The Empty Hands (2017)

Onecool Film Production Limited
HK Film Production Limited
Toba Production Limited
Golden Scene Company Limited
Novus Capital (HK) Limited Present
Executive Producer: Chapman To
Associate Producer: Winnie Tsang
an HK Film Production Limited production
Hey, Mute Dog
now scram!
You're only here as a punching bag,
do you really think you're the street champ?
Go back to teaching kids
"Street Champ"
"The Fist and Zen are One"
999 What's your emergency?
Sir, calm down
Please don't yell
If you are a mute, just make a sound
ls there anyone nearby?
If yes, please get them on the phone
The writer Lu Xun once said,
When I am silent, I feel replete
As I open my mouth to speak,
I am conscious of emptiness
My dad is Japanese
His name was Akira Hirakawa
His company transferred him
to Hong Kong in 1972
To be the manager of
the kitchenware department at Daimaru
"Akira Hirakawa"
Then he met Ho Lai Mui
My mom
Besides working at Daimaru
He also taught Karate
at Victoria Park after work
Back then Hong Kong
was a place with people of all kinds,
and knowing martial arts was helpful
Maybe there weren't many Japanese people
teaching Karate in Hong Kong
Dad had so many pupils that
he decided to quit his job
And teach Karate full time
He spent all his savings on
a 1,200sqft flat in Wanchai
The living and dining room became the dojo
So we ate and slept in the bedroom
When I grew up, dad slept in the hallway
I remember going back home
every day after school
And hearing a group of stinky men
exclaiming 'Osh, Osh Osh'.
It was really annoying!
I'm Mari Hirakawa
My dad gave me that name
Silent contemplation
Salute each other!
"Chan Kent"
I hated Karate
But dad said I wasn't afraid of pain,
and had a natural born talent
So he forced me to start training
Maybe he thought that I enjoyed it
I was planning to stop after
achieving the brown belt
Black belt comes after brown belt
And it was really hard to achieve
I remember there was a time when he entered me
into a competition without my consent
And I lost the competition
I'm never practicing Karate again!
I haven't touched Karate since then
During the financial crisis in 1989,
my uncle asked mom for a loan
Mom asked dad to mortgage the dojo
But dad refused to do so
My uncle ended up committing suicide
After that, mom left us
That's what I can remember
I became lonelier after mom left
I didn't have any other friends besides Peggy
How did we remain such good friends?
I like her coz she's dumb
All boobs, no brains!
She won't do any harm to me
...He isn't trying to be brave by
being like this
It's because this is what's normal
Just admit that you want to give it your all
You wanna dive into the fiery pit that is love
Remember, I'm your musical lover, Calvin
- You're so horny!
- Let me squeeze you!
- Let me squeeze you!
- Let me squeeze you!
I have a black belt in Karate
Started competing when I was 10,
and was the champion of the Youth section
I've wanted to become
a security guard since I was a kid
I want to safeguard Hong Kong,
and the voices of its people
I promise that nobody will get hurt
in the parking lot once I start working here
Sounds good, where's your black belt?
Awesome! You start tomorrow
You can call me 'Bulldog' from now on
Lt is now 2:08 am
We have the next caller on the line
This is your Music Lover Calvin,
what's your name?
Is it my turn?
- Off work?
- Yes
Must've been a long day
Are you new?
Yes, I'm Mari Hirakawa, I'm Japanese
Do you mind opening the gate for me?
"When our motherland is well, we are well"
"When we are well, our motherland is well"
"If I do not love the motherland"
"The sun will explode!"
"When we are well, our motherland is well"
"When the motherland is well, we are well"
"If the motherland does not love me"
Why don't we ever go into your room?
That bed is not mine
Im gonna leave
Don't leave so early, she gets off class at 3
Sleep a while longer
You really remembered!
Of course I did. They match
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you
Why didn't you use that money so that
we can go on a holiday together?
I can get you this watch,
and go on a holiday with you
Have you been to the Maldives?
