The Editor (2014)

Come here, yes,
come here, oh, yes...
You bitch!
I'll kill you, I'll kill you,
I'll kill you!
Don't even try to move my clear,
you're completely paralyzed.
You might remember my friend,
the Brazilian Wandering spider.
He's very aggressive,
highly poisonous.
Not even your handsome boyfriend,
Arturo, can save you now.
Another jump cut.
I wouldn't make such mistakes
if it weren't for...
I think the piece
you want is at the bottom.
Here it is!
Thank you, Bella.
Say, why don't you try cutting
it in this time, uh?
No. I can't. I'm not ready.
I'm still a student.
Don't be silly.
You're my assistant.
Please, give it a try,
why don't you?
If you were my student,
I'd say that's A+ work.
You see that there
on the screen, Bella?
That's as close to living
as you and I will ever come.
Aren't we living now?
If this is living I want
no part of it.
Oh, sorry, editor.
I didn't know it was you.
I thought you were Veronica...
Well done, Claudio, scaring the
old editor half to death.
If he ends up in the morgue,
how will our film
ever get finished?
0h, really?
And if you scared me to death,
the lead actor?
How then would the
film be finished?
Oh, Claudio.
I wasn't really scared.
Honey, I'm in our home.
Can't hear you,
I'm shaving my legs.
I'm sorry, it's a little...
That's what time it is.
You lost track of time again,
editing that crap.
It is my work.
I must do it,
no matter how long it takes.
It's filth.
Francesco hasn't
made a decent film
since I stepped out
of the spotlight.
you're still in my spotlight.
And what of Claudio?
Did you see him today?
Claudio, Claudio, Claudio.
Every day you ask me
of this young man.
He's nothing but a foolish boy.
He's magnificent.
He's an artist.
You could never understand
the passion we have.
You're not an actor.
And what if Claudio were
to suddenly die, huh?
What then?
How dare you say that?
I would cry. I would cry, cry,
cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry!
I would never ever stop crying!
You stupid cripple.
No, not her. Why'd it have
to be her? No! No!
She's dead.
Don't worry. We'll catch the
killer that killed her.
Arturo, she was a dancer.
She was the best,
the best, the best!
Snap out of it, man!
She was a hell of a dancer,
damn straight.
Babe, babe, babe.
Come on. Watch!
But an even
better drug addict.
A hairy little man.
Let me guess...
You're out here thinking
of killing yourself too, huh?
Well, let's just say we
saved each other then.
Terrific, no?
Yes, very good, Claudio.
Now, perhaps you use
some of those moves on me...
Veronica, I'm watching me,
not you.
Veronica, there is more.
There's more!
A mannequin, ha! I knew it!
A tape player! Of course!
Arturo, you've been hit!
All in a day's work, partner.
Now let's get one of those
cold beers.
No, my scene.
The editor's going to kill me.
That was his work print.
Don't worry about that
silly little man.
He can cut it as many times
as you like. He's pathetic.
I guess you're right.
I'm sorry, Veronica.
I just don't want to cause any
trouble for the studio,
you understand?
What was that?
Who's there?
It's nobody.
Stop resisting me.
I've heard these old studios
have ghosts,
and I'll be damned if
I let myself see one.
Oh, Claudio.
No, please, leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
Coffee, Mr. Ciso?
No thanks, Bella.
It's really weird. I went home
last night, did I not?
Yes, Mr. Ciso. You left
just before I did.
I need to speak to
the man in charge.
That would be me,
Francesco Mancini.
Do you know who the last person
was to see these two alive?
No, I don't know. I didn't know
they were still in the building
last night.
I knew Rey was there editing.
Alright, who's Rev?
That's the cripple,
the editor...
Rey, introduce yourself,
damn it.
I'm Rey Ciso.
You saw these two last night?
I don't remember.
I remember seeing Claudio.
He was dressed as the devil.
The devil?
Yes, Satan himself.
- Right here, sir.
- Oh, yes, the dark lord.
How does this go again?
Oogagaga. Sort of a thing.
Did you see anything suspicious?
Uh, not that I recall. They
kissed as lovers should,
and I left them
in an embrace.
And who found the body?
That was my actress,
Ah, yes, Margarit.
I believe I know her.
And the film in the projector...
Giancarlo! Why has this body
not been cut down?
Couldn't find a ladder, sir.
Good boy.
The print in the projector.
