The Dust Storm (2016)

Smelling your pillow
Been drinkin' some wine
I'm thinking about you
All of the time
I'll admit that I miss you
If you admit it was wrong
To go back to the city
And leave me a song
- You write the songs,
the ones you sing?
- Yes, sir.
- I know you, your kind.
You get swallowed up.
You got the six o'clock slot.
Be off the stage by 6:30.
There's no pay,
but you can drink what you
can drink from the bar.
What's the last
song of your set?
- Um, Nora.
The song is called Nora.
- Good.
When I hear it I'll
know it's almost over.
How can I miss
the cigarette lips
I am buried in the ashes
I am buried in this
Who, who?
Oh, so
Come around
Silence can't stop her
Your love won't fade
And I can't go on
No, I can't go on, not a day
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh oh
- Been nursing that drink?
- Yeah.
- Screwdriver?
- Excuse me?
- Your drink, is it?
- It's orange juice.
- You look like you could
use something stronger.
- Yeah, you're probably right.
- Do you not drink?
- No, I do, just
not much anymore.
- Let me guess,
you're one of those
wily, unpredictable drunks.
- It's a bit more complicated.
- Oh, yeah, I pulled your card.
It's okay though.
I have a problem
with control myself.
- I'm Brennan.
- I know.
- Right.
- So you remind me of somebody.
I can't place it though.
Who do you get?
- Who do I get?
- Who do people
say you look like?
- Um, I get Prince a lot.
- Ha, yeah, that's it.
Except you're a
little bit taller.
Maybe a little less
- Black?
- Exactly.
Can you sing?
That must be it then, Prince.
Brennan, I've had a long day.
Do you want to get out of here?
- Um, yeah, sure.
- Cool.
Hey, before we go,
I just want to make sure
we're on the same page.
Two-fifty gets you a...
Five hundred and I'll...
And a thousand...
But I'll do it for nine
hundred because you're cute
and I want to sleep with you.
- You're a hooker.
- Where are your
manners, Brennan?
I'm an entrepreneur.
You don't look happy.
What would make you happy?
- I'd like to check out, please.
But my flight doesn't
leave til seven.
Can I check my bag in?
- Of course.
- This place reeks.
- Smells like air freshener.
- No, no, no, no,
no, not the hotel.
This whole town, it's
like a pipe dream
palace of desperation, you know?
Oh my god, did you
just hear what I said?
Pipe dream palace
of desperation.
Now that is a song, that
is what he should be doing.
Oh god, look at him.
Can you imagine being him?
- Yeah.
- No, no, no, that is,
that is not for me.
Or you, I mean look at us,
we're flying first
class tonight, yes.
Oh by the way, I am very sorry
about that proposal yesterday.
I thought it was gonna go.
- You voted against it.
- Well, yeah, who would have
thought one vote would matter?
No, no, no, you know,
there'll be another one.
- I don't really care about it.
Well now, see,
that's the spirit.
Yes, exactly, right?
I mean you'll come up
with something better.
That is why you
are a VeroTech man.
- What?
- A VeroTech man.
I mean, listen, it's got a
great ring to it, VeroTech man.
Come on, say it with me, say,
I am a VeroTech man.
Wait, where are you going?
Hey, you wanna hang
before the flight tonight?
Grab a...
- You're acting stupid,
like a little girl.
- What?
- Speak, Nora, use
your big kid mouth
and tell me what
- You understand that?
Does this speak to you?
- Stop it!
- You lied to me!
You told me you were
done, you're not.
So we are.
- We're on vacation.
I'm not gonna chase you.
Why do you play these
stupid little games?
I swear to god,
if you do it now,
I'm gonna go back to the hotel,
I'm gonna pack up my
shit, and that is that.
- So go.
- We came here for
you to celebrate.
- Celebrate this.
I spent my nights
Howlin' at the moon
I ate most anything
you left in the room
And I paid my rent with
the mailman that I bit
Oh I'm your
furry, friendly pal
And I've got the saddest
eyes when you're dissatisfied
I'd follow you
til you up and died
Oh, and I guard your
prey til the end of time
I'm your furry, friendly pal
Oh, I chewed up
your favorite boots
Oh, no, oh oh oh
So you done kicked
me down the road
But I came back and back
With my tail between my legs
I'm still your
furry, friendly pal
And I've got
the saddest eyes
When you're dissatisfied
I'd follow you
til you up and died
And I'd guard your
prey til the end of time
I'm your furry friendly
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It's just, it's
just, is this real?
