The Eiger Sanction (1975)

Who is it?
MAN 1:
What'd you have to kill him for?
MAN 2: Shut up.
Now that the school year's
coming to a close,
many of you will be going forth to prove
how cleverly you can run the world.
More power to you as you take
your turn in the barrel.
Some of you will continue
with your education.
Some of you, I hope, will continue
with your interest in art.
Some of you will have other
interests, other talents.
If we've learned
nothing else this year,
I hope you've learned the
stupidity of the statement
that art belongs to the world.
'Cause art belongs to the
cultured who can appreciate it.
The majority of the great unwashed
does not fit into this category.
And neither, I'm sorry
to say, do most of you.
Dr. Hemlock.
I just wanted to tell you how much
I really enjoyed your course.
I've never felt this
close to art before.
How nice.
But I have a problem.
How terrible.
Well, you see, if I don't keep my B
average, I'm gonna lose my scholarship,
and I really don't think I'm gonna
do so well in your final exam.
I mean, I've gained a whole
new feeling about art,
but sometimes you can't always put
your true feelings down on paper.
How true.
If there was anything I could
do to get a better grade...
I mean, I'd be willing
to do anything.
Anything at all. Really.
Do you realize the
implications of that offer?
Are you busy this evening?
You live alone?
Oh, well, my roommate's
gone for the week.
go on home,
break out the books and
study your little ass off.
That's the best way
to maintain a B average.
Oh, uh... Don't study it all off.
Why didn't you boff
the little quiff?
'Cause I don't pick on
students or drunks.
Get your feet off my desk.
Mr. Dragon wants to see you.
I'm sorry, Pope, but working for
you people no longer amuses me.
C-2 isn't too interested
in what amuses you, pal.
That's odd, being as your organization
has spent so much time and effort
in trying to give the
rest of the world a laugh.
You can remind Dragon
that I'm retired.
You still here?
Now really, you don't expect
me to just walk out that door,
do you, sweetheart?
Either through the door or through
the window. It's your choice.
Now look, pal...
Get your feet off my desk!
Now look here, buddy...
Don't call me "buddy,"
"pal," or "sweetheart."
If I wasn't under orders,
I would...
My superior wants to see you.
Your superior? Well, that doesn't
narrow the field much, does it?
Mr. Dragon wants to see you,
and right away, pal.
I told you not to call me "pal."
Mr. Dragon's not gonna like this.
How long have you worked
for Dragon, Pope?
Twelve years. Why?
Then he's used to
having grief in his life.
You can tell him I'm retired. C-2's
gonna have to live without me.
Don't forget your trench coat.
How's anybody gonna recognize
you without your disguise?
Yes, Dragon.
Ah, Hemlock!
I knew you'd show up.
It's just your charm, Pope.
I couldn't resist.
Hold it.
Empty your pockets, right there.
No wallet?
Well, I knew I'd be seeing you. I
thought I'd best leave it home.
Miss Cerberus, you're
looking inviting today.
I expected you before this.
Mr. Dragon does not like
to be kept waiting.
Oh, the impatient albino!
I don't think
Mr. Dragon's affliction
is a joking matter.
I thought it was
rather humorous, myself.
A spy network being run by a bloodless
freak who can't stand light or cold.
Or germs! Are you healthy?
Shall I turn my head and cough?
No known infections?
Nothing other than the usual.
Syphilis, running sores, and clap.
All right, go in.
DRAGON: Come in, Hemlock.
A little to the left, Hemlock.
I'll turn on a light.
Thanks. Could you spare it?
You know, I'm something
of a distinction.
A total albino.
Even the slightest direct
light causes me intense pain.
Does your physical disability preclude
you from coming to the point?
All right. If you wish
no small talk, sit down.
We'll discuss business.
One of our agents has been
killed in Zurich by two men.
We want you to sanction them.
I'm sorry, you're gonna have
to get somebody else
to do your wet work.
Please, that is
a distasteful phrase.
Call it what you want,
"wet work," "termination,"
It all adds up to
the same thing, killing.
It is what you do best.
You don't seem to remember, Dragon,
I'm a retired assassin.
The operative word
there is "retired."
You'll have to get somebody
else to do your sanctions.
I understand a new Pissarro has
come onto the black market.
I'll just have to live without it.
Your fascination with paintings
has always amazed me.
You have how many now?
- Twenty-one.
- Marvelous!
I should think your collection
would be interesting material
for the Internal Revenue people.
How does an underpaid
professor buy rare paintings?
Masterpieces worth millions?
A professor with a
balance of $2,137
in his checking account?
You forgot the 42 cents.
I wonder what the
tax people would say
if I told them how I
made the money,
by killing people
for the government.
True. True. But, of course,
no one will believe you.
And even more important, it won't
do anything for your paintings.
What do you think
would happen to them?
I imagine they'd be seized
and auctioned off, made
available to everyone.
Perhaps Mr. Pope
would be able to buy one.
Won't it do your heart good to think
of one of your precious paintings
in Mr. Pope's hands?
Dragon, you have a talent for
describing the indescribable.
There are two assailants.
Our search division has located
only one of these men in Zurich.
C-2 is working on the second one,
and I would hope that they
will have identified him
by the time you arrive in Zurich.
We have reason to believe
that the Zurich man
is responsible for the assassination
of several of our agents
in a most savage manner.
I'll take one sanction. Only one.
All right.
We shall talk about the second
sanction when the time comes.
The price'll be $20,000.
Twice your usual fee? Absurd!
You want the sanction
performed, you pay $20,000.
You are without conscience.
How true.
Which brings me to
another small fee
I want to get for this job.
Which is?
I'd like a statement from
the Internal Revenue Service
listing my collection of paintings.
I'd like it to say that the IRS
has examined my collection,
and that the IRS is fully aware of the
circumstances under which I obtained them,
and that my ownership is legal
and without tax liability.
You drive a hard bargain.
You want somebody sanctioned.
I want a piece of paper.
All right.
You'll have the IRS
statement this evening.
Here is the cash.
I hate being predictable.
You are never that, Hemlock.
MAN: Who is there?
A delivery.
I have this box of
dental floss for Dr. Millard,
but he doesn't answer his door.
He's off today.
What'll I do
with this box of floss?
