The Doolins of Oklahoma (1949)

[man narrating]
There was a time
when Oklahoma territory
had its great free ranges.
The cowboy went
about his daily work,
contentment in his heart.
His only boundary--
the limitless horizon.
These were peaceful days.
Then the cattle herds
Oklahoma was open
to the settler.
The government cut the ranches
into sections,
and they became farms.
Ringed by barbed strands,
the free range was no more.
The cowboy,
who could not be fenced in,
stared in anger
at the intruder,
blaming him for
their loss of livelihood.
Instead of turning their hand
to a plow,
their hand went to a six-gun,
to take what they reasoned
was rightfully theirs,
Then to be joined by others.
So the outlaw gangs came.
The James Boys...
The Younger Brothers.
Then, behind them,
the United States Marshals,
pushing on relentlessly.
It was our sworn duty
to hunt down--
to destroy
this lawless element.
And then, finally,
bolder than
their forerunners,
the Daltons.
Coffeyville, Kansas,
October 5, 1892.
The Dalton Gang
becoming so daring
as to strike
in broad daylight.
The Dalton Brothers...
with Sam Powers,
Bill Broadwell,
and Wichita Smith.
small world, cousin.
Sure is.
Never thought I'd see you
walking around
so free and easy-like.
What brings you to town?
I had to come in
and get a little spending money
for Sunday.
I'm doing the same thing myself.
[indistinct conversations]
Hello, Marshal.
Sorry you missed
all the excitement.
So am I. Congratulations,
Well, the Daltons
won't rob anymore.
We was waitin' for 'em.
Blew the daylights
out of 'em.
We didn't give them a chance.
Shot them down like dogs,
didn't we?
Yeah, in the back.
What's the matter with it,
Never saw a man so bad
he had to be shot
in the back.
That's strange,
coming from a Marshal.
You sound like
you knew the Daltons.
Sure did.
Friends of mine.
Punched cattle with them.
You make a habit of being
friends of outlaws?
They weren't when I met 'em.
The fact is,
both Grat and Bob
once wore a Marshal's badge
just like that.
That's right.
You live around here?
Just passing through.
I didn't get your name.
Didn't give it.
I'd like to have a talk
with you sometime.
[indistinct conversations
Sheriff, I gotta talk to you.
I'm busy, Wichita.
But Sheriff--
You've been paid
your reward money.
It ain't the reward!
There's flowers
on them Dalton graves.
Well, what of it?
Only two men could have
put flowers on them graves--
Bill Dalton and Bill Doolin.
How come they weren't along
on the bank robbery?
Dalton crippled his arm
a couple of days ago.
Doolin's horse pulled up lame
on the way in this morning.
Never heard of him.
He's new.
He just joined up.
They're in town someplace.
Get a posse and bring them in!
None of that Dalton bunch
is gonna be pokin' his nose
in Coffeyville after today.
All right,
but they might get me!
That's right.
Then you wouldn't be able
to spend that reward money.
I'm ridin' out of here tonight.
If I were you,
I'd ride far out.
Come here.
Bill Dalton,
are you out of your mind?
This town's full of Marshals!
Don't you know what happened?
I don't know all of it.
Seven men rode into town.
I only found five graves.
How come you're alive?
Only because I wasn't
with the others.
My horse pulled up lame.
There's a horse over there
that didn't pull up lame.
When he comes to get it,
I'm gonna kill him.
You'll never get by with that.
I don't care.
[footsteps depart]
Bill, you gotta listen
to reason.
There's nothing you can do
that'll bring those boys back.
That's easy talk for you.
They weren't your brothers.
They might as well have been.
They were my best friends.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I am--
Don't shoot, Doolin.
Climb down, Wichita.
Climb down.
Dalton! Dalton!
Bill Doolin!
It's the Daltons!
It's the Daltons!
No good.
You'd better ride for it.
You finally killed
your first man.
Make them believe that.
It's the Daltons!
Another Dalton!
Go on, Doolin.
From now on,
it's gonna be one--
[labored breathing]
One big chase.
It's the Daltons!
Another Dalton!
Get him!
"Wanted for murder--
Bill Doolin."
A new name to be entered
in the files
of the United States
Marshals' office.
Bill Doolin, fugitive.
A man against the world
with no thought now
but of escape.
Forced to keep moving,
forced to travel alone,
to live alone,
with the doors of free men
closed forever against him.
But though survival
is the first instinct,
man is not meant
to survive in solitude.
He must have companionship,
but there are left
only those like himself--
Someday, somebody's going
to shoot you for a deer,
I knowed you'd show up
sooner or later.
You can't keep running forever,
can you?
[wood tapping]
Business associates.
I see you still have the habit
of sleeping outside.
Yeah, you live longer that way.
You see,
when the shooting starts,
I don't have to stop
to open no door.
Boys, I want you to meet
an old pal of mine.
We polished a lot
of saddle leather together
when we worked at
the old Bar-Z ranch
in the old days.
Bitter Creek, Red Buck--
Big Bill Doolin.
Three Jacks.
Aces-- three of them.
Who dealt?
Who do you suppose?
Glad to know you, Mr. Doolin.
Me and the boys here
are sort of
in the investment business
In a small way, of course.
How are you doing?
Well, we opened a bank or two.
We could use a man like you.
I'm against it.
I don't blame you.
Is that any way
to talk to a guest?
We got enough peace officers
chasing us now.
Once he joins up,
we'll have an army on our trail.
Doolin hasn't done anything,
except kill a man.
That's not it.
He's the last member
of the Dalton Gang.
That makes him important.
We need someone important
around here.
Help keep the boys in line.
I said no.