- Yeah, I think it is.
- You're in Nashville,
what the hell are you
doing in Nashville?
- I had a meeting, and
it didn't go so well.
What about you?
- I had a weekend getaway
that also didn't go so well.
- Sorry.
- Your meeting, is it for
- No, no no no, I stopped.
- You gave up?
- Well, I never gave up, just.
- You've changed.
- Yeah.
- Appearance, I
mean, appearance.
I can't believe how
short your hair is.
- What was your getaway about?
- It's just, I can't
believe you're here,
this doesn't happen.
- You mean us running
into each other again?
- Yeah, it's insane.
- Yeah, it is.
So when are you going back
- Grab a drink with me.
- What?
- Don't think of an
excuse or a way out, just,
grab a drink with me.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, sure.
- Really?
- Okay.
- You sure you have time?
- You having second thoughts?
- No, I was just, I
didn't want to keep you
if you were meeting someone.
- No, no, I've got
nowhere to be, you?
- I'm pretty free.
Last time we saw each other.
- Your nephew was
getting baptized.
- That's right.
You were leaving
Seattle for Colorado.
- And I missed my flight,
so I ended up spending my last
day with you and your family,
even though we both
knew it was over.
- But we stood there together
pretending it wasn't.
- Yeah, that wasn't
uncomfortable at all.
- Not at all.
- No.
- I've seen your Facebook.
- We're not friends.
- We'll always be friends.
But you were right, on
Facebook, we are not friends.
- So how did you see?
- Well, your page isn't
completely private.
So I can see assorted
pictures you've posted.
- That's creepy.
- It's a little creepy.
But you haven't posted in
a while, not since this.
But I gather you're not married
or you don't have any kids,
or if you do, you're
embarrassed by them,
so you don't post any pictures.
- They're just really ugly.
- You should see mine.
They're in the car
waiting for me.
It's okay, I left it running.
- You still in Seattle?
- Mmhmm.
Remember when you lived there?
- How could I forget?
- And you had that
ceramic garden gnome?
- Norman.
- Norman, yes!
Oh, he was horrifying
with those red eyes
and that geriatric smile.
- I used to put him
in the refrigerator.
- Yes, I would go for a beer
and find this fucking gnome
waiting for me.
- How come you never called?
- What would I have said?
- I don't know, any of this?
- Hmm, I don't know,
maybe for the same reason
you didn't show up to
my sister's wedding.
- You guys should feel
these for a couple days.
- Thank you.
You don't have any
place to be, right?
- Right.
- Right.
- Whew.
- What's your favorite memory?
- What, favorite
memory of all time?
- Of us.
- Uh, wow.
Okay, I came to your apartment
because we were going to dinner,
and you had made up this lame
excuse about no reservations
and that you were flustered,
and then I went into your
room to grab your coat
and you had rose
petals scattered,
and candles burning, and this
Italian meal that
you said you cooked.
- It was Olive Garden.
- I know.
- Yeah.
That was the moment when I knew
I could never live
without you in my life.
- But you did.
- No, I didn't.
You were always
there like a ghost,
haunting any
relationship after you.
- Your turn.
- We were working at the
bar, it was almost Christmas,
I think we'd been seeing
each other for about a month.
And you'd just gotten off
and left the building.
- It was so cold that day.
- And I watched you walk
across the parking lot,
toward your minivan.
- I hated that car.
- I still had people in my
section, but I didn't care,
I had to do something.
- So you ran outside,
took off your hat.
- I grabbed you.
- And you kissed me.
- I told you merry Christmas.
- And then you turned
around and just walked away.
I didn't breathe for minutes.
- I'm glad you didn't die.
- Me too!
Cause then this
would be awkward.
We might be here
all night long
Baby, play me a fiddle song
- I don't know when it
hit, but I'm kinda drunk.
- I think it was somewhere
between the second shot
and the fourth beer.
Cool face, in
the air was my own
look back at me and stare
And it's time to wake up
Coming days are forgiven
- And this is Jaden,
isn't he precious?
