The Eagle Has Landed (1976)

- Morning.
- Good morning, Herr Admiral.
Oberst Radl
- send him to me at once.
I've notified Oberst
Radl of your arrival.
Thank you.
Come in, Radl.
- Herr Admiral.
- Come and sit down.
Your meeting went well? The Fhrer
had something specific in mind?
A simple exercise in logistics.
Nothing very complicated.
He merely wants Winston Churchill
brought from London to Berlin.
And we are ordered
to make a feasibility study.
Today is Wednesday.
By Friday, he will forget it.
But Himmler will not.
Reichsfhrer Himmler approved?
Only of my being put on the spot.
That meeting!
You should have seen it, Radl.
There was Hitler -
first ranting, then cajoling.
And then perfectly rational.
Then raging and stamping like a...
Like the ringmaster of some freak circus.
Goebbels, hopping from one foot
to another like a... like a schoolboy.
- a vulture...
perched in the corner -
watching, listening, never speaking.
And Mussolini... Mussolini!
An automaton, Radl.
And I looked round that room,
and I wondered...
am I the only one who can see it?
And if so, what must I look like to them?
Herr Admiral, the feasibility study...
Will be a total
and unnecessary waste of time.
Complete for the last month.
If Herr Oberst could give me
a rough idea of our problem...?
I can be quite specific about it.
The Fhrer has instructed us
to kidnap Winston Churchill.
Good God!
Well, Karl,
do at least a feasibility study on it.
Something which might
fit our needs came in yesterday.
Just a mention,
as far as I remember. If I may, sir?
Here it is. From codename Starling.
A village in England
called Studley Constable.
How do we receive reports
from this Starling?
From the Spanish Embassy in London
by diplomatic pouch, also by radio.
Exactly where is Studley Constable?
The east coast of England.
Er... county of Norfolk.
Let's have a look at the place.
- Larger scale.
- Jawohl, Herr Oberst.
Ah... here.
Ah, Herr Oberst.
Isolated coastline, very rural,
wide beaches, salt marshes.
Now, a man to lead it, Karl.
Crash-landed, 1940
- glider assault.
Albert Canal, Belgium,
dropped into Crete, '41...
Wounded taking Mleme airfield...
Knight's Cross.
Led volunteer assault group of 300,
special action, Leningrad.
Stalingrad Knight's Cross
with oak leaves and swords.
January this year, dropped into Kiev
with 167 surviving in unit,
to get two cut-off regiments
out of Russia.
- Oberst Kurt Steiner.
- And has the language?
Educated in England.
Third time in the last month,
despite Gring's personal guarantee.
Are you familiar
with the works of Jung, Karl?
I am aware of the works of Jung,
not familiar, Herr Oberst.
A very great thinker. A rational man.
And yet he speaks of something
called synchronicity -
events having a coincidence in time,
creating the feeling
that a deeper motivation is involved.
- Ja, I understand that, sir.
- Take this affair.
The Fhrer makes the absurd suggestion
that we emulate Skorzeny
by abducting Churchill.
We have to make a worthless
report on the prospects.
Suddenly, synchronicity
rears its disturbing head.
- Ja. I see that.
- We receive a routine report
with a brief notation that next month,
after visiting a local bomber command,
Churchill will spend
a weekend in a country manor
less than seven miles
from a deserted coastline.
At any other time,
this report would mean nothing.
At this particular time,
and in that particular file... becomes a circumstance
which titillates.
A coincidence to... tease us.
Surely Herr Oberst
doesn't believe it can be carried off.
A wink from a pretty girl
at a party results rarely in climax...
but a man is a fool not to push
a suggestion as far as it will go.
Find this man.
He's been out of Germany too long.
Los, los, weiter. Schnell!
Los, los!
Let's stretch our legs.
Los, weiter!
Stay on the train.
No one allowed off the train.
I beg your pardon, sir.
Sir, you must remain on the train.
If memory serves me,
the Polish army surrendered in 1939.
- Sir?
- Who are these people?
- Oh, Jews, sir.
- Jews?
We are razing the ghetto to the ground.
Burning them out. They put up a fight.
Oh, how? With umbrellas and crutches?
Halt! Halt!
- I'll take the prisoner now.
- Prisoner?
What is...
- What is your name?
- Brana.
Good luck, Brana.
Identify yourself.
Oberst Kurt Steiner.
the 12th Parachute Detachment.
A salute is customary
to a general, Herr Oberst.
Even to one of SS.
You didn't seem quite so
discriminating a moment ago.
I have nothing
for or against Jews, personally.
But I've seen too many
good men die for cause,
to watch a girl be killed for sport!
Straub was doing his duty...
He's like something I might pick
up on my shoe in the gutter -
very unpleasant on a hot day!
If you have the dubious honor
of commanding this slaughter,
I'd advise you to keep him
downwind at all times.
That is, if you can tell the difference.
For God's sake, Kurt.
What am I to do with you, Herr Oberst?
You're a military hero,
awarded the Knight's
Cross for gallantry.
Yet responsible for the attempted escape
of an enemy of the state,
abetted by the mutinous conduct
of your men.
By rights, you should all
be court-martialled.
Difficult decisions are the privilege
of rank, Herr Gruppenfhrer.
But, as for my men...
they seem to feel a
certain loyalty to me.
I, er...
don't suppose you could
content yourself with my head
and overlook their part in this thing?
There you are, you see, Hans?
It's infallible.
I can always tell
a thoroughgoing bastard when I see one.