Go on-- cut.
That settles it.
Doolin stays.
Someday you're gonna
run out of aces.
Not me.
Forced to seek friends
outside the law,
then chosen as their leader,
he looks for more recruits
that were soon to ride
as The Doolin Gang of Oklahoma.
If we're gonna get Tulsa Jack
out of there,
what are we settin' here for?
He likes to look.
At what?
We got guns.
Why don't we use them?
Yeah, we need a fellow
like Tulsa.
He can blow a safe with less
noise than anyone I ever knew.
Bill, that jail ain't big,
but it looks harder to get into
than most jails is
to get out of.
That's rather
an ambiguous statement.
Why don't you keep
your conversation to yourself?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you were talking
to me.
My name is Bill, too.
Maybe you'd better change it.
I have. Several times.
Once, even to a number.
Some places, they seem
to regard it as unlawful--
even when you beat a man
to the draw.
Little Bill,
they call me, Mr. Doolin.
Why do you think
my name's Doolin?
You left Coffeyville
so hurriedly,
you forgot to settle
your stable bill.
I paid it for you.
Thanks. How much do I owe you?
Oh, nothing.
It was a privilege.
If I was you, Mr. Doolin,
I'd get on over to that jail
right now.
See that gentleman
just shutting the door?
He's the jailer.
He's on his way to visit
his lady friend.
They play cribbage for about
an hour every afternoon.
Pardon me, Mr. Doolin.
Um, maybe this will help.
It's a pleasure.
Are you in charge here?
I'm the new U.S. Marshal
for this area.
Yes, sir.
Official business--
Uh, private.
All right, boys. Clear out.
Come on, hurry up.
You have a prisoner here
by the name of Tulsa Jack.
I've come to take him
back to Guthrie.
Oh, that one.
Glad to get rid of him.
He's a bad one.
This way, gentlemen.
Tulsa. Tulsa Jack!
Oh, I forgot.
I can't turn
the prisoner over
until I see
the extradition papers.
Will this do?
Open his cell.
I'll lose my job for this.
You'll be lucky
if you don't lose your life.
Open the cell.
Get moving.
Thanks. I'll do as much
for you sometime.
Hope you don't have to.
And so the Doolin Gang
was formed.
Red Buck,
born George Waightman,
notorious horse thief.
Arkansas Tom Jones,
whose fingers were nimble
with a card or a six-gun.
Tulsa Jack Blake,
a wild wrangler.
Bitter Creek,
spawn of a Cherokee strip.
Bill Doolin,
Oklahoma range rider.
Little Bill,
the Pennsylvanian.
The Doolins ride.
Can't do no business tonight.
It's after hours.
I'm having my supper.
You've finished your supper.
Wipe your chin.
Open that safe.
You see, sir,
we have to eat, too.
That "Flying A" ranch payroll
you received today
sort of whets our appetite.
Sorry to interrupt
your supper.
Oh, he's lost his appetite,
Haven't you?
What's next on the agenda,
Big Bill?
How's that?
I mean, what safe are we going
to blow up next?
Here's your share,
little Bill.
I'm going to hole up here
and take it easy.
Sure. Nobody comes here.
A road doesn't even
pass by anymore.
What about the rest of us?
You're taking a fishing trip
up yourself.
And you, Bitter Creek--
You've been going around
with a long face recently.
I think it would do you good
if you paid a little visit
with that girl of yours
in Ingalls.
Wouldn't do me any harm.
What's up your sleeve,
Big Bill?
Nothing, except
for our own protection.
We've stirred things up enough
throughout the territory
and all around.
We're going to split up
and disappear for awhile.
it might be a good idea
for you to take in
the World's Fair at Chicago.
You've never been east
of Leavenworth.
No, but he was there
for five years.
[all chuckle]
Everybody have a good time,
and in three months,
you can call on
Bitter Creek's girl,
Rose of Cimarron.
She'll tell you where
we get together again.
I don't like
the idea of busting up
just when we're riding high.
You know what I said about
getting overambitious, Red Buck.
Hey! Hey, where is everybody?
Oh, there you are.
Come on, come on, let's go.
What's the hurry?
We're taking a rest, remember?
I'm telling ya,
we gotta get out of here!
What's all the rush?
I just robbed a bank.
Well, it was only one bank.
They're after me, I think.
You think.
Go on, get going.
Head for the rocks,
then we'll scatter.
This will pay for things.
[gunshots resume]
Remember, meet me in Ingalls
in three months.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Beautiful day, ain't it?
Where did you come from?
Oh, I've been here all night.
I had a little trouble
following you.
Look, I brought your breakfast.
That's not all you brought.
Them fellows sure got big ears.
What are we gonna do?
Meet you in Ingalls
in three months.
I mean now.
You stay here
and eat your breakfast.
This ain't no time
for breakfast!
[organ music plays]
Rock of ages,
cleft for me
Let me hide myself in thee
Let the water
and the blood
From thy wounded side
which flowed
Be of sin,
the double cure
Safe from wrath
and make me pure
Could my tears forever flow
Could my zeal,
no languor know
These for sin
could not atone
Thou must save,
and thou alone
In my hand,
no price I bring
Simply to thy cross
I cling
for the night is coming
Work through
the morning hour
Work while the dew
is sparkling
And now, may the lord lift up
the light of his countenance
upon you
and make his face
to shine upon you
and be gracious unto you,
giving peace and comfort
to you and your loved ones,
both now and forever.
[organ music resumes]
Oh, how do you do, sir?
I believe this is
your first visit here.
Uh, yes, it is, Parson.
Too bad you came in late.
You missed a fine sermon.
