The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! (2010)

WOMAN: Hey, ass bag! Give me another!
Listen, you've run up quite
a tab over the last few weeks.
-Why don't you say...
-Another shot, goddamnit!
Hmm. Oh!
(GASPS) "Come to the booth in the back.
Act casual, fat ass!"
Who the hell is that?
Please, don't cause any more
trouble around here, Miss...
Whoa! (CRASH)
All right, lady. l don't know
who you think you are, but l...
You've been busy.
(GASPS) Foxxy.
What the hell are you doing here?
We can't be seen together!
You'll get us killed!
Toot, you've got to come with me.
You're not safe here anymore, fatty.
What the hell do you care?
You're the reason we're in this mess, Foxxy.
lf that's even your real name.
Of course it's my real name.
You don't know that!
You don't know anything.
l know this.
l deserved that.
You deserve to die.
Toot, l can't change the past,
but l can change the future.
l met somebody who could
help us get our lives back!
Oh, yeah? Well, l've met someone, too.
l've met a man who loves me for me,
a man who's willing to cheat on his wife
because he's a closeted homosexual
who thinks l'm a man!
A man who refers to my vagina
as a manhole.
Toot, Clara's dead!
(GASPS) Clara? She... She's...
Dead, yes. l sorry.
Oh, my God! l can't believe it!
She was so... So...
Now which one was Clara again?
She wasn't that little fugly
battle monster thing, was she?
No, the princess.
(GASPS) How'd she die?
The same way we all gonna die!
l.S.R.A.E.L. !
(GASPS) l.S.R.A.E.L.?
That's why you need to
come with me before it's too...
Your location's been compromised!
Get out of there now!
-We gots to go!
-Forget it, Foxxy.
l'm not... Aah!
Goddamnit! They followed you here!
Head towards the back of the bar!
Take a right! Go up the stairs!
What now, Wooldoor?
Oh, is that Wooldoor? Tell him l said hi!
WOOLDOOR: Oh, hey, Toot
how you doin'? Go straight!
Straight? But we on the roof!
Just do it!
Wait, what are you doing?
Stop! l can't fly without my feather!
The key's got to be here somewhere.
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
We're gonna die!
Got 'em! Let's go!
Ah, we made it.
Hey, Toot, baby. Where you goin'...
Aah! Ooh!
Stop, stop! That's the man l love!
We can't! There's no time!
Hey, hey, hey.
Great googly moogly!
Don't make me suck your dick!
Guys, you suck.
l love racism!
A Jew in our backyard!
Ooh, l like that bitch!
Flavor flav!
Up the butt?
(TOOT GRUNTlNG) l cut myself!
My special move is the reach around!
Ahh. Good morning, people and Foxxy.
lt's a lovely day to be on a reality show.
And it's a great day to deny wetting the bed.
Which l did not do!
Ooh, it's also the perfect day to
stay in bed and snuggle all day!
Hey, we should have
another piata party tonight!
But, uh, this time we should get a real piata.
Guys, there really is nothing better
than being on a reality television show!
-PRODUCER: Attention, housemates.
This is the Jew Producer speaking.
Please report to the living room
for the next competition.
Competition? Ooh!
Wait up, guys, l'm almost ready.
Now l'm ready. Whee!
Good morning, housemates.
Today's competition is
pretty self-explanatory.
lt is?
Put on the heels,
step on the puppies and kittens,
and the person who crushes the most
by the time l come wins the coveted, uh,
l don't know, let's say, uh, immunity from
next week's final judgment ceremony night?
Jew Producer,
this competition is ridiculous.
lt almost sounds made up.
That's why you're going to lose. Suck it!
And go!
l thought l had a good chance to win.
l made more bloody fur than
menstruation time at Mount Holyoke.
And it's time!
Ooh! That felt good.
Oh, yeah. You guys did an excellent job.
Oh, oh!
Wait, Jew Producer.
You didn't even tell us who won.
Oh. Um, the winner is, uh,
who hasn't won in a while?
Let's say that guy in shorts there.
Congrats. Here's your immunity,
uh, scented candle.
Booya! You can all suck it, bitches.
That's right, number one, numero uno.
Something didn't sit well with the Foxxy.
l mean, lately, all the competitions was
about us doing some kind of bull crap
so the Jew Producer could
get his Jew-y rocks off.
l can't be the only one
who thinks these competitions
is completely random and arbitrary.
Something ain't right here.
The Foxxy smells herself a mystery.
-What's so funny?
-Come on, Foxxy.
lt's time to give up trying to redeem yourself.
Yeah. For weeks, you've
been trying to make up
for botching that mystery
at the amusement park.
Mr. Wilkinson here
denies being a super villain.
But let me ask you this,
if you ain't not a super villain,
then why would you
need a bulletproof face?
Oh, Henry!
Hang in there, Henry.
Don't give up on me, you hear?
Don't you give up on me.
lt's not your time yet.
You're a fighter, damn it!
Now fight, fight!
Damn! l was 40% sure
he had one of them bulletproof faces.
Foxxy Love, you're the worst
mystery-solving musician that's ever lived!
Yeah. The only case you ever
cracked was the display case at Zales.
Oh, oh, l got one.
Foxxy, the only thing you're good at
is giving head,
and you managed to do the opposite!
Oh, yeah, good one, Wooldoor!
You, too, Wooldoor?
Hey, champ.
l'm sorry about what l said before.
l was just trying to fit in.
Nah, Wooldoor, you was right about me.
l ain't no good at mystery solving.
That's not true.
You're the bestest mystery-solving
musician in the whole wide world!
l don't... (GROANlNG)
Shut the hell up.
Foxxy, l brought you a special someone
that l think will really cheer you up!