- Herr Oberst?
- In here, Karl.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Herr Oberst.
The material arrived from Starling.
It is truly excellent.
Starling is to be commended.
Ja. Ja, this is good.
What news of Oberst Steiner?
We're having difficulty
tracing him, Herr Oberst.
He's in Germany, but as to exactly where,
we've hit a roadblock, you know?
Even rumors of a court martial,
but we'll find him.
I'm sure. And now...
Here... a possible undercover operative.
I have decided on this man.
He's lecturing here in Berlin.
Send for him immediately.
- Yes.
- Oh, and Karl.
Send this message to Starling.
Yes, Herr Oberst.
- Where is Herr Oberst?
- In the map room, Herr Admiral.
This message has been sent out.
Did you originate it?
I did, Herr Admiral.
"Very interested
in your visitor of 6th November.
"Would like to drop some friends in
to persuade him to come back with them.
"Your comments expected by usual
route with all relevant information."
You've exceeded your authority.
You were told to prepare this feasibility
study, not embellish a joke.
With your permission,
it is no longer a joke. It could be done.
In my opinion, it should be done.
What if Churchill prefers to die?
What if abduction
becomes assassination?
No one specified dead or alive.
God in heaven!
Kill Churchill
when we've already lost the war?
I'm sure you've done a good job,
very thorough.
But this operation could make
the Charge of the Light Brigade
look like a sensible military exercise.
Drop it.
Herr Oberst?
He has arrived.
Come in,
Colonel... Radl, isn't it?
The top o' the morning to you.
It's not Irish whiskey,
but it'll do to be going on with.
Better for you to drink than me.
I have the feeling
I might be needing it. May I?
The last time I was invited
up here to Section Three
someone persuaded me
to jump out of a Dornier.
5,000 feet above Ireland, in the dark,
and me with this terrible fear of heights!
You're planning a holiday to England,
are you?
They say that Brighton's
lovely this time of year.
- W-What the Christ is that?
- They're Russian.
I took to them in the Winter War.
They're probably all that
kept you awake in the snow.
Here... and here.
- I had a proposition for you, Mr Devlin.
- You had?
- I'm working, you know, Colonel.
- At the university.
For a man like you,
that's like a thoroughbred racing horse...
finding himself...
- pulling a milk cart.
- You've got a way with words, Colonel.
You want me to go back to Ireland?
Well, I can't. They'd arrest me...
No, no. We don't want you to go back.
No. You're still a supporter
of the Irish Republican Army?
Soldier of, Colonel. Once in, never out.
But you're here in Germany
and not England, why?
I don't like soft target hits.
I don't want to live in Bayswater,
mixing up explosives
in my landlady's saucepan
to blow up a couple of passers-by.
My fight is with
the bloody British Empire
and I'll fight it on my own two feet.
If it's some rabid fanatic you're after,
I'm the wrong man.
Am I right to assume your aim
is total victory against England?
No, that's your aim.
My aim is a united Ireland.
I appreciate the distinction
but Germany must win the war first.
Pigs might fly one day but I doubt it.
Mr Devlin.
- I want you to go to England for me.
- I barely know you.
To assist in the kidnapping
and safe return to Germany...
of Winston Churchill.
Give me another Bolshevik
firecracker, will you?
I think I fell asleep in the snow.
Herr Oberst.
Good evening, Herr Oberst.
I am Sturmfhrer Toberg of the SS.
Reichsfhrer Himmler
presents his compliments
and requests you to bring
the plan designated "Eagle".
When is that to be?
Now, Herr Oberst.
You seem nervous, Herr Oberst.
Please relax. Sit down.
May I smoke, Herr Reichsfhrer?
A masterful job.
Thank you, Herr Reichsfhrer.
But, you know, some people
would say that such an operation
could make
the Charge of the Light Brigade
look like a sensible military exercise.
Have you heard that phrase before,
Herr Oberst?
I don't immediately recall,
Herr Reichsfhrer.
I know all about your plan.
I know what is written
on every single page.
Even the one you haven't got yet!
The court martial
of Herr Oberst Steiner and his men.
The arrogance of this
Steiner is dazzling.
An unusual man this... er, this Steiner.
Intelligent, ruthless,
a brilliant soldier...
but above all, a romantic fool.
He threw away everything -
rank, career... the future.
He is presently serving
in a penal colony on the island of...
er... Alderney.
All because
of some little Jewess
whom he'd never
clapped eyes on before!
You know he's a veteran of
five successful commando raids?
Six, I believe.
Educated in England.
Speaks the language perfectly,
without an accent.
The ideal man for the job,
eh, Herr Oberst?
- If you think so, Herr Reichsfhrer.
- And so do you.
But the Herr Admiral Canaris
doesn't think so.
My loyalty to Herr Admiral...
Is exceeded only by your loyalty
to the Fhrer himself. Isn't that so?
I was sure of it.
Now, this Churchill business...
Our Fhrer wants it seen through.
You have considerable autonomy
in running your office.
You ought to be able to use it
as an excuse to prevent Canaris
from knowing what's going on.
What kind of authority would I have
to carry such a project through,
Herr Reichsfhrer?
Aloud, if you please.
"Herr Oberst Radl is acting
under my personal orders
"in a matter of the utmost
importance to the Reich.
"All personnel, military and civil,
"without distinction of rank,
will assist him in any way
"that Oberst Radl sees fit to demand.
"Adolf Hitler."
So you see, Radl,
under the terms of that document,
even I find myself
under your personal command.
