The Duel (2016)

We got them agitated,
didn't we?
You ride with god today.
You know I ain't got
no religion.
Do you not fear
the eternal hell
that awaits you?
I ain't planning
to see it just yet.
Good people of Helena.
Good people of Helena!
I am saddened
because today
Helena loses one
of her true sons.
Now we've cleansed
the Mexican filth
from our city,
but the disease left behind
has infected our civility.
That's right!
You hear that?
These brown heathens pushed
their carts through our land.
And instead of uniting
against these indignations,
we stand here divided.
Watch yourself, Jesse.
Abraham is trickier
than the devil in the shade.
And so,
on the challenge given
to Abraham brant
from Jesse Kingston,
in the way
of a Helena duel,
are we now assembled?
Take care of my boy
if I fall.
We will.
Gentlemen, come forward.
God made this world, Jesse,
and it pains me little
to send you from it.
You shall pour out
each other's blood
and we will cover it
with dust.
Whomever bleeds
the dirt red the most today,
his deeds shall not
be forgotten.
You distinguished yourself
honorably against
the Cheyenne.
It was the comanche
in my day.
Either or,
the most contemptible breed
of people, don't you agree?
Or perhaps
they're misunderstood,
your honor.
I understand you have
a problem with a dead Mexican.
Not "a" dead Mexican,
Mr. Kingston.
The latest one is the nephew
of a Mexican general--
Ernesto Calderon.
He went missing
along with his sister
some time ago.
The general--
kicking up quite a fuss
about it.
He's threatening
to bring a battalion
of Mexican soldiers
across the border
to look for his niece
and the man who killed
his nephew.
Now, I don't need to tell you,
wars have started over less.
Now, all the bodies
are turning up
in the same strainer
in the river...
About here.
It's roughly 12 miles
from mount hermon.
I take it you've heard
the name Abraham brant.
Foolhardy stories,
tales from the war, mostly.
They call him
the preacher,
i believe.
I saw him once in Kansas
just before the war.
The ranchers near Wichita
were offering 50
for every red scalp
that was turned in,
and brant showed up
with 1,000 of them.
Red, Mexican, negro--
it didn't matter,
as long as they had
dark hair and dark skin.
And later, I saw him
preaching to half the town
with a spirit
that I have neither
seen before nor since.
And as god
as my witness,
I saw him
lay his huge hand
on this gimpy
teenage girl.
And he cured her
with a touch,
like Christ himself.
Pardon me,
your honor, but--
but you'll have me
believe he simply
touched the girl
and she walked?
All the way
to the church.
Married her
the next day.
I'm assuming he resides
in mount hermon.
He is mount hermon,
Now you'll travel alone
under an assumed name
and profession.
Time is of the essence.
Calderon's blood is up.
Why not send me
with a company?
There's too much at stake.
You simply find out
if brant is at the root
of these killings
and wire me
from fort McIntosh.
Once certain,
i will commit in force.
How long?
I'm not sure.
I think it's best
not to presume this time.
You've only
just now returned.
What is it?
The man
I'm inquiring upon...
Abraham brant is his name.
He may or may not
be responsible for
some terrible things.
It's my job
to determine which.
Go on.
By some...
Strange twist of fate,
brant happens to be
the same man that killed
my father 20 years ago.
Now, I know
what you're thinking,
but truth is,
men like brant have orphaned
hundreds of boys like me.
And it was
my father's challenge.
you know as well as I,
you will go there
and you will kill
this man.
You don't know that.
You can't know that.
Why else would you
be sharing this?
I've never once
heard you speak like this.
I'm curious,
that's all.
They say he's been
touched by god.
Marisol, I'll go
where they send me.
It's not as if I've been
chasing this man
my entire life.
I can ride as well as you.
You taught me to track--
it's crazy talk.
We should change the subject.
You're gone more
than you're ever here.
What happened
to the tompkins woman
only a month ago
was south of Austin.
And not just
some rogue straggler
we've somehow missed,
but a band of Cheyenne
and comanchero.
Would you like me
to describe to you
exactly what they did
to that poor woman?
This is coming
from the governor himself.
