The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)

Paper! Paper!
Lucky Lindy makes it!
Extry! Read all about it.
Officer, excuse me. Could you tell me
how I get to the Central Park Casino?
You can't miss it.
It's just behind the mall.
- Thank you.
- And only with two ham sandwiches.
Lucky! Lucky!
Read all about it.
Lucky Lindy makes it!
Ain't she sweet
See her walkin'down the street
Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet
Ain't she nice
Look her over once or twice
Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she nice
Just cast an eye in her direction
Oh, me, oh, my
Ain't that perfection
I repeat
Don't you think that's kind of neat
Now, I ask you very confidentially
Good afternoon, Miss Oelrichs.
I'll just be a few minutes.
Say, this must belong to
somebody important, huh?
I rode in one once.
A fella I knew up in college
in Boston had an uncle.
Of course, it wasn't in
quite as good shape as this.
It had two or three
bullet holes in it.
He bought it from
a bootlegger's widow.
They're good cars, though, aren't they?
Excuse me.
A gold key.
What's it for?
What's a key for?
Opens a door, doesn't it?
Philip. Philip, will you come
in here a moment, please?
Puts me between Colonel Rutherford
and Prince Kaminsky...
the two greatest bores in New York.
Philip, I think that we'll exile
the prince to the end of the table.
- Yes, Miss Oelrichs.
- Just put the flowers-
- Yes, what is it?
- I was looking for Mr. Leo Reisman.
- I'm going to be in his orchestra.
- Back of the bandstand.
- Thank you very much.
- Next time, use the musicians' entrance.
Right, the musician's entrance.
I'll find it. Thank you.
Mr. Reisman's office?
Mr. Reisman?
Oh, thank you.
- Something?
- Hello, Mr. Sherwood.
- Hello.
- Oh, Mr. Reisman.
- Yeah?
- Remember me? Eddy Duchin.
I remember you.
The Berkshires, that resort.
You remember, Leo. Last summer?
We were lost. It was raining.
- Berkshires?
- Oh, yes, of course. Sure. Come in.
Gee, you had me scared for a minute.
I thought maybe you had-
No. I remember you.
You lent me your raincoat.
- I almost forgot to give it back to you.
- I played the piano.
- That's right. A lot of piano.
- Yes, Philip.
That was some orchestra
you were hooked up with.
Nobody's got a right to be that bad,
not even for money.
They were just a group of college kids
picking up money for school.
- They weren't professionals.
- What are you doing here?
Empty the pockets, will you, Lou?
- Huh?
- In New York.
- I came down from Boston when-
- Jimmy Walker's coming in tonight.
- Great. Swell.
- The mayor?
This is his favorite spot.
You don't know the casino, do you?
It's the playground
of high society.
This was given to Mr. Reisman
by Mrs. Vanderbilt.
He played at her daughter's
coming-out party.
- Yes, I know-
- Money clip was given to Mr. Reisman-
Stop sounding like an auctioneer.
You'll make Duchin want to quit college
and be a musician.
- That's exactly what I-
- What school do you go to?
Well, I graduated, remember?
I told you.
The Massachusetts School
of Pharmacy.
Oh, yeah. Sure, sure.
I remember.
So you're gonna be a druggist.
Here in New York?
A lot of money in drugstores
if you can make a good hot fudge sundae.
I'm not going to be a druggist.
I've decided to take advantage
of Mr. Reisman's offer instead.
- My offer?
- Sure. To play the piano with your band.
That's why I'm here.
I didn't offer you a job.
- What?
- I didn't offer you a job.
I remember saying I liked
the way you play the piano...
but I certainly didn't
offer you a job.
Yeah, but you said a lot
of other things too.
- You told me to come to New York.
- No, no, no.
What Mr. Reisman said was, if you got
to New York, stop by and say hello.
He also told me I had the most
distinctive style he'd heard in years.
I've got a piano player.
I've had him for years.
But I'm here.
I can't go back.
Why not?
No. I- I can't go home.
It was tough enough to leave.
They didn't want you to go?
Mr. Reisman, when a man owns
a small tailor shop...
and presses pants for a living
and works like a dog...
so that his son can have
an education and get ahead...
it isn't easy
to give up the dream.
It wasn't their idea that I should
live the crazy life of a musician...
but I should stay at home
and become a druggist...
and a respected member
of the community.
- There's nothing the matter with that.
- But it isn't what I want.
No, I can't go back.
I've made the break.
Eddy, maybe your father was right.
You keep in touch. Now, be sure.
I'm sorry, Eddy.
Good-bye and good luck.
He wishes us good luck.
He can play. He's got a very
distinctive personal style.
He won't get lost.
I like it.
What is it? Chopin?
- Yes.
- Which one?
" E-flat. "
Please play it again.
I didn't think that Mr. Reisman
went in for rude musicians.
- I'm not with Reisman.
- But I heard you say before-
I'm not with Mr. Reisman at all.
There was no job to get.
I only dreamed of working here.
A crazy dream...
of driving back home
in a red Stutz Bearcat...
walking into the house and throwing
down a bankroll as big as the Ritz...
and saying, " No more work, Pop.
I'm rich. I'm famous. "
- Where do you come from?
- Boston.
I'm gonna knock this town
on its ear once I get started.
I don't mean only New York.
You don't believe me, do you?
Of course I believe you.
What do you intend to do
in the meantime?
- Get a job in a drugstore.
- Playing the piano?
No, I'm a druggist.