That's a film being shot here?
Yes, it was one of the
editor's work prints.
Interesting how that name
keeps coming up.
Editor, how did they get their
hands on that, I wonder?
- I have no idea.
- You sure of that?
What? Can't you light
a simple match?
It's these damn wooden fingers.
I see that.
Yes, well. Until my boys are
done bagging evidence
and I've had a chance
to sort through it,
I'll be keeping my eye on all
of you. Everyone's a suspect,
so I don't advise any of you
to trust one another
until I've found
the guilty party.
And I will.
Hysterical blindness.
Not the first case I've seen,
but it's not too common either.
A woman's eyes weren't meant to
see such things, you understand?
Is it permanent?
Will she look
that way forever?
- What way? How do I look?
- Hard to say.
She'll need plenty of rest,
It was so horrible.
I can't get it out of my head.
I gotta give it
to you straight, Ciso.
Your work ain't great,
but I'm gonna need your help
to pull this thing off
now without a leading man.
Leading man? I'm happy to
step up to the plate, Francesco.
Rey, you must know Cal Konitz?
Claudio's sidekick
in the picture.
Hi... Wow, you should have
warned me about that.
Hopefully you'll be seeing a
lot more of me in the picture.
- Am I right, Francesco?
- This is Cesare.
He's going to be taking on
Claudio's part.
We're damn lucky to get
such a good lookalike.
The only damn problem is
he doesn't speak a word
- of English. Do you Cesare?
- Niente, niente.
Ah hell, that's what
dubbing is for!
Oh, Francesco.
Uh, I was actually
talking to Cesare and he kind of
- wants to play the sidekick.
- Francesco, I don't think...
I know you don't think, Rey.
That's my job.
Your job is to earn the 75
bucks a week I pay you.
Oh, Francesco. I, uh, actually
shot this footage this morning
and I think you could use it
for my demo reel
for me to play Claudio.
You see this Rey? You'll have
to learn this new medium.
It's what we'll be shooting
our next movie on.
How do I get the film out
of this little black box?
Good one, Rey.
I knew it would be
fun having a cripple around.
What about that editor?
Didn't you tell me
all the victims were missing
the same fingers he was?
You're right. That might be
a good place to start.
Come on, Porfiry. This is your
chance to prove yourself.
Prove myself, sir?
Look. You've been on the force,
what, a year?
Now you and I both know that
my daughter had a lot to do
- with you getting promoted.
- No, I...
Damn if I don't give that girl
anything she wants.
My daughter better come
out of this unscathed.
- Do you understand me, Porfiry?
- Uh-huh.
I got Giancarlo keeping
an eye on her
24/7 in the meantime.
And you should really use
your service revolver.
That foreign knock-off of yours
is going to
get someone killed.
I've tried the revolvers.
I prefer the 1911.
Well, all I know is my partner
twenty years ago
used one of those foreign
weapons and he almost
blew his hand off.
You don't need to worry, sir.
I won't let you down.
No, you won't,
because if you do you are
going to be back in uniform
handing out parking tickets
for the rest of your life.
You got that, Porfiry?
She matches the description.
I demand to know who
you men are!
She's your killer.
We're going to prove it.
Five thousand dollars
says this is a mask.
I'm gonna push it right there.
Yep. It'll stick. Come on.
Get back on there.
And... she's good.
I don't even have five
thousand dollars.
I demand to know
who you men are!
Are Y" Okay, Sophie?
Hey. I'm Arturo,
officer of the law.
As I said, he was once
in an asylum.
I don't know the details but
I heard it from several sources.
I wish I knew more, but I don't.
The sooner this is over,
the better.
Agreed, and by the way,
The Cat with the Velvet Blade is
probably my favorite film.
Is this what you
wanted me to wear?
Yes, yes, yes!
What have you to confess,
my son?
I've had impure thoughts,
I've wished for terrible
things to happen
and those things have happened.
Rey, is that you?
I'm losing control, father.
I can't tell what's
real anymore.
Can I ask you something, my son?
Of course, father.
What's it like on those
big fancy film sets?
I've always wanted to know.
I'm an editor so I don't spend
too much time on set.
- Too bad.
- Sorry, father.
You're married to
Josephine Jardin, aren't you?
The star of
The Mirror and the Guillotine?
Is she dead?
- Au revoir, Cesare.
- Bye, Cesare.
Cesare, Cesare, Cesare...