- He looks... curious.
- Well you know my
sister, she's a nut.
- Ah, yeah.
- Oh, and this is my house.
It's teeny tiny.
It's cute, right?
- Yeah, it's cute.
- You know what we should do?
We should take some
photographic memories?
- I would love to take
some photographic memories.
- Hey, excuse me, would you
mind taking a picture of us?
- Yeah, yeah, sure.
- Thank you.
- Do me a favor and
just keep snapping.
Take one like each second.
- Okay, okay.
We could still feel
something that we never did
- Okay, great, great,
here, I'm getting back
with my friends, thanks.
- Oh.
Your hair is a little messed up.
- Thank you.
- You know what I want?
- What do you want?
- I want you... to sing for me.
- No.
- Come on!
- No.
- Please.
- No, not anymore.
- Get up.
- I really don't
want to do this.
- I'm sorry.
Sitting around
Waiting on the world to end
As we begin to fall
Crazy in love
Your Guns N'
Roses records play
We'll ride
in the night train
- Come inside.
- Ah, turn it off!
- I'm trying!
- Shut it off, shut it off!
- I'm trying, I
can't find the knob.
- Shit, you broke it.
- Whose ass was on it?
- Ahh, Brennan!
- You could
at least give me a hand.
- I'm not a plumber.
- Give me a hand.
- Wow, haven't
you heard of this thing
called maid service?
- Never heard of it.
- Oh, they clean your room.
- Then how
would I find my stuff?
Is your world spinning or
would you like another drink?
- My world is spinning, and
I would love another drink.
Shh, shh.
This is the moment where
all the noise goes silent.
- What does that mean?
- I don't know.
My head plays
you over and over
Standing there by the rail
The wind in your hair
Lips from wine
Mile from time
Mile from time
- Oh, hey.
- Hey.
- I'm not having a beer
because I'm an alcoholic,
I'm having a beer
to feel better.
It has fruit.
- So you leave Monday?
- I leave Monday.
- You don't have
any plans, or...
- What about you, your
conference is done.
What are you still doing here?
- I thought I'd stay for
the weekend, see the sights.
- Why'd you check
out of your hotel?
- They put us up in a real dive.
I'll find a new one later.
- Don't be stupid,
you can stay in mine.
- Or I could do that.
- Close your eyes.
- How would I see?
- Use that noggin of yours.
- All right.
- Remember when you were a kid?
- Yeah, I think I was there.
- Picture it.
Remember the first time
you went to the ocean.
Your loss of virginity.
First thing you regretted.
Your first heartbreak.
Open your eyes.
What color did you see?
- What color?
- Yeah, sometimes your
dreams and memories
associate to a particular color.
- Blue.
- Blue?
- Mhm.
- Interesting.
- What's it mean?
- Well, sometimes, blue can
typically be associated with
loyalty, truth, wisdom...
- Hey.
- Openness, heaven,
and tranquility.
- Your turn.
- Nope, I am the
psychoanalyzer here.
- Close your eyes.
- Then how would I see?
- Just do it.
- Remember your first crush.
First kiss.
First time you were
alone and scared.
Remember prom and cigarettes.
Cats, the salon.
Your nephew, first time you
got flowers, disappointment.
Remember the last time
you played the piano.
The first time I held your hand.
The drinking contest.
The air mattress.
Right now, and the future.
What did you see?
- Let's keep going.
Peering through the window
Watching you outside
You tear off your shirt
With sweat dripping
down your side
And I know you think of me
- Can I ask you
something serious?
- Yeah.
- You sure?
- I think so.
- Okay.
Do you want to...
Share some mozzarella
sticks with me?
- You asshole,
I thought you were gonna
say something important.
- Are you implying
fried cheese is not?
- I do like fried cheese.
- Mhm, but you wanted
something more like politics.
- Exactly.
So who did you vote for in the
last presidential election?
- Um, Voldemort.
He was a little bit darker,
but I liked that his running
mate was a human-eating snake.
- Oh, interesting, kind of dark.
- You two look like
you're having fun.
- Oh, well, mostly he's being
stupid, but it's amusing.
- Really, and how
are the drinks?
- They are real good, thank you.
- Okay, that was creepy.