I, uh, rode
as fast as I could.
Oh, uh, this is Deacon
and Mrs. Burton
and their daughter Elaine.
Mr. Uh, uh...
The name's, uh, uh, Dailey.
Oh, Mr. Dailey.
How do you do?
New settler?
Where are you located?
South of here
about ten miles.
Ten miles.
You buy the Johnson place?
Uh, yes.
Ezra Johnson said,
only last week,
he'd be happy to spend
the rest Of his life
on that quarter section.
Oh, he did?
People change their minds,
I'd like to know
how you talked him into it.
Well, I used to
be a horse trader.
Oh, I see.
I'd better get back.
It's a long ride.
Good afternoon, folks.
Good afternoon, Mr. Dailey.
[Mrs. Burton]
Mr. Dailey?
You must bring your family
to church next time.
I would if I had one.
Oh, alone, huh?
Well, now, riding back
to the farm with nobody there
is too lonely a way
to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Why don't you come over
to the house for chicken dinner?
We should get to know the people
who are making this country
what it is.
You'd be most welcome,
Mr. Dailey.
Well, I--
I'd be happy to take you up
on that invitation, Miss Burton.
Besides, riding around
this time of day is apt
to get a little warm.
You weren't fooling about how
you and your mother can cook.
And I'm a man
who enjoys good food.
Thank you.
Who does the cooking
at your place?
Oh, nobody.
I mean, I do.
That's the trouble.
What kind of farming
do you do, Mr. Dailey?
I haven't decided
what I'll go in for yet.
And while I think of it,
I answer quicker to "Bill."
Well, where did you learn
your farming, Bill?
Back in Arkansas
from my father,
but he wasn't much good
at it, though.
You should plant corn
on that section of yours,
if it's the one
I'm thinking of.
What do you know
about farming?
Well, I grew up on one
in Illinois.
If I were a man, I'd have
a quarter section of my own
and be working it right now.
Well, I--
I never thought why.
I like the smell
of the fresh soil,
and I like to see things grow--
The green sprouts pushing
their way up through the earth.
It's always seemed
like a miracle to me.
And it's good.
Yes, I--
I suppose it is.
I've been trying to get father
to buy a piece of land
not far from yours.
I'm going to ride out next week
and take a look at it.
Maybe I'll look
your place over, if...
if I'm invited.
Sure you're invited--
Any time.
"Mr. Johnson,"
he says to me,
"All this money is yourn
for the whole place,
lock, stock, and barrel."
And that ain't all, Emmy.
$500 extra--
Ten more pieces
just like these--
if we're off the place
within an hour.
Well, Mr. Johnson,
uh, what's the verdict?
Well, for that much money,
you can buy much better land
than mine hereabouts,
and a lot more of it.
You don't understand.
When I heard there was
a Johnson in these parts,
I said
"That's the place for me."
Johnson was my mother's name.
It brings me luck.
That being the case, I--
Emmy, we can go back
to Danfield.
Big excitement there
last month.
Bill Doolin robbed the bank.
Are you acquainted
with the place?
Seems to me I've been there.
It might be nice for
all of you to get back home.
All of us?
Yes. All of you.
I'm ashamed to take the money.
It's almost like a holdup.
Oh, no, it isn't, Mr. Johnson.
Take my word for it.
Come on, now,
I'll help you pack
and give you a personal escort
out of town.
Come on, mom.
Now that ought to tide you over
for quite a while, Mr. Dailey.
I hate to waste time
running into town for supplies.
You work too hard.
I passed by your place
the other day.
What you've done in three months
is hard to believe.
I'm a fast worker.
You sure are.
Oh, by the way,
that new organ
you had sent down from Chicago
for our church--
We needed it very badly.
That was real generous of you,
Mr. Dailey. Yes, sir.
Nicest thing that's happened
to this town for some time.
How did he know about that?
I told him.
But it was generous
of you, Bill.
Have you forgotten something?
Nope, don't think so.
I bought you a present.
An elephant.
for your watch fob.
Well, thanks.
They're supposed to be
very good luck in India.
How are they in Oklahoma?
Stay right there, honey.
I'll be right back
and get you.
Well, well, well,
look who's here.
It's been a long time.
How are you, Joe?
What are you doing
in this town?
Just looking up a fellow
I used to know.
Elaine, I want you to meet
an old friend of mine--
Joe Smith.
How do you do?
I've always wanted to meet
an old friend of Bill's.
It's a pleasure, ma'am.
You can probably tell me
a lot of things about his past
that he just won't tell me.
I certainly can.
Joe and I rode for
the same ranch on the Cimarron.
Oh, by the way, if you want
to pick up that dress of yours,
I'll meet you there
in the buckboard.
All right.
Goodbye, Mr. Smith.
We must get together sometime
and have a long talk about him.
It'll fill a book.
I bet it would.
What's all this about?
Well, Mr. Doolin, we--
The name around here
is Dailey.
We figured it was high time
we was getting back
to work again.
Didn't you get my letter
in Ingalls?
Yeah, that's why we're here.
We got a big train job
coming up--
The biggest gold shipment yet.
I'm through. Retired.
You can cut the cards
for the Doolin Gang.
I've got myself a farm.
You what?
Well, fine.
We can hide out there.
Sorry, but that's out, too.
There's a woman in my house.
What's the difference?
A lot of difference.
That woman's my wife.
I got married
three weeks ago.
Bill Doolin...
married to a woman.
They make the best wives.
It's the latest fashion, Bill,
the very latest.
Here, hold this for me.
But, uh, how can you tell
the front from the back?
The milliner told me.
Do you like it?
Very much.
I knew you would.
Now, what do you think
of the dress?