I don't give a shit
what you do with it, buddy.
Well, you don't have to be
violent about it.
Get lost, cupcake.
Look out!
I beg your pardon?
You did start this conversation
by saying "crap," didn't you?
No, I didn't say it. I asked it.
Is this today's alternative
to, "Coffee, tea, or milk?"
Only on our competitor's lines.
Actually, I was looking over your shoulder
and I saw your comment, so I asked.
Just some criticism
of this book I'm reviewing.
All and all, it's a very
shabby piece of research
obscured by involuted style.
Shabby research I can stand,
but involuted style
really makes my ass drag.
I can't believe that
you're a stewardess.
Actually, I'm not.
I'm a skyjacker in drag.
That's reassuring.
Now if you'll just
give me your name,
I'll report it to the proper
authorities when we land.
And I'm Uncle Ben.
I'm serious. That's really my name.
Jemima Brown. My mother
was hooked on being ethnic.
Or else turned on by a pancake.
As long as we both agree that
it's too much for a black chick
to have the name of Jemima.
Oh, I don't know. I mean, people don't
forget you when your name is Jemima.
I don't think people would forget
you if your name was Alfred.
Goodness me, Dr. Hemlock.
You're not the type of man who tries
to pick up stewardesses, are you?
Not generally.
How'd you know my name?
It's this mystical thing
I have with names.
It's a gift from
the Dark Continent.
I look at a person very carefully,
and then I concentrate.
And then, I go check his name
out on the passengers list.
And what else do they call you
besides Jemima and Smart Ass?
Jem, as in jewel.
Fasten your seat belt, sir.
Oh, I have no intention
of trying to escape.
Aren't you gonna get in,
or do you like it out there?
I looked for you on the plane.
No harm done.
I was on my way to town and
you looked so lonely,
I took pity on you.
Well, that's an ancient trick.
Whenever I'm waiting for a cab,
I look lonely and maybe some
unbelievable beauty named Jemima
will pick me up.
Gonna have to be a
double fare, you know?
You know, buddy, we ain't supposed
to pick up two fares in one location.
Hey. Let's agree on a division of
labor right now. You do the driving.
We'll do the talking.
All right.
How can you look so good when
you're starving to death?
Am I starving to death?
Mmm, you broil a
mean steak, Hemlock.
Come on, I'll show you my lime pit.
It's kind of scary looking.
Maybe I should drop pieces of bread
so I can find my way out.
They're unbelievable.
Not bad, huh?
One of the better collections
in the neighborhood.
You have El Greco down there,
Clay, Matisse.
Over here we have Pissarro.
It's astonishing! I mean,
there's so much life in them.
Yeah, I'm picking up
another one of his tomorrow.
I've heard about guys like
you reading those books.
Whips and boots and things.
But an ax? That's a little freaky.
(LAUGHS) Call me a cab.
I'm getting outta here.
Just some old climbing equipment.
You climb?
I used to, but I'm retired now.
Maybe you'll climb again someday.
I doubt it.
However, you never know.
Sometimes people do things
they thought they'd never do again.
Like rape, for instance.
Yeah. I thought I'd given up rape,
but I think I've changed my mind.
You really have beautiful eyes.
Or do they all say that?
Who all?
JEMIMA: Good morning, baby.
There's coffee by your bed.
The hell with coffee.
Where are you?
Jonathan, it's important that you
contact Mr. Dragon as soon as possible.
I'm sorry to drop it on
you like that, Jonathan.
Baby, I'm sorry.
Sorry for this, Hemlock.
But twice a year, my blood
must be fully replaced.
With what?
You're very bitter
today, Dr. Hemlock.
(LAUGHING) A joke. Bitter Hemlock.
Listen, Dragon. I came
here for two reasons.
One, to tell you that
using that Jemima Brown
to steal my money
was low, even for you.
And second, to get my money
and tax statement back.
It will be returned to you.
- And the tax statement?
- That, too.
Well, then we have nothing
more to discuss, do we?
There is still the sanction on the
second man who killed Agent Wormwood.
I will give you another $20,000
for this second sanction.
Forget it. I'm back in retirement.
You are the only man who can do it.
You could train Pope. He'd
be ready, in about 40 years.
Would you leave Agent
Wormwood unrevenged?
Well, those are the breaks.
Did you know who Agent
Wormwood was, Dr. Hemlock?
Wormwood was Henri Baq.
Henri Baq?
I thought he was retired
and living in Paris.
He approached C-2
and asked for work.
Apparently, he had
financial difficulties.
We tried to be helpful.
Unfortunately, it
turned out tragically.
Why wasn't I told
about this before?
We had reasons.
They did not concern you.
We preferred that you took the
sanction for your usual reasons,
greed and avarice.
- Henri Baq was my friend.
- Yes.
He saved my life once.
Then why am I the only one who
can perform this sanction?
First, do you
accept the assignment?
Yes, I accept.
What we have is this.
The target is male.
He is an accomplished
mountain climber.
We learned this from
a note we intercepted.
Also, a witness said he limped.
Well, that's fine.
Now all I have to do is kill every
mountain climber with a sore foot.
Not quite.
Our man will be involved in a
climb in the Alps this summer.
You're getting warm now, Dragon.
That narrows it down to
three or four thousand men.
Fewer than that.
We know which mountain
he will climb.
The Eiger.
North face, of course.
That is correct.
You are familiar with it?
You know I am.
I tried to climb it twice.
It tried to kill me twice.
Look, if the target's trying to
climb the north face of the Eiger,
chances are my work
could be done for me.
I cannot trust
to chance, Dr. Hemlock.
Now, the only climb planned for
the Eiger is a goodwill climb
with a team from Germany, Austria,
France and the United States.
Now, the target is
one of the other climbers,
the Frenchman, the German
or the Austrian.
We are continuing to work
to try to identify him.
Undoubtedly, we will have his name
before it is necessary
for you to climb the Eiger.
You're passing over one small
matter, and that is payment.
Naturally, considering the rigors of the
assignment, we intend to be generous.
You will receive $30,000.
I'm sure that's
more than you expected.
More than I expected,
but less than I'll receive.
Yeah. I'll receive $100,000,
plus expenses, of course.
You recognize that
this is outrageous?
Well, I'm viewing this
as retirement pay.