Wasn't that creepy?
Real good, thank you.
- Sorry I was being
appreciative of your services.
- Maybe I can take you
back to my room later
and thank you some more.
- I don't sound
like Darth Vader.
- Yeah, you know
what, you kind of do.
- Yes, you do.
- All right, so, I'm guessing
a couple more vodka Red Bulls?
- Yeah, I think I need one now.
- Thank you.
I like her.
You know what we should do?
- Does it involve going
back to your motel room?
- No, we should write a poem.
- Or we should write a poem.
- To Jessie.
- You want to write a
poem to the waitress
we just met?
- Yes, I do.
- Okay.
What do you wanna say?
- Dear Jessie, thank you
for our vodka Red Bull.
- Nora thinks that
you're so cool.
- I'm sorry Brennan
was so creepy.
We are too wound
up to be sleepy.
- We still are going back
to your room, aren't we?
- You're our new favorite girl.
- You're my new favorite girl.
- I'm not new, I'm worn.
- I can move back to Seattle.
- You live in Colorado.
- I can move to Seattle and
fly to Colorado for work.
Unless you wanted to move to
Colorado for a couple years,
but I think you'd hate it there.
Leaving your sister and parents?
We could make it work.
I could make it work.
- Maybe we could just
stay in Nashville.
You can sing again and
I can play the piano.
Where are those drinks?
- Can I take you somewhere?
- You already have.
- Come on.
Come on.
- What are we doing?
What is this place?
- Still remember?
- Brennan, no I don't want to
- Hey, come on, come on.
You're so good.
- Your memory is of a
girl seven years ago
that's not still me.
- Hey, I think it is.
- You're the musician
who is now working
some bullshit nine to five job,
I should be pushing you
onto a stage somewhere.
- Just, give it a try.
- This is embarrassing.
- It is not, come on.
- Then you do it.
- I would if I knew
what the hell to do.
- You press your fingers
down until it sounds right.
- Oh, sounds easy enough.
Give it a shot.
- No.
I don't want to.
- Please.
Please, for me.
Please, hm?
- Fine, but I'm gonna
murder your ear drums.
- I'm willing to take the risk.
- Hmmph.
- Hmmph.
- What do you want to hear?
- I don't know,
something cheerful.
Or suitably depressing,
your choice.
- Prepare yourself
for disappointment.
- Oh, I have.
- I don't remember
when I wrote this, but,
I called it Hindenburg.
- After the airship?
- What airship?
You and I, we are ascending
Climbing high, suspended
Piloting love
With no training
Floating despite the risk
But holding tight
at the ribs
I force myself to surrender
To slumber half past twelve
So turbulent and tender
Hearts beginning to swell
I think I might explode
And you gotta get
out before I'm shaken
Awaken, walking without you
Yeah, you gotta get
out before I'm shaken
Awaken, walking without you
You said the
moment was perfect
As we rode into the darkness
Both blind
to imminent threats
While I hold a
handful of darts
A bubble bound to burst
And you gotta get
out before I'm shaken
Awaken, walking without you
Yeah you gotta get
out before I'm shaken
Awaken, walking without you
And I force
myself to keep sane
But I don't know
what you want
Can we keep
aboard this plane
Can we have it all and
fall without breaking
Yeah you gotta get
out before I'm shaken
Awaken, walking without you
Yes you gotta get
out before I'm shaken
Awaken, walking without you
Oh, oh, oh oh oh, oh
- Are you going
to clean that up?
- I think so.
Take me down, baby now, down
Don't you know I
love you, darling
Take me down, baby now, down
Don't I know you love me too
Take me down, baby now, down
Don't you know I
love you, darling
Take me down, baby now, down
Don't you know
I love you good
It's the blue eyed
girl, the blue eyed babe
The blue eyed woman,
I'm a green eyed snake
Takes some time,
but you know I know
It ain't the way I look,
it's just the way I flow
God, she's the devil
queen, the Cajun mile
The Gulf coast woman
she's a mighty drive
Riverboat baby
flowing throw my soul
You can ask your friends
but they already know
- Need a flame?
- Yes, please.
- I dig the way you smoke.
- And how do I smoke?
- Here, it's like this.
But way cooler.
- No, that was pretty good.