At least here,
we both know you're safe.
Since you took me,
you come and you go.
I'm left here
with nothing to do.
There's the sheltons.
Donahues are less
than a mile.
Marisol, this is a job.
It's my work.
You can't expect me
to put you in that kind
of danger.
Then perhaps this time
when you return,
I will have left.
Excuse me.
You kill it,
you clean it.
You've never
spoken about him.
Do you miss him?
From all accounts,
Jesse Kingston was
recalcitrant and headstrong
and got what he deserved.
I figure he picked
the wrong fight.
What about you?
You ever miss old Javier?
You changed the subject.
It's impossible
to love someone
who hates their self
that much.
I miss nothing.
Morning, gentlemen.
Saw smoke.
Thought we'd see
to some lodgings,
rest our horses.
What brings y'all
this way?
We're on our way
to Ciudad Victoria.
The map at fort McIntosh
showed a town.
Mount hermon, I believe.
Someone had
the good sense
to chart it.
We figured we'd
practice the same good sense
to stop and make use.
She family or help?
My apologies.
My name is David Locke.
This is my wife Marisol.
Of course, if there's
some trouble in town,
we could return
to fort McIntosh
and pass on word for you.
You need to see
the preacher.
Put that down.
We have new guests.
They're asking for lodgings.
They shall have it.
Welcome to mount hermon.
From where is it
that you come?
Houston, sir,
by way of fort McIntosh.
My name is David Locke.
This is my wife Marisol.
I'm Abraham brant.
You've met my son Isaac.
He says welcome.
I am mount hermon's mayor
and law when there's need,
but I am unfailingly
the town's ethereal counselor.
are you religious?
I'm spiritual,
but I do not like
religion, sir.
Me neither.
And you, David?
My wife and i
are one and the same, sir.
we are not formal here.
"Abraham" works just fine.
- Abraham: Morning.
- Man: Morning, Abraham.
Here we are.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you, Abraham.
All we need now
is some rest.
I'll leave you to it.
Buenas noches, Marisol.
Mr. Locke.
We'll be here only as long
as we need to.
Just stick to the story,
let me do my job
and we can leave
this place,
just as easy
as we came in.
Morning, gentlemen.
What are you
doing out here?
I never let the sun
catch me sleeping.
And I enjoy acquainting myself
with any new place.
How'd you find your cabin?
It was fine, Abraham.
Thank you.
- And Marisol?
- She's tired, resting.
If she's unsatisfied,
i could drop off
another blanket,
keep her warm.
Well, it's a large bed.
I doubt you'd have a blanket
big enough.
Isaac, you go on
without me today.
Mr. Locke is going
to join me for breakfast.
Well, i-- I thought
we was going to go down--
do I need to hold
your hand, boy?
Forgive my friends, David.
Their charming qualities
don't shine through
at the outset.
You strike me
as an educated man.
I've managed to fool you.
You hide it
from your eyes well,
but it sits
on your shoulders
plain as day.
You are a man
in search of something.
Perhaps absolution.
You don't strike me
as the type
to hide his meaning
in vocabulary.
We don't get a lot
of uninvited guests this way.
So why are you here?
There's no real plan to it.
I inherited my father's
mercantile in San antone.
I ran it for some years.
Things got rough.
I was robbed, shot.
Both of us felt
it was time to move on,
head nowhere particular.
My wife's family
are in Ciudad Victoria.
We figured we'd strike out
in that direction,
stop in a place
if we took to it.
Not so strange,
is it?
to nowhere particular.
Can't say
it's the warmest welcome
I've ever received.
We're protective
of our little oasis.
How long
will you be staying?
Long enough to rest,
a few days.
Perhaps I can convince you
to stay awhile.
You've only just met me.
I know people.
And I can tell
that you're a man
one can tie to.
Perhaps I can help you find
what you're looking for.
I'd have no trade
in this town.
Well, let's just say
a spot for town sheriff
just opened up
at this very moment.
I get the feeling
there's not a strong
demand for law here.
- No.
- And I have no experience.
Well, what do you
need to know?
Just let your moral compass
be your guide.