Whoa. Sorry there, Cesare.
Great job today.
You almost sounded like
a real American human being.
Grazie, grazie.
That's an excellent
penis you have.
This is turning out to be a
great night after all.
See you later, Cesare, buddy!
5,000 dollars
says this is a mask.
Did you hear the
great news, Ciso?
I'm going to be a star!
Yeah, somebody killed
that foreign guy
and Francesco's going to
make me the lead.
Come see!
Editor, look!
Told you.
There you are, Ciso.
I'm not going to find
a better doppelganger
- than that foreigner so...
- Not now!
So Cal's our new hero.
Recut the film to make
Claudio look like his sidekick.
Yes, I could use some of
the footage Konitz gave me.
I finally got it out of the box,
it's uh, all black.
MY tape!
I guess I can
make another copy.
I noticed you're wearing
the same clothes as
you were yesterday, editor.
Is that because you weren't
at home last night?
I always wear
the same clothes.
And what about you?
You're wearing the
same clothes also.
I'm an inspector, Rey.
I have to wear the same
clothes every day.
If you're going to arrest
Rey can you do it
after he finishes the picture?
Francesco tells me that you
used to be in the madhouse.
Care to explain?
I had a nervous breakdown, yes.
It does not make me the killer.
Do you want tell me what
happened now or shall
we wait until we're down
at the station
and I'm booking you for murder?
I was a great editor,
at one time.
Perhaps the greatest editor
the world had ever seen.
I worked hard at it,
just like anyone.
That is until the clay that
I met Umberto Fantori.
I don't do many things, sir.
I don't know how to
fill a tax form.
I cannot walk a dog,
but I see into the heart.
So I can see into your heart.
And that what makes
editor for film.
So for Mirror et Guillotine,
only you, my friend.
I need a woman!
I need a woman!
I am a woman,
under these clothes.
Umberto Fantori has
another stellar success
on his hands with
The Mirror and the Guillotine.
Claudio Calvetti
shines in his role
as the tortured hero
in need of a woman,
but the real stars
of the picture
are Josephine Jardin
and Rey Ciso.
You won't miss Josephine
as the grief-stricken nun,
torn between her
God and her lust
for the miscreant, Calvetti...
I had the perfect life.
Even my wife loved me.
The next film is really what
I was brought for to do.
La Vita, you understand?
No end, no middle, no beginning.
Where is end?
Who knows.
I let my ego get
the better of me and
I accepted the ultimate
Edit the world's longest film.
The interminable work
drove me to the point
of frenzy but years passed.
Would you
get off please?
There's only a page and a half
and the real meat of
it is in the middle,
so can we please just continue?
No, you're finished.
Really, you're done here.
Get her off the set.
And as my wife lost
her place in the spotlight...
The life we were living
was truly put to rest.
So I spent some time
in the hospital.
But not the madhouse
as you call it.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I have to get back to work.
- Oh my God!
- Jesus Christ, Margarit.
- Cover those up.
- What?
He's right, Margarit.
Your breasts are showing.
Not those, these.
Mr. Ciso, you scared me.
What did the inspector say?
Are we in danger?
No, Bella.
Don't worry.
It's the actors who make
so many enemies.
Just be glad you and I
work behind the scenes.
We go unnoticed.
It's true, Mr. Ciso.
When I was a little girl
I used to sit in my
father's projection booth.
I would watch the films and
help him change the reels.
"People come to the theatre
for magic," he would say.
If the audience knew
how many magicians
were working behind the scenes,
the spell would be broken.
Your father was a
very strange man, Bella.
Best you hear it from me,
someone who cares.
Yes, well, enough about me.
What are we working on today,
the body double footage?
No, Bella!
Uh, I was hoping you would
show me the reel
you've been working on.
Oh, Mr. Ciso, I don't know.
I don't think it's worthy
of your eyes yet.
Nonsense, Bella.
Mr. Konitz,
may I have a word?
Thank you very much,
my little friend, goodbye.
You may have as many
words as you like.
This is the best clay of
my life and I'm
always happy to meet
a new friend.
My most prized possession.
Sweetheart, are you
finished packing yet, or...?
Inspector, I am sorry.
My woman's not usually
such a bitch.
You two know each other?
Jasmine and I were lovers.
It's true.
Peter was a strong
and passionate man.
Too funny!
Holy shit.
Tell me, inspector, do you think
you'll be hungry around six?