My prof at the Massachusetts
School of Pharmacy...
he used to play the ukulele, so
the two of us, we'd get together and-
- Maybe I talk too much, huh?
- Maybe.
Lou, be sure to get the arrangements
for " Lucky Lindy. "
We're gonna have a lot
of requests for that tune.
- He's captured the world's imagination.
- Play some more. Go on, play.
- Mr. Reisman.
- Good evening, Miss Oelrichs.
Leo, I want you to do
something for me.
Some special numbers you
want me to play tonight?
No, it's something else.
We'll keep your music going tonight
without intermission.
Oh, my dear, I can't.
But you can if you hire
an extra piano player.
Did you have anyone
special in mind?
You know very well I had
someone special in mind.
- If he's not good enough-
- He's good enough.
- Then you'll do it?
- Yes.
You're an angel.
Go see Mr. Reisman.
You've got a job.
- I'm late.
- What?
I beg your pardon, miss.
What did you say?
Be sure you play well.
- Thank you, Miss-
- Oelrichs. Marjorie Oelrichs.
Thank you, Miss Oelrichs.
Say, druggist, do you have
a prescription for a tuxedo?
Is it time?
Give me a hand here, will you?
Thank you.
No, no.
Oh, I can button it.
How much longer?
Okay, ready now? Good.
Oh, you want me to sit.
Thanks, Mr. Sherwood.
- All right, kid, you're on.
- Yes, sir.
- Oh, and, Eddy-
- Yes, sir?
Remember, this is just
intermission music. Play soft.
We don't want to disturb
their eating and drinking.
- Yes, sir.
- Well, go ahead. You're on, you're on.
Treat the tuxedo gently, will you?
It's an old friend.
Uncle Sherm, want to dance again?
- Let's. Come on.
- Don't you ever get tired? All right.
Joan, Harry. Come on, dance.
Come on.
It's the first time they've
ever danced to just a piano.
- Maybe I'd better sell my fiddle.
- Maybe you'd better.
Say, there's Jimmy Walker.
Call the boys.
Wait a minute.
What did I do wrong?
His Honor the mayor is coming in.
Jimmy Walker?
They'll be running in
that good, old-fashioned way
Though my hair be old and gray
Get off the stage.
- That's Jimmy Walker!
- Yes, I know. Get off the stage.
As they do in May
They'll be running in December
As they do in May
They'll be running in
that good, old-fashioned way
When my hair is old and gray
That's a great number.
The mayor wrote it, you know.
Yes, I know.
Hello again.
This is the weirdest set of books
I have ever looked at.
I'm a decorator, not a bookkeeper.
What good is it to have one of the great
bankers of the world for an uncle...
when he can't even
balance my books?
Sherman, perhaps you are
being a little unreasonable.
- She's no child.
- Walter.
- Make sure it's ready by Tuesday.
- Yes, Miss Oelrichs.
Just put it down, please.
Do I have to sign for it?
Well, hello.
Is that for me?
- Yes.
- How nice.
This is Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth.
This is Mr. Duchin.
He played the piano
at the casino last night.
- How do you do?
- Oh, yes, I remember.
- We enjoyed the music very much.
- Thank you.
Marjorie, for the last time,
will you please shut up shop...
and come down to Southampton
for the weekend?
I told you I have work to do.
I wish we'd never let you
open this place.
- Aunt Edith-
- You've missed everything-
- Europe, Palm Beach-
- I know, dear, but look.
Look at the wonderful
jobs that I did.
Edith, you can't argue with success.
Good-bye, dear.
Good-bye, darling,
and don't work too hard.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
Let her live her own life.
It would have been so nice
to have her down for the weekend.
- Relatives.
- Yes. My aunt and uncle.
They brought me up,
and I love them dearly.
Here, would you fill this, please?
The fountain.
They can't understand why I work.
Why do you work?
- Why do you play the piano?
- You don't have to make a living.
I have to have a reason for living.
Just having money doesn't do it.
Oh? I thought it did.
No. Because then you're
dependent on money.
Then you're dependent on money,
not yourself.
Oh. Well, I can't lie.
I hope money comes
right up and bites me.
I never met anyone like you.
I read all the Horatio Alger
stories when I was a child.
Sink or swim, do or die.
But I've never
actually known anyone...
who came to New York
to seek fame and fortune.
Do you think I'll make it?
I think you'll make it
because you're productive.
I like productive people.
I wish I were part of that royalty.
I only play the piano.
And you produce happiness.
That's nice.
I'll remember that.
Oh, Mr. Sherwood!
I hope I'm not late.
No. You made it just in time.
I rushed over as soon
as I got your message.
Mr. Reisman really
told you to call me?
- I've got the job?
- Please, they're playing.
- Oh, now?
- No. Between the sets.
- Intermission piano.
- I see. Intermission. Yeah.
Another reason I was late was
I had to rush out and rent a tuxedo.
I hope it fits.
The man told me that it does.
- Does it look all right?
- Just fine.
- Oh, good.
- Eddy. Eddy, you're on.
- Now?
- Wait. Please calm down.
Just settle down. Get-
He'd be a great guy to send out
for a cup of coffee.
Eddy, we thought we'd lost you.
- Now remember. Soft.
- Gee, thanks, Mr. Reisman.
- Good afternoon, Mr. Duchin.
- Good afternoon.
Well, how do you like it, Lou?
Don't tell me you bought it just because
you're going to a classy party.
- Yep.
- What did you pay for it?
- Well, it's secondhand.
