The Emperor's Candlesticks (1937)

Good or bad news?
He arrived in Vienna
3 hours ago.
He's on his way now, with his
aide, colonel baron Suroff,
incognito, of course.
- Now we'll have action.
- Does anyone know?
- Not even the police.
- Well, how will we recognize him?
He'll be masked, and none of
us has ever seen him before.
You underestimate me, Korum,
I happen to know his costume.
He's coming as Romeo, and I have
the number of his reservation..
Proscenium box
number two on the right.
What a splendid target
he'd make from here.
Yes. If this were a shooting
gallery and not the opera ball.
They just arrived in the lobby.
They know how to do
these things in Vienna.
I must say, this crowd
is very mixed.
Perhaps we better go to
our box, your highness.
Don't call me that, Suroff.
We'll be spotted.
Oh, heaven forbid.
Will you follow me, sir?
There's a pretty girl.
Really, sir.
my knees are cold.
I must say, there's much
to be said for trousers.
Usher, this gentleman is baron
Hogart, and I am herr Von Blech.
- Oh, is that so, sir?
- It certainly is so.
If anyone should inquire,
this box is taken by
baron Hogart and herr Von Blech.
Very well, sir.
Well, I can't imagine a better
way of arousing suspicion.
No, we can't be too
careful, your highness.
Our appearance is much distincted.
People are sure to inquire who we are.
Well, what if they do?
Oh. If your imperial father
should hear of this escapade,
it would be none too
pleasant for me.
Well, even if they do spot me,
they'll never recognize you.
I've never seen a more
perfect Hamlet in my life.
Oh, you really
think so?
Well, I noticed a number of people looking
at me with quite considerable interest.
- Excuse me, this is a private box.
- Please forgive me, I'm being followed.
- I must hide, please allow me...
- It's quite out of the question.
- Oh, please.
- No, furthermore, Madame...
- you're committing a trespass.
- Is Juliet?
Look at her, Suroff.
- What?
- She's Juliet.
- Romeo?
- Juliet?
Oh, this is
absolute nonsense.
- Juliet, you may stay here forever.
- Certainly not.
Please take no notice of my
very militant Danish friend.
- I'm not taking any notice of him, Romeo.
- Splendid.
Look here, madame...
This is a very amusing
coincidence, no doubt,
But it can go no further.
- Will you dance with me?
- I would adore to.
I forbid it.
- Is this gentleman your father, Romeo?
- Certainly not.
- We'll take no notice of him, Juliet.
- Stop, sir.
Do you want me to explain our
real position to this young lady?
- Don't be an ass, Suroff.
- You give me no alternative.
Perhaps I had better go.
I don't want to get poor
little Romeo into trouble.
Oh, it isn't so.
No, no. You must do as the
kind gentleman tells you.
- Please don't go.
- Good-bye.
- I say...
- Good-bye.
Does your highness want
me to be exiled to Siberia?
- I sometimes wonder.
- Oh?
Usher, Usher...
Here, Usher...
- Juliet?
- Romeo.
There's something
wrong, isn't there?
It's the balcony.
We're in the wrong places.
Yes, exactly reversed.
- You want to come up?
- You want to come down?
Not if you're coming up.
Are you?
Not if you're
coming down.
- Can this door be locked?
- Certainly not, sir.
This is an opera house.
Well, I'm perfectly aware of that.
What do you think I thought it was?
Well, uh, that's not
for me to say, sir.
Yes. Well, now,
don't be impertinent.
Look here...
I don't want anybody to enter
that box, and nobody to leave.
- Is that understood?
- Quite, sir.
Yes, nobody in and nobody out, nobody.
Nobody in, nobody out.
- Yes, and no exceptions.
- No one, sir.
- Open the door.
- Nobody in, nobody out.
You fool, it's me, open the door.
Nobody in, nobody out.
- I'll have you put in jail for this.
- Nobody in, nobody out.
- May I?
- Thank you.
it's midnight, time to unmask.
If you wish it.
Juliet, you are lovely.
Thank you.
I'm afraid you're going to be frightfully
disappointed when you
behold your Romeo, though.
I can't be disappointed.
- Why do you say that?
- Because I know exactly what you look like,
your imperial highness.
- Who are you?
- Your servant, your imperial highness.
What is the meaning
of this?
I regret I'm not at liberty to
give any information whatsoever.
It was very easy.
- You won't need me any longer?
- No, my dear.
- There'll be no violence?
- That rests with the gentleman.
Let's have him in here.
Might I ask the meaning of this?
You'll be good enough to write a letter
to his majesty the czar at our dictation.
And might I ask who it is that
makes this extraordinary request?
I'm afraid your highness doesn't
quite realize the situation.
You're not only a prisoner, sir,
but you must submit to any
demands we make upon you.
- Why, that's blackmail.
- No, your highness.
Something rather more important.
Will your highness be kind enough to
sit down there and write what we request?
What do you want me to do?
I suppose I'm to write my imperial
father and ask him to send you
a few hundred thousand rubles
in order to obtain my release.
I'm afraid your highness misjudges us.
If you'll allow me...
Well, then,
what is it?
I'll read you a copy of the
letter we require you to write.
"Your imperial majesty or my dear father,"
whichever you choose.
"I am in the hands of
a group of Polish nationalists...
- So that's ti.
- Exactly.
"Who have made it their duty
"to secure the immediate release of
their friend and leader, Thaddeus Orlich,
"who is to be executed by your order
in St. Petersburg in 15 days."
That is unfortunate, but
what has it to do with me?
You and your father and your father's father
for 150 years have throttled our country...
You've tortured and imprisoned us
and now at the moment when...
We do not for a moment suggest your highness
that you have any responsibility in this crime.
Nonetheless, we require what we hope
may prove your effective assistance.
Go on.
This man, Orlich, has given his entire
life for the freedom of his country.
For this alone, he has now
been condemned to death
by the servants of your imperial father.
And I might tell your highness,
there is not a man in
this room at this moment
who would not gladly give his
life that Orlich's might be saved.
But surely a petition for his release
through the ordinary channels...
We've already sent 3
petitions to his majesty.
