The Electric Horseman (1979)

Take it easy, we're comin'.
You guys shake it up over there.
We're runnin' late. Shake it
up? What do you think I'm doin'?
I'm pushin' his boot,
and he won't even help.
Whiskey River don't run
dry Look at this boot!
How's that?
I'll cram some coffee down him.
Hey, have a little coffee!
Here you go. Can you use a little of that?
Put his arm in that sleeve.
Let's go, Leroy. He's runnin'late.
You got a little somethin' to
go with that? Got his wires?
I gotta put his arm in
the sleeve. Let's go.
It ain't in it. There! Button his shirt.
Button his shirt, put his arm
in his sleeve and get the wire?
Where's his hat? Okay, there's
his hat. I'm buttonin' his shirt.
Damn arm is pinchin' my hair. You okay?
Let's go. Move it.
Here we go. Move it.
I'm all right! Let's go. Here we go.
Just gonna make it. Is he gonna make it?
Sure! Don't he always? No.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we've
got a special treat for you.
In keepin'with
our half-time theme...
of Champions of the World,
you're gonna get to meet...
one of the all-time
great cowboys,
five-time all-around
world champion, Sonny Steele.!
Mr. Sonny Steele!
Well, there he comes!
Give him
a big hand, folks.
There he is!
How 'bout that?
There's Sonny Steele, everybody,
through the courtesy of.,.
Ranch Breakfast,
a division of Ampco Industries.
Ride 'im there, cowboy.
Ride 'im.
Oh, Wendell.
Shut up.
Oh, shit!
Mama, don't let your babies
grow up to be cowboys
Don't let 'em pick guitars
and drive them ol'trucks
Make 'em be doctors
and lawyers and such
For all you hardworkin',
hard-playin' little folks...
whose bodies are growin' every day,
you remember Ranch Breakfast, uh...
is the cereal
that builds champions.
It's exploding with
the kind of energy that's,
that's got more stuff
in it, uh,
than toast and bacon.
- Eggs.
- Eggs.
And toast and bacon
and, uh,
uh, meat loaf and olives,
It's just got more good stuff in
it than I- just so much good stuff-
Mama, don't let your babies
grow up to be cowboys
They'll never stay home
and they're always alone
Even with someone
they love
Welcome to the grand opening
of another Pinto Mart.
Special rides for the kiddies with
five-time all-around world champion,
- Hey, Sonny.! Sonny.! Sonny.!
-Sonny Steele, 1::00 to 3::30.
Hey, it's Lucinda.
Lucinda Fairlee, theJ B Ranch
trick cowgirl rider.
Okay, up we go. Hello. How
ya doin'? Can we have a ride?
You don't remember me?
Last month after
the Watsonville Rodeo.
I know how you feel,
Ladies and gentlemen, for
Ampco Industries, Rising Star,
horse racing's
most honored stallion.
In industry, in energy, in development,
in research,
in nutrition,
recreation, and in science,
Ampco Industries'..
The Rising Star.
I won my rent
on that sucker many a time.
Horse should be standin' stud.
We all should.
That's the little beauty you're
gonna be ridin' over in Vegas Friday.
He ain't gonna ride 'im. He's just
gonna sit on 'im up on a stage,
and he's gonna have little
rubber booties on his hooves.
Hey, Leroy.
You wanna sign this?
It's for that Watkins kid.
He drawed old Little Venus
over in Fairview.
- Let's send him some luck.
- I don't think he's gonna need it.
You stayed on worse
than Little Venus before.
Ain't no worse than Little
Venus. The hell there ain't!
Nameless was worse than Little
Venus, and he did eight on Nameless.
Nobody done Nameless since then.
I ain't on Nameless anymore!
And I got
no intention of bein'.
That was
a little compliment there.
Here's a ranch for sale
here in Baily, 450 acres.
I thought you should've got that place out
at Spanish Fork instead of that Malibu house.
Oh, Spanish F
- What's the matter with the Malibu house?
I don't remember your mindin' it so much. I
remember you was in the water half the time,
wearin'them flippers on your feet,
lookin'dumb, actin'like a damn penguin.
Hey, what's the matter
with you pickers?
You're not on the bacon and bean
circuit anymore. You got room service.
You're flyin' around
first class.
Got limousines,
ladies in the lobby.
Laundry comes up
with tissue paper in it.
You're livin'like
a bunch of fat oil barons.!
Livin'... better than
we got a right to.
Cowboys in the ocean
don't make no sense.
It beats goin' to work every night, havin'
a bull doin' a tap dance on your back.
Leroy, take them pants out and
get them pressed for tonight.
And it beats havin' your legs
braided for ya.
And it beats having a bull using your
head for some floor mat, don't it?
Mama, don't let your babies
grow up to be cowboys
Don't let 'em
pick guitars
And drive
them ol' trucks
Make 'em be doctors
and lawyers and such
Mama, don't let your babies
grow up
To be cowboys
They'll never stay home
and they're always alone
Even with someone
they love
Should've been here a lot sooner
but we run into these havalinas.
Just hold on. Can I have
a coffee? Just a minute.
- There's no rush.
- There ain't?
C'mon, I want
to show you something.
Ladies and gentlemen,
tonight's half-time highlight,
the all-time great cowboy,
five-time all-around world champion,
Sonny Steele.!
Sonny Steele
appears tonight...
through the courtesy of Ranch Breakfast,
a division of Ampco Industries.
what in the hell?
That's not me. They
don't know the difference.
What's your name?
How come you're so cute?
It's good to see you.
Right this way.
What time's the press
conference? Got half an hour.
Hello, Hallie.
Now, if there's anything you need,
anything at all, just say the word.
We've got about half a dozen
movie people here.
Uh, Bud Broderick,
Joanna Camden just came in.
Rising Star is here. What are
you gonna do with the horse?
He's appearing onstage with Sonny Steele.
He's the cowboy we use in Ranch Breakfast.
Do you think
he's worth covering?
Well, there's better stuff
than that.
The cowboy's
a peach of a guy,
but that's just a lot
of"yups" and "shucks,"
and stufflike that.
He's no interview.
Better steer clear him.
I'll see you downstairs.
So, they don't want us
to talk to the cowboy.
Where do you want to start?
I gotta get a sandwich.
What do you mean,
"where do I want to start?"
Excuse me, please.
Where the hell is he?
I don't know. He's probably
drunk in Barstow somewhere.
Uh, excuse me.
Could you tell me if Mr. Sonny
Steele has checked in yet?
No, ma'am.
He's not listed.
It's an interesting
Thank you.
It's Indian.
May I see it?
Oh, it's lovely.
Why does Ampco say absolutely
no interviews with Sonny Steele?
Who told you that? One
of the people at Ampco.
That don't really mean
anything, you know.
Sonny hasn't been himself lately.
They've been a little down on him here.
But he's okay.
He's just a cowboy.
Sometimes he loses
the best part of himself.
What is the best part
of himself?
- You'd have to know him a long time to know that.
- How long have you known him?
Cowboys ain't easy to love
and they're harder to hold
And they'd rather give you
a song than diamonds and gold
Lone star belt buckles
and old faded Levi's
And each night
begins a new day
If you don't understand him
and he don't die young
He'll probably
just ride away
Hey, come on over here!
Let's go!
C'mon! That's it.
Sonny, where'n the hell
you been?
What's he doin' in a
parking lot? I don't know,
but he got here on time.
Press conference has started, and Danny Miles
has been waitin' all day to rehearse you.
Who's Danny Miles? Well,
here you are. Here you are.
What do I have to do? There's been
hell to pay, what with the newspapers.
So just behave yourself. Boy,
you smell like a tequila factory.
Here, no, take- Put these
Tic-Tacs in your mouth.
You're never gonna guess who I seen? Who?
Rush and Hawkman, and old Edgar. Yeah?
Hey, watch it there, partner!
They all send their hellos. Uh-huh.
Foggy Tates' wife Louise
gave me this handkerchief.
I told you he was in Barstow!
Smells just like her too.
Whew! God they got
pretty girls in Las Vegas!
This is a serious thing to these
people. I've never seen 'em so nervous.
They're tryin' to buy this big bank.