- I'm Roy.
- Nora.
- Nice to meet you, Nora.
- You too.
Anyways, I'm gonna go.
- Well here, keep these.
Remnants of a smoke
shared with a stranger.
- Well thank you, stranger.
- Thank you.
- And they called
him something like Conrad,
so he's either gonna be a
rockstar or a mathematician.
Hey, if we had a kid,
what would we name him?
- I don't like this game.
- I was just messing around.
- I know.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, why?
- No reason.
- What do you hate about me?
- What do I hate about you?
- What do you hate about me?
- Nothing.
- We broke up once, you've
hated me more than once, why?
- I don't know.
- I smoke, you hate cigarettes.
- Yeah, I do.
- That's one thing.
- There's a whole list of
things I love about you.
- Pfff.
I kissed that guy on my
23rd birthday and you saw.
- Yeah, it was a long time ago.
What are you doing, Nora?
- I don't know what I'm doing.
- Do we really need more drinks?
- Should I just order one?
- No, no, it's fine.
- Great, thanks.
I've been with someone
for a long time.
- I know.
- How'd you feel?
- How did I feel knowing
that you were with him?
- I guess.
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
When it comes to emotions,
I think you always know
exactly how you feel.
- I guess I wondered
what it felt like.
- What?
- To be with you for that long.
- He said it was like
driving in oncoming traffic.
Each night you don't
know how you survive.
- I guess one day he
didn't get so lucky.
- He lied to me.
- Somebody else?
- No, with pills.
- But you never?
- No, are you kidding?
No, and I didn't think
that he would have, either.
But, yeah, looking
back it made sense.
- I would not do drugs
behind your back.
I wouldn't.
I wouldn't lie to you either.
- Really?
- Uh huh.
- Oh, well then you
would be a robot.
Everybody lies, everybody
does fucked up stuff.
It just comes down to the
intentions behind them.
Let's get out of here.
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I am found
Thanks to you,
I can finally see
You were the strong one,
you were the strong one
And I was the
child, I was the child
And what a mess of me
And classic, you
will give me a smile
Yeah you take some pain
Cross your heel
Never done without
anything you start, my dear
That's right, just try to
make it work and have fun
Each day I wish I could've
Held your hand like
I did your mother
I wish I could
have held your hand
Amazing grace,
how sweet the sound
God saved a wretch like me
- Can we go back?
- Yeah, I'd love to.
- Back to the bar.
- Why did we leave
in the first place?
- Don't be mad.
- I'm not.
- You playing hangman?
- No, I, I haven't written
anything in a long time.
- Lyrics?
Am I inspiring you, Brennan?
Next thing you know,
you'll be back on stage.
Cause all I ever
wanted was your love
Never too far,
until you give up
Let's burn it all,
baby, and rise above
Tell me it's not
time that you want
Cause all I ever
wanted was your love
Never too far,
until you give up
Let's burn it all,
baby, and rise above.
- Sorry.
- Hah.
Where are you going?
- Anywhere.
- Don't be stupid.
- I'm not being stupid,
I'm being pissed off.
- Oh, whatever.
- You know what, you do this.
- I do what?
- You get close, you cut
me off, you push me away.
- I'm not pushing you away.
- Did you fuck that guy?
- Did I fuck what guy?
- You know.
- I don't.
- The guy you were talking to.
- Did I fuck a guy five
minutes after talking to him
at the bar?
- It wouldn't be your first
bathroom this weekend.
- Is that what you think of me?
You know, and then not answering
doesn't make it better.
- You know what
I hate about you?
- What, that you
think I'm a whore?
- That I love you!
- You haven't seen me in seven
years, you don't know me.
- I know how destroyed
I was the last time,
and I hate, I hate
that I love you again.
- You're drunk.
- I hate knowing that if this
all ends, that you'll be fine.
You'll just go back home,
you'll walk into the old bar,
and you'll wake up with one of
those plaid-wearing dirtbags
leaning against the pool table,
he'll come up and buy a drink,
follow you back to your place,
you'll take off your pants,
but you're too insecure
to take off your top.
And I don't know
what hurts me more,
knowing that you'll
be thinking about me
or that you won't be.
Nora, wait.
- No, fuck that.
- Look, you're upset.