Oh, the prettiest
in the whole territory, I bet.
I hope they think so
at the dance tomorrow night.
Because, you know,
this is my first opportunity
to show off my new husband.
New husband?
Was there an old one?
Of course not.
They're sending all the way
to Guthrie for an orchestra,
and everybody's gonna be there.
Why don't you ask that friend
of yours, Joe Smith, to come?
Maybe I ought to.
Well, he's such a nice person.
We should invite him.
About the dance-- I--
I don't think we can go.
Not go?
That, uh...
That new colt is sick,
and somebody ought to stay here
and look after it.
A horse is much more important
to us, at this time,
than a dance.
It's all right, Bill.
There'll be other dances.
Years of them.
Besides, I'd be jealous
of all those men wanting
to dance with my wife.
And I'd be jealous
of all those women.
I think I'd better ride over
and see old man Jopke about
that harrow he wants to sell
before it gets too late.
That's right. You should.
See you later.
Still don't know how you can
tell the front from the back.
I'll have supper
ready for you.
[door closes]
[knock on door]
How do you do, ma'am?
Good day.
Is your husband home?
No, he rode over to a neighbor's
to see about buying a harrow.
Is there something I could do?
No, I guess not.
She might know something.
You see, ma'am, we're
United States Deputy Marshals.
We're trying to run down
a fellow named, uh, Bill Doolin.
Doolin, the outlaw?
Just thought some of the folks
in these parts
might have seen him.
I wouldn't know him
if I did see him.
He's a nice-looking fellow,
about 6'2" or 6'3".
Fool you.
Never take him for a bad one.
Last time we were on his trail,
he was headed this way.
About three months ago.
It was on a Sunday.
I always remember,
because I...
sort of hate to miss
those Sunday sermons.
I'd better leave one of these
circulars with you, ma'am,
just in case you or your husband
are lucky enough to nab him.
I'll show it to him, but I--
I doubt if he can help.
Well, thanks very much, ma'am.
Good day, gentlemen.
Good day.
You know, that was
a pretty lowdown trick.
Aw, forget it.
Best thing that could
happen to him.
We need Doolin.
You said so yourself.
Where did you get this?
There were Marshals at the house
this afternoon.
They left it.
This Doolin seems to have
moved around a lot.
Bill, I want the truth.
Looks like you've already
made up your minds.
Are you Bill Doolin
or aren't you?
Please, father, let me.
Yes, I'm Doolin.
Didn't know
I was worth this much.
The price has gone up.
Is that all you have to say?
Drive her home, mother.
I'd like to talk to Bill.
But father--
You'd better go along.
[door closes]
I was hoping
there'd been some mistake.
Why did you do it, Bill?
For the same reason other men
get married and have homes.
I had a crazy idea
she'd never find out--
that in time,
the name of Doolin
would be forgotten.
So you'd burn it.
Can you burn the thousands
they'll print
to take its place?
There'll always
be more of them,
following you
wherever you go.
Then one day,
they'll be ahead of you.
You're dead, Bill.
And I don't want my daughter
married to a dead man.
I guess you're right, Deacon.
I guess that's
the funeral procession
starting from here.
No, Bill.
It started the day
you became a man
against the law.
What do you aim to do?
What do you aim to do?
With you,
Elaine could never live,
never be free.
No matter how far you took her,
she'd never be able to run away
from this thing that's your past
any more than she could run away
from her own mind.
There's only one way
to set her free.
Ride out of her life.
I'm not speaking
as a deacon...
but as a father.
I leave the decision for you
to make, Bill.
Ho! Turn around.
I'm going back.
Bill's my husband,
and my place is with him.
Giddy up!
Oh, Elaine, you crazy girl!
Bill! Bill!
Where is he?
He's gone.
He said you must
forget Bill Dailey,
because he was a man
who never lived.
[whistle blows]
Hey, you can't do that!
Please let me, mister.
I've wanted to do this
ever since I was a kid.
It's against the rules!
Oh, rules.
[whistle blowing]
Young man, don't make me
lose my temper!
Just listen to that whistle.
Ain't it a dandy?
[whistle blowing]
Do you want me to throw you off
the train?
Well, how-de-do!
If it ain't Mr. Bill Doolin!
We won't slow up
your schedule much, Conductor,
if you'll just lead us
to the express car.
Oh, yes. Yes, Mr. Doolin.
Right this way.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
you'll please feed the kitty.
[brakes hiss]
Put it right in there.
There you are.
Any more?
How about you--
Is this yours?
Y-yes, thank you, sir.
No, thank you, sir.
Was that really
Big Bill Doolin?
Yes, it was.
Attractive, isn't he?
Yes, indeed he is.
Anyone else here, now?
Well, there's one thing
to Doolin's credit--
He's a smart general.
Lays low for a long time
after each robbery
and then bobs up in a new place
on the other side of the map,
where we least expect him.
Might just as well
be swallowed up by the earth,
for all the trail
they leave.
The past year
we've been looking
for a pattern
the Doolin Gang works by.
If anybody has one,
I wish they'd show it to me.
Maybe I can...
Right here on this map.
It isn't the nature
of men like that
to hole up in a cave
or ranch house
for weeks at a time.
Once in a while they've got
to let off steam.
Now, if you'll draw a circle
around these towns,
what do you find
in the center?
Carson, King City,
and Ingalls.
We'll split and hit them all.
That's a town worth hitting.
Do you figure
they'll strike there next?
I don't think they ever will.
It's the middle
of their operations.
My hunch is that
that's where the gang goes
to spend their money.
[waltz plays]
Drink up there, Joe.
You don't have
to pay for it tonight.