I'd like to talk about your
adventures as a man of the law
and undercover with Jasmine.
You're an eager young man
and I'll be god damned
if I don't tell you
that I respect that.
I would love to have dinner
with you and your lady,
but I'm afraid I'll have to
take a rain check this time.
I've got a lot more
investigating to do.
Ah yes.
Cloak and dagger stuff, eh?
Say no more, but I warn you,
I'll be taking that rain check.
- Good to meet you.
- Very good to meet you.
Yes, bye for now, then.
Oh, clear.
Mr. Konitz.
You dropped something.
I swear I'd lose my head
if it wasn't screwed on.
Especially with a
killer on the loose.
You don't want to leave things
like this lying around.
In the wrong hands,
they become weapons.
You're a man who's seen
darkness and returned
to tell the tale,
aren't you?
Indeed I am.
Beautiful body of work
you have here, Bella.
You really think so, Mr. Ciso?
The rhythm, the splicing.
It's all very good.
But you forgot
one reaction shot.
Common mistake.
Stupid! Stupid!
You're so stupid!
Bella! Stop!
Give me that.
What are you doing?
Mr. Ciso, you're a great artist.
The way you edit with
your wooden fingers.
I see you suffering
for your work.
You're like van Gogh
with his wooden ear.
And I... and I just wanna...
I'm sorry...
I'm so ashamed.
You mustn't cry, huh?
No, Bella.
I'm a happily married man.
Mr. Ciso,
you don't understand.
I'm in love with you.
You don't know what love is.
You're just a little girl.
Now fly away, butterfly.
Play with the boys
your own age, huh?
But I do know what love is.
You are like the sun.
And everyone here is walking
around under an umbrella.
But I see you.
I feel you.
Your warmth.
Your light.
Please, Mr. Ciso.
Make me a woman!
I said no, god damn it!
What have you done now?
I heard screaming.
It's nothing. Just my assistant.
She's a mad little girl,
you understand?
And what's this?
You always take company
property home with you?
Let me have a look at it.
You can have a look when you
show me a warrant, Inspector.
I can have that warrant
in a number of hours, editor!
Claudio, Veronica, Cesare.
I'll find the killer
who killed you.
The food
here is delicious.
Why aren't you eating?
Uh... I had a big lunch.
So you're just going to sit
there and watch me eat?
Why are you so weird?
Did I tell you?
The police were back
at the studio today.
I thought we could focus
on us for a change.
Maybe bring back that old spark.
But no.
Here we go with
the film talk again.
Don't you know how much
it hurts to be reminded
that my career is over?
I don't mean in a movie.
There was another
murder at the studio.
Am I supposed
to be surprised, Rey?
With all the sluts and violence.
Did you really think a fancy
dinner would make up
for the fact that you didn't
come home last night?
And look at what you're wearing.
Your old dirty work clothes.
You know what?
I feel ill.
I think I caught that
bug of yours.
And I'm going to be
sick right now.
On this carpet right here.
You're going to have
to clean it up.
What's the matter with you?
I've been tailing you secretly,
but I can't take it anymore.
You need to keep
your woman in line.
I did it for you this time
because I feel sorry for you.
Next time you might
not be so lucky.
I might slap you in the face.
A man slapping a man,
imagine that.
Have a wonderful evening.
He's right.
What am I supposed to do,
slap myself?
I told you it was that horrible
restaurant that made me ill.
What are you doing?
Turn off that damn light.
You're impossible.
A to Ciso...
Got you.
What the h...
Damn, come on.
Oh, damn.
Come on...
Come on.
Who's there?
Answer me.
- Hello.
- Kiss me.
- Sorry, What's that?
- Kiss me. Kiss me!
There you are.
Got away from me, did you?
So she got you with that old
kiss me, I bite you" trick.
So you say you are an inspector?
That's right.
I can tell you a thing or
two about Rey.
He was an up and coming
editor before I met him.
Before he almost killed
his assistant, Giuseppe.
Mr. Ciso, I think I found
the film you wanted.
Mr. Ciso...
Mr. Ciso.
Have you heard of
Plato's cave, Inspector?
I think I've seen it, yeah.
It's not a film.
Though it should be.
Plato described a cave
where men are raised
watching shadows on the wall.
Believing them to be people,
animals, trees and what not.
And what has this to
do with Mr. Ciso?
Rey believed that
nothing was real,
that we're all just
marionettes on a stage.