This is definitely
my last assignment.
You are punishing us for using
Jemima Brown? Is that it?
You need me to
perform the sanction,
just pay the money.
You drive a hard bargain, Hemlock,
but to show you there
are no hard feelings,
I'm going to give you a bonus.
Oh, pardon me while I choke.
You will appreciate this.
The bonus is Miles Mellough.
Miles? What does he have
to do with all this?
It appears that after the
microfilm was stolen from Worm...
Henri Baq, Miles Mellough
was the courier
who carried it to the enemy.
Since he was not
one of the killers,
a sanction, technically,
is not called for.
However, you may
have it if you wish.
I accept the bonus.
I thought you might.
I imagine this will be the last
time that you will be here.
I shall miss you, Hemlock.
You know, Dragon, you could have
saved yourself a lot of trouble
if you'd have told me to begin with
that the dead agent in
Zurich was Henri Baq.
Good luck, Hemlock,
on your latest assignment,
the Eiger Sanction.
Wild Turkey on the rocks, hmm?
It's right downstairs.
I guess I shouldn't have dropped
it on you like that, Jonathan.
Just how should you have
dropped it on me, Jemima?
I just couldn't let it go...
I mean, I couldn't let us
go on without you knowing
that I work for Mr. Dragon.
And I didn't have enough guts
to tell you face-to-face.
Boy, I must've been really dazzled
not to notice all
those coincidences.
You on the same plane, just
happening by with the taxi cab,
discovering the note from Dragon.
How was it supposed to work?
Were you supposed to deny me your
body if I don't accept this sanction?
Don't make it sound
so cheap, Jonathan.
Just too shabby
to even be called cheap.
For your information,
I was not assigned to seduce you.
How long have you
worked for Dragon?
Only a month.
But I've been a C-2
courier for five years.
Jonathan, do you understand how
important this sanction is?
I mean, the film that was
stolen from Wormwood...
His name was Henri Baq.
Well, the stolen microfilm involves
a new formula for germ warfare.
And I'm supposed to get it
back by killing people?
Let me tell you something I'm sure
you're not aware of, Aunt Jemima.
You know what purpose these sanctions
serve? Absolutely none at all.
They're just retaliation. They kill
one of ours, we kill the killers.
No purpose at all, just barbaric.
You're getting religion
a little late.
I didn't quit because of religion.
I quit because of mathematics.
That's right.
The odds are stacking
up against me.
Assassins who stay too long wind up
assassinated, and that ain't in my game plan.
Look, I don't pretend to know
what Mr. Dragon's thinking,
but there's a formula for germ warfare
out there and the other side has it.
I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
It's dangerous, child, to come to
conclusions when you don't have any facts.
Now, let me lay some on you.
Sure, Dragon knows what he's doing,
just like he knew what he was doing
when he worked for the
Nazis during World War II.
- What?
- Oh, you didn't know that, did you?
Yes, your wrap 'em up in red,
white, and blue Mr. Dragon's
a goddamn Hessian,
that's what he is.
And he'd sell out the other side
as fast as he'd sell out our side.
He'd sell out his mother, too,
if the bloodless freak had one!
You think it's so awful the
other side has a germ formula?
It's against the
Geneva Convention, isn't it?
And they stole it from us.
Well, what the hell are we doing
with it in the first place?
We're not supposed
to have one either.
And you don't see any difference
between their side and our side?
Yeah, I see a difference. As long as we
have Dragons and Popes working for us,
how bad can the other side be?
Where's my change?
This is Henri Baq.
I had a bullet in me once, and
he carried me for three days.
I owe him one. He was a friend.
Who's that man?
HEMLOCK: That's Miles Mellough.
He's the guy who tipped off the
people who put the bullet in me.
An enemy.
And him?
That's Ben Bowman. He and I
used to climb a lot together.
I'm going out to his climbing
school and get in shape.
Friends, enemies.
Where do I fit in?
I'm sorry, but you don't.
Here's to the selfish killer
and the patriotic whore.
Do you have anything
else to say to me?
I usually keep a twenty in the
bowl there, by the kitchen door.
You might pick it up
on your way out.
Goddamn my eyes!
How the hell are you?
Goddamn, you're looking good.
A little soft maybe, but,
goddamn, I'm glad to see you.
How the hell have you been? Boy,
are we gonna drink a lot of beer!
Wait till you see the goddamn
place. How the hell are you?
Jesus Christ, Jon, don't
you ever say anything?
Well, I'm waiting for
your mouth to get tired.
Just down the road
a piece, old buddy.
About 20 miles, as I remember.
Nice leisurely five-minute ride.
Only when I'm in a hurry.
No need to hurry, Ben.
That's why I'm taking it
nice and easy.
You ain't gonna
recognize the old place.
Hope I live to see it.
That city life has spoiled
you, made you kind of soft.
You ain't a pansy yet, are you?
Let's just stop this death
trap and I'll show you.
What's so funny?
I was just thinking of
the last time we climbed.
You had to haul my ass
down off that mountain.
That's liable to turn out to
be one of my bigger mistakes.
Still do any climbing, Ben?
No. Nothing a pissant
couldn't hop over.
I ain't a climber, anyway.
I'm an impresario.
- Huh?
- An impresario.
At least, that's what they
call me. That ain't dirty, is it?
Could be.
HEMLOCK: When did this all happen?
Oh, about two years.
What do you think of it?
- Well...
- I know. It's so frigging
ugly, it makes me sick.
But it keeps me in moccasins.
I've been taken over
by the swinging singles!
What happened to
the climbing school?
My guests are more interested in
hunting than they are in climbing.
Thought the whole point
of climbing was hunting.
Damned if you ain't right, Jon.
Damned if you ain't right.
this is really interesting, Ben.
Uh-huh, yeah.
Begins to look like I'll make
it through the winter, huh?
Two brews.
(EXHALES) Not bad.
Thanks. Not bad at all.
I think I like the old place
better though. More character.
Character and unpaid bills,
old buddy.
Goddamn, I'm glad to see you!
Dealing with these phony bastards
really makes my ass weary.
That's the perils
of being an impresario.
You sure that ain't a dirty word?
Shut up and drink your beer.
On, God. My, my!
BEN: All right. Beat it, Buns.
At least I know you're not
here for the hunting.