Paste a smile on
your pan there, Tillie.
Our gentlemen hosts
like it gay and cheerful.
Well, how you doing?
Fine. [clears throat]
My dear Mrs. Price...
Do you realize
what it would mean
to become the first
and one and only
Mrs. Thomas "Arkansas" Jones?
Now, stop and think.
I have stopped.
That's what stops me.
Don't listen to him, Melissa.
He's only looking
for free room and board.
Aw, come on, Melissa.
Marry me, please.
Ask me sometime
when you're sober, Arkansas.
It's a funny thing.
She won't marry me
when I'm drunk,
and I won't marry her
when I'm sober.
What you laughing at,
you big bazoos!
Get back in that card game
before them dodos
I dug up for you, leave.
That's right, my dear.
Business before pleasure.
Drink up, rose.
We're celebrating.
Why? Because you just got back
or because you're about
to go away again?
I never know.
Neither do I.
I wish you'd do one
of two things--
Either stay here in Ingalls
or take me with you.
Oh, you know Doolin's rule
about no women.
Besides, you wouldn't want me
to quit just now
when we're getting rich.
But I worry about you
when you're away...
Nothing to worry about.
Hiya, folks.
Say, I want you to meet
Cattle Annie.
Annie, this is the Rose--
Oh, everybody knows Rose.
and I've seen you around town
before, too.
You're one of them there
cattle-buying fellers like him.
Yeah, like him.
Sit down.
Oh, sure.
Oh, hey, lady!
Bring us another bottle
of bubbles!
Aren't you a little young
to be going to a party?
Oh, paw will be madder than
old Nick when I get home,
but I'm growed.
I stole his best saddle horse
to get here, too.
I reckon I'm old enough
to learn a couple of things.
Honey, maybe you've learned
a couple too many.
Hey, mister, what--
Doesn't he ever have
any fun anymore?
No, not much...anymore.
I'll be right back.
Sure wish I knew what kind of
cattle you gentlemen trade in
that makes so much money.
I'd kind of like
to get in on it.
I ain't called Cattle Annie
for nothin'.
I know all about cows--
Especially them kind
that shoots back.
[fiddle music plays]
Well, they say a man's
in the best company
when he's alone,
only this isn't like you, Bill.
I like it.
But you're paying
for this party.
You ought to be in there
getting your money's worth.
A little too noisy.
You've changed.
You used to be the one
who made all the noise.
Bill, what I really
came out here for
was to talk about
Bitter Creek.
What about him?
We want to get married.
Only I won't do it
and be left behind.
You mean you'd
go on the rides?
I'd go anywhere
with Bitter Creek.
You're a woman.
Other women have ridden
with their men.
Belle Starr did.
And the wives
of Murieta's men rode, too.
Sorry, Rose.
You know the rule.
The rule.
Is that rule because
you didn't find a girl
who would take you
for what you are--
who'd stand by you
when you--
Rose, I think you'd better
go back to your friends.
[train whistle blowing]
I'm sorry, Bill.
I spoke out of turn.
That's all right.
[ Skip to My Lou plays]
All yours if you play
"The Arkansas Traveler."
Get her up, boys.
[plays The Arkansas Traveler ]
If we're gonna get those cattle,
we gotta get going.
See you when we come through
next time, Annie.
Must be awful scary cows
if you got to sneak up on 'em
in the dark.
Goodbye, baby.
Bitter Creek.
Forgetting something?
I lose these,
I lose my luck.
Wouldn't like that.
I wish I could ride with them.
Keep out of drafts, honey.
I'll do the best I can.
Thanks for everything.
Register, gentlemen?
Oh, later.
We understand you have
some visitors here.
The same crowd day by day,
night by night,
except for an occasional drummer
with a silly line of chatter
and a sample case
of bum jokes.
[door closes]
Sure wish I was one of 'em.
But you can't be.
All you can do is sit here
and hear that tune played
and watch them leave,
and wonder if they're going
to come back.
You talkin' about love.
I'm talkin' about cows.
I suppose if I asked if...
any of you had ever heard
of the Doolin Gang,
the answer would be no.
But if you people think
you're doing something noble
by shielding the most
desperate gang of outlaws
that ever hit Oklahoma,
you're absolutely wrong.
I know they seem exciting to you
because of the daring things
they've done--
their generosity while here.
But that doesn't make them
worth defending.
They'll bring on you
the same kind of trouble
they brought on other people,
and the same kind
they'll bring on themselves.
we of the law will beat them,
because the right
is on our side.
And that makes
a big difference.
Let's go.
Come on, everybody.
Drinks on the house.
[people shouting
in excitement]
We'll get some horses
and try to pick up their trail.
They can't be
too far ahead of us.
You stay here at the hotel
and pretend to be a land buyer.
Live at the golden eagle
and see what you can find out.
Good luck.
Holdup! Holdup!
Gettin' ourselves all shot up,
practically killed, for what?
Maybe this'll be enough for you.
Take it all.
Those fellows must have crawled
in a hole in the ground
and pulled the hole
in after them.
Someone should have seen them.
Trouble is the farmers
and ranchers are either
friends of Doolin's
or too scared to talk.
Hope that Doolin crowd
is as tired as I am.
We still have a few hours
before dark.
We'd better split up here.
Masterson, you and Leif take
the trail to the right.
The rest of you head east.
Stop at every house you come to
and see what you can find out.
We'll all meet
at Pawnee tomorrow.
He calls that stuff "coffee."
That ain't coffee.
That's just thin tar.
Pass the beam.
Yes, again.
Tulsa, give me some
of them potatoes, will you?
We got no rooms left.