We convinced him otherwise
but he didn't stay
in our institution too long.
He was signed for
and released...
by Fantori.
Umberto Fantori.
An intimidating man.
I was so...
...excited when I got
his autograph.
On the release form.
I really admire his films.
Especially the one where
the man climbs the tree
and screams
I need a woman, a woman!"
Perhaps I should pay
this Fantori a visit.
He's dead for years.
What of his assistant, Giuseppe?
Let me show you something.
My god...
What's happened to him?
Why's he wrapped in
these bandages?
I don't know.
Really weird.
Thank you for all the
information, Dr. Casini.
I really appreciate it.
Don't tell Rey what
we talked about.
- Sure.
- Inspector.
I'm serious.
I'm not even friends with him.
Kiss me.
Bite me.
Rome, No'.!
Jesus Christ, Margarit.
What is that?
Oh this is Rolfie,
a seeing-eye dog.
Daddy brought him
by earlier for me.
Isn't he sweet?
Yes, I only wish that
you'd told me.
I wanted to introduce you to him
at dinner but... did you forget?
It's this case.
It's driving me so mad.
Is it the case...
Or is it my eyes?
It's the case, I promise.
And the doctor said the
eye problem might,
probably be temporary,
did he not?
Peter, I can't lose
both my career
and my husband in the
same week, I can't...
Margarit, I still love you.
Oh, Peter.
But where were you on
the night of the murder
if you know so much about it?
I was at home washing my hair
and shaving my pussy.
Your story checks out.
What's happening?
Who could that be at this hour?
What's happening?
What is it, Rolfie?
What is it?
what's the matter?
Margarit, open the door.
Open the door, Margarit!
Why is the door locked?
Who's there?
Damn it!
Hold on, Margarit!
Keep away from the door!
Is the killer in there with you?
- Help. Help me.
- Damn it, is it Rey Ciso?
Come here, Rome. That's it.
That's a good boy.
Hold it right there!
Drop the axe now.
How dare you point
that gun at me?
I'm the inspector on this case,
not you, not you!
The killer was here.
He's probably miles away by now,
thanks to you.
You forgot this.
Shit. Now your prints are
on the murder weapon.
I'm sorry.
You've got a pair on you, boy,
standing up to
an inspector like that.
But that's my wife on the floor!
You understand?
Did you get a look
at her killer?
It was a black figure.
You know, I have an
opening for an
undercover man and
you might just fit the bill.
Would you be
interested in that, Giancarlo?
- Yes, of course.
- Yes.
Why don't you say you saw
the man who killed Margarit?
Why don't you
say it in court?
- The black man, sir?
- Your words, not mine.
Though I guess
it was a black man,
now that you remember
seeing him.
But I remember...
But I wasn't here, sir.
Oh, Giancarlo, that drink's
gone straight to your brain.
You've already forgotten
that you were here.
That your prints are
on the murder weapon.
You probably shouldn't be
drinking while you're on duty.
I haven't touched a drop myself.
I just like to hold it.
A good man holds a beer.
I'm only trying to help you,
All right.
So you'll say it...
I saw him."
- I saw him.
- The black man.
The black man.
That's sounding very good.
Very convincing.
You'll make a good
cop one day, Giancarlo.
But I am a cop, sir.
You heard me,
you're out of here.
Honestly, Rey.
I thought it might be fun
to have a cripple around,
but I was dead wrong.
Not to mention you've
practically cut Cal
- out of the whole movie.
- What?
And this guy shows up
today telling me
all kinds of facts
about film that
I'd never even heard before.
And better yet,
he's agreed to work
for half of what I'm paying you.
So what can I say, Rey?
Have you ever even
seen a film by Einstein?
It's pronounced Einstein,
So get your stuff and
get the fuck out of here!
- Mr. Ciso.
- Not now, Bella.
- But, Mr. Ciso.
- I said not now!
- Where are you going?
- Francesco's fired me.
He's hired some amateur
with a head full
of facts but no mind for art.
- What? No. That can't be.
- Don't come any closer, Bella.
Has anyone else been in here.
Anyone other than you?
That's what I wanted to
talk to you about.
Ciso, you son of a bitch,
you've got a lot to answer for.
I talked to Dr. Casini
at the asylum,
your story didn't exactly
match up with his.
I told you everything
I remember, Porfiry.
We're all editors of
our own realities.