- Oh, yeah, you're
fucking observant.
- Let's just cool off.
- Fuck you!
- We should probably get up.
- Why?
- Because the
alarm is going off.
- I didn't set an alarm.
- It's noon.
- No, I just, I'm hungover.
I've been hungover
for like a week now.
I don't really know
what to say about that.
Yeah, maybe, we'll see.
I better go, okay.
Yeah, you too, bye.
- I, uh, picked them myself,
well, I didn't pick
them, you know.
- Yeah, well,
they're interesting.
Oh, and a card.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- You sure you don't
want something?
- Bleh, no.
I still feel queasy.
Looking at you
makes me feel sick.
- Hey.
- Not you, the food.
- Is that better?
- No, no, no don't eat me.
- Ah!
Gross, I don't eat meat.
I think I blacked
out last night,
but I remember us fighting.
- We weren't fighting,
we were arguing.
Disagreeing if you will.
- Oh.
- So you leave tomorrow?
- I don't want to talk about it.
- It's our last night.
- So let's not waste it.
Come on.
Ha, come up here.
- I'll fall.
- Uh, I don't think
the crash'll hurt.
Come on.
- White flamingo?
- It's all they had.
- You're trying to
murder my liver?
- How romantic is
dying together?
- It's not as romantic
as living together.
- Fine, I will be
your opening act.
- Whoa, did you just
ask me to move in?
- Yeah, yeah I did.
- Haha, I do not know how you
get me to do these things.
Okay, get me a ukelele.
- What, pull it
out of my pocket?
All right.
Sounds fall from the dark
Lights spray across the room
Well, I'm a good cook,
but moderately messy,
with multiple cats.
- Aren't you a bit young
to be a crazy cat lady?
- I have four.
You are not a cat
lady until eight.
- Oh really, because seven
seems a little creepy to me.
- It does.
Do you know your friends
as well as I know mine
Can we escape
if only one time
Fall by the seaside
Get lost in the current
Wishing I fly, wishing I fly
- Hey, do you still
have Meatball?
- Yeah, aw.
She's a little temperamental,
mostly schizo, but I love her.
Even though she smells.
- Bathing her doesn't help.
- Um, no.
- By the way,
that cat was an asshole.
Emory Blaine, 1931.
Beloved by his wife, Emily.
Beloved by his murderer, Emily,
who poisoned his
oatmeal one night
because she secretly feared
he was having an affair
with Katherine Johnson,
whom she also...
- Yeah, but he got her back.
- By haunting her
everyday for five years
until she went crazy and
jumped from a window.
- What?
Have some respect.
- Sorry.
- You know, sometimes I see
ghosts of ex-boyfriends.
I'll wake up, in the
middle of the night,
and they'll be standing
at the edge of my bed
in the shadows, watching me.
- They're not dead.
- No, but when I
finally do wake up,
I have to text
them to make sure.
- That's gotta be
an awkward text.
Hey, it's me, long time,
by any chance did you die?
If so, did you
haunt me last night?
- Vodka.
Makes letting them go harder.
- I never got a text, so
I guess you never saw me.
- I did.
Two days ago in Nashville.
- Whatcha doing?
- Self-deprecating.
- About what?
- Being 30.
I'm drunk, in a house of
judgment and forgiveness,
so I thought I would
evaluate my life choices
as I approach 30.
- 30 is still young.
- Not if I want to have kids.
If I want three,
I gotta start now.
- Oh, are you propositioning me?
- No, I was talking.
- I know, I was just kidding.
- Yeah, well you have
the freedom, as a guy,
to kid about that,
because truth be told
you can be 50, decide
you want a kid,
and knock up some young girl.
- Yeah, I'm sure
that's easy to do.
- I don't know why I'm
thinking about this.
The future is scary.
It's heavy.
You know, I'm the only one back
home who doesn't have a kid.
- Yeah, but you've got a job,
one that you actually enjoy.
In this economy that's
very impressive.
- Everyone thinks David and
I are gonna get married.
I get to go home and
destroy that image.
I'll figure it all out tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
- I'll fly home, quit drinking,
go to the gym, and
then make a plan.
- Don't you think it was fate
that we ran into each other?
- Yeah.
- So?
- So.
- What about us?