I haven't been either
I heard it's sinking
Then... Ill do some planning
I promise that I won't go with anyone else
Ill only go with you
You're so good to me
Little dummy
I better leave soon
Im having dinner with her tonight,
can't be with you
It's alright, Ill eat with my dad
Ill see you at work tomorrow
Okay, I love you
I love you too
She has an ad hoc meeting,
why don't you come eat with me?
Dad, I have to head out,
have dinner by yourself!
Over the next few years, my relationship with
my father deteriorated even further
We always fought over Calvin
I didn't think I was wrong
Im confident that he'll choose me one day
My father didn't agree
But I never listened to him
Because I know that
nobody can make my decisions for me
Even if I lost in the end,
it was still my own choice
Then he had health problems,
and not many people showed up at the dojo
His favourite student Little Piggy
stopped coming too
Most of the teaching was done by Mute Dog
Last week, he fainted at home
And never woke up
When he fainted, I was at Calvin's place
Starring: Stephy Tang
Starring: Chapman To
Yasuaki Kurata Stephen Au
Guest Appearance: Dada Chan
Produced by: Chapman To Tang Wai But
Written by: Chapman To Erica Li
Director of Photography: Tam Wai Kai (HKSC)
Gaffer: Ko Wing Chai
Production and Costume Designer:
Irving Cheung@[elf]
Edited by: Allen Leung
Original Music by: Veronica Lee
Action Co-ordinators:
Chapman To Stephen Au Tommy Leung
Jack Wong Ryouichi Ishijima Billy Lui
Line Producer: Aaron Lai
Production Manager: Candy Ng
Directed by Chapman To
My dad is dead,
when would you come out and see me?
Ramen with cheese sauce
Mute Dog
Your zodiac sign is a pig right?
Wow, then you must be over 50
Time flies, Ive been at the dojo for 20 years
Even the kids classes are empty,
and the Indian kid never pays his fees
Im planning to close the dojo down
"Calvin: Can't talk"
Im going first, take your time
You're getting old, rest up
Thank you!
Lucky that you're here, I sprained my ankle
You're welcome
Oh, you're here?
Why are there still students here?
Have they paid their dues?
He can finish this month's training
Why are you on the gound?
Are you okay?
I'm okay
What's your future plan?
I've had a dream since I was a kid
A dream?
That Id take over the dojo
Ive thought it through,
I sub-divide this place up and rent it out
Divide it up into seven rooms,
and Ill stay in one of them
ls there enough space for seven rooms?
You think it's impossible?
This is the blueprint of my dojo
Ive quit my job at the radio station
to become a land lady
This is a prime location
Im gonna charge 10K per room
Six rooms? That's 60K
I can go on four vacations a year
My 'Early Retirement Plan' has official begun!
In other words, you're a real estate developer
What can you do about it!
Did he come to your dad's funeral?
He's a public figure,
it's probably not a good idea
But he texted me an apology after work
I see
What's so good about him? Does he have a big...
Pretty average
But I like that he's loyal
So it's 'loyalty', I got it
He already had a wife when I met him
They've known each other
since primary school, isn't that loyal?
Why would he have you if he was loyal?
Because Im his true love
Don't be like this, I really do love him
I hope you find your true love as well
It's pretty difficult
When guys find out that
I don't accept premarital sex
They'd break up with me the next day
Why are you so stubborn?
Because if a man can resist my big boobs
That's true love
Your boobs are too small, you wouldn't get it
Big boobs? Let me squeeze you!
We are here to read
the will of Mr Akira Hirakawa
He's left behind a property
in St. Francis Yard, Wan Chai...
Alright, like I wouldn't know
what my father left me
The only thing he ever had was the dojo
Let's make this quick, where do I sign?
Was I done talking?
Regarding this flat
at St Francis Yard, Wan Chai
He did leave it to you
But only 49% of the ownership
The other 51 % goes to a Mr Chan Kent
What are you saying?
I have to split it with someone else?
And I get the smaller share?
Chan Kent? Who is Chan Kent?
What are you up to?
I'm about to board my flight
Im at work,
it's gonna be a while til I get off
Take care
Im the best fighter here, don't worry
You're driving me crazy!
I'm flying to Tokyo,
I won't call you when I get there
- How long will you stay there?