How Dr. Casini remembers
my time in the asylum
might not be exactly
how it happened.
I wasn't done talking
to you, editor!
What's this?
It's a wrench.
No, what's this?
Oh, it's a $500 tape machine
I had to buy to watch that
film you left for me.
That was not for you to watch.
I was going to tell you
it's the first
good thing you've edited in
an extremely long time.
I had nothing
to do with this crap.
I've never seen it
before in my life.
Technical talk.
Call it what you want.
I love it.
And who is this man?
Cal Konitz.
He's magnificent.
Maybe even better than Claudio.
Such... beautiful hands.
I was fired.
You were...
You were what?
I was fired.
Who's going to pay for the food?
Who's going to pay
for my clothes?
Who's going to pay for this
damn $500 Beta machine?!
I'll find you.
I'll see who's been
tormenting Mr. Ciso.
You? No.
Are you crazy?
You light some rags in the sink
and expect that to
fix the plumbing?
Bella... Bella!
Hey! What are you doing here?
- Where were you, huh?
- I was out. I was studying.
I was getting more
books on my studying.
- Holy shit!
- I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
REY, Rey, Rey, calm down.
What the fuck's the
matter with you?
- What's going on?
- He's a murderer!
I'm not a murderer.
You're a murderer.
- I'm a cop.
- You're a cop?
- What? No. No.
- Bella's dead.
Is she?
My god, another one?
Cal, call inspector Porfiry
at once then help
the new editor to
clean up the lab.
I know you must be
frightened by all of this
but it seems to happen around
here fairly often, lately.
You've got to get back
to work at once.
I need this picture completed,
you understand?
Okay. Good boy.
Who said anything about
an editing lab, Francesco?
- What?
- I said she was dead.
I didn't say where it happened.
Well she worked in the
editing lab.
What the fuck? I don't have
to explain myself to you!
I don't want to see you
around here anymore.
You understand me?
You take death with
you wherever you go.
Making movies used to be fun.
- Lift her legs!
- I'm trying. She's too pretty.
Not bad, Giancarlo.
Not bad.
Perhaps this book can tell me
where the next cut should be.
Spiders, spiders, spiders.
Ah here we are.
Tarantulas and film editing.
You're a great editor, truly.
Sure, you have wooden fingers,
but who doesn't at times.
- And you're a smart man.
- Yeah.
Perhaps even a genius
and that wife of yours...
- she could be an actress.
- She was.
She was?
What was she in?
I've seen every movie
in the world.
Please don't talk about her,
she's a fuckin'...
a fuckin' train wreck.
Sorry, Rey.
Listen. I'm in a hell
of a mess here, Ciso.
If you can give me
Tarantola I can-
- You cut it?
- Before you fired me.
Ciso! You saved me, Ciso.
You saved me.
Cal, take these reels
up to the screening room.
It's time for a premiere
screening of your new movie.
You are...
God damn it!
Where do you find these people?
He's not your man,
you know.
He's not your man.
I know editors have
their negative side,
so I understand your suspicion-
Don't talk to me.
I can arrest you for that.
Don't tell me you
believe in that
old superstition, do you?
What superstition?
Well, in Roman times
editors were considered
to be a bridge between
the netherworld.
They were used in summonings
and bringing-forths and so on.
Hence the Latin root
of the word, Editor.
Bridges to the netherworld?
Oh, they were considered
bridges to the netherworld.
I don't want to hear
your wizard speak.
A young Donald Sutherland.
You think you can cut
me out of the movie? Huh?
You think you can cut me
out of the movie, editor?
I'll cut you out!
I'm going to cut off
your click with this!
I'll cut you up! You fucked with
the wrong guy, editor.
I'm going to cut
you into bits, editor.
I'll cut you up.
I don't believe you.
I'll kill you, editor.
I'll cut you up.
You want to know why I
cut you out of the film?
Because you're a terrible actor.
You've got a lot of balls for a
guy who's about to be fish food.
No, what I have is
a trained eye.
You see, Konitz,
whenever you act,
or whatever the hell
you're doing, you blink.
You blink like you have
smoke in your eyes.
You couldn't kill a man.
You couldn't even
act like a killer.
You're messing
with the wrong guy, editor.
I'll get you, editor.
Put me back in the movie,
or else.
If you're
wondering if you
got the right man for the job,
I can tell you a
hundred percent, you do.