- I'll fly into the rain and
you'll fly into the snow.
- It doesn't snow in July.
- I feel like it
always snows there.
- What did you do to me?
- Nothing.
- Yeah, but everything.
Last time it took me a
year to get over you.
365 days with your face tattooed
on the back of my eyelids.
And all the time, my
brain going crazy,
wondering who you're
with, what you're doing,
whether you're happy.
- You do remember that you
broke up with me last time?
- You forced me to.
- Oh, yes, I put a
gun to your head,
and I said, Brennan,
please, please dump me.
- We were living on a lifeboat
that was slowly sinking.
If I didn't get off,
we were gonna drown.
- I don't remember ever
going to the ocean.
- I was being metaphorical,
and we did go once.
- Brennan, let's not do this.
- What?
- Get all intense and shit.
Not now, not tonight.
I just want to live
in this moment.
- Don't sigh like that.
- When you get
scared, all right,
you think about the future
but you don't want
to talk about it,
that's a contradiction.
- You're not an
open book yourself.
You get scared, too.
Because the future is
fucking unpredictable
and it is scary as hell.
Yes, I'm complicated.
I'm fucked up, I'm screwed up.
But you walked away last
time because of this fear.
You got terrified and you
couldn't handle the pressure
because it was
too tough for you.
You quit singing because of it.
Are you happy at your job?
Are you happy at your job?
- No.
- Do you want to be a singer?
- I don't know.
- Do you want to be a singer?
- I don't know.
- Do you want to be a singer?
- I don't know, I don't know.
- Do you want to be a singer?
- Yes!
- Then stop being a
fucking pussy, Brennan.
Stop getting frightened
and work for what you want,
even if it's gonna be
fucking awful at times.
- Well, what about you?
- I'm figuring that out.
I don't want to do this,
I don't want to fight.
Just, can you enjoy me
like I want to enjoy you?
Let's just do that.
- I guess we could go get drunk.
- We're good at that.
Look away, look
away, look away now
Look away, look away now
Now, before it costs you
- What do you want me to say?
I know what you want me to say.
I just wanna make out with you.
Eh, no, I don't like P.D.A.
- Since when?
- Since people were staring.
- You look miserable.
- So, we've talked about what
we hate about each other.
Let's get into some more meat.
What is your biggest
flaw, Brennan?
- Biggest flaw?
You tell me.
- This is a moment of
interpersonal reflection.
- I'd say I have two.
The first is I
can't concentrate.
You give me scissors it looks
like I cut with my toes.
- And two?
- I'm obsessed with using
my cell phone at the urinal,
and it's had disastrous
results on several occasions.
- You're never taking
my phone anywhere.
- In my next life, I'm
coming back as a rockstar.
Perform on stage,
write tragic love songs
about all my fucked
up relationships,
and have 16-year-old
kids recite in unison.
In your next life, who
are you coming back as?
The president?
- Your boyfriend.
You turned quiet.
- It's been a long time
since anyone has
treated me like this.
- All right, fine.
Oh that's good, real good.
- What's it called?
- Oh.
- Let me see.
- This is going to
be the greatest song
ever written on a napkin.
- I need a, I need cigarettes.
- Oh, we can leave.
- No, I have a full drink.
- I think there's a
store on the next block.
- Thank you, Brennan.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- Hot damn, what a surprise
to find you still here.
- So you haven't left?
- No no no, I guess
Nashville has consumed us.
- What about your
first class flights?
- I traded it in for an
economy tomorrow morning, yes.
Oh, she is sucking
the life out of me.
Yeah, I think I'm in love.
Or I don't know,
what's that feeling
when your dick's always hard?
Anyway, what have
you been doing?
Drinking, getting lost.
- Yeah, yeah, what's her name?
- Nora.
- Nora, okay, now that
sounds like the name
of my grandmother's
girlfriend, Nora.
Anyway, look, make sure
you are on an early flight
tomorrow morning okay,
we've got another proposal
with Nisley at noon.
This here, is a VeroTech man.
- No, I, I don't think
I'll be doing that.
I don't think I'll
be doing that, Steve.
- Ow.
Okay, but you're
gonna get in trouble.
He's in trouble, yeah,
he'll be in trouble.
Speaking of trouble,
la la la la la la la.