- How much?
- It belonged to one of the Vanderbilts.
- Oh, high class.
Tell me, when it backfires
does it say, " Excuse me"?
- How do I look?
- Like a secondhand Vanderbuilt.
I could've booked you for two cocktail
parties today- a very fancy fee.
This was a personal invitation
from Mrs. Wadsworth.
I'm invited for myself this time.
I don't have to play.
- I'm a guest.
- All right, fine.
- Good-bye.
- Have a good time.
- There's Eddy Duchin.
- Hello, Eddy!
- Are you going to play today?
- No. I'm a gue- No, not today.
- Oh, that's a shame.
- I'm so disappointed.
The casino is so much more lively
now that he's there.
Hey, look out!
Take it easy.
Oh, hello. My car.
- Hello, Mr. Duchin.
- Mr. Wadsworth.
- Nice to have you with us.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Miss Oelrichs.
- Hello.
- It's awfully nice to see you.
I didn't know you were
going to be here.
Your aunt invited me.
You live here with them, don't you?
- Yes, I do.
- Then I'm your guest too.
- I'm having a wonderful time.
- Good. I'm glad.
I read that you were away at Sands Point
doing the Whitney house.
It was a very interesting job.
Since I last saw you, I guess you
don't know the whole sky fell in on me.
- Oh, really?
- I made some records with Reisman...
and I've been playing some
wonderful private parties too.
Can you imagine? Last week, I played
a party at the Waldorf-Astoria...
and the Prince of Wales was sitting
right beside the piano, and-
Oh, I guess I still
talk too much, don't I?
You know, this is
a new experience for me...
being a guest instead of
a paid entertainer.
- I love it.
- Marjorie, come here.
Excuse me a moment, please.
Linus Larrabie has the most fabulous
idea for a party- undersea.
- We're all going to wear fishnets.
- Thank you.
- Just imagine- nothing but fishnets.
- Thank you very much.
Edith, did you make it
clear to Mr. Duchin...
that he was engaged
to play the piano?
I thought I did. Why?
You'd better speak to him, dear.
He's not playing.
Don't you think
it'd be better if you did?
- You hired him.
- All right.
Mrs. Wadsworth.
I'm having a wonderful time.
Aunt Edith, why did you
ask Mr. Duchin to play?
But he was hired to play.
That's why he's here.
- But he thought he was a guest.
- Oh, nonsense.
That's his business,
playing the piano.
Well, I certainly made a fool
of myself, didn't I?
Eddy Duchin in high society.
The simple fact is that
I'm a presumptuous, conceited fathead...
who thought he'd be invited to a party
for his grace and charm.
I remember once when
I was a little girl.
I went to a lawn party
and had a lovely new dress.
It rained that morning...
and I ran from the house
to show myself off to the guests.
Well, I slipped,
and I fell in a mud puddle.
I still remember
how they all laughed.
I lay there wanting to die.
You don't.
And as you grow up, there's always
another beautiful dress...
and another mud puddle,
and still you don't die.
- You grow up.
- And learn to know your place.
What is your place?
Right now, it's beside me.
That's not so bad, is it?
Ladies and gentlemen,
in answer to your many requests...
here is Eddy Duchin at the piano
and " Dizzy Fingers. "
- You must be very happy about Eddy.
- Oh, yes.
He's a wonderful boy.
- Tell me, you sing with the orchestra?
- No, she's one of New York's-
- An interior decorator.
- You've known our Eddy a long time?
Almost as long as he's
been in New York, I'd say.
You're looking at me in a strange way,
Mrs. Duchin. Why?
Because I think you like our Eddy.
But one question remains, and,
by no means, an unimportant one.
Does Eddy like you?
Now, don't you think that
Eddy should answer that?
Yeah. But I wouldn't
have the nerve to ask him.
Oh, I'm glad the music stopped.
I was getting a headache.
- Eddy! Eddy, you were so wonderful.
- Congratulations!
Hello. Thank you, Lou.
- We are so proud of you.
- Thank you.
How are you getting along
with these old friends of mine?
- I hope they don't send me away.
- Is it like this every night here?
A party all the time.
Oh, Mom, I have everything.
He who has everything always
wants a little bit more.
Yeah, a Romanian proverb
she made up this morning.
Listen, could I make
a quiet little speech?
Go ahead.
Mom and Dad, you've always
been my dearest loves.
Sacrifice and hard work
so that I could get ahead.
You know what you
both mean to me and-
and how grateful I am for
everything you've done...
for more reasons than you know.
One of the reasons is me.
Well, don't you want to marry me?
Yes, but I haven't asked you.
How do you like that?
Believe me,
it was the same with us.
The men in the Duchin family
do not like to ask for something...
until they are sure
they can have it.
That works, Eddy, huh?
It sure works.
Well, to make it official-
and in front of
my mother and father-
will you marry me?
- Mazel tov!
- Oh, Mama.
Mazel tov.
Mazel tov.
Now, hold it, Mr. and Mrs. Duchin.
Now steady. Steady.
Now just one more, please.
Just one more. Hold it. That's it.
Look at the cake.
- To our home.
- Our home.
You know, I bet all our friends
must think that we-
Oh, look. Come here.
A gold key.
Well, goodness.
What's it for?
For you...
to our front door.
- Cold? What's the matter?
- Oh, it's nothing.
Just the wind.
I don't like the wind.
- Why?
- Oh, no reason. See the casino?
This is the first night
in two years...
that I haven't played
at the casino.