They want everything to go just perfect.
Hold it. What's in here?
It's a press conference.
Don't tell no jokes, don't
lift up nobody's dress, okay?
What do I have to say?
Nothin', if we're lucky. C'mon.
john,you had
a question.
Do you anticipate opposition
to the takeover of Omnibank?
just a moment. It isn't
a takeover, it's a merger.
But Omnibank has always
opposed takeovers, mergers.
We think that attitude's
We've made a generous tender
offer for the Omnibank shares.
We're confident they'll accept it. Troy?
Troy, you look like you're
gonna jump outta that seat.
Do you have a question? For Mr. Broderick.
Bud,you've played opposite just about
every great motion picture actress.
Yes, I have. Who, in your
opinion, is the best kisser?
That depends. What part of
the body are you talking about?
Print that.
I dare you.
Mr. Steele, why were you 45 minutes
late to the press conference?
Well, I...
I'd like to apologize...
for that.
I was, uh-
I was givin' mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation to a bottle of tequila.
And we lost her too.
Do you, in fact, eat Ranch
Breakfast for breakfast?
We'll, ma'am, I eat
steak and eggs for breakfast.
You were three times
- I eat Ranch Breakfast for lunch.
You're a three-time all-around
world champion cowboy.
Five-times all-around world champion
cowboy. Now you're selling cereal.
How do you feel
about that?
Lady, I don't want
to tangle with you.
Listen, w-we've got, uh, we've
got a time problem here right now.
Now,you are all invited by
our chairman, Mr. Hunt Sears,
to a reception
across the hall...
just before the performance,
and enjoy yourselves, will ya?
And thank you. Sonny, we got a rehearsal.
What was that all about? Rehearse
what? I don't know. Let's go.
After you circle, you stop
on your mark stage left,
lean forward in the saddle, face
the audience, wave, greet them-
Where's the horse?
Bring in
the damn horse.
Spot please.!
God! He's a beauty.
Tom, Sonny rides in,
circles three times.
Applause, applause, applause.
Then stops on the mark.
Sonny, your first line is
- What've you got him on?
Uh, a little Bute
and some penicillin.
This tendon, it oughta be
braced and bandaged.
- They think it don't look right with the public.
- Uh, hello!
What do you mean they don't think
- Sonny,
the first thing you do after you stop is,you say
- Your horse is stoned.
How else we gonna get him on the stage
with all these lights and everything?
Excuse me, gentlemen!
We're trying to rehearse.
Sonny, your first line:
"Ranch Breakfast,
a champ's way
to start the morning."
Then you look at the horse and you
say, "Ain't that right, Rising Star?
If you agree,
don't say anything."
It's fun. It's fun.
You try it.
"Ranch Breakfast, a champ's way
to start the morning.
but much, much bigger.!
Much bigger.
"Ranch Br-"
There's more. There's more. I saw it.
That's the most discourteous
thing I ever saw in the theater.
Sonny, this is Hunt Sears. He
ain't no Ampco flunky. This it here?
You ain't in no shape to see no Hunt
Sears. What I gotta do first,jog?
Dual overhead cam shafts.
Fully-enclosed drive shaft.
Dual disc brakes in front.
Each item...
will appear in several magazines
during the month ofJuly.
As an example of our confidence in
the success of these new fashions,
Ampco will be sending these lovely
models on a one-month tour...
throughout the-
I'd like you to say hello
to Carol. Hi. How are you?
Well then, let's-
Carol's interested in
television commercials.
Hey, Sonny, I want to get
my son a horse.
What kind do you think is
best? How old is your kid?
He's six years old.
Get him a short horse.
Hey, Hallie.!
Hallie Martin.!
We met in New York, remember?
Did we like each other?
That question about the Omnibank
merger... who was that guy?
That was Cross, the
Washington Bureau of the Times.
The New York Times? Yeah.
He's connected to Treasury.
He shouldn't have been at
the conference. Spilt milk.
Sonny, here's a couple
I'd like you to meet.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.
Steve Phillips,
the Million Dollar Club.
Sold a million dollars worth
of Ranch Breakfast last year.
Oh, well, the mean-question
lady. Wholesale.
- I'm just curious.
- Steve Phillips.
How do you do? You know what curiosity
did to the cat? The Million Dollar Club.
He sold a million dollars worth
of Ranch Breakfast last year.
Are you kiddin' me?
No.! No.!
- That's just fantastic.
- We're very proud of it.
I'll bet you are, and I am too. Damn! Good.
I just love that.
This is Grace Phillips.
I'm Grace Phillips. I
just love that. We met too.
Everything's goin' 'round and
'round. That poster's beautiful.
It's a great gimmick. It's very
effective, Sonny. Grace, stand in front...
of that poster with Sonny, and Steve
can take your picture to bring home?
No. Why don't you just take the picture
of Grace in front of that picture of me,
of the box with the picture of me on the box,
holding a picture of me with a picture of me?
Then you got Grace, and you got
a whole bunch of pictures of me.
Sonny, I've been looking for you.
You know that TV show in Denver?
We've had to make some changes
in your copy. I bet it's shorter.
Well, the multimedia situation is
- Mr. Sears?
Hello, Sonny. It's about time we finally
met, isn't it? Yes, sir, it's about time.
Everybody here
know Mr. Steele?
How do you like our horse? Couldn't
have found you a better straight man.
- Could I have a word with you, sir?
- Perhaps later, Mr. Steele.
It's a beautiful animal,
isn't it, Sonny?
Yes, sir, he's an amazin' animal, but he
don't belong in a parkin' lot in Las Vegas.
I don't suppose Las Vegas is the most natural
place in the world for any of us, is it?
Well, I don't know, sir. I
don't think he's feelin' so good.
Well, let's give him a drink.
Rising Star represents
a substantial investment.
You can be sure we've
entrusted his care to experts.
I don't think them experts
are so expert.
Mr. Steele, would you please
sign this picture for me?
You bet.
For my daughter Tammy.
Thank you. Why don't I make an
appointment with Mr. Sears this afternoon?
Why would you put that horse out on
the stage with a bunch of dancin' girls?
Just a minute, Mr. Steele.
I'm talkin' to him.
It sells product, Sonny.
You mustn't apply logic
to advertising.
It'll just confound you.
Believe me.
Well, it just don't feel right.
It seems wrong-
all them lights blinkin'and
winkin: and girls, horse-
Sir, I used to rodeo...
and I was good at it.
That's irrelevant.
To who?
Sonny, this is a conversation I
think we might have some other time.
-Would it matter?
-It matters that you fulfill the requirements of your contract,
which don't include your passing
judgment on corporate policy.
Nothin' in that contract about
me ridin' around on toy horses.
You're not in rodeo anymore.
Actually, you're more famous now.
Aren't you? Your face
is on millions ofboxes.
You're on billboards all over the
country. People want your autograph.
What I'm talking about is
you voluntarily accepted...
a highly-paid,
relatively simplejob...
that more than a handful of cowboys
would give their right arm for.
You're right.
I don't want
just to be right.
You want me to like it?
It would be a factor in our working
relationship. Mr. Sears,Joanna Camden...
is waiting over here by the Earth Mover,
so why don't we have the pictures taken?
- Excuse us, please.
- Ah, you bet.
I'm sorry, sir. When this
is over, get rid of him.
Telephone call for Miss Avis.
Ellen Avis, please.
Telephone call for Mr. Yanna.
Mr.John Yanna, please.
Charlotta! Hey!
Got a quarter?
No, don't say it. I bet that
check's in the mail. Sonny!
Wendell handles all that anyway,
babe. You know that. Come talk to me.
How is old Wendell
who can't find a stamp?
Give us a double Jack
Daniels, please, tall glass.
The lady'll take a Rob
Roy. Orangeade. I quit.
What's the matter? You're
not "born again," are ya?
Maybe I am. I got me
a record contract now.
All on my own too. You be sure
and tell Wendell Hixon that.
You're sure tough on ol' Wendell, not that
I blame you, checks bein' late and all.
I don't wanna talk about
the checks. Princess Fatima.
You know what I wanna talk about.
I want you to sign these papers!
You don't think I saw you tryin' to slip
outta here? I left three messages at the desk.