Psst! Psst!
But your wire made it sound like more
than just a visit to an old buddy.
It is, Ben. I want you to get
me in shape for a climb.
Much of a climb?
Eiger, north face.
You're kidding?
Nope, I'm part of an
international team.
I know about that
international climb.
Lawrence Scott heads the U.S. team.
He had an accident.
How old are you, Jon? Thirty-five?
- Give or take.
- Uh-huh.
I know what you're thinking,
Ben, but I have to go.
You've been to the Eiger before.
- Twice.
- And you know what it's like.
Ben, I'm going, God damn it.
All right. All right. I did what a
good friend's supposed to do.
I tried to talk you
out of it, right?
Now I'm gonna tell you the truth.
Horseshit! I'm going with you!
You, going to the Eiger?
I'm the ground man for that climb.
Ain't that enough
to singe your ass!
I'm gonna nursemaid you again
after all of these years.
You nursemaid me?
I not only could out-climb
you on your best day,
I can out-drink you right now.
Well, you just enjoy that one,
'cause you're off the sauce until
you're in shape for the climb.
Meanwhile, I'll have another.
Well, this is where I turn back.
- Thank God.
- Not you. You need the work.
George there will take you on up.
She's a girl.
A lot of people notice that.
All right, George. Give him a workout,
then bring him back for a meal.
I'll see you, old buddy.
You don't have to do
everything he says.
After all, this is a chance to
strike back at the white man.
Hi. I'd like some
French Onion Soup,
crabmeat cocktail,
broiled lobster tails,
and Wild Turkey
on the rocks, please.
Very good, sir.
Well, that was quick.
what do you think of George?
Very warm, humane person.
Gives great conversation, too.
But she's a climbing fool,
ain't she?
Boy, that she is.
Wore me down, but
I'll do better tomorrow.
Tomorrow? Today, me bucko.
You go back out again
right after lunch.
You'd be well-advised to have a
good reason for making this call.
BEN: Rise and shine, old buddy.
(SIGHING) Oh. Go piss up a rope.
Just scalp me.
God damn it! I wish
Custer would have won.
BEN: Time to rise and shine...
Screw Marlon Brando.
Dirty, rotten...
Dirty, evil, scheming,
devious bitch.
- Leave Dr. Hemlock alone, Faggot.
Forgive him, Jonathan,
but I'm afraid Faggot
has not learned to
recognize you straights.
My, my, aren't we
looking splendid, Jonathan?
How long has it been?
you and me and Henri Baq.
And I haven't made
a verbal blunder.
Actually, it's about Henri
that I wish to chat.
Miles, the only thing
you and I have to chat about
is you having an incurable disease
and lack the guts to kill yourself.
Very good, Jonathan. Very good.
You've grown a great deal.
But wrong!
Should we be sensible
and have a drink?
We'd like to order
some drinks, please.
A Wild Turkey on the rocks for
my good friend, the doctor.
And I would like...
I would like a frozen daiquiri.
Well... Miss?
Oh, Miss. May I know
your name, please?
Yes, of course it is.
Miss Buns, I wonder if
you'd be a gentleperson
and take my roomie for a stroll?
Sure, anything.
I'm sure. Off you go.
His name is Faggot.
That's cute.
Be careful he doesn't
rape you. Charming.
Ah, here we are.
Well, you're a very
handsome young man.
I would say he's made,
wouldn't you, Jonathan?
I assume you're covered.
Uh-huh. Your assumption is correct.
At the bar.
That's your cover?
Uh-huh. Dewayne is very strong.
He was a world's champion.
Weren't they all?
Must seem odd to you
that I've looked you up
after all these years.
But you see, Jonathan, I'm...
I've grown very tired
of waiting for you
to step up behind me one day
and relieve me of existing.
Stepping up behind is
your method, Miles.
I wanna look right into your face.
Yes, I'm sure you would.
However, that does not
enhance my cool.
It'll all be over soon.
Funnily enough, I find myself
in a very strong
bargaining position.
Forget it.
Not even curious?
You betrayed the both of us in Asia
and we lived, no thanks to you.
Now you people have
killed Henri in Zurich.
I didn't actually
kill him, you know.
Well, I probably
won't actually kill you.
That's very little comfort.
Henri was a worthless alcoholic,
and I abhor sloppy drunks.
I'll allow you that.
It's the price I must pay
to get you to listen.
I did not, I repeat, I did not
participate in that killing.
Because unlike you,
I am not an animal.
But I do know who did the killing.
You got one, and now
you're after the other.
Dragon has promised you
the identity of this person.
Maybe. Maybe not.
The point, I know
who this person is.
And until you get that information,
you're in great, great danger.
Suppose I were to tell this person
who and what you are?
He would hunt you.
You'd sell this man out for me?
For what I want in this life,
I would even sell my dear mother.
How true.
What I need from you is your
promise to leave me alone.
What do you say?
All right. I'll give you
my answer in a minute.
Whichever way it goes,
we were friends once.
(SIGHS) As you can see,
Miles and I have made up.
Can I buy you a drink?
Get him whatever he's having.
I'm sure glad, too.
I'd hate to tangle
with a guy your size.
Just want you to know.
Now I'm gonna tell you something.
And listen, 'cause I'm
gonna ask questions later.
I don't like you on my
flank 'cause it scares me.
I don't like being scared.
If you ever come near me
again, I'm gonna kill you.
Understand? Understand?
Good boy.
Hope you told your cook
we'd be back for lunch.
You're full of
piss and vinegar today.
You promise to have mercy
on an old man like me?
You wanna lead? You've
been up this before.
No, I'll just tag along.
This the right way?
It's one way, I guess.
You're a big help.
I wanna know why you busted
that guy's head at the pool.
All right, it's none
of my fucking business.
You know what?
Way down deep, you got the
makings of a real bad ass.
I don't know that I'd like to be
alone on a desert island with you
if there was a shortage of food.
Don't worry. You're a friend.
You ever had any enemies?
A few.
Any of them still around?
The guy by the pool.
Miles Mellough. What do
you know about him?
BEN: He checked in today.
He looks like he could change
a nine dollar bill in threes.
Want me to throw him out?
HEMLOCK: No, I want him right here.
BEN: What about the other guy?