Sometimes I think you love
the casino more than you do me.
Oh, no, but with you.
You're all mixed up with it.
That's good. I like being mixed up
with the things you love.
I knew exactly what I wanted,
and I got it.
All of it, even you.
I was a cinch.
You're all of it, really.
But I am the best of it-
I and that deep,
God-given talent of yours.
None of the rest of it really counts,
darling. You understand that?
Because if it were all to disappear
tomorrow, it wouldn't really matter.
Not as long as you have me,
and I'm not quite that important.
You're the most important thing
in the world.
I hope so, darling.
I hope so.
The things I want now, I want for you.
Don't you understand that?
I'd like to buy you a diamond
as big as the Ritz.
Oh, Eddy, no.
No, darling.
No, not the things you can buy me.
Just you, the things
you can give me of you.
Everything you want.
It all comes so easy for you.
It scares me a little.
Well, remember Horatio Alger?
Don't you know about " Eddy's luck"?
I have it.
I'll always have it- a very special
angel who watches over me and mine.
You talk like I'm one
of those statues in the park.
You are.
You're my own statue
in my own personal park.
Darling, do you realize that you've
never danced with me to my music?
Well, I've always wished I could.
A little difficult on
the piano bench, Mrs. Duchin.
Say that again.
Say " Mrs. Duchin" again.
Come inside with me, Mrs. Duchin...
and let me demonstrate through
the miracle of science, Mrs. Duchin...
how one man can be in two places
at the same time.
I never realized
you could step like a dream.
Oh, Eddy.
Eddy, my darling.
I love you.
Oh, I love you, Mrs. D.
I love your hands.
Not just for the sweet
music they make, but-
but physically, they-
they excite me
just to look at them.
Did you know that I fell in love
with your hands...
before I fell in love with you?
Well, now look who's
talking too much.
Really a storm kicking up.
Marjorie, what is it?
What's wrong?
- It's nothing.
- Nothing? What do you mean nothing?
- Tell me, what is it?
- No.
Please tell me.
Wind frightens me.
Oh, Eddy. The wind!
Why? Why?
A dream I had...
and I can't seem to fight it off.
Darling, darling.
Try to forget it.
I try. I try.
I tell myself it's only a dream, but-
but it keeps coming back.
The wind blows between us, and I-
I keep trying to reach for you,
but you're gone.
Oh, it won't be like that.
I know.
I shouldn't have told you.
Oh, darling, darling.
Now, I'm here.
It's only a dream.
You ought to beat me.
I'm- I'm afraid I spoiled
your wedding night.
How could you?
Good afternoon, Mrs. Duchin.
Darling, what is it?
You sounded so frantic over the phone.
Darling, are you ill?
Why did I have to rush over here?
Eddy, what is it?
- Well, that's a fine reaction.
- Better go out and come back in again.
Well, what happened to Mr. Reisman?
Leo got an offer of a fabulous tour,
and he accepted it.
- When did he decide?
- About six weeks ago.
- He's going to Europe and the Riviera.
- Six weeks?
- He'll be gone about-
- You've known about this six weeks...
and you haven't even told me,
your own wife?
Now, listen, I'm your own husband
and it was almost two months...
before you told me
we were gonna have a baby.
- You traitor.
- We wanted to surprise you.
- Are you pleased?
- Oh, I'm so terribly happy.
Will you sit here, Mrs. Duchin?
Ladies and gentlemen,
the first appearance...
of Eddy Duchin and his
Central Park Casino Orchestra...
and for a very special audience.
"You're My Everything. "
Mrs. D., do you dance?
Well, I- I have in my time...
but I'm not the girl I used to be.
Shall we?
Just the three of us.
I'm afraid I'm rather keeping you
at a distance, Mr. Duchin.
Yes. You have let someone
come between us.
Do you mind terribly?
Not as long as I have you.
Oh, she's great.
- Hello, Harry.
- Hello, Eddy. What's new?
Please, pardon the musical interruption,
ladies and gentlemen...
but we had a birth in
the Duchin family this week.
This number is dedicated to
my son Peter, and my wife Marjorie.
I hope you're both listening.
It's- It's hard to believe.
There must be something you can do.
It had nothing to do
with childbirth.
Believe me, Sherm.
We've done everything possible.
Doctor, your exchange
is on the phone.
Pardon me a moment.
He's certain, of course?
She won't live out the night.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time to say good night.
This is Eddy Duchin signing off from the
Central Park Casino in New York City...
and wishing you all
a merry, merry Christmas.
And, Marjorie,
I'll be right there, darling.
Merry Christmas!
- Mr. Duchin, we heard your broadcast.
- It was wonderful.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- I'd like to speak to you a moment.
It's not true.
Eddy, you scared me.
I heard the radio.
Did you see the baby?
Of course.
I called him a monkey before...
but he's really a little kewpie doll,
you know.
Of course.
You talk now.
I'm a little tired tonight.
No. I have to tell you
something funny.
I was thinking that,
from now on...
we'll hang three stockings.
You know, not having
any brothers or sisters...
Christmas was always
a lonely time for me.
Merry Christmas, Mrs. D.
From Peter Duchin and his father.
You know, Santa Claus...
I think you're really
in love with me.
I want to go home.
When can I go home?
Very soon.
I'm so good for you.
Always have been.
So very good for me.
The girl that gave me
a hand at the start...
who sat beside me
on the piano bench...
nursed the bruises
and kissed away the hurt...
and taught me all
the things I had to learn.