But the secret police have
seen to it that your father
was spared the labor
of their examination.
As a matter of fact, we'll probably
have the greatest of difficulty in
getting even this letter
to him personally.
You needn't tell me that.
Perhaps you'll write
as we dictate?
- Suppose I refuse?
- In that case, your highness...
Perhaps I shouldn't asked that question.
However, gentlemen,
I'm not afraid of threats,
but I infinitely prefer them to
the means you used to get me here.
We regret that, your highness,
but we had no alternative.
I must congratulate you
upon your fair confederate.
She was most efficient.
- Believe me.
- That lady would sacrifice even more
than the regard of your highness if
she could save the life of her father.
- Her father?
- Thaddeus Orlich.
- I beg your pardon, sir.
- Yes, what is it?
- Colonel Suroff?
- Yes, what is it? What do you want?
Well, the young gentleman
told me to tell you, sir-
Oh, yes, of course.
Where is he?
He left hurriedly with my mistress,
to attend a little party.
And he's most anxious
that you should join them.
Oh, of course. I might
have guessed as much.
Tell me, my good man,
what sort of party is it?
I mean, will my attire be
in any way out of place?
Oh, no, sir.
I don't think so.
The party is very small and if
I may say so, very discreet.
Oh, well, that sounds most pleasant.
There's nothing like
a discreet little party,
if one is discreet. Well.
What time is it, Albert?
Half past 2:00, sir.
Oh, it's good to get to
bed early for a change.
It enables me
to get up early.
- Call me at 11:00.
- Certainly, sir.
- Uh, am I busy today?
- Not particularly, sir.
You lunch with the sisters
Franccini at Sacher's.
I'm afraid you'll have to be punctual,
sir, because they have a matinee.
Well, don't they
have understudies?
Oh, possibly, sir, since they're
lunching with baron Wolensky.
That sounds suspicious as a compliment,
Albert. What else?
You have to call on
prince Johann at 3:00, sir.
Oh, yes.
No, no coffee.
Keep me awake.
- I'll have a little brandy.
- Very good, sir.
- Now, who could that be?
- Dear me.
- Well, tell her I'm out.
- Very good, sir.
Turn out the lights, turn
out the caller, and turn in.
Very good, sir.
Thank you, sir.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night, Albert.
It's Mr. Korum, sir.
All right. Ask him to come in.
- Oh, hello, Korum.
- Good evening, Wolensky.
- I've been asleep for hours.
- I'm sorry to disturb you.
Oh, it's no matter.
Have a drink?
No, thank you.
- What is it? Job?
- Yes.
- Where?
- Petersburg.
- When?
- At once.
A letter to the czar.
A letter to the who?
Read it yourself.
- Sit down, would you?
- Thank you.
- A little brandy?
- I said no thanks.
- No, I mean for myself.
- Oh, excuse me.
- How did you do it?
- We picked him up at the opera.
Maria did the work.
- But this is stupendous.
- I knew you'd be astonished.
But what is it that
you expect me to do?
You will leave tomorrow
night on the 10 o'clock express.
It will be your
business to deliver that letter
to the czar himself in time
to save the life of Orlich.
- How much time have I?
- 15 days.
Well, I'm glad I shan't have
to leave until tomorrow night.
Give me time to make my will.
The responsibility attached
to your mission is tremendous.
We could think of no one but yourself.
Everything for your journey
will be planned.
I'm glad to hear that.
How are conditions
at the border?
Well, unfortunately,
more dangerous than ever.
That's cheerful I must say.
I suppose his majesty the czar will be
waiting at the station to meet me?
We realize the difficulty
of your task.
Oh, no matter.
- Oh, you keep this till morning.
- No. I'll turn it over to you tonight.
It would be dangerous of me
to have it. I might be watched.
That's right.
We propose to call upon
you tomorrow at 3:00.
I'm visiting prince Johann at that hour.
A somewhat useless companion.
If it weren't for such
useless companions,
I might be as vigilantly
watched as you are.
Yes, you're right Wolensky.
I sometimes am.
I'll be here at 4:00
bless you, my friend.
And good luck.
Bless you my friend, and
thank you very much.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Go on, Pavloff, go on.
It's exciting.
Well, countess...
we agents here in Vienna have solved a
problem that has baffled our secret
service in Petersburg
for a long, long time.
We have discovered the identity
of Polish agent number 14.
- Who, Pavloff? Who?
- Stephan Wolensky.
Are you mad?
- The Wolensky?
- You know him, then?
Well, only by reputation.
But it seems incredible.
Of course...
Wolensky the gay, the debonair,
the aristocrat.
It's the finest disguise
in existence. But he's our man.
Do you have proof?
Letters in his own handwriting.
- How indiscreet?
- Decidedly.
And they account for his
frequent trips to Petersburg.
The gay baron Wolensky,
laughing at Russia.
I believe he's about to
stop laughing.
Well, if I'm successful in
getting the letters through,
his next trip to
Petersburg will be his last.
If anyone can get across
the Polish border, you can.
You're a very clever woman.
Thank you.
- When do I leave?
- This evening.
I shall come back this
afternoon with the documents.
Very well, Pavloff.
It's very short notice.
I just have time to get my tickets...
and call on my old friend prince Johann.
And then...
Poor baron Wolensky.
Baron Wolensky.
- My dear Wolensky, good of you to come.
- Thank you, sir.
I understand you're thinking
of a few days in Italy.
I might manage to come with you.
Alas, sir, I'm afraid that's out of the
question. I have to go to Petersburg.
- Petersburg? When?
- Tonight, most annoying.
Oh, that is unfortunate.
Important business, I suppose?
- Oh, yes. Definitely.
- Oh, that's very disappointing.
And I don't think much of your taste.
I always think snow a
most unbecoming color.
Ah, but not to the Russians.
I have some most
delightful recollections.
Oh, and may we hope,
I hope so.
Oh, so you're going to Petersburg.
By Jove. Wolensky, are you
carrying a lot of luggage?
On the contrary. Just one
trunk and my hand baggage.
I don't quite understand, sir.
- You can do me a great favor.
- I should be honored.
- They're beautiful, are they not?
- They are indeed.
The emperor gave them to me last year.