The big guy? You want him, too?
Him, too.
You set him up kind of neat for
an elderly college professor.
You got me in shape.
It's not that.
You set him up like you were
used to setting people up.
You're climbing fine, Jon.
Better than I've ever seen you.
Well, I wish I was on the Eiger
right now, I'll tell you.
Why go at all, Jon? Isn't
this enough of a climb?
No way.
I've gotta make it.
Hey, have you ever met any of
these guys we're climbing with?
BEN: Yeah, about a month ago.
They're a good enough bunch.
They've got a lot of
hills behind them.
Any of 'em walk with a limp?
Now, who in the hell could climb
with a limp? Now, wait a minute.
The German was limping. Said
he hurt himself in a fall.
Freytag, he's a funny guy.
Makes noise like a leader.
Family makes bug spray.
Got a lot of money, but he
doesn't like to talk about it.
Anyway, he's got the look.
What look?
The look of a guy you couldn't
count on in a clutch.
I wouldn't want to count
on him on that hill.
- What about the Frenchman, Montaigne?
- Oh, Montaigne's all right.
I think he's a little too old for
the Eiger. He's about your age.
- Screw off, will you?
- I'd rather screw Montaigne's wife.
She's a real brick shit-house.
Wait'll you catch her act.
She's a regular mantrap.
I feel sorry for the poor bastard,
trying to keep his eyes on her.
Yeah? And what about the Austrian?
Oh, you're gonna love him, Jon.
Meyer doesn't give a rat's ass
about anything except climbing.
All the people I talk to say
he's the kind of climber like...
Well, like you used to be.
You mean, before I got
decrepit and weak?
You didn't look so decrepit and weak
yesterday, punching out that wrestler.
Anyway, this Meyer's really
something. He killed a guy once.
BEN: Yeah. A porter on a climb they
were making was stealing some food.
He killed him with a knife.
Isn't that something?
Sounds like a real charmer.
Listen, Jon, if you got to rope
yourself to anybody on that hill,
you make damn sure it's Meyer.
HEMLOCK: This is a big man. You're
the only one who's climbed it.
BEN: Uh-huh.
How'd you do it?
Guts, skill, determination,
all that sort of stuff.
Hey, why don't we just call it a climb the
way it is and take the escalator down?
Okay, give me some slack.
BEN: You gonna stand up there
all day admiring yourself?
Or are you gonna bring me up?
All right.
Congratulations, old buddy.
You got her cherry.
What do you mean?
You're the first one
ever to climb up here.
Well, you climbed it
yourself, you told me.
You ain't gonna get very far in
life listening to a liar like me.
You were hoping
I'd quit, weren't you?
Hoping I'd give up
on the Eiger climb.
Let me tell you something, Ben.
There's a damn good chance I might
not have to make the climb.
I may be able to conclude my
business before the climb starts.
Once you get over there, you're gonna
want to climb. That's the way you are.
Want a beer?
You gonna call room service?
We got beer.
If you hauled beer up
this rock, you're insane.
I may be insane,
but I'm not stupid.
I didn't carry it, you did.
It's in your pack.
Jesus Christ! I ought to
throw you off this pillar.
Besides, it's warm.
Well, I'm sorry.
I'd thought you'd draw
the line at hauling ice.
Well, good evening, George.
"Good evening, Dr. Hemlock."
And how are you this fine evening?
"Oh, I'm just fine, Doctor."
Did you watch that magnificent
climb Ben and I made today?
"Yes, I did, Dr. Hemlock.
"It sure was good."
You know, George, I'm gonna
be leaving here soon,
and I'm gonna kind of
miss you, in my way.
"I'll miss you, too, Doctor."
Um, one thing I'll
have to say, George,
is you've never cluttered
up our relationship
with any sticky sentiment.
Maybe we should just
cut the chitchat
and you just jump in
here and we'll get lucky.
Desk! Desk!
All right, now, take it easy.
Take it easy, old buddy.
Doc says you're gonna be all right,
but you just got to take it slow.
Where is she?
I got her down in my room.
My men are watching her.
Want me to call the sheriff?
No, not yet.
- What happened to me.
- Miles Mellough. I knew you'd be wondering.
He's still here. The desk'll
call me if he makes a move.
So it was Miles.
That's what she said.
Why'd she do it?
Oldest reason in the world.
What the hell did she
shoot into me, anyway?
The doc says it was a relative of
morphine, but not enough to be fatal.
You know, morphine sounds right.
Miles is in the drug business.
Why the hell didn't
he polish you off?
He told her it was
gonna be nothing serious.
He just wanted to scare you.
After George put me
under, my guess is,
Miles was gonna come in and off
me in some spectacular fashion.
Probably give me an O.D.
That sounds like his style.
What are you gonna do about him?
Something massive.
Something massive!
HEMLOCK: Good morning, Dewayne.
Well, good morning, Jonathan.
My, aren't we
looking chipper today?
Sleep well?
Very well, thank you.
You know, Miles, I think I'll forget
about you for the time being.
Difficult task. Just like that?
Well, you see, I'm gonna be
training here for a few more weeks,
and I'm gonna need all my concentration
without having you in mind.
Well, I do sympathize with you.
Truly, I do, Jonathan.
But if this means you're going to
cross me off your list for good...
I might just do that.
I'll tell you something. Why don't we
have dinner tonight and talk about it?
Only if I can choose the wine.
Look forward to it.
He hit his brakes.
No, he didn't.
He turned the switch
on his headlights.
Oh, Jonathan,
what a cheap, dirty trick.
After him, Dewayne. After him!
We've got him now. Look!
We've got him trapped. He can't
turn around on this road.
Where the hell is he?
Dewayne, there he is!
Oh, Jonathan, you are an animal.
Look at that dear gentleman.
You tried to kill me.
Get in the car.
Get in the car.
Get out.
What the hell are we
gonna do out here?
Get out.
Jonathan, you're
not going to shoot...
Jonathan, you're not
going leave me out here!
Oh, Jonathan, for Christ's sakes,
kill me, but don't leave me here!
You can't...
Pretty quiet now, aren't
you, you little prick?
Goddamn my ass,
what the hell do you mean,
you ain't got any rooms for me?
My dear Herr Bowman...
My dear Herr's ass.