I just don't know if
I'm gonna take it.
What can I do to convince you?
Yeah, yeah, hey...
Oh... yeah...
Yep. Twice a week I like to go
swimming down by the pier.
Jasmine scolds me
for going alone.
She thinks it's dangerous.
I'm not surprised.
You're a brave man.
Maybe you'd like to
join me sometime.
She wouldn't have to
worry about me and you
- could swim with a good friend.
- I'd like that.
About why I brought you here.
Yes, you said that you had
some evidence on the editor.
It's not evidence, exactly.
But I threatened him,
for cutting me out of the movie.
He cut you out of the picture?
Can you believe it?
He's clearly a mad man.
A mad man.
I held a chainsaw right up
to his face and he insulted me.
That's not the behavior
of a sane man.
- Speak of the devil.
- What? Is he here?
What? No.
We were just talking about
the devil man, Rey.
That's not what that
expression means.
You might be onto
something, though.
I have a suspicion and
it's certainly a wild one.
I like the sound of
this already.
I think that Rey might have
- some ties to the occult.
- ...have some ties to occult.
That's right!
I was thinking the same.
But how am I expected to
reason with a man like this?
You know what you
might try is the wife.
I think the way to get to
Rey is through his wife.
I think she might
be able to convince
him to extend your scenes.
I like the way
you think, Porfiry.
Speaking of wives,
my condolences, Porfiry.
Thank you.
Jasmine... Jesus Christ.
You're going to pay for
dinner because of that.
I said if you did this you were
going to pay for dinner.
That is,
unless you can tell me
where the money is.
Oh, God damn it!
You're a mad man.
A bastard.
If only I could untie
myself from
the rope with this
mangled hand.
I'm no man at all.
Damn it!
You know what?
I might take my cut of
the fortune out of your...
You know what?
I might take my cut
of the fortune
out of your beautiful bride.
Oh no!
Please stop!
I'll never get out of it.
He's too good at tying knots.
You're gonna love it.
And insult to injury he's
raping my wife, crap!
See? She loves it
you son of a bitch.
Gotta hand it to him.
The kid's got talent.
Maybe I was right...
wrong about him all along.
Guess who?
You're not
fooling me, Rey.
You just don't think
about what's best
for the movie, do you?
I'm going to take my cut
of what you owe me.
All right, all right,
I'll do it.
I'll cut you back in.
Did I blink?
No. Rey, please...
Help me, baby...
s ow!
Where are you going?
I gotta go.
I'm really sorry
about that, okay? Bye.
Cal and I are in love and
we're going to get married.
I'm sorry.
I wish I could have been
a better wife to you.
I'll always...
I'll always love you.
- Josephine, untie me.
- But I'm not in love with you.
I have to go meet Cal.
He's waiting.
Tenebras quam luciem
tuam movendi est vita...
Tenebras quam luciem
tuam movendi est vita...
What does it mean?
' ' Uallghing)
I 9t you.
Ugh. You dog!
You scared me.
Oh, I was only
kidding, Jasmine.
Come here,
why don't you?
I want you to forgive me.
I'm sorry.
This hasn't happened
to me before.
It's that damn editor.
I think I feel kind of bad
for what I did to him.
It's all right.
I'm good.
Tell me.
Tell me something about your
affair with the inspector.
Like what?
About how he was
strong and forceful.
Okay, well he was
strong and forceful.
He knew what I wanted
before I did.
Excuse me, Wizard!
I must have a word with
you about the editor
and your so-called superstition.
I need a little help with the
Latin here but...
Tenebras Quam Luciem
Tuam Movendi est Vita?
You fool, you mustn't
say these words!
It's just a bit of fire,
what's the big deal?
No. You shouldn't have
brought this book here.
It must be destroyed,
like the others.
Wizard, come now.
It's just an old text.
You're seeing ghosts
on every corner.
No, Inspector,
I beg of you.
For your own salvation you
must destroy this book, please.
You don't know what
you're toying with.
I'll happily destroy it once
I find out what part
Rey Ciso plays in this
dark charade.
I've known Rey for many years.
He's got no part in the evil
that you've brought here.
Rey Ciso's a
God-fearing Catholic.
And he can patch up
more than a roll of film,
let me tell you.
Why, he patched up
our bell tower.
It was all leaky and he
patched up the masonry
and now it rings loud and clear.
So, inspector,
I'll tell you again.
Rey Ciso is not your man.