(GASPS) Papa?
You can come in now!
-Mrs. Wilkins?
Get her off! Get her off!
Silly Foxxy. Mrs. Wilkins is post-menopausal.
lt's impossible to get her off.
You'll pay for what you've done! Damn you!
What the hell is wrong with you, wooddork?
There is no good explanation
for what l've done.
You are clearly out your fuckin' mind!
l'm sorry. l really...
-(GASPS) Did you hear that?
You out your fuckin' mind!
l said "Fuck," and they didn't beep it!
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
(GASPS) What about "Shit"?
What about "Cunt"?
What about "Shitcunt"?
(GASPS) No beeps!
They ain't beeping the curse words!
(GASPS) Go on, try it! Say something!
Ok. Uh, schwartza. Mud baby.
Smoked lrishmen. lnk face!
Nah, dummy, they never censor racism.
l'm talking about words like shitcunt.
Ooh. l could never say that.
Those are bad words.
Ooh, if they ain't beeping,
maybe they ain't blurring nothing.
Quick, fool, whip it out!
-Show me your cock.
l thought you'd never ask.
Oh, Wooldoor,
you've been holding out on me!
Whoa! l've actually never
seen my penis unblurred before.
lt's way blacker than l thought it would be.
You know what this means? l was right!
There is a mystery to be solved.
And l's gonna solve it.
Thanks, Wooldoor.
So, little fella, let's go get you a burger.
All right, ante up.
Deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild.
Wait, Spanky!
We can't start guys' night without Hero.
Well, if l had some mystery hottie,
l wouldn't be hanging around
with you schmendricks, either.
Our special guy time is
far more important to Hero
than being with some cheap floozy
who probably doesn't even
secretly eat his toenail clippings,
so at least a little part of
Hero can always be inside him.
Never fear! Captain Hero is here!
To play poker with the guys.
Oh! l knew you'd come!
Uh, Hero? ls that a dead girl?
Oh, hey, everybody, this is Molly.
She's my girlfriend.
Molly, is it ok if l call you my girlfriend?
l know l probably
should have asked you first.
How did we meet, you ask?
Well, it's a tale as old as time.
Molly was being held against her will
by the evil legion of immediate
family mourners of doom!
Back, you putrid, perverse purveyors of evil!
Captain Hero is here!
What? No, ma'am.
You don't need to repay me.
My reward is your safety.
A hand job, you say?
Well, l guess l do deserve one.
You're different from the others, aren't you?
Ok, busted. We met on J-Date.
Hero, l can't believe you're doing this to me.
You're turning our guys' night
into a guys' nightmare!
How dare you! How dare all of you!
lf you can't deal with me being happy,
then you're not really my friends!
Come on, Molly, let's get out of here!
And so the Foxxy set off to solve the mystery
of why the fuck we wasn't censored no more.
And to prove to these
assholes that l was a
mystery solver.
And then, l made the most shocking
discovery of all that explained everything.
Oh, Lordy!
Guys, l solved a mystery.
The only mystery you've ever solved
is the mystery of the empty uterus.
lf that's true, then how did l found out that
the Drawn Together had been canceled?
-That's ridiculous!
-Girl, you crazy.
-Oh, really?
Then why can l say,
"You can all fuck my titties
"with your shit-covered cocks,
you come-guzzling faggots!"
without being beeped?
Yeah! How the fuck is...
Whoa! l just said, "fuck!"
Fuck! Oh, well, l'll be darned.
Dick-gobbling, blood-soaked,
ass-eating turd taster!
Whoo-hoo! This is fun!
Guys, we are not canceled.
This is Foxxy we're dealing with, remember?
The worst mystery solver of all time.
Every time she tries to solve a mystery,
someone ends up dead!
Fuck you, Clara.
Don't talk to me like that, Jemima-head.
l am a princess.
Oh, yeah? Well, if you a princess,
then why you got this chair in your face?
We can't be canceled. We just can't.
Can we?
Tomorrow, l need you to run downtown
and pick up a new pair of horn sharpeners.
Yes, dear.
Hey, after that, Jew Dad,
can we play a little catch?
Of course, Jew Son. Gosh, l love you.
l don't know what l'd do
if anything would happen to you.
Oh, how emotionally invested l am
in you staying safe and remaining alive.
As would anyone watching us right now.
-Oh, no.
-Don't you dare answer that.
-lt's shabbat.
-But it's work!
lt must be important
if the boss is calling today.
l don't care if it's Moses himself.
Do not answer that.
Uh, l'll be right back.
Dude, l'm not turning
your lights on for you again.
No, my cell phone.
Just hit the green button so l can answer it.
l don't see why you
don't just answer it yourself.
lt's forbidden!
God's going to know you asked me to do it.
-No, he won't.
-Of course he will.
Well, then he'll appreciate my
cleverness in getting around his laws.
Now hit send before it goes to voicemail!
Fine. l'll do it.
But first, you need to say you accept
Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.
What? Are you insane?
Look, l'm not the one
trying to fool the Almighty here.
Now say you accept Jesus Christ,
and l'll answer your phone.
(GROANlNG) Oh, fine!
l accept Jesus Christ as my
lord and savior. Happy now?
Yep. Now you can answer
your own damn phone.
You're a fucking dick, Eddie!
Hey, boss.
You lied to me, Jew Producer.
What? Uh, no, l would never...
You told me after l canceled
Drawn Together, you erased them!
But l did! l swear!
Then how come the network
just got a call from one Foxxy Love
asking why no one told
them they were canceled?
By keeping them alive,
you've put us all in great jeopardy.
-Let me explain...
-Too late for that!
l am sending a friend of mine
to pay them a little visit.
A friend?