Good luck.
I can only envy your inevitable
success in the matter.
- Heil Hitler.
- Heil Hitler.
Major Neuhoff, Commandant
of the island of Alderney.
- A distinct pleasure, Herr Oberst.
- Read this, please.
I see, Herr Oberst. What is your wish?
Terminate the penal unit here.
That applies to Steiner,
von Neustadt and the 29 men.
18, Herr Oberst. There are only 18 now.
The men are required to ride the
larger torpedo craft into enemy shipping.
- The torpedoes detach, of course?
- Of course.
- Most of the time.
- Burial detail,
the usual letters of commendation.
And get the names right this time.
- Thank you, Herr Major.
- But...
Thank you, Herr Major.
- Herr Steiner?
- Yes, I'm Steiner. What is it?
My name is Radl.
Well, what is it? I have two men to bury
and no office to make small talk in.
Your credentials are hopelessly
impeccable, Herr Oberst.
What can I do for you?
Lead a raiding party to England
to kidnap Winston Churchill.
You don't seem impressed.
I haven't seen your plan yet.
While he's making his decision,
I'll go to that pub
and think about mine.
The only time this plan makes
any sense to me is when I'm drunk.
- You are in command here?
- Oberleutnant Koenig, Herr Oberst.
These configurations
seem somewhat abnormal for an E-boat.
That's because she's a converted
British MTB, Herr Oberst.
Captured making a drop
off the Dutch coast.
- Morning.
- Sir.
You're familiar
with the east coast of England?
For five years I was First Mate
on a cargo ship out of England.
This could work, you know?
It will. It is a direct order
from the Fhrer himself.
I stood opposite Adolf once.
When he gave me this.
Oh, I forgot. One of those.
You're an officer.
You swore an oath, you have no choice.
Of course I do.
I'm going to die here
anyway... eventually.
You forget, Radl, that I'm under
suspended sentence of death.
Officially disgraced.
I do not retain my rank...
only my authority, because of the, er...
peculiar circumstances of this job.
I offer you a chance
for reinstatement of rank
and vindication for you and your men.
My men need no vindication.
- You said it could be done.
- It's possible.
Of all the world's leaders,
Churchill is probably the least protected,
unlike the Fhrer.
Steiner, is thumbing
your nose at the Fhrer
more important to you
than the lives of your men?
31 of you a few weeks ago.
How many are left?
You owe them this last chance to live.
Or to die in England instead.
I will put it to my men.
They are entitled to know.
Only the destination for now - revealing
the target would be going too far.
I will put it to my men.
It may not win the war,
but it would make them think
about negotiated peace. Hm?
A negotiated peace?
I will put that to my men also.
God bless all here.
- Give us a glass of your strongest.
- Gestapo.
So that's how the Gestapo dress
in Berlin these days?
- Gestapo?
- Drink?
I haven't sucked my thumb in years.
I wonder if you'd do it for me?
- Sir?
- Suck it.
Now, about your Mr... er, Devlin.
A man of considerable resource
and guile, I assure you.
Tell me something, Mr Devlin.
Just why are you coming along?
Can't you tell? I'm the last
of the world's great adventurers.
Sweet Mary, Mother of God.
Tough bunch of lads in there, Colonel!
What did he say?
Steiner insisted on the
unanimous consent of his men.
I'm not surprised.
If they agree, you'll leave tonight
for Southern Ireland.
- Close to the Ulster border.
- Tonight? What about my papers?
Your Irish passport and British
medical discharge have been provided.
Starling's found you a job.
You'll be a... marsh warden,
whatever that is.
It's a marsh warden.
What about the money?
- L10,000 first...
- No, I asked for L20,000.
10,000 has been deposited
in Geneva as per instructions.
Ten more
upon completion of the mission.
You think I'd sell out?
You've been so expensive
to buy in the first place.
You are going to jump in those clothes?
I might look a little bit silly
going down, Mr Steiner,
but I'll be a lot safer
when I land on the ground.
There's an old poem which,
translated from the Irish, says,
"I realized fear one morning
"To the blare
of the fox hunters' sound
"When they're all chasing after
the poor bloody fox
"It's safer to be dressed like the hound"
You're quite literary.
If the truth be known, Colonel,
I'm a bloody literary genius.
- Your complete instructions.
- Right.
All of it - everything? No cyanide pill?
I couldn't conceive of a situation
which would force you to take one.
It's a little trick I learned
from my uncle in Belfast.
In the Middle Ages they would
have burned you for that.
Goodbye, Mr Devlin.
I will see you in England.
I'll be there.
- How do I jump out?
- Release your safety belt.
I turn the aircraft upside-down,
you drop out.
Has it occurred to you that
the signature on your authorization
could just be a forgery?
Why not fly to Berchtesgaden
and ask him yourself?
Let's not bother the man.
Mrs Joanna Grey?
- That's right.
- Liam Devlin.
I could do with a cup of tea.
It's been a hell of a journey.
Come inside.
That's a neat trick.
We're both Irish, your wolfhound and me.
- What's her name?
- Patch.
Oh, Patch, is it?
Sit down, Mr Devlin.
It's lovely, the countryside, isn't it?
You'd hardly know there was
a war on. Patch!
They're living
in a fool's paradise.
They lack the discipline
the Fhrer has brought to Germany.
These are papers you'll need.
I'll give you the ones they gave to me.
You know Sir Henry
is away for some time
and only the servants
are in the manor house?
