
Yeah, come on.
Come on in.
I insist.
There we go.
There we go.
Get her a drink, Sancho.
Thank you, matre d'.
So, Eva...
truth or dare?
I'm not gonna play.
You're gonna play 'cause
you're sitting at my fucking table.
How about we play
for food and water?
So come on.
Truth or dare?
- Do you love Sam?
- Good question.
- Come on.
There's no getting out
of this one, Eva.
Do you love Sammy?
Ooh, congratulations, Sam.
And my brother?
You already asked
your question.
That is true, Josh.
Those are the rules.
- That's true.
- Fuck, she got me, man.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, um...
It's your turn to ask.
So come on.
Ask a question.
It's your turn.
Come on, just say,
"Josh, truth or dare?"
Ask a question.
Okay, dare.
No, truth.
Last time I said dare,
Bobby wanted me
to eat Mickey's finger.
- You're a sick fuck.
Fucking disgusting.
So come on, ask a question.
Ask a fucking question.
- Ask a fucking question!
- Did you enjoy torturing Mickey?
I did what had to be done.
But what have you done for us?
- Come on, Josh.
- Okay, fuck it, Sam.
What's up? You want a turn?
Truth or dare?
Go cut up Delvin's body.
Come on, Sammy.
Circle of truth.
You accepted the dare, Sammy.
Time to follow through.
- I'm not cutting anyone.
- Do it.
Don't be such a chickenshit.
Do it.
- Stop.
- Do it.
- You got a penis, Sam?
- I'm not cutting anyone.
- Do it.
- Bobby, stop it.
- Stop it, Bobby.
- Do it.
Eva, how can you be engaged
to such a pussy?
- Stop it, Bobby.
- Do it! Do it!
- Do it!
- Stop it!
Atta boy.
Sam, sit down.
Sam, sit down.
Sam, don't!
Sam, don't.
Help me.
Sam, don't.
You don't have to prove yourself.
- You don't have to do this.
- All right, Sam, now remember,
it's just like chopping lumber,
but not.
All right, knock yourself out.
Go for it.
- Hold it high.
- No.
- Don't.
Come on.
- You fucking pussy.
- Why don't you do it, Bobby?
You love chopping up people.
Why don't you do it?
Well, you see,
I've already cut up a body.
- Give me a kiss. Right here.
- Whoo!
I think we know who
the man of the house is.
- Get the fuck... get off me.
- Robert.
- Get off me.
- Get the ax.
- No, no, no, no, I can do it!
- You're gonna cut him up.
- Josh, don't!
What are you doing?
Do it or I break his arms.
Come on.
- Do it! Do it!
- Do it.
- Do it! Do it!
- Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Who's next?
So how's a little bit
off the top?
You ready?
Look at us, huh?
Look at us.
- Yeah.
- We're the same.
The same.
You're my brother now.
Where's the gun?
Get me out of this chair.
It's in a red coffee can
in the panic room.
I never said I'd untie you.
You'll do the right thing.
there's another way out.
- What?
- Through the septics.
But you're gonna be swimming
through a whole lot of god-awful shit.
You know it's in the hair?
It's in the hair.
What's the going rate
on a bottle of water, Sancho?
Got to be some infidelity for sure.
- Yeah.
- No.
Stop. Stop.
She sounds like
a racehorse, Robert.
I'll bet she goes off like one, too.
- Please.
- Don't spoil it.
- Please, not like this.
- Not like what?
- Robert.
- What?
- Get lost.
- I thought we could share this one.
Oh, God.
It's in the hair.
She just broke.
- What happened?
- Marilyn's dead.
They killed her.
You okay?
What are you doing?
You have to get the gun.
In the panic room.
- Where?
- In the red coffee can.
- Hey, assholes.
- Oh, God.
You're supposed to keep
the batteries charged.
We're trying to watch a movie.
Yes, Bobby, but it just died.
- All of a sudden.
- What the fuck, Sam?
It just died?
What the fuck?
Store's closed.
Not here. Not here.
Not here, please.
Come with me.
This is your fault.
You didn't fucking charge the battery.
- Sorry. Yeah, yeah, well...
- Oh, shit.
Why do you look so nervous, Sam?
Huh? Go do something.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Bobby.
You're right.
You're right. I'm sorry.
- Where are you going?