No, wait a minute.
I didn't get no messages.
Sonny, that judge told you
to sign the papers.
Don't you wanna be
divorced for real?
Yes, I do. I just-
Well, I been busy.
Busy? Doin' what?
Makin' up excuses?
Excuses? You got somebody now...
sits up all night 'cause you lost
your keys, or you got a flat tire?
Comin' home at 6:00
in the mornin',
expectin' me to cook
breakfast for a dozen cowboys,
'cept some of'em was cowgirls
who didn't bother to look like...
they hadn't been in
the backseat of your car.
Charlotta, yoo-hoo, you got a mean
memory. Just a couple of parties-
A couple? That light-up suit
must've given you shock treatment!
I'm talkin' a lot of parties
and a lot of backseats.
If it hadn't been for backseats,
babe, we'd have never met.
And I'll bet you're still doin'
it. Telephone call for Mr. Hopkins.
Stayin' up all night,
burnin' yourself out.
You'rejust walkin'around
to save funeral expenses.
Well, you smile, baby.
You get my insurance.
Do you know what your skeleton
looks like in them X-rays? Ajunkyard!
You couldn't get through an
airport metal detector stark naked.
Gimme the papers.
Gimme the papers.
- For real?
- Give 'em to me.
Telephone call for Mr. Klein.
Mr. Mike Klein, please.
Princess Fatima.
Princess Fatima, please.
You look like hell.
And you look great.
Hey, would ya
come up to my room?
I can't.
You just know what'd happen.
I got somebody
who really likes me now.
That's not hard to do.
- Who's the lucky fella?
- Billy Roy Fix!
- Billy Roy Fix?
- Uh-huh.
Is that right?
Well, I guess there's just
somethin' about us Western stars.
Mr. Sonny Steele, report to the
backstage area. Oops, that's me. I'm late.
Good-bye, darlin'.
Bye, darlin'.
Take care, huh?
Disco magic
Disco magic
Disco magic
Move it up, move it down
Listenin'to the funky sound
Disco magic
Disco magic
Shake your thing to the beat
Makes you wanna move your feet
Disco magic
Disco magic
It's so inviting
but you really can't
It's so exciting
makes you wanna dance
I don't know what it is
but I never wanna miss
Disco magic
Disco magic
Stayin'out on the floor
I just wanna have some more
Disco magic
Disco magic
It sends a rhythm right down
to your soul Well, Mr. Steele.
The magic makes you
wanna lose control
Disco magic After this number,
the motorcycle daredevil.
God save us.! And then you
and the horse. Disco magic
Disco magic
Now listen,you don't
start those things...
until I give you
the cue, yes?
Move it up, move it down
Listen to the funky sound
Disco magic
Disco magic
Shake your thing to the beat
Makes you wanna move your feet
Not now!
Not now! Not now!
It's so inviting
Puts you in a trance
It's so exciting
Makes you wanna dance
Open the curtain.
Thought he was confused?
Wasn't he 'spose to?
The hard way.
Ho, ho, ho.!
Disco magic
Disco magic
Forget the routine. Go right into
the finale. Mr. Miles.! Mr. Miles.!
That was very effective,
and this is no criticism,
but I think it's too dangerous
to use that horse on a ramp.
He wasn't supposed to be
on the ramp!
He wasn't even supposed
to be out there yet!
He's ruined
the whole concept!
I gotta run
to keep from hidin'
And I'm bound
to keep on ridin'
And I got one more
silver dollar
And I ain't gonna let 'em
catch me, no
I ain't gonna let 'em catch
the Midnight Rider
- What did he say?
- He was rude, very rude, and he wasn't concentrating.
He must've said something
to you.
He was askin' a lot of questions
about the horse's tendon and the drugs.
Just a second.
What drugs?
- Uh, well, the tranquilizers-
- That's done all the time.
They tranquilize the animal to
keep it calm. The butazoladine...
they use for the tendon.
Mutual Indemnity.
The Nevada State Police. Which do
you want? Neither. Keep this quiet.
You might as well
know the rest, Mr. Sears.
Sonny knows horses. I think he's guessed
we've used steroids to muscle him up.
Are they dangerous?
Well, they make
the horse sterile.
Temporarily! Temporarily. Sterile.
It's just a side effect.
It's not a permanent thing.
What are we gonna do, put that
on a box top? "Temporarily."
Look, i-it goes away
in how many hours?
would you excuse us?
There are drinks upstairs.
Ah, the world of illusion!
Just a minute, fellas.
I'll be right out.
We're not talking about a horse. We're
talking about a $300 million merger.
Omnibank is gonna make
a feast outta this.
If Steele talks to anyone before
he's caught, we have no merger.
- Ampco and the horse are the
same thing. - Hunt, I don't-
If we've mismanaged the horse,
we've mismanaged the corporation.
Couldn't he have called
the S.P.C.A.?
What are we gonna say
to the reporters?
Tell 'em to go to bed. It's a
little late for that. Excuse me.
And get those morons
out of here.
Come on, Bob.
One drunken cowboy!
"We have been advised...
"by the Attorney General
of the State of Nevada...
"that the theft of Rising Star
is grand larceny, a felony.
"In the event that this proves
to be a deliberate act,
"a felony warrant
will be issued for Mr. Steele.
At this time, however, our primary
concern is the welfare of our horse."
What did he say to Sears at the reception?
They were really going at each other.
Hallie, gimme a break,
will ya?
Ransom! What about ransom?
The man's not that crazy.
Listen, he's been tossed on his head enough
times. You thought about brain damage?
Look, the cowboy's a little
hot-tempered. He's emotionally disturbed.
That's all. Who isn't? C'mon,
Fitz. What're you saying?
That's he's made a mistake and he's gonna
bring it back when he's had time to cool out?
Oh, come on! Let me alone, will ya?
I don't know any answers.
I don't know from brain damage.
I don't know from "cooling out."
There's a convention here.
Go have a sauna. Give me
some good news, for chrissake!
"Cool... out."
...these days.
Why'd she quit him?
God knows.
Sonny was married
right in Gus's living room.
When that woman quit him, you know
where Sonny came to cool himself out?
Of course, Gus is gettin'
old and strange these days. know where Sonny came
to cool himself out?
Of course, Gus is gettin'
old and strange these days.
Princess Fatima.
Princess Fatima, please.
Seen Wendell?
No, I haven't.
I haven't seen nobody. Just runnin'
around like crazy people today.
Buy you a drink? No, thanks. I got one.
That's my limit. That's all I
ever drink. Tell me something.
Just something personal.
Were you surprised he did it?
Who, Sonny?
Well, Sonny'll surprise ya.
It's just that some surprises
are bigger than others.
Like he gave me this ring
one day,just like that.
Had ol' Wendell's teeth
fixed for 'im too.
What's your last name?
Say, you know something?
We got a mutual friend.
Oh, we do? Who do we know? Gus Atwater.
I know Gus.
Do you know ol' Gus?
Where do you know Gus from? Oh, sure.
Wait. Are we talkin' about
the same Gus, from Tuba City?
No, not Tuba City. The Gus I'm
talkin' about is from Mesquite.
It's about 30 miles up here. Mesquite.
Hey, you wanna drive?
- Morning.
- Hello.
You got any, uh,
eucalyptus leaves?
You must be a Capricorn.
You got any
eucalyptus leaves?
Just tea bags. Well, I
need some of them tea bags.
How many
would you like?
Oh, five or six dozen.
Come on, boy.
Come on, son.
Just a couple more times of doin'
this, you'll be breathin'just fine,
if I live.
Mr. Atwater?
Golden Hills
'Round her head
Golden Hills
You Mr. Atwater?
Ya wounded?
No. I'm looking for
a friend of ours.
- He ain't here.
- But he was.
From about this high.
Was he here today?
Here today,
gone tomorrow.
Like a flutterin' bird!
Hey, who are you?
I work for television.
You know television?
Yeah, I got one.
Works sometime.
Comes a-flashin'!
Gus, I'm a friend
of Leroy's.
Leroy! Oh-ho!
Yeah. And, uh...
and Wendell.
He told me you'd know
where to find him.
How else would I know
where you were, huh?