Does anyone else know
Churchill will be here?
Only Father Verecker.
Your duties, in the main,
will be merely gamekeeping.
You've got a motorbike parked outside
and you can have this shotgun.
It is loaded.
- You know the way to the cottage?
- Down the road, the pub's on the right,
and I go through the manor house gates,
to the end of the lane.
Here's the keys.
Oh, petrol for the motorbike -
the ration allowance is only
three gallons a month.
I hope I won't be here that long,
Mrs Grey.
Good day to you, cailn.
- God save the good work.
- Oh, watch your back!
- My back?!
- Mr Devlin.
Mr Devlin, is it?
Mrs Grey told us about you
at the last WVS meeting.
You're the new marsh warden.
And you're with
the Women's Voluntary Service.
I help out.
When I have the time.
Sort of erm... servicing
the troops, is it?
I don't mind.
Miss, I do believe you're
a little bit of a tease.
Children tease, Mr Devlin,
and I am almost 19.
Go on. Go on.
God bless all here.
Can I have a glass
of your strongest, please?
- I'm George Wilde, the publican.
- Liam Devlin, marsh warden.
That's Arthur Seymour
and over by the fire, Laker Armsby.
Will you join me in a drink?
- A pint of bitter.
- Pint of bitter. Sir?
I buys me own.
Coming in here
with your shotgun and motorbike,
buying drinks for us estate workers
who content themselves with less.
It can only be because of my good looks.
Make fun of me
and I'll squash you like a slug.
You walk soft around here.
You keep your place...
and stay away from Molly Prior.
If I've caused any offense, I'm sorry.
Arthur, get out!
Today I leave, boy, but from now on,
when you see me, you leave.
One and nine, please.
- Good day, Father.
- Oh, good afternoon.
Liam Devlin - I'm Sir Henry's
new marsh warden.
- I'm just introducing myself around.
- I'm Father Verecker.
This is my sister Pamela, she's up
from Mildenhall on a weekend's leave.
- Your sister? How do you do?
- How do you do?
I'll be back for tea, Father.
- Goodbye, Mr Devlin.
- Goodbye.
We have a small
if loyal congregation here, Mr Devlin.
I look forward to your adding to it.
- You are Catholic?
- Oh, yes, Father.
- Did you come for confession?
- Oh, with apologies, Father,
this poor soul is well past redemption.
God forgive me, but this confessional
could do with a few spicy revelations.
Don't forget the words of our Lord,
Mr Devlin - "The last shall be first."
In that case, I'm assured a place
at the head of the line.
Where did you find this?
A DC3, captured almost intact.
- Gericke.
- Herr Oberst.
- Will it be ready in time?
- No problem.
Where did she go? Eh?
All right, my friend.
What kept you?
"What kept me," is it?
Why, you little devil!
My God, and I'll know you till
Doomsday, that's for sure.
- What does that mean?
- It's an expression from where I come.
- You use these?
- No.
Good for you. They stunt your growth.
You with your green years
still ahead of you.
Almost 19, eh?
- What month?
- February.
- 25th?
- 22nd.
But I was right, you're a little fish.
We should get along well -
me being a Scorpio.
Never marry a Virgo.
Virgo and Pisces never hit it off.
Take Arthur, for example.
I think he's Virgo, watch it with him.
Arthur? Arthur Seymour? Are you crazy?
No, but I think he is.
Pure, clean, virtuous...
and not very hot - that's a Virgo.
Ah, it's a terrible shame
from where I'm lying.
You'll have a weight problem
if you don't watch your food.
Are you laughing at me?
What else would you have me
do with you, Molly Prior?
Don't answer that.
How do you know my name?
George Wilde told me at the pub.
Oh, I see!
- And Arthur, was he there?
- You could say that.
I get the feeling that he looks upon you
as his personal property.
He can go to hell - I belong to no man.
Your nose turns up.
And when you get angry,
your mouth turns down at the corners.
I'm sure you could find a hundred things
wrong with me... a thousand!
But you wouldn't throw me
out of your bed on a wet Saturday night.
That's men for you -
anything's better than nothing.
Wait! Come here!
You don't know the first thing about me.
Because if you did,
you'd know that I much prefer
a warm autumn afternoon
under the pines...
to a wet Saturday night, any day.
The sand has a terrible way
of getting where it shouldn't be.
Get out of here, before I let
my mad passion run away with me.
Go on, get! Get!
They told me all Irishmen were crazy...
now I believe them.
- I'll be at Mass on Sunday, will you?
- Do I look like I will?
Yes. I think you do.
Oh, Devlin, you bloody idiot.
You never learn.
Never bloody learn.
Himmler sends personal wishes
for success from the Fhrer himself.
You've altered the parachutes. Why?
Unfortunately, we have high tide
at first light when we must drop.
So we may land in the surf.
These slots enable us to guide the chute.
It's experimental and the landing
velocity is high, but we have no choice.
I assume they've been tested.
Jawohl, Herr Oberst.
I have one request.
A demand, actually.
Blackmail at this point, hm?
We are not spies
and will not be treated
as such by the British
if anything goes wrong.
We will wear our own uniforms
under the Polish outfits
and if necessary, we will fight
and die as what we are -
German paratroopers.
Max, it is not a subject for negotiation.
- In that case, agreed.
- Thank you.
Hello, Liam.
My compliments on the dress.
It's a great improvement.
Why pick on me?
Because you're lovely, because
you could never fall in love with me.
But I might... just for spite.