You're obviously
strong, capable.
You're actually
being serious.
Look, David,
I like you and Marisol,
and I'd like to see you
stay awhile.
Not so strange.
No, it's not.
Well, then,
it's settled.
meet your new sheriff.
Thought I might
continue my ride, take in
some of your countryside.
Splendid idea.
As it happens, I have
my own fond recollections
of the San antone area
from after the war.
Small town...
Name of Helena.
Might have
passed through her
on your way here.
Don't seem
to recall it.
Wild place
is what I recollect.
Hard to forget.
Well, sheriff,
pick yourself
a direction.
Welcome to
mount hermon,
We brought you both
some food.
And we just had to meet
the wife of the new sheriff.
- Sheriff?
- Did you have
a long journey here?
- Yeah, but--
- you are more beautiful
than was spoken of.
Who spoke?
You live round here?
I from tamaulipas.
Why have you come?
To pray for the dead.
You know about
the bodies?
Was it white men?
They knew things, David.
Who came?
Women from the town.
What did they want?
They said you were
the new sheriff,
that Abraham
foresaw us coming.
He did ask
that I be sheriff.
- But why on earth?
- I have no idea.
But I thought about it.
Really, it's the ideal cover
until I can figure out
what's going on here.
He frightens me, David.
He's a man, Marisol,
not a crystal gazer.
- No one knew
we were coming.
- Yeah.
These people, they're just
a bit off the reservation.
Make sure
you remember that.
Stop it.
- Get away from me.
Now, now, wait.
Don't you walk away.
Come on.
Don't you walk
away from me.
Where are you going?
Come on, have a drink.
I'm terribly sorry
to have frightened you,
You're not feeling well.
No, I feel fine.
No, no, you have
the fever.
It's natural.
You're run down.
It will pass.
Can I give you a hand
with anything?
Are you married,
My wife died many years ago
birthing Isaac.
She left him
with many of her talents.
I'm sure
she was beautiful.
She could back the buzzards
off a gut wagon.
But truly, she was lovely.
There was never a more pure
heart to wreck a man.
So tell me,
how did you
come to wreck David?
My father was a drunk
and a swindler.
He was shot and left for dead
after cheating at cards.
David saw him
back to health.
As a show of gratitude,
i was betrothed to him
by my father.
Betrothed by debt?
That must have been
very difficult for you.
I'm sorry.
Any children?
I'm afraid I'm unable.
Mmm. My wife was told
the very same thing
before I met her.
Dark eyes.
They say the eyes
provide a direct window
to the soul.
Yours have seen a good deal
of man at his worst.
You hold tight to it.
But are we not all
born into sin,
anger, violence,
jealousy, desire?
We cannot separate
ourselves from sin
any more than we would sever
a limb from our bodies.
anger is instructive.
Jealousy, understandable.
Lust, perfectly natural.
I can see that my words
are not lost on you, Marisol.
It is refreshing.
So few these days possess
any openness of mind.
But if I may, Marisol,
this veil that you wear
offers only false comfort.
Remove it.
God knows
who you really are.
Ah, deputy Dave!
What are you doing here?
Thought I might
get a drink.
Aw, you wouldn't
like it in here, David.
The beer tastes
like day-old piss.
Well, I guess
I'll drink the whiskey.
I don't think
you're hearing me, sheriff.
I'm telling you no.
I've tried to be
cordial with you.
You choose
your next words
I heard the beer here
is excellent.
I've no complaints.
Might I join you?
Be my guest.
Hoot, let's have a shot
for the gentleman.
I'm Naomi.
I know who you are.
Hoot his real name?
That's what I hear.
What else do you hear?
Whatever falls earshot.
You have an honest face.
I'm not soliciting you.
I know about your wife.
News travels fast.
This town echoes every word
Abraham breathes.
Stay here long enough
and you might start
resounding him, too.
What about you?
Not yet.
How long have you
been here?
Almost a year.
My second husband
was a lieutenant
in the army.
He was shot and killed
by his own men.
I had no money,
no family, nowhere to go.
Until hoot here
rides into town,
offers me a job.