But I may tell you that if he had
given me a couple of sporting dogs,
I'd have been much more edified.
- You don't collect, sir?
- No, I do not.
So I decided to make them a
present to someone who does.
Why not?
Particularly if that someone
happens to be a lady.
- A very beautiful lady, Wolensky.
- Of that, I'm sure.
And am I to take it
that she lives in Petersburg?
How clever of you.
- Well, you mind?
- I shall be delighted.
Oh, I say, this chap seems to
have had a bit of an accident, eh?
Oh, that happened
a long time ago.
Well, and to whom are they
to be delivered?
To the princess Tania.
- Oh, you've met her?
- Have I not?
Oh, have you?
I should be delighted at the
opportunity to meet her again.
Oh, will you?
You know, I've never met a more
charming woman, or more amusing.
Oh, really?
You're quite sure this won't
be giving you too much trouble?
Oh, rather not.
Shall we pack them up?
One moment.
There's more to these
candlesticks than meets the eye.
They positively breathe intrigue.
You see, according to the story,
Marie Antoinette sent her last letter
to Vienna in this very candlestick.
Did she?
Well, I don't quite see how...
Now watch me very closely,
and observe the center bras.
When I turn it slowly in this manner
a secret container is revealed.
- Well, it's extraordinary.
- Now watch again.
I turn it back, the container
is completely hidden.
That's quite remarkable.
And that's how Marie Antoinette
sent her last letter to Vienna?
You may rest assured, sir, I shall
consider a great privilege
- to take those to Russia for you.
- Thank you so much.
Now if you'll allow me to scribble
a note to the charming princess.
You'll not necessarily feel under any
obligation to present them personally.
Well, here's the letter,
my dear Wolensky.
Now, where shall I send the
candlesticks? Your apartment?
Oh, no, sir. No, uh, I'll just
take them along with me now.
No, no. I wouldn't dream of it.
Oh, but I insist, sir.
Nonsense, my dear fellow.
I wouldn't hear of it.
- What time does your train leave?
- Oh, it's, uh, the 10 o'clock express.
Ah, then I'll send them to the station.
But I'd much prefer to
take them with me now, sir.
It may seem a trifle eccentric...
my dear fellow, you're always taking
your responsibilities too seriously.
Well, yes, I admit the habit.
Well, I much appreciate it, but
I'm not going to take advantage.
- But, sir...
- Enough.
After all, they're my
candlesticks, aren't they?
Yes, undoubtedly.
Very well, then.
Good-bye, my dear Wolensky.
And thank you once again.
Well, don't mention it, sir.
Of course, they'll be taken to the
station by a reliable individual?
My secretary himself.
Don't think, my dear fellow,
that I don't realize their value.
Oh, no, of course
you do, sir.
But you, uh...
you can't be too careful,
can one?
Uh, exactly.
Good-bye, sir.
Countess Mironova.
- Johann.
- Olga.
Dear lady, this is
indeed kind of you.
Johann, my dear, you get
younger every time I see you.
And you,
more beautiful.
Thank you.
Tell me, when did you arrive?
Last night. I'm only
passing through Vienna.
- Oh, don't say that.
- Yes, I leave this evening for Petersburg.
- Petersburg? Everybody going to Petersburg?
- Why do you say that?
Let me see. It is
benedictine, if I remember.
Am I right?
Is your memory so wonderful
for everyone, Johann?
- No, dear lady, only for a very few.
- I wonder.
It's true.
Thank you.
My dear...
- if only you'd come here 5 minutes sooner.
- But why?
I should have asked you to carry
a little gift to Petersburg.
- To the same lady?
- What do you mean, Olga?
Don't you remember?
I carried a little gift
for you on my last trip.
So you did.
It is still the princess Tania?
You're far too faithful.
You're far too young.
And she isn't...
- What is it this time?
- I'll show you.
- How beautiful.
- Yes, aren't they?
You think she'll like them?
But, my dear, who wouldn't?
They're exquisite.
Do you see anything...
Peculiar about them?
- No, except that this one is broken.
- Oh, that's nothing.
This will amuse you.
- Not a conjuring trick, Johann?
- Watch.
How interesting.
How exciting.
- Ah, Wolensky.
- Korum.
You're punctual
to the minute.
I have some interesting news for you.
The countess Mironova is in Vienna.
She leaves
for Petersburg tonight.
Ah, that's interesting. They
say she's very beautiful.
And very dangerous.
Yeah, the words are synonymous.
She is in the Russian
secret service.
- How do you know that?
- We don't. We surmise.
But you'd better be very careful.
She may not be traveling
through Vienna just by chance.
But still there are always people
traveling between here and Petersburg.
That might be one reason
they built the railroad.
Did you find a safe place
for the letter?
You've no idea
how safe, indeed.
They can turn me inside out.
They'll never find that letter.
May I take them to
your sweet princess?
Do please let me.
I'd love to show her
how the wheels go round.
- What a child you are.
- Can I, please?
I told you.
But tell the nice gentleman
you found another courier.
- Please?
- You, funny-
Besides, it's not gallant
to send them by a mere man.
The gift will lose half its charm.
Yes. My dear, there's
something in what you say.
Send him a note
and tell him.
I'm sure he will be ever
so relieved. Please do it.
- What can I say?
- I may take them?
- Of course, you may.
- Oh, darling Johann.
- My child, I wonder...
- Wonder what?
I wonder what you'll
be like when you grow up.
Oh, Anton...
I tell you it's madness.
It won't be safe.
Ah, don't be such a little coward.
I can't help it I'm frightened.
I tell you I'm scared to death.
Now, you listen to me.
Who carries this stuff
when you're traveling?
- Never mind.
- Answer me. Who carries it?
Sometimes she does.
Sometimes I do.
But it's always in the compartment
with you when you travel?
It's never registered
in the baggage car?
No, she never lets it out of her sight.
- Oh, that's too bad.
- Anton, can't we wait?
In here, please.
It's her.
A gentleman is
waiting for you, madame.
Thank you, Mitzi.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry I
kept you waiting, Pavloff.
Quite all right.
- You look so excited.
- I am.