- So you're upset
because I didn't leave?
- I'm upset because you
came here and made a scene.
Why didn't you just go
- Do you know how much
it costs to change a flight?
- Where have you been?
- I've been letting
you cool off.
Who do you keep looking at?
- David.
- No, no, stop, stop,
don't say anything stupid.
- Anything stupid?
- Look, it's always the same.
- Why don't you just go
- You disappear,
you're alone, and
then we're fine.
- It's not the same.
- Here's what's gonna happen.
We're gonna get on this plane,
we're gonna go home together,
and it'll be like this
weekend never happened.
Who's that?
- I don't know.
Ow, let go of me, David.
- Why are you talking
to me like this?
- You're hurting me, David.
- You're hurting me.
- Stop it!
- I said I'm sorry.
- Just stop it, let go of me!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah yeah,
I'm fine, I'm fine.
You didn't have
to leave so soon
Things are just begun
And you run away
Just like you do
Every time things
get a little hard
Oh, boy
Now you've got a
sad face on today
- I don't want to be alone.
I had an abortion.
- What?
- I don't know why I told
you that, in this moment,
but I felt like I needed to.
- When was it?
- It was five years ago.
We hadn't talked in a year.
I think you were dating that
blonde with the funky name.
I remember thinking that
I wish it was yours.
We would've kept it.
It would've been five.
You say that you love me.
I want you to love... me.
- I do.
- Don't say anything.
Just float with me.
- Yeah.
- I love you.
- Wait what, what are you doing?
- I want to remember.
- What, that cigarette?
- This trip.
This moment.
I want to remember.
- Me too.
Come on, don't make
me deal with it.
- I don't want to hurt you.
- Just do it.
- Sorry.
- I'm not gonna go
back to Colorado.
I'm gonna stay here.
- This motel is a dump.
- I meant Nashville.
I feel...
I feel right here.
Will you come back?
- Will you sing your song?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Cord was cut
And I got stuck
With an empty bottle of love
Pour me another round
May as well drown
In an ocean
Ocean of bourbon
and her mouth
The rain went away
As far as I see
The life that's meant
for me can't be undone
You never know,
you never know
What lies ahead on the road
You can lose your path
But to find your way home
Just make it through
Teeth so deep
Clenching me
Wishin' I'd break free
Chain myself to nothin'
Her silence is deafening
Yeah, whiles I scream
Haunting me
There ain't no other way
As far as I see
The life that's meant for me
Can't be undone
You never know,
you never know
What lies ahead on the road
You can lose your path
But to find your way home
Just make it through
You never know,
you never know
What lies ahead on the road
You can lose your path
But still find your way home
Just make it through
You never know,
you never know
What lies ahead on the road
You can lose your path
And still find your way home
Just make it
through the dust storm
I smell the whiskey
My baby might leave me
I need him more
than I can tell
Love is all that matters
I can't stand to be alone
I'm at the bottom
of a wishin' well
Heaven help me, lately
I can't help myself
Heaven help me, be the
hero of my own personal hell
I took my pen and my paper
To scribble out my woes
Digging deep, I am
a girl I don't know
I come to my rescue,
I'm my worst enemy
I need a shaker to
rattle these bones
Heaven help me, lately
I can't help myself
Heaven help me, be the
hero of my own personal hell
Well I been leanin' on a
man and a drink and a smoke
To fill this hole
Can I find some
love and some peace
In my heart and soul
I lost some battles but
I haven't lost my faith
It's survived me
through my darkest days
I may lose my honey,
my job, and all my money
But I trust that
there's always a way
Heaven help me, lately
I can't help myself
Heaven help me, be the
hero of my own personal hell
I'll be the hero
of my personal hell
Be the hero of
my personal hell
My head plays
you over and over
Standing there by the rail
The wind in your hair
Lips from wine
Mile from time
Mile from time
Sounds fall from the dark
Lights spray across the room
You said to watch
but I feel that you're lost
I feel that you're lost
Do you know your friends
as well as I know mine
Can we escape
if only one time
Fall by the seaside
get lost in the current
Wishing we fly,
wishing we fly
My head plays
you over and over
Speaking out, oh so loud
Oh so proud
Lips from wine
See the sign
See the sign