And it'll be like that always.
You can count on me.
Count on your Marjorie.
Where's your hand?
I'll always take care of you.
Peter too.
Eddy Duchin's special angel's
with us all the time...
and don't you forget it.
Day and night-
he never sleeps, that angel.
Full of lovingkindness.
For all of us.
- What's that sound?
- Nothing.
- But it sounds like the wind.
- No, there's no wind tonight.
- I'm afraid of the wind!
- Darling, there's no wind.
Easy, now. Easy.
It's all right, darling.
It's all right.
You know...
everything's ready for you at home.
The extra room looks kind of strange
with a bassinet.
But it isn't an extra room anymore,
it's Peter's room.
And the carriage is all
bought and waiting...
and it won't be any time at all...
before we'll be...
taking him for walks
together in the park...
all the places that
we used to go and know.
And we'll take him to all
the special places that we used to know.
You'll give him-
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
New York won't be the same
without you, Eddy.
I won't miss it.
It won't miss me.
Don't worry about him, Mr. Wadsworth.
This tour'll do him good.
I think he'll enjoy South America.
New audiences.
New surroundings, gay and painless.
And he may get some
sleep down there.
Are you leaving, Uncle Sherm?
Eddy, about the baby, about Peter-
you haven't seen him for several weeks.
Edith wondered if you weren't going
to drop in before sailing time.
He's just a baby.
He won't know I was saying good-bye.
- I see.
- I know, in Edith's hands...
he'll be getting wonderful care.
I'm deeply grateful to you both
for looking after him.
- There's no need-
- Marjorie would've wanted it that way.
Till we meet again.
Well, Lou-
Seems like the end of an era.
Maybe it is, Eddy.
Maybe it is.
What is snow-
cold or warm when you're under it
for the first time?
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Have you given up sleeping?
I've been working.
They got a thing now
called the eight-hour day.
There's an eight-hour night too.
- There's nothing here from Boston.
- There's one from Sherman Wadsworth.
- Hotel rooms, hotel rooms.
- What's the matter with them?
After five years on tour,
I think I've had them. Haven't you?
Hey, they're tearing down the casino.
That reminds me. I got a wire
yesterday from the Waldorf.
They want us very much,
right after New Orleans.
- I think we ought to take it.
- They're making a playground out of it.
Have you been listening to me?
This is the third letter I've had
in two months from Sherman Wadsworth.
He's kind of worried.
So are your mother and father.
- About what?
- About you. About your son.
You've never seen him, you know.
Look, I've told you before that...
I talk to Edith on the telephone,
and the kid's all right.
So don't worry about him.
Sherm may be going overseas
for the government.
He has a feeling
we're gonna get in this war.
Why is it every time I bring up
the subject of your son you change it?
- I just wanna go back to work.
- You can't run away from your own boy.
I'm not!
Now just leave me alone, will you?
I respect your grief,
but I'm not going to stand by...
and watch you punishing yourself
and punishing that boy.
- Who's punishing myself?
- You think you killed your wife.
Shut up!
I'm not gonna listen to this!
You think that if Marjorie hadn't
had your child, she'd have lived.
- I don't!
- You do!
For God's sake,
will you leave me alone?
I haven't been to New York
in five years.
- There's nothing left there.
- You've got a boy growing up there.
- You've got to see him.
- He's better off as he is.
- You can't reject your own son.
- He's happy!
How do you know?
Wait a minute!
For five years, you've been
running away from the truth.
Marjorie's dead.
Just don't bury the boy with her.
Please, don't you under-
That's all the Wadsworths care about.
They brought him up, yes.
Really, they brought him up...
but they want him to know you,
his father.
Just give it a try, won't you?
If a war comes,
it may be your last chance, so-
We've got four days
between here and New Orleans.
All right.
Peter, this is your father.
- Hello, Peter.
- How do you do, sir?
You two are going
to have a wonderful day together.
What are your plans?
Well, I thought we'd just
make it up as we go along.
- That okay with you, Peter?
- Yes, sir.
Well, shall we go?
Good-bye, Edith.
- Bye, Aunt Edith.
- Have fun.
What about some ice cream?
Really not?
Well, what about a pony ride?
Well, what do you usually do
when you come to the park?
Oh,just fool around.
Just fool around.
Look at the seals.
Look. They're going swimming.
You know, that reminds me.
Out in San Francisco, near the ocean...
there's a big rock full
of hundreds of really wild seals.
Not tame ones like these.
They're sea lions, not seals.
Hi, Peter.
Uncle Sherman!
It's been fun having
your father here, hasn't it?
I guess I won't see you again
before you go overseas, Sherm.
- You'll be in Europe soon, won't you?
- Yes.
- It's not a job I relish.
- He thinks it means another world war.
I know.
- I'll keep in touch.
- Write.
- Good-bye, Peter.
- Good-bye, sir.
Thank you very much.
I had a very nice time.
You're welcome, Peter.
So did I.
Thanks for the balloon.
Fire two.
Fire center.
Fire four.
Oil slick to port.
Well, we made it.
Attack successful.
Break off the attack.
- You sent for me, sir?
- Yes, Eddy.
Come in.
How are things going?
Rough, George. Rough.
They'll get rougher
the closer we get toJapan.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
We're putting in to Mindanao
for repairs.
I've had two more requests
from the Special Services.
They'd like to transfer you
to morale duty.
Sitting out the war at a piano
wouldn't do my morale much good.