Wolensky is leaving for Petersburg.
It's imperative that
you arrive ahead of him.
- Are these the documents?
- Yes.
"Arrest on sight."
That's why they have to be in the hands
of Radoff before Wolensky gets there.
- They shall be.
- There's danger, countess.
The poles are watching this
side of the border night and day.
You can trust me, Pavloff.
- His death warrant, huh?
- Yes.
If this evidence should be
lost or fall into Polish hands...
most of our work
will be destroyed.
- And I shall be destroyed along with it.
- Exactly.
- If there were only some secure way...
- There is a secure way, Pavloff.
- Aren't they beautiful?
- Very.
Oh, no. This is the broken one.
- This is my magic candlestick.
- I don't quite understand.
A little gift I am
carrying for prince Johann.
- Isn't it clever?
- It's providential.
And now it holds the life of a man.
10 o'clock St. Petersburg express...
- The luggage is all in the compartment, sir.
- Good.
I think it's about time you got in, sir.
If he doesn't get here soon,
I'm going to miss that train.
- Baron Wolensky?
- Yes?
His highness has sent me to tell
you, sir, that the candlesticks
which you so kindly
promised to take to Petersburg...
His highness has made other
arrangements for their transit.
Other arrangements?
What other arrangements?
The countess Mironova was
also on her way to Petersburg.
- The countess Mironova?
- Yes, sir.
His highness thought it would
save you unnecessary trouble
if she took charge of them.
Yes, yes, of course. That will
make things much easier.
His highness thought it would, sir.
Uh, does the countess happen
to be traveling on this train?
Yes, indeed, sir.
Car 7, compartment C.
Car 7, compartment C?
- You know the lady, sir?
- Oh, yes, yes. Of course.
Thank you very much.
Good night.
- Albert...
- Yes, sir?
See if you can change my reservation to car
7 and try to get me compartment B or D.
B as in Beatrice, sir?
- Yes, and D as in Desdemona.
- Very good, sir.
Come in.
I beg your pardon.
Oh, yes?
I beg your pardon,.
- Oh, conductor.
- Good evening, sir.
- Fine night, sir.
- Yes. Isn't it?
Do you, by chance, know the
reservations of countess Mironova?
Oh, yes.
That lady change
her reservation to car 4,
- compartment D.
- Ah, car 4, compartment D.
- That would be this way, wouldn't it?
- That would be that way.
- Ah?
- About 300 miles.
- What?
- She left on the afternoon train.
- You sent for me, madame?
- Yes, when do we get to the border?
We're nearing there
now, madame.
When does
the Russian train leave?
There's an hour wait to permit
passengers to clear the customs.
In my case, that will not be necessary.
I travel on diplomatic passport.
In that event I can have your bags
stamped on the platform and
transferred to the other
train when it arrives.
Thank you. My maid will be
in charge of my luggage.
May I remain in my compartment
during the interval?
That would be most unusual.
- Do you think it could be arranged?
- I think so, madame.
- It wouldn't be at all unusual.
- Thank you.
Come in.
- Will there be anything else, madame?
- No, stay with the luggage.
- I thought...
- Don't leave it for a moment.
Yes, madame.
Your imperial highness,
dinner is served.
Nothing. Nothing can induce
me to eat your prison food.
I've, I've...
Well, nothing?
Well, nothing
but my intense hunger.
I'm relieved.
Oh, I beg your highness to
think of your weak stomach.
If my stomach, since you are
kind enough to be concerned,
is in excellent condition.
In fact, at this moment,
my stomach is very happy.
Would that I were
as happy as my stomach.
But I beg your imperial highness
to think of the consequences.
As soon as we're
released, I'll have to...
I'll be free to order
whatever milk dishes I want.
Oh, and they'll
send me to Siberia.
To Siberia I...
May I serve the colonel
some goose liver and aspic?
Oh, get out.
Would the colonel be good enough to
ring if anything further is desired?
Get out.
- Your highness...
- Yes?
- My handkerchief.
- What about your handkerchief?
It's soiled and that costume your highness
you've been wearing it for two days..
- Romeo wore it all his life.
- Oh, he did?
Oh, they'll send me to Siberia.
- Suroff, they've neglected something.
- What?
Smart as they are, they've
neglected something.
- What?
- Our hotel.
Our hotel will notice our absence;
- They'll notify the police.
- Of course, your highness, the hotel.
The cutthroats forgot about our hotel.
The police will be notified, they'll find
us, and then we'll settle with the...
Oh, it's our baggage,
your highness.
How in the world did they...
We took the liberty of picking
up your baggage at the hotel.
We felt sure you'd like to change
your clothes and your linen.
They gave you our luggage
without asking any questions?
Why not?
We paid the bill.
Oh, well.
Send me to Siberia.
Don't give up, Suroff.
My father will get the letter
shortly, and we'll be free.
We'll be? Youve free.
Where do you think you'll be?
I'll be on my way to Siberia.
The custom examination is
over. What's holding us up?
The train will be leaving
any moment now, sir.
Thank you.
I shouldn't let you do it.
I know I shouldn't let you do it.
Stop it.
She'll hear you.
I shouldn't let you talk me into it.
She'll never know who did it.
The idea of making that kind
of fuss about a little jewelry.
If I'd have known that.
- Why, it wasn't even worth my time.
- They'll send me to jail.
They can't send you to jail if they
don't know you were mixed up in it.
- You'll never tell them, Anton?
- Of course, I won't.
Why don't you pull yourself together?
I'll tell you what we'll do.
I'll take this junk
and go on ahead.
In a couple of minutes, you
follow me with that basket.
Hurry, now.
And don't forget, we
don't know each other.
Get on the train, and I'll
see you in the last car.
- I'd like to see the countess Mironova.
- What name, sir?
- It's about the baggage she lost.
- Oh?
Oh, one moment, please.
I'll inform the countess.
Thank you.
There's a gentleman downstairs
to see about your luggage.
- I'll see him in a minute.
- Very well, madame.
Just a moment young man.
You're under arrest.
- What is it?
- I...
- Are you ill?
- I'm all right.
- Come along. No arguments.
- Oh, all right. All right.
Hadn't you better
rest a moment?