Yes! The lntelligent Smart,
Robot Animation Eraser Lady!
Otherwise known as l.S.R.A.E.L. !
She will erase them all, forever!
Please, enjoy the rest of your Sabbath.
Oh, no. This is bad.
l need you to start my car, Eddie.
The network keeps transferring me around.
Nobody want to tell me nothing.
l can't believe we've been canceled.
l thought our ratings were pretty good.
No! No! Without the distraction
of the cameras,
l'll have nothing to keep me
from hearing the voices in my head!
Cut their throats and drink
the children's blood, Wooldoor.
Their youth will be your youth.
Oh, Molly, hold me!
(CRYlNG) Cup the balls.
-l'd cup.
lf only he'd ask.
Oh, who the hell took our goddamn timeslot?
The Suck My Taint Show?
Let me info this.
...and taint sucking,
starring the loveable,
poignant Suck My Taint Girl.
We got canceled for that?
Uh, attention, houseguests.
Tonight's competition is...
Get in my fucking trunk, or l will shoot you!
Yeah, we know we've been canceled.
Shut up, fatty. Now, everyone in my truck.
We're running out of time!
The Jew Producer's right! Toot is fat.
Yeah, he's got a point. l am fat.
Well, l ain't going nowhere until you tell us
why in the hell we was canceled.
Come on, guys.
Have you ever even seen your show?
lt's filthy, it's racist, and it has
a shocking lack of Dave Chappelle.
Yeah, he's got a point. l am fat.
Now get in my truck!
l'm trying to save you idiots!
Ah, save us from what?
From that! lntelligent Smart
Robot Animation Eraser Lady!
l.S.R.A.E.L.? Why the fuck is it on
our land when we already live here?
To destroy you all! Now hurry!
Prepare to be erased.
ALL: Aahh!
Holy shit!
l.S.R.A.E.L. must kill you all!
Wait, wait, l'm sure
we can work something out!
I.S.R.A.E.L. must be
aggressive to survive!
lt's a common sense policy.
Come on, y'all! To the mystery van!
(GASPS) Molly!
She's still in the living room!
There's nothing you can do for her!
She's dead!
l've got to try!
He really is delightfully retarded.
l'm going to take that l.S.R.A.E.L. out!
Hold on!
Don't come any closer.
l.S.R.A.E.L. has boundary issues.
Kung fu, motherfucker!
l've got to try!
Oh, no! The Drawn Together house, it's...
lt's gone!
Oh, thank God you're ok!
Oh, flick my balls. (MOANlNG)
Faster, Foxxy!
The l.S.R.A.E.L.'s right behind us!
My kingdom is only a couple miles away.
We'll be safe there!
No, you can't go home.
None of you can go home, ever again!
You don't understand.
None of you are who you think you are!
You trying to say l ain't really Foxxy Brown?
What l'm trying to say is you're all fakes!
Cheap knock-offs.
You're all parodies of the real thing
created just to be on Drawn Together.
Now that the show's over,
the boss wants you all destroyed.
-But why would he want...
-Look out!
Without you, my life really has no meaning.
Where is the Drawn Together gang?
I.S.R.A.E.L. must erase them!
They got away.
Looks like you screwed up, l.S.R.A.E.L.
You're in so much trouble.
You explain to boss what happened.
l.S.R.A.E.L. is sick of being blamed
for every little fucking thing
that goes wrong in the desert.
Oh, God. l was so scared.
l mean, l wanted to go,
"Whee, wee wee wee," all the way home.
Never trust a Jew producer.
l'm obviously a real Disney princess.
lf l weren't, why would l be so much better
than all of you people and Foxxy?
Maybe that Jew Producer
was telling the truth!
l mean, Clara,
you may look like a Disney princess,
but how many Disney princesses
have done the things you've done done?
And how many times you seen
Josie and the Pussycats do what l doed?
Now, Foxxy, let's not
jump to any conclusions here.
Come on, Captain Hero!
How many real superheroes
do you know that bang corpses?
l don't know.
Molly, how many superheroes
have you been with?
ln fact, ain't no real cartoon characters
would do any of the things we done doed!
Come to think of it, l don't behave
anything like the real Betty Boop.
Ah, please, Toot.
We're trying to have a discussion here!
Yeah, really, Toot.
Don't make this all about you.
This is horrible! We're canceled and fake.
Just like my child support checks.
Oh, yeah, laugh it up, Wooldoor,
but l.S.R.A.E.L.'s after us!
No one can hide from l.S.R.A.E.L.
What are we going to do?
You heard the Jew Producer.
They want us dead because we's canceled.
So if we can get Drawn Together
back on the air, we can save our asses!
(SCOFFS) Yeah, right, Foxxy.
How you plan on doing that?
l don't know yet.
But we can start with that girl
who stole our timeslot.
The Suck My Taint Girl.
She sound like she could help.
l am fat.
Well, l'm not fake.
So l'm going back to my kingdom.
You're all welcome to join me.
My father, the king,
will keep us safe from l.S.R.A.E.L.
l do like being safe.
Molly and l always dreamed
of going to Disneyworld.
You said you'd take me to Disneyworld!
Well, like a colostomy bag,
l'm on Foxxy's side.
l liked being a reality TV star.
Yeah! We need to get our show back.
Otherwise, l'll have to go back to
my old gig, exposing myself to children,
and that union has the worst health plan!
Fine! Then l guess we are splitting up.
How do we decide who gets the mystery van?
Later, ass bags!
l'm sorry, sir. l couldn't let you
erase the Drawn Togethergang.
They were my creations, and l... l...
l loved them.
For Christ sake, Jew Producer!
They must be destroyed!
Tell me, boss, why do you
dislike the Drawn Togethergang so?