Perhaps naively,
i didn't ask for specifics.
My condolences
for your losses, ma'am.
Thank you.
I've tried to make
the best of it.
Save a little money,
maybe move
to San Francisco.
Well, you're a long way
from California.
Believe me,
we're a long way
from anywhere.
Like these fellows?
Just rode in?
- Hello, gentlemen.
- Ma'am.
You're not safe.
I've tried
to leave this place.
Naomi, you gonna sit there
yabbering on my time,
head on back, help mailene
with the washing.
Be careful.
Hello there, gentlemen.
How are you?
Money's no good here, sheriff.
Abraham's pardoned
your expenses.
Abraham visited me
this morning.
Was he alone?
What did he want?
We talked about his wife,
his travels.
We talked for hours.
What's wrong?
I don't like him
coming here, Marisol.
What would you have me do?
I'm here on my own.
I can't prevent him
from coming.
Tomorrow, I think it's best
you come out there with me.
You can stay if you like.
Hoot'll start thinking
i have a boyfriend.
Don't worry yourself
about hoot.
What about your father?
What about him?
You think he knows
he's sharing me
with his own son?
You think you're something
fucking different
from them other whores
out there?
Do you?
You think you're something
fucking special?
That it?
You fucking biddie whore.
What happens
between you and me
stays that way.
Get the fuck out of here!
Headed somewhere?
It's a beautiful day
for a ride.
That it is.
Thought we might go down
and take a good look
at the river.
You'll enjoy that.
This is Naomi.
But I believe
you two already met.
Naomi, this is Marisol.
It's a pleasure, ma'am.
And you're
even more beautiful
than I was told.
Just stopped by
to let you know
I'll be holding a revival
at the chapel
at 8:00 tomorrow morning.
Naturally, you are more
than welcome to join us.
Thank you, Abraham.
We will consider it.
Very well, then.
We'll be on our way.
Enjoy your ride.
Just stay there.
What's wrong?
What's happening?
Something's not right.
Man: It's my pleasure, ma'am.
You take good care now.
I left corn cure
by the bed.
You're going to have to
purchase more from portence
in a day or two.
Is it the fever?
Bed rest, corn cure.
Keep her hydrated.
just leave her be.
Thank you
for coming, doctor.
He shall bless thy bread
and thy water
and he will take sickness
away from the midst of thee.
God calls on you
to conquer your fear.
Unshackle your faith.
The serpent is the darkness
inside your soul.
Your fear excites it.
Harness that fear
and embrace the power
within you.
Fill yourself
with his spirit
and I will chase away
your demons.
The spirit led you here.
You have nothing to fear.
Take it.
No, please.
Take it.
Your faith,
even as tiny
as a mustard seed,
can move mountains.
This is the message
from the son of god!
The miracles I do,
you can do also.
The power of god
is within you!
All that is required
is that you believe.
Let us pray.
Lord, we welcome you
amongst us this morning.
We ask that you
open our hearts...
Whoa, what happened?
Come on.
Come on, sit down.
Come sit down.
The englishman--
he's drunk.
I was entertaining him
and then he grabbed his gun
and he tried to put it
inside me and then--
okay, it's all right.
Is he still there?
Okay, you don't move
from that chair
until I return.
Which one?
- Abraham handles
these matters--
- which fucking one?
Blue shirt in the corner.
Okay. Okay.
Really did
a number on you,
miss Naomi.
Who is he?
And the other two with him?
Uh, they'd be guests
of Abraham.
Not sure I'm going
to have enough thread
to stitch the other fellow.
Where is he?
You have no idea
what's going on here.
Ah, for this?
She's not worth
a lick or a--
Abraham will not
be pleased by this.
You run
to your father, then.
My sense is
he's taken quite a shine
to me being here.
You're mistaken.
It's that pretty
bean-eating wife of yours--
what are you gonna do?
I ain't heeled.
Get him out of here.
Get off!
Not bad for the son
of a shop clerk.
Show's over, dear friends.
please see to Isaac.
I'm taking my wife home.
You see to Naomi.
I'll attend
to her every need.
What were you thinking?