No, thank you.
I've got catch that train.
Oh, miss. You forgot your basket.
Oh, thank you.
This is the gentleman.
You wanted to see me?
- The countess Mironova?
- Yes.
May I talk with you alone
for a moment?
This way, sir. In here
you will not be disturbed.
We've met before.
No. I don't remember.
Oh, yes. Of course.
- On the stairs at prince Johann's.
- Well, permit me to introduce myself.
I'm Stephan Wolensky.
Not baron Wolensky?
You are baron Wolensky?
And you,
the countess Mironova.
Strange we've never
known each other, isn't it?
It is.
You're Polish, are you not?
Oh, yes, indeed, and you are Russian.
We're neighbors,
so to speak.
So to speak.
But may I ask...
Oh, of course.
I happened to read of your very
serious loss on a poster at the station,
and I thought perhaps I might
be of some service to you.
Really? That is most
kind, but I don't quite...
well, you were
you had, I think, a pair of candlesticks.
You've no idea what an extraordinary
coincidence has occurred.
It was I who was originally
to take those candlesticks.
You don't say so.
So, naturally, I feel, in a sort
of way, connected with them.
- Naturally.
- I'm so glad that you think so.
Yes, I do.
May I ask if they were stolen?
No, I am glad to say
they are quite safe.
That's a great relief to me.
But all of my beautiful
jewelry has vanished.
Dreadful. How did it happen?
Entirely the fault of my maid.
I discharged her on the spot.
Now I wish I hadn't.
I have nobody to look after my dresses.
I have nobody to do my hair.
I would be honored if you
would allow me to look after...
I mean, do allow me to
look after your belongings.
Those candlesticks, for instance,
are more precious than you think.
Pardon me.
- They are more precious than you think.
- This is the lady.
Pard me.
The chief of police would like to have
you to come to headquarters at once.
We seem to have found everything,
and we are holding the thief.
Oh, thank heaven for that.
I'll come with you at once.
Pardon me, baron.
But do permit me to undertake
this errand for you.
You must be tired.
I couldn't dream of that.
Well, then at least
allow me to escort you.
I really can't permit you to go
to a police station by yourself.
- But really...
- After all, you forget that we are neighbors.
Of course, I'd nearly forgotten.
Now countess...
will you be good enough to see
if anything else is missing?
Has anything else
been recovered?
What more do you want?
Everything is there but
your old candlesticks.
You're not going to
cry about them, are you?
But I thought you said that...
I realize now he must
have taken them as well.
Where are they,
whatever they're worth?
- I gave them to a lady.
- You did what?
Well, I couldn't go carting
them all over the place.
What lady? Out with it.
You got to tell me
whom you gave them to.
That's the one thing I cannot do.
You see, I'm a gentleman, and
gentlemen never tell on ladies.
At least not the sort
of gentleman I am.
I think a night in jail would make
this gentleman a little more talkative.
I'm afraid we'll have to be patient.
There must be some way...
To find the candlesticks?
I'm sure there is.
You, uh...
You know the name of the girl
who left here this afternoon?
So many come, so many
go, sir. It's hard to say.
I mean the little blonde girl
who nearly fainted at the door.
- I think I know the little girl you mean.
- You do?
I don't know her name, but
I think I could find out.
- You know where she is going?
- Budapest.
- I aid her up the train.
- What time is the next train to Budapest?
10:29, sir. It's an express.
Get me the name and
address of the girl.
Keep it to yourself, will you?
It's important.
Yes, sir.
- Good evening, baron.
- Good evening, countess.
I just thought we might
have dinner together.
Oh, splendid, I scarcely
dared make the suggestion.
You'll forgive me if I am done.
Yes, indeed. You've
had a very anxious day.
I say, where's the best
restaurant in this town?
This is, sir.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely, sir, it's the only one.
- I'm afraid our choice is rather limited.
- What does it matter?
If the gentleman wish not to be
disturbed, I could close the curtain.
No, no, thank you, you just leave
us alone we'll help ourselves.
- Oh, I see, sir.
- I mean to the liqueurs.
Yes, very well, sir.
What it is to be a beautiful woman.
You forget, waiters form their
judgment exclusively from the male.
- Flatter me.
- Scarcely.
Philandering is a fine art.
Does not necessarily improve
the personal appearance.
As to philandering,
I plead not guilty.
- I read my newspaper.
- I never do.
- Perhaps you are wise.
- Now I wish I were.
- The wise are never lonely.
- Are you lonely?
- And so are you.
- Why do you say that?
You are, aren't you?
I've never thought of it.
Perhaps I'm wrong.
It was a stupid thing to say.
- No, it wasn't.
- Ah, but surely...
The matchless Mironova,
why should she be lonely?
- I thought you never read newspapers.
- I don't.
I listen what other people read.
I am lonely.
I'm glad.
It's nice to have
something in common.
I wish we had met before.
Were you nice-looking?
- When?
- When you were young.
According to historians, I was
not without a certain charm.
- Did I make you wild?
- My dear lady why should you?
Speaking of your age, you mustn't mind.
You see, I do not like young men.
- Might I ask what you think I am?
- You?
Oh, you, you are at least...
- You're forgiven.
- Thank you.
- Baron Wolensky.
- My friends call me Stephan.
- I am not your friend.
- I'm sorry.
What is the time?
- Well 10 o'clock.
- Oh, I have to go to bed.
Yes, of course.
Well, life is full of surprises.
I never hoped to dine with the countess
Mironova at a little wayside hostelry.
Nor I with such a famous
person as Stephan...
Stop, we'll leave it there.
It was very clever of you.
Thank you for a delightful evening.
Or rather, thank you.
I do hope you recover
those wretched candlesticks.
I've got to.
If I can help you to do
so, be sure that I will.
- Why do you smile?
- Do I?
Has anyone ever told you you
have a rather relentless smile?
- But I suspect I have.
- Why?
I come from a relentless family.
Funny little place.
It will be a pleasant memory always.
I've arranged your room, madame.
Will there be anything else?
No, thank you. My maid can.
- Oh, I have no maid, have I?
- Afraid not.
I'd be pleased, madame.