We're real worried about him.
I gotta find him.
I have to talk to him.
I can't hurt him.
He came here...
covered with a mist.
You know?
Like it floats atop a river?
A-A-And it grows
into a cloud.
And it shuts away the sun.
Where'd he go,
No, please!
No, wait! No! How did you
find me? What are you doing?
You're hurting me. Stop
it. What do you want?
Who's with you? How did you find
me? I'm alone. I swear to God.
How did you get here?
I drove myself.
How? How did you find me? Gus.
Gus Atwater.
Can I-
Can I get up now?
How did you know
to get to Gus?
Oh, I-
I interviewed your friends.
Wendell and Leroy.
I figured they'd-
Wait a minute. You hit my
face, you son of a bitch!
I'm not gonna stay here.
What did you take
the horse for?
You're crazy.
Does anybody else know about Gus? No.
No, nobody knows anything-
Oh, I'm crazy?
You go off with somebody else's $12
million horse, and you tell me I'm crazy?
Hold it. Hold it. Don't you... hit me.
Did you scare that old man? No.
Does anybody else know you're here? No!
Nobody knows anything. I don't have
any reason to tell anybody anything.
Go away.
Go home.
Well, what are you
gonna do with him?
Look,just tell me why
you took the horse.
You can't race him.
Y-You can't sell him.
And you're not gonna start
your own cereal company.
I mean, what the hell
do you want?
Can't you just answer
one question?
Look, I don't have
anything against you.
I don't usually get hit
doing this, but I'm not-
What'd you expect,
sneakin' up like some cat?
I tried to call you,
but your line was busy.
Do you know how worried
your friends are about you?
Wendell and Leroy?
Isn't there something
I can tell them?
What is this place? Does this have
some, uh, special meaning to you?
You want information,
go to the library.
I know what you want.
It ain't answers.
You just want a story... any
story. Why don't you make one up?
That's what you all do
anyway. Go ahead, make one up.
You don't need me to tell you no story! You
ask me questions, why I'm 45 minutes late.
You're not interested in why I'm late.
Just interested in gettin' a rise outta me.
"Do I eat Ranch Breakfast?"
Now, who the hell cares?
You people
are all the same.
There's folks in Africa, when you try to
take a picture of them, they'll kill ya.
They figure that you're tryin' to take something
away from 'em, and you got just so much stuff.
And if other people are tryin' to take it
all, then you got nothin' left for yourself.
Well, I don't wanna be
no story!
I've just retired
from public life.
Have you got that wrong! You road down the
Las Vegas strip with somebody else's horse.
Did you think
we wouldn't notice?
You're a story, all right. But not yours.
I'm nobody's story
but my own now.
B-But wait!
Wait a minute.
Where you going?
Oh, I hurt your feelings, didn't I?
I didn't mean to hurt your
feelings. Was it something I said?
Look, can't you do
a working girl a favor?
I'm just trying to earn an
honest buck, tell an honest tale.
I don't want to make up
a story about you.
What have you got to lose?
What's the big secret?
Everybody wants to know. They're wondering
where you're going, why you did it.
You know, the truth about the great American
cowboy and the world champion horse...
riding together into the sunset.
Boy, are you full of shit!
With all due respect, ma'am. And
you're standin' in poison sumac.
Come on, son.
Come on, boy.
If you think you're getting
away from me, you're not.
'Cause I'm
gonna follow you.
I'm gonna follow you 'til you tell me
what you're gonna do with the horse.
What are you doing?
Oh, my God!
It shouldn't take you more than
about 15 minutes to change that.
Goddamn you!
You're absolutely nuts!
I'm gonna call the cops, 'cause I
got your license plate. No, you won't.
- Yes, I will!
- No, you won't. I know what you'll do.
You'll milk this story
for all it's worth.
You don't want me
to be captured.
A captured horse thief
ain't no story.
It was from this hotel...
that Rising Star, greatest money winner
in the history of American racing...
and presently corporate symbol for one
of the world's largest conglomerates,
was taken late Friday night.
Yesterday I was able to uncover information
which allowed me to locate Sonny Steele.
Now to raise
the old Stars and Stripes.
Where's that blasted
Good gracious.!
A bird's nest.!
Hee-hee. How clumsy of
me. I hope I didn't step...
on your eggs,
You got any shoelaces?
- What?
- Shoelaces?
get rid of that stuff!
Over here by
the cash register. the dim glow of
a shrouded campfire,
I saw Rising Star, and I
encountered Sonny Steele himself.
- What? What?
- What?
- We talked together for many hours.
- What?
As a result of our wide range in
conversation, I formed these impressions::
Mr. Steele, in my opinion, did not
take the horse for monetary gain.
He has no intention
of ransoming-
- Where is he?
- I don't know.
- Where was he?
- I forgot.
How were you able to
find him? That's my job.
What did he tell you, Hallie? Nothing.
Miss Martin, if you want a story, we could
put you right in the middle of the story.
We could guarantee that you
get first crack at everything.
I've already had
first crack at everything.
Suppose we made it exclusive?
How 'bout if we gave you...
exclusive footage
on the capture?
When are you
planning that?
And you want to tell me about that confrontation
you had at the reception, Mr. Sears?
- What was that all about?
- Miss Martin, we could take you to court.
You could try.
Aiding a felon during the
commission of a felonious act?
of a felony?
Misprision of felony,
that's what the law calls it.
Well, you're not the law. If Ampco wants to
take on the First Amendment Right, be my guest.
That oughta sell America
a whole lot of breakfast cereal.
I'll be around if you want
to handcuff me later.
We could take her to court.
We could have her locked up.
And gain what? Last thing
we need is a female martyr.
At least he didn't say anything
about mistreating the horse.
- Do we know that?
- I think she would've said something on the air.
You think? That's a chance
we can't afford to take. Well-
Do we have a choice?
We could make sure that if he speaks
to anyone, he won't be believed.
Can you get to the media
by the 11:00 news?
How the hell'd she find him?
We ain't even heard from him.
I know how she found him. We sent her
over there, that's how she found him.
Well, she buddied up to me.
She tried to buy me drinks.
She said she liked my ring.
Yeah, she liked your ring.
She liked my watch.
I liked her eyes.
That's how those people are. They tell
you they're your friend, and they use you.
What are we gonna do?
I don't know what
you're gonna do.
I'm gonna get me a bottle of
tequila, one of those Keno girls...
that can suck the chrome off a
trailer hitch, then kinda kick back.
It's 10::59 here
at KLSG, St. George.
Here's Harvey Del Rio
for Rudolph Brothers-
If I could drive sleepin'
the way you sleep standin',
we'd have this thing licked.
In Las Vegas, investigators
still have no leads...
to the whereabouts of Rising Star,
the great thoroughbred stallion...
whose abduction by Sonny Steele
Friday triggered a massive search.
Ampco officials are now expressing
alarm over the welfare of the horse.
According to one official, Steele has a
long history of alcoholism and drug abuse.
In the past year, he's appeared before the
public intoxicated on several occasions,
and has been abusive
to both press and public.
They believe that if the horse is to
survive the ordeal, time is of the essence.
Telephone call for Mr. Martin.
Mr. Alan Martin, please.
Excuse me. Miss Martin,
I'm Charlotta Steele.
I was married to Sonny. Yes, I know.
I don't mean to bother you, but I
was wondering if he was all right.
He isn't hurt?
Are you gonna be
seein' him again?
We haven't made
any plans. Why?
Just wondering.
Why do you think
he did it?
I don't know.
I don't know.
He gets ornery,
and I guess it takes him a long time
to admit he's got a horn in his gut.
What is the horn
in his gut, Mrs. Steele?
Alls I know is,
he must've had a good reason,
or else he would've
been back by now.
He's no thief by nature.
I mean,
it takes your breath.
You know, they only said
those bad things about him.
They didn't say what's decent,
even though it is...
hard to find it sometimes.
How'd you meet Sonny?
Hallie Martin, please.
You alone?
Who is this?
Are you alone?
Okay, fella.
Say your dirties.
Get it over with.
I think it's about time for
another wide-ranging conversation.
Is it you?
Right from the dim glow of the
shrouded campfire. You maniac.