You've been aboard two years now.
Frankly, I need you here.
I won't urge you to go ashore.
Thank you.
But you're like a mule
on this subject. Why?
After all, nobody wants to die.
No, of course they don't.
But for me, being able
to stay on active duty is-
Well, it's purely selfish.
You see, you can get lost
in the big reality in-
in which all the little
personal aches disappear.
War, as the man said, is hell.
But for me, it's a kind of a...
personal salvation.
Get 'em all out of there now.
That's it. Move it along.
Like some chewing gum?
Want some?
All right.
Now, do you think you can do this?
Now, you just keep doing it.
Dear Peter, there are so many things
that I would like to say to you.
We've never really known each other.
There just never seemed
to be the time.
But when I come home,
things will be different.
- I'm going to try to make up for-
- This is the captain speaking.
I've just received official word-
firing ceased at 2300.
The war is over.
I repeat, the war is over.
Stand by for further information.
It'll be sooner than we thought.
Sooner than we thought.
- Mr. Duchin.
- Hello, Charles.
I'll tell Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth
you're here.
Thank you.
Mr. Wadsworth.
Mr. Duchin is here.
Eddy! Welcome home!
Welcome home, Eddy. We didn't
expect you till tomorrow night.
I found an admiral who was in
a hurry too, so I hitched a ride.
Edith! You've no idea
how good it is to see you.
Come on in and tell us everything.
I'm home to stay this time.
Where's Peter?
He and Chiquita went to the park.
I'm going to stay home now
with my son.
- I have so much to make up for.
- We understand.
Sherm, I'm organizing a new band.
Lou's got us booked into
the Waldorf for a long hitch...
so I can stay right here
in New York with Peter.
Maybe I ought to go
to the park and get him.
- Eddy, be patient.
- But I have so many plans.
We're going to set up housekeeping,
a sort of bachelor hall.
Say, tell me about this
little girlfriend of Peter's.
Chiquita. She's a sweet child.
You'll like her.
- Spanish?
- English. "Chiquita's" a nickname.
Her father was a London
business associate of mine.
The entire family
was wiped out during the blitz.
It's been wonderful for Peter
having her here.
- They adore each other.
- Aunt Edith. Uncle Sherm.
You can't imagine
what happened in the park.
I can skate spread-eagle and-
Hello, Peter.
I'm very glad
to be back with you, Peter.
I hope you're happy to see me.
You look like your mother.
I'm told I look like you.
Did you get theJapanese sword
and the battle flag I sent?
- Yes.
- Good.
I hope your little playmate Chiquita
enjoyed the doll.
It came from a very fine
Japanese collection.
It's one of the most-
It's one of the most
beautiful dolls I've ever seen.
I'm so very pleased to meet you at last.
Welcome home.
- Thank you.
- Eddy, this is Chiquita Wynn.
I can see I've been measuring you
by the wrong yardstick.
I'm desperately sorry.
I do apologize
if we've embarrassed you.
No, it's just that
I'm afraid that...
salt water has dimmed
my sense of humor.
I think I'll go upstairs now.
But your father
has just arrived, Peter.
What about the surprise?
Some other time, Aunt Edith.
Mr. Duchin, will you sit here?
Ladies and gentlemen,
music by Duchin.
- Where did he learn to play like that?
- Chiquita taught him.
We used to get out
all your records and play them.
We love them so.
Excuse me.
I've got a headache.
- Does he really have a headache?
- You know how boys are.
No, I don't know how boys are.
They're unpredictable.
He may have a headache.
At any rate, the experience
of meeting you again...
is a little more than he can take
all at one time...
and he is determined
not to show it.
It should go,
if you don't mind my saying so...
by easy stages.
What I feel for Peter isn't
a matter of love by installment.
I was not talking about
what you feel, Mr. Duchin.
It's wonderful that you're home.
Excuse me.
That's one. Come on.
Throw it in at the mitt.
Way up.
Make it a double-play ball.
Eddy, you sign these contracts
and we're in business.
What a band.
We got everybody we wanted.
These past five weeks,
getting the boys together...
and getting the arrangements set...
reading the small print
in the contracts...
I'm beat.
Right in the strike zone.
Ball one.
Strike one.
They're great together, aren't they?
High one, Chiquita.
Would you come in here
for a moment, please?
- Where do I sign?
- At the bottom.
All copies.
- You called me?
- Oh, yes. Change your clothes.
We can go as soon as I've finished
signing these contracts.
- Go where?
- School starts in a few weeks.
I'll take you shopping
and buy you some new clothes.
But Chiquita-
I'm sorry.
Peter and I did that this morning.
You what?
Edith and I thought
you'd been so busy that-
Well, return the things.
I want to take him shopping.
But we've already ordered them.
It's easy to cancel an order.
Now run and change your clothes, son.
Why, you act exactly
as if I were trying...
to steal your son from you,
Mr. Duchin.
Believe me, I'm not.
From now on, I'll take him shopping
for what he needs.
But I don't think,
for his sake and yours...
that we should air our differences
in front of him.
Miss Wynn,
I realize that you're here...
as a guest of the Wadsworths,
not a nursemaid.
I can't give you orders.
- You keep telling me to mend my manners.
- I was not aware-
Well, I certainly want it stopped!
Unfortunately, your son judges you,
in part, by how you treat me.
Let's forget it. We're just
not on the same side of the fence.
Every child needs a father, Mr. Duchin.
I'm well aware of that.
- You've turned my son against me.