"Corn cure and bed rest."
You heard it yourself.
Do you even wish to recover?
I never should have
let you come here.
What happened
to that woman?
She was beaten
in the brothel.
Is that why
you were fighting?
Guess that what happens
to pretty whores.
- Do you think
she's pretty?
- Stop it.
Abraham will take care
of her.
Will he?
He branded
that poor woman
when she tried
to leave this place--
- he wouldn't do that--
- damn it, Marisol!
I saw it myself!
Why are you speaking
about him like you know him?
All right.
Hey, it's all right,
it's all right.
It's all right.
- - Isaac: So easily you could
have stopped him today.
You stood by
while he beat me.
You might have
stopped him yourself.
You tolerate him
for his woman.
She's yours.
Take her
and let's bury him.
If you could see
Turned weak
over a pretty Mexican.
You are
your mother's son.
Are you so ashamed?
Am I not as god
has made me to be?
God, maybe,
but not me.
You go ahead,
I'll catch up
with you at hoot's.
More uninvited guests?
Fascinating culture,
the Chinese.
They say they are
trapped in the samsara,
ever-changing world
of good and evil.
If they don't take control
of their desires,
they are subject
to great suffering
in this life
and the next.
I didn't have the heart
to tell them
that heathens be damned
to hell regardless.
What desires could
they possibly find out here?
You're feeling
off-color today.
Short time
I've been here,
I've seen englishmen
and now chinamen.
Curious, no?
And yet I haven't seen
a single Mexican man or woman.
We aren't but a few miles
from Mexico.
Why is that?
Perhaps they're scared.
Why would they be scared?
Because on this side
of the river,
they're no longer Mexican.
Not everybody possesses
our sensibilities, David.
There something more
you feel the need to ask me,
sheriff Locke?
I guess it don't matter.
Be leaving soon enough.
Will you?
Didn't find
what you were looking for?
As soon as
Marisol's fever breaks,
we'll be on our way.
Nowhere particular?
What does that mean?
"I'll embrace your company
while I have it."
How long
have I been asleep?
Most of yesterday
and today.
I saw you
in the river.
It's the fever.
- It's made you delirious.
- You're not listening to me.
There's something
twisting in me.
Morris says
just a few days.
- Why are you not listening?
- Because you're not
thinking straight.
No! I see it all
so clear.
You just took me
when he gave me away.
You never asked.
You think I'm crazy,
but I had no say in it.
All I think is that right now
you're not yourself.
You're very ill.
I need to see Abraham.
Can you send for him,
- No.
- Please.
He's the only one
that can help us, David.
God damn it.
Help with what? How?
You don't know Abraham.
You know me.
And I'm right here.
I can help you.
He's put you in the river,
like he did to your father.
And you can't hear me.
I'm leaving.
I know you didn't
just stumble into town
for no reason.
I can help you,
but you need to
come with me.
Help me how?
What do you know?
Everyone here
knows what happens.
And they will kill you
when you least expect it.
- Just come in
and talk--
- no.
Listen, your wife's
already gone.
- She was gone the moment
you brought her here--
- that is enough of that.
Okay? I can protect you.
Just talk to me.
I have to go now.
Ride to the first Ridge
this side of the river.
You'll see what
you're looking for there.
I'll meet you
at the split-fork crossing.
I'll wait there
an hour for you.
Naomi, wh-- Naomi!
God damn it.
Three miles?
Can you help me, please?
I need to see Abraham.
Abraham, help me.
Something's really wrong.
Where is your husband?
Last I seen,
he was painting his nose
down at hoot's
with that spud-nigger whore
Please, I don't know
what to do.
Silas, see she gets home
and stay by her side until
the sheriff returns.
- Ladies, you fetch
Dr. Morris.
- Yes.
If you were mine,
I'd not leave your side
for anything.
Why, I recall,
at bull run,
i led my militia
through a wall
of advancing
blue-belly fire
entirely unscathed.
- "How so?"
One might ask.
But, friends, this is
divine conviction at work.
I tell you, we left
even general Lee
You met general Lee?
Oh, it was a magnificent day
to behold.