I broke three nails
changing that tire.
- You want a story?
- Yes.
Can you get outta there
without anybody knowin'?
If I can't,
I won't come.
Who saw him?
Some little shopkeeper
in southern Utah,
near St. George,
about 5:00 last night.
He must've gotten a vehicle
somewhere. He's been heading northeast,
so if he stopped for the night, he should
be somewhere within 150 miles of St. George.
Who knows this? Local police are
all taken care of. Nobody else.
The press? No, not yet. Not yet.
We'll take care of it.
Can we cover the surrounding towns
in time? Taking care of it right now.
I think we should concentrate on
Liberty and Cedarville. All right.
You and Toland take the jet.
Take the security people with you.
You can organize this from St.
George. Ifhe stopped for the night.
We've got to assume that he sleeps
sometimes. He's crossed the state line.
The F.B.I. will want in.
Can you keep them out?
They know he's been spotted. They'll
be crawling all over the place.
Then get to him first. Offer
him whatever you have to.
Tell him we won't prosecute.
Do whatever you have to do!
Don't let him start up with
any nonsense about the horse.
I'm here!
Hey, I'm here!
I'm alone.
No troops.
Ooh! Oh! God!
I think I've broken
my leg.
What are you gonna do,
shoot me?
get your camera ready.
Uh, listen, would you mind
standing right over here...
with that background?
No. This is all right.
Right here. But I think
- I'm sorry.
I think it'd be more dramatic over here
- Tell 'em it was dramatic.
You got
a colorful imagination.
Listen, I am cold and tired,
and I've been driving all night.
And I'm not used to
being talked to like-
I'm not used to being talked
about like I was a horse thief.
Well, what do you call a man
who steals horses?
Have you ever seen
this horse race?
Have you ever seen him-
I've seen him run.
I saw him stumble,
fall back and lose his stride,
and pick himself up.
I saw him
stretch himself out...
when he had nothin' left to give,
but he found it... somewhere.
And he won.
Lady, that horse is a champion, and he's
got a heart the size of a locomotive.
He's got more heart
and more drive,
and more... soul than
most people you'll ever know.
And they're hangin' lights
all over him.
They're trottin' him around on stages
with dancin' girls. Ta-ta-da-da-ta-ta!
They'd have him wearin' short
pants and smokin' a cigar...
if they thought it'd sell
their damn junk!
Look it.! They got him all tanked
up on tranquilizers and Bute.
They're stickin' him full of
needles! Look at this tendon!
It's all filled up.
He's shot all full of steroids.
And it's just for looks.
Makes the horse sterile.
So even if they
- God, this is so damn funny. Even if they wanted to breed him,
even if they wanted to pass on some
of them fine qualities, they couldn't.
To say nothin' what
the horse hisself is missin'.
So I took him.
C'mon, let's go.
Get this-
Crank up this little hummer,
and I'll...
give ya... a speech,
or try.
All right?
Anytime you're-
Can you see me?
Can you see the horse?
Just keep going.
I can see everything.
Uh, this here
is Sonny Steele.
And, uh, his name
is Rising Star.
And he's one of the best.
He's one of the greatest animals
in the...
in the history of...
Maybe they bought him.
Maybe they own him.
But there are some rights
you can't buy,
even from an animal.
Now, this horse earned
a better life,
and I'm gonna try and see
that he gets it.
How're you gonna do that? I'll do it.
Appreciate your comin'.
You got stamina.
It's a family trait.
You'll forgive me...
if I'm not set up
for entertainin'.
I gotta tend this horse,
and get him movin'. Listen!
Can I-
Can I come with you?
- No!
- Why? I wouldn't be any-
Here, let me give you
my card.
Your what?
My card.
Sometimes you think of
something you forgot to say,
or wish you'd said.
Steele, what are you gonna
do with him? I told ya.
You didn't tell me anything. Enough.
- Why does it have to be such a big secret?
- So they can't stop me.
From doing what?
I'm gonna
turn him loose.
Rising Star?
I'm gonna get him back to
where he was, what he was.
It's in his blood.
He knows what to do, he's
just half forgot is all.
But he's a thoroughbred
race horse. He's delicate.
Maybe it isn't gonna work. Maybe it
won't work. Maybe he ain't gonna make it.
Where you gonna do this? But at least
he's gonna try, have his own shot at it.
Have a safe trip back, miss. Miss, my ass!
Where you gonna turn him
loose? Do you know? I know.
Who else knows? I don't
know. Maybe he does!
Why don't you
interview him?
You're gonna screw up
your whole life.
I'm tryin'
to unscrew it, lady!
Wendell Hixon says that you forgot
the best part of yourself. Wendell!
He's a good man, Wendell. Is it true?
Nope. Charlotta says that you screw up-
Charlotta? You got her in on this too?
Don't tell me!
She says you
take her breath away.
Yeah, well that's not
hard to do.
She's all breath
She's, uh-
She's pretty.
Yes, she is pretty.
She said when you two first met, you
- Oh. Wait a minute.
There was that place, that canyon
where you went on your honeymoon.
Damn that woman!
With wild mustangs.
God...damn that woman!
Rib Rock!
Rim Rock!
That's why I left her.
That's exactly why I left her.
Her and her big m-
Er, she left me.
Anyway, I'm not goin'
to no Rim Rock Canyon.
Then I have an idea.
Let's go into town...
and have a cup of coffee,
and talk about it.
My treat.
Huh? I'm not gonna be
- No.
I'm not gonna be
passin' a-
Now where'd I put
that son of a bitch?
Oh, here it is. I'm not gonna be
passin' a mailbox, so if you'd-
It's got a stamp on it.
Yeah, first one I pass.
All right.
What do I do? Just take this
road back to the broken tree?
Yeah. Same way you came, only backwards.
Don't lose my card.
Oh, no, it's- Good-bye.
Okay. Good luck, wherever
you're going. Thanks.
Les, I got him on tape.
Talking pictures.
And wait 'til you hear the talk.
People are gonna eat him up.
Now, tell me an affiliate between here and
Vegas, 'cause I wanna get this on the cable.
Hold your horses! Did you hear
what I said about horses?
I am trying to convey
a sense of urgency.
I want this on the air
today. Okay, KLSG-TV.
St. George, Utah.
It looks about 60 miles.
Okay, now pay attention.
This is crucial.
I need a camera crew to meet me
at a place called Rim Rock Canyon.
It's in Utah. Check the
automobile club or something.
When do you need 'em?
They should leave right now,
'cause I don't know when I'm gonna
get there or when he's gonna get there.
And they should be prepared
to camp out,
'cause I have a feeling this
place does not have a Hilton Hotel.
I mean, this is a place
horses like, Les. And...
Les, when Steele gets there,
he's gonna turn Rising Star loose. What?
$12 million worth of thoroughbred
race horse loose in horse heaven.
Think you got a story? Stick
with the lunatic, Hallie.
Tape everything.
This is gold.
It won't work. He doesn't want me
around. Nobody wants you around.
That's never stopped you before. You gotta find
some way to talk to the guy. Make up a story.
Look, Les, I'm tired. You get the
crew and I'll talk to you later.
Hey, what's going on?
Did somebody rob a bank?
I don't know for sure. I think somebody
may have spotted that cereal cowboy.
Hello! Hi.
Listen, are you going to St.
George? Unless they moved the road.
You're wearin' out
your welcome, lady.
You can't go back to town. There's
a cop convention there. What?
I saw two patrol cars, two motorcycle
cops, a county marshall and a sheriff...
waitin' for you. You said
nobody was gonna follow you.
They didn't. An expert got
me outta that hotel, I swear.
Expert, huh?
Wait a minute. Why? Do you
want to film the capture?
I am in as much trouble as
you are. If I go back there,
I'm gonna have to tell them everything
I know, and I mean everything.
If I don't, I'm gonna go tojail.
It's called misprision of felony.
That's from the legal department.
You go ahead and tell 'em,
'cause I'm gonna be long gone. I can't.
Don't you understand? I can't
divulge sources and expect-
Divulge sources?
What are you doin'?
And besides
- Ohh! Wait a minute.
Hey! Hold it What do
you think you're doing?