- You're very rude and tactless.
Whatever exists between you and your son
was ready-made when I arrived here.
- It's all my fault, I suppose.
- I've no interest in fixing blame.
Did you know Peter owned every one
of your gramophone recordings...
and he hid them in the cupboard
the moment you came home?
- Hid them? Why?
- Why?
Why give the gift
of love and admiration...
to a god that may depart
on the morrow?
It's just a lot of talk.
What does it mean?
Whatever you want to make it mean.
Now, that's a real intelligent answer.
You know, it never occurred
to me before.
Maybe you're not-
Maybe you're not the man
I was told you were.
Miss Wynn.
You might not believe this...
but I'm ready to go
down on my knees to that boy.
Believe me, you'll have to.
There are so many things about him
that you know that I don't.
Would you tell them to me?
Some of the things I have to say
may be painful.
Please tell me.
Fine. Take five.
- Well, how was it, fellas?
- Great.
Solid, Mr. Duchin.
Thanks for asking us.
- Good.
- Eddy, can I see you a minute?
Yeah, sure.
Excuse me.
We're opening the Waldorf in a week,
and we've got to make some replacements.
These are the men available.
I like your father.
I seen his picture in the paper.
I've seen it a dozen times.
Take the lead, Peter.
That was a wonderful session, Peter.
- Thanks.
- That was solid, as they said.
- Say, I got another one.
- Now, I regret to add...
we have a dental appointment.
I wish I didn't have to go.
Do I have to go?
Why don't you ask your father?
I'm asking you.
This would be
our third cancellation.
I think you'd better go.
There'll be other times.
Miss Wynn is right.
Very well.
Good-bye, fellas.
I gotta go to the dentist.
All right, let's go, boys.
Clock's running. Let's go.
We haven't got all day.
We open in a week.
Let's go, boys.
Come on. Eddy's waiting.
All right, fellas,
I want to take the theme now.
Chiquita, I think I'd like to dance.
- Congratulations, Eddy.
- Welcome home, Eddy.
Thank you.
It's good to be here.
Enjoying yourself, son?
Nat, take over for me, will you?
Eddy, the band never sounded better.
- Take it from Cugat. He know.
- Thank you.
- What's the matter with your arm?
- Nothing, nothing.
It's just hot in there.
I'll go back in a minute.
Eddy, what's the matter
with your hand?
Nothing that a good massage
won't remedy.
- That room's no icebox, you know.
- I know.
I've booked you for 20 years, and we've
always given them a two-handed player.
Lou, will you leave me alone!
I just got a little tired.
That's all.
- Let me call the house doctor.
- No, no, no. Really.
It's all right. There's nothing wrong.
See? It's okay.
Good. You know, Eddy,
on the rainy side of 40...
a man ought to have a medical checkup
at least twice a year.
Medical checkup twice a year.
We'll get one next week.
Mr. Duchin?
I'm afraid.
Can I stay with you?
Of course, son.
Hop in.
Daddy, I love you!
I was thinking. Why is this holiday
next week called Labor Day?
Because nobody works.
I'm starved!
- Great kid, isn't he, Lou?
- Yes, he is.
Reminds me of you when you flew into
the casino first time I met you.
I don't have to have my tonsils out,
if you care to know.
I'm hungry.
I want something to eat.
Hey, Hopalong.
Get upstairs and wash.
Cook isn't feeling well,
so I'll rustle you up some grub.
America's still
full of wild Indians.
Did the doctor look at his throat?
Yes, of course.
Both of us. Nothing's wrong.
Edith and Sherm
are certainly burning up Europe.
I'll get Peter something to eat.
Will you stay, Lou?
Oh, no, thanks, Chiquita.
That's the kind of woman for you.
- Was, you mean.
- There are other doctors.
Dr. Richter's a specialist, Lou.
Where are you going?
Back to the hotel
to think about my sins.
- Maybe I'll see you later.
- Yeah.
Life can be heartless,
huh, Lou?
Hungry too?
No, I- Just in the mood
to beat a teakettle.
May I?
- Beat a what?
- Teakettle.
What does that mean?
It's an old expression.
" Beat a teakettle. "
It means jabber jabber.
Jabber away.
Well, where's the jabber?
You say something.
That bird is brilliant.
Do you hear it out in the garden?
That's topic one. Next.
Not only packaged bread,
but packaged, sliced bread.
This is an American luxury
that passes all understanding.
Eddy, if I-
if I may begin again...
it makes me very happy that
Peter and you are together and...
Peter really has a father.
I'll miss him.
Miss him?
Where are you going?
Home to England.
What's in England?
England's home to me.
What is home?
Is it perhaps the place
where your husband is?
I suppose it is,
if you have the husband.
Did it ever occur to you that
I might ask to be your husband?
Well, frankly, no.
I've always known how
you felt about Peter's mother.
Chiquita, I'd like
to tell you about that.
I loved Marjorie
more deeply than my own life.
I'd never deny that.
We were gay friends, tender lovers,
a pair of kids together.
How often can you be kids together?
Only once, Chiquita.
And no one, but no one...
gets the big jackpots of life
more than once.
Young love is once.
The first time you have a child.
Or watching your parents grow old.
That's another "once. "
I didn't know that
when Marjorie went.
I tried to live
in a charmed circle...
that was gone forever.
I want you to know, Chiquita...
I'd give anything for you
not to leave Peter and me.
What did you say?
Excuse me.
I didn't have the right to say it.