We're all filled up.
I'm not after a room.
You're too late
for supper, too,
I've eaten.
I'm on my way to Pawnee.
I guess I took the wrong road.
I guess you did.
Which way do I go?
Go back to the forks,
turn right.
It's the quickest way.
Much obliged.
Good night.
[gun cocks]
I'll remember this, Doolin.
Somebody once said,
"No man's bad enough
to be shot in the back."
Get out of my way.
Leave it alone.
I'm gonna get him.
Sure, shoot that one badge,
and you'll have a hundred more
coming right for you.
You'll do as I say.
If that's the way
you want it--
Bill, that's enough.
Bill, that's enough!
You can't fight me, Big Bill.
I'm too little.
Maybe you'll let me talk to you.
The boys know what's the matter,
but they can't help.
You've been drivin' us too hard.
You've been takin' chances
you'd never take before--
Stickin' up
those petty-cash banks
you wouldn't even have looked at
just to keep yourself busy.
Now, the boys need a change,
Bill. They--
They need a change bad,
or they're gonna go daffy.
Why don't you look at yourself
the way the rest of us been
seein' you?
Why, you--
You used to reason with a man,
and then you'd hit him,
if you had to.
But-- aw, now you just
beat his brains out
and you don't even
try to talk to him.
You're going sour, Bill.
You're going sour as vinegar,
and you're...
You're makin' the rest of us
that way, too.
When that happens,
someone is gonna get sore enough
to make a mistake.
And mistakes are what put an end
to the James Boys
and the Dalton Gang.
You know, I--
I remember in that school
I went to, back in Pennsylvania,
I was--
I was reading--
Oh, it was something
that was said at the signing
of the Declaration
of Independence.
Old Ben Franklin said, um...
"We shall all hang together
or assuredly, we shall
all hang separately."
Now that fits us...
just like it fit them.
You talk too much, professor.
All right, boys,
start packing.
Man, now you're talking.
Where are we headed for--
Oh, no.
The place where Hughes
will least expect us
to show up again.
We're doubling our trail
back to Ingalls
to pick up fresh supplies
and maybe a bit of fun.
When we get there,
the drinks are on me.
Get going.
You, too, Red Buck.
Oh, Birdie, cook up plenty
of steaks and eggs this morning
and a big platter of flapjacks.
And set up six--
no, make it seven places
in the private dining room.
I'll eat with them.
Yes, ma'am.
Morning, Mrs. Price.
Going out to buy up
some more farms?
I expect to close
the deal today.
That'll be nice.
Not many guests
in the hotel now.
Not many.
They come, they go.
[door closes]
Who was that?
Just a land buyer.
Handsome-lookin' man,
don't you think?
You haven't been shinin' up
to no strangers
since I've been away
on business, have you?
Wouldn't you like to know,
[man humming]
Morning, Al.
Saddled up?
Are you saddled up?
Yeah, we're all ready.
[clears throat]
Looks like a lot of riders
came in here last night, late.
I say, a lot of riders came
in last night, late.
Oh, yeah.
Lots of 'em.
Yes, sir. Cattlemen,
riding through from Texas.
Do you know 'em?
You know 'em?
You don't have to yell.
They've been here before.
I know 'em.
Oh, yeah...
Same bunch that were here
a couple of weeks ago.
I'm doin' it now.
Here, come along.
Yeah, you can climb aboard
any time you're ready.
Hey, Al.
Get this team ready
and our other horses.
We'll be leaving here
in a few hours.
That's what I'm doin' now.
Enough grub here
to last till winter.
That's all of it.
Ain't a bean left in the store.
Red Buck, you and Tulsa
start saddling up.
Bitter Creek,
when we finish here,
go over and give Arkansas a hand
with the guns and ammunition
we got cached at the hotel.
Maybe you could take a minute
to say goodbye to Rose,
but no more.
[Bitter Creek]
Hey, what's up?
I'm bein' chased!
The law?
Oh, no, worse! Worse!
Hiya, fellas.
Hey! I spotted you out
on the south fork.
Didn't you hear me
yellin' at ya?
Oh, not a word, Annie.
I'm Cattle Annie, Mr. Doolin.
I've been wantin' to meet ya.
I'm plannin' on joinin' up
with your outfit.
You can change your plans.
I'd advise you to go back home,
forget you met little Bill
or any of us.
But, Mr. Doolin,
I can fight like a man.
See anybody on the road?
Not a thing, Bill.
[man] Come on, boys!
Nothin' except those two Baker
and Hanley freighters.
Baker and Hanley freighters?
They don't come through here
They changed their route
a week ago.
All right, everybody inside.
I knowed it.
I knowed it!
We've got you covered, Doolin.
You can't get away.
Come out, one by one,
with your hands up,
and nobody'll get hurt.
Just like I said--
trapped like rats.
Shut up!
I'm giving you one last chance
for your life, Bill Doolin.
He ain't givin' you
no chance for yourn!
[gun fires]
Crazy little wildcat--
Lock her up in there.
Don't let her become
a part of this.
Oh, let me go!
I can fight like a man!
Put me down! Let me go!
Let me go! Let me fight!
I can fight like a man!
Let me out!
[bullet ricochets]
Oh, they'll be caught!
They're all in the stable.
All except one.
Stand back.
This is what I get
for sleepin' indoors.
What are you squawkin' about?
I gave you my room,
the best room
this side of Kansas City.
Was the best.
Saddle the horses.
You hurt bad?
Just nicked in the shoulder.
We haven't got a chance.
I'm getting out.
Don't be a fool!
Keep 'em busy
so they can't rush us.
I'm worried about them boys
over in the stable.