Because, they took my family from me.
They did?
l've never spoken of this before to anyone,
but with l.S.R.A.E.L. by my side,
l guess l feel safe.
My beautiful wife was taking our little girl
Sasha to her first day of elementary school.
They were singing something.
Something pure, something innocent.
Little Sasha was young
and hadn't yet been burdened
with the complexities and ugliness of life.
But then she saw it.
Mommy, Mommy!
What is that chocolate-face girl
doing to the princess?
(GASPS) No, no, no, no.
Don't look at it, honey. Close your eyes.
For God sakes, close your eyes!
Mommy! The chocolate girl is
eating the princess!
She's eating her face!
Why is she eating her face?
My wife lost control of the car
and drove off a cIiff!
They landed in a deadly pit of alligators!
Swimming in a pit of sulfuric acid!
By the time l arrived,
there was nothing l could do
but get revenge!
So, Jew Producer, it's not that l
dislike the Drawn Togethergang.
lt's that l hate those motherfuckers!
They took my family from me,
and l'll be damned if l let them
take my media empire!
Oh...kay. But still, l won't help you!
(CHUCKLES) l had a feeling
you would say that.
l.S.R.A.E.L. !
Jew Dad?
Jew Son?
Dad, l.S.R.A.E.L. forcibly removed me
from the only home l've ever known!
You will help l.S.R.A.E.L.,
or you'll feel what it's like
when something horrible happens
to your child! You hear me?
Or should l speak up?
Ow! Ah!
Ok, ok! l'll find the Drawn Togethergang.
l'll help destroy them!
l think the Jew Producer
will be more helpful now.
Off you go.
Destroy the Drawn Togethergang forever.
l.S.R.A.E.L. has gone nuclear.
Oh, it's good to be home.
Hark! Who goes there?
Guards, tis l, your Princess Clara.
You may kiss my feet if you like.
Oh, and once l'm inside,
you can execute them.
(STAMMERlNG) Wait, what?
Ha, ha! Just kidding.
Do you not know that impersonating
a princess is a serious offense,
punishable by death? (WHlMPERS)
Do you not know that sucking my dick
is a serious offense?
-Punishable by fuck you!
Now let us in at once,
or l'll have your children killed.
Yeah, it's good to be home.
Princess! Your Highness.
What the... Who the fuck are you?
l am the king!
The king? You are not the king.
My father is the king,
which makes me the princess.
Father, l think this peasant
has gone mad with the plague!
For everyone knows
l am the true princess of the land.
My loyal, filthy subjects,
surely you assholes recognize me.
Guys? l think the Jew Producer
was telling the truth.
l think l'm a fake.
l think we're all fakes!
Oh, my God. You know what l think?
To the dungeon with them!
It ain't where it is and it ain't where it ain't
lt's a little stinky thing l call a taint
Why don't you suck it, why don't you suck it?
Why don't you suck my little taint?
It ain't where it was and it taint where it ain't
And it's something they call my stinky taint
Why don't you suck it, why don't you suck it?
Why don't you suck it?
-What the hell is this?
-This is horrible!
She's a little girl who sings about her taint!
lt's genius!
-Why don't you suck
-Why don't you suck
Why don't you suck her stinky little taint?
Why don't you suck
-Suck my taint
-Suck my taint
Suck my stinky little taint
-Suck my taint
-Suck my taint
-Suck my taint
Come on and suck my stinky little taint
lt's the most beautiful thing l've ever seen!
Don't you see?
lt taint corporate greed,
and it taint the politicians
who have drained our economy.
lt's the lack of personal responsibility.
ALL: Oh!
-That is so true.
-l never thought of that before.
l normally don't laugh at taint humor,
but this is wrapped in
such an important message.
Why don't you suck
-Suck my taint
-Suck my taint
Suck my taint
And when did it become a crime
to be passionate about your work?
So what if l love the characters l created?
Screw him, right?
And kidnapping my son, whoo, how tacky.
Not to mention clich!
You don't talk much, do you, l.S.R.A.E.L.?
I.S.R.A.E.L. taIks when
l.S.R.A.E.L. has something to say.
l'm just trying to pass the time, man.
Listen, l know you're a robot,
but don't you have feelings?
l mean, isn't it hard to destroy innocent
people that have never wronged you?
Everyone's wronged l.S.R.A.E.L.
Really? Wow.
lf that's the way you feel, maybe
we'd all be better off if you didn't exist.
l.S.R.A.E.L. has every right to exist!
Ok, ok, dude, relax.
Don't get so defensive.
I.S.R.A.E.L. need rest.
Here? This is where you want to rest?
This is the single most dangerous place
you could be situated!
There are so many other
places you could be, l.S.R.A.E.L.,
that would be safer and
would cause less problems!
Why here?
I.S.R.A.E.L. shouIdn't have to Ieave.
Everyone else should leave.
They're the ones who are stupid.
Oy! l.S.R.A.E.L., you are a handful.
l'm sorry, Drawn Togethergang.
But l have to save my Jew son.
Oh, l.S.R.A.E.L., l think
l know where they are.
Oh, yeah.
l haven't seen this many shit-covered
rodents since my last colonoscopy.
Oh, it's ok, Clara.
So we're not who we think we are.
-So what, right?
-So what?
lf l'm not a princess,
then l'm just another beautiful virgin
with real C-cups and a super tight ass
that continuously vibrates
and tastes like wild berries.
Who could ever love someone like that?
Dungeon master, make sure the guillotine
is not too far back on the stage.
l want the people in the
front row to have to wear rain ponchos.
Milord, perhaps you could see it in your heart
to let me live here in your kingdom
and give me the opportunity to be
the real princess l always thought l was.