It wouldn't matter -
I could never fall in love with you.
I'm bad for you, we've no future.
I'm not telling you that
to make you want me more. It's the truth.
I'm here - your turn to leave.
Oh, God.
Arthur, did I ever tell you
about the uncle I've got in Belfast?
Of course I didn't.
He was a bare-knuckle boxer.
I'm just telling him about the Holy Trinity.
You know it?
Footwork, timing and hitting.
And a little bit of dirty work.
"Learn these," my uncle would say.
"You'll inherit the earth like the meek."
You never know when to lie down.
Well, Arthur, looks like
he bought you a drink after all!
It's perfect...
but which way is England?
You. Tell Oberst Radl who you are.
Kapral Andrzej Jankowski.
Kapral Stanislav Kunicki,
as you very well know.
Get back in line.
I'm very much impressed.
You know, it all started as a joke,
an insane joke.
I hope that Winston Churchill
appreciates our sense of humor.
- Good luck, Steiner.
- Thank you, Max.
'Falcon, this is Eagle.
Are you receiving me? '
Eagle this is Falcon, receiving you.
'What are conditions over the nest? '
Visibility good, cloud cover low,
wind freshening.
'Eagle out.'
Well... what do you think his game is?
Black market... or worse?
There's two army trucks outside
without numbers on... yet.
This... German.
It's worse!
Arthur, if you love me,
don't breathe a word until...
I'll have that bastard
arrested within the hour.
I've never meant to tease you.
I know I have, but I never meant to.
- You lying tart.
- I love him, Arthur.
What you do to him, you do to me.
You can both rot in hell.
Stop, Arthur!
I won't let you go!
Mother of God... flying pigs!
Have you found out
who Starling is yet?
Of course I have. Why?
Because I'm hoping it's not him.
It isn't. I want him buried right away.
Brandt, bring two men.
Herr Reichsfhrer,
I have the honor to announce...
the Eagle has landed.
I am very pleased to hear it.
I return to Alderney within the hour.
I would be honored
if you would tell our Fhrer.
I will tell the Fhrer nothing.
For a variety of reasons,
I'd prefer this to come, er...
How shall I put it?
I'd prefer it to come as a surprise to him.
- How much of a surprise could it be?
- You have the letter?
These are difficult times, Herr Oberst.
The destiny of Germany
rests on his shoulders.
It is essential we avail ourselves
of this opportunity to please him.
We are all in Oberst
Steiner's hands now.
Hello to you, Grandfather.
- Foreigners?
- Polish.
Kapral Kunicki.
Kunicki. Well, that's not
your fault, son, is it?
Oh, please, don't stop.
My apologies, Father.
I am Corporal Andrzej Jankowski,
sent by my Colonel to find you.
However, I could not help myself.
I don't blame you.
You know, Bach needs to be played well.
It's a fact I remember with frustration
every time I take that seat.
I'm sorry, Father, but my Colonel...
- Father Verecker, is it?
- Yes.
Colonel Miller, commanding
the Independent Polish Parachute Unit.
- What can I do for you?
- We're on exercise presently.
A handful of my men are here,
the rest are all over Norfolk.
There is a rendezvous tomorrow
but I'd like to take these chaps
on some harmless maneuvers
through the village.
If that wouldn't be
too much of a burden for you?
On the contrary, we could do
with some excitement here.
I'm sure everyone in the village will help.
I shall be counting...
Counting on that, Father.
Phillip, Captain Harry Clark
of the American Rangers.
- How do you do, Father?
- My sister's told me about you.
Pamela, this is Colonel Miller.
Colonel, my sister, Pamela.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
And Captain Clark.
- Colonel.
- Captain.
I hope you'll stay for tea.
No, I'm sorry.
I'm needed back at headquarters.
- We had no idea you were in the area.
- Yes, you're a surprise to us as well.
- Free Polish Paratroopers, huh?
- That's right, Captain.
We've got some Poles in our outfit.
Maybe your men could meet them?
Yes, if it's not too far.
- Where are you staying, Captain?
- Eight miles away in Meltham House.
What sort of strength
would you have there?
- We're just a company now.
- Meltham House, I'll remember that.
Miss Verecker.
- Father, thank you.
- Not at all.
- Captain.
- Colonel.
Have the men hang on by the truck.
Let's look at the upper part of the village.
Don't drive too slowly...
And on the left-hand side
of the road.
Foreigners... Poles.
- And Yanks too.
- And Irish.
Get in your hole, you're getting invaded.
What've you been doing
in that uniform, Captain?
You didn't get three rockers
by asking stupid questions.
What is it now? The new outfit arriving?
No, sir. He wants to see you.
Eight years.
Eight years in the National Guard
every other weekend.
Two weeks a year,
up to my ass in Louisiana swamps!
I can feel those mosquitoes now!
But I made it, I got my rank.
You were at Benning
when I got my command.
Best goddamn outfit
a man could ever hope to have.
11 weeks' training for this mission.
The rest of the outfit's coming
in two days to hit the beach -
my last chance to get my feet wet
in action before the war's over
- and now this!
- You won't be leading us in?
Lead you in?
The bastards are sending me home!
Here, read this!
Top line - Pitts, Clarence E. 016838621.
Post re-assignment -
Fort Benning, Georgia.
Air Transportation, priority two.
Hell, they're not even in a hurry
to get me home.
- Gosh, is there anything you can do?
- Do? Look at those signatures!
Not one of those men has ever
had a combat command - not one!
What do you want?
What are you doing here?