- I need to go to the toilet.
I'm sorry, Bobby.
You're right.
Wait. Wait.
Why don't you just slow down?
Oh, bitte. Oh, bitte.
Oh, bitte.
Oh, bitte.
Oh, bitte.
- What are you doing, Sam?
Well, you said you were
going to the bathroom.
The bathroom's down the hall
and to the left.
I'm just starving, Bobby.
I need something to eat.
- Help yourself.
- Thank you.
You know, I'm standing here
and you're standing there,
and we're both thinking
the same thing, aren't we?
Please, get me out of this chair.
Get me out of this chair.
Get me out of this chair.
Please, get me out of this chair.
Are you my friend, Sam?
Yes, I'm your friend.
What... what are you doing, Bobby?
Will you be my Sancho, Sam?
- Your what?
- My Sancho.
- Sancho Panza?
- Sure.
What? Sure.
Yes, I'll be your Sancho...
Say please, pussy.
- Please.
- Please.
- Pussy.
- Pussy.
- Please, pussy.
- Please.
- Pretty please, pussy.
- Pretty please.
- Pussy. Not just pussy.
- Pussy.
- Pussy. Pussy.
- Pussy. Pussy.
Now say it in French.
I don't know what you just said,
but that sounded sexy as fuck.
- Now suck my dick.
- What?
- Suck my dick. Suck my dick.
- What? No.
- Suck my dick!
- No, no, no!
Come on, Bobby.
Come on, Bobby.
- Bobby, come on.
- Suck it.
- Bobby. Bobby, come on.
- Suck my dick.
- Suck my dick.
- Bobby!
- Bobby, stop! Ah!
Stop it!
I'm just fucking with you, Sam.
Yeah, we changed the combination
two weeks ago.
Open sesame.
I don't think we have croissants.
I know how you Frenchies
love that shit.
But I'll find you something.
Wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I don't want to just fuck you.
Wait, wait, please.
You were right about Sam.
Sam's not a real man like you.
You're right.
I need a real man.
What are you doing?
I want to touch you.
I just want to touch you.
What, I said, are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- I just wanted to touch your skin.
- You want some apricots?
- Apricots are for faggots.
I like apricots.
You know, Sam,
you really blew it big time.
You know, I knew
Josh would tap that ass.
You really blew it.
What the fuck
are you doing, Sam?
Shut up.
- Josh!
- Shut up!
- All right.
- Stand up.
Stand up.
Now march.
Come on, Sam.
I'll fucking kill you!
Get off!
Get off her!
Get off of her!
Run, run!
I've got the gun.
- I've got the gun.
- Sam.
I've got a gun!
I've got a gun.
Come on, Sam. If you shoot me,
you're gonna have to cut me up.
Sam, keep the gun on Bobby.
You'll never do it, pussy.
- Come on, shoot me.
- Sam!
Shoot me.
Come on, shoot me.
- Shoot me!
- Keep the gun on Bobby.
- Sam, I'm on your side.
- You'll never do it, pussy.
- Sam, give the gun to Adrien.
- I'm on your side.
- Shoot me!
- Give the gun to Adrien.
- Sam, give me the gun.
- Sam, give the gun to Adrien.
- Shoot me.
- Give the gun to Adrien.
- What?
- Give the gun to Adrien.
- Okay, I'm on your side.
- Fucking shoot me.
Damn it, I'm on your side.
Give me the gun.
- Shoot me!
- Give me the gun, Sam.
- Shoot me!
- Give it to Adrien!
- Sam!
No! No!
Fucking do him.
Fucking do him.
Fucking do him. Huh?
Fucking do him.
Come on, you fucking pussy.
Fucking do him.
You gonna puss out
on me now? Do it!
Come on, cunt.
Fucking do it.
- Fucking do it.
Do him.
Come on.
Come on, buddy boy.
Hey. Hey.
Eva! Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
Are you proud of yourself?
Sam, come on.
That's gasoline.
Eva! Eva!
Open the fucking door!
Eva, come on.
Open the fucking door!
Eva! Eva!
- Eva!
- Eva!
- Eva!
- Eva!
- They changed the numbers.
- What?
They changed
the fucking combination.
What's the new combination?
- What's the new combination?
- They didn't tell me.
Don't let us die.
I'm sorry, Eva!
Eva! Eva!