I'd have to tell them
about Gus.
I would.
What are we gonna do?
Get on the floor. Do it!
Get on the floor. What?
Easy, boy.
- What are we doing?
- You're gonna stay right there.
When I go out the back,
you're gonna count to 60.
- Out the back?
- When you get to 60, drive that the hell outta here.
- The cops'll chase me.
- You're crazy!
Go to a place called
Cisco Falls.
Cisco Falls. There's a lake there at
the bottom of some dry, red cliffs.
- Where is Cisco Falls?
- Find it! You found me.
But, no. Listen. Wait a minute.
You can't make it out there!
There's at least a dozen
cops. It's gonna be up to him.
Okay now,Junkie,
no excuses.
Tendon's goin' down,
you ain't wheezin' anymore.
And goddamn, I've seen you run.
Let's go.
No, wait. Just-
You can't-
That's him.!
twenty-nine, thirty.
Fifty-eight, fifty-nine,
He's headin' south across Bundy's
field. We can't follow him.
He's headin' for the dam.
C'mon! C'mon!
Do it! Do it!
C'mon, boy!
Go! Go!
All the way! Go!
Go! C'mon!
For chrissakes,
man! Hey!
Ah, geez!
How did he get away?
On a horse. On a horse. Find him.
Bring them
back here.
Use the F.B.I. Use the state
police. Use helicopters.
Put out a reward,
a large one.
Get the Boy Scouts. Get the
Marines. Where is he? Utah?
Get the
Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Have them sing him in,
but get him!
Oh, you made it!
You made it!
Hey, there's some witch hazel
in the cabinet over the sink.
And there's, there's
an old T-shirt by the bunk.
I owe you one, buddy.
Is he all right?
Ahh! Easy.
They didn't chase me.
You were right.
You should've
seen yourself.
You were great.
You were.
Were you surprised
that I got here?
No. Whoa.
It was on the road map.
I didn't even need
to ask anybody or anything.
Easy, boy.
It'll be getting dark soon.
How long does it take to drive
to Rim Rock Canyon? Few days.
- Only we ain't drivin'.
- What?
Cops'll be lookin' everywhere for
that camper. Gonna have to leave it.
And do what?
I've seen him run.
I saw him stumble,
fall back and lose his stride,
and pick himself up. You bet!
He had nothin' left to give,
but he found it... somewhere.
And more drive and more soul
than most people you'll ever know.
And they're hangin'lights
all over him.
They're trottin'him around on stages
with dancin'girls. Ta-ta-da-da-ta-ta.!
They'd have him wearin'
short pants and smokin' a cigar,
if they thought it'd sell
their damn junk!
They're stickin'him full of
needles.! Look at this tendon.!
It's all filled up.
He's shot all full of steroids.
And it's just for looks. Makes
the horse sterile. So even if they-
God, this is so damn funny.
Even if they wanted to pass on...
some of them fine qualities,
they couldn't.
I could tape a little
along the way.
Nothing is gonna give away
where we are.
And maybe I could find someone to take
it to the network the way I did today.
Since you figure it's gonna be
a long trip, that would give us-
No, I'm not hungry.
That would give us maybe
four or five days on news.
And that way,
once you set Rising Star free, the
whole country's gonna be behind you.
Then I just have to keep
looking back over my shoulder.
What's so funny?
Do you wanna go to jail? No.
How do you think this
is gonna end up?
Not on television.
Okay. I, I, uh,
respect your position.
I do. I don't understand
it, but I respect it.
A lot of famous people
hated publicity.
Albert Schweitzer.
Albert Schweitzer.
How ya doin',
Get on your feet.
Sorry. I didn't mean
to make you angry.
You didn't.
What are we... doing?
Goin' to sleep.
I'm not sleepy.
You weren't hungry,
It's gonna be
a long way, lady.
A long way.
Well, uh...
where am I supposed to-
Wherever you want.
Where the hell are we?
Donner Pass, for godsakes?
I'm ready!
I gotta get to a phone and warn Gus. Whew!
When they spot that camper,
they're gonna trace it right to him.
W-W-What are you doing
with that?
This is expensive equipment,
and I'm responsible for it.
I'm certainly not gonna leave it
there. We're walkin' with our feet.
There's no escalators
out here, or bellhops.
- Oh, no! No, no. He ain't carryin' it.
I didn't ask. I ain't carryin'
it, and you can't carry it.
The hell I can't! I've carried
this stuff a lot of times. Where?
Up the escalator at
Bloomingtons, or Bloomingbergs...
or wherever the hell it is? Bloomingdales.
And what the hell
do you know about New York?
Did you ever hear of the
Madison Square Garden? No.
They got a rodeo there, and it's a
damn big thing, and I've been in it.
Well, I've been to the rodeo...
Did you stay for
the rattlesnake roundup?
Yes. I stayed right to the
end. I saw the whole thing.
They don't have one. How you
gonna round up a rattlesnake?
Oh, God!
I'm just trying to be pleasant.
You get so worked up
about everything.
What have I got to be worked up
about? I've only got a stole horse.
Everybody but the Coast Guard's after me. I've
got nothin' but miles of open country to cross.
Now I'm carryin' a crazy woman around,
wearing shoes from Bloomingbergs...
that thinks she's seen
a rattlesnake roundup.
Go on, pick it up if you're takin'
it, only it ain't goin' on my horse.
Your horse!
Ah! Here. Gimme those glasses, would ya?
They're prescription.
You wait here with him
'til I get back, ya hear?
No. If you're spotted,
and you don't come back-
Call your lawyer.
Hello. Can I help ya? Howdy.
Well, uh, I'm...
broke down the road a piece, and I was
just wonderin' if I could use your pho-
I have a friend over
in Mesquite.
He's in a bit of trouble and he's
waitin'for me, so I need to use a phone.
I'd be obliged if I could use
yours. Happy to pay you for it.
We got a phone.
C'mon in.
Oh, great. Appre-
Appreciate it.
Phone's right there.
Help yourself.
Thank you.
Gus, it's Sonny.
I gotta talk to ya, Gus. I
can't talk long. Now, listen.
Sonny! Gus, please,
listen to me real careful.
I'm in the kitchen! People are
gonna come to you. Probably police.
They're gonna ask you
about the camper.
I want you to tell 'em
I stole it.
Say it, Gus.
Sonny stole the camper.
My "Wild Blue Yonder''?
I bought it in Elko.
No, no, Gus. I bought it
for you. Don't you remember?
I'll buy you a nice new one
next time I see ya.
When the people come and ask about the
camper, tell them, "Sonny stole the camper.''
Try to remember it.
See ya, friend. I gotta go.
Oh, uh-
Partner, I'm much obliged
for the use of that phone.
Here. Five oughta cover it. Mr. Steele,
I don't want your money.
I saw you on the television,
you and the horse.
I'd be proud to help ya
any way I can.
Right now, looks like we oughta
get you outta this county.
How do you like it
so far?
How's the day? Treatin'
you good? Goin'all right.
Got the whole world lookin'
for that cowboy. I'll tell ya,
he's probably up over
that mountain by now.
Wouldn't worry about it.
I'd go take a nap on my porch.
I wouldn't wanna find him
anyway, 'cept for that reward.
Fifty thousand bucks
is a mound of cash.
Wouldn't get my hopes up.
All right, you're clear.
Come on down.
I don't know where you're
headed, but Excalante's...
just about six miles
up over that mountain.
The woman put together some
stuff to keep you on your way.
There's bread, cake,
stew and coffee.
I put a bottle of somethin' in
there to keep your blood pumpin'.
I sure do thank ya.
Ain't no need to.
Listen, not many people
you trust $50,000 worth.
Better get on over the mountain before
it comes to me what I'm passin' up.
Oh, my God!
Can we rest a little?
Not yet.
Where the hell are we?
Well, you're not in jail.
Look at it that way.
I can't go any farther.
Ah, sure you can.
I've known people
who go through stuff.
I knew a guy
misjudged a Brahma once.
Put his ribs through
his right lung.
The guy could
hardly breathe.
He still got up and rode
the rankest mare there.
I will never understand...
why you find that kind of behavior
admirable. Gets you up the hill.