For l can be just as good as the officially
sanctioned princesses in your kingdom.
Allow me.
Yeah, Clara! She's doing it! lt's working!
For fuck's sake, Xandir!
l'm trying to impress the goddamn king!
And l can't fucking sing if you keep
flapping those dick-sucking lips of yours!
Guards, tomorrow, off with their heads!
No, wait! Please!
Release the king, vile peasant!
Hero! Do something!
Oh, yes, of course.
You shouldn't see this, baby.
l know how you are around blood,
and this could easily go that way.
Oh, you totally would
not have been into that.
Excuse me, Suck My Taint Girl, we...
Oh, my goodness!
You guys are from Drawn Together!
Uh, l heard you were all erased.
-You know who we are?
-Well, of course l do, silly.
l'm, like, the taintest fan
of Drawn Together ever.
l tain't missed an episode.
Well, good, 'cause we need your help,
Suck My Taint Girl.
We was canceled,
and we need to get back on TV.
But of course you were canceled.
You guys were filthy and offensive
without ever having a point.
A p-p-p-pa... Pa... Po...
Po... Po... Poi...
Poi... Aah... Poi... Ohh...
Ohh... Ahh... Oint?
Yeah! You know, like social commentary.
Everybody knows that these days,
if you want to be raunchy and funny on TV,
you need to also be relentlessly preachy.
-Too bad we never had a point.
-Hey. Know what you should do?
You should go to Make-A-Point Land
and get yourself a point
from the MakeA-Point wizard.
You'll be back on the air in no time!
Really? Because if you're lying, l'll cut you.
l'll cut you to the fucking bone.
Ooh! Can you take us to this
Make-A-Point Land, Suck My Taint Girl?
Well, l really shouldn't be seen with
you guys, but l could be convinced
if you introduced me
to the rest of the Drawn Togethergang.
Huh? What do you say? ls it a deal?
No, Molly, you're the cutest.
No, you are! (CHUCKLES)
Watching Hero and his whorish
know-it-all girlfriend made me sick.
l had to get Hero to break up with Molly
so l could have my best friend back.
And l had just the plan.
Now, follow my lead, and don't fuck it up.
Uh, Xandir?
Wait, wait. Best friend in Ling...
(LAUGHlNG) Oh, God!
Asians are hilarious! (CHUCKLES)
Come on, Ling-Ling.
MAN: Ling-Ling into depression go
He bIew his chance with Xandir
Xandir only have eyes for Hero
Ling-Ling die alone
What was that, Molly?
You have the perfect escape plan?
We'll be out of here in no time?
Really, Molly? Oh, that's awesome!
XANDlR: When Mollyjust
lies there and does nothing,
we'll all be executed in the morning,
and Hero will finally realize
how lame his dead girlfriend is.
(CHUCKLES) l'm so clever!
(GASPS) Oh, l can't stand it!
Well, the guards are coming, Molly.
(CHUCKLES) We can't wait to see
your plan in action, can we, guys?
Molly... Come on, do something.
You're embarrassing me
in front of all my guy friends.
Oh, maybe they were right about you.
Maybe we should just break...
-Whoa! That prisoner doesn't look so hot!
-She's pale, and that rat is eating her eyeball.
We better do something!
Ooh! (CHUCKLES) Clever, clever.
Psst! That guard outfit makes you look fat.
lt does? (WAlLlNG)
Oh, great! Now l'll have
to deal with that all night.
Ryan, wait up!
Molly, your plan worked like a charm!
Oh, l'm so happy!
Later on, l'm gonna let you
fuck me in the mouth!
-God damn it!
-Now, let's get out of here.
Hey, the prisoners have escaped!
Come on, Clara!
No. l have nothing to live for anymore.
l'm not a princess. Now, go.
l'll slow them down for you.
lt's the only way.
Thanks, Clara. You'll always
be a princess to me. Here.
No, you keep them.
They're of no use to me now.
l'll treasure them always.
Wait, Xandir, do me one favor.
Live your gay life to the fullest.
-Will do.
-Every day's a gift.
-And find that one special person.
Sure thing. Bye!
And hold him close
and tell him with all your heart
that you can't marry him.
The Bible forbids it.
l really gotta go.
Ok. Bye! Don't adopt!
Give me those!
Molly hath saved the day!
Holy fuck, it's l.S.R.A.E.L. !
Uh, hey, guys, how are you?
Uh, l'd get the hell
out of here if l were you.
So tired. So very, very tired.
Don't you give up, fool horse.
We got to make it to the kingdom
to get the rest of our gang
so we can all get to Make-A-Point Land.
And then, we still need to find Toot.
This is a joke. We'll never find everyone.
l said, we'll never find everyone.
Look! There them are-uh!
And l.S.R.A.E.L. !
Are all together again!
Wait. Where's Clara?
Oh, Clara? She's dead.
Oh, no.
-Oh, good!
-Well, that takes the sting off.
-Her arms were always my favorite part of her.
Ashes to ashes, smurf to smurf.
l'm glad you're dead, you bastard!
l hope you smurf in hell for what
you did to me in front of my kids!
l hope you smurf in hell!
lt's ok, sweetie.
Our long national nightmare is over.
He can't hurt us anymore.
The important thing is that you survived.
-We all survived.
Say good-bye, Drawn Together!
-I can't see!
-I can't see!
Ugh! Holy crap! l can't open the door.
lt's stuck! We gonna drown!
Don't worry, people. l'll get us out.
Yeah, there you are.
Uhh... That wasn't well thought-out.
l loved you!
The Drawn Together gang is gone forever.
Ok. We're on our way.
Molly, this may be it for us.
They usually have director's
commissary on these things.