In all my life,
I've never admired a woman more.
Do you understand?
Eddy, I really don't understand
what you're talking about.
- Eddy, I-
- Please,just go away.
I don't understand.
Are you angry with me?
- Of course not.
- Then what's wrong?
Chiquita, will you-
I love you.
I love you.
- You know that, don't you?
- No, I don't.
I don't understand all this, Eddy.
Well, it's nothing
you'd like to understand.
All right.
I'm gonna die.
Maybe you understand that.
It's that plain and simple.
The doctor used
a fine 20-dollar phrase-
"unfortunate prognosis. "
That's polite for "hopeless. "
Eddy, wait a minute.
What's hopeless?
- The doctor said-
- He said I have a year to live.
It's called hematocytosis.
Perfectly harmless to your neighbors...
only you get gobbled up
and disappear.
I can't believe it.
That's what I told the good doctor.
He turned away and shook his head.
- Then we'll go to another doctor.
- Chiquita, stop it.
I've been to three,
and their opinions don't differ.
Eddy, they-
So much for love...
or whatever future
we might have-
Does anyone know?
Only Lou.
Does Peter know?
Not yet.
Look at the speed of the river.
It's strange how unreal
the real can be.
Have to call my folks in Boston...
say hello.
Eddy, I would be so proud
to be your wife.
I don't want pity.
It has nothing to do with pity.
No, I couldn't do that.
Eddy, I love you so much.
You love me?
For such a long, long time.
I want to be your wife.
You know...
if this weren't
Edith's wedding present...
out the window it would go.
Oh, sure.
$20 worth of Renoir?
D- seventh.
You like it there?
You know, this place
is getting a little crowded.
Well, not with pictures.
With pianos.
You know, I knew I was marrying
for better or worse.
But two pianos?
Doesn't everyone have two pianos?
Say, that's Uncle Lou.
You see? He didn't forget.
Lou promised to take him to a movie.
- The albums?
- Yeah.
- Daddy, your albums are here.
- Fine. Thank you, Lou.
- Don't mention it.
- Hello, Lou.
- Can I borrow him for a couple hours?
- If you promise to bring him back.
I will.
Let's take Lou with us when
we go to Bermuda next spring.
- Aren't we going to Bermuda?
- Sure.
And next summer,
Italy and France too?
I'm gonna row a gondola.
- I'm ready. Good-bye, Daddy.
- Good-bye, Peter.
- Good-bye, Chiquita.
- Have a good time at the movies.
I will. Thank you.
Last one out is a rotten egg.
Take the car.
You know, you never trusted me
with your Stutz Bearcat.
Stutz scared cat?
What's that?
Last one out's a rotten egg.
You like it better there?
Eddy, you're going
to have to tell Peter.
- No, I can't.
- You must.
But I wouldn't know how
to do a thing like that.
It doesn't have
to be done tonight.
Listen, dear, tonight,
next week, a month from now-
What difference does it make?
I just couldn't do it.
What I want to know is why!
Why do they have
to destroy a man twice?
You work and work,
and just when you get a-
When it gets too good,
they take it away.
I don't want to die.
I don't.
I'll tell him.
I'll tell him.
Oh, God, give me the proper words
to say to him.
This is where you used
to play the piano.
The Central Park Casino
used to be here, didn't it, Dad?
Yes, that's right.
Say, Dad, how did they happen
to have a nightclub...
right here in the middle
of the park?
Well, it seemed like
a good idea at the time.
And you lived up there.
Boy, you know what
you could've done, Dad?
You could've got a steel cable,
run it from your apartment...
right down here to the casino.
Then, when you wanted
to go to work...
you just climb up
on your cable and go-
And boom-you'd land right
at the piano and start to play.
Now, why didn't I think of that?
The only trouble is,
how would you get home?
I think if I got
a running start-
What did you want
to talk to me about, Dad?
Well, I...
thought it might be fun
if we took a walk together.
When I was in the navy
in the Pacific...
I tried to write to you.
There were so many things
I wanted to tell you.
You never knew your mother.
But when I lost her, I-
Peter, I need your help.
I've been thinking, son.
The only way I'd ever leave you again
would be against my will.
A trip, you mean?
A road tour with the band?
No, not exactly.
You're going away for a long time?
For a long time, son.
Will Chiquita go with you?
No, she'll stay here with you.
You know, Peter, there's no one dearer
to me in the whole world than you.
But I-
I can't stay with you, son.
Do you have to do it?
Go, I mean?
Well, I don't care.
I don't think you mean that, Peter.
Don't tell me what I mean.
You said you have to go.
You're gonna leave me again.
- Didn't you?
- No, Peter. Listen.
You don't have to bother
explaining things.
I can get along without you.
I've done it before,
and I can do it again.
You must understand, Peter.
Listen to me.
I told you,
it was against my will.
Don't say that!
It's not true.
There's no one who can tell you
what to do.
Peter, there's somebody
who tells us all what to do.
You remember the hospitals I've gone to,
the doctors I've seen recently?
Yes, but you're all right now.
You told us.
No, I'm sick, Peter.
I'm very sick.
And that's why I won't be
with you much longer, son.
Do you understand what I'm trying
to tell you, Peter?
Do you understand?
think I understand.
I've been lonesome
without my two men.
It's Cook's day off,
and you know what that means.
I'll take care of her, Dad.
Well, how about a little
double piano?
Music by Duchin.
You're getting awfully good, son.
It's hard to tell
where I leave off and you begin.