I have to rest...
for a minute.
Hey, Steele?
How do you know
I never divulge sources.
Divulge sources!
Here. Get up.
Come on.
You sure do your homework,
don't you?
Try to put your mind on somethin'
else. Make things easier.
Get it off your feet.
You know the "Star Spangled Banner''? What?
The national anthem. I know
it's the national anthem.
You mean, can I sing it?
It's hard to sing.
Yeah, it is.
Why do you suppose that is?
You know, that's
a very interesting question.
Why don't we sit down
and discuss it?
I used to be a psychology major
before I went into journalism.
"America the Beautiful.''
That's an easy tune to carry.
Why don't we sit down
and sing it together?
Oh, spa-
Oh, beautiful
for spacious skies
With amber waves
of grain
C'mon. C'mon, sing it. Oh, God!
For purple mountain's
Above the fruited plain
A gold Lincoln Continental
at 706 Elmine.
No warrant on the suspect.
Your name? Hallie?
That's not your name.
My name's Alice.
My kid sister used to
holler at me after school.
She'd yell, "Hall-ice!''
So they call me Hallie.
Alice Martin.
That fits ya.
I used to bite
and pinch a lot too.
I bet you did.
It's mustangs.
They smell the horse.
You know what you need?
A pair of proper shoes.
Hey... where are we?
Are we lost?
Good night...
Good night, Norman.
We wanna be airborne in 30
minutes. If she's with Steele,
then the network
will know where they are.
That's the news department,
Mr. Sears.
I don't think they're gonna want to
give out that kind of information.
Are you saying we spent $80 to
$100 million dollars in TV time,
and we can't get
a simple piece of information?
No, sir.
I'm not saying that.
You don't ask the news department.
You ask the advertising department.
They'll ask
the news department.
What are you
doin' up?
Nothing much.
You had a hard day. Why don't
you scrunch down in the bag?
Oh, I wish
it were that easy.
I don't sleep.
How old are ya?
Not in front of,
in front of people
I don't know.
Slept last night.
The hell I did.
Not in front
of a stranger.
What's the matter? You afraid of what
you're gonna look like with your mouth open?
You have
a mean streak in you.
No, I don't.
I still pinch and bite.
Good morning.
I'm still here.
There's, there's coffee
from last night.
It's probably cold.
Probably is
if it hasn't been heated.
And there's cheese.
You're all bent.
Are you sick?
just bent.
Well, here.
Have some cheese.
They say breakfast is the
most important meal of the day.
I know.
I'm the one that said it.
Are you sure
you're not hurt?
No. Just some parts
wake up faster than others.
Broke parts take
a little longer is all.
I would've called a cab,
left you a note.
You know, "Call me, '"
with my phone number.
No. Actually I probably would've
left my answering service number,
and just stuck it right there on
- What's the matter?
I wanna know
what's bothering you.
It was just you and me
last night.
It's not gonna be
on television.
Is it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
The problem is that you get up slowly.
I get up fast.
It was the way I was raised.
Hey, hey! I grew up gettin' up.
We just got up and got to work.
I was up before the sun
ever hit your room.
Well, then you get
the getting-up medal.
Aren't we supposed to be in a hurry?
I mean, isn't that what you said?
Good mornin', Alice.
Good morning.
You're right.
We are in a hurry.
But, let's say
we lighten up a bit.
I think that's a great idea... lighten up.
We're gonna be traveling
together a little while.
All lightened up.
Temperatures are dipping below
freezing on the high plateau,
and in the mountains
the snow line is at 3,000 feet.
On the national scene, the search
for Rising Star and Sonny Steele...
is concentrated
in central Utah.
KLSG switchboards have been
jammed with phone calls-
I didn't see any falls
at Cisco Falls. Ain't any.
Hell,you can name
anything, anything.
It's like those people who look
up at the stars and see things:
chickens, bulls, chariots
and snakes and shit.
What's this guy's name
who's supposed to have a bell?
Rion or Orion? There probably
ain't no bell up there.
Probably there was
a falls here once.
This whole land was under water
millions of years ago.
If you go slow,
take your time
and you look real close,
you can find skeletons of these
weird lookin' fishes in the hardpan...
long, long gone.
In fact,
all these mountains-
hell, everything,
everything you can see-
everything was under
an ocean once.
What are you smilin' at?
I'm just enjoying the fact
that you-
That you know all that.
It's interesting.
Well, this country's
where I live.
Don't you know where
the subways go?
Not lately.
Oh, yeah, you do.
How'd you know
to find me?
There must've been 70, 80 reporters in
that hotel room, but you were the one...
that found me. I just had a few
hunches and got a head start.
You had more than that, Alice.
You are good.
Let's go.
Here, gimme that stuff.
Okay, I want ya to put
your left foot right here.
I, I don't know how to ride. C'mon.
You're not gonna ride, you're just gonna be
sittin' on him. I'm gonna be doin' the steering.
I'm not interested in
horses. They're too big. Oh.
Hey, he ain't got
a mean bone in his body.
We're not gonna get anywhere
with you in them spiky shoes.
C'mon, put your foot up here.
Oh, God! Okay, swing your
right leg right on over.
That's it.
There you go.
Oh, it, uh-
Sh-Should I pet him? Do what
you want. He ain't no dog.
Doyle Hicks. Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Is this Doyle?
Turn down your radio.
Yeah, well listen, I just wanna
say that what Sonny Steele done...
is wonderful news for the animals of this
country, and that's all I have to say.
...if somebody's poisoning
an animal,
that person should try
and stop it ifhe can.
I would've done the same damn
thing myself if I had the chance.
Them Ampco people got no right
to dope up a horse.
What'cha got? No. You're not
gonna throw this away, are you?
What is it?
Just notes.
Can I see 'em? They're just my notes.
What are these, in Russian?
That's my handwriting.
Read 'em.
You got a secret?
"I feel I'm seeing this country
for the first time.
"Not looking down from a jet
30,000 feet up,
"but from the low angle...
"of a special man who means
to cross it on foot,
"leading a thoroughbred stallion
to a secret destination,
"to a private goal,
to a fairness that he intends
to find in these valleys.''
I, I can't. They're just
my notes. I'm embarrassed.
It's hype.
Could've fooled me.
She ordered a camera crew
to meet her at Rim Rock Canyon,
I suppose to photograph
- The ceremony.
The sales figures again,
In the three days since he took the horse,
the office equipment has been as projected.
The cereal.
Cumulatively up
30 percent.
And by closing time today,
they'd emptied the shelves.
Yes, Fitzgerald, what is it? Uh, well, sir,
there's something here
I think you should be aware of.
Where'd you get that?
There are about a half dozen
kids selling them on the street.
Now, that's not supposed
to be there.
Or we're not supposed
to be here.
You're lost?
About a mile's worth, I'd say. We
gotta get off this ridge. C'mon.
Maybe, uh-
Listen, maybe I could go
down and get us some supplies.
We've got enough supplies.
Let's go.
Here, here!
You okay?
Are you all right?
You sure? Yeah. Let's go.
Here. Maybe you
oughta sit down.
You don't understand
the problem.
Well, uh, lay down
or somethin'. Here.
And listen to you bitch
about my boots? No, thank you.
No, no. I'm beginnin'
to like 'em. Here.
Right here. C'mon, sit
down. Oh, God, my back.
Okay now, look.
You just relax 'cause we're
makin' good time. Don't worry.
Hold on.
Little hair
of the dog.
I feel better already.
Yeah, well,
don't put it away.
Hey, why don't you
get some rest?
I'll go find us a place
to cross the road.
I won't be long.
Hi there!
What's your name?
Same as mine.
You, uh, you taking care
of this place all by yourself?
Is your name really Louise? You bet!
Your mom and dad here? My mom
went to get butane. We're all out.
You have a telephone?
It's out too.
Every time it snows
up at Marysville,
first thing,
the phone goes out.
Where's your car?
Oh, I'm sort of camping out,
and my car went on the blink.
And I, uh, need to get
a message to my boss.
Are you gonna be near a phone later on,
after you close up? We got a phone at home.
I bet you could make a call for me, and
get a message to him. Could you do that?
How much do you charge to
make a call? One dollar.