Let's listen to the commonary.
Maybe they'll tell us
how to get out of here.
lt's too late. We're all gonna die!
We have to try!
Commentary on.
And play!
MATT: So, wow.
This movie just keeps on going.
-lt's, uh...
-l hear them!
-lt's a long thing... This movie...
-How do we get out of here?
-Shut the fuck up and listen!
Actually might very well be a bad idea,
but, um, Dave...
Dave, he needed the money.
DAVE: Well, Matt...
Matt married into money.
Who the hell would
ever want to listen to this?
MATT: lt used to be money.
Now, nobody has money...
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Get to the point!
All right. So now we got,
uh, we got the gang,
we put them all in this pumpkin.
We put them underwater,
and originally, this scene
wasn't even in the script at all.
The only reason we did this is 'cause,
well, we both thought
that I.S.R.A.E.L...
We had to remind the audience that
l.S.R.A.E.L. is still chasing after them.
DAVE: Well, you thought they had to.
l remember thinking
we didn't really need this whole scene.
We were going with a new
production company, and...
But l didn't want to fight with you.
l remember being so exhausted, at this point.
My wife was, like, 9 months pregnant,
and we were, like,
in the middle of moving, right?
MATT: You're, like, the first person
that ever had a kid.
That's how you act.
l actually remember...
l'm the first person that ever had a kid
and had to argue with you at the same time.
You have got to be shitting me.
MATT: How the hell are we going
to get them out of this scene?
We don't have any ideas, and l think...
l'm pretty sure you're the one who's like,
"Hey, why don't they
just suck on Xandir's dick,
"and Xandir's dick's got oxygen,"
'cause you're always like... The first idea is,
"Hey, they can suck each other's dicks!"
Oh, yeah. That's a good idea.
DAVE: l think your idea was,
"What ifXandir poos oxygen?"
Oh, no. "What if he farts oxygen,
so they have to suck his ass?"
So yours was that much better.
-MATT: That's smarter.
-Oh, for the love of God.
This is horrible!
I don't even remember
how we got out of this.
DAVE: Oh, you know what it was?
This is how we come out
with a Iot of these scenes.
lt's, like, who haven't we used in a while?
Like, Ling-Ling? What if we pull his tail,
and he infIates Iike a raft?
-That's fine, that's fine.
-So theyjust do that.
MATT: At a certain point,
it's just like "whatever."
Ooh, l gots an idea, gang.
Let's use Ling-Ling as an inflatable raft.
DAVE: So, anyway, l guess if this
scene's going to be worth it at all,
maybe we should at least see Foxxy's tits.
-I'm in.
-But first,
let me take off my shirt.
CAPTAlN HERO: Whoa! Unh!
We made it! Whee! (LAUGHS)
Nice tits, Foxxy.
Good work, gang.
Now let's go find Toot.
FOXXY: Now, the only one
we needed was Toot,
so we set off on ourjourney to find her,
a journey of excitement and adventure,
mystery and mayhem, love and loss,
a journey that carried us
to far-away lands
and taught us so much about
what was right here inside us all along.
A journey which would change us all forever.
And then, we found her fat ass.
Foxxy, what the hell are you doing here?
We can't be seen together.
You'll get us killed.
Toot, you got to come with me.
You not safe here anymore, fatty.
You don't know that.
You don't know anything.
l know this.
ANNOUNCER: Put on your 3-D glasses now!
FOXXY: Yeah, girl.
That's what the Foxxy want.
(GASPS) One finger?
Girl, you got to come back when
you can at least kick in a big toe.
What are you guys doing? Making out?
Hey, lady, less talky,
more threesome action.
Yes! God damn it, l miss Drawn Together.
Hold on. Oh, my God!
Where do you want it?
Where do you want it?
Anywhere but the face.
l mean, that is really degrading to women.
l mean, you could really...
-l deserved that.
-You deserve to die.
WOOLDOOR: Get out ofthere now!
Let's go! Go! Go! Go!
Stop! l can't fly without my feather!
Got it! Let's go!
Burn in hell, you fat
fucking homewrecking bitch!
lt's a living.
How did you think you were
going to get away with this?
A foul-mouthed clone of my daughter.
What if some child actually thought
it was her using the word shitcunt?
l understand. But we are taking measures.
We are taking measures, too. Ooh!
-What the...
Target has been eliminated.
Just to be on the safe side,
erase the whole place.
And get back here when you're done.
There's been a change of plans.
But sir, this is the happiest place on earth.
lt was the happiest place on earth.
Erase it aII.
CHOIR: lt's a world of laughter
It's a worId of sunshine
FOXXY: After we got Toot back from Bedrock,
we immediately brought
her to Suck My Taint Girl.
(GASPS) You're all here! Hooray!
Wait. Where's Clara?
FOXXY: And we told Suck My Taint Girl
the terribIe news about CIara.
-She took it pretty hard.
But after a long talk and
a respectaful memoryial service,
Suck My Taint Girl agreed to
take us to Make-A-Point Land,
help us find the Make-A-Point wizard, get
our point, and get our show back on the air,
hence redeeming myself for
getting us all into this mess in the first place.
Uh, why did you say all that?
Sorry, giving confessionals
is a hard habit to break.
Well, it seems kind of crazy.
You know what's crazy?
You ass-bags dragging me here.
When my Barney comes for me,
you'll all get yours.
This is great and all, but can we
get going to Make-A-Point Land
before l.S.R.A.E.L. finds us?
Tain't no time like the present.
But remember,
there are lots of magical and mysterious
creatures in Make-A-Point Land,
and they don't take too kindly
to those who are disgusting
for the sake of being disgusting.
What? l'm sorry. l got distracted.
What were you saying?
l was saying it's time we go.