Fort Benning... You know how hot
it is in Fort Benning, Georgia?
I could've been here on the finish -
wait till my daddy hears about this!
Keep up this foolishness
for 20 more minutes, Hans,
then gradually establish the roadblocks.
Slowly, mind you. Two men at a time.
- That's coming along nicely, Wjinski.
- Thank you, sir.
- Very impressive, Colonel.
- Thank you.
My new orders call for me
to head to the marshes soon.
I don't suppose you'd know of anyone...?
You're in the presence
of the marsh warden himself.
- Liam Devlin, at your service.
- What a bit of good luck!
- Colonel, I'm Mrs Grey.
- How do you do?
As Mr Devlin's been
in my employ for under two days,
I suggest a third person would insure
against losing you both forever?
- I don't suppose I can impose?
- Not at all. I'd be delighted.
- Why don't we, er...
- Yes, please do.
I'll get in the back,
it's a little awkward for us both in there.
Any further news of Churchill?
Yes. The party's left King's Lynn.
In the house,
is there an alternate escape route?
There's an entrance at the rear
and another one opposite the church.
Yes. Well, let's hope
it won't be necessary.
What a lovely day for fantasies.
The colonel's - that he'll actually be able
to pull this thing off.
Mine? A cup of tea
and a little country girl.
And Mrs Grey's?
That even after all of this is over
she's still going to be asked
to be Lady Willoughby.
Sir Henry's a pleasant enough dullard.
He and my late husband were partners
in a South African venture.
South African.
That's what I can hear in your voice.
A trace of Afrikaans.
My mother, since you noticed.
She died there, along with my sister,
in a British concentration camp.
Or did you think
the Nazis invented them?
- The classic motive. I congratulate you.
- What about you, Mr Devlin?
- Do you have a motive?
- Regrettably no.
In other words, if someone else
had asked you to abduct Adolf Hitler,
you would be in Berlin right now.
If all this lunacy doesn't work out,
Colonel, that's not a bad idea.
Not a bad idea at all.
Thank you, Colonel.
- Can I buy you a drink?
- No, thanks.
- Mrs Grey?
- Not for me.
I'll be off then, I hope I've been of help.
I don't know how we'd have
managed without you.
Perhaps we'll meet later,
somewhere in the marsh?
It's a very large marsh, Colonel.
Good luck with
your maneuvers - success.
- Stop the wheel!
- Susan... Susan!
Get his body off the wheel.
Father, look at that uniform!
It's a German!
It's the Ger...
- My God, you're a German!
- More bloody foreigners.
- Altmann, the switchboard.
- Jawohl.
Take the staff at the manor
and these people into the church.
Bring those along as well.
Colonel, I know what you're doing
and I know who you want.
It's monstrous,
you won't stand a chance!
If you don't mind, Father,
I insist on trying.
Hans, don't let anyone out of the village.
And once anyone comes in, they stay in.
Molly, what is it?
I must see Father.
- I have to talk to him.
- Yes, of course you can.
- Something terrible's happened.
- Oh, it's all right.
S-Stay here. I'll... I'll get Phillip now.
Molly. Come with me, quickly. Come on.
Mr and Mrs Wilde,
will you take a seat, please?
Laker, can you sit over there?
- This door is locked, why?
- It is the sacristy, Colonel Miller,
where I keep the church records,
my vestments and such.
The key is at my house.
I will go and fetch it if you like.
- No, that won't be necessary.
- So...
you intend to assassinate Mr Churchill
as he passes through here today.
What an astonishing notion.
Give it up, man -
there's no surprise left in it.
Perhaps just one surprise left, Father...
your good Lord willing.
God, they're Germans.
I must tell... I must tell Harry.
Oh, Phillip's probably
got the keys to his car.
Mrs Grey has got one...
and Liam's got his bike.
Good. Right, Molly, go to Liam,
then go to Meltham House
and tell Captain Clark
everything that's happened.
- Liam must be...
- Molly!
I'll try and find him.
All right, now come on!
At times like these,
there's very little left but prayer
and it frequently helps.
What do you think our chances are?
The E-boat is off the coast, Hans,
Churchill is on schedule.
Anything is possible.
Joanna! Joanna!
I'm coming, I'm coming!
Oh, Joanna...
Calm down and tell me what's happened.
Colonel Miller... and his men...
they're Germans.
- They plan to kidnap Churchill.
- What?
They've got the villagers in the church.
We must get the Rangers from Meltham.
Does anybody else know?
I'll get my car keys.
What kept you?
- I killed Arthur.
- If they find him, they'll think it was me.
- Did you tell anybody?
- He said you were a traitor, are you?
I never betrayed anything I believed in.
Your Germans have locked
everyone up in the church.
They're going to try and kill Churchill.
You're a bloody traitor!
You don't stand a chance -
Pamela's gone for the Rangers.
- Jesus Christ!
- Don't try and run.
That'd be the sensible
thing to do, wouldn't it?
Don't you know me better than that?
You think I could leave them
in the lurch?
I wrote you a letter, it's not much,
but here it is, for what it's worth.
It's on the table, if you're interested.
'Eagle, this is Albatross.
'Eagle, this is Albatross.'
She... Pamela knows everything.
She's gone for the Rangers.
I shot at her, I'm sure I hit her.
No matter what the reason...
no matter how deeply felt the cause,
you lived with us, Joanna.
You accepted our admiration,
our kindness and our trust.
May God grant you time
to relive this moment in shame!