Wizard, please!
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a date with a friend.
Oh, yeah.
Come on, Rome.
Let's see if Cal likes you
as much as I do, eh?
Twelve hours working the beat.
Who needs 'em, right?
Here, let's get some exercise.
Oh, what's this?
How about a little fetch
before we go swimming, huh?
That's it, boy, get it.
Get it.
Get it, that's a good boy.
Bring it. Bring it.
Oh you're such a good boy.
That's it Rome. Get it.
Bring it. Bring it, Rome.
No use in hiding, Ciso.
Come out right now.
Are you in here, Rey?
My God...
Get a hold of yourself.
What's this?
Ah, yes.
Now I've got him.
Oh, no you don't.
Hold it right there, Editor.
Thought you got
away from me, did you?
To bring forth.
Summoning demons.
A bunch of bullshit
some priest told me.
I read your book.
It's all so stupid it makes
me want to shoot you.
Don't even think about it.
Come back, Rey!
Come on.
Eat it. Eat it.
- Ah, fuck this.
- Francesco.
I was beginning to think
you'd stood me up, my dear.
Oh, darling,
you've known me long enough.
His final victim.
Hold it right there, Rey!
Porfiry, you don't understand.
No Rey, I think I
finally do understand.
If I don't shoot you now
this is never going to end!
It's all right Mrs. Ciso,
everything is
going to be okay now.
Porfiry, behind you.
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!
It was you, all along?
I knew it!
Don't choke on your
last words, Inspector.
Choke on this, bitch.
I've always hated that name.
I've sacrificed
everything for you.
From now on, call me Death!
Death! Death!
- Do it again, call me Death.
- Light the match, Rey.
Come on, light the match.
Come on, Rey.
Light the damn match!
Please, Rey. Do it!
It's these damn wooden fingers!
You're a wooden man!
Please, no!
Death! Death!
- Ah. My back.
- Oh, your back, I'm sorry.
You're a free man.
I just don't understand it.
Why she'd kill so many
innocent actors...
Like Cesare or Margarit?
Well, Cal killed Cesare.
He told me.
To get a better part
in the picture.
Here, allow me.
Ow! Damn, that's right.
I forgot.
I don't have fingers on
this hand anymore.
Thank you, Porfiry
You'll be in my prayers tonight.
And now to bed.
But Rey, you've been hit.
It's all in a
day's work, partner.
Porfiry, you're late.
It's funny you mention
that, Chief, as I was
about to tell you I'm
taking some time off.
Vacation days?
Look, I understand setting
somebody on fire
and watching them burn to
death changes a man.
But you've got to talk to the
staff doc about that, not me.
Casini's waiting for you.
Yeah, anytime you
kill somebody
you gotta talk to the staff doc.
Well, I'd be happy to talk
to him about the
charred remains of
Josephine Jardin.
You know, Chief,
I met her once...
and although I found
her a cruel woman,
I never would have
thought she
would be capable of murder.
I would have figured a
few good slaps from
her husband would
have sorted her out.
Didn't realize you knew her.
She wasn't married though.
Of course she was,
to the editor.
Jesus Christ, this is the
kind of mumbo jumbo
you should be babbling to
the staff doc, not me.
You know, Chief,
you may be my superior
but I'd expect a little
more respect for your
top inspector on the heels
of cracking his big...
I respect the hell out of
Inspector Giancarlo.
I made him a bronze
shield this morning
while you were in bed
sleeping off that
pathetic hand wound of yours.
Inspector Giancarlo?
What the hell are you
talking about?
My ears are burning.
Officer Porfiry.
Is everything okay, Chief?
You're dead.
You're dead.
You're dead!
Calm down. We have a lot
of things to discuss.
You work in an asylum and,
and you're dead and
that burnt up
woman is the wife of Rey Ciso!
Peter, relax.
Nobody is going to hurt you.
Rey Ciso is the editor!
The editor, I tell you!
And I'm the inspector, not you.
Not Giancarlo!
I'm the inspector.
This is my case.
I'm the inspector.
I'm the inspector!
Really weird.
Where's the editor?
Is he here?
- Who?
- The editor, damn it!
I do not know of
whom you speak.
Besides I know well enough to
avoid any editors or their ilk.
He was here.
He fixed the bell tower.
You said it!
That bell hasn't rung in
over a hundred years.
The bell tower.
Honey, I'm in our home.