Let's taint the town brown!
Uh, question. Why is your ship
plugged into the ass of that animal?
Oh, Mr. Ham. l'm so glad you asked,
because you're going to love this.
This ship is powered by... Wait for it...
A feces-fueled rocket ship? That's awesome!
Yep. This ship is an ear of corn
powered by bull shit
because, don't you see, ethanol is bullshit.
Oh, yeah. l get it.
l kind of liked it better when
it was just a shit-powered rocket.
SECOND MAN: T-minus 5, 4,
Well, l gotta hit the head.
Don't go changing while l'm away. (LAUGHS)
(SCOFFS) l am sick of it
just being the 2 of us.
Playing hot potato just sucks
without my beloved Hero.
And l love hot potato!
MAN: Ling-Ling make sad realization
Xandir's heart is with another
if Ling-Ling really loves Xandir
like he says he does
He'll help Xandir get back Hero
What? Molly!
You promised me we'd go to prom together!
l can't believe you would do this to me!
Guys, it's over between me and Molly.
Oh, there you go. lt's ok.
Cry on my shoulder, darling.
-Look, Make-A-Point Land!
Where? l can't see it.
lt's right over there between
About-Being-Canceled Land
and You-Had-3-Or-4-Seasons,
Most-Shows-Don't-Even-Get-That Land.
Hold onto my taint, everyone!
lt's going to be a rough landing.
Here we are, Make-A-Point Land!
ANNOUNCER: Put on your 3-D glasses now!
ALL: Ooh!
TOOT: 3-D! The technology
of the eighties, but it's now!
Whoa! Whoa!
lt looks fake.
Let's move quickly, and don't
taint any attention to yourselves.
-That's a fetus tornado.
-Huh? A fetus tornado?
Don't you see? People just go round and
round when it comes to stem cell research.
Well. Not as funny.
Ray-Ray 2 through 7! Mama love you!
-SPANKY: Cool!
The Pfizersaurus Rex! Don't you see?
lf we keep listening to
the pharmaceutical companies,
one day, we, too, will be extinct.
Not so cool anymore.
Come on, gang. Let's keep moving
before we get spotted by
floating Tom Brokaw made of semen.
Floating Tom Brokaw made of semen?
What the fuck is his point?
Maybe that the media is dumb
and superficial and delicious?
Look! The wizard's palace!
(GASPS) Oh, no! lt's the Giant
Who Shits lnto His Own Mouth!
Fee, fi, fo, fums!
l smell pointless abominations!
(GULPS) l must kill you!
Wait, Giant Who Shits lnto His Own Mouth!
Now, l know my Drawn Togetherfriends
are stupid, pointless, crude creatures
of mediocre comedy.
That's why l brought them here.
To get a point. You can't kill them!
l can do anything l want! (GULPS)
Except get the taste of shit out of my mouth.
Hold up, Giant Who
Shits lnto His Own Mouth.
You saying you don't like eating shit?
l eat shit all day, every day, 24/7.
Of course l don't like it.
(GULPS) But it's how l was born.
Well, what if we help you?
Then would you let us go?
Mmm-hmm. (GULPS)
(GASPS) lf only we had something
we could tie to the giant's head
to interrupt the flow of poop.
(GASPS) lt's working! lt's working!
ALL: Amen.
Hallelujah. Your way talking. Whoo!
l... l can't taste shit,
for the first time in my whole life!
Thank you! Oh, thank you!
l'm finally free! l can eat whatever l want now!
That's right, Giant. Anything!
Would you shit in my mouth?
Well, guys, here we are.
ALL: Ooh!
Thanks, Suck My Taint Girl.
The Make-A-Point wizard's got to help.
He's just gotta.
Uh, any chance there's a
Wrap-This-Thing-Up-Already wizard in there?
l can't believe the MakeA-Point wizard
finally gave me my point.
Of course! l represent the
duality of goodness and martyrdom
and the unencumbered id that is repressed
when religion meets sexuality.
And crab.
-Come on.
Let's get ourselves back on the air.
Who has come forth seeking a point, hmm?
Your Majesty, l humbly present to you
what's left of the Drawn Togethergang.
Oh, my. You kids have
caused quite a bit of trouble.
Honestly, l don't
even think a point can help.
You Honor, dis is our only shot.
lf we don't get the Drawn Together
back on TV, we ain't never gonna be safe.
Please, Mr. Wizard. Without my TV persona,
l'm just another 33-year-old
schizophrenic drug addict
with jaundice and several deformities.
Fine, fine. Sheesh! l'll give you a point.
ALL: Ohh.
WOOLDOOR: lmpressive.
Well, this is it, y'all.
We's about to get our point,
get back on the air,
and things can finally
get back to the way they was.
SUCK MY TAlNT GlRL: Don't you see?
Don't you see? Don't you see?
Wait! Maybe we shouldn't open it.
What the fuck are you talking about, Spanky?
Yeah! Just open it!
This doesn't seem right.
l mean, maybe we don't want a point.
Don't you see? lf l can't fart or vomit
or fill up an ice tray with the
afterbirth of Foxxy's miscarriage
and hand them out as ice pops to
terminally ill children on my hospital tours
without making some kind of point,
then maybe it's just not worth it.
And l don't want to let dead chicks
fuck me in my mouth for social commentary.
l mean, what's wrong with just
doing it 'cause it makes me feel good?
And l sure do like
getting pregnant for no reason.
You know what? l agree with the pig.
Thank you.
So, Mr. Make-A-Point wizard,
l guess we don't want
to make-a-point after all.
Maybe that's the point.
Fuck you guys!
l need Drawn Together!
Otherwise, l don't exist!
-No, wait! lt's...