My men killed
more yankee malefactor
than that milksop
bedford forrest's
entire regiment.
I believe he referred to us
as his "hangman militia."
Did you kill
many men, Abraham?
The faces of those
we've killed
remains hidden
behind our eyes
and our memory
for eternity,
without change.
There's no labor
in killing a man.
But for some,
it's living after
that's work.
You carry
the burden of many.
So should you.
Mrs. Naomi Ellis,
for one.
My reflection
is murderous,
but my conscience
is clean.
Your wife...
- No, st-- shh.
- Ah!
It's okay, it's okay.
I'm here.
Calm down, calm down.
I'm here.
I'm here.
You're leaving me again.
I saw something
yesterday, Marisol.
We're leaving tonight.
I'll be back
before dark.
Pick your prey.
That one.
The woman?
You are twisted,
There you are.
The boy.
make your preparations.
Shh, shh, shh.
Don't look like abuelito
is going to give you
much of a hunt.
Just the same.
Man: Whoo!
Go ahead, give her
another one.
Good job, son.
You gotta take
the scalp, George.
Nothing to it--
quick slit and a pull.
I guarantee you,
she'd take yours.
They're as wild
as injuns.
You bury her good,
now, Isaac.
I will.
...The sins...
Move, get out of the way!
The hell are you doing
to my wife?!
She's no longer yours, David.
Take him.
Let god in you.
Get up.
Open this door.
I missed
the first five shots.
I mean, I must have picked
the quickest Mexican out of
the whole bloody bunch.
Mine damn near
got to the river!
Monte said that's the farthest
any Mexican ever made it!
God damn it,
that was a hell
of a time.
What do you figure
on doing with that?
You two put
your fucking guns
down slowly.
Everyone sit up.
You and you,
take everyone's pistols
and put them over there.
You killed my son.
I hear your wife's sick.
What are you going
to do?
I'm going to sit
and wait.
You paid good money
to come here, right?
How much were
those Mexicans worth?
How much?
200 a hunt.
$200 per hunt!
And that's
what you call it?
No, please.
Why are you here,
old man?
Because we wanted
to kill something.
Something or someone?
We wanted to know
what it felt like
to kill someone.
Well, I'm gonna
let you kill.
And I ain't even
gonna charge you for it.
You're gonna pick up
that pistol
and shoot monte
in his ugly fucking face...
Or I'm gonna
shoot your father dead.
In fact, go on
and shoot Dale, too.
I don't much
like his face either.
Pick up the pistol,
Pick it up!
Don't do it, John.
Come on, son.
Come on, he--
he's fooling with you, John.
- Please.
- One!
You say one word
and I'll blow your
fucking head off.
Where is my wife?
Where she belongs.
You can go right ahead
and put that old coach gun
down now, mister.
Aw, I figure I won't.
It's all right, boys.
I feel Mr. Kingston is due
a modicum of self-expression
under the circumstances.
I've known for quite some time
you'd be coming for me, David.
I took pleasure
in killing your father.
He was an abhorrent man.
If you think I'm here
to avenge my father,
you think too highly
of yourself.
You're nothing more to me
than youthful intrigue.
I'm a Texas ranger.
I was sent
by the governor himself.
All those Mexicans
you've been killing
been floating into a strainer
a couple miles downriver.
One was general Calderon's
own nephew.
Well, I must say
all this news
is shocking, David.
Though it seems you have
some bad information.
You see,
we bury the bodies.
shit that they are,
decompose rather quickly.
How dirty did you get
that shovel today, Isaac?
Don't listen to him, father.
You're a fucking liar.
I followed you today,
you piece of shit.
How long you think before
they find that scalpless girl
you dumped in the river?
Father, i--
i can explain.
Father, can't you--
can't you see what he's doing?
I tell you, he's--
he's lying.
You are as crippled
as your mother was.
I suppose I'll have to
try again with the new wife.
I'll shoot you dead before
you ever touch her again.
I have to say,
as much as I respect
your confidence, David,
I also respect when a man
can appreciate
his fate staring him
in the face.
You have hoot's rifle
pointing at your head, son.