- No, thank you, I can manage myself.
- Anything I can do for you?
I wonder what lady the
gallant thief is protecting.
He's evidently still gallant or you
would have heard from the police.
- You have no idea yourself?
- How should I?
I'm a philanderer. Lady in
distress, no help whatever.
- Most agreeable.
- Useless people have to be.
- Until tomorrow, baron.
I'm afraid it'll have to
be some other tomorrow.
Are you leaving?
Oh, yes. I'm going on by
the early morning train.
To Russia?
How long are you going
to stay in Petersburg?
Until you get there.
Oh. I'm so glad
I don't believe you.
It might make
a great difference.
I'll answer that when this
candlestick hysteria is finished.
- Maybe I shall not find them.
- Prince Johann started this.
Let him finish it.
They're his candlesticks.
I always finish things.
Anything I start.
I've wondered for years
what those things might be.
I've been very close to you
several times:
- Monte Carlo, Vienna.
- Were you fainthearted?
No. It was just that
my luck wasn't in.
- And now it is?
- Emphatically.
Good night.
- Did you get what I asked you for?
- Oh, yes, sir.
I got right here. Her name is Mitzi
Reisenbach, that is the address.
Josephstrasse 34, Budapest.
Thank you very much.
Now, this will pay my bill.
Keep the change.
Thank you, indeed, sir.
If the countess Mironova makes
inquiries, you know nothing.
You don't know whether I gone
or where, understand?
Yes, sir. Thank you very much.
Thank you, sir.
- What is that?
- The Budapest express, madame.
Leaving in 4 minutes.
This will pay my bill.
Keep the change.
- Bring my luggage down quickly. Quietly.
- Yes. Madame.
Here, madame.
- Will there be anything else, madame?
- No, thank you very much.
I couldn't take it.
I couldn't take it.
You needn't. We'll just leave it there.
Now, what have you done with the
candlesticks? That's all I want to know.
If I'd known they were of any value,
I'd never have taken them.
Of course you wouldn't.
Have you disposed of them?
That's just it...
- Here in Budapest?
- A little antique shop...
- in the fourth district.
- Good. What name?
It starts with an S.
- Yes, go on.
- S A N.
- What's the finish?
- I don't know.
S A N San Remo,
San Maurice...
Oh, it's no good. It's gone.
So am I.
Fourth district.
Follow that carriage.
- But this is the address you wanted, madame.
- Never mind, fallow that carriage.
Yes, madame.
Wait here.
What is it?
Oh, how do you do?
- I want to see Mr. Santuzzi.
- The shop is close until 2 o'clock.
It's very important
that I should see him now.
Certainly. Come back at 2.
You can see him.
- Good afternoon.
- Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
Forgive me for leaving like that.
I was afraid of disturbing you.
That is very thoughtful of you.
Well, at any rate, here we are
on the banks of the blue Danube.
Yes, indeed. You are, I suppose,
buying a few souvenirs, huh?
Well, just glancing around, so to speak.
Nice old shop, isn't it?
You come here often?
Always, whenever I
happen to be in Budapest.
I see...
Are you looking for
anything in particular?
For a pair of old candlesticks
if you want to know.
- Not...
- Yes.
How very quaint.
You know, to be
perfectly frank with you,
I had an idea that they
might be here, myself.
And you wanted to secure
them on my behalf, huh?
Well, practically, yes.
Or, rather, I wanted to relieve
you of the responsibility.
I'm sure you did, but that
I could never permit.
Ah, but I must insist.
On the contrary. As they
are my property, and...
I was under the impression that
they belonged to prince Johann.
Prince Johann doesn't happen to
own this shop, by any chance, huh?
Who are you?
My name is Santuzzi,
And I am the proprietor
of this establishment.
At least I was under
the impression that I was.
Oh, please,
do come in.
Oh, thank you very much.
- We are very delighted to see you.
- Very much obliged.
- Might I ask you what...
- I'm looking for two candlesticks
which have been stolen from me.
- Yes, we both are.
- We are not.
They were brought in here yesterday by
a young lady who had appropriated them
- just a few hours previously.
- You mean stolen.
Stolen from me.
Where are they?
- I haven't got them.
- I don't believe you.
- What?
- Don't mind the young lady.
- She's a bit excited.
- I am not.
Well, I tell you
I haven't got them.
I bought them in the morning
and I sold them in the afternoon.
- How was I to know that they were stolen?
- But who bought them?
- A collector.
- Do you know his name?
Oh, yes, yes. I have it
right here in my book.
- Where?
- Let's not get excited.
Let me see, now...
Ah, here we are. Marcel
Garnier. Do you see?
What's his address?
- Marcel Garnier, Paris.
- But his address...
- Where he lives.
- Paris, what more do you want?
You'll probably find him
in one of the big hotels.
- Now, this is very unpleasant.
- What do you intend to do?
- What do you intend to do?
- I'm going straight to Paris.
- So am I.
- Have you gone mad?
What do you think?
For the last time 210.
Any more bids?
- One Russian silver urn.
- 210.
Now I'd like to draw your attention to this
pair of very beautiful silver candlesticks
of the Louis XV period.
But for a slight imperfection the beauty
of their design remains unimpaired.
they have no history,
but have been entered for sale by a
well known and respected Paris house.
- Now, what am I bid?
- 100.
- 110.
- 115.
- 120.
- 125.
- 185.
- 190.
- 200.
- 210.
There's no need to be alarm.
They'll soon drop out.
- 240.
- 250.
- 350.
- 350.
Do I hear 360? Going
at 350 for the first time...
- Going for the second time...
- 360
- 420.
- 430.
- 440.
- 450.
- 460.
- 470.
Any advance from 480?
- Going for the first time 480.
- 500.
- 550.
- 600.
- 650.
- 700.
- 750.
- 800.
Any advance on 800?
Going at 800 for the first time...
Going at 800
for the second time...
- Going at 800...
- 1,000.
1,000. Do I hear...
Do I hear 1,100?
- 1,100.
- 1,300
Oh, one moment please.
If you don't mind my saying so countess,
this is becoming rather expensive.
It is, isn't it? I love to pay
lots of money for things.