Are you able to communicate
with the E-boat?
Tell them to go
to position one immediately.
This really is quite
a beautiful spot, you know.
I understand, Mrs Grey.
No matter how you feel about the British,
I imagine that part of you
must hate to leave here.
That's just it, Colonel.
Until this moment, standing here -
in spite of all that I've set in motion -
I never actually
believed I'd have to go.
- What the hell's goin' on, Haley?
- I don't know. Colonel said wait.
Your girl's OK, Clark.
She's in hospital.
Took a bullet from some bitch
named Grey. Enemy agent.
Those Poles you ran into are Krauts,
come to kill Churchill.
Now, listen up.
- Churchill's left King's Lynn. I want...
- Have you notified the War Office?
And spend hours on that phone
trying to convince them?
No, I'll nail those Krauts myself.
I got the men to do it.
"Action this day."
That's Churchill's motto.
- I still think...
- I want you to head off Churchill...
If you don't notify
the War Office, I will... sir.
Moss, get hold
of the War Office, top priority.
If anything happens to Churchill
because you're late,
this country's gonna swing you
from Big Ben by your balls.
Cancel that call, Moss.
- Put the windshield down on that Jeep.
- Yes, sir.
- Give me a handful of those grenades.
- Yes, sir.
- How are you doing?
- Fine, sir.
- Where are you from, son?
- Omaha, sir.
This time next year, pigeons
are gonna be crapping on statues of you
- across the whole state of Nebraska.
- Yes, sir.
- Spot anything, sir?
- No.
Hang on to this, Lieutenant.
I think I can take this place
without firing one single round!
- Yes, sir.
- Get out of there.
This looks like it.
This is Colonel Clarence E Pitts,
United States Army.
You're surrounded.
Send out your commanding officer.
- You speak English?
- Yes.
I'm gonna give you five minutes
to lay down your arms
and surrender your hostages.
- You understand what I'm saying?
- Yes.
- Where's your commanding officer?
- Yes.
Are you making fun of me, soldier?
If they think they're gonna kick me
around, they got another think coming.
I'm gonna blow their asses
right out of that church.
This is Delta Two to Mallory.
'Where are you, Mallory?
Mallory, where are you? '
This is Mallory. We're all set.
- Stand by. Beck, are you there?
- Yeah, Colonel, we're in position.
It's about time.
Stand by. We're gonna move in.
Come on, we're moving out!
We're moving out!
Don't you think we ought to send
a reconnaissance team in first?
And have my men shot to find out
something I already know?
We could be ambushed, sir.
Plus that church is full of civilians.
If you question my orders,
I'll bust you down to private.
- Now get in that Jeep!
- Yes, sir.
Go, Beck! Go, Mallory!
Get out. Come on, get out! Get down!
Son of a bitch!
Get a missile for the bazooka.
- Beck, goddammit, come in Beck.
- 'Beck here.'
We're getting fire from the church belfry,
the mill house, the pub,
one Jeep went in the pond,
- there's four dead. We're pinned down.
- Four dead?!
This is Frazier, Colonel. Three dead
and there's fire from three sides.
Well, pull yourselves together,
regroup. Goddammit, do something.
Regroup?! That dumb son of a bitch!
This is Mallory. We've been clobbered.
I got that truck with the bazooka.
What do they want for
Christ's sake, a silver star?
Frazier radioed this in, sir.
Aw, holy Jesus.
Put me through to Arrow, please.
- Could you get the Colonel?
- No, sir.
Let me have Crossbow, please.
I've got the whole outfit ready to move.
Colonel Pitts is a man of, um...
limited combat experience.
- Apparently no longer.
- Nope.
Major Corcoran here.
We have an incident involving Empire.
I'll go upstairs,
see if I can find out where we are.
Gimme those binoculars.
Fix that flat tire.
God! This is where that bitch Grey lives.
Get up here, Haley. Bring that gun.
Mrs Grey?
Mrs Grey?
Mrs Grey?
Holy shit!
I now have a suggestion, Herr Oberst.
Yes, Brandt?
- We should leave immediately.
- Yes, Brandt.
Get back to the church.
I'll let you know...
when I need you, Father.
Get to your positions.
I think we're about to take up
permanent residence here.
Another white flag has arrived, Hans.
Unfortunately, this officer
seems to know his business.
Colonel, my one consolation is that,
thanks to my sister, your plot has failed.
Really? I thought the plot failed
because one of my men died
saving the little girl.
Father, you had better join your flock.
Captain Clark, what can I do for you?
Mr Churchill is safe and under guard.
Your associate Mrs Grey is dead
and the radio has been confiscated.
It's all over, Colonel.
I have hostages.
I can't see you bringing them out,
women and children in front of you.
- Let the villagers go, Altmann.
- Father, your people, please.
Colonel, I understand none of this
and I don't wish you well
but I'm grateful for the life of my child.
So am I.
Don't forget, Father...
the last shall be first.
You bastard!
Let me go!
I've got to get you out of here.
Pamela's all right. She's in the hospital.
- Father!
- Yes.
- Goodbye, Captain Clark.
- Colonel.
There's no such thing
as death with honor, just death.
I have no intention of dying now,
but if I'm going to,
allow me to choose where and how.
And what do you think you are doing?
Getting the keys to his car.
How did you get in here?
There's a tunnel. An ancient escape route
under the graveyard,
past the manor house
and up to the vicarage.
The car is parked at the end of it.
Mr Devlin, you are an extraordinary man.