- Stay one night, come back tomorrow
Alright. I have to work now
And stop getting into
fights with your colleagues
It's difficult to find a job
when you're a convict, luckily Szeto helped
Honey, you understand?
Alright, I gotta go
Don't you have Whatsapp?
No, I don't have WeChat either, is that fine?
It's fine! It's fine!
He thinks he's the shit just
because he's Szeto's high school friend
Officer Zhang
Don't worry, Ill take care of your requests!
It's nothing!
No need to say thanks, it's my job
Alright, goodbye
Boss, Im gonna finish up here
The girl we found for Officer Zhang,
I wanna try first
But he'll find out that she's...
Just do as I say!
Yes, sir
Chan Kent, how long have you been working here?
Half a year
Im giving you a raise next month
Thank you, boss
Take the night off
You've gotten into fights every day
since you've known Karate
You've grown, but at the same time,
You have forgotten what Karate is all about
You are not welcome to practise here
Because you fight to prove yourself
And I...
Only fight when others need my help
Your dick is so big
Shit, I beat up the boss
Pick up my wife, and get her away from here
Let's do it one more time,
you're much better than my husband
Of course I knew there would be consequences
You think this is my first rodeo?
But it's a little different this time
I don't know if this is
what my master was talking about
I just know that
I felt relieved after the fight
I ended up spending three years
in prison for assault
Do I regret it? Of course
But when I was in my jail cell,
thinking about the incident
I fought quite well that night!
My wife never visited me while I was in prison
I heard she got together with Szeto
Most importantly,
the little girl from that night
Sent me a letter
Thanking me for what I did
"To Chan Kent"
You're Chan Kent?
I remember you, dad kicked you out
- You just got out of jail?
- Yes
You should knock even if you have keys
I own half of this house
- You stepped on my bag!
- I didn't!
- You did!
- No, I didn't!
Keep quiet, we'll wake up the old lady!
Give me my shoes back!
Why did you hit me?
Can't I hit you? You think Im afraid of you?
Keep quiet, we'll wake up the old lady!
The old lady in the room
is very easily woken up!
Why did you learn Karate?
I don't know
How about you?
I'm gonna punch whoever calls me "Little Cha"
Keep quiet, "Little Cha"
What do you want?
What do you think?
You asshole
"Calvin: She is on leave. I can't see you."
"Sorry, baby!"
"Mari: Im not your baby, she's your baby"
You're back?
Shoulders down!
Hey, are you awake?
We're gonna go grab a bite, wanna come with?
Why do you hate me so much?
You hate me because I stopped training?
You hate that I lost the match,
you hate that Im together with Calvin
Don't you think I know?
I understand
You're upset
But have you ever asked how I was doing?
Have you asked whether
I wanted to learn Karate?
Of course I knew I was gifted
But that was none of your business!
Did you ask me before you signed me up?
I don't like to lose!
You don't like my boyfriend
But have you asked whether I liked him?
I can't choose who my father is
But you won't let me choose who I like?
I'll be with whoever I want!
I'm your daughter, Im your daughter!
I don't care if you didn't leave me the flat
If you like Karate that much,
let your pupils teach others
Stop bothering me!
Hello, this is Calvin
Im not available to answer your call right now
Please leave a message,
and Ill get back to you soon
It's your day off, I wanna be with you
Where are you now?
"Calvin: Don't come over.
I'll call you. Good girl"
I know you're not at work, don't lie to me!
Going back to the parent who has a crush on you
If you don't reply, I'm coming to your house!
Who is it?
My boss
I don't want this watch you gave me,
I'm returning it to you!
I have nothing, and you can't even
spare five minutes of your time!
Fung Calvin, go to hell!
Why aren't you in bed, baby?
- Someone's calling you
- What?
Can't you hear it?
No, it's getting late, go back to bed
Once you've filled in that
you're from Hirakawa dojo, don't let us down
- Understood?
- Understood
Why don't you fill it in?
Because I'm afraid I'd beat all my opponents,
and I'd be left with no one to fight with
Good that you do
Karate is not as simple as you think
Besides power, you also need courage
It's not telling people how good you are
It's about taking back what's rightfully yours
When have I heard this before?