I'm rather like that, too.
I don't know whether
I ought to mention the fact
that an immediate cash payment in full
is required at the time of the sale.
Oh, yes, of course.
If you'll allow me,
I'll just make sure...
I have about 1,500 here I should be
very glad to give you my check
- for whatever else is necessary.
- I'm sorry, sir. That's not permitted.
Now, this lady has bid 3,000
for the silver candlesticks.
Is there any advance on 3,000?
Going at 3,000.
- Sold, the property is yours, madame.
- I only have about 1,500, at the moment.
- But I assure you, I...
- Really madame, this is most irregular.
It places us all in a very awkward
position, very awkward.
Oh, one moment, please.
Why not buy them between us?
Oh, that is a beautiful idea.
Would it be in order if this lady and I pool
our resources to pay for the candlesticks?
Admirable, my dear sir.
I can't think of anything
more satisfactory.
Well, that gives us
one apiece.
Suppose I take this damaged one.
You see? This little
fellow has lost a leg.
Oh, yes. Yes, I see.
If we each have a candlestick the princess
Tania will at least have a chance
of receiving one of them.
Ah, yes. That was
my happy thought.
- Oh, May I...
- Oh, no.
Now, we have here a perfect set
of early flemish silver spoons.
Rather nice of us to buy back
someone else's stolen property.
That's what
I was thinking.
May I return this candlestick in
person when we reach Petersburg?
After all, the princess must have
her present duly delivered.
Perhaps we could share
that responsibility.
- Must you go to Petersburg?
- Indeed.
- If I could fulfill your mission.
- That is impossible.
Not even if I gave you my word?
Not even then. You see,
I, too, have a duty.
Oh, that dreadful word.
It is with us always.
So it seems.
- Are you staying in London long?
- No, only a few days. And you?
Oh, a week or so, I imagine.
- I'm at the Castleford.
- I'm at the Lombardy.
Oh. May I drive you there?
No. Thank you,
baron Wolensky.
- Not taking any further risks?
- Well, maybe. Au revoir.
Au revoir.
- Oh, madame.
- May I call a cab for you?
If you will, please.
I would like to examine this purchase.
Could I have a room?
By all means, madame.
Perhaps this room would suit you?
Oh, yes, of course.
Thank you.
- Your cab is here, madame.
- There's a terrible mistake.
- Has the gentleman gone?
- I don't understand.
Set it there
on the table.
- And get the reservations to Petersburg.
- Yes, sir.
- On the first possible train.
- Yes, sir.
Thank you.
The young lady would like to see you, sir.
I said I see if you were in.
- Show her in.
- Yes, sir.
Come in.
I'm sorry to trouble you, baron,
- But we have made a slight mistake.
- Have we?
Somehow, we
exchanged candlesticks.
This hasn't been out of my hand.
I came directly here.
Oh, I see. They are both broke.
And so they are.
And in exactly the same way.
What an extraordinary
It must have happened
in transit.
Well, that makes them exactly alike.
No difference whatever.
- There's a very great difference.
- Oh, not at all.
You turn them gently, they both
perform exactly the same tricks.
- They both have...
- A secret compartment, yes.
- And you have read...
- Your charming little document? Oh, yes.
Baron, please...
First time that anyone has
made a complete fool of me.
- But, dear baron...
- Oh, no, countess.
No, you don't.
If it hadn't been for a
light-fingered jewel thief,
you'd dear-baroned
me across the border.
The snow might be falling
on me gently at this moment.
You're an enemy of my country.
I had my duty.
And I have mine.
The saving of two lives.
One of them should be
dear to you. If anything is.
Arrest upon sight.
Shot down a revolutionary.
Good work.
But it's hardly in the rules to make your
eyes speak of love while you do it.
- Is this true?
- Quite.
- The life of your grand Duke is in danger.
- Trust me with this mission,
And you stay out of Russia.
I've been a fool for a few days,
but I haven't been frightened in years.
But I mean it.
Please listen to me.
From here on,
you'll listen to me.
But don't you see?
Neither of us is obliged to fail.
Neither of us will fail.
There's a countryman of
mine in one of your prisons.
He must be released.
I'll trust that job to no one.
I see nothing to do but take my
beating as well as I can.
You'd better take this along.
If colonel Radoff questions you,
the one with your delightful
plans for my future was stolen.
I'll furnish my own alibis, thank you.
You will remain in
London until tomorrow.
That will give me sufficient
time in Petersburg.
When my job is finished, I'll
return these documents to you.
You mean, you will carry your
own death warrant into Russia?
And give it back to me?
I know what happens to Russian
secret agents who fail in their duty.
It's my bad luck that I
can't let that happen to you.
Then please, once again...
Let me carry out both missions.
No, countess. We are enemies.
Let us be good enemies.
Please remember...
You left me
no alternative.
Maybe they found
the letter.
Wolensky is probably
in jail right now.
If they found the letter, it's because
the whole affair has been bungled.
I'm sure Wolensky has done
everything that could be done.
There's nothing we can do now
except to wait until we hear from.
Oh, yes, there is. The grand
Duke is still our guest.
What can we do about
the grand Duke?
- Everything he and his kind would do to us.
- No.
I say yes.
- And I'll accept the responsibility.
- One moment, please.
I brought the grand Duke here
and I insist on having a voice in
deciding what happens to him.
And I insist upon there being no childish
sentimentality in dealing with him.
If any attempt is made to harm the
grand Duke, I shall inform the police.
Yes, the police. We must wait.
This is Wolensky's affair.
Until we know he's failed there's
nothing we can do but wait.
- We've waited long enough.
- No, Maria's right. We shall wait.
How long?
24 hours?
We shall wait until
we hear from Wolensky.
Your highness,
your life is in danger.
On the contrary, I'd say my life
is being rather ably defended.
Your highness.
- I come to ask you a favor.
- A favor? Of me?
- Yes, your forgiveness.
- Oh, no. No.
Instead, you must accept from me...
my eternal gratitude.
Would you mind closing the door, please?
There's a draft here.
- It's a draft you won't object to.
- You're free.
- I... free.
- Thaddeus Orlich has been released,
and we're going to keep
our word with you.