You just stick your nose in that book
and you come up with my reservation.
Hiya, buddy. You're looking good.
What's the problem here?
Oh, this rinky-dink has screwed up my
reservation. Says he can't find my telegram.
From the looks of him, he
couldn't find his tallywhacker
with a six-man search party.
I did not know this person was a
friend of yours, Dr. Hemlock.
Yeah, well, he's
in charge of the climb.
In charge of the climb? Oh, yes.
Just one minute, please.
All the Eiger birds are coming in.
Maybe you should have
given him a tip.
Yeah. Did you meet
the other climbers yet?
They're supposed to be here
in the hotel. How's George?
She's fine.
Listen, about Miles...
Look, later on that.
CONCIERGE: Everything is in order.
You will be with the other members
of the party on the 2nd floor.
Room 216. I'll have
your luggage taken up.
Yeah, and have them
send up a case of beer.
You know, after you left,
all hell broke loose.
Government agents
all over the place,
asking questions, making
assholes of themselves.
They find anything?
Yeah, you know that big guy
you creamed in the bar?
Found him blown in
half with a shotgun.
Miles, they found on the
sand, dead as Kelsey's nuts.
What the hell are you here for?
I don't want you to concern
yourself with that, Ben.
I'm just here doing something
for an old friend.
Let's call off the climb. Tell
them you're sick or something.
You know I want
another shot at this hill.
CONCIERGE: Herr Bowman?
(IN GERMAN ACCENT) Karl Freytag wants
us in the sitting room immediately.
Stragglers will be shot.
Only the lucky ones.
Ah, lady, gentlemen.
Jonathan Hemlock,
Jean-Paul Montaigne.
- Jean-Paul.
- I've looked forward to
meeting you, Mr. Hemlock.
My pleasure.
This is my wife, Anna.
Hello. Care for a drink?
And this is Karl Freytag.
- Karl.
- Herr Doctor.
And this is Andrei Meyer, Jon.
- Hello.
- Andrei, I've read a lot about you.
I used to read a lot about you.
It appears that we've read
a lot about each other.
It's snowing out there.
How are the weather reports?
Oh, not too good. We've got
a couple of good days,
and then we've got a bunch
of weak fronts moving in.
It's gonna be
pretty dicey after that.
Good, that settles it.
HEMLOCK: Settles what?
We must leave immediately.
Do we have time to
finish our drinks?
I mean, as soon as possible.
With a storm coming in,
in maybe four days?
Well, the Eiger has
been climbed in two.
BEN: But supposing you
don't make it in two?
Supposing you get pinned down
up there by the weather?
Oh, Benjamin has a point there.
We must not take childish risks.
We can't climb without some risks.
(CHUCKLING) Perhaps the young
face these risks more easily.
Good weather, bad weather. Now or
later, any time's good for climbing.
All right, an impasse.
Two in favor of climbing,
two opposed.
The democratic process.
What do you suggest, Doctor? Professor
Hemlock, that we climb halfway up?
Ben has a vote.
Yeah, but he will not
be climbing with us.
He's our ground man. Until we hit
the wall, he has complete control.
Has that been decided?
MEYER: It's always like that.
The ground man has
the last word now
and the leader
once we're on the face.
Okay, that brings us to another
issue. Who's to be the leader?
I thought that was settled.
I thought you were gonna lead.
Okay. That decision was made before
the original American member of the
team had his unfortunate accident.
You know, I think we should
make sure we agree on
who's to lead, especially
now that you've joined us.
You make a good point. Jonathan has
climbed the mountain twice before.
Correction, if I may. The good
doctor has failed to climb
the mountain twice before.
(SCOFFS) I don't want to offend you,
Herr Doctor, but I'm forced to say
I don't consider a record of failure
automatically grants you the right to lead.
I'm not offended.
I think it's important
that you lead.
Okay. Good, then,
let's come over here.
Let's move over here.
I've spent months studying
a new route up the Eiger.
Taking the face by a new route
will put us in the record books.
MEYER: What is this new route?
Okay, we won't take the Hinterstoisser
Traverse. Instead, we go this way.
Our first bivouac should be high
above the difficult cracks.
That's about here.
And the next morning, we have to
move up this vertical rock face.
That'll be pretty tough, I guess.
We go all the way up and come out
next to the highest visible ice field.
That's here. And then
it's up to the top.
But nobody's ever been
on that part of the face.
We don't know what's there.
Supposing you can't
cling to the edges?
Suppose you get forced down
into the gut of the chute?
KARL: Well, I've no
interest in suicide, Ben.
If the edges are not a go, we'll retreat
and follow one of the more classic routes.
Where all that can
stop us is the weather.
Just one thing.
You know, your route doesn't allow for
retreat in case we're blocked from above.
Well, I consider it self-defeating
to plan in terms of retreat.
I consider it stupid not to.
Okay, I'll leave the planning for
a retreat route to Dr. Hemlock.
After all, he has more
experience than I in retreating.
Okay, may I take it
my plan is accepted?
Our business is settled.
Now, I suggest we relax
and have a drink.
Is this hotel always so crowded?
Only when there's a climb.
Then the Eiger birds
start flocking in.
Eiger birds?
Yeah, jet-setters.
Assorted zombies who come
here to watch a climb.
If they get lucky, they get to
watch a man die on the mountain.
That's grim.
So is the Eiger.
It even looks grim.
Do you have to go up?
Unless the search division
identities the assassin first.
They've come up empty.
Is that what you came here
to tell me? As a courier?
I could have phoned.
I just wanted to come up
and be with you.
Oh, Jonathan, I had this
fantastic speech planned.
I mean, I was going
to say it really quick
before you interrupted me
or walked away.
Well, how's it go?
I forgot.
Well, first, why don't you
tell me why you set me up?
I did it because I believe
you had to take this sanction.
All right, I've taken it.
And you and me,
working side by side,
like loyal Americans,
not to mention Dragon and Pope,
will save the republic yet.
Have you met the other climbers?
Any suspicions?
Could be any one of them.
Could even be Madam Montaigne.
She's a very destructive woman.
You know the type.
I'm cold.
Jonathan, you know
what I don't have?
No. What don't you have?
I don't have a room for the night.
I see, so you're a condemned
man's last wish, huh?
4:00 p.m. We leave in 12 hours.