Colonel Steiner, you are an extraordinary
judge of character.
There is a way out now.
It is still possible for us
to capture Churchill.
Not us, Herr Oberst. You.
If we all attempt to leave, we will fail.
Very probably.
Do you have a suggestion, Brandt?
You go and we stay, and we hold
this place as long as possible.
Shall we say covering fire
in about 30 seconds, Herr Oberst?
Hans, you come with me.
It has been a privilege to serve with you.
Two, three, go!
We can stay one step ahead
if the radio is still inside.
If the E-boat is still outside.
It's out there.
I love you.
That doesn't mean
I like what you've done,
or what I've done, or even understand it.
I only know I couldn't
have lived with myself if I'd let you die.
Did you read my letter?
Well done, Captain. My congratulations.
We didn't get everybody, sir.
There's three survivors -
Steiner the Colonel,
Devlin the Irishman,
and one German officer
who was badly wounded.
With permission, I'll go pick 'em up.
I can't stay for long, Herr Oberst.
The tide.
- Get on board, Mr Devlin.
- I'm not leavin'.
- I beg your pardon?
- I'm after staying here.
Take Herr Hauptmann aboard.
Herr Hauptmann.
- I will not leave without you.
- Get on board, Hans.
I will not do it. I'm coming with you.
How long have we known each other?
Since the day you kicked me out
of the plane at Narvik.
Three years.
Hauptmann von Neustadt.
In all that time, you have never
once disobeyed an order of mine.
And I have no intention
of letting you start now.
Herr Oberst.
Take the boat offshore
and stay there as long as possible.
- He'll be heavily guarded.
- Yes.
- You don't know where he is.
- That's right.
You're still going after him?
The time has come, Mr Devlin,
when I no longer control events.
They control me.
Goodbye, Mr Devlin.
You're a lovely fellow, Colonel.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
I already have, Colonel.
I hope I haven't lost it in the finding.
Herr Oberst.
A message from Albatross. It's, er...
- Read it!
- It's very garbled, sir.
- We could have misunderstood.
- Please.
"One wounded fledgling left.
Return nest." Then it's unintelligible.
"No tide at present for..."
Then it's unintelligible again.
"God save..."
That's all they could understand, sir.
Get out of here, Karl, back to Berlin.
By plane, car... Anything you can
commandeer with my authorization.
You have a wife and children, huh?
I was measured for my casket
months ago.
- Understand me, Karl?
- Ja, I think so, sir.
You were following my orders,
you had no choice.
The Admiral's a decent man,
he'll understand.
Bye, Karl.
'Delta Two, come in.'
'We checked
the beach road and saw nothing.'
'You're weak. Say again.'
'We checked the beach road.'
'... check for turn-offs.'
'Come in, Wilson.'
'Still working the dogs west
through the woods. Results negative.'
'Work back towards
coordinates five-four.'
'Frazier, this is Delta Two.'
Frazier here, sir. Still at intersection A-4.
Negative on anything.
'OK, Frazier.
Round-up from Delta Two.
'The convoy is being moved
to original destination.
'Stay off the air until
I call from there.'
Frazier out.
'Frazier, this is Delta Two.'
'Come in, Frazier.
'Frazier, this is Delta Two.
'Frazier, this is Delta Two.'
- Frazier.
- 'Ah, move your position, Frazier.
'Cover the mouth of Estuary One.'
- Will do.
- 'Delta Two out.'
This looks like the place.
There's somebody in there.
- Let's take it.
- No way.
Door's open.
I'm not charging in there like Custer.
Let the dogs do it.
I told you those dogs are no damn good.
Your pardon, Herr Reichsfhrer.
Message received from Albatross.
It's fragmentary.
Get me Hauptsturmfhrer
Fleischer in Cherbourg.
Herr Oberst Radl.
In the name of the Fhrer,
you are under arrest.
May I be permitted to know the charge?
Exceeding your orders
to the point of treason to the State.
Moss, two men on the perimeter.
Right, sir.
You there, cover that gate.
- You others, patrol the river.
- Yes, sir.
Check back here in five minutes.
OK, let's move out.
- Whiskey?
- No, I won't, thanks.
Well, he seems to be comfortably
settled with his cigars and brandy.
There's some question as to the identity
of an American officer
who led the convoy in, sir.
None of my men led the convoy.
One moment, please.
Captain Clark?
Captain Clark speaking.
You're what?
What do you mean, he's unconscious?
His Jeep is missing?
Jesus God, he's here.
Get other men on the gate.
Cover the front of the building.
The terrace!
Prime Minister!
Poor sod.
No one will ever know what he did.
Never know?! Are you crazy?
That's Winston Churchill lying there.
No, Captain.
That is one George Fowler lying there.
He is a variety artiste... of a sort.
And a very brave man.
Incredible. He knew
this sort of thing could happen.
He didn't even call out.
Played it straight through to the end.
Where is Mr Churchill?
I suppose you'll read about it
in the papers tomorrow.
At the moment he's in Persia,
in conference with
President Roosevelt and Marshal Stalin.
Tehran, Captain,
that's where the reality is.
This never happened.
It did not occur, Major.
'Molly, my love,
as a great man once said...
"'I have suffered a sea change
"'and nothing can ever
be the same again."
'I came here to Norfolk to do a job...
not to fall in love.
'By now, you'll know the worst of me.
'Try not to think it.
'To leave you is punishment enough.
'But it will not end here.
'For as they say in Ireland,
"'We have known the days." Liam.'