Free, your highness. Your highness.
- Yes? What's happened?
- We're free. We're free.
I hope this isn't a practical joke.
- We're not going to be executed?
- No, nothing like that.
- Who's there?
- No one, your highness.
I thought-
I could have sworn...
There's no one here your highness.
No, I suppose not.
Well, don't worry, your highness.
Soon, the ball and our imprisonment
and Juliet will be just a memory.
- Yes, Suroff...
- Yes.
- You know what a memory is?
- A memory? Yes, of course.
It's a memory is a...
Memory is something
that's never forgotten.
- Call captain Demiso. Tell him to hurry.
- Yes, sir.
- And get captain Kromsky, too.
- Yes, sir.
The Pavloff notes from Vienna.
Captain Demiso.
You know a Polish gentleman...
- Baron Stephan Wolensky?
- I know the name, col. Radoff. That's all.
Just now, baron Wolensky is the second
most important man in the Russian empire.
I have a direct order from his
imperial majesty to bring this man in.
- To the palace?
- Before his majesty.
- Is he in Petersburg?
- Yes.
And if he escapes,
I shall be held responsible.
Cover the city thoroughly.
Spread a net from Riga to
Odessa. Leave no loophole.
You have a blanket order
for the men you need.
Begin now, captain. And don't
stop till further orders.
- Yes, sir.
- My coat.
Here's something from Pavloff in
Vienna with a memorandum in code.
A mission was entrusted to
countess Olga Mironova.
Something has gone wrong.
I'm going to pay the
countess a little visit.
- You'll find me there, if you want me.
- Yes, sir.
- Dear countess...
- Yes, Anna?
You quite break my heart.
- Ridiculous, Anna. I am thinking.
- Then stop it. Is bad for you.
It's this work I do.
I am fed up. Sick to death of it.
Intrigue, everlasting tension.
Don't dare make one mistake.
Oh, no, no, no, no...
That's inhuman.
- I want to stop and live my own life.
- Who's the man, countess?
It might be the baron Wolensky.
Hurry. Bring him in. Please hurry.
Say I'm waiting for him.
Please announce me
to the countess Mironova.
- If she's at home.
- Announce me whether she's at home or not.
- Yes, but I...
- Go along, please. I haven't much time.
Wait a minute.
Not so fast.
I prefer that we enter together.
Now go ahead.
- Come in.
- Thank you.
And in future, when the chief of the secret
police asks you a question, don't lie.
- Colonel Radoff.
- Good evening, countess.
My visitors usually do me the courtesy
of asking to be admitted, colonel.
I've been waiting
for a visit from you.
Don't give me very much time.
I only arrived in Petersburg today.
Why did you alter your course
when you met baron Wolensky?
When you discovered that I should
think you might have found the reason.
So clever a man.
Romance has smashed
several of my best agents.
I don't know what you're talking
about. Neither do you.
Is this the candlestick
that Pavloff wrote about?
One of them.
You spoke of smashing
people, colonel Radoff?
If the Wolensky papers are here
that might make a difference.
Open this.
there are two of these, exactly alike.
That is the reason why
I put off visiting you.
The other one was stolen. You see?
There's nothing here.
That's why I went tearing
madly through Paris and London.
This is the one I recovered.
And where is
baron Wolensky?
I haven't a remote idea.
The experience of those
who betray our secret police
is not a pleasant topic
for conversation.
Then let's talk
about something else.
You're under arrest,
countess Mironova.
Countess, the baron Wolensky is here.
I'm not at home, Anna.
- Just a moment. Show the baron in.
- Colonel Radoff.
Please, countess.
Do you hear? Bring him in.
But don't say anything to him.
Stay right where you are, countess.
- Good evening, countess.
- Good evening, baron.
I'm returning your candlestick
to you as I said I would.
I'll ask you to examine the contents
to be sure that I've
kept my word to the letter.
I am happy to say that my
mission is accomplished,
So you may carry on.
- And now, unless there is something else...
- There is something else, baron Wolensky.
How do you do, colonel Radoff?
- Was this trick really necessary, countess?
- You're wrong, baron.
The colonel came at his own invitation
and has just placed me under arrest.
But how fantastic.
Now that you've
delivered yourself,
I may be lenient with her.
Well, that's fine, colonel. It
makes you look more cheerful.
And here are your papers,
Colonel Radoff.
Very well.
If love can make an imbecile
of an intelligent woman,
we might as well
finish this right now.
You're both under arrest.
You can arrest me,
but you have no evidence
against baron Wolensky.
His imperial majesty has given special
orders to bring baron Wolensky before him.
And you countess will have
a chance to tell his majesty
what is in those
documents you destroyed.
If the countess Mironova
has trouble remembering,
I read them
very carefully.
Very carefully.
It is for these reasons, your majesty,
that the secret police feel the
need of the sternest measures.
Thank you, colonel Radoff.
You appear to have fulfilled the duties
of your position very admirably.
Countess Mironova, you were
entrusted with certain documents
to be delivered to our secret police,
and on your admission, you've destroyed
these documents to save the baron's life.
Your situation, especially for one of
your profession, is a calamitous one.
It is true baron Wolensky, that your devotion
to your duty has saved the life of our son.
We have been through anxious days
and nights, and we are grateful.
Your majesty...
If you have no mercy
for the countess Mironova,
I humbly beg that you
have none for me.
The quality of mercy baron Wolensky,
becomes an emperor
more than ordinary men.
Each of you two people risked,
knowingly, your life and liberty.
The penalties for what you did are
decisive, but, we think, deserved.
Yet, there is one thing
that moves us deeply:
The bravery and generosity of love.
It is because those qualities
are so evident in this room-
which has seen so much
of qualities far different-
that you are pardoned.
We will give the candlesticks
to the princess ourselves.
We will also see that you are
both protected while in Russia.
Your majesty. I...
Your majesty...
I think countess Mironova
is trying to say that...
We shall be grateful to you
as long as we live.
We hope that will be
for many years.
Dear Stephan, I wonder if
our troubles are all over now?
Well, you promised
to marry me, didn't you?
I seem to remember I did.
Well, then dear, your
troubles are not over.