We must do the first thousand feet
before the sun loosens the ice chunks.
BEN: If the weather holds.
It will hold.
It's certainly magnificent.
A perfect choice
for my last mountain.
Hey, Jon, sit down, have a beer.
I've got a friend checking in, but I
guess I can always go for a beer.
What's this about
your last mountain?
Well, I'm not longer
young, Jonathan.
Think of it. At 42, maybe I shall be
the oldest man to climb the Eiger.
What do you think
about that, Madam?
How do you feel about climbing?
I consider mountain climbing
the biggest nonsense.
I've never been in better shape.
Ask Anna. Every night for 6 months,
I perform two hours
of exercise before bed.
By now, she must be very anxious
to see you climb the mountain.
WAITER: Doctor, a message
from the gentleman outside.
I think I'll take a stroll. Madam
Montaigne, would you care to join me?
Well, I think I shall
return to my room.
If you will excuse me?
What got into Jean-Paul?
I don't know.
A little jumpy, I guess.
You been jumping his wife?
- No. Why?
- You sure?
Well, I think it's something
I'd know. I'll see you later.
Hey, Hemlock, how's it going?
Nice place here.
Get on with it, Pope.
Okay, pal, if that's the
game you want to play,
we'll get right down
to the nitty-gritty.
No one is
more qualified than you are.
Search division has drawn
a blank on the target.
All we know is,
he's here somewhere.
Miles Mellough knew who it was.
He did?
Did he tell you?
He offered to,
but the price was too high.
What'd he want then?
To live.
Oh. Well, I just came to tell
you that we've drawn a blank,
and you'll have to climb.
Jemima Brown told me that already.
Jemima did, huh? Well, I just want
to make sure you got the message.
You know how these Schwarzes
are. You can't really trust 'em.
Pope, I really don't
mind you being an asshole.
You can't really help that. But I do
mind you lying to me like I was a fool.
Now you came here
with one thought in mind,
and that was attach yourself to me so the
target would know who I am and what I am.
Now who's gonna perform this
sanction if he gets me, you?
You don't think I can handle it?
In a locked closet with a grenade.
Just a minute, buddy.
Doesn't bother you a bit that
you've blown my cover, does it?
Not one frigging bit, pal.
And if I walk?
No way.
You wouldn't get
your hundred grand.
You'd lose your paintings.
And you'd probably spend some time
for smuggling them into the country.
How does it feel being
in a box, sweetheart?
You've done real well, Pope.
Well, that's mighty white of you.
Hey, that's a joke.
I bet Jemima never says that
to you. "Mighty white of you."
By the way, how's that black stuff?
Pretty good, huh?
I guess it's only fair to warn you in advance
I'm gonna have to waste you a little.
Well, about your gun,
I got one waiting for you.
It's at the hotel. It's a C-2
special with no serial numbers.
It's in the candy box.
Now what's this about wasting me?
It's only fair to warn you, Hemlock,
that I'm a black belt in karate.
Gee, I... Gee, I...
Oh, my hand!
You'll be all right now, Pope.
Course, you may have trouble playing
the clarinet for a little while.
Listen, sweetheart, baby, pal,
I'm going back in the hotel,
and when I come out,
I don't expect to see you
around anymore. Understand?
KARL: Sleep well.
ANNA: Good night. See you tomorrow.
Offer me a nightcap?
Some other time, thanks.
I wish you luck tomorrow.
Thank you.
I wish Jean-Paul
would change his mind.
I can't understand why he's insisting
on climbing this mountain at his age.
I can. He does it for you.
What? For me?
That's right.
He tries to keep you from younger
men by staying young himself.
By doing young men's things.
Poor thing.
Yeah. Particularly
since it hasn't worked.
It's colder than a witch's tit.
Good climbing weather, Ben.
Now you listen to me, old buddy.
You come down off
that hill in one piece
or I'm gonna kick your ass!
You're not gonna get
sloppy on me, are you?
Now, look, you haven't
told me anything,
but somehow I know that
you and one of them foreigners
is gonna have some trouble.
Just guard your flank. Don't
take your eyes off of 'em.
- I won't.
- KARL: Come on, let's be off!
We must make our first move before
the sun unfreezes the rubble.
Take care.
Well, they're on their way.
That frigging Hemlock.
Thinks he's so goddamn cute.
How do you think he'd feel if he
knew this whole thing was a fake?
A fake?
Hemlock's friend? That Wormwood?
He was supposed to get killed.
That's why we hired
the drunken bum.
But what about the germ formula?
I mean, the other side got it.
That's the real cute part.
They were supposed to get it.
(WHISPERING) It's a phony.
So why the sanctions?
Well, that's simple.
To sell the other side
that the formula's the real thing.
Now, if we just let 'em steal it
and not do anything about it,
well, they'd get suspicious.
So, we had to assign Hemlock
to sanction the assassins.
Do you mean to tell me that
you're sitting up here safe,
and that Jonathan might be killed?
And for nothing?
Honey, don't get worried. There's
still lots of men around here.
Present company excluded.
Jonathan told me that you people
were no better than animals,
and I should've listened to him.
Don't be late coming up.
We're in the clear, Herr Doctor.
So far so good.
I knew it would be.
Take it.
You want to untie that?
Karl really likes
to lead, doesn't he?
Even more, he likes
the title of leader.
As if that makes him a leader.
Tell me, Andrei, you ever spend
much time around Zurich?
(SCOFFS) There are no mountains
there worth climbing.
They can see us pretty well from the
hotel today. It's nice and clear.
I suppose so. We must give
them a good show, Jonathan.
Jean-Paul doesn't look well.
Something is on his mind.
Resting already, Herr Doctor?
Come on, let's get moving.
You don't like me,
Herr Doctor, do you?
I don't dislike you.
I just think you're stupid.
You knew we were
going on this climb
and still you got involved
with Montaigne's wife.
She told you?
She didn't have to tell me.
The climb's gonna be hard
enough without any intrigue.
All right.
What the hell are you doing?
I couldn't sleep.
I'm checking the ropes.
There was a frayed end on your
rope, and I'm cutting it out.
Looks like we have some wet
work ahead of us, huh, Freytag?
Surely, Herr Doctor,
you have no objection
to a morning shower.