That's fair. Listen, let me
give you the phone number.
When you get him on the phone, ask for Les
Charles, and don't talk to anybody else.
When you get him, tell him
you're calling for me. For Louise.
No! Yeah, Louise
in Utah.
I know what state it is. When you
get him on the phone, tell him...
I said call off the crew,
and call off everything.
I'll explain when I see him.
Shouldn't I tell him about how your car
broke down? No, no. Just the rest of it.
- About the flu.
- No, the crew.
Call off the crew.
Let me write it out for you.
Her car broke down. Oh? Where's that, miss?
Well, it, it- Well, it didn't really
break down. It's just sort of acting-
Now I have to call her boss
about it. Say, aren't you, uh-
You know, television.
You've seen her.
Last week I saw her.
News commentator. This is too
complicated, Louise. Thanks anyway.
I'm just gonna get
a few staples here.
- Tell us your name, please.
- Louise.
Found us a spot.
- How ya doin'?
- Good as new.
Serves ya right.
Whew. There's a place we can
cross the road about a mile south.
Gotta honk on it,
I wanna get there
before dark.
We're that... close?
Where we can spend the night
inside for a change.
C'mon. Isn't there some
closer place where you guys...
take horses
to let 'em go?
I just usually use
the one, myself.
It's so pretty here. If I
were Rising Star, I'd love-
We'll, you're not.
Do me a favor,
will you, Alice?
Don't go tryin'to think
like a horse.
I'll worry about him.
You just take the notes.
Ol'Clark Wembly
had this place built,
and us cowboys used to come on
up here and use it for huntin'
Now Clark Wembly...
was really somethin'
He had a voice that was
just like runnin' molasses.
It'd come over the P.A. system:
"Sorry you lost, Sonny.''
And there I'd be,just lyin' in the dirt,just
havin' been dumped on by some damn bull...
just broke and busted.
But ol' Clark's voice would come sailin' across
there, and he'd say, "Give a big hand, folks.
Glad you come.
Better luck next time.''
God! Jesus!
He was so terrific.
He made me feel good.
He made me feel like tryin'
And he had a big bay mare
outta Idaho.
Ho, what an animal!
That horse used to ju-
just runnin'right off at
the mouth. I enjoyed it.
When we gonna get there?
About midday.
It's been a long haul.
Somethin' bothering ya?
What are you gonna do after? You're not
gonna start with the questions now, are ya?
When he's loose,
chasing mares,
do you just...
do the same?
What do you think?
You're the one
taking the notes.
You're a...
clever lady.
What do you think's
gonna happen?
You say that like
it's a bad word, "clever.''
No, I like you
being smart.
It's just sometimes
you're so busy being clever,
that I don't-
When was the last time
you were surprised?
You were a surprise.
I told them.
Wha- Told?
I, uh-
I called the network and I told them
that you were going to Rim Rock Canyon.
And I asked them to meet
me there with a camera crew.
- And that's not all.
- And now for the bad news?
I lied when I said
I was gonna go to jail.
I wasn't in any trouble.
Well, well, well.!
What do you know?
Oh, Sonny!
Please don't just walk away.
Don't be like that. Hit me, yell
at me. Slap me or something. Yell-
I already slapped ya, first
time we was alone together.
Swear to God, I wouldn't do
it now. Oh? Is that right?
You a new person? It was three
days ago. I didn't know you.
I didn't understand what
- Yeah. A lot can happen in three days.
I didn't want to ruin
anything for you, Sonny.
I had a job to do,
and I wanted a story.
Well, you got it.
You did it.
Hey, how 'bout my...
Did you mail it,
or is that gonna be on TV?
Oh, please!
- Well, what are you gonna do?
- What I said.
- Why can't you just take him to another place and let him go?
- No.
- Why?
- I want him at that place.
Everybody's done
their thing.
Ampco did what they had to do, you did what you
had to do. Now I'm gonna do what I have to do.
Sonny, you can't go there. You
can't. They're gonna be there.
The police may be there.
I can't run forever.
The way I look at it, we either
all are goin' to heaven or we ain't.
Besides, you wanna see
the finish. Not like that.
Well, be still.
Let it finish.
Oh, I don't want you
to be hurt.
I've been hurt.
I still get up.
Thanks for the worry.
Do me a favor.
Don't take notes.
Oh, Sonny,
I'm so sorry.
Better get off.
How soon before
we get there?
We are there.
Wait a minute! The camera
crew... they're not here!
Appears not.
Well, Star,
what do you think of the place?
They, they
- They must be at another entrance.
Ain't no other entrance.
Then hurry. Maybe they're lost. I doubt it.
Hold on, boy. Where the hell are they?
They're probably
in Rim Rock Canyon.
Isn't that where you
told them to go?
They'd be about
90 miles north.
- This isn't- - This here is
Silver Reef. Pretty, ain't it?
You! You lied! I never said we
were goin' to Rim Rock Canyon!
You said it! Look out.
Don't kick me with them boots!
Where in the hell is he, and
what was this about a reward?
I've been- I, I have been
trying- We've been misinformed.
When our own internal
investigation revealed the truth,
naturally we understood
Mr. Steele's motivation.
I don't think there's enough
food to last another night.
I don't think he's coming.
It's occurred to me.
Well, Star, you wanna
say good-bye to the lady?
Hey, boy.
Swing your tail. Excuse us, will ya?
Remember, they're just horses,
the same as you...
only they never
been broke.
But they ain't won
no championships neither.
So when you cross that stallion
and he wants to fight,
you remember you got
the blood on your side.
You can take him!
Is he just gonna go,
just like that?
You bet.
I thought you guys were pals. We are.
Make somethin'
outta yourself now.
Yeah, when I see you, Les.
About 9:00.
Bye, bye.
There's your bus.
Looks like it's on time.
Oh? Good. Mmm.
How do you feel?
I feel good.
Maybe not as good as him,
but good.
What'd they say?
They're full of congratulations.
Can't wait to get the story,
- especially now that Ampco has reversed its position.
- Yeah, I'll bet.
They have me going to Paris next
to cover the elections.
Well, no kiddin'?
That'll be interestin'.
More coffee?
No, not for me, thanks.
Want any?
Yes, please.
Just a little somethin'
for the road.
Ho, ho, ho!
Oh, careful.
Tell me, Norman.
Did you think it was gonna be this tough
to get rid of a pain in the ass like me?
Ma'am, I had no idea.
All aboard the bus.! Cedar City,
Richfield, Utah, and Denver, Colorado.
Hi. Did you get
two red suitcases?
Um, that story
you're gonna tell?
It would be nice if you didn't
mention where it was we let him go.
Silver Reef? Yeah. It'd be nice
if you didn't divulge that source.
I don't know.
Leave out a name like that?
What are you gonna do
tomorrow, Sonny?
Oh, I'm gonna...
get movin' on.
Find me somethin' simple.
Hard maybe,
but plain and quiet.
Any bags, ma'am?
Uh, no.
I keep wantin' to thank ya,
but then I keep wonderin'
what for.
I know.
I know. Me too.
Maybe it's for how I'm gonna feel
whenever I see you on television.
Guess I'm gonna have
to get me a TV.
All aboard, ma'am.
So long, Alice.
So long, Norm.
Have a safe trip back,
All charges have been dropped, and
according to one company source,
the Ampco art department is hard
at work designing a new logo.
Camera three. As to the
whereabouts of Rising Star,
nothing further is known.
So ends the bizarre saga of horse
racing's most honored stallion...
and the man
who set him free.
Except for one note of thanks
from this reporter to Mr. Steele...
for his cooperation in
bringing this story to you.
This is Hallie Martin in
New York saying good night.
At a time
when the world
Seems to be spinnin'
Hopelessly out of control
There's deceivers
and believers
And old in-betweeners
That seemed
had no place to go
But it's the same ol'song
It's right and it's wrong
And livin'is just somethin'
that I do
And with no place to hide
I looked in your eyes
And I found myself in you
I looked to the stars
Tried all of the bars
And I'd nearly gone up
in smoke
Now my hand's on the wheel
Of somethin'that's real
And I feel
like I'm goin'home
And I feel
like I'm goin'home