If we could just get some
of these guns and ammunition
over to them.
A man wouldn't last two seconds
crossing that street.
[gunfire outside]
Maybe not a man.
That fool woman!
Big Bill! Look!
Oh, let 'em come now.
Bitter Creek!
Little Bill, you and Red Buck
ride out of here
with Rose and Bitter Creek.
You can make
it. You've got to.
What about Arkansas?
Get going.
They're makin' a break,
through the back of the barn.
Thomas, pour it in that hotel.
Get that man out of there!
Beakley, Jeff, come on!
Enough is enough!
Come on! Let me out!
[banging and pounding]
Come on, let me out!
Open up! Come on!
Give me the gun.
I'll show you what kind--
Let me go,
you big beefhead!
Don't you put--
Get your hands off of me!
Don't you put
your filthy paws on me!
And why don't you fight
like a man? Let go of me!
Well, go ahead--
Grab him!
You're a smart woman,
Mrs. Price.
If you hadn't tricked him
into surrendering,
we most certainly would have
blown your hotel
clean out of the territory.
But, Melissa, I thought
it was because of love.
Yeah, love of her hotel.
How long we keepin' this up?
They're on us
every time we stop.
Bill, Bitter Creek's
gotta have some rest.
Isn't there someplace
we can take him?
Can he ride?
He's got to.
Yes, he can ride.
We'll head for Indian John's
cabin on the reservation.
This ain't no safe place
to stop, Doolin.
Maybe we'll get some warning,
if they come on the reservation.
I tell you we gotta keep going.
He can't be moved right now.
Well, uh--
We can travel--
You and me and Little Bill.
And leave them?
Sure. Why not?
We gotta move fast.
A woman and a sick man
will slow us up.
So what?
We got our own necks
to look after.
Then you'd better look
after yours.
What do you mean?
You can go.
Oh, now. Look here, Doolin--
I'll give you ten seconds.
But we gotta go together.
Supposing I'd run
into those Marshals?
Three of us could stand 'em off,
but one man ain't got a chance.
They'd get me.
Sure, they'll get you.
You should have thought
of that before.
Now move out.
Now, listen, Doolin, I--
[hoofbeats retreat]
You know you can never go back
to Ingalls again.
And you can't stay
with us, either.
Why not, Bill?
I've come this far.
It'll be safer for you,
and for him, too.
take lady to railroad.
Go to Dodge City.
As soon as he can travel,
Bitter Creek will meet you
It's the best way.
The posse's moving away from us.
Yes, thanks to Red Buck.
Red Buck was right.
This place ain't safe.
Let's go.
You can't ride.
Can't ride?
Why, I can ride better
than anyone--
Oh, Bitter Creek.
I'll meet you
in Dodge City, honey.
Keep some champagne on ice.
We'll be there to celebrate.
Come on, you slowpokes.
You knew this was going
to happen
when you sent Rose
up to Dodge City.
I'll write her a letter.
What now, Big Bill?
I'm thinkin' of a place
a long way from here--
A farm I used to own--
Good house, fine soil--
I guess the weeds
and the pack rats have
taken it over by now,
it'll be safe
for a little while.
[man whistling]
Look at 'em.
There must be hundreds of 'em!
Yeah, take a good look.
It's the last big horse roundup
you'll see in these parts.
Probably running 'em up north
to that new homestead territory
they're opening.
The farmers'll buy 'em up fast.
You can't farm
without good animals.
You know,
farming isn't a bad life,
once you get the hang of it.
Oh, no.
I must have had
too much education.
Got too much imagination.
I like the excitement
of the wilderness.
Think I'll be heading
for the high border country
in Montana.
Gettin' too civilized here
for you, huh?
Do you realize, Big Bill,
that men like you and I
are becoming obsolete--
Out of date?
Why, Oklahoma's getting
so civilized,
before you know it,
it'll be against the law
to carry a gun.
Do you reckon we ought
to be moseyin' along
before we run into
one of those wranglers?
Maybe so.
I'm gettin' so
I see a badge
on every man I meet.
You sure this is your place?
[knocking on door]
Well, this is it.
Well, those rats you said
took over your place
sure know how to keep it
nice and clean.
Oh, man, am I tired!
Well, whoever took it over
is going to put us up
for the night.
Doesn't look like
anybody's at home.
It's all right with me.
Bill, let's lock that front door
and go to sleep.
If anyone comes back,
they can wake us up.
Sure gonna feel good to sleep
in a real bed for a change.
Come on. We're going.
We just got here.
We're hitting the trail.
Oh, Bill, you're loco.
I'm so tired I couldn't even
climb aboard my horse.
My wife's still living here.
Your wife?
Well, that's all the better.
She wouldn't call the law.
Come on,
we're getting out of here.
How do you do, Mrs. Dailey?
We met before.
Oh, yes, I remember.
I have a room for you,
if you'd like to wash up.
Why, thank you, ma'am.
And you can use that room.
You'll find fresh clothes,
the way you left 'em.
And if you're hungry,
I'll fix you something.
I'll take care of the horses.
It's been so lonely, Bill.
But I knew you'd come back.
I didn't know anyone
would be here.
I never left.
My family tried
to take me with them
when they left Clayville,
But I couldn't go.
oh, Bill.
Oh, Bill.
Quite a lot of writing, Elaine.
Every week, I wrote to you.
But, of course,
I couldn't mail them.
Bill, when you leave this time,
I'll be going with you.
That's crazy talk.
I'm a hunted man
with a price on my head.
Doesn't that mean
anything to you?
I'm your wife,
and wherever you go, I'll go.
If there were only someplace--
where they'd never find you--
where you could start again.