This would be a hell of lot
easier in the wintertime.
You suggest we wait?
BEN: Way to move your jaws, Jon.
That thing's gotta be a bitch.
That's gotta be a bitch.
I say, old boy,
are you using your scope?
Do you mind if my wife has a peek?
Darling, tell him
you'll pay for it.
We can pay for it, you know.
Get out of here. Either of you frigging
vampires ever touch this telescope,
you're gonna need surgery
to get it out of your ass.
Damn rude fellow.
Bloody American farmers, you know.
- Rocks!
- Huh?
Freytag! Meyer!
Jesus Christ!
You all right?
I'm all right. I'm all right.
Oh, thank God.
Thanks. Where's Freytag?
He felt he wasn't needed.
Thought he wasn't needed?
Freytag, you asshole!
Tell me, Mr. Bowman,
in your opinion,
do these men climb to prove
their manhood or is it
more a matter of compensating
for inferiority feelings?
Lady, why don't you go
get yourself screwed?
It'll do you a lot of good.
Well, the worst is behind us.
You really needn't be
so glum, Herr Doctor.
If we have to retreat, we're never gonna
make it back through those falls.
You have a defeatist mentality. We
won't retreat. We'll go straight on up.
You didn't know we were in trouble?
That's not good.
Oh, it sounds exciting.
Pity I slept through it.
That's the spirit.
Come on, up we go.
BEN: Shit!
- What is it?
- It's a foehn moving in.
What's a foehn?
Warm air, then rain, then a
freeze, like all in a flash.
Is that bad?
It's frigging awful. That entire mother
of a rock is gonna be covered with ice.
But you can't walk on it,
and you can't see through it
to find a crack in the rocks
to drive your pitons.
The snow is all glazed over.
But you'll be able to drop through
up to your neck at any time.
Worse thing, it's
coming from the south.
They won't even know
it's coming until it hits.
Then they must come down.
Lady, by the time they find out,
they won't be able to come down.
They won't be able to go up.
They're just gonna be stuck.
(GRUNTING) You all right?
Yes, let's rest.
How's Jean-Paul?
He's dead.
He must have gone during the storm.
Drink that.
How do you know he's dead?
I looked at him.
You saw he was dead, and
then you made a pot of tea?
Drink it before it gets cold.
He had a concussion.
The storm was too much.
The man inside couldn't keep
the man outside from dying.
What now?
Moving ahead is out of the question.
Conditions are impossible.
We're gonna have to go back.
Through the ravine?
No, the ravine's impossible, too.
- Andrei, you listening?
- Yeah.
Speak up if you disagree.
You're doing fine.
All right.
We traverse back
across the ice field
to a place approximately above
the rail road tunnel window.
There, if we can get a rope down,
Ben will be waiting with help.
I'll lead. Karl, you be second.
Meyer, you bring up the rear.
We'll string Jean-Paul's body
on a separate line between us.
We gonna carry Montaigne back down?
A climber always
brings home his dead.
We'll get down.
- Mr. Bowman?
- Just go away.
Oh, you're Jon's friend,
aren't you?
Yeah. How is he?
Uh, well, they're coming down.
Shit, I don't know. Montaigne
is hurt or he's dead.
Do you think they
can get down safely?
There's only one chance.
Everything is iced.
If they can get to those cliffs
above the station window,
maybe they can rope down
and we can pull them in.
How much of a chance
do you think they have?
Not much, but it's the only one.
As soon as I find out that
that's what they're doing,
I'll bring men up to the station.
You know, I didn't want
him to make this climb.
And now, Montaigne is either hurt or
he's dead. I knew there'd be death.
It was planned that way.
All for nothing.
Drop your packs. We'll rig
some safety lines up.
Jesus Christ.
Yeah, but think of what it must
be like up there for them.
Come on, Jon.
Get your ass off that hill.
Damn it! Belay me.
Hang on.
Jonathan, watch it!
Hang on. We should be
over the tunnel window.
(PANTING) In the future,
I wish you would not use me
to ride around on like a sled.
Look, you better get up there before
he panics. Those pins are loose.
Jonathan, you're very good.
I have really enjoyed
climbing with you.
We'll make it.
I don't think so.
But we shall continue with style.
Take it easy.
Take it easy. Don't panic.
Look out!
I can't hold him!
The ice is cracking!
You're limping, Ben.
I'm gonna throw you a rope.
You're limping, Ben.
Listen to me.
I'm gonna throw you a rope, Jon.
Catch this rope when
I throw it to you.
Wrap it around you.
Wrap the rope around you.
Hook the rope to you!
BEN: Good!
Now cut the rope above you.
BEN: Jon, do what I tell you.
Cut the rope above you.
Cut the rope above you, Jon.
Cold mountain air really
bothers the old frostbite.
You ought to remember, Jon.
You hauled me down off that
mountain when my feet froze.
I'm the one you're after.
I never planned for
Henri Baq to die.
I was supposed to take him
out and buy him some drinks
and con him out of the microfilm.
I was as surprised as anybody
when Kruger killed him.
How'd you get involved
with the other side anyway?
Miles Mellough. I owed him.
He helped get my
daughter off drugs.
George is my little girl.
Took a chance coming up
on the mountain.
You took a chance
when you cut that rope.
Old pink eyes is back.
DRAGON: Hemlock, we don't know
and we don't want to know
how you managed
to precipitate all three fellow
climbers from the mountain.
We assume that, unable
to discover your target,
you decided to take all three.
Extravagant, but effective.
And you have always been both.
We regret that your file will
be placed in the inactive list.
However, we hope that one day you may
work with our organization again.
Good-b ye, Dr. Hemlock.
Thank you, baby.
Well, C-2 thinks
they've got their man.
There's no reason to
persuade them otherwise.
You wouldn't shit me,
would you, Jon?
Hate to spend the rest of my life
looking over my shoulder
for you, like Miles did.
Forget it, Ben.
Well, maybe someday
we'll do some more
climbing together.
You know what I don't have, baby?
What don't you have?
I don't have a ticket back home.
I'll take care of it.
That art collection of mine is
not going to get any bigger,
but I'd sure like to have
you take a long look at it.
I thought you'd never ask.
I'll get two tickets.
you can tell me.
You didn't really sanction
all three of them, did you?