-What the...
-What the fuck, wizard?
l'm sorry. l had no choice.
They said they'd kill me.
Who would kill you?
Hello there, Drawn Togethergang.
lt's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.
So you the dick that's been trying to kill us.
How the hell did you even
know we was coming here?
-l told them.
Suck My Taint Girl?
Roved you?
Drawn Together is the lamest show ever!
Watching it was like watching taint dry.
And if l let you get a point,
you might get your timeslot back.
Why the fuck would l do that?
Damn that girl.
Like my lawn after a visit from that klansman
with short-term memory loss,
we've been double crossed.
-Nice work, honey.
-Thanks, Scott.
-That's right. Suck my taint.
Damn you, Suck My Taint Girl.
You betrayed us.
And then, you didn't
even give us a fair fight.
Sometimes, l don't know if
you're an asshole or a pussy,
or something in between.
Now, l.S.R.A.E.L.,
on behalf of my dead wife and
daughter from a previous marriage,
erase them all!
Don't worry.
Barney will be here any second to save us.
l just know it.
At least we're going to die together,
Drawn Together.
Please, l.S.R.A.E.L., l know
they're obscene, pointless rip-offs,
but l... l... Love them.
-(COUGHS) Fag.
Ahem. Jew's a homo.
Move, Jew Producer,
or l will destroy you as well.
You can't do this, l.S.R.A.E.L. Don't you see?
Even though everyone hates the Drawn
Togethergang, they have a right to exist.
Surely you understand that,
don't you, l.S.R.A.E.L.?
l.S.R.A.E.L. doesn't want to destroy.
l.S.R.A.E.L. wants to peacefully coexist.
(SIGHS) That's all l.S.R.A.E.L. ever wanted.
ALL: Phew.
No wonder everyone hates you, l.S.R.A.E.L.
You're so goddamn aggravating.
l said destroy them, you fucking idiot!
That's it! I.S.R.A.E.L. wiII not Iet
you bully her around anymore.
l.S.R.A.E.L. really is our greatest ally.
That's a bit much.
l.S.R.A.E.L.'s going
a bit overboard again.
Why in the hell are you laughing?
You're gonna die.
Because of this.
l have enough e-5 to destroy
all of MakeA-Point Land.
Looks like l'll be enjoying
the Drawn Togethergang in hell!
You gots a real weird sense of humor.
Hero, do something!
l miss Molly! (CRlES)
Looks like it's up to ol' fatass again.
(GASPS) Whoa.
That is totally not what l meant to do.
The Drawn Togethergang must die!
Oh, no, you don't! (GRUNTS)
Everyone, run, run!
Don't worry about the old...
Um, they left, like, 5 minutes ago.
l haven't been laid in 6 months!
l have an erection right now,
and l don't know how long it will last!
l'm just putting that out there.
(GRUNTS) Tain't yours! Taint give it to me!
Ok, but first, give it to me!
Don't you see? lf people
all over the world would just...
-SUCK MY TAlNT GlRL: Wuh-whoah.
Next year in Jerusalem!
FOXXY: Oh, Lordy!
Fuck yeah! l'm going to
escape the fuck out of this shit!
Where the hell are you... Aah!
Oh, Barney!
l knew you'd come for me!
l just knew it!
Uh, yeah. Actually, l just came to tell you
l worked out everything with my wife.
So we have to end our affair.
Sorry. Here.
lt's a living.
Oh, damn it.
Oh, Lordy! Oh, now what we gonna do?
Oh, my God! Get us the fuck out of here!
Hey, you guys!
ANNOUNCER: Take offyour 3-D glasses now.
Yeah, but at least we're alive,
thanks to you, Giant Who
No Longer Shits lnto His Own Mouth.
lt's the least l could do.
l wish there was some way
l could help you get back on the air.
l think l can help.
Jew Son! Oh, l'm so sorry about your father.
lt's ok. He died saving those he loved.
-(COUGHS) Fag.
Ahem. Jew's a homo.
And now that he's gone,
l'm taking over the family business.
Uh, l don't think so,
but l do have a surprise for you.
-(GASPS) Papa?
-Even better!
l pulled some Jew strings
and l think l can get you
a Direct-to-DVD movie!
(GASPS) For real-real, not for play-play?
Yes, Foxxy, for real-real, not for play-play.
Well, no offense to you guys,
but l don't want to be in a Direct-to-DVD
movie if it doesn't have a happy ending.
-Hero, look who l found!
Oh, l love it when she does that.
Hey, there, baby. How you doin'?
You like shitting in people's mouths, right?
What, Molly? Of course, l'd love
to let you fuck me in my mouth,
but not tonight,
'cause tonight is guys' night.
Aw, shitcunt.
Why don't you suck
-Suck my taint
-Suck my taint
-Suck my stinky little taint
-Suck my taint
-Suck my taint
-Suck my taint
Suck my taint
Come on, and suck my stinky little taint
Take it up the ass, metaphorically
Suck on a massive dong, allegorically
Slather spewing dung
across a sweaty symbolic ass
And we can make this fuckaII a better worId
When you crap yourself, it's an opportunity
To scoop up the excrement and eat it
Thereby showing how
you can jizz on a rotting cow
And make this fuckaII a better worId
Just make a point with your vomit
Make a point with unbridled mayhem
When you make a point to
teach the boys and girls
That you can make a point
by eating the puke chunks
And make a point by cannibalizing ears
Make a point and make
this fuckaII a better worId
Gargle a glop of snot
Then swallow it, metaphorically
Fondle a donkey's cock
while felching it, allegorically
Beat off into
a Christmas stocking, mockingly
And make this fuckaII a better worId
Make a point and make
this fuckaII a better worId