There is a place--
a strip of land
between Texas and Kansas.
No state'll claim it.
"No Man's Land,"
they call it.
They have no laws there.
This is a strip 35 miles wide
and 110 miles long.
A man could change his name
and nobody'd care who he was
or what he had been.
Well, then, let's go there now,
Wouldn't be safe.
Too much open territory
to cross.
There's a big herd of horses
coming up this way
from the south
in a few days.
I could work my way
across country
as one of the wranglers.
What about me?
You and Little Bill will follow
with a wagonload of supplies.
Then, when we're near
the border, I'll join you.
We can go the rest of the way
We'll make it, Bill.
I know we will.
Sure. Nobody'll be thinking
a farmer with a wife
and a covered wagon
could be Bill Doolin.
We'll call ourselves, uh, Barry.
From this moment on,
we're going to forget
everything that's happened
in the past.
The Barrys will be fine people.
And you can start a business,
Or maybe we'll have
another farm.
I think I'd like that best.
And from now on,
the name Doolin is going
to be like something
that we've never heard of.
Thank you.
You're all loaded up,
Mrs. Dailey.
Now, let's see...
Yeah, that'll be $97.45.
That includes
your old bill of $52.
Maybe you'd like to pay
a little on account?
I'll pay for it all.
Oh, you must have struck gold.
Or maybe you finally heard
from that husband of yours.
I did.
As a matter of fact,
I'm going to join him
in Colorado.
He's found a mine out there.
Oh, that's why
all the provisions.
He always struck me as a man
who'd be more at home
in a saddle
than in a mine
or even on a farm.
That's right.
He wasn't cut out
for farming.
She paid cash!
Husband sent it to her.
I never could figure how
a man could run off so quick
and leave a pretty wife
like that.
A tall, handsome man like that.
You now,
it wouldn't surprise me a bit
if some other woman
wasn't after him.
He sure left
like somebody was after him.
That drawly way
he had of talking--
Used to make you feel
kind of nice.
Why, Maudie!
Mister, I wonder if I could have
a few words with you.
Sure. Sure.
Well, the wagon's all loaded.
It's a shame we gotta leave
all this nice furniture.
Well, you could always buy
new furniture, Little Bill.
You're sure you're not going
to change your mind
and come all the way
to the strip with us?
Oh, no.
I keep seeing myself
far away in Montana.
I just hope it is
far enough away.
[both chuckle]
[knocking on door]
Good day, ma'am.
How do you do?
Is the man of the place around?
No, he isn't.
We're census takers.
We're trying to find out
how many people have
moved into Oklahoma
since the territory was opened.
May we come in?
Of course.
Thank you.
Your, uh--your name?
Oh, I mean, your full name.
No, no, I mean, your--
your husband's name.
That is, uh...William.
Any children?
Where is your husband now?
He's in...Colorado.
What part of Colorado?
Near Center City.
You mean Central City,
don't you?
Oh, yes, yes,
that's what I mean.
Thank you very much,
Mrs. Dailey.
Hope we haven't bothered you
too much.
Not at all.
Good day.
Good day.
[hoofbeats retreating]
What's the matter?
Census takers--
They're United States Marshals.
They'll put someone on
to watch this farm.
You'll never get out of here.
We got to ride now.
I know of a place.
Oh, good.
I'll saddle the horses.
Well, what about the wagon?
We can't take the wagon.
It's too slow.
You stay here.
Our hunch was right.
This is where we lost Doolin
a year ago,
and I'm pretty sure this is
where we're going to find him.
[cowboys shouting
and whistling]
Hah! Hah! Yah!
Yah! Whoo! Whoo!
Little Bill,
what are you doing out here?
I'm glad I caught up with you
before you got any closer
to Clayville.
Things have gone wrong.
Some Marshals rode
into your farm.
I got your wife out of there.
She's at the church.
I'm going in.
Oh, you can't.
A whole carload of deputies
rode in.
I can't leave her there.
Well, what can you do?
They've got every road covered.
Wherever you show,
they'll be ready for you.
Listen, I'm taking Elaine
to the strip.
We've gone this far.
We're going to have our chance.
But how are you going
to get into town?
Watch me.
When I get to the front
of the herd,
charge 'em from the rear,
empty your gun.
I want a stampede.
A stampede?
Yeah, I'll lead 'em right
into town, and they'll follow.
Good luck, Big Bill.
Maybe I'll see you sometime.
Sure, sure.
I'll be workin' out in Montana.
And I'll be reading about you
in the papers.
[horse neighing]
Why, you're trembling.
I was nervous. I--
Is running away
always like this?
Don't be afraid.
I'm not.
It's just that
it's all so new to me.
But I can get used to it, Bill.
I will.
Sure, I know you will.
We'd better get out of here
before this excitement
dies down.
[Deacon's voice]
You're dead, Bill,
and I don't want my daughter
married to a dead man.
Ride out of her life.
I leave the decision
for you to make, Bill.
Where's your horse?
At the side.
Elaine, I've got a better idea.
Get on your horse
and ride as fast as you can
to your father's home.
Stay there,
and I'll join you.
No, Bill.
I'm going with you.
Sure, sure,
you're going with me.
But first, do as I say.
It's best that we separate
and travel alone for now.
Believe me,
it's the only way.
All right, Bill.
Hurry, now.
I will.
[door closes]
[hoofbeats retreat]
Turn around, Doolin.
Raise your hands
and turn around.
Give yourself up, Doolin.
My men are all around you.
I said, turn around!
And so ended the Doolin Gang.
The trails they rode were
of their own choosing.
"For all they
that take to the sword
shall perish
with the sword."