I figure
I'm a better shot
than hoot.
Your pugnacious pappy
would have loved to hear that.
- Abraham?
- I say he's bluffing.
- Father, may I have
a moment?
- No!
David Kingston...
I challenge you
to fight me to the death
in a Helena duel.
My boy.
Let me do this, pa.
Let me help you up, son.
I'll do it
on one condition.
When it's done,
my wife leaves here with me.
Put your guns away,
There'll be
no more shooting today.
We'll meet outside, 8:00.
Good people of mount hermon,
you're about to witness
a Helena duel.
Mr. Kingston.
A most noble affair
of character and honor.
I took David's father
with this knife
over 20 years ago.
The one he now grips
is stained with my blood
from that same duel
and now will surely
drip red with my son's.
If Isaac lives,
he will be forgiven
his ill-considered behavior
and he will undoubtedly
be the better man
for what he experiences
here tonight.
Does me proud.
If David is Victor,
then in fairness,
he will be taken to his wife
and she will decide
their fate.
On this, you have my word.
Gentlemen, come together.
You shall pour out
each other's blood...
And we will cover it
with dust.
- Marisol?
- Shh.
You'll pull your stitches out
and bleed everywhere.
We can go home now.
"Dark eyes burning,
in the night they glow.
She knows only yearning.
What else is there
to know?"
That's beautiful, David.
And that's a lovely drawing.
You are one surprise
after another.
You've been busy
when no one was watching.
Thank you for sharing,
He wanted us to escape.
Did he, now?
Well, we're going to give you
that chance, David.
These three men have yet
to experience
the thrill of the hunt.
I've decided to afford them
this one unique opportunity.
you're disadvantaged,
so we'll give you
till first light tomorrow.
The time until then
is yours.
I've given you a rifle
and a generous amount
of shells.
Please get him
dressed and fed.
Please put this on.
Why are you doing this?
You are not
from the town.
What is your name?
David Kingston.
I'm a ranger.
I am Maria.
Maria Calderon.
Your uncle's
looking for you.
Thank you.
Best get on now,
miss Calderon.
How do you know
he would've come
this way?
I've known
where this boy's been
headed his entire life.
He was wounded
something fierce
from the fight.
Probably dead
I assure you,
gentlemen, he is not.
Whoa, whoa.
- Shit! Shit!
He ain't dead!
God damn it!
- Clem: God damn it!
- Silas: Get your head down!
- Hoot: I knew it, I knew it.
- Clem: Shit!
Son of a bitch.
What are we going
to do, Abraham?
There goes the horses.
We gotta go back.
We can't stay here.
i-- I can't fight.
I can't-- i--
oh! Ah!
Ah, fuck.
I'm guessing
you didn't foresee this.
You should thank me
for taking your father.
You were born that day.
If he raised you,
you would not be the man
you've become.
Our entire lives
spent denying death
its dominion.
Seems its answer
for us will be...
Painful and slow.
We deserve it
for all we've done.
Futile to toil
over such things.
Forces you
to look inward
and examine
the monster you truly are.
Don't go exempting
You'll answer the same
as everyone else.
David, I was never born
nor will I ever truly die.
Aw, you'll die, all right.
You'll die right here.
Your leg will swell.
You'll scream
and try to kill yourself
to save the pain.
The stench will lead them
to our bodies in a week
and this scene will show
what I have made of you.
Word will spread
of your death.
They'll hiss your name,
call you a murderous
son of a bitch
and a fraud.
The only thing
they'll remember of you
will be me.
Get him! Get him!
I made you.
And so I end you.
You did send your rangers
out to the town
to corroborate the stories
that my niece gave you
along with the prisoners?
The-- the town
was abandoned.
And the prison?
It doesn't appear
to exist.
Did your niece
say anything else
regarding David Kingston
or his wife?
She said he was badly wounded
when he freed the prisoners
and he rode out
into the brush alone,
never to be seen again.
But she made no mention
of a woman.
Perhaps you will allow me
a small detail
to go out
and search for him.
I don't think so, general.
He rode off into the brush
for a reason.
If he wants to,
he'll ride back out again.