Yeah, it sounds familiar
Everybody get out!
This is my home, not any dojo!
This place is mine after my dad died!
Stop calling me "Little Cha"
Get her!
Calling me "Little Cha"!
Little Cha!
Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!
Your father left me this dojo,
so it's mine
I don't care what's happening
with you elsewhere,
but have some respect when you're here
You say that you hate Karate?
On what grounds?
You can't even beat a bunch of kids!
You want me to leave? I'll give you one option
Sign up for the competition just like them
If you can get through one match,
and you're still standing
Regardless if you win or lose,
I'll give you back the flat!
If not, get the hell out!
Piece of trash!
Regarding this apartment
at St. Francis Yard, Wan Chai
He did leave it to you
But only 49% of the ownership
In other words, you're a real estate developer
What can you do about it!
So I win as long as I'm still standing?
Three rounds, stand on your two feet
even if you lose
And if you lose that match,
I'll still count it as a win
You better keep your promise
I'll never bother you again!
You said so!
Give her a bowl of noodles
Start training after your noodles
Why don't you text me,
I dunno what you're trying to say
Get up!
Have you been to the Maldives?
I haven't been either
I'll do some planning
I promise that I won't go with anyone else
I'll only go with you
More power
More power! Sleepless last night?
Did you do this?
Not me. Mute Dog, was it you?
Then it's you
Thank you
"Radio DJ Calvin was attacked
at the entrance of the radio station"
You're going into the ring tomorrow
I'm kind of nervous
You can still back out, it's no big deal
You're nuts!
I can't give up after so much training,
this isn't a game
You've lived here all your life
Back then, it was your dad teaching
in the living room
And now it's somebody else
He doesn't ask for rent, you can just live here
You feel like you're living under his roof,
but I think the opposite
Just find a job, or come work with me
at the massage parlour
You're so strong now
We have plans A and B,
you don't need to give handjobs
Maybe you shouldn't give
people handjobs anymore
What's the problem?
Everyone says I'm good at it
Why not utilize my skill?
That's crazy!
I need to go to work,
I'll come to your match when I get off
What are you watching so late at night?
You like watching porn?
Wow, is that you?
Don't pretend that you don't recognize me
I have no recollection that
you've taught me before
I look really happy
When you got home from school,
you'd start training before
finishing your homework
But you stopped after you lost that competition
And you started telling everyone that
your father forced you to train
You were so talented, who could've forced you?
Come on!
Don't stay up too late,
you've got an early morning tomorrow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
Salute each other!
- Thank you!
- Thank you!
You're lucky today, your opponent is a midget
You're much taller than her
Don't let her near you,
start attacking immediately
Finish her in the first round
We are going by K1 regulations
Three three-minute rounds,
with one minute breaks
Do not attack the back of the head or groin
Start and stop when I say so
Touch gloves
Back to your corners
ls it over?
- Yes, it's finished,
- How's the fight?
- I lose
- What?
So short?
Punch! Don't kick! Punch!
- Awesome!
- Are you okay?
- Get up! Get Up!
- Attack her head!
Are you okay?
I have a black belt in Karate
Started competing when I was 10,
and was the champion of the Youth section
Remember, defense and offense...
Hold on to the back of the head, don't move
Have some water...
- I wanna go home...
- What?
I quit! I wanna go home!
I'll let you leave once you do to her nose
what she did to yours!
Keep going!
Protect your head!
Push her into the corner! Attack her head!
Don't turn around!
Push her!
Back to your corners
You'll be penalized for fighting in
a passive manner, you understand?
Raise your arms!
Put your back into it!
It's only the preliminaries, just go for it!
No, you have to let her finish!
You have to remember
You'll always meet someone stronger than you
They might beat you down
But no matter what
You need to have the courage to face it
Let's see when the lawyer's free
I'll sign off the rest of the apartment to you
Therefore x = 3, please remember
I'm heading out
I love you
I love you too
"Chan Kent"
I was the one...
Who told Chan Kent
to coerce you into this fight
I figured. Why though?
I can't hit you myself
So I needed other people to do it for me
Not everyone can find their very own spotlight
Once you've found it...
Never let it go